Qué Es Hiren's Boot CD

Post on 06-Jan-2016

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7/17/2019 Qué Es Hiren's Boot CD

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¿Qué es? ¿Qué




él? Lo



muchos (no se imaginan la cantidad de usuarios), me han escrito a mi correo

 preguntándome que es el Hiren’s Boot CD cómo grabarlo, dónde descargarlo en fin tomé

la decisión de escribir un manual sobre su uso, pero claro, no de todas sus herramientas, porque realmente son muchas entonces pasaramos todo un siglo traba!ando para poder 

hablarles sobre esos detalles"

#o cierto amigos es que ho$ estaré hablándoles solamente de Hiren’s Boot CD" %rimero lo

 primero& 'ué es *e trata de una recopilación (en disco) de una serie de herramientas que

le sir+e a cualquier técnico de computadoras en su da a da laboral, que le permiten desde

reparar, rescatar $ recuperar (en la ma$ora de los casos) cualquier sistema indo-s como

Raúl Martin Santos | Taller de Mantenimiento de PC’s y

Laptops |

Hiren’s Boot CD:Herramientas para




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reparar discos duros, eliminar +irus manualmente, $ una infinidad de cuestiones más"

.ealmente es mu$ potente"

De igual manera, Hiren’s Boot CD posee una +ersión de mini /%, que te permite, ba!o su

interfa0 com1n (de indo-s), e!ecutar la ma$ora de las herramientas que les he

mencionado" 2hora bien amigos para ser más concretos $ precisos, les indico a

continuación las herramientas que inclu$e&

34ini /%

3Cambio o borrado de cla+es en indo-s

3.eproductores multimedia

35estores de archi+os

3#impiadores $ optimi0adores de indo-s

3Herramientas para discos duros

36tilidades para redes

3*oft-are para gestionar las particiones de discos duros

36tilidades para diagnosticar memorias .24

3Herramientas del B78*

3*oft-are de recuperación de datos

32nti+irus $ antisp$-are

3Diagnósticos del sistema

36tilidades para el 4aster Boot .ecord

3#ista completa 9 http&::---"hiren"info:pages:bootcd 


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Hiren’s Boot CD es 1til, cuando el sistema no quiere arrancar, cuando se desea respaldar 

información de un sistema con muchos +irus o gestionar una cla+e de indo-s" #os usos

del disco son amplios, eso depende de cada usuario, seg1n sus necesidades"

De igual forma, comentarles que Hiren’s Boot CD es una imagen 7*8, $ para usarlo, pues

lo que debemos hacer es descargarla, grabarla $ arrancar desde el CD nuestra


Descarga y grabación de la imagen ISO

2hora que hemos detallado qué es Hiren’s Boot CD, $ para qué se utili0a, entonces procedamos a dar detalles sobre dónde descargarlo, $ cómo grabarlo, detalles que muchos

usuarios no saben $ es donde prácticamente se confunden más" #es comento que se trata

de una imagen 7*8 que a más de uno le sonará como complicado, pero no amigos, no lo

es" 'ué es eso de imagen 7*8

6na imagen 7*8 es un archi+o informático donde se almacena una copia o imagen e;acta

de un sistema de archi+os o ficheros de un disco óptico, normalmente un disco compacto

(CD) o un disco +ersátil digital (D<D), $ también soportes uni+ersal serial bus (6*B)" *e

rige por el estándar 7*8 =>>? de ah sale el nombre y que puede ser grabada con ciertos

 programas" @n nuestro caso, usaremos 7mgBurn, que es un soft-are gratis que está en

inglés pero que permite grabar cualquier imagen 7*8 en un disco $ es bastante rápido" #o

 pueden descargar desde BetaAe-s (denle clic en Do-nload)" 6na +e0 que lo ha$an

descargado, pues proceden a instalarlo en la computadora donde +an a grabar el disco"

%ues bien, ahora es necesario descargar Hiren’s Boot CD, lo conseguirán en su página

oficial" http&::---"hirensbootcd"org:do-nload: 

6na +e0 que ha$amos descargado tanto 7mgBurn, as como la imagen 7*8, del Hiren’s

Boot CD, procederemos a e!ecutar el soft-are 7mgBurn momento en el que aparecerá la

siguiente pantalla&


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@n dicha pantalla, elegiremos la opción rite imagen file to disc, $ nos saldrá lo



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2hora, haremos clic en Bro-se for a fileE, $ escoges la imagen de disco que has

descargado para grabarla con 7mgBurn" 7nsertas el CD en blanco en la unidad óptica $

 procedes a dar clic en&

Después de eso, comen0ará el proceso de grabación" @speras que se termine de grabar el

disco, $ posteriormente, procederás a e;traerlo de la unidad óptica"

2rrancar o bootear la computadora desde el disco (CD)

@ste procedimiento lo haremos más gráfico que te;tual pues es algo que es bastante fácil"

#o que se debe hacer simplemente, es modificar una opción en el B78*, para asignar al

CD.84 como el dispositi+o de arranque principal o primario" @l B78* es el sistema

 básico de entrada:salida donde se gestionan& aspectos relacionados con el hard-are" Fodas

las tar!etas madres, lo traen incluido en su placa" @n el presente artculo utili0aremos como

e!emplo G grandes empresas elaboradoras, me!or dicho, ensambladoras:programadoras de

interfaces gráficas para B78*& 2miB78* : 22.D"

Checa al encender tu computadora en la pantalla negra (llamada pantalla de arranque) si

dice alg1n mensa!e del tipo& %ress D@# to run *etup o cualquier mensa!e de ese estilo

 para saber la tecla que debes presionar para ingresar en el B78* de tu computadora" @n el

caso de que ha$as determinado que tu computadora posee una 2miB78*, debes seguir los

 pasos de a continuación&


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%resiona la tecla D@# (*uprimir, Borrar) para ingresar al B78*


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@n las pestaas de la parte superior, selecciona la opción Boot, luego te +as al apartado

de Boot De+ice %riorit$ en donde +as a seleccionar como primera opción el CD.84"

*i tienes una 2-ard 4odular B78*, entonces sigues los pasos que a continuación les



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 (%resionar la tecla D@# para entrar al *@F6% del B78* de la 2-ard 4odular B78*)

*eguidamente, ingresamos en la opción 2d+anced B78* Ieatures, como se muestra aba!o&


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@n dicha opción, nos +amos entonces a Iirst Boot De+ice $ seleccionamos CD.84&


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*upongo $a han descargado $ grabado el disco, as como iniciado desde el CD, as que $a

habrán llegado al punto en que aparece la pantalla principal de arranque de Hiren’s Boot

CD, que es la siguiente&


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%ues bien cómo se pueden dar cuenta en la imagen anterior, esa es la pantalla de

 bien+enida del Hiren’s Boot CD que es a ni+el de men1 interfa0 4*JD8*" #a primera

opción, es para iniciar con el disco duro principal" %or otra parte, la segunda opción es

 para iniciar las herramientas 4*JD8* del disco (Dos BootCD) $ la tercera opción es para

iniciar la +ersión 4ini indo-s /%" 2simismo, como pueden apreciar, tienes la opción

de iniciar el gestor de contraseas, KonJBoot, DariLs, etc"

