Misionero Completo en Ingles. Tercer Trimestre 2010 Menores

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  • 8/9/2019 Misionero Completo en Ingles. Tercer Trimestre 2010 Menores


    2010QUARTER 3T s - E u p E D i i s i


    Martynas Missionpage 14 | BiBlefor sharoonpage 20www.AdventistMiss ion.org

  • 8/9/2019 Misionero Completo en Ingles. Tercer Trimestre 2010 Menores








































    C o n t e n t sn the Cover: Ella, from Finland, loves all animals, especially horses.


    4 makng Frend Wth Je | July 3

    6 Ea nwered prayer | July 10

    8 ser Ca Frend | July 17


    10 serte sharng | July 24

    12 Chdren Chrch | July 31

    14 martyna mon | August 7

    CilDEs pJECT

    16 mhaba oe, art 1 | August 14

    18 mhaba oe, art 2 | August 21

    20 Bbe for sharoon | August 28

    22 eay ltte sabbath schoo | September 4

    24 Egytan dventre | September 11

    26 moy, i saw nge! | September 18


    28 Thrteenth sabbath progra | September 25

    31 ctvte

    35 eorce

    36 ma

  • 8/9/2019 Misionero Completo en Ingles. Tercer Trimestre 2010 Menores





    D e a r s a B B a t h s C h o o l l e a D e r ,

    This quarter features the Trans-European

    Division, which includes countries located

    in Europe, Asia, Africa, and several island

    groups. The European countries includeAlbania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Channel

    Islands, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Faroe

    Islands, Finland, Greece, Greenland,

    Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Isle of Man,

    Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway,

    Poland, Slovenia, Sweden, the former

    Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, United

    Kingdom, and Yugoslavia. The African

    and Asian countries lie within the Middle

    East Union and include Bahrain, Cyprus,

    Egypt, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon,

    Pakistan, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan,

    Syria, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.

    The Trans-European Division is home to

    more than 600 million people, 111,000 of

    whom are Seventh-day Adventists. Thats a

    ratio of one Adventist for every 5,555 people.The Thirteenth Sabbath Offering this

    quarter will go to help:

    establish an international church

    congregation in Copenhagen, Denmark;

    remodel a building to provide a worship

    center for an active congregation in


    upgrade the summer camp in Poland tomeet government standards and provide

    more outreach opportunities.

    Language FunSongs and words in Polish are featured on

    our website, www.AdventistMission.org. Click

    on Resources and Childrens Activities.

    Offering DeviceUse a simple bowl made of birch or other

    light-colored wood as an offering device

    this quarter. Because the special childrens

    offering will help provide Bibles for children

    in three countries, purchase or make smallbanks in the shape of Bibles to encourage the

    children to save for the Thirteenth Sabbath

    Offering all quarter.

    Special Features Adventist Mission DVD features stories

    from the featured countries of the Trans-

    European Division. Ask your adult

    Sabbath School superintendent to make a

    copy for you to share with your children.

    Invite a guest who has lived in one of

    the featured European countries to visit

    your class and speak to the children.

    Encourage them to bring appropriate

    items for the children to see and touch.

    Decorate the room with pictures cut

    from magazines or travel brochures and

    silk or paper flowers.

    More Activities. Visit our website at

    www.AdventistMission.org. Click on

    Resources and Childrens Activities.

    Click on the current quarter to find pages

    of crafts, language activities and songs,

    recipes, games, and activities to download

    or print for use in your Sabbath School.Check out See It, Say It, an audio file

    that helps you pronounce some of the

    words featured this quarter.

    Yours for the kingdom,

    Charlotte Ishkanian

    Editor, Childrens Mission

  • 8/9/2019 Misionero Completo en Ingles. Tercer Trimestre 2010 Menores






    Todays story is from Finland [locate Finland on the map]. Finland is a lovely countrywith hundreds of lakes, green forests, and beautiful farmland. In the winter lakesfreeze over and snow piles up on the hillsides. Finns dont mind the cold; they loveto ski and ice skate.

    Kids Action TimeEllas mother studied the advertisement in the

    newspaper. Then she turned to Ella, who was 8,and said, Would you like to go to a childrensprogram this Sunday afternoon? It looks as if itmight be fun.

    Ella nodded eagerly. She, too, thought it wouldbe fun.

    On Sunday afternoon Mother drove Ella andher younger brothers to the program, which issponsored by the Adventist Church. Motherstayed and watched while her children enjoyed theactivities. Ella found a friend, and the two girls ranoff to enjoy the activities.

    The children gathered to sing some songs andwatch a Bible story that the adults and some olderchildren acted out. Then it was time to get moving!

    The teachers explained that the children couldvisit any of the fun stations that had been set up inthe meeting place. Ella looked around. Everything

    Making Friends With JesusF i l D | July 3

    f a s t f a C t s

    Finland lies in Europebetween Russia andSweden. The northernpart of the country liesabove the Arctic Circle,where the sun doesnt set

    in the heart of summerand doesnt rise in theheart of winter.

    Because of the long,cold winters, everyonelearns to enjoy the snow.Skiing and ice skating onFinlands thousands oflakes are major pastimes.

    While Finnish peopleclaim to be Christians,few go to church regularly.


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    looked like fun. At one station someteenagers were painting flowers andstars on childrens hands and faces. Atanother station a huge trampoline hadbeen set up, and children eagerly waitedfor a turn to bounce on it. There wereart and craft stations and a rope coursewhere children maneuvered throughobstacles while holding onto the ropesthat stretched overhead. Ella wanted totry everything!

    The time went quickly as thechildren spent a happy and noisy hourlearning new skills and playing active

    games. Soon it was time to cometogether to end the meeting. One moresong, one more prayer, and a lovinggoodbye ended the meeting.

    Ella loved the program and wasthrilled to learn that next monththere would be another Kids ActionTime program. May we come again,Mother? she asked, her cheeks still red

    from play. Mother smiled and nodded. Ithad been a fun time for all of them. Yes,they would return.

    At Kids Action Time Ella learnedsongs about Jesus and how to bow herhead when the teachers prayed. Andone day when the teacher asked thechildren whether anyone wanted to give

    their heart to Jesus, Ella raised her hand.Summer Camp

    While Ella and her brothers enjoyedKids Action Time one day, Motherreceived an invitation card to attenda family summer camp. She read thelist of activities offered at camp. Thiswould make a great family vacation, she

    thought. When Mother told Ella and

    her brothers about the summer camp,

    they were so excited. Oh, yes! Yes!Lets go! the children exclaimed. Ella

    had heard about summer camp from

    some friends, and she knew it would be

    great fun.Summer came, and the family

    prepared for camp. Some friends werejoining them at camp, so they would

    have someone they knew to play and

    swim with. Ella and her family had

    great fun at family camp. The children

    attended meetings, went swimming

    and canoeing on the big lake, played

    volleyball, and went hiking in theforest. Camp was great fun! Ella couldnt

    wait to go to camp again the next year.

    When she was old enough, Mother

    let Ella attend summer camp by herself.During that camp Ella again surrendered

    her heart to Jesus. Her best friend

    invited her to attend the Adventist

    church with her on Sabbath. Ella livesa long way from the church, so her

    mother takes her to her friends house,and her friends parents take her to

    church. Sometimes Ellas mother and

    brothers go to church with her.

    Making Mission PossibleElla is so glad that the people in the

    Adventist church sponsor Kids ActionTime. Shes glad that adults work so

    hard to help children learn about Jesus.

    Now Ella helps the teachers put on the

    Kids Action Time program so that other

    children can learn that God loves them

    too. Our mission offerings help pay for

    programs such as Kids Action Time, at

    which Ella learned to love Jesus.

