Cuaderno de Apuntes Ingls III

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Vicerrectoría Académica Cuaderno de Apuntes – 2009

Cuaderno de Apuntes de uso exclusivo de los estudiantes del Instituto Profesional AIEP. Prohibida su reproducción. Derechos reservados AIEP. 1

I. IDENTIFICACIÓN NOMBRE DEL MÓDULO: INGLÉS III UNIDAD DE COMPETENCIA: al finalizar el módulo los participantes serán capaces de:

Interactuar verbalmente en un nivel pre-intermedio del idioma inglés en forma oral y escrita, teniendo como finalidad la comunicación efectiva e inteligible, con un repertorio léxico de 2.300 términos.

DURACIÓN: 72 horas pedagógicas

II. DESCRIPCIÓN POR ÁREA DE FORMACIÓN Y PRERREQUISITO ÁREA DE FORMACIÓN: básica UBICACIÓN EN LA MALLA: 5to semestre (a excepción de las carreras Técnico en Comercio Internacional y

Técnico en Comunicación y Relaciones Públicas) PRERREQUISITO: Inglés II III. UNIDADES DE APRENDIZAJE 1ª UNIDAD: Técnicas de lenguaje y desarrollo de vocabulario DURACIÓN: 72 horas pedagógicas Aprendizajes Esperados: 1. Producir diálogos para presentarse y presentar a alguien. 2. Describir ocupaciones, trabajos y rutinas diarias. 3. Describir hábitos para utilizar el dinero. 4. Producir diálogos para solicitar y entregar información sobre precios de productos en el contexto de una tienda. 5. Comparar las principales características de un producto con respecto a otro. 6. Expresar opiniones y preferencias. 7. Expresar gustos y preferencias sobre películas, música, programas de televisión, entre otros. 8. Realizar invitaciones formales. Aceptar o rechazar invitaciones, dando excusas. 9. Describir actividades que se están desarrollando en el momento o actividades que son momentáneas. 10. Describir hechos de la vida familiar desde el punto de vista estadístico. 11. Describir la frecuencia con que se realiza una actividad determinada y la habilidad que se tiene en ella, en el contexto del tiempo

libre y los deportes. 12. Describir la habilidad para desarrollar diferentes actividades en forma oral y/ o escrita. 13. Describir actividades realizadas en el pasado reciente. 14. Describir vecindarios y preguntar sobre la existencia y ubicación de diferentes lugares

IV. ORIENTACIONES METODOLÓGICAS A) GENERALES: - Iniciar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje a partir de los conocimientos previos de los estudiantes. Diagnóstico. - Centrar la docencia en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes, más que en la enseñanza. - El estudiante debe crear significancia de su aprendizaje y cumplir un rol activo en su autoconstrucción. Lo que involucra además

situar y vincular permanentemente los aprendizajes, contenidos y actividades con el contexto social y laboral de los estudiantes y carrera que estudian.

Vicerrectoría Académica Cuaderno de Apuntes – 2009

Cuaderno de Apuntes de uso exclusivo de los estudiantes del Instituto Profesional AIEP. Prohibida su reproducción. Derechos reservados AIEP. 2

- Utilizar la resolución de problemas como uno de los ejes fundamentales de la enseñanza-aprendizaje. - Promover en los estudiantes la reflexión sobre sus conocimientos y las posibles implicaciones de sus actos. - Promover aprendizajes de conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes, integrados y relevantes en el contexto de la carrera. B) ESPECÍFICAS: - Presentación centrada en el estudiante por parte del profesor de los diferentes contenidos temáticos, funcionales y gramaticales. - Desarrollo de diferentes ejercicios de práctica tanto orales como escritos. - Actividades de comprensión de lectura (actividades de pre-reading, while reading, y post-reading, aplicación de vocabulario extraído

del texto en contextos significativos, reforzamiento de ideas centrales del texto a través de actividades guiadas por el profesor, centradas en el estudiante).

