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Actividades 5 Grado

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  • 7/28/2019 Actividades 5 Grado


    Estimados alumnos,

    LOS HEMOS EXTRAADO MUCHO!Espero que todos estn muy bien; que hayan estado muy atentos a lasrecomendaciones de la Secretara de Salud y que ya estn ansiosos de

    regresar.Estamos preparando el Colegio para que est muy limpio para el lunes queregresemos a actividades normales. Por lo pronto, sus maestros les estnmandando algunas actividades con el objetivo de repasar contenidos que

    estuvimos viendo antes de esta situacin de contingencia y as sea ms fcil

    reiniciar nuestras actividades. No se preocupen si no llevan el libro o cuadernode la materia, pueden hacerlo en cualquier hoja, y como prefieran: a mano, encomputadora, a colores, con pluma, lpiz como quieran! lo importante es

    practicar lo que ya habamos aprendido.

    Recuerden que los extraamos y que tenemos MUCHAS ganas de verlos. Losesperamos el lunes!

    AtentamenteMiss Adriana Villarreal R

    Actividades de Espaol para 5to Grado(Actividades para los 3 grupos)


    Juan compr para las vacaciones 3 pelotas de playa y pag $ 27 pesos. Cuntocuesta 1 pelota? Cunto tendr que pagar por 10 pelotas?

    Completa la tabla para contestar:

    Pelotas 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Precio

    Costo de una pelota:__________Costo de 10 pelotas:__________

  • 7/28/2019 Actividades 5 Grado


    En la tienda que compr estos accesorios, tena tres horas en las que ofrecadescuentos en los artculos.2.- Escribe las horas que marca cada reloj segn corresponda:

    Reloj 1:_______ Reloj 2:_________ Reloj 3:_________

    3,- Al regreso del las vacaciones Juan decidi hacer un reportaje en larevista de la localidad acerca de los deportes de se realizaron en la playa. Unaeditorial imprime semanalmente 656 revistas deportivas, y al ao imprimen 34112 ejemplares. Si el precio por revista es de $ 26, cunto dinero recibe por

    las ventas de una semana?_______.Cuntas revistas imprimen en dos aos?___________.Si esta semana imprimieron slo de las revistas. Cuntaspublicaron?_________.

    4.- Escribe SI o NO segn corresponde.

    _____ son paralelas _____ sonperpendiculares

    ______son paralelas

    5.- Escribe con letra y nmero la fraccin que representa la parte coloreada:

  • 7/28/2019 Actividades 5 Grado


  • 7/28/2019 Actividades 5 Grado


    9. Realiza una figura con igual permetro y diferente rea que la del modelo, yotra con igual rea y diferente permetro. Despus, escribe las medidas delas tres figuras, en unidades lineales y cuadradas.A: A=________ P=________B: A=________ P =________C: A =________ P =________

    B CA

    10. Realiza las conversiones a la unidad que se indica:

    52 cm =_________mm 75 m =__________cm

    8000 m = ________ km 35 kg = _________g

    9000 g =__________kg 8m =_________ mm

    11. Escribe el nombre de los slidos y el nmero de aristas y vrtices.




  • 7/28/2019 Actividades 5 Grado


    12. Traza los ngulos que se indican y escribe su nombre:

    Grados :________Nombre:________

    Grados :_________Nombre:_________

    Grados :_________Nombre:_________

    13. Escribe o = segn corresponda:

    3/5 ____ 4/5 2/8 _____ 2/9 ______9/12

    6/10______ 70/100

    14. Escribe la frmula y calcula el rea de las figuras.

    B= 14m

    A= 5m

    Frmula Sustitucin Operaciones Resultado

    L= 12mFrmula Sustitucin Operaciones Resultado

  • 7/28/2019 Actividades 5 Grado


    15. Realiza las conversiones a la unidad que se indica:

    2 kg = ____________g 23 dm = ___________ cm

    1200 mm = _________dm

    16. Lee y resuelve las siguientes razones:

    @ Luis ley 198 pginas de un libro en la maana, 177 pginas en la tardey 623 pginas en la noche.

