K Countries

Post on 28-Mar-2016

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Stamps of L countries



Índice de contenidoKAZAJSTAN..................................................................................1KENYA..........................................................................................2KENYA, TANGANIKA, UGANDA...................................................3KENYA, UGANDA, TANZANIA......................................................3KIRIBATI........................................................................................3KOREA, Peoples Democratic Republic (North Korea)..................3KOREA, Republic (South Korea)..................................................5KOSOVO.......................................................................................6KRAJINA.......................................................................................7KYRGYZSTAN..............................................................................8


Stamp-issuing status: active; Population: 16,898,572. The northern portion of Turkestan, in west-central Asia, the territory of Kazakstan was conquered by Russia during the 18th and 19th centu -ries. In December 1991, it became an independent republic.

Golden warrior. s. V B.C. From Issyk tomb

1992, 20 Mar. Perforation.: 12 x 12 ¼

Technique: Litho Unwmk



Sheet: Issue:

AR MI SC YV ** ∘

1 7 1 50 k Multicolored 0,40 € 0,30 €

The Issyk kurgan, in south-eastern Kazakhstan, less than 20 km east from the Talgar alluvial fan, near Issyk, is a burial mound discovered in 1969. It has a height of six meters and a circumference of sixty meters. It is dated to the 4th or 3rd century BC (Hall 1997). A notable item is a silver cup bearing an inscription. The finds are on display in Astana.Situated in what was at the time eastern Scythia, just north of Sogdiana, the burial contained a skeleton of uncertain sex, in all probability an 18-year-old Saka (Scythian) prince or princess, inte-rred with warrior's equipment, variously dubbed "golden man" or "golden princess", and with rich funerary goods, including 4,000 gold ornaments.

Ram's head. Issyk kurgan V-IV B.C.

Jewelled pendantsAktasty-Hügel III-V A.C.

Animal filigree diadem Kargaly -Tal

Gold artifacts

1998, 30 Apr. Perforation: 14 Technique:

Unwmk Designer:

Print: Sheet: 10

AR MI SC YV ** ∘

2. 210 223 15 T multicolored 0,70 € 0,70 €

3. 211 30 T multicolored 1,40 € 1,40 €

4. 212 40 T multicolored 1,90 € 1,90 €

Rock gravings from Tamgaly

2000, 28 Jun. Perforation: 2 ½ x 12 ¼

Technique: Unwmk



Sheet: Issue:

AR MI SC YV ** ∘

5. 286 305a 15 T multicolored 0,50 € 0,50 €

Joint issue with China

Tamgaly is a petroglyph site in the Semirechye, Kazakhstan. Tamgaly is located 170 km to north -west of Almaty. The majority of the petrogylphs are in the main canyon, but there are a number in the many side canyons. The petrogylphs are mostly Bronze Age, but in some cases have been overlaid with Medieval or later etchings.The name Tamgaly in Kazakh and other Turkic languages means "painted or marked place".



Petroglyphs, Tamgaly

2003, 19 Dec. P.: 11 ¾

Tech: Engr Unwmk




AR MI SC YV ** ∘

6. 445 436 25 T multicolored 0,50 € 0,50 €

7. 446 437 30 T multicolored 0,60 € 0,60 €


Stamp-issuing status: active; Population: 28,803,085. Republic in East Africa. Under British control from the late 19th century, a nationalist Kenyan revolution began in 1959. After years of fighting, Great Britain agreed to grant Kenyan independence, which was declared Dec. 12, 1963. During 1968-72, the government mounted a campaign against Asians with British passports, who contro-lled the commerce of the nation, and many were forced to leave the country. Kenya has shown steady economic growth since independence and enjoys a relatively free political life. During the 1980s and 1990s, tension between various opposing ethnic and political groups has shaken Ken-yan stability.

