Nuevas Ideas Para Enseñar Vocabulario

Post on 01-Jun-2018

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  • 8/9/2019 Nuevas Ideas Para Enseñar Vocabulario


    Nuevas ideas para enseñar vocabulario (para profesores) 


    1) ANAGRAMS:

    An anagram is a word or !ras" #!a# $orms a di$$"r"n# word or !ras" w!"n #!"%"##"rs ar" r"arrang"d& 'or "(am%" "r*+ssion is an anagram o$ s+"rsoni*&O#!"r on",word anagrams ar":so%"mn , m"%onsd"sair , rais"dnam"%"ss , sa%"sm"n*ar#!ors" ,or*!"s#rain#o(i*a#" , "(*i#a#ion%"gis%a#ors , a%%"goris#s*on-"rsa#ion ,*ons"r-a#ion*on#ain"ris"d , in*onsid"ra#"in#"rroga#i-"s , #"rgi-"rsa#ionH"r" ar" som" anagrams #o $orm !ras"s&oin# , on #i#wing"s , w" s#ing"normi#. , mor" #in.$+n"ra% , r"a% $+n+ni$ormi#., I $orm"r , moon,s#ar"rr"-o%+#ion , %o-" #o r+in%"gis%a#ion , is i#%"ga%/ Nomi%i#arism , I %imi# arms*onsid"ra#" , *ar" is no#"dm"sa+r"m"n#s ,man +s"s m"#"rs*!oo%mas#"r , #!" *%assroomr"s0.#"rian , 0"s# in

    ra."ra%!a0"#i*a%%. , I %a. a%% #!" ABCa #"%"!on" gir% , r""a#ing !"%%o'r"n*!r"-o%+#ion , -io%"n*" r+n $or#!o%i*" ro#"*#ion , %"# *o *o" in rio##!" manw!o %a+g!s , !"s g%+m won# !a,!aRoma was no# 0+i%# in a da. , an. %a0o+r I dowan#s #im"


    A +n is a %a. on words #!a# so+nd simi%ar 0+# !a-" di$$"r"n# m"anings& T!".ar" o$#"n $o+nd in #!" %a.gro+nd in #!" +0 in "-"r.da. *on-"rsa#ion or a#ar#i"s&R"ad #!" $o%%owing +ns and #r. #o +nd"rs#and w!"r" is #!" 4o5"& Som" o$ #!"m

    ma. #a5" %ong"r #o 0" +nd"rs#ood 0. non,na#i-" s"a5"rs&

    6!a# did #!" gra" sa. w!"n #!" "%"!an# s#""d on i#/No#!ing& I# 4+s# ga-" a%i##%" w!in"&6!a# do .o+ *a%% a d""r wi#! no "."s/No id"a&6!. is #!" d"s"r# a good %a*" $or a i*ni*/B"*a+s" o$ #!" sand w!i*! is #!"r"&M. wi$"s gon" #o #!" 6"s# Indi"s&7amai*a/No s!" w"n# o$ !"r own a**ord&8no*5 5no*596!os #!"r"/a-"&a-" w!o/a-" %o*5"d m" o+# again&8no*5 5no*596!os #!"r"/Sara!&Sara! w!o/Sara! do*#or in #!" !o+s"/8no*5 5no*596!os #!"r"/'r"d&'r"d w!o/'r"d I *an# #"%% .o+&8no*5 5no*596!os #!"r"/S!"i%a&S!"i%a w!o/S!"i%a ""r in a min+#"&

    ;) 3ALINROME

    A a%indrom" is a word !ras" or s"n#"n*" #!a# r"ads #!" sam" 0a*5wards as$orwards& 'or "(am%" #!" word %"-"% is a a%indrom"& T!" s!or#"s#a%indromi* words in Eng%is! ar" n+n "w" and i among o#!"rs& T!" %ong"s#is r"di-id"r& O#!"r a%indrom"s ar":

  • 8/9/2019 Nuevas Ideas Para Enseñar Vocabulario


    God9 A dog9"nnis sinn"d&"nnis and Edna sinn"d&"nnis N"%% Edna L"on No"% and E%%"n sinn"d&

    on# nod&Sad/ Im Midas&S#" on no "#s&Li-" no# on "-i%&o g""s" s"" God/Madam Im Adam&N"-"r odd or "-"n&3+%% + i$ I +%% +&No i# is oosi#ion&Too 0ad I !id a 0oo#&Ra#s %i-" on no "-i% s#ar&