    Cuntas pginas ley en total?_______________________________________________

    Cuntas pginas ley en el transcurso de la tarde y noche?___________________________________________________

    Cuntas pginas ley ms en la maana que en la noche?____________________________________________________

    Si el libro tiene 1500 pginas Cuntas pginas le faltan de leer a Luis?__________________________________________________

    @ Un autobs tiene que recorrer 3500 kilmetros en 3 das. Si el primerda recorri 1345 kilmetros y el segundo da 935 kilmetros.

    Qu distancia recorri en dos das?______________________________________________________

    Cuntos kilmetros recorri ms en el primer da que en el segundo?______________________________________________________

    Qu distancia le falta por recorrer?_______________________________________________________

  • 7/28/2019 Actividades 5 Grado


    @ El municipio gast $ 6175 en 32 plantas iguales que va poner enla Alameda.

    Cunto le cost cada planta? R= $ _______________

    @ En una zona protegida van a repartir 1308 ranas en 16 charcoCuntas ranas deben poner en cada charco? R= $ ________________.

    @ Paty tiene que colorear diamantina en la superficie de un rbol decartn en forma de tringulo.Si las medidas son 15 cm de base por 26 cm de altura, En qu reatendr que colocar la diamantina? ___________________________

    @ El dueo de una gran casa de campo destinar un tringulo en laparte central de su jardn para plantar flores de ornato.Si las medidas del tringulo son 6 m de base por cuatro de altura Qurea del jardn se destinar a las flores de ornato?

    @ Si se quiere construir un papalote con forma de rombo de 17 m de

    diagonal menor y 34 de diagonal mayor qu cantidad de papel senecesita?_________

    @ Juan compr 3 quesos. El primero pes 5.750 kg, el segundo 3.125 kg

    y el tercero 2.500 Kg.

    Cunto pesan el primero y el tercer queso juntos?__________

    Cunto pesan los tres quesos juntos?_____________Cunto pesa ms el segundo queso que el tercero?________________.

    @ La seora Reinoso va a invitar a muchas amigas a desayunar y quieredarles jugo de naranja natural. Necesita comprar 11.5 kg de naranjas ycada kilocuesta $9.25. Cunto le costarn las naranjas?_____________

  • 7/28/2019 Actividades 5 Grado


    17. Realiza las siguientes divisin y multiplicacin

    12 . 4 5 6 7 8 . 9 8x 4 . 5 x 8 . 7

    1 2 5 6 8 .6 6 2 3 4 5 .6 7 9 6 7 3 .2 1 0 9

  • 7/28/2019 Actividades 5 Grado


    ESPAOL:Hace mucho, mucho tiempo, cuando los nios se vestan de seda y usaban unosgrandes sombreros adornados con pompones y cintas, viva un seor muy sabiollamado Galileo, A l le encantaba mirar el cielo, porque quera saber cmo eranesas cosas brillantes llamadas estrellas, cmo era esa luz que pareca lmparaencendida, llamada Luna, y que sera esa especie de neblina que se arrastrabaen la noche, iluminando el cielo como si fuera polvillo de estrellas.

    Una tarde, en el ao 1609, Galileo, encerrado en su pieza de trabajo, tratabade terminar su gran invento. No se distraa con nada, incluso no sala ni paraalimentarse.

    -No quiero comer - deca, mientras trabajaba en un extrao instrumento llenode vidrios y metales.

    Quin piensa en comer cuando dentro de poco vera el cielo cerca de su nariz?

    Las moscas (porque en el ao 1609 tambin existan las moscas) llegaban asaltar ante cada golpe que daba el sabio a su raro instrumento y se escondanasustadas detrs de las cortinas.

    -Listo He terminado mi telescopio - grit Galileo, lleno de felicidad.Haba inventado nada menos que el telescopio

    Como era muy tarde, las estrellas haban salido en lo alto de su ventana.Pestae un par de veces para aclarar bien la vista, tosi para no ponersenervioso, y.... puso su ojo derecho en el lente del instrumento.

