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1.Ingresar a Microsoft Visual estudio 2012 y realizar un programa en Visual Basic en modo Consola y realice ejercicios como 1 clic en Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. Verá una pantalla de bienvenida para Visual Studio 2008, 1. seguido por la página de inicio (consulte la figura 2-3). Combinaciones y permutaciones en c++ Clases y objetos RELLENO CON AUTOMATAS CELULARES Module Module1 Dim px As Integer = 2

1.Ingresar a Microsoft Visual estudio 2012 y realizar un programa en Visual Basic en modo Consola y realice ejercicios como

1clic en Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. Verá una pantalla de bienvenida para Visual Studio 2008,

1. seguido por la página de inicio (consulte la figura 2-3).

Combinaciones y permutaciones en c++Clases y objetos


Module Module1 Dim px As Integer = 2 Dim py As Integer = 2 Dim Cont As Integer Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) Dim resultado As Integer = 0

Sub Main()


IniciarMatriz(Matriz, nf, nc) linea(px, py, 18, 18) Matriz(px, py) = relleno REM RecuperarMatriz(Matriz, nf, nc) Verpantalla(Matriz, nf, nc) Console.ReadLine() Dim cont As Integer = 0 While resultado = 0 REM resultado = crecer(Matriz, nf, nc) crecer(Matriz, nf, nc) REM Sleep(50) cont = cont + 1 If cont > 20 Then resultado = 1 End While Verpantalla(Matriz, nf, nc) REM GrabarMatriz(Matriz, nf, nc) Console.ReadLine() End SubEnd Module


Module Module2 Public Const maxfilas As Integer = 20 Public camino As Integer = 0 Public relleno As Integer = 1 Public Const maxcol As Integer = 20 Public nf As Integer = maxfilas, nc As Integer = maxcol Public Matriz(maxfilas, maxfilas) As Integer Public np As Integer = 4 Public X(maxfilas) As Integer Public Y(maxfilas) As Integer Public Sub RecuperarMatriz(ByRef A(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) REM Dim srLector = New StreamReader("E:\datos\matriz5x5.txt") Dim srLector = New StreamReader("E:\datos\matriz20x20a.txt") Dim cadena As String, subcadena As String Dim pos As Integer = 0, fila1 As Integer, longitud As String Dim inicio As Integer = 1, cont As Integer = 0 For fila1 = 0 To nf - 1 cadena = srLector.ReadLine() longitud = Len(cadena) inicio = 1 : cont = 0 Do pos = InStr(inicio, cadena, Chr(9)) If pos > 0 Then


subcadena = Mid(cadena, inicio, pos - inicio) A(fila1, cont) = Val(subcadena) inicio = pos + 1 cont += 1 Else subcadena = Mid(cadena, inicio, longitud - inicio + 1) A(fila1, cont) = Val(subcadena) cont += 1 Exit Do End If Loop While (inicio <= longitud) Next REM Console.WriteLine("Archivo leido satisfactoriamente") srLector.Close() End Sub Sub IniciarMatriz(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 A(fila, col) = 2 Next Next End Sub Sub Verpantalla(ByVal a(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 Console.CursorLeft = col + 1 Console.CursorTop = fila + 1 Console.ForegroundColor = a(fila, col) Console.Write(a(fila, col)) Next Next End Sub

Public Sub linea(ByVal x1 As Single, ByVal y1 As Single, ByVal x2 As Single, ByVal y2 As Single) Dim i As Single, vel As Integer = 10 Dim mayor As Single, ancho As Single, alto As Single, partex As Single, partey As Single Dim px As Single, py As Single Dim dx As Single, dy As Single ancho = Math.Abs(x2 - x1) alto = Math.Abs(y2 - y1) If x1 <= x2 Then dx = 1


Else dx = -1 End If If y1 <= y2 Then dy = 1 Else dy = -1 End If If ancho >= alto Then mayor = ancho Else mayor = alto End If partex = ancho / (mayor) partey = alto / (mayor) For i = 0 To mayor Step 1 px = i * partex * dx * 1 py = i * partey * dy * 1 Console.CursorLeft = x1 + px Console.CursorTop = y1 + py Console.Write(camino) Matriz(y1 + py, x1 + px) = camino REM Sleep(vel) Next End Sub Function crecer(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) As Integer Dim resultado As Integer = 0 Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer, vecinos As Integer Dim x1 As Integer, y1 As Integer, x2 As Integer, y2 As Integer Dim fila1 As Integer, col1 As Integer For fila = 1 To nf - 1 For col = 1 To nf - 1 If A(fila, col) <> camino Then Continue For

If (fila > 1) Then y1 = fila - 1 Else y1 = fila End If If (fila < nf - 1) Then y2 = fila + 1 Else y2 = fila End If If (col > 1) Then x1 = col - 1


Else x1 = col End If If (col < nc) Then x2 = col + 1 Else x2 = col End If vecinos = 0 For fila1 = y1 To y2 For col1 = x1 To x2 If (fila1 = fila And col1 = col) Then Continue For If A(fila1, col1) = relleno Then vecinos = vecinos + 1 Next Next If vecinos > camino And A(fila, col) = camino Then A(fila, col) = relleno resultado = 1 End If Next Next End Function

Sub GrabarMatriz(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) Dim swEscritor = New StreamWriter("e:\DATOS\matriz20X20A.txt") Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 swEscritor.Write("{0}{1} ", A(fila, col), Chr(9)) Next swEscritor.WriteLine() Next swEscritor.Close() End Sub Sub TransferirMatriz(ByVal Matriz(,) As Integer, ByVal m1(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer For fila = 1 To nf For col = 1 To nc m1(fila, col) = Matriz(fila, col) Next Next End SubEnd Module


46 Programa de automatas celulares para obtener figuras

Imports System.IOModule Module1 Dim swEscritor As StreamWriter Sub main() cont = 0 RecuperarMatriz("e:\datos\matriz10x10.txt", A, nfilas, ncol) MostrarMatriz(1, 1, A, nfilas, ncol) proceso() Console.ReadLine() End Sub Sub EncontrarPuntoOrigen(ByRef pxo As Integer, ByRef pyo As Integer, ByVal camino As Integer) Dim encontrado As Integer = 0 For fila = 0 To nfilas - 1 For col = 0 To ncol - 1 If A(fila, col) = camino Then pxo = col pyo = fila encontrado = 1 Exit For End If If encontrado = 1 Then Exit For Next Next End Sub Sub proceso() pmx = 1 pmy = 1 'EncontrarPuntoOrigen(pxo, pyo, camino)


pxo = 6 pyo = 4

InicializarObjeto(pxo, pyo, Objeto1) final = 0 MostrarMatriz(pmx, pmy, A, nf, nc) MostrarObjeto(pmx, pmy, Objeto1) NroObjeto = 0 Objetos(NroObjeto) = Objeto1 Objetos2(cont) = Objeto1 A(Objeto1.Cy, Objeto1.Cx) = huella Do Do MostrarMatriz(pmx, pmy, A, nf, nc) MostrarObjeto(pmx, pmy, Objeto1) resultado = evaluar(Objeto1, A, camino, meta) If resultado = 1 Then GoTo fin procesar = 0 End If dir = Objeto1.Direc Select Case dir Case 1 : Objeto1.Cx = Objeto1.Cx + 1 Case 2 : Objeto1.Cy = Objeto1.Cy - 1 Case 3 : Objeto1.Cx = Objeto1.Cx - 1 Case 4 : Objeto1.Cy = Objeto1.Cy + 1 Case Else : terminado = 1 End Select A(Objeto1.Cy, Objeto1.Cx) = huella NroObjeto = NroObjeto + 1 cont = cont + 1 Objeto1.nro = NroObjeto Objetos(NroObjeto) = Objeto1 Objetos2(cont) = Objeto1 Loop While terminado = 0 terminado = 0 Do Objeto1 = Objetos(NroObjeto) MostrarMatriz(pmx, pmy, A, nf, nc) MostrarObjeto(pmx, pmy, Objeto1) resultado = evaluar(Objeto1, A, camino, meta) dir = Objeto1.Direc If (NroObjeto < 0) Then GoTo fin If dir > 0 Then terminado = 1 Else A(Objeto1.Cy, Objeto1.Cx) = retorno


NroObjeto = NroObjeto - 1 If (NroObjeto < 0) Then GoTo fin cont = cont + 1 'Sleep(10) End If Loop While terminado = 0 If NroObjeto < 0 Then final = 1 Loop While final = 0 MostrarObjeto(pmx, pmy, Objeto1)fin: Console.SetCursorPosition(2, 22) If NroObjeto > 0 Then Console.WriteLine("ENCONTRADO X={0} Y = {1} Mov ={2} ", Objetos(NroObjeto).Cx, Objetos(NroObjeto).Cy, cont) Else Console.WriteLine(" no se encontro la meta y se hizo {0} Movimientos ", cont) End If ' grabar la matriz de movimientos swEscritor = New StreamWriter("E:\DATOS\puntosbuscados.txt") For i = 0 To cont - 1 With Objetos2(i) swEscritor.WriteLine("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}{5}{6} {7}{8} {9}{10} {11}{12}{13}{14} {15}{16} {17} {18}", _ .nro, Chr(9), .dir1, Chr(9), .dir2, Chr(9), .dir3, Chr(9), .dir4, Chr(9), .Cx, _ Chr(9), .Cy, Chr(9), .np, Chr(9), .Valor, Chr(9), .Direc) End With Next swEscritor.Close() ' Obtener la matriz final cont2 = 1 Vx(0) = Objetos2(0).Cx Vy(0) = Objetos2(0).Cy Vdir(0) = Objetos2(0).Direc For i = 1 To cont - 1 If Objetos2(i).dir1 = 0 And Objetos2(i).dir2 = 0 And Objetos2(i).dir3 = 0 And Objetos2(i).dir4 = 0 Then Continue For Else Vx(cont2) = Objetos2(i).Cx Vy(cont2) = Objetos2(i).Cy Vdir(cont2) = Objetos2(i).Direc cont2 = cont2 + 1 End If Next Console.WriteLine(" Archivo puntos buscados grabados cont2 {0} ", cont2)


swEscritor = New StreamWriter("E:\DATOS\puntosfinales.txt") For i = 0 To cont2 - 1 swEscritor.WriteLine("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}", Vx(i), Chr(9), Vy(i), Chr(9), Vdir(i)) Next swEscritor.Close() Console.WriteLine(" Archivo puntos finales grabados ") reconstruir(Vx, Vy, Vdir, cont2, B) MostrarMatriz(40, 1, B, nf, nc) procesar = 0 End Sub

Sub reconstruir(ByVal vx() As Integer, ByVal vy As Integer(), ByVal vdir() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer, ByRef B(,) As Integer) For i = 0 To ne - 1 B(vy(i), vx(i)) = camino Next End SubEnd Module

Imports System.IOModule Module2 Public cont2 As Integer = 0 ' para contar los puntos finales Public pxo As Integer ' posicion x del objeto Public pyo As Integer ' posicion y del objeto Public pmx As Integer ' posicion x de la matriz Public pmy As Integer ' posicion y de la matriz Public A(nfilas, ncol) As Integer Public B(nfilas, ncol) As Integer Public px1 As Integer Public py1 As Integer

Public camino As Integer = 9, terminado As Integer = 0, retorno As Integer = 5, huella = 4 Public meta As Integer = 7, resultado As Integer = 0, dir As Integer = 0 Public mxo As Integer = 9, myo As Integer = 9, mzo As Integer = 0 Public valor As Integer = 0, final As Integer = 0, cont As Integer = 0, NroObjeto As Integer = 0 Public procesar As Integer = 0 ' al principio no procesa Public Const nfilas As Integer = 10, ncol As Integer = 10 Public srLector As StreamReader Public nf As Integer = 10 ' 20 Public nc As Integer = 10 '20 Public Objetos(200) As Buscador Public Objetos2(200) As Buscador Public Vx(100) As Integer Public Vy(100) As Integer


Public Vdir(100) As Integer Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) REM *** Public Structure Buscador Public nro As Integer Public dir1 As Integer, dir2 As Integer, dir3 As Integer, dir4 As Integer ' declarar matrices de 4 Public Cx As Integer Public Cy As Integer Public np As Integer Public Valor As Integer ' Es el valor del objeto Public Color As Integer ' Es el color del objeto Public Direc As Integer End Structure Public Objeto1 As Buscador Function obtenerDir(ByVal d1 As Integer, ByVal d2 As Integer, ByVal d3 As Integer, ByVal d4 As Integer) As Integer If d1 = 1 Then Return 1 If d2 = 1 Then Return 2 If d3 = 1 Then Return 3 If d4 = 1 Then Return 4 obtenerDir = 0 End Function Function evaluar(ByRef objeto1 As Buscador, ByVal Matriz(,) As Integer, ByVal camino As Integer, ByVal meta As Integer) As Integer Dim cont As Integer = 0, Cx As Integer, Cy As Integer, Direc As Integer = 0 Dim resultado As Integer = 0 objeto1.dir1 = 0 objeto1.dir2 = 0 objeto1.dir3 = 0 objeto1.dir4 = 0 Cx = objeto1.Cx Cy = objeto1.Cy ' primero evalua si ya encontro la metas If Matriz(Cy, Cx + 1) = meta Then objeto1.dir1 = 1 cont = cont + 1 evaluar = 1 Exit Function End If If Matriz(Cy - 1, Cx) = meta Then objeto1.dir2 = 1 cont = cont + 1 evaluar = 1 Exit Function End If If Matriz(Cy, Cx - 1) = meta Then


objeto1.dir3 = 1 cont = cont + 1 evaluar = 1 Exit Function End If If Matriz(Cy + 1, Cx) = meta Then objeto1.dir4 = 1 cont = cont + 1 evaluar = 1 Exit Function End If '// si no encuentra meta evalua si hay camino If Matriz(Cy, Cx + 1) = camino Then objeto1.dir1 = 1 cont = cont + 1 End If If Matriz(Cy - 1, Cx) = camino Then objeto1.dir2 = 1 cont = cont + 1 End If If Matriz(Cy, Cx - 1) = camino Then objeto1.dir3 = 1 cont = cont + 1 End If If Matriz(Cy + 1, Cx) = camino Then objeto1.dir4 = 1 cont = cont + 1 End If objeto1.np = cont Direc = obtenerDir(objeto1.dir1, objeto1.dir2, objeto1.dir3, objeto1.dir4) objeto1.Direc = Direc evaluar = 0 End Function Sub InicializarObjeto(ByVal Cx As Integer, ByVal cy As Integer, ByRef Objeto1 As Buscador) Objeto1.Cx = pxo Objeto1.Cy = pyo Objeto1.Valor = 9 Objeto1.Color = 9 Objeto1.dir1 = 0 Objeto1.dir2 = 0 Objeto1.dir3 = 0 Objeto1.dir4 = 0 Objeto1.np = 0 Objeto1.nro = 0 End Sub


Sub RecuperarMatriz(ByVal nombrearchivo As String, ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) srLector = New StreamReader(nombrearchivo) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer Dim cadena As String = "" Dim subcadena As String Dim pos As Integer = 0 Dim inicio As Integer = 1 For fila = 0 To nf - 1 cadena = srLector.ReadLine() cadena = cadena & Chr(9) inicio = 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 pos = InStr(inicio, cadena, Chr(9)) subcadena = Mid(cadena, inicio, pos - inicio) A(fila, col) = Val(subcadena) inicio = pos + 1 Next Next srLector.Close() End Sub Sub MostrarObjeto(ByVal pmx As Integer, ByVal pmy As Integer, ByVal objeto1 As Buscador) Console.ForegroundColor = objeto1.Color Console.CursorLeft = pmx + objeto1.Cx Console.CursorTop = pmy + objeto1.Cy Console.Write("{0}", objeto1.Valor) End Sub Sub MostrarMatriz(ByVal cx As Integer, ByVal cy As Integer, ByVal B(,) As Integer, ByVal nfilas As Integer, ByVal ncol As Integer) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer For fila = 0 To nfilas - 1 For col = 0 To ncol - 1 Console.CursorLeft = cx + col Console.CursorTop = cy + fila Console.ForegroundColor = B(fila, col) Console.Write("{0} ", Hex(B(fila, col))) Next Next End SubEnd Module

NOTA. En el mismo proceso usar recursividad y solo las direcciones


Sub reconstruir(ByVal vx() As Integer, ByVal vy As Integer(), ByVal vdir() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer, ByRef B(,) As Integer) px1 = vx(0) py1 = vy(0) B(py1, px1) = camino For i = 1 To ne - 1 Select Case vdir(i) Case 1 : px1 = px1 + 1 Case 2 : py1 = py1 - 1 Case 3 : px1 = px1 - 1 Case 4 : py1 = py1 + 1

End Select B(py1, px1) = camino Next End Sub

Sabiendo que el primer punto encontrado es la coorddenda 0 0 convertirlo las coordenadas en relativas a ese punto

Para ello lo único es restarlo a cada coordendas la primera coordenda encontradasPregunta 3

Reconstruir la figura pero en otra coordenada que se deseaEjemploElorigen esta en 4 ,2 ahora quiero que el origen este en 3,3 y quiero que este en 5,2 entonces a cada elemento debo sumarloPxnuevo=px1+dif(px2-px1)Pynuevo=py1+dif(py2-py1)

O sino se aplica trsalacion a la nueva matrizSe puede aplicar también rotación y escaladoPregunta 4

Obtener la fgura y mover en la misma matriz de izqueirda a derecha

Se copia los valores de la obtenidos de nuevo en la matriz Oseareconstruir(Vx, Vy, Vdir, cont2, A) MostrarMatriz(40, 1, A, nf, nc)Pregunta 4Mover en la pantalla el vector obtenido


' para mover lo capturado usando una matrizadicional While (1)

For i = 1 To 40 MostrarMatriz(i, 1, B, nf, nc) System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10) ' 1 segundo

Next End While

' para mover lo capturado usando la misma matriz

' para mover lo capturado While (1)

For i = 1 To 3 reconstruir(Vx, Vy, Vdir, cont2, B, i, 1)

MostrarMatriz(i, 1, A, nf, nc) System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10) ' 1 segundo

Next End While End Sub

Sub reconstruir(ByVal vx() As Integer, ByVal vy As Integer(), ByVal vdir() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer, ByRef B(,) As Integer, _ ByVal dx As Integer, ByVal dy As Integer)


For i = 0 To ne - 1 B(vy(i) + dy, vx(i) + dx) = camino Next End Sub

Escogemos varias figurasSe puede de acuerdo a su color

DETERMINAR COcrucN automatas celulares si hay cruce o no

Imports System.IO

Module Module2 Public px1 As Integer = 0 Public py1 As Integer = 0 Public px2 As Integer = 0 Public py2 As Integer = 0

Public px3 As Integer = 0 Public py3 As Integer = 0 Public px4 As Integer = 0 Public py4 As Integer = 0 Public px5 As Integer = 0 Public py5 As Integer = 0

Public Const maxcol As Integer = 30 Public Const maxfilas As Integer = 30 Public color1 As Integer = 10 Public color2 As Integer = 12 Public color3 As Integer = 14


Public np As Integer = 3 Dim srLector As StreamReader Public Matriz(maxfilas, maxcol) As Integer Public vector(8) As Integer

Sub imprimirVector(ByVal X() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer) Dim fila As Integer For fila = 0 To ne - 1 Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} ", fila, X(fila)) Next End Sub

Sub MostrarMatriz(ByVal Cx As Integer, ByVal Cy As Integer, ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nfilas As Integer, ByVal ncol As Integer) For fila = 0 To nfilas - 1 For col = 0 To ncol - 1 Console.ForegroundColor = A(fila, col) Console.SetCursorPosition(Cx + col, Cy + fila) Console.Write("{0}", Hex(A(fila, col)))

Next col Next fila End Sub Sub IniciarMatriz(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nfilas As Integer, ByVal ncol As Integer, ByVal nro As Integer) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer For fila = 0 To nfilas - 1 For col = 0 To ncol - 1 A(fila, col) = nro Next Next End Sub Sub linea(ByRef matriz(,) As Integer, ByVal x1 As Single, ByVal y1 As Single, ByVal x2 As Single, ByVal y2 As Single, ByVal nro As Integer) Dim i As Single, vel As Integer = 10 Dim mayor As Single, ancho As Single, alto As Single, partex As Single, partey As Single Dim px As Single, py As Single Dim dx As Single, dy As Single ancho = Math.Abs(x2 - x1) alto = Math.Abs(y2 - y1) If x1 <= x2 Then dx = 1 Else dx = -1


End If If y1 <= y2 Then dy = 1 Else dy = -1 End If If ancho >= alto Then mayor = ancho Else mayor = alto End If partex = ancho / (mayor) partey = alto / (mayor)

For i = 0 To mayor Step 1

px = i * partex * dx * 1 py = i * partey * dy * 1 matriz(y1 + py, x1 + px) = nro REM Sleep(vel) Next End Sub Function haycruce(ByVal x1 As Integer, ByVal y1 As Integer, ByVal x2 As Integer, ByVal y2 As Integer, _ ByVal x3 As Integer, ByVal y3 As Integer, ByVal x4 As Integer, ByVal y4 As Integer, _ ByVal color1 As Integer, ByVal color2 As Integer) As Integer Dim cont As Integer = 0 Dim resultado As Integer = 0 Dim vacio As Integer = 0 Dim fila1 As Integer Dim col1 As Integer Dim encontrado1 As Integer = 0 Dim encontrado2 As Integer = 0 IniciarMatriz(Matriz, maxfilas, maxcol, 1) linea(Matriz, px1, py1, px2, py2, color1)

linea(Matriz, px3, py3, px4, py4, color2) linea(Matriz, px3 + 1, py3, px4 + 1, py4, color2) linea(Matriz, px3, py3 + 1, px4, py4 + 1, color2)

MostrarMatriz(1, 1, Matriz, maxfilas, maxcol) ' encontrar donde hay color1 el primero encontrado1 = 0 For fila = 0 To maxfilas - 1 For col = 0 To maxcol - 1 If Matriz(fila, col) = color1 Then


px5 = col py5 = fila encontrado1 = 1 End If Next Next If encontrado1 = 0 Then Return 0 ' noy hay cruce ' usando automata celulares sigue la linea vacio = 0 While vacio = 0 Matriz(py5, px5) = color3 MostrarMatriz(40, 1, Matriz, maxfilas, maxcol) encontrado2 = 0 For fila1 = py5 - 1 To py5 + 1 For col1 = px5 - 1 To px5 + 1 If Matriz(fila1, col1) = color1 Then px5 = col1 py5 = fila1 encontrado2 = 1 Exit For End If If encontrado2 = 1 Then Exit For Next Next If encontrado2 = 0 Then vacio = 1 ' MostrarMatriz(30, 1, Matriz, maxfilas, maxcol) End While

MostrarMatriz(40, 1, Matriz, maxfilas, maxcol) ' evalua si quedan valores cont = 0 For fila = 0 To maxfilas - 1 For col = 0 To maxcol - 1 If Matriz(fila, col) = color1 Then cont += 1

End If Next Next If cont > 0 Then Return 1 Else Return 0 End If

End Function


End Module

Module Module1 Sub Main()

Dim resultado As Integer = 0 px1 = 6 py1 = 2 px2 = 6 py2 = 8 px3 = 2 py3 = 5 px4 = 10 py4 = 5

resultado = haycruce(px1, py1, px2, py2, px3, py3, px4, py4, color1, color2) Console.SetCursorPosition(1, 23)

If resultado = 1 Then Console.WriteLine(" HAY CRUCE") Else Console.WriteLine(" no hay cruce")

End If

Console.ReadLine() End Sub End Module


Imports System.IOModule Module2 Public trifinal(maxcol, 2) As Integer Public copiapx5 As Integer = 0 Public copiapy5 As Integer = 0 Public px1 As Integer = 0 Public py1 As Integer = 0 Public px2 As Integer = 0 Public py2 As Integer = 0

Public px3 As Integer = 0 Public py3 As Integer = 0 Public px4 As Integer = 0 Public py4 As Integer = 0 Public px5 As Integer = 0 Public py5 As Integer = 0

Public Const maxcol As Integer = 50 Public Const maxfilas As Integer = 40 Public color1 As Integer = 10 Public color2 As Integer = 12 Public color3 As Integer = 14

'***** Public Origen(maximo) As Integer Public destino(maximo) As Integer Public OrigenFinal(maximo) As Integer Public Destinofinal(maximo) As Integer


Public Matriz(maxfilas, maxcol) As Integer Public cx As Integer = 1 Public cy As Integer = 1 Public vdistancias(maximo) As Single Public Const maximo As Integer = 100 Public ndist As Integer = 0 Public ntri As Integer = 0 Public cont As Integer = 0 Public nvecinos As Integer = 0 Public nvecinos1 As Integer = 0 Public TRI(maximo, 2) As Integer Public vectorvecinos(maximo) As Integer Public VectorRelaciones(maximo) As Integer Public Ncol As Integer = maxcol Public Nfilas As Integer = maxfilas Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) Dim srLector As StreamReader Dim swEscritor As StreamWriter Public maxpuntos = 50 Public relleno(maxpuntos) As Integer Public nf As Integer = maxfilas, nc As Integer = maxcol Public VX(maxpuntos) As Single Public VY(maxpuntos) As Single Public VZ(maxpuntos) As Single Public MatrizPuntos(maxfilas, 3) As Single Public np As Integer = 6, k As Integer '*********** Sub MatrizXYZ(ByVal A(,) As Single, ByVal nf As Integer, ByRef X() As Single, ByRef Y() As Single, ByRef Z() As Single) For fila = 0 To nf - 1 X(fila) = A(fila, 0) Y(fila) = A(fila, 1) Z(fila) = A(fila, 2) Next End Sub

Sub RecuperarArchivo(ByVal nombrearchivo As String, ByVal A(,) As Single, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) srLector = New StreamReader(nombrearchivo) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer Dim cadena As String = "" Dim subcadena As String Dim pos As Integer = 0 Dim inicio As Integer = 1 For fila = 0 To nf - 1 cadena = srLector.ReadLine() cadena = cadena & Chr(9)


inicio = 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 pos = InStr(inicio, cadena, Chr(9)) subcadena = Mid(cadena, inicio, pos - inicio) A(fila, col) = Val(subcadena) inicio = pos + 1 Next Next Console.WriteLine("Archivo leido satisfactoriamente") srLector.Close() End Sub

Sub imprimirVectores(ByVal X() As Single, ByVal Y() As Single, ByVal ne As Integer) Dim fila As Integer For fila = 0 To ne - 1 Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} ", X(fila), Y(fila)) Next End Sub

Sub imprimirVector(ByVal X() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer) Dim fila As Integer For fila = 0 To ne - 1 Console.Write("{0} ", X(fila)) Next End Sub

