Post on 01-Jun-2020

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ÒÐÎÏÀÐ глас 7

Õo÷ çàïå÷àòàíèé áóâ ãðiá, ÿê æèòòÿ iç ãðîáó

âîçñiÿâ òè, Õðèñòå Áîæå, i õî÷ çàìêíåíi áóëè

äâåði, ó÷åíèêàì ïðåäñòàâ ºñè ÿê âîñêðåñåííÿ âñiõ,

äóõ ïðàâèé ÷åðåç íèõ îáíîâëþþ÷è íàì, ïî âåëèêié

òâîїé ìèëîñòi.

KОНДАК ãëàñ 8

Ñëàâà Îòöþ i Ñèíó i Ñâÿòîìó Äóõîâi i íèíi i

ïîâñÿêчàñ i íàâiêè âiêiâ. Àìiíü.

Äîïèòëèâîþ äåñíèöåþ æèòòºäàéíi твої ребра Тома

ïðîâiðèâ, Õðèñòå Áîæå, áî, õî÷ çàìêíåíi áóëè

äâåði, ÿê òè óâiéøîâ, âií iç iíøèìè àïîñòîëàìè

êëèêàâ äî òåáå: Ãîñïîäü ºñè i Áîã ìié.


Âåëèêèé Ãîñïîäü íàø i âåëèêà ñèëà éîãî, i

ðîçóìîâi éîãî íåìຠìiðè.

Õâàëiòå Ãîñïîäà áî áëàãèé ïñàëîì, Áîãîâi íàøîìó

íåõàé ñîëîäêå áóäå õâàëiííÿ.


Äiÿííÿ Ñâÿòèõ Àïîñòîëiâ ÷èòàííÿ.

 òèõ äíÿõ ðóêàìè Àïîñòîëiâ ðîáèëîñÿ áàãàòî

çíàêiâ i ÷óäåñü ó íàðîäi. Óñi âîíè áóëè îäíîäóøíî

ó ïðèòâîði Ñîëîìîíà, i íiõòî iíøèé íå

íàñìiëþâàâñÿ äî íèõ ïðèñòàâàòè, àëå íàðîä õâàëèâ

їõ âåëüìè. Âiðóþ÷èõ äåäàëi áiëüøå é áiëüøå

ïðèñòàâàëî äî Ãîñïîäà, ñèëà ÷îëîâiêiâ i æiíîê; òàê

ùî é íà âóëèöi âèíîñèëè íåäóæèõ i êëàëè їõ íà

ïîñòåëÿõ i íà ëiæêàõ, ùîá, ÿê iøîâ Ïåòðî, áîäàé

òiíü éîãî íà êîãî ç íèõ óïàëà. Ñèëà ëþäåé

çáèðàëèñü i ç äîâêîëèøíiõ ìiñò ªðóñàëèìó, íåñó÷è

õâîðèõ òà òèõ, ÿêèõ ìó÷èëè íå÷èñòi äóõè, i âîíè âñi

âèäóæóâàëè. Âñòàâ òîäi ïåðâîñâÿùåíèê i âñi òi, ùî

áóëè ç íèì, - áóëà òî ñåêòà ñàäóêåїâ, - i, ïîâíi

çàçäðîùiâ, íàêëàëè ðóêè íà àïîñòîëiâ, i âêèíóëè їõ

äî ãðîìàäñüêîї в’ÿçíèöi. Але в íочi аíгел

Ãосïоäíié вiäчèíèв äверi в’ÿçíèöi, i вèвiвøè їõ,

ìîâèâ: Iäiòü, ñòàíüòå â õðàìi i ãîâîðiòü äî íàðîäó

âñi ñëîâà æèòòÿ öüîãî.


Ïðèéäiòå âîçðàäóºìîñÿ Ãîñïîäåâi, âîñêëèêíiì

Áîãó ñïàñèòåëåâi íàøîìó.

Áî Áîã - âåëèêèé Ãîñïîäü i öàð âåëèêèé ïî âñié



Âiä Iâàíà ñâ. ªâàíãåëiÿ ÷èòàííÿ.