Early man

1977, 15 Jan Perforation: 14

Technique: Litho Unwmk



Sheet: Issue:

AR MI SC YV ** ∘

1. 73 75 3sh multicolored 3,00 € 3,00 €

Koobi Fora, Lake Turkana (not Australo-pithecus boisei, but Paranthropus boisei)

1982, 19 Jan Perforation: 13 ¾ x 14 ¼

Technique: Litho Unwmk



Sheet: Issue:

AR MI SC YV ** ∘

2. 210 212 50c multicolored 1,20 € 1,20 €

Paranthropus boisei (originally called Zinjanthropus boisei and then Australopithecus boisei until recently) was an early hominin and described as the largest of the Paranthropus species. It lived from about 2.6 until about 1.2 million years ago during the Pliocene and Pleistocene epochs in Eastern Africa.First discovered by anthropologist Mary Leakey on July 17, 1959, at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, the well-preserved cranium (nicknamed "Nutcracker Man") was dated to 1.75 million years old and had characteristics distinctive of the robust australopithecines. Mary and her husband Louis Leakey classified the find as Zinjanthropus boisei: "Zinj" for the medieval East African region of Zanj, "anthropus" meaning ape or ape-human, and "boisei" for Charles Boise (the anthropologists team’s funder at the time). Paranthropus boisei (as the species was eventually categorized) proved to be a treasure especially when the anthropologists' son Richard Leakey considered it to be the first hominin species to use stone tools. Another skull was unearthed in 1969 by Richard at Koobi Fora near the Lake Turkana region, in Kenya.

Not Homo erectus, but Homo ergaster

1982, 19 Jan Perforation: 13 ¾ x 14 ¼

Technique: Litho Unwmk



Sheet: Issue:

AR MI SC YV ** ∘

3. 211 213 2Sh multicolored 3,00 € 3,00 €

Homo ergaster is an extinct chronospecies of Homo that lived in eastern and southern Africa dur -ing the early Pleistocene, about 2.5- 1.7 million years ago. There is still disagreement on the sub-ject of the classification, ancestry, and progeny of H. ergaster, but it is now widely accepted to be the direct ancestor of later hominids such as Homo heidelbergensis, Homo sapiens, and Homo ne-anderthalensis rather than Asian Homo erectus. It is one of the earliest members of the genus Homo, possibly descended from, or sharing a common ancestor with, Homo habilis.The South African palaeontologist John T. Robinson first discovered a mandible of a new hominid in southern Africa in 1949; he named the species Telanthropus capensis, though it is now recog-nised as a member of Homo ergaster. The name was first applied by Colin Groves and Vratislav Mazák to KNM-ER 992, a mandible discovered near Lake Rudolf (now Lake Turkana), Kenya in 1975, which became the type-specimen of the species. The most complete skeleton of H. ergaster (and one of the most complete extinct hominids to date), KNM-WT 15000, was discovered at Lake Turkana, Kenya, in 1984 by paleoanthropologists Kamoya Kimeu and Alan Walker. They nick-named the 1.6-million-year-old specimen "Turkana Boy".

Homo habilis

1982, 19 Jan Perforation: 13 ¾ x 14 ¼

Technique: Litho Unwmk



Sheet: Issue:

AR MI SC YV ** ∘

4. 212 214 3Sh multicolored 3,60 € 3,60 €

Homo habilis is a species of the genus Homo, which lived from approximately 2.3 to 1.4 million years ago at the beginning of the Pleistocene period. The discovery and description of this species is credited to both Mary and Louis Leakey, who found fossils in Tanzania, East Africa, between 1962 and 1964. Homo habilis (or possibly H. rudolfensis) was the earliest known species of the genus Homo until May 2010, when H. gautengensis was discovered, a species believed to be even older than H. habilis. In its appearance and morphology, H. habilis is thus the least similar to modern humans of all species in the genus (except possibly H. rudolfensis). H. habilis was short and had disproportionately long arms compared to modern humans; however, it had a less pro-truding face than the australopithecines from which it is thought to have descended. H. habilis had a cranial capacity slightly less than half of the size of modern humans. Despite the ape-like mor -phology of the bodies, H. habilis remains are often accompanied by primitive stone tools (e.g. Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania and Lake Turkana, Kenya).Homo habilis has often been thought to be the ancestor of the more gracile and sophisticated Homo ergaster, which in turn gave rise to the more human-appearing species, Homo erectus. De-bates continue over whether H. habilis is a direct human ancestor, and whether all of the known fossils are properly attributed to the species. However, in 2007, new findings suggest that the two species coexisted and may be separate lineages from a common ancestor instead of H. erectus being descended from H. habilis.KNM ER 1805 is a specimen of an adult H. habilis made of 3 pieces of cranium dating 1.74 million years old from Koobi Fora, Kenya. Previous assumptions were that this specimen belongs to H. erectus based on the degree of prognathism and overall

Proconsul africanus

1982, 19 Jan Perforation: 13 ¾ x 14 ¼

Technique: Litho Unwmk



Sheet: Issue:

AR MI SC YV ** ∘

5. 213 215 5Sh multicolored 4,50 € 4,50 €

The Leakey expedition of 1947-1948 to Rusinga Island in Lake Victoria uncovered more species of Proconsul. Mary Leakey made an especially complete find of Proconsul there in 1948, which was for a number of decades labeled africanus, but was reclassified as heseloni in 1993 by Alan Walk-er. In 1951 Leakey and Le Gros Clark placed Hopwood's Xenopithecus koruensis ("strange ape from Koru, Kenya") with africanus. In 1951 also T. Whitworth found more Proconsul on Rusinga, which he considered africanus, but they were lumped with 1992 finds by Walker to form heseloni.The 18-million-year-old fossil species has been considered a possible ancestor of both great and lesser apes, and of humans

Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania

1982, 19 Jan Perforation: 14 ¼

Technique: Litho Unwmk



Sheet: Issue:

AR MI SC YV ** ∘

6. 769 40Sh 2,50 € 2,50 €




Stamp-issuing status: inactive; Population: 42.7 million (1976 estimate). Postal union of Kenya, Uganda and the mandated territory of Tanganyika, British possessions in East Africa.

Wmk ARQ #1Scott #4– Michel #1 – Yvert CA mul-

tiple and crown

Hermes - Mercury

1949, 10 Oct Perforation: 13 ½ x 14

Technique: Engr Wmk 1



Sheet: Issue:

AR MI SC YV ** ∘

1. 84 94 20c red orange 0,20 € 0,20 €

Hermes - Mercury

1949, 10 Oct Perforation: 11 x 11 ½

Technique: Litho Wmk 1



Sheet: Issue:

AR MI SC YV ** ∘

2. 86 96 50c gray 0,60 € 0,30 €


The area was renamed Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania, after Tanganyika and Zanzibar merged to form Tanzania in 1964.

Man hunting elephant, petro- glyph, Tanzania

Clay head, Luzira, Uganda (1000-1500)

Proconsul skull, Rusinga Island, Kenya.


1967, 2 May

P.: 14 ½

Tech.: Photo



Printer: Sheet:

AR MI SC YV ** ∘

1. 165 177 50c gray, black & ver 0,90 € 0,20 €

2. 166 178 1.30sh green, yel & blk 1,20 € 0,20 €

3. 167 179 2.50sh cop red, yel & blk 2,00 € 4,00 €

Kenya, Tanganika, Uganda and Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania items in Michel Catalog, see Ostafrikanische Gemeinschaft


Stamp-issuing status: active; Population: 82,449. The British protectorate of the Gilbert Islands be-came the independent republic of Kiribati on July 12, 1979.

