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VOL XV DOVEB, MORRIS COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1885. NO. 44 TMBimONBMA mun> max autnauT at TKDirirPriitiuGvuT FUSUHUill OOeseaKackwal 1 •atiaavi:rj raopBirrosta. tnataaniseitolaal a w leak. TEKNS DP BUBSCBIPTION I1TVABIA- BLY INADVANCE. UHB YMB ... 8IJE Mount ...... TaaaaHoivaa mum. 1 urea. il " 4 5 4 COLITMX. 1 " 1 " 1 " epic*. 1 men. 8 8 " 4 " i OOLtiaK. 1 •• 1 » 1 " mat In. 7f i m 1 75 2 25 2 7f, 5i> 4 SO 5 W 1(100 S SO SOU ID 8 UO 10 Si) IV 511 IS 00 Id W 31011 rtaGEMTAOB ADDKU F<> noaa 15 ogtm rsau pBO. O. MJMMIfltt, : w •Oav awn. «1 2S 900 II 75 SHI 483 r, % G»i «m 17 00 Sana. *1HI ti 00 DUO 11 00 13 OU 16 yd 10 00 »r, no 42 00 ATM 3 wan. 1 .<>. * 1 60 « 1 IU t 50 s a 4 a G GO 7 00 in !•)• 21 <»l 0 ».,«. (1 00 10 00 ii m lH 00 21 110 itf JjU 211 SO •A7 SO 05 00 3 SO 4 Nl am o fio tt 60 low 12 GO 24 00 In 110 00 17 00 112 00 27 00 WOO SODO 45 OO IX0O 130 00 E1TM1M. UJV1L HO- HE, «D.. OENEBAL PBACTITIOKM, UTD HHC1AUKT IS TH« TMATMUT Of NAMMAL UIHtABEa. ortra AT TUXvu-.i HOTH,, DOTH,«. j. SEGARS, TOBACCOS, WINES, -AT- JAMES S. MELICK'S SUSSEX STREET, DOVER, N. J. M Omw of BlMkwelUDd HUMei Ata DOVER. N. .1. i.B.JOLLEY, Proprietor, mr»au)N PITNET, OODHBEUW-iT-UW, Hr »W> HOTtlT WB1.I0, sU UtflLDlSO, DOVKR, N. J T o. BWIUVIBTII, s, >. DOVEB, N. J. HALTUCHOf OBE» eXD sUmUULa, eO»TE«a Of HIS*». T\«. i, w. cornier, rmnaiM »SD SDHOEOM. poire otuu, s . J. arnoE IT HUB. XTSUTS. L. W. THURBER, tBKBUTKNDIHT Of FDBUO HOIOOLK or aoEiin count. amoE AT• . • . n u u > IITOU, DOVEB, N. 1. MORRIB COUNTY MACHINE &IR0N Co. JOHN DHUMMKft'S SHAVING AMI HAIR CUTTING SALOON, SUSSEX STREET, DOVEB, N. J. CENTS, Vh CENTS. THE PI.AI:K TO BUV CLOTHING ftt'mianifale flgaret if it NEWTON ELY'S, ILICKWIIX ft-, DOTH. ». to order from 110 ip. lfet kid! «f Mnplet to J, Q. BOGKEFELI.EB, Ritor Valvi GHau PDEI ' DOVER, N.J. ornce OVEH W.H. BAKEITS STOKE. WOODforeah. R, F, JOLLEY & Co., MEM'S FURNISHERS, 831 BROADSt. JiEWARK, ft J AJip HBT "TOP* ™<»• «"•<* HOUSE FUHHIIHIH6 6 0 0 N , JOS. YOKE'S BED FBOST. Vi tli«"iowM£ arlM^ [ limduedortMa. JOSEPH YORK, MORRISTOWN.N.J. IbavajnMri rail an imrairoite itock of SWOKER'8 HsMsn, Pino O,« Va»a, lUwlriuli nl NIK HIIOII DHMpHiwliaum 1 lylns or Ilifcr Him, ;-: CIGARS AMD fOBACCOS!:I3 •11 gtwfo* ami kiudu, Imth WBOLKXAM; AKD HKTAII. nt iirii;wt wliii-li ikfv n.iufii'tit.iin, M •ViuH nud blniiiiT I>;'iiitrtiipeut out. found ut nil HIIII-H well at wit PI! witli tlu- beat nru<l< of p'vo-U ul' oi. klii.ln ut ni»-.iu:t»ili! iiriunn. Mr SEWS nKl'AltTMKNT e..ti1i.1iiR nil ll TW-ltlvaml dully l.^inr*. tminttilv n...H1iiii,.i«, nml nil iT.<< S lay ,.uii.>rv which »r« <Wi< n-il toituy pnwuu wiilimtiir fitiaity free trfcluir.se. Allmil.rt livtimil Kir Wine*. Liijnoi md Cigar.) proiuytly utWiitl.!.. m. JAMICS H. ftKLK'K, Duvtit, N. J. "HABS TIES UKES LOW PBICE3 THE N. Y.& CHINA TEA GO, will |ivt f am > flv* pound box of In* mind tea for (1,60. THE N. Y. & CHINA TEA CO. will (We you S lb. of Jura and Kocha Coffee for fill! W* will tinIM »r »»•«•! HI chnsw at ibi akav* ••< will vcinrii v««r wUl Mil ft * Ik. kwof worth M 0 0 for 11.79 tay fra4* jrom •Itaa*. W* will Nil 5 lb. of fine Haraealbo or Bi» GoffM for M eti. Wo defy you to buy cheaper at tho Iargent whoUialt houH inKew Tork. _ ^ _ _ We deiire to eall the ipeeial attontiou of ouitomen to our rery Ineat Formoia (Oolonjl nmi brand fold In KewTork for »100 only 60 eta. NEW YORK &CHINA TEA CO. Next to Wigtnon'8 Tin Store, Dover. N. J. ING KNUINK, ••< ravcnaW*. ~ra* tt«»a»te*i. 3OKNMII Pl?*»*m « • « « • Hnivy ladLlRbt Ctltlntl la ll id n.u.pli.ir Urnrtr, r.ir»io«i ol rtpli»li i BOILCBH, taunionlil, ti rtb< Iron, Brtn, The Equipment or Iron MIBOR it lU HE STAR SALOON, WARREK STREET, DO fen. N, j. »>dl tio&ti wltii MUBA. or DRINKS AND SEOARS Ibobnt. nrlta w«mu ••Jlilan to Ui h » are larlUdU call. JOHN P. EOAN, PBOPRICTOB- Oiaty C«llKtor't NcliH. tv Collector will I ")lorri.t.wB, for us Thun4»y. of M. V. B. SEARING, CMPENTERiniBUILftEII. PLWKWBIX 0r., BOTIB, X. *• State Mooflnir Oatal OotobM lata. 1*». F 0 3 RENT. A » 1 B room, mlUbte lor MJ UDJ ol il Appljco L.D.WH1U0Z, 8T0HK ROOM TO LET. Ajtyiy to nr.n. KICHASDB. UPTTJRE MISS SUE « . GHOFF, P0»TBMT ABTJBT, DB.G.W.MeDATIT DENTIST, 1H THE LKADIKO We arereceiving tbe largest and inos complete stock of Fall and Winter Boois and Shoes that have ever been on exlii tion anywhere in this section. Every pair that we are receiving is made from stock of our own selecting and that in our Jmlg ment will not only sustain a reputation that almost balf a century lias been build- ing, but will add to the fnme that this old Shoe House has acquired as being tlie BEST PLACE to get the BEST f.OOD", BEST STYLES, BEST ASSORTMENT, BEST PRICES. HBAOAN A CO., DPP. D., L. * W. DEPOT, DOVER, Jf. Jt. -AND- FURNITURE. FALL CAMPAIGN BEGUN AMOS H. VAN HORN'S ACVERTISING-;-MEDIUM Northern New Jersey. BRUEN &BUNNELL, Xtoa>IUi«ar<a,T, W . eTn AM! AGEHTS fOl Mi GUiii Bnctet Foil! pita and JM fli«A«K. Oil " PalBtB andOila.l „-. ilOII (aaa etalaalva. . i>*Copper, Phin ud Jinuitied oil Holli, o«ri«l», Gap;, raOTlotWelA h ; d™i«« It ^s; fssxsa ssrtWS Oao. Bt»iu»l». I.B.BICU! BUCHANAN BUOS. PAINTERS, LARGE ESTABLISHMENT IVE FLOORS, RUNNING THROUGH THE ENTIRE BLOCK, THOU HAS SET SrRItT TOOAKPBELL BTEMI. Since my alterations and inoreased room I have more than double the stock, and to-day I offer to the citizens of Morris County the argest stock of FURNITURE »"«CARPETS that has ever been offered to them, consisting of Parlor Suits, Walnut Bed-room Suits, Ash, Maple and Enamelled Bed-room Suits, Ma- hogany andCherry Bed-room Suits, Carpets and Oil Cloths, Mantle and Pier Glasses, Mattresses of all kinds. Lounges, Bed Springs, Blankets and Quilts, Feather Beds and Pil- lows, Parlor Stoves and Ranges, at reduced Prices. Marble Top Tables, Hall Stands, etc. Embossed Plush Parlor Suits, reduced from $86 to $66; Marble Top Walnut Bed-room Suits, (8pieces 1 , reduced from $75 to $50; Cherry Bed-room Suits, reduced from $65 to $45 ; Ash Bed-room Suits, reduced from $60 to $35; Enamelled Bed-room Suits, reduced from $25 to $16; Body Brussels Carpet, re- duced irom $1.25 to 90c. per yard; Tapestry Brussels Carpet, reduoed from 75o. to 5Oo. per yard; All-wool Ingrain Carpet, reduced from 75c. to 50c. per yard; Hair Mattresses, reduoed from $25 to $17.60; Mixed Mat- tresses, reduoed from $5 to $3.50; Bed Springs, reduced from $3 to$1.50. Besides reduction in every department at prices below any house in the trade. ..- ooovs t>ELivEna> Jras or CIIAROB JS ASr PAIIT OFrut: snTK. -,-- AMOS H. VAN HORN, No. 73 MAEKET STREET, NEWARK, N. J. (DETWEBS WA8HIS0I0H ASD FLAM STB.) Tflfl DOVER LUMBER CO, often to buildors the bent opportunities in the pnnshtse of LUMBER of erery grade anddeanripUao including LOW rltlOES and tbe groat admaUge of baring Lumber Worked to Order by miuihlnerr it the plaes where ii is pnrohsaed, greatly lessening the cost of building by the great saving in manual labor. Our •took always include! Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings wad LCMBEBi of eroty dftBcription, and especial paina are UVen to give eatialactioa in every partienlur. down BIOIABSI, President. ffn. H. L i r a U , Sw'rftDflTnu I. W. RIMIKS. Gen'I Nioanr. uliiirc with faltu, promt country, tlio 1iin triumiiLi gave; In llimmth lliy piilning BraT«-no.l« louuh, Innu WUTO to wuvo, IVbut lunttiT wLoro jo laid liiui t TIJOH lriml ii Ills nr»Te. >UD wp.it lii^roinoh his pillow \ but n>1i< Hmmii,- hluum weep liimk front uvcry gfOMiHvrt.nl luii tlm ln'in n>oni; lid Hunt or \\x-r,\, 'roni *) to tru, tin, .• try islilfl toiuit. Murcti mi, »li, myrliid |iilgrim ft-<l! notrcid Ll-nillkt uinrn. :iniii;r Is OUU'B ben.tii.g lilut; alluuic p at laxl t Yi't nnul'i llko li.» find elm liui Unit nml brkf j I'hitik yo tho Hobblug i-olio of a ntrlnl: nnUuu'i Krtei •lrnwtioit iiniiil tliu wulcamr Iiin del ivurrinr* guva tiiclr elitef f .'hmi, from tlmlmtll<>iimutii uf 11K). t, Ilio tbrllliiiL' guiuinoiir) rtow That called hi* mllying lio»ts oiicu mnro to piifr. iu (fraud rtvlow f iilnk yo tlm mtin «lm ti-d nn* nlliiid t1iroi.M1i battlu'Hili'ryrnin, 'ot, Kilnnt, -l^tl a UiauasuiV denllm Uv Jaily Htnfo with j.aln, [)» not tlic ri Rht in uoltk'sl flght In lonil liia Imsla u«i.iu 1 kc'i nt IIIHI; nnd yet awnkp, irltli clcnr, flinl-r-liuiitil Htiilit ' prntidiT victories to liewon, In armor (if CHAS. C. GRIFFEN, n* OLD KU.IABLB CARRIAGE PAINTER, Shop on Clinton St, Hover. DRAKE &KING, InmMnEIUnilCOAL. AUc * mmpleto itocli or unb, Donr*. lWndt, Mo ma. Intfi and tlftvckf li. Lililf}, Obnjflut, Ijitti, Un^ilirifi ' -• •* BvorjtliliiR i-ertaftitug to tlie bulWlnf •t tllB' * "•••-- Intfi sft Fult B tt-nln. d at tli lwnnt |rlce«. Hiale EnnflLc i UliJ. Alio »ll tt» leadlna braudx <rt Fi-rtili- Oontruti for building*t.ktu rrniniUn t>\- C0VU) WE BUI KIOW. Wn purely lovo aad tevk with Hervlv e but kn w ! We ii HTML ' II iluj by ilay, » onunr MIIIIIH ; .vet woojiiitji wit inoy 6i It Muwl\ (utio u . I.OJK, I tl.Oll » K ll0 I' e - tK'.V lonl, il>il<-.'<U Or, Uit u WIui tail U> -.-^ ( M IllL' IJiTfHlllO llf till nurtiiur HI tlio iJvo Tint wlml MO i'rtth Tlio «t'Qtit, tln> iiiL-l<xlv, Mn*t -uirly u g m) tiling caii I" 1 luxl, XolliiiiC llidl'it trui' ru ) not M>« tin muid-ciin Tlic imiv.Mi tiitu- in s , luve, tuul IUIJIL-, nm ABLttP AT LAST, ,ii tliw gUwy tpniit ln«t. vtaloty 'hlnk ln-nrt unit tru lnbertlltig fr»t p tlir u rijilit. HAIIT I BASE BALL A J U J T S PLAYERS. BT N. P. DABCOCK. I Ucaid a buy say Ilie otlicr day tliitt u knew wliy the prore.«donatn played base bull no much better Ibnn oilier pco- It'8 V)PcnUHi>," said l.e, ''they [>uk tlieir bnnjs in nlutu water, 11ml ntu Vtu HOImrri tliu ball don't Lutt." o *niJ liu hud tiii J it, and kuuw it was goml (Uing. Now. )io«r«v(>r, tiitit timy 1>L>, t tbink io.st Hci)Ril>lo boys will afireo with mo tint (lie Uao tcawin f«r tUo cxccllcaci> tiii'bu pniil pluycrs in fnunil in tlio t (lint l)^<!imlli>lu;iiigi» tbeirlms- a?. Just ui a clown cfin uiako fimuicr ci limit nuyboily vhv, or OH n poli- i-ito cau mnkc longer trad more ciirioun cclioj tlian any other man, distortion fctttnrra nnd luugtingo buittg tlicit jiculivo tniJca, so can tboprofestional tall plnyci- play (bo game better thnn lybotly eW\ He lias been educated IQ<] trained for tbe biiHinen. Tlio tiucnlific cilacAtton ami traioitg base ball playen began, if I remembor ltly* about fifteen or iktcen years ifto, but at notime has (be ehuttinnl for uea btcn so aiigh us it IB to-day. bni) player o! pboatadceenyearH buck would BtaoJ about the BUWO cbatice passing a successful cxatuiautioa fox idomsioa into ono of tbe League aiuea day Hi n bright member of tbe Primiry •pur!moot would stand of gcltiiig into [urran! or Vulo College. Of course, as l tevolution art of buse tbnt y uow, it 1ms licou QHJG in tb cousi^ln in tb is lioua nmJo in thudelivery uf the bnll ' tlio pitclior. IQCIOD'I, Ilio pitcher of •day is uot w pitcher ot nil J tt teems me lie ooglit to bo called the "liurler" tho "catapult. 1 * Fatnwfly tlie WH ii ilcllvcrptl vitli au umh-rliiinJ toss or utcb, hat non it is tbrowp, andtlio iftcr tlic belter, Tliis cliargo liaa wrought to tlie front ttotna very reirwrk- l^Wlplayi'ifa, wboso ict'is mast cx- ;c tlie envy and lulmlratiun ol ttic best tnycra of (Inold Juye. Wtllinm lowing is tbe catolicr of tbo BW York Lcngtio Nine. Ponbtlesu lany of my joaug teaJcrs mvf a picture Ijim in tho net of sliding in ;it Ilio mn \Au\v, nliiulj was puVli-slu'ii iu irper't Weekly on Aiiff. 22il. It ivp- •sciilta him csttudtJ at full lou^tU ipoo liis sloiuiclt, witli tlio tij'H uf liis •gei-H just toucliin/,' tlio liomo plate. He id iniulo wlint is kuoivii us ii "Jive," ii.iURilcnvuwiml for it clistanci 1 of t<<ii ct, ami lint! fuccucdt'tl in scoring Ilio dy run that n-as lundc iu tlmt gumP. 0 ian plennnnt featured JOUIIR ntlileir, md talk^ most intelligently nbont the im" WIII'OJ is liiH trniln in lifr. I told m tliut tiic rojii^rs ol jltrptr'a Yaut.y coplevrcra niisioiiH to lo.irii fiotuethiDg iuiitlinsa1i;U fi*nm tlio lips ot a gcu- no profcB^iunal if!\ycr, nnii liesaiil ho mild IHJ only loo glnd to tell tliomnil int they wtiutbd know. *' No," snid In?, in Miniver to my ques- iiQ ; " a iiinn ciimot leiirn to piny 1a vtetib in- ii month. Il dikes a oui two tn (he jours ut prote,KioH!\l ill ]»IajiiiB, tlmt is, mnkiup n l>na if it, licf.m) he r.tu get ill a I>ugnu dnb md Eomc men t-nu never (, p etj in. 1 think can Inik sty Hint the Leugi about uut; liiiniliiul utro in Lcii^iic niiu Tbectidiisr.-i uml i»it<-bi:ru KCncrnlly t oiiivo tlie lorgrst imy, nn iiidml %h< tiliuiilil, tlicir iiuHitioiiH Ijciiif uiiicli tl .Uat iu Hit' flclfl. AROud rat^liiT ut •ml pilrhcr mv invuliiiilil.: l<>u clii jiM^iii 1 , uiiiiit'ly, New Vtirk, •luridi'Dce, riiihali'lpliia, liuntun, S iinis«, l>elroit uml Utiiltilo, ami n» 'nh ii iil.iipcd jrt piny sixteen u illi ench one of tho oilier clnl i.ikca IIK: total of «aim-3 pluyud hy i nib iu tlio I,u.Biie Jnriiitf tlio » in' luiiiilriu] a nl trt.Ovt. ••Tlio N.-iisoii Infills ,,u M»j- Ut, wo. me ct!ili|jt:tl to sp**i»l tlw in«nl j.lujing |iri:i)tlcii t'liiucs, mi llui: contiuuHlly i-ui|ilt>ji'd from tli 1-t «f April until tliu nw\ ul OrUtlh-r. iliib luis ii iiinuiigpr, lifHii-d o tlin'i.'lcr.i, mill nllirr uffiui'i-H Io uttcud t nil (int-siili- 1ri.sim-H drtuils, an 1 u Cip- t[utM>i<:ki:iHi-..m tin- uiiwi'lay isiinih.soliitM oiitnjl on tie ball lidd. In nil Hi,' Milnry w Inivt'liiuL,' a d Iiy tlio l)iiHiiit iuh wi* n- I liolo! i tu nat iu tbu Winter, K ; v II Z<>w\ idllK fjllklt tlJK'll, ll ettve pmcticn »j,' tb.ir urn Rli (OllttLlll[ ! play- li ors, to he KUI'C, t" HimtIt nud piny Wintei' cluba ; Imt I find—nuil iiiimy iy uDui]>nuiutis U'll mo Ilio mnw tUi —tliut u cumjiU't** ivst fnim tlio1st tvnihcr until Ilio 1st t>f April fiinijlcs Io lie-in tlic Hi'nsim jit \nA i Iliuti if I h:iil btcn nt :\oi'k ilnriug ib:it liuK'. T.H^L-. men lind it a Rooi plnn t< •k in Iho [,'jminiKitiiu (liii'iiigthe Win inuiitlm in oiJtr tu kcoi> their musclo i), but nuy iiiii) vhu lins pliijtsJ in i Lcnguo uino for two or thice KUHSUD no oecil for tills exercise. Tin rv*al hot ween (ha lust giimu of one und th« ftrst priwiice gitmo of tin tycnr is uot long eumigli to throw him out of condition, uule.su hd nlmi self durint,' that perbJ, and what- ever tbu Iciuptiiliui), few really good jirofiasuiuiil hull pluyi'iH dinsipitte in nny way. P.TfcfltlionIlb imjcPDHHurjr i» (h uusiws«i and they cunuot ufl'utd to ti 1'inhnof limiltiiig lhcm:wivu's nuwli. Of •,MII:-;O wu guiu a little in i\M> during lliu Winter, hut tlmt nil voru offaml diir hauh freshly tuu^licuuil by tho prtictico B'.nnfia iu Ainit." uskeJ Mr, Eniiighuw most of the yluyera oucnnicd iliouwc b u g vacidiou, and wnsaurpiiaud tolcaro so ninny of (lio professionfl! ball x'i'H nro inarrieil tucu witli fumi and very williug to lead quiet iiouic livesdtuitig tlvo muutlis iutin', jeiit. '•A.f<>w of Uio most cx|i»?rt pite mj ciitcliortt," coniiuuL'd tlio ftuuoits ball ptiiytT, "oL-oiipy tbiiiiiBplvi'a in Wiuti by instructing eollego hoys in tlm Hciem of Ihe gi<xav, UDII n few oibc-ra are ei gii^eil iu stuiljiug boon; |.rofi!»siaii, In in- nii'ilieiue, ur something of tbat sort, vhicli tbey ciin full hack npoa vbon iniihaHc hall plajiug duys tiro over." •Tu.it think of thin, boy; 1 How au cs- itclier—Weleli, of tbe Now Vurk Niu< *c iuHtiinctt—vxHthl ttttaw ilie |>ilUt\t patient should be in future years become iluctovI 1 iiskcJ Cuptniii Ward, of tho New York Club, to tell musui.iuthitig uli thu I-UIOH Uiut govtsmeil i») iyt'tu, inul 1 thiuk youwill nil Io aupriBcd to fantu m strict and eewro they arc, Every I'lnyer Uefure joining n cluh in obliged to it coulract, which ruiidn like u law- yer's brief, BO full is of "eaiJu" uud aforiifeuitis." IQ tlm drat plnec, tbe player is laatlc Io promise in writing tint liu will "yield a cheerful obedieuee. to ull diix'diuu tliut may boR.vtm liiiu hy any ifficu-, tuntia- ;er, or lioid cuptuin of tliu club." Tlicti ic is eomiM'lled (o de^uro tbnt lie will 'piny huso hall ufc Iionm nml dsewlicri) t till times with thu utmost of hi« skill nil uhtlity." Ho in next made to ngtco that if ho ia foiiaJ "guilty of druuki'ii- , gmublingin niiy ffjrm.iuanbordimt- tiou, or nny Jisiinunriilila ur disreputable g are the p'n'i r.