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10 Unidad II

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  • 8/14/2019 10 Unidad II



  • 8/14/2019 10 Unidad II



    HOJA DE TRABAJO2 1 1 Haga las preguntas de identificacin correspondientes siguiendolos ejemplos


    Are the bottles? Q Is it a house?it coffee? ?ff_? J?II _1 miJ? 19J 36if1


  • 8/14/2019 10 Unidad II


  • 8/14/2019 10 Unidad II



    2.1.2. Complete lo que falta, siguiendo las estructuras para pedir identi-ficaci6n y dar respuestas completas. J1..Are they

    book?pencils ?umbrella?two cups?nail?desks?water?hammers?pair of scissors?. ?. rtng.horses?dogs?fruit?three pairs of pants?strawberries.?bird?bread?children?onion?university?pair of pliers?bottles of perfume?.women?slices of bread?bed?doors?a h trays?

    Ves, it s a doorNo. they re not pencilsNo,-Ves,No,-Ves,Ves,No.-VesNo,.No..Ves,VesNo,NoYesoNoNoVes,No,.NoNoVes, .Ves,No,.VesNo,



  • 8/14/2019 10 Unidad II


    HOJA DE TR JO 2.3.1 Y 2.4.1 Complete las respuestas breves.Is it bread?Are they houses7Is it a book?Is it water?Are they eyeglasses?Is it a leaf?Is it ink?Are they chairs?Is it a key?Are they maps?Is it a notebook?Are they tables?Is it a door?Are they forks?Are they eyes?Is it a strawberry?

    .Are they leaves?Is it apear?Are they grapes?Are they cherries?Is it a hammer?Are they scissors?Are they armchairs?Is it a ne?klace.Are they pins?Is it a ring?Is it an orange?


    Ves it is. Are they women?Ves - Are they windows?Nq ~Are they teeth?No . - Is it an eraser?Ves ~/Is it a plate?No - Are they nails?Ves - Are they shoes?Ves - Is it a blouse?No - Are they pants?No - Is it money?No - Is it a bus?Ves :... Are they pens?Ves - 18 it an apple?No - Is it a knife?No - Is it a blackboard?Ves - Is it an ear?Ves - Are they ships?Ves .: Are .they pencils?No - Is it a pairof tongs?No - Is it tea?Ves - Are they trees?No Is it a bed?No Are they birds?Ves - Are they earring~?No - Are they bottles?Ves - Is it truit? -Ves - Are they pictures?

    No They re note-VesNoNoVesNoVesNoNoVesVesVesNoVesVesNoNoVesNoNo

    - VesVesVesNoVesNoVes

  • 8/14/2019 10 Unidad II


    HOJ DE TR JO42.4.2. Complete respondiendo en forma breve.

    Is it a bicycle?

    Is it a horse?

    Is it a ship?

    Is it a bus? ~~=i~~. -- eIs it a notebook?

    Are they blouses?

    No It s notoIt s a motorcycle.

    Ves it is.

    They re men..

    They re flags.


  • 8/14/2019 10 Unidad II


    Are they cakes?

    15 it a map?

    Are they cups?

    15 it a table?

    Is it a chair?




    It s a picture.

    They re bottles.

    It s a bookcase.

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    HOJA DE TRABAJO2.5.1. Escriba la hora indicada con palabras.3:21 :20

    9..308:151:005:107:254:1810:482 536:08


    It s three twenty oneIt sIt sIt sIt sIt sIt sIt sIt sIt sIt sIt s

    2.5.2. Escriba la hora con nmeros.It s five-fifteen.It s twelve-ten.It s five past one.It s eight-forty-five.It s eleven-forty..It s four-sixteen.It s ten to eight.It s half past nine.It s two o clock.

    , It s ten-thirty. -It s six-twenty-seven.It s two to four.

    l1 s nine o clock.l1 s three-nine.It s six-two.~It s a quarter past five.It s one-fifty-five :--It s half after twelve.It s ten-fifteen.-It s eighteen to four.It s seven-fifty-nine.- .It s a quarter past eleven-It s eight-forty-three.It s two-twenty-nine.