Wmk ARQ #1Scott #4– Michel #380 – Yvert CA

multiple and crown

Obaia the Feathered legend

1983, 14 Mar Perforation: 14 ½

Technique: Engr Wmk 1



Sheet: Issue:

AR MI SC YV ** ∘

1. 417 418 12c multicolor 0,10 € 0,10 €


1998, 23

P.: 14

Tech.: Litho

Wmk 1


Printer: Sheet:

AR MI SC YV ** ∘

2. Bl 36 730 2$ multicolor 3,50 € 3,50 €



Stamp-issuing status: active; Population: 24,317,004. A communist state occupying the northern half of the Korean peninsula. After World War II, Korea was occupied from Japan, with U.S. forces holding the southern half of the country. Soviet troops occupied the north. In 1948, this partition was made permanent, and separate regimes were established in the two zones. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea was established on May 1, 1948, under the leadership of Kim Il Sung. In 1950, North Korea attacked South Korea, but three years of fighting, with United States, United Nations and Chinese intervention, ended with a cease-fire that left the boundary between the two Koreas essentially unchanged. The greatest part of Korea's resources and prewar industry were in the north, and the North Korean government has actively developed these into a substantial indus -trial plant. North Korea is one of the last truly totalitarian states, built upon a personality cult cen-tered around Kim Il Sung, a cult that has been maintained, though with some difficulty, in his son, Kim Jong Il, who succeeded his father in 1994. The regime's xenophobic foreign policy and chron-ic economic mismanagement have brought famine internally and largely isolated its dealings abroad. It continues to support a large military force and to develop nuclear weapons, so its in -creasing instability is grounds for grave concern. North Korean stamp issues are subject to U.S.


KOREA, Peoples Democratic Republic (North Korea)

Treasury Department restrictions and cannot be imported through the mail.

Paleolithic Neolithic

Early man

1990, 21 Feb

Perf.: 12 ¼ x 12




Printer: Sheet:

AR MI SC YV ** ∘

1. 3083 2888 10ch multicolor 0,70 € 0,20 €

2. 3084 2889 40ch multicolor 1,30 € 0,30 €

Theme: Early man

City: Pyongyang


NKO_19900221 FDC 10,00 €

Planting crops + Dolmen Family in shelter, with cooking pot

Plowing. Indoor life


1992, 1 Jun

Perf.: 12 ¼




Printer: Sheet: Issue: 5 stamp + 1 v

AR MI SC YV ** ∘

3. 3296 3093 10ch multicolor 0,20 € 0,10 €

4. 3297 3094 20ch multicolor 0,40 € 0,30 €

5. 3298 3095 30ch multicolor 0,60 € 0,40 €

6. 3299 3096 40ch multicolor 0,80 € 0,50 €

Laying a dolmen


1992, 1 Jun Perforation: 12 ¼ ñ

Technique: Unwmk



Sheet: Issue: 5 stamp + 1 v

AR MI SC YV ** ∘

7. 3300 3097 50ch multicolor 1,20 € 0,70 €


Early man

1998, 15 Jun P.: 13 ¼

Tech: Unwmk




AR MI SC YV ** ∘

8. 4035 3733 2765 10ch multicolor 0,20 € 0,10 €

9. 4036 3734 2766 2,50W multicolor 2,80 € 1,90 €

Tomb of a general of Koguryo

Tomb mural depicting hun-ting scene

Mt. Songsan fortress.

Gilded arrowheads.

Koguryo Historic Site (277 B.C. - 668 A.D.)

2005, 14 Jun Perforation:

Technique: Unwmk



Sheet: Issue: 4

AR MI SC YV ** ∘

10. 4438a 3W multicolor 1,00 € 0,50 €

11. 4438b 70W multicolor 1,00 € 0,50 €

12. 4438c 100W multicolor 1,00 € 0,50 €

13. 4438d 130W multicolor 1,00 € 0,50 €


KOREA, Peoples Democratic Republic (North Korea)


Koguryo Historic Site (277 B.C. - 668 A.D.)