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    Emila [EH-mee-lah] lives in Finland [locate Finland on the map.]. When she waslittle she became very sick. The doctors discovered that her liver wasnt working,and she had to have a liver transplant to survive. Emila had the dangerous surgery.

    Emilas New FamilyBut Emila would always need special care

    and expensive medicines to grow strong, andher parents couldnt give her the care sheneeded. So Emila was adopted by anotherfamily. Emila quickly learned to love her newfamily. Every night she snuggled in her newmothers arms and listened to Bible stories. She

    attended Sabbath School and church with thefamily, and soon Emila learned to love Jesus,just as her new family did.

    Emilas DilemmaWhen Emila started school, she made lots

    of new friends and often talked to them aboutJesus. But some of the children didnt wantto hear about Jesus. Some children even said

    unkind things about God or made fun ofEmila. Emilas parents tried to explain thatsome families dont know what a wonderful

    eMilas ansWered PrayersF i l D | July 10

    M i s s i o n P o s tLike many countries in Europe,

    Finland is modern, and itspeople are forgetting about God.Most Christian churches haveonly a handful of believers onSunday morning.

    The Adventist Church in

    Finland is small, with more than5,000 believers. Thats aboutone Seventh-day Adventist forevery 1,000 people there. Somechurches are working hard tomake their churches welcomeplaces for people to come andhear Gods message of love. Bysponsoring programs such asKids Action Time and inviting

    children to attend the Adventistsummer camp, children andadults are learning that Godwants to be part of their lives.


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    friend Jesus is. But Emila still felt sadthat her friends didnt love Jesus.

    Emilas parents wished they couldsend Emila to a Christian school, butthe nearest one was 90 miles awaytoofar to drive every day. Still, the familyprayed that God would make a way forEmila to attend the Christian school.

    Emilas parents decided that theyshould enroll Emila in the Christianschool, even if it meant they mustmove to the town where the schoolwas located.

    Two Answered PrayersOne day the family visited the

    Christian school. Emila liked the teacher,and the children seemed friendly. Afterher parents enrolled her for the comingschool year, they decided to look for asuitable apartment where they could livein this town. After all, they had beenpraying for God to provide. Now they

    had to act on their faith.That very day the family found an

    apartment that was close to Emilas newschool. It was perfect! That night thefamily thanked God for answering twoprayers in one day.

    Emila is happy in her new schooland grateful that Jesus answered theirprayers. Many of her new classmatesarent from Christian homes, so she haslots of opportunities to share Gods lovewith them.

    Emila knows that God loves her. Hegave her a new liver and a new family,and now a new school and a new home.Jesus cares about what happens to us,

    she says. We must trust Him when wehave a problem, for He knows what isbest for us.

    Boys and girls, we can share Gods lovewith those we meet at school, at play,and everywhere we go. Other peopleneed to hear that God loves them. Somelive near us, and others live far away.Our mission offerings help people we will

    never meet on this earth know that Godloves them, just as He loves us.

    White with dark-

    blue cross stripes

    flag of finlanD

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    suMMer CaMP FriendsD E m | July 17

    Todays story comes from Denmark. [Locate Denmark on a map.]Samuel is 9 years old. He lives in Denmark, a beautiful country that juts into the

    North Sea between Norway and Sweden. Although it gets really cold in the winter,

    the people there dont mind, for they can go skiing and ice skating when the snowscome and the lakes freeze over.Samuel is in the third grade. Hes the

    only Adventist in his class at school. Fewof his classmates go to any church.

    Summer Camp AdventureWhen Samuels parents told him that he

    could go to the churchs summer camp lastyear, Samuel was excited. He had heardabout all the fun things kids do at summercamp, but then he thought about being farfrom home for a whole week. He wishedthat one of his friends could go with him sohe wouldnt get lonely.

    Samuels mother suggested that he inviteVictor, his best friend, to go with him.

    Samuel talked to Victor about going tosummer camp. Samuels mother talked toVictors mother, and Victors family agreed

    f a s t f a C t s

    Denmark is a small country madeup of a peninsula and almost 500islands. It lies south of Norway,and Sweden. Its a wealthy andmodern nation, and, like Finland,its people have lost their sense ofneed for God.

    Denmark is a monarchy, akingdom; its flag is the worldsoldest. It has been in continuoususe for more than 700 years.

    Although most people can affordcars, many people prefer ridingbicycles in Denmark. The average

    person cycles two miles (threekilometers) a day, and even theprime minister is sometimes seenriding his bicycle to work.

    OlivEr, SamuEl, victOr

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    that Victor could go.I invited Victor so I wouldnt be

    lonely, Samuel said. But I think hesenjoying camp too.

    Victor doesnt go to church, andSamuel wondered whether Victor wouldlike the camp because the teachers haveBible classes every day. I dont knowhow much Victor understands aboutGod, Samuel said, but I will be happyto answer his questions if he has any.

    Samuels SurpriseWhen summer started, Samuel

    had another surprise. His cousinOliver came from America to visit hisgrandmothers in Denmark. And hisgrandmothers encouraged Oliver to goto camp with Samuel and Victor. So allthree boys are enjoying a week at camp.

    Oliver comes from an Adventistfamily, but he has never been tosummer camp before. Im having lotsof fun, and I like making new friends,Oliver says, I like playing soccer withthe other kids at camp and doing the

    rope obstacle course. Its great!And how does Victor like camp?

    Its fun! he says. He especially likesthe animalsthe llamas, the donkey,the horses, and the sheep. I livein town where we dont have theseanimals, he says.

    Samuel is my best friend, Victoradds. Im glad he invited me to summercamp. I hope he invites me to visit hischurch soon too.

    A Chance to ShareSamuel and Oliver are sharing Gods

    love with Victor through the camp.There are hundreds of ways we canshare Gods love with our friends. Itsnot hard; just find something you enjoyand invite your friends to do it with you.Then, while youre playing, tell themabout Jesus.

    Another way to share Gods love is bygiving our mission offering in SabbathSchool. Our offerings go where we cantgo and tell people we may never meetthat God loves them.

    Red with white

    cross stripes

    flag of DenMark

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    suMMertiMe sharingIts summertime in Poland, and families like to go on vacation. Many Adventist

    families spend their vacation at camp meeting. About one Adventist in every five inPoland spend at least a few days at camp meeting on a lovely lake in western Poland.

    The childrens tent is alive with eager children who are learning new songs,

    trying new crafts, and making new friends. When their morning meeting ends, wewill ask some of the children to tell us how they share Gods love with their friends.

    JagodaJagoda [yahGOHda] is 8 years old and in

    the second grade. Heres her story:Our school has religion class three times

    a week. Because I am an Adventist I dontattend the class.

    Some of my classmates dont understandwhy I dont go to religion class. I told themthat I go to religion class at my church. Itscalled Sabbath School. Some of my classmatessay that I am not a child of God because Idont go to the schools religion class. I toldthem that I am a child of God because I havegiven my heart to Jesus. They asked if I hadbeen baptized as a baby, and I told them that

    in my church we arent baptized until we areold enough to understand what it means tofollow Jesus and to choose for ourselves to

    p l D | July 24

    f a s t f a C t s

    Poland lies in Central Europe.For almost 50 years Poland wasunder Communist rule. Duringthe time of Communism thegovernment built large blocks

    of identical apartments thatline most city streets. Theseapartment buildings emphasizethe Communist belief thatpeople were equal.