    Jt s eleven..fif~y.It sIt sIt sIt sIt sIt sIt sIt sIt sIt sIt s


  • 8/14/2019 10 Unidad II


    O~ DE TR JO 2.5. Conteste, guindose por la hora indicada en los relojes.Is it three o ctock?

    Is it nine-ten?

    Is it one-thirty?

    Is it eight-twenty-five?

    Is it four-eight?

    Is it twelve o clock?

    Is it seven-fifty?


    Ves it is

    - , .a ..:. -. -. a ..-

  • 8/14/2019 10 Unidad II



    Is it six twe:nty nine? ~l\Is it eleven o clock 0

    Is it ten five?

    Is it five ;forty?

    Is it two fifteen?

    ;008 ; .

    .37 .

  • 8/14/2019 10 Unidad II



    2.6.1. Complete la pregunta y d la respuesta.Who is she? ~ Laura Jones~c:V~,Who-



    , 38

    Peter and Bob -

    Dr. WilJiamson

    Senator Kirk

    Ann, BilJ and Tom

    Mr. and Mrs. Clark

    General Douglas

    he is auraJones

  • 8/14/2019 10 Unidad II

    12/29..- - .. - ..:M,. .o ....-

    Drs. Smith and Hill)

    Bishop Smithson) I

    Major Benson)

  • 8/14/2019 10 Unidad II


    HOJA DE TRABAJO 82.7. D la respuesta, identificando por relacin de parentesco.Who are they? sons-relation to Bob JoneslThey are Bol;Jones sons.Who is she? daughter-relation to Helen Hill)She is Helen HiII s daughter.Who is she? sster-relation to Joe)

    Who is he? nephew-relation to Charles)Who are they? cousins-relation to Bill and Caria)

    Who are they? parents-relation to Elizabeth)Who is she? wife-relati,on to James)Who is he? grandfather-relation to Ann and Jo)

    Who are they? nieces-telation to Christine)Who is he? uncle-relation to Bess)

    Who is she? mother-relation to Louise and Gail)

    Who are they? sisters-in-Iaw-relation to Rose)Who are they? great-aunts-r,elation to Helen)Who is she? grandmother-relation to William)

    Who is he? husband-relation to Mary)

  • 8/14/2019 10 Unidad II


    HOJ DE TR B JO 92.7.2. Conteste cada pregunta usando la estructura de identificacin porparentesco. .Joan is Helen s sister. Who is Helen? She is Joan s sister.Mary Lou is Mr. Carroll s niece. Who is Mr. Carroll?Mr. and Mrs. Lee are Bill s pa rents. Who is Bill?

    R~bert and Grace are Mrs. Taylor s grandchildren.Who is Mrs. Taylor?Marie is Abraham s cousin. Who is Abraham?Helen is Dr. Smith s daughter. Who is Dr. ,Smith?Queeh Louise is Ann s aunt. Who is Ann? -

    , ,Deborah is Mr. Lewis granddaughter. Who is Mr. Lewis?\

    Joe is Betty s brother-in-Iaw. Who is Betty?Charles Jones 111s Mrs. Charles Jones Sr s. senior s) grandson.

    . Who is Mrs. Charles Jones Sr.?Alice is Dave s and Tom s sister. Who are David and Tom?

    Abigail is James and Bob s sister-in-Iaw. Whb are James and Bob?Eugene is Beatrice s husband. Who is Beatrice? -Tim is Mrs. Clark s nephew. Who is Mrs. Clark?Terry is Jack s nieca. Who is Jack?Mrs. Rusell is Laura s mother. Who is Laura?Peter is Mr. Williamson s brother-in-Iaw. Who is Mr. Williarnson? -Bertha and Thomas are Mr. Jones grandchildren. Who is Mr. Jones? -----

    Mrs. Kent is Jim s mother-in-Iaw. Who is Jim?