- Actividades de comprensión auditiva (actividades de pre-listening, while listening, y post-listening). - Consolidación de conocimientos a través de diversos ejercicios guiados por el profesor, con el objetivo de esclarecer y reforzar


V. EVALUACIÓN Las evaluaciones que se aplican en este módulo son del tipo ENE (Evaluación Nacional Estandarizada). Se aplican tres pruebas escritas y además se evalúa un trabajo final de carácter grupal, que se desarrolla en forma oral:

1. Primera ENE: First Quiz (prueba escrita, coeficiente 1) 2. Segunda ENE: Mid-term Exam (prueba escrita, coeficiente 2) 3. Tercera ENE: Reading Comprehension Test (prueba escrita, coeficiente 1) 4. Trabajo Final: Oral Presentations (trabajo oral grupal presentado como exposición en vivo o una grabación en DVD,

coeficiente 1) Además cada docente puede aplicar controles, solicitar trabajos en grupos u otras actividades con nota. De estos trabajos se

obtiene una nota promedio, que corresponde a la nota 6 del módulo. Con las seis (6) notas del semestre se obtiene la nota de presentación a examen. Si esta nota es igual o mayor a 5,5 el estudiante se exime del examen final. El examen final consta de dos partes: una escrita y una oral. La parte escrita del examen final tiene una ponderación de 60% de la nota de examen. La parte oral del examen final tiene una ponderación de 40% de la nota de examen.

VI. BIBLIOGRAFÍA - Richards, Jack: Interchange 1. Cambridge University Press.

- Diccionarios monolingües (Inglés – Inglés): Oxford, Collins Cobuild, Longman, o Cambridge.

- Redman, Stuart: Vocabulary in Use. Intermediate.

- McCarthy, Michael: English Idioms in Use.

- Murphy, Raymond: English Grammar in Use.

Vicerrectoría Académica Cuaderno de Apuntes – 2009

Cuaderno de Apuntes de uso exclusivo de los estudiantes del Instituto Profesional AIEP. Prohibida su reproducción. Derechos reservados AIEP. 3




Producen diálogos para presentarse y presentar a alguien

1. Introducing yourself; introducing someone (names and titles). 2. Checking information about someone (Wh-questions and

statements with be; countries and nationalities).


FULL NAME: Christopher Torres

FIRST NAME: Christopher



Nicknames are usually the short form of names. According to the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary a nickname is “an

informal name for someone or something, especially a name which you are called by your friends or family, usually based on your proper name or your character.” What do people usually call you? Do you have any special nickname?


MALES Mr. √ √ Ms. √ √ Miss √ FEMALES

Mrs. √ (single = not married)

Titles are always used with a last name. They can also be used with full names; but they are not used with first names. Examples: - Oscar Gomez is a single man. He is Mr. Gomez. - Jason Harris is a married man. He is Mr. Harris. - Janet Miller is a single woman. She is Miss Miller or Ms. Miller. - Sabrina Martin is a married woman. She is Mrs. Martin or Ms. Martin.


There are different ways of saying hello:

- Good morning. - Good afternoon. - Good evening.

Vicerrectoría Académica Cuaderno de Apuntes – 2009

Cuaderno de Apuntes de uso exclusivo de los estudiantes del Instituto Profesional AIEP. Prohibida su reproducción. Derechos reservados AIEP. 4

- Hi. How are you?

These greetings are more informal. - How are you doing? - How’s it going? - What’s up?


In business and formal situations, we usually use our full names when we introduce ourselves. But we use our first names in informal situations.

Examples: 1. A: Good morning. My name is Richard Southern.

B: Nice to meet you, Mr. Southern. I’m Alice Sullivan. A: It’s nice to meet you, too, Ms. Sullivan.

2. A: Hi. I’m Jack.

B: And I’m Lily. Good to meet you. A: Nice to meet you, too.


