Brueguel. Children games Actividades. Comprensión OralPura Escucha, señala, ejecuta, simula...

Post on 31-Mar-2015

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Brueguel. Children games


Comprensión Oral

Pura Escucha, señala, ejecuta, simula accionesEscucha y sigue direccionesEscucha y colorea/dibujaEscucha e identificaEscucha y ordena/secuencia

Mixta Escucha y repiteEscucha, señala y nombraEscucha y completa frases/cuestionariosEscucha y eligeAudición de cuentosCancionesJuegos

Listen and point

Listen and do Listen and


Listen and tick/cross

Listen and colour

Listen and order

Listen and follow instructions

Listen and identify

True or false

Peter likes playing the guitar

Listen and draw

She’s got big blue eyes, long blond hair, small ears and a red mouth with full lips

Comprensión oral pura

Listen and say

Listen, read and say

Comprensión oral mixta

Listen, read and answer

Listen, read and circle

Listen, read and tick

Listen, read and tickListen, identify and answer

Listen, read and write

Listen, read and make sentences

Expresión oral

Contar vivencias, experiencias, cuentosCuestionariosEntrevistasInformation-gapSimulaciones y Juegos de rolDramatizacionesJuegosCanciones, rimas, limericks

Joint the dots and say





in pairs



What does she have on Monday afternoon?Student A Ask your partner questions and complete Susan's timetable:

Morning Afternoon

Monday Maths

Tuesday English Sport


Thursday Science

Friday Social Studies

Student B Ask your partner questions and complete Susan's timetable:

Morning Afternoon

Monday Social Studies


Wednesday Maths Science

Thursday Art

Friday English



Simulations and role-plays

Call a friend and invite him/her

to go somewhere with you. If he/she accepts,

Suggest a place and a time to meet. Before inviting

him/her find out whenhe/she is free

A friend will call youTo invite you to go

somewhere with him/her.Write a diary for the

week, leaving one day freeYou can accept or decline

the invitation accordingTo your likes and

preferences. If youdecline his/her

invitation, suggetssomething else

to do

Student A Student B

