Kindergarten lesson plans

Post on 27-Jan-2017

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ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Knye, María Isabel

Período de Práctica: Nivel incial

Institución Educativa: INI 1467 - Hakuna Matata

Dirección: Fgta. 25 de Mayo 588 - Rada Tilly - Chubut

Sala / Grado / Año - sección: de 5 años - Turno mañana

Cantidad de alumnos: 6

Nivel lingüístico del curso: Principiantes

Tipo de Planificación: Clase

Unidad Temática: El Aula

Clase Nº: 1

Fecha: 10/05/2016

Hora: 10:00 a 10:30hs

Duración de la clase: 30 minutos

Fecha de entrega: 30/04/2016

Teaching points: School objects - What’s this...? This is a… What are these? They

are… (pencil, crayon, glue stick, scissors)

Aims or goals:

During this lesson, learners will be able to:

● follow commands

● identify and name school objects

● improve their listening skills by listening to a song

● improve pronunciation of certain sounds through meaningful practice

Language focus:


Revision Naming people

in the






boy(s), girl

point to,

walk, run, sit

down, stand

up, touch

What is this?

It’s a…(school)

stand up,

walk/run to ...,

touch the...

short vowel sound

/ʌ/ as in up, run and


New Naming




crayon, glue



What’s this?

This is a…

What are these?

They are…



Teaching approach: Communicative approach organized through PPP (Presentation,

Practice, Production)

Integration of skills: Listening and speaking through T-S exchanges, listening to and

singing a song

Materials and resources:

● Poster showing a photo of the children’s school, and images of a teacher, a boy and

a girl.

● Poster showing the school, a typical kindergarten room, a table, a chair and the

school objects to be introduced, plus realia.

● My computer to look at the video of the song and listen and sing. (There’s no internet

available at the school so I’ll download the videos I need.)

Pedagogical use of ICT in class or at home: As students watch the video they’ll have to

pick up the object mentioned and put it down as soon as the next one is mentioned.

Seating arrangement: Standing up to sing the Hello Song, in a semi circle while revising

people in the classroom. Standing up for TPR activity about commands, in a semi circle on

the floor for introduction of new vocabulary and while watching the video.

Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class: Children

can get over excited so I'll make them sit down in a circle and ask them to breath calmly

since I’ve read that this kind of activity is very useful to calm students down, I could also just

move on to the following activity. I have alternated TPR activities with others in which

children will be sitting down. I can also use the chant “1, 2, 3 eyes on me” mimicking “eyes

on me” or just raising my hand to ask them to be quiet for a while.

Classroom management strategies: reinforce routines within the classroom, foster and

praise good behaviour, and keep students engaged through a variety of activities

Comentario [R1]: miming

Assessment: what will be assessed and how?: I'll assess the children by checking if they

can identify the objects that will have been introduced by asking them to pick up, touch or

point to different ones .

Routine (5')

Purpose: to get students organised and ready to start the class

I'll get into the classroom and greet students: "Hello children! How are you today?"

SS: Hello

I'll turn my computer on to watch and sing the "Hello song" that students are used to singing

every English class.

T: Ok, let's stand up and get ready for the song. Are you ready?

Hello, hello.

How are you?

Hello, hello.

How are you?

Hello, hello, how are you?

How are you today?

I am fine,

I am great,

I am fine.

I'm just great today.

I am fine,

I am great,

I'm very well today.


Hello, hello.

How are you?

Hello, hello.

How are you?

Hello, hello, how are you?

How are you today?

I'm hungry,

I'm tired,

I'm hungry,

I'm tired,

I'm hungry,

I'm tired,

I'm not so good today.

Oh! Well, I hope you feel better soon!

Hello, hello,

How are you?

Hello, hello,

How are you?

Hello, hello,

How are you?

I'm very bad well today.


T: Very good!! Let’s sit down on the floor in a semicircle looking at the white board.

Warm up: (5’)

Purpose: To revise vocabulary and commands

Interaction patterns:

Teacher - Students

While the students sit down I’ll draw out of a bag a photo of their school and leave the other

pictures of a teacher, a boy and a girl inside it.

T: Good! Let’s start.

T: Look at the photo I have here! What’s this?

Ss: El jardín (This is what I expect the children to answer)

T: Yes, it is the school!! What is it? Encouraging children to repeat my words

Ss: (It is the) school.

T: Let’s see what else I have in here. Oh look, It’s a boy! What’s this?


Comentario [M2]: This is your school. It is the school!! Can you say that? "It is the school"

Comentario [R3]: What is the purpose of this elicitation here? If you are introducing the new lexis you

may mention the place yourself. SS will probably say the words in Spanish, but you make communication more

meaningful. Imagine the same procedure from the point of view of the learners and you

will realize what meaningful learning is / implies. Great idea to use their own context!

Ss: (It’s a) boy.

T: Great, it’s a boy. What’s this? Encouraging children to repeat the whole chunk of words

Ss: It’s a boy

T: Looking curiously inside the bag. Sofi, would you like to take another picture from the


S: Yes!!!

T: Show it to the rest.( I’ll guide her so that she understands that she has to show the

picture to her partners) Once she is facing her partners “What’s this?” Is it a boy?


Ss: Nooooooo! Es una nena

T: Yes, it’s a girl! What is it?

Ss: (It’s a girl)

T: Oh, look Mati, there’s one are more pictures. Take it one out and show it to the rest..

T: What is it? Pointing to the teacher.


T: It’s a teacher!!! What is it?

Ss: (It’s a) teacher.

Comentario [M4]: I thought that if I

gave the boy a name, the children would learn the name not the word

"boy". I could add: "His name is Tom", "Tom is a boy"

Comentario [R5]: Again, imagine this

Exchange in Spanish. How meaningful would it be?

Try to contextualize your teaching by naming this boy, saying who he is, etc.

Comentario [R6]: Careful! All of them

will want to take pictures out of the bag.

Comentario [M7]: I could have more than one girl, boy, and teacher in the

bag so that they can all have a go and they repeat the words more than once.

Con formato: Inglés (Estados Unidos)

Comentario [M8]: Her name is Maggie. Maggie is a girl. Is Maggie a

boy or a girl?

Comentario [M9]: If I change the activity it might be another boy, girl or

the other new word "teacher"

T: Let’s repeat (while showing the pictures one at a time). It’s a school.

Ss: (in lockstep) It’s the school

And so forth

T: Great job everyone! Now, stand up and come with me. I’ll place the 4 pictures in

different corners of the classroom..(Revising commands - TPR)

T: Ok, now follow me and do as I do. Walk. I’ll walk around the class with the kids following

me walking. Then I’ll change the action and I’ll say Run. Sit down, touch the school,

point to the girl, run to the boy. I expect a little bit of chaos.

