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005 - Relojes y Joyeria - Joyeria - Collares - UT

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  • 7/31/2019 005 - Relojes y Joyeria - Joyeria - Collares - UT


    ! ! ! ATENCI ON ! ! !

    El t i em po de en t r ega es de 30 a 35 d as hb i les en cua lqu ie r com p ra , ya quelos p roduc t os son env iados desde l a m i sm a FBRI CA y dependen de l f l u j o de

    paque t es a n i ve l i n t e rnac iona l.


    ------------------------005 Relojes y Joyera


    Co l la res

    Descr ipc in resum ida de l con t en ido de l cat a logo :

    - Una selecta coleccin de collares en varios modelos ycon distintas caractersticas y calidades.

    Pedimos disculpas por los ttulos en Ingles en los productos, en futuras

    versiones de los catlogos estar todo en espaol.

  • 7/31/2019 005 - Relojes y Joyeria - Joyeria - Collares - UT


    Actualizado al, 15 de Junio de 2012

    Trm inos y cond iciones pa ra ca t logos de U l t raBara to .comVersin de D ocum en t o : 1 . 0

    Trm ino s solo val idos p ara TODOS LOS PA SES.



    HACER UN PEDI DO_______________________________________________

    Muchas gracias por bajar este catalogo de productos, estamos ms que seguros queencontrara muchas cosas de su inters.

    Los catlogos contemplan todos los productos disponibles hasta el momento, desdenuestros proveedores y fbricas en China, Asia y Parte de Europa, segn la categora a la que

    un producto corresponda podr encontrar muchas mas opciones en colores, tamaos y precios,de esa manera podr hacer una mejor comparacin y eleccin del producto que deseacomprar.

    Pero recuerde que no es todo lo que podemos ofrecerle, la cantidad de productos es tanalta que constantemente estaremos actualizando nuestros catlogos con nuevos productos yofertas que no debe perder, en algunas ocasiones el numero de tems nuevos es limitado ysolo se fabrican un cierto numero de unidades, luego salen de stock as que reviseregularmente nuestras actualizaciones.

  • 7/31/2019 005 - Relojes y Joyeria - Joyeria - Collares - UT


    En caso de verse interesado en realizar un pedido, por favor debe tomar en cuenta lassiguientes observaciones:

    1. Todo producto en el catalogo, esta sujeto a previa revisin de existencia con nuestrosproveedores, por lo que cualquier pedido deber tener nuestra confirmacin ycotizacin final, la misma que tendr una vigencia de 7 d as ca lendar io y no implicaNI NGUN COMPROMI SO de su parte, de esta manera evitamos que haya errores almomento de la compra.

    2. Los precios de cada producto estn expresados en DOLARES AMERI CANOS, y PORU N I D AD, en algunos casos por grupo o Kit de objetos, pero recuerde que la variacinde precios es constante en China, as que por favor no se alarme si nuestraconfirmacin final llega con una correccin del precio que no ser significativa.

    3. Toda compra que usted realice es TOTALMENTE SEGURA Y PRI VAD A, puedecomprar el producto que guste, en la cantidad que desee, de cualquier categora, sinpreguntas de nuestra parte, le aseguramos que sus datos personales y la de suscompras estn fuertemente resguardadas y JAMAS se revelaran a personas ajenas aUltrabarato.

    4. Nuestros clientes asiduos tendrn derecho a un descuento del 5% en el precio final,esto es a partir de la primera compra.

    5. Si usted desea hacer un pedido al por mayor, segn el numero de tems a comprar sele asignara un descuento (as sea su primera compra con nosotros):

    D e 10 a 49 u n idades el descuen t o se r de l 10% sob re e l t o t a l . D e 50 a 99 u n idades el descuen t o se r de l 15% sob re e l t o t a l . D e 100 a 500 un idades e l descuen t o ser de l 20% a l 25% depend iendo

    de l t em y de l c l i en t e sob re e l t o t a l .6. En toda compra (sin importar el numero de tems), usted deber otorgar un plazo de

    30 a 3 5 d as hb i les que ta r dara e l paqu ete en l legar a su pas, desde Ch ina ;algunos pedidos llegaran en menos tiempo segn la poca del ao, esto debidonetamente al flujo de paquetes a nivel internacional, en todo caso le informaremosoportunamente de algn retraso o problema que haya con su pedido.

    7. Si el pedido supera los 30 Dlares se le asignara automticamente un NUMERO DERASTREO AEREO y el paquete llegara con el tenor de CERTI FI CADO a destino; encaso de que el pedido sea menor a 30 Dlares, el cliente tiene la opcin de PAGARUN EXTRA por la asignacin MANUAL de un NU MERO DE RASTREO AEREO, para sucontrol y comodidad.

    8. El pago puede ser realizado por los siguientes medios: PayPal (de preferencia),deposito en cuenta de banco internacional autorizada, pago electrnico medianteInternet y Tarjeta de Crdito, giro de dinero por medio de Western Union o MoneyGram, etc. Ning n ped i do ser env iado has ta CONFI RMAR el pago to ta l .

    9. Podr realizar cambios en su pedido dentro las 2 4 h o r a s siguientes a la confirmacinde su pago, de lo contrario, se proceder a encargar y enviar a su pas los temscomprados.

    10. En caso de que en un pedido, todos o un tem no llegaran a destino, hasta un mximode 65 das hbiles desde la fecha oficial de envo, segn el acuerdo de la compra,U l t r aBara t o devo lve r e l mon t o de d ine ro co r respond ien t e a l numero de t ems f a l t an t es , en f o rma de c rd i t o en nues t r a pg ina w eb , PR EVI A

    con f i rmac in de pa r t e de nu es t r o p roveedor y ve r i f i cac in con las comp a asde Cor r eos de cada pas , de que su paquet e es ta perd ido . 11. Cualquier falla de fbrica en los productos deber ser reportada I NMEDI ATAMENTE

    a la Gerenc ia de U l t raBara to con f o togra f as y descr ipc in deta l lada delproblema, en un lapso de 2 4 h o r a s dependiendo del producto para que le sea enviadauna respuesta y posible solucin al caso.

    12. Los clientes que tengan cierta antigedad con UltraBarato podrn realizar sus pedidoscon el deposito de solo el 50% de l pago y paga r el saldo a a l en t r ega de lp roduc t o .

    13. Una vez que el pedido del cliente este confirmado con el proveedor y la orden ya esteen camino al destino acordado con el comprador, U l t r aBara t o no esta en laobligacin de devolver ningn monto de dinero sobre la compra en caso de que el

  • 7/31/2019 005 - Relojes y Joyeria - Joyeria - Collares - UT


    comprador se retracte de la misma, ya que el pedido esta en transito y ya espropiedad del Cliente.