When we introduce other people, we usually use the expression “this is…” Examples: 1. CINDY: Bob, this is Mary Ritter. She’s our new classmate.

BOB: It’s nice to meet you, Mary. I’m Robert Harris. MARY: Nice to meet you, too.

2. GREG: Laura, this is Eric. He’s my brother.

LAURA: Nice to meet you, Eric. I’m Laura. ERIC: Good to meet you, too.


What’s your name? My name is Dylan.

Where are you from? I’m from Sydney.

Who is that? He’s my brother.

What is his name? His name is Alvaro.

Where is he from? He is from Sydney, too.

Who are they? They’re my friends.

What are their names? Their names are Olga and Paolo.

Where are they from? They’re from Costa Rica.

Are you Brazilian? No, I’m not. I’m Chilean.

Is Karla from the U.S.? No, she’s not. She’s from Canada.

Vicerrectoría Académica Cuaderno de Apuntes – 2009

Cuaderno de Apuntes de uso exclusivo de los estudiantes del Instituto Profesional AIEP. Prohibida su reproducción. Derechos reservados AIEP. 5

Are you and Ivan in English I? No, we aren’t. We’re in English III.

Are Monique and Jean from France? Yes, they are. They’re from Lyon.



Argentina Argentine Mexico Mexican Australia Australian Morocco Moroccan Austria Austrian The Netherlands Dutch Bolivia Bolivian Nicaragua Nicaraguan Brazil Brazilian Nigeria Nigerian Canada Canadian Panama Panamanian Chile Chilean Paraguay Paraguayan China Chinese Peru Peruvian Colombia Colombian The Philippines Filipino Costa Rica Costa Rican Poland Polish Cuba Cuban Portugal Portuguese The Dominican Republic Dominican Puerto Rico Puerto Rican Ecuador Ecuadorian Russia Russian Egypt Egyptian Saudi Arabia Saudi El Salvador El Salvadoran Singapore Singaporean England English Somalia Somali France French South Africa South African Germany German South Korea South Korean Greece Greek Spain Spanish Guatemala Guatemalan Sudan Sudanese Haiti Haitian Sweden Swedish Honduras Honduran Switzerland Swiss India Indian Thailand Thai Indonesia Indonesian Turkey Turkish Ireland Irish The United Kingdom (the U.K) British Israel Israeli The United States (the U.S.) American Italy Italian Uruguay Uruguayan Japan Japanese Venezuela Venezuelan Malaysia Malaysian Vietnam Vietnamese


I. Match the elements in A with their corresponding elements in B.


1. A nickname

2. A full name

3. A last name

4. A title

5. A first name

______ Mrs.

______ Pamela

______ Pam

______ Pamela Wilson

______ Wilson

Vicerrectoría Académica Cuaderno de Apuntes – 2009

Cuaderno de Apuntes de uso exclusivo de los estudiantes del Instituto Profesional AIEP. Prohibida su reproducción. Derechos reservados AIEP. 6

II. Write different expressions for saying hello.

__________________ __________________


__________________ __________________

III. Complete the sentences with your information.

1. My first name is _________________________________.

2. My last name is _________________________________.

3. My nickname is __________________________________.

4. I’m from ________________________________________.

5. I’m ___________________ years old.

IV. Answer these questions. Use the information in parenthesis. 1. What’s his name?

________________________________________________________________ (Francisco)

2. What do people call him?

________________________________________________________________ (Pancho)

3. Who’s that?

________________________________________________________________ (Angelica)

4. Where is she from?

________________________________________________________________ (Portugal)

5. Who are they?

________________________________________________________________ (my brother and sister)

6. What are their names?

________________________________________________________________ (José and Laura)

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Producen diálogos para presentarse y presentar a alguien

1. Exchanging personal information (yes/no questions and short answers with be)

2. Meeting and greeting customs





I. Match the questions with their correct answers.

1. Are you here on vacations? ____ Yes, we are.

2. Is your mother from the USA? ____ No, I’m a student here.

3. Are you a student? ____ No, I’m a teacher.

4. Is your father from Australia? ____ No, he is from France.

5. Are you and Pete in the same class? ____ Yes, she is American.

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II. Answer these questions. 1. What do people call you?

