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Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

The Labor Wedge as a Matching Friction

Anton A. Cheremukhin and Paulina Restrepo-Echavarria �

July 22, 2010


The labor wedge accounts for a large fraction of business cycle�uctuations. This paper uses a search and matching model to decom-pose the labor wedge into three classes of labor market frictions andevaluate their role. We �nd that frictions to job destruction and bar-gaining commonly considered in the search literature are not helpfulin explaining the labor wedge. We also identify an asymmetric e¤ectof separation, bargaining and matching frictions on unemployment, aswell as a potential solution to Shimer�s puzzle.JEL: E20, E32, J22, J63, J64.Keywords:Labor Wedge, Business Cycles, Search and Matching

For the last 25 years, macro and labor economists have pointed to largecyclical variations in the relationship between the marginal rate of substi-tution between leisure and consumption and the marginal product of labor

�Anton Cheremukhin: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, 2200 N Pearl St, Dallas TX75201,, 214-922-6785. Paulina Restrepo-Echavarria: Department ofEconomics, The Ohio State University, 410 Arps Hall, 1945 N High Street, Columbus OH43210, Authors thank Andrew Atkeson, Gary Hansen, Richard Rogerson,Robert Shimer, Pierre-Olivier Weill, Mark Wright, three anonymous referees, as well asparticipants of SED 2008, LAMES 2008 and Monetary Economics Proseminar at UCLAfor helpful comments. The authors are especially thankful to Roger Farmer, ChristianHellwig and Lee Ohanian for their time and suggestions. All errors are our own. Theviews expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily re�ect theviews of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas or the Federal Reserve System. First draft:April 9, 2008.


as an important feature of business cycles. In their business cycle account-ing framework, Chari, Kehoe and McGrattan (2007) (CKM) label this re-lationship a "labor wedge" and argue that it accounts for 60% of output�uctuations.In this paper we look at the labor wedge through the lens of a search and

matching model. We decompose the labor wedge into three classes of labormarket frictions modeled as exogenous separation, bargaining and match-ing shocks and use the business cycle accounting methodology to evaluatetheir quantitative importance. Our main �nding is that imperfections in thejob destruction and bargaining processes commonly considered in the searchliterature are not helpful in explaining the labor wedge.Equilibrium search and matching models provide a natural framework

for studying labor market frictions manifested by the labor wedge. Matchingfrictions are also a common way of introducing adjustment along the exten-sive margin into business cycle models. However, Shimer (2005a) pointedout that the matching friction itself works as a labor adjustment cost andalone cannot explain variations in the two key labor market variables: un-employment and vacancies.In order to help solve this puzzle various additional frictions have been in-

troduced into search and matching models. One class of frictions introducedby Mortensen and Pissarides (1994) is endogenous job destruction, whichwe capture using an exogenous shock to the rate at which workers are sepa-rated from their jobs. The other class of frictions proposed by Hall (2005a)and analyzed by Shimer (2010) replaces the Nash bargaining solution witha backward-looking wage-setting rule. In our model this form of wage stick-iness is represented more generally by exogenous variations in the relativebargaining power of workers and �rms. Finally, we introduce a third, resid-ual source of frictions by allowing for exogenous variations in the e¢ ciencyof the matching process.Our modeling approach augments the representative agent RBC model

with a search and matching friction as in Merz (1995) and Andolfatto (1996).The standard assumption that labor is traded in a spot market is replacedby a search friction which puts an additional constraint on how much laborcan be employed. The model endogenously determines the level of unem-ployment, the number of vacancies and the labor force participation rate asin Farmer and Hollenhorst (2006). To model the frictions mentioned abovewe introduce three shocks which jointly determine the labor wedge in themodel: the separation shock, the matching shock and the bargaining shock.


The separation shock represents the proportion of employed workers that getseparated from their jobs every period. The matching shock represents thee¢ ciency of the matching technology. The bargaining shock represents theproportions in which the lifetime surplus of a newly formed match is splitbetween the worker and the �rm and thus pins down wages.To evaluate the relative importance of each shock we use the business

cycle accounting methodology employed in Cole and Ohanian (2002) andCKM. For identi�cation purposes in addition to three labor market shocks,our model includes a TFP shock, an investment shock and a governmentconsumption shock. We use data on real GDP, consumption, investment,hours, unemployment and vacancies to recover the six shocks: TFP, invest-ment, government consumption, separation, matching and bargaining. Weuse the model as a diagnostic tool and measure the contributions of eachshock to each of the six variables by running a counterfactual exercise: we�t the shocks back into the model one at a time and all but one at a time.Compared to the neoclassical growth model in our model it is di¢ cult to

directly apply the business cycle accounting methodology. First, in order torecover the exact values of the underlying shocks we would have to iterateover the solution of the model until we �nd a �xed point of a complicatedsystem of forward-looking equations. Instead, we compute the �rst orderapproximation of the model around a stochastic trend and use the Kalman�lter to recover the shocks. Second, there is substantial controversy on thevalues of many labor market parameters, so we use a Bayesian estimationstrategy to recover them, and let the data speak for itself.Our accounting exercise leads us to a striking conclusion: variations in

job destruction and impediments to the bargaining process jointly accountfor less than 10 percent of variations in the labor wedge. More than 90percent of variations in the labor wedge are attributed to the residual shockto matching e¢ ciency. This implies that commonly used frictions, such asendogenous variations in job destruction and wage stickiness, do not play asigni�cant role in determining the labor wedge.Our results indicate that a labor market friction responsible for variations

in the labor wedge must be isomorphic to changes in matching e¢ ciency. Thisbroad class of frictions includes variations in per capita costs associated withcreating jobs, variations in time and e¤ort devoted to search by unemployedworkers, variations in the level of congestion and in the degree of competitionbetween peers characterizing the matching process.Apart from the main result that shocks to matching e¢ ciency play a lead-


ing role in explaining the labor wedge, accounting for more than 90% of itsvariation, our results have two main implications. First, both job creationand job destruction shocks play an important role in output and unemploy-ment �uctuations. This last result is relevant for the debate between Shimer(2005b) and Fujita and Ramey (2007) on whether job destruction or job cre-ation is more important for �uctuations in output and unemployment. We�nd that both job destruction (separation) and job creation (bargaining andmatching) shocks play a role, but at di¤erent points in time. At the beginningof a recession a decline in TFP coincides with an increase in the separationrate. As unemployment increases, the reservation value (threat-point) of theworkers falls while an increase in the bargaining power of workers keeps thewage fairly constant. The corresponding decrease in the bargaining power ofthe �rms leads to a decline in vacancies. Later the e¢ ciency of the matchingprocess falls, keeping unemployment at a high level. Thus, understandingthe causes of excessive job destruction at the beginning of recessions, as wellas sources of wage rigidity and insu¢ cient matching during the recovery areequally important for understanding the behavior of the labor market.The second implication of our results is a potential solution to Shimer�s

puzzle. Shimer (2005a) pointed out that standard Mortensen-Pissarides-type models are incapable of simultaneously generating high volatility ofunemployment and vacancies and low volatility of wages. Our model whilematching series for unemployment and vacancies by construction, predictsa path for wages which matches remarkably well the behavior of wages inthe data. The fact that we match the volatility of wage data without usingit in the estimation procedure, both serves as an over-identifying restrictionon our empirical exercise 1, and stresses the importance of changes in theoutside option of workers as the main driving force behind the variationsin bargaining power. Hall (2005b) suggested that changes in the bargainingpower can be generated by �uctuations in the marginal product of labor whenwages are sticky. Our results show that in order to �t the data, additionalsigni�cant �uctuations in the outside option of workers are necessary.The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 lays out the theoretical

framework and introduces the six shocks, Section 3 describes the methodol-ogy we use to estimate the model and recover the shocks, Section 4 explains

1Note that the ability of a search model to match volatilities of unemployment andvacancies does not automatically imply matching the behavior of wages, as shown byLubik (2009)


the results and Section 5 concludes.