-. 1 - ?..iwcr o' tlm \rt ho shall \n illtntanrBcil without further iiotico. H must also promise to uhiiiit liiuifclf to modicul cxumliiation 3 ofteu AS hia Buperioruilic^rs desire, to rep him sell thoroughly posted concern* ag all tho rules of base bnll now in force r which may ho adopted, mil nhnU bo fluty tu piny ou all wcuk dnys from tliu «t of April nulil tbo 1st of Novumber. Iu addition tonil thi*, bo mast agree | lhat if bo is tulu'ii »iutc, oi' b hy nay ton- >n prevented froni|)tajiugb;»ll,licf<hull lorfeit a ccttaiu pcrccutngo ot bis polary. He iartiinired at tliu bt'Kiuuiog of the season to provide liiia»clf at hiw uwu ex- pense witli n uniform snch as ttio maD- rs may tieltct, nuil vhicli must con-, s of two flannel shirts, two pnirsof i Lei breeches, two pairs of stoekiDge, one pair of leather sboos irith Bpibes, me cup, ono bell, anil ouc- ncokho, all of whieh ihiriug thu wboleterm of bie i'm- iloytueiit liu must keep iu tboroupji epnir, nml bo must promise to appear ou llio fiell nt Ibo beginniug ot enoh which ho in to piny in no en- tirely cUun untfurtii, Giptaiu Wurd lolil mo tbat while these rules are, uf course, eiiforaul. a great leal is left to the plnycr'n good judgment, n tbo matlcr of drinking, for example. isse.iloinnrceBBarytotnrovcijanyTulp, tlio individual plnyer quickly finJB jut tlmt a sinfilo glass before a game irlH bis playing, and nil pUycra nro ixions to do tlmbest they cun. Or course some captains nro much ore srveiu than others in maintaining .t-cipliiio. I urn tola ihnt U.iiioct Fur- isnn, wbois now ouo of tlio umpires r (be Le.ifiiie, wbile oaptnin of tho Troy no, ncntld never allow hia pUyc-ra to nuku liL-foic ii RIIUJU, nml n tut lulu r of in Ulevitlaui. Ciuii, a^Yirul jo;iin ngo, wiis lined ?100 for tuiiii)j too much diu- icr. Ami to it will ho seen lhat tlic life olu iroteBaikiUii! huso-ball plajcv is m>t ultu- icllirr BU rnsy line, uii'l when tlicdiingi>r nf ueeitieiitfi in Inketi int< Aiti mea cugwgcJ iu\\\e XnvAv. ilo nut »p- o-iv tube uvuriniid. A Tmit'tiiiTFtx II DtiiASH. —MTP. Mi ills: 1 1 iuiuk it ii Km b;,d, Mr. Miiiks ! Wliy i-iin't a mun bous cyiisiidurutu uf Ilia wife ii fen- years nfior uiurii.igi* us lie w.is •run.- ? 15nt Isnpp.jon it in too much txpwt ; men tiro nil iilifcc, timl cm> ilv ftir ibem-olviw." Mr. Jlinkn: "llonUv, wy itfiir, I don't know nlmt yon'r.i drivimr at," "Ob t no, of eoniM' nnt ! You iloii't rti kimw that Uiis is my l«vilit,.iy, yptnuiy u. fiMv yp.ir.s n^'>tlui diitL' d nn your heart, and rod m TH, ^- 1 tivll " 1 \'" "4 I UOUJ£ DOW.*.'- Shop on tierseo tlrtol ne niktQstnidoanaBitori>ta U d * u b :,r. ,,. v,, ent BUcU tf«l»l ....r, .... tll. ftitl. ff-U it*ti I ofcr of nij I Mr"| A.J.DUO. |threo«tidf<>iirl.uuilredproffafionalbasQl^0 „„ ^ , . I bull insa in tho United States, bat on);' you were a ytai older." il jon uf tin* paintul luo. ld" A 1U>KHUOS JIST1HK0. At a recent political gathering Tiitciimhiii, Alii., General Cullun Bit tie ri'liited tli«: fullowing tuuchi stoiy intin 1 couffio flf Ilia Bin'fuli; Uui ing tliu ujuter of JWia—Gi it waw my ft time to ho president of oui! of tbe court iiiiirliul of tbe Army of Nortbum Vi giuiu. Out! bli'iik Deceiiilier mormii tlie hiiow cDTeted tho ground U tbo wind howled urouudour<juiupt l lei iy btvciime tiro lo attend tlie session juit. Winding for mili-s tiloug UHCI Liu p;itLa, I ut length arrived u t tbu >uit grouui], nt Itoimd O.k ehurei l>jyftfter day it Imd he«;u our duty to try tho Mjklii-iaoE tlmt imuy, charged «itli dul.tliui, uf military luws i but nc liLiil I on any previoun (in;;ii*iuu ht jrtjL'lud hy HLJCII iiuxiuus MpLCltttora us bat tatmiiug iiWuilcd tbo opening •ourh t;,iML'«Htr CUSL' WIIH d^poHcd m.l uL ieiiytli tlnienwsof theConfeileruti •JtJLle.i v>. Kilward Ctiupcr was tail :bni{4i'. di'Meitiou, A lo# iniirmur ipiiiiluueoti.sly ffoin tliu buttlet-carreil il)i'cli(toi-4 m tlie youug Lirtilleryiu/U ruse from Ilie piiSonorH' henoli, noil tspuv^u Ui Ilio tiuvsiiuD, " GnUtyur u«t guilty 7"am<vend, "Not guilty." Tlie jiijgeadvocate wns proceeding t< |iuu the piifseuutiou ffbeu tho court, liHiTviug tbiit tlie piiMiiiHT WHS iiuat- ndL'l by cotinwl, interposed and iu- lircj of tbe ucuuxed. "Who is youi musBl V" lie ropliud. : " I biwa m. JIIUMRI." Hiijipoi-iug that it was bii i|:uso Io ripmiont liiinsiolf before tin nirl, tbo juilge-advocato wan instruct- 1 to iirocued. Every cburgo anu liw.Uom.gmu *t flu; prihoucr WHSBOS- iiieil. Tbo primmer WIHtlicu told tu iutroduco bii> witnt-ason. Ho replied I litive JO witlieBHoe." AslouUbod fl be cjlniuesa witli which he soctncS to aubmlttiug to *Lat bo regarded ai iucvituble fate, I suid (olilm, "Huve on DO(Ivfenco ? IKit possible that you biuidoueil your oomrndeit uud deserted uui' colors in tbe preaonoo of tbo enemy itboiit ucy rcaaoo ?" He replied Tlitre w»»a retuoii. but ii will DOI mit mo beluro a military ooutt." I lid : " PerbtpB you are mistaken ; you rocliuigcd with tbo biKUesteriiaekuowo nuititiiry law, audit is your duty to liiko kuowu Ibo nausea that our actioua." For tba tint time bis inly form trembled nnd liis blue eye* s\n\m iu ttars. Anprouchitij; tba pieM- t uf tlio court be pretteuli-d a letter, Lug us lie did so, " There, auneral, ia wlmt did it." I opeued tbe letter, a womDut my eyes flllodwitU tears. wns ptmed from one to another ol tbe mrt until ull bud scon it, and those item wurrtoH, who bud passed The Sour Folal. Wlieu tbu milk of bontn kininem tatns BOnr, ilio acid wliich is prodaotia in ODOof tbd worst in all creation. U tas nud Httoga in every directioa. Hour 'ulki iwgiD tlio <J«j ia • l«a liuuior, JJoforo anybody liu a chwoa to vex tbcui, tley begin to be vexed* Xl conn: ilDwji ataira anil/ aad gria, as if thev h%$ been oaeried or iBJmd. Tbo moraing HalulalioB if goawUiim llfMa bctireeu a grant and a (rota. is eaten either in fcilenoe or with a few grumblea aitber M to tbu cbAract«F ot tbe eatablaa, tba per' orkfiDem ol tbe lervants, or tlw "**-nl- ifuctorf sUto «( the weatber. A4»f tbus begou ia spoiled in tbe begiaainf # uud rctuains gpolletl all day. 8our folks ate contiuuallj Meeting •itb diwutcn wliicb do not belall Mia BHliin; anil cbcerv. Somebody liaf ttoo tuncb anil or pepper in tbeirK>Dpr d tb«?5 must tell evurybodj of tba buriicu uf Borrow wbicu tbis error eaoaad. Tbcv get tbeir toes trodden on, their •ilin lilbeircil, aoil tbeir feelingi hart hcrcrer they go. They nuke the moa, >( every eliglit they receive, aiid in taU- ig tbo diuniil itory of it, iaaM thai tU aligbli were intentional aaddab'bar- >te. Thcro ia notbiag magaefio aboat thfaa our folkii. People learn to avoid tbt*jj* ueir advice la uot aaked, noria their nupany aougut. TUen theaoir folka undtr wby tbey are not waaM. Tbey lament tlirir lonelineas, ana think tht rld ix conBpiriBg againat than. Bo bey bucumu sourer and yet more aoar, lutil Ibeir fuenn are worts tbaa fnaenla. iud tbeir preieuee laaa deiirahla than hat ol a tburulergiujl. Oh, for a liltle naabiaa to I lese sour folka 1 HELND W *•• Killarncy," writes already reaping ' tiiit. TLo boteb mn fall, and tie leiwn IMBTOTM m Tbe nngular'fealan at thai ear's uxputlencu ia tbe way ailaatll, ivo trooped In. Hore thaa 10 p n cnt of tlie gueata have eroaled taa lei) mil tbe oompaoy at one hotel bat weak aolndcd a Dane, an AlutriaB, and two 'enuans. Tbe Yankee uecti largely, but oi« espeolt to KM. tUrgely- Tbe Iroh vulton an eUeiff ridci—with tbeir apfuuieuu. biU^ groomB, the display of new w«4dtlf ggs «t the bieUtut Ubl« qiita fir- ing a jeweler's ataek. TU woyti itt- Luencu Ufelt along tbe g»p aad hj tba "ie. Hia toj§i Uigbaeu wtmM apptar bave l«eu pononally oondaeted by mmj of tbo guides, roved by Hort of .be boatman, and •oooeHfally wttrftod •y all tlie beggiw. The pUo* «%«• flnt drank illicit whiskey tod UM t where 'tfutbig Udy ool ol Los- i' (the prinoesa) laat drank goak't ilk are pointed oat eittgetkallf bat tarioualj. There ii BOM —r imU y »K>nt tho fitaol pbse whan a Wood- Dck row «&d where a red daav oV icnded, nnd in fart tbe priioe aad irineeBH are already rcgirded at rank* ing part pauu with ODouogkaa aad K»te Kearney. I •»• oarit," add* tr correspondent, "one bit ot repar* wbicb I myself onrbsarl Hy ildo scowled at a feaatat wfco attmd well at him. *loo'll kww M tflaia if :>a meet me, 1 aid «y flidt. ia wash yonr taw,'laid Ihe g Kot il TaernMMt. There Is a touch ol pathoe ia the (ol- swing amtulgg InoUent, takea froa a lUeago paper: Tbey were tnvelKng on a railmaa sin when a ooQiahia neeewad. The d lady wai hurt qalle aefiaaab/ a»* iulj not apeak for aoaia UaM. aHboagh maeiuuB ol wliat waa taking plaee ironntl her. Some ot ahe paaaaBgare ugbt ahe waa dead. John faanj as i, but instead of giving way to aa- Halting grief, be Hew around doing all could (or Ua vifo'a recovery. Wbea ibe wu pronoanoed oat of iltngar, akw d, ropreacifullv: •John!" •Well.Samatityr You didn't belter • bit Him wkaa ll d loucwiill Jackftou through a bunJred tlleB, wept like little children. Soon I BufUciciitly recovereJ toy Belf-pos- isioii, I rend tbe letter aa the defence tbo imuouor. It was to tie wordt: "DBABEDRABP: I bavo always been out! of you ; uioeo your eouneolion . .ill tlio Coafeilerale army, I b»fe been orouder of you tbau evet before, I vuuld uot have you do anytbioff wropg ur tbo world ; bal before Gad, Edward, Uw you cumo homo, we must Jie ! ist uigbt t «a» ttfouMil hy little Ed- D'scryiug. I called and auiJ, 'Wbutia J nmltcr, EJdio Y auJ beiaid : " Ob, iiuuiua, I'm eo buugry [' And Iiiioy. ^n-iird, your darling Lacf sbo never umplnius, butsbo grows thinner and iluuer every duy. And, beforo Ood, ilword, unless yon come home, wo iUBt die. "VOUBMAM." Torniug to tho pritooer, 1 asked : What did you do when you received its letter?" Be replied: "I madfiap- icatiou for a furlough, an! it waa re- ctud *, ogiiia I uw4e application and it rejected ; a third timo I outdo appli- latiou aud ft was rejected; and that light, aa I wandered backward anil for- ;ml iu (lie camp tliiokiyg of my bone, te mill, eyes ol Lucy looking up to we, itli anil tho burning words of Mark iukiog iu my kuiu, I wu uo longer the lufedcrutu Boldicr, list I waa tlie fatbei Titicy and the buBbnnil ol Mary, and wuuld Lave passed tbow lines if every iu iu tbo buttery bad been flrcd upon c, Mary »tin ottt to meet me, bet igel arms ctahraCtJ mn, and shewhis- Tud : "On, EJwnrd, I am BOhappy ; nm so glad you got your fnrloagh 1' must bare felt no sbatlder, for she: irucd aapaluasdeatb, and catching her ireatb at every word, ebe eaiil: " Hare meonio without }our (urloagh ? Oh I JwnrJ, go back I go back 1 Let me and children go down together to the | ruvo ; bit, oh, for boaven'a aako, aave io honor of our Dame 1' Am] hero I am, t liUemcn, not brought bar by miUtary iwer, bat in obedience to tho command Mary, to abid tbo sentence of your mrt." Every officer of that court-martial felt force ot ibe prisoner's worus. Before tn stood, in tieatiflo vision, thoclo- ut pleader {at & husband's and •> tber's wrongs j but tbey had been niued by tlio great leader Rodert E. i(?e to tread the path of duty though tlie ightuing flash scorched the ground be* eutu tbeir feet, and each in his tarn proununcod the verdict—guilty. For- utcly for butnnnity, forhinntely for Confederacy, tbe proecedEnga of tbo j mrt woro reviewed, by tbo commanding cncral, and upon tbo record was rittcu : " Hxu>QT!&»nB<f, A. N. V. "Tbofinding of tbe court approved. 'he prisoner is pardoned, andwill report bin company. "B. E. IJES, General." A steamboat owutr was eiplaioing how e liappcned to ehanse eaptains OQ tbe nui't. Snidliu: " I enmo down on her from Porl Hu- •u, nml us ft> teiicheit tho city I says to ie cnptuiii, *DettiT drop iu at, tliu foot ItivurJ street mid let mo off,' " " My first lauding in ut thu ooppsr ick, three mites lielow," lie answers. t' Hut Iliis ia my bout, nud I want her , luml where I Raid." "Biitl'mcaptiiiu, air.nud she gocato locopimr dock," " Sturlnmnl," says I to tlic niiin nt tlio lietl. I'urt," nays tliu captain, runs tbe IILII for the engineer to ow down, and tlmcaptain cuug for him >n iiheud ut full speed. 'Cnptuin ComiiH, Ims tlic owner of a ;unl.nnt no rights ?" I askcil. 'Lots of 'em on slioro, but none on Kiitt-r," says lie. 'I'll lUsclnirgp joi\ t!io niHjiicat VK 'Vpvy well, lint don't get pnssy, nia ,*. I Uftvu t^exits miunlea to BPTTO ' With tlmt I start* to tnko tho wheel, . \ hi ftvo mhinteB I *aa in irons an n mutiueer, and I went nsbore with tlio lmmlcffi on." "Bal yoa AiEoVmrcful titn. V "Oh, yes." ' "Ami is tbo nowoaptaiu nny better ?" | iie ProUibitiunistg. daptmia' this eliret "Wcll.idunnD. I nerur duteil tacklo pioah is delislitfiil ; bat ilia dinned •him."—Detroit Free Press. ' f uU little to UghUyl- jc . •Well, 8acnanlby,"aaid John ia aoaa» onlnsion, "yonaeelaraaaiyiaf aresnd trying to bring yon to. Idadaikavaaw Io belter." " Tea, lolio," aidtho old lady, feel- ingly, with •aagteatkm of teen ia her Dice, " but eoalda'l ye bailer little It now, John, jiat for the look, of things »" Wuy, BamaBtby! B1wu Io beDer ', lolka would uylwasdoia'it'oaaaa cr waa goin' \a git well." •• I never Ihonght o 1 that" eaid the old laJ.vu.Jlj. "I«ujhtogoodnaaa,Jo»a, I'd have lellered a n t at the right e then I Twonld have been real comfortin' to me." ITtrrthieEiatrltan. An Obio tamer went into a daaae Dod topick blaekberriea, whea anddea- hetUatnrbDd million, ol large blaek t They were under a thin covering earth which he atepped on, and. al- most instantly tbey crawled ap Ua pxata 1 », and when be tried to knock then they .bowed rtfbt. Before he eoald get out of the heavy growth of brash ha i n covered from head to feat with the mtiferou insects. They bit him. and Drawled into bia noae, etra and aoath. ~ jelled for help, bat aoon besaaae idedwithlhemyrlalaofanUon hia .1 and loce, and before he reached the lee of tbewood fell helptea to tbe .xiund, utterly at the mercy of Iheinjeels atl WBJI only naved Irom death by the imcly arrival of abrotber. Theinvaeta TO common black anta of a very huge :o. Tbe cane is withont precedent in at Bcction of tba country, and it ia be- •ved. hiid not aidarrived wbm it did, o ante would have not only killed, but iteu Ibeir viotim. Succenfui Trimmtngt- A member ot tun Legislature woo at- iQileiJ the QoTernor's reception Tauday light lunghingly tells bow the Governor indled the prohibition ojnestkB, It was a hard thins to p!«u* all afdsi, [or tbo tiltm Frohibltionial would objert ' i nnything, while Mother elcBMai loiight that A little aa«e(bins wo«U ot ucoat of place Ho a colored paneb •an mirTcd, an elegant and nfrailiiag Irink, Vint us mild usftSPIIDB sepbyr. " All 1" iiuid a Prohibition leader, w uteii it, "OnrsDOi) Ooveramaata noblo example—thu »d knonadtii ilenaid." In a few mitmtea % Smonftb member - c& 'S.ia bowl and queoo6ed bin tlirurt. All !"oa.illir, "Jm ' " ' our Governor Is not moi

