001 - Accesorios Para Computadora - Herramientas - UT

Post on 05-Apr-2018

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  • 7/31/2019 001 - Accesorios Para Computadora - Herramientas - UT


    ! ! ! ATENCI ON ! ! !

    El t i em po de en t r ega es de 30 a 35 d as hb i les en cua lqu ie r com p ra , ya quelos p roduc t os son env iados desde l a m i sm a FBRI CA y dependen de l f l u j o de

    paque t es a n i ve l i n t e rnac iona l.


    ------------------------001 Computadores y Redes Accesorios para computadoras

    ----------------------------- H er r a m i en t a s d e M an t e n im i en t o

    Descr ipc in resum ida de l con t en ido de l cat a logo :

    - Completa seleccin de herramientas internas y externasde mantenimiento con distintas caractersticas para todomodelo de maquinas PC o MAC.

    Pedimos disculpas por los ttulos en Ingles en los productos, en futuras

    versiones de los catlogos estar todo en espaol.

  • 7/31/2019 001 - Accesorios Para Computadora - Herramientas - UT


    Actualizado al, 15 de Junio de 2012

    Trm inos y cond iciones pa ra ca t logos de U l t raBara to .comVersin de D ocum en t o : 1 . 0

    Trm ino s solo val idos p ara TODOS LOS PA SES.



    HACER UN PEDI DO_______________________________________________

    Muchas gracias por bajar este catalogo de productos, estamos ms que seguros queencontrara muchas cosas de su inters.

    Los catlogos contemplan todos los productos disponibles hasta el momento, desdenuestros proveedores y fbricas en China, Asia y Parte de Europa, segn la categora a la que

    un producto corresponda podr encontrar muchas mas opciones en colores, tamaos y precios,de esa manera podr hacer una mejor comparacin y eleccin del producto que deseacomprar.

    Pero recuerde que no es todo lo que podemos ofrecerle, la cantidad de productos es tanalta que constantemente estaremos actualizando nuestros catlogos con nuevos productos yofertas que no debe perder, en algunas ocasiones el numero de tems nuevos es limitado ysolo se fabrican un cierto numero de unidades, luego salen de stock as que reviseregularmente nuestras actualizaciones.

  • 7/31/2019 001 - Accesorios Para Computadora - Herramientas - UT


    En caso de verse interesado en realizar un pedido, por favor debe tomar en cuenta lassiguientes observaciones:

    1. Todo producto en el catalogo, esta sujeto a previa revisin de existencia con nuestrosproveedores, por lo que cualquier pedido deber tener nuestra confirmacin ycotizacin final, la misma que tendr una vigencia de 7 d as ca lendar io y no implicaNI NGUN COMPROMI SO de su parte, de esta manera evitamos que haya errores almomento de la compra.

    2. Los precios de cada producto estn expresados en DOLARES AMERI CANOS, y PORU N I D AD, en algunos casos por grupo o Kit de objetos, pero recuerde que la variacinde precios es constante en China, as que por favor no se alarme si nuestraconfirmacin final llega con una correccin del precio que no ser significativa.

    3. Toda compra que usted realice es TOTALMENTE SEGURA Y PRI VAD A, puedecomprar el producto que guste, en la cantidad que desee, de cualquier categora, sinpreguntas de nuestra parte, le aseguramos que sus datos personales y la de suscompras estn fuertemente resguardadas y JAMAS se revelaran a personas ajenas aUltrabarato.

    4. Nuestros clientes asiduos tendrn derecho a un descuento del 5% en el precio final,esto es a partir de la primera compra.

    5. Si usted desea hacer un pedido al por mayor, segn el numero de tems a comprar sele asignara un descuento (as sea su primera compra con nosotros):

    D e 10 a 49 u n idades el descuen t o se r de l 10% sob re e l t o t a l . D e 50 a 99 u n idades el descuen t o se r de l 15% sob re e l t o t a l . D e 100 a 500 un idades e l descuen t o ser de l 20% a l 25% depend iendo

    de l t em y de l c l i en t e sob re e l t o t a l .6. En toda compra (sin importar el numero de tems), usted deber otorgar un plazo de

    30 a 3 5 d as hb i les que ta r dara e l paqu ete en l legar a su pas, desde Ch ina ;algunos pedidos llegaran en menos tiempo segn la poca del ao, esto debidonetamente al flujo de paquetes a nivel internacional, en todo caso le informaremosoportunamente de algn retraso o problema que haya con su pedido.

    7. Si el pedido supera los 30 Dlares se le asignara automticamente un NUMERO DERASTREO AEREO y el paquete llegara con el tenor de CERTI FI CADO a destino; encaso de que el pedido sea menor a 30 Dlares, el cliente tiene la opcin de PAGARUN EXTRA por la asignacin MANUAL de un NU MERO DE RASTREO AEREO, para sucontrol y comodidad.

    8. El pago puede ser realizado por los siguientes medios: PayPal (de preferencia),deposito en cuenta de banco internacional autorizada, pago electrnico medianteInternet y Tarjeta de Crdito, giro de dinero por medio de Western Union o MoneyGram, etc. Ning n ped i do ser env iado has ta CONFI RMAR el pago to ta l .

    9. Podr realizar cambios en su pedido dentro las 2 4 h o r a s siguientes a la confirmacinde su pago, de lo contrario, se proceder a encargar y enviar a su pas los temscomprados.

    10. En caso de que en un pedido, todos o un tem no llegaran a destino, hasta un mximode 65 das hbiles desde la fecha oficial de envo, segn el acuerdo de la compra,U l t r aBara t o devo lve r e l mon t o de d ine ro co r respond ien t e a l numero de t ems f a l t an t es , en f o rma de c rd i t o en nues t r a pg ina w eb , PR EVI A

    con f i rmac in de pa r t e de nu es t r o p roveedor y ve r i f i cac in con las comp a asde Cor r eos de cada pas , de que su paquet e es ta perd ido . 11. Cualquier falla de fbrica en los productos deber ser reportada I NMEDI ATAMENTE

    a la Gerenc ia de U l t raBara to con f o togra f as y descr ipc in deta l lada delproblema, en un lapso de 2 4 h o r a s dependiendo del producto para que le sea enviadauna respuesta y posible solucin al caso.

    12. Los clientes que tengan cierta antigedad con UltraBarato podrn realizar sus pedidoscon el deposito de solo el 50% de l pago y paga r el saldo a a l en t r ega de lp roduc t o .

    13. Una vez que el pedido del cliente este confirmado con el proveedor y la orden ya esteen camino al destino acordado con el comprador, U l t r aBara t o no esta en laobligacin de devolver ningn monto de dinero sobre la compra en caso de que el

  • 7/31/2019 001 - Accesorios Para Computadora - Herramientas - UT


    comprador se retracte de la misma, ya que el pedido esta en transito y ya espropiedad del Cliente.

    14. En caso de que el cliente desee devolver un producto por X o Z motivo y obtener elreembolso parcial o completo, la Gerencia de UltraBarato dar una respuesta alrequerimiento de devolucin, segn la razn que el cliente plantee, si esta tiene fuerzay merece una devolucin, se proceder a la AUTORI ZACI ON DE LA DEVOLUCI ONDEL PRODUCTO, con la consideracin de que e l c l ien te cor rer con los gas tos dereenv o de l p r oduc t o has t a e l p r oveedor en C h ina , una vez que el producto llegueal proveedor y este CONFI RME su recepcin, se esperara a que el proveedor haga elreembolso monetario correspondiente sobre los tems recibidos, siendo este despusdevuelto al comprador segn los trminos en los que se quedaron al momento de laautorizacin por parte de UltraBarato, debe tomar en cuenta que este procesogeneralmente toma hasta m as de 6 m eses en concretarse.