1 Theoretical Framework

This section lays out the setup of the model. We modify the standard onesector real business cycle model by adding a search technology for movinglabor between productive activities and leisure. We assume that the economyis populated by a continuum of families. Each family operates a backyardtechnology and completely insures its members against variations in theirlabor incomes. Members of a family cannot work in their own backyard, butcan be employed in two market activities: head-hunting which is competitiveand a productive activity where the wage is set according to a speci�c wage-setting rule.

1.1 Model

The economy faces six exogenous shocks. A total factor productivity (TFP)shock At, an investment speci�c technology shock Tt, a government expen-diture shock Gt, a shock to the separation rate of employment �Lt, a shockto matching e¢ ciency Bt and a shock to the bargaining power of workers �t.This last shock �t represents the fraction of the lifetime surplus of the matchthat goes to the worker, hence, as we will show later on, �t determines thewage wt in the productive sector.At the beginning of period t values of shocks At, Tt, �Lt, Gt, Bt, �t, capital

Kt, labor supply Lst�1 and demand Ldt�1, the job �nding and vacancy �lling

rates are given. The head of each family decides how many members V st to

send to look for a head-hunting job and how many members of other familiesV dt to hire in the head-hunting market to search for unemployed workersto �ll in positions in the backyard �rm. Each head-hunter represents onevacancy and is paid a wage qt.The head of the family also decides how many members Lst to send to

work in productive activities and how many members of other families Ldtto employ to operate her own backyard technology. Finally, the head of thefamily assigns Ut members to apply for jobs in other families� backyards,allocates resources to consumption Ct of its members and invests into capitalKt+1 next period.We introduce head-hunters into the model in order to measure costs of


searching for a worker and costs of searching for a job in the same units ofdisutility of labor. We distinguish between labor demand and supply in bothmarkets in order to derive shadow prices of both types of employment andcompute the value of a match.Each family head maximizes the expected lifetime utility of its members

(1), subject to a budget constraint (2) and labor supply and demand accu-mulation constraints (3) and (4):

maxfCt;Lst ;Ldt ;V st ;V dt ;Ut;;Kt+1g



�tU (Ct; Lst ; V

st ; Ut) ; (1)

Ct+Kt+1 � (1� �K)Kt

Tt+Gt � AtF (Kt; L

dt )+wt(L

st�Ldt )+qt(V s

t �V dt ) (2)

Lst = (1� �Lt)Lst�1 + Ut



Ldt = (1� �Lt)Ldt�1 + V d



�Vt; (4)

where �Mt is the total number of matches formed in the economy in periodt. In equation (3), labor supply in period t depends on last period�s laborsupply minus the number of workers that got separated from their job plus thenew formed matches. The separation rate �Lt denotes the exogenously givenrate at which workers are separated from their jobs and captures the variousfrictions leading to variations in job destruction over the cycle. The term�Mt�Utstands for the job �nding rate and represents the increase in employment

when there is one more individual searching for a job (Ut increases by oneunit). In equation (4), labor demand accumulates in the same way as laborsupply with the di¤erence that the term V d

t�Mt�Vtis the vacancy �lling rate

times the number of head-hunters demanded and means that for every newindividual that works as a head-hunter V d

t , the stock of employed workersincreases by �Mt


The markets for labor and head-hunting clear when Lst = Ldt = Lt andV st = V d

t = Vt. The law of motion of aggregate employment satis�es:

Lt = (1� �Lt)Lt�1 +Mt; (5)

and in equilibrium �Ut = Ut, �Vt = Vt and

�Mt =Mt = BtM(Ut; Vt): (6)


In equation (6)Bt represents the e¢ ciency of the matching technology, de-termining the number of matches formed for each combination of the numbersof workers and head-hunters seeking for a match. The resource constraintand production function are given by

Ct +1

Tt(Kt+1 � (1� �K)Kt) +Gt = Yt; (7)

Yt = AtF (Kt; Ldt ): (8)

We derive the optimality conditions of the model:


Tt= �Et





Kt+1(Kt; Lt) +


Tt+1(1� �K)


wt +U



= �t � �Et




�t+1 (1� �Lt+1)



Lt(Kt; Lt)� wt = �t � �Et




�t+1 (1� �Lt+1)




+ qt = 0 (12)


Vt� qt = 0 (13)




= �tMt


In the equations above �t is the Lagrange multiplier associated with thelabor supply accumulation constraint and �t is the Lagrange multiplier as-sociated with the labor demand accumulation constraint, both measuredin units of marginal utility of consumption. Since Tt, At, �Lt, Gt and Btare exogenous, we have a system of ten equations and eleven variables,fKt+1; Lt; Ct;Mt; Yt; Vt; Ut; �t; �t; wt; qtg. The model is missing an equilib-rium condition because equations (10) and (11) determine two di¤erent waysof moving labor between leisure and employment in productive activities andthere is only one price wt. Therefore, we introduce a bargaining shock to closethe model.


1.2 Introducing Bargaining Shocks

Note that equations (10) and (11) can be iterated forward to solve for thecorresponding multipliers:

�t = AtF0

Lt(Kt; Lt)� wt + Et




Ls(Ks; Ls)� ws

� sYk=t+1

(1� �Lk)


�t =U



+ wt + Et






+ ws



(1� �Lk) (16)

The Lagrange multiplier in the labor demand (supply) accumulationequation is the expected sum of instantaneous marginal values of the matchfor the representative �rm (worker), discounted and adjusted for the proba-bility of the match being dissolved in any given period.Similarly, the sum �t + �t of the two Lagrange multipliers can be inter-

preted as the lifetime surplus of the match� an expected sum of instanta-neous marginal values of the match discounted and adjusted for the proba-bility of the match being dissolved in any given period.

�t = AtF0

Lt(Kt; Lt)+U








Ls(Ks; Ls) +U





(1� �Lk)

(17)A standard way to close search and matching models is to assume that

the worker and the �rm use Nash bargaining over the wage and split thesurplus in constant proportions. However, Shimer (2005a) and Hall (2005b)argue that for a Mortensen-Pissarides-type model to �t the data one needsvariations in the bargaining power. In order to incorporate such a friction weclose the model by assuming that the surplus �t is split between the workerand the �rm according to a time-varying rule.2

We de�ne a variable �t to represent the fraction of the lifetime surplusof the match going to the worker, and (1 � �t) the fraction of the lifetimesurplus of the match going to the �rm. We assume that �t = (1� �t)�t and�t = �t�t. Hence, we refer to �t as the bargaining power of the worker as wellas the bargaining shock. Notice that allocations are economically ine¢ cient

2For a more general description of how we construct the bargaining shock see AppendixA.


whenever �t is di¤erent from the elasticity of the matching function withrespect to the number of unemployed.3

Substituting the bargaining shock and the lifetime surplus of the matchinto equations (10), (11), (12), (13) and (14) yields:

�t = AtF0

Lt(Kt; Lt) +U



+ �Et




�t+1 (1� �Lt+1)


(1� �t)�tMt

Vt= �





Ut= �




Equation (18) governs the behavior of the total value of the match. To-day�s value is equal to the instantaneous gain from a newly formed matchplus the future value, discounted and adjusted for the possibility of beingdestroyed tomorrow.Equations (19) and (20) equate the marginal bene�ts and marginal costs

of head-hunting and searching for a job respectively and thus pin down va-cancies and unemployment. Equations (21) and (22) below determine thereal wage and the discount factor for labor:

wt +




�t � �Et




�1� �Et




� AtF


Lt(Kt; Lt) +U




t+1 = ��t+1�t

(1� �Lt+1) (22)

A competitive equilibrium of the model economy is a solution to equations(5)-(9), (12), and (18)-(22) where fKt+1; Ct; Lt; Vt; Ut;�t; wt; qt;t; Yt;Mtgare endogenous variables and fAt; Tt; �Lt; Gt; Bt; �tg are the exogenous shocksof the model. The exogenous variables behave according to stochastic processesto be de�ned later.

