Young Voices Dic10_2014

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Young Voices Volumen 4 - Dic10 de 2014


Volumen 4, n° 1

Diciembre 10 de 2014

Recibir de la Fundación Santillana para Iberoamérica con el auspicio del Ministerio de Educación Nacional una dotación para la biblioteca del Clermont por $40.000.000 (cuarenta millones de pesos) es una gran alegría. Única institución educativa privada a nivel nacional que lo ha ganado en la historia desde que se inició al interior de Santillana hace 20 años. Nuestro colegio participó en la convocatoria que se hizo dentro del Congreso Educativo “Educación para la paz” presentando a PAMI “Programa de prevención e intervención del maltrato escolar” en cabeza del señor Mauricio Roa Mackenzie, socio fundador del colegio y gestor de este programa, quien hasta el año pasado se desempeñó como el director de la sección de escuela media.

Obtuvimos el XX Premio Santillana de Experiencias Educativas 2014. Educación para la paz, la escuela, espacio vital para el diálogo, la reconciliación y el perdón. El jueves 25 de septiembre en la ceremonia de cierre del congreso, nos fue entregado este maravilloso premio de la mano del Presidente de la Fundación el señor Belisario Betancur Cuartas, ex presidente de Colombia. Todos nuestros estudiantes estuvieron expectantes ante la llegada de los libros, inquietos preguntando cuando serían entregados para disfrutarlos. Finalmente el pasado 5 de diciembre, después de recibir la tarjeta como invitados especiales, en una Asamblea general con estudiantes y profesores, recibimos al señor Huberley Villa Garibello, Gerente Regional de Bogotá y la comitiva de Santillana, quienes formalmente hicieron entrega a los representantes de cada curso de 874 libros de literatura de la lengua castellana, inglesa, libros para continuar indagando a través de las ciencias sociales, incrementar la investigación con las ciencias naturales, aumentar el pensamiento crítico a través de las matemáticas y la tecnología (programa transversal) y muchos otros temas adicionales. Al interior de la Unión de Colegios Bilingües (UCB) nos hemos unido a esta convocatoria por la paz, desde hace dos años dentro del marco del Foro de Profesores con el tema titulado: “Educación para la paz……una agenda pendiente” y la continuaremos este año en febrero con una visión más formativa “Colombia hace las paces desde la Educación”. Los niños, jóvenes y adolescentes son el presente y el futuro de una convivencia sana y en paz, por ello el modelo familiar es muy importante en su proceso de crecimiento. Aída Rivera Franco Rectora.


Pami 2

Clermont de excur-sión extrema


Un extraordinario Halloween de locos


Sabías Qué 5

Crónica de un viaje inesperado


Superficialidad vs profundidad


I can’t believe this still exists


Mancou. The greatest story ever!


The Catcher in the Rye


Autobiography 13

El gigante de Babur 12

Basura Electrónica ¡ PILAS!


Créditos 16


El pasado 8 de octubre, los estudiantes de quinto grado nos reunimos en el colegio para ir a nuestra excursión hacia Tobia. Antes de irnos nos despedimos de nuestras familias, mientras esperábamos la orden de salida de Miss Aída. Después de esperar a que llegaran los niños que faltaban, salimos por una carretera que pasaba por una montaña, había mucho tráfico, pero eso no impidió que lográramos movilizarnos. Luego, bajamos la montaña y comenzó a hacer un calor insoportable. Después de más de 3 horas de viaje, el guía nos dijo: “llegamos”.

Cuando llegamos al hotel, estábamos desesperados por el viaje, nos ofrecieron limonada con panela y nos organizamos en los cuartos. El hotel era grande, tenía piscina y estaba al lado del “Rio Negro”, las habitaciones tenían televisores, ventiladores y neveras para poner bebidas.

Luego de descansar, nos pidieron que fuéramos al salón de tenis de mesa y nos presentamos en una actividad muy divertida. Seguidamente fuimos a almorzar, una deliciosa lasagna. Una vez terminamos, fuimos a reposar y después de mucho tiempo, nos llamaron porque íbamos a ir a hacer rafting por el Rio Negro. Tomamos el bus hasta el punto de encuentro con los demás guías. Ahí, nos pusimos los cascos, los chalecos y cogimos un remo; nos organizamos en los botes y comenzamos a remar. A ratos nos brisaba pero no perjudicó la actividad.

Cuando terminamos, nos fuimos caminando hasta el hotel, luego nos cambiamos y nos metimos en

la piscina. Después de una hora de estar nadando, nos cambiamos nuevamente y cenamos. Los guías nos hicieron una actividad, cuyo propósito era la confianza; al finalizar nos mandaron a los cuartos a dormir, vimos un poco de televisión y nos dormimos.

Al otro día nos despertamos y desayunamos huevos con queso. Descansamos, alistamos nuestros morrales y bajamos de los cuartos. Nos tocó esperar a que parara un poco la lluvia para irnos a la Quebrada del Tigre. Nos fuimos en bus y caminamos un poco, cuando comenzamos a ver el agua que fluía suavemente y cada vez fluía más rápido. También veíamos rocas de todos los colores, tamaños y formas. Pasábamos por partes donde la corriente estaba muy fuerte y nos caíamos al agua, cuando veíamos que había bastante agua hacíamos guerra con ésta. Luego nos devolvimos al hotel y almorzamos arroz, papas y pollo.

