GOOD NEWS, part 4: Jesus’ Ascension David Liauw · 2020-04-19 · Date: 4/19/20 1305 Odyssey...

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Date: 4/19/20

1305 Odyssey Drive | Durham, NC 27713

GOOD NEWS, part 4: Jesus’ Ascension David Liauw

WARM UP QUESTION: Is the Gospel good news for us today in this difficult time? READ: Acts 2:29-36 FOCUS: The Ascension of Christ means that Jesus rules over all, and is powerfully bringing about our good. OBSERVE: ▪ About 1000 years before the events of Acts, God made an

unbreakable promise to King David: that one of David’s descendants would be the never-ending ruler over the Kingdom of God

▪ About 50 days after Jesus’ resurrection, Peter preached his first sermon, explaining what the ascension of Christ means and arguing that Jesus is the fulfillment of the promises God made to David. Peter says, in vs 36, “let all…know for certain that God has made Him (Jesus) both Lord and Christ”.

▪ Jesus’ ascension does NOT mean that He left us here alone.

▪ The phrase “ascended into heaven” means that He is now glorified at the right hand of the Father having accomplished God’s salvific plan in His birth, life, death, and resurrection.

▪ The phrase “exalted at the right hand of God” means that He was given executive rulership and all authority in Heaven and Earth. He currently reigns as the LORD over the universe. As the ultimate anointed Prophet, Priest and King He is presently using this power for a purpose: our good.

▪ As the “ASCENDED LORD,” Jesus received the promise of the Holy Spirit, which He then pours out on us. In Heaven, Jesus is perfectly situated to empower us for our good through his Holy Spirit.

REFLECT: • How should that fact that “heaven” (God’s presence) is

immediate and near, rather than distant, impact my faith and my worldview?

• In these chaotic and uncertain times, how can I take hold of the truth of Christ’s ascension and live with unwavering hope, joy, clarity, forgiveness and eternal love?

TAKE ACTION: • Memorize this Statement of the Gospel and Incorporate it into

your Prayers. PRAY: The Gospel is the good news that God became a man in Jesus Christ. YOU lived the life we should have lived and died the death we should have died in our place. After three days, YOU rose from the dead, proving that YOU are the Son of God. YOU ascended to heaven to reign over all. YOU offer forgiveness of sins, the gift of salvation and the pouring out of the Holy Spirit to all those who repent and believe in YOU.