    Unlike most countriesdominated by Communism,Polish farmers did not losetheir land. Today small family-

    owned farms still dot thelandscape. Most of the farmersrely on human and animallabor to harvest their crops.

    JagOda, Sarah, Kuba

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    follow Him. Babies cant choose.Ive invited some of my friends to

    come to my Sabbath School, but so farno one has come. One girl brought achildrens Bible to class and showed it to

    me. I told her that I was glad she had aBible and urged her to read it every day.Weve become friends.

    SarahSarah is 9 and was born in Australia,

    but shes living in Poland now. Hereshow she shares her faith with others.

    In school when there are breaks, I

    like to tell my friends about Jesus. Oneof my friends wanted to hear about

    Jesus, because she hadnt heard verymuch about Him. We talked about Godduring recess and I invited her to comewith me to Sabbath School. When herparents came to get her, she asked themwhether she could go to church withme. Her parents said she could go, but

    she hasnt gone to church with me yet.However, one day she brought a newBible to school. Her parents had givenit to her, and we read it together.

    KubaKuba [KOO-bah] is in the third

    grade. He lives in Warsaw, the capitalcity of Poland. He will tell us about aninteresting experience he had duringsummer vacation last year.

    Last year my family went camping.I met a boy at the camp ground, and

    we became friends. We talked aboutreligion, and he asked me lots ofquestions. I answered them the bestI could. But when my friend, Artur[AR-tuhr], told his parents what I

    had said, they werent happy about it.They told him not to talk to me aboutreligion again.

    But Artur [AR-tuhr] was interestedin knowing about God, and he keptasking me lots of questions. I answeredthe ones I could. Artur asked me for aBible, and I gave him one. I told himwhere to find the Ten Commandments.

    Artur was excited to have a Bible andshowed it to his parents. But they madehim give it back to me and made himtell me again not to talk about God tohim. I felt bad about that.

    We spent the Sabbath at the campground and had a little family worship.Artur came by to see me and stayed forworship. He really liked our worship.That was the last day we were at thecamp, and I didnt get to talk aboutGod any more with Artur. But Impraying that God will take the seedsthat He sowed in Arturs heart andmake them grow.

    Boys and girls, we all can share Godslove just by being friends with others.Another way to share Gods love isthrough our mission offerings. Who has

    brought their offering today?



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    Childrens ChurChKamil [kah-MEEL] is 12 years old, and his brother, Peter, is 10. Their father is a

    pastor in Poland. Last year the church they attend held a special childrens churchservice once a month, and Kamil andPeter got to help.

    Normally between 20 and 30children attend their church. Buton those Sabbaths when the churchhad a childrens church program, upto 40 children came. Some came fromAdventist churches from around the city.

    Eager HelpersOur mom decorated the room for the

    childrens program, Peter says. Andwe got to help. We even helped bakecookies for one program.

    I liked the book without words, Peteradds. The leader made a book that has nowords or pictures, just colors. Every colorrepresents a different feeling. She would

    tell us a story using her book withoutwords. When something bad happenedin her story, she showed a black page. But

    p l D | July 31

    M i s s i o n P o s tThere are only about 5,700 Seventh-

    day Adventists in Poland, or oneAdventist for every 6,674 people.

    Nearly all of Polands populationbelongs to the state-backed church.Children are taught religion in schoolunless their parents request that they

    receive religious instruction at theirown church. Adventist children inschool face difficulties in school fromclassmates who tease them that theyarent Christians and wont go toheaven because they dont attend theschools religion classes.

    Pray that the Adventist childrenliving in Poland will share theirfaith with their friends. Pray that the

    parents will teach the children theimportance of being faithful to Godin the face of opposition.

    Kamiland PEtEr

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    when something good happened, the

    teacher showed a yellow page.

    At another meeting the teacherstalked about sin. They explained

    that every time we commit a sin, we

    become dirty, and the only way to beclean again is to ask Jesus to forgive our

    sin, Peter explains.

    Singing and SharingWe learned new songs, some of

    which had motions or actions, and

    the children were able to use up theirenergy singing these songs.

    Kamil enjoys singing so much

    that he joined a choir that practiced

    several songs. Then they went to a

    nearby village and held a program for

    the people who live there. Then thechildren from the workshop sang for

    people. The people who came to the

    program got to hear a short sermon

    about Jesus. That was my favorite,Kamil says with a smile.

    Good ResultsI liked childrens church, Peter

    adds. Because of what we learned atchildrens church, I am spending moretime reading books about how to be agood Christian and a follower of Jesus.Im learning to follow Jesus and prayto Him about everything. Readinggood books is so much better thanwatching television or playing videogames. Some of the stories are aboutthe importance of telling the truth andobeying our parents. Ive learned that ifI do something wrong, I must ask God

    to forgive me, and I must confess to theperson I did something wrong to.

    Both brothers agree that childrenschurch has been a great way to helpchildren have fun and learn to be goodChristians at the same time.

    Our mission offerings help churcheshold programs such as those at Peterand Kamils church, during which

    children and adults alike can learn howto follow Jesus and live a joyful life.

    fun With Polish

    Following are some words and phrases in Polish, the language of Poland. Vowelsare pronounced as follows: ah as in father; ai as in eye; ay as in hay; ee as in bee; eh asin bet; ih as in tip; oh as in toe; oo as in boot; uh as in cup. The accented syllables arewritten in capital letters.

    Common Phrase Pronounce ItHello chreschtGood morning jehn DOH-brehYes Tahk

    No NyehGoodbye DOH-veh DEHN yahGod loves you Bohk chen-ohn KOH-hah



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    Martynas MissionMartyna [mahr-TEE-nah] is 10 years old and in the fourth grade. She lives in a

    town in southern Poland. She likes swimming and reading her Bible, and she tellsother children about Jesus.

    In Poland school children mustattend religion class. Every child mustattend unless their parents ask thatthey be excused. Sometimes whena child doesnt attend the religionclass, other children tease them andsay that they wont go to heaven.Martyna knows that its not true, butits hard to be different, especially

    since Martyna is the only Adventistin her school. Ive explained to myfriends at school that I attend churchand I worship God. I tell them thatI attend religion class in my church.

    Now they dont tease me anymore.Martyna wants to be a good

    example for Jesus. She tries to behappy and helpful in school, and she

    prays and reads her Bible at home.Whenever she can, she tells herfriends about her faith.

    p l D | August 7

    M i s s i o n P o s t

    A missionary is someone who tries totell others about Jesus. There arentmany Adventists in Poland, andsometimes children in school dontknow who Adventists are. Althoughthere are a few children from Christianhomes, Martyna is the only Adventist

    in her school, so she has a big job todo to tell others about Jesus. Pray thatMartyna and other Adventist childrenlike her will not become discouragedbecause they stand alone in their faith.

    One place children and adults inPoland can come together to strengthentheir faith is at camp meeting. Partof this quarters Thirteenth Sabbath

    Offering will help make the camp abetter place for Adventists to worshipGod and for others to come and learnthat God loves them.


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    Martynas New FriendOne day Martyna met a girl in the

    hall after school. Martyna introducedherself and learned that the other girlsname is Natalya [nah-TAHL-yah]. Thegirls talked for quite a while. Martynaasked Natalya for permission to pray forher, and Natalya agreed. She was gladthat someone would pray for her.

    Two days later the girls saw eachother again after school. They werehappy to meet and talked about schooland other things. Martyna asked

    Natalya where she lived and what she

    liked to do, and Natalya answered.Martyna told Natalya that she waspraying for her every night. Natalya wassurprised, but she was glad that she hada special friend who cared enough topray for her. Martyna invited Natalya tocome to church with her, and Natalyatold her she would have to ask hermother first.