    14. En caso de que el cliente desee devolver un producto por X o Z motivo y obtener elreembolso parcial o completo, la Gerencia de UltraBarato dar una respuesta alrequerimiento de devolucin, segn la razn que el cliente plantee, si esta tiene fuerzay merece una devolucin, se proceder a la AUTORI ZACI ON DE LA DEVOLUCI ONDEL PRODUCTO, con la consideracin de que e l c l ien te cor rer con los gas tos dereenv o de l p r oduc t o has t a e l p r oveedor en C h ina , una vez que el producto llegueal proveedor y este CONFI RME su recepcin, se esperara a que el proveedor haga elreembolso monetario correspondiente sobre los tems recibidos, siendo este despusdevuelto al comprador segn los trminos en los que se quedaron al momento de laautorizacin por parte de UltraBarato, debe tomar en cuenta que este procesogeneralmente toma hasta m as de 6 m eses en concretarse.

    La Gerencia de Ultrabarato le pide considerar los puntos anteriores y lo invita a disfrutarde nuestros catlogos y convertirse muy pronto en uno de nuestros clientes.

    Si decide hacer un pedido por algn o varios tems de nuestros catlogos, realice elmismo a nuestra cuenta de correo: gerenc ia@ul t rabara to .com con los siguientes datoscomo M I N I M O :

    - CODI GO de l o los p rodu c tos .- El num ero de t em s a com pra r .- Direcc in y da tos persona les .- Lugar de des t i no .

    Para su comodidad a continuacin de este documento, encontrara un ejemplo de HOJADE PEDI DO, donde podr realizar un requerimiento de cotizacin sobre productos de suinters, sintase libre de modificarlo de ser necesario, pero tome como referencia los datosque solicitamos como M I N I M O.

    Ultrabarato al momento de responder a su pedido, har una confirmacin de stock, losmedios de pago sugeridos, descuentos que se apliquen, etc. segn cada caso

    Nuestra compaa tambin podr ayudarlo con la importacin todo tipo de materiales,

    repuestos, electrnicos, maquinarias, etc. desde las fbricas en China, por lo que si noencuentra lo que necesita en nuestros catlogos, envenos su requerimiento o consulta anuestra direccin de e-mail: gerenc ia@ul t rabara to .com

    Los catlogos sern actualizados regularmente con nuevos productos y precios, lo mismoque este (documento de ser necesario). Le recomendamos LEERLO CON ATENCI ON antesde proceder con su compra.

    Nuevamente muchas gracias por su tiempo, confianza e inters en nuestra tienda enlnea.

    Gerenc ia Adm in i s t r a t i va - U l t r aBara t oh t t p :/ / w w w .u lt r ab ar at o .co m---------------------------La mejor tienda de gadgets en espaol.

  • 7/31/2019 005 - Relojes y Joyeria - Joyeria - Collares - UT







    FECH A DE PED I D O: __ / __ / __

  • 7/31/2019 005 - Relojes y Joyeria - Joyeria - Collares - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LL001FWStylish Three Rings Style Nec kla ce w ith Rhinestones & Cord Chain

    Fashionab le Jewelry Pendant Nec k Decor HNL-13583$4.19

    LL002FWCharming & Attrac tive Silver Shining Peach-shaped Necklac e

    Penda nt Ornament Ac cessory$5.32

    LL003FWCharming & Attrac tive Silver Moon & Star Necklace Pend ant

    Ornam ent Ac cessory$5.32

    LL004FWDelica te Heart Shaped Necklac e Penda nt Ornam ent with White

    Diamond + Free Gift Box$5.32

    LL005FWUnique Streaming Heart Shap ed Nec klace with Gla ring Blue Crystal+

    Free Gift Box$4.76

    LL006FWCharming C leverish Nec klace w ith Three Delicate Rings + Free Gift


    LL007FW Attrac tive Dolphin in Pursuit of Pea rls Shap ed Nec klace+ Free GiftBox $4.90

    LL008FWDazzling Anchor Shaped Necklace Pendant Ornament with White

    Crystal+ Free Gift Box$5.32



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Relojes y Joyeria - Joyeria - Collares - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LL009FWBea ds Style Mic key Mouse Head -Shap ed Fashion Jewelry Cha in

    Necklac e with Blac k Beads Clothes Deco rator$4.01

    LL010FWStone Style Fashion Jewe lry with Blac k Beads & Purple Star Chain

    Necklac e Clothes Dec orator$4.01

    LL011FWBlac k & Pink Bea ds Style Fashion Jewelry Cha in Necklace w ith 3

    Large Bea ds Lad y's Clothes Dec orator$3.24

    LL012FWHeart-Shap ed Beads Style Fashion Jewelry Chain Nec klace with

    Black Beads Clothes Decorator$4.29

    LL013FWStone Style Fashion Jew elry with Blac k Bead s & Yellow Ova l Stone

    Chain Necklace Clothes Decorator$3.80

    LL014FWDelica te Fashion Jewelry Chain Penda nt Necklac e w ith Black Bead s

    Clothes Dec orator$4.08

    LL015FW Vintage & Personalized PAMA Eyes 5 Parts Fold ab le Ow l Pend ant withFea ther Etched Bronze Nec klace/ Long Sweate r Cha in $3.26

    LL016FWChibi Maruko Chan in Rhinestone Glasses and Dresses Multi-Strands

    Necklac e/ Long Swea ter Chain$6.49



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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LL017FWHot DJ Music Rob ot Shap ed Pend ant Nec klace on 15" Chain for Both

    Female and Ma le$5.04

    LL018FWGOBON Unique Solid Square Shape d Stain less Stee l Nec kla ce

    Pendant with Ridgy Lump for Ladies Men Fashion Jewelry Item$3.19

    LL019FWGOBON Bird Style Stain less Stee l Nec kla ce Pend ant for Men Fashion

    Jewelry Item Assorted Co lor$3.05

    LL020FWGOBON Unique Brea st Style Sta inless Stee l Nec kla ce Pend ant for

    Lad ies Girls Fashion Jew elry Item Assorted Co lor$3.05

    LL021FWDistinctive Golden Double Heart Penda nt Choke r Neck lac e o n 16"

    Chain Ladies Jewelry Collection$7.66

    LL022FWDistinc tive Gold en Op enwork Ball Pend ant Princess Nec klace on 18"

    Chain Ladies Jewelry Collection$11.97

    LL023FW Distinctive Golden Scary Ske leton Pendant Princess Nec klace on 18"Chain Ladies Jewelry Collection $12.99