3See Hosios (1990) for a detailed discussion.


1.3 Identifying assumptions

Most of the functional forms we use are standard in the literature. We assumethat the production function is Cobb-Douglas with constant returns to scale:

F (K;L) = K�L1�� (23)

We assume that the matching function is also Cobb-Douglas and consistentwith constant returns to scale:

M(U; V ) = U �V 1�� (24)

We postulate a utility function consistent with a balanced growth path andwhere fractions of time spent head-hunting and searching for a job entersymmetrically with the time spent on the production activity:

U(C;L; U; V ) = logC � �(L+ V + U)1+

1 + (25)

The functional form for hours is the only non-standard assumption we make.It implies that workers get the same disutility from working in productiveactivities as when searching for a job or head-hunting. This assumption mayseem somewhat extreme, but we assume that although individuals spendonly a few hours per week searching for a job, they also spend time in otheractivities that generate disutility: in expanding their network by makingphone calls, getting technical training, continuing their education, helpingtheir relatives or working in home production.Another implication of this assumption is that the costs of searching for

a job from the point of view of an unemployed worker and of a �rm with avacant position are equalized. While micro data sheds little light on how todiscipline these costs, this assumption delivers a clear-cut interpretation ofthe shocks. In the decomposition we perform this assumption distinguishesthe variations in labor market variables attributed to the bargaining shockfrom those attributed to the matching shock. It insures that any variationsin the search costs on the worker and �rm sides show up as variations inthe matching e¢ ciency shock, while variations in the wage-setting practicesshow up as the bargaining shock.In the decomposition we perform, this utility function also a¤ects the

behavior of the reservation value of the workers and search costs. The para-meter determines how much the labor costs fall as families spend less timein the labor market.


Given these functional forms and stochastic processes for the shocks, tobe explained later, the shocks are uniquely identi�ed. Appendix A explainsstep by step how given data on output, consumption, investment, hours,unemployment and vacancies one can recover the shocks.

1.4 Decomposing the Labor Wedge

Here we explore how the three labor market shocks a¤ect the labor wedgeand jointly determine its behavior. Combining equations (19) and (20) andsubstituting in the functional forms we get:

1� �t�t



�t = �U

0UtUt + U




Bt��t (1� �t)

1�� (27)

Substituting these into equation (18) moving everything except the mar-ginal product to one side and rearranging we get:


� 1 = 1

Bt��t (1� �t)

1�� � �EtU




1� �Lt+1


�1� �t+1


Equation (28) shows how the separation, bargaining and matching shockstogether form a connection between the marginal product of labor and themarginal rate of substitution between leisure and consumption: the laborwedge.Note that when the separation shock is non-persistent and since only its

expectation a¤ects the labor wedge, it cannot play a signi�cant quantitativerole. This is true because agents expect the separation rate next period to bein the neighborhood of the steady-state. However, in general both matchingand bargaining shocks can have a signi�cant e¤ect on the labor wedge.Changes in the matching shock are always going to matter, while the

importance of the bargaining shock depends on the relationship between �and the steady-state value of �t. Notice that an increase in the bargainingpower of workers always leads to a corresponding decrease in the bargainingpower of �rms and the total e¤ect of the term ��t (1� �t)

1�� depends on �.


Equation (29) states that if �ss is equal to � then the e¤ects of the bargainingshocks are negligible.

@��t (1� �t)1��





�t� 1� �

1� �t

���t (1� �t)


= 0 (29)

This implies that even when the Hosios condition does not hold exactly,but holds on average, changes in the bargaining power do not signi�cantlya¤ect the labor wedge. In fact the values of � and �ss have to be very farapart for the bargaining power to have a substantial e¤ect on the labor wedge.Therefore it is natural to expect matching shocks to play a dominant role indetermining the behavior of the labor wedge.

2 Methodology

This section describes the details of the estimation procedure. Our esti-mation strategy is di¤erent from that of CKM in three dimensions. First,because computing the shocks exactly involves solving a complicated �xedpoint problem, we apply the Kalman �lter to a linearized version of the modelto compute the shocks approximately.Second, though some of the parameters can be calibrated, others have no

analogs in the literature. In order to let the data choose appropriate valuesfor these parameters we apply a Bayesian estimation strategy, which usesthe Kalman �lter results from the �rst step and iterates over the parameterspace using Markov Chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) methods.Finally, estimation results can depend signi�cantly (see Cogley and Nason

(1995)) on the way the data is pre-�ltered. In order to avoid certain �lter-ing biases we minimize the extent to which we alter the data. We embedthe trends into the model. We describe in detail a procedure of detrendingthe model around a non-stationary stochastic trend, which we borrow fromFernandez-Villaverde and Rubio-Ramirez (2007).

2.1 Processes for the shocks

In the data real output, consumption and investment are nonstationary evenwith respect to a log-linear trend. To make the data comparable to the model,


the business cycle literature commonly uses the Hodrick-Prescott (HP) �lter.However, Cogley and Nason (1995) and Canova (1998) show that the use ofthe �lter introduces signi�cant biases into the data by amplifying business-cycle frequencies even if it does not have any. To avoid pre�ltering the datawe follow the approach presented in Fernandez-Villaverde and Rubio-Ramirez(2007) and assume random walks for the two processes that are commonlythought to be extremely persistent: the TFP and investment shocks At andTt4.We denote ass the mean growth rate of TFP, and � ss the mean growth

rate of the investment-speci�c technology. We assume that the rest of theshocks follow �rst-order autoregressive processes.We denote the separation rate in steady-state �Lss, the fraction of hours

spent on head-hunting in steady-state Bss, the average bargaining powerwhich determines the vacancy-unemployment ratio �ss, and the steady-statefraction of GDP consumed by the government gss. Also �� and �� denotethe standard deviations and autocorrelations of the shocks. All innovationsare assumed to be standard normal5. We do not put restrictions on thecorrelations of these innovations6.

2.2 Detrending

Here we describe how to detrend the model with respect to a pair of non-stationary trends. From the optimality conditions of the model we can seethat all variables except capital grow at a factor (ass��ss)

11�� . Then, if we

take the �rst di¤erences of the TFP and investment shocks by de�ningat =


= ass exp (�A"At), � t = TtTt�1

= � ss exp (�T "Tt), we can derive

an aggregate trend Z1��t = AtT�t , which will be common to all the vari-

ables except capital. Hence, we can de�ne detrended variables of the form:xt =


: Capital grows at a factor (ass� ss)1

1�� , so it is detrended as follows:

kt+1 =Kt+1


Similarly to the result of King et. al. (1988) given separability of theutility function, we need to assume logarithmic utility for there to exist abalanced growth path. This will not a¤ect our results since Hansen (1986)

4In fact using an HP-�lter does not change any of our main results.5We focus on realizations of �t and �Lt which are in the interval [0,1].6We estimated the model under di¤erent correlation structures and this assumption

does not a¤ect any of our results.


has shown that quantitatively the degree of risk aversion has almost no e¤ecton the behavior of quantities in real business cycle models.Appendix B shows the resulting detrended equilibrium conditions of the

model. This model possesses a unique steady-state� we describe the algo-rithm of computing the steady-state in Appendix B as well. We then linearizethe model around the steady-state, compute the state-space representationand estimate the parameters.

