Rafael Pastor Vargas, Miguel Ángel Córdova Morales, Mario Aguado, Alberto Pesquera Martín, Raúl...

Post on 17-Dec-2015

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Rafael Pastor Vargas, Miguel Ángel Córdova Morales, Mario Aguado, Alberto Pesquera Martín, Raúl Morales Hidalgo, Marcos Serrano Sánchez, Joaquín Urrutia González, Luis Ignacio Bacas Riveiro, Juan Ignacio Fernández Diez .

Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

rpastor@scc.uned.es, {mac, maguado, apm, rmorales, mserrano ,jurrutia, lbacas, jfernandez}@innova.uned.es

Alvaro Rodríguez, Vivian Aguilar, Rocael Hernández

Viaro Networks {alvaro, vivian, roc}@viaro.net

Blocks Blocks Organizer Organizer For .LRNFor .LRN

Valencia, 18/11/2008


•What is blocks?•Usage •Technical details•Conclusions/Future work

What is blocks?

• Planning tool based on aggregated resources in a temporal/content space called block.

• Allows an integrated view for the development of learning courses, making easy to get information of actual state (date/content).

Type of “blocks” (1/2)

• Weekly Format – Each block represents a week, the

weeks start to count the day the community starts, this value is set in the Course Settings of the Blocks View.

– The current weeks is highlighted.

Type of “blocks” (2/2)

• Topics Format – Each block represents a topic, all the

activities and resources in this block are related to the topic, so in this format the start date of the community is not relevant.

– This format lets the teacher selects the current topic and highlights that topic automatically until the teachers marks it as not selected or another topic is selected, only one topic can be selected at a time.

Course settings

• The format by weekly or topics• The start date, this is used to set the start

day for the weekly format. • The number of blocks, if the number of

blocks selected is greater than the current blocks, the extra blocks needed are created, if the number of blocks selected is lower than the current blocks the rest of the blocks are simply not displayed but never deleted.

Navigation menu

• Edit Mode• Help• Quick links

to resources• “Blocks”


Add/Create resources

• Each course has many tools available, inside each block there is an option to add a resource/activity, the supported packages are: evaluation, assessment, forums, file-storage, content, pages and chat.

Add new

Just Created

Add resources

• Label• Pages (HTML and

text)• Files• Folders• URLs• Content sections

Add new activities

• Activities: forums, assessments, evaluation and chat

If activity is in course….

Choose type Check the item in the list


Items and blocks operations

• Show/Hide, we can choose which object we want to make available for students.

• Move, the objects can be ordered inside the same block or moved to a different block by using the drag n drop option.

• Indent, the objects can be indent right or left, this is just for visual purposes and it has no side effect on the behavior of the objects, each object can only be indent five spaces more than the parent upper object, if any.

• Edit, this link lead us to the specific edit interface depending on the object type.

• Delete, this link deletes the reference of the object with the block and if the object is not referenced by another block it deletes the object as well, objects from file-storage are never deleted.


Technical aspects

Technical aspects

• To link activities from other packages there are 3 steps needed:– Extend the ad_page_contract to receive

as a parameter the page_id of the page that will be linked to the activity

– Extend the ad_form to send the parameter on the submit action to be able to use the value in the on_submit section

– Add a special line in the on_submit section to link the new activity to the page

Technical aspects

• Callbacks– search::url, returns the url for the object – dotlrn::blocks::edit_url, returns the url

for the edit action of the object – dotlrn::blocks::delete_url, returns the

url for the edit action of the object

• Any kind of object is linked by the object_id– We obtain the object type – Then we get the right callback

Technical aspects

• Special case: File-storage

– The interface was modified to allow the association of the resources

– The changes are activated using a cookie and a parameter to allow navigation

Technical aspects

• New package: “Pages”

– Create a new package to add individual pages linked to the planner

– The link process is done in the xowiki form using mixins in the procs: new_request, new_data

– Special policy to set the permissions needed in each page, students have only read permission


• The block system is a simple but yet powerful organizer for any course, and uses the most important packages and applications available in .LRN, while more applications can be easily integrated.

• Blocks systems is independent of .LRN, so it can open an space to use OpenACS in courses without using .LRN and / or its portal system.

Future work

• View/Hide items/blocks automatically in weekly format to center on actual course date/topic.

• Adapt items blocks to learning path, IMS-LD?