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Al Alcance

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1 Al ALCANCE La Viña Comunidad Cristiana 155 Seymour Ave. Mundelein, IL 60060 Bilingual www.lavina.cc 2013-2014 WINTER/ INVIERNO FREE At Your Reach Necesitas comprar regalos? FAESKA brazaletes y collares los tiene con grandes descuentos desde el 50% Llama al (847)276-7595
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Al ALCANCE La Viña Comunidad Cristiana

155 Seymour Ave. Mundelein, IL 60060 Bilingual www.lavina.cc




At Your Reach

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How easy it is when everything goes well in our lives. When we have good health, employment, education, fun and live in a daily routine. It’s then that we have faith because we lack nothing, but when things begin to change and get tough; we lose our job, have no savings, have no friends to help us, our health begins to fail, it’s then that we lose our peace, and anxiety comes to our lives. That’s when we begin to feel alone and we doubt that God hears our prayers. This is where we think that our faith begins to fail and it's not like it was before. God actually allows difficult situations in our lives to teach us to depend on Him and not on our own strength. Faith is to trust in God even though nothing makes sense. When all goes well, we believe that we are the ultimate cause of our every day lives, taking over the place that belongs to God . We ignore that if God were to take away our muscle movement, we wouldn’t be able to get up and work and then we would be penniless. Every breath belongs to God. We must seek Him in prayer while giving thanks every morning for another day of life. If we live while applying this important principle to our lives which is; "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind.”, Luke 10:27” then clearly we would understand that God is first. God allows difficult situations in our lives for many reasons. It may be in the life of the believer, who puts him first in everything, to be put through a test in their faith and then followed by a much larger blessing, than in the life of an unbe-liever, God uses a difficult situation to bring that person to His feet and show who has control over everything. In the life of a person, who believes is a Christian, but lives a disorderly life, God uses dif-ficult situations as discipline consequences of sin. Whatever it is the difficult situation you are going through also the same person chooses arise and allows your own life, and finally God allows situations to glorify His name. Whatever the rea-son was for your situation, the solution is the same for everyone. Ask God to show you the reason, and to bring you peace if it is a test of your faith. Ask him to forgive you if you've failed and then turn from what displeases him. If you are in sin and have never had a

relationship with God, let me

tell you. God is merciful and sent his only son to die for you and me, to have eternal life and not suffer for eternity. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 God is merciful, to hear us when we ask for his help. Je-sus himself said , 33 33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 God does not look at your present condition, He sees your future. If you are going through something difficult cries out to God in prayer, have patience and trust in God who has all the control, He will bring you peace and strength and will help you continue your walk. 4Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you, I will give people in exchange for you, nations in exchange for your life. 5 Do not be afraid, for I am with you; God is with us in everything we do. Isaiah 44: 4-5 Our life should be of pleasant to God in everything we do. By Maria Paredes. La Vina Comunidad Cristiana

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Dios conoce cada pensamiento, cada una de tus necesidades, cuidados y tus preocupaciones más profundas. Se Libre de todo lo que te ata. Miremos algunas preocupaciones. Primero, la preocupación principal- ¿estás seguro de tu salvación? La Biblia dice “Por lo cual, hermanos, tanto más procurad hacer firme vues-tra vocación y elección; porque haci-endo estas cosas, no caeréis jamás”. (2 Pedro 1.10 – RV60), así que re-pasemos la siguiente “lista” para asegurarnos de que eres salvo verdaderamente: ¿Estás consciente de que Dios se hizo carne en la per-sona de Jesucristo (1 Timoteo 3.16), y que murió por los pecados del mun-do?¿Has venido al Salvador porque has pecado? ¿Te has arrepentido y has puesto tu fe en Jesús? ¿Estás convencido de que Jesús sufrió y murió en la Cruz, y que se levantó de nuevo al tercer día?


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“I am making everything new!” Revelation 21:5

Dios restauró mi mat-rimonio. Nos casa-mos por lo civil, era-mos muy jovenes. Vivi un matrimonio por muchos años lleno de

maltrato físico y emocional. Tanto era el sufrimiento, que me llevo a planear el sui-cidio. Un dia entre en mi carro con mis hijos desesperada, sabia que sería el últi-mo. Todo estaba calculado; llegar hasta un puente alto en la vía expresa, chocar dejan-do caer el carro y allí terminaría mi su-frimiento y el de mis hijos. Dios uso la voz de mi hijo, cuando me pregunto “Mami, a dónde vamos?”en ese instante Dios lo evito. Luego al pasar el tiempo, conoci una seño-ra que me habló de Dios y de su iglesia. Muchas veces la ignore. Un dia decidí es-cucharla y aceptar una invitación a visitar su iglesia, La Vina Comunidad Cristiana. Al principio, pensaba solo en ir por mis mis hijos para que conocieran amistades, pero los planes de Dios eran otros con mi vida. Al comenzar asisstir a la iglesia, Dios toco mi vida con su presencia y poco a poco fue restaurandome. Luego mi esposo comenzó asistir y Dios comenzo a restaurarle y sanar su corazon de igual forma. Dios sano nues-tro corazón. Nos casamos por la iglesia y

esta vez Dios estaba en nuestras vidas y reina en nuestro matrimonio. tenemos 20 años casados, y somos parte del liderazgo

de la iglesia.

