Presentación financiación startups redradix

Post on 22-Jun-2015

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Presentación hablando sobre financiación para startups utilizada en Zinc Shower


“Por el dinero no te preocupes, porque dinero no hay”.

Juan Marí (@juanmaribeltran)

Inversores, Business Angels y otros seres


made with love by Redradix (

Friends & Family -  Fácil -  Rápido -  Sin


-  Carga personal

-  No profesionales



- NO como socios

- Cantidades que puedan perder

Friends & Family


Business Angels - VC

You can only raise money by pitching the “Dream” or

by selling “Traction”


You can only raise money by pitching the “Dream” or

by selling “Traction”

Business Angels - VC


Inversión > Usuarios > Clientes

Inversión > Usuarios > Clientes X

Usuarios > Clientes > Inversión



Real, accesible, medible

Ventaja competitiva competencia

Equipo Completo, compromiso, Full time.


Exit ¿Rico o Rey? (x 3-10)

Timming ¿Es el momento?







Fuente:  h2p://­‐vale-­‐tu-­‐start-­‐up-­‐web-­‐en-­‐espana/  


¿Quién? Luis Martín Cabiedes (Cabiedes & Partners)***

Iñaki Arrola (Vitamina K) *

Jose María Arquerons *

Jordi Priu

Angel García (The Emprendedores Fund)

Tomas Diago (The Emprendedores Fund)

Rodolfo Carpintier (DAD) ***

Carlos Blanco (Grupo ITnet) **

Enrique Dubois (Mola) **

Martin Varsavsky ***

Marek Fodor **

Jesús Monleón **

Jesús Encinar *

François Derbaix *

Axel Serena *

David Tomás *

Eneko Knörr *

Iñaki Ecerrano *

Vicente Arias *

Bernardo Hernández *

Carlos Domingo *

Lluis Faus *

Joan Margenat *

Albert Armengol *

Jesús Pérez

Yago Arbeloa

Mario Brüggemann

Alejandro Suárez

Gustavo García

Juan Luis Hortelano

Gonzalo Ruiz

Marta Esteve

Fuente:  h2p://­‐angels-­‐espanoles/  







….shit happens


Financiación pública

Incubadoras, concursos, etc.


•  Storage is a low-margin, commodity business.

•  They'll get killed by Live Mesh/GDrive/the platform providers.

•  Users will leave them the moment the next startup offering more storage for less dollars comes along.

•  Which storage backup company has had a billion dollar exit?

•  Storage is a low-margin, commodity business.

•  They'll get killed by Live Mesh/GDrive/the platform providers.

•  Users will leave them the moment the next startup offering more storage for less dollars comes along.

•  Which storage backup company has had a billion dollar exit?

•  No one wants to have a stranger ransack their home.

•  Not sure how big it is going to be (source).

•  Can't compete with Craigslist.

•  No one wants to have a stranger ransack their home.

•  Not sure how big it is going to be (source).

•  Can't compete with Craigslist.

•  Who has time for yet another social network? Facebook and Twitter dominate everyone's social network minutes.

•  Apple will build this into the camera with the next iOS update and crush them.

•  Their competitors are seasoned entrepreneurs who launched first on multiple platforms.

•  Who has time for yet another social network? Facebook and Twitter dominate everyone's social network minutes.

•  Apple will build this into the camera with the next iOS update and crush them.

•  Their competitors are seasoned entrepreneurs who launched first on multiple platforms.

•  Why search when you can just bookmark the sites you go to everyday?

•  The home page has nothing on it. I didn't want to join a startup which had only a textbox.

•  How will they make money when the minutes spent on site is so low? They send away everyone who hits the site.

•  Why search when you can just bookmark the sites you go to everyday?

•  The home page has nothing on it. I didn't want to join a startup which had only a textbox.

•  How will they make money when the minutes spent on site is so low? They send away everyone who hits the site.


Juan Marí