    Patty is Paul s daughter. Whois Paul?41

    - .._.. ..- - .. - ~;;a - - -.. .. .- - -.. :-. ..-- - .-;..J.:

  • 8/14/2019 10 Unidad II


    HOJA DE TRABAJO 102.8.1. Complete las - respuestas.Are you Jonathan Williams?Are you Vivian s daughters?Am I Mrs. Brown s great niece?Are you Governor Christianson?Are we Mr StiUson s grandchildren?Are we Helen s cousins?Are you Vincent s sons?Am I Alice s nephew?Are you Charles Seymour?Are you Bob and Alice?Are you Mark s and Nora ssisters-in-Iaw?

    No. I am John~y Williamson.Ves we are Vivian s daughters.No great-great-niece.VesVesNo.-VesVesVesNo

    Helen s nephews.

    Tim and Elsie.No cousins.

    2.8.2. Complete. Se trata de estructuras pidiendo y dando identificacin.Are you Myra s husband?1 Eleanor s grandfather.WP. ~isters..They Grace s parents.He . President Clarkson._she Tom s wife?

    we Gerry and SiI snieces? -_they Mr. Lee s nephews?_she the Pres ident s mother?

    you husband and wife?

    2.8.3. Complete. Use contracciones.. Who re you?

    Who s she? .Who re we?Who am I?Who re Ann and Rose?42

    _he Commisioner Brown?they Ann aAd Louise?She---1\llrs. Benson s mother.

    Vou_Charles cousins._1 Bob s niece?They NJary s brothers in law.We Drs. Beck and Spock.IVouShe

    Melissa Benton..brother and sister.Princess Louise.

    I m Herman s uncle._Mrs. Coleman._Fred s parents._Claudia s brother._Marie Clare ~ friends.

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    Who s he?Who s Willie s unele?Who re you?Who s he?Who re t~ey?Who re we?Who re you?Who s she?Who am I?Who re ~hey?Who s he?Who s Superman?Who re Mr. and Mrs.Sherman?Who s Miss .Christian?Who re you?Who s Dr. Keenan?Who re Diek and Charles?Who re we?Who s Miss Trevors?Wh re they?Who re you?Who s Peter?Who s Mrs. Clemens?Who re they?

    Father Williams.Governor Pratt.Mr. and Mrs. Lewis granddaughter.Carla s father.Ray s and Kim s grandparents.Ellen s brother and siste.r.Helen s brothers.Dr. Powers.Jaek s brother in law.Arthur s. eousins.Commissioner MeMillan.Clark ,Kent.Franeis unele and aunt.Mrs. Johnson s sister.Peter and William Speneer.Aliee s brother.Mr. Corbett s neph 3ws.Kirk and Diana.the President s aunt.General and Mrs. Douglas.Miss Jaekson s brothers.Mike s eousin.

    , , Eloise s mother in law.Mr. Hill and Mr. Clark.


  • 8/14/2019 10 Unidad II


    HOJA DE TRABAJO 112.9. Complete las respuestas. Luego escriba de nuevo cada respuesta

    usando la contraccin. .Who is Mrs. SpeHman?Who is Bob Jones?

    . Who is Henry?Who is Louise?Who is Richard?Who is Mrs. Bentley?Who is Mrs. Gregory?Who IS Mr. Bentley?. ,Who are you?Who are they?Who are you?Who are they?Who are Ann and Jo?Who are you?Who are they?Who are they?Who are you?Who are you?

    ~ my mother., our father.

    his brother.her sister.your uncle.y

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    They have room .The libraries have books.tt has two doors.You 'have a great-aunt.I have a caroThe garden has flowers.John has 'a bicycle.Alice has two dogs.

    2.9.2. Complete la pregunta y la respuesta. Se trata de identificacin porparentesco.r you' Teddy's uncle?she Helen's doctor?

    they your students?Mrs. Lee your grand-mother?they Alice's sons?she your siste,r?you Bob's cousin?Charles your uncle?they your fathers?we your nieces?Diana my nurse?you our friends?he M~rk's father?it the dog's house?she David's sister-

    ,1 in-Iaw? )you Mary's parents?they your teachers?

    his--o,IYes, sheYes, theycousin.doctor.students.