    LL024FWDistinctive Golden "Angel" Word-Art Pend ant Princess Nec klace on

    22" Chain Lad ies Jewelry Co llec tion$10.63



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Relojes y Joyeria - Joyeria - Collares - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LL025FWDistinctive Golden Flying Bat Pendant Princess Nec klace on 18"

    Chain Ladies Jewelry Collection$10.45

    LL026FWDistinc tive Silver Ball Purse Pend ant Princess Nec kla ce on 20" Cha in

    Ladies Jewelry Collection$9.95

    LL027FWDistinctive Golden Co lor Pop -top Pendant Princess Nec klace on 20"

    Chain Ladies Jewelry Collection$10.77

    LL028FWSpa rkling Rhinestones and Graphics Etching Tower Champ ag ne

    Plated Ornamental Necklace$10.04

    LL029FWEye-Ca tching Red Zircon+ 17pc s Rhinestones Inlayed Champ ag ne

    Plated Ornamental Necklace$14.79

    LL030FWVintage Style Blac k Supe r Jewel Pendant Multi-Strand s Metal

    Necklac e/ Long Swea ter Chain$3.75

    LL031FW Korean Style Cute Blac k Rhinestone Eyes Cute Blac k Owl withGolden Beads Deco rated Dual Color Chain Nec klac e $4.28

    LL032FWVintage Rhinestones Flashlight a nd Len O ld Cam era Pend ant

    Oxidation Processed Necklac e/ Long Swea ter Chain$4.88



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Relojes y Joyeria - Joyeria - Collares - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LL033FWFashionable Necklac e Orname nt with Cute Ca t Shaped Penda nt on

    16" Cha in for Lady Girl$4.03

    LL034FWCoo l Necklace Ornament with Big Eyes Alien Ske leton Pend ant on

    14" Chain for Both Fem ale and Ma le$4.06

    LL035FWRhinestone Crown Cap Red Jewel Perfumery Bottle Dual Meta l-Bea d

    Chains Necklac e/ Long Swea ter Chain$5.19

    LL036FWKorean Version Socialite Style Colorful Glazed Flower-Hollow-Ball

    Golden Plated Nec klac e/ Long Swea ter Chain$5.36

    LL037FWMysterious Latin Cross Style Nec kla ce w ith Rhinestones & Ske leton

    Patterns & Cord Cha in Jewelry Pendant Nec k Dc or$4.19

    LL038FWInspired Silver& Beige Rivet Ado rned Peta l Nec klace 17" Chain

    Length Day & Evening Wear Jewelry$9.97

    LL039FW Trendy Marine Anc hor Style Nec klace with Blac k Cord Chain FashionJewelry Penda nt Clothes & Neck Deco rator $4.19

    LL040FWGorge ous Disco Ball Adorned Peta l Necklace 20" Cha in Leng th Day

    & Evening Wea r Jewelry$8.93



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Relojes y Joyeria - Joyeria - Collares - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LL041FWMysterious Latin Cross Style Nec kla ce with Three Rings & Cord Cha in

    Fashionable Jewe lry Penda nt Neck Dco r$4.19

    LL042FWStylish Whistle Style Necklace with Rhinestones & Cord Chain

    Fashionable Jewe lry Penda nt Neck Dco r$4.19

    LL043FWGolden & Blac k Primordial Irreg ular Bloc ky Style Bracelet Chain

    Fashionab le Jewelry Pend ant Wrist Dec orator$8.01

    LL044FWBohemia Style Rom antic Multi-18-Layer Golde n and Cream Long

    Sweate r Chain w ith Carved Patte rns Round Plates Decorated$10.32

    LL045FWDouble Hearts Pendant Princess Necklace on 20" Scripts Engraved

    Oval& Rings Clustered Chain Fashion Jewelry$10.91

    LL046FWGorge ous Disco Ball Adorned Peta l Necklace 21" Cha in Leng th Day

    & Evening Wea r Jewelry$9.08

    LL047FW Mysterious Cylinder Style Nec klace with Rhinestones & RingsFashionable Jewe lry Penda nt Neck Dco r $3.92

    LL048FW24pc s Rhinestones Inlayed Sword Champ ag ne Plated 18K Golden

    Ornamental Nec klace$10.23



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Relojes y Joyeria - Joyeria - Collares - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LL049FWMatchable Fluorescent Coating Colorful Crystal Beads Ornamental

    Nec kla ce Bracele t with Sta inless Stee l String Tread$10.82

    LL050FWSweet Two Nestled Hea rts Style Nec kla ce with Rhinestones & Cord

    Chain Fashionable Jewe lry Penda nt Neck Dco r$3.66

    LL051FWSimp le Bullet Style Necklace w ith Frame & Cord Cha in Fashionab le

    Jewelry Penda nt Nec k Dco r$3.92

    LL052FWFashion Bullet Style Necklace with Rhinestones & Cord Chain

    Fashionable Jewe lry Penda ntNec k Dc or$4.11

    LL053FWPair of Me tal Pendant Necklace for Couples Love rs Great Love r Gift-

    Boy & Girl Pattern w/ Lucky Clove r$4.91

    LL054FWPair of Me tal Pendant Necklace for Couples Love rs Great Love r Gift-

    Violin & Music Patte rn w/ Lucky C lover$4.91

    LL055FW Pair of Lucky C lover "7" Shap ed Alloy Pendant Nec klace Gift forCoup les Love rs $4.91

    LL056FWPair of Lucky Clove r Pendant Nec klace Gift for Couples Love rs -

    Cross Style$2.64



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Relojes y Joyeria - Joyeria - Collares - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LL057FW Pair of Lucky Clove r Pendant Nec klace Gift for Coup les Love rs $2.60

    LL058FWPair of Me tal Pendant Necklace for Couples Love rs Great Love r Gift-

    Male & Female Pattern w/ Lucky Clover$4.91

    LL059FW Pair of Lucky Clove r Pendant Nec klace Gift for Coup les Love rs $4.46

    LL060FWPair of Ange l Shaped Lucky Clover Penda nt Necklac e Gift for

    Coup les Love rs$4.46

    LL061FWPurple & Blac k Beads Style Fashion Jewelry Cha in Nec klace Lad y's

    Clothes Dec orator$3.58

    LL062FWOrange & Blac k Dice a nd C irc le Design Bea ds Style Fashion Jewelry

    Chain Necklac e Lady's Clothes Dec orator$3.55

    LL063FW 7-in-1 Bea r Jewelry Ac cessory Nec klace Head Hoop Finger RingHairpin Earrings Elastics Bracelet $13.42

    LL064FW2 in 1Hello Kitty Style Hea db and Hairpin w ith Elastic Decoration fo r




  • 7/31/2019 005 - Relojes y Joyeria - Joyeria - Collares - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LL065FW3 sets Charm Pink Bea d Elastic Nec klace + Bracelet + Ring w/ Hello

