ehealth week 2012

Post on 08-May-2015

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eHealth Week

Copenhague MONDRAGON Health

Este año, la “eHealth Week” ha tenido lugar entre el 7 y el 9 de mayo en el Bella Center de

Copenhague. Se ha vuelto a incrementar el número de delegados y han sido más de 2500 los

asistentes al evento.

Como en ediciones anteriores, el evento ha albergado una zona de exposición donde 96

empresas de todo el mundo e instituciones europeas han mostrado sus propuestas en este

campo. Entre ellas destacan Agfa Healthcare, European Association of Healthcare IT,

Interoperability Showcase, GE Healthcare, MedCom, Microsoft, Oracle, Philips Healthcare,

Tieto, IBM, etc…

Como novedad este año, cabe destacar las dos competiciones para emprendedores en eHealth

que se han celebrado:

Por un lado la SME Competition Final, donde 28 empresas europeas presentaron sus

productos y servicios en áreas de e-salud. El ganador de este concurso fue Daintel Aps

(Dinamarca), que presento una plataforma única para gestionar la información de los

pacientes ingresados en la UCI. Gracias a ella consiguen reducir los costes a la vez que se

aumenta la calidad de la documentación y por consiguiente del cuidado

Por otro lado el eHealth Innovation Contest 2012, donde hubo un jurado impresionante con

George C. Halvorson, presidente de Kaiser Permanente a la cabeza. En este caso se

presentaron 7 de las 8 propuestas finalistas. La ganadora en este caso fue Senseye. Senseye es

un software que permite controlar aparatos electrónicos con los ojos. La gran ventaja de este

producto es que a diferencia de otros sistemas, puede funcionar con cámaras de $20,

reduciendo significativamente el coste. Sus aplicaciones van desde el manejo de aparatos

eléctricos por pacientes con movilidad reducida a apoyo a los profesionales de la salud en


Con estas dos iniciativas, se deja bien claro la apuesta que se esta haciendo desde la

organización para impulsar el emprendizaje en este área de la salud.

Ha habido un gran cambio en el discurso respecto a la eHealth Week de ediciones anteriores.

Debido a la situación de crisis que viven los distintos sistemas sanitarios (agravada por la crisis

financiera). Se le ha dado una gran importancia a la necesidad de llevar a cabo un cambio

estructural en los sistemas sanitarios. No se ha hablado tanto de la utilización de las TICs en la

salud (algo que ya se ha asumido), sino de como implementar las mismas de forma que el

sistema sea sostenible. Hay una gran resistencia al cambio por parte de la administración, la

ciudadanía y el colectivo médico. Un cambio de pensamiento a todos los niveles es

indispensable si queremos dar un impulso a la eHealth. Otro punto importante que se ha

mencionado a lo largo de toda la jornada, es la necesidad de cambiar los sistemas actuales de

financiación ya que no ayudan a la utilización de las nuevas tecnologías.

Las grandes empresas del sector como Medtronic o Cisco, explicaron que el coste de

operaciones en el sector supone un 80% del gasto total, y que por lo tanto hay que llevar a

cabo un cambio en lo procesos relativos a la prestación de los servicios. Desde su punto de

vista, las oportunidades de la aplicación de la TICs en el sector son muchas (mejora de la

calidad y productividad, ahorros, pacientes más responsables de su enfermedad, etc…), y los

grandes retos son los siguientes:

El modelo de prestación actual no se enfoca en los resultados clínicos

No exista un sistema que financie la implantación de la e-health

No existe un marco regulatorio que incentive y premie la innovación

Es un sector conservador en el que predomina una actitud adversa al cambio

No existe suficiente evidencia científica y económica.

Desde el mundo empresarial se insiste en la importancia de trabajar mano a mano con los

sistemas de salud para el intercambio de información, colaboración e innovación conjunta. Los

pasos para llevar a cabo dicha innovación son:

Reconocer que la innovación necesita una dirección (management)

Crear plataformas para la innovación

Trabajar en red

Así mismo se insiste en que se tiene que dar un acercamiento entre el sistema sanitario y el

social, de cara a crear un espacio sociosanitario único.

