Experimentar para innovar mejor

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• Experimentar para innovar mejor

Albert Bravo Biosca

14 de Junio de 2016

“Los experimentos, con gaseosa”

Sólo con gaseosa?

Three principles for delivering good innovation and growth policy

1. Experiment

3. Judgment

2. Data

Billions spent on innovation and growth policy…

… but little evidence on what works, and what doesn’t

£10 billion

€152 billion

Typically start big…

...without prior small-scale testing

Why not trial different designs to learn what works?

1. Experiment

Control group

2. Evaluate 3. Scale-up

=More experimentation


More effective policies+

If there is political will

A global collaboration bringing together governments, foundations and researchers to develop and test different approaches to increase innovation, support high-growth entrepreneurship and accelerate business growth.

And on-going discussions with several other organisations

IGL Research NetworkIGL Partners

Designing research spaces for collaboration & innovation

What is the effect of different types of proximity on

collaboration and knowledge generation in scientific settings?

MIT and Stockholm School of Economics

Increasing business-science links and technology transfer

Can innovation vouchers “nudge” SMEs to build successful

collaborations with knowledge providers, and help SMEs grow?

Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition

Comparing entrepreneurship training curricula

What is the impact of different types of entrepreneurial training programmes (and the channels

behind these effects, if any)?

Bocconi University and IADB

Identifying the effect of tech incubators on startups

Is there an effect of incubator spaces and mentoring on

startups’ survival and their economic performance (and if so,



Supporting high-growth potential businesses

What is the impact of external advice on business growth? (and is an initial assessment sufficient

or is on-going support to implement changes required?)

CBS, LSE and Stanford University

Incentivising employees to contribute new ideas

Can subtle non-monetary nudges be used to influence

intrapreneurial behaviour in a large corporation?

Radboud University Nijmegen and Utrecht University

There are multiple ways to experiment with RCTs

Full impact evaluation

Testing tweaks to existing


Experimental policy



• T h e n e w g l o b a l l a b o r a t o r y f o r i n n o v a t i o n a n d g r o w t h p o l i c y