    La Gerencia de Ultrabarato le pide considerar los puntos anteriores y lo invita a disfrutarde nuestros catlogos y convertirse muy pronto en uno de nuestros clientes.

    Si decide hacer un pedido por algn o varios tems de nuestros catlogos, realice elmismo a nuestra cuenta de correo: gerenc ia@ul t rabara to .com con los siguientes datoscomo M I N I M O :

    - CODI GO de l o los p rodu c tos .- El num ero de t em s a com pra r .- Direcc in y da tos persona les .- Lugar de des t i no .

    Para su comodidad a continuacin de este documento, encontrara un ejemplo de HOJADE PEDI DO, donde podr realizar un requerimiento de cotizacin sobre productos de suinters, sintase libre de modificarlo de ser necesario, pero tome como referencia los datosque solicitamos como M I N I M O.

    Ultrabarato al momento de responder a su pedido, har una confirmacin de stock, losmedios de pago sugeridos, descuentos que se apliquen, etc. segn cada caso

    Nuestra compaa tambin podr ayudarlo con la importacin todo tipo de materiales,

    repuestos, electrnicos, maquinarias, etc. desde las fbricas en China, por lo que si noencuentra lo que necesita en nuestros catlogos, envenos su requerimiento o consulta anuestra direccin de e-mail: gerenc ia@ul t rabara to .com

    Los catlogos sern actualizados regularmente con nuevos productos y precios, lo mismoque este (documento de ser necesario). Le recomendamos LEERLO CON ATENCI ON antesde proceder con su compra.

    Nuevamente muchas gracias por su tiempo, confianza e inters en nuestra tienda enlnea.

    Gerenc ia Adm in i s t r a t i va - U l t r aBara t oh t t p :/ / w w w .u lt r ab ar at o .co m---------------------------La mejor tienda de gadgets en espaol.

  • 7/31/2019 001 - Accesorios Para Computadora - Herramientas - UT







    FECH A DE PED I D O: __ / __ / __

  • 7/31/2019 001 - Accesorios Para Computadora - Herramientas - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR001ACRotatable USB Powered Ionic Air Purifier Cleaner Home Office Silent

    Ozone Ionizer Removing Odor for Computer Laptop PC$5.07

    HR002AC RJ45 Network Cable Crimp with Cable Cutter 2-set Toolkit $13.18

    HR003ACUSB Powered Mini Vacuum Cleaner with LED Light Brush for Computer

    Desktop Laptop Keyboard$6.77

    HR004ACMulti-Purpose Mains AC/ DC LCD 12V~250V Voltage Tester Neon-

    electroscope w/ Screw Driver$4.00

    HR005ACProfessional Multi-Functional Wire Cable Stripper Cutter Pliers Steel


    HR006AC33 in 1 Multi Function Professional Communication Tool Precision

    Screwdriver with Tweezers & Extension Bar$10.18

    HR007AC 4 in 1 LCD Plasma Screen Cleaning Kit Cleaner for Screen Monitor ofNotebook PC TV Camera $7.70

    HR008AC9 Grids Flip Open Electronic Components Small Parts Storage

    Containers Box$5.83



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    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR009AC14-in-1 Travel Easy Cable Bag w Fire Wire USB Cable Microphone

    Earphone Connector for Computer Laptop Notebook$19.28

    HR010ACTravel Bag with Mini Keyboard + Optical Mouse + RJ45 Cable + 4 Port

    Hub Computer Accessories Toolkit$20.51

    HR011AC31 in 1 Precision Screwdriver with 30 Different Kinds of Head

    Professional Communication Tool for Electronic Sets$9.44

    HR012ACMulti-Purpose Professional 4.4 inch Diagonal Pliers Hardened Steel

    Tool with Additional Spring$6.34

    HR013ACMulti-Purpose Professional Long Nose Pliers Stainless Steel Tool with

    Additional Spring$9.15

    HR014AC15-in-1 Travel Easy Cable Bag w Fire Wire USB Cable Mouse Hub

    Earphone for Computer Laptop Notebook$29.05

    HR015AC 10-in-1 Travel Easy Cable Bag w USB Cable Mouse Hub IndicatoryPen Card Reader Earphone Microphone $29.53

    HR016AC6-in-1 Travel Easy Cable Bag w USB Cable Mouse Hub Earphone

    Microphone for Computer Laptop Notebook$18.77



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    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR017AC7-in-1 Multi-Purpose Non-corrosive Stainless Steel Engrave Knife with

    6 Different Blades$3.67

    HR018ACNon-Magnetic Anti-Acid Non-corrosive Stainless Steel 45 Angle

    Bending Tweezers$2.33

    HR019ACNon-Magnetic Anti-Acid Non-corrosive Stainless Steel Tweezers 5.4


    HR020ACStainless Steel 11 in 1 Tool Card Multifunctional Pocket Toolkit w/

    Opener Ruler Wrench Saw Screwdriver$2.98

    HR021ACBlack Portable 20/ 24-pin Computer ATX SATA Power Supply Voltage

    Tester II with LCD Display Screen$23.51

    HR022ACSliver/ Black Automatic Handheld Halogen Refrigerant Leak

    Detector+ Pouch$36.95

    HR023AC Precision 0.25" LCD Screen Digital Tire Pressure Gauge (0~100-PSI) $10.77

    HR024ACBlack& Red Universal Double Color-Coded Scales Handheld Battery

    Volt Tester for 1.5V AA AAA C D Cell 9V Batteries$6.76



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    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR025ACBlack& Red Universal 3.5-Inch Digital LCD Display Handheld Battery

    Volt Tester for 1.5V AA AAA C D Cell 9V Batteries$7.01

    HR026ACBlack Universal Handy Portable Battery Tester with Analogue Display

    for AA AAA C D 9V Batteries Button Cells$5.19

    HR027ACUniversal Portable Cuboid Voltage Tester Checker with Key Ring for

    AAA AA 1.5 - 9V Battery$5.13

    HR028ACSliver Stainless Steel Portable 150mm/ 6inch LCD Electronic Digital

    Caliper Vernier Micrometer Guage with a Black Box$21.05

    HR029AC6pcs Multi-Purpose Computer Cable Wire Line Clips Organizer

    Desktop Stick Fasten Fixing Clamp$3.39

    HR030ACProfessional Impact Punch Down and Cutting Tool for 110/ 88 Type

    Terminal Block Wirings$9.59

    HR031AC 15 in 1 Precision Metal Screwdriver Tool Kit T5 T6 T8 for ElectronicsPhone Laptop $4.82

    HR032ACPortable Multifunctional Cleaning Dust Dirt Brush Cleaner for Home

    Office Computer Keyboard$1.83



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    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR033ACBlack Professional Straight Fast 8-inch Sized Laser Guided Precision


    HR034ACBeige/ Green 2-in-1 Network and Phone Cable Tester w/ Black

    Pouch for Registered Jack RJ45 RJ11$8.71

    HR035ACProfessional Digital Photo Laser Non-Contact Tachometer with

    Carrying Pouch Accurate to 99999.9 RPM Measurement$26.71

    HR036AC6 x Reusable Magic Nylon Velcro Wire Banding Tie Strap Fixer Band

    Organiser for Marking TV PC Cable Color Assorted$2.57

    HR037ACPen Style Non Contact AC Electric Voltage Detector Sensor Tester

    90V~1000V with Clip$5.33

    HR038AC2-set RC Gas Car 502 Cyanoacrylate Super Fast Strong Bonding Glue

    Instant Adhesive$2.64

    HR039AC Sliver Mini Portable Multi-function Precision Knife for EngravingCutting $6.01