_________________________________________________ 2. How do you spell your last name?

_________________________________________________ 3. How old are you?

_________________________________________________ 4. Are you in English II?

_________________________________________________ 5. How are you today?

_________________________________________________ 6. How do people usually great each other Chile?

_________________________________________________ 7. How do Chinese people usually great each other?


III. Create appropriate questions for these answers. 1. A: ______________________________________?

B: No, we aren’t. We are from Rancagua.

2. A: ______________________________________?

B: His name is Richard.

3. A: ______________________________________?

B: Yes, Ben and Kate are in my English class.

4. A: ______________________________________?

B: No, my teacher isn’t American. He’s English.

Vicerrectoría Académica Cuaderno de Apuntes – 2009

Cuaderno de Apuntes de uso exclusivo de los estudiantes del Instituto Profesional AIEP. Prohibida su reproducción. Derechos reservados AIEP. 9



Describen ocupaciones, trabajos y rutinas diarias

1. Vocabulary: Jobs; work and workplaces 2. Describing work (Simple present Wh-questions and




Architect He or she designs buildings. Office

Carpenter He or she builds and repairs houses. Construction company

Cashier He or she receives payments for goods and services. Supermarket / Store / Restaurant

Chef He or she cooks food. Restaurant / Hotel

Company director He or she manages a company. Office

Construction worker He or she builds offices, apartments, houses, etc. Construction company

Dancer He or she dances as a job. Ballroom / dance club

Doctor He or she gives medical treatment to patients. Hospital

Firefighter He or she tries to extinguish fire. Fire station

Flight attendant He or she serves passengers. Airline

Hairstylist He or she washes, cuts and shapes hair. Beauty salon

Lawyer He or she gives legal advice to people and represents them on the court.

Office / court

Musician He or she plays a musical instrument or writes music as a job.

Record company

Nurse He or she cares for patients. Hospital

Photographer He or she takes photographs as a job. Newspaper / Magazine

Pilot He or she flies an airplane. Airline

Professor He or she teaches at a university or college. University / College

Receptionist He or she answers the phone, and welcomes and helps visitors.

Hotel / office

Salesperson He or she sells products to customers. Department store / music store

Secretary He or she types letters, arranges meetings and answers phone calls for another person.


Security guard He or she protects people or buildings. Bank / Department Store

Singer He or she sings as a job, especially in public. Record company

Taxi driver He or she drives a taxi.

Teacher He or she teaches in a school. School

Tour guide He or she leads other people on a tour. Travel agency

Waiter He serves customers at their tables. Restaurant

Waitress She serves customers at their tables. Restaurant

Web-site designer He or she designs Web sites. Office

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Cuaderno de Apuntes de uso exclusivo de los estudiantes del Instituto Profesional AIEP. Prohibida su reproducción. Derechos reservados AIEP. 10

DESCRIBING JOBS Look at these examples: What do you do? I’m a salesperson. What does Alice do? She studies medicine.

Where do you work? I work at a music store. Where does she study? She goes to Berkeley.

How do you like your job? I like it a lot. How does she like it? She loves it.

DO is used to form questions in the simple present with pronouns I – YOU – WE – THEY

DOES is used to form questions in the simple present with pronouns HE – SHE – IT


work works

take takes

study studies

teach teaches

do does

go goes

like likes

have has

love loves


I. Complete these sentences with an appropriate work or a workplace. 1. A salesperson works in a _____________________.

2. A ____________________ works in a restaurant. He cooks food.

3. A receptionist works in a _____________________.

4. A ____________________ works for an airline, serving passengers.

5. A ____________________ takes people on tours.

6. A doctor works in a _____________________.

II. Complete these conversations. Then practice with a partner.

1. A: What ________ you ________ Alan?

B: I’m a teacher.