#es e;plico detalladamente qué pueden hacer en cada una de las opciones de dicha


3Boot from Hard Dri+e& 7niciar desde el disco duro principal, donde ob+iamente tendrás el

sistema operati+o instalado (cual sea el caso, indo-s M, #inu; 6buntu, etcétera")

3Dos BootCD& Carga el men1 en donde se encuentran todas las herramientas para querepares todo lo que tiene que +er con el ordenador" @sta opción es a ni+el de 4*D8*"

34ini indo-s /%& Carga una +ersión mnima de indo-s /% (en la memoria .24)

en la que puedes arrancar la ma$ora de las herramientas para reparar tu computadora e

indiscutiblemente es una de las me!ores formas para respaldar documentos $ ficheros"


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38ffline AF:G???:/%:<ista:M %ass-ord Changer& %ermite editar $ gestionar contraseas

de cualquier +ersión de indo-s" 6na de las herramientas que es más potente $ 1til"

 3KonJBoot& Herramienta que nos permite iniciar indo-s sin conocer la contrasea que

 particularmente pienso que es una de las me!ores maneras de reali0ar esta operación"

3DariL’s Boot and AuLe& Fen mucho cuidado con esta herramienta" *u propósito es la de

 borrar (irre+ersiblemente) todo el contenido de cualquier disco duro que encuentre en el


3indo-s 4emor$ Diagnostic& 2qu puedes diagnosticar si tu memoria .24 posee

sectores defectuosos haciéndole diferentes pruebas rigurosas"

32d+anced Boot 8ptions& @n este punto en especfico ha$ distintas formas de arranque

que en función de tus necesidades usarás una u otra" %uedes for0ar el inicio desde el disco

duro con las +ersiones de indo-s que all se indican por poner sólo un e!emplo"

#a lista de herramientas que tiene la pueden obser+ar en su página oficial" 2 continuación

les presento los cinco casos comunes (o problemas) que pueden ser  

solucionados:reparados con herramientas especficas que +an incluidas en el presente


N" @l sistema operati+o no arranca, o s arranca, pero se reinicia, $ +uel+e a mismo ciclo

G" @l usuario ha ol+idado la contrasea para acceder a indo-s

O" indo-s está tan infectado que es imposible respaldar los documentos factiblemente

P" %resentas conflictos con el hard-are& disco duro o memorias con sectores defectuosos

Q" Has borrado accidentalmente archi+os del disco duro $ deseas recuperarlos


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Definiti+amente, Hiren’s Boot CD es el paquete de herramientas más completo que e;iste

ho$ en da, tanto as que se +uel+e indispensable" %articularmente pienso que podra ser la

respuesta de forma concreta a la ma$ora de los problemas que presentas con indo-s"


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Aneo !

Lista"o Comp#eto "e to"as #as opciones "e# pro$rama

Hiren’s BOOT CD %teto en in$#&s'

All in One Bootable CD which has all these utilities

Antivirus Tools

Avira AntiVir Personal Free anti-virus and anti-spyware on-demand scanner, detects and removes

more than 50000 viruses and trojans.

ClamWin Free Antivirus 0.97. A free antivirus, GNU GP !pen "ource #irus "canner.

ComboFi! $esi%ned to c&eanup ma&ware infections and restore settin%s modified 'y ma&ware.

Dr.Web Cure"t# Antivirus Free standa&one anti-virus and anti-spyware on-demand scanner(down&oada'&e).

$%&' (.0.() *idden services, hidden re%istry, hidden fi&e scanner, +ootit $etector and +emover.

%alwareb*tes Anti+%alware (.)(.( ,(-+(0+0(/ Anti-ma&ware app&ication that can

thorou%h&y remove even the most advanced ma&ware.

'emove Fae Antivirus (.- oo& to remove virusma&ware which dis%uises itse&f to 'e an

antivirus and produces fae a&ertwarnin%s and ur%e you to purchase a use&ess copy of the fae


'ootit'evealer (.7.( +ootit +evea&er is an advanced patent-pendin% root it detection uti&ity.

12*bot + 1earch 3 Destro* (.. ,(-+(0+0(/  App&ication to scan for spyware, adware,

hijacers and other ma&icious software.

1u2erAntis2*ware +emove Adware, /a&ware, Parasites, +ootits, "pyware, rojan, and orms


TD114iller .-.(5 +emove ma&ware 'e&on%in% to the fami&y +ootit.in12.$"" aa idserv,

$""erv and A&ureon.

Bacu2 Tools

CloneDis (.9. A&& in one too& for /3+, Partition, $is, #/are $is ima%es vmdvm4vhd, and

much more.

COP6'.D%A Buil0(5 A oo& for main% copies of hard diss with 'ad sectors.

Co2*Wi2e (.(8 opy o&d hard drive to a new hard drive 'y copyin% the entire contents of one drive

to another, opyipe can a&so he&p prevent confidentia& or private data from 'ein% recovered, 'y

secure&y wipin% the contents of a drive.

Dis"mae (. reates and writes dis ima%es fi&es to hard and f&oppy diss.

Drive"mae :%; .8 3acup any drivepartition to an ima%e fi&e, even if the drive is current&y in

use, a very %ood freeware a&ternative to Ghost Acronis

Drive 1na21hot (.80 reates an e4act $is 6ma%e of your system into a fi&e whi&e windows is



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FastCo2* .(( he Fastest opy$e&ete "oftware on indows.

$8; $host 8 ;inu! 0.58a A hard dis and partition ima%in% and c&onin% too& simi&ar to Norton


$"mae: .0.(7 6ma%e7 is used to 'acuprestore 6/ ima%es for indows 7P#ista andindows 8.

"mae For Dos .7)9uic&y, easi&y, and re&ia'&y create a comp&ete ima%e 'acup of a&& the data

&ocated on your hard drive, 'acups made to $$#$3$ are 'oota'&e.

"mae For Winows .7) 3acup and restore uti&ity that creates a snapshot of a se&ected

partition or vo&ume, and saves it to dis, or 'urns it direct&y to most $#$:+:+-+-+ or $-++


"mBurn .).7.0 i%htwei%ht $$#$*$ $#$3&u-ray 'urnin% app&ication, supports 36N, U;, $6,

$#$, G6, 6/G, 6"!, /$", N+G and P$6, A'i&ity to 'ui&d $#$*$3$ #ideo discs from a

#6$;!<"*#$#$<"3$A#3$/# fo&der, Unicode fo&derfi&e names (former&y $#$ $ecrypter).

"n<ra'ecorer 0.)5 An !pen source $$#$ 'urnin% software, a&so create'urn .iso ima%es.

%acrium 'e<lect 8..577) reate comp&ete 'acups of your dis partitions, inc&udin% operatin%

system, insta&&ed pro%rams and a&& your settin%s.

OD"= 0.5.8 !pen $is 6ma%er in a Nutshe&& is simi&ar to $rive "napshot which supports 'acin% up

windows whi&e you are usin% it.

Partition "mae + Part"mae 0..9 "upported fi&esystem inc&udes ;4t2, ;4t1, +eiserfs, *F",

*PF", =F", 7fs, UF", Fat>?, Fat12 and NF".