    HR040AC 2 x Alteco Super Glue for Wood Rubber Plastics Metal Paper Leather $3.26



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    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR041ACRubber Manual Dust Blowing Blower Ball Balloon Air Pump Cleaning

    Tool Kit for Camera Lens Filter Keyboard$4.31

    HR042AC 2 Pieces Soft Cleaning Cloth for LCD Screen/ Lens/ Film/ Glasses $1.32

    HR043AC 2 Pieces Soft Cleaning Cloth for LCD Screen / Lens / Film / Glasses $1.24

    HR044AC 2 Pieces Soft Cleaning Cloth for LCD Screen/ Lens/ Film/ Glasses $1.32

    HR045AC2 Pieces Light Blue Soft Cleaning Cloth with Magic Performance for

    LCD Screen Films/ Glasses/ Mobil Phone Screen$1.30

    HR046ACDust Dirt Cleaning Brush Stick Cleaner for Home Office Computer


    HR047AC Manual Squeeze Rubber Hand Pump Air Blower Duster Cleaner forCamera Lens Keyboard $5.58

    HR048ACAnti Static Wrist Strap Wristband IC Extractor Stripping Tool with Cord&




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    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR057ACProfessional LCD Lux Meter Digital Light Level Meter Electronic

    Luxmeter Tester with Stand Handle 200,000 LUX$44.04

    HR058AC2mm Cross Screw Driver Magnetic Screwdriver PH00 x50 for Cell

    Phone/ NDS NDSL and Wii$1.26

    HR059ACMini Diameter 3mm CRV Household Cross Driver Magnetic


    HR060ACDiameter 3mm CRV Cross Driver Magnetic Screwdriver Translucent


    HR061AC2mm Diameter Slim Cross Screw Driver Screwdriver for Cell Phone/

    NDS NDSL and Wii$2.56

    HR062ACPalm Sized Auto Range Professional LCD Multimeter Electronic Tester

    Ohmmeter Thermometer AC/DC Digital Clamp Meter$18.55

    HR063AC Antistatic Desoldering Vacuum Pump Economy Sucker SolderRemoval Tools Aluminum Alloy $4.81

    HR064ACPalm Sized Auto Range Professional LCD Multimeter Electronic Tester

    AC/DC Digital Clamp Meter$18.18



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    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR065ACLCD Digital Moisture Hygrometer Meter Tester Gauge with 4 Pins+

    Carrying Pouch for Wood Timber Bamboo Furniture$30.13

    HR066AC2.6" LCD Handheld Digital Multimeter DMM w/ Silicone Case

    Resistance/ Voltage/ Current/ Diode/ Transistor Tester$21.30

    HR067ACProfessional Handheld LCD Display K Type Digital Temperature

    Thermometer Meter Tester Measurer Probe$45.07

    HR068ACAC/ DC Volts Voltage Tester Sensor Electroprobe LCD Display with

    Slot Screw Driver 12-250V$5.46

    HR069AC5-Pcs Spiral Flute Screw Extractor Left-hand Drill Bit Tool Set for

    Damaged Broken Bolt Remover Easy-Out$17.47

    HR070ACRoll of High Brightness Electric Soldering Tin Wire Lead Thread Solder

    1mm Diameter$2.37

    HR071AC Complete Art Work Carving Knife with Carrying Case 13-Piece Bladewith 3 Handle $8.39

    HR072AC6-in-1 Pocket Multi-tip Precision Screwdriver Driver Tool Kit Set for

    Electronics Mobile Phone Cellphone$7.49



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    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR073ACAuto Range LCD Display Pocket Digital Multimeter Meter Tester for

    Measurering AC DC Voltage Current Resistance$15.87

    HR074AC12- Hole Acoustic Guitar Tone& Volume Control Turner Pickup up

    Wire Cable Cord Amplifier Speaker Device$29.88

    HR075AC12- Hole Acoustic Guitar Pickup up Wire Cable Cord Amplifier

    Speaker Device$18.17

    HR076ACCool 2-in-1 Metal Magic Cube Professional Instant Magnetizer

    Demagnetizer Screwdriver Magnetic Block Tool$6.60

    HR077ACDesk Top Mini Vise Metal Clamp Tool with Rubber Stand for Hobbies

    Jewelers Electronics$9.11

    HR078AC2-in-1 Bar PSI Digital LCD Car Wheel Tyre Tire Air Pressure Gauge with

    Tread Depth Gauge$8.96

    HR079AC LCD Display Handheld Digital Multimeter DMM Electronic ToolResistance/ Inductance/ Capacitance/ Transistor Tester $40.41

    HR080ACProfessional LCD Digital Multimeter Voltmeter Ohmmeter Ammeter

    Capacitance Meter AVO Meter Palm Sized$74.83



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    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR081ACProfessional LCD Digital Multimeter Voltmeter Ohmmeter Ammeter

    Thermometer Capacitance Meter AVO Meter Palm Sized$59.43

    HR082ACProfessional LCD Digital Multimeter Voltmeter Ohmmeter Ammeter

    capacitance Meter Thermometer AVO Meter Palm Sized$72.12

    HR083AC2.5" LCD Display Handheld Digital Multimeter DMM Electronic Tool

    Voltage Current Resistance Tester$57.89

    HR084ACLCD Display Handheld Digital Multimeter DMM Electronic Tool

    Inductance Capacitance Tester$62.26

    HR085ACProfessional LCD Display Palm Sized Handheld Digital Multimeter

    Meter Tester for Measurering Voltage Current Resistance$24.55

    HR086ACProfessional LCD Display Palm Sized Handheld Digital Multimeter

    Meter Tester for Measurering Voltage Current Resistance$24.21

    HR087AC Professional LCD Display Palm Sized Handheld Digital MultimeterMeter Tester for Measurering Voltage Current Resistance $20.58

    HR088ACProfessional LCD Digital Multimeter Voltmeter Ohmmeter Ammeter

    Thermometer AVO Meter Palm Sized$59.94



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    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR089ACLCD Display Palm Sized Handheld Digital Multi Meter Tester w Auto

    Range for Measurering Voltage Current Resistance$27.82

    HR090ACSMD Precise-Circuit& Micro-Electronics Tester Test Clip Meter Probe

    Multimeter Tweezer Capacitor$7.05

    HR091ACNew Stainless Steel Blade Office Work Home School Handle Scissors

    Stationary for Crafts Clothes Paper$3.63

    HR092ACMultifunctional Handy Compact Digital Compass Altimeter

    Barometer Thermometer$34.80

    HR093AC2 in 1 Self-Adjusting Cable Cutter& Automatic Wire Stripper

    Electrician Tool (Assorted Color)$11.89

    HR094AC BEST Replaceable Black Straight Soldering Iron Tip 9000M-T-I $3.95

    HR095AC Replaceable Gold- Plated Pencil Solder Tip for Soldering Iron Tool900M-T-I Model $3.19

    HR096AC BEST Replaceable Angled Soldering Solder Iron Tip 900M-T-IS $3.19



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    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR097AC BEST Replaceable Golden Straight Soldering Iron Tip 9000M-T-I $3.19