A: Where ________ you _________?

B: I __________ at a primary school.

A: And how __________ you _________ your students?

B: I ________ them. They are terrific!

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Cuaderno de Apuntes de uso exclusivo de los estudiantes del Instituto Profesional AIEP. Prohibida su reproducción. Derechos reservados AIEP. 11

2. A: What __________ your mother __________?

B: Oh, she’s a nurse.

A: Where _________ she _________?

B: She __________ at the state hospital.

A: And how _________she __________ it?

B: It’s a hard job. But she _________ it, anyway.

III. What do these people exactly do? Match the sentences in column A with the sentences in column B.

1. A secretary ______ fixes TVs, radios and other electrical equipment.

2. A police officer ______ guards a building or a vehicle carrying money.

3. A receptionist ______ types letters, keeps records and arranges meetings.

4. A repair person ______ performs in a play, movie or television program.

5. An actor ______ makes people obey the law, protects people and catches criminals.

6. A security guard ______ welcomes people in a hotel or office building and gives information.



Describen ocupaciones, trabajos y rutinas diarias 1. Daily schedules and time expressions


Look at these examples: I get up at 6:00 in the morning on weekdays. I have lunch around 2:00 in the afternoon on Mondays. I leave work early in the evening on Fridays. I get home late at night on weekends. I stay up until midnight on weeknights. I have breakfast before 7 on weekdays. I have breakfast after 10 on Sundays.

AT = used to show an exact time. AROUND = used to show an approximate time. EARLY = when something happens before the expected time. LATE = when something happens after the expected time. UNTIL = used to say that something stops happening or someone stops doing something at a particular time. BEFORE = when a particular event has not happened yet. AFTER = when a particular event has happened or finished

Vicerrectoría Académica Cuaderno de Apuntes – 2009

Cuaderno de Apuntes de uso exclusivo de los estudiantes del Instituto Profesional AIEP. Prohibida su reproducción. Derechos reservados AIEP. 12


I. Match the questions with the correct answers.

1. What time do you get up on weekends? ______ I usually wake up before 7:00.

2. What days do you get up late? ______ I stay in bed until noon and watch TV.

3. How late do you stay up on Fridays? ______ I get up around 11:00 in the morning.

4. What time do you usually wake up on weekdays? ______ I get up late on Saturdays and Sundays.

5. What are two things you usually do on Sundays? ______ I go to bed after midnight.

II. Write the missing questions in each conversation.

1. A: _______________________________________________________________?

B: I work at a restaurant

2. A: _______________________________________________________________?

B: I’m a waiter.

3. A: _______________________________________________________________?

B: I start to work at 08:30 in the evening.

4. A: _______________________________________________________________?

B: I get home after 2:00 in the morning on Saturday nights.

III. Circle the correct alternative in each sentence.

1. A (teacher / actor / police officer) wears a uniform.

2. A (salesperson / firefighter /nurse) works in a fire station.

3. A (secretary / waitress / flight attendant) works on an airplane.

4. A (lawyer / photographer / architect) works in a courthouse.

5. A (doctor / professor / receptionist) answers the phone.

IV. Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

1. My sister ____________ (live) downtown. She ____________ (work) in a hospital near her house.

2. She ________________ (not / take) a bus. She _____________ (walk) to work.

3. I _______________ (live) far from the university, so I ____________ (take) the subway everyday.

4. I _______________ (work) on weekdays. I ___________________ (not / go) to work on weekends.

V. Complete these sentences with time expressions. 1. My classes start _____ eight o’clock. I take a break _____ 11:00 and I have a little snack. Then I have classes again and they finish

_____ 2:00.

2. _______ I get home, I do homework ________ seven, and I have dinner _______ eight.

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3. Carol is a housewife. She gets up very ________ ________ the morning. _______ 7:30 she takes her children to school.