    TMBimONBMAm u n > max autnauT at

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    !•)•21 *Copper, Phin u d Jinuitiedoil Holli, o«ri«l», Gap;,

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    ^s;fssxsa ssrtWSOao. Bt»iu»l». I.B.BICU!






    Since my alterations and inoreased room Ihave more than double the stock, and to-dayI offer to the citizens of Morris County theargest stock of FURNITURE »"«CARPETS

    that has ever been offered to them, consistingof Parlor Suits, Walnut Bed-room Suits, Ash,Maple and Enamelled Bed-room Suits, Ma-hogany and Cherry Bed-room Suits, Carpetsand Oil Cloths, Mantle and Pier Glasses,Mattresses of all kinds. Lounges, Bed Springs,Blankets and Quilts, Feather Beds and Pil-lows, Parlor Stoves and Ranges, at reducedPrices. Marble Top Tables, Hall Stands, etc.Embossed Plush Parlor Suits, reduced from$86 to $66; Marble Top Walnut Bed-roomSuits, (8 pieces1, reduced from $75 to $50 ;Cherry Bed-room Suits, reduced from $65 to$45 ; Ash Bed-room Suits, reduced from $60to $35; Enamelled Bed-room Suits, reducedfrom $25 to $16; Body Brussels Carpet, re-duced irom $1.25 to 90c. per yard; TapestryBrussels Carpet, reduoed from 75o. to 5Oo.per yard; All-wool Ingrain Carpet, reducedfrom 75c. to 50c. per yard; Hair Mattresses,reduoed from $25 to $17.60; Mixed Mat-tresses, reduoed from $5 to $3.50; BedSprings, reduced from $3 to $1.50. Besidesreduction in every department at pricesbelow any house in the trade.

    ..- ooovs t>ELivEna> Jras or CIIAROB JS ASr PAIIT OF rut: snTK. -,--



    Tflfl DOVER LUMBER CO,often to buildors the bent opportunities in the pnnshtse of LUMBERof erery grade and deanripUao including LOW rltlOES and tbe groatadmaUge of baring

    Lumber Worked to Orderby miuihlnerr it the plaes where ii is pnrohsaed, greatly lessening the

    cost of building by the great saving in manual labor. Our•took always include!

    Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldingswad LCMBEBi of eroty dftBcription, and especial paina are UVen

    to give eatialactioa in every partienlur.d o w n BIOIABSI, President.ffn. H. L i r a U , Sw'r ftDfl T n u

    I. W. RIMIKS. Gen'I Nioanr.

    uliiirc with faltu, promt country, tlio1iin triumiiLi gave;In llimmth lliy piilning BraT«-no.l«louuh, Innu WUTO to wuvo,

    IVbut lunttiT wLoro jo laid liiui t TIJO Hlriml ii Ills nr»Te.

    >UD wp.it lii^roinoh his pillow \ but n>1i<Hmmii,- hluum

    weep liimk front uvcry gfOMiHvrt.nl luiitlm ln'in n>oni;

    lid Hunt or \\x-r,\, 'roni * ) to tru, tin, .•try islilfl toiuit.

    Murcti mi, »li, myrliid |iilgrim ft-il iiiL-luk tlieir bnnjs in nlutu water, 11mlntu Vtu HO Imrri tliu ball don't Lutt."o *niJ liu hud tiii J it, and kuuw it wasgoml (Uing.

    Now. )io«r«v(>r, tiitit timy 1>L>, t tbinkio.st Hci)Ril>lo boys will afireo with mo

    tint (lie Uao tcawin f«r tUo cxccllcaci>tiii'bu pniil pluycrs in fnunil in tliot (lint l)^lu;iiigi» tbeirlms-a?. Just ui a clown cfin uiako fimuicrci limit nuyboily vhv, or OH n poli-i-ito cau mnkc longer trad more ciiriouncclioj tlian any other man, distortionfctttnrra nnd luugtingo buittg tlicit

    jiculivo tniJca, so can tboprofestionaltall plnyci- play (bo game better thnn

    lybotly eW\ He lias been educatedIQji'd from tli

    1-t «f April until tliu nw\ ul OrUtlh-r.iliib luis ii iiinuiigpr, lifHii-d o

    tlin'i.'lcr.i, mill nllirr uffiui'i-H Io uttcud tnil (int-siili- 1ri.sim-H drtuils, an 1 u Cip-t[utM>inuiutis U'll mo Ilio mnw tUi

    —tliut u cumjiU't** ivst fnim tlio 1sttvnihcr until Ilio 1st t>f April fiinijlcsIo lie-in tlic Hi'nsim jit \nAi Iliuti if I h:iil btcn nt :\oi'k ilnriug

    ib:it liuK'.

    T.H^L-. men lind it a Rooi plnn t<•k in Iho [,'jminiKitiiu (liii'iiigthe Wininuiitlm in oiJtr tu kcoi> their muscloi), but nuy iiiii) vhu lins pliijtsJ in i

    Lcnguo uino for two or thice KUHSUDno oecil for tills exercise. Tin

    rv*al hot ween (ha lust giimu of one• und th« ftrst priwiice gitmo of tintycnr is uot long eumigli to throw

    him out of condition, uule.su hd nlmi

    self durint,' that perbJ, and what-ever tbu Iciuptiiliui), few really goodjirofiasuiuiil hull pluyi'iH dinsipitte in nnyway. P.TfcfltlionIlb imjcPDHHurjr i» (huusiws«i and they cunuot ufl'utd to ti1'inhnof limiltiiig lhcm:wivu's nuwli. Of•,MII:-;O wu guiu a little in i\M> duringlliu Winter, hut tlmt i» nil voru offamldiir hauh freshly tuu^licuuil by thoprtictico B'.nnfia iu Ainit."

    uskeJ Mr, Eniiighuw most of theyluyera oucnnicd iliouwcbug vacidiou, and wnsaurpiiaud tolcaro

    so ninny of (lio professionfl! ballx'i'H nro inarrieil tucu witli fumi

    and very williug to lead quiet iiouiclivesdtuitig tlvo muutlis iu tin', jeiit.

    '•A.fw of Uio most cx|i»?rt pitemj ciitcliortt," coniiuuL'd tlio ftuuoits ballptiiytT, "oL-oiipy tbiiiiiBplvi'a in Wiutiby instructing eollego hoys in tlm Hciemof Ihe git ultu-icllirr BU rnsy line, uii'l when tlicdiingi>rnf ueeitieiitfi in Inketi int<Aiti mea cugwgcJ iu \\\e XnvAv. ilo nut »p-o-iv tube uvuriniid.

    A Tmit'tiiiTFtx II DtiiASH. —M TP. Mi ills:11 iuiuk it ii Km b;,d, Mr. Miiiks ! Wliy

    i-iin't a mun bo us cyiisiidurutu uf Ilia wifeii fen- years nfior uiurii.igi* us lie w.is

    •run.- ? 15nt Isnpp.jon it in too muchtxpwt ; men tiro nil iilifcc, timl cm>

    ilv ftir ibem-olviw."Mr. Jlinkn: "llonUv, wy itfiir, I

    don't know nlmt yon'r.i drivimr at,""Ob t no, of eoniM' nnt ! You iloii'trti kimw that Uiis is my l«vilit,.iy,

    yptnuiy u. fiMv yp.ir.s n '̂> tlui diitL'd nn your heart, and rod mTH ,

    ^ - 1 t i v l l " 1 \ ' " "4


    D O W . * . ' -

    Shop on tierseo tlrtol neniktQstnidoanaBitori>ta

    U d * u b

    :,r. , , .v , ,ent BUcUt f « l » l

    ....r, ....tll. ftitl.


    it*ti I ofcr of nij I

    M r " | A.J.DUO.|threo«tidfiirl.uuilredproffafionalbasQl^0 „„ ^ ,

    . I bull insa in tho United States, bat on);' you were a ytai older."il jon uf tin* paintul luo.

    l d "

    A 1U>KHUOS JIST1HK0.At a recent political gathering

    Tiitciimhiii, Alii., General CullunBit tie ri'liited tli«: fullowing tuuchistoiy in tin1 couffio flf Ilia Bin'fuli; Uuiing tliu ujuter of JWia—Gi it waw my fttime to ho president of oui! of tbe courtiiiiirliul of tbe Army of Nortbum Vigiuiu. Out! bli'iik Deceiiilier mormii

    tlie hiiow cDTeted tho ground Utbo wind howled urouudouruit grouui], nt Itoimd O.k ehurei

    l>jy ftf ter day it Imd he«;u our duty to trytho Mjklii-iaoE tlmt imuy, charged «itlidul.tliui, uf military luws i but n cliLiil I on any previoun (in;;ii*iuu htjrtjL'lud hy HLJCII iiuxiuus MpLCltttora usbat tatmiiug iiWuilcd tbo opening•ourh t;,iML'«Htr CUSL' WIIH d^poHcdm.l uL ieiiytli tlnienwsof theConfeileruti•JtJLle.i v>. Kilward Ctiupcr was tail:bni{4i'. di'Meitiou, A lo# iniirmuripiiiiluueoti.sly ffoin tliu buttlet-carreilil)i'cli(toi-4 m tlie youug Lirtilleryiu/Uruse from Ilie piiSonorH' henoli, noiltspuv^u Ui Ilio tiuvsiiuD, " GnUtyur u«t

    guilty 7"amnt tho fitaol pbse whan a Wood-Dck row «&d where a red daav oVicnded, nnd in fart tbe priioe aad

    irineeBH are already rcgirded at rank*ing part pauu with ODouogkaa aadK»te Kearney. I • » • M« oarit," add*

    tr correspondent, "one bit ot repar*wbicb I myself onrbsarl Hy

    ildo scowled at a feaatat wfco attmdwell at him. * loo'll kww M tflaia if

    :>a meet me,1 a id « y flidt.ia wash yonr taw,'laid Ihe

    g• Kot il

    TaernMMt.There Is a touch ol pathoe ia the (ol-

    swing amtulgg InoUent, takea froa alUeago paper:Tbey were tnvelKng on a railmaa

    sin when a ooQiahia neeewad. Thed lady wai hurt qalle aefiaaab/ a»*iulj not apeak for aoaia UaM. aHboaghmaeiuuB ol wliat waa taking plaee

    ironntl her. Some ot ahe paaaaBgareugbt ahe waa dead. John faanj asi, but instead of giving way to aa-

    Halting grief, be Hew around doing allcould (or Ua vifo'a recovery. Wbea

    ibe w u pronoanoed oat of iltngar, akwd, ropreacifullv:•John!"•Well.Samatityr• You didn't belter • bit Him wkaa

    ll d

    loucwiill Jackftou through a bunJredtlleB, wept like little children. SoonI BufUciciitly recovereJ toy Belf-pos-isioii, I rend tbe letter aa the defencetbo imuouor. It was to tie wordt:"DBABEDRABP: I bavo always beenout! of you ; uioeo your eouneolion

    . .ill tlio Coafeilerale army, I b»fe beenorouder of you tbau evet before, Ivuuld uot have you do anytbioff wropgur tbo world ; bal before Gad, Edward,

    Uw you cumo homo, we must Jie !ist uigbt t «a» ttfouMil hy little Ed-D'scryiug. I called and auiJ, 'WbutiaJ nmltcr, EJdio Y auJ beiaid : " Ob,

    iiuuiua, I'm eo buugry [' And Iiiioy.^n-iird, your darling Lacf sbo neverumplnius, butsbo grows thinner andiluuer every duy. And, beforo Ood,ilword, unless yon come home, woiUBt die.