    Kitty Penda nt Pattern (Pattern Assorted ) for Girls$3.84

    LL066FW7-in-1 Hello Kitty Jewelry Ac cessory Nec klac e Head Hoop Finger

    Ring Hairpin Earrings Elastics Bracelet$12.52

    LL067FWPair of Meta l Pend ant Nec klace for Coup les Love rs Great Va lentine

    Day Lover Gift w/ Lucky Clover$5.18

    LL068FWPair of Meta l Pend ant Nec klace for Coup les Love rs Great Va lentine

    Day Lover Gift w/ Lucky Clover$4.62

    LL069FWPair of Meta l Pendant Nec klace for Coup les Love rs Valentine Day

    Love r Gift- Boy & Girl Key Pattern w/ Lucky Clove r$5.18

    LL070FWPair of Go od Luck Crystal Rea l Clover Four Lea f Pendants Necklaces

    Alloy Cha in Gift for Coup les Love rs Love r Valentine$6.76

    LL071FW Pair of Go od Luck Crystal Rea l Clover Four Lea f Pendants NecklacesAlloy Cha in Gift for Coup les Love rs Love r Valentine $8.03

    LL072FWPair of Good Lucky Clove r Four Lea f Pend ant Nec klace Alloy Cha in

    Gift for Couples Lovers Lover$6.80



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Relojes y Joyeria - Joyeria - Collares - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LL073FWPair of Good Lucky Clove r Four Lea f Pend ant Nec klace Alloy Cha in

    Gift for Coup les Lovers Lover - Heart with Key$6.80

    LL074FWPair of Good Lucky Clove r Four Lea f Pend ant Nec klace Alloy Cha in

    Gift for Couples Lovers Lover$6.90

    LL075FWPair of Good Lucky Clove r Four Lea f Pend ant Nec klace Alloy Cha in

    Gift for Couples Lovers Lover$6.90

    LL076FWPair of Four Lea f Clover Lucky Clove r Nec klace with Co rd Chain

    Jewelry Pendant Nec k Decor for Love r- Bar Style$4.76

    LL077FWPair of Four Lea f Clover Lucky Clove r Nec klace with Co rd Chain

    Jewelry Pendant Neck Dec or for Love r- Key & Loc k Style$4.53

    LL078FWPair of Four Lea f Clover Lucky Clove r Nec klace with Co rd Chain

    Jewelry Pendant Neck Dec or for Love r- Hea rt Style$4.53

    LL079FW Cute Pair of Silver Naruto Style Series Meta l Nec kla ce with Ring Setfor Lovers Couples $10.18

    LL080FWCute Pair of Silver Detec tive Co nan Style Series Meta l Nec klace w ith

    Ring Set for Lovers Couples$10.06



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Relojes y Joyeria - Joyeria - Collares - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LL081FWCute Pair of Silver One Piece Style Series Metal Necklace with Ring

    Set for Lovers Coup les$10.18

    LL082FWCute Pair of Silver BLEACH Style Series Metal Necklace with Ring Set

    for Lovers Couples$10.12

    LL083FW Naruto Series Necklace Pendant Props for Naruto Fans Cosplay $6.84

    LL084FWVintage Style Synthetic Lea ther String Long Nec klace w ith Multi

    Grape Beads Lea f Pendant$8.29

    LL085FWMultiLayer & MultiStrand Golden Plated Meta l Cha in & Bea ds Long

    Swea ter Necklac e$8.51

    LL086FWVintage Style Paterned Synthetic Leather & Metal String Long Sweater


    LL087FW Fashionab le Irregula r Rings Lea f Decal Meta l & Sued e String LongSweater Chain $9.69

    LL088FWStar Style Shining Rhinestones Hollow Leopa rd Face Dual Pend ant

    long Sweater Cha in$7.46



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Relojes y Joyeria - Joyeria - Collares - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LL089FWElegant Style Exquisite Paterned Multistrand Metal Chain Long Ribbon

    Necklac e - Parchment$12.54

    LL090FWElegant Style Exquisite Paterned Multistrand Metal Chain Long Ribbon

    Necklac e - Black$12.56

    LL091FWSpec ial Primitive Style Nec klace w ith Rhinestones Jewelry Pendant

    Neck Decor for Lad y Woman$16.94

    LL092FWFab ulous Flower Necklace w ith Rhinestones Chain Jewelry Pendant

    Neck Decor for Lad y Woman$6.22

    LL093FWBohem ian Hollowed Style Meta l Jewe lry Penda nt Necklac e w ith

    Rhinestones Dual Cha in Neck Dec or for Lad y Woma n$6.46

    LL094FWKorean Style Multi-Circ le Retro Necklace Cha in Jewelry Pendant

    Neck Decor for Lad y Woman$4.87

    LL095FW Mag nificent Leop ard Head Necklac e with Rhinestones Chain JewelryPenda nt Neck Dec or for Lad y Woman $8.73

    LL096FWFour Lea f Clover Lucky Clove r Constellation Design Nec klace with

    Cord Chain Jewelry Penda nt Nec k Decor - Gemini$3.30



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Relojes y Joyeria - Joyeria - Collares - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LL097FWFour Lea f Clover Lucky Clove r Constellation Design Nec klace with

    Cord Cha in Jewe lry Penda nt Neck Dec or - Pisces$3.30

    LL098FWFour Lea f Clover Lucky Clove r Constellation Design Nec klace with

    Cord Chain Jewelry Penda nt Neck Decor - A ries$3.30

    LL099FWFour Lea f Clover Lucky Clove r Constellation Design Nec klace with

    Cord Chain Jewe lry Penda nt Nec k Deco r - Canc er$3.30

    LL100FWFour Lea f Clover Lucky Clove r Constellation Design Nec klace with

    Cord Cha in Jewelry Pend ant Nec k Decor - Taurus$3.33

    LL101FWWhite Pea rl Nec klace Pendant a nd Bracelet Wristba nd Jewe lry Gift

    for Girl Woman Lady$3.10

    LL102FWCool One Piece Figure Penda nt Cosplay Necklac e Jewelry Jewellery

    with Rhinestone & Copp er Color Meta l Chain$5.69

    LL103FW Shiny Rhinestone Owl Pendant Me tal Nec klace Jewe lry Jewe llerywith Big Imitated Diamo nd & Cop pe r Color Chain $6.46

    LL104FWShiny Rhinestone Ow l Hea d Pend ant Nec klace Jewe lry Jewe llery

    with Imitated Diamo nd Eyes & Golden Co lor Metal Chain$8.42



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Relojes y Joyeria - Joyeria - Collares - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LL105FW2 in 1 Cross Pend ant Nec kla ce Jewelry Jewellery with 2 Tiers Small &