Kîëè íàñòàâ âå÷ið òîãî ñàìîãî äíÿ, ïåðøîãî â

òèæíi, à äâåði áóëè çàìêíåíi òàì äå áóëè ó÷íi, çi

ñòðàõó ïåðåä þäåÿìè, ïðèéøîâ Iñóñ, ñòàâ

ïîñåðåäèíi i êàæå їì: Ìèð âàì! Ñêàçàâøè öå

ïîêàçàâ їì ðóêè é áiê. I çðàäiëè ó÷íi, ïîáà÷èâøè

Ãîñïîäà. I çíîâó Iñóñ їì êàæå: Ìèð âàì! ßê ìåíå

ïîñëàâ Îòåöü, òàê ÿ ïîñèëàþ âàñ. Ñêàçàâøè öå

äèõíóâ íà íèõ i êàæå: Ïðèéìiòü äóõà ñâÿòîãî. Êîìó

âiäïóñòèòå ãðiõè - âiäïóñòÿòüÿ їì, êîìó æ

çàòðèìàºòå - çàòðèìàþòüñÿ. Òîìà æ, îäèí ç

äâàíàäöÿòüoõ íà ïðiçâèùå Áëèçíþê, íå áóâ ç íèìè,

êîëè ïðèéøîâ Iñóñ. Iíøi ó÷íi éîìó ñêàçàëè: Ìè

áà÷èëè Ãîñïîäà.

TROPAR tone 7

Although the tomb was sealed, You, the life, shone out

like a new day from the tomb, O Christ our God; and

although the doors were locked, you appeared before

the Apostles as Resurrection for all, through them you

establish an upright spirit in us, in your great mercy.

KONDAK tone 8

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy

Spirit now and for ever and ever. Amen.

With questioning right hand Thomas tested your life-

giving side, O Christ our God. For though the doors had

been locked when you came in, he, with the other apos-

tles cried out to you, “You are my Lord , and my God.’


Great is our Lord, and great is his power, and of his

wisdom there is no measure.

Praise the Lord for a psalm is good; to our God let us

give sweet praise!


A reading from the Acts of the Apostles

In those days many signs and wonders were done

among the people by the hands of the apostles. And

they were all together in Solomon’s Portico. None of

the rest dared join them, but the people held them in

high honour. And more than ever believers were added

to the Lord, multitudes, both men and women, so that

they even carried out the sick into the streets, and laid

them on beds and pallets, that as Peter came by, at least

his shadow might fall on some of them. The people al-

so gathered from the towns around Jerusalem, bringing

the sick and those afflicted with unclean spirits, and

they were all healed. But the high priest rose up and all

who were with him, that is the party of Sadducees, and

filled with jealousy they arrested the apostles, and put

them in the common prison. But at night an angel of the

Lord opened the prison doors and brought them out and

said, “Go and stand in the temple and speak to the peo-

ple all the words of this Life.”


Come, let us rejoice in the Lord, let us cry out to God

our saviour!

For God is a great lord, and a great king over all the


GOSPEL A reading from the Holy Gospel according to John

On the evening of that day, the first day of the week, the doors being shut where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.” When he said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples were glad they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I send you.” And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any they are re-tained.” Now Thomas, one of the twelve, called the Twin, was not with them when Jesus came. So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord.”



Âií âiäïîâiâ: ßê íå ïîáà÷ó íà éîãî ðóêàõ ðàí

âiä öâÿõiâ i íå âêëàäó ìîãî ïàëüöÿ ó ìiñöå, äå áóëè

öâÿõè i êîëè ðóêè ìєї íå âêëàäó â éîãî áiê, íå

ïîâiðþ! Ïî âiñüìîõ äíÿõ ó÷íi éîãî çíîâó áóëè â

äîìi, i Òîìà áóâ ç íèìè. Óâiõîäèòü Iñóñ - à äâåði

áóëè çàìêíåíi - i ñòຠïîñåðåäèíi i êàæå: Ìèð âàì!

Ïîòiì êàæå äî Òîìè: Âêëàäè òâié ïàëåöü ñþäè, i

ãëÿíü íà ìîї ðóêè. I ïðîñòÿãíè òâîþ ðóêó, i âêëàäè

її ó ìié áiê. I íå áóäü íåâiðóþ÷èé àëå âiðóþ÷èé!

Òîìà âiäïîâiâ i ñêàçàâ äî íüîãî: Ãîñïîäü ìié i Áîã

ìié! Êàæå éîìó Iñóñ: Òîìó ùî òè áà÷èâ ìåíå,

âiðóºø. Ùàñëèâi òi, ÿêi íå áà÷èëè, i óâiðóâàëè!

Áàãàòî ùå é iíøèõ ÷óäåñ ó÷èíèâ Iñóñ íà î÷àõ ñâîїõ

ó÷íiâ, ùî їõ íå çàïèñàíî â öié êíèçi. À öi çàïèñàíî,

ùîá âè óâiðóâàëè, ùî Iñóñ º Õðèñòîñ, Ñèí Áîæèé,

та óвiрóвавøè, ùоб малè æèттÿ в éого iм’ÿ.