Partition 1avin 8.00 A too& to 'acuprestore partitions ("avePart.e4e).

'eBa (.0 A &i%ht-wei%ht and simp&e uti&ity to create 'acups of indows re%istry fi&es.

'aw Co2* (. Usefu& too& to transfer the data direct&y from a fau&ty drive to another drive, 'ui&t in

data recovery function which wi&& a&so attempt to recover data from 'ad sectors.

1haowCo2* .00 opy a&& your fi&es and entire system - even if they are &oced 'y indows.

1el<"mae (..(.9 reate ima%e fi&es of any mounted or unmounted hard dis partition.

1eaate DiscWi>ar ((.-5 3acup drivepartition to an ima%e fi&e, for "ea%ate owners

(Powered 'y Acronis rue6ma%e)

TeraCo2* .( eraopy is a compact pro%ram desi%ned to copy and move fi&es at the ma4imum

possi'&e speed, providin% the user a &ot of features inc&udes pause, resume, auto shutdown, verify,

error recovery and unicode support.

Whit1o<t File 12litter 8.)a A "ma&& Fi&e "p&it =oin oo&.

::Clone 0.)-.0 he simp&e way to c&one a indows dis to another dis, it maes a se&f-'oota'&e

c&one of indows system dis.


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B"O1 ? C%O1 Tools

Awar D%" Con<iuration @tilit* .85 $/6 onfi%uration uti&ity for modifyin%viewin% the /6$F


#B"O1 5.0 A powerfu&& uti&ity for 'ios and cmos.

B"O1 Cracer ).0 36!" password remover (cmospwd).

B"O1 @tilit* (.5).0 36!" 6nformations, password, 'eep codes and more.

C%O1 0.95 /!" "ave +estore oo&.

D"14%A=8 A powerfu& a&& in one uti&ity.

4ill C%O1 A tiny uti&ity to wipe cmos.

@niFlash (.80 36!" f&ash uti&ity.

Browsers ? File %anaers

7+i2 9. Fi&e archiver with a hi%h compression ratio "upports 8@, A+=, 36P2, A3, */, P6!,

$;3, $/G, FA, G, G6P, *F", 6/A, 6/G, 6"!, *, /A, /3+, /"6, N"6", NF", +A+, +P/, A+,

U$F, #*$, 6/, 7A+, 7, 6P and formats.

Bul 'ename @tilit* .7.(. +ename mu&tip&e fi&es, chan%e timestamps and rename usin% ;76F

data with the c&ic of a 'utton.

Dos Comman Center ).( &assic dos-'ased fi&e mana%er.

Dos =aviator .8.0 $os Fi&e /ana%er, Norton ommander c&one 'ut has much more features.

&as*@A (.( GU6 oo& to create and e4tract U*A Archives.

&ver*thin (.( U&tra fast fi&efo&der search too& with ftphttp server.

&!2lore<s (.0-b GU6 e4p&orer too& for accessin% &inu4 e4t2 and e4t1 fi&esystems under windows.

&!t&!2lore ..7( ;4p&ore e4t2e4t1e4tB dispartition, can a&so 'e used to view and copy dis

and fi&e system ima%es.

File %aven 5.) An advanced $os fi&e mana%er with hi%h speed P-to-P fi&e transfers via seria& or

para&&e& ca'&e.

File Wi>ar (.5) A fi&e mana%er - co&ored fi&es, dra% and drop copy, move, de&ete etc.

Fast;*n! .0 $os fi&e mana%er with Pc to Pc fi&e transfer capa'i&ity.

ash%*Files (.90 a&cu&ate /$5"*A>+12 hashes of your fi&es.

%ini Winows :2 Porta'&e indows 7p that runs from $U"3+am $rive to repairrecover dead

windows operatin% system. 6t has AN and AN (ire&ess) Networ inc&udes 100 iFi;thernet card

drivers and can a&so 'e customi@ed easi&y to add your own drivers in *3$C$rivers fo&der. Added

some U"3 1.0 and "AA""6"A" "tora%e drivers, $ynamic dis "panned"triped/irrored+A6$-5

#o&ume support, P$F Printer and #3""* scriptin% support. "upported ey'oard &ayouts areD

United "tates, United Ein%dom, U" $vora, Ara'ic, urish 9, urish F, "wiss German, "wiss

French, "wedish, "uomi Finnish, "panish, "&ovenian, "&ova, +ussian, Portu%uese, Po&ish, Norve%ian

Norse, Nether&ands $utch, atin American, 6ta&y, 6ce&andic, *un%arian, *e'rew, Germany, German

"wit@er&and u4em'our%, Francais avier A;+, $enmar $aenish, 3u&%arian Phonetic, 3u&%arian,

3ra@i& Portu%uese, 3ra@i& ;4tended Portu%uese and 3e&%ium.


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O2era Web Browser (.0 !ne of the fastest, sma&&est and smartest fu&&-featured we' 'rowser

with an emai& c&ient.

1earch%*Files .50 A&ternative to "earch For Fi&es And Fo&ders modu&e of indows : $up&icates


Tor Browser ..59 "urf the internet anonymous&y throu%h encryption, even https sites can 'e

'rowsed safe&y where it is '&oced 'y your &oca& 6"P.

Total Commaner -.0( A fi&e mana%er simi&ar to the indows ;4p&orer features side-'y-side fi&e-

'rowsin% panes, 'ui&t-in FP, archive mana%ement, fi&e searchcomparesynchroni@e and more.

Volov Commaner 8.99 $os Fi&e /ana%er with on%Fi&eNamentfs support ("imi&ar to Norton


Win%ere .(.8.0 $ifferencin% and mer%in% too& which can compare 'oth fo&ders and fi&es,

presentin% differences in a visua& te4t format that is easy to understand and hand&e.


All @sers Tem2 Cleaner (. &ean a&& users temp fo&ders, unwanted windows fi&es from an off&ine


ATF Cleaner 5.0.0. A persona& and easy-to-use temp fi&e remova& software to c&ean a&& user temp

fo&ders, =ava cache, !pera/o@i&&a 'rowser cache, cooies, history, down&oad history, saved

passwords etc.

CCleaner 5.5.(-5 rap &eaner is a freeware system optimi@ation and privacy too&.

Clean@2# 8.). +emoves jun fi&es from a&& user profi&es that accumu&ate over time and &itter your

hard drive.

Clone12* .5 $up&icate fi&e c&eanup too&, can optiona&y create hard&ins to save space.

Data 1hreer (.0 A too& to ;rase dis and fi&es (a&so wipe free space) secure&y.

Delete Doctor . $e&ete Fi&es that are hard to de&ete, !ption to de&ete on re'oot or via UN


Du2licate File Finer 5.) "cans and identify dup&icate fi&es, it compares them 'ased on 'yte for

'yte comparison ensures >00H accuracy.

%cA<ee 'emoval Tool .0.().0 /cAfee onsumer Product +emova& oo& removes a&& 2005 -

20>2 versions of /cAfee products.

%*@ninstaller (.78 A&ternative to the standard add remove contro& pane& modu&e.

=orton 'emoval Tool 0.0.0.( "ymN+ uninsta&&s most Norton Anti#irus, Norton 6nternet

"ecurity, Norton 1?0, and Norton "ystemors even when the uninsta&&er fai&s to remove them.

