Aditya Gupta (18-1-2016)

Post on 13-Jan-2017

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Business QuizBy Aditya Gupta


1. +15 for every correct answer, -10 for every incorrect answer.

2. +5 on Pass

3. No hints will be provided for any question.

1. “X”  is an Indian economistand philosopher of Bengaliethnicity, who since 1972 hastaught and worked in theUnited Kingdom and theUnited States. 

He was awarded the  NobelMemorial Prize in EconomicSciences in 1998 and BharatRatna in 1999 for his work inwelfare economics.

Identify X

Ans. X-Amartya Sen

2. “X” was the founder andfirst CEO of Tata ConsultancyServices, India’s largestsoftware consultancy company.

He is frequently referred to asthe  “ Father of the IndianSoftware Industry ” due to hissignificant contribution inIndian IT industry.

Identify X

Ans. X-Faqir Chand Kohli

3. The goal of the “X" campaign, started by “Y” was getting "real men" to drink light beer, but they were battling the common misconception that light beer can never actually taste good. The campaign was developed by the  advertising agency  McCann-Erickson Worldwide.

In 2002, "Catfight", a high-profile commercial in the long-running “X" campaign, was denounced by critics as depicting women as sexual objects. The commercial featured Tanya Ballinger and Kitana Baker fighting over whether the beer tastes great or is less filling, with the girls stripping each other of their clothing in the process.

Identify X and Y

X - Great Taste, Less Filling Y – Miller Lite

4. “X”  is an international non-partisan group of 300 world leaders dedicated to achieving the elimination of nuclear weapons. The initiative, launched in December 2008, promotes a phased withdrawal and verification for the destruction of all devices held by official and unofficial members of the nuclear club. 

“X ” was launched in Paris in December 2008 by more than 100 political, civic, and military leaders. There, they announced a framework plan for the elimination of nuclear weapons, starting with deep reductions to the U.S. and Russian arsenals.

“X” gave letters signed by more than 90 “X” leaders to President of the United States Barack Obama and President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev, urging them to commit to the elimination of nuclear weapons.

X – Global Zero

5. Connect

5. Connect

David Wark GriffethInventor of Hollywood

Charlie Chaplin

Mary Pickford

Douglas Fairbanks

Ans. X – United Artists

American film and television entertainment company founded in 1919 by D.W Griffeth, Charlie Chaplin, Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks, with the intention of controlling their own interests rather than depending upon the powerful commercial studios.

6. The “X” is a 29 storey building in downtown Mumbai on Dalal Street, near its intersection with the Mumbai Samachar Marg. The building is owned and occupied by the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE).

Construction of “X” began in the late 1970s, with the building completed and occupied by the BSE in 1980. It was initially called BSE Towers. Soon after occupation, following the death of “Y”, chairman of the BSE since 1966, the building was renamed in his memory.

The building was a target of the 1993 Bombay bombings.

Identify X/Y

Ans. X – Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Y – Sir Phiroze Jamshedji Jeejeebhoy

7. Published in November 1995,then substantially revised abouta year later, The Road Ahead, abook written by “X”, summarizedthe implications of the personalcomputing revolution anddescribed a future profoundlychanged by the arrival of aglobal information superhighway.

Identify X

 8. In the 1890s, the "horseless carriage" was a relatively new idea, with no one having a fixed, universal idea of what a car should look like or how it should work. Most of the first car builders were inventors, rather than businessmen, working with their imaginations.

Thus, the invention of the “X” marks an important innovation as a proto-automobile that would lay the foundation for future, with more practical designs to follow.

The success of the little vehicle developed by “Y” led to the founding of “Z” company in 1903.

Identify X, Y and Z

Ans. X – Quadricycle Y – Henry Ford Z – Ford

9. Connect


Coined the taglines “Just Do It”, “Experience is Everything” and “Where Do You Want To Go?” for Nike, Old Spice and Microsoft respectively.

“Make in India” campaign was designed by Wieden+Kennedy

10. Connect


Pic 1 – Project Self Driving CarPic 2 – Project WingPic 3 – Project GlassPic 4 – Project Loon

11. “X” was the founder of the Williams-Sonoma company and author and editor of more than 100 books on the subject of cooking. “X” is credited for playing a major role in introducing French cookware into American kitchens through his retail and mail order business.