    -.J .-

    No, she'No, theyNo, sheYes, IYes, heYes, theyNo, youYes, sheYes, weNo, heYes, it


    , No, sheYes, weNo, they



    are' rooms.are books.are. doors.is great-aunt.'is caro

    'are flowers.is bicycle.are dogs.

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    espuest s

    2.1.1.HOJA DE TRABAJO 1

    Are they bottles?It it coffee?Are they pants?Is it a map?Are they ears?Is it an armchair?Is it bread?Are they birds?Is it a radio?Are they tweezers?Are they children?Is it a leaf?

    HOJA DE TRABAJO 22.1.2.Is it aAre theyIs it anAre theyIs jt aAre theyIs itAre theyIs it aIs it aAre theyAre theyIs itAre ~heyAre they15 it aIs it


    book? Ves,pencils? No,umbrella? No,two cups? Ves,nail? No,desks? Ves,water? Ves,ham.mers? No,pair of scissors? Ves,ring? No,horses? No,dogs? Ves,fruit? Yes,three pairs of pants? No,strawberries? No,bird? Yes,bread? No.

    Is it a house?Are they flowers?Is it a television set?Are they strawberries?Are they eyeglasses?Is it a desk?. Is it a brush and paint?Is it a ring?Is it a glove?Are they nails?Is it an umbrella?Is it toothpaste?

    it s a book.they re not pencils.it s not an umbrella.they re two CUPS .it s not a nail.they re desks.it s water.they re not hammers.it s a pair of scissors.it s not a ring..they re not horses.they re dogs.it s fruit.they re not three pairs of pants.they re ~ot strawberries.it s a bird.t s not bread.

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    Are theyIs it anIs it aIs it aAre, theyAre theyAre they ,Is it aAre theyAre they

    children? No,onion? Ves,university? No,pair of pliers?' No,bottles of perfume? No,women? ,Ves,slices of bread? Ves,bed? No.doors? Ves,ash trays? No,

    HOJA DE TRABAJO 32.3.1. Y 2.4.1.Is it bread? Ves, t is. Are. 'they women? No, they're notoAre they houses? Ves, they are. Are they windows?Ves, they are.Is it a book? No,' t's noto Are they teeth? No, they're notoIs it water? No, t's noto Is it an eraser? No, it's notoAre they eyeglasses?Yes, they are. Is it a plate? Ves, it is.Is it a leaf? No, It's noto Are they. nails? No, they're noto

    , Is it ink? Ves, t is. Are they shoes? Ves, they are.Are they chairs? Ves, they are. Is it a blouse? No, it's notoIs it a key? No, it's noto Are they pants? No, they're noto ,Are they maps? No, they're noto Is it money? Ves, it is.Is it a notebook? No, it's noto Is it a bus? Ves, it s.Are they tables? Ves, they are. Are they pens? Ves, they are,.Is it a door? Ves, it is. Is it an apple? No, it's notoAre they forks? No, they're noto Is it a knife? Ves, it is. ,Are they eyes? No, they're noto Is it a blackboard? Ves, it s. ,Is it a strawberry? Ves, it is. Is it an ear? No, it's notoAre they leaves? Ves, they are. Are they ships? No, they're notoIs it a pear? Ves, it so Are they pencils? Ves, they are.Are they grapes? No, they're not.ls it a pair of No, ifs noto

    , tongs?Are they 'cherries? No, they're noto Is it tea?Is it a hammer? Ves, it is. Are they trees?Are they s~issors? No, they're noto Is it a bed?Are they armchairs? No, they're noto Are they birds?

    --- -- -'...: ~ - - ,' '~,~-

    they're nol children. 'it's an onion.It's not a university.it's not a pair of pliers.they're not bottles of perfume.'they're women. 'they'r~ slices of bread.it's not a bed.they're, doors.they're not ash trays.