Sub MostrarMatriz(ByVal Cx As Integer, ByVal Cy As Integer, ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nfilas As Integer, ByVal ncol As Integer) For fila = 0 To nfilas - 1 For col = 0 To ncol - 1 Console.ForegroundColor = A(fila, col)

Console.SetCursorPosition(Cx + col, Cy + fila) Console.Write("{0}", Hex(A(fila, col))) ' Console.Write("{0}", A(fila, col))

Next col Next fila End Sub Function distancia(ByVal x1 As Single, ByVal y1 As Single, ByVal x2 As Single, ByVal y2 As Single) As Single Return Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(x2 - x1, 2) + Math.Pow(y2 - y1, 2)) End Function


Sub OrdenarDistancias(ByRef Origen() As Integer, ByRef Destino() As Integer, ByRef distancia() As Single, ByVal np As Integer) Dim fila As Integer Dim col As Integer Dim tempOrigen As Single Dim tempDestino As Single Dim tempDist As Single

For fila = 0 To np - 2 For col = fila + 1 To np - 1 If (distancia(col) < distancia(fila)) Then tempOrigen = Origen(fila) tempDestino = Destino(fila) tempDist = distancia(fila) Origen(fila) = Origen(col) Destino(fila) = Destino(col) distancia(fila) = distancia(col)

Origen(col) = tempOrigen Destino(col) = tempDestino distancia(col) = tempDist

End If Next col Next fila End Sub Sub linea(ByRef matriz(,) As Integer, ByVal x1 As Single, ByVal y1 As Single, ByVal x2 As Single, ByVal y2 As Single, ByVal nro As Integer) Dim i As Single, vel As Integer = 10 Dim mayor As Single, ancho As Single, alto As Single, partex As Single, partey As Single Dim px As Single, py As Single Dim dx As Single, dy As Single ancho = Math.Abs(x2 - x1) alto = Math.Abs(y2 - y1) If x1 <= x2 Then dx = 1 Else dx = -1 End If If y1 <= y2 Then dy = 1 Else dy = -1 End If


If ancho >= alto Then mayor = ancho Else mayor = alto End If partex = ancho / (mayor) partey = alto / (mayor)

For i = 0 To mayor Step 1

px = i * partex * dx * 1 py = i * partey * dy * 1 matriz(Int(y1 + py), Int(x1 + px)) = nro REM Sleep(vel) Next End Sub

Sub IniciarMatriz(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nfilas As Integer, ByVal ncol As Integer, ByVal nro As Integer) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer For fila = 0 To nfilas - 1 For col = 0 To ncol - 1 A(fila, col) = nro Next Next End Sub

Function haycruce(ByVal x1 As Integer, ByVal y1 As Integer, ByVal x2 As Integer, ByVal y2 As Integer, _ ByVal x3 As Integer, ByVal y3 As Integer, ByVal x4 As Integer, ByVal y4 As Integer, _ ByVal color1 As Integer, ByVal color2 As Integer) As Integer Dim cont As Integer = 0 Dim resultado As Integer = 0 Dim vacio As Integer = 0 Dim fila1 As Integer Dim col1 As Integer Dim encontrado1 As Integer = 0 Dim encontrado2 As Integer = 0 Dim lix As Integer Dim lsx As Integer Dim liy As Integer Dim lsy As Integer

IniciarMatriz(Matriz, maxfilas, maxcol, 1)


linea(Matriz, px1, py1, px2, py2, color1) linea(Matriz, px3, py3, px4, py4, color2) linea(Matriz, px3 + 1, py3, px4 + 1, py4, color2) linea(Matriz, px3, py3 + 1, px4, py4 + 1, color2) ' MostrarMatriz(1, 1, Matriz, maxfilas, maxcol) ' encontrar donde hay color1 el primero encontrado1 = 0 For fila = 0 To maxfilas - 1 For col = 0 To maxcol - 1 If Matriz(fila, col) = color1 Then px5 = col py5 = fila encontrado1 = 1 Exit For End If If encontrado1 = 1 Then Exit For Next Next If encontrado1 = 0 Then Return 0 ' noy hay cruce ' usando automata celulares sigue la linea ' case primera vez vacio = 0 copiapx5 = px5 copiapy5 = py5 cont = 0 While vacio = 0 ' caso primera vez cont += 1 Matriz(py5, px5) = color3 ' MostrarMatriz(1, 1, Matriz, maxfilas, maxcol) encontrado2 = 0 lix = px5 - 1 lsx = px5 + 1 liy = py5 - 1 lsy = py5 + 1 For fila1 = liy To lsy For col1 = lix To lsx If (fila1 = py5 And col1 = px5) Then Continue For If Matriz(fila1, col1) = color1 Then px5 = col1 py5 = fila1 encontrado2 = 1 Exit For End If If encontrado2 = 1 Then Exit For Next


Next If encontrado2 = 0 Then vacio = 1 End While

' Matriz(py5, px5) = color1 'caso seconda vezz vacio = 0 px5 = copiapx5 py5 = copiapy5 While vacio = 0 ' caso segunda vez Matriz(py5, px5) = color3 ' MostrarMatriz(1, 1, Matriz, maxfilas, maxcol) encontrado2 = 0 lix = px5 - 1 lsx = px5 + 1 liy = py5 - 1 lsy = py5 + 1 For fila1 = liy To lsy For col1 = lix To lsx If (fila1 = py5 And col1 = px5) Then Continue For If Matriz(fila1, col1) = color1 Then px5 = col1 py5 = fila1 encontrado2 = 1 Exit For End If If encontrado2 = 1 Then Exit For Next Next If encontrado2 = 0 Then vacio = 1 End While

' MostrarMatriz(40, 1, Matriz, maxfilas, maxcol) ' evalua si quedan valores cont = 0 For fila = 0 To maxfilas - 1 For col = 0 To maxcol - 1 If Matriz(fila, col) = color1 Then cont += 1

End If Next Next If cont > 0 Then Return 1


Else Return 0 End If

End Function Sub procesoTriangulacion() Dim t1 As Integer Dim t2 As Integer Dim t3 As Integer Dim t4 As Integer Dim resultado1 As Integer Dim factible As Integer = 1 Dim cont1 As Integer = 0 Dim cont2 As Integer = 0 Dim vectortri(10) As Integer

Dim dist As Integer RecuperarArchivo("e:\datos\puntos3x6.txt", MatrizPuntos, np, 3) MatrizXYZ(MatrizPuntos, np, VX, VY, VZ) imprimirVectores(VX, VY, np) IniciarMatriz(Matriz, nf, nc, 1) cont = 0 ntri = 0 ' obtenemos todas las aritas For fila = 0 To np - 1 For col = fila + 1 To np - 1 px1 = VX(fila) py1 = VY(fila) px2 = VX(col) py2 = VY(col) Origen(cont) = fila destino(cont) = col dist = distancia(px1, py1, px2, py2) vdistancias(cont) = dist Console.WriteLine(" {0} {1} {2} {3}", cont, fila, col, dist) cont += 1 Next Next

ntri = cont ' ** ordenamos de acuerdo a distancia OrdenarDistancias(Origen, destino, vdistancias, ntri) Console.WriteLine(" ordenado de acuerdo a distancia") For fila = 0 To ntri - 1 Console.WriteLine(" {0} {1} {2} {3}", fila, Origen(fila), destino(fila), vdistancias(fila)) Next


' Adjuntar ver los aristas que no se cruzan Console.WriteLine("**** RESULTADOS FINALES **") cont = 0 For fila = 0 To ntri - 1 t1 = Origen(fila) t2 = destino(fila) factible = 1 For col = 0 To cont - 1 t3 = OrigenFinal(col) t4 = Destinofinal(col) px1 = VX(t1) py1 = VY(t1) px2 = VX(t2) py2 = VY(t2) px3 = VX(t3) py3 = VY(t3) px4 = VX(t4) py4 = VY(t4) 'Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4}", fila, col, t1, t2, t3, t4) resultado1 = haycruce(px1, py1, px2, py2, px3, py3, px4, py4, color1, color2) If resultado1 = 1 Then factible = 0 Exit For End If Next ' si es factible adjuntar If factible = 1 Then OrigenFinal(cont) = t1 Destinofinal(cont) = t2 cont += 1 End If Next Dim resultado As Integer = 0 Console.WriteLine("** resultados finales ********2 ")

'' ver todas las combinaciones ntri = cont For fila = 0 To ntri - 1 Console.WriteLine(" {0} {1} {2} ", cont, OrigenFinal(fila), Destinofinal(fila)) Next cont = 0 cont1 = 0 For t1 = 0 To np - 2 For t2 = t1 + 1 To np - 1 For t3 = t2 + 1 To np - 1 Console.WriteLine(" {0} {1} {2} {3} ", cont, t1, t2, t3)


resultado = EvaluarTriangulo(OrigenFinal, Destinofinal, t1, t2, t3, ntri) If resultado = 1 Then trifinal(cont, 0) = t1 trifinal(cont, 1) = t2 trifinal(cont, 2) = t3 cont += 1 End If cont1 += 1 Next Next Next ntri = cont Console.WriteLine("TRIANGULOS FINALES***3 ") For fila = 0 To ntri - 1 Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3} ", fila, trifinal(fila, 0), trifinal(fila, 1), trifinal(fila, 2))

Next Console.ReadLine() ntri = cont

'' *** imprimir las lineas finales Console.ForegroundColor = 13 IniciarMatriz(Matriz, maxfilas, maxcol, 1) For fila = 0 To ntri - 1 t1 = trifinal(fila, 0) t2 = trifinal(fila, 1) t3 = trifinal(fila, 2) px1 = VX(t1) py1 = VY(t1) px2 = VX(t2) py2 = VY(t2) px3 = VX(t3) py3 = VY(t3) linea(Matriz, px1, py1, px2, py2, 10) linea(Matriz, px2, py2, px3, py3, 10) linea(Matriz, px3, py3, px1, py1, 10) Next MostrarMatriz(1, 1, Matriz, maxfilas, maxcol) Console.ForegroundColor = 15 ' ''''''''''' For fila = 0 To np - 1 Console.SetCursorPosition(VX(fila), VY(fila)) Console.Write("{0}", fila) Next



End Sub

End Module

Imports System.IOModule Module1 Sub Main() procesoTriangulacion() Console.ReadLine() End Sub

Function EvaluarTriangulo(ByVal torig() As Integer, ByVal tdes() As Integer, ByVal t1 As Integer, ByVal t2 As Integer, ByVal t3 As Integer, ByVal ntri As Integer) As Integer Dim r1 As Integer = 0 Dim r2 As Integer = 0 Dim r3 As Integer = 0 Dim resultado As Integer = 0

For fila = 0 To ntri - 1 If t1 = torig(fila) And t2 = tdes(fila) Then r1 = 1 Exit For End If Next If r1 = 1 Then For fila = 0 To ntri - 1 If t2 = torig(fila) And t3 = tdes(fila) Then r2 = 1 Exit For End If Next End If If r2 = 1 Then For fila = 0 To ntri - 1 If t3 = torig(fila) And t1 = tdes(fila) Or t1 = torig(fila) And t3 = tdes(fila) Then r3 = 1 Exit For End If Next End If If r1 = 1 And r2 = 1 And r3 = 1 Then


Module Module1 Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) Dim MTrazos(Np, Np) As Integer

Sub Main() Dim x1 As Integer Dim y1 As Integer Dim x2 As Integer Dim y2 As Integer Dim p1 As Integer Dim p2 As Integer

Dim B(50) As Integer Dim nsr As Integer = 0 Dim fila As Integer For fila = 0 To Np - 1 relleno(fila) = fila + 1 Next recuperarPuntos(X, Y, Np) imprimir(X, Y, Np) IniciarMatriz(MRel, Np, Np) EscribirEnMatriz(X, Y, Np, Matriz) VerMatriz(Matriz, nf, nc, 1, 1) REM al crecer obtien cuales son sus vecinos For r = 1 To 20 crecerCirculo(Matriz, X, Y, nf, nc, relleno, r, Np) VerMatriz(Matriz, nf, nc, 1, 1) Next


Console.ForegroundColor = 15 For k = 0 To Np - 1 Console.CursorLeft = X(k) Console.CursorTop = Y(k) Console.Write("{0}", k) Next For fila = 0 To Np - 1 trazo(0) = fila + 1 cont = 1 crecer(Y(fila), X(fila), 0, relleno(fila)) REM VerMatriz(Matriz, nf, nc, 1, 1) npuntos = cont quitarRepetidos(trazo, B, npuntos, nsr) Restar(B, nsr) AsignarMatriz(MRel, B, nsr, fila) Next Console.ForegroundColor = 15 Console.CursorLeft = 1 Console.CursorTop = 24 ImprimirMatriz(MRel, Np, Np) Console.ReadLine() ' graficar For fila = 0 To Np - 1 p1 = MRel(fila, 0) x1 = X(p1) y1 = Y(p1) For col = 1 To Np - 1 p2 = MRel(fila, col) If MRel(fila, col) >= 0 Then x2 = X(p2) y2 = Y(p2) If x1 = x2 And y1 = y2 Then Else linea(x1, y1, x2, y2) End If End If Next Next Console.ForegroundColor = 14 For k = 0 To Np - 1 Console.CursorLeft = X(k) Console.CursorTop = Y(k) Console.Write("{0}", k) Next Console.ReadLine() End Sub


End Module

Imports System.IOModule module2 Public cx As Integer = 1, cy As Integer = 1 Public cont As Integer Public npuntos As Integer Public Matriz(NFilas, NCol) As Integer Const NFilas As Integer = 24, NCol As Integer = 70 Public Np As Integer = 5 Public relleno(Np) As Integer Public camino As Integer = 0 Public X(Np) As Integer Public Y(Np) As Integer Public nf As Integer = NFilas, nc As Integer = NCol Public trazo(500) As Integer Public MRel(Np, Np) As Integer REM Public nt As Integer Public espacio As Integer = 0 Sub IniciarMatriz(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 A(fila, col) = -1 Next Next End Sub Sub ImprimirMatriz(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer For fila = 0 To nf - 1 Console.WriteLine() For col = 0 To nc - 1 If A(fila, col) >= 0 Then Console.Write("{0} ", A(fila, col)) End If Next Next End Sub Sub VerMatriz(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer, ByVal cx As Integer, ByVal cy As Integer) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer Dim valor As Integer For fila = 0 To nf - 1


For col = 0 To nc - 1 Console.CursorLeft = cx + col Console.CursorTop = cy + fila valor = A(fila, col) Console.ForegroundColor = A(fila, col) Console.Write("{0}", Hex(A(fila, col))) Next Next End Sub Sub crecerCirculo(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal X() As Integer, ByVal Y() As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, _ ByVal nc As Integer, ByVal relleno() As Integer, ByVal r As Single, ByVal np As Integer) Dim x1 As Integer, y1 As Integer, k As Integer For k = 0 To np - 1 For y1 = Y(k) - r To Y(k) + r For x1 = X(k) - r To X(k) + r If (Math.Pow(x1 - X(k), 2) + Math.Pow(y1 - Y(k), 2) <= r * r) And (x1 > 0) And (x1 < NCol) And (y1 > 0) And (y1 < NFilas) Then If (A(y1, x1) = 0) Then A(y1, x1) = relleno(k) End If End If Next Next Next End Sub Sub crecer(ByVal cy As Integer, ByVal cx As Integer, ByVal ser As Integer, ByVal espacio As Integer) Matriz(cy, cx) = ser If Matriz(cy, cx + 1) = espacio Then crecer(cy, cx + 1, ser, espacio) Else If Matriz(cy, cx + 1) <> ser Then trazo(cont) = Matriz(cy, cx + 1) cont = cont + 1 End If End If If Matriz(cy - 1, cx) = espacio Then crecer(cy - 1, cx, ser, espacio) Else If Matriz(cy - 1, cx) <> ser Then trazo(cont) = Matriz(cy - 1, cx) cont = cont + 1 End If End If If Matriz(cy, cx - 1) = espacio Then


crecer(cy, cx - 1, ser, espacio) Else If Matriz(cy, cx - 1) <> ser Then trazo(cont) = Matriz(cy, cx - 1) cont = cont + 1 End If End If If Matriz(cy + 1, cx) = espacio Then crecer(cy + 1, cx, ser, espacio) Else If Matriz(cy + 1, cx) <> ser Then trazo(cont) = Matriz(cy + 1, cx) cont = cont + 1 End If End If End Sub

Public Sub linea(ByVal x1 As Single, ByVal y1 As Single, ByVal x2 As Single, ByVal y2 As Single) Dim i As Single, vel As Integer = 10 Dim mayor As Single, ancho As Single, alto As Single, partex As Single, partey As Single Dim px As Single, py As Single Dim dx As Single, dy As Single ancho = Math.Abs(x2 - x1) alto = Math.Abs(y2 - y1) If x1 <= x2 Then dx = 1 Else dx = -1 End If If y1 <= y2 Then dy = 1 Else dy = -1 End If If ancho >= alto Then mayor = ancho Else mayor = alto End If partex = ancho / (mayor) partey = alto / (mayor) For i = 0 To mayor Step 1 px = i * partex * dx * 1 py = i * partey * dy * 1 Console.CursorLeft = x1 + px


Console.CursorTop = y1 + py Console.Write("*") REM A(y1 + py, x1 + px) = 0 REM Sleep(vel) Next End Sub

Sub GrabarMatriz(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) Dim swEscritor = New StreamWriter("e:\DATOS\pantalla70x24.txt") Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 swEscritor.Write("{0}{1} ", A(fila, col), Chr(9)) Next swEscritor.WriteLine() Next swEscritor.Close() End Sub Sub EscribirEnMatriz(ByRef X() As Integer, ByRef Y() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer, ByRef A(,) As Integer) Dim fila As Integer, filaMat As Integer, colMat As Integer For fila = 0 To ne - 1 filaMat = Y(fila) colMat = X(fila) A(filaMat, colMat) = fila + 1 Next End Sub Sub recuperarPuntos(ByRef X() As Integer, ByRef Y() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer) Dim srLector = New StreamReader("e:\DATOS\puntos2x5.txt") Dim cadena As String Dim subcadena As String Dim pos As Integer = 0 Dim longitud As String For fila = 0 To ne - 1 cadena = srLector.ReadLine() longitud = Len(cadena) pos = InStr(1, cadena, Chr(9)) ' pos tabulador If pos > 0 Then subcadena = Mid(cadena, 1, pos - 1) X(fila) = Val(subcadena) subcadena = Mid(cadena, pos + 1, longitud) Y(fila) = Val(subcadena) End If Next srLector.Close()


End Sub Sub imprimirVector(ByVal X() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer) Dim fila As Integer For fila = 0 To ne - 1 Console.Write(" {0} ", Hex(X(fila))) Next End Sub Sub imprimir(ByVal X() As Integer, ByVal Y() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer) Dim fila As Integer For fila = 0 To ne - 1 Console.WriteLine(" {0} {1} {2}", fila, X(fila), Y(fila)) Next End Sub Sub quitarRepetidos(ByVal A() As Integer, ByRef B() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer, ByRef nsr As Integer) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer Dim cont As Integer = 0 Dim valor As Integer = 0 For fila = 0 To ne REM buscar valor = 0 For col = 0 To cont If A(fila) = B(col) Then valor = 1 Exit For End If Next If valor = 0 Then B(cont) = A(fila) cont = cont + 1 End If Next nsr = cont End Sub Sub Restar(ByRef B() As Integer, ByVal nsr As Integer) Dim fila As Integer For fila = 0 To nsr - 1 B(fila) = B(fila) - 1 Next End Sub Sub AsignarMatriz(ByRef M(,) As Integer, ByVal V() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer, ByVal nfila As Integer) Dim col As Integer For col = 0 To ne - 1 M(nfila, col) = V(col) Next End Sub


End Module

CONTAR cuantos vecinos tienes cada area

Module Module1 Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) Sub Main() Dim fila As Integer For fila = 0 To nseres - 1 relleno(fila) = fila Next

REM contavecinos RecuperarMatriz(Matriz, nf, nc) VerMatriz(Matriz, nf, nc, 1, 1) Console.ForegroundColor = 15

For fila = 0 To nseres - 1 contavecinos(relleno(fila), vecinos, nvecinos) Console.WriteLine()

Console.Write(" ser {0} ", relleno(fila)) imprimirVector(vecinos, nvecinos) Next

Console.ReadLine() End Sub

End Module


Imports System.IOModule module2 Public srLector As StreamReader Public relleno(np) As Integer Public cx As Integer = 1, cy As Integer = 1 Public Matriz(NFilas, NCol) As Integer Public Const NFilas As Integer = 10, NCol As Integer = 10, np = 100 Public nf As Integer = NFilas, nc As Integer = NCol Public vecinos(np) As Integer Public nvecinos As Integer Public Const nseres As Integer = 8 Sub VerMatriz(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer, ByVal cx As Integer, ByVal cy As Integer) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer Dim valor As Integer For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 Console.CursorLeft = cx + col Console.CursorTop = cy + fila valor = A(fila, col) Console.ForegroundColor = A(fila, col) Console.Write("{0}", Hex(A(fila, col))) Next Next End Sub

Sub GrabarMatriz(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) Dim swEscritor = New StreamWriter("e:\DATOS\pantalla70x24.txt") Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 swEscritor.Write("{0}{1} ", A(fila, col), Chr(9)) Next swEscritor.WriteLine() Next swEscritor.Close() End Sub Public Sub RecuperarMatriz(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) srLector = New StreamReader("e:\DATOS\Matriz10x10.txt") Dim cadena As String Dim subcadena As String Dim pos As Integer = 0


Dim longitud As String Dim inicio As Integer = 1 Dim cont As Integer = 0 For fila = 0 To nf - 1 cadena = srLector.ReadLine() longitud = Len(cadena) inicio = 1 cont = 0 Do pos = InStr(inicio, cadena, Chr(9)) If pos > 0 Then subcadena = Mid(cadena, inicio, pos - inicio) A(fila, cont) = Val(subcadena) inicio = pos + 1 cont += 1 Else subcadena = Mid(cadena, inicio, longitud - inicio + 1) A(fila, cont) = Val(subcadena) cont += 1 Exit Do End If Loop While (inicio <= longitud) Next Console.WriteLine("Archivo leido satisfactoriamente") srLector.Close() End Sub Sub contavecinos(ByRef ser As Integer, ByRef Vecinos() As Integer, ByRef nvecinos As Integer) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer Dim cont = 0 Dim valor As Integer = 0 Vecinos(0) = ser cont = 1 For fila = 1 To nf - 2 For col = 1 To nc - 2 If (Matriz(fila, col) = ser) Then valor = 0 For k = 0 To cont - 1 If Matriz(fila, col + 1) = Vecinos(k) Then valor = 1 Exit For End If Next If valor = 0 Then Vecinos(cont) = Matriz(fila, col + 1) cont = cont + 1 End If


REM //2 valor = 0 For k = 0 To cont - 1 If Matriz(fila - 1, col) = Vecinos(k) Then valor = 1 Exit For End If Next If valor = 0 Then Vecinos(cont) = Matriz(fila - 1, col) cont = cont + 1 End If valor = 0 For k = 0 To cont - 1 If Matriz(fila, col - 1) = Vecinos(k) Then valor = 1 Exit For End If Next If valor = 0 Then Vecinos(cont) = Matriz(fila, col - 1) cont = cont + 1 End If

valor = 0 For k = 0 To cont - 1 If Matriz(fila + 1, col) = Vecinos(k) Then valor = 1 Exit For End If Next If valor = 0 Then Vecinos(cont) = Matriz(fila + 1, col) cont = cont + 1 End If

End If Next Next nvecinos = cont End Sub Sub imprimirVector(ByVal X() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer) Dim fila As Integer For fila = 0 To ne - 1 Console.Write(" {0} ", X(fila)) Next End Sub


End Module

Programa triangulación

Option Explicit OnImports System.DrawingPublic Class Form1 Dim pen As Pen Dim Color As Color Dim Grafico As Graphics Dim BrochaSolida As SolidBrush Dim nombreColores As String Dim MColores(10, 3) As Integer Dim Ex As Single = tam Dim ey As Single = -tam Sub imprimirVector(ByVal X() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer) Dim fila As Integer For fila = 0 To ne - 1 ListBox1.Items.Add(" X " & X(fila)) Next End Sub

Sub imprimir(ByVal X() As Integer, ByVal Y() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer) ListBox1.Items.Clear() Dim fila As Integer For fila = 0 To ne - 1 ListBox1.Items.Add(" X " & X(fila) & " Y " & Y(fila)) Next End Sub Sub MostrarMatriz(ByVal Cx As Integer, ByVal Cy As Integer, ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nfilas As Integer, ByVal ncol As Integer) Dim indice As Integer For fila = 0 To nfilas - 1 For col = 0 To ncol - 1 indice = A(fila, col) BrochaSolida.Color = Color.FromArgb(MColores(indice, 0), MColores(indice, 1), MColores(indice, 2)) Grafico.FillRectangle(BrochaSolida, col * tam + Cx, fila * tam + Cy, tam, tam) Next col Next fila End Sub Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load pen = New Pen(Color.Yellow, 4)


Grafico = PictureBox1.CreateGraphics BrochaSolida = New SolidBrush(Color.Red) End Sub Private Sub BtnPrincipal_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPrincipal.Click Dim x1 As Integer Dim y1 As Integer Dim x2 As Integer Dim y2 As Integer Dim p1 As Integer Dim p2 As Integer Dim nsr As Integer = 0 Dim fila As Integer For fila = 0 To np - 1 relleno(fila) = fila + 1 Next recuperarPuntos(X, Y, Np) nombreColores = "e:\DATOS\colores3x50.txt" RecuperarArchivo(MColores, 10, 3, nombreColores) IniciarMatriz(MRel, Np, Np, -1) IniciarMatriz(Matriz, nf, nc, 0) MostrarMatriz(cx, cy, matriz, nf, nc) imprimir(X, Y, Np) REM al crecer obtien cuales son sus vecinos For r = 0 To 40 crecerCirculo(Matriz, X, Y, nf, nc, relleno, r, Np) Next MostrarMatriz(Cx, Cy, Matriz, nf, nc) Dim MiFuente As New Font("Verdana", 16, FontStyle.Bold) For fila = 0 To nseres - 1 contavecinos(relleno(fila), vecinos, nvecinos) restar(vecinos, nvecinos) AsignarMatriz(MRel, vecinos, nvecinos, fila) ListBox1.Items.Add("ser " & relleno(fila)) imprimirVector(vecinos, nvecinos) Next ' graficar For fila = 0 To Np - 1 p1 = MRel(fila, 0) x1 = X(p1) y1 = Y(p1) For col = 1 To Np - 1 p2 = MRel(fila, col) If MRel(fila, col) >= 0 Then x2 = X(p2) y2 = Y(p2) If x1 = x2 And y1 = y2 Then