Más de un ponente expreso la necesidad de pasar de pilotos que tienen un comienzo y un final

a implementar los sistemas que funcionan. Para poder hacer esto, necesitamos analizar los

resultados de los pilotos adecuadamente, y por ejemplo, estudiar la rentabilidad de las

soluciones en términos de beneficios en la salud de los pacientes y no en el número de

pacientes tratados.

El punto álgido de la eHealth Week fue la presentación del presidente de Kaiser Permanente

George C. Halvorson. En su ponencia, a la que acudieron más de 900 personas, Halvorson

explico como Kaiser Permanente ha conseguido mejorar su servicio, y por consiguiente la salud

de sus pacientes (más de 9 millones), mediante la utilización de las TICs. Gracias a la

implantación del historial medico electrónico, consiguieron monitorizar mejor a los pacientes y

obtener información estadística con la que pueden mejorar su conocimiento medico y ofrecer

un mejor servicio. Según Kaiser Permanente, en el futuro habrá 4 esferas sanitarias:


Centros clínicos, atención primaria, etc…

Cuidado a domicilio: El cual se debe convertir en el lugar de cuidado primario gracias al

uso de las nuevas herramientas de cuidado.

Internet: el cuidado online se convertirá en una herramienta indispensable y crecerá

rápidamente gracias a la posibilidad de acceder a servicios médicos en la web en

cualquier momento y lugar.

También dejo claro que esto supone un cambio en la forma de hacer las cosas y de proveer los

servicios sanitarios y que necesita de un constante aprendizaje para mejorar la sanidad.

Avances como los que se están dando en el campo del ADN serán un tema a tener muy en

cuenta en el futuro. Por ultimo, se resalto el problema de la interoperabilidad, que fue un

tema recurrente durante toda la conferencia.

La interoperabilidad es la capacidad de dos o más sistemas para intercambiar información y

utilizar la información intercambiada. Sin interoperabilidad, es muy difícil (si no imposible)

buscar asistencia médica cuando uno va a otro país. Aunque ya se está trabajando para

resolver el problema de la interoperabilidad con iniciativas como la de epSOS (que ofrece una

infraestructura digital para acceder al historial electrónico almacenado en un país si un

paciente enferma en otro país); o HL7 Internacional (el estándar sanitario más utilizado), aun

queda mucho trabajo por hacer.

Además el problema no reside solo en las soluciones tecnológicas, otro gran problema ahora

es la interoperabilidad semántica. Por ejemplo, para las solicitudes de información entre países

se utilizan traductores automáticos, pero esta dando problemas. Además cada país utiliza

distintos marcas de medicamentos para tratar la misma enfermedad y las medidas de

dosificación no son siempre las mismas, lo que hace difícil traducir las recetas electrónicas.

Sin embargo, el problema que se ve desde la industria es otro. Aun no esta claro si el mercado

es suficientemente grande para que las empresas puedan sacarle rentabilidad a la

interoperabilidad y creen que es necesario un impulso desde las instituciones. También se

expuso la necesidad de que las instituciones empiecen a evaluar el Rendimiento de la Inversión

(ROI) desde perspectivas no económicas.

La industria también debe de cambiar la forma de mirar el sector de eHealth y empezar a

pensar en movilidad. Las TICs no han crecido tan rápidamente en el sector salud como en otros

sectores. En parte se debe a que se han presentado soluciones transaccionales y los

profesionales médicos son empleados móviles. La industria debería poner el mismo esfuerzo

en conseguir la accesibilidad de la información desde cualquier sitio que en conseguir la

información en si. Asimismo hay que pensar en términos de hospital digital, es decir, ofrecer

soluciones de coordinación, camas inteligentes, paneles de control a tiempo real, etc…

Las ventajas de un hospital digital son muchas y algunas de ellas fueron expuestas en distintas

sesiones. Como ejemplo, en el University Medical Center Hamburg Eppendorf han implantado

un sistema que utilizando códigos de barra y medicamentos en uni-dosis, han conseguido

mantener un registro de la medicación de todos sus pacientes (1500 camas), así como la

reducción de errores gracias a un sistema de alarmas que se disparan si se va a administrar mal

un medicamento. Otro ejemplo son los hospitales que han comenzado a utilizar un sistemas de

comunicación audiovisual entre ambulancias y centros de emergencia pueden hacer que los

medico estén mejor preparados cuando llegue un paciente.