    Martyna continued praying forNatalya at home. She was eager for hernew friend to learn to love Jesus, just asMartyna did.

    Schools OutBut before Natalya could go to church

    with Martyna, school ended. Martynaand her mother and grandmother wenton vacation. When they returned home,Martyna called Natalyas home, hopingthey could spend some time together.Thats when Martyna learned that

    Natalya had moved to another city.Martyna was disappointed that

    Natalya couldnt go to church with her.Martyna is still praying for Natalya.Only now shes praying that someoneelse will invite her friend to visit an

    Adventist church with them.Martyna continues to share her love

    for Jesus with others. She prays for themand invites them to church. Martyna isbeing a missionary.

    We can be missionaries at home, atschool, and in our neighborhood bybeing cheerful and caring and tellingothers that God loves them. And we

    can give our mission offering so thatothers will learn that God loves them.Lets do everything we can this week to

    share Gods love with someone else.

    Top: White

    Bottom: Red

    flag of PolanD



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    Muhabas hoPe|Part 1

    Muhaba put down the heavy plastic can filled with water from the neighborhoodwell. She sighed with relief. Then she picked up her broom, which was made of twigstied together to form a handle, and swept the dusty ground around the mud-and-

    thatch hut. Later she would wash the familys clothes before she started preparingdinner over the open fire.Muhaba lives in a village on the

    border between Sudan and Uganda.[Locate Sudan on the map.] She is theyoungest child in an Adventist farmersfamily. But like many children in Africa,Muhaba lives with an older sister andhelps her care for her family. Muhaba

    is used to working hard. Every day shehelps cook the familys meals over anopen fire outside their hut. She carrieswater from the village wellwater fordrinking, bathing, and washing clothes.When shes done with the householdchores, Muhaba helps care for her sisterstwo older children and tries to keep upwith her own studies.

    Muhabas Des ireMuhaba grew up in a family that loves

    s u D | August 14

    f a s t f a C t s

    Sudan is the largest country in Africa.It stretches from the Sahara Desertin the north to the swampy south.Arabs, most of whom are Muslim, livein the north, while Africans, who areChristian or who worship traditional

    gods, live in the south.

    These differences in race and religionhave caused serious problems inSudan. Wars have been fought overland and religion, and millions ofpeople, especially in the south, fledfor their lives when soldiers attackedand burned their villages and killedmany people.

    The fighting has ended, but it willtake years for people to rebuild theirhomes and resume a normal life.

    muhabaand harmOny (cEntEr), andfriEndS

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    God. She loves Sabbaths when thefamily gathers for worship. They meetin their home, for there is no Adventistchurch nearby. They invite anyone whowants to join them to come. The groupis small, but Father is determined thathis children will grow up knowing theBible and the Lord.

    For as long as she can remember,Muhaba has wanted to follow Jesus andbe His child. She has learned firsthandthat life is uncertain, for her olderbrother, with whom she had been veryclose, died two years ago. Muhaba wants

    to be sure that she is ready to meetJesus if she should die young. She wantsto understand so many things she hasheard about during family worship.

    Her father has a Bible, the familysmost precious possession. But thechildren arent permitted to handle theBible or read it whenever they want to.Perhaps her shyness has kept her from

    asking her father to let her read theBible. Muhaba knows that many otherfamilies dont even own a Bible. Biblescost too much for most people to ownone, especially when parents strugglejust to provide food and clothing forthe children.

    Bibles arent always available in

    Muhabas language. In fact, for two yearspeople couldnt buy a Bible in theirlanguage even if they had the money.

    Just recently Muhaba learned that a fewBibles are now available; but until sheattended the Bible retreat, she had littlehope of ever owning one of her own.

    The Spiritual Retreat

    A family of missionaries lived in thebig town about 20 miles from Muhabas

    home. Several times each year themissionaries visited Muhabas familyto worship with them on Sabbath.Those were happy times for Muhaba,especially because the missionarieshave a girl about her age. Her name isHarmony. The two girls love to talkand play together.

    One day Harmonys mother toldMuhaba that she was planning aweeklong spiritual retreat for a few girlsand invited Muhaba and her sister tojoin them. They would study the Bibletogether and prepare for baptism.

    Muhaba wanted to go so much, buthow could she? Her sister had just hada baby, and she needed help aroundthe house. Muhaba thought a lot aboutspending a week at a quiet place on theside of the mountain studying the Bibleand learning to follow Jesus. If only hersister could let her to go!

    Muhaba wasnt sure how to ask her

    sister if she could go to the retreat,but she did know how to work. Soshe worked extra hard to be sure thateverything was donethe laundry,the cooking, the cleaning. When themissionary came on her motorbike to askMuhabas sister if Muhaba could go tothe Bible study retreat, her sister agreed.Muhaba was so excited. She dancedaround, eager to go to Bible camp.

    Boys and girls, have you everbeen that excited about studying theBible? Next week well learn whathappened at the Bible retreat. In themeantime, remember that our missionofferings help send missionaries such

    as Harmonys family to teach peopleabout Jesus.






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    Muhabas hoPe|Part 2[Review last weeks story briefly with the children.]Muhaba was so excited that she could go on the week long Bible study retreat

    that she raced into the house and changed her clothes. But she forgot to bringanything else.

    Now it was the missionarys turn to chuckle. Youll be gone for a week, Muhaba.

    You will need some work clothes, soap, and a towel, she said gently. Muhaba quicklygathered a few things and shoved them into a plastic bag. Soon they were on their way.

    The RetreatThe missionary and the girls arrived at

    their destination, a quiet hillside far fromtown. Each girl was given a Bible andinstructed to find a quiet spot where they

    could be alone to talk to God and study. Thegirls scampered off to find their own quietspot. Muhaba found a perfect spot whereshe could hear the birds chirp and feel thebreeze blow across her face. She sat downand opened her Bible.

    A while later a whistle called the girls backto their meeting place where they wouldstudy the Bible together.

    Every day the girls awoke before dawn toprepare their food and clean the yard wherethey stayed. After breakfast they sat down to

    s u D | August 21

    M i s s i o n P o s t

    Few people in Sudan own aBible. For years Bibles were notavailable in some of the local

    African languages. Now it ispossible to buy a Bible, but theyare expensive, often costing afamilys monthly earnings to buyjust one Bible. Few families canafford a Bible, even if they canread it.

    This quarter the special childrensproject on Thirteenth Sabbathwill help buy Bibles for childrenin Sudan to share with theirfamilies. One Bible can help anentire family come closer to God.

    muhaba, harmOny, andfriEndS

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    study their Bibles. In the afternoon theyhad time to wash their clothes and evenswim in the small river or play in theshade of the nearby trees.

    The days sped by as the little groupsat together and studied Gods word andsang praises to Him. Sometimes peoplewalking along the nearby path stoppedand listened. Some saw that the girlshad Bibles, and they asked how theycould get one too.

    The girls took turns reading Bibleverses on each topic. When theystudied about death, Muhaba had

    many questions.On Sabbath the little group walked

    along a path that passed mud brickhomes and cows grazing in the tall grass.At last they arrived in a village where agroup of believers had gathered.

    Muhaba was so happy to worshipJesus with others who kept the Sabbath.During the worship service the girls

    were told that they could keep the Biblethey had been studying from that week.

    Muhaba hugged her Bible close to her.My very own Bible! she thought.Now Ican read it whenever I have time. I donthave to ask to borrow someone elses Bible!

    A few weeks later Harmony watchedas her friends were baptized in the smallriver near Muhabas home.