Else Grafico.DrawLine(pen, x1 * tam, y1 * tam, x2 * tam, y2 * tam) End If End If Next Next BrochaSolida.Color = Color.White For k = 0 To Np - 1 Grafico.DrawString(k + 1, MiFuente, BrochaSolida, X(k) * tam, Y(k) * tam) Next End Sub Private Sub btnBorrar_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnBorrar.Click Grafico.Clear(Color.White) End Sub

Private Sub btnMostrar_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnMostrar.Click MostrarMatriz(Cx, Cy, Matriz, nf, nc)

End Sub

End Class

Imports System.IOModule module1 Public tam As Integer = 5 Public Cx As Integer = 10, Cy As Integer = 10 Public npuntos As Integer Public Matriz(NFilas, NCol) As Integer Public Const NFilas As Integer = 240, NCol As Integer = 700, maximo = 100 Public Np As Integer = 5 Public relleno(NCol) As Integer REM Public camino As Integer = 0 Public X(Np) As Integer Public Y(Np) As Integer Public nf As Integer = NFilas, nc As Integer = NCol Public MRel(Np, Np) As Integer Public srLector As StreamReader Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) Public nseres As Integer = 5 Public vecinos(maximo) As Integer Public nvecinos As Integer

Sub contavecinos(ByRef ser As Integer, ByRef Vecinos() As Integer, ByRef nvecinos As Integer)


Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer Dim cont = 0 Dim valor As Integer = 0 Vecinos(0) = ser cont = 1 For fila = 1 To nf - 2 For col = 1 To nc - 2 If (Matriz(fila, col) = ser) Then valor = 0 For k = 0 To cont - 1 If Matriz(fila, col + 1) = Vecinos(k) Then valor = 1 Exit For End If Next If valor = 0 Then Vecinos(cont) = Matriz(fila, col + 1) cont = cont + 1 End If REM //2 valor = 0 For k = 0 To cont - 1 If Matriz(fila - 1, col) = Vecinos(k) Then valor = 1 Exit For End If Next If valor = 0 Then Vecinos(cont) = Matriz(fila - 1, col) cont = cont + 1 End If valor = 0 For k = 0 To cont - 1 If Matriz(fila, col - 1) = Vecinos(k) Then valor = 1 Exit For End If Next If valor = 0 Then Vecinos(cont) = Matriz(fila, col - 1) cont = cont + 1 End If

valor = 0 For k = 0 To cont - 1 If Matriz(fila + 1, col) = Vecinos(k) Then valor = 1


Exit For End If Next If valor = 0 Then Vecinos(cont) = Matriz(fila + 1, col) cont = cont + 1 End If End If Next Next nvecinos = cont End Sub

Public Sub RecuperarArchivo(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer, ByVal nombre As String) srLector = New StreamReader(nombre) Dim cadena As String Dim subcadena As String Dim pos As Integer = 0 Dim longitud As String Dim inicio As Integer = 1 Dim cont As Integer = 0 For fila = 0 To nf - 1 cadena = srLector.ReadLine() longitud = Len(cadena) inicio = 1 cont = 0 Do pos = InStr(inicio, cadena, Chr(9)) If pos > 0 Then subcadena = Mid(cadena, inicio, pos - inicio) A(fila, cont) = Val(subcadena) inicio = pos + 1 cont += 1 Else subcadena = Mid(cadena, inicio, longitud - inicio + 1) A(fila, cont) = Val(subcadena) cont += 1 Exit Do End If Loop While (inicio <= longitud) Next Console.WriteLine("Archivo leido satisfactoriamente") srLector.Close() End Sub Sub crecerCirculo(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal X() As Integer, ByVal Y() As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, _


ByVal nc As Integer, ByVal relleno() As Integer, ByVal r As Single, ByVal np As Integer) Dim x1 As Integer, y1 As Integer, k As Integer For k = 0 To np - 1 For y1 = Y(k) - r To Y(k) + r For x1 = X(k) - r To X(k) + r If (Math.Pow(x1 - X(k), 2) + Math.Pow(y1 - Y(k), 2) <= r * r) And (x1 > 0) And (x1 < NCol) And (y1 > 0) And (y1 < NFilas) Then If (A(y1, x1) = 0) Then A(y1, x1) = relleno(k) End If End If Next Next Next End Sub Sub IniciarMatriz(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer, ByVal nro As Integer) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 A(fila, col) = nro Next Next End Sub Sub recuperarPuntos(ByRef X() As Integer, ByRef Y() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer) Dim srLector = New StreamReader("e:\DATOS\puntos2x5.txt") Dim cadena As String Dim subcadena As String Dim pos As Integer = 0 Dim longitud As String For fila = 0 To ne - 1 cadena = srLector.ReadLine() longitud = Len(cadena) pos = InStr(1, cadena, Chr(9)) ' pos tabulador If pos > 0 Then subcadena = Mid(cadena, 1, pos - 1) X(fila) = Val(subcadena) subcadena = Mid(cadena, pos + 1, longitud) Y(fila) = Val(subcadena) End If Next srLector.Close() End Sub Sub AsignarMatriz(ByRef M(,) As Integer, ByVal V() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer, ByVal nfila As Integer)


Dim col As Integer For col = 0 To ne - 1 M(nfila, col) = V(col) Next End Sub Sub Iniciarvector(ByVal A() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer) Dim fila As Integer For fila = 0 To nf - 1 A(fila) = -1 Next End Sub Sub restar(ByRef a() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer) Dim fila As Integer For fila = 0 To ne - 1 a(fila) = a(fila) - 1 Next End Sub

End Module

EL siguiente ejercicio almacena la informacion como Secuencia ADN


Imports System.IOModule Module1 Dim swEscritor As StreamWriter Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) Sub main() cont = 0 'RecuperarMatriz("e:\datos\matriz10x10.txt", A, nfilas, ncol) RecuperarMatriz("e:\datos\casita21x23.txt", A, nfilas, ncol) MostrarMatriz(1, 1, A, nfilas, ncol) proceso() Console.ReadLine() End Sub Sub EncontrarPuntoOrigen(ByRef pxo As Integer, ByRef pyo As Integer, ByVal camino As Integer) Dim encontrado As Integer = 0 For fila = 0 To nfilas - 1 For col = 0 To ncol - 1 If A(fila, col) = camino Then pxo = col pyo = fila encontrado = 1 Exit For End If If encontrado = 1 Then Exit For Next Next End Sub Sub proceso() pmx = 1


pmy = 1 EncontrarPuntoOrigen(pxo, pyo, camino) InicializarObjeto(pxo, pyo, Objeto1) final = 0 MostrarMatriz(pmx, pmy, A, nf, nc) MostrarObjeto(pmx, pmy, Objeto1) NroObjeto = 0 Objetos(NroObjeto) = Objeto1 Objetos2(cont) = Objeto1 A(Objeto1.Cy, Objeto1.Cx) = huella Console.ReadLine() Do Do 'MostrarMatriz(pmx, pmy, A, nf, nc) MostrarObjeto(pmx, pmy, Objeto1) resultado = evaluar(Objeto1, A, camino, meta) If resultado = 1 Then GoTo fin procesar = 0 End If dir = Objeto1.Direc Select Case dir Case 1 : Objeto1.Cx = Objeto1.Cx + 1 Case 2 : Objeto1.Cy = Objeto1.Cy - 1 Case 3 : Objeto1.Cx = Objeto1.Cx - 1 Case 4 : Objeto1.Cy = Objeto1.Cy + 1 Case Else : terminado = 1 End Select Objeto1.Valor = A(Objeto1.Cy, Objeto1.Cx) A(Objeto1.Cy, Objeto1.Cx) = huella NroObjeto = NroObjeto + 1 cont = cont + 1 Objeto1.nro = NroObjeto

Objetos(NroObjeto) = Objeto1 Objetos2(cont) = Objeto1 Loop While terminado = 0 terminado = 0 Do Objeto1 = Objetos(NroObjeto) 'MostrarMatriz(pmx, pmy, A, nf, nc) MostrarObjeto(pmx, pmy, Objeto1) resultado = evaluar(Objeto1, A, camino, meta) dir = Objeto1.Direc If (NroObjeto < 0) Then GoTo fin If dir > 0 Then terminado = 1


Else A(Objeto1.Cy, Objeto1.Cx) = retorno NroObjeto = NroObjeto - 1 If (NroObjeto < 0) Then GoTo fin cont = cont + 1 'Sleep(10) End If Loop While terminado = 0 If NroObjeto < 0 Then final = 1 Loop While final = 0 MostrarObjeto(pmx, pmy, Objeto1)fin: Console.SetCursorPosition(2, 22) If NroObjeto > 0 Then Console.WriteLine("ENCONTRADO X={0} Y = {1} Mov ={2} ", Objetos(NroObjeto).Cx, Objetos(NroObjeto).Cy, cont) Else Console.WriteLine(" no se encontro la meta y se hizo {0} Movimientos ", cont) End If ' grabar la matriz de movimientos swEscritor = New StreamWriter("E:\DATOS\puntosbuscados.txt") For i = 0 To cont - 1 With Objetos2(i) swEscritor.WriteLine("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}{5}{6} {7}{8} {9}{10} {11}{12}{13}{14} {15}{16} {17} {18}", _ .nro, Chr(9), .dir1, Chr(9), .dir2, Chr(9), .dir3, Chr(9), .dir4, Chr(9), .Cx, _ Chr(9), .Cy, Chr(9), .np, Chr(9), .Valor, Chr(9), .Direc) End With Next swEscritor.Close() ' Obtener la matriz final cont2 = 1 Vx(0) = Objetos2(0).Cx Vy(0) = Objetos2(0).Cy Vdir(0) = Objetos2(0).Direc Vvalor(0) = Objetos2(0).Valor

For i = 1 To cont - 1 If Objetos2(i).dir1 = 0 And Objetos2(i).dir2 = 0 And Objetos2(i).dir3 = 0 And Objetos2(i).dir4 = 0 Then Continue For Else Vx(cont2) = Objetos2(i).Cx Vy(cont2) = Objetos2(i).Cy Vdir(cont2) = Objetos2(i).Direc


Vvalor(cont2) = Objetos2(i).Valor cont2 = cont2 + 1 End If Next Console.WriteLine(" Archivo puntos buscados grabados cont2 {0} ", cont2) swEscritor = New StreamWriter("E:\DATOS\puntosfinales.txt") For i = 0 To cont2 - 1 swEscritor.WriteLine("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}", Vx(i), Chr(9), Vy(i), Chr(9), Vvalor(i), Chr(9), Vdir(i)) Next swEscritor.Close() Console.WriteLine(" Archivo puntos finales grabados ") reconstruir(Vx, Vy, Vdir, Vvalor, cont2, B, 0, 0) MostrarMatriz(40, 1, B, nf, nc) procesar = 0

End Sub

Sub reconstruir(ByVal vx() As Integer, ByVal vy As Integer(), ByVal vdir() As Integer, ByVal vvalor() As Integer, _ ByVal ne As Integer, ByRef B(,) As Integer, _ ByVal dx As Integer, ByVal dy As Integer)

For i = 0 To ne - 1 B(vy(i) + dy, vx(i) + dx) = vvalor(i) Next End Sub

End Module

Imports System.IOModule Module2 Public cont2 As Integer = 0 ' para contar los puntos finales Public pxo As Integer ' posicion x del objeto Public pyo As Integer ' posicion y del objeto Public pmx As Integer ' posicion x de la matriz Public pmy As Integer ' posicion y de la matriz Public A(nfilas, ncol) As Integer


Public B(nfilas, ncol) As Integer Public px1 As Integer Public py1 As Integer Public camino As Integer = 9, terminado As Integer = 0, retorno As Integer = 5, huella = 4 Public meta As Integer = 7, resultado As Integer = 0, dir As Integer = 0 Public mxo As Integer = 9, myo As Integer = 9, mzo As Integer = 0 Public valor As Integer = 0, final As Integer = 0, cont As Integer = 0, NroObjeto As Integer = 0 Public procesar As Integer = 0 ' al principio no procesa Public Const nfilas As Integer = 23, ncol As Integer = 21 Public srLector As StreamReader Public nf As Integer = 23 ' 20 Public nc As Integer = 21 '20 Public Objetos(2000) As Buscador Public Objetos2(2000) As Buscador Public Vx(1000) As Integer Public Vy(1000) As Integer Public Vdir(1000) As Integer Public Vvalor(1000) As Integer Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) REM *** Public Structure Buscador Public nro As Integer Public dir1 As Integer, dir2 As Integer, dir3 As Integer, dir4 As Integer ' declarar matrices de 4 Public Cx As Integer Public Cy As Integer Public np As Integer Public Valor As Integer ' Es el valor del objeto encontrado Public Color As Integer ' Es el color del objeto Public Direc As Integer End Structure Public Objeto1 As Buscador Function obtenerDir(ByVal d1 As Integer, ByVal d2 As Integer, ByVal d3 As Integer, ByVal d4 As Integer) As Integer If d1 = 1 Then Return 1 If d2 = 1 Then Return 2 If d3 = 1 Then Return 3 If d4 = 1 Then Return 4 obtenerDir = 0 End Function Function evaluar(ByRef objeto1 As Buscador, ByVal Matriz(,) As Integer, ByVal camino As Integer, ByVal meta As Integer) As Integer Dim cont As Integer = 0, Cx As Integer, Cy As Integer, Direc As Integer = 0 Dim resultado As Integer = 0 objeto1.dir1 = 0


objeto1.dir2 = 0 objeto1.dir3 = 0 objeto1.dir4 = 0 Cx = objeto1.Cx Cy = objeto1.Cy ' primero evalua si ya encontro la metas If Matriz(Cy, Cx + 1) = meta Then objeto1.dir1 = 1 cont = cont + 1 evaluar = 1 Exit Function End If If Matriz(Cy - 1, Cx) = meta Then objeto1.dir2 = 1 cont = cont + 1 evaluar = 1 Exit Function End If If Matriz(Cy, Cx - 1) = meta Then objeto1.dir3 = 1 cont = cont + 1 evaluar = 1 Exit Function End If If Matriz(Cy + 1, Cx) = meta Then objeto1.dir4 = 1 cont = cont + 1 evaluar = 1 Exit Function End If '// si no encuentra meta evalua para figuras complejas If Matriz(Cy, Cx + 1) >= 9 And Matriz(Cy, Cx + 1) <= 15 Then 'If Matriz(Cy, Cx + 1) = camino Then objeto1.dir1 = 1 cont = cont + 1 End If If Matriz(Cy - 1, Cx) >= 9 And Matriz(Cy, Cx + 1) <= 15 Then 'If Matriz(Cy - 1, Cx) = camino Then objeto1.dir2 = 1 cont = cont + 1 End If If Matriz(Cy, Cx - 1) >= 9 And Matriz(Cy, Cx + 1) <= 15 Then 'If Matriz(Cy, Cx - 1) = camino Then objeto1.dir3 = 1 cont = cont + 1 End If


If Matriz(Cy + 1, Cx) >= 9 And Matriz(Cy, Cx + 1) <= 15 Then 'If Matriz(Cy + 1, Cx) = camino Then objeto1.dir4 = 1 cont = cont + 1 End If objeto1.np = cont Direc = obtenerDir(objeto1.dir1, objeto1.dir2, objeto1.dir3, objeto1.dir4) objeto1.Direc = Direc evaluar = 0 End Function Sub InicializarObjeto(ByVal Cx As Integer, ByVal cy As Integer, ByRef Objeto1 As Buscador) Objeto1.Cx = pxo Objeto1.Cy = pyo Objeto1.Valor = 9 Objeto1.Color = 9 Objeto1.dir1 = 0 Objeto1.dir2 = 0 Objeto1.dir3 = 0 Objeto1.dir4 = 0 Objeto1.np = 0 Objeto1.nro = 0 End Sub Sub RecuperarMatriz(ByVal nombrearchivo As String, ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) srLector = New StreamReader(nombrearchivo) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer Dim cadena As String = "" Dim subcadena As String Dim pos As Integer = 0 Dim inicio As Integer = 1 For fila = 0 To nf - 1 cadena = srLector.ReadLine() cadena = cadena & Chr(9) inicio = 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 pos = InStr(inicio, cadena, Chr(9)) subcadena = Mid(cadena, inicio, pos - inicio) A(fila, col) = Val(subcadena) inicio = pos + 1 Next Next srLector.Close() End Sub Sub MostrarObjeto(ByVal pmx As Integer, ByVal pmy As Integer, ByVal objeto1 As Buscador) Console.ForegroundColor = objeto1.Color


Console.CursorLeft = pmx + objeto1.Cx Console.CursorTop = pmy + objeto1.Cy Console.Write("{0}", Hex(objeto1.Valor)) End Sub Sub MostrarMatriz(ByVal cx As Integer, ByVal cy As Integer, ByVal B(,) As Integer, ByVal nfilas As Integer, ByVal ncol As Integer) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer For fila = 0 To nfilas - 1 For col = 0 To ncol - 1 Console.CursorLeft = cx + col Console.CursorTop = cy + fila Console.ForegroundColor = B(fila, col) Console.Write("{0} ", Hex(B(fila, col))) Next Next End SubEnd Module

Archivos en Modo Consola. CAMBIARLOGenerar valores de una función de dos variables en la pantalla y luego grabarlo para exportarlo a Excel

Module Module1 Function F(ByVal x As Single, ByVal y As Single) As Single Return (Math.Sin(Math.Pow(x, 2) + Math.Pow(y, 2))) / (x * x + y * y) 'Return Math.Sin(x) End Function Sub Main() Dim X, Y, Z As Single Console.WriteLine(" VALORES DE UNA FUNCION F(x,y)") For Y = -4 To 4


For X = -4 To 4 Step 1 Z = F(X, Y) Console.Write("{0,8:f2}", Z) Next Console.WriteLine() Next Console.ReadLine() End SubEnd Module

Con archivos

Imports System.IOModule Module1 Function F(ByVal x As Single, ByVal y As Single) As Single Return (Math.Sin(Math.Pow(x, 2) + Math.Pow(y, 2))) / (x * x + y * y) 'Return Math.Sin(x) End Function Sub Main() Dim X, Y, Z As Single Dim se As StreamWriter Dim na As String = "E:\datos\funcion.txt" se = New StreamWriter(na) se.WriteLine(" VALORES DE UNA FUNCION") se.WriteLine(" {0,8}{1,8} ", "X", "Y") For Y = -4 To 4 For X = -4 To 4 Step 1 Z = F(X, Y) 'Console.Write("{0,8:f2}", Z) se.Write("{0,8:f2}{1}", Z, Chr(9)) Next se.WriteLine() Next se.Close() Console.WriteLine(" archivo {0} ok", na) Console.ReadLine() End SubEnd Module


Leer un Archivo

Option Explicit OnOption Strict OnImports System.IOModule Module2

Sub RecuperarMatriz(ByVal nombrearchivo As String, ByRef A(,) As String, ByRef nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) Dim srLector As StreamReader srLector = New StreamReader(nombrearchivo) Dim fila As Integer = 0, col As Integer Dim cadena As String = "" Dim subcadena As String Dim pos As Integer = 0 Dim inicio As Integer = 1 cadena = srLector.ReadLine() Do While Not (cadena Is Nothing) cadena = cadena & Chr(9) inicio = 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 pos = InStr(inicio, cadena, Chr(9)) subcadena = Mid(cadena, inicio, pos - inicio) A(fila, col) = subcadena


inicio = pos + 1 Next fila = fila + 1 cadena = srLector.ReadLine() Loop nf = fila Console.WriteLine("Archivo {0} leido satisfactoriamente", nombrearchivo) srLector.Close() End Sub

Sub MostrarMatriz(ByRef A(,) As String, ByRef nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 If A(fila, col) = Chr(9) Then Continue For Console.Write("{0}", A(fila, col)) Next Console.WriteLine() Next End SubEnd Module

Grabar los valores de una función en un archivo de texto exportable a Excel

Imports System.IOModule Module1 Function F(ByVal x As Single) As Single Return Math.Pow(x, 2) 'Return Math.Sin(x) End Function Sub Main() Dim X, Y As Single Dim se As StreamWriter Dim na As String = "E:\datos\funcion.txt" se = New StreamWriter(na) se.WriteLine(" VALORES DE UNA FUNCION") se.WriteLine(" {0,8}{1,8} ", "X", "Y") For X = -2 To 3 Step 0.5 Y = F(X) se.WriteLine("{0,8:f2}{1}{2,8:f4}", X, Chr(9), Y) Next se.Close() Console.WriteLine(" archivo {0} ok", na) Console.ReadLine() End SubEnd Module


Los archivos usados en el proyecto son

Module Module1 Dim contador As Integer = 0 Const maxfilas As Integer = 500 Const maxcol As Integer = 10 Dim Matriz(maxfilas, maxcol) As Integer Sub IniciarVector(ByVal Ruta() As Integer, ByVal np As Integer) Dim col As Integer For col = 0 To np - 1 Ruta(col) = 0 Next End Sub Sub ImprimirVector(ByVal Ruta() As Integer, ByVal np As Integer) Dim col As Integer For col = 0 To np - 1 Console.Write("{0} ", Ruta(col)) Next End Sub

Sub ImpMatrizEntera(ByVal Matriz(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer For fila = 0 To nf - 1 Console.WriteLine() Console.Write(" fila {0}==> ", fila) For col = 0 To nc - 1 Console.Write("{0} ", Matriz(fila, col)) Next


Next End Sub Sub IniciarMatriz(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 a(fila, col) = 0 Next Next End Sub

Sub ObtenerVector(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal VA() As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer, ByVal nrofila As Integer) Dim col As Integer For col = 0 To nc - 1 VA(col) = A(nrofila, col) Next End Sub Sub permutaciones(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal B() As Integer, ByVal B1() As Integer, ByVal n As Integer, ByVal ncam As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer) Dim i As Integer, k As Integer If (n > 0) Then For k = 0 To ncam - 1 B(n) = B1(k) Call permutaciones(A, B, B1, n - 1, ncam, ne) Next Else For k = 0 To ncam - 1 B(n) = B1(k) For i = 0 To ne A(contador, i) = B(i) contador = contador + 1 Next i Next k End If End Sub

Sub combinaciones(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal B() As Integer, ByVal B1() As Integer, ByVal n As Integer, ByVal ncam As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer) Dim i As Integer, k As Integer, valor As Integer = 0 If n > 0 Then For k = 0 To ncam - 1 B(n) = B1(k) Call permutaciones(A, B, B1, n - 1, ncam, ne) Next Else


For k = 0 To ncam - 1 B(n) = B1(k) Next k valor = 1 For i = 0 To ne - 1 For j = 1 + 1 To ne If B(i) = B(j) Then valor = 0 Exit For End If Next j Next i If valor = 1 Then For i = 0 To ne A(contador, i) = B(i) contador = contador + 1 Next i End If End If End Sub

Sub main() Dim B1(maxcol) As Integer B1(0) = 1 : B1(1) = 1 : B1(2) = 2 : B1(3) = 3 : B1(4) = 4 : B1(5) = 5 Dim B(maxcol) As Integer Call IniciarMatriz(Matriz, maxfilas - 1, maxcol - 1) Dim n As Integer = 3, ncam As Integer = 3 Dim tcombi As Integer = 0, ne As Integer ne = n contador = 0 Call IniciarVector(B, maxcol) permutaciones(Matriz, B, B1, ne - 1, ncam, ne - 1) tcombi = contador ImpMatrizEntera(Matriz, tcombi, ne) Console.ReadLine() End SubEnd Module

Mover un area de pantalla Imports System.IOModule Module1 Dim swEscritor As StreamWriter Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)


Sub main() Console.WindowWidth = 100 Console.WindowHeight = 50 Console.BufferWidth = 100 Console.BufferHeight = 50 Console.Clear() Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red Console.WriteLine("INGENERIA INDUSTRIAL 2014") Console.WriteLine("***AREQUIPA ***") 'Sleep(10) System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000) ' 1 segundo Console.MoveBufferArea(0, 0, 20, 5, 80, 20, "", 15, 0) Console.ReadLine() End Sub

Modifique el programa para los pograma para los siguientes puntosPunto

Pueblo X y R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

1 0 10 10 1 2 3 -1 -12 1 35 22 0 2 4 -1 -13 2 40 12 0 1 3 4 -14 3 40 2 0 2 4 -1 -15 4 60 10 1 2 3 -1 -1

Modifique lo siguiente y obtendra Public Const NFilas As Integer = 24, NCol As Integer = 70, npuntos = 5 Dim srLector = New StreamReader("e:\DATOS\puntos5.txt") srLector = New StreamReader("e:\DATOS\Relaciones4X5.txt")


Se tiene el siguiente archivo recorrerlo con un automata celular


Module Module1 REM Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) Public relleno(16) As Integer Public A(NFilas, NCol) As Integer Dim nf As Integer = NFilas, nc As Integer = NCol Dim X(16) As Integer Dim Y(16) As Integer Dim np As Integer = 5, k As Integer Dim r As Single Sub Main() For fila = 0 To 14 relleno(fila) = fila + 1 Next relleno(15) = 1 relleno(16) = 2 recuperar(X, Y, np) imprimir(X, Y, np) IniciarPantalla(A, nf, nc) '*****EscribirEnMatriz(X, Y, np, A) '**** GrabarMatriz(A, NFilas, NCol) RecuperarArchivo(A, nf, nc) Verpantalla(A, nf, nc) Console.ReadLine() For r = 1 To 30


crecerCirculo(A, X, Y, nf, nc, relleno, r, np) Verpantalla(A, nf, nc) Next Console.ForegroundColor = 15 For k = 0 To np - 1 Console.CursorLeft = X(k) Console.CursorTop = Y(k) Console.Write("{0}", k + 1) Next Console.ReadLine() End SubEnd Module

Imports System.IOModule Module2 Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) Dim srLector As StreamReader Dim swEscritor As StreamWriter Public Const NFilas As Integer = 24, NCol As Integer = 70

Public Sub RecuperarArchivo(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) srLector = New StreamReader("e:\DATOS\Pantalla70x24A.txt") Dim cadena As String Dim subcadena As String Dim pos As Integer = 0 Dim longitud As String Dim inicio As Integer = 1 Dim cont As Integer = 0 For fila = 0 To nf - 1 cadena = srLector.ReadLine() longitud = Len(cadena) inicio = 1 cont = 0 Do pos = InStr(inicio, cadena, Chr(9)) If pos > 0 Then subcadena = Mid(cadena, inicio, pos - inicio) A(fila, cont) = Val(subcadena) inicio = pos + 1 cont += 1 Else subcadena = Mid(cadena, inicio, longitud - inicio + 1) A(fila, cont) = Val(subcadena) cont += 1 Exit Do


End If Loop While (inicio <= longitud) Next Console.WriteLine("Archivo leido satisfactoriamente") srLector.Close() End Sub