    6as i# E%%io#s #oi%"# I saw/A0%" was I "r" I saw E%0a& +"a5,s>+"a5/Mo+s" *od"&

    6!. do 0""s a%wa.s !a-" s#i*5. !air/B"*a+s" #!". !a-" !on".*om0s&

  • 8/9/2019 Nuevas Ideas Para Enseñar Vocabulario


    6!a# is a# #!" "nd o$ "-"r.#!ing/T!" %"##"r G&

    6!a# s#ar#s wi#! ?#? "nds wi#! ?#? and is $+%% o$ ?#?/A #"ao#&

    6!a# s#ar#s wi#! ?"? "nds wi#! ?"? 0+# on%. !as on" %"##"r/An "n-"%o"&

    I$ .o+ dro a w!i#" !a# in#o #!" R"d S"a w!a# do"s i# 0"*om"/6"#&

    6!. ar" ianos di$$i*+%# #o o"n/B"*a+s" #!" 5".s ar" insid"&

    How do .o+ s#o a *o*5 $rom *rowing on S+nda.morning and wa5ing .o+ +/Ha-" i# $or dinn"r on Sa#+rda. nig!#&

    6!. ar" Sa#+rda.s and S+nda.s s#rong da.s/B"*a+s" #!" o#!"r $i-" ar" w"a5da.s&

    6!"n is a door no# a door/6!"n i#s a4ar&

  • 8/9/2019 Nuevas Ideas Para Enseñar Vocabulario


    do # the $rst %or& is the infinitive or the are 'orm o' the verdid # the secon& %or& is the past form o' the verdone # the thir& is the past participle o' the ver (use& in per'ect tenses ) thepassive*No change! 

     A - A - A

    cost cost costcut cut cutlet let letput put putrea& rea&+ rea&+ +pronounce& ,re&,One changePast form and past participle are the same A - B - Buil& uilt uilt ring rought rought'eel 'elt 'elt uy ought oughtget got got catch caught caughthear hear& hear& thin- thought thought-eep -ept -ept

    len& lent lentlose lost lost $n& 'oun& 'oun&meet met met have ha& ha&sen& sent sent ma-e ma&e ma&esit sat sat pay pai& pai&sleep slept slept say sai& sai&spen& spent spent sell sol& sol&tell tol& tol&%in %on %on un&erstan& un&erstoo& un&erstoo&One change - A - B - A Regular verbs end in -ed. For exampleecome ecame ecome or" or"ed or"ed travel travelled travelled 

    come came come All different A - B - # e %as,%ere een&o &i& &onego %ent gone , eenegin egan egun give gave givenrea- ro-e ro-en gro% gre% gro%nchoose chose chosen -no% -ne% -no%n&rive &rove &riven ring rang rung&rin- &ran- &run- see sa% seeneat ate eaten spea- spo-e spo-en'all 'ell 'allen s%im s%am s%um.y .e% .o%n ta-e too- ta-en'orget 'orgot 'orgotten %a-e %o-e %o-en%rite %rote %ritten

    /0UL1 I B0RR02 30UR !!!4 /AR1 GA5E6Cut out object cards

    a pen a ruler a piece o' paper

  • 8/9/2019 Nuevas Ideas Para Enseñar Vocabulario


    a highlighter pen a pencil sharpenersome papera pencil a ruer a &ictionarya re& pen some tippe7 a grammaroo-a stu&ents8 oo- a stapler your phonea noteoo- a hole punch your ne% cara $le some glue your aga tape some sellotape your moilephonelesson activities 9 /hurchill House School o' English" Spencer S:uare" Ramsgate" /T;;

  • 8/9/2019 Nuevas Ideas Para Enseñar Vocabulario



    /an I orro% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!4 CD 3es" sure! Here you are! ) Sorry" I nee& itmysel'!  Than- you! That8s 0>!Have another go6 The ne7t person8s turnREVISI0N /AR1SSpea-inglesson activities 9 /hurchill House School o' English" Spencer S:uare" Ramsgate" /T;;

  • 8/9/2019 Nuevas Ideas Para Enseñar Vocabulario


    PAST ()%TI%*)*S 1

    What were you doing at , p&


    What were you doing this

    ti&e last wee#?

    What were you doing at - a&

    this &orning?