    A Way to HelpMuhaba loves her Bible. Thousands

    of children yearn to have their own

    Bible to read. This quarter we can help

    children realize their dream of owninga Bible, for part of our Thirteenth

    Sabbath Offering will help buy Biblesfor children in the languages of Sudan,Israel, and Pakistan. Entire familieswill be influenced by the Bibles that we

    provide for children in these countries,all because we give our ThirteenthSabbath Offering.

    fun With JuBa araBiCFollowing are some words and phrases in Juba Arabic, the trade language of

    southern Sudan. Vowels are pronounced as follows: ah as in father; ai as in eye; ay asin hay; ee as in bee; eh as in bet; ih as in tip; oh as in toe; oo as in boot; uh as in cup; uas in cube. The accented syllables are written in capital letters.

    Common Phrases Pronounce ItHappy Sabbath sah-BAHTH ahl-say-eedWelcome FAH-dahlGood morning sah-BAH ahl kehrPlease behl IHZ-nahk

    Thank you SHOH-krahYes nahm

    No lah






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    a bibleFor sharoonTodays story is from Pakistan, a country lying northwest of India. [Locate Pakistan

    on a map.] Most people who live there are Muslims. There are only a few Christiansand even fewer Adventists.

    Eight-year-old Sharoon [shah-ROON] leaned forward in his seat as his Sabbath

    School teacher told a Bible story. She asked a question, and Sharoons hand shotinto the air. The teacher called his name, and Sharoon answered, David. It wasDavid who killed the giant soldier with a slingshot and a stone.

    Sharoon loves Sabbath School. He loves the stories his teacher tells the classevery week. And now he loves reading thestories for himself in his own Bible.

    No Bibles for ChildrenSharoon and his family attend the Adventist

    church in Lahore, a large city in Pakistan. Thechurch meets in a house thats been remodeledto make a church. Not long ago the memberspainted the church and put in a new floor.

    Now everything looks clean and bright.Someone donated Bible story felts that the

    teacher could use to help tell the childrensstories. Now the children can see the story

    unfold in pictures as the teacher tells it.When a missionary visited the church, shenoticed that the children didnt bring their

    p i s T | August 28

    M i s s i o n P o s t

    Pakistan lies northwestof India. Nearly all of the

    countrys people are Muslims.

    Only 12,877 Adventists live inPakistan. Thats one Adventistfor every 13,000 people. Itsdifficult to share Gods Wordin this country. But part ofthis quarters special childrensoffering on Thirteenth Sabbathwill help provide Bibles for

    Adventist children so theycan read Gods Word forthemselves and learn how toshare their faith with others.


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    Bibles to church. Next week pleasebring your Bibles to Sabbath School,she encouraged with a smile.

    But Teacher, one girl said. I donthave a Bible. Other children shook

    their heads too. Sharoon added, Mydaddy has a Bible, but I dont think he

    will let me bring it to church.The missionary was surprised that the

    children had no Bibles. Lets memorize

    some Bible texts so we have Gods wordseverywhere we go, the missionarysuggested. The teacher agreed and

    printed Bible texts on sheets of paper.

    The children worked hard to learn theBible texts. And they prayed for Biblesof their own.

    Bibles for ChildrenSomeone sent some money to the

    missionaries to buy Bibles for the

    children. The children eagerly waitedfor their Bibles to arrive. At last they

    came. The teacher opened the box andgave each child a Bible. She helpedthem write their name inside the cover.

    Now the children eagerly read theBible stories in their own Bibles. Theyhave memorized the books of the Bibleand can repeat many Bible texts frommemory. The children are so eager tolearn more about God that some ofthem arrive an hour early for SabbathSchool so they wont miss a thing!

    Sharoon treasures his Bible, but heknows that other Adventist children inPakistan dont have a Bible. Hes excited

    to learn that part of this quartersThirteenth Sabbath Offering will helpbuy Bibles for children in Pakistan, andin Israel and Sudan, too.

    We can help these children bybringing a big offering on September25. Then more children can have aBible and learn for themselves thatGod loves them.

    araBiC nuMBersPeople in Pakistan speak Arabic. Below are the numbers 9 to 0 (Arabic reads from

    right to left). Can you read them?







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    a really little sabbath sChool

    Today we will meet a girl who lives in Israel. [Locate Israel on the map.] Israel is asmall country located on the Mediterranean Sea. Most of the people living in Israel aredescendants of the Israelites of Bible times, also called Jews. They have come from many

    countries around the world to live in the land that was promised to their forefathers.

    New in IsraelKristina and her mother moved to Israel

    from Ukraine, a country west of Russia.[Locate Ukraine on map]. They found anapartment in a large city, and Kristinastarted school. She quickly learnedHebrew, the national language of Israel,

    and soon she could understand her teacherand make new friends.

    Kristina and her mother areAdventists, but they didnt know whereto find an Adventist church in the city.So they worshipped every Sabbath intheir apartment.

    One of Kristinas new friends is Alona[ah-LOH-nah], a girl who lives in her

    apartment complex. The girls playtogether after school. One Sabbath Alonaknocked on Kristinas door and asked her

    i s E l | September 4

    f a s t f a C t s

    Israel is a tiny country that liesalong the Mediterranean Sea. It isthe land where Jesus was born.

    Relatively few of the people livingin Israel are Christians. Just 874

    Seventh-day Adventists livein Israel. Thats one Adventistfor every 8,580 people. Manyof these people are not Jews orPalestinians, but are immigrantsfrom other countries who havecome to seek a better life.

    Children in Israel will receivesome of the Bibles that our

    Thirteenth Sabbath Offering willprovide this quarter. The more wegive, the more Bibles the churchcan buy.


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    to play. Because it was Sabbath, Kristinasuggested that the girls play SabbathSchool instead of ordinary games.

    What Is Sabbath School?What is Sabbath School? Alona

    asked, wrinkling up her nose. She knewwhat school was, and she knew what theSabbath was, but she had never heard ofSabbath School.

    Sabbath School is fun! Kristinaexplained. We sing songs about Godand listen to Bible stories. Then welearn a Bible verse and play a game

    based on the Bible.Alona thought Sabbath Schoolsounded like fun, but she thought that itwould be more fun if more children couldplay. We can pretend that our dolls arethe other children! Kristina said. Thegirls gathered their dolls and stuffedanimals and set them up in Kristinasbedroom. Then Kristina began teaching

    Alona and the dolls songs about Jesus.The girls had fun playing Sabbath

    School and decided to play again thenext Sabbath. Kristina wrote Bibleverses in one notebook, and Alonacopied the verses into each dollsnotebook so the girls could pretend thatthe dolls were learning the verses. SoonAlona knew the Bible verses by heart.

    The girls sang songs, and Kristinatold a Bible story. Sometimes they drewpictures to illustrate the Bible story.Other times they played a Bible gameor listened to a Bible story on cassettewhile they made cards that said Jesusloves you on them. They wrote a Bibleverse on the inside of each card and sent

    these to their friends and families.The girls told their friends aboutKristinas Sabbath School, and one week

    their friend Nadia [NAH-de-ah] came.She continues to come whenever shecan. Nadia and Alona arent Christians,but they love Kristinas Sabbath School.

    Attending ChurchOne day Kristinas mother had goodnews. I found an Adventist churchtoday! she said. Now we can go tochurch on Sabbath! Mother wasdelighted, and Kristina was happy thatshe would be able to attend SabbathSchool again. Then she remembered herfriends. May I invite Alona and Nadia

    to come with us?Mother encouraged Kristina to invitethe girls, but Alonas parents feel thatthe church is too far from where theylive. Kristina is sad that her friendcannot attend church with her, but thegirls continue to play Sabbath Schoolon Sabbath afternoon. Kristina tells theBible story that she studied that week

    for Sabbath School.