T: Good job! Now come next to me and sit down. (For them to understand come next to me

I’ll signal with my hands in my direction and onto the floor)


Purpose: To introduce vocabulary

Activity #1: (10’)

Transition: Would you like to watch a video and sing a song?

SS: Yeeees!

Before watching the video:

T: Look what I have for you!!! I’ll mention the objects as I hand them out: a pencil, one for

you Sofi, one for you Elías, one for you Bauti and so on till I have handed out all of the

necessary objects. I’ll give the children a pencil, a crayon, a glue stick and a pair of

scissors (they have scissors among their material in the classroom) I’ll also place a poster

on the white board with the objects.


T: Ok, now put your objects on the floor in front of you. Look, like this. (I’ll place my objects

in front of me for them to do the same)

As we watch the video (1’51)”:

Comentario [A10]: This is a nice idea. Connecting the action verbs they

have been working on with the new vocabulary items. You should do this from the very beginning, e.g. Walk to

school, Sit down next to the boy, etc.

Comentario [M11]: good idea! Thanks.

Comentario [A12]: What would you do if they start playing with the objects,

especially with the scissors?

Comentario [M13]: I could provide them with pictures of the scissors and

have a real one just myself.

Comentario [R14]: Modelling /

showing. Well done!

Transition: Are you ready? Ok, here we go. Listen (gesturing with my hands towards my

ears) Every time you see (pointing to my eyes) the object or hear (pointing to my ears again)

the word of the object, pick it up like this. (I’ll model the action for them)

T: Let’s play the video

I’ll pick up the objects too so that they do it as well.

Classroom objects song

What is this, boys and girls?

What is this? What is this?

This is a pencil

That's what it is.

We draw with it, draw with it.

That's what we do.

We draw with a pencil,

At school, at school.

What is this, boys and girls?

What is this? What is this?

This is a crayon

That's what it is.

We colour with it, colour with it.

That's what we do.

We colour with a crayon,

At school, at school.

What is this, boys and girls?

What is this? What is this?

This is a glue stick

That's what it is.

We glue with it, glue with it.

That's what we do.

We glue with a glue stick,

At school, at school.

What are these, boys and girls?

Comentario [A15]: Modelling is so


Comentario [R16]: You should also check understanding of instructions. You may invite a S to explain in

Spanish what they have to do.

Comentario [M17]: Yes, you are right, I'll do that!

Comentario [A18]: Remember to include the lyrics, please.

What are these? What are these?

These are scissors

That's what they are.

We cut with them, cut with them.

That's what we do.

We cut with our scissors,

At school, at school.

While students are watching the video I’ll monitor if they pick up the correct object.

Once the video is over:

T: Did you like the video? Did you like the song? Do you want to watch it again?

Ss: Yes, otra vez (or at least that is what I expect)

T: Ok, again - otra vez - again

We’ll watch the video one more time so that students become familiarized with the

vocabulary and they start learning the song. (I’ll use the same song the following class as a

warm up)

T: Remember to pick up the object as you see it or hear it mentioned.

After watching:

Showing the different items to the children (As it is the first class it will be done in lockstep)

T: What’s this? It’s a pencil

Ss: (It’s a) pencil

T: What’s this? It’s a crayon

Ss: (It’s a) crayon

T: What’s this? It’s a glue stick

Ss: (It’s a) glue stick

T: What are these? They are scissors

Ss: (They are) scissors


Activity # 2 (5’)

Comentario [R19]: SS have been

exposed only twice or three times to the target lexis. They may not be able to produce the new vocab on their own.

Remember to make practice as meaningful and contextualized as possible.

Transition: Well done!!! Ok, now let’s go to the table and here I have a page with the

objects for you to colour.

Once the children are sitting down at the table, I’ll give them the handout for them to colour.

Students are not given homework, but they can take the coloured handout to show at home.

T: Would you like to take your work home? -¿Les gustaría llevar el trabajo a casa? - Would

you like to take your work home?

Transition: Look at the time! The class is over. Let’s sing a goodbye song. Students don't

sing a goodbye song so the first day I would like to look at the video as we try to sing along,

in the following classes I would like to do it in a circle, holding hands.

Now is time to say goodbye,

say goodbye, say goodbye,

Now is time to say goodbye,

Goodbye everyone


Comentario [A20]: Will you give

them instructions as regards the colours to use? It can be a nice

opportunity of revising colours. By the way, what will they use to colour? Will you provide them with the pencils/markers/crayons?

What if they do not finish the activity? Remember to include the worksheet you will give them.

Comentario [M21]: Students will be provided with crayons, that I will give them at a later stage of my practicum

as a present, when introducing the vocabulary as well as pencil and a glue stick. I'll be revising colours, along with

shapes in following classes. Students will be able to colour the objects with the colours they like best.

Comentario [A22]: If they do take it home, you should send a note to the parents explaining what you have done

and telling them to bring it class next class.

Comentario [M23]: I'll first ask their

teacher if they are allowed to take work done in class home or it they have a portfolio which is given to the parents at

a given time.

Lesson plan component

Excellent 5

Very Good 4

Good 3

Acceptable 2

Below Standard


Visual organization


Coherence and sequencing


Variety of resources –

Learning styles


Stages and activities


Teaching strategies


Class. management



Language accuracy


Observations Minimum score: 21 / 35 Score: __26__ /35 =7.5 Dear Marisa, The lesson is varied and coherent. Try to encourage learners to use the language more. Have a look at the comments, please. Asking learners “What´s this?” at presentation stage is not very meaningful. You may use a story/anecdote to contextualize the whole lesson. Remember to include the worksheet(s). If you have any doubt, do contact us. Cecilia and Aurelia


ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Knye, María Isabel

Período de Práctica: Nivel incial

Institución Educativa: INI 1467 - Hakuna Matata

Dirección: Fgta. 25 de Mayo 588 - Rada Tilly - Chubut

Sala / Grado / Año - sección: de 5 años - Turno mañana

Cantidad de alumnos: 6

Nivel lingüístico del curso: Principiantes

Tipo de Planificación: Clase

Unidad Temática: El Aula: sus objetos y personas.

Clase Nº: 2

Fecha: 12/05/2016

Hora: 10:00 a 10:30hs

Duración de la clase: 30 minutos

Fecha de entrega: 6/05/2016

Teaching points: Shapes: Pass me the..., please/ Thank you

Aims or goals:

During this lesson, learners will be able to:

● understand and follow commands

● reinforce identification and names of school objects through meaningful practice

● ask for material and answer politely through a game

● improve their listening skills by listening to songs

● improve pronunciation of certain sounds through meaningful practice

Language focus:


Revision Naming people

in the




crayon, pencil,

glue stick and


colour, colours


numbers 1 to 5

What is this?

