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25 Email Marketing Resources The Pros Use

Even though you’re running a local business, email is a great way to market your products and services. More than 90% of customers

check their email at least once a day. Connecting with customers through email is one of the most direct ways to market.

Let’s take a look at 25 of the top email marketing resources


1) Email Marketing: How To Push Send And Grow Your Business

By Brian Clark. Brian, of Copyblogger fame, wrote a comprehensive eBook on the topic of email marketing. You learn the basics of getting more subscribers, and providing the type of email content that your customers want to read.

2) Email Marketing Glossary Terms

By Marketo. Here’s a handy list of vocabulary terms related to email marketing. Bookmark this link and refer back to it if whenever you encounter a term you’re unsure of.

3) Build Customer Loyalty and Trust with These 4 Simple Emails

By Pamela Wilson. One of the first things you need to establish in your email newsletter is a relationship of trust. Your customers need to trust that you won’t spam there or do something unethical with their email address.

4)By Sherice Jacob. Sometimes, you just need inspiration. What better way than to look at how other businesses have made email marketing work for them? Sherice provides action steps to increasing our email marketing success.

Email Marketing: How To Push Send And Grow Your Business

5) 11 Reasons to Never Purchase An Email List

By Paul Gavin Jorgensen. Paul lays out a very compelling set of reasons why you should never, ever buy an email list. First of all, you don’t know where the emails are coming from.

6)5 Tips for Successful Local Email Marketing

By Joe Matar. While some of the articles on this list are more general, Joe’s tips are all geared toward local businesses.

7) The 5 Best Ways to Get Your Email Opened First

Here’s a fun info-graphic from the folks at It gives lots of great gems. My favorite? Keep a single person in mind when you write every email. I think that’s the key to an engaging email.

8) 8 Free Email Marketing Tools to Optimize Your Email Campaigns

The beauty of email marketing is the cost. You can actually try it out for free. Here are eight tools to help you create a successful campaign, including optimizing your subject line and seeing how your email looks in different email clients.

9) Why Your Email Marketing Campaign Should Focus on Mobile First

By Steve Cooper. Almost half of all emails are opened on mobile devices. Your email campaign must consider how many customers will open your email on their phone, and how it will look on a smaller screen.

10) How to Optimize Email Content for Any Screen Size

By Jenny Degraff. Following the previous article, Jenny provides a great resource for optimizing your content and your email’s design.

11) 20 Email Marketing Mistakes that Are Costing You Sales

By Greg Digneo. We all make mistakes, but some mistakes are avoidable. Get to expert level quicker by studying and avoiding the mistakes in Greg’s article.

12) 5 Things Customers Need to Hear You Say in Your Email Newsletter

By Miranda Paquet. Here’s some interesting advice from Miranda. She shows you how to word your emails to create a relatable tone for your customers.

13) 10 Small Business & Nonprofits with Great-Looking Email Templates

By Blaise Lucey. Looking for some inspiration? Here’s a list of ten handsomely designed email templates from Blaise over at Constant Contact.

14)The 9 Best Email Subject Line Styles to Increase Your Open Rate

By Megan Marrs. Megan gives stellar advice on how to present your email subject line in a way that makes people want to click.

15) 8 Effective Email Marketing Strategies, Backed By Science

By Kevan Lee. I love the folks at Buffer, and Kevan always has great advice. This email is no exception. Take a look at these killer tips, such as when to send an email, and how to re-engage inactive subscribers.

16) 5 Ways You Can Get People to Join Your Email Contact List

By Blaise Lucey. Blaise provides so much useful information. This article gives you five different ways to grow your email list (without buying or renting lists).

17) Using Facebook to Build Your Email List

By Sara Nickleberry. Over 70% of Facebook users connect with local businesses through the platform. Sara provides a fantastic resource on how to leverage those users into an email list.

18)33 Email Newsletter Topics You Can Use Right Now

By Mad Mimi. Pressed for topics for your newsletter? The folks at Mad Mimi have got you covered with this list of pre-made newsletter topics.

19) Email Campaign Delivery Checklist

By Jeff Brooks. Make that all-important first impression with your envelope. Pique interest with an envelope that stands out from the rest. Jeff shares some great ways to get your envelope noticed.

20) 11 Types of Marketing Emails You Could Be Sending

By Anum Hussain. It may have been written in 2012, but it’s just as useful today. Anum shares the top types of email marketing. Use this list to get inspired by all of the options.

21) How Effective Are Pin It Buttons in Email Campaigns

By Vincent Ng. If you already use Pinterest to market your local business, you can also add it in your email campaigns. Look at Vincent’s brilliant case study on the topic.

22)How to Start a MailChimp Blog Newsletter

By Maggie Roush. Maggie gives a very thorough walk-through of how to set up a newsletter in MailChimp.

23)67 Tools That Will Help You Grow Your Email List

By Greg Digneo. Here’s another article by Greg, and it’s for those who use their business websites to capture and collect emails. This is a definitive resource for capture tools.

24)Email TemplatesReady to buy? Check out nearly 700 email templates from talented designers at Themeforest. Prices range from $6 to $19. Select a responsive template for optimal mobile viewing.

25)800+ Free Email Marketing Templates to Use For Your Business

By Angela. Sometimes you can’t afford to put much money into email marketing, but that doesn’t mean it has to suffer. Here’s a list of hundreds of free templates.