2.3 Data

We use six variables in our estimation procedure: 1) real per capita GDP,2) real per capita nondurable consumption expenditures, 3) real per capitagross private domestic investment (including durable consumption), 4) anindex of aggregate weekly per capita hours worked in private industries, 5)the unemployment rate and 6) the Conference Board help-wanted advertisingindex as a proxy for vacancies.All data are seasonally adjusted. Monthly data is averaged to make it

quarterly. We divide by population to obtain per capita values. This corre-sponds to modeling the economy using a representative household/�rm. Weremove an extremely low frequency trend from hours, unemployment andvacancies, using an hp-�lter with a smoothing parameter 100000 (we followShimer (2005a)). This removes long-run secular trends, which are a result ofdemographic and other factors unrelated to business cycles. We normalizethe resulting detrended indexes of hours and vacancies to one on average.We take logs of GDP, consumption and investment, and then take the �rstdi¤erence. All data we use is for the period 1964:I-2007:III.To be able to estimate the model we need to add six measurement equa-

tions corresponding to the six variables that we observe. Since the data forreal output, consumption and investment are modeled as nonstationary, wetake the �rst di¤erences of the data to make it comparable to the model.In addition, the de�nition of output in our model includes time spent head-hunting. In the real economy �rms are paying head-hunters a wage and it ismeasured as part of GDP. To account for this, we derive the price of timespent head-hunting, multiply it by the amount of time spent in this activityand include the product in our de�nition of GDP.Hours in our model correspond to the total time spent on the productive

activity and head-hunting. This index corresponds closely to total employ-ment Lt+Vt, since most of the cyclical variation in hours is on the extensive


margin (see Gertler, Sala, Trigari (2008) and Hall (2005b)) 7. Due to theabove correspondence between hours and employment, the time spent by therepresentative agent searching for a job as a fraction of the total time spentin the labor market Ut

Lt+Vt+Utcorresponds to the number of people searching

for a job as a fraction of people participating in the labor market� the unem-ployment rate. Changes in the help-wanted advertising index proxy changesin the number of vacancies Vt posted by �rms.

2.4 Calibration and Estimation

Our model has 9 structural parameters and 13 parameters that character-ize the shocks. The scale parameter Lss does not a¤ect the log-linearizedrepresentation of the model. There are three parameters standard to thebusiness-cycle literature that we calibrate. We set the share of capital inthe Cobb-Douglas production function � to 0.34, the discount factor � to0.99, the depreciation rate �K to 2.5% per quarter. We set the steady-statevalue of the government shock to 22% of GDP, the average value in the data.We also set the elasticity of matches to unemployment � to 0.7, the valueused by Shimer (2005a); this falls within the range of values plausible from amicroeconomic perspective reported by Blanchard and Diamond (1989). Wecalibrate this parameter because it is not well-identi�ed. We �nd that thisvalue of � helps us match the volatility of wages, a series which is not usedin our estimation procedure.From the average growth rates of investment, consumption and output we

infer the means of innovations to TFP and investment shocks. We calibratethem to be 0.16 percent and 0.12 percent per quarter respectively. Table 1summarizes the calibrated parameters.We estimate the model using Bayesian methods (see An and Schorfheide

(2007)). Linearized equations of the model combined with the linearizedmeasurement equations form a state-space representation of the model. Weapply the Kalman �lter to compute the likelihood of the data given themodel and to obtain smoothed estimates of the innovations to the shocks. Wecombine the likelihood function L

�Y Datajp

�, where p is the parameter vector,

with the priors �0 (p) to obtain the posterior distribution of the parameters��pjY Data

�= L

�Y Datajp

��0 (p). Draws from the posterior distribution are

7We have estimated the model using data on total employment instead of total hours.Most of our results remain unchanged. We prefer using hours so that we can directlycompare our results to CKM.


� � �K gss � ass � ss0.34 0.99 0.025 0.22 0.7 1.0016 1.0012

Table 1: Calibrated parameters

Parameter Prior PosteriorDistribution Mean S.D. Mean [5% 95%]

log Normal 0.00 2.000 3.54 [2.97, 4.43]�Lss Gamma 0.02 0.010 0.036 [0.030, 0.043]!ss Gamma 0.35 0.150 0.61 [0.49, 0.73]�ss Beta 0.50 0.200 0.56 [0.49, 0.64]

Table 2: Prior and posterior distributions of structural parameters

generated using the Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) algorithm. We usethe Random-Walk Metropolis-Hastings implementation.Table 2 reports the prior and posterior distributions of each structural

parameter. The parameter !ss represents the steady-state job �nding rate.We estimate the elasticity of the utility function with respect to labor to be3.548. This high elasticity leads to large variations in the value of non-marketactivity to be discussed later.We estimate the steady-state separation rate to be 3.6%. This is much

lower than Shimer�s (2005a) quarterly estimate of the separation probabilityfor employed workers. This di¤erence comes from the fact that our separa-tion rate corresponds to the average fraction of jobs permanently destroyedevery quarter. In additional to the permanent destruction an estimate of theseparation rate would include a component capturing short-term turnoverbetween employment and unemployment and a large job-to-job transitioncomponent. Assuming (following Shimer) that the average job �nding rateis 40% per month and the separation rate to be 3% per month, the e¤ec-tive number of people becoming and staying unemployed until next quartershould be around 2-3%, which is consistent with our estimate. Our modelimplies a 61% average job-�nding rate which is also comparable to Shimer�sestimates.We estimate the steady-state bargaining power �ss to be 0.56, which is

close to the value of 0.5 common in the literature (see Mortensen and Nagypal

8We assume a log normal distribution with the support on [�1;+1), which is equivalentto log ( + 1) being normally distributed.


Parameter Prior PosteriorDistribution Mean S.D. Mean [5%, 95%]

�S Beta 0.50 0.20 0.72 [0.65, 0.80]�M Beta 0.80 0.10 0.86 [0.84, 0.88]�B Beta 0.80 0.10 0.98 [0.96, 0.99]�G Beta 0.80 0.10 0.90 [0.87, 0.92]�A IGamma 0.02 0.010 0.0067 [0.0062, 0.0073]�T IGamma 0.02 0.010 0.0074 [0.0067, 0.0081]�S IGamma 0.25 0.100 0.180 [0.154, 0.212]�M IGamma 0.10 0.050 0.087 [0.070, 0.099]�B IGamma 0.10 0.050 0.046 [0.038, 0.055]�G IGamma 0.08 0.040 0.025 [0.022, 0.028]

Table 3: Prior and posterior distributions of shock parameters

(2007) and Hall (2005b)). The estimates of the two parameters !ss and �ssjointly imply, that the average reservation utility is approximately 80% ofthe worker�s marginal product. This moves in the direction of Hagedorn andManovsky�s (2008) calibration of the value of non-market activity (0.95) andis higher than the calibration of Hall (0.4). Our estimate of the parameter!ss also pins down the ratio of time spent head-hunting to time spent inthe production activity which turns out to be 4%. Taking into account theproximity of the shadow prices of di¤erent allocations of time, this mimicsclosely Hagedorn and Manovsky�s estimate of the cost of vacancies being3-4.5% of the quarterly wage. However, unlike their model, most of thevariation in the bargaining set comes from variations in the value of non-market activity, not the marginal product.Table 3 reports the prior and posterior distributions of the persistence and

variance parameters of the shocks. The separation rate is the least persistentwith a quarterly autoregressive parameter equal to 0.72. The matching andgovernment shocks are more persistent, but still signi�cantly less persistentthan a random walk. The persistence of government consumption is 0.90�exactly like in the data. The bargaining shock is close to a random walk. SeeFigures in Appendix C to compare the prior and posterior distributions ofthe parameters. Our model explains 100% of the variation in the six variablesand thus provides a decomposition we need for the business cycle accountingexercise.