Después de cambiarnos y descansar un rato nos dijeron que íbamos a ir a otra caminata. Nos fuimos en bus hasta el pueblo y ahí comenzamos nuestra caminata por una montaña. Allí, vimos un rio muy grande y bello. Había una carrilera que pasaba por toda la montaña, estaba vieja y cubierta de plantas. Después de caminar como una hora, llegamos a un puente muy antiguo y oxidado, y al lado del puente estaba una cascada muy bonita. Cuando volvimos al pueblo jugamos

Clermont de excursión extrema

la entregáramos a uno de nuestros compañeros, con quien no compartimos mucho en el colegio, pero sí en esta excursión. Después de eso, nos comimos unos masmelos y nos fuimos a dormir.

Al otro día nos levantamos, desayunamos y fuimos a ver “el trapiche” para ver el proceso de elaboración de la panela. Comimos panela y

nos devolvimos para el hotel. Nos metimos a la piscina, nos cambiamos y bajamos a almorzar. Después nos fuimos al bus y nos devolvimos para Bogotá. Así, concluimos una excursión inolvidable en donde no sólo compartimos momentos gratos, sino que también disfrutamos de la naturaleza extrema.

futbol con los niños del lugar, por cierto, les ganamos!

Volvimos al hotel y después de comer, hicimos una fogata que fue nuestro cierre de la excursión. Nos daba mucho calor porque estábamos en clima cálido y aparte de eso, cerca del fuego. En la fogata dijimos lo que más nos gustó de la excursión. “Andares”, nos dio unas camisetas para que se

Página 3 Volumen 4, n° 1

Juan Felipe Cruz “5 A”

Un extraordinario Halloween de locos Página 4

El pasado 31 de octubre del presente año, se celebró en el Colegio Clermont el halloween. Los niños se divirtieron con todas las actividades preparadas por estudiantes y profesores.

Los niños de quinto grado, realizaron por primera vez la actividad “Charlie y la fábrica de chocolates” basado en la obra mágica del escritor británico Roald Dahl, en donde los juegos como el tiro al globo, exigían una muy buena puntería para romper los globos y quedarse con los dulces que había dentro; también estaba “La cake ruleta” que si caía en el logo Wonka, ganarías un Cup cake. Y no podían faltar “Los choco bolos”, en donde si lograbas tumbar todos los choco pines, obtendrías un premio. Fueron muchos los juegos creados por los estudiantes de quinto grado, que amenizados con una fuente de chocolate, la elaboración de cup cake y la gran compañía de Willy Wonka, disfrutamos de una fábrica llena de dulces, cup cake y mucho chocolate.

Por su parte, los niños de décimo grado también realizaron una actividad que todos pudieron disfrutar, “The Neón party”, allí, grandes y chicos, saltaron, bailaron y disfrutaron de cocteles y pinturas de neón de muchos colores que podías aplicar en tu piel.

El departamento de Educación Estética Creadora, realizó la actividad de las gafas locas, en donde con tu gran ingenio, podías crear tus propias gafas con temperas, escarcha y otros materiales. Al final, todos los niños salieron felices a disfrutar de las gafas.

En conclusión, fue un día inolvidable, pues fueron tantas las actividades que toda la comunidad Clermont se divirtió hasta el final de la jornada, viviendo un extraordinario Halloween de locos.

Juan José Gómez Arenas

Grado: 5B

Página 5 Volumen 4, n° 1





Young Voices

Por: Juana Añez Held Grado: 5A

Fue en cuanto desperté que supe enseguida que el día finalmente había llegado. Un gran viaje a la ciudad de Nueva York me esperaba y el simple hecho de compartirlo con mi familia era fascinante. Sinceramente aquella mañana trascurrió muy rápidamente, pues las ansias y la alegría hacían que aquellas horas pareciesen minutos. Como bien recuerdo, fue a las 9:00AM cuando llegamos al

aeropuerto, este estaba demasiado lleno de gente. Al haber pasado emigración y posteriormente esperar a que el vuelo estuviese listo, finalmente nos embarcamos en un viaje que por supuesto sería inolvidable.

Tras horas de vuelo, horas de dormir y algún tiempo de gran aburrimiento dentro del avión por fin llegamos a la grandiosa ciudad de Nueva York; quizás había leído sobre ésta y claro que había visto sus grandes monumentos y significativas calles en películas, sin embargo toparse con esta gran ciudad frente a frente era sencillamente increíble. Aun era de día cuando llegamos, el sol brillaba fuertemente y resaltaba los gigantescos edificios que simbolizan la ciudad; después de rentar un auto y atravesar algunas estrechas calles en las que parecía que no fuese a caber ni un carro más, llegamos a nuestro destino.

Estaba totalmente decepcionado, al parecer habíamos alquilado un apartamento en un lugar totalmente extraño, éste tenía un terrible olor, las basuras se podían ver tiradas en los andenes y calles, docenas de pordioseros caminaban alrededor de nosotros. El sitio estaba rodeado de bares y clubes nocturnos y la entrada principal al edificio donde nos hospedaríamos era tan estrecha que no encontrábamos forma de hacer pasar nuestro equipaje por ella. La gran visión que tenía de Nueva York hasta entonces se esfumó rápidamente, ahora tan solo deseaba que el apartamento fuese agradable, no obstante desde el punto de vista negativo que todos teníamos del lugar, creíamos que, tal vez todo empeoraría. Eran posiblemente las 5:40 de la tarde y tuvimos que esperar alrededor de 2 horas adentro de un restaurante de comida mexicana que había cerca mientras mi padre

buscaba un lugar para parquear en esas calles reple tas de carros. La razón de esto es que estaba oscureciendo y las llaves del edificio no funcionaban y se quedaron atascadas en el picaporte, así que la única salida que teníamos era, esperar por él. En cuanto llegó, ya e ra de noche, todos estábamos exhaustos y lo único que anhelábamos era poder descansar.