Sub IniciarPantalla(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 A(fila, col) = 0 Next Next End Sub Sub Verpantalla(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 Console.CursorLeft = col Console.CursorTop = fila Console.ForegroundColor = A(fila, col) Console.Write("{0}", A(fila, col)) Next Next End Sub Sub crecerCirculo(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal X() As Integer, ByVal Y() As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, _ ByVal nc As Integer, ByVal relleno() As Integer, ByVal r As Single, ByVal np As Integer) Dim x1 As Integer, y1 As Integer, k As Integer For k = 0 To np - 1 For y1 = Y(k) - r To Y(k) + r For x1 = X(k) - r To X(k) + r If (Math.Pow(x1 - X(k), 2) + Math.Pow(y1 - Y(k), 2) <= r * r) And (x1 > 0) And (x1 < NCol) And (y1 > 0) And (y1 < NFilas) Then If (A(y1, x1) = 0) Then A(y1, x1) = relleno(k) End If End If Next Next Next End Sub


Sub GrabarMatriz(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) swEscritor = New StreamWriter("e:\DATOS\pantalla70x24.txt") Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 swEscritor.Write("{0}{1} ", A(fila, col), Chr(9)) Next swEscritor.WriteLine() Next swEscritor.Close() End Sub Sub EscribirEnMatriz(ByRef X() As Integer, ByRef Y() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer, ByRef A(,) As Integer) Dim fila As Integer, filaMat As Integer, colMat As Integer For fila = 0 To ne - 1 filaMat = Y(fila) colMat = X(fila) A(filaMat, colMat) = fila + 1 Next End Sub Sub recuperar(ByRef X() As Integer, ByRef Y() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer) Dim srLector = New StreamReader("e:\DATOS\puntos5.txt") Dim cadena As String Dim subcadena As String Dim pos As Integer = 0 Dim longitud As String For fila = 0 To ne - 1 cadena = srLector.ReadLine() longitud = Len(cadena) pos = InStr(1, cadena, Chr(9)) ' pos tabulador If pos > 0 Then subcadena = Mid(cadena, 1, pos - 1) X(fila) = Val(subcadena) subcadena = Mid(cadena, pos + 1, longitud) Y(fila) = Val(subcadena) End If Next srLector.Close() End Sub Sub imprimir(ByVal X() As Integer, ByVal Y() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer) Dim fila As Integer For fila = 0 To ne - 1 Console.WriteLine(" {0} {1} {2}", fila, X(fila), Y(fila)) Next End SubEnd Module


Reemplace la funcion crecer con

Sub crecer(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer, ByVal relleno As Integer) Dim fila, col As Integer Dim B(NFilas, NCol) As Integer IniciarPantalla(B, nf, nc) Dim vecinos As Integer For fila = 2 To nf - 2 For col = 2 = col To nc - 1 REM si hay espacio crece si no no crece y por lo menos debe haber un vecino vecinos = 0 If A(fila, col + 1) = relleno Then vecinos = vecinos + 1 If A(fila + 1, col) = relleno Then vecinos = vecinos + 1 If A(fila, col - 1) = relleno Then vecinos = vecinos + 1 If A(fila - 1, col) = relleno Then vecinos = vecinos + 1 If vecinos > 0 And A(fila, col) = 0 Then B(fila, col) = relleno Else : B(fila, col) = A(fila, col) End If Next Next REM traspone la matriz B a la A IniciarPantalla(A, nf, nc) TransferirMatriz(B, A, nf, nc) End Sub

Voronoi en modo grafico

Option Explicit OnImports System.DrawingPublic Class Form1 Dim fila As Integer Dim col As Integer Dim tam As Integer = 10 Dim Color As Color Dim Grafico As Graphics Dim BrochaSolida As SolidBrush Dim nombreArchivo As String Dim nombreColores As String Dim MColores(10, 3) As Integer

Sub MostrarMatrizEnPantalla(ByVal Cx As Integer, ByVal Cy As Integer, ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nfilas As Integer, ByVal ncol As Integer) Dim indice As Integer For fila = 0 To nfilas - 1


For col = 0 To ncol - 1 indice = A(fila, col) BrochaSolida.Color = Color.FromArgb(MColores(indice, 0), MColores(indice, 1), MColores(indice, 2)) Grafico.FillRectangle(BrochaSolida, col * tam + Cx, fila * tam + Cy, tam, tam) Next col Next fila End Sub

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load PictureBox1.Width = nc * tam + 1 PictureBox1.Height = nf * tam + 1 Grafico = PictureBox1.CreateGraphics BrochaSOLIDA = New SolidBrush(Color.Red) End Sub Private Sub BtnPrincipal_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPrincipal.Click Dim MiFuente As New Font("Verdana", 16, FontStyle.Bold) Iniciar() recuperar(X, Y, np) IniciarPantalla(A, nf, nc) nombreArchivo = "e:\DATOS\PANTALLA70x24A.txt" nombreColores = "e:\DATOS\colores3x40.txt" RecuperarArchivo(A, nf, nc, nombreArchivo) RecuperarArchivo(MColores, 10, 3, nombreColores) MostrarMatrizEnPantalla(Cx, Cy, A, nf, nc) For k = 1 To 25 crecer(A, nf, nc, np) MostrarMatrizEnPantalla(Cx, Cy, A, nf, nc) Next BrochaSolida.Color = Color.White For k = 0 To np - 1 Grafico.DrawString(k + 1, MiFuente, BrochaSolida, X(k) * tam, Y(k) * tam) Next End Sub Private Sub btnBorrar_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnBorrar.Click Grafico.Clear(Color.White) End SubEnd Class

Imports System.IOModule module1 '/*** declaraciones


Public Const NFilas As Integer = 24, NCol As Integer = 70 Public Cx As Integer = 10, Cy As Integer = 10 Public srLector As StreamReader Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) Public relleno(NCol) As Integer Public A(NFilas, NCol) As Integer Public B(NFilas, NCol) As Integer Public nf As Integer = NFilas, nc As Integer = NCol Public X(40) As Integer Public Y(40) As Integer Public np As Integer = 5, k As Integer Public vecinos As Integer

Public Sub RecuperarArchivo(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer, ByVal nombre As String) srLector = New StreamReader(nombre) Dim cadena As String Dim subcadena As String Dim pos As Integer = 0 Dim longitud As String Dim inicio As Integer = 1 Dim cont As Integer = 0 For fila = 0 To nf - 1 cadena = srLector.ReadLine() longitud = Len(cadena) inicio = 1 cont = 0 Do pos = InStr(inicio, cadena, Chr(9)) If pos > 0 Then subcadena = Mid(cadena, inicio, pos - inicio) A(fila, cont) = Val(subcadena) inicio = pos + 1 cont += 1 Else subcadena = Mid(cadena, inicio, longitud - inicio + 1) A(fila, cont) = Val(subcadena) cont += 1 Exit Do End If Loop While (inicio <= longitud) Next Console.WriteLine("Archivo leido satisfactoriamente") srLector.Close() End Sub Sub IniciarPantalla(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer)


Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 A(fila, col) = 0 Next Next End Sub

Sub recuperar(ByRef X() As Integer, ByRef Y() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer) Dim srLector = New StreamReader("e:\DATOS\puntos5.txt") Dim cadena As String Dim subcadena As String Dim pos As Integer = 0 Dim longitud As String For fila = 0 To ne - 1 cadena = srLector.ReadLine() longitud = Len(cadena) pos = InStr(1, cadena, Chr(9)) ' pos tabulador If pos > 0 Then subcadena = Mid(cadena, 1, pos - 1) X(fila) = Val(subcadena) subcadena = Mid(cadena, pos + 1, longitud) Y(fila) = Val(subcadena) End If Next srLector.Close() End Sub Sub imprimir(ByVal X() As Integer, ByVal Y() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer) Dim fila As Integer For fila = 0 To ne - 1 Console.WriteLine(" {0} {1} {2}", fila, X(fila), Y(fila)) Next End Sub Sub Iniciar() For fila = 0 To NFilas relleno(fila) = fila + 1 Next End Sub

Sub crecer(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer, ByVal np As Integer) Dim fila1 As Integer, col1 As Integer Dim k1 As Integer IniciarPantalla(B, nf, nc) For fila1 = 1 To nf - 1 For col1 = 1 To nc - 1


REM si hay espacio crece si no no crece y por lo menos debe haber un vecino For k1 = 0 To np - 1 vecinos = 0 If A(fila1, col1) = relleno(k1) Then vecinos = vecinos + 1 If A(fila1, col1 + 1) = relleno(k1) Then vecinos = vecinos + 1 If A(fila1 + 1, col1) = relleno(k1) Then vecinos = vecinos + 1 If A(fila1, col1 - 1) = relleno(k1) Then vecinos = vecinos + 1 If A(fila1 - 1, col1) = relleno(k1) Then vecinos = vecinos + 1 If vecinos > 0 And A(fila1, col1) = 0 Then B(fila1, col1) = relleno(k1) 'relleno(k1) Exit For Else B(fila1, col1) = A(fila1, col1) End If Next k1 Next col1 Next fila1 IniciarPantalla(A, nf, nc) TransferirMatriz(B, A, nf, nc) End Sub Sub TransferirMatriz(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal B(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 B(fila, col) = A(fila, col) Next Next End SubEnd Module


Module Module1 Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) Dim MTrazos(Np, Np) As Integer

Sub Main() Dim x1 As Integer Dim y1 As Integer Dim x2 As Integer Dim y2 As Integer Dim p1 As Integer Dim p2 As Integer

Dim B(50) As Integer Dim nsr As Integer = 0 Dim fila As Integer For fila = 0 To Np - 1 relleno(fila) = fila + 1 Next recuperarPuntos(X, Y, Np) imprimir(X, Y, Np) IniciarMatriz(MRel, Np, Np) EscribirEnMatriz(X, Y, Np, Matriz) VerMatriz(Matriz, nf, nc, 1, 1) REM al crecer obtien cuales son sus vecinos For r = 1 To 20 crecerCirculo(Matriz, X, Y, nf, nc, relleno, r, Np) VerMatriz(Matriz, nf, nc, 1, 1) Next Console.ForegroundColor = 15 For k = 0 To Np - 1


Console.CursorLeft = X(k) Console.CursorTop = Y(k) Console.Write("{0}", k) Next For fila = 0 To Np - 1 trazo(0) = fila + 1 cont = 1 crecer(Y(fila), X(fila), 0, relleno(fila)) REM VerMatriz(Matriz, nf, nc, 1, 1) npuntos = cont quitarRepetidos(trazo, B, npuntos, nsr) Restar(B, nsr) AsignarMatriz(MRel, B, nsr, fila) Next Console.ForegroundColor = 15 Console.CursorLeft = 1 Console.CursorTop = 24 ImprimirMatriz(MRel, Np, Np) Console.ReadLine() ' graficar For fila = 0 To Np - 1 p1 = MRel(fila, 0) x1 = X(p1) y1 = Y(p1) For col = 1 To Np - 1 p2 = MRel(fila, col) If MRel(fila, col) >= 0 Then x2 = X(p2) y2 = Y(p2) If x1 = x2 And y1 = y2 Then Else linea(x1, y1, x2, y2) End If End If Next Next Console.ForegroundColor = 14 For k = 0 To Np - 1 Console.CursorLeft = X(k) Console.CursorTop = Y(k) Console.Write("{0}", k) Next Console.ReadLine() End Sub

End Module


Imports System.IOModule module2 Public cx As Integer = 1, cy As Integer = 1 Public cont As Integer Public npuntos As Integer Public Matriz(NFilas, NCol) As Integer Const NFilas As Integer = 24, NCol As Integer = 70 Public Np As Integer = 5 Public relleno(Np) As Integer Public camino As Integer = 0 Public X(Np) As Integer Public Y(Np) As Integer Public nf As Integer = NFilas, nc As Integer = NCol Public trazo(500) As Integer Public MRel(Np, Np) As Integer REM Public nt As Integer Public espacio As Integer = 0 Sub IniciarMatriz(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 A(fila, col) = -1 Next Next End Sub Sub ImprimirMatriz(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer For fila = 0 To nf - 1 Console.WriteLine() For col = 0 To nc - 1 If A(fila, col) >= 0 Then Console.Write("{0} ", A(fila, col)) End If Next Next End Sub Sub VerMatriz(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer, ByVal cx As Integer, ByVal cy As Integer) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer Dim valor As Integer For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1


Console.CursorLeft = cx + col Console.CursorTop = cy + fila valor = A(fila, col) Console.ForegroundColor = A(fila, col) Console.Write("{0}", Hex(A(fila, col))) Next Next End Sub Sub crecerCirculo(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal X() As Integer, ByVal Y() As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, _ ByVal nc As Integer, ByVal relleno() As Integer, ByVal r As Single, ByVal np As Integer) Dim x1 As Integer, y1 As Integer, k As Integer For k = 0 To np - 1 For y1 = Y(k) - r To Y(k) + r For x1 = X(k) - r To X(k) + r If (Math.Pow(x1 - X(k), 2) + Math.Pow(y1 - Y(k), 2) <= r * r) And (x1 > 0) And (x1 < NCol) And (y1 > 0) And (y1 < NFilas) Then If (A(y1, x1) = 0) Then A(y1, x1) = relleno(k) End If End If Next Next Next End Sub Sub crecer(ByVal cy As Integer, ByVal cx As Integer, ByVal ser As Integer, ByVal espacio As Integer) Matriz(cy, cx) = ser If Matriz(cy, cx + 1) = espacio Then crecer(cy, cx + 1, ser, espacio) Else If Matriz(cy, cx + 1) <> ser Then trazo(cont) = Matriz(cy, cx + 1) cont = cont + 1 End If End If If Matriz(cy - 1, cx) = espacio Then crecer(cy - 1, cx, ser, espacio) Else If Matriz(cy - 1, cx) <> ser Then trazo(cont) = Matriz(cy - 1, cx) cont = cont + 1 End If End If If Matriz(cy, cx - 1) = espacio Then crecer(cy, cx - 1, ser, espacio)


Else If Matriz(cy, cx - 1) <> ser Then trazo(cont) = Matriz(cy, cx - 1) cont = cont + 1 End If End If If Matriz(cy + 1, cx) = espacio Then crecer(cy + 1, cx, ser, espacio) Else If Matriz(cy + 1, cx) <> ser Then trazo(cont) = Matriz(cy + 1, cx) cont = cont + 1 End If End If End Sub

Public Sub linea(ByVal x1 As Single, ByVal y1 As Single, ByVal x2 As Single, ByVal y2 As Single) Dim i As Single, vel As Integer = 10 Dim mayor As Single, ancho As Single, alto As Single, partex As Single, partey As Single Dim px As Single, py As Single Dim dx As Single, dy As Single ancho = Math.Abs(x2 - x1) alto = Math.Abs(y2 - y1) If x1 <= x2 Then dx = 1 Else dx = -1 End If If y1 <= y2 Then dy = 1 Else dy = -1 End If If ancho >= alto Then mayor = ancho Else mayor = alto End If partex = ancho / (mayor) partey = alto / (mayor) For i = 0 To mayor Step 1 px = i * partex * dx * 1 py = i * partey * dy * 1 Console.CursorLeft = x1 + px Console.CursorTop = y1 + py


Console.Write("*") REM A(y1 + py, x1 + px) = 0 REM Sleep(vel) Next End Sub

Sub GrabarMatriz(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) Dim swEscritor = New StreamWriter("e:\DATOS\pantalla70x24.txt") Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 swEscritor.Write("{0}{1} ", A(fila, col), Chr(9)) Next swEscritor.WriteLine() Next swEscritor.Close() End Sub Sub EscribirEnMatriz(ByRef X() As Integer, ByRef Y() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer, ByRef A(,) As Integer) Dim fila As Integer, filaMat As Integer, colMat As Integer For fila = 0 To ne - 1 filaMat = Y(fila) colMat = X(fila) A(filaMat, colMat) = fila + 1 Next End Sub Sub recuperarPuntos(ByRef X() As Integer, ByRef Y() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer) Dim srLector = New StreamReader("e:\DATOS\puntos2x5.txt") Dim cadena As String Dim subcadena As String Dim pos As Integer = 0 Dim longitud As String For fila = 0 To ne - 1 cadena = srLector.ReadLine() longitud = Len(cadena) pos = InStr(1, cadena, Chr(9)) ' pos tabulador If pos > 0 Then subcadena = Mid(cadena, 1, pos - 1) X(fila) = Val(subcadena) subcadena = Mid(cadena, pos + 1, longitud) Y(fila) = Val(subcadena) End If Next srLector.Close() End Sub


Sub imprimirVector(ByVal X() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer) Dim fila As Integer For fila = 0 To ne - 1 Console.Write(" {0} ", Hex(X(fila))) Next End Sub Sub imprimir(ByVal X() As Integer, ByVal Y() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer) Dim fila As Integer For fila = 0 To ne - 1 Console.WriteLine(" {0} {1} {2}", fila, X(fila), Y(fila)) Next End Sub Sub quitarRepetidos(ByVal A() As Integer, ByRef B() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer, ByRef nsr As Integer) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer Dim cont As Integer = 0 Dim valor As Integer = 0 For fila = 0 To ne REM buscar valor = 0 For col = 0 To cont If A(fila) = B(col) Then valor = 1 Exit For End If Next If valor = 0 Then B(cont) = A(fila) cont = cont + 1 End If Next nsr = cont End Sub Sub Restar(ByRef B() As Integer, ByVal nsr As Integer) Dim fila As Integer For fila = 0 To nsr - 1 B(fila) = B(fila) - 1 Next End Sub Sub AsignarMatriz(ByRef M(,) As Integer, ByVal V() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer, ByVal nfila As Integer) Dim col As Integer For col = 0 To ne - 1 M(nfila, col) = V(col) Next End SubEnd Module



Los datos son

punto 1 2 3 4cara x y z x y z x y z x y z

0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 01 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 02 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 13 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 14 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0

Código módule 1

Imports System.IOModule Module1 Public srLector As StreamReader Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)


Sub ObtenerNormales(ByVal A(,) As Single, ByVal Normales(,) As Single, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal D As Single) Dim Pe As Single, R As Single Dim AX As Single, Ay As Single, Az As Single, Bx As Single, By As Single, Bz As Single Dim NX As Single, Ny As Single, Nz As Single, Nx1 As Single, Ny1 As Single, Nz1 As Single Dim x1 As Single, y1 As Single, z1 As Single Dim x2 As Single, y2 As Single, z2 As Single Dim x3 As Single, y3 As Single, z3 As Single For fila = 0 To nf - 1 x1 = A(fila, 1) y1 = A(fila, 2) z1 = A(fila, 3) x2 = A(fila, 4) y2 = A(fila, 5) z2 = A(fila, 6) x3 = A(fila, 7) y3 = A(fila, 8) z3 = A(fila, 9) AX = x2 - x1 Ay = y2 - y1 Az = z2 - z1 Bx = x3 - x2 By = y3 - y2 Bz = z3 - z2 NX = Ay * Bz - Az * By Ny = AX * Bz - Az * Bx Nz = AX * By - Ay * Bx 'PRODUCTO(CRUZ) R = Math.Sqrt(NX * NX + Ny * Ny + Nz * Nz) If R > 0 Then Nx1 = NX / R Else Nx1 = 1000 End If If R > 0 Then Ny1 = Ny / R Else Ny1 = 1000 End If If R > 0 Then Nz1 = Nz / R Else Nz1 = 1000 End If Pe = Nx1 * 0 + Ny1 * 0 + Nz1 * D


Normales(fila, 0) = Nx1 Normales(fila, 1) = Ny Normales(fila, 2) = Nz1 Normales(fila, 3) = Pe Next End Sub

Sub CopiarMatriz(ByVal A(,) As Single, ByVal B(,) As Single, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 B(fila, col) = A(fila, col) Next Next End Sub Sub IniciarMatriz(ByVal A(,) As Single, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 A(fila, col) = 0 Next Next End Sub

Sub LeerArchivo(ByVal A(,) As Single, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) srLector = New StreamReader("e:\DATOS\caras2.txt") Dim cadena As String Dim subcadena As String Dim pos As Integer = 0 Dim longitud As String Dim inicio As Integer = 1 Dim cont As Integer = 0 For fila = 0 To nf - 1 cadena = srLector.ReadLine() longitud = Len(cadena) inicio = 1 cont = 0 Do pos = InStr(inicio, cadena, Chr(9)) If pos > 0 Then subcadena = Mid(cadena, inicio, pos - inicio) A(fila, cont) = Val(subcadena) inicio = pos + 1 cont += 1


Else subcadena = Mid(cadena, inicio, longitud - inicio + 1) A(fila, cont) = Val(subcadena) cont += 1 Exit Do End If Loop While (inicio <= longitud) Next srLector.Close() End Sub Sub ImprimirMatriz(ByVal A(,) As Single, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer For fila = 0 To nf - 1 Console.WriteLine() For col = 0 To nc - 1 Console.Write("{0}", A(fila, col).ToString.PadLeft(5)) Next Next End SubEnd ModuleCodigo del formulario

Imports System.DrawingImports System.Drawing.Drawing2DPublic Class Form1 Dim modo As Integer = 0 Dim D As Integer = 1000 Dim vel As Integer = 10 Dim Pen As Pen Dim Grafico As Graphics Const maxfilas As Integer = 50 Const maxcol As Integer = 60 Dim A(maxfilas, maxcol) As Single Dim B(maxfilas, maxcol) As Single ' matriz para copias Dim Normales(maxfilas, 4) As Single Dim nf As Integer = 8 Dim nc As Integer = 4 Dim ntc As Integer = nc * 3 + 1 ' numeros totales de columnas Dim Cx As Integer = 200 Dim Cy As Integer = 200 Dim Cz As Integer = 0 Dim ex As Single = 100 Dim ey As Single = -100 Dim ez As Single = 1 Dim anguloz As Single, dz As Single = 0.1 Dim anguloy As Single, dy As Single = 0.1


Dim angulox As Single, dx As Single = 0.1 Dim gradosx, gradosy, gradosz

Private Sub MnuCargarDatos_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MnuCargarDatos.Click LeerArchivo(A, nf, nc) CopiarMatriz(A, B, nf, nc) ObtenerNormales(A, Normales, nf, D) Me.Text = "Archivo leido satisfactoriamente" ' rellenarlo a un datagrid DataGridView1.RowCount = nf + 1 DataGridView1.ColumnCount = ntc + 1 For fila = 0 To ntc DataGridView1.Columns(fila).Width = 40 Next DataGridView1.Columns(0).Name = "punto" DataGridView1.Columns(1).Name = "X" DataGridView1.Columns(2).Name = "Y" DataGridView1.Columns(3).Name = "Z" For fila = 0 To nf For col = 0 To ntc DataGridView1.Rows(fila).Cells(col).Value = A(fila, col) Next Next End Sub

Sub graficar(ByVal M(,) As Single, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer, _ ByVal cx As Integer, ByVal cy As Integer, ByVal cz As Integer, _ ByVal ex As Single, ByVal ey As Single, ByVal ez As Single, ByVal D As Integer, ByVal modo As Integer, ByVal Normales(,) As Single) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer Dim x1 As Single, y1 As Single, z1 As Single Dim px1 As Single, py1 As Single Dim cara As Integer = 0 For fila = 0 To nf - 1 Dim Figura(nc - 1) As Point cara = M(fila, 0) For col = 0 To nc - 1 x1 = cx + M(fila, col * 3 + 1) * ex y1 = cy + M(fila, col * 3 + 2) * ey z1 = cz + M(fila, col * 3 + 3) * ez px1 = (x1 * D) / (D + z1) py1 = (y1 * D) / (D + z1) Figura(col).X = px1 Figura(col).Y = py1 Next If modo = 1 Then


If Normales(fila, 2) > 0 Then 'solo dibuja si el normal es mayor que 0 Grafico.DrawPolygon(New Pen(Color.Red, 3), Figura) Select Case cara Case 0 : Grafico.FillPolygon(Brushes.Green, Figura, FillMode.Alternate) Case 1 : Grafico.FillPolygon(Brushes.Red, Figura, FillMode.Alternate) Case 2 : Grafico.FillPolygon(Brushes.Blue, Figura, FillMode.Alternate) Case 3 : Grafico.FillPolygon(Brushes.Yellow, Figura, FillMode.Alternate) Case 4 : Grafico.FillPolygon(Brushes.Turquoise, Figura, FillMode.Alternate) Case 5 : Grafico.FillPolygon(Brushes.Silver, Figura, FillMode.Alternate) End Select End If Else Grafico.DrawPolygon(New Pen(Color.Red, 3), Figura) End If Next fila End Sub

Private Sub MnuCargarPropiedades_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MnuCargarPropiedades.Click ' rellenarlo a un datagrid DataGridView2.RowCount = 11 DataGridView2.ColumnCount = 2 DataGridView2.Columns(1).Width = 40 DataGridView2.Columns(0).Name = "Propiedad" DataGridView2.Columns(1).Name = "Valor" DataGridView2.Rows(0).Cells(0).Value = "CX" DataGridView2.Rows(0).Cells(1).Value = "100" DataGridView2.Rows(1).Cells(0).Value = "CY" DataGridView2.Rows(1).Cells(1).Value = "100" DataGridView2.Rows(2).Cells(0).Value = "CZ" DataGridView2.Rows(2).Cells(1).Value = "0" DataGridView2.Rows(3).Cells(0).Value = "EX" DataGridView2.Rows(3).Cells(1).Value = "10" DataGridView2.Rows(4).Cells(0).Value = "EY" DataGridView2.Rows(4).Cells(1).Value = "10" DataGridView2.Rows(5).Cells(0).Value = "EZ" DataGridView2.Rows(5).Cells(1).Value = "10" DataGridView2.Rows(6).Cells(0).Value = "NF" DataGridView2.Rows(6).Cells(1).Value = "8" DataGridView2.Rows(7).Cells(0).Value = "Velocidad" DataGridView2.Rows(7).Cells(1).Value = "10"


DataGridView2.Rows(8).Cells(0).Value = "D" DataGridView2.Rows(8).Cells(1).Value = "1000" DataGridView2.Rows(9).Cells(0).Value = "Modo" DataGridView2.Rows(9).Cells(1).Value = "0" DataGridView2.Rows(10).Cells(0).Value = "NC" DataGridView2.Rows(10).Cells(1).Value = "4" End Sub

Private Sub MnuIniciarfPropiedades_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MnuIniciarfPropiedades.Click nf = DataGridView2.Rows(6).Cells(1).Value Cx = DataGridView2.Rows(0).Cells(1).Value Cy = DataGridView2.Rows(1).Cells(1).Value Cz = DataGridView2.Rows(2).Cells(1).Value ex = DataGridView2.Rows(3).Cells(1).Value ey = DataGridView2.Rows(4).Cells(1).Value ez = DataGridView2.Rows(5).Cells(1).Value vel = DataGridView2.Rows(7).Cells(1).Value D = DataGridView2.Rows(8).Cells(1).Value modo = DataGridView2.Rows(9).Cells(1).Value nc = DataGridView2.Rows(10).Cells(1).Value End Sub Private Sub MnuDibujar_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MnuDibujar.Click graficar(A, nf, nc, Cx, Cy, Cz, ex, ey, ez, D, modo, Normales) End Sub