What are these?

They are (boys,

girls, crayons



New Asking for

things and



Naming shapes

and sizes



Thank you

Pass me the (red)

crayon, please.

Thank you

/e/ as in head, bed and said

Teaching approach: Communicative approach organized through PPP (Presentation,

Practice, Production)

Comentario [A24]: Which?

Comentario [A26]: You haven´t developed this on this lesson.

Comentario [M25]: I have changed the planning so many times that I forgot

to remove it from the chart.

Integration of skills: Listening and speaking through T-S/S-S exchanges, listening to and

singing songs.

Materials and resources: This material will be in the classroom from last class

● Poster showing a photo of the children’s school, and images of a teacher, a boy and

a girl.

● Poster showing the school, a typical kindergarten room, a table, a chair and the

school objects that have already been introduced.

● My computer to look at the video of the song and listen and sing. (There’s no internet

available at the school so I’ll download the videos I need.)

● Crayons, pencils, glue sticks and pictures of scissors.

● Puppets .

● Poster with a big house and a small house made out of shapes.

Pedagogical use of ICT in class or at home: There's no real use of ICT, students will be

just listening to songs and revising numbers from 5 to one while miming.

Comentario [A27]: You should

include pictures of the resources.

Comentario [M28]: Here they are!

Comentario [A29]: Not mentioned or

used in this lesson.

Comentario [M30]: Based on my observations I decided not to include

this in the lesson.

Seating arrangement: Standing up to sing the Hello Song. Sitting in a circle while revising

school objects and practising pass me... please/ thank you. Standing up for TPR activities.

Sitting around the table while colouring a picture.

Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class: This

group of children is very active, and noisy as well, so it's very important to keep the activities

short and varied in order to keep them motivated and as calm as possible. I have alternated

TPR activities with others in which children will be sitting down.

Classroom management strategies: reinforce routines within the classroom, foster and

praise good behaviour, and keep students engaged through a variety of activities

Assessment: what will be assessed and how?: I'll assess the children by checking if they

can identify the objects and if they can use the exchange "pass me the ..., please" and

"Thank you"

Routine (5')

Purpose: to get students organised and ready to start the class

I'll get into the classroom and greet students:

T: "Hello everyone! How are you today?"

SS: Hello

I'll turn my computer on to watch and sing the "Hello song"

T: Are you ready to start? Listen (putting my hand next to my ear) The hello song!!! Come

on, let's sing. (Jumping around the classroom as they usually do, miming the feelings, such

as great with thumbs up, not so well with thumbs down, and the other gestures that appear

in the video)

Hello, hello.

How are you?

Hello, hello.

How are you?

Hello, hello, how are you?

How are you today?

I am fine,

I am great,

I am fine.

I'm just great today.

I am fine,

I am great,

I'm very well today.


Hello, hello.

How are you?

Hello, hello.

How are you?

Hello, hello, how are you?

How are you today?

I'm hungry,

I'm tired,

I'm hungry,

I'm tired,

I'm hungry,

I'm tired,

I'm not so good today.

Oh! Well, I hope you feel better soon!

Hello, hello,

How are you?

Hello, hello,

How are you?

Hello, hello,

How are you?

I'm very well today.


T: Very good!! Now, let’s sit down on the floor in a circle. We have a guest today. (I'll have a

Mickey Mouse puppet) Look, do you know him? Showing the puppet to the children.

Warm up: (5’)

Purpose: To revise vocabulary seen last class and to introduce "pass me the..., please" and

"Thank you" I won't do this here. I need to revise vocabulary seen the previous class:

school, teacher, boy, girl, crayon, pencil, glue stick and scissors.

I'll have a box with the school objects next to me. Instead of this, I'll stick the pictures

showing the vocabulary seen last class and we will play "What's missing?"

T: Let's say hello to Mickey. Hello Mickey!!

Ss: Hello Mickey

T: Let's play a game with Mickey. Here are your crayons, pencils, glue sticks and your

picture of scissors.

Instead: Look at the pictures on the board!

Mickey: I know, I know. This is a school. What's this? Pointing to another picture.

Ss: e.g. crayon

Mickey: and this?

Ss: e.g. a teacher (and so forth)

Once we have revised the vocabulary.

Comentario [A31]: You may ask

them to close/cover their eyes.

Comentario [M32]: this is a geat idea since any of the kids can mention

what's missing.

T: Now, (I'll remove one of the pictures and ask) What's missing? If they don't understand I'll

show them that I had one picture hidden behind me and repeat: "What's missing?" (I'll keep

removing pictures till there are none left on the board)

Presentation: (5')

Pass me the (crayon), please. Thank you!

Interaction pattern:

Teacher (Mickey) - Students

I'll have a box with the school objects next to me and provide the kids with one of each kind

plus the picture of the scissors.

T: Ok, listen.

T: (I'll be holding Mickey Mouse puppet with my right hand and the puppet will say) "Pass

me the crayon, please" as I hand the crayon to it, Mickey will say "Thank you"

As you suggested, Mickey will ask the children to pass him different objects and say "Thank


Mickey: Elias, pass me the pencil, please. (As Elias passes the correct object) "Thank you"

and so forth.


Activity #1 (Sitting in a circle) (5')

Interaction pattern:



Comentario [A33]: You may find one of those pairs of scissors for children

which are not dangerous for them to manipulate.

Comentario [M34]: It is not that they

are dangerous, but they might start poking at each other, so although they may not get hurt there's a great chance

that they will be more interested in the object itself than in the activity.

T: Who wants to be Mickey now? I'll ask for a volunteer. Ok, here you are. You are Mickey


I expect the volunteer to say (name) pass me the (object), please and thank you when

he/she gets it. I'll help them with the command if they forget.

T: Does someone want to be Mickey?

Ss: Yo, yo, yo...

T: (I'll choose a student) What does Mickey have to say? (¿Que tiene que decir Mickey?)

S: Pass me the crayon, please (I'll help the student remember the words)

T: And when the puppet gets the crayon? ¿Y cuando le damos el crayon, que nos dice


S: Thank you ( again I'll be helping with the words)

T: I'll ask for another volunteer. So, I'll avoid this part.


Activity #1 (Sitting in a circle) (5')

Interaction Pattern: Student - Student (One of the students in each pair will be given a

puppet to work with and they'll switch roles.)