    HR098ACGolden Hot Soldering Solder Iron Tip Cleaner Set Sponge Cleaning


    HR099AC40W 220V Electronics DIY Welding Solder Soldering Iron w/ Rubber

    Handle- US Plug (173CM Cable)$14.38

    HR100AC40W Electronics DIY Welding Solder Soldering Iron w/ Rubber Handle-

    EU Plug (135CM Cable)$8.68

    HR101AC60W 220V Temperature Adjustable Electronics DIY Soldering Iron w/

    Indicator - US Plug (173CM Cable)$20.88

    HR102AC2.8" LCD Pocket Mini Digital Storage Oscilloscope with Complete

    Kits+ Micro SD/ TF Card Slot$113.80

    HR103AC Compact Flip-open Mini SD& Standard SD Memory Card CarryingCase Transparent Shell Protective Box 2-Pack $1.60

    HR104ACCompact Flip-open Micro SD TF & Standard SD Memory Card

    Carrying Case Transparent Shell Protective Box 2-Pack$1.57



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    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR105ACCool 2-in-1 Metal Magic Cube Magnetizer and Demagnetizer

    Screwdriver Magnetic Block Tool$7.89

    HR106AC5.4inch Non-Magnetic Sprayed Stainless Steel Tweezers Non-

    corrosive Professional Tool$3.66

    HR107AC4.6" Non-Magnetic Sprayed Stainless Steel Tweezers 45 Angle

    Bending Curved Non-corrosive Professional Tool$3.75

    HR108AC2 Way Flat Triangular Campervan Caravan Mini Leveler Spirit Level


    HR109AC90-1000V AC Pocket Pen Style Voltage Alert Detector Tester Alarm

    Non Contact with LED Illumination$7.16

    HR110AC4-in-1 Digital Tire Air Pressure Gauge+ LED Flashlight+ Emergency

    Hammer+ Belt Cutter Utility Tool$14.48

    HR111AC IC SMT/ SMD Chip Manual Vacuum Sucker Scuking Pen Set forElectronics DIY 9-Piece Easy Pick Picker Up Hand Tool $13.33

    HR112ACRoll of 0.8mm Diameter Solder Soldering Wire Reel Flux Core Welding

    Iron for Electronic Craft$7.64



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    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR113ACUniversal Extra Strong Glue Super Instant Adhesive for Plastic Metal


    HR114AC Mini Professional Electric Trigger Hot Melt Glue Stick Gun 20 Watt Blue $8.53

    HR115AC Professional Plastic Solder Sucker Desoldering Pump Remove Tool $7.25

    HR116ACNo More Tripping Over Leads Convinient Cable Turtle Home Office

    Cord Wirebox Wrap Organizer Winder Pink Orange$2.45

    HR117ACNo More Tripping Over Leads Convinient Cable Turtle Home Office

    Cord Wirebox Wrap Organizer Winder$2.45

    HR118AC Green Flexible Washable Wire Cable Cord Wrap Manager Organizer $2.45

    HR119AC 8 Grids SMT SMD Electronic Components Transparent StorageContainers Box with Individual Cover $2.70

    HR120AC6Pcs CableDrop Mini Multi-Purpose Plastic Cable Wire Organizer Clip

    Line Fixer Small Lounge$3.74



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    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR121ACCuboid 200ml Single Electronic Components Transparent Storage

    Containers Box with Protective Cover$3.02

    HR122AC8 Grids Versatile Storage Container Box for Electronic Components

    Small Parts$3.61

    HR123ACMini USB Vacuum Cleaner with LED Illumination & Bristle Brush for

    Keyboard/ Fan Cleaning$4.63

    HR124AC18-in-1 Plastic Universal Memory Card Portable Protective Holder Box

    Case with Keychain for SD MMC SIM SM Card 8-Slot$5.87

    HR125AC Engrave It Wood Metal Engraving Electric Tool w/ Replacement Tip $10.54

    HR126ACAutomatic Cable Wire Cutter & Stripper Electrician Self-Adjusting Tool

    - Orange + Blue$12.07

    HR127AC 5 x 0.4" Digital Tube Red LED Numerical Display Digitron 7- Segmentw/ 2 Dots& 5 Up 5 Down Pins Common Cathode $4.23

    HR128AC5-piece 0.56" 2-Digit 7- Segment Digital Tube Red LED Numerical

    Display Common Cathode with 10 Pins$2.76



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    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR129AC5 x 0.5" 2 Digit Digital Tube Green LED Numerical Display Digitron 7-

    Segment + 5 Up 5 Down Pins Common Cathode$3.57

    HR130AC5 x 0.8" Digital Tube Red LED Numerical Display Digitron 7- Segment

    w/ 2 Dots& 6 Left 7 Right Pins Common Cathode$4.62

    HR131AC5-piece 0.28" Single-Digit 7- Segment Digital Tube Red LED Numerical

    Display Common Anode with 10 Pins$2.74

    HR132ACMickey Figure Style Dust Dirt Cleaning Brush Rotatable Cleaner for

    Computer Keyboard - Red$5.67

    HR133ACWinnie Pooh Figure Style Dust Dirt Cleaning Brush Rotatable Cleaner

    for Computer Keyboard - Yellow$5.67

    HR134ACFlexible Washable Wire Cable Cord Wrap Manager Organizer for

    Desktop Computer PC$7.64

    HR135AC Minnie Mouse Figure Shaped Dust Dirt Cleaning Brush Cleaner forComputer Keyboard $5.67

    HR136ACCartoon Stitch Figure Doll Shaped Dust Dirt Cleaning Brush Cleaner

    for Computer Keyboard$5.67



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    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR137ACCartoon Figure Doll Shaped Dust Dirt Cleaning Brush Cleaner for

    Computer Keyboard$5.67

    HR138ACHello Kitty Figure Shaped Dust Dirt Cleaning Brush Cleaner for

    Computer Keyboard$5.67

    HR139ACUSB Wireless 2.4GHz RF Player PowerPoint PPT Laser Pointer Presenter

    w/ Timer for PC Laptop Notebook$49.04

    HR140AC6-in-1 Screwdriver with 3 + 1 LED Torch + Hammer + Knife 2 x AAA

    Battery Powered$14.20

    HR141ACUSB Wireless 2.4GHz RF Player PowerPoint PPT Laser Pointer Presenter

    for PC Laptop Notebook$54.28

    HR142ACRJ45 / RJ11 Mini Network LAN and Telephone Cable Tester with

    Keychain Clip$5.70

    HR143AC Chronograph Handheld Digital Timer Stopwatch Sport Counter Watchwith Time Alarm Date Calendar and Neck Strap $6.51

    HR144AC4.3" Digital LCD Humidity Hygrometer and Thermometer with Clock

    Calendar Alarm$17.90



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    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR145ACLCD Digital Moisture Hygrometer Meter Tester Gauge with 2 Pins for

    Wood Timber Bamboo Furniture$32.13

    HR146AC3 Range 100,000 Lux Digital Light Meter Lumen Meter Photometer

    Luxmeter Lightmeter$35.28

    HR147AC1.5" LCD Handle Digital Wind Speed Measurement Devices

    Anemoscope Anemometer + Wind Chill Thermometer$69.64

    HR148AC2.8" LCD Digital Temperature Humidity Meter / Hygrometer +

    Thermometer + Clock + Alarm + Calendar$13.00

    HR149AC Price Tag Tagging Labeller Pricing Label Gun+ Ink Roller $18.20

    HR150ACE27 Screw Cap to E27 Socket Base Adapter Converter Extension

    Holder for LED Halogen CFL Light Bulb$5.98

    HR151AC Small Red Alligator Clip Connector Testing Clamp for Visiting SmallElectronic Wiring Parts $1.10