    -Oh , no puede ser -grit.

    Qu haba visto?

    Pues esas mltiples manchitas que, desde la Tierra, se vean en la cara de la

    Luna, no eran manchitas...

    -Son montaas y crteres de volcanes -dijo el sabio , fascinado.Sigui mirando.

    -Oh, es que no puedo creerlo -dijo a los pocos minutos.

    Lo que se vea como una neblina espesa, no era tal, sino que un conjunto enorme

  • 7/28/2019 Actividades 5 Grado


    de estrellas, o la Va Lctea, que todos conocemos.

    La felicidad para el sabio fue inmensa y sus estudios sirvieron a otros sabiosque trataron de saber ms y ms sobre el universo.Por eso, cuando en la noche vean la Luna, las estrellas y la gran mancha de laVa Lctea, acurdense de un hombre sabio que, hace tanto tiempo, dio un gransalto de felicidad, pues pudo, gracias a su invento, explicar algunos de losmisterios del cielo.


    Marca con una X la respuesta ms correcta de acuerdo a la informacindel cuento.

    1. Galileo era:

    a) Un gran sabio estudioso del universob) Un seor que viaj a la Lunac) Un seor que estudiaba los volcanes

    2. Galileo invent:a) Una mquina para observar los vidrios y metalesb) Un instrumento llamado telescopioc) Una lmpara para ver en la neblina.

    3. Con su telescopio, Galileo pudo reconocer:a) Tierras lejanasb) Misterios del ocanoc) La Va Lctea

    4. Los estudios de Galileo permitieron:a) A otros sabios continuar investigando sobre el universob) A otros sabios viajar a la Luna y a otros planetasc) Crear una nave espacial para llegar a la Va Lctea.

  • 7/28/2019 Actividades 5 Grado


    English Activities for 5th grade(Activities for the 3 groups)

    Find the following links and practice for:

    Listening activities for 5th grade







  • 7/28/2019 Actividades 5 Grado


    Pronouns (Subject & Object)1)Subject Pronouns 2)Object Pronouns

    I me

    you you

    he him

    she her

    it it

    we us

    you you

    they them

    ExercisesRewrite the following sentences using a pronoun (subject or object). Replace the underlined wo

    1) My mother likes my new dress. _____________________________________

    2) I love Michael Jackson. ___________________________________________3) Do you like me and my brother? _____________________________________4) I like your new glasses. ___________________________________________5) Madonna sings with Britney Spears. __________________________________6) My friends and I like ice-cream. _____________________________________7) Peter and Sandy love their parents. _________________________________



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    The subject of a verb does the action ofthe verb. The personal pronouns I, you,

    he, she, it, we and they can all be used

    as the subject of a verb. Lisa likes cats.She has four cats.


    The object of a verb receives the action

    of the verb. The personal pronouns me,

    you, him, her, it, us, and them can all beused as the object of a verb. Lisa likes

    cats. She likes to stoke them


    Read the following passage. Write the missing subject and objectpronouns in the blank spaces.

    My name is Ann. ________ have two brothers. _______ are both older

    than _______. Sometimes they take me to the park and ________ play

    football together. I like playing football with ______ because they are

    very good. We are going to the park today. Would you like to come with

    _________? _______ can all play together. Afterwards, _______ can

    come to my house if ________want to. I think ________ will like my

    dad. He is very funny and _______ makes great pizzas. Do _______ like


  • 7/28/2019 Actividades 5 Grado



    Complete each analogy by wri ting the best word in the blank. You may use a dictionary.