    Kristinas HopesI hope that someday Alona and

    Nadia will come with me to thechurch, Kristina says. Kristina invitesother friends to come to her littleSabbath School group, but so far noneof them have come.

    Kristina is being a missionary forJesus. She is happy to help others learnthat Jesus loves them. This quarter wecan help Kristina and other childrenlike her to share their faith. Part ofour Thirteenth Sabbath Offering thisquarter will help buy Bibles in thelanguages of children who live in Israel,

    Pakistan, and Sudan. How many Biblescan we help buy? It depends on howmuch we give.






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    Todays story is from a missionary in Egypt.

    Today is Friday, and throughout Cairo, Egypts bustling capital city, loudspeakers

    broadcast the Muslim call to prayer. Friday is their holy day, the day when faithfulMuslims go to the mosque to pray. Itseems that the city is filled with mosques,and from almost anywhere we can hearthe call to prayer.

    A mans voice sings slowly andsolemnly in a language I dontunderstand, calling people to pray. Forsome reason it comforts me, thinking that

    people are drawing closer to God, even ifthey call Him by another name.

    A Trip to the MarketBut even on this holy day, people are

    busy making a living. We join them, forwe are going to the open market to buyfresh fruits and vegetables and bread forSabbath. We must watch where we walk

    and watch out for cars. They have theright of way here, or at least the driversthink they do.

    egyPtian adventureE p T | September 11

    f a s t f a C t s

    Egypt is an ancient land known forits pyramids and stories of Mosesand the pharoahs. Today fewer than1,000 Adventists live in Egypt.Its difficult to become a Christian

    there, but our Adventist secondaryschool, Nile Union Academy, ismaking a difference in the lives ofchildren who study there.

    Pray for the believers in Egypt,for it is sometimes dangerous toshare their faith with others. Prayespecially for the young peoplewho study at Nile Union Academy,where part of our ThirteenthSabbath Offering some years agois helping the school reach itscommunity for Jesus.

    EgyPtian childrEn

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    On the way to the market we pass aspice shop. White cloth bags filled withbrightly colored spices stand in a rowand send out wonderful smells. Whatbeautiful colors and fresh scents thisshop holds! Next we pass a little shopthat sells hot beans. In Egypt peopleeat these beans for breakfast. Yum, theysmell good!

    We turn onto a narrow street that isshaded by the tall apartment buildingson either side. Clean laundry hangsfrom the balconies, drying in the breeze.At last we approach the market. Small

    stalls and wheeled carts are loaded withcolorful fruits and vegetables. Othershave large hunks of meat hanging froma rod. Flies buzz around us and the foodsthe people are selling.

    I pick up an orange tangerine thatstill has its stem and a leaf hangingfrom it. The fruits grow in Egypt andare brought in fresh every day. The

    prices are written in Arabic numbers,and I struggle to read them in order toget the best buy. We choose our fruitsand vegetablessome so fresh thatthey still have mud clinging to themand start toward home. Its time toprepare for the Sabbath!

    Church in a VillageOn Sabbathmorningwe drive to a

    village where we have a small church.We are spotted as we enter the village.Children run beside our car as we makeour way slowly down a narrow roadtoward the church. We park the carand walk to the church. The childrenfollow us, chattering with excitement,

    for they know that we are foreigners,and foreigners dont come to their

    village often.

    Some adults try to shoo the children

    away. I think of the children who ran to

    Jesus in the Bible. Some adults wanted

    to push the children away, but Jesussaid, Let the children come to me. I

    hope the children in Egypt want Jesus

    to bless them!

    The church in the village is active

    and alive! There are lots of young

    children and their parents. Their happy

    energy made our visit so nice. The

    children performed special Bible skitsand sang songs for us. I especially liked

    the skit of when Jesus was born. The

    childrens regular clothes look so much

    like what people wore in Jesus times. It

    made the story even more real.Even the food served after church was

    similar to what Jesus might have eaten!

    We had bread with buffalo cheese ormolasses. And because the animals live

    with the people in their homes or tied

    near their doors, the flies were trying

    to join us for lunch as well! I had to becareful that I didnt take a bite of bread

    and get a fly too!

    We say goodbye to our friends in

    the village and go with the pastor to

    visit people who were not in churchtoday. When we get in the car todrive home, we are tired. I begin to

    understand why Jesus loved to go off

    by himself to talk with his Father after

    a long day preaching to the people.

    I think Ill enjoy my time with Jesus

    more now too.






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    MoMMy, i saW angels!

    Todays story is about a missionary family who lives in a country we cant mention.Theyre somewhere in the Middle East, an area that stretches from northern Africaeast to the Arabian Peninsula. [Locate the Middle Eastern region on a map.]

    Karl,* how would you like to go play ina park? Daddy asked.

    Yippee! Karl shouted as he ran to get hisshoes and jacket. The two climbed into thefamily car and drove toward the park somedistance from the familys home.

    Were here, Daddy said as he parked thecar. He helped Karl unbuckle his seat belt, and

    the two walked into the park. Daddy boughtsome drinks at a small shop and sat down at atable where he could watch Karl play.

    The Strange VisitorsA few minutes later a young man walked

    into the park. He sat near Karls daddy, and thetwo men chatted casually. The young man wassecretly interested in becoming a Christian,

    and Daddy was teaching him about God.Then Daddy noticed several men walk

    into the park and sit down nearby. Daddy

    m i D D l E E s T | September 18

    M i s s i o n P o s t

    In many countries in the worldits difficult and often dangerousto share our faith with others.Pray for the people who work inthese countries. Pray that God willprotect them and give them wisdom

    to find those who have a sincereheart and want to know more aboutGod. Pray that the missionariesworking there will know how totalk to people in a way that willhonor God but not endanger theirown lives.

    Your mission offerings help supportmissionaries in places we cannot

    name. Thank you for giving yourmission offering every week.Thousands will learn of Gods lovebecause you give your offering.


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    wondered whether the men werewatching him. But he continuedchatting with the young man, hoping tolook casual.

    Karl returned to his father for adrink and then returned to play. Laterhe came back and laid his head on hisfathers shoulder for several minutesbefore returning to play. And still thestrange men remained nearby.

    Followed!Finally Daddy got up from the table,

    called Karl, and started walking toward

    the park entrance, still talking casuallywith the young man. Daddy felt a chillas he saw the men who had sat nearbyget up from their seats and follow themout of the park. Whats happening? Daddywondered.Are they spies? Please, God,

    protect us, he prayed.Karl and his father climbed the steps

    leading out of the park and walked

    toward their car. Father glanced over hisshoulder and saw the strange men turnaway from the park entrance.

    Daddy and Karl got into their carand started toward home. Karl was

    quiet during the ride home, and Fatherwondered whether the boy had sensedhis nervousness.

    I Saw Angels!When they arrived home, Mother

    greeted them. Mommy, I saw angelstoday. I saw angels!

    Mommy knelt beside Karl and said,Really? Where did you see angels?

    On the steps at the park, Karl said.Daddy collapsed into his chair. So thatswhy the men suddenly walked away fromus at the entrance to the park! he thought.

    I didnt see the angels, but Karl did! Fatherwhispered a prayer of thanksgiving forsafety as he met with the young man whowanted to follow Jesus in a land wherebeing a Christian can be dangerous.

    Karl and his parents are missionariesin a difficult part of the world. Ourmission offerings and our prayers supportour missionaries around the world.