    No, it's notoVes, they are.Ves, it is.Ves, they are.


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    Is it a necklace?Are they pins?Is it a ring?Is it an orange?HOJA DE TRABAJO 42.4.2..Is it a bicycle?Is .it a horse?Are they children?Is it a ship?Is i~ a bus?Is it a notebook?Are they blouses?Are they cakes?Is it a map?Are they cups?Is it a table?Is it a chair? .


    Ves,it is.No, they re tVes, it is.Ves, it is.

    ( .

    -Are they earrings? No, they re notoAre they bottles? Ves,they are.Is it fruit? No, it s notoAre they pictures? Yes, they are.

    No, it s notoIt s a motrcycle.Ves, it s.No, t1ey re notoThey re men.Ves, it s.Ves, it s.Ves, it is.No, theY. re notoThey re flags.Ves, they re are.No, it s notoIt s a picture.

    \ No, theJ re notoThey re bottles.No, it s notoIt s a bookcase.Ves, it is.

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    HOJA DE TRABAJO 52.5.1.,3:21 It' s three-twenty-one.11:20 It' s eleven-twenty.9:30, It's nine-thirty.8: 15 It's eight-fifteen.1:00 . It's one-o'clock.

    . 5:10 It's five-ten~7:25 It's seven-twenty-five.4: 18 It's four-eighteen.

    , ~O:48 It's ten-forty-eight.2:53 It's two-fifty-three.6:08 It'~ six-eight.12:O1 It' s twelve-one.

    2.5.2.It's five-fifteen.It's twelve-ten.It's five pas~' one.It's eight-forty-five.It's eleven-forty.It's four-sixteen.It's ten to eight.It's half pa$t nine.It's two o'clock.It's ten-thirty.It's six-twenty-seven.It's two to tour.




    HOJA DE TRABAJO 62.5.Is it three o clock?Is it nine-ten?Is it one-thirty?

    1:50 It's eleven-fifty., 6:35 It's six-thirty-five.

    4:13 It s four-thtrteen.1:05 .It's one-five.7:51 It s seven-fifty-one.

    10:28 It s ten-twenty-eight.9:.07 It s nine-seven.12:30 It s twelve-thirty.

    3:33 It s three-thirty-three.5:20 . It's five-twenty.2:04 It's two-four.8: 15 It s eight-fifteen.

    It s nine o clock.It s three-nine.It s six-two.It s a quarter past five.It:s one- fifty-five. .It s half after twelve.It s ten-fifteen.It s eightee n to four.It s seven-fifty-nine.It s a quarter past eleven.It s eight-forty-three.It s two-twenty-nine.

    9:00 -3:096:025:15--

    . 1:5 -12:3010:15--3:42-7:5911:15--8:43-2:29-

    Ves, it is.Ves, it is.No, it isn't.


    - -- ~---.. -'..: '., ~

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    Is it eight-twenty-five?Is it four-eight?Is it twelve o cloc k?Is it seven-fifty?Is it ten-tive?Is it tive-forty?Is it two-fifteen?Is it six-twenty-nine?Is it eleven o clock?

    HOJA DE TRABAJO 72.6.1.Who is she?Who are they?Who is he?Who is he?Who are they?Who are they?Who is he?Who are they. -

    \ Who is he?Who is he?

    HOJA DE TRABAJO 82.7.Who are they?Who is she?

    Who is she?

    Who is he?


    (Laura Jones)(Pe,ter and Bob)(Dr. Williamson)(Senator Kirk)

    , (Ann, Bil and Tom)(Mr. and Mrs. Clar\k), (General Douglas)(Drs. Smith and Hill)(Bishop Smithson)(Majo r Benson)

    No, it isn t.Ves, it is.Ves,. it is.No, it isn t.Ves, it is.Ves, it is.Ves, if i.s. /No, it isn t.

    . No, it isn t.

    She is Laura Jones.They are Pet~r and Bob.He is Dr. Williamson.He is Senator Kirk.They are Ann, BiII ,and Tom.They are Mr. and Mrs. Clark.He is General Douglas.They are Drs. Smith and HiII.He is Bishop Smithson.He is Major Benson.