    Bigger Black Bead Chain$6.76

    LL106FWSimp le Nob le Jewe lry Necklace w ith Blue False Sap phire Party

    Evening Nec k Nec klet Deco r for Lad y Woman$16.72

    LL107FWPaillette Style Shining Me tal Jewelry Pend ant Necklace Party Evening

    Neck Decor for Lad y Woman$14.15

    LL108FWSilver Jewelry Nec klace w ith Lea f Style Pend ant Party Evening Nec k

    Necklet Deco r for Lad y Woman$8.93

    LL109FWVintage Lariat Jewe lry Nec klace with Rhinestone Party Evening Nec k

    Necklet Deco r for Lad y Woman$13.45

    LL110FWVintage Jewe lry Nec klace with Water-drop Style False Gem Party

    Evening Nec k Nec klet Deco r for Lad y Woman$6.85

    LL111FW Pastoral Jewe lry Nec klace with Flower Style Pendant Party EveningNeck Nec klet Dec or for Lad y Woman $9.95

    LL112FWFour Lea f Clover Lucky Clove r Constellation Design Nec klace with

    Cord Cha in Jewe lry Penda nt Neck Deco r - Leo$2.57



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Relojes y Joyeria - Joyeria - Collares - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LL113FWFour Lea f Clover Lucky Clove r Constellation Design Nec klace with

    Cord Cha in Jewe lry Penda nt Neck Dec or - Scorpio$2.57

    LL114FWFour Lea f Clover Lucky Clove r Constellation Design Nec klace with

    Cord Chain Jewelry Penda nt Neck Deco r - Aqua rius$2.57

    LL115FWFour Lea f Clover Lucky Clove r Constellation Design Nec klace with

    Cord Cha in Jewelry Penda nt Neck Dec or - Libra$2.64

    LL116FWFour Lea f Clover Lucky Clove r Constellation Design Nec klace with

    Cord Chain Jewelry Penda nt Neck Deco r - Virgo$2.57

    LL117FWFour Lea f Clover Lucky Clove r Constellation Design Nec klace with

    Cord Chain Jewelry Pendant Neck Decor - Sagittarius$2.62

    LL118FWMag nificent Leop ard Head Necklac e with Rhinestones Chain Jewelry

    Penda nt Neck Dec or for Lad y Woman - Golden$8.79

    LL119FW Fashion Blac k Imitated Diamo nd Nec klac e Jewelry Jewellery w ithSurrounded Metal Chain $13.92

    LL120FWShiny Rhinestone Skull Head Pendant Necklace Jewelry Jewe llery

    with Imitated Diam ond & Meta l Chain$8.45



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  • 7/31/2019 005 - Relojes y Joyeria - Joyeria - Collares - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LL129FWFashion Leaves Metal Penda nt Necklac e Cha in Jewe lry Nec k Dec or

    for Lad y Woma n$12.48

    LL130FWVintage Multi-Flat Fish Scale Necklace Jewelry Pendant Neck Decor

    for Lad y Woma n$11.87

    LL131FWUnique Hook-ups O Shape d Multi Hoop Design Nec klac e Jewe lry

    Penda nt Neck Dec or for Lad y Woman$17.47

    LL132FWMagzine Style Exagg erated Jewelry Rhinestones Decorated

    Nec klace with Triple Blac k Stone Inlayed Pendant Ranked$16.49

    LL133FWPunk Style Rebellious Ribbon & Chain Braided 2-in-1 Sweater

    Nec klace & Waist Cha in with Sab le Pendants$10.42

    LL134FWStylish Metal Necklace Chain Jewelry with Owl Shaped Pendant

    Neck Decor for Lad y Woman$6.26

    LL135FW Stylish Meta l Necklace Cha in Jewelry with Hea rt Shap ed PendantNeck Decor for Lad y Woman $6.01

    LL136FWStylish Meta l Nec klace Cha in Jewelry with Big Flowe r Shap ed

    Penda nt Neck Dec or for Lad y Woman$9.52



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Relojes y Joyeria - Joyeria - Collares - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LL137FWStylish Beam Style Me tal Pendant Nec klace Cha in Jewelry Neck

    Decor for Lad y Woman$8.34

    LL138FWFashion Blue Imitated Diam ond Necklac e Jewe lry Jewe llery w ith

    Surrounded Metal Chain$17.56

    LL139FWStylish Redb ud Me tal Penda nt Necklac e Cha in Jewe lry Nec k Dec or

    for Lad y Woma n$6.26

    LL140FWStylish Meta l Necklace Cha in Jewelry with Fish Shap ed Pendant

    Neck Decor for Lad y Woman$6.82

    LL141FWStylish Meta l Necklace Cha in Jewelry with Round Shap ed Pendant

    Neck Decor for Lad y Woman$5.84

    LL142FWStylish Meta l Necklace Cha in Jewelry with Flowe r Shap ed Pendant

    Neck Decor for Lad y Woman$6.43

    LL143FW Vintag e 3 Pieces Metal Penda nt Neck lac e Cha in Jewe lry Nec kDecor for Lad y Woman $6.17

    LL144FWElega nt Dec orative White Pea rl Cha in Necklace with Velve ty White

    Fluff Ball Front- end$9.24



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Relojes y Joyeria - Joyeria - Collares - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LL145FWElega nt Dec orative White Pearl Chain Nec klac e w ith Velvety Blac k

    Fluff Ball Front- end$9.24

    LL146FWDelica te Stylish Silver Chain Necklace w ith Blac k Panther Leopa rd

    Tail Shape Ve lvet$7.01

    LL147FWDelicate Stylish White Silver Cha in Nec kla ce with Two White Panther

    Leopard Tail Shape Velvet$10.28

    LL148FWRealistic Detailed Vintage Cool Skull Head Pendant Necklace with

    Flexib le Mouth Design - Grey$8.17

    LL149FWExquisite Hollow-out Tea rdrop Design Pendant Nec klace w ith

    Rhinestones Jewelry Neck Decor for Lad ies$6.80

    LL150FWFour Lea f Clover Lucky Clove r Constellation Design Nec klace with

    Cord Cha in Jewe lry Penda nt Neck Dec or - Scorpio$2.62

    LL151FW Pair of Crystal Rea l Clove r Four Lea f Pend ants Necklaces Alloy Cha inGift for Couples Love rs Valentine - Clove r Shap e $3.61

    LL152FWPair of Crystal Rea l Clover Four Lea f Nec klaces Alloy Cha in Gift for

    Couples Lovers Valentine - Hea rt & Bar Shape$3.61



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Relojes y Joyeria - Joyeria - Collares - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LL153FWPair of Crystal Rea l Clover Four Lea f Nec klaces Alloy Cha in Gift for