T: Work with a partner. We will do what Mickey taught us, ok? Let's try with different

objects. You will all have a go to use a puppet. Todos van a poder usar el puppet. You will

all use a puppet. "Pass me the pencil, please". "Thank you". (I'll model the activity for them

one more time; I expect children to pick up the correct object and pass it to their partner and

say thank you when they get one) I replaced this for the previous activity based on your


Ss: I expect that everyone can say the words while using the puppet (with my help if


passing the objects to each other. "Thank you"

After every student has had a go, we'll stop.


T: Well done everyone!!! Now, let's put the objects in the box and stand up to sing a song.

Comentario [A35]: You may need to repeat the procedure before you get the students to do it on their own. “Mickey”

can ask them to pass them the different school objects and say Thank you to each of them, and then they may feel

confident to pretend to be Mickey.

Comentario [M36]: You're right. I'll do that!

Comentario [A37]: As this is a difficult question for learners, instead of translating it, you might prompt the

command and ask them to repeat after you.

Comentario [A38]: Again, find the

way of avoiding using L1.

Comentario [A39]: This is practically

the same as the previous stage.

Comentario [M40]: But this is a pair work

Comentario [A41]: Right, but the task

is just the same.

Comentario [A42]: Fine.

Activity #2 (TPR activity) (3')

I'll finish this part of the class with the song "Five Little Crayons". The children already know

the song but with Five Little Monkeys" (1'59") Students will jump, move their hands to say no

and show fingers for the numbers five to one.

Five/Four/Three/Two little crayons jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped its head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said

No more crayons jumping on the bed.


One little crayon jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped its head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said

Put those crayons right to bed.


Activity #3 (10')

Purpose: to calm students down, review colours and further practice on "pass me the (red

crayon), please". "Thank you". It will also help me to introduce shapes the following class.


T: Come on, let's sit at the table. Here you have the picture of a school a house. I want you

to paint it with the colours you like, but you have to ask for the colours politely and say thank

you. (I'll will be helping the children naming the colours they want and I'll hand them out to


Comentario [A43]: They might want to sing and dance it more than once.

Comentario [M44]: they will, if they

really want to

Comentario [A45]: A house is quite

decontextualised in your lesson plan. A picture of a school or school objects

might be better.

Comentario [M46]: The idea is that they get familiarized with the drawing

and the shapes since I'll be introducing some of the shapes the following class and I would also like to revise colours.

Comentario [A47]: colour

Comentario [A48]: So you will have the crayons, right?

Comentario [A50]: How will you

check understanding of the activity?

Comentario [M49]: I have bought

crayons and the other school objects for them to work with, which I'll be

giving out once I finish with the practicum.

Comentario [M51]: I'll ask who would like to explain what they have to do? I

can say, for expample, Genaro, what colour crayon? When he says the colour I'll say "Pass me the red crayon, please." Is this Ok?


T: Look, it's time to say goodbye! Let's sing the goodbye song. Come, let's make a circle

and hold hands.

Now is time to say goodbye,

say goodbye, say goodbye,

Now is time to say goodbye,

Goodbye everyone!


Lesson plan component

Excellent 5

Very Good 4

Good 3

Acceptable 2

Below Standard


Visual organization


Coherence and sequencing


Variety of resources –

Learning styles


Stages and activities


Teaching strategies


Class. management



Language accuracy


Observations Minimum score: 21 / 35 Score: __21__ /35 = 6 Dear Marisa, The lesson is nice. Children will love working with puppets. Have a look at the comments, please. You have included certain teaching points and materials which do not appear in the lesson. Remember that each class should be cohesive and coherent on its own. Cecilia and Aurelia


ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Knye, María Isabel

Período de Práctica: Nivel incial

Institución Educativa: INI 1467 - Hakuna Matata

Dirección: Fgta. 25 de Mayo 588 - Rada Tilly - Chubut

Sala / Grado / Año - sección: de 5 años - Turno mañana

Cantidad de alumnos: 6

Nivel lingüístico del curso: Principiantes

Tipo de Planificación: Clase

Unidad Temática: El Aula: sus objetos y personas.

Clase Nº: 3

Fecha: 17/05/2016

Hora: 10:00 a 10:30hs

Duración de la clase: 30 minutos

Fecha de entrega: 12/05/2016

Teaching points: Shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle and sizes: big and small

Aims or goals:

During this lesson, learners will be able to:

● understand and follow commands

● recall the names of colours

● to identify different shapes and sizes through a story told by puppets and supported

by pictures

● improve their listening skills by listening to songs

● improve pronunciation of certain sounds through meaningful practice

Language focus:


Revision Understanding




Sit down, stand up,

listen, look

Stop shouting/running/


numbers 1 to 5

colours: red, yellow,

blue, green, brown

and black

No more




New Naming

shapes and


Circle, square,

rectangle, triangle.

Big and small

There is (one)


There are (four)


It is big

It is small


Teaching approach: Communicative approach organized through PPP (Presentation,

Practice, Production)

Integration of skills: Listening and speaking through T-S/S-S exchanges, listening to and

singing songs.

Materials and resources: This material will be in the classroom from last class

● Poster showing a photo of the children’s school, and images of a teacher, a boy and

a girl.

● Poster showing the school, a typical kindergarten room, a table, a chair and the

school objects that have already been introduced.

● A pen drive with the songs to be sung, a device with a USB port to play the songs

and loudspeakers. (The device and loudspeakers are available in the classroom)

● Puppets Hippo

Poster with a big school full of shapes

● Poster with a small school also full of shapes

Individual pictures for the puppets' story

Crayons in different colours for the children to complete the colouring activity

Pedagogical use of ICT in class or at home: There's no real use of ICT, students will be

just listening to songs and revising numbers from 5 to one while miming.

Seating arrangement: Standing up to sing the Hello Song. Standing up for TPR activities.

Sitting in a circle on chairs to avoid having them throwing themselves on to each other on

the floor - this was a suggestion from their teacher - to listen to a story about Mickey's

school. Sitting at the table while building a school with the glazed paper shapes.

Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class: This

group of children is restless and noisy as well, so it's very important to keep the activities

short and varied in order to try to keep them entertained and as calm as possible. I have

included TPR activities but finished with a more relaxing one so as to calm students down.

Classroom management strategies: reinforce routines within the classroom, foster and

praise good behaviour, count up to 3 and give the corresponding instruction, cut an activity if

it is not working and move on to the following one and try to keep students engaged varying

the activities

Assessment: what will be assessed and how?: I'll assess the children by checking if they

can identify the different shapes and find them in a picture. I'll do this by telling them to

colour different shapes in different colours.

