Slide tpe barth_planificación 2_tercer período_secondary

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ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Barth María PíaPeríodo de Práctica: Tercer período, nivel secundario.Institución Educativa: Colegio CastexDirección: Brown 99, Bariloche.Grado sección: 4° y 5° añosCantidad de alumnos: 13Nivel lingüístico del curso: IntermedioTipo de Planificación: ClaseUnidad Temática: “Talented People”Clase Nº: 2Fecha: 09/10/15Hora: 07:45 a 09:05Duración de la clase: 80 minutosFecha de primera entrega: 04/ 10 /15

Teaching points:

Revision of adjectives. Revision of “would” questions (Would you like to be a doctor?) Use of prefixes in the correct context.

Aims or goals: During this lesson, learners will be able to:

Develop their listening and speaking skills by interacting with the teacher and mates and by listening to an audio about jobs.

Develop their speaking skills by expressing their opinion about their possible future jobs.

Develop their writing skills by filling some activities using prefixes.

Language focus:

Functions Lexis Structure PronunciationRevision Talking and

describing professions.

Teacher, vet, doctor,

dentist, actor, singer,


WOULD for hypothetical situations: “What job

would you like to do in the


Job/ d b/ʒɒ

Pilot/ pa l t/ˈ ɪ ə

“I would like to be a

vet/pilot”Phrasal verbs:

“get on well with

somebody”New Talking and

expressing their opinion about their

future professions

or jobs.

Psychologist, journalist,

shop manager, mechanic, firefighter,

web designer, accountant,


Prefixes and their usage:

REbuild- IMpossible-


Psychologist /sa k l dɪ ˈ ɒ ə ʒ


/ d n l st/ˈ ʒɜː ə ɪAccountant

/ ka nt nt/ə ˈ ʊ əManager

/ mæn d /ˈ ɪ ʒ ə

Teaching approach: “Communicative Approach” and PPP.

Integration of skills: An audio related to jobs will be used to expose students to the second language. Listening and speaking skills will be integrated by talking and discussing about their possible jobs. As regards writing and listening, students will have to complete some activities related to the audio they will listen to.

Materials and resources: Pictures, board, marker, masking tape, computer, audio (track 18), copies, poster, cards, candies, music and word search copies.

Pedagogical use of ICT in the class: An audio will be displayed oin the computer to expose students to the target language. Students will search unknown words in their online dictionaries but if the internet is not working properly I will provide them with dictionaries to search the unknown vocabulary.

Seating arrangement: Students will work at the tables situated in rows facing the board. At a same table three or four students may work together.

Cooperative work: Students will share their opinion about their possible future jobs. There will be some oral games and quizzes to exchange information and promote interaction among them.

Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class:

Some students may tend to speak in the mother tongue; I will remind them about our Spanish card. If I hear one of them speaking in Spanish I will give them the Spanish card, by the end of the class the student who has the Spanish card will have a cross. During the months they are allow to have three crosses, if one of them complete the three crosses will have a consequence.

Potential problems students may have with the language

Some students may find it difficult to understand some instructions so I will try to mime them and provide them with many hints to understand better. I will also have flashcards to show them related to jobs to introduce the new vocabulary. They will also have the possibility to search the unknown words in their online dictionaries.

Assessment: There will be some oral questions to assess students’ pronunciation of new words. I will ask some comprehension questions related to the audio in order to be sure that students comprehended it.

Procedure : Routine (2’ minutes)

I’ll get into the class, and I’ll say “Hello, how are you today? I need some help to write the date on the board” Please Delfina, Can you help me?” I will encourage students to spell the date to help her to copy it.

Warm-up (10’ minutes) As this class starts very early in the morning students tend to be a bit sleepy, so I’ll wait for them playing some music, I will invite them to sit down and I will give them a candy. Then, I will explain to them that we will start the class with a game. I’ll hide in advance different pictures related to jobs around the class. “We’ll we will start playing a game! Do you like playing

games? Great! Well, look at the board; I’d displayed different words related to jobs. Can you help me to read them aloud Talia please? (dentist-doctor-web designer-secretary-teacher-vet-actor-singer-hairdresser-firefighter- accountant- mechanic- psychologist- shop manager- journalist). Great! Well, now I will play some music and you will have to find pictures around the class to match the jobs that are on the board. Ready? Let’s play!”