La ciudad estaba sumida en una noche oscura cuando por fin logramos abrir la puerta del edificio; cuando entramos un fétido olor corrió desde todos los puntos del lu gar hacia nosotros; la suciedad era impresionante y así como en las calles, la basura estaba tirada por todas pa rtes. Nuestro apartamento estaba ubicado en el cuarto pis o, sin embargo a medida que íbamos subiendo las cosas empeoraban cada vez más y más. Cuando llegamos al piso indicado, nos encontramos con tal vez lo peor; nuestro apartamento estaba justo en frente al de un pordiosero coreano (el cual aparentaba ser un ciuda dano ilegal) que vivía entre cajas de cartón y costales, el viaje más esperado se convirtió en el menos deseado. Quiz ás fue un poco mal educado de nuestra parte alejarnos de éste, pero después de este día ya no sabíamos que esperar. Ya no me importaba si el apartamento era agradable, posiblemente no lo sería, tan solo querí a descansar de esta experiencia. No obstante, en cuan to las puertas se abrieron, todo cambio repentinamente; de un mundo tan desagradable, pasamos a uno muy placenter o, el lugar era indescriptible, yo personalmente nunca creí

Página 6

Crónica de un Viaje Inesperado

Volumen 4, n° 1

Página 7 Young Voices Volumen 4, n° 1

que detrás de aquella puerta pudiera haber algo tan estupendo, era un sitio bastante colorido, todo es taba limpio, la cocina era bastante amplia y disponía de una gran variedad de implementos, las habitaciones eran muy divertidas, pues estaban organizadas de tal for ma que cada persona tenía espacio para todas sus pertenencias y así mismo para desplazarse por el lugar libremente; este apartamento era un mundo totalmente

diferente a lo que nos encontramos afuera.

Supongo que el hecho de haber descansado y de haber superado esa experiencia tan terrible nos dio ánim os para disfrutar de nuestras vacaciones; a lo mejor, lo bueno estaba por venir, teníamos mucho planeado y a pesar de lo que nos encontramos en el camino, no er a razón para no seguir adelante. De tal manera, esa misma noche decidimos ir a una de las atracciones p rincipales de la auténtica ciudad de Nueva York, Ti mes Square.

Se podría decir que aun era temprano eran quizá las 11:50 p.m. además no nos encontrábamos en un lugar como cualquier otro estábamos en la mismísima “ciudad que nunca duerme”, así que haciéndole honor a este titulo, y con grandes expectativas llegamos a Times Square. A primera vista fue algo inolvidable, las luces brillaban tan fuerte que por un momento parecía que hubiese amanecido, las pantallas eran tan grandes como me lo imaginaba y los lugares más reconocidos, así como tiendas y restaurantes de renombre hacían un gran conjunto con el resto del ambiente, no podía creer que estaba parado en uno de los lugares más famosos a nivel mundial y que de igual manera tuviera la oportunidad de compartir con mi familia en el mismo. Sin embargo, parecía que este día no estaba muy a favor nuestro, la multitud era gigantesca, posiblemente había alrededor de 800 personas paradas en el mismo lugar, en el mismo momento que nosotros, entrado y saliendo de las tiendas y generando mas ruido que ninguna otra cosa. Lo que más hubiera deseado era que aquellas personas se comportaran como gente normal, pero a quien podíamos engañar, estábamos en Nueva York y en esta ciudad todo es extraño. Había desfiles, de todo tipo, así

mismo podía ver docenas de personas disfrazadas com o superhéroes o personajes de películas, también encontrábamos personas con los peinados más bizarro s y con la ropa más rara que alguien pudiese imaginar, aunq ue en mi opinión lo peor que pude ver aquel día fue un peque ño grupo de personas que en sus hombros cargaban reptiles de todo tipo, desde serpientes hasta camaleones, era algo f uera de lo común.

Definitivamente este no fue el mejor día para nosot ros ni para nuestro viaje, pero mucho mas nos esperaba, aún deb íamos visitar museos, monumentos y edificios, navegar por el Río Hudson, ir a algunos de los parques al aire libre q ue se encuentran por toda la ciudad, comer en restaurante s y visitar unos cuantos sitios históricos y culturales que hac en que Nueva York sea la ciudad que es. Mucho nos esperaba , ahora solo nos quedaba dormir, supongo que ya habíamos te nido suficiente por un día y que merecíamos un descanso, pero hay mucho por venir y mi plan será disfrutarlo.

Por: Pablo Añez Held

Grado: 8A

Página 8

T odos los seres humanos nos comportamos de diversas maneras por distintos motivos ya que esperamos lograr ser reconocidos en un grupo social. Para mí los seres humanos tenemos estos diversos comportamientos o personalidades con el fin de encajar sin ser juzgados en una sociedad que se enfoca simplemente en las apariencias ya que son superficiales, también escondemos nuestra verdadera personalidad para que nos conozcan como ellos nos quieren conocer y no como nosotros somos en realidad, o sea nuestra verdadera personalidad.

Así como el resto de la sociedad tiene dos tipos de personalidad (quien es y cómo les toca ser) yo también las tengo. Mi otra yo se ve obligada a atravesar un camino por el cual algunas personas la ven como una líder, como alguien que baila los jueves por las tardes para estar con sus amigas por fuera de las horas de colegio, como alguien que toma fotos solo por publicarlas para que todos sepan lo que hizo. Mi otro yo espera agradar a sus amigos, le gusta realizar las mismas actividades que a mi verdadero yo, pero no lo hace con el mismo propósito. Mi otro yo le debe de ofrecer un rostro agradable a la sociedad, y de ese modo ser aceptada.