Private Sub MnuBorrar_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MnuBorrar.Click Grafico.Clear(Color.White) End Sub

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Grafico = PictureBox1.CreateGraphics Pen = New Pen(Color.Red, 1) End Sub

Private Sub MnuIzquierdaDerecha_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MnuIzquierdaDerecha.Click For Cx = 100 To PictureBox1.Width - 100 Grafico.Clear(Color.White) graficar(A, nf, nc, Cx, Cy, Cz, ex, ey, ez, D, modo, Normales) Sleep(vel) Next Cx = PictureBox1.Width - 100


End Sub

Private Sub MnuderechaIzquierda_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MnuderechaIzquierda.Click For Cx = PictureBox1.Width - 100 To 10 Step -1 Grafico.Clear(Color.White) graficar(A, nf, nc, Cx, Cy, Cz, ex, ey, ez, D, modo, Normales) Sleep(vel) Next Cx = 100 End Sub

Private Sub MnuArribaAbajo_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MnuArribaAbajo.Click For Cy = 100 To PictureBox1.Height - 100 Grafico.Clear(Color.White) graficar(A, nf, nc, Cx, Cy, Cz, ex, ey, ez, D, modo, Normales) Sleep(vel) Next Cy = PictureBox1.Height - 100 End Sub

Private Sub DeAbajoArriba_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DeAbajoArriba.Click For Cy = PictureBox1.Height - 100 To 100 Step -1 Grafico.Clear(Color.White) graficar(A, nf, nc, Cx, Cy, Cz, ex, ey, ez, D, modo, Normales) Sleep(vel) Next Cy = 100 End Sub

Private Sub MnuRotEjeZ_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MnuRotEjeZ.Click Dim x1 As Single, y1 As Single, z1 As Single Dim x2 As Single, y2 As Single, z2 As Single Dim fila As Integer = 0, col As Integer dz = 0.1 For anguloz = 0 To 2 * Math.PI Step dz For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 x1 = A(fila, col * 3 + 1) y1 = A(fila, col * 3 + 2) z1 = A(fila, col * 3 + 3) x2 = x1 * Math.Cos(dz) - y1 * Math.Sin(dz) y2 = x1 * Math.Sin(dz) + y1 * Math.Cos(dz) z2 = z1


A(fila, col * 3 + 1) = x2 A(fila, col * 3 + 2) = y2 A(fila, col * 3 + 3) = z2 Next Next Grafico.Clear(Color.White) graficar(A, nf, nc, Cx, Cy, Cz, ex, ey, ez, D, modo, Normales) Sleep(vel) Next End Sub

Private Sub MnuRotX_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MnuRotX.Click Dim x1 As Single, y1 As Single, z1 As Single Dim x2 As Single, y2 As Single, z2 As Single dx = 0.1 For angulox = 0 To 2 * Math.PI Step dx For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 x1 = A(fila, col * 3 + 1) y1 = A(fila, col * 3 + 2) z1 = A(fila, col * 3 + 3) x2 = x1 y2 = y1 * Math.Cos(dx) - z1 * Math.Sin(dx) z2 = y1 * Math.Sin(dx) + z1 * Math.Cos(dx) A(fila, col * 3 + 1) = x2 A(fila, col * 3 + 2) = y2 A(fila, col * 3 + 3) = z2 Next Next Grafico.Clear(Color.White) graficar(A, nf, nc, Cx, Cy, Cz, ex, ey, ez, D, modo, Normales) Sleep(vel) Next End Sub

Private Sub MnuRotEjeY_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MnuRotEjeY.Click Dim x1 As Single, y1 As Single, z1 As Single Dim x2 As Single, y2 As Single, z2 As Single dy = 0.1 For anguloy = 0 To 2 * Math.PI Step dy For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 x1 = A(fila, col * 3 + 1) y1 = A(fila, col * 3 + 2) z1 = A(fila, col * 3 + 3)


x2 = x1 * Math.Cos(dy) + z1 * Math.Sin(dy) y2 = y1 z2 = -x1 * Math.Sin(dy) + z1 * Math.Cos(dy) A(fila, col * 3 + 1) = x2 A(fila, col * 3 + 2) = y2 A(fila, col * 3 + 3) = z2 Next Next Grafico.Clear(Color.White) graficar(A, nf, nc, Cx, Cy, Cz, ex, ey, ez, D, modo, Normales) Sleep(vel) Next End Sub

Private Sub MnuAlejar_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MnuAlejar.Click For Cz = 0 To 400 Grafico.Clear(Color.White) graficar(A, nf, nc, Cx, Cy, Cz, ex, ey, ez, D, modo, Normales) Sleep(vel) Next Cz = 400 End Sub

Private Sub MnuAcercar_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MnuAcercar.Click For Cz = 400 To 0 Step -1 Grafico.Clear(Color.White) graficar(A, nf, nc, Cx, Cy, Cz, ex, ey, ez, D, modo, Normales) Sleep(vel) Next Cz = 0 End Sub

Private Sub MnuMenosPerspectiva_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MnuMenosPerspectiva.Click For D = 10 To 1000 Step 10 Grafico.Clear(Color.White) graficar(A, nf, nc, Cx, Cy, Cz, ex, ey, ez, D, modo, Normales) Sleep(vel) Next D = 1000 End Sub

Private Sub MnuMasPerspectiva_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MnuMasPerspectiva.Click For D = 1000 To 10 Step -10


Grafico.Clear(Color.White) graficar(A, nf, nc, Cx, Cy, Cz, ex, ey, ez, D, modo, Normales) Sleep(vel) Next D = 10 End Sub Private Sub AumentarEscalaX_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AumentarEscalaX.Click For ex = 1 To 20 Grafico.Clear(Color.White) graficar(A, nf, nc, Cx, Cy, Cz, ex, ey, ez, D, modo, Normales) Sleep(vel) Next ex = 20 End Sub

Private Sub DesminuirEscalaX_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DesminuirEscalaX.Click For ex = 20 To 1 Step -1 Grafico.Clear(Color.White) graficar(A, nf, nc, Cx, Cy, Cz, ex, ey, ez, D, modo, Normales) Sleep(vel) Next ex = 1 End Sub

Private Sub AumentarEscalaY_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AumentarEscalaY.Click For ey = 1 To 20 Grafico.Clear(Color.White) graficar(A, nf, nc, Cx, Cy, Cz, ex, ey, ez, D, modo, Normales) Sleep(vel) Next ey = 20 End Sub

Private Sub DesminuirEscalaY_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DesminuirEscalaY.Click For ey = 20 To 1 Step -1 Grafico.Clear(Color.White) graficar(A, nf, nc, Cx, Cy, Cz, ex, ey, ez, D, modo, Normales) Sleep(vel) Next ey = 1 End Sub


Private Sub AumentarEscalaZ_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AumentarEscalaZ.Click For ez = 1 To 20 Grafico.Clear(Color.White) graficar(A, nf, nc, Cx, Cy, Cz, ex, ey, ez, D, modo, Normales) Sleep(vel) Next ez = 20 End Sub

Private Sub DesminuirEscalaZ_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DesminuirEscalaZ.Click For ez = 20 To 1 Step -1 Grafico.Clear(Color.White) graficar(A, nf, nc, Cx, Cy, Cz, ex, ey, ez, D, modo, Normales) Sleep(vel) Next ez = 1 End Sub

Private Sub HSRX_Scroll(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ScrollEventArgs) Handles HSRX.Scroll gradosx = HSRX.Value TxtX.Text = gradosx angulox = gradosx * Math.PI / 180 Dim x1 As Single, y1 As Single, z1 As Single Dim x2 As Single, y2 As Single, z2 As Single dx = 2 * Math.PI / 360 For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 x1 = A(fila, col * 3 + 1) y1 = A(fila, col * 3 + 2) z1 = A(fila, col * 3 + 3) x2 = x1 y2 = y1 * Math.Cos(dx) - z1 * Math.Sin(dx) z2 = y1 * Math.Sin(dx) + z1 * Math.Cos(dx) A(fila, col * 3 + 1) = x2 A(fila, col * 3 + 2) = y2 A(fila, col * 3 + 3) = z2 Next Next Grafico.Clear(Color.White) ObtenerNormales(A, Normales, nf, D) graficar(A, nf, nc, Cx, Cy, Cz, ex, ey, ez, D, modo, Normales) End Sub


Private Sub HSRY_Scroll(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ScrollEventArgs) Handles HSRY.Scroll Dim x1 As Single, y1 As Single, z1 As Single Dim x2 As Single, y2 As Single, z2 As Single gradosy = HSRY.Value txtRY.Text = gradosy anguloy = gradosy * Math.PI / 180 IniciarMatriz(B, nf + 1, nc + 1) dy = 2 * Math.PI / 360 For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 x1 = A(fila, col * 3 + 1) y1 = A(fila, col * 3 + 2) z1 = A(fila, col * 3 + 3) x2 = x1 * Math.Cos(dy) + z1 * Math.Sin(dy) y2 = y1 z2 = -x1 * Math.Sin(dy) + z1 * Math.Cos(dy) A(fila, col * 3 + 1) = x2 A(fila, col * 3 + 2) = y2 A(fila, col * 3 + 3) = z2 Next Next Grafico.Clear(Color.White) ObtenerNormales(A, Normales, nf, D) graficar(A, nf, nc, Cx, Cy, Cz, ex, ey, ez, D, modo, Normales) End Sub

Private Sub HSRZ_Scroll(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ScrollEventArgs) Handles HSRZ.Scroll Dim x1 As Single, y1 As Single, z1 As Single Dim x2 As Single, y2 As Single, z2 As Single Dim fila As Integer = 0, col As Integer gradosz = HSRZ.Value txtRZ.Text = gradosz anguloz = gradosz * Math.PI / 180 dz = 2 * Math.PI / 360 IniciarMatriz(B, nf + 1, nc + 1) For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 x1 = A(fila, col * 3 + 1) y1 = A(fila, col * 3 + 2) z1 = A(fila, col * 3 + 3) x2 = x1 * Math.Cos(dz) - y1 * Math.Sin(dz) y2 = x1 * Math.Sin(dz) + y1 * Math.Cos(dz) z2 = z1 A(fila, col * 3 + 1) = x2 A(fila, col * 3 + 2) = y2


A(fila, col * 3 + 3) = z2 Next Next Grafico.Clear(Color.White) ObtenerNormales(A, Normales, nf, D) graficar(A, nf, nc, Cx, Cy, Cz, ex, ey, ez, D, modo, Normales) End Sub Private Sub HSTx_Scroll(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ScrollEventArgs) Handles HSTx.Scroll Cx = HSTx.Value TxtTx.Text = Cx Grafico.Clear(Color.White) graficar(A, nf, nc, Cx, Cy, Cz, ex, ey, ez, D, modo, Normales) End Sub

Private Sub HSTy_Scroll(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ScrollEventArgs) Handles HSTy.Scroll Cy = HSTy.Value txtTY.Text = Cy Grafico.Clear(Color.White) graficar(A, nf, nc, Cx, Cy, Cz, ex, ey, ez, D, modo, Normales) End Sub

Private Sub HSTz_Scroll(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ScrollEventArgs) Handles HSTz.Scroll Cz = HSTz.Value TxtTZ.Text = Cz Grafico.Clear(Color.White) graficar(A, nf, nc, Cx, Cy, Cz, ex, ey, ez, D, modo, Normales) End Sub

Private Sub HSTD_Scroll(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ScrollEventArgs) Handles HSTD.Scroll D = HSTD.Value TxtD.Text = D Grafico.Clear(Color.White) graficar(A, nf, nc, Cx, Cy, Cz, ex, ey, ez, D, modo, Normales) End Sub

Private Sub HSEx_Scroll(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ScrollEventArgs) Handles HSEX.Scroll ex = HSEX.Value TxtEx.Text = ex Grafico.Clear(Color.White) graficar(A, nf, nc, Cx, Cy, Cz, ex, ey, ez, D, modo, Normales) End Sub


Private Sub HSey_Scroll(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ScrollEventArgs) Handles HSEY.Scroll ey = HSEY.Value TxtEy.Text = ey Grafico.Clear(Color.White) graficar(A, nf, nc, Cx, Cy, Cz, ex, ey, ez, D, modo, Normales) End Sub

Private Sub HSEz_Scroll(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ScrollEventArgs) Handles HSEz.Scroll ez = HSEz.Value TxtEz.Text = ez Grafico.Clear(Color.White) graficar(A, nf, nc, Cx, Cy, Cz, ex, ey, ez, D, modo, Normales) End Sub

Private Sub MnuModeloAlambre_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MnuModeloAlambre.Click modo = 0 graficar(A, nf, nc, Cx, Cy, Cz, ex, ey, ez, D, modo, Normales) End Sub

Private Sub mnuModeloSolido_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) modo = 1 graficar(A, nf, nc, Cx, Cy, Cz, ex, ey, ez, D, modo, Normales) End Sub

Private Sub MnuNormales_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MnuNormales.Click ObtenerNormales(A, Normales, nf, D) End Sub Sub esfera(ByVal M(,) As Single, ByVal radio As Single, ByVal nf As Single, ByVal nc As Single) ' giramos un punto alrededor del eje y y lo almacenamos en en un vecto Dim dy As Single, anguloy1 As Single Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer Dim x1 As Single, y1 As Single, z1 As Single Dim x2 As Single, y2 As Single, z2 As Single fila = 0 ntc = nc * 3 + 1 dy = 2 * Math.PI / nc x1 = radio y1 = 0 z1 = 0 anguloy1 = 0 M(fila, 0) = 0


col = 0 Do x2 = x1 * Math.Cos(anguloy1) + z1 * Math.Sin(anguloy1) y2 = y1 z2 = -x1 * Math.Sin(anguloy1) + z1 * Math.Cos(anguloy1) M(fila, col) = x2 : col = col + 1 M(fila, col) = y2 : col = col + 1 M(fila, col) = z2 : col = col + 1 anguloy1 = anguloy1 + dy Loop While (col < ntc) End Sub

Private Sub MnuEsfera_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MnuEsfera.Click Dim radio As Single = 2 IniciarMatriz(A, maxfilas, maxcol) esfera(A, radio, nf, nc) ObtenerNormales(A, Normales, nf, D) graficar(A, nf, nc, Cx, Cy, Cz, ex, ey, ez, D, modo, Normales) End Sub

Private Sub MnuTextura_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MnuTextura.Click Dim Pen As Pen Dim Grafico As Graphics Dim bitmap As New Bitmap("E:\datos\epii.jpg") Dim tBrush As New TextureBrush(bitmap) Dim texturedPen As New Pen(tBrush, 30) Grafico = PictureBox1.CreateGraphics Pen = New Pen(Color.Red, 1) Grafico.DrawImage(bitmap, 0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height) Grafico.DrawEllipse(texturedPen, 100, 20, 200, 100) End Sub

Private Sub MnuSalir_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MnuSalir.Click Me.Close() End Sub Private Sub ModeloSolido_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ModeloSolido.Click modo = 1 graficar(A, nf, nc, Cx, Cy, Cz, ex, ey, ez, D, modo, Normales) End SubEnd Class


Option Explicit OnImports System.DrawingPublic Class Form1 Dim Grafico As Graphics Dim ColorFondo As Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255) Dim pen1 As Pen Dim pen2 As Pen Dim Matriz(maxfilas, 6) As Single Dim X(maxfilas) As Single Dim Y(maxfilas) As Single Dim Cx As Integer = 10 Dim Cy As Integer = 400 Dim ex As Single = 1 Dim ey As Single = -1

Sub MostrarPuntos(ByVal X() As Single, ByVal Y() As Single, ByVal nf As Integer) ListBox1.Items.Clear() For fila = 0 To nf ListBox1.Items.Add(X(fila) & " = " & Y(fila)) Next End Sub Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Grafico = PictureBox1.CreateGraphics


pen1 = New Pen(Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0), 2) pen2 = New Pen(Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 255), 3) End Sub Private Sub BtnBorrar_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnBorrar.Click Grafico.Clear(Color.White) End Sub Private Sub Btndibujar_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Btndibujar.Click Grafico.DrawLine(pen1, 0, Cy, Cx * 2, Cy) Grafico.DrawLine(pen1, Cx, 0, Cx, Cy * 2) graficar(X, Y, Cx, Cy, ex, ey, np) End Sub Sub graficar(ByVal X() As Single, ByVal Y() As Single, ByVal Cx As Integer, ByVal cy As Integer, ByVal ex As Single, ByVal ey As Single, ByVal np As Integer) REM ListBox1.Items.Clear() Dim Resultado As Integer Dim graficar As Integer = 0 Dim cont2 As Integer = 0 Dim AX(4) As Single Dim AY(4) As Single Dim Matriz(maxfilas, 6) As Single iniciarMatriz(Matriz, maxfilas, 6) Dim fila As Integer Dim col As Integer Dim cont As Integer Dim npuntos As Integer Dim px1 As Single, py1 As Single, px2 As Single, py2 As Single For fila = 0 To np - 2 For col = fila + 1 To np - 1 Matriz(cont, 0) = X(fila) Matriz(cont, 1) = Y(fila) Matriz(cont, 2) = X(col) Matriz(cont, 3) = Y(col) Matriz(cont, 4) = 0 ' no esta graficado Matriz(cont, 5) = distancia(X(fila), Y(fila), X(col), Y(col)) cont = cont + 1 Next Next npuntos = cont REM GrabarMatriz(Matriz, npuntos, 6) OrdenarMatriz(Matriz, npuntos) ' *** no ordenar GrabarMatriz(Matriz, npuntos, 6) For fila = 0 To npuntos - 1 ' npuntos-1 graficar = 1 ' graficara For col = 0 To npuntos - 1 REM fila con col graficar probar sis epuede


If fila <> col Then If Matriz(col, 4) = 1 Then ObtenerVectores(Matriz, AX, AY, fila, col) Resultado = Interseccion(AX, AY) If Resultado = 1 Then ' bata que se cruce con 1 para no graficar graficar = 0 ' graficara Exit For End If End If End If Next col If graficar = 1 Then px1 = Matriz(fila, 0) py1 = Matriz(fila, 1) px2 = Matriz(fila, 2) py2 = Matriz(fila, 3) Grafico.DrawLine(pen1, Cx + px1 * ex, cy + py1 * ey, Cx + px2 * ex, cy + py2 * ey) Matriz(fila, 4) = 1 ' ya esta graficado End If Next MostrarMatriz(Matriz, npuntos) GrabarMatriz(Matriz, npuntos, 6) End Sub Sub MostrarMatriz(ByVal A(,) As Single, ByVal nf As Integer) Dim cadena As String Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer For fila = 0 To nf - 1 cadena = "fila " & fila For col = 0 To 5 cadena = " " & cadena & " " & A(fila, col) Next ListBox1.Items.Add(cadena) Next End Sub Private Sub btnRecuperar_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnRecuperar.Click RecuperarPuntos(X, Y, np) MostrarPuntos(X, Y, np) End Sub Private Sub btngenerar_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btngenerar.Click generarPuntos(X, Y, np) End Sub Private Sub Btnescala_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Btnescala.Click ex = txtEx.Text


ey = TxtEy.Text End SubEnd ClassCODIGO DEL MODULOOption Explicit OnImports System.IOModule Module2 Public Const maxfilas As Integer = 5000 Public X(maxfilas) As Single Public Y(maxfilas) As Single Public np As Integer = 100 Function mayor(ByVal x1 As Single, ByVal x2 As Single) As Single Dim maximo As Single If x1 > x2 Then maximo = x1 Else maximo = x2 End If Return maximo End Function

Function menor(ByVal x1 As Single, ByVal x2 As Single) As Single Dim minimo As Single If x1 < x2 Then minimo = x1 Else minimo = x2 End If Return minimo End Function Function Interseccion(ByVal X1() As Single, ByVal Y1() As Single) As Integer Dim resultado As Integer = 0 Dim XA(4) As Single Dim YA(4) As Single Dim R1xmin As Single Dim R1xmax As Single Dim R1ymin As Single Dim R1ymax As Single Dim R2xmin As Single Dim R2xmax As Single Dim R2ymin As Single Dim R2ymax As Single Dim px As Single Dim py As Single R1xmin = menor(X1(0), X1(1)) R1xmax = mayor(X1(0), X1(1))


R1ymin = menor(Y1(0), Y1(1)) R1ymax = mayor(Y1(0), Y1(1)) R2xmin = menor(X1(2), X1(3)) R2xmax = mayor(X1(2), X1(3)) R2ymin = menor(Y1(2), Y1(3)) R2ymax = mayor(Y1(2), Y1(3)) copiar(X1, XA, 4) REM limites(XA, xmin, xmax) REM Console.WriteLine(" valores de xmin {0} xmax {1} ", xmin, xmax) resultado = 0 copiar(Y1, YA, 4) REM limites(YA, ymin, ymax) If (X1(0) = X1(2) And Y1(0) = Y1(2)) Or (X1(0) = X1(3) And Y1(0) = Y1(3)) Or (X1(1) = X1(2) And Y1(1) = Y1(2)) Or (X1(1) = X1(3) And Y1(1) = Y1(3)) Then resultado = 0 Else REM resultado = 1 px = ((X1(0) * Y1(1) - Y1(0) * X1(1)) * (X1(2) - X1(3)) - (X1(0) - X1(1)) * (X1(2) * Y1(3) - Y1(2) * X1(3))) / ((X1(0) - X1(1)) * (Y1(2) - Y1(3)) - (Y1(0) - Y1(1)) * (X1(2) - X1(3))) py = ((X1(0) * Y1(1) - Y1(0) * X1(1)) * (Y1(2) - Y1(3)) - (Y1(0) - Y1(1)) * (X1(2) * Y1(3) - Y1(2) * X1(3))) / ((X1(0) - X1(1)) * (Y1(2) - Y1(3)) - (Y1(0) - Y1(1)) * (X1(2) - X1(3))) If px >= R1xmin And px <= R1xmax And px >= R2xmin And px <= R2xmax And py >= R1ymin And py <= R1ymax And py >= R2ymin And py <= R2ymax Then resultado = 1 Else resultado = 0 End If End If Return resultado End Function

Function distancia(ByVal x1 As Single, ByVal y1 As Single, ByVal x2 As Single, ByVal y2 As Single) As Single distancia = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(x2 - x1, 2) + Math.Pow(y2 - y1, 2)) End Function Sub IniciarMatriz(ByVal A(,) As Single, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 A(fila, col) = 0 Next Next End Sub


Public Sub generarPuntos(ByRef X() As Single, ByRef Y() As Single, ByVal nf As Integer) Dim fila As Integer For fila = 0 To nf - 1 X(fila) = Int(Rnd() * 600) Y(fila) = Int(Rnd() * 400) Next X(fila) = X(0) Y(fila) = Y(0) End Sub Public Sub RecuperarPuntos(ByVal X() As Single, ByVal Y() As Single, ByVal nf As Integer) Dim fila As Integer Dim cadena As String Dim pos As Integer Dim srLector = New StreamReader("E:\datos\Puntos2x6.txt") REM Dim srLector = New StreamReader("E:\datos\Puntos2x10.txt") For fila = 0 To nf - 1 cadena = srLector.ReadLine() pos = InStr(1, cadena, Chr(9)) X(fila) = Mid(cadena, 1, pos - 1) Y(fila) = Mid(cadena, pos + 1, Len(cadena)) Next X(fila) = X(0) Y(fila) = Y(0) srLector.Close() End Sub Sub Imprimir(ByVal X() As Single, ByVal ne As Integer) Dim fila As Integer For fila = 0 To ne - 1 Console.Write(" {0} ", X(fila)) Next End Sub Sub copiar(ByVal A() As Single, ByRef B() As Single, ByVal ne As Integer) Dim fila As Integer For fila = 0 To ne - 1 B(fila) = A(fila) Next End Sub Sub Ordenar(ByVal A() As Single, ByVal np As Integer) Dim fila As Integer Dim col As Integer Dim temp As Single For fila = 0 To np - 2 For col = fila + 1 To np - 1 If (A(col) < A(fila)) Then temp = A(fila)


A(fila) = A(col) A(col) = temp End If Next col Next fila End Sub Sub OrdenarMatriz(ByRef A(,) As Single, ByVal ne As Integer) Dim fila As Integer Dim col As Integer Dim temp(6) As Single For fila = 0 To ne - 2 For col = fila + 1 To ne - 1 If (A(col, 5) < A(fila, 5)) Then For k = 0 To 6 temp(k) = A(fila, k) Next For k = 0 To 6 A(fila, k) = A(col, k) Next For k = 0 To 6 A(col, k) = temp(k) Next End If Next col Next fila End Sub Sub ObtenerVectores(ByVal A(,) As Single, ByRef AX() As Single, ByRef AY() As Single, ByVal Nf As Integer, ByVal Nc As Integer) AX(0) = A(Nf, 0) AX(1) = A(Nf, 2) AX(2) = A(Nc, 0) AX(3) = A(Nc, 2) AY(0) = A(Nf, 1) AY(1) = A(Nf, 3) AY(2) = A(Nc, 1) AY(3) = A(Nc, 3) End Sub Sub GrabarMatriz(ByVal A(,) As Single, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) Dim swEscritor = New StreamWriter("e:\DATOS\matriz6xn.txt") Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 swEscritor.Write("{0}{1} ", A(fila, col), Chr(9)) Next swEscritor.WriteLine()


Next swEscritor.Close() End SubEnd Module

Imports System.DrawingPublic Class Form1 Dim Grafico As Graphics Dim Color As Color Dim Pantalla As Bitmap Dim Pict1 As Bitmap Const maxfilas As Integer = 810, maxcol As Integer = 810 Dim alto As Integer = maxfilas, ancho As Integer = maxcol Dim Rojos(maxfilas, maxcol) As Integer, Verdes(maxfilas, maxcol) As Integer, Azules(maxfilas, maxcol) As Integer Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) Sub CopiarMatriz(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal B(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 B(fila, col) = A(fila, col) Next Next End Sub

Sub MostrarMatriz(ByVal cx As Integer, ByVal cy As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1