    1. Find is to lose as construct is to _______________.

    build demolish misplace materials

    2. Find is to locate as feign is to _______________.

    pane pretend line mean

    3. Find is to kind as feign is to _______________.

    pane pretend line mean

    4. Pane is to pain as weigh is to _______________.

    scale pounds weight way

    5. Bring is to brought as sing is to _______________.

    sang melody song record

    6. Dime is to tenth as quarter is to _______________.

    twenty-five fourth home coin

    7. Plates is to dishes as arms is to _______________.

    legs hands farms weapons

  • 7/28/2019 Actividades 5 Grado


    Seasonal Analogies

    Complete each analogy by writing the best word in the blank. You may use

    a dictionary.

    1. December is to winter as June is to _______________.

    Warmer Month summer Autumn

    2. Ice skate is to sleigh as scooter is to _______________.

    Road Wagon handle Scoot

    3. Cake is to eat as egg nog is to _______________.

    Drink Cream holiday Milk

    4. Rudolph is to reindeer as Frosty is to _______________.

    Cold Icy white Snowman

    5. Christmas is to merry as New Year is to _______________.

    Holiday January happy Party

    6. Christmas is to Christian as Hanukkah is to _______________.

    Lights Jewish Religious Candles

    7. Out is to in as give is to _______________.

    Gifts Present help Receive

  • 7/28/2019 Actividades 5 Grado


    Using Inference

    Sometimes someone will try to tell you something without coming right out andsaying it. He will implyit. When you understand what is implied, you infer.Sometimes you can infer the truth even when the speaker or writer isnt

    trying to be helpful. Thats called reading between the lines.

    See if you can infer an impled or hidden message in each of the following


    Turner almost wished that he hadnt listened to the radio. He went to

    the closet and grabbed his umbrella. He would feel silly carrying it to the busstop on such a sunny morning.

    1. Which probably happened?

    a. Turner realized that he had an unnatural fear of falling radio parts.b. Turner had promised himself to do something silly that morning.c. Turner had heard a weather forecast that predicted rain.d. Turner planned to trade his umbrella for a bus ride.

    Larry, as your boss, I must say its been very interesting working withyou, Miss Valdez said. However, it seems that our companys needs and yourperformance style are not well matched. Therefore, it makes me very sad tohave to ask you to resign your position effective today.

    2. What was Miss Valdez telling Larry?

    a. She would feel really bad if he decided to quit.

    b. He was being fired.

    c. He was getting a raise in pay.

    d. She really enjoyed having him in the office.

  • 7/28/2019 Actividades 5 Grado


    No, Honey, I dont want you to spend a lot of money on my birthday present.

    Just having you for a husband is the only gift I need. In fact, Ill just drive my

    old rusty bucket of bolts down to the mall and buy myself a littlepresent. And if the poor old car doesn't break down, Ill be back soon.

    3. What is the message?

    a. I dont want a gift.b. Buy me a new car.c. The mall is fun.d. Ill carry a bucket for you.

    Bill and Jessica were almost done taking turns choosing the players fortheir teams. It was Jessicas turn to choose, and only Kurt was left.

    Jessica said, Kurt.

    4. We can infer that ________

    a. Kurt is not a very good player.b. Jessica was pleased to have Kurt on her team.c. Kurt was the best player on either team.

    d. Jessica was inconsiderate of Kurts feelings.

  • 7/28/2019 Actividades 5 Grado


    The Lookout Mountain Tunnel

    by Randy NewcombRead this story. Use it to complete the next page.

    I don't know why Jimmy and I took Jesse Connor's dare to go through theLookout Mountain Tunnel. It sure wasn't easy to get to, especially in themiddle of a cold November night. We had to make it past Old Man Sylva's sixhound dogs.

    Right behind Old Man Sylva's yard was the old railway bridge that crossedDillsboro Creek. When you looked over the side of the bridge, all you could seewas the dark, slimy water about four feet below. We didn't even know forsure if trains still used this track. If one did come, that water sure lookedcolder and slimier than either of us could stand to think about. The bridge,

    though, was nothing compared to the tunnel. Five steps down the track intothe tunnel and you couldn't see your hand right in front of you. If we turnedback, Jesse would tell everyone we were chicken. He would know if we didn'tmake it, too. We were to pick up something at the other end of the tunnel andbring it to school.