    P$ESE%T PE$.E(T 1

    'ave you ever !een to the


    'ave you ever &et a fa&ous

    person?'ave you ever ridden a


    WILL 0future 1

    'ow &any people do you

    thin# will co&e to class ne2t


    What do you thin# will

    happen to rate of inflationne2t year?

    P$ESE%T ()%TI%*)*S

    0for future arrange&ents 1

    'ave you &ade any plans for

    after this class? If yes3

    what are you doing?

    who are you &eeting?

    where are you &eeting?4)I%4 T) 1

    Are you going to have a

    holiday this year? When?

    Are you going to &ove house

    this year? Where to?

  • 8/9/2019 Nuevas Ideas Para Enseñar Vocabulario


    Are you going to start a new

    course ne2t year?REVISI0N /AR1SSpea-inglesson activities 9 /hurchill House School o' English" Spencer S:uare" Ramsgate" /T;;

  • 8/9/2019 Nuevas Ideas Para Enseñar Vocabulario


    As# the student any 7uestion

     you li#e8

    .$EE 6*ESTI)%

    As# the student any 7uestion

     you li#e8

    .$EE 6*ESTI)%

    As# the student any 7uestion

     you li#e8/LASSR005 LANGUAGElesson activities 9 /hurchill House School o' English" Spencer S:uare" Ramsgate" /T;;

  • 8/9/2019 Nuevas Ideas Para Enseñar Vocabulario


    Seven Ways to Help with Handwriting by (eggy isler$ !d.). and Marge !berts$ !d.).

    *ids aren+t able to write well until they have developed good fine,motor skills.-ortunately$ these skills improve easily with lots of practice.

    se the following activities to help your young child develop the precision$ balance$ and

    hand,eye coordination that are needed to perform the fine,motor skills used in


    1. ive your child clay or play,dough to play with to strengthen the major muscles usedin handwriting.

    2. !ncourage her to play with /egos$ miniature cars$ small blocks$ action figures$ and

    other small toys.

    3. 0o pu11les with your child.

    4. (rovide creative art projects that involve using crayons$ marking pens$ scissors$ andfinger paints$ as well as tearing paper.

    5. (lay games with your child that involve the handling of cards and small game pieces.

    6. 2sk your child to sort collections of loose coins into stacks of pennies$ nickels$ dimes$

    and %uarters.

    7. Help your child learn to manage such everyday skills as tying and lacing his shoes and

     buttoning his clothes.

    3emember$ every child has a different timetable in ac%uiring the fine,motor skills needed

    for handwriting. The more your child uses her fingers in activities$ the sooner she will

    ac%uire these skills.

    "These rules appl !o all es!ern hand#ri!in$ re$ardless of !he so%called

    copboo& s!le."

    4. ood writing is based on a

     pattern of ovals and parallel lines.

    5. 2ll small letters start at the top.

  • 8/9/2019 Nuevas Ideas Para Enseñar Vocabulario


    6. 2ll the downstrokes are parallel.

    7. 2ll similar letters are the same height.

    8. 2ll downstrokes are e%uidistant.

    9. The space between words

    is the width of the small letter o.

    . 2scenders and descenders are no more

    than twice the height of small letters$ preferably less.

    ;. . /etters which finish at the top join hori1ontally.

    44. /etters which finish at the bottom join diagonally.

    45. /etters which finish on

    a stroke moving left$ are best left unjoined.

  • 8/9/2019 Nuevas Ideas Para Enseñar Vocabulario


    Some sample pages from

    The Parents' Guide to Handwriting

    byChristopher Jarman 

    These pages may be printed out and used as exercises. The complete booklet is obtaina

    from ?2(! at price @5 *  



  • 8/9/2019 Nuevas Ideas Para Enseñar Vocabulario


  • 8/9/2019 Nuevas Ideas Para Enseñar Vocabulario


  • 8/9/2019 Nuevas Ideas Para Enseñar Vocabulario


    Some sample pages from

    The Parents' Guide to Handwriting


    Christopher Jarman 

    These pages may be printed out and used as exercises. The complete booklet is

    obtainable from ?2(! at price @5 *  




  • 8/9/2019 Nuevas Ideas Para Enseñar Vocabulario


    next sample page >

  • 8/9/2019 Nuevas Ideas Para Enseñar Vocabulario



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  • 8/9/2019 Nuevas Ideas Para Enseñar Vocabulario



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  • 8/9/2019 Nuevas Ideas Para Enseñar Vocabulario



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  • 8/9/2019 Nuevas Ideas Para Enseñar Vocabulario