    HR152ACLarge Black Alligator Clip Connector Testing Clamp for Visiting Small

    Electronic Wiring Parts$1.27



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    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR153ACLarge Red Alligator Clip Connector Testing Clamp for Visiting Small

    Electronic Wiring Parts$1.27

    HR154ACNetworking Tool 3-in-1 Network Cable Pliers Crimp Clamp + Wire

    Stripping Knife$18.15

    HR155AC12-Hole Guitar Pickup with Tone & Volume Adjust Cable Included for

    38"-41" Guitars$25.65

    HR156ACSolar Power Bar PSI Digital LCD Car Wheel Tyre Tire Air Pressure

    Gauge with Tread Depth Measurer$11.70

    HR157AC4.8 Feet Plastic Flexible Cuttable Cable Zip Tie Organizer Wrap Tube

    with Zip Clip for Computer Cable Wire Cord$7.55

    HR158AC6-in-1 Precision Steel Screwdriver Electronic Repair Tool Set with

    Interchangeable Screwdriver Bits for Mobile Phone$7.89

    HR159AC 6-in-1 Multi Screwdriver Set with 3+1 LED Torch Flashlight w. MagneticBar $15.79

    HR160ACUniversal LCD Monitor Display Digital Battery Tester for AA AAA C D

    9V Battery$7.83



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    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR161ACPalm Sized LCD Digital Multimeter AC DC Voltage Current Resistance

    Electronic Tester$16.29

    HR162ACHigh Accuracy Fold Away Digital 3-in-1 PH Temperature & Humidity

    LCD Tester with Carrying Case$76.06

    HR163ACPCB FBC UV Solder Mask Repairing Paint Green Oil Prevent Corrosive


    HR164AC Solder Soldering Paste 10cc Flux Grease RMA-223-UV $2.85

    HR165AC8 in 1 Precision Pocket Screwdriver Set with 8 Different Kinds of Head

    Professional Communication Tool$13.76

    HR166AC13 pcs 1.5-6.5mm HSS High-speed Steel Drill Bit Drilling Head for

    Power Drill Tool$13.21

    HR167AC Toothpaste Style Antistatic Anti-static Brush Ground Conductive $2.19

    HR168AC5x7cm Prototype PCB Universal Printed Circuit Board Breadboard -

    Bakelite Plate with Single Side Copper$1.29



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    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR169ACPro Rhino Pocket Sized Handheld Cutting Pliers Pincers Wire Cable

    Cutter with Oblique Blade & Anti-Slip Handle 125mm$13.10

    HR170ACHandheld Carbon Steel Pointed Long Nose Pliers Cutting Pincers Wire

    Cable Cutter with Spring 150mm$14.97

    HR171ACPocket Sized Handheld Stainless Steel Cutting Pliers Pincers Wire

    Cable Cutter with Oblique Blade & Snap Ring 125mm$9.38

    HR172ACHandheld Carbon Steel Pointed Long Nose Pliers Cutting Pincers Wire

    Cable Cutter with Spring150mm$13.04

    HR173AC6 in 1 Precision Electronic Screwdriver Innovative Compact

    Screwdriver Professional Communication Tool$23.23

    HR174ACSpring Loaded Snap Ring Pliers with 4 Tips for Internal & External Use

    Effective Range 10-50mm$16.21

    HR175AC 29 in 1 Ratchet Socket & Screwdriver Tool Kit PH1 PH2 PH5.5 PH7 T10T15 T20 T25 T30 Ratchet Handle $34.61

    HR176AC18x30cm Prototype PCB Universal Printed Circuit Board Breadboard -

    Bakelite Plate with Single Side Copper$9.04



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    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR177AC10x22cm Prototype PCB Universal Printed Circuit Board Breadboard -

    Bakelite Plate with Single Side Copper$3.78

    HR178AC9x15cm Prototype PCB Universal Printed Circuit Board Breadboard -

    Bakelite Plate with Single Side Copper$2.09

    HR179AC7x9cm Prototype PCB Universal Printed Circuit Board Breadboard -

    Bakelite Plate with Single Side Copper$1.49

    HR180AC30x18cm Prototype PCB Universal Printed Circuit PCB Board

    Breadboard - FibreBoarde with Single Side Copper$12.63

    HR181AC22x10cm Prototype PCB Universal Printed Circuit PCB Board

    Breadboard - FibreBoarde with Single Side Copper$4.25

    HR182AC15x9cm Prototype PCB Universal Printed Circuit PCB Board

    Breadboard - FibreBoarde with Single Side Copper$3.18

    HR183AC 7x9cm Prototype PCB Universal Printed Circuit PCB Board Breadboard- FibreBoarde with Single Side Copper $1.81

    HR184AC5x7cm Prototype PCB Universal Printed Circuit PCB Board Breadboard

    - FibreBoarde with Single Side Copper$1.35



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    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR185AC Soldering Solder Flux Paste Cream for PCB Board Digital Product $4.37

    HR186AC Soldering Solder Flux Paste Cream for PCB Board Digital Product $2.39

    HR187AC 30ml BGA IC Adhesive Removing Liquid for Circuit Board Component $14.57

    HR188ACMini Household Screw Driver Screwdriver Handle with Detachable

    3mm Screwdriver Bit$3.27

    HR189ACMini Household Screw Driver Screwdriver Handle with Detachable

    6mm Screwdriver Bit$4.08

    HR190ACDiameter 3mm Cross Driver Nonmagnetic Screwdriver w/ Anti-Skid

    Rubber Handle - Red$3.18

    HR191AC Diameter 3mm Cross Driver Magnetic Screwdriver w/ Anti-SkidRubber Handle $3.18

    HR192ACRotary Coaxial Cable Wire Stripper Cutter Coax Strip Tool for RG6 &

    RG-58 & RG-59 & RG174$9.95



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    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR193ACRotary Coaxial Cable Stripper Cutter Coax Strip Tool for RG-58 & RG-


    HR194AC UV Curing Adhesive Glue Sealant High Strength for Glass Metal $14.77

    HR195AC6-Piece Steel Solder Assist Set DIY Soldering Tools Knife Chip Hold

    Fork Brash Reamer Needle$9.80

    HR196ACMulti-Functional 6-in-1 12-Way Magnetic Screwdriver Set with a

    Master Handle & Carrying Box Opening Tool$14.07

    HR197AC3 Meters 10 Feet Retracted Tape Measure Flat Measuring Ruler

    Flexible Measuring Tape Tool Inch Feet CM Assorted Color$5.30

    HR198AC2 Meters 6.5 Feet Retracted Tape Measure Flat Measuring Ruler

    Flexible Measuring Tape Tool Inch Feet CM Assorted Color$3.97

    HR199AC Roll of High Brightness Electric Soldering Tin Wire Lead Thread Solder1mm Diameter $9.41

    HR200AC Non-Toxic Lubricating Grease Lubricating Oil $6.20



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    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR201AC6" 150mm Adjustable Shifting Spanner Wrench Shifter with

    Measurement Scale$10.87

    HR202AC 30-piece Set Diamond Grinding Head for Glass Stone Model $14.96

    HR203AC9-piece Set Star L Shaped Torx Hex Key Wrench Spanner with Extra

    Long Arm$10.20

    HR204ACUseful Anti-magntic Tweezer Accurate Non-corrosive Stainless Steel

    Tweezers Tool - Tip Curved 115mm$3.21

    HR205ACUseful Anti-magntic Tweezer Accurate Non-corrosive Stainless Steel

    Tweezers Tool - Tip Straight 140mm$3.21

    HR206ACUseful Anti-magntic Tweezer Accurate Non-corrosive Stainless Steel

    Tweezers Tool - Tip Curved 120mm$4.28

    HR207AC Useful Anti-magntic Tweezer Accurate Non-corrosive Stainless SteelTweezers Tool - Tip Straight 140mm $4.40

