Short Onchenda-Grace presentation

Post on 18-Feb-2017

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Strategic Briefing

State of Grace Living Instituteand

Onchenda Open Global Food Cooperative

Social Mission Joint Venture

OBJECTIVES1. Create a business model by which anyone can transition to a lifestyle of cooperative local abundance and stewardship based on the local food movement.

Onchenda Open Global Food Co-op, A Utah Benefit Corporation:

A) Enable small acreage farmers to sell produce at better margins direct to local consumers online at a lower price. Consumers receive delicious, healthy, locally grown food conveniently, and at a reasonable price

OBJECTIVESOnchenda Open Global Food Co-op:

B) Reinvest profits into others who want to grow their own food and do likewise.

OBJECTIVESOnchenda Open Global Food Co-op:

C) Mentoring: Co-op shareholder Permaculturist to design, educate and mentor them for a percentage of online sales.

OBJECTIVES2. Create a network of local food webs restoring healthy soils, healthy communities, healthy local economies, and healthy local ecosystem services:

Onchenda Open Global Food Co-op:

1. Logan Food Web

2. SLC Food Web

3, Cedar City Food Web

4. Moab Food Web, etc.

OBJECTIVES3. Create a showcase where others can see, feel, breath, taste, experience and learn all the components of abundant sustainable living & stewardship, and export them globally:

State of Grace Living, A Utah Benefit Corporation

ResourcesHUGE public demand for LOCALLY GROWN food that is:● Good tasting

● Less expensive

● Nutritious and health

● Convenient

● Sustainable

ResourcesAn Established Market:

ResourcesAn Unfulfilled Niche:

Struggling local food hubs, CSAs and farmer's markets with:● Flawed business models● Frustrated & disillusioned

farmers and consumers members due to:

● Unnecessary and costly logistics● Low margins● Lack of variety● High prices

ResourcesA Better Business Model:

Our business model beats the competition on costs & margins by:A) Marketing food produced through Permaculture

B) Eliminating warehouses and hubs

C) Outsourcing farm-to-home delivery

- 23% !

ResourcesA Better Business Model:Marketing food produced through Permaculture

Nature’s technology costs less than Man’s technology.


Billions of dollars allocated by private charitable foundations for:● Education● Health and wellness● Alleviation of poverty● Alleviation of hunger● Agricultural systems researchWho must invest 5% into aligned social missions annually

Are giving it to Public Benefit Corporations


● Want to sell their produce direct to local consumers without the hassles and frustrations of food hubs, CSA, farmer's markets, and supermarket wholesalers.

● Would rather spend their time farming, designing, teaching, and mentoring.

● Want to make a good living doing that without having to work for somebody else.

● Want to converge as a cooperative community for abundance and against encroaching outrages..

Manpower & Know-how:

Local regenerative agriculturists, edible horticulturists, organic farmers, Permaculturists who:

Onchenda Revenue Projections

Onchenda Open Global Food Cooperative

Assumptions:1. Membership follows natural fractal expansion pattern2. Customers spend an average of $60.00 per week

Onchenda Revenue ProjectionsOnchenda Open Global Food Cooperative

Break Even


● Create a successful local Permaculture food web for:

Cooperatively generate the needed social enterprise

● Tap the billions of dollars already allocated for creating a PERMANENT CULTURE

● Make the Grace Institute a showcase of viable living a reality

● Export our cooperative model of viability globally

● Designing

● Teaching

● Mentoring, and

● Enabling small acreage to grow & distribute fresh food profitably