2005, 14 Jun Perforation:

Technique: Unwmk



Sheet: Issue: 4

AR MI SC YV ** ∘

14. 4439 97W multicolor 2,00 € 1,00 €


Australophitecus afarensis

2005, 14 Jun Perforation:

Technique: Unwmk



Sheet: Issue: 4

AR MI SC YV ** ∘

15. 5016 140W multicolor - -

Theme: Australopithecus afarensis



NKO_20050413 FDC - €


(1946 -)

Stamp-issuing status: active; Population: 45,648,811. After the establishment of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in 1948, the Republic of Korea was established in the southern portion of the peninsula occupied by the United States. The regime in the south was recognized as the le-gal government of Korea on Dec. 12, 1948. On June 25, 1950, North Korea attacked South Korea, quickly pushing the South Korean forces back to a small pocket of resistance in the southeast. Massive U.N. intervention brought a North Korean rout, but the invasion of the North by communist China brought the retreat of the U.N. forces to below the 38th parallel. On July 10, 1951, after re -newed U.N. advances, peace talks began, and on July 27, 1953, an armistice was achieved. A technical state of war continues between the two Koreas, and a large number of U.S. forces re -main in the south. From 1948 to 1960, Dr. Syngman Rhee was president of South Korea. The co-rruption of the regime alienated many South Koreans, and in 1960 Rhee was forced to resign. In the following year, a military coup brought Gen. Park Chung Hee to power. Park expanded his po-wer and ruled dictatorially until his assassination in 1979. In 1980, the head of South Korean mili -tary intelligence established martial law and suppressed political opposition. Popular demonstra-tions in 1987 led to popular elections, and in 1993 the first civilian president since 1960 took office. Despite South Korea's political turmoil, a dynamic, modern manufacturing economy has developed over the past three decades, and it is one of the most prosperous of the East Asian nations.

Wmk ARQ #1Scott #312– Mi-chel #2 – Yvert

Wmk ARQ #2Scott #317– Mi-chel #3 – Yvert

Hermes – Mercury

1957, 7 Nov Perforation: 13 ½

Technique: Wmk 1



Sheet: Issue:

AR MI SC YV ** ∘

1. 258 263 40h dp orange 2,50 € 1,10 €

2. 259 264 205h emerald 5,00 € 2,20 €

a BL121 a Imperf. Sheet of 2 2.000,00 €

Abu Simbel

1963, 1 Oct

Perf.: 13 ½

Tech.: Litho

Wmk 2


Printer: Sheet:

AR MI SC YV ** ∘

3. 398 410 3w gray & ol gray 7,00 € 2,80 €

4. 399 411 4w gray & ol gray 7,00 € 2,80 €


KOREA, Republic (South Korea)

a BL182 a Souv. sheet imperf. 11,00 € 11,00 €

b b Pair 13,00 € 13,00 €

Theme: Rock carvings, Ulsan



SKO_19970701 CONM - €

Paleolithic ruins, Chungok-ri

Neolithic sites, Amsa-dong Neolithic shell mound ruins, Tongsam-dong

Dolmen, Pukon-ri Bronze Age artifacts and ruins, Songguk-r i

Rock carvings, Ulsan


1999, 2 Oct Perforation: 13 x 13 ¼ Technique: Litho.

Unwmk Designer:

Print: Sheet: 6

AR MI SC YV ** ∘

5. 2027 1969a 170w multicolored 0,40 € 0,40 €

6. 2028 1969b 170w multicolored 0,40 € 0,40 €

7. 2029 1969c 170w multicolored 0,40 € 0,40 €

8. 2030 1969d 170w multicolored 0,40 € 0,40 €

9. 2031 1969e 170w multicolored 0,40 € 0,40 €

10. 2032 1969f 170w multicolored 0,40 € 0,40 €

a BL662 1969 Sheet 2,40 € 2,40 €


Theme: Man drawing



SKO_20000121 CONM - €

Dolmen, Pukon-ri


2003, 9 Dec

Perf.: 13 x 13 ¼

Tech.: Litho. & Engr



Printer: Sheet:

AR MI SC YV ** ∘

11. 2135a 190w mult 0,35 € 0,20 €

12. 2135b 280w multi 0,45 € 0,20 €

a 2135 Sheet of 10 4,00 € 2,00 €


The U.N. administers the Serbian province of Kosovo and has issued stamps for use there since 2000.