3 Results

We divide our results into three parts. In the �rst part we show that thelabor wedge can be interpreted as the instantaneous welfare gain from a newmatch. This surplus shrinks in good times and expands in recessions. Thesecond part constitutes the descriptive core of our results. We describe thebehavior of the recovered shocks, measure their contributions and evaluatetheir e¤ects on the labor wedge, output and unemployment. We address thedebate between Fujita and Ramey (2007) and Shimer (2005a) on whetherjob destruction or job creation is more important for �uctuations in unem-ployment and output. The last part of this section constitutes the analyticcore of our results. It describes the mechanisms driving our results. We showthe predicted wage rate, compare it to the data and explain why the modelcan solve Shimer�s puzzle.

3.1 Behavior and Interpretation of the Labor Wedge

Following most of the literature, we de�ne the labor wedge as the ratio of themarginal rate of substitution between leisure and consumption (MRS) andthe marginal product of labor (MP). Figure 1 depicts the behavior of thesetwo determinants of the labor wedge. The shaded vertical areas correspondto the o¢ cial recession periods according to NBER. The picture forces oneto conclude that most of the volatility of the labor wedge comes from varia-tions in the marginal rate of substitution, rather than the marginal product.Though we estimate the elasticity of the utility function to be high, thisresult is true for most values of the elasticity used in the macro literature.9

In the context of our model, the labor wedge has a new interpretation.The MRS represents the reservation value (outside option) of workers whenbargaining over the wage, which implies that the di¤erence between the MPand the MRS represents the instantaneous welfare gain of a new match.10

It is clear from Figure 1 that the bargaining set narrows in good times andwidens signi�cantly in recessions. Thus, in bad times the labor wedge widens,re�ecting an increase in the value of new matches and vice versa.

9If we �x the elasticity at lower values and re-estimate the model, the results are verysimilar.10The behavior of the instantaneous gain is very similar to that of the lifetime gain.


3.2 Behavior of the Underlying Shocks

Given the estimated parameter values, we can compute the underlying shocksusing the Kalman �lter. Figure 2 describes the behavior of the recoveredshocks over the whole forty-�ve year period. Note that TFP and investmentshocks are random walks with drifts, while the rest of the processes arestationary.We �nd that total factor productivity slows down at the beginning of each

recession. The investment speci�c technology tends to increase in recessionsand has a negligible e¤ect on output and the labor market variables. Thissupports the main �nding of CKM, that the investment wedge plays onlya tertiary role in U.S. business cycles. The government shock as well asthe investment shock, only a¤ects consumption and investment. Becausewe are primarily interested in the behavior of output, hours, unemploymentand vacancies, for the rest of the exposition we abstract from the behavior ofinvestment and government shocks. Instead we focus on technological shocksand shocks that make up the labor wedge.

Figure 1: The Labor Wedge

Figure 2 demonstrates that the separation rate tends to be high at thebeginning of each recession.11 The wave of separations typically starts earlier11As a consistency check note, these spikes in the separation rate typically coincide with


Figure 2: The six shocks

than the recession itself and dies out quickly� within a year after the startof a recession.Notice as well the large decreases in the matching e¢ ciency at later stages

of recessions which lead to declines in the number of new matches and, hence,cause the amounts of hours worked to fall. While the outside option ofthe worker tends to decrease in recessions because of a decrease in theirmarginal disutility of work, an increase in the bargaining power tends toleave wages largely unchanged. Thus, our �nding that bargaining power ofworkers increases signi�cantly during recessions is consistent with a view ofwage stickiness as a major source of ine¢ ciency in the labor market.Let us now take a closer look at the timing of shocks. From Figure 2 it is

clear that declines in TFP slightly precede increases in the separation rate.An increase in the separation rate is typically followed by an increase in thebargaining power of workers which precedes or coincides with a decrease inthe matching shock (see also cross-correlations in Appendix D). This impliesthat shocks to the separation rate are important at early stages of recessions,and bargaining and matching shocks come into play later.

spikes observed in Shimer�s data.


3.3 Decomposition of the Labor Wedge

To measure the contribution of each shock to a given variable, we shut downthe innovations to it and simulate the model. We obtain paths of output,hours, unemployment and vacancies, which would have taken place, if onlythis distortion were absent. This allows us to compare the actual paths ofvariables to their hypothetical paths in a world where one of the imperfectionsis absent.Shutting down innovations to each one of the labor market shocks reveals

a striking picture. Figure 3 shows that absence of separation and bargainingshocks leaves the labor wedge essentially unchanged, while the absence ofshocks to matching e¢ ciency produces an essentially constant labor wedge.Thus, most of the �uctuations in the labor wedge are explained by matchingshocks alone.

Figure 3: The decomposition of the labor wedge

Remember that when the Hosios condition holds on average, changes inthe bargaining power do not a¤ect the labor wedge. Our calibration of �of 0.7 as suggested by Shimer and our estimate of the steady-state value ofthe bargaining power of 0.56 are not that far.12 Hence, our result that the

12The e¤ects of the di¤erence between � and �ss are second order, so a di¤erence of 20%would account for 0:22=2 = 2% of variations in the labor wedge.


Figure 4: Output with all but one shock

bargaining shock has little or no e¤ect on the labor wedge is not all thatsurprising.

3.4 Decomposition of Output and Unemployment

To analyze in detail the e¤ects of each shock on output and unemploymentand the timing patterns, we focus on the 2001 recession episode, which is thelast recession in our sample. We use this recession to illustrate our results asit is easier to see the results in a more detailed graph than it is to see themin a graph containing the whole period. At the end of the section, we showthat the results hold for all recession periods in the sample.As in the previous subsection, we compare the actual path of GDP with

paths it would have taken if we eliminate e¤ects of just one of the shocks.Although only matching shocks matter for the labor wedge, the impact

on output is not so clear-cut. Figure 4 illustrates the e¤ects of shocks toTFP, the separation rate, the bargaining power of workers and the matchinge¢ ciency on output.The vertical axis measures percentage deviations from the path that out-

put would have followed, if all the shocks were constant (the random walkswould preserve their drifts, but innovations are shut down). The solid line


depicts the actual path of output in the data. The rest of the lines depictthe paths of output if we shut down innovations to just one of the shocks,eliminating its e¤ect on the economy.Figure 4 shows that if there were no change in total factor productivity,

the recession probably would not have started. If there were no separationshocks at the early stage of the recession, output would have fallen by halfas much. The bargaining shocks added to the depth of the recession, whileshocks to matching e¢ ciency are key to understanding the slow recovery: inthe absence of the adverse matching shocks, the economy would have fullyrecovered by summer of 2003.Thus, Figure 4 demonstrates that although matching shocks explain most

of the dynamics of the labor wedge, they can only account for a fraction ofoutput dynamics. While shocks to TFP and the separation rate start reces-sions by accounting for the initial slowdown in output, the role of bargainingand matching shocks is to deepen the recession and delay the recovery.Figure 5 depicts a similar decomposition of unemployment. It follows

from Figure 5 that separation shocks are responsible for the initial increasein unemployment. Increases in the bargaining power of workers start playinga role only once the economy is already in a recession, reinforcing this initialincrease in unemployment. Declines in matching e¢ ciency leave unemploy-ment at a high level for a longer period of time after the o¢ cial recession hasalready ended, thus accounting for the so-called jobless recovery.Therefore, after some �rms in the economy have become less productive,

the role of the separation shock is to create the initial pool of unemployedpeople. As the number of unemployed goes up, the reservation value ofworkers goes down signi�cantly� they are willing to work at a lower wage.The sluggish response of wages drives up the bargaining power of the workers,while the �rm is now in a worsened position. As a result �rms start postingless vacancies, and there are more and more unemployed in the market.Consistent with this explanation, the sharp increase in the bargaining powerof workers accounts for the bulk of changes in unemployment and vacanciesin the second phase of the recession.As the number of workers seeking jobs is high and the number of vacancies

is low, the matching e¢ ciency goes down, thus causing output to fall deeperand the recession to last longer. Figure 5 con�rms that if there were nodecline in matching e¢ ciency, the recovery from the recession would havebeen much faster. Hence, the so-called "jobless recovery" is due mainly tomatching shocks. We attribute this to some form of congestion, which still


Figure 5: Unemployment with all but one shock

requires an explanation. It can also be some form of disorganization, whenthe least e¢ cient and more specialized workers become desperate to �nd a joband wait until better times, consistent with the idea of rest unemployment.