    "VOUBMAM."Torniug to tho pritooer, 1 asked :What did you do when you receivedits letter?" Be replied: " I madfiap-icatiou for a furlough, an! it waa re-ctud *, ogiiia I uw4e application and it

    rejected ; a third timo I outdo appli-latiou aud ft was rejected; and thatlight, aa I wandered backward anil for-;ml iu (lie camp tliiokiyg of my bone,te mill, eyes ol Lucy looking up to we,itli anil tho burning words of Markiukiog iu my kuiu, I wu uo longer thelufedcrutu Boldicr, list I waa tlie fatbeiTiticy and the buBbnnil ol Mary, andwuuld Lave passed tbow lines if everyiu iu tbo buttery bad been flrcd uponc, Mary »tin ottt to meet me, betigel arms ctahraCtJ mn, and she whis-Tud : "On, EJwnrd, I am BO happy ;nm so glad you got your fnrloagh 1'

    must bare felt no sbatlder, for she:irucd aapaluasdeatb, and catching her

    ireatb at every word, ebe eaiil: " Haremeonio without }our (urloagh ? Oh IJwnrJ, go back I go back 1 Let me and

    children go down together to the |ruvo ; bit, oh, for boaven'a aako, aaveio honor of our Dame 1' Am] hero I am, tliUemcn, not brought bar by miUtaryiwer, bat in obedience to tho commandMary, to abid tbo sentence of your


    Every officer of that court-martial feltforce ot ibe prisoner's worus. Beforetn stood, in tieatiflo vision, tho clo-ut pleader {at & husband's and •>

    tber's wrongs j but tbey had beenniued by tlio great leader Rodert E.i(?e to tread the path of duty though tlieightuing flash scorched the ground be*eutu tbeir feet, and each in his tarn

    proununcod the verdict—guilty. For-utcly for butnnnity, forhinntely forConfederacy, tbe proecedEnga of tbo j

    mrt woro reviewed, by tbo commandingcncral, and upon tbo record wasrittcu :

    " Hxu>QT!&»nB teiicheit tho city I says toie cnptuiii, * DettiT drop iu at, tliu footItivurJ street mid let mo off,' "" My first lauding in ut thu ooppsr

    ick, three mites lielow," lie answers.t' Hut Iliis ia my bout, nud I want her, luml where I Raid.""Biitl'mcaptiiiu, air.nud she gocatolocopimr dock,"" Sturlnmnl," says I to tlic niiin nt tlio

    lietl.I'urt," nays tliu captain,runs tbe IILII for the engineer to

    ow down, and tlm captain cuug for him>n iiheud ut full speed.'Cnptuin ComiiH, Ims tlic owner of a;unl.nnt no rights ?" I askcil.'Lots of 'em on slioro, but none onKiitt-r," says lie.

    'I'll lUsclnirgp joi\ t!io niHjiicat VK

    'Vpvy well, lint don't get pnssy, nia,*. I Uftvu t^exits miunlea to BPTTO

    ' With tlmt I start* to tnko tho wheel, .\ hi ftvo mhinteB I *aa in irons an n

    mutiueer, and I went nsbore with tliolmmlcffi on."

    " B a l yoa AiEoVmrcful titn. V"Oh , yes." '"Ami is tbo now oaptaiu nny better ?" | iie ProUibitiunistg. daptmia' this eliret"Wcll. idunnD. I nerur duteil tacklo pioah is delislitfiil ; bat i l i a dinned

    •him."—Detroit Free Press. ' f u U little to UghUyl-

    j c .•Well, 8acnanlby,"aaid John ia aoaa»

    onlnsion, "yonaeelaraaaiyiaf aresndtrying to bring yon to. Idadaikavaaw

    Io belter."" Tea, lolio," aid tho old lady, feel-

    ingly, with •aagteatkm of teen ia herDice, " but eoalda'l ye bailer • littleIt now, John, jiat for the look, of

    things »"Wuy, BamaBtby! B 1 w u Io beDer', lolka would uylwasdoia'it'oaaaa

    cr waa goin' \a git well."•• I never Ihonght o1 that" eaid the old

    laJ.vu.Jlj. "I«ujhtogoodnaaa,Jo»a,I'd have lellered a n t at the righte then I Twonld have been real

    comfortin' to me."

    ITtrrthieEiatrltan.An Obio tamer went into a daaaeDod to pick blaekberriea, whea anddea-hetUatnrbDd million, ol large blaekt They were under a thin coveringearth which he atepped on, and. al-

    most instantly tbey crawled ap Ua pxata1 », and when be tried to knock then

    they .bowed rtfbt. Before he eoaldget out of the heavy growth of brash hain covered from head to feat with themtiferou insects. They bit him. and

    Drawled into bia noae, etra and aoath.~ jelled for help, bat aoon besaaae

    idedwithlhemyrlalaofanUon hia.1 and loce, and before he reached the

    lee of tbe wood fell helptea to tbe.xiund, utterly at the mercy of Iheinjeelsatl WBJI only naved Irom death by theimcly arrival of abrotber. Theinvaeta

    TO common black anta of a very huge:o. Tbe cane is withont precedent in

    • at Bcction of tba country, and it ia be-•ved. hiid not aid arrived wbm it did,o ante would have not only killed, butiteu Ibeir viotim.

    Succenfui Trimmtngt-A member ot tun Legislature woo at-

    iQileiJ the QoTernor's reception Taudaylight lunghingly tells bow the Governorindled the prohibition ojnestkB,It was a hard thins to p!«u* all afdsi,

    [or tbo tiltm Frohibltionial would objert' i nnything, while Mother elcBMai

    loiight that A little aa«e(bins wo«Uot uc oat of place Ho a colored paneb•an mirTcd, an elegant and nfrailiiagIrink, Vint us mild us ft SPIIDB sepbyr.

    " All 1" iiuid a Prohibition leader, wuteii it, "OnrsDOi) Ooveramaata

    noblo example—thu » d knonadti iilenaid."

    In a few mitmtea % Smonftb member- c& 'S.ia bowl and queoo6ed bin tlirurt.

    All !"oa.illir, "Jm ' " 'our Governor Is not moi

  • The Dover Printing Company,

    Kntimlny. OH.


    J U u i i 11 l - i . i n i : : V . - . - t |

    II.- , - ; iv T-;I Ii-Ili•!• m i u n i . - t lml .-Ii.'i is l i t nv ii i n p mi m> lo bi l l . "tliuitiK- llut tint n i l l c r hi, mi Hfil, "Tl i id cs tin.i i y n p l i i n t e r i u i l r di> ivurk, Ail mil Sul ly , un

    • H liMt lllU llOti11 [ M i l < 'lit Ihll l l l l l c

    SUTLER'S GREAT JMVVtTVt..- liin.l inljhr-r iinuiurii.'tiiriim ind» ii v.'i-y lariji! I'Vl.-ut t i ik™ tint JIIS

    1-liiK Ium

    ii.l hi*i. Im

    ,..,1 >,r tbU l iur t l I

    i:ttiTit I B O S ¥.n.\ :—At lh i«F01TJ

    • t e n t h a l i n t v - r ^ i

    l i s i «m in l l i i . i i

    •1 I l l ^ t SlHllIs'lV. J. .V1 f.

    - IV l T ' l i i i>«. "f l l f

    ':"•"[ ,i IIH II ftlmliT

    tin- roiilaiiiliiHi'iixivi

    mi im

    Tin- fifth [itiil^ii« o f

    > Ilial nf .Vi

    Intel! Ip .tlirilt,v 1- tlmt In-

    1.ur ik.oi- im kuour iliT8-.tr U, ;...-••(.•«. I! ul l't.; HII.-H »>mini inr-ile KilKfirc.1 iliicn well itll tlu-iTntiH nil miflrr nr proMp r̂ t'>^iktliur. 'l̂ iiKIIIII fioml in Htnn {it littf-1) '» ilrm.vrrat 1T U , an Diour la (ireruUnnhcr-, un I'nililiicru, an Mitt;wuiii|iK." "Alii" M-H »

    for in 11m iirnjer lmuk-all miltrti'mi''•liflMinit o' nii-n." Hut IIU»FU'I>II NIT ,•[ i

    very lient, tin

    miti-fnicked nnd fiKill-li

    u|[h to|1IL- Hm

    iMilcd nrrv tliu ilny: ,nii-t In-Kt ]uiurl,vtlii> w

    iw cvt>r MII M mil o" [Miwt-r. lint WIKI vthink tlm lummi wml lie »n iliviiii-.l tlmtniciuy wed Im miiUlerf We Diî -lit tnliirIriuuin nnyliiTH. Tlin lip*t, liyliccndiviilKi t in power lo thn vn-y v,-nr«t.

    Str-i! CmtirwEi.f.

    A BOTH ThiafCiU|bt.On Tncmta.r editor Cook, of tin- W

    Itcpublican, HHWII uolire in one of lii4'linni;eaof uliuriiu mnl wit^nn I it tug *la-it tiimiliiy niylit frnm tlm lirorj ftnl

    tiiniortlir.inimnl, wnciiu nnil num. Mo\»,ing ttie wciirrcnrcM in tlip AiiHTlutiu IlniiNf-Mr. HCHIVIT n mnti nnnicil Cox from PnVllk- overhrnnl it nml rciDtirkcil thai a ynmmuu liml tiorn mTf-riiij- In m-ll n LorHcnuWdjfua lit Dmirilli1 tlmt Aay, very clmnHiM^rB. Cook nml Ho.ivtr ut i>ncnnvin.|., «li.> im-. tii-t n ink i.sl.-ilmilling nil liiM Mr.' in Il,|« mat Muliinlily, aii.1 nIm hurt loiixidfiiilili' M-HI i-Hlati-.n.l ..limit rin,|..|Ml,«nc, 1» ii'.™ in Kisw

    ik, -.vlirir III- will simii rc-mnvii lii* fiuiiity.

    i« liKXIll-illli-tl Uitb lli^tll'Otllfl'-ill llIVS' TIlOH.l.-y, wli.i viili Tliux. All.i,. i.f Morrislmvti.

    u IT Hie id

    h.-ml I



    (..Ik*.U>v. Mr.

    Cl. i l .rt . , |K| .

    ny. (>. W, K i n -

    -l H i i i i d n v l l i r W-otnn

    I ' i i l 1

    .Niyrr. Mr>. W i l r n i re..-!Sli.n't i i . ] .H, ,B , .« ,v.-n. KM

    MIN. Mill*, Mr*. ll.Milill

    UHTI.1 Mmlh- (-xmifil Five ]ii.1iit

    ;. li.i t.l

    ml K.ilx-

    n.Ili'i't ull mill .l.-JHiHil in tin- cniuj.i,

    tlicni lii Mm

    i out nf (.lull

    It i

    n All«ri Alli-ii

    M m H iuin (tL'ili-iiHlinri; tlmt it will

    o yi-;ir« f,.r Ili.-in to .on,].!.! ,-nder tin- ln>r woatliiT IH fnvnruf ll.'*h, iind soft corn a


    my tl.un

    w IIII.VH R

    ont of wln ln-ajm


    iv. "ir"

    Itnv. «. K. jJilillli-

    (lit hi

    - KIIII-1; «f lllirlui

    i In ion Cm


    litllr, iiiulln-rlrM j;irl.l>inidn-.l Iln- I'liiM-nil

    '-lll.-s.dl mi- tlir iliiul

    f f liiuvim took

    liinud li

    f lllHl Nil-1klnilh ullcrPlural ll.o fi

    T1innitililii.fi to A J.l i . li. LMIIL:

    ud lirniliiTH u, Hi. ki»f tli.-irn.»llnr in l

    il win. nav-!ii|ic v i t l i .MM-. 'L.liu Kuhtucc|ila.viliu n h i c - u l ' AlitelicU mnl d id w n i e line!.ntiiiij!. 'i'.lrai.rlM,. ,ji,E M , m . - v . - i y tlm- r u l d i -iii^' l.fliin.I tt.c lint mnl lEi'ii. P l u m y , -Tr., d idHi-ll :i( r. irrbin-. .loliii I.-iu^liliiH ranirht we l l(•iirtli/in.tl.Jiii hl nf .mi- folk* tliinl.tl. inlcil Mild |iic-iiir. Hiiniii-v-tliK'-Kiiu* Mini V. I), (mill,- ilrivcrj Ki.uu> Ili-ii).

    •r. l) V.M

    All Wool Flannel Suitings, 35c. yard.

    All Wool Fancy Suitings, 25c. yard.

    All Wool Cashmeres, all eolors and black.

    Tricot Cloths, " «

    WASH DRES8 FABRICSStandard Prints 5c. per yard.

    Fine Sattccns 15c. " "

    Dress Ginghams,

    Plain and Fancy Seersuckers,

    CAMBHICS, large assortinent.

    Tlin iti)',. .h;f fri.ii,


    Tll m v f l i n

    " I'n-..!.•.nl.ii

    ml i irti i i^litlviiU'i 't i i i i: >vâ lul l ! at tlie IHHIM nlIIr*. AiUVif Ktii.-libc.iiri,' I,N Tni'Hdii.v ..v.-uiiiK

    I'l I f l i i

    -opnliur 1,. ft-l


    l'i.'-)il'li'it tlii'"ii"i"'


    1, H..n,M 1,.11II,* (if Ih,

    Xt I

    .-ll iilini' tliumiftwill, tin- ln

    lie viilnc nfclinn-niil It: miin.nlN-ciiltl.., iiiMy. Ki'i-ii >>1IC(>II urnv H. Not tliiil it IK, |iri'|M-rtyll ITU I,- d ,1,11 it ,lJuH lliu

    (In- Htumad. mid IUIH.-IH in »riii

    nil ]».II offiittui

    iltrv I'rtiec

    li l l i l C t l Illc hdinol. Afli-r iitin- liiH'lincii.li'iiirn.i lMr.A. II. C.-jic i mIn V-

    I i(ljMit on Mon.liiv

    I'riMiifltiiiii'e t i i i i iu^iinii'Viti llimmii'1'*A I M kiiiiw iilu.iit il I -Unit tlic finish'

    t i l l wil l ) I Im I ruin anil 1 vm ulinl (it i tK.J.

    ', III'! •Un-it

    i l l h rII IK

    Aiiutfii-r>H ( l i i i m cr.rk w i t h

    n>i> i, of uteri-si-nla1ivi< Ivlm I n n alI'cl i iwurr a».1 L . c It a wlioiic, ijt Mr. J o h n L U Wlit- llHH t l l l l l i» l i fd til-, HWmi ti uhi-r in

    r part «1 f

    OrtMwood L«ka riihi» f,Ttiu Aiucriiina Aiitflt'i-W«,T»: " l l . t l a k o

    iiaxuiilly lii^li, Hit- t-nniiiim rnliifl of thn «en-iuviiiK obviated ilif ntx-iratfnt) Inimntn. Tin-- m>w in to grab the rim of thn lint in

    front with lim •lime celerity you 'Would ^rnlit Mcnt in a street ear. ltavlnir .lutt-lud

    tlm. i-iglit H[Hit, ynnji-rt tbn hot down m>ifyouf trying toliidcyour fnfo—nml nimiti who

    will take off hi* hnt in thin nay oiiKlit to liiilclti* fiH-c—then you ruli the but uj> nnd ilown

    nur t'nint, taklDK care not to JJO lie low tliuHt, very rnnv for 1WI5, e»IMV.- «r iliu rentnl of tli€ llulfulo rUrnnion

    11 IK- Kt,!KHM»OI), mrnlnxt «.-t,IU),;ni| week 11 iiuiniminn


    pMOiV.1 'Vro1":1^ w i ;^ . t i fe : i^m; i t :m t j r i ' ^mm killt-dtwo more, iiiiikinit au.inil -luv'a

    fc. will) 110 inuiK-y in it.—Kuano; Kpain|i

    W. 1. OOIiLARD,Garrlaffe Trimmer and Furni-

    ture UphoUtewT,MOIUIIB BTltEET, D0V1B.N. 1.

    HairM.i• u t t inn 1

    hima, Oli-inatiy a ml promptly extouted, Caniiiitfi VrVnT-

    iiiK la all im brsacliCB. Prlcu nude rate

    IKIB to order iiul ohi n»t>Window itiarinf rrmfl lll klmlH or l i

    l l

    lten rcMmuimiD>»or. N. J. .Oct. 2d, 1

    Itlacklcr, Julia Lnzicr,iiiic, Mm, .McDnuniil,

    II, S. K, Kuui-rit,d W 1Win. 1'. tiibnrii.

    r*y1v«'«l«r 11. Till,,1 il Wiide

    O. (!. niSCHMAH. P. M.

    H'« lmvo fli-Ired f.ir tii-limf.nu fur j.-nr* but it wim no nvatl N»<*-« liuvc uo ^nulit but what tlii* olio viiiircly bi> ctri-i!triKi!toii punl tunny but «hlII urc iiltul In licnr ot ii. A* the ili-tnilx of i;ivi-a1rplavara river, eiyht tullciuv« Mllfurd, ami there showed n rotnplct*

    dUlillerj bidden iu the rockn. lit- ail mill eiat once tbat ht liad nuule whinkry for hiun-Unml uci^liburs for twelve yearn, nml 111 at thnintriiiiil revcuuu iittltei liud nt-ytr iiiti-rferi'dviili liim, Iliu Mill f t i nnt tfcmltrf.l uimailt> no irtrct of tin- biwiurM. (iu Natunla;itlttrnooK VnuAuken uud Lawyer Vau llinrtiitti, of Jiewton, aiipearodatUollrrtur Klolx'ii;tur forwards)Wiiauia|itoti for nppruval. The I'ollector

    U tlmttbciooupy offer «a* four tiratnlhL-value or lite Inns tbo (loverniucnt bad «anriine.l. mnl ho would nt.miui.nJ II,., f..lti-

    oiivrofllitcniol lii-vrnar and thr, Sccn-turj of lb« Treminrj' to ai-ci-pt (ho 1


    Miltou MctlioiiUt t'limoh. The Hov. O. V,Hull, of llnyoane, prt-imbeil nn ablcinul in-

    CVtVitcruorSiiinlirt. QnilltyAixtworkro

    Mythmilthrnr lluorHi pOrinr ly t k b

    isbifJoftUe— - patronage 10 "Ofiiorsby tc-iegrapli uoMCORernrt

    LUcoilertto.JOHN JONEB, Undcrtakct.

    MO01>V-Y0l1Sn~-At the irnlitcnw (iOanti'l l>rulii-, ltnlMi> Cilv, I.I11I111, en I171b, liy Hcv. (1 II. I.:U,H, linn. »ilnMoiidy, IVnitoiinl roiii[.tii.llcr of li

    "ieL oV«o*rfa°c£i|YOIln|11 f " r n ' " 1 y "

    Wtli.liy HIM-. ,1. I). Averilt, Oilcurl*. White

    IABVKY—f fjAfiHT—At Stnuliopn, SvM, ai,l.v Hev. .1. .1. t'mne, J(isi>|ih F Ilnrvi-r «fMitiu Hill, nml Anna U. Hlnjibt, uf Dnikec




    HOSIERY.A full line of LADIES', HISSES' and

    CHILDREN'S HOSE, in Cotton, Balbrif-gan and Lisle, all colors and block. Ladies'Hose, plain colon, from 10 cts. per pairnp. Gents' Half How from 10 eta. perpair np.




    Plain and Checked Nainsook,



    The highest price paid for BVTTEB AHD EGGS in exchange for goods.



    DOVER, N.J.