Mosaic depicting Orpheus, c. 5th-6th cent., Podujeve

Dardinian idol, Museum of Kosovo

Silver coin of Damastion from 4th cent. B.C


2000, 15 Mar

P.: 13 ½ x 13

Tech.: Litho



Printer: ITVF Sheet: Issue: 25.000

AR MI SC YV ** ∘

1. 1 1 1 0,20DM multicolored 0,50 € 0,50 €

2. 2 2 2 0,30DM multicolored 1,00 € 0,50 €

3. 3 3 3 0,50DM multicolored 1,00 € 0,50 €

In german currency

Fibula Statue Sculpture Helmet


2005, 2 Nov Perforation: 13 ½ x 13 Technique: Litho

Unwmk Designer: Agon Nimani, Shyqri Nimani

Print: ITVF Sheet: Issue: 25.000

AR MI SC YV ** ∘

4. 38 38 38 0,20€ multicolor 1,25 € 1,25 €

5. 39 39 39 0,30€ multicolor 2,00 € 2,00 €

6. 40 40 40 0,50€ multicolor 4,00 € 4,00 €

7. 41 41 41 1€ multicolor 8,00 € 8,00 €

Sheet: 10 stamps #4 and #5 ; 50 stamps #6 and #7Exist without ITVF footprint



Probvs (276-282) Justinian (527-565) Trajan and Adrian (97-117).

Ancient coins

2006, 1 Nov Perforation: 13 Technique: Litho

Unwmk Designer: S. Berlajolli, V. Kelmendi, R. Goqi

Print: CPU d.o.o. Sarajevo BiH

Sheet: 10 Issue: 30.000

AR MI SC YV ** ∘

8. 59 59 59 0,20€ multicolor 0,75 € 0,75 €

a - Imperf - -

9. 60 60 60 0,30€ multicolor 1,10 € 1,10 €

a - Imperf - -

10. 61 61 61 0,50€ multicolor 1,90 € 1,90 €

a - Imperf - -

11. 62 62 62 1€ multicolor 3,75 € 3,75 €

a - Imperf - -

A BL 3 a BL 3 Sheet of 4 7,50 € 7,50 €

b - Imperf. Sheet of 4 - -

Sheet of 4

Probvs (276-282) Justinian (527-565) Trajan and Adrian (97-117).

Ancient coins

2006, 15 Dec Perforation: 13 Technique: Litho

Unwmk Designer: S. Berlajolli, V. Kelmendi, R. Goqi

Print: CPU&Moare Sheet: 18 stamps + 2 labels

Issue: 5.000

AR MI SC YV ** ∘

12. - 0,20€ multicolor

13. - 0,30€ multicolor

14. - 0,50€ multicolor

15. - 1€ multicolor

Kosovo items in Michel Catalog, see Jugoslawien -> Interimsverwaltung der Vereinten Nationen im Kosovo (UNMIK). In Scott Catalogue see U.N. Offices in Vienna, Austria -> U.N. Kosovo


Dove from Vucedol (about 2800-2500 BC)

1994, 26 Feb Perforation.: 13 ½ x 13 ¼

Technique: Unwmk



Sheet: 5 x 5 Issue:

AR MI SC YV ** ∘

1. 23 18 1 ND multicolor 1,90 € 1,90 €

Dove from Vucedol (label)

1996, 6 Feb P.: 13 ¾

Tech: Unwmk



Sheet: 8 stamps 1 label

AR MI SC YV ** ∘

L1. 50 1 ND multicolor 3,00 € 3,00 €

Not Issued

Dove from Vucedol (label)