Presentation (10’ minutes) “Awesome! Now, close your eyes, and imagine what job would you like to do in the future? Would you like to be a vet? Would you like to be a doctor? Or may be a teacher? Open your eyes and tell me! Ivo, what job would you like to do in the future? Why? Are you good with numbers? Wow! Amazing! What about you Silvi?” Students will brainstorm their future jobs and I will

write down their answers on the board. Finally, students will copy the brainstorming ideas under the title of “Jobs and occupations”

Development Activity 1 (7’ minutes)“Last week I was talking with another group of students about this topic and we invited some talented people to the class to talk about their jobs. Would you like to listen to them? Well, now we will listen to them describing their jobs. Listen and try to answer: What do you think each person’s job is? Do you understand? Great, so what do you have to do? Awesome… let’s listen to them!” I’ll play the audio and at the end I will encourage kids to tell me the answers. “Debo, what do you think the first speaker’s job is? Great!” I will repeat the procedure with the other speakers.

Answer key:Speaker 1: is a web designerSpeaker 2: is an accountantSpeaker 3: is a shop manager

Script (audio taken from the book Gold Preliminary PET):Speaker 1: “The most important skill for someone in my job is knowing how to use a computer. I create or rebuild web pages so you have to be able to work with specific software. You have to be creative and plan things carefully- those two things don’t always go together! It’s important that you get on well with the people you work with otherwise it becomes impossible to do the job well. We disagree with each other sometimes but I think it’s normal. I used to be a police officer but I wanted a change so I retrained. I was the best decision I ever made”. Speaker 2: “To do my job you have to be good at maths or you’ll find yourself unemployed quite quickly! It’s not a job for people who are impatient either. You need to look at lots of information very carefully or you’ll make mistakes. People sometimes think my job’s uninteresting, but actually I work with lots of different business who all have different financial needs. This means there’s quite a lot of variety. I’ve been doing it for over ten years and I still enjoy it”.

Speaker 3: “I have to deal with twenty members of staff and any customers who are unhappy about something we’ve sold them, which means it’s really important I communicate with people well. I also need to be in control of my

staff in order for the business to run well and for them to feel positive about their work. To do this, I have to be self- confident. With a shop of this size, there are often issues with staff being off sick, so I need to be able to find an answer to these issues quickly. I really love my job but one thing I dislike is the fact that I have to work irregular hours”.

Activity 2 (10’ minutes) I’ll ask students to work in pairs and discuss the skills that are important for each speaker’s job. “Now, you will work in pairs to discuss and write which speaker has to have each skill. Do you know the meaning of the word “skill”? Yes! It’s an ability or talent to do something. Please Flor hand out the copies” I will ask some confident students to read the skills aloud, I will check comprehension and if it’s necessary I will provide with the necessary information to understand the unknown vocabulary, then I will provide students with five minutes to discuss the answers. Finally, I will play the audio again for them to check the activity. Then, we will check the answers on the board.

Answer key: Speaker 1: C-D-H Speaker 2: A-G Speaker 3: B-E-F Activity 3 (8’ minutes)

I will display the following poster on the board. I will ask students to discuss in pairs how the underlined prefixes change the meaning of the words. Students will share their findings aloud. “Way to go kids! While I was listening to the speakers I realized that they added some prefixes to some words to express the opposite. As I am not very sure, I copied the sentences

Which speaker (1-2 or 3) has to have each skill?a- Be good with numbers ………b- Have leadership skills ………c- Be good with computers ………d- Be good at working in teams ………e- Have problem-solving skills ………f- Have good communication skills ………g- Pay attention to detail ………h- Be organized ………

in this poster for you to help me to understand it better. I would like to know how the underlined prefixes change the meaning of the words. I mean I would like to know for example what prefixes make the words negative, what prefixes change the meaning, what prefixes mean again, etc”. I will copy the following chart on the board for them to discuss and complete it. Finally, students will share their answers orally.