    Thank you for giving so that we cancontinue to send missionaries wherethey are needed the most.

    * Karls real name was changed to protect the familysministry in an unfriendly country.

    huMMusThis classic Middle Eastern dip is nutritious and easy to make.

    1 can (15 oz.) chick peas (garbanzos), 3 tablespoons lemon juicedrained, cup liquid reserved cup sesame seed

    1 clove garlic, crushed teaspoon saltChopped fresh parsley for garnish Pita bread wedges, crackers, or raw

    vegetables for dipping, if desired

    In a blender or food processor, place beans, reserved bean liquid, lemon juice,sesame seed, garlic, and salt. Cover; blend on high speed, stopping to scrape sides asnecessary, until mixture is smooth.






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    thirteenth sabbath PrograM

    Narrator: This quarter weve heard

    stories from children across the Trans-European Division [point to map ofdivision, if available]. The special projectsthat will receive our offering today areall related to worship. Lets hear a bitabout these projects.

    Niko: Im Niko [NEE-koh] fromFinland. [Point to Finland on the map.]

    Finland is a land with thousands oflakes. The country is so far north thatduring the summer it never really gets

    dark, even at night, and in the winter it

    gets dark really early!I live in a small town near the capital

    city of Helsinki [hel-SINK-ee]. Nearmy home the Adventist Church ownsa large farm with fields and tall treesand a big lake. The big house has beenmade into a school. Its a great place fora school, out in nature with lots of treesand fresh air. We dont have a church,

    so we meet in the biggest classroom ofthe school. Its getting really crowded asmore and more people join our church.

    If your class will present the ThirteenthSabbath program for the adults:

    Practice one or more songs fromthe quarterly or the website (www.AdventistMission.org) to sing duringthe program or as an offertory.

    Send home a note to remind parentsof the program and to encourage thechildren to bring their Thirteenth

    Sabbath Offering on September 25.

    As you collect the Thirteenth Sabbathoffering, remind everyone that theirofferings are gifts to spread Gods Wordaround the world, and that one fourthof our Thirteenth Sabbath Offeringwill go directly to the Trans-EuropeanDivision to help complete the projects

    listed on the map on the back cover. Inaddition, remind the children of the specialchildrens project, Bibles for children inPakistan, Israel, and Sudan.

    If your class will not join the adults for a specialprogram, present the following childrens projectstory during the mission time.

    Use the following program in your class.

    Remind the children to bring theirThirteenth Sabbath Offering. Count themoney and let the children know howmuch they have brought for missions duringthe quarter and how much they gave forThirteenth Sabbath today. Praise them forwhat they have done and let them know thattheir offerings will make a big difference tochildren like them around the world.

    a Big JoB to Do

    [Ask four children from the junior Sabbath School to present this program for primaryand kindergarten. They dont have to memorize their parts, but they should be acquaintedenough with it to read it comfortably and with feeling.]

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    On the farm is a barn that we willmake into a church. Were workinghard to raise the money to fix the barnup and make a house of worship. It willcost a lot of money to add heat andlights to make the barn comfortable.But if we dont, we wont have roomfor those who want to come to worshipGod. Please help us finish making ourbarn into a church so we can shareGods love with more of our neighborsand invite them to worship with us too.

    Narrator: Thank you, Niko. Now

    Anna will tell us about her projectin Copenhagen [koh-pen-HAH-gen], Denmark.

    Anna: I live in the capital city ofDenmark, Copenhagen. Its a big city,but we dont have a lot of Adventiststhere. We have just three small Danish-speaking churches. One is a church thats

    set up like a caf to attract young people.But there are thousands of people in

    Denmark who are not Danish. Untila few months ago we had no churchwhere they could feel at home. Someof these people are students; othersare short-term workers from Asia; andothers are tourists. One Sabbath Icounted 17 different language groupsin our church! But since most of theinternational people living in Denmarkspeak English, we worship using English.

    Our congregation is growing fast, andwe need a suitable place to worship!

    Now we meet in a tiny school classroomand hold our own worship service inone of the Danish churches. Thats OK

    for now, but some people cant comebecause buses dont run nearby and itsdangerous to walk after dark when we

    finish our evening vespers.We have a part-time pastor who

    is helping us plant the internationalchurch in Copenhagen, and part oftodays Thirteenth Sabbath Offeringwill help make this church a vibranthouse of worship in the heart ofCopenhagen. What a mission field!

    Narrator: Thats exciting! Now letstravel south to Poland, where thespecial project is a youth camp. Roza,why should we support a camp?

    Roza: Ive just come home from campmeeting at the Polish youth camp.Wow, was it exciting! Almost 1,000people were there for at least theweekend! We had childrens meetingsand crafts and sports and eveningevangelistic meetings like most campmeetings. But we did more too.

    Some people formed groups and

    worked in the community. Some helpedput roofs on houses or fixed thingsin peoples homes. They did this freeas an outreach. Others held a healthfair in some of the towns nearby. Thepeople who live near the camp knowAdventists because of our work, andsome come to camp meeting to listen toour messages.

    At the end of camp meeting we hada baptism in the lake on the edge ofthe camp ground. Lots of people werebaptized there.

    But the church holds camp for peoplewho arent church members, too.Troubled children come to experiencethe peace and quiet here. Some have

    suffered abuse or are in danger ofbecoming delinquents. Some kids havenever been outside a city before. Some

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    of them have asked to know more aboutGod, and some have even been baptized.

    But my dad says that the camp is oldand needs lots of work to make it safe.We do what we can to make the campbetter, but we need help. Part of todaysoffering will help us upgrade the campso it can serve more people who need tolearn about Jesus.

    Narrator: Our last speaker will tell usabout our special childrens offeringproject, Bibles for children in Pakistan,Israel, and Sudan.

    Elijah lives in Sudan, a country thathas seen years of war and famine. Butlife is changing in Sudan, and now thereis hope for a better future. Tell us what aBible means to you, Elijah.

    Elijah: I was born during a time of war.One day soldiers attacked our villageand burned it to the ground. We ran

    into the bush taking only what we couldcarry. We hid for weeks with little to eatand no clean clothes to wear. But thewar is over now, and we are rebuilding

    new homes made of mud with strawroofs. Our schools were destroyed, so wemeet under mango trees to learn to readand write until we can build a school.

    My parents didnt learn to readbecause war disrupted their schoolingas it did mine. One day a missionarycame to our village and held worship.Afterward he gave a Bible to one childin each family. And I got one! Now Ican read Gods Word to my parents sothey can build their faith in God.

    Part of todays Thirteenth SabbathOffering will help buy more Bibles for

    children in Sudan as well as Pakistanand Israel. What a joy it will be whenevery family has at least one Bible thatthey can read and share with others!

    Narrator: Our Thirteenth SabbathOffering has a lot of work to do. Letsgive from our heart as well as our pockettoday. When we reach heaven well see

    the difference our offerings have madein the lives of people we meet there.


    Your Offerings at Work

    Women students atLakeview AdventistUniversity in Malawi saya warm Thank you foryour help in building anew dormitory to housethem. Now they can liveon campus instead of inthe town nearby.

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    reCiPefroM DenMark

    reCiPefroM PolanD

    sMorreBroD(DanishoPen-faCeD sanDWiChes)Danes enjoy eating open-faced sandwiches using one piece of high quality bread

    and any variety of fillings. Try several of the combinations below, but dont hide the

    beauty of the finished sandwich by placing another piece of bread over it.

    Bread: Danes prefer rye bread, but you can try French, high-quality whole wheator multigrain (try a loaf of home-baked or bakery bread and slice it yourself), or RyeKrisp crackers. If using rye bread or any bread that tends to break easily, cut the slicein half before serving.