Listado de Expositores AAL Joint Programmes Funding activity with the aim of enhancing the quality of life of older people and strengthening the industrial base in Europe through the use of information.

Aalborg University It presents activities related to the use of ICT in all health solutions from sensors to large information systems.

Accenture Accenture delivers a wide range of healthcare solutions—from addressing back office functions and electronic medical records to clinical transformation and consumer engagement.

Advantech Provider of certified medical computing systems and services for Patient Infotainment, Patient Monitoring, Nursing Care, and Medical Imaging.

Agfa HealthCare Leading global provider of diagnostic imaging and healthcare IT solutions. The company has been a provider of healthcare IT solutions since the early 1990’s.

BMJ Group Leading global provider of medical information and services for healthcare professionals and patients, delivering innovative evidence-based knowledge.

Cambio Healthcare Systems Scandinavia’sleading ehealth provider. Their main products Cambio COSMIC, handles clinical care documentation, Order management and PAS

Capgemini Provider of business and IT strategy, solution architectures, it implementation, ressource optimization and business information management. They offer the unique Bookplan application to handle hospitals logistics and resource optimization.

Carestream Health The company's extensive portfolio includes: fully featured, web-based RIS/PACS and vendor-neutral archiving; enterprise and regional information management, and cloud-based services for PACS, archiving and image sharing.

ChipSoft Provider of information technology solutions for the healthcare market. Our solutions are designed to empower healthcare professionals to improve patient safety, to create continuity of care and to provide a solid financial position for healthcare organisations.

CSC CSC creates superior performance for healthcare organisations through innovative technology-enabled solutions and services. We enhance the quality of care delivery and health outcomes by providing interoperable, standards-based information systems and optimised management processes.

Custodix NV Recognized as one of the most advanced and reliable Trusted Service Providers in the Healthcare sector providing both consultancy and technical privacy protection solutions specialized in data protection solutions for eHealth.

The Danish Society of Engineers, IDA Professional body and trade union for technical and scientific professionals and students.

Daintel Leading provider of software solutions developed specifically to specialist hospital departments. Daintl’s main product is CIS by Daintel, a complete software suite developed specially for Intensive Care Units.

DELTA High-tech Research Technology Company where we strive to optimise the application of technology for success in a complex eHealth world.

DI ITEK Association for 300 Information Technology, Telecommunication, Electronics and Communication companies in Denmark.

Dimensional Insight Business intelligence solutions that integrate disparate data sources into one cohesive view so managers, analysts, and executives can access business-critical data in just a few clicks.

IPS ASA Leading supplier of eHealth systems in Norway. DIPS products include work flow, medicine management, operation theatre planning and structured documentation.

Duodecim Medical Publications Publishing house of the Finnish Medical Society Duodecim. Main products and services range from up-to-date databases to advanced clinical decision system providing the latest knowledge for health care professionals and the general public.

E-mergency Interactive Solutions Specialist in making user driven welfare-solution concepts. We are developing interactive platform-independent solutions with a focus on walfare – mainly for elderly care and people with dementia.

eHealth Industries Innovation (ehi2) Centre Provider of opportunities to test, adapt, improve and evaluate ehealth products and services in a safe and reliable environment to maximise their competitive advantage to new businesses. It advises and assists companies and where needed, facilitates access to clinicians, academic experts, NHS organisations, and national NHS IT and ICT programmes.

Ekahau Oy Industry leader in providing Wi-Fi-based RTLS solutions. Our mission is to provide the easiest, most cost effective and accurate positioning solutions for locating people, assets, inventory and other objects using wireless enterprise networks. Our solution tracks wireless laptops, PDAs, VOIP phones, Wi-Fi tags and other 802.11 enabled devices

Visonic Technologies Leading provider of Active RFID/RTLS Safety & Security Solutions for the healthcare industry that leverages the security and reliability of Ethernet networks. VT delivers real time location and visibility solutions that help to enhance patient and personnel safety, prevent infant abductions, provide wireless environment monitoring, optimize the usage of patient care assets and improve patient flows across medical departments.