A diferencia de mi otro yo, mi verdadero yo no sé considera una líder ya que me cuesta escuchar las ideas de los demás, pero aun así asume muchas veces el rol de líder pues le interesa que todo salga bien no solo para ella sino también para todos. Mi verdadero yo no baila los jueves por las tardes solo por pasar tiempo con sus amigas, baila porque le gusta, porque le gusta quemar esa adrenalina que siente de nervios antes de cada presentación y la razón principal porque se siente libre al hacerlo. Mi verdadero yo toma fotos porque le gusta la fotografía, esto se debe a que es una forma de capturar momentos únicos de la vida o sea los que realmente importan, no es para guardar un recuerdo ya que

si en verdad son especiales siempre permanecerán en la mente; es para compartirlos con personas que realmente importan o para demostrarle a las personas la emoción y felicidad que se siente en el momento, mientras que mi otro yo las toma por lucirse. Me gustaría que las personas dejaran de ser tan superficiales y así de este modo hacer lo que a mi verdadero yo le gusta y hacerlo con este interés.

Pienso de mi misma que soy una persona que nunca deja de hacer lo que le gusta aunque las personas puedan pensar que lo hago por otros motivos. Nunca me dejo influenciar por lo que pienses y simplemente ignoro eso, aunque de cierta forma deje crecer a mi otro yo. Mis miedos no son fáciles de identificar ni para mí ni para mi otro yo, creo que a mis dos personalidades lo que más miedo les da es quedarse solas en su casa. Espero que los demás logren entender que las personas intentan ser ellas mismas siempre, y si no lo hacen, puede ser a causa de estar siendo juzgando.

Superficialidad vs profundidad

Por: Manuela Rojas Díaz

Grado: 6A

No es posible separar ambas personalidades en dos por siempre, si esto llegara a pasar la personalidad “falsa” tomaría el poder y se descontrolaría causando un caos que pueda afectar a las dos personalidades. Si la sociedad aprendiera a aceptar las diferencias habrían menos conflictos, ya que hoy en día muchos de ellos se generan por que las personas no demuestran su verdadero yo. Al mismo tiempo surgen mayores exclusiones o discriminaciones por los distintos gustos y empeorando la situación.

Volumen 4, n° 1

I can’t believe this still exists

My name is Maria Camila and I’m a student. As a girl and a

student, I am worry about how women rights have been

disrespected, even though we are in the 21st century. I am sure

there are many girls like me that want to fight against this ignorant

act. I am sure not only girls, all the people want to stop this terrible

act. I can’t believe this still exists, and that no one can stop it.

Women are really important for society.

How can people affect them and use them in that terrible way?

According to some estimates approximately 80% of trafficking

involves sexual exploitation and 19% involves labor exploitation.

There are approximately 20 to 30 million slaves in the world

today. Taking into account those numbers I wonder how this is

possible. Why is it that nobody seems to care that any daughter

could be a victim, too?

Slavery is a thing of the past, are you doing anything right away to

stop or help stop this tragedy? No right? And the answer is

because it is not affecting you directly.

María Camila Caicedo. Grade: 10B

In fact, he loves it! He Works on a fancy restaurant called Donald, but in the night he plays the guitar. The name of his band is called: Dream on, Mancou wanted to be famous like Nirvana, Metallica or Iron Maiden. In his band they always play cover songs of their favorite bands like: Seek and Destroy, In Bloom, and Metal Militia. When he was 10 years old there were artists that inspired him to play music. Most of the artists that inspired him to become a musician were: James Hetfield from Metallica, Dave Grohl from Foo Fighters and Kurt Cobain from Nirvana.

One day Mancou met a girl called Merry, Merry was 24 years old. She was very thin and she likes metal also, to wear the same clothes as Mancou and the same artists as him. One day Mancou was driving drunk with Merry and another guy crashed with Mancou`s car. The accident was very tragic and violent. When Mancou and Merry arrived to the hospital the doctor said to them that they would have to amputate Mancou’s left hand due to the severity of his wounds. While Mancou and Merry cried. Mancou`s dream were destroyed, his illusions too. One year later Mancou started to recover and realized that he could go on with his life , even though he was missing his hand. What could he do? Then Merry told Mancou that they could open a guitar academy! What an awesome Idea! So Mancou said. “Yes, let`s do it!”4 years later and with a lot of effort, they had become famous because of their academy and they lived happily rocking forever.

By: Francisco Bertrán Segovia Grade: 5B

Mancou. The greatest story ever!

A Long time ago there was a man named Mancou. When he was 25 years old he decided that he needed to become a rockstar.

The way he looks is peculiar, he is very fat and his eyes are yellow, his skin is white and his hair is blond. His clothes are always black because he likes metal music. Página 9

The profound effect The Catcher in the Rye has on teenagers The profound effect The Catcher in the Rye has on teenagers The profound effect The Catcher in the Rye has on teenagers The profound effect The Catcher in the Rye has on teenagers today today today today ––––even when society has changed drasticallyeven when society has changed drasticallyeven when society has changed drasticallyeven when society has changed drastically

Time passes and some things remain in the minds of Time passes and some things remain in the minds of Time passes and some things remain in the minds of Time passes and some things remain in the minds of the generations today and to come. Literature is one of the generations today and to come. Literature is one of the generations today and to come. Literature is one of the generations today and to come. Literature is one of many areas where old ideas still live on through people many areas where old ideas still live on through people many areas where old ideas still live on through people many areas where old ideas still live on through people even if the world changes drastically. The Catcher in even if the world changes drastically. The Catcher in even if the world changes drastically. The Catcher in even if the world changes drastically. The Catcher in the Rye was first published around 70 years ago, but the Rye was first published around 70 years ago, but the Rye was first published around 70 years ago, but the Rye was first published around 70 years ago, but Holden’s story still has a profound effect on young Holden’s story still has a profound effect on young Holden’s story still has a profound effect on young Holden’s story still has a profound effect on young people today. people today. people today. people today.