    Couples Lovers Valentine - Sun & Moon Shape$3.61

    LL154FWPair of Crystal Rea l Clover Four Lea f Nec klaces Alloy Cha in Gift for

    Coup les Love rs Valentine - Hea rt & Key Shap e$3.61

    LL155FWSma ll to Big Blac k Ag ate Bead Nec klac e Nec k Decoration Jewe lry

    for Lad y Girl Wom an$8.45

    LL156FWStrand of DIY Brown Agate Beads Bracelet Nec klace Nec k

    Deco ration Jewelry$7.39

    LL157FWStrand o f DIY Natural Green Aventurine Beads Bracelet Nec klace

    Neck Deco ration Jewelry$7.25

    LL158FWStrand of DIY Blac k Round Agate Beads Bracelet Nec klace Nec k

    Dec oration Jewe l$6.18

    LL159FW Strand o f DIY Red Round Agate Beads Bracelet Nec klace Nec kDecoration Jewe l $6.67

    LL160FWStrand of DIY Colored Round Agate Beads Bracelet Necklace Neck

    Dec oration Jewe l$5.94



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Relojes y Joyeria - Joyeria - Collares - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LL161FWStrand o f DIY Natural Green Aventurine Beads Bracelet Nec klace

    Neck Dec oration Jewel$5.94

    LL162FWStrand of DIY Glam orous Indian Ag ate Beads Bracelet Nec klace

    Neck Dec oration Jewel$5.94

    LL163FWStrand of DIY Glam orous Indian Ag ate Beads Bracelet Nec klace

    Neck Dec oration Jewel$5.02

    LL164FWDual Nec klac e Joyful Luck y Clover Penda nt with Tad po le Outlook

    Princess Nec klaces on 17" Cha in Jewelry Collec tion$3.61

    LL165FWDual Necklace Joyful Lucky Clove r Pend ant with Wate rdrop& Fish

    Outlook Nec klac es on 17" Chain Jewe lry Co llec tion$3.61

    LL166FW Rhomb us Shaped Lucky Clover Penda nt Alloy Nec klac e G ift $3.61

    LL167FW App le Shaped Lucky Clove r Penda nt Alloy Nec klac e Gift $3.70

    LL168FWStylish Little Dragonfly Shap e Pend ant Nec klace A lloy Cha in with

    Luc ky Four Lea f Clover Patte rn$3.64



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Relojes y Joyeria - Joyeria - Collares - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LL169FWStylish Dual Little Bea r Shap e Pend ant Necklace A lloy Chain w ith

    Luc ky Four Lea f Clover Patte rn$3.64

    LL170FWStylish Dual Jigsaw Shap e Pend ant Nec klace Alloy Cha in with Lucky

    Four Lea f Clover Patte rn$3.61

    LL171FWStylish Dual Cross Shap e Pendant Necklace A lloy Chain w ith Lucky

    Four Lea f Clover Pattern$3.64

    LL172FW Ange l Shaped Lucky C lover Penda nt Alloy Nec klac e Gift $3.61

    LL173FW Calab ash Shaped Lucky C lover Penda nt Alloy Nec klac e Gift $3.61

    LL174FWCute Mini Bike Penda nt Neck lac e Cha in w/ Lucky Clover Jewe lry

    Neck Decor for Lad y Woman$3.64

    LL175FW Fashion Metal Guitar Penda nt Neck lac e Cha in w/ Lucky CloverJewelry Nec k Decor for Lad y Woman $3.64

    LL176FWFashion Metal Note Penda nt Neck lac e Cha in w/ Lucky Clover

    Jewelry Nec k Decor for Lad y Woman$3.70



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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LL177FWJoyful Lucky Clove r Pend ant with Rhinestones Decorated Princess

    Necklac es on 17" Chain Jewelry Co llection$3.61

    LL178FWStylish Cute Dolphin Shap e Pendant Nec klace Alloy Cha in with Lucky

    Four Lea f Clover Patte rn$3.64

    LL179FW Triang le Shap ed Lucky Clover Pend ant Alloy Nec klace Gift $3.22

    LL180FW Heart Shaped Lucky Clover Penda nt Alloy Nec klac e Gift $3.22

    LL181FW Moon Shaped Lucky C lover Penda nt Alloy Nec klac e Gift $3.22

    LL182FW Lucky Clove r Pendant A lloy Nec klace Gift with Shining Rhinestones $3.74

    LL183FW Lucky Clover Turtle Shap ed Pendant Alloy Nec klace Decoration Gift $3.64

    LL184FWImitated Diam ond Waterdrop Shape d Lucky Clover Penda nt Alloy

    Necklac e Gift$3.43



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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LL185FWOc tago nal Shape d Good Lucky Clover Four Leaf Penda nt Neck lac e

    Alloy Chain Gift$3.43

    LL186FW Imitated Diamond Shaped Lucky C lover Penda nt Neck lac e Gift $3.43

    LL187FWOval Shape d Good Lucky Clover Four Leaf Penda nt Neck lac e A lloy

    Chain Gift$3.43

    LL188FWCute Owl Design Long Necklac e Penda nt Necklac e w ith Rhinestones

    Jewe lry Neck Deco r for Lad ies$6.90

    LL189FWElegant Flower Design Long Necklac e Penda nt Necklac e w ith

    Rhinestones Jewelry Neck Decor for Lad ies$6.84

    LL190FW4-in-1 Fabulous Necklace & Earrings & Finger Ring & Chain Bracelet

    Costume Rhinestone Jewelry Set Collec tion for Lad y$11.41

    LL191FW 4-in-1 Fabulous Necklace & Earrings & Finger Ring & Chain BraceletCostume Rhinestone Jewelry Set Collec tion for Lad y $11.44

    LL192FWCream White Short Bead Nec klac e Nec k Decor Jewe lry Co llection

    for Lad y Woman- Chunky Beads$8.63



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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LL193FWCream White Multi-Strand Seed Bead ed Necklac e Nec k Decor

    Vintag e Jewelry Collec tion for Lad y Woman$10.03

    LL194FWEthical Corsair Design Long Necklace Pendant Necklace Sweater

    Necklac e w ith Bead s Jewelry Nec k Decor for Lad ies$11.70

    LL195FWElegant Red Bead Long Necklac e Penda nt Neck lac e w ith Cord

    Cha in Jewelry Nec k Dec or for Lad ies - Lea f Design$10.28

    LL196FWElega nt Green Bead Long Nec klac e Penda nt Neck lac e with Cord

    Cha in Jewelry Nec k Dec or for Lad ies - Lea f Design$10.28

    LL197FW3 Cream White Bead Style Necklac e Nec k Decor Jewe lry Co llec tion

    for Lad y Woma n$4.76

    LL198FWColored Gaze Style Jewelry Pendant Necklace Party Evening Neck

    Decor for Lad y Woman (Assorted Pattern) - L size$5.05

    LL199FW Colored Gaze Style Jewelry Pendant Necklace Party Evening NeckDecor for Lad y Woman (Assorted Pattern) - L size $5.05

