Salina Cruz Refineria - MEXICO Building Grading Industry / Utilities … · 2020-06-04 · 4³ B...

Post on 17-Jul-2020

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Boca del Río

Salina Cruz

Refineriadel Pacifico

GLIDE n um b er: EQ-2017-000128-M EX






Oaxaca Chiapas



Sa lin a Cruz

Golfo de Tehuantepec


U n ited States

Gua tem a laBelize

M exic o City


Gulf of MexicoMexicoCartographic Information


±Grid: WGS 1984 U TM Z on e 15N m a p c oordin a te system

Full c olor ISO A1, low resolution (100 dpi)

On the 7th of Septem b er 2017 just b efore m idn ight, loc a l tim e, a m a gn itude 8.2 qua ke struc k off theM exic o’s southern Pa c ific c oast, 165km west of the sta te of Chiapas. The ea rthqua ke has killed m a n ypeople a n d c a used m a ss eva c uation . The states of Oa xa c a a n d Chiapas were b a dly im pa c ted a n dthousa n ds of houses were destroyed in m a n y town s.The presen t m ap shows the da m a ge gra de assessm en t (Gra din g m aps) in the area of Sa lin a CruzRefin eria (M exic o). The them atic la yer has b een derived from post-even t sa tellite im a ge usin g m ea n sof visua l in terpreta tion . The estim a ted geom etric a c c ura c y is 5 m CE90 or b etter, from n ative position a la c c ura c y of the b a c kgroun d satellite im a ge.

Tic k m a rks: WGS 84 geogra phic a l c oordin a te system

Produc t N.: 02SALINACRU Z REFINERIA, v1, En glishAc tivation ID: EM SR240

Pre-even t im a ge: ESRI World Im a gery © Digita lGlob e (a cquired on 06/03/2017, GSD 0.5 m, approx.0% cloud c overa ge in AoI).Post-even t im a ge: WorldV iew-3 © Digita lglob e (a cquired on 09/09/2017 17:24, GSD 0.5 m,17 % c loudcovera ge, 14.21° off-n a dir a n gle), provided un der COPERNICU S b y the Europea n U n ion a n d ESA.Base vec tor la yers: Open StreetM ap © Open StreetM a p c on trib utors, Wikim apia .org, GeoNa m es 2015,refin ed b y the produc er.In set m aps: JRC 2013, Natura l Earth 2012, GeoNa m es 2013.Population da ta: La n dsc a n 2010 © U T BATTELLE, LLCDigita l Elevation M odel: SRTM 90m (NASA/U SGS)

0 0,25 0,50,125km

Salina Cruz Refineria - MEXICOEarthquake - Situation as of 09/09/2017

Gra din g M a p

Data Sources


Building Grading!( Highly Da m a ged!( M odera tely Da m a ged!( Negligib le to slight da m a ge

Crisis Information!( Lea ka ge

General InformationArea of In terest

Settlements! Popula ted Pla c e

Industry / Utilities

³4 Proc essin g Fa c ility! ! Pipelin e

Stora ge Ta n k

Stora ge DepotTransportation

Prim a ry Roa d

Secon dary Roa d

Loc a l Roa d

Produc ts ela b orated in this Copern ic us EM S Rapid M appin g a c tivity are rea lized to the b est of oura b ility, within a very short tim e fra m e, optim isin g the a va ila b le data a n d in form a tion . All geogra phicin form a tion has lim itation s due to sc a le, resolution , da te a n d in terpretation of the origin a l sourc es. Them ap a n d the in form ation con ten t are derived from satellite data without in situ va lidation . No lia b ilitycon c ern in g the con ten ts or the use thereof is assum ed b y the produc er a n d b y the Europea n U n ion .M ap produc ed b y SERTIT relea sed b y SERTIT (ODO).For the latest version of this m ap a n d related produc ts visithttp://em ergen c y.copern ic SR240jrc-em s-ra pidm appin© Europea n U n ionFor full Copyright n otic e visit http://em ergen c y.c opern ic appin g/em s/c ite-c opern ic us-em s-m appin g-porta l

Disclaimer Relevant date recordsEventActivation

Situation as ofMap production


09/09/2017 13/09/2017

Map Information


Destroyed Highly damaged

Moderately damaged

Negligible to slight damage

Total affected

Total in AOI

LeakageEstimated population N/A 10777

Residential No. 1 6 4 11 N/AIndustrial No. 0 0 1 0 1 N/APrimary roads km 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.9Secondary roads km 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.9Local roads km 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 73.9

Utilities Processing Facility No. 0 0 0 0 0 1Storage Tank No. 0 0 0 0 0 174Storage Depot No. 0 0 0 0 0 1Pipeline km 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.17



Consequences within the AOI

Unit of measurement

No. of peopleNo. 3