El Codigo de Las Emoc

Post on 14-Feb-2016

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Ref lu jo Diab etes Di f ic u l t ades de

apre nd iz a je AD D / AD HD Dis lex ia Do lor de c in tur a

A lerg ias Do lor de o jo s Hipot i ro id i smo

Do lor abd omina l F ibr omia lg ia Lupus

Asma Fr ig id ez M igrañas

Do lor de e spa lda Do lor de c ab eza Es c le ros i s múl t ip le

Par á l i s is de Be l l Ac idez (GERB) Do lor de c ue l l o

Cánc er Do lor de c ad era M iedos noc tur nos

Túne l C arp ian o Hy pog luc emia Ataque s de pán ic o

Do lor de p ech o Imp otenc ia Mal de Par k inson

Fat ig a cr ón i c a In fer t i l i dad Fob ias

Enfermedad de Croh n I nsomnio Do lor de h omb ro

C ol i t i s C o lon i r r i t ab le Pr ob lemas en l os

se nos nas a lesC onst ip ac ión Do lor ar t i c u lar C odo de t en i s t a

De pres ió n Do lor de r od i l l a Vér t i g o

1 Jefferson Lewis, Something Hidden:(Goodread Biographies), (Halifax, Nova Scotia: Formac Publishing Com-pany Ltd., 1951), 198.

2 Robert Frost, Applied Kinesiology: A Training Manual and Reference Book of Basic Principles and Practice, (Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2002), 4.

3 Candace B. Pert, Molecules of Emotion: why you feel the way you feel, (New York: Touchstone Press, 1997)

4 Isaac Asimov, Atom: Journey across the subatomic cosmos (New York: Penguin Books USA Inc., 1992), 56.

5 William A. Tiller, Walter E. Dibble, Jr. and Michael J. Kohane, Conscious acts of creation: the emergence of a new physics (Walnut Creek, CA: Pavior Publishing, 2001),1.6 William A. Tiller, Science and Human Transformation: Subtle Energies, Intention-ality and Consciousness (Walnut Creek, CA: Pavior Publishing, 1997), 14.

1 John Iovine, Kirlian photography: a hands-on guide (Victoria, Australia: Images Publishing, 2000), 24.

2 Ioivine, 253 “Fotograferingsteknik som visar en aura runt föremålen. Uppfanns av ryssen Semyon Kirlian.” <http://paranormal.se/topic/kirlianfotografi.html>

4 Jerry D. Wheatley, The Nature of Consciousness, (Phoenix, AZ: Research Scien-tific Press), 668.

5 Dr. Lee Warren, B.A., D.D., Connectedness Part 1, <http://www.plim.org/Connectedness.htm>6 P.C.W. Davies, Julian R. Brown, The Ghost in the Atom: A Discussion of the Mys-teries of Quantum Physics (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1999), .