We were married in a civil ceremony and we were very young. I lived in a physically and emotional abusive marriage. Due to so much suffering, I planned suicide. One day in desperation, I got into my car with my children and I knew then that it would be the our last day. Everything was calculated; I’d reach a high bridge on the expressway and let the car crash to end our life and so much suffering. God used my son's voice when he asked me, "Mommy, where are we going?" At that moment God prevented it. Then over time, I met a lady who told me about God and her church. I often ignored her. One day I decided to listen and accept-

ed an invitation to visit her church, La Viña Christian Community. At first, I thought I would go for my kids so they can make new friends, but God had other plans for my life. When I started going to church, God touched my life with His presence and gradually healed me. Then my husband started attending as well and God began to restore him and heal his heart. God healed both our hearts. We got married by the church and this time God was in our lives and He reigns in our marriage. We have been married for 20 years and are now part of the church leadership. God has equipped us to bless many people. God restored our marriage and made it new. It is written. “He who was seated on the throne said, I make all things new!” Revelation 21:5 If you are going through a difficult situation in your marriage, please contact us. We would like to pray for you at La Viña Co-munidad Cristiana.

T engo 21 años de edad y he sido residente de Munde-

lein, IL desde que tenía seis años de edad. Crecí en una

familia que estuvo involucrado en las pandillas, las drogas, la violencia y otras cosas malas. Cuando crecí, empecé a seguir los mismos pasos de violencia. A los 13 años de edad, me uní a los Latin Kings pandilla. Em-pecé a entrar y salir de la cárcel desde los 13 hasta que tenía 17 años de edad. Yo estaba perdi-

do en mi propio mundo pe-caminoso y nunca pensé que

iba a poder salir de ese mundo porque sentía que ese era mi destino, hasta que llegué a La

Iglesia Vina en Mundelein. Em-pecé a ir por horas de servicio

comunitario, que fue ordenada por la corte. Después de un tiempo, me empecé a sentir

bien allí. He aprendido mucho acerca de Dios y acepté a Jesu-cristo como mi Señor y Salva-

dor. Desde ese día que verdaderamente deje Dios real-mente entrara en mi vida y en mi corazón. Él realmente ha cambiado mi vida. Ahora, soy

un líder de jovenes en la iglesia y participo ayudando aquellos jovenes que tal vez se encuen-tran donde una vez yo estube. Esto es sólo un breve testimo-nio, de lo que Dios está hacien-do a través de "La Viña Comun-

idad Cristiana.

I am 21 years of age and I have been a resident of Mundelein, IL since I was six years of age. I

grew up in a family that was involved in gangs, drugs, vio-

lence and other bad things. As I grew up, I began to follow the same path of violence. At the age of 13, I joined the Latin

Kings street gang. I was in and out of jail from the age of 13, up until I was 17 years old. I was

lost in my own sinful world and I didn’t think I would or could ever get out of it. I felt like that was my destiny, until I came to La Vina Church in Mundelein. I first started to go because of court ordered community ser-vice hours I had to complete,

but after some time, I started to feel good there. I learned a lot about God and I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Since the day I truly let God

come into my life and heart, He has really turned my life around. I am now a youth leader at the

church and I take part in helping kids, who find their selves where

I once stood. This is just a short testimony of what God is

doing at La Viña Christian Com-munity Church.

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I grew up as a troubled teen with a lot of crazy friends. Not feeling like I was going anywhere in life, I decided to join the military. After the military I became an atheist, an alcoholic, and a marijua-na user. That led me to two DUIs. I felt my life spiraling backwards and even after these issues, I was still too stubborn to change my life. My relationship with my fami-ly was also broken. Due to my court sentencing, I was forced into counseling. I did-n't need a 12 step process. All I needed was 1 step, and that was to truly give my life to Jesus Christ. I didn’t like going to church, nor interacting much with people. My brother and his wife invited me to La Vina in May of 2013. Little did I know, everything would change for the better. In-stead of praying selfish pray-ers, I prayed for wisdom, understanding, and for God