Pantalla.SetPixel(cx + col, cy + fila, Color.FromArgb(Rojos(fila, col), Verdes(fila, col), Azules(fila, col))) Next Next PictureBox2.Image = Pantalla End Sub Sub Crecer(ByRef nf As Integer, ByRef nc As Integer) Dim Rojos1(maxfilas, maxcol) As Integer Dim Verdes1(maxfilas, maxcol) As Integer Dim Azules1(maxfilas, maxcol) As Integer Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer, cf As Integer = 0, cc As Integer = 0 For fila = 0 To nf - 1 cc = 0 For col = 0 To nc - 1 Rojos1(cf, cc) = Rojos(fila, col) Verdes1(cf, cc) = Verdes(fila, col) aZULES1(cf, cc) = Azules(fila, col) cc = cc + 1 Rojos1(cf, cc) = Rojos(fila, col) Verdes1(cf, cc) = Verdes(fila, col) Azules1(cf, cc) = Azules(fila, col) cc = cc + 1 Next col cf = cf + 1 cc = 0 For col = 0 To nc - 1 Rojos1(cf, cc) = Rojos(fila, col) Verdes1(cf, cc) = Verdes(fila, col) Azules1(cf, cc) = Azules(fila, col) cc = cc + 1 Rojos1(cf, cc) = Rojos(fila, col) Verdes1(cf, cc) = Verdes(fila, col) Azules1(cf, cc) = Azules(fila, col) cc = cc + 1 Next col cf = cf + 1 Next fila nf = cf nc = cc CopiarMatriz(Rojos1, Rojos, nf, nc) CopiarMatriz(Verdes1, Verdes, nf, nc) CopiarMatriz(Azules1, Azules, nf, nc) End Sub

Private Sub Graficar(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim contador As Integer = 1


Dim nelementos As Integer = 3 Dim cx As Integer = 10, cy As Integer = 10 Dim nf As Integer = 100, nc As Integer = 100 PictureBox2.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255) For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 Color = Pict1.GetPixel(col, fila) Rojos(fila, col) = Color.R Verdes(fila, col) = Color.G Azules(fila, col) = Color.B Next col Next For contador = 1 To nelementos Crecer(nf, nc) MostrarMatriz(cx, cy, nf, nc) PictureBox2.Refresh() Sleep(100) Next End Sub Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load PictureBox2.Width = ancho PictureBox2.Height = alto Pantalla = New Bitmap(PictureBox2.Width, PictureBox2.Height) Pict1 = New Bitmap("e:\datos\foto1.bmp") Grafico = PictureBox2.CreateGraphics End SubEnd Class

Programa de rompecabezas


Public Class Form1 Dim nf As Integer = 3 Dim nc As Integer = 3 Dim fila, col As Integer Dim Cx As Integer = 0 '0 Dim Cy As Integer = 0 Dim nombre As String Dim grafico As Graphics

Private Sub btnIniciar_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnIniciar.Click DataGridView1.RowCount = nf DataGridView1.ColumnCount = nc For col = 0 To nc - 1 DataGridView1.Columns(col).Width = 40 Next For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 DataGridView1.Rows(fila).Cells(col).Value = fila & "," & col Next Next

End Sub

Private Sub TextBox1_KeyDown(sender As Object, e As KeyEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyDown


DataGridView1.Rows(Cy).Cells(Cx).Value = nombre

Select Case e.KeyCode Case 88 ' TRASLACION EJE X If Cx < nc - 1 Then Cx = Cx + 1 Case 89 ' TRASLACION EJE Y If Cy < nf - 1 Then Cy = Cy + 1 Case 65 ' a If Cx > 0 Then Cx = Cx - 1 Case 66 ' b If Cy > 0 Then Cy = Cy - 1 End Select nombre = DataGridView1.Rows(Cy).Cells(Cx).Value DataGridView1.Rows(Cy).Cells(Cx).Value = "Gato"

TextBox1.Clear() End Sub

Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged

End Sub

Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

End Sub

Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click grafico = PictureBox2.CreateGraphics

' Create image. Dim newImage(4) newImage(0) = Image.FromFile("E:\datos\auto1.bmp") newImage(1) = Image.FromFile("E:\datos\auto2.bmp")

'Dim newImage As Image = ImageList(1) ' Create Point for upper-left corner of image. Dim ulCorner As New Point(100, 100)

' Draw image to screen.

grafico.DrawImage(newImage(0), 100, 100) grafico.DrawImage(newImage(1), 200, 120)


End SubEnd Class


R1 R2 R3 R4

0 7 6 0 1 12 -11 16 5 2 0 11 22 24 4 4 1 3 103 40 2 6 2 4 64 45 2 8 3 5 -15 50 6 10 4 6 326 43 6 12 3 7 317 38 7 14 6 30 88 32 8 16 9 7 -19 25 9 18 8 10 -1

10 28 9 20 2 11 1411 22 9 22 1 10 1212 9 10 24 0 11 1313 10 13 26 12 16 1414 31 12 28 15 10 1315 34 15 30 14 16 3916 12 16 32 13 17 1517 13 19 34 16 18 2118 27 19 36 17 20 1919 29 18 38 39 18 2420 28 21 40 18 21 2321 14 21 42 17 22 2022 14 24 44 21 23 -123 30 23 46 22 20 2424 39 23 48 23 25 1925 43 23 50 24 26 3726 43 20 52 27 25 3627 41 18 54 26 28 -128 44 23 56 39 27 2929 46 16 58 28 34 3030 44 13 60 31 7 2931 49 18 62 30 32 -132 56 12 64 33 5 -133 59 15 66 32 38 -134 51 15 68 29 33 -1


35 53 18 70 36 34 2736 56 19 72 37 35 -137 58 21 74 25 38 3638 63 21 76 37 33 -139 40 16 78 19 15 28


Module Module1 Sub Main() ' todo tiene que ser en archivo IniciarPantalla(A, nf, nc) Iniciar(PuntosRelaciones, np, np) Iniciar(Relaciones, np, np) recuperar(X, Y, np) imprimir(X, Y, np) RecuperarPuntosRelaciones(PuntosRelaciones, np, np) FormarRelaciones(PuntosRelaciones, Relaciones, np, np) 'MostrarMatriz(Relaciones, np, np) Graficar(X, Y, Relaciones, np, np) 'GrabarMatriz(Relaciones, np, np) GrabarMatriz(A, nf, nc) Console.ReadLine()


End SubEnd Module

Imports System.IOModule Module2 Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) Dim srLector As StreamReader Dim swEscritor As StreamWriter

Public Const NFilas As Integer = 50, NCol As Integer = 55, npuntos = 40 Public relleno(NCol) As Integer Public A(NFilas, NCol) As Integer Public PuntosRelaciones(npuntos, npuntos) As Integer Public Relaciones(npuntos, npuntos) As Integer Public X(npuntos) As Integer Public Y(npuntos) As Integer Public np As Integer = npuntos, k As Integer Public nf As Integer = NFilas, nc As Integer = NCol Sub FormarRelaciones(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByRef R(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 If A(fila, col) >= 0 Then R(fila, A(fila, col)) = 1 End If Next Next

End Sub Sub Graficar(ByVal X() As Integer, ByVal Y() As Integer, ByRef R(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer Dim x1 As Single, y1 As Single, x2 As Single, y2 As Single For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 If R(fila, col) = 1 Then If fila <= col Then x1 = X(fila) y1 = Y(fila) x2 = X(col) y2 = Y(col) Else x1 = X(col) y1 = Y(col) x2 = X(fila)


y2 = Y(fila) End If linea(x1, y1, x2, y2) End If Next Next REM poner la ubicaciones de los puntos For fila = 0 To nf - 1 Console.CursorLeft = X(fila) Console.CursorTop = Y(fila) Console.Write("{0}", fila + 1) A(Y(fila), X(fila)) = fila + 1

Next End Sub Sub Iniciar(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 A(fila, col) = -1 Next Next End Sub

Sub IniciarPantalla(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 A(fila, col) = 99 Next Next End Sub Public Sub MostrarMatriz(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer For fila = 0 To nf - 1 Console.WriteLine() For col = 0 To nc - 1 Console.Write("{0} ", A(fila, col)) Next Next End Sub

Public Sub GrabarMatriz(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer)


Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer Dim dato As Integer swEscritor = New StreamWriter("e:\DATOS\Matriz55x50.txt") For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 If A(fila, col) >= 0 Then dato = A(fila, col) End If swEscritor.Write("{0}{1} ", A(fila, col), Chr(9)) Next swEscritor.WriteLine() Next swEscritor.Close() End Sub

Public Sub RecuperarPuntosRelaciones(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) srLector = New StreamReader("e:\DATOS\Relaciones3X40.txt") Dim cadena As String Dim subcadena As String Dim pos As Integer = 0 Dim longitud As String Dim inicio As Integer = 1 Dim cont As Integer = 0 For fila = 0 To nf - 1 cadena = srLector.ReadLine() longitud = Len(cadena) inicio = 1 cont = 0 Do pos = InStr(inicio, cadena, Chr(9)) If pos > 0 Then subcadena = Mid(cadena, inicio, pos - inicio) A(fila, cont) = Val(subcadena) inicio = pos + 1 cont += 1 Else subcadena = Mid(cadena, inicio, longitud - inicio + 1) A(fila, cont) = Val(subcadena) cont += 1 Exit Do End If Loop While (inicio <= longitud) Next Console.WriteLine("Archivo leido satisfactoriamente") srLector.Close() End Sub


Sub recuperar(ByRef X() As Integer, ByRef Y() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer) Dim srLector = New StreamReader("e:\DATOS\puntos2x40x55x50.txt") 'Dim srLector = New StreamReader("e:\DATOS\untos5.txt") Dim cadena As String Dim subcadena As String Dim pos As Integer = 0 Dim longitud As String For fila = 0 To ne - 1 cadena = srLector.ReadLine() longitud = Len(cadena) pos = InStr(1, cadena, Chr(9)) ' pos tabulador If pos > 0 Then subcadena = Mid(cadena, 1, pos - 1) X(fila) = Val(subcadena) subcadena = Mid(cadena, pos + 1, longitud) Y(fila) = Val(subcadena) End If Next srLector.Close() End Sub Sub imprimir(ByVal X() As Integer, ByVal Y() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer) Dim fila As Integer For fila = 0 To ne - 1 Console.WriteLine(" {0} {1} {2}", fila, X(fila), Y(fila)) Next End SubEnd Module

Module Module3 Dim dist As Single Dim menor As Single Function distanciaEuclidiana(ByVal x1 As Single, ByVal y1 As Single, ByVal x2 As Single, ByVal y2 As Single) distanciaEuclidiana = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(x2 - x1, 2) + Math.Pow(y2 - y1, 2)) End Function Function distancia(ByVal x1 As Single, ByVal y1 As Single, ByVal x2 As Single, ByVal y2 As Single) distancia = Math.Abs(x2 - x1) + Math.Abs(y2 - y1) End Function

Function Area(ByVal x1 As Single, ByVal y1 As Single, ByVal x2 As Single, ByVal y2 As Single) Area = Math.Abs(x2 - x1) * Math.Abs(y2 - y1) End Function Function AreaTri(ByVal x1 As Single, ByVal y1 As Single, ByVal x2 As Single, ByVal y2 As Single, _ ByVal x3 As Single, ByVal y3 As Single)


Dim a As Single, b As Single, c As Single, p As Single, s As Single a = distanciaEuclidiana(x1, y1, x2, y2) b = distanciaEuclidiana(x2, y2, x3, y3) c = distanciaEuclidiana(x3, y3, x1, y1) p = (a + b + c) / 2 s = Math.Sqrt(p * (p - a) * (p - b) * (p - c)) Return s End Function

Sub linea(ByVal x1 As Integer, ByVal y1 As Integer, ByVal x2 As Integer, ByVal y2 As Integer) Dim px As Single, py As Single Dim cx1 As Single, cy1 As Single Dim area1 As Single, AreaMenor As Single Dim xini As Single, yini As Single Dim d1 As Single Dim cont As Integer = 0 xini = x1 yini = y1 px = x1 py = y1 cx1 = px cy1 = py menor = distancia(px, py, x2, y2) Console.CursorLeft = x1 Console.CursorTop = y1 Console.Write("1") Do AreaMenor = 100 px = x1 py = y1 cx1 = px cy1 = py d1 = distancia(px + 1, py, x2, y2) If d1 <= menor Then menor = d1 area1 = AreaTri(xini, yini, px + 1, py, x2, y2) If area1 < AreaMenor Then AreaMenor = area1 cx1 = px + 1 cy1 = py End If End If d1 = distancia(px, py - 1, x2, y2) If d1 <= menor Then menor = d1 area1 = AreaTri(xini, yini, px, py - 1, x2, y2)


If area1 < AreaMenor Then AreaMenor = area1 cx1 = px cy1 = py - 1 End If End If d1 = distancia(px - 1, py, x2, y2) If d1 <= menor Then menor = d1 area1 = AreaTri(xini, yini, px - 1, py, x2, y2) If area1 < AreaMenor Then AreaMenor = area1 cx1 = px - 1 cy1 = py End If End If d1 = distancia(px, py + 1, x2, y2) If d1 <= menor Then menor = d1 area1 = AreaTri(xini, yini, px, py + 1, x2, y2) If area1 < AreaMenor Then AreaMenor = area1 cx1 = px cy1 = py + 1 End If End If x1 = cx1 y1 = cy1 Console.CursorLeft = x1 Console.CursorTop = y1 Console.WriteLine("*") A(y1, x1) = 0 cont = cont + 1 Loop While menor > 1 End SubEnd Module



Option Explicit On

Imports System.DrawingPublic Class Form1 Dim fila As Integer Dim col As Integer Dim tam As Integer = 2 Dim Color As Color Dim Grafico As Graphics Dim BrochaSolida As SolidBrush Dim nombreArchivo As String Dim nombreColores As String Dim MColores(Cantidad, 3) As Integer

Sub MostrarMatrizEnPantalla(ByVal Cx As Integer, ByVal Cy As Integer, ByVal nfilas As Integer, ByVal ncol As Integer) Dim indice As Integer For fila = 0 To nfilas - 1 For col = 0 To ncol - 1 indice = A(fila, col) BrochaSolida.Color = Color.FromArgb(MColores(indice, 0), MColores(indice, 1), MColores(indice, 2)) Grafico.FillRectangle(BrochaSolida, col * tam + Cx, fila * tam + Cy, tam, tam) Next col Next fila End Sub


Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load PictureBox1.Width = nc * tam + 1 PictureBox1.Height = nf * tam + 1 Grafico = PictureBox1.CreateGraphics BrochaSOLIDA = New SolidBrush(Color.Red) End Sub

Private Sub BtnPrincipal_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPrincipal.Click Dim MiFuente As New Font("Verdana", 10 + tam, FontStyle.Bold) Iniciar() recuperar(X, Y, np) IniciarPantalla(A, nf, nc) nombreArchivo = "e:\DATOS\Matriz550x500.txt" nombreColores = "e:\DATOS\colores3x50.txt" RecuperarArchivo(A, nf, nc, nombreArchivo) RecuperarArchivo(MColores, Cantidad, 3, nombreColores) MostrarMatrizEnPantalla(Cx, Cy, nf, nc) 'For k = 1 To 100 ' crecer(A, nf, nc, np) ' MostrarMatrizEnPantalla(Cx, Cy, A, nf, nc) 'Next ruw(Cx, Cy, nf, nc) End Sub Private Sub btnBorrar_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnBorrar.Click Grafico.Clear(Color.White) End Sub

Private Sub btnMostrar_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnMostrar.Click Dim MiFuente As New Font("Verdana", 10, FontStyle.Bold) MostrarMatrizEnPantalla(Cx, Cy, nf, nc) BrochaSolida.Color = Color.Blue For k = 0 To np - 1 Grafico.DrawString(k + 1, MiFuente, BrochaSolida, X(k) * tam, Y(k) * tam) BrochaSolida.Color = Color.Blue For k = 0 To np - 1 Grafico.DrawString(k + 1, MiFuente, BrochaSolida, X(k) * tam, Y(k) * tam) Next Next End Sub

Private Sub MnuBuscador_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MnuBuscador.Click Dim MiFuente As New Font("Verdana", 10 + tam, FontStyle.Bold)


Iniciar() recuperar(X, Y, np) IniciarPantalla(A, nf, nc) nombreArchivo = "e:\DATOS\Matriz550x500.txt" nombreColores = "e:\DATOS\colores3x50.txt" RecuperarArchivo(A, nf, nc, nombreArchivo) RecuperarArchivo(MColores, Cantidad, 3, nombreColores) MostrarMatrizEnPantalla(Cx, Cy, nf, nc) 'For k = 1 To 100 ' crecer(A, nf, nc, np) ' MostrarMatrizEnPantalla(Cx, Cy, A, nf, nc) 'Next 'MostrarMatrizEnPantalla(Cx, Cy, nf, nc) BrochaSolida.Color = Color.Blue For k = 0 To np - 1 Grafico.DrawString(k + 1, MiFuente, BrochaSolida, X(k) * tam, Y(k) * tam) Next End Sub

Private Sub MnuBorrar_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MnuBorrar.Click Grafico.Clear(Color.White) End Sub

Private Sub MnuMostrar_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MnuMostrar.Click Dim MiFuente As New Font("Verdana", 10 + tam, FontStyle.Bold) MostrarMatrizEnPantalla(Cx, Cy, nf, nc) BrochaSolida.Color = Color.Blue For k = 0 To np - 1 Grafico.DrawString(k + 1, MiFuente, BrochaSolida, X(k) * tam, Y(k) * tam) Next End Sub

Private Sub ContextMenuStrip1_Opening(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles ContextMenuStrip1.Opening Dim MiFuente As New Font("Verdana", 10 + tam, FontStyle.Bold) MostrarMatrizEnPantalla(Cx, Cy, nf, nc) BrochaSolida.Color = Color.Blue For k = 0 To np - 1 Grafico.DrawString(k + 1, MiFuente, BrochaSolida, X(k) * tam, Y(k) * tam) Next End Sub

Private Sub ttam_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ttam.Click


tam = InputBox("Ingrese tamaño 1..20 ", "Ingres0", 1) PictureBox1.Width = nc * tam + 1 PictureBox1.Height = nf * tam + 1 End Sub

Private Sub PictureBox1_Paint(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.Paint Dim MiFuente As New Font("Verdana", 10 + tam, FontStyle.Bold) PictureBox1.Width = nc * tam + 1 PictureBox1.Height = nf * tam + 1 MostrarMatrizEnPantalla(Cx, Cy, nf, nc) BrochaSolida.Color = Color.Blue For k = 0 To np - 1 Grafico.DrawString(k + 1, MiFuente, BrochaSolida, X(k) * tam, Y(k) * tam) Next End SubEnd Class

Imports System.IOModule module1 '/*** declaraciones Public Const NFilas As Integer = 500, NCol As Integer = 550, Cantidad = 50 Public Cx As Integer = 1, Cy As Integer = 1 Public srLector As StreamReader REM Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) Public relleno(NCol) As Integer Public A(NFilas, NCol) As Integer Public B(NFilas, NCol) As Integer Public nf As Integer = NFilas, nc As Integer = NCol Public X(Cantidad) As Integer Public Y(Cantidad) As Integer Public np As Integer = 40, k As Integer Public vecinos As Integer

Public Sub RecuperarArchivo(ByRef A(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer, ByVal nombre As String) srLector = New StreamReader(nombre) Dim cadena As String Dim subcadena As String Dim pos As Integer = 0 Dim longitud As String Dim inicio As Integer = 1 Dim cont As Integer = 0 For fila = 0 To nf - 1 cadena = srLector.ReadLine()


longitud = Len(cadena) inicio = 1 cont = 0 Do pos = InStr(inicio, cadena, Chr(9)) If pos > 0 Then subcadena = Mid(cadena, inicio, pos - inicio) A(fila, cont) = Val(subcadena) inicio = pos + 1 cont += 1 Else subcadena = Mid(cadena, inicio, longitud - inicio + 1) A(fila, cont) = Val(subcadena) cont += 1 Exit Do End If Loop While (inicio <= longitud) Next Console.WriteLine("Archivo leido satisfactoriamente") srLector.Close() End Sub Sub IniciarPantalla(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 A(fila, col) = 0 Next Next End Sub Sub recuperar(ByRef X() As Integer, ByRef Y() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer) Dim srLector = New StreamReader("e:\DATOS\puntos2x40x550x500.txt") Dim cadena As String Dim subcadena As String Dim pos As Integer = 0 Dim longitud As String For fila = 0 To ne - 1 cadena = srLector.ReadLine() longitud = Len(cadena) pos = InStr(1, cadena, Chr(9)) ' pos tabulador If pos > 0 Then subcadena = Mid(cadena, 1, pos - 1) X(fila) = Val(subcadena) subcadena = Mid(cadena, pos + 1, longitud) Y(fila) = Val(subcadena) End If Next



End Sub Sub imprimir(ByVal X() As Integer, ByVal Y() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer) Dim fila As Integer For fila = 0 To ne - 1 Console.WriteLine(" {0} {1} {2}", fila, X(fila), Y(fila)) Next End Sub Sub Iniciar() For fila = 0 To NFilas relleno(fila) = fila + 1 Next End Sub

Sub crecer(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer, ByVal np As Integer) Dim fila1 As Integer, col1 As Integer Dim k1 As Integer IniciarPantalla(B, nf, nc) For fila1 = 1 To nf - 1 For col1 = 1 To nc - 1 REM si hay espacio crece si no no crece y por lo menos debe haber un vecino For k1 = 0 To np - 1 vecinos = 0 If A(fila1, col1) = relleno(k1) Then vecinos = vecinos + 1 If A(fila1, col1 + 1) = relleno(k1) Then vecinos = vecinos + 1 If A(fila1 + 1, col1) = relleno(k1) Then vecinos = vecinos + 1 If A(fila1, col1 - 1) = relleno(k1) Then vecinos = vecinos + 1 If A(fila1 - 1, col1) = relleno(k1) Then vecinos = vecinos + 1 If vecinos > 0 And A(fila1, col1) = 0 Then B(fila1, col1) = relleno(k1) 'relleno(k1) Exit For Else B(fila1, col1) = A(fila1, col1) End If Next k1 Next col1 Next fila1 IniciarPantalla(A, nf, nc) TransferirMatriz(B, A, nf, nc) End Sub Sub TransferirMatriz(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal B(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1


B(fila, col) = A(fila, col) Next Next End SubEnd Module

Imports System.IOModule module1 Public ancho As Integer = 900 Public alto As Integer = 500

Public tam As Integer = 4 Public Cx As Integer = 0, Cy As Integer = 0 Public Matriz(NFilas, NCol) As Integer Public Const NFilas As Integer = 250, NCol As Integer = 250, maximo = 1500 Public Const Np As Integer = 51 Public relleno(NCol) As Integer Public X(Np) As Integer Public Y(Np) As Integer Public nf As Integer = NFilas, nc As Integer = NCol Public MRel(Np, Np) As Integer Public srLector As StreamReader Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) Public vecinos(maximo) As Integer Public nvecinos As Integer Sub contavecinos(ByRef ser As Integer, ByRef Vecinos() As Integer, ByRef nvecinos As Integer) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer Dim cont = 0 Dim valor As Integer = 0 Vecinos(0) = ser cont = 1 For fila = 1 To nf - 2 For col = 1 To nc - 2 If (Matriz(fila, col) = ser) Then valor = 0 For k = 0 To cont - 1


If Matriz(fila, col + 1) = Vecinos(k) Then valor = 1 Exit For End If Next If valor = 0 Then Vecinos(cont) = Matriz(fila, col + 1) cont = cont + 1 End If REM //2 valor = 0 For k = 0 To cont - 1 If Matriz(fila - 1, col) = Vecinos(k) Then valor = 1 Exit For End If Next If valor = 0 Then Vecinos(cont) = Matriz(fila - 1, col) cont = cont + 1 End If valor = 0 For k = 0 To cont - 1 If Matriz(fila, col - 1) = Vecinos(k) Then valor = 1 Exit For End If Next If valor = 0 Then Vecinos(cont) = Matriz(fila, col - 1) cont = cont + 1 End If

valor = 0 For k = 0 To cont - 1 If Matriz(fila + 1, col) = Vecinos(k) Then valor = 1 Exit For End If Next If valor = 0 Then Vecinos(cont) = Matriz(fila + 1, col)


cont = cont + 1 End If End If Next Next nvecinos = cont End Sub Public Sub RecuperarArchivo(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer, ByVal nombre As String) srLector = New StreamReader(nombre) Dim cadena As String Dim subcadena As String Dim pos As Integer = 0 Dim longitud As String Dim inicio As Integer = 1 Dim cont As Integer = 0 For fila = 0 To nf - 1 cadena = srLector.ReadLine() longitud = Len(cadena) inicio = 1 cont = 0 Do pos = InStr(inicio, cadena, Chr(9)) If pos > 0 Then subcadena = Mid(cadena, inicio, pos - inicio) A(fila, cont) = Val(subcadena) inicio = pos + 1 cont += 1 Else subcadena = Mid(cadena, inicio, longitud - inicio + 1) A(fila, cont) = Val(subcadena) cont += 1 Exit Do End If Loop While (inicio <= longitud) Next Console.WriteLine("Archivo leido satisfactoriamente") srLector.Close() End Sub Sub crecerCirculo(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal X() As Integer, ByVal Y() As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, _ ByVal nc As Integer, ByVal relleno() As Integer, ByVal r As Single, ByVal np As Integer) Dim x1 As Integer, y1 As Integer, k As Integer


For k = 0 To np - 1 For y1 = Y(k) - r To Y(k) + r For x1 = X(k) - r To X(k) + r If (Math.Pow(x1 - X(k), 2) + Math.Pow(y1 - Y(k), 2) <= r * r) And (x1 > 0) And (x1 < NCol) And (y1 > 0) And (y1 < NFilas) Then If (A(y1, x1) = 0) Then A(y1, x1) = relleno(k) End If End If Next Next Next End Sub Sub IniciarMatriz(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer, ByVal nro As Integer) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 A(fila, col) = nro Next Next End Sub Sub recuperarPuntos(ByRef X() As Integer, ByRef Y() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer) Dim srLector = New StreamReader("e:\DATOS\datostxt\PUNTOS3X51A.txt") Dim cadena As String Dim subcadena As String Dim pos As Integer = 0 Dim longitud As String For fila = 0 To ne - 1 cadena = srLector.ReadLine() longitud = Len(cadena) pos = InStr(1, cadena, Chr(9)) ' pos tabulador If pos > 0 Then subcadena = Mid(cadena, 1, pos - 1) X(fila) = Val(subcadena) subcadena = Mid(cadena, pos + 1, longitud) Y(fila) = Val(subcadena) End If Next srLector.Close() End Sub Sub AsignarMatriz(ByRef M(,) As Integer, ByVal V() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer, ByVal nfila As Integer)


Dim col As Integer For col = 0 To ne - 1 M(nfila, col) = V(col) Next End Sub Sub Iniciarvector(ByVal A() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer) Dim fila As Integer For fila = 0 To nf - 1 A(fila) = -1 Next End Sub Sub restar(ByRef a() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer) Dim fila As Integer For fila = 0 To ne - 1 a(fila) = a(fila) - 1 Next End SubEnd Module

Option Explicit OnImports System.DrawingPublic Class Form1 Dim pen As Pen Dim Color As Color Dim Grafico As Graphics Dim BrochaSolida As SolidBrush Dim nombreColores As String Dim MColores(Np, 3) As Integer Dim Ex As Single = tam * 2 Dim ey As Single = tam Dim x1 As Integer Dim y1 As Integer Dim x2 As Integer Dim y2 As Integer Dim p1 As Integer Dim p2 As Integer Dim MiFuente As New Font("Verdana", 12, FontStyle.Bold)