4. Andrea is a student. She gets up _____ six _____ the morning ______ weekdays. Then she has breakfast, takes a shower and

rides her bike to the university.

VI. Answer these questions. Give complete answers.

1. What time do you wake up on weekdays?


2. Do you have breakfast before 8:00 in the morning on weekends?


3. What are three things you do on Sundays?


4. Do you stay up late on Saturday nights?


5. What time do you leave work on Fridays?




Describen ocupaciones, trabajos y rutinas diarias 1. Present Simple (review)


I. Write sentences describing your daily routine. Use all the activities and time expressions in the box.

wake up / before start classes / at

have lunch / around arrive at the institute / at

go home / after stay up / until

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________________________

5. ______________________________________________________________________

6. ______________________________________________________________________

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II. Read about Peter’s routine and then answer the questions. Give complete answers.

I’m a junior in college and have a part-time job at a restaurant. I’m in first year

of Computer Engineering. I really love it, but it’s difficult to study and work at the same time.

I get up at six o’clock on weekdays and then I go to classes. I have breakfast on the bus to college. I have classes until 2:00 in the afternoon. After that I have a thirty-minute break to have lunch. At 2:30 I have classes again and they finish at five. Then I run to the restaurant where I’m a waiter.

I wait tables from six to eleven, and I finally get home around midnight. I study a little and then go to bed. On weekends I wake up late. I get up around one p.m., I have lunch and then I study all afternoon. Sometimes I go out with friends, but I come back home early because I’m really tired. I prefer to go to bed early and get ready for another week.

1. What does Peter do?


2. What time does he get up on Mondays?


3. What does he do after five o’clock?


4. Where does Peter work?


5. What does he do there?


6. What does he do before going to bed on weekdays?


7. Does he wake up early on Saturdays and Sundays?


8. How late does he stay in bed on weekends?


9. What are two things he does on weekends?


10. How does he like Computer Engineering?


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Producen diálogos para solicitar y entregar información sobre precios de productos en el contexto de una tienda

1. Vocabulary: colors & numbers 2. Talking about prices (demonstratives; one, ones) 3. Giving opinions about prices

DEMONSTRATIVES THIS and THESE are used to refer to any objects that are close to us. THAT and THOSE are used to refer to any objects that are far from us. THIS / THAT = singular THESE / THOSE = plural WHICH ONE and WHICH ONES are used to confirm the objects the customer refers to. WHICH ONE = singular WHICH ONES = plural

Look at these pictures: A: How much is this watch? A: How much are these shoes? B: Which one? B: Which ones? A: How much is that watch? B: Which one?

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A: How much are those shoes? B: Which ones?


We can use colors to identify objects. Look at these examples: A: How much is that jacket? B: Which one? A: The black one. B: It’s $60. .. ,,,


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A: How much are those boots? B: Which ones? A: The brown ones. B: They’re $150.


When a salesperson gives us the price of something, we can use these expressions to show that we like the price or we don’t like it at all.

- That’s cheap. - That’s reasonable. - That’s OK. - That’s not bad. - That’s expensive.

Examples: A: How much is this wallet? A: How much are these jeans? B: It’s $15. B: They’re $5. A: That’s reasonable. A: That’s cheap. A: How much is this bag? A: How much are these earrings? B: It’s $140. B: They’re $30. A: That’s expensive. A: That’s OK.

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I. Complete these conversations. A: How much ________________ computer?

B: Which ________________?

A: The black _______________.

B: Oh, _____________$250.

A: That’s OK.

A: How much ________________ sunglasses?

B: Do you mean _______________?

A: No, the black ______________.

B: Well, _________________ $95.

A: Almost one hundred dollars! That’s expensive!

A: How much _______________ ring?

B: Which ________________?

A: The silver ______________ with diamonds.

B: ______________ $160.

A: That’s reasonable.