As the years fly society faces changes, from taboo to As the years fly society faces changes, from taboo to As the years fly society faces changes, from taboo to As the years fly society faces changes, from taboo to the rise of violence the rise of violence the rise of violence the rise of violence ––––the world is brutally a very the world is brutally a very the world is brutally a very the world is brutally a very different place from that in the 1950’s. Various things different place from that in the 1950’s. Various things different place from that in the 1950’s. Various things different place from that in the 1950’s. Various things that were once considered unthinkable or were outlawed that were once considered unthinkable or were outlawed that were once considered unthinkable or were outlawed that were once considered unthinkable or were outlawed as socially unacceptable, called taboos, are now daily as socially unacceptable, called taboos, are now daily as socially unacceptable, called taboos, are now daily as socially unacceptable, called taboos, are now daily life customes. Over eight million homes are a singlelife customes. Over eight million homes are a singlelife customes. Over eight million homes are a singlelife customes. Over eight million homes are a single----parent home, lots of mothers or fathers that have either parent home, lots of mothers or fathers that have either parent home, lots of mothers or fathers that have either parent home, lots of mothers or fathers that have either divorced or being abandoned, live with their children divorced or being abandoned, live with their children divorced or being abandoned, live with their children divorced or being abandoned, live with their children as a family. The stereotypes about how a child should as a family. The stereotypes about how a child should as a family. The stereotypes about how a child should as a family. The stereotypes about how a child should be raised as believed in the past, have almost vanished. be raised as believed in the past, have almost vanished. be raised as believed in the past, have almost vanished. be raised as believed in the past, have almost vanished. Gender equality is something that has been Gender equality is something that has been Gender equality is something that has been Gender equality is something that has been developing through the years.developing through the years.developing through the years.developing through the years.

The idea that a man can raise a child on his own, that The idea that a man can raise a child on his own, that The idea that a man can raise a child on his own, that The idea that a man can raise a child on his own, that there are staythere are staythere are staythere are stay----atatatat----home dads and working moms. In home dads and working moms. In home dads and working moms. In home dads and working moms. In

fact fact fact fact 50% of the mothers work outside the house and 50% of the mothers work outside the house and 50% of the mothers work outside the house and 50% of the mothers work outside the house and they are considered as valuable as men. In the 1950’s they are considered as valuable as men. In the 1950’s they are considered as valuable as men. In the 1950’s they are considered as valuable as men. In the 1950’s women used to quit their jobs to give them to men women used to quit their jobs to give them to men women used to quit their jobs to give them to men women used to quit their jobs to give them to men when they came back home from war. Another taboo when they came back home from war. Another taboo when they came back home from war. Another taboo when they came back home from war. Another taboo that has been broken is about sexual activity. The that has been broken is about sexual activity. The that has been broken is about sexual activity. The that has been broken is about sexual activity. The influence of religion is clearly shown in the former influence of religion is clearly shown in the former influence of religion is clearly shown in the former influence of religion is clearly shown in the former years as wedlock was a thing. The easy access years as wedlock was a thing. The easy access years as wedlock was a thing. The easy access years as wedlock was a thing. The easy access teenagers have nowadays to birth control methods give teenagers have nowadays to birth control methods give teenagers have nowadays to birth control methods give teenagers have nowadays to birth control methods give way to a society in which girls are sexually active way to a society in which girls are sexually active way to a society in which girls are sexually active way to a society in which girls are sexually active since they’re 15. Additionally, there since they’re 15. Additionally, there since they’re 15. Additionally, there since they’re 15. Additionally, there are other trends in are other trends in are other trends in are other trends in now days culture, for example drug and alcohol abuse, now days culture, for example drug and alcohol abuse, now days culture, for example drug and alcohol abuse, now days culture, for example drug and alcohol abuse, because of its popularity, it has become a trend among because of its popularity, it has become a trend among because of its popularity, it has become a trend among because of its popularity, it has become a trend among the youth becoming one of the biggest social problems the youth becoming one of the biggest social problems the youth becoming one of the biggest social problems the youth becoming one of the biggest social problems of these days. It’s also surprising how even when these of these days. It’s also surprising how even when these of these days. It’s also surprising how even when these of these days. It’s also surprising how even when these major global wars are over violence has grown at an major global wars are over violence has grown at an major global wars are over violence has grown at an major global wars are over violence has grown at an extraordinary rate. One in six youths from ages 10extraordinary rate. One in six youths from ages 10extraordinary rate. One in six youths from ages 10extraordinary rate. One in six youths from ages 10----17 has seen or known someone who has been shot. Not 17 has seen or known someone who has been shot. Not 17 has seen or known someone who has been shot. Not 17 has seen or known someone who has been shot. Not only has these, but the surge of violence in our homes only has these, but the surge of violence in our homes only has these, but the surge of violence in our homes only has these, but the surge of violence in our homes been spreading like wildfire.been spreading like wildfire.been spreading like wildfire.been spreading like wildfire. Marriage abuse and rape, coerced pregnancies and Marriage abuse and rape, coerced pregnancies and Marriage abuse and rape, coerced pregnancies and Marriage abuse and rape, coerced pregnancies and child abuse are the most reported cases of domestic child abuse are the most reported cases of domestic child abuse are the most reported cases of domestic child abuse are the most reported cases of domestic