3.5 Decompositions: Summary

Note that the statements made regarding the last recession hold more gen-erally over the period of interest. A similar decomposition of the previousfour recession episodes shows that the emphasized pattern holds more gener-ally: separations create the initial pool of unemployed, and adverse matchingshocks slow down the recovery.To summarize contributions of each shock to each variable of interest, we

set all the other shocks to their steady-state values and simulate the model.We obtain paths of output, hours, unemployment and vacancies, which wouldhave taken place if all the other distortions except one were absent. Table 4reports fractions of standard deviations of output, hours, unemployment andvacancies, that can be explained by each one of the shocks.The contribution of the "labor wedge" is measured by hitting the econ-

omy by three shocks: separation, bargaining and matching� at the sametime. Earlier we have shown that in our model the "labor wedge" is an


Shock TFP Invest-t Labor Separation Matching BargainingOutput 0.67 0.09 0.71 0.31 0.61 0.14Hours 0.07 0.12 1.03 0.41 1.10 0.25Unemp-t 0.06 0.04 1.02 1.08 1.26 0.67Vacancies 0.06 0.04 1.04 0.85 0.95 1.23

Table 4: Ratios of standard deviations explained by each shock over thewhole period

exact combination of just these three shocks (see equation (28)). We thusprovide an exact decomposition of the labor wedge into job destruction andjob creation shocks.These results address the debate between Fujita and Ramey (2007) and

Shimer (2005b) on whether job destruction or job creation is more importantfor �uctuations in unemployment and output. We �nd that although shocksto job creation are more important for the behavior of output and unemploy-ment, shocks to job destruction cannot be ignored. Changes in the separationrate account for a signi�cant fraction of �uctuations and explain the initialincrease in unemployment and decrease in output. Essentially, these shocksstart the recession. Thus, even though their contribution is relatively small,without job destruction shocks recessions might not have happened in the�rst place.

3.6 Wages and Shimer�s Puzzle

In an in�uential paper, Shimer (2005a) shows that a standard Mortensen-Pissarides-type model, when hit by productivity shocks of plausible magni-tude, predicts wages to be more volatile than in the data, while generatingrelatively small variations in unemployment and vacancies. This is known asShimer�s puzzle.Our model �ts the volatility of unemployment and vacancies by construc-

tion. Figure 6 depicts the behavior of wages predicted by the model andcompares it to data (adjusted for the stochastic trend). The model predictswages as volatile as in the data, and the correlation between the two is high(0.56). It is important to consider that we are not using observed wages inthe estimation procedure. The ability of the model to generate a wage seriesthat close to the observed one is remarkable.The predicted wage level splits the instantaneous value of the match be-


Figure 6: Wages: model versus data

tween the worker and the �rm in the proportion of their bargaining weights,as illustrated by Figure 7.Figure 7 demonstrates that while the reservation value of workers falls

in recessions, wages stay fairly constant, thus indicating that the bargainingpower of workers increases in recessions. This result supports wage stickinessas a mechanism behind the large changes in the bargaining power of theworkers. However, unlike previous models of Hall (2005a) and Farmer andHollenhorst (2006), where increases in the bargaining power in recessions werea result of declines in the marginal product combined with wage stickiness, inour model they are a consequence of declines in the reservation value (MRS)together with wage stickiness.Thus, allowing for changes in the marginal rate of substitution between

consumption and leisure and, consequently, for changes in the reservationvalue of workers, our model both matches the volatile behavior of unemploy-ment and vacancies, and predicts an absence of signi�cant �uctuations inwages, just as in the data. Hence, by allowing for variations in the outsideoption of workers our model provides a mechanism, which can solve Shimer�spuzzle.Why do we get these large swings in the marginal rate of substitution,

in the matching e¢ ciency and in the bargaining power? We think that this


should be a general result in models where agents decide on the margin. Moreprecisely, we argue that models, where workers and �rms equalize bene�tsand costs of searching for a job and opening a vacancy, would predict sizablechanges both in shocks and incentives.First, notice that when workers choose whether to search for a job (equa-

tion (14)), they equate the cost of searching for a job� which is equal to theMRS in our model� with the potential bene�ts of forming a match times theprobability of �nding a job. The bene�ts are equal to the present discountedvalue of the wages minus the cost of working, which is also equal to MRS:

Figure 7: Variations in the bargaining set

MRSt = �t�tMt

Ut= PV (Wt �MRSt)



Given that in the data the job �nding probability Mt

Utdeclines signi�cantly

in recessions (documented by Shimer (2005a)) and the wage is fairly constant,equation (30) implies that the MRS has to fall by a fair amount. In themodel the large swings in the MRS are due to the estimated elasticity ofthe utility function of 3.54� a signi�cantly bigger number than 0.5, typicallyassumed in the RBC literature. This result leads us to obtain a much morevolatile series for the labor wedge, which, nonetheless, matches the behavior


of previous estimates very well. For a comparison of our labor wedge withthe labor wedge of CKM, see Appendix D.Secondly, notice that when �rms choose whether to open a new vacancy,

they also equate the competitive salary they pay to a head-hunter with thepotential bene�ts of forming a match times the probability of �nding a workerto �ll the vacancy. The bene�ts are equal to the present discounted value ofthe marginal product minus the wage that they pay to the worker:

MRSt = (1� �t) �tMt

Vt= PV (MPt �Wt)Bt



Given that we have already established the signi�cant decreases in theMRS in recessions, and taking into account the fact that in the data unem-ployment increases, while the number of vacancies falls and both the wageand the marginal product are not very volatile, equation (31) implies thatthe matching e¢ ciency has to fall signi�cantly in recessions.Combining equations (30) and (31) one can �nd that the bargaining power

of the workers is directly pinned down by the market tightness:

1� �t�t



Thus, when unemployment increases and there are fewer vacancies, thebargaining power of workers has to increase by a comparable amount. Vari-ations in the separation rate that we estimate are a residual of the laboraccumulation equation in the productive sector.To summarize, for a model, where both households and �rms decide on

the margin how much time to spend searching for each other, to matchaggregate data, one needs to generate large changes in both the marginal rateof substitution between consumption and leisure and the bargaining power ofworkers. Procyclical reservation values, along with countercyclical bargainingpower of workers, help match the volatile behavior of unemployment andvacancies and predict absence of signi�cant �uctuations in wages, just as inthe data. This mechanism provides a solution to Shimer�s puzzle.

4 Conclusion

Motivated by the fact that variations in the labor wedge account for a largefraction of business cycle �uctuations, we look at the labor wedge through


the lens of a search and matching model. Using a model that features time-varying search and matching frictions in the spirit of Mortensen and Pis-sarides (1994), Shimer (2005a) and Hall (2005a) we decompose the laborwedge into three broad classes of frictions captured by separation, bargainingand matching shocks. Using a business cycle accounting methodology simi-lar to that of Chari, Kehoe and McGrattan (2007), we identify the sourcesof variations in the labor wedge and assess the importance of job destruc-tion (separation) and job creation (bargaining and matching) frictions forbusiness cycles.We �nd that imperfections in the job destruction and bargaining processes

are not helpful in explaining the labor wedge which is mainly driven bymatching shocks. This implies that theories emphasizing wage stickiness andendogenous job destruction are not very useful for explaining the behavior ofthe labor wedge. Instead, according to our results, more attention should bedevoted to studying frictions equivalent to the matching shock in our model,for example, frictions that lead to cyclical variations in job creation costs,search e¤ort, or coordination problems. More speci�cally, one potential mi-crofoundation for the matching shock in our model is proposed by Lester(forthcoming), who shows that when �rms have the ability to post multiplevacancies then the e¢ ciency of the matching process depends on the distri-bution of vacancies among �rms, increasing in concentration of vacancies.Although only matching shocks a¤ect the labor wedge, both frictions

in job creation and job destruction play an important role in output andunemployment �uctuations. We �nd that job destruction and job creationshocks play a role at di¤erent points in time. In a recession, separation shocksaccount for the initial increase in unemployment, bargaining shocks helpamplify the increase in unemployment, while matching shocks are responsiblefor the slow recovery.Finally, our results also provide a potential solution to Shimer�s puzzle.