    (sons-relation to Bob Jones)They are Bob Jones sons.(daughter-relation to Helen Hill)She is Helen HiII s daughter. sister-relation to Joe)She is Joe s sister. nephew-relation to Charles)He is Charles nephew.

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    Who are they? (cousins-relation to Sill and Caria)Theyare BiII s and Carla s,cousins.(parents-relation to Elizabeth)They are Elizabeth s parents.(wife-refation to James)She is James wife.

    Who are they?Who is she?Who is he? (grandfather-relation to Ann and Jo)He is Ann s andoJo s grandfather.

    (nieces-relation to Christine)They are Christine s nieces.Who are they?

    Who is he? (uncle-relation to Bess)He is Bess uncle.(mother-relation to Louise and Gail)She is Louise s and Gail s mother.Who is she?

    Who are they?Who are they?

    (sisters-in-Iaw-relation to Rose)They are Rose s sisters-in..law.[great-aunts~relation to Helen)They are Helen s great~ aunts.

    Who is she?Who is h?

    (grandmother-relation to William)She is William s grandmother.(husband-relation to Mary)He is Mary s husband.

    HOJA DE TRABAJO 92.7.2..Joan is Helen s sister. Who is Helen? She is Joal:1 ssister.M ary lou is Mr. Carroll s niece.Who is Mr. Carroll? He is Mary Lo~ s .uncle.Mr. and Mrs. Lee are Bill s parents.Who is Sill? He is Mr. and Mrs. Lee s son.

    Robert and Grace are Mrs. Taylor sgrandchildren. Who is Mrs. Taylor? She is Robert s and Grace sgrandmother.51

    -~.- .. -~-. - ~ z a ... --

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    OJ DE T~ABAJO 102.8.1.Are You Jonathan Williams?Are you Vivan's daughters?Am I Mrs. Brown's great-niece?Are you Governor Christianson?

    . Are we,Mr. Stillson's grandchildren?Are we Helen's cousins?Are you Vincent's sons?Am 1 Alice's nephew?Are you Charles Seymour?Are you Bob and Alice?Are you Mark's and Nora's sisters-in-Iaw? '2.8.2.Are you Myra' s husband?I am Eleanor's grandfather.'We are sisters.They' are Grace's par ents.He LPresident Clarkson.hL. she~Tom's wife?Are we Gerry and Bill'snieces?Are-IsAre

    they Mr. Lee's nephews?she the Pre~ident's mother?you husband and wife?

    2.8.3Who're you?Who's she?Who're we?who am I?,Who're Ann and Rose?

    No, I am Johnnv Wflliamson.Ves, we are Vivian's daughters.No, you are her great-great-niece.Ves, I am Governor Christianson.Ves, you are Mr.. Stillson,'s grand-children. .'No, you are Helen's nephews.Ves, we are Vincent's sons.Ves, you are Alice's nephew.Ves, 1,am Charles Seymour.No, we are Tim and Elsie.No, we are Mark's and Nora'scousins. '

    Is he Commissioner Brown?Are they Ann and Louise?She..lLMrs. Benson's, mother.You are Charles' cousins.Am I Bob's niece?They are Mary's brothers-jn-Iaw.We-. LDrs. Beck and Spock.I . Melissa Benton.'Vou are brother and sister.SheJ ... Princess Lo~jse.

    I'm Herman's uncle. 'She's Mrs. Colernan.'-You're Fred's parents.Vou're Claudia's, brother.,They're Marie Clare's, friends.


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    Who's he?Who's Willie's unele?Who're you?'Who's he?Who're, they?,Who're we?V\{ho're you?Who's she?Who am I?Who're they?Who's he?Who's Superman?Who're Mr. and Mrs. Sherman?Who's Miss Christian?Who're you?Who's Dr. Keenan?Who're Diek and Charles?Who're we?Who's Miss Trevors?