PC Decra2i<ier ..- +emoves unwanted preinsta&&ed'und&ed software from indows 7P#ista8

that usua&&y comes with *P$e&&Acer etc machines.

Print Flush (.5 &ean the print spoo& it restarts the print spoo&er and de&etes jun print fi&es.

'evo @ninstaller (.95 +emove unnecessary fi&es and re%istry entries &eft 'ehind 'y incomp&ete

pro%ram uninsta&&ation routines.

12ace%oner (.8 Eeepin% trac of the free space on your computer.

12ace1ni<<er (.(..0 Find &ost space on your diss the easy way.


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WinDir1tat (.(..-0 A dis usa%e statistics viewer and c&eanup too& for indows.

Device Driver Tools

5DP Chi2 (.09 his too& wi&& he&p you to find ri%ht drivers for your devices and down&oad the &atest

device drivers with few simp&e c&ics.

Device Doctor .( "cans the hardware and checs to see if there are new driver updates avai&a'&e,

a&so checs for the unidentified devices.

Double Driver 8.( $river 3acup and +estore too&.

PC" 5 1ni<<er (.8 ,(-+(0+0(/ $evice information too& which is simi&ar to unnown devices.

'emove =on Present Drivers Automatica&&y remove a&& non-presentdisconnected devices from a

indows and can often 'e usefu& to prevent mis'ehavin%unnecessary drivers from 'ein% &oaded,

c&eanup drivers when you rep&aced mother'oard or used 'acup ima%e of different hardware.

1mart Driver Bacu2 .( ;asy 'acup of your indows device drivers (a&so wors from P;).

@nnownDevices (.8.0 ,(-+(0+0(/ *e&ps you find what those unnown devices in $evice

/ana%er rea&&y are.

@1BDeview .( #iewUninsta&& a&& insta&&edconnected U"3 devices on your system.

&itors ? Viewers

Atlantis Wor Processor (..).) ompact, fast-&oadin%, 'ut sti&& powerfu& and efficient, perfect

companion for a wide ran%e of your word processin% tass, supports +F, /" ord $!

?.0I5I820007P2001 and $!7.

!D (.7.7.0 *e4 ;ditor provides too&s to inspect and edit fi&es, main memory, dissdis ima%es.

"r<anView 8.55 A free 6ma%e #iewer;ditoronverter and !ptimi@er.

=ote2a . A te4t editor and source code editor supports Unicode fi&es, +e%u&ar e4pression

find and rep&ace (a&so in fi&es), ta''ed editin%, "ynta4 hi%h&i%htin% and $ra%-and-drop.

PhotoFiltre .).5 A comp&ete ima%e retouchin% pro%ram (/ini Photoshop) a&&ows you to do simp&e

or advanced adjustments to an ima%e and app&y a vast ran%e of fi&ters on it.

Picture Viewer (.98 Picture viewer for dos, supports more then B0 fi&etypes.

uicView Pro .)- /ovie viewer for dos, supports many format inc&udin% div4.

12rea5 (.(- /ini ;4ce& with a&& of the 'asic features of a spreadsheet pro%ram. +un macros,

draw o'jects, %enerate charts, ca&cu&ate functions and formu&as, reads and writes 4&s, csv, te4t, andp4& formats.

1umatraPDF (.( A free, open source, &i%htwei%ht P$F +eader for /icrosoft indows.

File1*stems Tools

Alternate1treamView (.5 #iewopy$e&ete hidden NF" A&ternate $ata "treams.


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&itB"=" (.0( ;dit 'oot.ini on NF" Partition.

&!t<s 0.)( inu4 e4t2e4t1 fi&e system driver which supports read and write support in /ini4p.

Filemon 7.08 /onitors and disp&ays fi&e system activity on a system in rea&-time.

"mDis (..0 reatemount virtua& hard dis, f&oppy or $$#$ drives usin% ima%e fi&es or system


Eunction (.08 reate#iew$e&ete indows junctionreparse points on an NF" drive.

=ew1"D 8.(0 Uti&ity that chan%es the security 6$ ("6$) for indows N, 2000 and 7P.

=TF1 Access . "et NF" permissions recursive&y and fu&& access ri%hts to a fo&derfi&e owner.

=TF1 Dos 5.0 +ead-on&y access ntfs partitions from $os.

=TF18Dos (.9 +ead and write ntfs partitions from $os.

=TF1;insView (.07 #iew &ist of a&& sym'o&ic &ins, junctions and their tar%et paths.

Virtual Flo22* Drive .( ;na'&es you to create and mount a virtua& f&oppy drive on your


ar Dis Tools

Active 4ill Dis 8.(.595 "ecure&y overwrites and destroys a&& data on physica& drive.

Cr*stalDis"n<o 8.0.( *$$ hea&th monitorin% uti&ity, disp&ays 'asic *$$ information, monitors

"./.A.+.. va&ues and dis temperature.

Daris Boot an =ue ,DBA=/ (.0.7 omp&ete&y de&etes the contents of any hard dis it can


D'evitali>e (. +epairs 'ad sectors (physica& defects) on hard drives 'y %eneratin% a specia&

seJuence of hi%h and &ow si%na&s around the physica&&y dama%ed area.

DisView .8 #iew %raphica& map of your dis, a&&owin% you to chec where a fi&e is &ocated or, 'y

c&icin% on a c&uster, seein% which fi&e occupies it.

DisWi2e (. "ecure&y erases the contents of a dis rep&acin% it with random data or &eavin% the

drive comp&ete&y '&an.

&!cel1tors &1Test 8.)0 ;4ce&"tor hard dis dia%nostic uti&ity.

FuGitsu DD Dianostic Tool 7.00 hec 6$; drives for possi'&e defectspro'&ems.

FuGitsu "D& ;ow ;evel Format (.0 ow eve& Format oo& for Fujitsu $rives.

$atewa* $w1can ).( Gateway hard drive dia%nostic uti&ity.

ar Dis 1entinel (.00.) *ard $is hea&th, performance and temperature monitorin% too&.

DTune .)) *$ une is a hard dis hea&th, 'enchmarin%, error scanner and information too&.

DAT 8.9B( he main function is testin% and repair (re%enerates) 'ad sectors for detected

devices. A freeware a&ternative of *$$ +e%enerator.

DD Ca2acit* 'estore (. his too& a&&ows you to restore factory capacity of any hard drive. it

does not read from or write to the user data area or perform any ind of formattin%, on&y a&ters *$$

firmware (*PA and $! settin%s).


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DD &rase 8.0 "ecure erase usin% a specia& feature 'ui&t into most newer hard drives.

DD ;ow ;evel Format Tool .5 ow-&eve& format too& for "-AA ("AA), 6$; (;-6$;), ""6,

U"3, F&ash ards and F6+;6+; e4terna& drive enc&osures.

DD 1can 5.5 *$$"can is a ow-&eve& *$$ dia%nostic too&, it scans surface find 'ad sectors etc.

"B% itachi Drive Fitness Test 8.( 9uic&y and re&ia'&y tests ""6, 6$; and "AA drives.