We �nd that introducing variations in the reservation value of workers is afeature worth exploring in search and matching models in order to match theobserved volatility of unemployment, vacancies and wages.


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A Appendix.

A.1 Appendix A

In the following subsection we show the solution to the same model as in themain body of the paper, but when solved as a social planner�s problem. Thedecentralized version of the model has a missing equilibrium condition thatis typically replaced with a Nash bargaining condition to �x the real wage.We take advantage of this missing condition, and by comparing the socialplanner�s solution with the decentralized version of the model, we constructa time varying bargaining shock, which implicitly determines the wage rate.

A.1.1 The Social Planner�s Problem

To compare competitive allocations with an e¢ cient one we solve the socialplanning problem. The social planner maximizes the discounted present valueof the utility function:




�tU (Ct; Lt; Vt; Ut;) (33)

subject to

Ct +1

Tt(Kt+1 � (1� �K)Kt) +Gt � AtF (Kt; Lt) (34)

Lt = (1� �L)Lt�1 +Mt (35)

The optimality conditions of the planner are given by:


Tt= �Et





Kt+1(Kt; Lt) +


Tt(1� �K)



Lt(Kt; Lt) +U



= �t � �Et




�t+1 (1� �Lt)





= �t@Mt





= �t@Mt



Together with equations (7)-(8) they describe the allocations a social plan-ner would choose. �t is the Lagrange multiplier associated with the laboraccumulation constraint. Given that Tt, At, �Lt, Gt and Bt are exogenous, wehave a system of eight equations and eight unknowns fKt+1; Lt; Ct;Mt; Yt; Vt; Ut;�tg.

A.1.2 Constructing a Time Varying Bargaining Shock

By comparing the social planner�s optimality conditions with those of thedecentralized problem, we can �nd the necessary assumptions to make thedecentralized problem e¢ cient.

By putting equations (12) and (13) together we get that �U0Vt


= �tMt


and if we compare this expression with equation (38), and equation (14) withequation (39), we need


Vt= �t




Ut= �t



so that the optimality conditions on vacancies and unemployment are thesame in the decentralized and planner�s problem. Furthermore, if we assumethat the matching function has constant returns to scale

@M(Ut; Vt)

@UtUt +

@M(Ut; Vt)

@VtVt =M(Ut; Vt) (42)

then �t = �t + �t and the decentralized outcome is Pareto-optimal. Hence,the Hosios condition for e¢ ciency is given by:

�t = �t@Mt




�t = �t@Mt




As an illustration, assume @Mt

@UtUtMt= � and @Mt

@VtV tMt= (1��), which together

with conditions (43) and (44) give

�t = (1� �)�t (45)



�t = ��t (46)

Notice that if we replace equations (45) and (46) in equations (10) and(11) and sum them up, we get equation (37), hence the optimality condi-tions for labor in the decentralized version become equal to the optimalitycondition for labor in the planners problem.Furthermore, if we divide equation (10) by equation (11) and use equa-

tions (45) and (46) we get

wt +U0Lt


AtF0Lt(Kt; Lt)� wt


�t � �Et



�t+1 (1� �Lt+1)

��t � �Et



�t+1 (1� �Lt+1)

� =�

1� �(47)

Given that wt is the wage earned by the worker, and �U0Lt


is his reser-

vation utility, the term wt +U0Lt


represents the instantaneous bene�t from

the match earned by the worker. Since the bargaining power of the workeris constant and equal to �, the optimal wage rate satis�es

wt +U



!= �



Lt(Kt; Lt) +U




where AtF0Lt(Kt; Lt) +



is the di¤erence between the marginal product of

labor and the marginal disutility of labor. This term represents the instan-taneous marginal value of the match, and a fraction � goes to the worker.To introduce the time varying bargaining shock we build on this result,

re-parameterize and substitute � by �t. �t is time varying and follows anexogenous autoregressive process. Notice that replacing � by �t implies thatallocations are suboptimal whenever �t 6= �.Equations (45) and (46) are replaced by

�t = (1� �t)�t (49)

�t = �t�t (50)

Once again if we substitute equations (49) and (50) in (10) and (11) we getequation (37) so it is still true that the optimality conditions for labor of the


decentralized version imply the optimality condition for labor of the planner�sproblem. Dividing equation (10) by equation (11) and using equations (49)and (50) we get

wt +U0Lt


AtF0Lt(Kt; Lt)� wt


�t�t � �Et



�t+1�t+1 (1� �Lt+1)

�(1� �t)�t � �Et



(1� �t+1)�t+1 (1� �Lt+1)


hence, the optimal wage rate satis�es

wt +




�t � �Et




�1� �Et




� AtF


Lt(Kt; Lt) +U




where t+1 =�t+1�t(1� �Lt+1) and can be interpreted as a stochastic discount

factor for labor.

A.1.3 Identi�cation

In this section we show how given data on allocations: output, investment,consumption, employment, vacancies and unemployment one can solve forthe shocks. Let us �rst rewrite the equations of the model given the para-metric assumptions and functional forms used in the paper:

Yt = AtK�t L

1��t (53)

Xt = Kt+1 � (1� �K)Kt (54)

Ct +Xt

Tt+Gt = Yt (55)

Lt = (1� �Lt)Lt�1 +BtU�t V

1��t (56)


Tt= �Et



+(1� �K)




�t = wt � Ct� (Lt + Ut + Vt) + �Et


�t+1 (1� �Lt+1) (58)

�t = (1� �)YtLt� wt + �Et


�t+1 (1� �Lt+1) (59)

Ct� (Lt + Ut + Vt) = �tBt



Ct� (Lt + Ut + Vt) = �tBt



�t�t=1� �t�t


Now we shall describe a mechanism to recover the shocks given parame-ters and functional forms. Given data on consumption Ct (or governmentspending Gt), output Yt, investment Xt, employment Lt + Vt, number of va-cancies Vt and the unemployment rate Ut

Lt+Vt+Ut, one can uniquely recover the

time path for the variables of interest Lt,Vt,Ut. Then equation (54) uniquelypins down the path for capital given the initial level K0, equation (53) pinsdown the e¢ ciency shock At, equation (55) pins down consumption or gov-ernment spending, equation (57) can be solved forward to obtain the pathfor the investment shock as in CKM.From equations (60) and (61) it follows that �tUt = �tVt. Then summing

up equations (58) and (59) one obtains:

�Ct� (Lt + Ut + Vt) + (1� �)


= �t

�1 +


�� �Et



�1 +


�(1� �Lt+1) (63)

Using equation (60) the Lagrange multiplier �t can be expressed as afunction of the matching shock Bt:

�t =� (Lt + Ut + Vt)



�1�� (64)


Also the separation rate is connected to the matching shock through thelabor accumulation equation (56):

(1� �Lt+1) =Lt+1 �Bt+1U




Then substituting equations (64) and (65) into equation (63) we obtain:0B@ 1 + VtUt�


�1�� 1Bt � 11CALt =

(1� �)YtCt� (Lt + Ut + Vt)

+ (66)


1 + Vt+1Ut+1�


�1�� �Lt+1 + Ut+1 + Vt+1Lt + Ut + Vt

� �Lt+1Bt+1

� U �t+1V1��t+1

Equation (66) provides a forward-looking equation for the matching shockBt+1 as a function of Bt. Solving this equation recursively given some initialvalue B0 we can recover the whole path for the matching shock. Then equa-tion (65) allows us to back up the separation rate, equations (61) and (60)allow us to calculate the Lagrange multipliers �t and �t. Then from equation(62) we can compute the bargaining shock �t.Altogether equations (54-62) describe a one-to-one mapping between the

data and the underlying shocks. However the algorithm described here ishard to implement directly for two reasons. First, the equations are forwardlooking and can only be solved under certain assumptions about expectationformation. Second, many of the parameters of the model are unknown andcannot be simply calibrated from microeconomic data. That is the reasonwhy we postulate stochastic processes for the shocks, linearize the modelaround a steady-state to compute an approximate solution and use Kalman�lter to recover the underlying processes for the shocks.

