Animal Wisdom Sabiduria Animal

Post on 04-Dec-2015

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Animal Totem, Poder y sabiduria chamanica


Animal WisdomSabiduria Animal

Estos son los animales mas conocidos para mi, faltan el jabalí, la serpiente, y otros que se pueden encontrar en la web, mi admiracion y respeto con el mundo animal y la intencion de ser uno con el y entenderme con ellos, sus mensajes y aprender su comunicación y cuidado.

Dog’s Wisdom Includes:

Date: 23 de octubre de 2015, 11:22Topic: Animal Wisdom Sabiduria Animal

Heals emotional wounds in humans Understanding of the duality of doubt and faith Companionship Unquestioned loyalty Love Knowledge of all things sensual Protection Ability to smell trouble from a distance

Scorpion’s Wisdom Includes:

Attacking from the rear

Death and rebirth

Transmutation of poison

Reflecting dark and negative energy back to its sender

Domestic Cat’s Wisdom Includes:

Independence Seeing the unseen Protection Love Allows us to dream its dreams Assists in meditation Ability to fight when cornered

Rat’sWisdom Includes:

Abundant reproduction Ability to live unseen Stealth Defense Intelligence Symbol of fertility and wealth

Chameleon’s Wisdom Includes:

Use of color as camouflage Using reach as a tool of survival Patience Ability to climb to attain ones goals Using the Sun as a source of power

Jellyfish’s Wisdom Includes:

Sensitivity to water energy—emotions

Understanding of the value of floating, rather than swimming, through trying emotional times

Proper use of softness (not being rigid)

Ability to become untangled from the webs of peril in life

Sparrow’s Wisdom Includes:



Manifesting new love in ones life

Understanding the aspects of race

Ability to use the power of song

All aspects of color

Crow/Rook’s Wisdom Includes:

Guardian of the place before existence Ability to move in space and time Honoring ancestors Ethics and Ethical behavior Carrier of souls from darkness into light Working without fear in darkness Guidance while working in shadow Moves freely in the void Understands all things related to ethics Shapeshifter

Rabbit/Hare’s Wisdom Includes:

Guile Paradox and contradiction Living by one’s own wits Receiving hidden teachings and intuitive messages Quick-thinking Humility Moving through fear Strengthening intuition

Frog’s Wisdom Includes:

Reminder of common bonds with all life Singer of songs that celebrate the most ancient watery beginnings Transformation Cleansing Understanding emotions Rebirth

Mole’s Wisdom Includes:

Guardian of the lower regions Connection with the energies of the Earth Knowledge of herbs, roots, minerals, seeds, rivers, and other hidden bounties of the earth Ability to turn inward Introspection and blindness to all but light and dark in the material world Love expressed in nature Sensitivity to touch and vibration (the kinesthetic sense) Understanding of energies and fluxes

Alligator/Crocodile’s Wisdom Includes:

Maternal protection Connection to the earth mother Protection from manipulation Understanding deceit Revenge through patience Initiation Understanding weather Access to ancient knowledge

Butterfly/Caterpillar’s Wisdom Includes:

The power of the whirlwind Reincarnation Transformation Transmutation Magick

Mantis’s Wisdom Includes:

Ability to manipulate time Power to move between moments Understanding of the circular nature of time Power of stillness Female warrior energy Attack strategy

Duck’s Wisdom Includes:

Grace on water Water energy Seeing clearly through emotions Spirit helper of mystics and seers

Fox’s Wisdom Includes:



Observational skills




Feminine courage


Ability to observe unseen




Swan’s Wisdom Includes:

Awakening the power of self Understanding dream symbols Seeing into the future Understanding spiritual evolution Developing intuitive abilities Divination Grace in dealing with others

Bat’s Wisdom Includes:

Shamanic death and rebirth

Pollination of new ideas



Viewing past lives

Understanding grief

The use of vibrational sound



Ability to observe unseen

Dolphin/Porpoise’s Wisdom Includes:

Knowledge of the sea Patron of sailors Change Wisdom Balance Harmony

Communication skills Freedom Trust Understanding the power of rhythm in your life Use of breath to release intense emotions Water element magick