"B% itachi Feature Tool .() A&&ows you to contro& some of the features of the *$$.

%a!tor amset utilit* 8.0 Uti&ity for chan%in% Acoustic /ana%ement on the hard drives.

%a!tor ;ow ;evel Formatter (.( /a4tors ow eve& Format Uti&ity wors on any harddrive.

%a!tor Power%a! 8.5 $esi%ned to perform dia%nostic readwrite verifications on

/a4tor9uantum hard drives.

%DD 8. Precise dia%nostic of the mechanica& part of a drive, perform ow-&eve& format, 3ad

"ector "epair, access raw sectors, mana%e "./.A.+.. ("/A+) and other drive parameters such as

acoustic mana%ement, security, *ost Protected Area, etc.

1amsun Dis Dianose ,1D"A$/ (.- $ia%nose the dis when suspected to have fai&ures.

1amsun &1TOO; 5.0(v $rive $ia%nostic, Automatic Acoustic /ana%ement, ;na'&e$isa'&e

"/A+ etc.

1amsun DD @tilit*,@T";/ .(0 he $rive $ia%nostic Uti&ity.

1eaTools <or Dos GU6 2.21 e4t >.>0 versions to test "ea%ate or /a4tor Para&&e& AA (PAA and

6$;) and "eria& AA ("AA) interface disc drives.

1mart@D% .00 *ard $is $rive "./.A.+.. #iewer.

Toshiba ar Dis Dianostic .00b oshi'a hard drive dia%nostic uti&ity.

Victoria 5.55e an 5.)rus a freeware pro%ram for &ow-&eve& *$$ dia%nostics.

Victoria 8.8 Universa& pro%ram for testin% stora%e devices

ViVar (.0 *$$ &ow-&eve& dia%nostics, "urface test with remap, "/A+-attri'utes etc.

WDClear (.50 +estore;rases the drive 'ac to a factory condition.

WD"D;&5 (.0) /odifies the 'ehavior of a estern $i%ita& Green drive to wait &on%er 'efore

positionin% the heads in their par position and turnin% off unnecessary e&ectronics.

Western Diital Dianostics ,D;$D"A$/ ).(9 9uic&y and efficient&y verify the status of the


Western Diital Data ;i<euar Tools (.8 Perform drive identification, dia%nostics, andrepairs on most $ drives

%B' ,%aster Boot 'ecor/ Tools

BellaVista (.(.0.7( Former&y 3$ ;ditor with &ots of options to confi%ure indows for a deve&oper.

Boot Partition .0 Add Partition in the indows N20007P /u&ti-'oot &oader.


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BootFi! @tilit* +un this uti&ity if you %et 6nva&id system dis messa%e.

Boot1ect .0. 3oot "ector /anipu&ation oo&, his too& rep&aces Fi4FA.e4e and Fi4NF".e4e.

Boot"C& 0(.09.0 A 'oot sector manipu&ation uti&ity to edit /3+P3+3$.

Dis%an 8. A&& in one too& for cmos, 'ios, 'ootrecord and more.

Fb"nst (. A too& to create universa& f&ash 'oot dis that 'oots from a&& computers.

$rub8Dos installer (.( An universa& 'oot &oader G+U3 for $!" G+$+ insta&&er.

rub8os 0(+(0+0 An universa& 'oot &oader 'ased on GNU G+U3, can 'oot off $!"6NU7 or

via indows 'oot mana%ersys&inu4&i&o or from /3+$, 'ui&tin 36!" dis emu&ation.

Dacer (.8 oad"ave#iew /3+ and 3oot"ector from a physica&&o%ica& drive.

isolinu! 8.0) A 'oot &oader for inu4i1K? that operates off 6"! I??0;& orito $-+!/s in no

emu&ation mode.

%B'Wi>ar 5.0.75 $irect&y update and modify the /aster 3oot +ecord.

%brFi! (.5 3acup, restore and fi4 the 'oot code in the /3+.

%B' @tilit* (.0) /anipu&ate a drives master 'oot record (/3+) via the command &ine.

%B'Wor (.0- A uti&ity to perform some common and uncommon /3+ functions.

%B'Tool .5.00 3acup, verify, restore, edit, refresh, remove, disp&ay, re-write and more.

%B' 1AV& ? '&1TO'& .( 3oot"ave and 3oot+est too&s to save restore /3+.

%emDis 8.0) A&&ow 'ootin% &e%acy operatin% systems, f&oppy ima%es, hard dis ima%es and some

6"! ima%es.

P;oP Boot %anaer ).0.(8 3oot different operatin% systems harddis, f&oppy, $$#$ or from

U"3, it can 'oot from an U"3$$#$ even without 36!" support.

'%Pre2@1B .(.0 Partition and format your U"3 drive and mae it 'oota'&e.

1mart Boot %anaer 5.7.( A mu&ti 'oot mana%er.

:O1; (.(.) A %raphica& 'oot mana%er that supports mu&ti-'ootin% of various operatin% systems.

%s Dos Tools

(598 Firewire 1u22ort >1IB Firewire $rivers for $os.

A1@1Te4 @1B Driver 5 A"U" U"3 $-+!/ $evice $river #ersion >.00.

Dos tools o&&ection of dos uti&ities 8@dec.e4e e4tract.e4e p@ip.e4e pun@ip.e4e &ha.e4e %@ip.e4e

uharcd.e4e im%;4trc.e4e 4copy.e4e discopy.com mouse.com unde&ete.com edit.com fdis.e4e

fdis2.e4e fdis1.e4e &f.e4e de&part.e4e wipe.com @ap.com format.com de&tree.e4e more.com find.e4e

he4.e4e de'u%.e4e sp&it.e4e mem.e4e attri'.com sys.com smartdrv.e4e 4msds.e4e i&&er.e4e

share.e4e scandis.e4e %uest.e4e dosey.e4e duse.e4e move.e4e setver.e4e intersvr.e4e inter&n.e4e

&oad&in.e4e &fndos.e4e dos&fn.com and more.

"nterln su22ort at CO%(?;PT( Access another computer from !/P port.

1C1" 1u22ort ""6 $rivers for $os.

1ATA 1u22ort "AA $river (%cdrom.sys) and =/icron =/31?> (4cdrom.sys) for $os.


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@niversal @1B Driver  Panasonic v2.20 A"P6 /ana%er for U"3 mass stora%e.

@1B CD+'om Driver ( "tandard us'<cd.sys driver for cd drive.

=etwor Tools

Anr* "P 1canner .( "can 6P addresses in any ran%e as we&& as any their ports.

Com2lete "nternet 'e2air (.5.(.(5() A&& in one too& to repair common internet connection

issues, it attempts to repair everythin% internet re&ated on a indows system.

CurrPorts .0 $isp&ays the &ist of a&& current&y opened P and U$P ports on your computer.

=etwor Passwor 'ecover* (.5 +ecover indows 7P#ista networ passwords redentia&s


PuTT6 0.+t0( Pu ray is a free and open source termina& emu&ator app&ication which can act

as a c&ient for the ""* and e&net.

1o<tPer<ect =etwor 1canner ).8.7 /u&ti-threaded 6P, Net36!" and "N/P scanner with a

modern interface and many advanced features.