Make the words negative Change the meaning Mean again

Activity 4 (13’ minutes)

“Well done! I’m getting bored! Let’s play a game! I’ve got here some cards with clues about jobs for you to guess them. So, we will play it in two different groups. I will ask some students from each team to read out 3 clues about each job, if your team guesses right after the first clue you’ll get 3 points, 2 points after the second clue and 1 point after the third clue”.


I work in a school. 3 points I have to be very strong. 3 points

I have lots of holidays. 2 points I started doing this when I was a child. 2 points

I work with children. 1 point I wear special shoes. 1 point

My job is...teacher My job is... dancer

My job has very difficult training. 3 pointsI make things that people either love or hate. 3 points

Without my uniform I would die. 2 points I get very dirty hands doing my job. 2 points

I go into space. 1 point I am very creative. 1 point

My job is...astronaut. My job is...artist.

I studied hard at school and university. 3 points

I wear a uniform. 3 points

My work saves people’s lives. 2 points I help people. 2 points

I like to discover new things. 1 point I catch criminals. 1 point

My job is...scientist. My job is...policeman.

I wear a uniform. 3 pointsI studied hard at school and university. 3 points

I keep many people safe in a dangerous situation. 2

I help people. 2 points

I’m always travelling. 1 point I work in a hospital. 1 point

My job is...pilot. My job

Lots of people want to do my job. 3 points

I can be rich and famous. 2 points

I can be lots of different people. 1 point

My job

Lots of people want to do my job. 3 points I wear a uniform. 3 points

I can be rich and famous. 2 points I save people’s lives. 2 points

I am very good at sport. 1 point My job is very dangerous. 1 point

My job player. My job is...firefighter.

Activity 5 (15’ minutes)

“It was very fun! Yesterday I was reading a magazine and I found a quiz that I would like to share with you. It may guide you to choose your future career. We’ll work in pairs, you will have to ask some questions to your friend, and then you will have to count the points. When you finish change the roles, and let him/her to ask you the same questions. At the end, read the answers according to your total scores”.

Worksheet adapted from by Ana B.

What career for me?

Do the following quiz and see which and see which your main characteristics are and which career suits you most.


1. Are you calm? 2. Are you imaginative? 3. Do you like children? 4. Do you like to travel? 5. Do you enjoy working alone? 6. Do you prefer working indoors? 7. Do you prefer working at night? 8. Do you like talking to people? 9. Do you like talking on the phone? 10. Do you have a lot of energy? 11. Do you like working with figures? 12. Are you organised? 13. Are you patient?

14. Do you like animals? 15. Do you usually make a lot of noise? 16. Does blood impress you? 17. Do you like to build or repair things with your hands? 18. Do you like elderly people? 19. Do you like music? 20. Do you like sports?


Yes No Yes No

1 2 5 11 5 2

2 5 4 12 10 3

3 2 6 13 2 0

4 10 1 14 2 5

5 5 0 15 10 1

6 5 0 16 2 5

7 2 4 17 5 2

8 10 5 18 2 4

9 10 4 19 5 7

10 10 4 20 10 1

Score between 5 and 50You are a practical person whose main characteristics are: tranquillity, strength, sensibility and reliability. You prefer to be part of a group instead of working alone. You like helping others. You may become: a teacher, a lawyer, a police officer, a vet, a doctor or a social worker.

Score between 51 and 90You are very methodical. You prefer to work alone because you are very organised. Your main characteristics are: gentleness, talent and calmness. You may become: an artist, a computer technician, an architect, a scientist, an engineer, a writer or a detective.

Score of more than 91You are a much-occupied person, always in a hurry. You like to be with other people and share your work with them. Your main characteristics are: enthusiasm, generosity and optimism. You may become: a salesman, a journalist, an actor, a film director, a photographer or a tourist guide.

Homework (3’ minutes) “Great work! For next class you will have to complete an activity! It will be fun; it’s a word search about jobs. Please Juan can you hand out the homework? Thank you! How many jobs can you find?”I will explain the homework and I will ask students to stick the photocopy in their copybooks.

Closure (2’ minutes)

Oh no! It’s very late; the bell will ring very soon. Let’s leave the class in order. Please, remember to do your homework and have an excellent weekend! Bye!