    Toppings: Try a vegetarian pte (available in health food stores) or make yourown by grinding chicken-style soya meat or vegetarian hot dogs and blending withmayonnaise, chopped celery, chopped onion, a little pickle relish, and seasonings to

    taste. Top with fresh dill or parsley.

    For a simpler open-faced sandwich, provide the following vegetables andcondiments and let people create their own sandwich:

    butter thinly sliced sweet onion rings

    thin slices of tomato, cucumber, sweet pickle thinly sliced radishes

    cheese (Camembert is a favorite) pickled sliced beets or other vegetables

    sliced red, yellow, and green sweet peppers

    ChloDnik (ColD Beetroot souP)Chodnik is a Polish soup eaten chilled. Serve with Polish rye bread.

    2 medium beets, peeled Juice from lemon

    2 cups water 1 cups kefir* (or natural yogurt)

    1 vegetable boullion cube Scant cup sour cream

    5 red-skinned radishes or one small cucumber Salt to taste

    2 green spring onions, whites only Pepper to taste (optional)

    2 tablespoons chives 2 hard boiled eggs, quartered

    1 tablespoon parsley

    Grate beetroots. Dissolve vegetable cube in water in a medium pot and add beets.Cook until the beets are soft. Remove from heat and let cool completely.

    Chop the radishes, chives, onions, and parsley. Add to chilled soup along with thelemon juice, sour cream, and kefir. Season with salt and pepper to taste, and chill in

    the refrigerator until completely cool. Garnish the cold soup with boiled eggs.*If kefir isnt available, sour 1 cups milk using lemon juice.

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    Wherethe BiBles Will go

    Left stripe: white

    Right stripe: green

    Star and crescent:white

    Top stripe: red

    Middle stripe: white

    Bottom stripe: black

    Left standard: dark


    Top and bottomedges: white

    Top and bottomstripes: dark blue

    Star: dark blue

    flag of Pakistan

    flag of suDan

    flag of israel

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    Messagei na PuzzleFind words relating to the countries weve read about this quarter and the special

    project our Thirteenth Sabbath Offering will help with. Cross off the words as youfind them in the puzzle. Copy the remaining letters from the puzzle into the blanksbelow the puzzle and read a message from God.


    J E S U F S S L O DC A M P I U V E S E

    A B P L N D L T C N

    H I O E L A C H H M

    I B L L A N D R U A

    E L A N N O F T R RH E N E D W O R C K

    L D D E G Y P T H A

    N O F F E R I N G D

    M P A K I S T A N E


    ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

    ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

    ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ !












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    Send a missionary home with the children in your Sabbath School class eachweek.Adventist Mission Cards for Kids contains proles of 12 children featuredin the childrens mission quarterly. Each card contains a photo, country information,

    and fun facts about where the mission offerings go each quarter.

    This new product from the General Conference Ofce of Adventist Mission and

    Childrens Ministries can make the weekly mission stories tangible for your kids

    SOLD IN a 5-PACK FOR $29.95 PER YEAR,


    For more information contact us by visiting www.AdventistMission.org or by calling

    1-800-648-5824. Please use the information below to order the cards.

    To place an order with Review & herald Publishing, please use the

    Sabbath School Supplies Standing order form or call 1-800-456-3991.

  • 8/9/2019 Misionero Completo en Ingles. Tercer Trimestre 2010 Menores





    T h i r d Q u a r T e r 2010T r a n s - e u r o p e a n d i v i s i o n

    E d i t o r i a l

    Charotte ihkanan Editor

    an on Managing Editor

    Ey ardng Layout Editor

    O F F i C e o F A d v e n t i s t M i s s i o nary rae Director

    anone Do Study Centers Director

    ck ajra Communication Director

    mart schneder Programs Director

    C o M M u n i C a t i o n

    lare Favo Projects Manager

    Charotte ihkanan MissionEditor

    ndrew ng Video Producer

    an on Projects Manager

    Dane Weber Video Producer

    Childrens Mission(ISSN 0190-4108) is produced and

    copyrighted 2010 by the Office of Adventist Mission, General

    Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 12501 Old Columbia Pike,Silver Spring, MD 20904-6601.

    Printed in U.S.A.

    Third Quarter 2010

    Volume 56, Number 3


    registered trademarks of the General Conference of

    Seventh-day Adventists.

    internet: www.dventtmon.org

    Permission is granted to reproduce material from this

    quarterly for use in local Sabbath Schools and childrens

    ministries programs. Permission to reproduce any portion of

    this material for sale, publication in another periodical, or

    other commercial use must be authorized in writing by the

    editor at the above address.

    For bcrton nqre, e-a Je ane at jhane@

    rha.org or ca 1-800-456-3991 or 1-301-393-3280.

    Annual subscription rates per edition: domestic, US$7.50;

    international, US$14.50.

    MissionC H I L D R E N SL E A d E r s r e s o u r C e s

    Following are sources of information thathave proved helpful in preparing programs forChildrens Mission. You may want to order thesefor your own Sabbath School.

    aDVentist Mission resourCesVisit our website for additional photos,

    recipes, language pages, puzzles, and otheractivities that you can download and printto make mission more fun for children. Goto www.AdventistMission.org. Click onResources then Childrens Activities in thepop-up menu. Go to third quarter and selectthe activity you want.

    The Adventist Mission DVD is a free videoproduced by the Office of Adventist Mission atthe General Conference. It features stories fromthe countries being featured this quarter as wellas the worldwide mission of the church. Askyour Sabbath School superintendent to makeyou a copy of it. Or go online at MissionDVD.org to download one of the DVD programs.

    MisCellaneousTravel Agencies: Travel agencies often have

    colorful brochures on tourist destinations in thecountries featured this quarter. Call or visit andask what they have available to help you portraythe scenery and culture of these countries.

    Embassies and Tourism Offices sometimescan provide interesting information on theircountry. In North America, contact:

    Embassy of Denmark, 3200 WhitehavenSt., NW, Washington, DC 20008-3616. Phone:202-234-4300; websites: www.ambwashington.

    um.dk and www.denmark.dk/en.

    Embassy of Finland, 3301 MassachusettsAve., NW, Washington, DC 20008. Phone:202-298-5800; website: www.finland.org/Public/Default.aspx and click on About Finland.

    Embassy of Poland, 2640 16th Street, NW,Washington DC 20009. Phone: 202-234 3800;website: www.polandembassy.org.

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    Stockholm Tallinn






































































    U. A. E.










    A T L A N T I C

    O C E A N

    I N D I A N








    nions ChurChEs mEmBErship populaTion

    Adriatic 99 3,767 9,708,000altic 88 6,469 6,963,000ritish 246 29,736 66,000,000anish 46 2,523 5,596,000nland 73 5,044 5,312,000

    Hungarian 111 4,667 10,034,000Middle East 78 17,861 236,633,000

    Netherlands 54 4,845 16,433,000Norwegian 65 4,612 4,765,000

    akistan 122 12,877 172,800,000olish 122 5,710 38,110,000outh-East European 215 8,151 16,064,000wedish 39 2,801 9,214,000

    Attached Fields 32 1,942 19,043,000

    OTALS 1,390 111,005 616,675,000

    as of January 2009)


    1 Provide a church for anactive congregation nearHelsinki, Finland

    2 Establish aninternational church inCopenhagen, Denmark

    3 Renovate the PolishUnions campground atZatonie, Poland

    4 CHILDRENSPROJECT: Bibles forchildren in Pakistan,

    Israel, and Sudan