Elsevier World-leading provider of scientific, technical and medical information products and services, from journals like The Lancet to major clinical reference titles. Integration of Elsevier’s world-class, evidence-based clinical

content into physicians’ workflows and CDS systems is helping doctors today to make better & faster patient care decisions and health care institutions to deliver better outcomes more cost-effectively.

EMC Transforming Healthcare IT with “Always-on” Clinical Cloud Infrastructure; Big Data management and analytics for accountable care & research; The Collaborative Healthcare Solution for medical images and document management; and Trust for securing Health IT and protecting the Enterprise.

Epic Epic's integrated software spans enterprise clinical, access, and billing functions. It lets clients connect with patients and other organizations online. We serve large and mid-size physician groups, integrated healthcare organizations, children's hospitals and academic facilities.

Esri World leader in geographic information system (GIS) technology. GIS is a powerful spatial analytic tool for hospitals and health systems. More than 121 national health ministries, thousands of scientists and hundreds of hospitals use GIS for infection control, bed management, service area analysis, and data integration.

Falck International provider of emergency, safety and healthcare services. Falck is the largest ambulance company in Europe and run extensive ambulance services in the US and Latin America.

Kuopio Innovation Oy It targets utilisation of top level expertise in Finish enterprises. The programme supports competitiveness of the Finish industries in global markets.

Forcare B.V. Software company providing software products and services for Health Information Exchanges. We provide products and services to allow existing systems to (electronically) share and exchange patient data. Using our solutions, a comprehensive and complete view of available patient information is realized.

FormFast FormFast’s software solutions integrate with legacy business systems such as databases, archiving systems and portals, allowing users throughout the organization to gain efficiency, improve coordination of tasks, reduce supply costs, and eliminate errors resulting from misdirected routing, mistakes in form completion and delayed delivery.

GCX Corporation The worldwide leader in medical instrument mounting solutions. Forty one years of industry experience has given us a unique understanding of the interaction between medical devices, users, and healthcare environments. We partner with you to create mounting products that enable caregivers to deliver improved patient care.

GE Healthcare From decision support capabilities to personal health records, the Centricity solution portfolio from GE Healthcare delivers a complete, end-to-end healthcare information technology solution. Through collaboration across the healthcare continuum, Centricity delivers information at the center of care to increase efficiency and help improve patient care. Healthcare IT Re-imagined.

Griffin Technology Providers of accessories for personal computing and digital media. Today, Griffin designs, manufactures and delivers useful and fun solutions for digital entertainment and personal computing to people in the Americas, Europe, and Asia, through major retailers and online.

GS1 Global, not-for-profit member organization developing standards that make supply chains safer and more efficient. GS1 Standards provide unique identification, automatic data capture and data exchange

HIMSS Analytics Europe HIMSS Analytics Europe (HAE) is a not-for-profit, cause and membership based wholly-owned subsidiary of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS). We collect and analyze data related to healthcare IT processes and environments.

HITE Designed as a dedicated independent reference resource providing essential information and the latest news for today’s European hospital CIOs, network managers and strategic health authority IT heads across the European secondary healthcare market.

HITS Health Informatics Training System Online training and certification programme that introduces front line health workers to the basic concept of health informatics. It is used by organisations to empower their staff to achieve better systems implementations.

Hewlett-Packard hp is the world’s largest IT company operating in more than 170countries around the world. No other company offers ans comprehensive a products and services portfolio as HP. We provide infrastructure, services and business to some of the biggest customers in the world.

Hyland Software Developer of OnBase, an enterprise document management solution which combines the technologies of report management, document imaging and workflow in a single application. OnBase Healthcare Solutions help organizations create competitive advantage through reduced costs, streamlined operations, compliance assistance and, ultimately, increased overall patient satisfaction.