Routine (5')

Purpose: to get students in the mood to start the English class

I'll get into the classroom and greet students:

T: "Hello everyone! How are you today?"

SS: Hello

I'll turn the device on to sing the "Hello song"

T: Are you ready to start? Listen (putting my hand next to my ear) The hello song!!! Come

on, let's sing. (Jumping around the classroom as they usually do, miming the feelings, such

as great with thumbs up, not so well with thumbs down, and the other gestures that appear

in the video, which I won't show them because they remain sitting watching it instead of

singing the song and miming along)

Hello, hello.

How are you?

Hello, hello.

How are you?

Hello, hello, how are you?

How are you today?

I am fine,

I am great,

I am fine.

I'm just great today.

I am fine,

I am great,

I'm very well today.


Hello, hello.

How are you?

Hello, hello.

How are you?

Hello, hello, how are you?

How are you today?

I'm hungry,

I'm tired,

I'm hungry,

I'm tired,

I'm hungry,

I'm tired,

I'm not so good today.

Oh! Well, I hope you feel better soon!

Hello, hello,

How are you?

Hello, hello,

How are you?

Hello, hello,

How are you?

I'm very well today.


T: Very good!! Now, let’s sing the song of the crayons jumping on the bed. Remember to

show me with your fingers five, four, three, two, one. Are we ready?

Purpose: To revise numbers 1 to 5, crayon and possibly pencil

Five/Four/Three/Two little crayons/pencils jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped its head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said

Comentario [A52]: You may direct students´ attention to a box of crayons

with only 5 crayons inside, for instance. Remember to provide a meaningful and concrete context.

Comentario [M53]: I'll do that. Thanks!

No more crayons jumping on the bed.


One little crayon/pencil jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped its head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said

Put those crayons/pencils right to bed.

Children will be able to listen to it a second time if they feel like it and we'll change crayons

for pencils this second time. Students won't be watching the video since they get distracted,

I'll record the songs in Mp3.


T: Well done, everyone! Now, let's sit in a circle looking at the white board (I'll close the

circle sitting in front of the white board where I'll have placed the following pictures). We will

listen to a story.

Presentation: (2')

circle, square, triangle, square

I'll have two puppets, the one of Mickey Mouse and another that I'll call Hippo.

T: Look who is here?

Mickey: Hello children!

Ss: Hello Mickey!

Mickey: This is my friend Hippo. Say hello to Hippo.

Ss: Hello Hippo


Story - Puppet show (5')

M: We go to school. I like going to school. (Mickey pointing to a smiling face - The one on

the board will be bigger) My school is full of shapes, look! (Pointing to the poster on the

board) It is big!

Narrator (teacher): Mickey's school is full of shapes. There are two circles (pointing to a

picture showing a circle ), there are four squares (pointing to a picture showing a square

), There are two rectangles (pointing to a picture showing a rectangle ) and there is one

triangle (pointing to a picture showing a triangle ).

Outside the school there is a big tree. It also has shapes, there is a triangle and a

rectangle .

Hippo: I don't like going to school. My school is also full of shapes, but it is small

(pointing to the small school on the board) and the tree outside is small too. I want to go to a

big school (pointing to the big school on board) with my friend Mickey.

Mickey: Ok Hippo. Let's go to school together. (hugging each other)

Narrator: Since that day Hippo is happy and he likes going to school

T: Did you like the story?

Ss: Yeees


T: Great! Now, you are going to sit around the table (I'll go to the table and make sure there

are charis for everyone) and you are going to colour a big school (I'll have a copy of the

handout in my hand and a crayon and mime as if I were colouring the picture). Here you

have a picture of the school and a box crayons for you to colour the picture. Before you

start, please listen to me.

Activity #1: (10') (copy of the handout below)

Purpose: to revise colours and assess children's abilities to recognize colours and shapes.

Comentario [A54]: The only exposure they have had is the story.

They might need some more practice. You may get them to repeat the words using different tones of voice, play with

the flashcards, elicit the words, etc.

T: Can you see the school?

Ss: Yes!!

T: Point to the school.

Ss: Point to the building full of shapes

T: There is a tree. Point to the tree, please.

Ss: Point to the tree

T: Now listen. In the school, colour the big triangle red. (The big poster will be displayed

and if the children don't understand, I'll point to the roof in the big poster. By doing this, I'll be

assessing their ability to recall the names of the colours and to identify the shapes)

T: (Praising the ones who give it a try) Well done!! Great!!

T: (As we go on, I'll ask the children to colour different shapes on the picture in different


There are four squares. Can you see them? Colour the squares black. (and so forth)

This will be a colour dictation.

This activity will act as the closure too.

I hope this time I can finish with what I have planned. That's the reason why I have just

included one activity which will act as the closure activity too. The characteristics of the

group does not allow more than what I have planned and yet, I'm not sure I will be able to

fulfill my aims.

As you can see, there's not students' speaking time and the reason for this is that they are

not willing to use the language. When I force them to do so, they stop doing what they are

supposed to do and move away so I'll try to expose them to as much English as I can giving

the children as much input as possible.


T: Look!! Class is over. Let's sing the goodbye song. Come, let's make a circle and hold


Now is time to say goodbye,

say goodbye, say goodbye,

Now is time to say goodbye,

Goodbye everyone!

Lesson plan component

Excellent 5

Very Good 4

Good 3

Acceptable 2

Below Standard


Visual organization


Comentario [A55]: By doing so, you

show them the answer. You may ask a volunteer to go to the poster and touch the roof.

Comentario [M56]: I'll try and see if there's any of the children willing to do so.

Comentario [A57]: You should do

something to round the lesson off. You can display the students worksheets while you revisit the vocabulary worked

with. Maybe Mickey Mouse can be the one who praises them this time.

Comentario [M58]: I'll ask for

permission to display their work in the classroom, but I have already had difficulty leaving the posters on the

room's walls.

Comentario [A59]: You should encourage students to do so. Little by

little they are supposed to produce some English. Using catchy songs or chants is a good choice.

Comentario [M60]: Again, I always

do my best to have them produce some English but it has become almost "Mision Impossible".

Coherence and sequencing


Variety of resources –

Learning styles


Stages and activities


Teaching strategies


Class. management



Language accuracy


Observations Minimum score: 21 / 35 Score: _24___ /35 = 7 Dear Marisa, We have included some suggestions which might trigger some new ideas of your own to achieve a cohesive and successful lesson. Have a look at the comments and ponder over them. Cecilia and Aurelia


ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Knye, María Isabel

Período de Práctica: Nivel incial

Institución Educativa: INI 1467 - Hakuna Matata

Dirección: Fgta. 25 de Mayo 588 - Rada Tilly - Chubut

Sala / Grado / Año - sección: de 5 años - Turno mañana

Cantidad de alumnos: 6

Nivel lingüístico del curso: Principiantes

Tipo de Planificación: Clase

Unidad Temática: El Aula: sus objetos y personas.