violence, the later increasing in a two hundred fold since the 50’s. Media has also been a source of violence, most violence, the later increasing in a two hundred fold since the 50’s. Media has also been a source of violence, most violence, the later increasing in a two hundred fold since the 50’s. Media has also been a source of violence, most violence, the later increasing in a two hundred fold since the 50’s. Media has also been a source of violence, most of today’s TV shows and movies are packed with it. The globalization of technology has permitted a massive of today’s TV shows and movies are packed with it. The globalization of technology has permitted a massive of today’s TV shows and movies are packed with it. The globalization of technology has permitted a massive of today’s TV shows and movies are packed with it. The globalization of technology has permitted a massive communication era. Messages sent all over the world through the internet, television devices in their homes but communication era. Messages sent all over the world through the internet, television devices in their homes but communication era. Messages sent all over the world through the internet, television devices in their homes but communication era. Messages sent all over the world through the internet, television devices in their homes but technology has reached every part of the world since then. technology has reached every part of the world since then. technology has reached every part of the world since then. technology has reached every part of the world since then.

Teenagers throughout history have had different influences but each Teenagers throughout history have had different influences but each Teenagers throughout history have had different influences but each Teenagers throughout history have had different influences but each generation has had a connection with The Catcher in the Rye. Holden generation has had a connection with The Catcher in the Rye. Holden generation has had a connection with The Catcher in the Rye. Holden generation has had a connection with The Catcher in the Rye. Holden Caulfield holds such an authentic voice that everyone can relate to. The Caulfield holds such an authentic voice that everyone can relate to. The Caulfield holds such an authentic voice that everyone can relate to. The Caulfield holds such an authentic voice that everyone can relate to. The writing in this book is simple yet complex. Giving us a main character writing in this book is simple yet complex. Giving us a main character writing in this book is simple yet complex. Giving us a main character writing in this book is simple yet complex. Giving us a main character that’s honest and quirky but still angry and depressed. We can see that’s honest and quirky but still angry and depressed. We can see that’s honest and quirky but still angry and depressed. We can see that’s honest and quirky but still angry and depressed. We can see Holden wither through the story yet he never fails on saying what he Holden wither through the story yet he never fails on saying what he Holden wither through the story yet he never fails on saying what he Holden wither through the story yet he never fails on saying what he thinks, as we evidence see here:thinks, as we evidence see here:thinks, as we evidence see here:thinks, as we evidence see here:

“I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf“I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf“I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf“I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf----mutes. That mutes. That mutes. That mutes. That way I wouldn't have to have any goddam stupid useless conversations way I wouldn't have to have any goddam stupid useless conversations way I wouldn't have to have any goddam stupid useless conversations way I wouldn't have to have any goddam stupid useless conversations with anybody. If anybody wanted to tell me something, they'd have to with anybody. If anybody wanted to tell me something, they'd have to with anybody. If anybody wanted to tell me something, they'd have to with anybody. If anybody wanted to tell me something, they'd have to write it on a piece of paper and shove it over to me. They'd get bored as hell write it on a piece of paper and shove it over to me. They'd get bored as hell write it on a piece of paper and shove it over to me. They'd get bored as hell write it on a piece of paper and shove it over to me. They'd get bored as hell doing that after a while, and then I'd be through with having doing that after a while, and then I'd be through with having doing that after a while, and then I'd be through with having doing that after a while, and then I'd be through with having conversations for the rest of my life. Everybody I'd think I was just a poor conversations for the rest of my life. Everybody I'd think I was just a poor conversations for the rest of my life. Everybody I'd think I was just a poor conversations for the rest of my life. Everybody I'd think I was just a poor deafdeafdeafdeaf----mute bastard and they'd leave me alone.”mute bastard and they'd leave me alone.”mute bastard and they'd leave me alone.”mute bastard and they'd leave me alone.”

Página 10

The detached manner of his thoughts is what keeps young The detached manner of his thoughts is what keeps young The detached manner of his thoughts is what keeps young The detached manner of his thoughts is what keeps young people interested. If the author was to give us things in a people interested. If the author was to give us things in a people interested. If the author was to give us things in a people interested. If the author was to give us things in a serious tone that would lessen the sincerity of Holden’s serious tone that would lessen the sincerity of Holden’s serious tone that would lessen the sincerity of Holden’s serious tone that would lessen the sincerity of Holden’s adolescence. The use of phrases like “But I didn’t care adolescence. The use of phrases like “But I didn’t care adolescence. The use of phrases like “But I didn’t care adolescence. The use of phrases like “But I didn’t care anyway,” or “but I didn’t feel like it” whenever Holden wants anyway,” or “but I didn’t feel like it” whenever Holden wants anyway,” or “but I didn’t feel like it” whenever Holden wants anyway,” or “but I didn’t feel like it” whenever Holden wants to seem careless, makes it relatable to teens and leads us to to seem careless, makes it relatable to teens and leads us to to seem careless, makes it relatable to teens and leads us to to seem careless, makes it relatable to teens and leads us to wanting to know more, as in this case: wanting to know more, as in this case: wanting to know more, as in this case: wanting to know more, as in this case:

“I started toying with the idea, while I kept standing there, of “I started toying with the idea, while I kept standing there, of “I started toying with the idea, while I kept standing there, of “I started toying with the idea, while I kept standing there, of giving old Jane a buzz giving old Jane a buzz giving old Jane a buzz giving old Jane a buzz --------I mean calling her long distance at I mean calling her long distance at I mean calling her long distance at I mean calling her long distance at B.M., where she went, instead of calling up her mother to find B.M., where she went, instead of calling up her mother to find B.M., where she went, instead of calling up her mother to find B.M., where she went, instead of calling up her mother to find out when she was coming home. You weren't supposed to call out when she was coming home. You weren't supposed to call out when she was coming home. You weren't supposed to call out when she was coming home. You weren't supposed to call students up late at night, but I had it all figured out. I was students up late at night, but I had it all figured out. I was students up late at night, but I had it all figured out. I was students up late at night, but I had it all figured out. I was going to tell whoever answered the phone that I was her uncle. I going to tell whoever answered the phone that I was her uncle. I going to tell whoever answered the phone that I was her uncle. I going to tell whoever answered the phone that I was her uncle. I was going to say her aunt had just got killed in a car was going to say her aunt had just got killed in a car was going to say her aunt had just got killed in a car was going to say her aunt had just got killed in a car accident and I had to speak to her immediately. It would've accident and I had to speak to her immediately. It would've accident and I had to speak to her immediately. It would've accident and I had to speak to her immediately. It would've worked, too. The only reason I didn't do it was because I worked, too. The only reason I didn't do it was because I worked, too. The only reason I didn't do it was because I worked, too. The only reason I didn't do it was because I wasn't in the mood.” wasn't in the mood.” wasn't in the mood.” wasn't in the mood.”

The use of slang (words like phonies, dough, sonuvabThe use of slang (words like phonies, dough, sonuvabThe use of slang (words like phonies, dough, sonuvabThe use of slang (words like phonies, dough, sonuvab----tch, tch, tch, tch, etc.), even if it’s the 50’s slang gives us the feeling of a etc.), even if it’s the 50’s slang gives us the feeling of a etc.), even if it’s the 50’s slang gives us the feeling of a etc.), even if it’s the 50’s slang gives us the feeling of a conversation. The way Holden uses the words makes it seem conversation. The way Holden uses the words makes it seem conversation. The way Holden uses the words makes it seem conversation. The way Holden uses the words makes it seem

as if he was right beside us telling us this story. By using diverse but still very generic and stereotypical as if he was right beside us telling us this story. By using diverse but still very generic and stereotypical as if he was right beside us telling us this story. By using diverse but still very generic and stereotypical as if he was right beside us telling us this story. By using diverse but still very generic and stereotypical characters, as seen through Holden’s perspective, create links and comparisons between the story and our own life. characters, as seen through Holden’s perspective, create links and comparisons between the story and our own life. characters, as seen through Holden’s perspective, create links and comparisons between the story and our own life. characters, as seen through Holden’s perspective, create links and comparisons between the story and our own life. The author brews the perfect ambiance of mystery and disengagement thus giving us an interesting story The author brews the perfect ambiance of mystery and disengagement thus giving us an interesting story The author brews the perfect ambiance of mystery and disengagement thus giving us an interesting story The author brews the perfect ambiance of mystery and disengagement thus giving us an interesting story that’ll keep readers on the edge of the seat that’ll keep readers on the edge of the seat that’ll keep readers on the edge of the seat that’ll keep readers on the edge of the seat ––––riveted to it. The simplicity of the narrator creates empathy and builds riveted to it. The simplicity of the narrator creates empathy and builds riveted to it. The simplicity of the narrator creates empathy and builds riveted to it. The simplicity of the narrator creates empathy and builds an authenticity in the point of view that makes generations of youth love it. The Catcher in the Rye is one of the an authenticity in the point of view that makes generations of youth love it. The Catcher in the Rye is one of the an authenticity in the point of view that makes generations of youth love it. The Catcher in the Rye is one of the an authenticity in the point of view that makes generations of youth love it. The Catcher in the Rye is one of the most acclaimed books throughout history. most acclaimed books throughout history. most acclaimed books throughout history. most acclaimed books throughout history.

Holden, although perhaps in an exaggerated manner, Holden, although perhaps in an exaggerated manner, Holden, although perhaps in an exaggerated manner, Holden, although perhaps in an exaggerated manner, speaks of what most teenagers are experiencing. There is speaks of what most teenagers are experiencing. There is speaks of what most teenagers are experiencing. There is speaks of what most teenagers are experiencing. There is always a point in a teenagers life where we have ideals. always a point in a teenagers life where we have ideals. always a point in a teenagers life where we have ideals. always a point in a teenagers life where we have ideals. Adolescence is the moment where they start to realize the Adolescence is the moment where they start to realize the Adolescence is the moment where they start to realize the Adolescence is the moment where they start to realize the reality of life as adults and their ideals as children start reality of life as adults and their ideals as children start reality of life as adults and their ideals as children start reality of life as adults and their ideals as children start to vanish. Holden points out perfectly the flaws in society, to vanish. Holden points out perfectly the flaws in society, to vanish. Holden points out perfectly the flaws in society, to vanish. Holden points out perfectly the flaws in society, and even if it’s a different one it serves modern youth to and even if it’s a different one it serves modern youth to and even if it’s a different one it serves modern youth to and even if it’s a different one it serves modern youth to reflect on theirs. This book is all about finding who you reflect on theirs. This book is all about finding who you reflect on theirs. This book is all about finding who you reflect on theirs. This book is all about finding who you are and what you believe in, and through Holden’s eyes the are and what you believe in, and through Holden’s eyes the are and what you believe in, and through Holden’s eyes the are and what you believe in, and through Holden’s eyes the struggle through adolescence years remarkably authentic struggle through adolescence years remarkably authentic struggle through adolescence years remarkably authentic struggle through adolescence years remarkably authentic that teenagers today can still feel identified with him. that teenagers today can still feel identified with him. that teenagers today can still feel identified with him. that teenagers today can still feel identified with him.