1mart1ni<< (.9) Networ monitorin% uti&ity that a&&ows you to capture P6P pacets that pass

throu%h your networ adapter.

TCPView 5.0) ists P and U$P endpoints, inc&udin% the oca&+emote addresses of P


TFt25 8.0 ftpd12 is for rivia& Fi&e ransfer Protoco& (FP) c&ient, inc&udin% $*P, FP, "NP

and "ys&o% servers, can a&so 'e used for P7; 'oot.

Win1CP 8.5.9 A free and open source "FPFP c&ient to secure fi&e transfer 'etween a &oca& and a

remote computer.

Wi<i"n<oView (.0) ire&ess networs information inc&udin% Networ Name (""6$), /A Address,

P* ype (K02.>>% or K02.>>n), +""6, "i%na& 9ua&ity, FreJuency, hanne& Num'er, /a4imum "peed,

ompany Name, +outer Name/ode& and more.

Wireless=etView (.8( ire&ess Net #iew monitors the activity of wire&ess networs around you.

:P TCP?"P 'e2air (.0 +epair your indows 7P insoc and P6P re%istry errors.


De<raler .((.)0 $efra% your entire hard drive or individua& fi&es.

%*De<ra 8.5.( Free dis defra%ment and optimi@e uti&ity (former&y =$efra%) for indows200020017P#istaindows 8.

=T 'eistr* O2timi>er (.(G +e%istry !ptimi@ation for indows N200020017P#ista.

PaeD<r .5 "ystem fi&e $efra%menter For N27P.

Other Tools

Calcute ((.).7 A compact scientific tape ca&cu&ator with many features.


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Dont 1lee2 .- emporari&y suspend power mana%ement and prevent system shutdown,

"tand'y, *i'ernate, urn !ff and +estart.

Fi! =T;D' is missin Fi4 N$+ is missin%, Press any ey to restart for indows 7p.

BCD Customi>er 5.0 *3$ustomi@er.e4e is a GU6 too& to create custom iso ima%es of *irens3oot$.

BCD Proram ;auncher 5. *irens 3oot$ Pro%ram &auncher (*3$/enu.e4e and

*3$/enu.csv) can 'e used to &aunch a&& these pro%rams from U"3$.

%ouse &mulator . ou can use your ey'oard numpad as a mouse, very usefu& if your mouse

'roen or if you are havin% U"3 driver pro'&ems.

=T .! <ast installer 6nsta&& indows #ista8 direct&y to hard driveus' e4tena& drive.

On+1creen 4e*boar A uti&ity that disp&ays a virtua& ey'oard on the computer screen that a&&ows

peop&e with mo'i&ity impairments to type data 'y usin% a pointin% device or joystic.

Parte %aic 0(+(0+(0 inu4 'ased rescue environment with &ots of app&ications to mana%e

partitions, 'acup and recovery such as GParted, Parted, Partition 6ma%e, est$is, Partima%e,ruecrypt, &one@i&&a, GB, Firefo4, &amA#, G"martontro&, "imp&e3urn, dd, ddrescue, with e4tensive

co&&ection of fi&e system too&s are a&so inc&uded, supports the fo&&owin%D 'trfs, e4t2, e4t1, e4tB, fat>?,

fat12, hfs, hfs:, jfs, &inu4-swap, ntfs, reiserfs, reiserB, and 4fs.

@niversal TCP?"P =etwor .) /"$!" Networ &ient to connect via P6P to a /icrosoft

'ased networ. he networ can either 'e a peer-to-peer or a server 'ased networ, it contains IK

different networ card drivers.

Win=T1etu2 .5.(.0 6nsta&& indows 27P2001#ista8K 4K?4?B from U"3$ under

P;ive7p, a&&ows you to app&y tweas and choose drive&etter for the new indows insta&&ation.

Partition Toolse:tene Fis 0.9.5 7F$6"E a&&ows easy partition creation and edition.

Fat5 Formatter $@" (.0( indows 7P cannot format a vo&ume 'i%%er than 12G3 with FA12.

$Parte Partition &itor 0.(8.0 reate, copy, paste, de&ete, hide, resi@e or move partitions

without &osin% data, a %ood freeware a&ternative to Partition /a%ic.

%ount Drives (.( Auto /ount $rives can 'e used to mount unmountedhidden drives.

Partition Table &itor -.0 Partition a'&e and 3oot +ecord ;ditor.

Partition Wi>ar ome &ition 7.0 Free Partition /a%ic A&ternative, Partition

+esi@e/oveopyreate$e&eteFormatonvert, ;4p&ore, etc.

'anish Partition %anaer .88 A 'oot mana%er and hard dis partitioner.

1mart Fis .0) A simp&e harddis partition mana%er.

1Pecial Fis 000.05v "PF$6"E is a partition too&.

1u2er Fis (.0 reate, de&ete, format partitions drives without destroyin% data.

The Partition 'esi>er (.5.8 /ove and resi@e your partitions in one step.

@1B Format Tool Formatmae 'oota'&e any U"3 f&ash drive to FA, FA12, or NF" partition.


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Volume 1erial =umber Chaner (. A&&ow you to chan%e the drives seria& num'er on FA,

FA12 and NF" fi&e systems.

Passwor?4e* Tools

ATAPWD (. *ard $is Password Uti&ity.

Autoloon 5.0( ;na'&es you to easi&y confi%ure indows 'ui&t-in auto&o%on mechanism, so you

dont have to wait on the &o%in screen.

B"O1 %aster Passwor $enerator o&&ection of password %enerator too&s to reset 36!" Power

on Password Administrator password on Acer, ompaJ, $e&&, Fujitsu "iemens, "ony, *ew&ett

Pacard, Phoeni4, "amsun% and other %eneric 'rand aptops.

BulletsPassView (.) +evea& the passwords stored 'ehind the 'u&&et (asteris) characters in

indows 6; (Updated Asteris o%%er).

Clear;oc (.8.0 oc your destop with a transparent &ayer, a&&owin% you to see what is happenin%

on your destop and at the same time prevent access to the computer without the proper password.

Content Avisor Passwor 'emover (.0( 6t +emoves ontent Advisor Password from 6nternet


Dialu2ass 5.( Find and e4tract Username, Password, and $omain of $ia&Up+A"#PN networin%

in indows.

4on+Boot (.0 3ypass o%in Password of indows (12'it, any password) and inu4 &o%in as on-usr.

;icenseCrawler (.((.59 Find the &icense eys and seria& num'ers of your pro%rams.

%ail PassView (.7- +ecovers mai& passwords of !ut&oo ;4press, /" !ut&oo, 6ncredi/ai&,

;udora, etc.

%essenPass (.8 A password recovery too& that revea&s the passwords of severa& instantmessan%ers.

=TPWD Uti&ity to reset windows nt20004p administratoruser password.

=TPW&it 0.5 Password editor for indows N 'ased systems to chan%e or remove passwords for

&oca& system accounts.

O<<line =T Passwor Chaner 0((+0)+(( Uti&ity to resetun&oc windows N20007P#ista8

administratoruser password.

Passwor 'enew (.( Uti&ity to setreset windows N20007P#ista8 (12'it on&y) passwords.