IBM Together, with our clients, IBM works to solve the toughest industry problems by applying consulting, technology expertise, healthcare industry knowledge and best practices from other industries. IBM strives to help clients apply advanced analytics to improve medical research, diagnosis and treatment in order to improve patient care and help reduce healthcare costs.

iHealth Connections Trusted platform to explore the issues and the driving forces behind this emerging trend. From strategic framework to decision on managing investment and considering various scenarios for the convergence pathway, expert authors who are uniquely positioned across the sectors will provide their prospective on the solutions that will enable this transformation.

Intel Along with their history of innovation, they have the knowledge and experience to connect people and information in new ways. They have technologies that can enable a shift froom the reactive healthcare of today to an on-going endeavour that puts patients’ wellness at the centre.

Intercomponentware AG Leading, international supplier of IHE compliant technologies for health information and image exchange infrastructures with headquarters in Germany. At the center of our solutions is the ICW eHealth Platform, a set of powerful technology assets, from which flexible solutions can be assembled to address a wide spectrum of integrated eHealth scenarios.

InterSystems Corporation Worldwide leader in software for connected healthcare. Our advanced data management, integration, and active analytics technologies enable hospitals, IDNs, and regional or national HIEs to capture, share, analyze, and act upon their data. InterSystems products are used by thousands of hospitals and labs worldwide

IT-Branchen The largest and leading independent representative for the IT-business community in Denmark.

Karos Health Karos' Rialto platform empowers healthcare enterprises to enable cross community access to information, facilitating collaboration between healthcare providers and patients. Rialto is based on standards that ensure safe and secure handling of patient health information and is backed by a team with decades of experience in healthcare interoperability.

KIBI Leading developer and supplier for electronic management of medical records, invoice management solutions and document management systems.

LaserBand World leader in patient ID wristbands. A commitment to R&D and nurturing partner relationships with software and hardware providers has resulted in easy-to-implement, cost-effective solutions, from handwriting or embossing to barcoding utilizing laser printing or thermal imaging wristbands. Most importantly, patient information is protected by patented self-laminating designs.

Leafsprout Technologies Inc Standards-based platform and services to enable Health Information exchanges. Leafsprout´s Digital Health Suite is a family of software products that facilitate the secure, standard-based exchange of medical records across the community, region or nation.

Lincor Solutions Acknowledged leader for integrated clinical access and patient entertainment solutions at the patient bedside. Lincor's patented technology provides both entertainment services and secure access to Hospital Information Systems via an easy-to -use touchscreen.

Living Lab Denmark International innovation platform within healthcare and social care. It is a customer-centred cross-organisational ecosystem where companies, researchers and end users participate in dynamic public-private collaborations to innovate new products and solutions that assist or automate tasks in healthcare and homecare.

Max Manus Leading Scandinavian distributor of speech recognition solutions for healthcare professionals, providing customized speech recognition solutions to hospitals in Norway and Denmark. Max Manus product suite enables speech services and client-side software to support speech-enabled clinical documentation from any application, on any device, at any time.

Medisat A/S Our vision is to modernize health (care) services by introducing telemedical solutions to various (hospitalized) patient-groups. Our product: The Patient Briefcase, makes it possible for a patient to be attended to and treated at home by a specialist doctor or nurse, physically located at the hospital.

MedCom MedCom is a co-operative venture between authorities, organisations, and private firms linked to the Danish health sector. MedCom contributes to the development, testing, dissemination, and quality assurance of electronic communication and information in the healthcare sector with a view to supporting good patient progression.

Med!sat Technological company that operates as a supplier to the Danish health sector. We develop health care products and our mission is to modernise the health services by introducing telemedical solutions to different patient groups.

Microsoft Over the years, Microsoft has steadily increased its investments in health, addressing industry challenges through software innovation. Closely collaborating with partners, we have developed powerful health solutions, and continually work to unify and increase accessibility to health information, ensuring affordable care and the best quality of life for everyone.

Mint Solutions MedEye is an intelligent medication scanner which uses computer vision to verify that patients are getting the right medication. Nurses simply show the medication to MedEye just before giving it to the patient and everything is verified and registered within seconds.