1997, 29 May

P.: 13 ¾




Printer: Sheet: Issue:

AR MI SC YV ** ∘

L2. BL 1 10 multicolored 17,00 € 17,00 €

One of the most famous pieces is the ritual vessel, called by the speculative attribution of her



founder (in 1938) M. Seper - the Vučedol Dove (vučedolska golubica). The latest, very deep syn-thesis and interpretation of many phenomena of the Vučedol culture by Aleksandar Durman from Zagreb, is that the vessel is in the shape of the male partridge - the universal symbol of fertility (and limping, due to the defensive behavior of male partridge against predator attack on a par -tridge nest on ground). The figure is a remarkable example of artistic creation and religious symbol associated with a cult of the great mother. Made between 2800 and 2500 B.C. it became the sym -bol of style, culture and new arising European civilization. The Vučedol dove is a 19,5 cm high ritu-al vessel made from baked clay. Three symbols of doubled axes and a necklace were engraved on its neck with lines covering its wings and chest, and an unusual crest on the back of the head. Shape of the crest and carefully lined wings and chest, prove the figure as the domestic thorough-bred dove, raised in Europe 4500 years ago. This, as well, proves European pigeon breeding much older than we used to think. Moreover, Vučedol dove is the oldest dove figure found in Eu -rope so far.

Kosovo items in Michel Catalog, see Kroatine -> Republik Serbische Krajina


Stamp-issuing status: active. Population: 3,858,736. Republic in central Asia, situated between Kazakstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and China. Kyrgyzstan, long the home of the Turkic Kyrgyz peo-ple, was conquered by Russia in the late 19th century. Russian colonization in the early 1900s pro -voked an unsuccessful Kyrgyz rebellion in 1916, and Russian/Soviet rule continued until the breakup of the Soviet Union. Kyrgystan declared its independence on August 31, 1991, and joined the United Nations in 1992. Since independence, the government has moved forcefully to imple-ment economic reform.

Rock gravings from Cholpon Alta

1993, 21 Mar Perforation: 12 x 12 ¼

Technique: Unwmk



Sheet: Issue:

AR MI SC YV ** ∘

1. 5 5 0,10R multicolor 0,20 € 0,20 €

a B Imperf.

Cholpon-Ata (Kyrgyz: Чолпон-ата, pronounced [t olpon t ]́, literally "Venus-father", the name ofʃ ɑ ɑ a mythological protecting spirit) is a resort town on the northern shore of Lake Issyk-Kul. There is a good local museum and an open-air site with about 2000 petroglyphs dating from 800 BC to 1200AD

Abu Simbel

1995, 29 Dec Perforation: 11 ¾

Technique: Litho Unwmk



Sheet: Issue:

AR MI SC YV ** ∘

2. 97 89 10t multicolored 0,10 € 0,10 €

Gold and Bronze Artifacts FromSakov

2003, 10 May

Perf.: 14 x 14 ¼




Printer: Sheet: 8

AR MI SC YV ** ∘

3. 320 205a 1,50s multicolor 0,20 € 0,20 €

4. 321 205b 3,00s multicolor 0,40 € 0,40 €

5. 322 205c 3,60s multicolor 0,40 € 0,40 €

6. 323 205d 5,00s multicolor 0,60 € 0,60 €

7. 324 205e 7,00s multicolor 0,80 € 0,80 €

8. 325 205f 10,00s multicolor 1,20 € 1,20 €

9. 326 205g 20,00s multicolor 2,40 € 2,40 €

10. 327 205h 42,00s multicolor 5,00 € 5,00 €

a 205 Sheet of 8 11,00 € 11,00 €

Exist imperforated

Gold and Bronze Artifacts From Sakov



2005, 2 Nov Perforation: 13 ½ x 13 Technique: Litho

Unwmk Designer:

Print: ITVF Sheet: Issue: 25.000

AR MI SC YV ** ∘

11. BL 35 206 42,00s multicolor 7,50 € 7,50 €