II. Answer these questions about your spending habits. 1. How do you spend your money?


2. How much money do you spend in clothes every month?


3. How much money do you spend in transportation every week?


4. Do you usually spend money in entertainment every month?


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Comparan las principales características de un producto con respecto a otro

Expresan opiniones y preferencias

1. Materials (a cotton shirt, leather gloves, etc.) 2. Discussing preferences (Which one do you prefer? Which

one do you like better/more?)


Clothes and accessories are made of different materials. Here you have some examples:


leather shoes, boots, jackets, gloves silk blouses, shirts, ties

golden rings, earrings, watches, necklaces wool sweaters, gloves, socks

silver earrings, necklaces, rings plastic rings, earrings, sandals

rubber boots, belts cotton shirts, pants, jackets

polyester pants, skirts, socks denim jeans, shirts, jackets, skirts


To express preferences we can use the verbs prefer, like better or like more. Look at these examples: Which one do you prefer? I prefer the leather one. Which one do you like better? I like the leather one better. Which one do you like more? I like the leather one more.


When we compare two elements, we use the comparative form of adjectives + than:


For one-syllable adjectives, add –er (or just –r if the adjective

ends in e)

The black pants are nicer than the brown ones.

nice → nicer

For one or two syllable adjectives ending in y, change y to i and

add –er.

The gold earrings are prettier than the silver ones.

pretty → prettier

For adjectives ending in a single vowel + consonant, double the

final consonant and add –er.

The green T-shirt is bigger than the red one.

big → bigger

For adjectives of two or more syllables, add more before the


Silk blouses are more attractive than cotton ones.

attractive → more attractive

For the comparative form of good, use better. Leather boots are better than rubber boots.

good → better

Vicerrectoría Académica Cuaderno de Apuntes – 2009

Cuaderno de Apuntes de uso exclusivo de los estudiantes del Instituto Profesional AIEP. Prohibida su reproducción. Derechos reservados AIEP. 20


I. Look at the pictures and write the names of the items and the materials they are made of. 1.______________ 2. __________________ 3. ________________ 4. _________________ 5. __________________ 6. _________________ 7. ___________________ 8. ____________________ 9. _________________

Vicerrectoría Académica Cuaderno de Apuntes – 2009

Cuaderno de Apuntes de uso exclusivo de los estudiantes del Instituto Profesional AIEP. Prohibida su reproducción. Derechos reservados AIEP. 21

II. Answer these questions. 1. What are your favorite colors?


2. What are your shoes made of?


3. How much are gold rings?


4. How much is a laptop computer?


III. Compare these elements. 1. This leather jacket is _____________________ (cheap) the denim one.

2. The golden earrings are ____________________ (expensive) the silver ones.

3. Those red sandals are _____________________ (beautiful) the blue ones.

4. This T-shirt is _____________________ (large) my T-shirt.

5. The polyester tie is ____________________ (nice) than the silk one.

6. These boots are ____________________ (good) than the rubber ones.

IV. Answer these questions expressing your preference and making a comparison.

1. Which ones do you prefer, silk shirts or cotton shirts? Why?


2. Which computers do you like better, laptop computers or desktop computers? Why?


3. Which shoes do you like more, leather shoes or suede shoes? Why?


Vicerrectoría Académica Cuaderno de Apuntes – 2009

Cuaderno de Apuntes de uso exclusivo de los estudiantes del Instituto Profesional AIEP. Prohibida su reproducción. Derechos reservados AIEP. 22



Comparan las principales características de un producto con respecto a otro

1. Making comparisons (comparisons with adjectives)


I. Read the text. Write comparisons from the text.

Fernando González and Nicolás Massú are two famous Chilean tennis players. They are very talented and successful, too. Fernando is 28 years old, and Nicolás is 29 years old.

They are both very handsome. Nicolás has green eyes and blond hair, and he’s not so tall. Fernando has brown eyes and brown hair, and he’s really tall.