Clase Nº: 4

Fecha: 19/05/2016

Hora: 10:00 a 10:30hs

Duración de la clase: 30 minutos

Fecha de entrega: 16/05/2016

Teaching points: Shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle and sizes: big and small

Aims or goals:

During this lesson, learners will be able to:

● understand and follow commands

● recall the names of colours

● to identify different shapes and sizes in order to build a school

● improve their listening skills by listening to songs

● improve pronunciation of certain sounds through meaningful practice

Language focus:


Revision Understanding




Asking for

things politely

Naming school

objects and

shapes and


Sit down, stand up,

listen, look


colours: red, yellow,

blue, green, brown

and black

Circle, square,

rectangle, triangle.

Big and small

Pass me the ...,


There is (one)


There are (four)


It is big

It is small


New None None None None

Teaching approach: Communicative approach organized through PPP (Presentation,

Practice, Production)

Integration of skills: Listening and speaking through T-S/S-S exchanges, listening to and

singing songs.

Materials and resources:

● A pen drive with the songs to be sung, a device with a USB port to play the songs

and loudspeakers. (The device and loudspeakers are available in the classroom)

Poster with a big school full of shapes

School objects (realia) plus picture of scissors

Labelled paper bags

Individual pictures to revise shapes

Computer to watch a video related to shapes

Pieces of glazed paper cut in different shapes and colours for students to make their

own building (Should I add a picture of the pieces of glazed paper?)

Pedagogical use of ICT in class or at home: I'll try to make the students repeat the name

of the different shapes as they appear in the video, students will listen to other songs such

as the "Hello song" and the "Goodbye song".

Seating arrangement: Standing up to sing the Hello Song. Standing up in a row at the back

of the classroom for the "energizer" activity (objects' race). Sitting in front of the computer for

the shapes' video and around the table while building a school with the glazed paper


Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class: This

group has great difficulty staying focused so keeping the activities short and varied are of

paramount importance. I included an energizer activity before other more relaxing ones. To

calm students down is a major challenge.

Classroom management strategies: reinforce routines within the classroom, foster and

praise good behaviour, count up to 3 and give the corresponding instruction, and stay silent

till the children react, cut an activity if it is not working, move on to the following one and try

to keep students focus for as long as possible.

Assessment: what will be assessed and how?: I'll assess the children by checking if they

can name the different shapes and identify them in the objects' race and the video.

Comentario [A61]: It´s OK. Don´t worry.

Routine (3')

Purpose: to get students in the mood to start the English class

I'll get into the classroom and greet students:

T: "Hello everyone! How are you today?"

SS: Hello

I'll turn the device on to sing the "Hello song"

T: Are you ready to start? Listen (putting my hand next to my ear) The hello song!!! Come

on, let's sing. (Jumping around the classroom, miming the feelings, such as great with

thumbs up, not so good with thumbs down, hungry moving hands over the belly, and tired

letting hands down)

Hello, hello.

How are you?

Hello, hello.

How are you?

Hello, hello, how are you?

How are you today?

I am fine,

I am great,

I am fine.

I'm just great today.

I am fine,

I am great,

I'm very well today.


Hello, hello.

How are you?

Hello, hello.

How are you?

Hello, hello, how are you?

How are you today?

I'm hungry,

I'm tired,

I'm hungry,

I'm tired,

I'm hungry,

I'm tired,

I'm not so good today.

Oh! Well, I hope you feel better soon!

Hello, hello,

How are you?

Hello, hello,

How are you?

Hello, hello,

How are you?

I'm very well today.


T: Would you like to play a game? It's called the objects' race. (To provide a meaningful

context for the children I'll give each of them a paper bag containing a pencil, a crayon, a

glue stick, a picture of a pair of scissors, and the four shapes we worked on last class. Each

bag will be labelled with their names).

Warm-up: (5' to10') Because instructions might take too long if I want students to

understand what is expected from them.


To act as an energizer and to revise school objects and shapes and the structure "Pass me

the ..., please."

Interaction pattern

Teacher - Students

Student - Students

Before handing out the paper bags, I'll show them how the race works. (I'll have to

resort to Spanish if I want to catch their attention )



You will all stand in a row at the back of the classroom and put your bag on the

tables behind you. (I'll show them how).

I'll be standing at the other end of the classroom and I'll say "Pass me the (crayon),


Turn around, find the object inside your bag and run to me and give me the object.

The first of you to reach me and hand in the correct object wins a point.

The one with the most points is the winner and gets to keep what is inside the bag.

T: Are you ready to race?

Ss: Yeeees!

T: Ok, stay here and I'll go to the other end of the classroom. Listen to what I ask for. Ok,

here we go!!

T: Pass me the scissors, please!

(I hope that students look for the correct object inside the bag and run to me and not to do it

bringing the bag) I'll keep a record on the board of who gives me the correct object first.

Once I have asked for the objects three or four times, I'll ask for a volunteer to do it and tell

him/her that the one who replaces me will get an extra point. (to encourage participation and


I'll give everyone who wants to have a go the opportunity. When nobody else wants to

participate I'll stop the activity and announce the winner.

T: And the winner is....!!! You get to keep what was inside your bag!! Let's give him/her a

clap. (I'll clap myself so that kids imitate me)


Comentario [A62]: Only if necessary. Try using English at all times.

Comentario [M63]: I do, but I have to resort to L1 at times because they look at me as if they don't understand a

single word of what I'm saying.

Comentario [M64]: I'll try to convince

a student to help me show what they have to do

Comentario [A65]: You can

demonstrate all this with one student.

Comentario [A66]: This might be

quite frustrating for the other kids.

Comentario [A67]: You may give

some extra help by miming the objects.

Comentario [M68]: Yes!!

Comentario [A69]: Will they

understand this?

Comentario [M70]: I'll show them pretending to write an extra point on

the board.

Comentario [A71]: Maybe a clap and/or a medal is better than giving out

the bag. The medal might be kept in the classroom for further occasions.

Comentario [M72]: Ok. I'll make the

necessary correction to the plan here.

T: Let's, now, watch a video about shapes and where we can see them. Would you like

that? Come here, sit in front of the computer.

Presentation: (2')

T: Shapes are everywhere, look, the door is a ... rectangle, is there another rectangle in the


Ss: La ventana (at least I expect them to mention other things in the class that are


T: Yes, the window!! Great. Is there a circle? The poster of the school full of shapes will be

displayed so they might mention or point to a circle in the poster.