    WEDNESDAY, Oct. 7th,Tlm prcpurjttbin miule wnrrant titc belief

    Unit tliU will IH- il,.- hn.ht r'iremt-ti'a P e n n ''rutiH. I)«ltictiB|r thin UD-il U^iu-Rt, tlir rrcri|>t» thin year would» cici-cilcd UHIM of 1KM h j r-*l,7-»J. Total

    am cknrelitB and Ituiividiula #l,-r>7t(i6G-B#:4,tC9.


    We bare ju.t added a complete •n-wrtmentbe above A1»i> fruit can*, twkioghammajolica ware.

    A due line at tb. Brick lima Mm.


    Brick Drug Store. A reliable VIBC« to burngtttdMMUotwa

    Faett ibo i t tk« Maw Pa»Ul.

    TKenty-tlvo per et-nti at tbf1 new itonlDltrd in wiiod pulp and terpnty-lire JMT cent.lit- raffN. It talon about twelve boum to rot..•rtthti raw mnU-riu! into tlie rnrd», nud IID-rein l.OtKl.flOii nnd I.r-OMIOO nf tli cm am

    turnetl out daily, (rtvlneeiiinin.vinitnt to about

    l sirl.. Tlit-y vomc fmtn tlie•mill *lii•*•((• uf forly oinln i-m-h, It ni.(«Ihuorcniiiniitliliir I lie littln pn|«r I in ml Ht nn- jilnrM »lM.nt tlie l.iincbe. of 2.1 encb.

    Tliti new vn-nl lisa a water mark that will uldtto detection uf fouuietfeiti. Even withmillion turned mil dully ibe ifciuatitl lap»t«r tlinn llic onpiily.

    ihil ft.x-k i'!1 +HH),IKH), hm ln-cn lormed HII'lmliinstim, Wnrn-n ciniiitT. to I.r knnwmmII- llrethavon ttr^iiii mid I'iimo Coiiinimv.i.iivbuve lMiiif-ht Ibr inlirn mull fortnertycL-ivcd by iliclIt-nttyOrKiinnndl'liiniirnti)-

    ,i». Tbuy Imvii rcnli-d tlif llentt.v tuetitrv.


    Tbr firm o[ Hopjicr & Bonn linn W n 4Hiitved by the death of Mr. C. C. lloiipur.

    ^i.i._ 1..-*i..rfl^.».«... i* I I *.' • - _ " .

    c|Kir it Ri'B».

    Hover, N. J. R a* tu lo»vL>(li," nniidi I

    Iliut until the dici It, it !i

    IEK1CAH Pin—The improviiiient in lmalhis Hhnwn itH-lf iti thin article in qnili

    n nnle*, Iluriu)! tbo pant wctk, •onio aIhu roinjmtjie* report fartlie wct-k ilii'lurt'e'il

    ~ 1 everluude.in tlm hintory ofltiu coinimHIPH—tbo moot riicourajjluji nnd i-bn-rful roport we liRTd ti»il t« t-hniiiielo for iiiittir 11

    dard lirandi Lehl^h, *IK for No. 1 X, #lfl furNo. 2 X , tmil *ir.rorKorKt-, -witli f.it.cy tirantoctiicitmally unking noci-nt* uiui-e, nnil li'iBi>]irnved makcitPclhiiK 91 below tht*r GJUIT

    Tho Thnmiw Iron Companr blow* in iiMVi-ntb fnnmre, but makes no chaoRti Jprii'C*. Wti lirnr o f l u r ^ fuiilruclx for fo

    from 7| tenli. U> !*J nntH lirr milt.

    r ittiRiie, in no rcaicily BII|H-H<

    Notice of Settlement.HoKan 1- bc»e1>r Riven that He acconnti O |ie •nb»ctil)cr, Adninlntrator of Citlinrineiirli, dfcraaed, will bo anditcd and ntai«ly llipHnrroRate, and reported for •ctllcrncnt> tiitOrpliinH'Cimrior tLuOonntyof Marrlia MomlaT the eertntti il»y of December neit.

    FIUSD. U, HBM'U, DuTer, N, J.Dktid Rojil. IMth. 18S5. i | . f w


    SIX: BBASS: BANDSwill lio In line, together wilh

    4 StMm Engines,2 Hand Engines,

    2 HOM Carrltgss,and t Truck


    Mot i;-town llnard of Fire Wun

    Dover Board of Fire Warden

    CLief Kngincor 8. R. llcniictt and VliHlng

    Newtsa Cornet linml.

    Hcrculca Enfllno C«.p No, 2, of Nowton.

    VO«H'« Hum], ofNewurk,

    Protection Hook mtd LniMcr Co., No. 1,


    We have just pur-chased n line of LA-D I E S ' M U S L I NUNDERWEAR ofa number of differentstyles which we haveplaced on sale in ournew department and


    A.JUDS0NC0E,mnltrr nnd dealer it nil kinds of


    mtd LniDuv«V.

    B I'ifth a

    n Knaino Co., Ka. I, «I Hot-riitown.

    o Co., Xo. I, ol Doror

    u Co., No. ii, ol l'atonon.

    Vigilant Knainc Co., No. 2, of liorar.


    .. leofDorer,a company of b»yn.

    which will be sold bylady clerks. In a fewdays we will harea complete line ofIWFANT'S WEAK.

    Our carpets this fallare unusually hand-some in patterns andcolors, and in rem-nants of carpets weare making large con-cessions in prices.

    W. S, BABBITT'S SOW,fltorrlstown, N. J.



    Children'* Plain Blouse Suite, Ghlldrm'a Plaited l l n t e M b ,

    CklMim'a OouUe-treaited Blewe Suits. Slnile and Daable-

    breasted and CUTAWAY SACK SUITS far ley* and raatkj.

    a- Extra Pinti for every style.


    MCGREGOR & eo.Nos. 850 and 852 BROAD ST.,

    NEWARK, N.J.HvedoorthelewW.aw.V.lunrMj Olftt

    not Mfr fur ComwiMlaiiera no li.ke ufllilnvltii. I to the gen nine Dr. Tl.oiuaV Eokclrlo Oi 1.





  • THE IRON CM ASaturday. Oct 3. 1886.

    Eut-red at (be Poit Offlce at Dovot, X.

    Tha trout laning Beaton oloaaa yaatarwayTbe tax rate in Waablugtoaj township

    #fl.W per tbonsaad tbi. year.Too latent none lor tbe PraUUtiBBlaU

    tbB " Democratic Aid Society."John E. Vr. eland haa g«na to *«wavk

    Uant tlic butloea* of stair building.Hr. Peter Vauderhoor baa begiui lo plan

    bin atore goods In bla now faulldiug.The revival UMtingt bare been eontiuned

    In the Firat H. E. Cbuntb tl.ii week.Mr. Ed. W. Doty baa entered t ie New Yi

    Medical College to continue hie aludlex.Hr. Jacob Utnmtt caught a flying tajaiml

    on Buboolfiy'i Mouataiii ouci day laat week.An attempt Ii being mode tn secure Mooaj

    anil Hanker for a aeries ol meetiaga ta Norr'atoww.

    The new tunnel that baa been workedthis Sunnier at tbi fHekentn wine h M bata

    Hr. J. Frank LinnsUy, of MorriatowB,second pwariin far hit Jersey Bull at taaStuaex fair.

    Tue TouBf K n ' i Catkolle tTaioa of Ufap'noe diabanded their organiiatioa OB WIBiMliijr evening.

    The late Janca Kinfr, of Rtanlmpn, madethe pattern for Vtot. Horse's tirat telegraphinetrusnout at Speedwell.

    •The new colored church at Madisonabout nulthcd. It coatnbout 91,300, one-halfof which is already raised.

    The ihootlnft sto-on for rulVdquail, woodoock and rabbit* opened yastsr-day aud continues to Itoo. 91st.

    The Horrtitown Bora of Vetnrana haveengaged the ffik Jubilee Singeri for u bane-fit in Ljeeusn Hall, October Htb.

    It ia retorted that a wealthy Brooklyngontlennn ia negotiating for tUe DusTordproperty at 0ebooley'« Houutain.

    Eirch'i boiler shop caught ttro Iwt Fridaynoon In tbe roof, but tbe flamca were eitiu-guiaked without raising an olf rm.

    It In aatd search warrants will have ta beiftwnoil to find nnt who nrci (ho IVohibitiuAssembly nominee* In thli county.

    Spcelnl mediate of City of Dover MeanerCu, No, 1, nett Monday eveulng. Everymember ia requested to be present.

    Jniieali Thorns, a Mildest nf Hino Hilhaa lately anoved hla family towhere he haa found work in tbe furnace,

    Uaal Wodd Post, O. A. M., of Orange, willmake a target eicunion to Morriatown, withMarhwila'f Baid, OR Taufauuy, Oct. 1Mb.

    aforriatowa amst have bcengraatly aboek-4by tbo nowa that Wm. J. Hcliurr bad started• carriage factory oa Water at reel, near tbepark.

    The •oesaway Preabytcrlau Church hatcontributed fUfi lowarda the citlevtion of theilobt upon Ike Uatw

    Dr. a . B. Llnderman, general auperinlen-dentof the Defbleueu. Iroa Company, diedat Eaalou on Monday nljbt uf a complicationofdlaeaaca.

    Tfce iron work for tke new foot bridge ontbe weat aide #f tbe Bumx ittroi bmlge itahoat completed, liut a nuw abutment baa tobo built al the north end.

    Hr. Issue BUIUBOB, of Naiighrightviile, Isone ol the ajoit successful turkey raioeri inthis aeetlon. He lias «ij(bty-foiir birdi nowtnuturlag for TkBahsglvisg.

    The Parent Houae at Biidd'i Lako lles«nd A.JadaniC»e.

    B-*. J. V. Craae, ane of the aideat and•Boat highly MtecuMl tnlnlatrrs of tbe New-ark M. E. Coafonaea, boa been daageroualytil lor several weeka at hisb«ae i> Boaerillf,but IB new ImpraviBg,

    Hr. J u . HeagsB Is BOB* fron New Orleans,b i t may return when tlie ExpMf ttoi rc-ouen«.He hMBRkt with him * couple of young alii-gatora, wkleb are displayed in the window ofKlllgore'a drag store.

    Tlie Bullion "Grant,*1 owned liy Oco. II.Looker, of Littleton, took bi« sixth prenlumat tke 8Ute *'air last week, and Ike aasueo»BfKa feldini "Oartleld" took B nratpre-nUuaferlbo third tlsae.

    Tke nrai af Ropp*r Jb. BAM, enftflged In tbeBilk bnnineea In thla |.!a«P- hna Iieen anc-ceeeied by the «rm of Beta st Baker. Mtfleo. B. Baker asatmiH the vacant place iitbe flrn. cauaed by tbe dnth ot Mr. l l o ^ r .

    Pfofraaor Bell, the Inventor of tbe | a l epbone, ia anpno.iHl to ba -wr-tly at worknpoB what U called the pbotopkoat, a eontnvsai e ta pradace nver the wires the Imageof tbe person sneaking before the iBstroment

    Ln.t week Barton Bmtlh purcli«rfaTeryprotBlsIng fnaryoa-.otd, al.ed by VBrigo,HaablctoulaB Jock, dam Fatohra. He ba»Binned tke animal Henry Redden, after •gentlttman wbo v u a alrong conipntilor l can

    say that tho decoration* of tbi

    irjiaas anything ever before aeen iu KortheruK..w J e n e j .

    The occupant* ot Mayor Bifhardi' ham)in huildiug ou tlie coruor of W lack welt tinuasei atrci!ti~4leo. Kicxard* sV Co., Tn

    IUOB ERA, Mayor KicimnlH, Klrhnrd titota

    tufalou 1'ilDcy itud Krpd. A. CiuiAtkl-liit rtunbiued lonetlier and hi

    iniael, tbe ci'lflirnVed Nuwho mndf! tt>0 (Iccnrutioii*

    ball, to ilocoralfl tb« front» nl tlie bullng for Tbu uttutuotiti

    lift be very fii

    Tim coiuultlco In iirnvlde the nnon lunch al

    tlie rink would miicotfully urcr HIP biiN|ii

    able iif ople of Dover tn w-u-l in tUu ninlH m>]

    for |!OTlttilllltilll>H itH HOOn (M {H)HSiMThere will be n l»rui> nsscniltlntto uf vUin>

    F priuluiin' will uu i>,)L-dil. llov.ir Inyct faik'il In an uiiti.riirUt of tliix kin

    mid it In Hiucur.-ly hopi-.l (liut tlmplayed ou Ibis wnmiou will be n credit to Uuown aud its ptnijilu.

    DOVUF, tho Kditlivrprniilirt, NUVH u henilorm will rifflln tho Kurt (lnlfand Km

    Ihelitlmf UiU»bi>r, mill


    iho "tti tli* stf.»imt, uttt'ii'kdulna. As DoVogond WMitlier

    |>elf(h-. Daring Hammer vacation, their pubtit

    ibool billdiDg bui undergone eitcnsire re-IOW pnacnti a flue appearance,

    vlug been newly paUM iuMJe and out,with new floors, doors, "iron spring avata"nd other uoedud Improvement*.MM. John P. Drawn, of Newfoundland, bantctlvrd to much lienelit from tbo trcalmcnt

    the Drydcu (V. V.) SanlUriun, that heriliind brought her bouie Itwt week. Foi

    nearly a year she was helpless from rhoiima-tian, but after her removal to (Jryden ahu

    to tnprove, and is now able to walk.boat, ind Uln nnch belter health.

    The rain stonn which U apparently oow-l fa gteatly needed in this scttlon.

    be rond« a n vurj dusty, tbo ground in toolor sowing fall Brain, well a and tuMern-ethlaated, and In plaees fanaert arc

    ipelled to cirt water for their eattle. Hi:Idet, a it«r« now will leasenthoio'>)>,,. , vf rain lor tbe Iremea'a parade M i l week.Or. • B. Joaaston and Mr. A. KUIRUM

    rent ta Bndd'i Lake on Wednesday morn lugd retoraod hoMc at neon with a handsome

    LrisgofblaoibasaBBdplDkerel. One«ftbei weighed five poanda and aaolber four

    Tbe lirgut w u aeat to editor Kill-gre , of tbe Huuterdon Democrat, to showhim tbst Harris ia ab«ad la black bats ai

    ell H i s biaek Kcpablicaataai.Itiaaaidbythoae who *Eien Ut ba poaledi the matter that every reed bird SUIIRII.r*d lo the Vail In one leas bobolink ta trill

    y In ttie pastures and orrbarda in theIprlnjt. Why in it that aume of our m>orlB-

    do not pay more attention to the iboot-ingefthe Eiijili*h fjmrmwsT Tbey axe said

    be ai good a game bird as the reed bird,ind a great deal more aunndant.

    Let any Inrmer compute the sum which nFull annual crop ot applet would produce,

    low rate per bnabel, and he will heiirprised to nod law much ia«ro valuabl.

    p| orchard ts than any part of tinTarn devoted to grain growing. With goodnanaaenent and a»nuring a full eroppples ainy be grown every year wilb BJ

    aincfa certainty as any grain crop and wltbneh leu expense.

    Mr. J. Wculcy Pdllman, ot Philadelphia,reU known to many in this vicinity, replioiith bis usual vigor i a " Drudntreet*" of laxreek, to a communication or Ur.V. Soboeoli..

    the tiiuo of the previoui week nrgulng foive Iron oru. Hr. Schoenhof, a* la nsimtIth the free trader, presented u VIIV tiu. . . _ abloh was badly damaired by Mi

    Pullman'a diiproof of the ntVgeil l:utH oliob It waa bated.

    will draw 1'ioleetiun truck.It In expected thnt the pnrnde ulil beulu ato'rliirk tu tlio afternoon.

    A Esauatta Trip.The eBterprislBi capUallsU who a n ilev.-I

    p f tbe betmtlcn ul Lake Mopatconp, nt M<irlingtoa, einoct to ealuud tbolr cntorprii

    rnnnlnff Talty-Ho cnoehri trot Mi AilnRtou, or, what will probably take Hi place,by dredging a abort distanoo so a« to rnntheir line of steamers up lo Woodport [ start-ing from Wowlpntt with their coachcn, anilno to Bporta, thus making a round tri|i frotiSew York, via. D., L. ot W. B. B. to Bblrlingportt taku steam.-r to Wnodport andthen Tallr-Ili* it to Spwtn, returning to thedtybvN- T., 8. *- W. R. B.plstvd to alltr the road name* hat betweenSparta and Woodpnrt, »lrikin« a very blgl)point OD the Hamraell farm, and there hawa tower erected where tliey will have a full

    \tw of th« Blue Ridgi-, taking in Mt. Ailuiuind Eve, Culver's Gap, Wind IJap ami Ital-

    awan WatetOap with one vlciw.wlllerou above 8parU, and strike tbe beadof the Glen at the foot of Morris Luke. It Istheir expectation to pot a well ensjscereJBBd mMadaBised road the whole, length efthe pica. Arrangement* faave been modsWith Mr. |f»fs. hold kpejer at BparU, tcdine aiity nenoii*, on tbe Btli or October,

    _ of loaie of Ike company, and re-potters, wbe wpeet M traverse the wholeiw. hebtw eommeuciag tfaelmprovementi

    of-njoy«ent. Therewhar thu enterprise1 Wtlntl f« U> B«ve B


    ctwapef than «ver at tbB Brieh Drug Stare.

    Dover lit throwing lior throttle wiilco]ircpiirntluii fur thn jsront pantiln Oct. 7lli-umc OIIO has ntsrlcd tliu utor.v tlmt I'I

    tion'i'mrk will lie ilrnn-n in (he itnraib> liyif llnriiU0i'»eU'[''m'il». Tlilai* |>wlnib1..not our hn*>rhr>n^ W«rrlm» h. Ilicir :i»i

    Tho Hover WIINII-IIH will nitrrtitin tin!.«itinj: WnrdFiti from MoiTirtuwn iti tlirutiinu iu tho ttturc hullitiiift ni'liotite tli

    lum1icrinlH,aDdniiy,tliuMurrUlo«Mciilcrcr,i ill v i ili: t ho null JUT.a i'i»rd«—«uo with cunlrliiutimi of ton

    »i)iimln of brcf mnl tlio otlier with f-J—butButslgnud, biive been received by tbe cumralltue. rim fiintrlbutoM will please SODI

    ie)r naui('».