Sub imprimirVector(ByVal X() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer) Dim fila As Integer For fila = 0 To ne - 1


ListBox1.Items.Add(" X " & X(fila)) Next End Sub Sub imprimir(ByVal X() As Integer, ByVal Y() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer) ListBox1.Items.Clear() Dim fila As Integer For fila = 0 To ne - 1 ListBox1.Items.Add(" X " & X(fila) & " Y " & Y(fila)) Next End Sub Sub MostrarMatriz(ByVal Cx As Integer, ByVal Cy As Integer, ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nfilas As Integer, ByVal ncol As Integer) Dim indice As Integer For fila = 0 To nfilas - 1 For col = 0 To ncol - 1 indice = A(fila, col) BrochaSolida.Color = Color.FromArgb(MColores(indice, 0), MColores(indice, 1), MColores(indice, 2)) Grafico.FillRectangle(BrochaSolida, col * tam + Cx, fila * tam + Cy, tam, tam) Next col Next fila End Sub Private Sub btnBorrar_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnBorrar.Click Grafico.Clear(Color.White) End Sub

Private Sub btnMostrar_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnMostrar.Click MostrarMatriz(Cx, Cy, Matriz, nf, nc)

End Sub

Private Sub Btncargar_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Btncargar.Click recuperarPuntos(X, Y, Np) imprimir(X, Y, Np)


End Sub

Private Sub btnAleatorio_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAleatorio.Click Dim fila As Integer For fila = 0 To Np - 1 X(fila) = 50 + Int(Rnd() * 150) Y(fila) = 50 + Int(Rnd() * 100) imprimir(X, Y, Np) Next End Sub

Private Sub BTNTRIANGULOS_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BTNTRIANGULOS.Click For fila = 0 To Np - 1 p1 = MRel(fila, 0) x1 = X(p1) y1 = Y(p1) For col = 1 To Np - 1 p2 = MRel(fila, col) If MRel(fila, col) >= 0 Then x2 = X(p2) y2 = Y(p2) If x1 = x2 And y1 = y2 Then Else Grafico.DrawLine(pen, x1 * tam, y1 * tam, x2 * tam, y2 * tam) End If End If Next Next BrochaSolida.Color = Color.Red For k = 0 To Np - 1 Grafico.DrawString(k, MiFuente, BrochaSolida, X(k) * tam, Y(k) * tam) Next

End Sub

Private Sub btnCargar_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCargar.Click recuperarPuntos(X, Y, Np) imprimir(X, Y, Np)


End Sub

Private Sub Form1_Load_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load PictureBox1.Width = ancho PictureBox1.Height = alto

pen = New Pen(Color.Blue, 2) Grafico = PictureBox1.CreateGraphics BrochaSolida = New SolidBrush(Color.Red) nombreColores = "e:\DATOS\DATOSTXT\colores3x60.txt" RecuperarArchivo(MColores, Np, 3, nombreColores) End Sub

Private Sub btnPrincipal_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPrincipal.Click Try REM Dim nsr As Integer = 0 Dim fila As Integer For fila = 0 To Np - 1 relleno(fila) = fila + 1 Next IniciarMatriz(MRel, Np, Np, -1) IniciarMatriz(Matriz, nf, nc, 0) MostrarMatriz(Cx, Cy, Matriz, nf, nc) REM al crecer obtien cuales son sus vecinos For r = 0 To 40 crecerCirculo(Matriz, X, Y, nf, nc, relleno, r, Np) Next MostrarMatriz(Cx, Cy, Matriz, nf, nc) For fila = 0 To Np - 1 contavecinos(relleno(fila), vecinos, nvecinos) restar(vecinos, nvecinos) AsignarMatriz(MRel, vecinos, nvecinos, fila) ListBox1.Items.Add("ser " & relleno(fila)) imprimirVector(vecinos, nvecinos) Next ' graficar For fila = 0 To Np - 1 p1 = MRel(fila, 0) x1 = X(p1)


y1 = Y(p1) For col = 1 To Np - 1 p2 = MRel(fila, col) If MRel(fila, col) >= 0 Then x2 = X(p2) y2 = Y(p2) If x1 = x2 And y1 = y2 Then Else Grafico.DrawLine(pen, x1 * tam, y1 * tam, x2 * tam, y2 * tam) End If End If Next Next BrochaSolida.Color = Color.Red For k = 0 To Np - 1 Grafico.DrawString(k, MiFuente, BrochaSolida, X(k) * tam, Y(k) * tam) Next Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message)

End Try

End Sub

End Class

Con 500 puntos aletorio


VER EN 3D y la grabación y opengl



Imports System.IOModule module1 Public encontrado1 As Integer = 0 Public encontrado2 As Integer = 0 Public P3 As Integer Public ntrifinales As Integer = 1 Public vP1(maximo) As Integer Public vP2(maximo) As Integer Public Ntri As Integer Public contri As Integer Public Ntriangulos As Integer Public nfinaltriangulos As Integer Public Tri(maximo, 3) As Integer Public Trifinal(Np * 2, 2) As Integer

Public CANTTF As Integer REM *************************

Public cont As Integer = 0 Public pen As Pen Public Color As Color Public Grafico As Graphics


Public BrochaSolida As SolidBrush Public nombreColores As String Public MColores(Np, 3) As Integer Public Ex As Single = 40 Public ey As Single = 50 Public x1 As Integer Public y1 As Integer Public x2 As Integer Public y2 As Integer Public p1 As Integer Public p2 As Integer Public MiFuente As New Font("Verdana", 12, FontStyle.Bold) Public alto As Integer = 500 Public ancho As Integer = 500 Public tam As Integer = 10 Public Cx As Integer = 0, Cy As Integer = 0 Public Matriz(NFilas, NCol) As Integer REM Public Const NFilas As Integer = 200, NCol As Integer = 300, maximo = 500 Public Const NFilas As Integer = 15, NCol As Integer = 15, maximo = 50 Public Const Np As Integer = 6 Public relleno(NCol) As Integer Public X(Np) As Integer Public Y(Np) As Integer Public nf As Integer = NFilas, nc As Integer = NCol Public MRel(Np, Np) As Integer Public srLector As StreamReader Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) Public vecinos(maximo) As Integer Public nvecinos As Integer Sub contavecinos(ByRef ser As Integer, ByRef Vecinos() As Integer, ByRef nvecinos As Integer) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer Dim cont = 0 Dim valor As Integer = 0 Vecinos(0) = ser cont = 1 For fila = 1 To nf - 2 For col = 1 To nc - 2 If (Matriz(fila, col) = ser) Then valor = 0 For k = 0 To cont - 1 If Matriz(fila, col + 1) = Vecinos(k) Then valor = 1 Exit For End If Next


If valor = 0 Then Vecinos(cont) = Matriz(fila, col + 1) cont = cont + 1 End If REM //2 valor = 0 For k = 0 To cont - 1 If Matriz(fila - 1, col) = Vecinos(k) Then valor = 1 Exit For End If Next If valor = 0 Then Vecinos(cont) = Matriz(fila - 1, col) cont = cont + 1 End If valor = 0 For k = 0 To cont - 1 If Matriz(fila, col - 1) = Vecinos(k) Then valor = 1 Exit For End If Next If valor = 0 Then Vecinos(cont) = Matriz(fila, col - 1) cont = cont + 1 End If

valor = 0 For k = 0 To cont - 1 If Matriz(fila + 1, col) = Vecinos(k) Then valor = 1 Exit For End If Next If valor = 0 Then Vecinos(cont) = Matriz(fila + 1, col) cont = cont + 1 End If End If Next Next nvecinos = cont End Sub Public Sub RecuperarArchivo(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer, ByVal nombre As String) srLector = New StreamReader(nombre)


Dim cadena As String Dim subcadena As String Dim pos As Integer = 0 Dim longitud As String Dim inicio As Integer = 1 Dim cont As Integer = 0 For fila = 0 To nf - 1 cadena = srLector.ReadLine() longitud = Len(cadena) inicio = 1 cont = 0 Do pos = InStr(inicio, cadena, Chr(9)) If pos > 0 Then subcadena = Mid(cadena, inicio, pos - inicio) A(fila, cont) = Val(subcadena) inicio = pos + 1 cont += 1 Else subcadena = Mid(cadena, inicio, longitud - inicio + 1) A(fila, cont) = Val(subcadena) cont += 1 Exit Do End If Loop While (inicio <= longitud) Next Console.WriteLine("Archivo leido satisfactoriamente") srLector.Close() End Sub Sub crecerCirculo(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal X() As Integer, ByVal Y() As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, _ ByVal nc As Integer, ByVal relleno() As Integer, ByVal r As Single, ByVal np As Integer) Dim x1 As Integer, y1 As Integer, k As Integer For k = 0 To np - 1 For y1 = Y(k) - r To Y(k) + r For x1 = X(k) - r To X(k) + r If (Math.Pow(x1 - X(k), 2) + Math.Pow(y1 - Y(k), 2) <= r * r) And (x1 > 0) And (x1 < NCol) And (y1 > 0) And (y1 < NFilas) Then If (A(y1, x1) = 0) Then A(y1, x1) = relleno(k) End If End If Next Next Next End Sub


Sub IniciarMatriz(ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer, ByVal nro As Integer) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 A(fila, col) = nro Next Next End Sub Sub recuperarPuntos(ByRef X() As Integer, ByRef Y() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer) Dim srLector = New StreamReader("e:\DATOS\puntos2x6.txt") Dim cadena As String Dim subcadena As String Dim pos As Integer = 0 Dim longitud As String For fila = 0 To ne - 1 cadena = srLector.ReadLine() longitud = Len(cadena) pos = InStr(1, cadena, Chr(9)) ' pos tabulador If pos > 0 Then subcadena = Mid(cadena, 1, pos - 1) X(fila) = Val(subcadena) subcadena = Mid(cadena, pos + 1, longitud) Y(fila) = Val(subcadena) End If Next srLector.Close() End Sub Sub AsignarMatriz(ByRef M(,) As Integer, ByVal V() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer, ByVal nfila As Integer) Dim col As Integer For col = 0 To ne - 1 M(nfila, col) = V(col) Next End Sub Sub Iniciarvector(ByVal A() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer) Dim fila As Integer For fila = 0 To nf - 1 A(fila) = -1 Next End Sub Sub restar(ByRef a() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer) Dim fila As Integer For fila = 0 To ne - 1 a(fila) = a(fila) - 1 Next


End SubEnd Module

Option Explicit OnImports System.DrawingImports System.IO

Public Class Form1

Sub imprimirVector(ByVal X() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer) Dim fila As Integer For fila = 0 To ne - 1 ListBox1.Items.Add(" X " & X(fila)) Next End Sub

Sub imprimir(ByVal X() As Integer, ByVal Y() As Integer, ByVal ne As Integer) ListBox1.Items.Clear() Dim fila As Integer For fila = 0 To ne - 1 ListBox1.Items.Add(" X " & X(fila) & " Y " & Y(fila)) Next End Sub Sub MostrarMatriz(ByVal Cx As Integer, ByVal Cy As Integer, ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nfilas As Integer, ByVal ncol As Integer) Dim indice As Integer For fila = 0 To nfilas - 1 For col = 0 To ncol - 1 indice = A(fila, col) BrochaSolida.Color = Color.FromArgb(MColores(indice, 0), MColores(indice, 1), MColores(indice, 2)) Grafico.FillRectangle(BrochaSolida, col * Ex + Cx, fila * ey + Cy, Ex, ey) Next col Next fila End Sub Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load PictureBox1.Width = ancho PictureBox1.Height = ALTO

pen = New Pen(Color.Blue, 2) Grafico = PictureBox1.CreateGraphics BrochaSolida = New SolidBrush(Color.Red) nombreColores = "e:\DATOS\colores3x50.txt" RecuperarArchivo(MColores, Np, 3, nombreColores)

End Sub


Private Sub BtnPrincipal_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPrincipal.Click Dim p11 As Integer = 0 Dim p22 As Integer = 0 Dim swEscritor As StreamWriter Try

Dim fila As Integer For fila = 0 To Np - 1 relleno(fila) = fila + 1 Next IniciarMatriz(MRel, Np, Np, -1) IniciarMatriz(Matriz, nf, nc, 0) MostrarMatriz(Cx, Cy, Matriz, nf, nc)

REM al crecer obtien cuales son sus vecinos For r = 0 To 20 crecerCirculo(Matriz, X, Y, nf, nc, relleno, r, Np) Next MostrarMatriz(Cx, Cy, Matriz, nf, nc) For fila = 0 To Np - 1 contavecinos(relleno(fila), vecinos, nvecinos) restar(vecinos, nvecinos) AsignarMatriz(MRel, vecinos, nvecinos, fila) ListBox1.Items.Add("ser " & relleno(fila)) imprimirVector(vecinos, nvecinos) Next ' graficar formar vectores para triangulos cont = 0 For fila = 0 To Np - 1 p1 = MRel(fila, 0) x1 = X(p1) y1 = Y(p1) For col = 1 To Np - 1 p2 = MRel(fila, col) If MRel(fila, col) >= 0 Then x2 = X(p2) y2 = Y(p2) If x1 = x2 And y1 = y2 Then Else vP1(cont) = p1 vP2(cont) = p2 cont = cont + 1 Grafico.DrawLine(pen, x1 * Ex, y1 * ey, x2 * Ex, y2 * ey) End If End If


Next Next Ntri = cont

For fila = 0 To Ntri - 1 p11 = vP1(fila) p22 = vP2(fila) For col = 0 To Np - 1 If col <> p11 And col <> p22 Then P3 = col encontrado1 = 0 encontrado2 = 0

' buscar si el primero esta con el tres For k = 0 To Ntri - 1 If P3 = vP1(k) And p11 = vP2(k) Then encontrado1 = 1 Exit For End If Next For k = 0 To Ntri - 1 If P3 = vP1(k) And p22 = vP2(k) Then encontrado2 = 1 Exit For End If Next

If encontrado1 = 1 And encontrado2 = 1 Then Tri(contri, 0) = p11 Tri(contri, 1) = p22 Tri(contri, 2) = P3 Tri(contri, 3) = 0

contri = contri + 1 End If

End If Next


Trifinal(0, 0) = Tri(0, 0) Trifinal(0, 1) = Tri(0, 1) Trifinal(0, 2) = Tri(0, 2) Dim r1 As Integer Dim r2 As Integer Dim r3 As Integer


Ntriangulos = Ntri For fila = 0 To Ntriangulos - 1 p1 = Tri(fila, 0) p2 = Tri(fila, 1) P3 = Tri(fila, 2) r1 = 0 r2 = 0 r3 = 0 For COL = 0 To ntrifinales - 1 If p1 = Trifinal(COL, 0) Or p1 = Trifinal(COL, 1) Or p1 = Trifinal(COL, 2) Then r1 = 1 If p2 = Trifinal(COL, 0) Or p2 = Trifinal(COL, 1) Or p2 = Trifinal(COL, 2) Then r2 = 1 If P3 = Trifinal(COL, 0) Or P3 = Trifinal(COL, 1) Or P3 = Trifinal(COL, 2) Then r3 = 1 Next If fila = 3 Then fila = 3

End If If r1 = 1 And r2 = 1 And r3 = 1 Then

Else Trifinal(ntrifinales, 0) = p1 Trifinal(ntrifinales, 1) = p2 Trifinal(ntrifinales, 2) = P3 ntrifinales = ntrifinales + 1

End If

Next CANTTF = ntrifinales

swEscritor = New StreamWriter("E:\DATOS\TRELACIONES.txt") For fila = 0 To ntrifinales - 1 swEscritor.WriteLine("{0}{1} {2} {3} {4}", Trifinal(fila, 0), Chr(9), Trifinal(fila, 1), Chr(9), Trifinal(fila, 2), Chr(9), Trifinal(fila, 2)) Next swEscritor.Close()

' depurar triangulos

BrochaSolida.Color = Color.Red For k = 0 To Np - 1 Grafico.DrawString(k, MiFuente, BrochaSolida, X(k) * Ex, Y(k) * ey) Next Catch ex As Exception



End Try

End Sub Private Sub btnBorrar_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnBorrar.Click Grafico.Clear(Color.White) End Sub

Private Sub btnMostrar_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnMostrar.Click MostrarMatriz(Cx, Cy, Matriz, nf, nc)

End Sub

Private Sub Btncargar_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCargar.Click recuperarPuntos(X, Y, Np) imprimir(X, Y, Np) End Sub

Private Sub btnAleatorio_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnaleatorio.Click Dim fila As Integer For fila = 0 To Np - 1 X(fila) = 50 + Int(Rnd() * 150) Y(fila) = 50 + Int(Rnd() * 100) imprimir(X, Y, Np) Next End Sub

Private Sub BTNTRIANGULOS_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnTriangulos.Click For fila = 0 To Np - 1 p1 = MRel(fila, 0) x1 = X(p1) y1 = Y(p1) For col = 1 To Np - 1 p2 = MRel(fila, col) If MRel(fila, col) >= 0 Then x2 = X(p2) y2 = Y(p2) If x1 = x2 And y1 = y2 Then Else Grafico.DrawLine(pen, x1 * Ex, y1 * ey, x2 * Ex, y2 * ey) End If


End If Next Next BrochaSolida.Color = Color.Red For k = 0 To Np - 1 Grafico.DrawString(k, MiFuente, BrochaSolida, X(k) * Ex, Y(k) * ey) Next End Sub

End Class

a clase con las funciones del API

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic

Imports System

' Para DllImport

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

Namespace elGuille.Util

Public Class WinAPI

' Constantes para SetWindowsPos

' Valores de wFlags

Const SWP_NOSIZE As Integer = &H1

Const SWP_NOMOVE As Integer = &H2

Const SWP_NOACTIVATE As Integer = &H10


' Valores de hwndInsertAfter

Const HWND_TOPMOST As Integer = -1

Const HWND_NOTOPMOST As Integer = -2


''' <summary>

''' Para mantener la ventana siempre visible

''' </summary>

''' <remarks>No utilizamos el valor devuelto</remarks>

<DllImport("user32.DLL")> _

Private Shared Sub SetWindowPos( _

ByVal hWnd As Integer, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Integer, _

ByVal X As Integer, ByVal Y As Integer, _


ByVal cx As Integer, ByVal cy As Integer, _

ByVal wFlags As Integer)

End Sub

Public Shared Sub SiempreEncima(ByVal handle As Integer)

SetWindowPos(handle, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, wFlags)

End Sub

Public Shared Sub NoSiempreEncima(ByVal handle As Integer)

SetWindowPos(handle, HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, wFlags)

End Sub

End Class

End Namespace


El código de la aplicación de ejemplo

Imports siempreEncima_vb.elGuille.Util

Public Class Form1

Private frm2 As Form2

Private Sub Form1_Load( _

ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

Handles MyBase.Load

Me.btnEncima.Enabled = False

Me.btnNoEncima.Enabled = False

End Sub

Private Sub btnMostrar_Click( _

ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

Handles btnMostrar.Click

If frm2 Is Nothing OrElse frm2.IsDisposed Then

frm2 = New Form2

End If



Me.btnEncima.Enabled = True

Me.btnNoEncima.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub btnEncima_Click( _

ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

Handles btnEncima.Click

If frm2 Is Nothing OrElse frm2.IsDisposed Then

frm2 = New Form2


End If


End Sub

Private Sub btnNoEncima_Click( _

ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

Handles btnNoEncima.Click

If frm2 Is Nothing OrElse frm2.IsDisposed Then

frm2 = New Form2


End If


End Sub

End Class


El código para C# (cualquier versión)

La clase con las declaraciones del API

using System;

// Para DllImport

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;


namespace siempreEncima_cs


namespace elGuille.Util


public class WinAPI


// Constantes para SetWindowsPos

// Valores de wFlags

const int SWP_NOSIZE = 0x1;

const int SWP_NOMOVE = 0x2;

const int SWP_NOACTIVATE = 0x10;


// Valores de hwndInsertAfter

const int HWND_TOPMOST = -1;

const int HWND_NOTOPMOST = -2;


/// <summary>

/// Para mantener la ventana siempre visible

/// </summary>

/// <remarks>No utilizamos el valor devuelto</remarks>


private extern static void SetWindowPos(

int hWnd, int hWndInsertAfter,

int X, int Y,

int cx, int cy,

int wFlags);

public static void SiempreEncima(int handle)


SetWindowPos(handle, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, wFlags);


public static void NoSiempreEncima(int handle)


SetWindowPos(handle, HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, wFlags);






El código del formulario principal

using System;

using System.Drawing;

using System.Windows.Forms;

using siempreEncima_cs.elGuille.Util;

namespace siempreEncima_cs


public partial class Form1 : Form


public Form1()




private Form2 frm2;

private void Form1_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)


this.btnEncima.Enabled = false;

this.btnNoEncima.Enabled = false;


private void btnMostrar_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)


if (frm2 == null || frm2.IsDisposed)


frm2 = new Form2();



this.btnEncima.Enabled = true;

this.btnNoEncima.Enabled = true;



private void btnEncima_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)


if (frm2 == null || frm2.IsDisposed)


frm2 = new Form2();





private void btnNoEncima_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)


if (frm2 == null || frm2.IsDisposed)


frm2 = new Form2();









Option Explicit OnOption Strict OnImports System.DrawingImports System.Drawing.Drawing2DPublic Class Form1 Dim Pen As Pen Dim Grafico As Graphics Dim brocha As SolidBrush Dim npuntos As Integer = 1000 Dim lx As Single = 3 Dim ly As Single = 0 Dim lambda As complexNum Dim z0 As complexNum Dim zx As Single = 1.5 Dim zy As Single = 0.4

'// Establace los limites de las coordenadas del plano complejo Public xComplexMin As Single = -0.25 ' -200 * 4 '-2.0 Public xComplexMax As Single = 1.25 ' 50 * 8 ' 0.5 Public yComplexMin As Single = -0.75 '-125 * 4 '-1.25 Public yComplexMax As Single = 0.75 '125 * 4 '1.25 Public Ex As Single = 100 Public Ey As Single = 100 Public Cx As Single = 200 Public cy As Single = 200 Public Structure complexNum Public x As Single


Public y As Single End Structure Sub solveQuadraticEq(ByVal lambda As complexNum, ByRef z As complexNum) Dim lambdaMagSq, DscrMag As Single Dim discscr As complexNum Static fourOverLambda As complexNum fourOverLambda.x = 0 fourOverLambda.y = 0 Static firstPoint As Boolean = True If firstPoint = True Then ' calcula el numero compleo 4 dividido por lambda lambdaMagSq = lambda.x * lambda.x + lambda.y * lambda.y fourOverLambda.x = 4 * lambda.x / lambdaMagSq fourOverLambda.y = -4 * lambda.y / lambdaMagSq firstPoint = False End If discscr.x = 1 - z.x * fourOverLambda.x + z.y * fourOverLambda.y discscr.y = z.x * fourOverLambda.y + z.y * fourOverLambda.x DscrMag = CSng(Math.Sqrt(discscr.x * discscr.x + discscr.y * discscr.y))

If (DscrMag + discscr.x < 0) Then z.x = 0 Else z.x = CSng(Math.Sqrt((DscrMag - discscr.x) / 2)) End If

If (DscrMag - discscr.x < 0) Then z.y = 0 Else z.y = CSng(0.5 * CSng(Math.Sqrt((DscrMag - discscr.x) / 2))) End If

'If (Rnd() < 0.5) Then ' z.x = -z.x ' z.y = -z.y 'End If If discscr.y < 0 Then z.x = -z.x z.x = CSng(0.5 * (1 - z.x)) End If

End Sub Sub plotPoint(ByVal z As complexNum) Grafico.FillRectangle(brocha, Cx + z.x * Ex, cy + z.y * Ey, 14, 14) End Sub Sub SelfSqTransf(ByRef lambda As complexNum, ByVal z As complexNum, ByVal NumPoints As Integer) Dim k As Integer ' salta los primeros puntos For k = 0 To 10 - 1 solveQuadraticEq(lambda, z)


Next For k = 0 To NumPoints - 1 solveQuadraticEq(lambda, z) plotPoint(z) Next End Sub Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Grafico = PictureBox1.CreateGraphics Pen = New Pen(Color.Red, 2) brocha = New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0)) End Sub

Private Sub BtnFractal_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnFractal.Click btnIniciarTodo_Click(sender, e) lambda.x = lx lambda.y = ly z0.x = zx z0.y = zy SelfSqTransf(lambda, z0, npuntos) End Sub

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnIniciar.Click DataGridView1.ColumnCount = 2 DataGridView1.RowCount = 9 DataGridView1.Columns(1).Width = 70 For fila = 0 To DataGridView1.RowCount - 1 DataGridView1.Rows(fila).HeaderCell.Value = fila.ToString Next DataGridView1.Columns(0).HeaderText = "PARAMETROS" DataGridView1.Columns(1).HeaderText = "VALOR"

DataGridView1.Rows(0).Cells(0).Value = "NPuntos" DataGridView1.Rows(0).Cells(1).Value = npuntos

DataGridView1.Rows(1).Cells(0).Value = "lamdax" DataGridView1.Rows(1).Cells(1).Value = lx

DataGridView1.Rows(2).Cells(0).Value = "lamday" DataGridView1.Rows(2).Cells(1).Value = ly

DataGridView1.Rows(3).Cells(0).Value = "Cx" DataGridView1.Rows(3).Cells(1).Value = Cx

DataGridView1.Rows(4).Cells(0).Value = "Cy" DataGridView1.Rows(4).Cells(1).Value = Cy


DataGridView1.Rows(5).Cells(0).Value = "Ex" DataGridView1.Rows(5).Cells(1).Value = Ex

DataGridView1.Rows(6).Cells(0).Value = "Ey" DataGridView1.Rows(6).Cells(1).Value = Ey

DataGridView1.Rows(7).Cells(0).Value = "Zx" DataGridView1.Rows(7).Cells(1).Value = Zx

DataGridView1.Rows(8).Cells(0).Value = "Zy" DataGridView1.Rows(8).Cells(1).Value = Zy

End Sub

Private Sub btnIniciarTodo_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnIniciarTodo.Click npuntos = CInt(DataGridView1.Rows(0).Cells(1).Value) lx = CInt(DataGridView1.Rows(1).Cells(1).Value) ly = CInt(DataGridView1.Rows(2).Cells(1).Value) Cx = CSng(DataGridView1.Rows(3).Cells(1).Value) cy = CSng(DataGridView1.Rows(4).Cells(1).Value) Ex = CSng(DataGridView1.Rows(5).Cells(1).Value) Ey = CSng(DataGridView1.Rows(6).Cells(1).Value) zx = CSng(DataGridView1.Rows(7).Cells(1).Value) zy = CSng(DataGridView1.Rows(8).Cells(1).Value) End Sub