    LL200FWColored Gaze Style Jewelry Pendant Necklace Party Evening Neck

    Dec or for Lad y Woman (Assorted Style ) - S size$4.43



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Relojes y Joyeria - Joyeria - Collares - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LL201FWWhite Bea d w ith Rhinestones Style Nec klace Nec k Dec or Jewelry

    Collec tion for Lad y Woman$4.74

    LL202FWElega nt Goldfish Design Long Necklac e Penda nt Necklac e w ith

    Rhinestones Jewelry Nec k Decor for Lad ies - Silvery Chain$9.16

    LL203FWElega nt Goldfish Design Long Necklac e Penda nt Necklac e w ith

    Rhinestones Jewelry Nec k Dec or for Lad ies - Golde n Cha in$9.16

    LL204FWScarec row Style Pend ant Jewe lry Nec klace with Rhinestones Nec k

    Necklet Cloth Dec or for Lad y Woman$9.49

    LL205FWPair of Shoes Style Pend ant Jewe lry Nec klace Nec k Nec klet Cloth

    Decor for Lad y Woman$7.89

    LL206FW2-in-1 Fab ulous Necklace & Earrings Long Nec klace Swing Earrings

    Costume Rhinestone Jewelry Set Collec tion for Lad y$20.35

    LL207FW Rab bit Style Pend ant Jewe lry Nec klace with Rhinestones NeckNecklet Cloth Dec or for Lad y Woman $9.01

    LL208FWRom antic Style Pea rl Cha in Long Sweate r Nec klace with Dec orative

    Multi-Laye r Floral Pend ants for Ladies Girls Wom en$18.96



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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LL209FWElega nt Meta l Chain Long Sweate r Nec klace with Multi-Co lor Pea rl &

    Zirco n Bea ds Pend ants for Ladies Girls Wom en$15.04

    LL210FWElegant Long Sweater Tri-Cha in Nec klace w ith Multi-Loop Pea rl

    Paved Bow Pend ant for Lad ies Girls Wom en$7.08

    LL211FWElega nt Long Sweate r Necklace with Single- Loop Pea rl Paved Bow

    Pend ant for Ladie s Girls Wom en$6.93

    LL212FWFashionab le Pea rl & Metal Multi-Bea ds Pend ant Chain Long Sweate r

    Nec klace for Lad ies Girls Wom en$17.70

    LL213FWStylish Pea rl & Chromed Bea ds Pend ants Looped Cha in Dual-Layer

    Long Sweate r Necklace for Lad ies Girls Wom en$13.18

    LL214FWElegant Me tal Jo ints Pea rl Bea ds Single Lay er Long Sweater

    Nec klace for Lad ies Girls Wom en$12.59

    LL215FW Bling- Bling Rhinestones Paved Hollow Turtle Pend ant Long SweaterNecklac e Jewe lry Neck Dec or for Lad ies - Silver Chain $10.40

    LL216FWElegant Pea rl & Chromed Bead s Quad -Cha in Long Sweater

    Nec klace for Lad ies Girls Wom en$16.55



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Relojes y Joyeria - Joyeria - Collares - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LL217FWPersona lized Punk Style Multi-Size & Multi-Lay er Sext-Chain Irreg ular

    Metal Necklac e with Multi-Cross Penda nts$11.18

    LL218FWPersonalized Punk Style Multi-Size & Multi-Lay er Sep t-Cha in Meta l &

    Plastic Nec klace with Cross Pendant$11.56

    LL219FWPunk Style Rebellious Glittering Metal Beads Dual-Strand Braided 2-in

    1 Sweate r Neckla ce & Waist Cha in with Tassels$16.32

    LL220FWEthnic Tibe tan Style Beeswa x Pendant Long Nec klace w ith Cord

    Necklac e Jewelry Neck Deco r for Lad ies$7.39

    LL221FWEthical Multi-Color Bead Necklac e Fishes Penda nt Necklac e with

    Cord Cha in Jewe lry Nec k Dec or for Lad ies$8.80

    LL222FWTibeta n Style Red Beads Necklace w ith Cord Chain & Fan- Shap ed

    Pendant Jewelry Neck Decor for Ladies$7.36

    LL223FW 4-in-1 Fabulous Necklace & Earrings & Finger Ring & Chain BraceletCostume Rhinestones Jewelry Set Collection for Lady $12.96

    LL224FW4-in-1 Fabulous Necklace & Earrings & Finger Ring & Chain Bracelet

    Costume Rhinestones Jewelry Set Collection for Lady$13.05



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Relojes y Joyeria - Joyeria - Collares - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LL225FWEthical Bead ed Short Necklac e Penda nt Neck lac e Am ulet with Cord

    Chain Jewelry Nec k Dec or for Lad ies$8.43

    LL226FWEthica l Metal Fish Design Long Nec klace Pendant Nec klace Sweate r

    Necklac e with Bead Jewelry Neck Deco r for Lad ies$8.93

    LL227FWEthical Crescent Design Long Necklac e Penda nt Necklac e Swea ter

    Necklac e w ith Bead s Jewelry Nec k Decor for Lad ies$9.80

    LL228FWStylish Crystal Nec klace Cha in Jewelry with Rhinestones Neck Dec or

    for Girl Lad y Woman - Purple$6.79

    LL229FWStylish Crystal Nec klace Cha in Jewelry with Rhinestones Neck Dec or

    for Girl Lady Woman - White$6.79

    LL230FWStylish Crystal Nec klace Cha in Jewelry with Rhinestones Neck Dec or

    for Girl Lad y Woman - Pink$6.79

    LL231FW Stylish Crystal Nec klace Cha in Jewelry with Rhinestones Neck Dec orfor Girl Lad y Woman - Blue $6.79

    LL232FWStylish Crystal Nec klace Cha in Jewelry with Rhinestones Neck Dec or

    for Girl Lad y Woman - Yellow$6.79



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Relojes y Joyeria - Joyeria - Collares - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LL233FWStylish Mag netic Pea rl Nec klace Cha in Jewelry Pendant with Crystals