    All Ihr linrljfe. of Iiu> linniP cnnipaniea wile rcrj lino, but llmeu oftbc VitilluutH wilirjinie any thlujt evir MI n in Iliis scrtioi

    Thn Cklrfr ami Aslictniit Cbiofn of tinPntcrsnii, MiirrlHtnirn, Suwtim nnd Wastilug

    |)«l>arlnicuta nre ull eipeeteO to bo In tlif

    -Fiirrmnu Exnll im.l Ex-Tr#a*ntrrDrake,c l'rotei'tioin, DOW nfKework, will IK[UCBIB of their ulil i-tini|iauy nest Weilnca-

    he |iu|iili of tlie l>oTor i>»li1Ut srliool wl.ni\ the mnrnlrtf ken-Ian ne i t WednesdayI lie ifivcn n hulf bniiduy lu tho aftnriionnnnlsUut Vhier Oil won has been invited r nelcumc- totho Tinltin,

    it the rink on Wednosday noun.Curefjil nstimnteH aliow tUat the varinm

    rcmilxatioiinnnd hiiml> traitiuj; imftin tbeiirmli* will nuuil.ur fully Out) iionout.Tliom an- iihoul dixl.v (ln«i> In Heiintor <1'lll'n collfftt'tlt Of H»KH Iif ull BUlillUS, Vfllilllill iiiliim tlu'lmiik Imilding.Tbey lay tbat Mr. E.I. L. Dicker-on i* layy y

    \ux litmsotl out ii|Miii Hl i

    g tiaiidnoiiic

    ly of di«nrnliuniThe MorrlHDwn flrcimcn will iitrive horn

    1;*) A. M. and will return home by a spedruin nt nielli.The linlicH of the town will fropnf* and

    .eiTO tho nwii-ilnr uullittimi a t tlm rink.H>rouloa Enffino Co., Nu. 2, nud tlm Ko-

    •oiitiiiBtnt will artivn »t HA'J A. H.The lino black' tenra of M. II. Diekei

    The r i n s n ' i O M T M U M .The ciffbth nnijunl lunvrollon of the New

    Jenwy State Kiromeu'a Aamx-iallun win boldut AUautio City on Wcilncadaj-, autl tlioDover representatives report it as the mootinteresting they have ever known, Tito Con-veutma convened st 10 A. M-, and ttoa. BinlW. Sponeer was raclcctcd by accluniatioii,htthenclt-ctionofViue President! wia nui

    l sin ftit«y dink, A moliou tUat tlio Ulmii:tp]K>li)t u commit I cu to tunkc iiomiiiatloimlost, unili'iHjh 4i!lu{ntinn wado its ownliiMluni.. U|MH tbo llnl ballot two wereled. The Ullotln^ uoutiuued <liou and made aa addresa. The ballotInj;

    went on UU 0 P. *• without reucblnu ..•iallBfaclorvre«ult,wben a recess waa takcuunUITP. N. UnKaaaeatbltw a notion wunmad* te aa«Bd the By-Uwa an i s to provide

    _. Vice President from each congrcMlounldistrict, which was carried and tbe ballot In ±

    g reinmed. anduuder the sew rule thefollowing Vice I'feaidonU were chosen:

    id Jobnuon. Atlantic City ; Wai MeUill,ofTronton; Bcuben 8. Meredith, HlllVill«;Wra. J. Cnrlka, ofUcdfiank; Andrew Ucrk,New Durhatui Jultn C Urady, Eli»..WU,,aud Frsd. H. nench, Dnvor. Me»»m. Joliu-aon aad Mcfcditt of tbe flral Dlntriei,having be«n elected before iho adoptionof tbe •BtqlitlttfH, out district uoi t rc-maia wltH-Br npreaeatatlon. Horace H.Browa.afKewark,BeenUry, W.W. BlncV,nf lluriUgtoi. Fiauclal Secretary, and JidmMcKlenan, ef Patersoa, Tmaanrer, were nl

    ,|«d. Phl11ip>burft was selected a* tl.i-the place for tlie ue»l mootlnx. Oov. AI--belt Bent a letter e»pre«iiDK WRrct nt hi« i»-tbillty to be present. The eDtcrtBlnraent oftbe tiremoii was cmd, and the tbitukB of tbeciiiitoutlnn were estendud to iho firemen orAtlantic City.

    laOaa Deatk.HumtKlT. OncriD, an old nml well known

    lillicu ot Newark died suddenly Mt hi*lomo. NIK 93Clinton aveauc, ulwiit 9 o'clmk/i.wlpnlay niuraing. from a tumor ut tbn Iof bU bruin. « hid more or lewt luilio-

    n about n»doM>d for Bix moiilha pail, lintwk hi*iBcnlt regularly until Weiliiewlay nf-irnoou. He was boro In Mowi« county, Bcp-imber 4,182S. BB.1 WAI aixly yearn of agemt four weeks ago. Ho went to Newarklu-tinilltA jOBDg, anil learued thobn«lneHS

    of sa«h and Wind luaklng with Ibolulc Mr.Oalloway. HubaeuueBtiy ho conducted tl«=

    imo bnniucM, adding to it that of a builder,id eone yean »go gave up nclWo Im-I-

    »j»a, nod h»» •!•«> offleialed as Presidentat the Coles Ctwnicnl Company, at No. 67J..knaon stiwl- »» * B S a lcadluit officeref tha South UaplUt f!burcli from its orttnui-zattan, nnJ WM » worthy nnillnmornblc

    •an. ID apeiklnget Wm yc-ter-lay, a manho ban litmwn blm Imiir ami intlmaMy

    ulil • '' He wus A man an nrnr Ixkf. IjpneralOraut In lits reticcucc, wHllnla and wlf-nb-negation aa nay ">'"i * « « » »'""•" Mr"Gnorin wswanHiirtbe late BleplMn Oucrln,ol Slorristowii, suu tbo cMcr brother »t Col-lector Jaha D- Ouoriu ni.d i]r. II. V, tiucrin,

    ftho MansionHnan. II« motherdleil veryuiMfluiyinKewnrUnbout two mantbi QRO.rtllo vlnltintt her sou /orftdny.

    OapaUl. M waU M bBBttritBBL,owin F. Kullneh him iicrfonneil ft wnnnr

    tal piece uf work Ihla Hummer by liutldimi in all il* part", » nrat dwolliii

    „„_, jml will have it rt-wly for oMupnlliia week or ao. He haa performed averybit


    of the wjatoni't carp«Dter>'Bud paintera' work•logic banded and alow, but ibemoBt won-derful part ol th« fe»» ti that he la not acar-aenter and befow bo commenced this Jobn-Tor did a aay'a parpenter work IB bis 11 fr.Hot only thst bnl b« bad no plBt.« eip-ptwh.t h. carrl-d In hla boail. The cottap. eon-stats of » mala building wltb w[ng, and iuelude* s bay window iu it* ornamcatatinu,Mr. Kail"* w«l occupy it himielf. Aour-

    for the Paradt,»f Hugs, afaields, i

    W? Bk ColUrd'a on Morrli itrett.

    I U T I miOMTl AMD FA1» U f i l M .T!io Knight* uud LacUm of llie Golden Star

    took posscoifoii of I>o?i;r lunt Mondaytag mid did prolly mtioli as Lbny pleased. Nooue ohjtuted, either, lor they were such a

    a aud f>leii«iiut liumpnuy nf ladies audywarn glwl tfl

    I of tlio union cat ration was s raocptiou toudered to Vrieudabip

    [ thnt tlm tnlutuc them. Tbo O

    ie, of fiockiiwa.v. l>.v tlie t

    •»g ttiti finTlie Frioud-jf the ordership Loi]

    in tbu 81ago tbat a delegation of im membeiDover witb thf purpose ol orgaufiitig a lodgehere. The effort wu*au uuiooe, aud Crot^clloo L»Jonah'sthough it U

    with wonderful rapidity. Al-r but u few weeknoli it

    oiitolled almady sixty in emthau tbe Uoclinuay orgaiiijintiuD, tti> tlielusty young aociuly rcm.lvod lo (;iparent ludjio an {po«iltl..< h.l.iL.'i tnill tin' Ktii^lito of 1l> I wo *m updu untrtlivil tu Urn buililiut: wluiv tiir

    lea lind bri'ii It-ft, in the liir;;c Imli i.i

    ipl tlie »i>|ii>tiU! of any Kiiivlit,p|TUet

    r j anil dull itiniceb' canii.

    rontii »-IIH ileli1 i

    JIIIKIUInd with IIIMVITJ;itcil with Ihoy iloyce to Hit liiiplace wliilo lie ruiim nut lo run n» bruln-uiacon tbe first Irsiii tlint veut fiomtUia taxvuID houor of tbe completion of tbe roul tlioDirtutur« uiid other olUciult ruuie out tol>ov«ron the iUttofJuh', lSH.aiidrelislirdtrdihe event with • HT»DII bainini't nml H[M>WJHImioh Ilurtl tlieu kR|it tbo Jii.al tiivcrn. 1

    lietallroid woalii priivuau injury tn i ln-i*;--aud w.iunut favurel.ly in-liuril 1i.w..r,l8obo wiisuot diM|i»cd to euttirtnln tin- m

    th« baniiuut wanlirlilin ul ]>ni']iut U[) for tin- put-|iase. The inn

    IF out nt tlm SMiti- tiiNc l« mil I

    ,t. To Hi, IK.-I Oi|.;it>v nt til"t owni-tl

    twcnly lheavy "tistiirmH A

    mid v

    . Tlinanrr then Hi

    i Iho

    I^mcsl C. KiiitH'r |int in uu upptur.Dover iitiout Uvi' yearn ago. He workeda time i t tbe at iroiictin Hint lie 1ID<no oni> to lento tbe IHUIH-.V iu. Wlijle iu tbi

    UIDQ be iiru|iouf?d tn tin- 'JuiiKliter of dfHiriiQj Wooda, auTi>dnX that «hu aliould Im

    nmnty itHcr bin ili-oili. Hhv, tun sou tand uiairicil Jiiin- Ttu4u Kurit^r liej^uu tu i

    . or very rapiillj, the luaurunct ]iuln.*y wmd to bo a forgery, and he mm jiruveii

    mouumvutal liar aud de l iver . A little latiit iras fauudtliiit lie wan witt'UliiK tliuand d«tiitin njoni'.v Irum ilu]n-i* in renjio

    iliiug advertlBemmts. lie xiuldeiily(•lf acuwo alter olitiiinh.y atl lieud town on credit. Hr next turnuRliiiiCtoiii It. C , vlieru lie vm nrreattil>orvcd u ti'riu in jail for again uaiiiE Hiti for Mvimiliiig ]iurpoE(j». During


    >:r. Iniivfry llttlcwhlk liu v: ..1.1 tame of ludurlug pNifdn

    hv mull on HwiiitlUti^ ]iin ndvi


    nidepost ofllteB about ln-ri

    regular cuili

    tiht him in !>nvpril :inl. i m . llo wiiH imlk'tt'il hy tlio. (iniuil.lnr.v, plcailwl utility itml WUHM'III'MI li.v .1 mijre Nix.m to nin-> motitlM irtMitiiiiiiit in tl.c Htntn iiriumi nt TriMit/l»'i. hix t. tm *x|iirlnlail:'MoiHHto\vii.

    Mr. HaDkiu* wax injured liy mi ncrid.tlie retit n i n y yenni ngo, thu t(l'ci-i ofgrewon him wllh tbe yciu-Hani lie in

    d pl'te, Hereiiiniiiedin llie «of tbe Oflmpany an U

    O uulil nixiut ti>u


    Tbe mBi-ceiil(MiiDover PffdtjtoHnn Chiday. At W;M A, M., Itev. Dr! MaKio willprenob tho faistorical eenuon; at 3;15 V, W.will be tlio Habbatb school; at 11:43 tbe 8wri»-neut of llie Urd's Supper In union nidio*igbbotiii!f ckirohen, mnl »t 7 - prulmBieetlug. On Hominy oveniui; iheioeiulreunion of pust aud prescut uimibers of tbechnrcL aniioonjregollnn will be brld. Thrfnllowina;beattlHul poAui, written forthn KHA,ia iktrlinanl • • the «ta.t onoaeinn t

    n HIM CAtlHIE A. ltIli;KSK.

    Tlie same full aan is sbinlng,Aa fifty ycara aitt,

    Nut OHB leait ray decliningOrailitslarvidglow;

    Andatlil tbu starry gluvyLights Up our liltloi.srth,

    L'anflnnlnjttbu old alaryOf iti celaitl.) birth.

    The BBine •IrongbandnplisidltigThe ilarr> hosts of Unlit,

    His Zion is infoldingIu IU nil potent mlRht;

    Aad w« n lltlln pnrtionD


    Would toll Ilia luvu abroud.

    From year la year Ilia klnriWaUna never, never stayed,

    TliftiiRfc often iu cur blindatssOur mtita bave heun afro 11:

    IJnccitditM n«a riverRave blvetings tlawn aimig—

    To Him the graolaus gfver,Be sow ourgmtelul Bong.

    Our son* ami prayer togelliBr,To Father and tnHisn,

    And ta tbe Iplrit ever,Tha l)«Mc4 tltrco in one,

    Be pralMsa atlll afmeniliug;,Tb« Nwoetust tongua can frame,

    Until nithj«ytrHtisU'UiliiigIn Heaviiu we bleni T b ; name.

    Putimet tn tk. Pwpla.Tho Porurm, ill play tbi) return j-mni

    lutll wlthtbd Llttk'Fiilln club ou tho O l j j[JrmiinlK, rnttiraou, toiuorrow-Satiinlnv—iftei-uoou.

    MntiHgnr (I. W. Lamb npem>il tlm Unvevriuk lor the ai'smm lant Sntur.lny tncniii«.whentlinm won n vory IIIPO party iirf«t'iit,

    oiijoyeil to tho nttcr»ioi.t nn creninu ouwbcclx. lluchnnnn'a oroheptm fnmiclieil Hie

    nnKor Lit tub has a (irnnil trtsnt prnvfdeitfor tlie visitors at tlm rink to-iiiormw—Satur-

    yevctihiK, Tbo chtof of rink experts,I'rnf. C. F. Hwkwilti, fancy nn.l trick Bknlcr

    ilmmiiinaihairjunipBP of Ihn world, willone of hla miif vftllnga perfononneoH, in-

    eluding a jmnn over ulitcuu elinira at uni>leap on skutoi. A.lmi^i.m i.iily 1"> e.i'itl-.Uiui,rlviiU-saMicr, but for moriturioaj aervlcc on muny

    wan pronmleil from rank Io r « k untilhe lx>t>ame » ottlonol. He ia uW one of tbo

    Intolllgeiit ami beit qualitlcd men InWarren county for any poetlion. Having

    KIWBJS a Democrat ho jin-nculod binto the Ueaooratia voters thin jenr u a

    Dsudidate far County Clerk and worked l.ml< secure the iMMdlion, but at tlieenucnuestlic

    other eay WBB defeated by a genuine ltomo-rntwho never epnowd the Bontb it batlln-

    Col. Wildrlck made (IIQ mistake, at fluhtiui:BU the wrous side to obtain official preferment in the Ilenacnttic party. Had lie nervedwith equal ttiatlnrtlon in the Confmlcrntepnuae, he would aot BOW b« eoiu|K-llr'd to auck

    ih a paltry pMlttonaa thameho wna after.Prrsidmt Clerelsad waald havn givm liltn u

    irative ferelgs uisitoD, Tlie old vcteriinnof Wsrr*n conoty ate verj indignant me.Col. Wlldriok'B defeat.