    HR208ACHandy Pen Design Dual-Ended Rust Remover Brush Pen Rust Eraser

    DIY Tool$2.88



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    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR209ACJapan Bonkote BON-102 7ml Flux Pen Handheld Pen Design Refilled

    Soldering Pen Flux Dispensing Pen Tool$7.58

    HR210ACWeiTus Pro Ceramic Aligner Alignment Screwdriver with 2.5mm

    Slotted Head & Anti-Static Handle DIY Tool$3.98

    HR211AC4" 100mm Adjustable Shifting Spanner Wrench Shifter with

    Measurement Scale$8.42

    HR212ACNew 100MHz 2000V High Voltage Oscilloscope Scope Clip Probe

    with X1/X10 Switch$12.09

    HR213AC14cm Length 300A Alligator Clip Connector Battery Test Clamp w/

    Insulators for Electronic Wiring Parts - Black$6.87

    HR214AC14cm Length 300A Alligator Clip Connector Battery Test Clamp w/

    Insulators for Electronic Wiring Parts - Black$7.19

    HR215AC 11cm Length 50A Alligator Clip Connector Battery Test Clamp w/Insulators for Electronic Wiring Parts - Black $3.49

    HR216AC14cm Length 300A Alligator Clip Connector Battery Test Clamp w/

    Insulators for Electronic Wiring Parts - Red$6.87



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    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR217AC14cm Length 300A Alligator Clip Connector Battery Test Clamp w/

    Insulators for Electronic Wiring Parts - Red$7.19

    HR218AC11cm Length 50A Alligator Clip Connector Battery Test Clamp w/

    Insulators for Electronic Wiring Parts$3.46

    HR219AC Pair of Multimeter Test Probe Leads Professional Testing Cable Wire $3.98

    HR220ACPortable Handheld 0.9" LCD Digital Tire Pressure Gauge - Assorted


    HR221ACPortable Handheld 0.8" LCD Digital Tire Pressure Gauge with

    Compass + 3-LED 2-Mode Flashlight - Assorted Color$13.66

    HR222ACTDS Digital Meter Water Quality Tester 0 1999 ppm for Water Purifier

    Filter Pool Spas$25.06

    HR223AC Portable Mini LCD Digital Tyre Tire Pressure Gauge Tester with KeyRing $10.56

    HR224ACLube Lubricating Oil with Nozzle Bottle for Guns Firearms Metal




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    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR225AC40 130dB High-precision LCD Display Digital Sound Pressure Level

    Meter Noise Decibel Tester$53.49

    HR226ACBlue Versatile Storage Organizer Dustpan Shaped Container Box for

    Conductive Components Small Parts$2.17

    HR227ACRed Versatile Storage Organizer Dustpan Shaped Container Box for

    Conductive Components Small Parts$2.23

    HR228AC10mm EMI Scotchlite Reflective Sew On Material All Siver Condutive

    Fabric Tape$9.77

    HR229AC20mm EMI Excellent Electrical Conductivity Tin Foil Shielding Tape

    Engineering Kit$11.04

    HR230AC18mm EMI Excellent Electrical Conductivity Copper Foil Shielding

    Tape Engineering Kit$20.01

    HR231AC Alloy Aluminum Light Table C-clamp Mounted Vice for MiniatureEngineering Modelling Household $11.64

    HR232ACMulti-Purpose Plastic Single Compartment Storage Box Container for

    Electronic Components Small Gadgets - Blue M-Size$2.90



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    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR233ACMulti-Purpose Plastic Single Compartment Storage Box Container for

    Electronic Components Small Gadgets - Red M-Size$2.90

    HR234AC105x55mm Mini Hard Plastic Storage Box Case with Handle for

    Subassembly Parts Tools Chips$3.36

    HR235AC6 Cells 370Y Plastic Storage Box Case for Subassembly Parts Tools

    Chips 140x72mm Size$3.88

    HR236AC6 Cells 370Y Plastic Storage Box Case for Subassembly Parts Tools

    Chips 167x122mm Size$9.04

    HR237ACDouble Layers 370Y Plastic Storage Box Case for Subassembly Parts

    Tools Chips 235x165mm Size$15.55

    HR238AC Banana Plug Test Lead Set for Multimeter Capacitance Meter $7.73

    HR239AC Dust Abatement Soft Brush for Computer Mainboard KeyboardMobile Phone $2.33

    HR240AC Antistatic Anti-static Brush Ground Conductive $3.01



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    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR241AC Circuit Board PLCC IC Extractor Puller Tool for Repair Man IC Worker $4.76

    HR242ACProfessional Photo Type Digital Handheld Tachometer with 5 Digits

    18mm LCD 2.5~99999RMP Range/ Min Resolution$43.17

    HR243ACAuto Range LCD Display Pocket Digital Multimeter Meter Tester for

    Measurering AC DC Voltage Current Resistance$13.07

    HR244ACLCD Digital Moisture Hygrometer Meter Tester Gauge with 2 Pins for

    Wood Timber Bamboo Furniture$35.12

    HR245AC3 Range LCD Lux Meter Digital Photometer Electronic Luxmeter Tester

    50,000 LUX$47.03

    HR246AC9M/ 25ft Industrial Professional Flexible PVC Rubber Air Hose for

    Compressors Nail Guns (Assorted Color)$15.10

    HR247AC 2.0mm Cross Tip Professional Precision Micro Philip Screwdriver withConvex Concave Handle - Golden $4.88

    HR248AC2.0mm Cross Tip Professional Precision Micro Philip Screwdriver with

    Convex Concave Handle - Black & Silver$5.95



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    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR249ACT3 Tip Professional Precision Repair Tool Micro Screwdriver with

    Rubber Handle - Green & White$6.98

    HR250ACTip 12mm Length 11cm Antiskid Twist Carbide Hammer Drill Bit

    Aiguille for Building Construction$7.53

    HR251ACTip 10mm Length 11cm Antiskid Twist Carbide Hammer Drill Bit

    Aiguille for Building Construction$6.82

    HR252ACTip 8mm Length 11cm Antiskid Twist Carbide Hammer Drill Bit Aiguille

    for Building Construction$6.11

    HR253ACTip 6mm Length 11cm Antiskid Twist Carbide Hammer Drill Bit Aiguille

    for Building Construction$5.02

    HR254ACMini Vacuum Sucking Handling Tool IC SMD Components Easy Pick

    Picker with 4 Suction Probes& Headers$10.35

    HR255AC Vacuum Sucking Pen IC SMD Components Easy Pick Picker withSmall/ Medium/ Large Suction Headers $5.10

    HR256ACReplaceable 60W Soldering Iron Tip w/ Pointed Head for 5.6mm

    Standard Soldering Irons$1.97



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    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR257ACEnvironmental Lead Free Replaceable 60W Soldering Iron Tip w/