    Neck Dec or for Girl Lad y Woman$8.73

    LL234FWStylish Magnetic Pearl Necklac e Cha in Jewe lry Penda nt Neck Dec or

    for Girl Lad y Woman$9.59

    LL235FW2 in 1 Pure Manua l Blue Bea ded Pendant Bracelet & Nec klace

    Jewelry Set Co llec tion Ornament for Lad y$4.81

    LL236FW2 in 1 Pure Manua l Blue Bea ded Pendant Bracelet & Nec klace

    Jewelry Set Co llec tion Ornament for Lad y$4.81

    LL237FW2 in 1 Pure Manua l Pink Bea ded Pendant Bracelet & Nec klace

    Jewelry Set Co llec tion Ornament for Lad y$4.81

    LL238FW2 in 1 Pure Manua l Pink Bea ded Pendant Bracelet & Nec klace

    Jewelry Set Co llec tion Ornament for Lad y$4.81

    LL239FW 2 in 1 Pure Manua l Yellow Beaded Pend ant Bracelet & NecklaceJewelry Set Co llec tion Ornament for Lad y $4.81

    LL240FW2 in 1 Pure Manua l Yellow Beaded Pend ant Bracelet & Necklace

    Jewelry Set Co llec tion Ornament for Lad y$4.81



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Relojes y Joyeria - Joyeria - Collares - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LL241FW2 in 1 Pure Manua l Blue Bea ded Pendant Bracelet & Nec klace

    Jewelry Set Co llec tion Ornament for Lad y$4.81

    LL242FW2 in 1 Pure Manua l Blue Bea ded Pendant Bracelet & Nec klace

    Jewelry Set Co llec tion Ornament for Lad y$4.81

    LL243FW2 in 1 Pure Manua l Blac k Beade d Pendant Bracelet & Necklace

    Jewelry Set Co llec tion Ornament for Lad y$4.81

    LL244FW2 in 1 Pure Ma nual Green Bead ed Penda nt Brac elet & Necklac e

    Jewelry Set Co llec tion Orname nt for Lad y$4.81

    LL245FWStylish Olivets Pend ant Cloth Nec klace Jewe lry Nec k Decor for

    Ladies Women Girls$10.43

    LL246FWStylish Olivets Pend ant Cloth Nec klace Jewe lry Nec k Decor for

    Ladies Women Girls$9.72

    LL247FW Stylish Flowe r penda nt w/ Rhinestones Nec klace Jewelry Nec k Decorfor Ladie s Wom en Girls $5.30

    LL248FWStylish Bea d & Chain Dual Necklace Jewe lry Nec k Decor for Lad ies

    Wom en Girls -Blac k + Silvery$8.59



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Relojes y Joyeria - Joyeria - Collares - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LL249FWStylish Bea d & Chain Dual Necklace Jewe lry Nec k Decor for Lad ies

    Wom en Girls - Blac k + Yellow$8.59

    LL250FWStylish Flowe r penda nt w/ Rhinestones Nec klace Jewelry Nec k Decor

    for Ladie s Wom en Girls$5.22

    LL251FWStylish Bulky Metal Black Necklace Jewelry Neck Decor for Ladies

    Wom en Girls$8.43

    LL252FWStylish Crystal Pend ant Tripa rtite Nec klace Jewe lry Neck Dec or for

    Lad ies Wom en Girls$8.15

    LL253FWStylish Plait Cloth Nec klace Jewe lry Nec k Dec or for Lad ies Wom en


    LL254FWStylish Coins Pendant Dual Nec klace Jewe lry Nec k Dec or for Lad ies

    Women Girls - Grey$9.36

    LL255FW Stylish Crystal Pend ant Tripa rtite Nec klace Jewe lry Neck Dec or forLadies Women Girls - Black + Yellow $8.15

    LL256FWStylish Brooc h Pend ant Nec klace Jewe lry Nec k Decor for Lad ies

    Wom en Girls - White + Yellow$10.17



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Relojes y Joyeria - Joyeria - Collares - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LL257FWStylish Brooc h Pend ant Nec klace Jewe lry Nec k Decor for Lad ies

    Wom en Girls - Blac k + Yellow$10.17

    LL258FWStylish Meta l Chain with Rhinestones Necklace Jewe lry Nec k Decor

    for Lad ies Wom en Girls - Grey$10.37

    LL259FWStylish Cross Cloth Cha in Necklace Jewe lry Nec k Dec or for Lad ies

    Wom en Girls$9.50

    LL260FWStylish Chain & Bead Penda nt Necklac e Jewelry Nec k Dec or for

    Ladies Women Girls - Black + Yellow$10.00

    LL261FWStylish Flower Pendant Dual Nec klace Jewe lry Nec k Dec or for Lad ies

    Wom en Girls - Blac k + Grey$5.80

    LL262FWStylish Bad ge & Cross Pend ant Tripa rtite Necklace Jewelry Neck

    Dec or for Ladie s Wom en Girls - Purple + Yellow$5.81

    LL263FW Stylish Bad ge & Cross Pend ant Tripa rtite Necklace Jewelry NeckDecor for Ladies Women Girls - Green + Yellow $5.81

    LL264FWStylish Triang le Pend ant Dual Nec klace Jewe lry Nec k Dec or for

    Lad ies Wom en Girls - Black$6.80



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Relojes y Joyeria - Joyeria - Collares - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LL265FWStylish Triang le Pend ant Dual Nec klace Jewe lry Nec k Dec or for

    Ladies Women Girls - Coffee$6.80

    LL266FWStylish Multi Functional Ma gnet Nec klac e Cha in Jewe lry Nec k Dec or

    Bracelet - A ssorted Color$4.40

    LL267FWStylish Magnet Nec klac e Cha in Jewe lry Nec k Dec or with the Cross

    Pendant - Assorted Color$4.43

    LL268FWStar Pend ant 3-Layer Jewelry Necklace Party Evening Nec k Nec klet

    Decor for Lad y Woman$11.63

    LL269FWStar & Bea d Pend ant 2-Layer Jewelry Nec klace Party Evening Nec k

    Necklet Deco r for Lad y Woman$11.63

    LL270FWFlowe r Pend ant 2-Layer Jewelry Nec klace Party Evening Nec k

    Necklet Deco r for Lad y Woman$11.63

    LL271FW Hea rt Pend ant w ith Bow Tie Jewe lry Nec klace Party Evening Nec kNecklet Deco r for Lad y Woman $11.63

    LL272FWBeautiful Olivet with Imitation Aga te Necklac e Jewelry Nec k Deco r

    for Ladie s Wom en Girls$10.87



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Relojes y Joyeria - Joyeria - Collares - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LL273FWBeautiful Olivet with Imitation Jad e Nec klac e Jewelry Neck Dec or for

    Ladie s Wom en Girls$10.87

    LL274FWStylish Tibe tan Gorgeous Pendant Short Necklace Jewelry Nec k

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    LL275FWStylish Tibeta n Gorgeous Pendant Long Nec klace Jewe lry Nec k

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