A.2 Appendix B

A.2.1 The Detrended Model

Once we detrend all the variables of the model, we come to the followingrepresentation:


Et t+1


� 1� �K� t+1

�= 1

yt = atk�t L


ct + ztkt+1 � (1� �K)kt� t+ gt = yt

�t =

�(1� �)

ytLt� �t

�+ Et t+1�t+1 (1� �Lt)


�t V


��t = (Vt + Ut)�t

�tVt = (1� �t)Ut

Lt = (1� �Lt)Lt�1 +BtU�t V


z1��t = at��t

mt = (1� �Lt)�t�t�1

t = �




�t = �ct (Lt + Ut + Vt)

qt = (1� �t) �tBt


���1� Etmt+1 t+1

�(wt � �t) =

��t � Etmt+1 t+1�t+1

��(1� �)

ytLt� �t

at = ass exp (�At"At)


� t = � ss exp (�Tt"Tt)

log �Lt = (1� �S) log �Lss + �S log �Lt�1 + �S"St

logBt = (1� �M) log bss + �M logBt�1 + �M"Mt

log �t = (1� �B) log �ss + �B log �t�1 + �B"Bt

log gt = (1� �G) log gssyss + �G log gt�1 + �G"Gt

d logGDPt = logyt + qtVt

yt�1 + qt�1Vt�1zt�1

d logConst = logctct�1


d log Invt = logkt+1zt� t � (1� �K) kt

ktzt�1� t�1 � (1� �K) kt�1zt�1� t�1

Hourst =Lt + VtLss + Vss

Unempt =Ut

Lt + Vt + Ut:

HWantt =VtVss

A.2.2 Computing the Steady-State.

Choose a value of Lss1) zss = (ass�



2) Denote ' =��

zss�+ 1��K



�� 11��

3) kss = 'Lss yss = ass'�Lss

4) css =h(1� gss) ass'

� ��zss � (1��K)



5) Bss =1!ss



6) Uss = !ss�LLss Vss =1��ss�ss


7) � = yssLsscss


�ss(1� �


�8) We have assumed a normalization � = �


9) �ss = �css mss = 1� �L10) �ss = �css


11) wss = �ss (1� �) yssLss� (1� �ss)�ss

12) ss =�zss

qss = �ss


A.3 Appendix C

Figure 8: Prior (grey) and posterior (black) distributions of parameters


Wedge E¢ ciency Investment LaborOutput 0.73 0.31 0.59

Table 5: Ratios of standard deviations explained by each wedge. Source:Chari, Kehoe and McGrattan (2007)

A.4 Appendix D

A.4.1 Comparison to CKM

Figure 9: Comparison of the Labor Wedge to the Estimate of CKM

A.4.2 Full Decompositions and Correlation Structure

Table 5 reports the numbers from the original paper by Chari, Kehoe andMcGrattan (2007). Comparing the second row of Tables 5 and 6 one canverify that our decompositions are comparable with those of CKM sincethe di¤erence in the contributions of TFP, Investment and Labor shocks isinsigni�cant. Table 6 also gives a clearer picture of the relative contributionsof the labor shocks.Table 7 reports the same fractions of standard deviations as Table 4, but

averaged over a selection of recession periods. It demonstrates that duringrecessions the labor wedge and TFP play a slightly more important role inbusiness cycles than in normal times, while the contribution of investmentshocks is negligible both in recessions and overall.


Shock TFP Investment Government LaborOutput 0.67 0.09 0.05 0.70Consumption 0.68 0.86 0.65 0.51Investment 0.57 0.43 0.40 0.41Hours 0.07 0.12 0.08 1.02Unemployment 0.06 0.04 0.04 1.00Vacancies 0.06 0.04 0.04 1.00

Shock TFP Separation Matching BargainingOutput 0.67 0.32 0.61 0.14Consumption 0.68 0.38 0.63 0.07Investment 0.57 0.38 0.51 0.05Hours 0.07 0.41 1.10 0.25Unemployment 0.06 1.08 1.26 0.67Vacancies 0.06 0.85 0.95 1.23

Table 6: Ratios of standard deviations explained by each shock over thewhole period (1964-2007)

Shock TFP Investment Government LaborOutput 0.76 0.08 0.05 0.71Consumption 0.71 0.87 0.66 0.48Investment 0.68 0.47 0.48 0.42Hours 0.05 0.05 0.06 1.02Unemployment 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.99Vacancies 0.05 0.03 0.03 1.01

Shock TFP Separation Matching BargainingOutput 0.76 0.34 0.62 0.16Consumption 0.71 0.36 0.56 0.19Investment 0.68 0.48 0.52 0.06Hours 0.05 0.28 0.82 0.31Unemployment 0.04 0.48 0.57 0.60Vacancies 0.05 0.60 0.68 1.41

Table 7: Ratios of standard deviations explained by each shock averaged over5 recessions (70,75,82,91,01)


Correlation of X with Y at lag kShocks (X,Y) -2 -1 0 1 2TFP, Investment -0.70 -0.68 -0.61 -0.58 -0.54TFP, Government 0.08 0.03 -0.01 -0.04 -0.06Investment, Government -0.14 -0.16 -0.15 -0.13 -0.10TFP, Separation -0.44 -0.45 -0.44 -0.39 -0.29TFP, Matching -0.39 -0.31 -0.21 -0.12 -0.00TFP, Bargaining 0.26 0.11 -0.02 -0.15 -0.26Separation, Bargaining 0.89 0.85 0.72 0.57 0.43Separation, Matching -0.77 -0.68 -0.55 -0.39 -0.25Bargaining, Matching -0.72 -0.83 -0.89 -0.90 -0.85

Table 8: Cross Correlations of Shocks and Their Lags

Table 8 reports cross correlations of shocks at di¤erent lags con�rmingthe picture of TFP and separation shocks starting recessions and bargainingand matching shocks coming into play only later on.

A.5 Appendix E

Figure 10 demonstrates the emphasized decomposition of unemployment forprevious four recession episodes: separations create the initial pool of unem-ployed, and adverse matching shocks slow down the recovery.Figure 11 shows that if there was no change in the labor wedge, the

recession would have been much shorter (if at all noticeable) and half assevere. If there was no change in total factor productivity, the recessionprobably wouldn�t have started. Absence of investment shocks would havealmost no e¤ect on the path of output. Thus the TFP shock is at workmostly at the start of the recession of 2001. The labor wedge explains thebulk of �uctuations in output after the recession has started.Figure 12 shows that matching shocks are the main source of declines in

the number of hours worked. Figure 13 demonstrates that bargaining shocksare the main source of declines in the number of vacancies during the 2001recession.


Figure 10: E¤ects of separation and matching shocks on unemployment

Figure 11: Output with all but one shock


Figure 12: Hours with all but one shock

Figure 13: Vacancies with all but one shock