    Cutter Edge Head for 5.45mm Standard Soldering Irons$2.33

    HR258ACEnvironmental Lead Free Replaceable 60W Soldering Iron Tip w/

    Inclined Head for 4.75mm Standard Soldering Irons$2.15

    HR259ACEnvironmental Lead Free Replaceable 60W Soldering Iron Tip w/ Flat

    Head for 5.65mm Standard Soldering Irons$2.36

    HR260ACTin Shaving Pen Scraper BGA Tool with Plastic Handle Reball Repair

    Reballing Kit$2.15

    HR261ACProfessional Multifunctional Handheld Refillable Jet Flame Butane

    Soldering Torch Lighter 20ml 1100 Degree$41.18

    HR262AC1/4" Nozzle Air Blow Gun Silver Tone Aluminum Duster Blower Handy

    Clean-up Cleaning Tool Silver-Tone$9.72

    HR263AC 4.0mm High Performance Twisted Metal Drill Drilling Tool for SteelMetal Wood Drilling $1.71

    HR264AC0~25mm/ 0.01mm Precision Metric Outside Micrometer Caliper

    Gauge Measuring Tool$39.74



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    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR265ACMulti-Functional 10-in-1 Screwdriver Set with a Master Handle Repair

    Kits Opening Tools$11.16

    HR266ACShell SM-18 Handheld Carbon Steel Diagonal Cutting Pliers Pincers

    Wire Cable Cutter with Spring 125mm$10.88

    HR267ACSpring Loaded Handheld Carbon Steel Diagonal Cutting Pliers Pincers

    Wire Cable Cutter with Spare Spring$16.31

    HR268ACSpring Loaded Handheld Carbon Steel Diagonal Cutting Pliers Pincers

    Wire Cable Cutter with Spare Spring$12.37

    HR269ACSpring Loaded Handheld Carbon Steel Diagonal Cutting Pliers Pincers

    Wire Cable Cutter with Spare Spring$12.43

    HR270ACSpring Loaded Handheld Carbon Steel Diagonal Cutting Pliers Pincers

    Wire Cable Cutter with Spare Spring$12.34

    HR271AC Diameter 3mm Chrome-Molybdenum Cross Driver Screwdriver Toolw/ Magnetic Head Model 101 $3.07

    HR272ACDiameter 4mm Chrome-Molybdenum Cross Driver Screwdriver Tool

    w/ Magnetic Head Model 102$5.08



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    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR273ACDiameter 6mm Chrome-Molybdenum Cross Driver Screwdriver Tool

    w/ Magnetic Head Model 107$6.62

    HR274ACDiameter 3mm Cross Driver Screwdriver Tool w/ Magnetic Head &

    Anti-Skid Rubber Handle$3.21

    HR275ACDiameter 5mm Cross Driver Screwdriver Tool w/ Magnetic Head &

    Anti-Skid Rubber Handle$5.32

    HR276ACDiameter 6mm Cross Driver Screwdriver Tool w/ Magnetic Head &

    Anti-Skid Rubber Handle$6.94

    HR277AC58mm Blade Durable Quality Stainless Steel Scissors with ABS Handles


    HR278ACHard Plating Chrome Scissors Professional Pruning Shear Gardening

    Snip Tool 45mm Blade$16.93

    HR279AC 53mm Blade Durable Quality Snip Stainless Steel Scissors with ABSHandles Tool $16.86

    HR280ACSmall 37mm Blade Durable Quality Stainless Steel Scissors with ABS

    Handles Tool$2.93



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    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR281AC82mm Blade Durable Quality Stainless Steel Scissors with ABS Handles


    HR282AC75mm Blade Durable Quality Stainless Steel Scissors with ABS Handles


    HR283ACPrecise Telecom Screwdriver Diameter 5mm Cross Driver with Anti-

    Skid Handle for Electronics DIY$6.68

    HR284ACPrecise Telecom Screwdriver #0 4mm Diameter Cross Driver with Anti-

    Skid Handle for Electronics DIY$4.51

    HR285ACPrecise Telecom Screwdriver #1 5mm Diameter Cross Driver with Anti-

    Skid Handle for Electronics DIY$6.39

    HR286ACPrecise Telecom Screwdriver #2 6mm Diameter Cross Driver with Anti-

    Skid Handle for Electronics DIY$7.36

    HR287AC Precise Telecom Screwdriver Diameter 4mm Cross Driver with Anti-Skid Handle for Electronics DIY $4.76

    HR288ACPrecise Telecom Screwdriver Diameter 6mm Cross Driver with Anti-

    Skid Handle for Electronics DIY$8.11



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    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR289ACPrecise Telecom Screwdriver Diameter 5mm Cross Driver with Anti-

    Skid Handle for Electronics DIY$5.41

    HR290ACSmall 32mm Blade Durable Quality Stainless Steel Scissors with ABS

    Handles Tool$3.07

    HR291ACPrecise Telecom Screwdriver Diameter 6mm Cross Driver with Anti-

    Skid Handle for Electronics DIY$7.13

    HR292AC Electrician Scissor Cable Splicer Snips Tool with Stainless Steel Blade $10.08

    HR293ACGarden Tool 8 inch Gardening Scissor Hand Pruning Pruner Orchard


    HR294AC32 in1 Professional Communication Tool Precision Screwdriver with


    HR295AC Handy 31 in1 Professional Communication Tool Precision Screwdriver $12.62

    HR296ACVC6243+ Digital Handheld Multi-meter Capacitance & Inductance

    LC Meter Electrical Tester with SE Clip Test Lead$70.00



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    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR297ACPlastic Storage Box Case for Electronics Components Subassembly

    Parts Tools Chips$7.49

    HR298AC7 Functions 25 Auto Range LCD Screen Pocket Digital Multimeter AC

    DC Ohm Volt with Protective Cover$24.44

    HR299AC3 Digits AC/ DC 1.3" LCD Screen Voltmeter Ammeter Ohm

    Multimeter Tester$16.28

    HR300ACTerminals TU Tool Crimping Tool Crimper Cable Cutter for 26AWG - 16


    HR301AC6 in1 Professional Communication Tool Precision Screwdriver Set for

    Watch Clock$16.45

    HR302AC6 in1 Professional Communication Insulation Tool Precision

    Screwdriver Set with Insulated Cover$9.08

    HR303AC Professional 33-in-1 Screwdriver Set with Tweezers Precision HandyRepairing Tool $17.62

    HR304ACProfessional 28pcs Screwdriver Set with Bit Holders Precision Handy

    Repairing Tool$22.06



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    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR305ACBlowing Dust Blower Ball Balloon Air Pump Cleaning Tool Kit for

    Electrical Appliances Camera Lens Clock$3.52

    HR306AC6-in-1 Digital Handheld Altimeter + Barometer + Compass +

    Thermometer + Weather Forecast + Clock Calendar w/ 2.3" LCD$24.66

    HR307ACMulti-Functional 4-in-1 Digital Handheld Compass Thermometer +

    Clock + Stopwatch w/ Backlit LCD for Indoor & Outdoor$21.19

    HR308ACMulti-Functional 4-in-1 Digital Handheld Compass Thermometer +

    Clock + Stopwatch w/ Backlit LCD for Indoor & Outdoor$21.19

    HR309ACLCD Display 3 in 1 Digital Compass Thermometer Calendar for

    Outdoor Activity$34.26

    HR310ACLCD Display Pocket Digital Multimeter Meter Tester for Measurering

    AC DC Voltage Current Resistance Diode$17.62

    HR311AC Spring Loaded Handheld Carbon Steel Diagonal Cutting Pliers PincersWire Cable Cutter $14.04

    HR312AC703 White Silicone RTV Rubber Adhesive Sealant Sticker for Electronic

    Components 45g$3.97



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    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR313ACSpring Loaded Handheld Carbon Steel Diagonal Cutting Pliers Pincers

