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Basic Phrases in Spanish

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  • 7/24/2019 Basic Phrases in Spanish


    1. Basic Phrases

    Buenos das!

    bway-nohs dee-ahs

    Hello! / Good morning!

    Buenas tardes!

    bway-nahs tard-ays

    Good afternoon!

    Buenas noches!

    bway-nahs noh-chays

    Good evening! / Good night!

    Hola!/Chao!oh-lah / chow

    Hi! / Bye!


    Good bye.

    Por favor.por fah-bor


    Hasta la vista / Hasta


    ah-stah lah vees-tah / ah-

    stah loo-ay-go

    See you / See you later.

    Hasta pronto.

    ah-stah prohn-toh

    See you soon.

    Hasta maana.

    ah-stah mahn-yahn-ah

    See you tomorrow.

    uchas" #racias.

    (moo-chahs) grah-see-ahs

    Thank you (very muh.

    $e nada.

    day nah-dah

    "ou#re welome.




    %o siento

    loh see-ehn-toh

    %#m sorry

    Con permiso / Perdn

    / $isculpe

    kohn pehr-mee-soh /

    pehr-dohn/ dees-kool-

    peh&'use me / Pardon me



    et#s go!

    'Cmo est( usted)

    koh-moh ay-stah oo-sted

    How are you) (formal

    'Cmo est(s)

    koh-moh ay-stahs

    How are you)


    '*u+ tal)

    kay tahl

    How#s it going)

    Bien / u, -ienbee-ehn / moy bee-ehn

    Good / *ery good

    al / u, mal / (so menos

    mahl / moy mahl /

    mahs oh may-nohs

    Bad / *ery bad / +,

    / osee / noh

    "es / -o

    'Cmo se llama usted)

    koh-moh say yah-mah oo-


    $hat is your name)


    'Cmo te llamas)

    koh-moh tay yah-


    $hat is your name)


    e llamo... / i nom-re


    may yah-moh / mee nohm-

    breh ess

    y name is...

  • 7/24/2019 Basic Phrases in Spanish


    ucho gusto. /0ncantado.

    moo-choh goo-stoh / en-


    -ie to meet you.



    Same here. / Same to


    eor / eora / eorita

    sayn-yor / sayn-yor-ah /


    ister / rs. / iss

    '$e dnde es usted)

    day dohn-day ehs oo-sted$here are you from)


    '$e dnde eres)

    day dohn-day eh-rehs$here are you from)


    2o so, de...

    yoh soy day%#m from...

    'Cu(ntos aos tiene


    quahn-tohs ahn-yohs tee-

    ay-nay oo-sted

    How old are you) (formal

    'Cu(ntos aos


    quahn-tohs ahn-yohs


    How old are you)


    2o tengo 33333 aos.

    yoh tayn-goh _____ ahn-


    % am years old.

    'Ha-la usted espaol)

    ah-blah oo-sted eh-spahn-


    0o you s1eak S1anish)


    'Ha-las ingl+s)

    ah-blahs een-glehs

    0o you s1eak &nglish)


    o" Ha-lo...

    noh ah-bloh

    % (don#t s1eak...

    '0ntiende usted) /

    '0ntiendes)ehn-tyen-deh oo-sted / ehn-


    0o you understand) (formal

    / informal

    o" 0ntiendo.

    noh ehn-tyen-doh% (don#t understand.

    2o no lo" s+.

    yoh noh loh seh% (don#t know.

    'Puede a,udarme)

    pweh-deh ah-yoo-dar-meh

    2an you hel1 me) (formal

    Claro / Claro 4ue s

    klah-roh / klah-roh keh


    Sure / +f ourse



    $hat) Pardon me)

    '$nde est( / $nde

    est(n... )

    dohn-deh eh-stah / dohn-

    deh eh-stahn

    $here is ... / $here are ... )

    A4u / Ah

    ah-kee / ah-ee

    Here / There

    Ha, / Ha-a...

    eye / ah-bee-ah

    There is / are... / There was /


    'Cmo se dice 3333 en

    espaol)koh-moh seh dee-seh ___

    en eh-spahn-yol

    How do you say in

    '*u+ es esto)

    keh ehs ehs-toh$hat is that)

    '*u+ te pasa)

    keh teh pah-sah$hat#s the matter (with you)

  • 7/24/2019 Basic Phrases in Spanish



    o importa.

    noh eem-por-tah

    %t doesn#t matter.

    '*u+ pasa)

    keh pah-sah

    $hat#s ha11ening)

    in novedad.

    seen noh-veh-dahd

    -othing muh.

    o tengo ninguna idea.

    noh tehn-goh neen-goo-nah


    % have no idea.

    Buena idea!

    bweh-nah ee-deh-ah

    Good idea!



    Go ahead!

    0sto, cansado / enfermo.

    eh-stoy kahn-sah-doh / ehn-


    %#m tired / sik.

    5engo ham-re / sed.

    tehn-goh ahm-breh /


    %#m hungry / thirsty.

    5engo calor / fro.

    tehn-goh kah-lohr / free-oh

    %#m hot / old.

    0sto, a-urrido.

    eh-stoy ah-boo-ree-doh

    %#m bored.

    o me importa.

    noh meh eem-por-tah

    % don#t are.

    o se preocupe.

    noh seh preh-oh-koo-peh

    0on#t worry

    0st( -ien.

    ehs-tah bee-ehn

    That#s alright. / %t#s ok.

    e olvid+.

    meh ohl-vee-deh

    % forgot.