By: Juliana Rojas.

Grado: 10A.

Página 11 Volumen 4, n° 1

Página 12 Volumen 4, n° 1


By Nicolás Vélez Hernández Grade: 6B

Volumen 4, n° 1 Página 13

M y name is Nicolás Vélez Hernndez. I

was born on the 29th of December

on 2002 at 7:45 p.m. at the hospital

Magdalena. I measured 52 cm and weighted

3.220 kg. My parents are Angélica Hernández

and Juan Manuel Vélez. They are both

business managers. They have always been

with me, with the help of my grandmothers

called Maria Del Carmen and Leonor; they

take care of me when my parents cannot. I

have two sisters, Juanita who is 2 years old

and Isabella, she is 18 years old. They are the

best sisters ever because they play with me

and love me. I play with my little sister a lot

and teach her many things.

S ince I was young, I liked to play with my friends

at the park, play soccer, ride my bicycle and

watch the Power Rangers. When I was little my

dream was to be a policeman or firefighter. On 2004,

when I was 2 years old, I entered to the Kindergarten,

where I learned many things. I learned about the

colors, the numbers, the vowels, many songs and

stuff. I liked so much my kindergarten that when my

mom picked me up from the bus, I screamed and

cried. On the year 2006, I was 4 years old, that’s when

I entered to THE CLERMONT SCHOOL and I’m still

there. When I started the school I got scared thinking

about how my friends where going to be. Then in the

4th grade I made my first communion surrounded by

family and friends. It was a beautiful ceremony, all

the boys were dressed the same and the girls too. It

was a day to remember.

I practice different sports like: soccer,

basketball, volleyball and others. What I

most like to play is basketball though, it´s

the best sport! Every weekend I have class in

SAN TARCISIO School, but my team is called

CLUB CAPITALS. In this club we have many

tournaments with frequency vs. other clubs or

schools. Now I am 11 years old. I continue

studying at the Clermont School. I am in high

school in 6b. I have very good friends. I am

happy playing basketball. I love my family, I

love my friends and I am having a very good

life living with my mom.

En el mes de noviembre iniciamos en nuestro colegio la campaña de recolección de pilas, con la colaboración del programa “Pilas con el ambiente ”, con el fin de educar a toda la comunidad educativa para la recolección y disposición final de las pilas que se encuentran en nuestras casas.

En este boletín estaremos compartiendo algunos gráficos y cifras relacionadas con el manejo de las pilas que utilizamos actualmente, y de igual forma les mostraremos el procedimiento paso a paso para

la construcción de minicontenedores con el fin de recolectar las pilas de forma segura.

La resolución 1297 del Ministerio del Medio Ambiente, establece los sistemas de recolección selectiva y gestión ambiental de residuos de pilas y/o acumuladores, teniendo en cuenta la responsabilidad que tienen los fabricantes y consumidores.

Pilas con el ambiente es el programa de recolección de

pilas usadas liderado por la ANDI, cuyo objetivo principal es cerrar el ciclo de vida del producto de manera conjunta con el consumidor, en beneficio del medio ambiente. El programa ha dispuesto más de 570 puntos de recolección a nivel nacional .

En el siguiente gráfico se muestran los diferentes tipos de pilas que se pueden recolectar en el minicontenedor. Para el reciclaje de otros tipos de baterías (celulares, computadores portátiles u otros dispositivos), por favor consultar el boletín #12.


Bogotá, Colombia


¿Dónde puedo depositar mis pilas?

Con ayuda del programa “Pilas con el ambiente”, iniciamos la campaña de recolección de pilas con nuestros estudiantes y

profesores, a través del uso de minicontenedores que

serán entregados directamente en el colegio

(próximamente les estaremos dando las fechas de entrega). De igual forma el programa

cuenta con más de 570 puntos de recolección de pilas a nivel nacional , para

darle un manejo ambientalmente adecuado.

También existe el programa "Recopila " liderado por el

único fabricante de pilas en Colombia -Tronex S.A-, en donde tienen a disposición

diferentes puntos de recolección de pilas en

nuestro país.


Bogotá, Colombia

Misión en el hogar para Noviembre:

“Construiré mi Minicontenedor en familia, para la r ecolección responsable de pilas.”

Información tomada de la revista Huella Social (El Tiempo) - y el programa Pilas con el ambiente:


Volumen 4, Ejemplar n° 1


• Aída Rivera Franco. Rectora


• Elizabeth González de Flórez, Coordinadora del depto. de Lengua Castellana

• Hernán Augusto Esquivel Ramírez, Editor de texto y corrector de estilo.


• Yanira Traslaviña Delgadillo, Especialista en Informática Educativa.


• Juan Felipe Cruz Cuellar Grado: 5 A

• Juana Añez Held Grado: 5A

• Francisco Bertrán Segovia Grade: 5B

• Juan José Gómez Arenas Grado: 5B

• Manuela Rojas Díaz Grade: 6A

• Nicolás Vélez Hernández Grade: 6B

• Pablo Añez Held Grado: 8A

• Juliana Andrea Rojas Cárdenas Grado: 10A

• María Camila Caicedo Hoyos Grade 10 B

• Reinaldo Duque Serna

Coordinador Depto. Tecnología


• Ana Isabella Moreno Sandoval

El gigante de Babur


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Dic iembre 10 de 2014