    Wire Cable Cutter w/ Spare Spring 5-inch$8.84

    HR314ACHT-8 Spring Loaded Handheld Carbon Steel Diagonal Cutting Pliers

    Pincers Wire Cable Cutter with Spare Spring$14.18

    HR315AC20-30 AWG Precise Wire Stripper Clamp Steel Wire Cutter

    Decrustation Pliers Wire Stripping Pliers Tool$14.73

    HR316AC16-26 AWG Precise Wire Stripper Clamp Steel Wire Cutter

    Decrustation Pliers Wire Stripping Pliers Tool$13.22

    HR317AC20-30 AWG Precise Wire Stripper Clamp Steel Wire Cutter

    Decrustation Pliers Wire Stripping Pliers Tool$20.60

    HR318AC20-30 AWG Precise Wire Stripper Clamp Steel Wire Cutter

    Decrustation Pliers Wire Stripping Pliers Tool$25.09

    HR319AC Spring Loaded Handheld Carbon Steel Diagonal Cutting PliersNippers Pincers Wire Cable Cutter $7.98

    HR320ACSpring Loaded Handheld Carbon Steel Diagonal Cutting Pliers

    Nippers Pincers Wire Cable Cutter$9.53



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    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR321ACLCD Display Digital Battery Power Level Tester Monitor for 1.5V / 9V /

    Button Battery$10.62

    HR322ACBlack 4 x 4 16 Buttons Numeric Keypad Switch for Code or Data Entry

    Small Size$7.25

    HR323ACAmazing Cable Tidy Kit Flexible Cable Zipper Wire Organizer for TV

    DVD System and Computers - Grey$11.97

    HR324AC8-in-1 Multi-Purpose Precision Screwdriver Tool Set with Master

    Handle Handy Repairing Tool Assorted Color$9.64

    HR325ACDigital LCD 5-in-1 Emergency Tool Tire Gauge & 6-LED Blinking Light &

    Safe Hammer & Seat Belt Cutter & Flashlight$21.99

    HR326ACPortable Stainless Steel Home Repair Tools Set Combination Toolkit


    HR327AC Plastic Storage Box Case with Handle for Electronics ComponentsSubassembly Parts Tools Chips - Transparent Yellow $3.36

    HR328ACPlastic Storage Box Case with Handle for Electronics Components

    Subassembly Parts Tools Chips - Transparent Blue$3.36



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    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR329ACSoft PVC Adhesive Harness Insulating Tape for Industry Electrical


    HR330ACPointed Plastic Precision Tweezers Insulating Tool for Electronic

    Components - Black$1.67

    HR331ACProfessional 8X Cloth Grain Magnifier Magnifying Glasses Eye Gauge

    Hand Lens with Dual LED Light$12.96

    HR332AC Blue Flexible Washable Wire Cable Cord Wrap Manager Organizer $3.97

    HR333AC Pink Flexible Washable Wire Cable Cord Wrap Manager Organizer $3.97

    HR334ACCompact Flip-open TF & Micro SD & SD Memory Card Carrying Case

    Shell Protective Box$3.27

    HR335AC LCD Digital Battery Internal Impedance & Voltage Meter HandheldOhmmeter Voltmeter Resistance Meter $108.31

    HR336ACAnalog Handheld Multi-Meter AC DC Voltage & DC Current &

    Resistance Tester with Test Clip$37.17



  • 7/31/2019 001 - Accesorios Para Computadora - Herramientas - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR337ACLCD Digital Handheld Multi-Meter AC DC Voltage & Current &

    Resistance Tester with Test Clip$22.82

    HR338AC220V 60W Adjustable Temperature Welding Solder Soldering Gun

    Electric Iron$19.53

    HR339AC Weld Solder Soldering Iron Gun Stand Holder Base $9.39

    HR340AC 0.6-1.2Kg Metal Spring Balancer Scale Holder Tool $22.66

    HR341AC38 pcs Metric-sized Socket Wrench Screwdriver Set Tool 3/8 (10mm)

    Ratchet Wrench$59.12

    HR342AC 2x 3mm Portable White Double Faced Adhesive Foam Tape Tool $3.27

    HR343AC Drawer Style Plastic Storage Box Case for Electronics ComponentsSubassembly Parts Tools Chips $4.76

    HR344ACThree-decker Style Plastic Storage Box Case for Electronics

    Components Subassembly Parts Tools Chips - Clear$16.96



  • 7/31/2019 001 - Accesorios Para Computadora - Herramientas - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR345ACThree-decker Style Plastic Storage Box Case for Electronics

    Components Subassembly Parts Tools Chips - Blue$16.96

    HR346AC4 x Wire Cord Cable Clip Clamp Organizer with Double-faced

    Adhesive Tape$2.98

    HR347AC4 x Wire Cord Cable Clip Clamp Organizer with Double-faced

    Adhesive Tape$2.98

    HR348AC2 Packs Plastic Cord Divider Wire Organizer Cable Fixer 6 Frames -


    HR349AC2 Packs Plastic Cord Divider Wire Organizer Cable Fixer 6 Frames -


    HR350AC2 Packs Plastic Cord Divider Wire Organizer Cable Fixer 6 Frames -


    HR351AC 8 x Cable & Power Wire Management Marker Strap Ties $3.30

    HR352AC 2 x Metal Creative Tool Keychain Key Ring Keyring (Style Random) $4.42



  • 7/31/2019 001 - Accesorios Para Computadora - Herramientas - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR353ACTDS Digital LCD Handheld Pen Style Water PH Meter Tester for Water

    Purifier Filter Pool Spas$19.87

    HR354AC4 Packs Plastic Cord Ring Wire Organizer Cable Fixer Different Sizes -


    HR355AC4 Packs Plastic Cord Clip Wire Organizer Cable Fixer Different Sizes -


    HR356ACPortable 5-Level Ultraviolet UV Index Level Detector Alerter (3 x


    HR357ACStylish Hello Kitty Head Shape Multi-Functional Resin Container

    Holder Box Case 2800ml - Mainly White$10.62

    HR358AC 300MHz 5pF-29pF Professional Oscilloscope Passive Probe $13.95

    HR359AC Mini Angry Birds Game Cartoon Figure Tape Measure 1M/ 3.28ft/39.4in with Clip Keychain Ring - Yellow Bird $3.72

    HR360ACProfessional Impact Punch Down Tool for Networking Cabling -

    Orange and Black$11.22



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    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR361AC3-in-1 Multi-function Wire Network Cable Stripper Cutter Pliers

    Modular Plug Crimping Tool$13.49

    HR362AC3-in-1 Multi-function Wire Network Cable Stripper Cutter Pliers Dual-

    modular Crimping Tool$24.83

    HR363ACCompact Wire Cable Cutting Cutter Stripper Pliers Cut Strip Network

    Tool - Black$3.52

    HR364ACProfessional Diamond selector Gemstone Tester Jewelry jewel Tool

    LED + Audio - Black$30.57

    HR365ACUnique Control Key Shape Design Cable Box Cable Management

    Solution Storage Box - Hot Pink$19.42

    HR366ACUnique Control Key Shape Design Cable Box Cable Management

    Solution Storage Box - Grass Green$19.42

    HR367AC Unique Control Key Shape Design Cable Box Cable ManagementSolution Storage Box - White $19.42

    HR368ACUnique Control Key Shape Design Cable Box Cable Management

    Solution Storage Box - Black$19.42



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  • 7/31/2019 001 - Accesorios Para Computadora - Herramientas - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Descripcin del producto Precio

    HR377AC100 x Transparent Reclosable 100x70mm Clear Plastic Packaging

    Bags Packing Bags$2.48