T: In the video we will see other things where we can see different shapes. Let's watch?!


Activity #1: (4') It is the time the video lasts.

T: Repeat any word you can, ok? And draw the shapes in the air, like this! (I'll show them

how to and I will also repeat the words and draw in the air to encourage the kids to do so.)


Do you know what I am?

Say my name if you can!

I have just one line

that goes round and round

and I can roll on the ground.

What am I?

You're a circle!

Do you know what I am?

Say my name if you can!

If you look really close

you will see

I have three sides

One, two, three!

What am I?

You're a triangle!

Draw a circle in the air!

Draw a triangle in the air!

I see shapes

I see shapes, shapes, shapes.

Everywhere I go

I see lots of shapes.

Do you know what I am?

Say my name if you can!

I have four sides

They are all the same

Comentario [A73]: Coherence with

previous activity?

Comentario [M74]: One of the topics we will have revised are shapes, so I

thought that it would be a good idea to reinforce the vocabulary learnt.

Comentario [A75]: Repeat the

names of the shapes after you listen to them.

Comentario [M76]: It might be

clearer if I express it that way. All the same, it is impossible for me to remember the exact words I write on

the plan in order to repeat them.

If you know my name

You're good at this game!

What am I?

You're a square!

Do you know what I am?

Say my name if you can!

I have four sides

like a square

but two sides are shorter

and I don't care.

What am I?

You're a rectangle!

Draw a square in the air.

Draw a rectangle in the air.

I see shapes

I see shapes, shapes, shapes

Everywhere I go

I see lots of shapes!





Circle, triangle, square, rectangle.

Circle, triangle, square, rectangle.

Shapes are everywhere!

I see shapes

I see shapes, shapes, shapes

Everywhere I go

I see lots of shapes.


T: You see? There are shapes everywhere. Would you like to make a house or school with

shapes? Look, here I have different shapes in different colours for you to do it. Come, let's

sit around the table. (I'll provide students with a blank page, shapes cut out of glazed

paper and a glue stick for each of them)

Activity #2: (8')

Once the children have sat down at the table, I'll hand out the material and show them how

to do the activity if they don't understand. This is the idea.

At the beginning I had thought of placing the shapes in the middle for them to choose what

they wanted, but they might start fighting so I'll give each of the kids enough shapes to

complete the activity. I already have extra shapes just in case they are needed.

Comentario [A77]: They might to the

house /school first and then you may let them use their imagination to create different objects with the glazed paper


Comentario [M78]: I wish it could be possible, but I don't think they'll have

enough time for both activities. I was thinking of a project for the last class in order to round up the Unit so I could

include the activity suggested in that project.

Closure: (2')

T: Great job everybody!!! Show me, "Nice work" and I'll stamp a seal on his/her page. (I

have different kinds of seals which say: Terrific, Very Good, Great, Nice work, Well done

and Super, so I'll place them on their work) Then I'll ask the Spanish teacher if we can

display the kids work in the classroom and leave it there for a while. Transition

T: Kids, class is over. Let's sing the goodbye song. Come, let's make a circle and hold


Now is time to say goodbye,

say goodbye, say goodbye,

Now is time to say goodbye,

Goodbye everyone!

Lesson plan component

Excellent 5

Very Good 4

Good 3

Acceptable 2

Below Standard


Visual organization


Coherence and sequencing


Comentario [A79]: So they will stick their productions.

Comentario [M80]: Yes, in the blank page that I'll provide them with for that purpose.

Variety of resources –

Learning styles


Stages and activities


Teaching strategies


Class. management



Language accuracy


Observations Minimum score: 21 / 35 Score: __21__ /35 = 6 Dear Marisa, Have a look at the comments. Keep the thread in mind and do not be afraid of using English as much as you can. Reconsider the idea of giving the bag as a prize only to the winner of the game. Cecilia and Aurelia


ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Knye, María Isabel

Período de Práctica: Nivel incial

Institución Educativa: INI 1467 - Hakuna Matata

Dirección: Fgta. 25 de Mayo 588 - Rada Tilly - Chubut

Sala / Grado / Año - sección: de 5 años - Turno mañana

Cantidad de alumnos: 6

Nivel lingüístico del curso: Principiantes

Tipo de Planificación: Clase

Unidad Temática: El Aula: sus objetos y personas.

Clase Nº: 5


Comentario [M81]: I'll try to design a

medal :)

Comentario [M82]: After consulting

with the teacher in charge, I decided not to give out anything and declare all of them winners!

Hora: 10:00 a 10:30hs

Duración de la clase: 30 minutos

Fecha de entrega: 23/05/2016

Teaching points: School objects. Shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle and sizes:

big and small

Aims or goals:

During this lesson, learners will be able to:

● understand and follow commands

● name the school objects dealt with during the unit

● name and identify different shapes while watching a video

● improve their listening skills by listening to songs

● improve pronunciation of certain sounds through meaningful practice

Language focus:


Revision Understanding




Asking for

things politely

Naming school

objects and

shapes and


Sit down, stand up,

listen, look

Crayon, pencil, glue

stick and scissors

colours: red, yellow,

blue, green, brown

and black

Circle, square,

rectangle, triangle.

Big and small

Pass me the/a ...,


There is (one)


There are (four)


It is big

It is small


New None None None None

Teaching approach: Communicative approach organized through PPP (Presentation,

Practice, Production)

Integration of skills: Listening and speaking through T-S/S-S exchanges, listening to and

singing songs.

Comentario [A83]: Take this aim into account when delivering the lesson. Try

to use different teaching techniques so as to encourage learners to actually use the language

Comentario [M84]: I always try to have them use the language. However, they don't generally do it because they

are not used to it. The main goal of this English workshop is to expose students to the L2, not really to produce it.

Materials and resources:

● The computer to listen to songs and watch a video related to shapes.

Labelled paper bags with a box of crayons, a pencil, a glue stick which students will

keep and school objects' pictures, and small cards with shapes for the "School bag


Individual pictures to revise shapes

School bag project sample without the decoration. The difference is that the one I'll

give out will be pasted to a #5 white cardboard paper instead of a colour one.

Pieces of glazed paper cut in different shapes and colours to decorate the school


Pedagogical use of ICT in class or at home: Make students repeat after me the name of

the different shapes as they appear in the video and pick up the correct card as the words

are repeated. Students will listen to other songs such as the "Hello song", "Five little

crayons" and the "Goodbye song".