Prou4e* (.)8 +ecovers &ost the product ey of your indows!ffice.

P1T ,Outloo/ Passwor 'ecover* (.( PstPassword is a sma&& uti&ity that recovers &ost

password of !ut&oo .P" (Persona& Fo&ders) fi&e.

'outer "P?Passwors he comp&ete &ist of $efau&t +outer Passwords and $efau&t +outer 6P

Addresses, can 'e usefu& if you have misp&aced the manua& or &ost your router password.

1ni<<Pass (.(5 A password monitorin% too& that &istens to your networ, capture the passwords

that pass throu%h your networ adapter, it wors on P!P1, 6/APB, "/P, FP, and *P protoco&s

and recovers &ost e'FP;mai& passwords.

WebBrowserPassView (.50 A&&ows you to view the user names and passwords stored 'y /o@i&&a

Firefo4, !pera, "afari, Goo%&e hrome and 6nternet e4p&orer e' 'rowsers.


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Winows$ate (.( ;na'&es$isa'&es indows &o%on password va&idation.

Winows Prouct 4e* @2ate Tool (.7 his too& is from microsoft to chan%e the ey of 

i&&e%a&pirated insta&&ed 7p to &e%it 4p eys from the sticer on the P, even if it is oem and not


Wireless4e*View (.) +ecovers a&& wire&ess networ eys (;PPA) stored in your computer 'y

ire&ess ero onfi%uration.

:P 4e* 'eaer .7 an decode the 7P-ey on oca& or +emote systems.

Process Tools

De2enenc* Waler . hecs for missin%inva&id $modu&esfunctions for any


"B Process %anaer (.08 A &itt&e process mana%er for I42, shows d&& info etc.

O2eneFilesView (.) #iew opened&oced fi&es in your system, sharin% vio&ation issues.

Pocet 4illBo! .0.0.97- an 'e used to %et rid of fi&es that stu''orn&y refuse to a&&ow you to

de&ete them.

Process &!2lorer ().5 "hows you information a'out which hand&es and $s processes have

opened or &oaded.

Process %onitor 5.05 /onitor rea&-time fi&e system, +e%istry and processthread activity, his too&

rep&aces Fi&emon and +e%mon.

ProcessActivit*View (.( $etai&ed process access information readwriteopened fi&es etc.

'4ill ,(-+(0+0(/ +Ei&& just i&&s ma&ware processes, imports a +e%istry fi&e that removes

incorrect fi&e associations and fi4es po&icies that stop us from usin% certain too&s.

'unAsDate (.(( A&&ows you to run a pro%ram in the date and time that you specify.

@nlocer (.9.( his too& can de&ete fi&efo&der when you %et this messa%e - annot de&ete fi&eD

Access is denied, he fi&e is in use 'y another pro%ram etc.

'ecover* Tools

Data'escue DD (.0 $r$$ is a dis ima%er intended for data recovery and 'acup of partia&&y

corrupted stora%e devices, the main advanta%es are +an%e "e&ection and opy 3acward $irection.

DisDier 0.-.5.(7 Unde&ete and recover &ost photos, videos, music, documents and other

formats from your hard drive, memory cards and U"3 f&ash drives.

Dis$enius 5. +estore de&eted partition, +e'ui&d /3+, +e'ui&d partition ta'&e, +ecover fi&es,

+estore formatted partition, 3acup fi&es 'y partition, $is c&one, 3acup partition ta'&e,

reate$e&eteFormat Partitions etc.

"soBuster 5.0 $$#$3&u-ray and $is 6ma%e Fi&e data recovery too& that can read and e4tract

fi&es, tracs and sessions from $-i, #$, "#$, $-+!/, $-+!/ 7A, $#$, $#$ 3$ and *$ $#$

and other media as we&& as a wide variety of dis ima%e formats, it a&so has retry-mechanisms for

dama%ed $$#$.

Partition Fin an %ount .5( Partition Find and /ount software is desi%ned to find &ost or

de&eted partitions.


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Partition'ecover* (.0 A freeware too& to recover accidenta&&y de&eted partitions.

Photo'ec .(8b oo& to +ecover Fi&e and pictures from $osindowsinu4.

'ecuva (.85.5 +estore de&eted fi&es from *ard $rive, $i%ita& amera /emory ard, us' mp1

p&ayer etc.

'estoration 5..(5 A too& to recover de&eted fi&es.

1haow&!2lorer 0.- "hadow ;4p&orer a&&ows you to 'rowse the shadow copies created 'y the

indows #o&ume "hadow opy "ervice and retrieve o&der versions from fi&es you accidenta&&y de&eted

or a&tered.

1mart Partition 'ecover* 5.5 Find ost NF" partitions and restore them 'ac.

1o<tPer<ect File 'ecover* (. +estore accidenta&&y de&eted fi&es from hard drive, U"3 f&ash

drives, F and "$ memory cards.

TestDis .(8b oo& to chec and unde&ete partition from $osindowsinu4.

Tr"D File "enti<ier .(0 A&ternative of Unh and Fi&eh to recover fi&etype from the fi&econtent.

@nsto22able Co2ier ). A&&ows you to copy fi&es from diss with pro'&ems such as 'ad sectors,

scratches or that just %ive errors when readin% data.

'eistr* Tools

&'@=T (.(G he ;mer%ency +ecovery Uti&ity N +e%istry 3acup and +estore for indows


Fi! DC Fi4 the *ard $rive ontro&&er when rep&acin% your mother'oard on an 7P system.

$lar* 'eistr* 'e2air 5.5.0.-) An advanced re%istry c&eaner that a&&ows you to safe&y scan,c&ean, and repair re%istry pro'&ems.

'eFromA22 (.5 /onitorse4ports the +e%istry chan%es made 'y the se&ected app&ication.

'eistr* &itor P& 0.9c ;asy editin% of remote re%istry hives and user profi&es.

'eistr* 'estore Wi>ar (.0.8 +estores a corrupted system re%istry from 7p "ystem +estore.

'emon 7.08 A monitorin% uti&ity that wi&& show you which app&ications are accessin% your +e%istry.

'e1canner (.90 oo& to findsearch in the +e%istry of indows.

'e1hot (.-. A re%istry compare uti&ity that a&&ows you to Juic&y tae a snapshot of your re%istry

and then compare it with a second one - done after doin% system chan%es or insta&&in% a new

software product.

'eistr* Viewer 8. +e%istry #iewer;ditor for inI4/eN2E7P.

'emote Control Tools

TeamViewer 7.0.(8)5 Access any remote computer via 6nternet just &ie sittin% in front of it,

even throu%h firewa&&s, a&so inc&uded version ?.0.>0B?2 for /ini7p.

TihtV=C .). ross-p&atform +emote $estop "oftware to viewcontro& remote pc with mouse

and ey'oard.


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1ecurit* ? &ncr*2tion Tools

DisCr*2tor 0.9 *i%h speed dis encryption too& to encrypt a&& dispartitions, inc&udin% the system

partition encryption support.

&ncF1 (.7.8 his shou&d 'e used for secure on&ine fi&e 'acup services such as Goo%&e $rive,$rop'o4 and "u%arsync as the encryption do not occupy a fi4ed si@e containers and 'acup pro%rams

can copy encrypted fi&es and can 'e accessed from &inu4, iPhonei!" and android usin% 3o4ryptor

and ryptonite.

