Slide tpe barth_planificación 1_tercer período_secondary

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ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Barth María PíaPeríodo de Práctica: Tercer período, nivel secundario.Institución Educativa: Colegio CastexDirección: Brown 99, Bariloche.Grado sección: 4° y 5° añosCantidad de alumnos: 13Nivel lingüístico del curso: Pre- IntermedioTipo de Planificación: ClaseUnidad Temática: “Talented people”Clase Nº: 1Fecha: 06/10/15Hora: 10:45 am a 12:05 pmDuración de la clase: 80 minutosFecha de primera entrega: 28 /09 /15

Teaching points:

Revision of Present Simple (am, is are + third person singular) Revision of Past Simple (was-were) Revision of adjectives

Aims or goals: During this lesson, learners will be able to:

Develop fluency and their speaking skills by giving their opinion about the topic of “talented people”

Develop and integrate their speaking an listening skills by interacting with their peers and teacher

Distinguish modals of ability and use them in a meaningful context.

Language focus:

Functions Lexis Structures PronunciationRevision Answering

questions about

famous people.

Artistic, creative, imaginative,

logical, musical, practical, chess, communicating,

languages, painting, science,

Present simple (He’s a diver)Past simple

(He was born…)

Creative/kri e t v/ˈ ɪ ɪ

Language/ læŋ w d /ˈ ɡ ɪ ʒ

writing, gymnastics, etc.

New Talk and express

their opinion about

talented people.

Talented, diver, chess player,


“Modals of ability”

Can+infinitive(he CAN DO

this)Be able to+

infinitive(He’S ABLE To




/æ let k/θ ˈ ɪ

Diver/ da v /ˈ ɪ ə

Teaching approach: “Communicative Approach” and “PPP”.

Integration of skills: Students’ speaking and listening skills will be integrated by talking and discussing about talented people. An audio will be used too to expose the students to the L2 and develop their listening ability. Reading and writing will be integrated through reading a newspaper article and answering some comprehension questions about it.

Pedagogical use of ICT in the class: In this lesson, students will be invited to do an online task as homework.

Materials and resources: posters, markers, copies, Students’ book, music, computer, masking tape, pictures, homework’s copy,

Seating arrangement: Students will work at the tables; they are situated in rows facing the board. The tables are longer than the usual ones, so at a same table three or four students may work together.

Cooperative work: Students will exchange ideas about talented people and they’ll retrieve previous vocabulary such as adjectives. Also, they will work in pairs to answer some questions.

Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class:

Students may tend to say unknown words in Spanish so I’ll be ready to help them and say the equivalent in English.

Students may feel insecure to speak; I will try to create a nice atmosphere to make them feel comfortable to speak.

Potential problems students may have with the language:

Students may find it difficult to understand new language terms; I will encourage them to look up the words in their on-line dictionaries. If they find it difficult to remember them I will help them by repeating the new words.


Pronunciation of new target language and identification of new lexis will be assessed by making questions, such as “Is she good at science?” Is he talented? Etc. There will be oral correction for students so I get to know if they understand the use of the modal verbs and if they remember the new lexis and vocabulary.

Procedure : Routine (2’ minutes)

I’ll get into the class, and I’ll say “Hello, how are you today? I need some help to write the date on the board” Please Meli, Can you help me?” I will encourage students to spell the date to help her to copy it.

Warm-up (8’ minutes) I’ll display four pictures on the board about different famous people. I will encourage students to make guesses about them. I will display a poster with some “key words” to help them to talk. I will say “Yesterday, I was watching TV in my house and I learnt some things about four famous people. I brought you their pictures with their names to show you but I don’t remember their talents… Can you help me to describe them? Great! Look at this poster I have some key words that may help you to describe them. For example: Justin is a singer… I think he is brilliant at music (I will copy the

example on the board)” I will encourage students to describe the four famous aloud.