    Tal MtRil PUiat Aiylam.The Joint Com mi I toe af tho Morris I>loln*

    A-yliim Hour*! of JJaoajjent and of the KtntcBoard ol lloaltb mot In Newark on Hut unlay,

    flilve reports (ind rccotmucudutiton at totlm arwnr ayatnn of thn aayinm, und 1hi>method ol dinpotal nl tbo ncn-ugo matter.Tb» problem isgrenilv cnnpiicatud b.v tbeicttlint tlic sever conKlruction in tlio imilil-iiff is all cDtinocl̂ d ffitb a F.nintoatnbk furiliaustion of air anil ventilatlou. A1H.I, inddltion toa dally sewer

    Kalian*, all tbe storm water from acres ofif enters the newer*. There is not nt pre-

    enl u lingfe trap in tie Imil.Hn,;, all roliinic-b i bern placed »|ion a uniform dowunnnl

    l, vrhlnh cannot be relied upon In part"ot the l.uil.liDg. Tho cotutaittcc n.lvi-e im-portant cbnnicca of tiyitcm. Tbe |>tnu fur tin-

    icc will tie that of n Ihisb lunkand amnl! pipn system, also known im t.nli»uilirrigation. rrol.HrMillnn, of 1'rincetim, amiother cnginocM IIBVD almi giveu wriltcn


    • a b a c • O^d Tail*; Out of It.Itev H. D. Opdykfl wan never iiiurth or .->

    miitieian, liowever milch lie mljflit nitriirr tothat distinction. In a recent mtnniiupcnii.iitmade hy him na Stntn Secretary of tlm 1'rnlii-liittfin putty lie jlr»'« Hi. .Inbn dpnil «w»y. In

    •okiag al tlie minting* 8t. John in hulilint;HIM Btntri be nrt;i'a the "fticntln ot thei*e" to gi» lo ro PKlrnvngunt rxiK-usp 111 ar-

    rsoRing for thnuirctlnj:*, anil tlii-n infomiRtiiti said friend*- tlmt Die Stulo L'dnmiitlrc innniter obligattiiui of atnuit t73 for em-li mcet-iiiK, whtcli imtdt lio nmiriluitnd on nr licfun-tl* day nt ncvltog. TW« illvulce- Hi. .Inbn'-nrli'c very plainly, mid lm« cn-atcil no litiK-tnmnicut evisryihere, T)K> RIIIII ot ("> permeel ing wmilil pay ainioMtan.v qnn fur ln>ln^

    iliormiL-u |inliliciiui. It will nuw l.u inorder for Mr. U|Mlylin U> i-evnal what slmi.-lie ffeta fur bis |inrl iu the lnl*lne(4f, tlmt tliopuMid may know n-iitlhcrit pnyn lilm t>i'HrtIlinn tlio wurk of j.rejirlilnu wtldi lmrrcnitlyitiaudouL-d.

    limn ti ta* matA lady u.ielier ul thu Ilnvcrimliili- -ilimus tbe o'licr day Irving to impiirt «niiio Inmotion in etiquette to le r pupilH. '• Ifyoere tnlkin« to a lady mid a riminn ol.iui

    rio!"»ho ntkciii.rn lioy. " IM jump," ,. ,Inunt'ilUtc rcr-pminn of tlie urrliiii. Tlirer -wen ratlirr dlncoiicerliirj;, l.iil ib

    ten elm 11 V.vlvuiitii K,ind IliONo win. tliouglit thi-.V knew cull-iHlitiitiruNiliiivinion. lu eiwlllBj; tlit-.V nr.

    itctidrnt H» in r.iuiirnj or tfeoKriiiiliy. Inlouiur the tfn^licr liotl tlin-a eliwaes anit I

    d tbe ull In mil HUHout wliut lh«y know—« U 0 0 0 U.iilimctifl I liiiiuil outy two m-holur- tlmtnld work inlcri'iit. All tlio rent of tin3 working In tU fiiiiilaiiicntiil rut. i.VtiaclasRorminlonfiiliviciuii, imd MDI

    of tlictn iiiiiko inlnrrahle work of It," TIdistrict hfl. oniplcvyoil two tcu-lirrs m,d Ihad llu< «im») pritnijinl for four yi>«rri. T

    •iiiiijuil ia a Stntu No mm I Hi'liool gntil^ - • t id tlmt'(i nil. Education will mii)iid pro((w»rt nt Ibut rat*.-.

    icre Isitlooii IntertiBl ooinii-vlodHitb tbi'tlfiitli oftliu falimiia trottur, (loiiimnlth Mali],Tom the fact tliattue muro WIIM n nntive> ofho wljoltiing oounly uf Sinttcx, whem she

    wns bred and rniHcd by John 1). Dcofcrr, ofIkrakcrtown. Hbo wax twrn it* .VTOIN sgn UntMoy md vas sired by Eilxall's HaniUielonUti.Hr, Doctor onm-il hv.r until (Uo van m«venyam old, atwbith liiuUMlm bad not Wenlirnfafit iin'1 WUR nn wild an a bnwk. Hn HOMlior tor t2lW, nail berpurohiiMrHOon dlnponcit>f hf itPL'i-M tinm ftinupilr. It I

    ipcd tn havn Ihu f;raii>iiln In nrdei' lor a feviMof bull lii'fnrftui' l̂ CHPtit M>;iflnli elonen]in>jrct bus met «-ltli Kiieli favor tlmt i

    juitliiiK tliu lirouuda in urdur nnd niiiftin

    A Jew law Cgnoernina; fchool Truatesa.

    Ibat tlio iu-1 o-list) In tho nun:

    six, wn

    l ii ixitlni't i i i 'vi i lt i i - i i^I wiildi iierniittcti tlio In

    r of Hi-hnoi trustees fioti) tinpcilud b.v tlto lust legisla[>eal oeciu-n-il tiffer tlio indent trnstce•ro elected tlu-y will all Iiolil over thin yenioii"i)C[iler proviiks " tha t Iho pi'cxi'iit innibi'iiti* fthail i-ontliiiio in oil!en until 1U

    ;jiinitioii of thn ttrtim fur ivhk'li they w>'id h Id f

    Tlie noys have worn out their ttaamer Clothlac a a ilie KCU«OII lias arrived when they Mast be clad aaaw

    the cooler weather.

    PIERSON ft CO.roposc to mslntsln their always large trade la Bey*alotlilng by offering parents the largest ttoek to selectrum and the beat inducements to parehase Bays'iuito, both for School snd Sunday wear. I B a brieftlvcrtiscnient it would be Impossible to eanneratee styles, good* and prices, but we assure all that

    re can Milt their wants In every particular aai a nrepiireil to prove all our assertions to any custraerilio will favor us with a call.

    il bnnf tw

    nll.v til lbs

    redtiecfl to tbu-e." Tlil*111 imrtiiilliirly ntV.'rt tlio ltover Huhoiti dU-nt, wlileh wim (.no nf tlm Vt-rj (vw tlintllt-lHIIL-II look adviiu'^f-u uf tho uiiwUn net,HHIM. V. II. liiiiiibert nnd I>. H. A lieu iin<) reliriunTi-UMtccii next 8in-l»c; Hr. U. A.

    trnnctt ami S. It. llcnnelt iu 1HS7, nml Dr. I., Oondiet nml L. C. Ilienvirtli in 18SKlifn curb ]>mr rullrci but one sin'ceKoitril bo uln-leil.

    Tha Bovw Watnr Works,ire ulttil to lie able toammininn tbnttlic

    irnjcctof tbn « neilmn.f watci- work, in tlmGO bnH rpooliud Ibn point wbleh ivill iaxiuvintrikJ notion of thin ldiig nueiloil iui|*ru\ •

    nl. Tlin siiVwrlpttou** to Ilifi ntnek tli'->amouut to fully *2»,000, wlikl. (a tlio mini

    i work. Tlio company will now Tie ni'ufl"-d, ami it It oipoctuatlintRnuiotliiiiRUill In)liotohodhi tlio wink of eot^trui-tlun tlii"

    •1 lififoro tho wiutur »ets lu. Heauvblli',wlio LoTOConteui|ilntod taking ntnnk nre

    ivitedtodnao. It in not intended tbattli»tt i mt Khali Iw a oTowi nnp, liut, mi iln<ryr that it rim!) inotu.lo n-niatiy nscnr<

    join tho ctit

  • Will! a

    1 .nit i

    W i l l H i - C o n

    '•'nti'* Tin- lirci'Zei• mow


    n ).!- t : '"• in ti'ii>n"- iif.r-f,

    Needle and Thread." A n nlil b.idiilot;-" said lluuora Mftj-

    vood."Tliut 'p \ , lm| IK. t

    ••.\Iu.-t ].,-1-[.iL- d.., iii.v .U'.ir," wiiil Mri.tcKiiji'iU'k.r. •• A wrU'.l.i-.l old widow

    isiiir-l-v l.ur ^.im. If ' i n r.ilii.ily. Illllilumvcrulj j^-utj t- . ii v t.rm.-,. A IMLI fc.ii-Iliiuaii. m> .l.ur - - .v . r j iru-li.-r him. iint

    Wii.riM:ij»i.lilI.r.iiri;rK.'••VL'fi. my (1, ;if- v. s i " lioilili-d Mrs.

    •• ,\i.l if In- 1̂ :- '

    li-].....«•».,.•*• r.»li:w. l.,iii. l.uilrii.lu.

    y r.uv;li"ti 1'tvivUiii.l t .n, i"»i 1>« wimts

    [.ii'.^iuht iiMik- wills Hi.- )n- t Al'U-rni'}-

    i.-r. I.i-,I-.,.U1 lanl. ..-. is «-..*it «'U»IIKL-tiii i ir]. . . , i . l .-; mi.I li- U..I-1 li:ivu voliti-

    t - i n s U w l tiC ll.. l-.i-i- i . an . i s^ hlovc {

    l - I In-!.,. jmi'Jl i,oi I.. ..I!'. uil..tl, my

    niJl 'H'-W. tliat

    •WMKl U . l i .

    , of h.-r,,lf.

    • 1 lii.ii.'. Mrs.

    tM-ulli'.l will.

    (lt-;ir, I"ii !»• ur

    r Hi Uu- .-liifk."

    H.viiov.i f,-k lu-m.-lt t»r»i»!{ Miaik-t." 1 am very noiry, Sully," Kj.iJ hln.T-U >.•••.!• i,ii.llt. r I will.vtii. i,-y 1,(11 us

    ! j.u.,1- Ittll.- Hi.iiuruii her liiuiik ln.rM iii

    '•JT.tty KIrl tb»l —vt-rjr pn-lly," *;ulMr. liruJi-ritk, tlit uld biwiiUur, to hi

    " I ».i mi tin' ymintryouro llmt I „,-,• m ll,..

    -IJLJ,-, (-oft tyis . liku i. niz.ll.'. Diilii't

    iyi).iok.r. "J im tii.r.. uin't many mu-ilr*

    jus lml n hiirtl tiiiKO. it."••Jl..iii]i..:" arxiLUH Mr. IlroiU-rifli.

    '••\vi,ui i - : . W......1. ..r,. t..>t t,. w u•if,'Hl.irj'r..tin.-,i(in: Jf J li.i.l ii ilau-ljiir,I'.l Liiiin-li.i-iiiMi h.lf-.iu^-t.rtin.i; iiUilu-tiuii."

    Ami Mr. Jimd-rii'l. 1 ••.-•.•liiifiiiittioii.u-."

    ill till' L'l'lltl-l. Of Wllil'll 111. i - !.i1.-i. lOL'k

    iUW A .-(ill.-. ' «f 'l)|-,ii.!i •.-,,-«. N.AV illO

    :>.S|. Jlii-lia.-l. i:

    l i o n in u v . i i i i K i n - r.trikh^ [ h a i l l l j . i ] ( i f

    : n ! < l i i Of III'rctirli

    lliiuji'ii iliijiumil hiij.ii.-tl, tn slit! ni lLitre il .icw ,,ft,-u U.r iitt!L- mlnrt iVubml Lttu iiiMri-t.'il in tlie t.uily IIL-WJ-J-IHivilli.iiil iittruvtiiii; Ibt: b uM uutice fimiivvmlt.1. ̂ iC I'iilruitH .itj^i I'ltt'il?. 1 ucttt ̂siHiisuiy ••. ij.L.'K' IHIWC-IUH-JHTS willinyUi K i \ . -1 , s'diii, at mod. mlf jirii-i s." noilnjH, uii.l lion- v;u! any i>uc In kuoiv liowiort-ly tilic iit.'uk'l tlii' iiHtiu-j-1

    Aud, as Urn time creiit on, anil uotiii:, Hut in hitiiiiihly to nftk licr-

    IUOUILI I'D out Jll KOIU6- stuy geutetlly «t liomtt

    llouorii tttarleil fii>in htr revtrie, u thevnslii. rwr.iiifiii'tf Rtiiinjiy little girl bangedlicrsill, liku1 n liiimau liiilleriufi ram, tipagainst tbu door,lotgo Imskk-t on III-T

    "Vfs ," ttniil HOIIOM, alluring, "i ' l i tt l i


    down, Sully, lint I—I'm afraid itiut to pny your mother to-

    siiiil Sally,tlidu't say nulbin1 'bout the

    r fon-hcml withu wliihk u( IRT HVIU, uui] Kiiifllug LcrselfvtlluiKti off Uur fevt. " 1 wits to letlif flullM.-?, M-iib her 'iiiubJo duty, uud'opul tliL.y'd t>uit; Lut it waa Idun:)) uud uui^'^y on Mouday aud TIIOELus htarub wonMu't is tick. Aad sbu V.you'll ticuso nil nilriliikts, tw tlicjr sliall bedone liotltr nest ti

    "lUftrghiiythi-y are quite ^ l i t , " suidUouor», vritbnlittl.at lliis unejjiccted UCCL-M. uf courtuey on tbejicirt of lior Jlileqiau

    lint when Hally luiti Ktuni|ietl off ilcwnBtflii-n. 1n.'rilniij,iijRfili].]ii-rK ,,r-ftlii.g n sortof tallno u f̂ibo wcLt. mid Miriri Jiltwwuuiltool: tiff tlit friiigcil I om'ltLiit covt-tt-il theiwisktlcifoiotUei*, ftlie gwu fclitllc «tatt,

    "Sbirte," Quid Ilouora, " a n d fiocks, anilturn.07tr collars, Ne. 1R, mill great l igrKickfl-haiitlkcrcliiefM, lilit1 the nails nf achip, nud TVLite rents, ntid—^OOUUCES u e lWi«i (.''.«.-. it aU mean? Mrs. MuWey lift•t»t niu BOIIIO (TPfitlenjim's wdrdrolic byinifatiiLco. I limit hcrnl ttic&c biick Ateuce.'1

    Ziut (lien Mini Mnywood looked down atth* nrtioK-Jtiu Krnre • i l • t'• " I iitn-r kid n brother," imised Min9Mftywooili "and I t i ln't rointmber myIfttliL-r, bqt of tliia I .m, quite CCr-t n l n - i r i l u a cither OED or tbo otfcfr, IBliould tbimk any girl to luewd tticir dilapl.dated ward robes, \l they louki-J likiAutlilre. -

    I'll juRt ) u e l l d tula J>OI

    cuu't semi Ucforo Diglit,

    Dllicn, vliocver liu uiny he. A Jialf-arrcdtljtiilofjical (.linlciit. [icrliapB, trmin-(j fortliu Polyumau Island^; c r perUps

    reporter, or a pale clerk,Wider tbe Jjizzling bltyliyhts of dty.goods jiaUoe. At all events, he'e wor«o offtL I uui, for lie can't meud his own

    dclothes, and/caa,"

    MuywooiTft little i•he fiat iJowu to darn 1

    u diiaj,l(-a wound Ho n a nd of a mouth,

    " JMI un

    K but. Ibetbanliful; nnd if one can» d

    - "but. I dare say, lic'lli

    littk- ;;o«d ID ihfH world, oiio9 tiiuo aud tfou-

    ble."And tu IJ n

    •adly whetlitr or not she o, (.tituLed awny, i

    lo accepl a

    &.HB, witliholidays, aud « InditH1 c

    pOBitiou wLicb Lnd offtreil itstl/ofiHiiBlaatlunlrou iu nu arjiLnu usjluuj, wLere tlieyrotk would bo almost tm endurable, aiid

    id Rtiudaj-iuitUe, cou.

    ; of three utarcljtid old tuaiOii, to"«U" wpouLer, the first Friday ol ottr/BlOUlll.i '• I almost Huiil, I'd ratlier Btorvc," miHonorn, "Hut, dc«r mel mUttlag ii a

    ^aevi t tocuiuluo."Sully Midrey camo back, pafflng «&d

    blowing like * huaian wltale, ia about t*otours.

    "Mother saya she's sent the «rong bM-ket," Mid site, btefttUIeMly.

    liodbrtu Iivmiilly liiinHliictd to UuiiurMajwofjd, mid b.id tbankt-d her withL^nnfoniiulity tvt tbt> good odive niie Lad UL-wiHiiiglj ri-iidtrcd biui.

    • • • • • * •11 W..B a fioldon Otlober ereiiint; tbdt

    Honora came down into Ihu kitchen,wlicro Mrs, Peony packer wiUi bukinu i>ie-4for btr csueutric L-uitrdur, with tlm vruiiUiuaOu ol Ihu b t i t Allauvy butter iuatcad ofUtd.

    Ob, denr! oil, dsnr! " Kaid Mrs. Patl(cr; ' ' v,hu u tbiug it in to bti au

    "Ho won't La im ol.l b.ichi-lor mLi^tr," Kuid Uuuorn, Uuigliinj? nuvl «olor-« n« NIIU lr.ia.1 hur elietk ou thu good laud-

    "WJiatdoyou mouu?" haid Mrs. Pen-nypacktr.

    HoiKiru, nftcrimlj two » fi-lis'afi]i;itiiitii]He hnjri tliat n girl wlm can immil•.toulr!* I do. iimls no dilu-r test. Aud lie BRJ-B

    11 Well ?""Inlmo^ttliiiikUovc liiui!" whispered

    And so, Urn problem of ilonora'i solitarylifn wns BOIYM], nlltbronyU tho magic In-flucac* of "Ntedlouiid Thread."

    F»l« is in nu iroiikiil uiood, all*eujoys lier»elf. Her IUUKI motktrj busbi!i'.i at tlio expense of one- of tin.- yuiU.

    Fcruniul l'oirot, iigid tnunty-oiie, wrotea comedy aud. called it "Leu Vip«en."

    it wft.-, rtjti:Hd. Aiiotliu, liticwlitu, mid noon through the list. 'J'heu he nounlit in.flu

    f"Left Vipon-K." rowrlltuu,

    Qnt; iiioruing wituiituil, TUeilc to the author to ntteuil (be i i

    t'otir ILIIOW," he tbongbt. "Howh»ppy lie will bo after nwftiliug tliis mo-meiit ho long."

    The it retumtJit."Well, dia you Nee M. l'oirot?"" K o , n.r.w

    "Hewfwmit, tlieii?""1'eH, sir.""Ami yon ]cft tho letter'/ ""Nu, sir."" l int why not, Klin/ul?"

    Tlie {lOhthimitiiis piece wns nevertbelcdsmouiitrd. If the dim! mini coulJ turn ia

    e it would be to ilnii Ldnsclf fn-In .lie place of the young author

    moving nervously about ou the first night,buried doop in Hie mournful ob-

    f u diiuly.llghted box, a falnck-robfd URurc whono eyes never left thet.tn(;p, following tlip nctir.net Hitjiiect-- frombrgitining to cud. Where tho world ren-dered florid tribute to tho work of tbe cold

    fliul, flaw agate* ubUtlou WM to»r9.It wiu) llio uutLur'it molhi-r'

    1 H I I I K A T K H S ' C O N r l .

    The Cnrpa of SkattrH, & force pccalint tole Norwegian army, liaa been lately ruor-•uizi'd, ami cousUu uow of five compt.