He was an editor or contributor to nearly every cookbook that Williams-Sonoma has thus far released, including the large multi-volume Williams-Sonoma Kitchen Library set, co-published by Time-Life Books. 

“X” sold Williams-Sonoma to Howard Lester and Jay McMahan in 1978 for $100,000.

Identify “X”

Ans. X – Chuck Williams

12. Identify the co-author

12. Raghuram Rajan

13. “X” is a service launched by Government of India in February 2015 to provide a secure dedicated personal electronic space for storing the documents of resident Indian citizens.

The storage space (maximum 1GB) is linked to the Aadhaar number of the user. The space can be utilized for storing personal documents like University certificates, PAN cards, voter id cards, etc., and the URI's of the e-documents issued by various issuer departments.

“X” is one of the key initiatives under the “Y” Programme.

Identify X and Y

Ans. X – DigiLocker

14. Connect


1. Acquired Braintree, BillMeLater and Xoom

2. Became a wholly owned subsidiary of eBay in 2002. It was spun off as an independently traded company in July 2015.

15. “X” is a campaign launched by “Y” and “Z” to encourage the wealthy people of the world to contribute their wealth to philanthropic causes. In July, 2010 the “X” campaign was formally announced and Y and Z began recruiting members.

The German technology entrepreneur Hasso Plattner joined “X” campaign in 2013 and 141 individuals and/or couples were listed as “pledgers” on the official website by December 2015.

Other signatories of the “X” include Richard Branson, Tim Cook, David Rockefeller and Sara Blakely.

Ans. X – The Giving Pledge Y – Warren Buffett Z – Bill Gates

16. “X”  is an advertising agency founded in 1988 by Sam Crispin. They are known for using viral marketing techniques, including the Burger King Subservient Chicken and Whopper Sacrifice campaigns.

 In September 2008 the agency created “Y” campaign for Microsoft. The $300 million advertising campaign was designed to challenge Apple's Get a Mac campaign by showing everyday people to be PC users.

The “Y” campaign that followed fought back against Apple’s campaign and contributed to Windows 7 becoming the fastest selling version of Windows to date.

Identify X and Y

Ans. X – Crispin Porter+Bogusky/CP+B Y – I’m a PC Campaign

17. Connect

Ans. Warren Buffett

Pic 1. He was the most famous student of Benjamin Graham.

Pic 2. CEO of Berkshire Hathaway(Founded by Oliver Chace)

Pic 3. Article written by Warren Buffett

18. “X” is an Indian-born American Sikh physicist known for his work in fiber optics. He was named as one of the seven 'Unsung Heroes' by Fortune magazine in their 'Businessmen of the Century' issue (1999-11-22). He is also known as "Father of Fiber Optics“.

As an entrepreneur and business executive, “X” has specialized in the processes of innovation and the management of technology and technology transfer.

In 1960, he founded Optics Technology Inc. and was chairman of the board, President, and Director of Research for twelve years.

Identify X

Ans. X – Narinder Singh Kapany

19. Connect

Ans. Richard Branson

Pic 1. His first business venture was “Student” magazine.

Pic 2. March 2000, Branson was knighted at Buckingham Palace for "services to entrepreneurship".

Pic 3. Founder of “Virgin” Group.

Pic 4. Author of the book “Screw It, Let’s Do It”.

20. “X” is an agreement between a company and an employee (usually upper executive) specifying that the employee will receive certain significant benefits if employment is terminated. “X” is also known as “Change-in-control benefits“. The benefits may include severance pay, cash bonuses, stock options, or other benefits.

The first use of the term “X" is credited to a 1961 attempt by creditors to oust Howard Hughes from control of Trans World Airlines.

In Europe the highest "change-in-control benefits" have been for French executives, as of 2006 according to a study by the Hay Group, a human resource management firm. French executives receive roughly the double of their salary and bonus in their “X”.

Identify X

Ans. X – Golden Parachute

21. X’s popularity exploded in 1984 when it launched a wildly successful ad campaign, “Y”. The simple phrase “Y” was used to point out the lack of beef in their competitors' burgers and it quickly became a catch phrase that encapsulated all that was missing in their audience's lives.

In the commercial, titled "Fluffy Bun," actress Clara Peller receives a burger with a massive bun from a fictional competitor, which uses the slogan "Home of the Big Bun". The small patty prompts Peller to angrily exclaim, “Y"

Ans. X – Wendy’s Y – Where’s The Beef?