Private Sub Button1_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnBorrar.Click Grafico.Clear(Color.White) End SubEnd Class


Versión mejorada en modo DOS

Imports System.IOModule Module2 Public camino As Integer = 0 Public Const niveles As Integer = 2 Public Const ne As Integer = 6 Public X(ne) As Integer Public Y(ne) As Integer Public Const maxfilas As Integer = 20 Public Const maxcol As Integer = 40 Public nf As Integer = 20 Public nc As Integer = 40 Public A(maxfilas, maxcol) As Integer Public Cx As Integer = 1 Public Cy As Integer = 2 Sub VerMatriz(Cx As Integer, Cy As Integer, A(,) As Integer, nf As Integer, nc As Integer) Dim fila, col As Integer For fila = 0 To nf - 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 Console.SetCursorPosition(Cx + col, Cy + fila) Console.ForegroundColor = A(fila, col) Console.Write("{0}", A(fila, col)) Next Next End Sub


Sub ImPrimirSer(Cx As Integer, Cy As Integer, X() As Integer, Y() As Integer, ne As Integer) Dim fila As Integer For fila = 0 To ne - 1 Console.ForegroundColor = 14 - fila Console.SetCursorPosition(Cx + X(fila), Cy + Y(fila)) Console.Write("{0}", fila + 1) Next End Sub

Sub RecuperarMatriz(ByVal nombrearchivo As String, ByVal A(,) As Integer, ByVal nf As Integer, ByVal nc As Integer) Dim srLector As StreamReader srLector = New StreamReader(nombrearchivo) Dim fila As Integer, col As Integer Dim cadena As String = "" Dim subcadena As String Dim pos As Integer = 0 Dim inicio As Integer = 1 For fila = 0 To nf - 1 cadena = srLector.ReadLine() cadena = cadena & Chr(9) inicio = 1 For col = 0 To nc - 1 pos = InStr(inicio, cadena, Chr(9)) subcadena = Mid(cadena, inicio, pos - inicio) A(fila, col) = Val(subcadena) inicio = pos + 1 Next Next 'Form1.ListBox1.Items.Add("Archivo leido satisfactoriamente") srLector.Close() End Sub Function ContarVecinos(Cx As Integer, Cy As Integer, nivel As Integer) Dim fila, col As Integer Dim suma As Integer = 0 Dim valor As Integer Dim r As Integer For fila = Cy - nivel To Cy + nivel For col = Cx - nivel To Cx + nivel valor = A(fila, col) r = evaluar(col, fila) If (valor = camino And r = 1) Then suma = suma + 1 Next Next Return suma End Function


Function buscar(cx As Integer, cy As Integer) Dim fila As Integer Dim r1 As Integer = 0 For fila = 0 To ne - 1 If (X(fila) = cx And Y(fila) = cy) Then r1 = 1 Exit For End If Next Return r1 End Function Function ContarCerca(cx As Integer, cy As Integer, nivel As Integer) As Integer Dim fila As Integer Dim suma As Integer = 0 Dim valor As Integer = 0 ' cuanto vecinos mas cercanos t For fila = cy - nivel To cy + nivel For col = cx - nivel To cx + nivel valor = buscar(col, fila) If (valor = 1) Then suma = suma + 1 Next Next Return suma End Function Function Evaluar(cx As Integer, cy As Integer) As Integer Dim r1 As Integer = 0 Dim r2 As Integer = 1 Dim r3 As Integer = 0 If (A(cy, cx) = camino) Then r1 = 1 For fila = 0 To ne - 1 If cx = X(fila) And cy = Y(fila) Then r2 = 0 Exit For End If Next If (r1 = 1 And r2 = 1) Then r3 = 1 Return r3 End Function

Function ModificarSer(X() As Integer, Y() As Integer) As Integer Dim res As Integer Dim Cx, Cy As Integer Dim mayor As Integer = -1 Dim menor As Integer = 100 Dim cont As Integer = 0 Cx = X(0) Cy = Y(0)


Dim Suma(3) As Integer Dim smenor(3) As Integer Dim dirMenor As Integer = 100 Dim dir1 As Integer = -1 For fila = 0 To 3 Suma(fila) = -1 smenor(fila) = 100 Next If (Evaluar(Cx + 1, Cy) = 1) Then Suma(0) = ContarVecinos(Cx + 1, Cy, niveles) If (Evaluar(Cx, Cy - 1) = 1) Then Suma(1) = ContarVecinos(Cx, Cy - 1, niveles) If (Evaluar(Cx - 1, Cy) = 1) Then Suma(2) = ContarVecinos(Cx - 1, Cy, niveles) If (Evaluar(Cx, Cy + 1) = 1) Then Suma(3) = ContarVecinos(Cx, Cy + 1, niveles) If (Evaluar(Cx + 1, Cy) = 1) Then smenor(0) = ContarCerca(Cx + 1, Cy, niveles) If (Evaluar(Cx, Cy - 1) = 1) Then smenor(1) = ContarCerca(Cx, Cy - 1, niveles) If (Evaluar(Cx - 1, Cy) = 1) Then smenor(2) = ContarCerca(Cx - 1, Cy, niveles) If (Evaluar(Cx, Cy + 1) = 1) Then smenor(3) = ContarCerca(Cx, Cy + 1, niveles) ' encontrar el mayor If (Suma(0) >= mayor) Then mayor = Suma(0) dir1 = 1 End If If (Suma(1) >= mayor) Then mayor = Suma(1) dir1 = 2 End If If (Suma(2) >= mayor) Then mayor = Suma(2) dir1 = 3 End If If (Suma(3) >= mayor) Then mayor = Suma(3) dir1 = 4 End If If dir1 < 0 Then Return dir1 ' si hay varios mayores empate si escoge el que tiene menos vecinos

For fila = 0 To 3 If Suma(fila) >= mayor Then If (smenor(fila) <= menor) Then


menor = smenor(fila) dirMenor = fila cont = cont + 1 End If End If Next ' si hay mas de dos For fila = ne - 1 To 1 Step -1 X(fila) = X(fila - 1) Y(fila) = Y(fila - 1) Next If cont = 1 Then ' modificamos Select Case dir1 Case 1 X(0) = Cx + 1 Case 2 Y(0) = Cy - 1 Case 3 X(0) = Cx - 1 Case 4 Y(0) = Cy + 1 End Select

Else ' si hay empate Select Case dirMenor + 1 Case 1 X(0) = Cx + 1 Case 2 Y(0) = Cy - 1 Case 3 X(0) = Cx - 1 Case 4 Y(0) = Cy + 1 End Select End If Return dir1 End FunctionEnd Module

Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim Nombre As String = "E:\datos1\matriz40x20.txt" Dim res As Integer, fila As Integer For fila = 0 To ne - 1


X(fila) = 4 Y(fila) = 5 + fila Next RecuperarMatriz(Nombre, A, nf, nc) VerMatriz(Cx, Cy, A, nf, nc) Console.ForegroundColor = 14 ImPrimirSer(Cx, Cy, X, Y, ne)

Console.ReadLine() Console.ForegroundColor = 10

While (1) ' Console.Clear() VerMatriz(Cx, Cy, A, nf, nc) res = ModificarSer(X, Y) ImPrimirSer(Cx, Cy, X, Y, ne) If res <= 0 Then Exit While End If System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50) ' 1 segundo ' Console.ReadLine() End While Console.WriteLine("FINal\b") Console.ReadLine() End Sub

End Module

El siguiente simula el cortado de una pieza de acuerdo a un patrón establecido


Imports System.IOImports System.DrawingPublic Class Form1 Dim contador As Integer Dim Grafico As Graphics Dim pen As Pen Dim x1 As Integer, y1 As Integer Dim x2 As Integer, y2 As Integer Dim a(1000, 4) As Integer Dim cont As Integer = 0 Dim posx As Integer Dim posy As Integer Dim paso As Integer = 5 Dim altura As Integer = 0 Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)

Private Sub Panel1_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Panel1.MouseMove Me.Text = "X= " & e.X & "y=" & e.Y & "boton " & e.Button If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.None Then x2 = e.X y2 = e.Y Else x1 = x2 y1 = y2 x2 = e.X y2 = e.Y


DataGridView1.Rows(contador).Cells(0).Value = contador DataGridView1.Rows(contador).Cells(1).Value = e.X DataGridView1.Rows(contador).Cells(2).Value = e.Y DataGridView1.Rows(contador).Cells(3).Value = altura a(contador, 0) = contador a(contador, 1) = e.X a(contador, 2) = e.Y a(contador, 3) = altura contador = contador + 1 Grafico.DrawLine(pen, x1, y1, x2, y2) End If End Sub

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Grafico = Panel1.CreateGraphics pen = New Pen(Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0), 5) DataGridView1.ColumnCount = 4 DataGridView1.Columns(0).Width = 40 DataGridView1.Columns(1).Width = 40 DataGridView1.Columns(2).Width = 40 DataGridView1.Columns(3).Width = 40 DataGridView1.Columns(0).Name = "p" DataGridView1.Columns(1).Name = "X" DataGridView1.Columns(2).Name = "Y" DataGridView1.Columns(3).Name = "Z" DataGridView1.RowCount = 1000 End Sub

Private Sub btnGrabar_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnGrabar.Click Dim fila As Integer Dim swEscritor As StreamWriter swEscritor = New StreamWriter("E:\DATOS\Puntos.txt") For fila = 0 To contador swEscritor.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7}", a(fila, 0), Chr(9), a(fila, 1), Chr(9), a(fila, 2), Chr(9), a(fila, 3), Chr(9)) Next fila swEscritor.Close() MsgBox("EL ARCHIVO HA SIDO Grabado satisfactoriamente") End Sub Private Sub Btnrecuperar_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Btnrecuperar.Click Dim srLector As StreamReader = New StreamReader("E:\DATOS\PUNTOS.txt") Dim cadena As String Dim subcadena As String


contador = 0 cadena = srLector.ReadLine() Dim pos1 As Integer = 1, pos2 As Integer Dim largo As Integer = Len(cadena) Do While Not (cadena Is Nothing) largo = Len(cadena) pos2 = InStr(pos1, cadena, Chr(9)) subcadena = Mid(cadena, pos1, pos2 - pos1) DataGridView1.Rows(contador).Cells(0).Value = subcadena a(contador, 0) = Val(subcadena) pos1 = pos2 + 1 pos2 = InStr(pos1, cadena, Chr(9)) subcadena = Mid(cadena, pos1, pos2 - pos1) DataGridView1.Rows(contador).Cells(1).Value = subcadena a(contador, 1) = Val(subcadena) pos1 = pos2 + 1 pos2 = InStr(pos1, cadena, Chr(9)) subcadena = Mid(cadena, pos1, pos2 - pos1) DataGridView1.Rows(contador).Cells(2).Value = subcadena a(contador, 2) = Val(subcadena) pos1 = pos2 + 1 subcadena = Mid(cadena, pos1, Len(cadena)) DataGridView1.Rows(contador).Cells(3).Value = subcadena a(contador, 3) = Val(subcadena) cadena = srLector.ReadLine() contador = contador + 1 pos1 = 1 Loop srLector.Close() contador = contador - 1 MsgBox(" numero de elementos" & contador) End Sub Private Sub BtnMostrarRecuperado_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnMostrarRecuperado.Click For fila = 0 To contador - 2 x1 = a(fila, 1) y1 = a(fila, 2) x2 = a(fila + 1, 1) y2 = a(fila + 1, 2) Grafico.DrawLine(pen, x1, y1, x2, y2) Next End Sub

Private Sub btnBorrar_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnBorrar.Click Grafico.Clear(Color.White) End Sub


Private Sub Btncortar_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Btncortar.Click Dim x3 As Integer, y3 As Integer pen.Color = Color.FromArgb(0, 255, 0) For fila = 0 To contador - 2 x1 = a(fila, 1) y1 = a(fila, 2) x2 = a(fila + 1, 1) y2 = a(fila + 1, 2) Grafico.DrawLine(pen, x1, y1, x2, y2) If fila > paso Then x3 = a(fila + paso, 1) y3 = a(fila + paso, 2) btnCortador.Left = x3 btnCortador.Top = y3 Sleep(10) End If Next pen.Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0) BtnMostrarRecuperado_Click(sender, e) End Sub

Private Sub btnMover_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnMover.Click posx = a(cont, 1) posy = a(cont, 2) btnCortador.Left = posx btnCortador.Top = posy If cont < contador Then cont = cont + 1 Else : cont = 0 End If End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyDown Select Case Chr(e.KeyCode) Case "X" : altura = altura + 1 Case "x" : altura = altura + 1 Case "Y" : If altura > 0 Then altura = altura - 1 Case "y" : If altura > 0 Then altura = altura - 1 End Select TextBox1.Clear() TextBox1.Text = altura End SubEnd Class


Pregunta 3 ( alternativa A)Modo Visual. Cargar los siguientes números a se tiene los siguientes datos en Excel, leer el archivo de texto y rellenarlo a un cuadro combinado y un cuadro de lista como se muestra en el grafico ( dos puntos)

Imports System.IOPublic Class Form1 Private Sub BtnCargar_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnCargar.Click Dim srLector As StreamReader = New StreamReader("E:\DATOS\PUNTOS8.txt") Dim cadena As String Dim subcadena As String Dim pos As Integer, tam As Integer ComboBox1.Items.Clear() ListBox1.Items.Clear() cadena = srLector.ReadLine() Do While Not (cadena Is Nothing) tam = Len(cadena) pos = InStr(1, cadena, Chr(9)) subcadena = Mid(cadena, 1, pos - 1) ComboBox1.Items.Add(subcadena) ListBox1.Items.Add(Mid(cadena, pos + 1, Len(cadena)))


cadena = srLector.ReadLine() Loop srLector.Close() ListBox2.Items.Add("numero de elementos" & ListBox1.Items.Count) Dim mayor As Integer = -100 Dim valor As Integer For fila = 0 To ListBox1.Items.Count - 1 valor = ListBox1.Items(fila) If valor > mayor Then mayor = valor Next ListBox2.Items.Add("elemento mayor encontrado es " & mayor) End Sub

Private Sub ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.SelectedIndexChanged Dim indice As Integer indice = ComboBox1.SelectedIndex ListBox1.SelectedIndex = indice End SubEnd Class


Imports SystemImports System.DrawingImports System.Windows.Forms

Public Class Form1 Inherits Form

Private WithEvents dataGridView1 As New DataGridView() Private highPriImage As Bitmap Private mediumPriImage As Bitmap


Private lowPriImage As Bitmap

Public Sub New()

' Initialize the images. Try highPriImage = New Bitmap("E:\datos\auto1.bmp") mediumPriImage = New Bitmap("E:\datos\carta1.bmp") lowPriImage = New Bitmap("E:\datos\carta2.bmp") Catch ex As ArgumentException MessageBox.Show("The Priority column requires Bitmap images" & _ "named highPri.bmp, mediumPri.bmp, and lowPri.bmp " & _ "residing in the same directory as the executable file.") End Try

' Initialize the DataGridView. With dataGridView1 .Dock = DockStyle.Fill .AllowUserToAddRows = False .Columns.AddRange(New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn(), _ New DataGridViewImageColumn()) .Columns(0).Name = "Balance" .Columns(1).Name = "Priority" .Rows.Add("-100", "high")


.Rows.Add("0", "medium") .Rows.Add("100", "low")

End With Me.Controls.Add(dataGridView1)

End Sub

' Changes how cells are displayed depending on their columns and values. Private Sub dataGridView1_CellFormatting(ByVal sender As Object, _ ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellFormattingEventArgs) _ Handles dataGridView1.CellFormatting

' Set the background to red for negative values in the Balance column. If dataGridView1.Columns(e.ColumnIndex).Name.Equals("Balance") Then

'Dim intValue As Int32 If CInt(e.Value) < 0 Then 'if Int32.TryParse((String)e.Value, out intValue) && ' (intValue < 0))


e.CellStyle.BackColor = Color.Red e.CellStyle.SelectionBackColor = Color.DarkRed End If End If

' Replace string values in the Priority column with images. If dataGridView1.Columns(e.ColumnIndex).Name.Equals("Priority") Then

' Ensure that the value is a string. Dim stringValue As String = TryCast(e.Value, String) If stringValue Is Nothing Then Return

' Set the cell ToolTip to the text value. Dim cell As DataGridViewCell = _ dataGridView1(e.ColumnIndex, e.RowIndex) cell.ToolTipText = stringValue

' Replace the string value with the image value. Select Case stringValue

Case "high" e.Value = highPriImage Case "medium" e.Value = mediumPriImage Case "low" e.Value = lowPriImage

End Select

End If

End Sub

Public Sub Main() Application.Run(New Form1()) End Sub

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

End SubEnd Class


Public Class Form1 Dim Cadena As String Dim np As Integer = 10 Dim Indice As Integer = 1 Dim Vel As Integer = 10 Dim GPencil As Integer = 4 Dim li As Single = -3 Dim ls As Single = 3 Dim dx As Single = 0 Dim Ex As Single = 20 Dim Ey As Single = -20 Dim Cx As Single = 200 Dim Cy As Single = 200 Dim Pen As Pen Dim Grafico As Graphics Dim brocha As SolidBrush Dim valor As Single Private Sub btnIniciar_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnIniciar.Click DataGridView1.RowCount = 6 DataGridView1.ColumnCount = 3 DataGridView1.Columns(0).HeaderText = "PARAMETROS" DataGridView1.Columns(1).HeaderText = "X (min)" DataGridView1.Columns(2).HeaderText = "Y (Max)" DataGridView1.Columns(0).Width = 100 DataGridView1.Columns(1).Width = 40 DataGridView1.Columns(2).Width = 40 DataGridView1.Rows(0).Cells(0).Value = "NP Dx" DataGridView1.Rows(0).Cells(1).Value = np DataGridView1.Rows(1).Cells(0).Value = "Linf Lsup" DataGridView1.Rows(1).Cells(1).Value = li DataGridView1.Rows(1).Cells(2).Value = ls DataGridView1.Rows(2).Cells(0).Value = "Cx Cy" DataGridView1.Rows(2).Cells(1).Value = Cx DataGridView1.Rows(2).Cells(2).Value = Cy DataGridView1.Rows(3).Cells(0).Value = "Ex Ey" DataGridView1.Rows(3).Cells(1).Value = Ex DataGridView1.Rows(3).Cells(2).Value = Ey DataGridView1.Rows(4).Cells(0).Value = "Grosor pencil Indice" DataGridView1.Rows(4).Cells(1).Value = GPencil DataGridView1.Rows(4).Cells(2).Value = Indice DataGridView1.Rows(5).Cells(0).Value = "Velocidad" DataGridView1.Rows(5).Cells(1).Value = Vel


dx = (ls - li) / np DataGridView1.Rows(0).Cells(2).Value = dx For fila = 0 To DataGridView1.RowCount - 1 DataGridView1.Rows(fila).HeaderCell.Value = fila.ToString Next

End Sub

Private Sub btnProcesar_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnProcesar.Click Cadena = "2*3" Dim pos As Integer Dim valor1 As Single Dim valor2 As Single

' buscar primero los producto

pos = InStr(Cadena, "*") valor1 = Mid(Cadena, 1, pos - 1) valor2=Mid(Cadena,pos+1,

'Dim TestString As String = "perro ferozt" '' Returns "Shipping List". 'Dim aString As String = Replace(TestString, "perro", "lobo")

'Cadena = TestString ''valor = TextBox1.Text TextBox1.Text = valor 'cadena1= End Sub




Module Module1 Public nombre As String Public nfilas As Integer = 5 Public Cxf As Integer = 10 Public Cyf As Integer = 10 Public Anchof As Integer = 100 Public Altof As Integer = 100 Public Cxd As Integer = 350 Public Cyd As Integer = 10 Public Anchod As Integer = 200 Public Altod As Integer = 200 Public grafico As Graphics Public pincel As Pen Public brocha As SolidBrush Public anchofigura As Integer = 200 Public altofigura As Integer = 200 Public anchocuadro As Integer = 200 Public altocuadro As Integer = 200 Public modo As Integer = 0 Public myBitmap As BitmapEnd Module

Public Class Form1 Private Sub BtnIniciar_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtnIniciar.Click DataGridView1.RowCount = nfilas DataGridView1.ColumnCount = 3


DataGridView1.Columns(0).HeaderText = "Propiedad" DataGridView1.Columns(1).HeaderText = "Valor X" DataGridView1.Columns(2).HeaderText = "Valor Y" DataGridView1.Columns(1).Width = 50 DataGridView1.Columns(2).Width = 50 For i = 0 To nfilas - 1 DataGridView1.Rows(i).HeaderCell.Value = i.ToString Next DataGridView1.Rows(0).Cells(0).Value = "Fuente Cx,Cy " DataGridView1.Rows(0).Cells(1).Value = Cxf DataGridView1.Rows(0).Cells(2).Value = Cyf DataGridView1.Rows(1).Cells(0).Value = "Fuente Ancho Alto " DataGridView1.Rows(1).Cells(1).Value = Anchof DataGridView1.Rows(1).Cells(2).Value = Altof DataGridView1.Rows(2).Cells(0).Value = "Destino Cx,Cy " DataGridView1.Rows(2).Cells(1).Value = Cxd DataGridView1.Rows(2).Cells(2).Value = Cyd

DataGridView1.Rows(3).Cells(0).Value = "Destino Ancho Alto " DataGridView1.Rows(3).Cells(1).Value = Anchod DataGridView1.Rows(3).Cells(2).Value = Altod DataGridView1.Rows(4).Cells(0).Value = "Modo " DataGridView1.Rows(4).Cells(1).Value = modo End Sub Private Sub btnModificarBitmap_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnModificarBitmap.Click Dim anchof2, altof2 As Integer If modo = 0 Then grafico.DrawImage(myBitmap, 0, 0) anchof2 = Anchof / 2 altof2 = Altof / 2 grafico.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, Cxf - anchof2, Cyf - altof2, Anchof, Altof)

End If Dim sourceRectangle As New Rectangle(Cxf, Cyf, Anchof, Altof) Dim destRectangle1 As New Rectangle(Cxd, Cyd, Anchod, Altod) grafico.DrawImage(myBitmap, destRectangle1, sourceRectangle, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)


End Sub

Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnAbrir.Click OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog() nombre = OpenFileDialog1.FileName myBitmap = New Bitmap(nombre) PictureBox2.Load(nombre)

grafico.DrawImage(myBitmap, 0, 0) anchofigura = myBitmap.Width altofigura = myBitmap.Height

End Sub Private Sub btnObtenerValores_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnObtenerValores.Click Cxf = DataGridView1.Rows(0).Cells(1).Value Cyf = DataGridView1.Rows(0).Cells(2).Value Anchof = DataGridView1.Rows(1).Cells(1).Value() Altof = DataGridView1.Rows(1).Cells(2).Value Cxd = DataGridView1.Rows(2).Cells(1).Value Cyd = DataGridView1.Rows(2).Cells(2).Value Anchod = DataGridView1.Rows(3).Cells(1).Value Altod = DataGridView1.Rows(3).Cells(2).Value modo = DataGridView1.Rows(4).Cells(1).Value End Sub

Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load grafico = PictureBox1.CreateGraphics pincel = New Pen(Brushes.Azure, 2) brocha = New SolidBrush(Color.AliceBlue) anchocuadro = PictureBox1.Width altocuadro = PictureBox1.Height

End Sub Private Sub btnBorrar_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnBorrar.Click grafico.Clear(Color.Black) End Sub


Private Sub txtCxCyF_KeyDown(sender As Object, e As KeyEventArgs) Handles txtCxCyF.KeyDown Select e.KeyCode Case Keys.Down If (Cyf + Altof) < altofigura Then Cyf = Cyf + 1 Case Keys.Up If Cyf > 0 Then Cyf = Cyf - 1 Case Keys.Right If (Cxf + Anchof) < anchofigura Then Cxf = Cxf + 1 Case Keys.Left If Cxf > 0 Then Cxf = Cxf - 1 End Select DataGridView1.Rows(0).Cells(1).Value = Cxf DataGridView1.Rows(0).Cells(2).Value = Cyf btnObtenerValores_Click(sender, e) ' no es necesario btnModificarBitmap_Click(sender, e)

End Sub

Private Sub txtCxCyd_KeyDown(sender As Object, e As KeyEventArgs) Handles txtCxCyd.KeyDown Select Case e.KeyCode Case Keys.Down If (Cyd + Altod) < altocuadro Then Cyd = Cyd + 1 Case Keys.Up If Cyd > 0 Then Cyd = Cyd - 1 Case Keys.Right If (Cxd + Anchod) < anchocuadro Then Cxd = Cxd + 1 Case Keys.Left If Cxd > 0 Then Cxd = Cxd - 1 End Select DataGridView1.Rows(2).Cells(1).Value = Cxd DataGridView1.Rows(2).Cells(2).Value = Cyd btnObtenerValores_Click(sender, e) ' no es necesario btnModificarBitmap_Click(sender, e) End Sub

Private Sub txtTamDest_KeyDown(sender As Object, e As KeyEventArgs) Handles txtTamDest.KeyDown Select Case e.KeyCode


Case Keys.Down If (Cyd + Altod) < altocuadro Then Altod = Altod + 1 Case Keys.Up If Altod > 0 Then Altod = Altod - 1 Case Keys.Right If (Cxd + Anchod) < anchocuadro Then Anchod = Anchod + 1 Case Keys.Left If Anchod > 0 Then Anchod = Anchod - 1 End Select DataGridView1.Rows(3).Cells(1).Value = Anchod DataGridView1.Rows(3).Cells(2).Value = Altod btnObtenerValores_Click(sender, e) ' no es necesario btnModificarBitmap_Click(sender, e)

End Sub

Private Sub txtTamfuente_KeyDown(sender As Object, e As KeyEventArgs) Handles txtTamfuente.KeyDown Select Case e.KeyCode Case Keys.Down If (Cyf + Altof) < altofigura Then Altof = Altof + 1 Case Keys.Up If Altof > 0 Then Altof = Altof - 1 Case Keys.Right If (Cxf + Anchof) < anchofigura Then Anchof = Anchof + 1 Case Keys.Left If Anchof > 0 Then Anchof = Anchof - 1 End Select DataGridView1.Rows(1).Cells(1).Value = Anchof DataGridView1.Rows(1).Cells(2).Value = Altof btnObtenerValores_Click(sender, e) ' no es necesario btnModificarBitmap_Click(sender, e) End Sub

Private Sub PictureBox1_MouseDown(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.MouseDown If modo = 0 Then DataGridView1.Rows(0).Cells(1).Value = e.X DataGridView1.Rows(0).Cells(2).Value = e.Y btnObtenerValores_Click(sender, e) ' no es necesario btnModificarBitmap_Click(sender, e)


End If End SubEnd Class