Bald Eagle’s Wisdom Includes:





Keen sight

Illumination of Spirit



Knowledge of magick

Ability to see hidden spiritual truths

Rising above the material to see the spiritual

Ability to see the overall pattern

Connection to spirit guides and teachers

Great power and balance

Dignity with grace

Ability to see the “big picture”

Connection with higher truths

Intuitive and creative spirit

Respect for the boundaries of the regions

Grace achieved through knowledge and hard work

Horse/Pony/Mustang’s Wisdom Includes:

Power Stamina Endurance Faithfulness Freedom to run free Control of the environment Awareness of power achieved with true cooperation Interspecies communication Expanding one’s own potential abilities Friendship and Cooperation Travel Astral travel Guardian of travelers Warns of possible danger Guide to overcoming obstacles

Badger’s Tejón Wisdom Includes:

Keeper of stories Bold Self-Expresssion Aggressiveness Single-mindedness Passion Cunning Revenge Perseverance Control Antidote to passivity or victimization Persistence in the service of a mission Groundedness Knowledge of the earth Earth magick and wisdom Creative action in a crisis Protection of rights and spiritual ideas

Giraffe’s Wisdom Includes:

Sees far into the future

Ability to reach things that are unreachable to others



Ability to remain above the fray

Squirrel’s Wisdom Includes:

Ability to solve puzzles


Quick change of direction

Storing for the future

Balance in giving and receiving

Power of rest during times of non-movement




Avoiding danger by climbing to a higher place

Grasshopper/Locust/Katydid's Wisdom Includes:

Jumps across space and time

Leaps of faith

Jumping without knowing where you will land

Astral travel

Leaping over obstacles

New leaps forward

Ability to change careers quickly

Mosquito's Wisdom Includes:

Using water to transform

Drawing energy inside one self

Controlling energy flow in one direction

Bacteria/Protozoa's Wisdom Includes:

Quick movement


Understanding the primitive

Use of size to escape detection

Fly's wisdom includes:

Survival Multifaceted vision Ability to change waste into valuable assets Transformation Adaptation to the harshest environments

Centipede's Wisdom Includes:

Balance Coordination Ability to survive stress Beauty of movement

Swallow's Wisdom Includes:

Closely related to the Thunderbird

Power of communal living

Understands the value to family and home



Ability to maneuver

Connection to the arrival of thunderstorms

Cricket's Wisdom Includes:

Good luck

Teaching the power of song in darkness

Finding ones way out of darkness by following their song

Understanding the time to jump out of a situation


Connection to the plant kingdom

Salamander's Wisdom Includes:

Facilitates the connection between earth and water

Connection to the soul memories of early life on earth


Comfort in darkness

Ability to cloak in the face of adversity

Worm's Wisdom Includes:


Purifies the Earth

Ability to find nurturing within the Earth


Ability to wiggle out of difficult situations

Fish's Wisdom Includes:







Balance between mind and emotion

Nightingale's Wisdom Includes:

Proper use of song in healing

Using vibrational energy to see in shadow

Use of song in moving through fear

Connection with the Moon

Tick's Wisdom Includes:

Transmission of ideas


Ability to use heat and movement to see


Fantail's Wisdom Includes:


Ability to change directions quickly

Inter-species communication

Connection to water spirits

Shrimp/Krill/Prawn's Wisdom Includes:

Ability to make the whole greater than the sum of its parts Sustenance Ability withstand cold temperatures Group living Adaptability

Flea's Wisdom Includes:


Ability to alter time within the life cycle

Sensitivity to light

Ability to trigger a birth process by the use of light, vibration, or the various components of air.

Hermit Crab's Wisdom Includes:

Love of freedom Mobility Ability to live anywhere Understands the need for rapid change Movement through decades Ability to store water energy Comfort in darkness

Starfish's Wisdom Includes:

Connection to the star people


Moon magick


Tidal movement

Waxwing's Wisdom Includes:

Communal living Connected to healing Self-respect Control of ego Connection to Red Cedar Facilitates reproduction

“Courage is not the absence of fear,but rather the judgment thatsomething else is more important than fear”Ambrose Redmoon

S/ YOU!!!