    Lies, eacli of n o nieii, wbicb iu time nfwar cnu, bo rt-'iuforccd liy culliug iu i.'7Ogltatira belonging to the laudwdir. ThejeuoftliH corps arc armed with rifleg,nd cuu be niBiiwuvrml tinou ico or overlie HUOW fielda o[ iUe lUPUUtiiiii with a

    rapidity equaled to that of the btst lraineilcavalry. The ukates they tiso are ad-uiirably adajiti'dfor trnvdiug over roughMill broken ice or ftoii'it HIIOW, being sitluclwrn broail nvid Ix-twcuo uiue nnd tea

    ICIJCB long. In tmeiH.ii.g H[I;C]I »lop€N,the meii Uko n zigzng course; tsckiiigiip

    !t> an a uliip Oot'n nguitiht alicnd wind. An an instance of thu bjn-ed at

    ' icli ibcy vftn go, it i» nieulioiail tlmtt wiuter n intsttnRor diujmtoLid from

    at three o'clock in I bo in«nii"B HT-rived at Dronthclm at tmlf-iiatit iiiue iu lieevening of tlm u n t dny, having conge-

    VM m.ka iu 18^Loura. It tbUBt be added, however, thatlloeraati lies mtne 'J,«O(HJ luliabittuitM OriteH th« Paris corres-pomhilit of Ihe Iriimlon Ihilif Vetrgrnpk), injust now posnesHed by a vutiUtlila pmiic.Evtry dny a new firo lirentH out, kiudlcdby Nome mytilerimiH haiiii, «ml iipwnni oflorty l)oiMii.« have iiln.-A.ly fulk-u a prey t othe KntiicD. No Hoouur is ouo tiro oitiii-gnished tlian the bells peal Hj;nin, ami Hie

    ices of the jKtmjWH are required in m»-other quarter. Ho vhnt tNoy will, the nu

    iliiH nro tumult] to quell thin fitourf^ olct the culprit. Au invisil)!,) liand htudou t i i o wall of a huiiHclbo turrible

    words, " Xnt a roof will remain utimding iuAuvLr»,"fttul certniuly tliu writtr bi>lu fuir to

    Wn prfiniBe. Suspicion lias, haw-crur, fitlKii upon an iudiviilunl, a uutive of

    jo mi try, who ten ye urn ugo van con-dom lied for incuiidiiiritiiii, and nfterwnrd

    it to MirxcilliH, ili(;utit Huarcllhn>t hetii maile a fk r liim, hut lie vnnuot b#

    Uiu to tliC JnHgClustruciiuu why t-Li- vn t there, aa she

    •he « M iuiinrdinti-ly Iratis(tailuil to Pon-I'risou. I t in thnught (tlm is in a posi-

    ID make ini]>r>rinnl revdnliona. Ca-nons t o tclnte, ihu tntber ol Clomence,

    il with n Midden iury, made n dotb a tu d ^ dluittructioii -with a knife, and

    tiad not the letter sVilU'illy parried, theUow would l u v a b w u ki lkd. Tboruotlier,io a t t of dUtractiou, fell fninUin; to theground, aud w»s only revived nftur an bonrU d p u u d . I t ii f cured that KIUI will go

    ,. 'Pin MrIIUUUIJ, auu tan

    b f t their boaiM. taking with them Uuir1 f an i i tnn and o th i r bt1onglȣi.

    T l i p M - u h • t i f l . S t . . r y l-.:ul- of th- fjTt-ui

    » U i ' l . f ^ . . i . s Kv.-i: l ^ w ^ l I I I . ft" Yr.rk

    H-'llll till* Tln-lii.-i. 1'. l.iillT.V Nll.-l-SMVC

    Unli ' -s . i l l!t^[.'.nuiv ,i\ tin r- ' i ' t uf JiluvH.

    l i i d i i r t i t i i i . if ii iiiisii. rn li ' .H'l ' r driv.N Jl '

    mil. mi-.it of lii-i;,. -". .i.-iv- i l f l-.il-ti U.yn-

    ti.-r. h u w m i i . . . U . m u l l iiKriiMlliiwl I W B

    (i-in-f.iiiiil.-Ll by i-oiL-li'.l.l- ami iif-iidoftN,

    Iiml c lumps o£*tr :L-(-, w i i ' i i i v i i i o K.-SI i s i . o t

    j«jMKlit i ron. II.L- I,,,, of l!i- 'J-C.-A u il:dt

    will H I . It out t!'.'

    i! lo au iul . l i iK-nt i-i.nipivh

    fimI.i,,T«..rk J .1 I N l u i . d . . . H . i i i d m s

    d f n r i l K l i l i K t i n - f. s. J i l v i r ri i>f th>- c l l i L l - .

    p twi . - i m i r f . W. ' t i : r u l.» t i . - ̂ r - a i iJ.n'--- «iu

    j l i i i m t S i i i n l .Mi.-li- I, . . i - i w r . ii X i n - i u n m l y

    .iid l . r i l t : u i y . J u l i n n c i i n i i i l . n i . - - i w t r- m l

    if U I L - vitf-i f i n - . - ! i ' . i i i- .1 " r i . t i i n - i i n i i i r - i n i K "

    i l l I h u L'uiiti '! ' i,{ i v l i i r l i .-in i i i - l n U ' d i>ii-l(

    l u S l . . ' i l i . -h i id . i h h i i r i - d ' i i i . l . d !-,v t l i . - t i l n t

    • i ^ h t . d . * . ' I ' h t - . l n r y . . I ' n . i s t n i m f u n m i .

    . ion ia i-vt-ii ii|..,-t- M i - i l . i . i - l i m n thiif o f

    j lny i t , n m l i is . . d . . , . - . ! i m r r . i l i . H , j u M l y

    ssiviivd f«>i- M . M A I M ii>- , ' . ,Li s n - a . i ' m . Uiu

    F r t - m - h i i . . .^iMj-iih '- . l N , , - ; , ! V i n l.-L'.-'.

    O l l f M l j j . t i n Ii'l .1-. t i n i I t - r :i n i-'Ht I " t l i e

    n i i i iLt i im of . M u r . i . . . 1 1 . " - ' • • u . k y

    i » l i t i . , w l i o * - j K . i k - h u i i u l o u t u - a i u - i H i e

    d . - 1 - i . l i l n i ' i . l . y , l i i m l l y M n - j i o r t n M m l - o f

    V f c . t l l l i o l : . ' i l l . I l i p i l l ' l t l . - « M . I ' J iv t l* (I

    l i i . i r k i - i . M i t v i n - i l l . ' i . i l l r .• , ' i i ' i i l i-d ivi t i t hiii l .

    !( i'i - . M i v r l . v i-r. d i l j i , ' l l i . i t 111'--" in-.- l l iu

    \,r.M I Kink of K i i , . ; A l t . : ! - . . .-1 f.iU'w. w. r o

    m , j o t i x d Iu i n . i r - i : i , : u : i - . w i l h i i i i K a

    m i l m l L r f o i - , , 1 1 i - . - : M-.iil.- M . r i . l - i i d - i

    m i l H U M l i m i t / n v . n i r iMii i . i . - l - I M - . - J V i . u t -

    I i i t A v H l c i i i i l ^ M i i s h c i i i ' . . i i i . - i T ^ i J i k - r -

    i d i m ^ l l i . - i M , ! - . T I . ' 1 - . - i - . ' s . - n c ' . l j -. d i s -

    !,.!,i . . f ;; . : ilii . i . l .M< (r I r - h m l

    r ti]iU!> .Mm- I " - - - -^-..1 II ii iiuliiiti

    jiij.-.. L i m w i m i i i - . i n i - n-, ••ui , i iiii-1."

    tltmi-h urv j; . | , t l . . i,i,.l ««, it'.l l.j-

    ,v..r M . n. Ti1(- i l . - i , . , ; «, ,!;•; of in-i>

    ffl.r«ii..irknlUili f..;M.»n»B»'» minhij,'Wnw lu-ltl IJV TlieUhi'rilL'rtlleliliiud Iron O.mi-|)iin.v; I In- roiitrtiiinl riiyaliitflmurfHl ^ u a u iit'iist' io pasa in Uu' i)uti'l]»»er.

    LYMAS H.WEB80S,Eseciitnr.

    Uurrifltown, N. J., An«uat 8tb, 1B8C. f8 -10


    UEANT ULU in asm,

    No. 6 BRICK BLOCK,Oor. Blackwell ana Morris Sta.,

    furuiL-rly occupied by Wliillock & ton'iM, tilis IIUIT tcft-ly to abow Lii

    KlrxuRl aud wel l aelecre4 «»«ifc

    to UIH tiatronn, sniti»M


    r.ir l i en , Boim >» down prlvai



    k hi UHrtmeBtuI



    t.EADKRB, and all kiada of Jobbing tu my Urn,doiifSn thu bimt iintiuir knft i i t lbii thorleii

    oticv. UightBt i>ric«i paid for old Iron.'Copper lead wH [icirtor tit ken iu eiohang'

    WB011 "' AXEXANDEB WIOHTON.f>ccember2«tli.l8T0. Mvr

    -if the l»l< Ht styltH for the letUJD. Tlio D«t>-liu wilt bd Kiili rcwarilud by eifttuiui


    F.IH SALH UT IIIK fl)LI,U\Vl>U ,Uj . W . S«. .M>H,, Dover? Ii. S*Mfl>rrt A f a., M

    Wilson, \Vltt|i|iHii) t t i n it i Hi-oa., UoolDuM ;V Umtvi*-, \ \ V. U)'VWM, nanUluwM] J . U.tlMllllMIII.

    » »I l t l ( l t l l lOVVJVlP. W. I ' M * . MmtlM>*|! W. H.

    H|), t l m l i r ( 'I liml> A V'iK>f


    It having come to our knowledge that Kanoiue & Holler

    have adopted a beer bottle oxactly like our's as to shape and

    nearly ao as to color, and of the same pattern of stovper, we

    have decided to protect our customer! from tlili deceptive

    trick, by changing our style of bottle. Hereafter the bottlei

    which we lend out with the famous JOB. Schlitz Company'*

    Beer, will be of a very light green color, with a new and very

    convenient screw stopper. Customers will do well to notioe

    this carefully, that an inferior beer may not be palmed off

    upon them for Schlitc beer.




    "t-rilH-r. his nn»iuni'i- will S;J:.MItllDlvll H» Hit- " Khlu'l' Him-."_ Tnii!( Ni>. It is iiKiHtt.y iil!:!!,!.- hmil, >Buu'.in.v'..r^iUM'iii- ".Hiiiiti.'i'i1!. Iviii I'l i

    .j-lii.-:>j''f.sil]iii, ASMSU


    BARTON SffilTH, - - Proprietor.

    far.tiT iiiul liar Mi].i,!icil Witii I'vi'i.vllilii^ tlmtwm i-inilribitti! U> tin; ftimlnrl of patrons. A

    Livery, Sale find Exchange Stable

    "np-uiniiih- iirii*!-, o r T]t>rrti'*i vim u r].III-I-1Mii iiiirtirnlirly «ttPiiili>rl tn. d r ..\m l.'tt kt tbe Uriel, Dm IT 6([ the«orri« & EfKil lUilroad. Tlirtc minute walk

    Tlio iinnnu'l* wnll rurnisbod with large nuilirv roomH.In from of ttto liimic 1* a iilco.fcnd »rtl-

    hliadpil Invrn. A. lat^e tinriicn is utlacliriiLicli *lll supply tho taMo willi «M the tjc-1.

    ('irciftMcv nc-tMtuil. Alni> plenty of |>uro milk

    The Hlffli Bi-ii«n BrniiPti' of the Oo.-lr.il HR. mil* 1 rains tlmly Iu mi] from Ukv Hi.pat,

    Ki*ttie piiiplc nil ontinrtiiiiilyol x|ieuil-

    A t t A " I'S'r.'""- ™°'"""mrtlier iur'>rn,iii"iiB(UrcHB,

    w , H. POLUAitr.rtMi'r.lt0CKi« AY, N. J,


    Is the best blasting pow-der in the market.

    Is 25 per cent, strongerthan any known explorfre.

    Is not as dangerous tohandle or transport.

    Is plastic and producesmuch less fumes.

    Is waterproof and

    Is sold as low as any otherhigh explosive.

    Ttu kmnt fasti fniff ITfj b.Office: SS Libert* St., N. Y.

    Works: Drakatvlll*. N. j .


    JOlilN AMU tHt iE i DiVUiOK.)u Men Yurlt.r 'jutot Burc t a jB t . l

    f •'-•> A . 41. ^ U H Iaollpfe' wiili ilit liuuiil

    tor UouuUm i tLiufJUUHi u d t J i i

    . Juuu 1

    lUml Tru|u),ouu-iti»utli i D i l lkickucb

    AsuiiiittiiudJijLBiLr; tlie AUHUUX Jnturluo.loi Auduvur.Nutrtuu«itU

    «; t l i u i J , , ! . . * \\. It. U. a t V^*xliiugituuiik&Oiiuiik.Vfftttii tiBi>,fttrciui]«l>ur$

    utou, l i iugtuuluu, Utio«, UtobtlfJuK' iiJiuu"!l '> CurtlsuJ, byraoujie, O

    iuu yuiuts on iliu liKckuwnuuii aBUi>ui"j auU Delawarei l (o* t rinUipibnrg

    yraoujie, Ouwtfiuii aBUBluouiI I t l l

    c k u w n i imi UUIIHUi ib l i o h l

    il BUVLJU

    *>Vf A. i l - UiuHliiiiuUU Mail

    L'«r»»tt«Kted rnua thiatuti to WM-r tHV. Kiroato-tiure,H(!tantou>iliiigti»BiiDiirM]'raotia*aii(lLlaw*«(i1

    t l i i * c r » a t irtib L*ck * UlooMburtiure,H(!tantou>iiiigti»BiiDiirM];noii»tli^»ii*cr»atoii irtib L*it. It. (ori-lttaton, Wfinnln*!,Klncatutllttrre. taiientfuri tafciriK IUU train ( n n Ma*Kork, ¥*t«noa ana ttoonluo C M E O I W I at W«k[QBtou«Uttr»iuNo.t.

    Lt iavtNewltorbata .ao l\ M (KMton I:ureis) 'Juiiticotiug at Waterlwj for Audo«<Sewtpu anU Uiaualjville, aud at i^hUlipabn

    l l b i h Vallev Railrotulnnd tuhi(>b aR hdimnuu

    ItoafliDuu»R. It. far«otnd Harriibunr.M-WaterGnjiHpin; Lake UuitaVo

    lfnnlMha^, Baila'4 Luke

    H i r u I b u tHdiuilivtiMuuuiHiiitWiiKraiipI'orkt, L'tc; isuutiu^ltt at Dover4uccui Raii>rew •:WBaatoti Aocn«. B:«

    •Tta.B»oit0BBrueli .

    CHEflTEU IiltASCH :

    4. M. JT.K. t. . .lfl.IT l o i o.*° OkMterlt.IT l i r>? fl.is Hortoi10.01 li.Ci «.\>7 Imlk10.01t.«t.«T

    UJifitos7.11 n.« 1.1s

    0 J'i3O fi',*5

    *•« 11.̂ 31.«,)i.*7

    t 7.03 U.S2••UBininii i 7.99 ]l.9.tP t t t O n m B.OH 12.OD o n r I.1U12M.

    1.1sl.*7 I,K.aa t.aa

    l u «uI JO

    VQvubt Ia£tr Bur oi Ttf.J- a - HI^.CKOIiMthP CiUiM St. \rliole«nlr nml r.'tnll .Ionicn.i() jnliliitr In Willie, Llmior. iiml ClKarjdi(,l»ln| , ib. I K m r t n m b c r O c n




    « • • UUI. r«r P u w u n r inuoi, to tUe eBeotS A Y ^ii i , isbs.

    MHKXQBR lUt luHi!Ur Hiw T u t , foot of Liberty St., Nan* ti tint.» " l i t M W l , depots Bib »»d OrtCB

    A . M . A . M . r , » . r.M

    8.UI10.SBS.lhlQ.498.VStlO53B3T1O.C8S.33 U.06

    - 838 11.110.43 11.168.48 11.23

    a f f i i j g aWale rarnnhM n n th< twit qn.rr l«.

    the ;nn l l t iatnli lr or M r IMII , and laid. If d. i » d b ? e i W r l . i e « l k t l ^ i


    BisouiraDiipepllci en eil,



    For Bab Bj All LEiDISI} IMm

    F< r talc l)j all leading gn>t?i



    t wurk i t tuwegt fricea. Jlepilnnd prompt Iy done Next l o l d PP f t - t t T (.11 & t l TM I cLotnly and prodipily done, N e i U o o l d l

    r u « l i *>llAill1 J>. J . bvteriuCuucb.Blukvel!, Bt. ».lj

    TH0& JOHNSON,•Ulnfaeiortruid dealer In

    Itouwati, BuUo&R, Kiriili,all work In Mrblo and Granite. All woi

    lio beat nra*-ranil prioea reasonable.BLAOSWELt S T . . DOTEE, » . J .

    n»« I (it- finest Plj-

    froni llio Btr'aintlietcsHireriifrs


    —_ 11.818.67 11.818.69 11.31B.Otf 11.43fl.U 11.48

    filrl4.80 7.014 41 7.1.i l Q 1M




    . . (.30 DM 1.B0 8.40 5.J0

    ..8.3D[l.4ai.S8 8..ft 8.33

    . . C.48 M S 1.4D a .U 5.31a 0 sa 1.48 e.sj

    :: S «•" '•". . 7.C07.C0


    *li«ab«ti «

    .. 7.88. 7.33• 7.8a

    wYork,tVlwtioius«. *""•"•*"

    •uiAnanUM •1,000,000flllt IBHOCIATUm or rBIIiADILPBIA.

    " . ss,Miftmaana. |M,(K

    Freemaa Wood h. Co..(•Me. ol Ik. FW. ••« MkM II.wBinTtn»tointr



    in on main,oomuoTOH-. aiiiua m

    •A»dricru«ijif n m i m


    SAFES AMD SCALES., TKenha, Holler Ukatea, FUkl.f

    Tukh n l SporUmrn'. Oooda.

    SMITH & ECKEART.ini.lul.tolt.O.Oooc.r.l


    •0H.OINIM, BKIOUES.« srom.

    loam T. Sam. Jon 1. l u u i .iT-lr



    Thjljlcliajjjfmsll of Back.iURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS


    Oiam:-! "oTrWUuiy la « T n.. Mm-,' llunloUi 1110.4BillMMlMMill.1-I1 "ti i i ' . 'J imiiU-vtirlook. l K i f c r i dvi or llin•eycuwrrora UOUiCll Uoutlla

    ii(] tly l"P-'t.OB well «jfromllvef and:"l:>°y ' *i.iil. I «a»nol nliln tDat-riiiiiiiiiivbiultKw M l h G l l

    ni mni'li tho a n way. . . . . . . . . „ . , „ „ .l,it'CT» n llm |iu|H!rs anil mwloupourmini!) t h t I . «iiuldlr.vMm. Tborailll

    iii.l 1 n ,i ni.ivnhlo lo ,\',Zm h i ' l Z S'.nil Itur.iin i!i ton jenrn. It. relieved m*: .1 i