They have a lot of money, because they work hard on the court. They both have apartments and cars. Nicolás has a little apartment in Viña del Mar and Fernando has a very big apartment in Las Condes. González has a new BMW car, and Massú has a nice red car, that is not so expensive.

Maybe you don’t like tennis, but they are a very good example for Chilean young people.

1. ___________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________________



Refuerzan los aprendizajes esperados vistos de la clase 1 a la 6

Review: Units 1, 2 & 3 (Clases de la 1 a la 8)


I. Circle the correct alternative to complete these conversations.

1. A: Who is that? B: ________________________________

a) They’re my classmates. c) I’m a new student. My name is Michael. b) Their names are Olivia and Emma. d) Her name is Angela. She’s a new student.

Vicerrectoría Académica Cuaderno de Apuntes – 2009

Cuaderno de Apuntes de uso exclusivo de los estudiantes del Instituto Profesional AIEP. Prohibida su reproducción. Derechos reservados AIEP. 23

2. A: What’s her last name? B: ________________________________

a) It’s Villalobos. c) It’s Daniel. b) She’s from Canada. d) Her name is Elizabeth. 3. A: Emily, this is my father.

B: ________________________________ a) Hi, David. c) Nice to meet you, Mrs. Martinez. b) Pleased to meet you, Mr. Martinez. d) Pleased to meet you, Ms. Martinez. 4. A: Who are the two students over there?

B: ________________________________ a) Our names are Jack and Joseph. c) Their names are Jack and Joseph. b) My name is Jack. d) His name is Joseph. 5. A: Are your parents here on vacation?

B: ________________________________ a) No, he isn’t. He lives here. c) No, she isn’t. She studies here. b) No, they aren’t. They live here. d) No, I’m not. I’m studying here. 6. A: What does your father do?

B: ________________________________ a) He’s a carpenter. c) He loves his job. b) He gets up at seven o’clock. d) He arrives at work early everyday. 7. A: How does he like his job?

B: ________________________________ a) Yes, he does. c) No, he doesn’t. b) He likes it very much. d) He works in a restaurant.

8. A: Where does Helen work? B: ________________________________

a) She’s a guide. c) She loves her job. b) She takes people on tours. d) She works in an office. 9. A: Which scarf do you prefer?

B: ________________________________ a) I prefer the one silk. c) I prefer the silk one. b) I prefer the one silk more. d) I prefer the silk one scarf.

Vicerrectoría Académica Cuaderno de Apuntes – 2009

Cuaderno de Apuntes de uso exclusivo de los estudiantes del Instituto Profesional AIEP. Prohibida su reproducción. Derechos reservados AIEP. 24

10. A: Which pants do you like better? B: _______________________________

a) I like better the blue one. c) I like better the blue ones. b) I like the blue ones better. d) I like the blue one better.

II. Compare the elements, using the words from the box.

warm – big – expensive – cheap – attractive – good – attractive – pretty 1. a wool jacket – a leather jacket


2. a medium T-shirt – a large T-shirt


3. rubber boots – leather boots


4. a gold necklace – a plastic necklace


5. jeans – polyester pants


6. a desktop computer – a laptop computer


7. a wool scarf – a silk scarf


III. Choose sentences from the box to express these ideas in another way.

- She goes to the university. - He stays up until midnight. - I serve food in a restaurant. - He’s a teacher of English. - She cooks food in a restaurant. - He has a part-time job.

1. Mark goes to bed at midnight. ______________________________________________

2. I’m a waiter. _____________________________________________________________

3. My father teaches English. __________________________________________________

4. Jim works four hours every day. ______________________________________________

5. Lillian is a student. ________________________________________________________

6. My mother is a chef. _______________________________________________________

Vicerrectoría Académica Cuaderno de Apuntes – 2009

Cuaderno de Apuntes de uso exclusivo de los estudiantes del Instituto Profesional AIEP. Prohibida su reproducción. Derechos reservados AIEP. 25





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