Seating arrangement: Standing up to sing the Hello Song. Sitting in front of the computer

for the shapes' video, on their feet for the Five little crayon song and around the table while

working on the school bag project.

Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class:

Misbehaviour because of lack of concentration although I expect that they will like the school

bag project. After showing the video, we will sing the Five Little crayon song but changing

the object as they call out a different one.

Classroom management strategies: reinforce routines within the classroom, foster and

praise good behaviour, count up to 3 and stay silent till the children react before giving the

corresponding instruction, cut an activity if it is not working, move on to the following one and

try to keep students focus for as long as possible.

Assessment: what will be assessed and how?: I'll assess the children by checking if they

can name the different shapes and school objects while watching the video and singing

"Five little (school object) jumping on the bed.

Routine (3')

Purpose: to get students in the mood to start the English class

I'll get into the classroom and greet students:

T: "Hello everyone! How are you today?"

SS: Hello

I'll turn the device on to sing the "Hello song"

T: Listen!!! (putting my hand next to my ear) The hello song!!! Come on, let's sing.

(Jumping around the classroom, miming the feelings, such as great with thumbs up, not so

good with thumbs down, hungry moving hands over the belly, and tired letting hands down)

Hello, hello.

How are you?

Hello, hello.

How are you?

Hello, hello, how are you?

How are you today?

I am fine,

I am great,

I am fine.

I'm just great today.

I am fine,

I am great,

I'm very well today.


Hello, hello.

How are you?

Hello, hello.

How are you?

Hello, hello, how are you?

How are you today?

I'm hungry,

I'm tired,

I'm hungry,

I'm tired,

I'm hungry,

I'm tired,

I'm not so good today.

Oh! Well, I hope you feel better soon!

Hello, hello,

How are you?

Hello, hello,

How are you?

Hello, hello,

How are you?

I'm very well today.


T: We will now watch a video about shapes!!! Circle, square, triangle and rectangle. You

know that we see shapes everywhere?

Warm-up: (5')

Purpose: To revise shapes as a wrap up of the unit

Interaction pattern:

Teacher - Student

T: Look!!! (Putting up the flashcards of the shapes) Repeat after me!.

T: It's a circle. Please, repeat. It's a circle

Ss: Circle

T: and so forth. Just a minute for the children to recall the words and relate them to the


T: Well, now, let's watch the video. Put your shape cards in front of you and pick them up

as we mention them. (I'll be doing it for them to copy what I'm doing. I'll also be paying

attention to see if any of the children pick the right shape up without my guidance)


Do you know what I am?

Say my name if you can!

I have just one line

that goes round and round

and I can roll on the ground.

What am I?

You're a circle!

Comentario [A85]: You can show pictures of shapes.

Comentario [M86]: Students will have their small cards with the shapes handy.

Comentario [A87]: Will they understand this?

Comentario [A88]: This transition

should come later, after you work with the shapes.

Comentario [A89]: You may invent a

chant- it can be more engaging.

Comentario [M90]: Great idea, thank

you! I'll do that.

Do you know what I am?

Say my name if you can!

If you look really close

you will see

I have three sides

One, two, three!

What am I?

You're a triangle!

Draw a circle in the air!

Draw a triangle in the air!

I see shapes

I see shapes, shapes, shapes.

Everywhere I go

I see lots of shapes.

Do you know what I am?

Say my name if you can!

I have four sides

They are all the same

If you know my name

You're good at this game!

What am I?

You're a square!

Do you know what I am?

Say my name if you can!

I have four sides

like a square

but two sides are shorter

and I don't care.

What am I?

You're a rectangle!

Draw a square in the air.

Draw a rectangle in the air.

I see shapes

I see shapes, shapes, shapes

Everywhere I go

I see lots of shapes!





Circle, triangle, square, rectangle.

Circle, triangle, square, rectangle.

Shapes are everywhere!

I see shapes

I see shapes, shapes, shapes

Everywhere I go

I see lots of shapes.


T: Well done everybody!!! Now let's jump a little bit with 5 little crayons. Ok?.

Purpose: To have students do some TPR activity so that they don't become restless before

doing the final project and to revise school objects and numbers 1 to 5.

Activity #1 (5')

T: The first part we will sing it with crayon, then you name any other school object and we

go on singing it with the one you said. Every time one of you names a different object we

change the song. I'll do it the first time. (After I've changed the object the first time, I'll ask a

student to choose another school object and we will keep on singing it with that item) All the

children will have the school objects so if they cannot mention them, at least they can pick a

different one. As the words we have been working with have two syllables, they fit the music


Five/Four/Three/Two little crayons/pencils jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped its head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said

No more crayons jumping on the bed.


One little crayon/pencil jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped its head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said

Put those crayons/pencils right to bed.


T: Are you tired? (Miming tired as in the hello song) I have a final work for you to do. Let's sit around the table. Look!!!!

Comentario [A91]: Connection with

the previous activity? Maybe you can change the lyrics

saying “Five little Circles..” first, and then you can replace the “circles” for school objects, in order to relate the different stages.

Comentario [M92]: the idea is to revise school objeccts as well since this is the last class of the unit.

Comentario [A93]: Purpose? You can tell them it´s time to pack up,

and that´s why they have the school bag…

Comentario [A94]: A final task

Closure: Activity #2: (15') Purpose: To wrap up the unit putting together school objects, colours, shapes and sizes.

I'll show the students the school bag and they will glue the small school objects cutouts inside a pocket I left for them to do so and then they will decorate it with the different shapes in different sizes and colours cut out of glazed paper or they will be able to colour it as they wish. This is the final work they will do since the unit is over. T: You all have, inside the paper bag with your names, a box of crayons, a pencil if you want to draw, a glue stick to glue the small school objects to your school bag and a lot of shapes in different colours and sizes to decorate your school bag. Let's get to work! I'll be around helping the children to work on their school bag. Transition

T: Kids, class is over. Let's sing the goodbye song.

Now is time to say goodbye,

say goodbye, say goodbye,

Now is time to say goodbye,

Comentario [A95]: And eliciting the


Goodbye everyone!

I'll say goodbye to each of them as, hopefully, this will be my last class.

Lesson plan component

Excellent 5

Very Good 4

Good 3

Acceptable 2

Below Standard


Visual organization


Coherence and sequencing


Variety of resources –

Learning styles


Stages and activities


Teaching strategies


Class. management



Language accuracy


Observations Minimum score: 21 / 35 Score: __24__ /35 = 7 Dear Marisa, You are attentive to the students´ needs and interests – that´s great. Try to connect the activities so that the lesson develops smoothly. Bear your aims in mind when delivering the lesson. Cecilia and Aurelia