Presentation (10’ minutes) “Excellent! Now, I brought you a short part of the conversation from the TV programme that I watched yesterday. I will give you a chart to help me remember the information about them; you will have to complete it.” I will ask some students to give out some copies, and students will listen to the audio twice to complete the information. We will check on the board, while students are listening and trying to complete the chart I will copy the chart on the board to check when they finish. CHART : (answer key in purple)

A famous From Born inTOM DALEY diver The UK 1994HOU YIFAN Chess player China 1994


actor The USA 1997

JUSTIN BIEBER singer Canada 1994

SCRIPT: Audio taken from the book “New Challenges 3 by Pearson”

“I’m into swimming and I think Tom Daley is a fantastic athlete. He’s a diver and he’s won lots of international competitions. He was born in the UK in 1994 and he took up diving when he was seven years old. He first became really famous when he came seventh in the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Then, in 2009, he won the World Championship with a fantastic final dive”“I love playing chess and I think Hou Yifan from China is the most talented player of our generation. Yifan was born in 1994 and she started playing chess when she was only three years old. I first heard about her in 2008 when she became the youngest ever female chess grandmaster- that’s when she became world famous. She’s a very confident player, and like all top chess players, she’s logical and intelligent.”“Chloe Moretz is from the United States. She’s an actor and I think she’s really talented. She was born in 1997 and she acted in TV programmes before she made films. In 005, a film called “The Amityville Horror-2 made her famous. She was a star but she couldn’t see it in a cinema because it was a horror film and she was too young! In 2010 she starred in Diary of Wimpy Kid with Zachary Gordon.”

My favourite singer at the moment is Justin Bieber. He’s Canadian and was born in 1994. Justin became famous in 2008 when he put some films of himself singing on a video sharing website. Millions of people watched his homemade videos and he became a star. He’s very creative and musical- he writes songs, sings and he can play the guitar, the piano and the trumpet. I play the guitar but he is more talented than me.”

Development Activity 1 (8’ minutes)

“I found an interesting article about a man called Lee Hadwin. He’s very talented but there is something very strange about his talent. Would you like to know his strange talent? Yes? Ok!” I will hand out the copies. I will say “Delfi, Can you read the tittle please? Great! What do you imagine about his talent? Well, let’s guess his talent! Meli, Can you start reading it please? Great! Thank you Meli, now tell me… what is his talent? Is he an artist all the time? When is he an artist? Is it strange? Would you like to have a talent like this one? Why?”

Text adapted from the book “Gold Preliminary by Pearson”

Activity 2 (12’ minutes)

“Awesome! Now we’ll work in pairs to answer some questions about the article” I will ask some students to give out some copies to answer the following questions about Lee. We will read the questions aloud and then I will provide students with time to complete the activity. I will play some music while they work. When they finish we’ll check them orally.

1) How did Lee discover he had the ability to create drawings in his sleep?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2) Do doctors know why Lee draws in his sleep?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3) What is Lee planning to do with his drawings?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4) What do Lee’s abilities suggest about creative skills?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Answer key: 1- He discovered it by accident at a friend’s house.2- No, they do not know.3- He wants to show them in public.4- Possibly that artistic skills are not necessarily learnt at school and

perhaps that we are all artistic but we cannot all access to the skill.

Activity 3 (10’ minutes) I’ll ask students to have a look at the phrases in bold from the article. I will explain to them that they’re modals of ability and that we use them to talk about abilities. I will say “

I will display the following poster on the board and I will encourage some students to read it aloud, students will copy it on their copybooks. Then I will provide them with a copy to complete using modals of ability.

Activity 4 (10’ minutes) I will ask students to open their books at page 79 to complete a letter with an appropriate verb and a modal of ability. I will say “Look at the text on page 79, what kind of text is it? Yes! It’s a letter from a boy called Oliver to Jen. Oliver is a boy a bit disorganized; he forgot to complete the letter with some words and modals. Can you help him to complete it?’’

Answer key: 1- Was able to hand2- Can’t draw3- Couldn’t use4- Was able to make5- Can design6- Can let

1- Use ………………… and …………………to talk about a present ability. (Can/be able to)2- Use ………………… to talk about abilities in the past. (Could)3- Use ………………… to talk about ability on one occasion in the past. (Be able to)4- Use …………………after will, may, present perfect simple, etc. (Be able to)

#Answer Key in purple.

Activity 5 (15’ minutes) I’ll ask students to work in pairs since there are not enough computers for all of them to choose a talented person to describe. I’ll first demonstrate with my own description of the person that I chose. Students will work on the computers to write their description, I’ll ask them to add some pictures to the description. Students will hand in their work to me to check it.

Homework (3’ minutes) “Awesome! As homework I’ll give you a copy to complete an activity. Please Marcos can you read the instructions? Great! So, what do you have to do? Excellent! Lilen, can you hand out the copies please?”

Closure (2’ minutes) “You’ve worked fantastic today! It’s almost time (pointing to my watch), so put everything in order and remember to do your homework please!” I will play some music on to finish the class with energy.

Homework:Write a composition about a talented person in your family.