    We were trying to figure out what he had left there when we saw the light. Itcame right down the middle of the track in our direction. Jimmy says he hearda train whistle, but we found out later that the end of the tunnel had been

    blocked for years.

    Well, guess what? That water was just as bad as we'd imagined. Worse stillwere the chicken noises our friends made when we showed up at schoolwithout Jesse's proof. But never fear. Jimmy and I are going to get even withJesse. See, we've got this plan. . .

  • 7/28/2019 Actividades 5 Grado


    Draw ConclusionsComplete the chart below after reading "The Lookout Mountain Tunnel." Thencreate your own chart on a separate sheet of paper. Draw another conclusionabout a story event, and find supporting details.

    Conclusion: Jimmy and the narrator think there's a train, sothey jump into the water.

    Story clue: It is very dark in the tunnel.

    Story clue:

    What I already know aboutfear:

    Other conclusions I can draw:

    Conclusion: It was Jesse who used a light to make it seem as

    though there was a train coming.

    Story clue:The tunnel was blocked for


    Story clue:

    What I already know abouttricks:

    Other conclusions I can draw:

  • 7/28/2019 Actividades 5 Grado


    Jaboti Plays His FluteAdapted by Courtney Silk

    Read the story. Use it to finish the next page.

    Jaboti the turtle lived in the Brazilian rain forest. Each day he played hisflute and danced. One day, a hunter crept up behind the turtle and put himinto a basket. Jaboti was unable to get out.

    The hunter brought Jaboti back to his hut. "Tonight we will feast on turtlesoup!" the hunter said to his children.

    When their father left again, the children uncovered the basket and foundJaboti playing his flute. "Remove me from this basket and I will show you whata great dancer I am," said Jaboti.

    While watching Jaboti dance, the children drifted off to sleep. When theyawoke, Jaboti was gone. The children knew that their father would be angry.They were unsure about what to do. They found a rock and painted it to looklike Jaboti.

    The children put the rock into a pot. They covered the rock with water. Whentheir father returned, he made a fire and put the pot on to cook. Then hepoured the soup into a big bowl.

    The rock tumbled out and broke with a large crash! Far away, the sound of aflute could be heard. Jaboti the turtle was safe.

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    Here's the StoryFill out the chart below to map out the plot for "Jaboti Plays His Flute."

    Title "Jaboti Plays His Flute"



    Events 1.





  • 7/28/2019 Actividades 5 Grado


    Activity A

    Thinking: Logical ConclusionsIf you hear your sister ask for eggs, flour, and food coloring, you might thinkthat she was getting ready to bake. However, you would be jumping toconclusions. She might be mixing a type of paint that has the sameingredients.Some conclusions are easy to make and do not require much thought. If youare in school and the fire alarm rings, you can automatically conclude thatthere is a fire drill, or perhaps even a fire.Other conclusion cannot be formed so quickly. We need to think about thinformation available before we can reach a conclusion.Drawing ConclusionsWhat conclusions would you draw from the following pieces of information?

    1. You see your friend holding a suitcase.2. Your friend is standing at a bus stop.3. The bus stop is at a traffic light.4. Summer vacation has begun.5. A sing across the street says: Instant Luggage Repairs.

    Print or rewrite this page and write your conclusions numbered. Write

    minimum 2 sentences per each conclusion for every piece of information.

    Activity 2Click on the following links and answer the activities. Print your answers

    and grade.


    Activity BWrite a speech with the title: What to Do When You Have Nothing to Do

    Remember you need to know the kind of audience you will have. Use appropriate language according to the type and age of the audience. Start with a topic sentence. End with a strong sentence. It has to be a one page speech. Memorize it to say it aloud the first day when we go back to school.

  • 7/28/2019 Actividades 5 Grado


    SOCIAL STUDIES Locate the three leading Allies and two leading Central Powers of

    World War I. Color the Allies with green and the Central Powerswith orange. Note: Countries which are not labeled are neutralnations


    Central Powers






    Portugal Italy






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