FreeOTF& ).( Free, open source, on-the-f&y transparent dis encryption pro%ram.

TrueCr*2t 7.(a !n-the-f&y inu4indows dis encryption too&, can create a virtua& encrypted dis

within a fi&e and mount it as a rea& dis, can a&so encrypt an entire *$$PartitionU"3 $rive.

1tartu2 Tools

Autoruns ((.58 $isp&ays A&& the entries from startup fo&der, +un, +un!nce, and other +e%istry

eys, ;4p&orer she&& e4tensions,too&'ars, 'rowser he&per o'jects, in&o%on notifications, auto-startservices, "chedu&ed ass, insoc, "A Providers, +emove $rivers and much more which he&ps to

remove nasty spywareadware and viruses.

iGacThis .0.)b A %enera& homepa%e hijacers detector and remover and more.

1erviWin (.)0 A&ternative indows "ervices$rivers oo&.

1ilent 'unners 'evision 8 A free script that he&ps detect spyware, ma&ware and adware in the

startup process.

1tartu2 Control Panel .- A too& to edit startup pro%rams.

1tartu2 %onitor (.0 6t notifies you when any pro%ram re%isters itse&f to run at system startup.

1*stem "n<ormation Tools

Astra .0( Advanced "ystem info oo& and +eportin% Assistant.

Batt1tat 0.99b 3attery "tatus monitor and power mana%ement freeware for indows 4K?4?B.

Blue1creenView (.8 "cans minidump fi&es for 3"!$ ('&ue screen of death) crash information.

Browsinistor*View (.0) #iew history data of 6nternet ;4p&orer, /o@i&&a Firefo4, Goo%&e

hrome, and "afari e' 'rowsers in one ta'&e.

CP@ "enti<ication utilit* (.0 *EPU.;7; $etai&ed information on PU.

CP@+ (.( 6t %athers information on some of the main devices of your system.

CT"A CP@ "n<ormation .7 Another PU information too&.

Drive Tem2erature (.0 *ard $is $rive temperature meter.

$P@+ 0..) A &i%htwei%ht uti&ity desi%ned to %ive you a&& information a'out your video card and


Wi=FO ).). A powerfu& system information uti&ity.

=avratil 1o<tware 1*stem "n<ormation 0.0.8) *i%h-end professiona& system information



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PC" an A$P in<o Tool ,(-+(0+0(/ he P6 "ystem information and ;4p&oration too&.

PC Wi>ar 0(..(( Pi@ard is a powerfu& system information'enchmar uti&ity desi%ned

especia&&y for detection of hardware.

1"W 0((.(0.9 Gathers detai&ed information a'out your system properties and settin%s.

12ecc* (.(-.579 An advanced "ystem 6nformation too& for your P.

1*stem Anal*ser ).5! #iew e4tensive information a'out your hardware.

1*stem &!2lorer 5.9.7 "hows detai&ed system information a'out processes, startups, 6; addons,

drivers, e4p&orer, etc.

1*sCh .8 Find out e4act&y what is under the hood of your P.

@2ate Checer (.059 "cans your computer for insta&&ed software and checs for newer re&eases

on Fi&e*ippo.

Testin Tools

Barts 1tu<< Test ).(.8 on% term heavy stress testin% stora%e devices.

CP@?Vieo?Dis Per<ormance Test ).7 A too& to test cpu, video, and dis.

Dis 12ee (.0 *ard $is $rive "peed estin% oo&.

$ol%emor* ).07 /emory $ia%nostic ests.

testw (.8 hec your U"3 F&ash memory cards, interna&e4terna& hard drives and networ drives

for errors with this too&.

DD 1can .- *$$"can is a ow-&eve& *$$ dia%nostic too&, it scans surface find 'ad sectors etc.

"s%*;cO4 ,%onitor Test/ (.0 A&&ows you to test +$F screens for dead pi4e&s and

diffective screens.

%emtest- 8.0 P /emory est.

%emTest (.0 A /emory estin% oo&.

Prime9) ).(( his wi&& detect for errors in PU or +A/ within a matter of minutes if an overc&oc

is not sta'&e, you can run orture est ('urn-in) overni%ht to ensure &on%-term sta'i&ity of the


13% 1tress Test (.9.( PU*$$/emory 'enchmarin% and information too&, inc&udin%

temperaturesfan speedsvo&ta%es.

1*stem 12ee Test 8.7- 6t tests PU, harddrive, ect.

Test ar Dis Drive (.0 A too& to test *ard $is $rive.

Vieo %emor* 1tress Test (.7.(( A too& to thorou%h&y test your video +A/ for errors and


Vieo %emor* 1tress Test C& (.( ests a&& video +A/ accessi'&e 'y 12-'it PU address space

from a c&ean environment.

Winows %emor* Dianostic A +A/ est too&.


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Dial a Fi! Fi4 errors and pro'&ems with !/Active7 o'ject errors and missin% re%istry

entries, Automatic Updates, "", *P", and rypto%raphy service (si%nin%verification) issues,

+einsta&& internet e4p&orer etc. comes with the po&icy scanner.

Disable Autorun A sma&& twea which disa'&es processin% of autorun.inf to protect your P from

us' autorun viruses.

Disable Com2ress Ol Files his re%istry twea is usefu& when $is &eanup oo& "tops

+espondin% hi&e ompressin% !&d Fi&es.

&>PcFi! (.0.0.( *e&pfu& too& when tryin% to remove viruses, spyware, and ma&ware.

FileT*2es%an (. Fi&e ypes /ana%er for indows to add, edit, and remove actions in the

properties and f&a%s of each fi&e type.

"nstalleCoec (.) $isa'&e;na'&e 6nsta&&ed odec drivers and $irect"how fi&ters.

4e*Twea .5.0 +emap Eey'oard ayout, you can even customi@e a 'roen ey to an unused ey.

Protect a Drive <rom Autorun Virus Protect your pen drive from 'ein% infected when you p&u% it

in an infected P.

'emoveW$A (. indows Genuine Advanta%e Notifications +emova& too&.

''T + 'emove 'estrictions Tool 5.0 +e-ena'&e tr&:A&t:$e&, Fo&der !ptions and +e%istry too&s


1hell &!tensions %anaer ,1hell&!View/ (.7 An e4ce&&ent too& to #iew and /ana%e a&&

insta&&ed onte4t-menu"he&& e4tensions.

1hell%enu=ew (.0( #iewhan%e the &ist of a&& menu items in the New su'menu of indows


1how ien Devices $evice /ana%er hides nonpresent devices that are not physica&&y present in

the system, 'ut sti&& have confi%uration information in the +e%istry.

Twea@" .(0 his Poweroy %ives you access to system settin%s that are not e4posed in indows


@ltimate Winows Tweaer . A weaU6 Uti&ity for tweain% and optimi@in% indows #ista.

Write Protect @1B Devices wea your P to mae U"3 Pen $rive, /emory ard or hum' $rive

as +ead !n&y.

:2+Anti12* 5.9- 6t tweas some indows 7P functions, and disa'&es some unneeded indows

services Juic&y.