Mobile People We offer counseling and development in areas such as mobile health, mobile marketing, m-learning, surveys, local search, reporting, payment and more. We develop all types of mobile solutions including mobile applications, IVR, SMS, websites and mobile websites - and exciting combinations of these. We are specialised in all aspects of mobile solutions from idea to production and hosting.

Motion Computing Leading provider of integrated mobile computing solutions for healthcare. Rugged, lightweight and mobile, the C5v, CL900 and J3500 Tablet PCs enhance patient care by improving workflows through real-time access to patient information, while offering the durability, security and power required in demanding, fast-paced clinical environments.

National Board of e-Health (NSI) NSI, an agency under the ministry of health, collaborates with all relevant parties in Denmark´s healthcare sector and works for the establishment of uniform rules and frameworks for e-health in Denmark. This ensures that all parts of the healthcare system can share data securely and efficiently, with the aim of providing patients the best possible treatment.

NNIT Leading IT service provider offers world-class IT consulting and services for regulated industries including life sciences and public sector. NNIT collaborates with healthcare organizations to put patients at the heart of their operations and helps them become high-performance businesses.

Oracle Corporation Leading strategic software and hardware solutions provider, offers world-class business applications, analytics, technology, and hardware offerings that support provider and payer organizations and enable interoperability, insurance exchanges, business and clinical intelligence, improved patient experience, big data analytics, and operational efficiency to improve quality at lower cost

Orange Telecom Orange has acquired significant experience in the healthcare field, which was reinforced with the creation of Orange Healthcare, it´s new division helping to build a more efficient healthcare system.

Orion Health Orion Health’s software technologies improve patient care and clinical decision-making by providing integrated health data in a single, unified view. Connecting existing healthcare information systems, the Orion Health Rhapsody Integration Engine, Clinical Portal and workflow solutions provide healthcare workers with easy access to patient data and trends, and streamline data transfer.

PatientVille PatientVille will demonstrate how Ehealth support coherence in Danish patient’s course of treatment. The journey will include a demonstration of care in the patient’s home, the pre-hospital sector (ambulance), acute care department, general practitioner, local authorities (home nurse), and also includes a demonstration of cross-border e-prescription at a Danish pharmacy.

PDC-Europe Provider of accurate, reliable, and easy-to-use healthcare ID solutions that empower the flawless delivery of care and enhance outcomes across all major hospital functions. PDC-Europe products are used in all of the leading hospitals worldwide and comprise a comprehensive range of wristbands that provide positive ID and positive clinical outcomes.

Perceptive Software Perceptive Software created ImageNow enterprise document management, imaging and workflow to help healthcare organizations efficiently capture and organize virtually any document type, then route and retrieve a precise page with a single click from within any HIS or business software application at the moment it's needed.

Pharmaceutical Information Centre Ltd Developer of drug information databases for patients, healthcare professionals and healthcare IT providers. Also publisher of Pharmaca Fennica, the national drug formulary in Finland and provide Nordic Article Number service.

Philips Healthcare Philips is committed to understanding the technological and human needs of patients and caregivers. In doing so, we provide clinical informatics and patient care solutions that simplify clinicians' workflow, improve financial outcomes, and help improve and save your patients' lives. People focused. Healthcare simplified.

Post Danmark As the health care industry develops advanced solutions, which allows patients to stay at home, i.e. telemedicine solutions, Post Danmark offers distribution of health care services between solution providers, hospitals, and patients. With our nationwide logistics network we offer an efficient, safe and qualitative method of distributing both simple and advanced clinical equipment to the patients at home.

Qualcomm Life Qualcomm Life is defining and connecting the wireless health network to improve lives and advance the capabilities of medical devices. Qualcomm Life’s 2net Platform is a novel, cloud-based service that enables en-to-end wireless connectivity, allowing medical device users and their physicians or caregivers to easily access biometric data.

RealTime Medical Developer of eDiagnostic solutions. Our cloud-based eDiagnosis solutions, DiaShareTM and QAICTM, enable the next generation of multidiscipline diagnostic imaging networks: workflows, workloads, clinical resource management, and quality assurance and improvement process, across existing standards-based infrastructure, anywhere, anytime.