to reveal to me who he really is. I was also having difficulty trying to find employment, a new place to live and to fin-ish school all at once. One day, I felt like I wanted to give up and do nothing but sleep. There was rain and thunder that afternoon. I laid down and dosed off when I heard a soft voice in my left ear that said “Sit down.” So I sat down at my computer desk. For about 10 hours, I read and researched some sermons online. I ran into videos of Todd White a mov-ie called “Father of Lights” with Roby Dawkins and a watched videos of a former Muslim named Nabeel Qureshi. God really touched my heart that day, Big time!!! I felt the presence of the Ho-ly Spirit so I fell to my knees, cried out and submitted my-self to Jesus Christ. “You are my God!” and for the first time I actually worshiped and truly glorified his name. Af-

terwards I felt hope, and in two days, He answered my prayers. I found a place in Mundelein. But God’s plan didn’t stop there. He re-vealed himself more to me. As I commuted to school on the Metra, I encountered a Christian person and we talked about the bible, and prayed for each other. That same day at Chicago Union Station, I ran into two Kore-an missionaries who were on a journey to Israel. One of them prayed for me as well. Today, I’m happy to say I haven't had a drop of alco-hol in over 2 years. I am clean. My relationships with my family have been re-stored. Thanks to all who prayed for me at La Vina, it has absolutely helped me through these difficult times. I’ve been attending La Vina for about 6 months now. Within this time, I have been baptized and God has blessed me with a disciple-

ship group, a great church family, a job, a place to live, a college degree, a purpose, and most of all, God’s love. As I continue to grow, I can’t wait to see what else God has in store … for all of us!

Crecí como un adolescente con prob-lemas con muchos amigos locos. Sintiéndome como mi vida no tenía rumbo alguno. Decidí entrar al ejército. Al terminar y salir me convertí un ateo, un alcohólico, y usaba marihuana. Eso me llevó a dos DUI’s. Sentí que mi vida estaba dando vueltas sin control a pe-sar de todo, todavía estaba demasiado terco como para pensar en un cambio a mi vida. Mi relación con mi familia también estaba destrozada. Debido a mi sentencia judicial, me vi obligado a la consejería. Yo no necesitaba un pro-ceso de 12 pasos. Todo lo que necesit-aba era 1 paso, el cual era entregarle mi vida a Jesucristo.No me gustaba ir a la iglesia, ni socializar con la gente. Mi hermano y su esposa me invitaron a La Vina en Mayo de 2013 . Poco sabía yo que eso cambiaria mi vida para bien. En lugar de ser egoísta y pedirle a Dios cosas para mí, oré por sabiduría, en-tendimiento, para que Dios me revelara lo quien realmente El es. En esos días estaba teniendo dificultades para con-seguir un empleo, un nuevo lugar en

donde vivir y terminar la escuela, todo al mismo tiempo. Un día, me sentí rendirme y no hacer nada más que dor-mir. Había lluvia y truenos en la tarde. Me acosté y ente sueños escuche una voz suave en el oído izquierdo que dijo " Siéntate." Así que me senté en mi escritorio de la computadora. Por cerca de 10 horas, he leído e investigado al-gunos sermones en línea. Me encontré con videos de Todd White una película llamada "Father of Lights” “Padre de las luces", con Roby Dawkins y unos vide-os vistos de un ex musulmán llamado Nabeel Qureshi. Dios realmente toco el corazón ese día enormemente! Sentí la presencia del Espíritu Santo, de modo que caí de rodillas, lloré y le entregue mi vida Jesucristo. " Tú eres mi Dios!" Y por primera vez adoraba y verdadera-mente glorificaba su nombre. Después sentí esperanza, gozo y paz. En dos días, Dios respondió a mis oraciones. Encontré un lugar para vivir en Munde-lein. Pero Dios todavía tenía más para mí. Dios continúo revelándose a mi vida. Como yo viajo en Metra tren a la

escuela, me encontré con una persona cristiana y hablamos de la Biblia, y ora-mos por cada uno. Ese mismo día en otra estación de tren Union Station de Chicago, me encontré con dos misioneros Koreanos que estaban en un viaje a Israel. Uno de ellos oro por mí también. Hoy, estoy feliz de decir que no he te-nido una gota de alcohol en más de 2 años. Estoy limpio. Mis relaciones con mi familia han sido restauradas. Gra-cias a todos los que oraron por mí en La Viña, que me ha ayudado en absolu-to a través de estos tiempos difíciles. He estado asistiendo a La Viña por cer-ca de 6 meses. Dentro de este tiempo, he sido bautizado y Dios me ha bende-cido con un grupo de discipulado, una gran familia de la iglesia, un trabajo, un lugar para vivir, un título universitario, un propósito, y sobre todo, el amor de Dios. A medida que continúo creciendo, no puedo esperar a ver qué mas Dios trae a vida y... para todos nosotros!

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