    . Who're they?Who're you?Whq's Peter?Who's Mrs. Clemens?Who're they?


    He's Father 'Williams.He's Governor Pratt.-I'm Mr. and Mrs. Lewis' grand daughter.He's Carla's fither.They're Ray's and Kim's grand parents.Vou're Ellen's brother and sister.We're Helen's brothers. s s Dr. Powers.You're Jaeks' brother-in-Iaw.,They re Arthur's eousins.He's Commissioner Me Millan.He's Clark Kent. ' ,

    n;y:-re Frantis' unele and au'nt.'She's Mrs. Johnson's sister.- .We're Peter ~nd William Speneer.He's Aliee's brother.-They're Mr. Corbett's nephews.You're Kirk and Diana.

    She's the President's aunt.They're General and Mrs. Dougt'as.We're Miss Jaekson's brothers.He's Mike's eousin.s Eloise's mother-in-Iaw.T~ey're Mr. Hill and Mr. Glark.

    .. .' ~A .. .. i'.'.;;

  • 8/14/2019 10 Unidad II


    my mother. She's my mother.our father. He's OUt father.his brother. He's his brother.her sister. She's her sister.your, uncle. He's Y9ur uncle.your aunt. She's your aunt.their grandmother She's their grand-mother.their grandfathe r. He's their grand-father.your nephew. I'm your nephew.our grandparents. They're ourgrandparents.your uncles. We're your uncles.qur cousins. They're our cousins.their sisters. They're their sisters.his parents. We're his parents.our nieces. They're OUt nieces.her parents-in-Iaw. They're her

    parents-in-Iaw.your sisters-in-Iaw. We'reyoursisters-in-Iaw.your doctor. I'm your doctor.

    -.. _.- .-.:. ~ ,.. ~ ~ ._.~~

    HOJA DE TRABAJO 112.9.Who is Mrs. Spellman? She isWho is. Bob Jones? He iWho is Henry? H,e isWho is Louise? She isWho is Richard? He is-Who is Mrs. Bentley? She isWho is Mrs. Gregory? She is-Who is Mr: Bentley? He isWho are you?- lamWho are they? They areWho are you? We areWho are they? They areWho are Ann and Jo? They areWhoare you? We areWho are they? They areWho are they? They are


    Who are you? We areWho are you? I am2.9.1.

    ..We 'have a sister.They have two cousins.I have a husband.Robert has a wife.y ou have a nephew.He has a nurse.She has three brothers.We have neighbors.

    She is JmL sister.The): are their cousins.He is my husband.She is his wife.He is' your nephew.She is J . nurse.TheV- are her ,brothers.Thet are '.mar.' neighbor.


  • 8/14/2019 10 Unidad II


    I have a family. It is my family.They have rooms. They are their rooms..The libraries have books. They are their books.It has two doors. They are its . doors.Vou have a great aunt. She is grat aunt.I haye a caro It is my caroThe garden has flowers. They are its flowers.John has a bicycle. It . . is his bicycle.Alice has two dogs. They are her dogs.

    2.9.2.Are you Teddy s uncle? No, I JmL his cousln.she Helen s doctor? Ves, she 1L- her doctor.Are they your students? Ves, they .r, my/ our students.Is Mrs. Lee your grand- my/ourmother? No, she 1L- great aunt.Are they Alice s sons? No, they are ner- nephews.Is she your sister? No, she 1L- my- aunt.Are you Bob s cousin? Ves, I .. mL his cousin.s Charles your uncle? Ves, he k-. J lY/our uncle.Are they your fathers? Ves, they are our fathers.Are we your nieces? NO-,you are my/our cousins.Is Diana my nurse? Ves, she k- your nurse.Are. YOUour friends? Ves, we are ur friend.Is he Mark s father? No, he 1L- . IS uncle.Is it the dog s house? Ves, it is it s house.Is she David s sister-in.law? No, she . 1L- his cousin.Are you Mary s parents? Ves, we ... I: L her. parents.Are they your teachers? No, they are OUI:. librarians.