Renewing Health By collecting and distilling their voices through work groups and publications, EHTEL amplifies the constituency for eHealth in the European arena. Under the label EHTELconnect, we service our membership with educational and networking opportunities.

Risk Medical Solution Developer of risk algorithms that individualizes patients risk of disease progressions. The first product is a risk calculator for diabetic retinopahy screening. It calculates individual risk levels for patients and determines the appropriate frequency of diabetic retinopathy screening.

RL Solutions Developer of software solutions to improve patient safety and healthcare quality by delivering solutions for:

Risk management – management of medical errors, falls, etc…

Infection control – automated bio-surveillance.

Feedback management – management of complaints and compliments.

Claims management – streamlined financial management.

Sensory Technologies of Canada Sensory Technologies’ Community Care Management Enterprise solution is a collaborative, care team centred, wireless smartphone and web application system that transforms the disconnected and disjointed process of providing homecare into predictable, efficient and collaborative process that is patient centred and clinician friendly.

Siemens Healthcare Siemens Healthcare is a trendsetter in medical imaging, laboratory diagnostics, medical IT and hearing aids. Siemens offers products and solutions for the entire range of patient care – from prevention and early detection to diagnosis, treatment and aftercare.

Sweden-eHealth The Swedish model for eHealth offerings safe and readily available health and care services. The Swedish Strategy for eHealth is founded on cooperation at national, regional and local level between the Government, the municipalities, the county councils, private care providers and non-profit care providers. Cooperation with the medical technology industry is also vital for the strategy.

SNOMED CT Leading global clinical terminology. It is maintained by the IHTSDO in Copenhagen and its current 19 Members. Its purpose is to seek to improve the health of humankind by fostering the development and use of suitable standardized clinical terminologies, in order to support the safe, accurate, and effective exchange of health information. The official portal of public Danish Healthcare Services and enables patients and healthcare professionals to find information and communicate.

Systematic A/S Developers of software and system solutions for customers in a wide range of fields, among these the healthcare sector in which overview, efficiency and patient safety are keywords. Our CMMI Level 5-certification verifies the maturity of Systematic and the quality of our software. Systematic is the largest privately owned software and systems company in Denmark, with major international companies as partners and customers in more than 40 countries.

Tieto Tieto helps healthcare and welfare organizations to improve the quality and efficiency of their services. We enable our customers to optimize processes, reduce waiting times, secure the flow of information, make high-quality decisions, and empower citizens.

UpToDate UpToDate is the only online clinical decision support system proven to increase efficiency, reduce costs and improve patient outcomes. It supports physicians to make the best possible evidence-based decisions quickly.

Viewcare Cost effective TeleHeath and TeleCare services for hospital, community and home use. Safe and effective acute deployment is a unique design ahracteristic opening up to a new range of applications like ambulance services, acute rehabilitation and time critical home-visits by doctors and community service staff.

Vivago Finish Healthcare technology company that develops, sells and markets automatic personal security systems monitoring and analysing users’ activity levels.

WaveMark Global Healthcare Information Technology company that provides the healthcare industry with enterprise visibility solutions for real-time inventory management and supply chain optimization. Our solutions leverage RFID and network technology to track consumable assets including medical implantable devices and supplies as these assets move from the supplier to the hospital and to the patient at the point of care.

Welch Allyn Leading manufacturer of frontline medical products and solutions, makes it easy to transfer vital signs data to Hospital Information Systems, giving caregivers immediate access to those key patient information, anytime, anywhere. By eliminating the need for manual transcription, data accuracy and clinical efficiency will be significantly improved

XIRING Ingenico Healthcare/e-ID combines the Group's activities dedicated to e-Health and e-ID from XIRING in France and Ingenico Healthcare in Germany, i.e. approximately 100 people throughout Europe, representing a renowned expertise and an installed base of approximately 800,000 terminals addressing the needs of governments and administrations looking to dematerialise their e-Health or e-ID system.

YourHealthCheck Supplier of mental health and addictions treatment oganizations worldwide with a validated, multivariate 20 min self-report assessment process through its web-based Online Assessment and Outcome Reporting System.