Àíãåë звістив áëàãîäàòíié: ×èñòàÿ Äiâî, ðàäóéñÿ! I

çíîâó êàæó: Ðàäóéñÿ. Тâié Ñèí âîñêðåñ на òðетій

дåíь iç ãðîáó i ìåðòâèõ âîскресив.; Лþäè


Ñâiòèñÿ ñâiòèñÿ, íîâèé ªðóñàëèìå, ñëàâà

áî Ãîñïîäíÿ íà òîái заñяÿëà. Ðàäié íèíi й

âåñèëèñÿ Ñiîíå. À òè, ÷èñòà Áîãîðîäèöå втішайся,

воскресінням Сина òâîãî.


Похвалè, Єрóсалèме, Ãосïоäа, хвалè Бога

твого, Сіоíе. Алилуя (3 рази).

But he said to them, “Unless I see in his hands

the print of the nails, and place my hand in his side, I

will not believe.” Eight days later his disciples were

again in the house, and Thomas was with them. The

doors were shut, but Jesus came and stood among

them and said, “Peace be with you.” Then he said to

Thomas, “Put your finger here and see my hands; do

not be faithless but believing.” Thomas answered him

saying, “My Lord and my God.” Jesus said to him,

“Have you believed because you have seen me?

Blessed are those who have not seen and yet be-

lieve.” Now Jesus did many other signs in the pres-

ence of the disciples, which are not written in this

book: but these are written that you may believe that

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing

you might have life in his name.


The angel proclaimed to the One full of Grace: O pure

Virgin rejoice; and again I say rejoice! Your Son is risen

after three days from the tomb and he has raised up the

dead! Peoples be glad!"

Shine out shine out! O New Jerusalem, for the Glory of

the Lord like a new day has shone upon you! Rejoice now

and be happy O Sion! And you O pure One, rejoice, O

Mother of God, rejoice in the resurrection of your Son!

Communion verse

Praise the Lprd, O Jerusalem. Praise your God, O

Sion. Alleluia. (3).


Бажаємо Вам обильних Божих ласк, міцного здоров’я на Многії і Благії літа! 9.40 - Молебень до Пр. Богородиці. 10.00 - Служба Божа за всіх Матерів у День Матері. 11.30 - Служба Божа в англ. мові.

ПОВІДОМЛЕННЯ. У неділю, 22-го травня у нашій парафії буде перебувати Єпископ Кир Венедикт Алексейчук і відправляти Архиєрейську Службу Божу о год. 10.00 ранку, після закінчення Служби Божої у нашій парафії o год. 11.30 - відбудеться Спільне Свячене. Вступ 20 дол. У цей день буде тільки одна Служба Божа о год. 10.00. Ласкаво просимо всіх на Спільне Свячене. П. Р. On Sunday, the 22nd of May, Bishop Venedykt will visit our Parish and celebrate the liturgy with us at 10am, after the Liturgy we will hold an Easter Lunch at 11.30am. Entry $20.00. On this day, there will only be one Liturgy, at 10:00am. There will be no English service at 11:30am. A warm welcome to all parishioners to this celebration. P.C. ВОСКРЕСНИЙ ПАРАСТАС І БЛАГОСЛОВЕННЯ ГРОБІВ - Субота 14-го травня 2016, 10.30аm - Smithfield Memorial. 10.30 am - Dudley Park. 1.30 pm - Centennial Park. EASTER PARASTAS AND BLESSING OF GRAVES - Saturday 14th May 2016, 10.30аm - Smithfield Memorial. 10.30am - Dudley Park. 1.30pm - Centennial Park.

LITURGY TIMETABLE 9.05 - 15.05.2016 Tuesday - 9.30am Liturgy. Wednesday, Thursday - 7.00am Liturgy. Friday - 9.30am Liturgy and Moleben to Mother of God. Sunday of Myrrh beari women, 15.05.2016

9.40 - Moleben to Mother of God. 10.00am - Liturgy. 11.30am - Liturgy, Eng. Woodville - 9.30am Liturgy.

ПОРЯДОК БОГОСЛУЖЕНЬ 9.05 - 15.05.2016 Вівторок - 9.30 Служба Божа. Середа, Четвер - 7.00 Служба Божа. П’ятниця - 9.30 Служба Божа і Молебень до Пр. Богородиці. Неділя Жінок Мироносиць, 15.05.2016 9.40 - Молебень до Пр. Богородиці. 10.00 - Служба Божа. 11.30 - Служба Божа в англ. мові. Вудвіл - 9.30 Служба Божа.