    5engo 4ue ir ahora.

    tehn-goh keh eer ah-oh-rah

    % must go now.




    *ui6(s / $epende.

    kee-sahs / deh-pehn-


    aybe / %t de1ends.

    5odava no.

    toh-dah-vee-ah noh

    -ot yet.

    *u+ chistoso!

    keh chees-toh-soh

    How funny!

    *ue le va,a -ien!

    keh leh vah-yah bee-

    ehnHave a nie day!

    os vemos!

    nohs veh-mos

    $e#ll see you!



    Bless you!





    Buena suerte!

    bweh-nah swehr-teh

    Good luk!

    5e toca a ti.teh toh-kah ah tee

    %t#s your turn. (informal


    Shut u1!

    5e amo.tay ah-moh

    % love you. (informal and

  • 7/24/2019 Basic Phrases in Spanish



    1.Notice that Spanish has informal and formal ways of speaking. This is because there is

    more than one meaning to "you" in Spanish (as well as in many other languages.) The

    informal you is used when talking to close friends, relatives, animals or children. The formal

    you is used when talking to someone you just met, do not know well, or someone for whom

    you would like to show respect (a professor, for example.)

    2.Encantado, cansado, enfermo,andaburridoare the masculine forms of the words. If the

    words refer to a woman or are spoken by a woman, then the finalochanges

    toa:encantada, cansada, enferma,andaburrida

    3.In Spain, as well as Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela, the

    Spanish language is calledcastellanoinstead of espaol.

    4.Por favoris often shortened to justporfa.

    5.Please keep in mind that because Spanish is spoken in many countries, there are several

    regional dialects and accents so pronunciation rules may not apply to all countries.

    This tutorial is mostly concerned with the standardized varieties that are spoken in Mexico

    and northern/central Spain, but will also include common variants from

    other countries and/or regions. (The southern region of Spain, Andaluca, and the Canary

    Islands, exhibit features that are closer to Latin American Spanish.)

    2. Pronunciation

    panish %etter 0nglish ound

  • 7/24/2019 Basic Phrases in Spanish


    e4 i s as in see (most varieties of S1anish / th as in thief

    (northern/entral S1ain

    ga4 go4 gue4 gu54 gui g as in go

    ll y as in yes (most varieties

    lli as in million (northern/entral S1ain

    6h as in measure (7rgentina

    r similar to a soft d when between 8 vowels9 sometimes

    weakened to l

    s s as in see but often weakened to h or not 1ronouned when at

    end of syllable (most of atin 7meria4 southern S1ain/2anary


    6 s as in see but often weakened to h or not 1ronouned when at

    end of syllable (most of atin 7meria4 southern S1ain/2anary

    %slands / th as in thief (northern/entral S1ain

    1.The five vowels in Spanish are all pure vowels: [a], [e], [i], [o], [u] Be sure that you

    donotpronounce a diphthong as we do in English (the extra yuh or wuh sound at the end).

    Other consonants not listed are pronounced as in English, i.e. m as in man, y as in yes,


    2.The two major differences in pronunciation between southern Spain/Latin America and

    northern/central Spain are calledseseoandyesmo. Seseo refers to the pronunciation of

    both s and z as s, while yesmo refers to the pronunciation of ll as y - both are features of

  • 7/24/2019 Basic Phrases in Spanish


    southern Spain/Canary Islands/Latin America Spanish.

    3.One feature of Spanish pronunciation that is often missing from textbooks is the loss of final

    -s. When -s is at the end of a syllable, it often weakens to -h or it is not pronounced at all.

    This occurs in southern Spain, the Canary Islands, and throughout Latin America, with the

    exception of some parts of Mexico and the Andean areas of South America. Final -r can

    also weaken to -l or even -y in Cuban Spanish. In fact, many consonants are much weaker

    and softer in Spanish than in English, as noted above with d, r, and v.

    Stress:Just as in English, Spanish stresses a certain syllable in a word. If a word ends in a

    consonant, except s or n, the stress is on the last syllable. If a word ends in a vowel, or s or n, the

    stress is on the second-to-last syllable. For words that do no follow these rules, an accent is written

    over the vowel so that you will know to stress that syllable, as inel pjaro(bird).

    3. Alphabet

    a ah 8 hoh-tah r air-ay

    - bay 9 kah rr airr-ay

    c say l ay-lay s ay-say

    ch chay ll ay-yay t tay

    d day m ay-may u oo

    e ay n ay-nay v bay chee-kah

    f ay-fay ayn-yay : bay doh-blay

    g hey o oh ; ah-kees

    h ah-chay p pay , ee-gree-ay-gah

    i ee 4 koo 6 say-tah

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    The Spanish language academy no longer considers the ch, ll or rr to be separate letters in

    dictionaries, but they are still separate letters in the alphabet. In Spain oo-bay is used for v, but in

    Latin America most varieties just use bay and an adjective, such as chica (Mexico and Peru) or

    corta (Argentina and Chile). Spain also uses oo-bay doh-blay or doh-blay oo-bay for w.

    4. Articles & Demonstratives





    as. Plural :em. Plural

    the el la the los las

    a, an un una some unos unas

    this este esta these estos estas

    that ese esa those esos esas

    that a4uel a4uella those a4uellos a4uellas

    Elis also used with feminine nouns beginning with a or ha when the accent is on the first syllable.

    Words that end in -o and -or are generally masculine, with a few exceptions:la mano(hand),la

    foto(photo). Words that end in -a are generally feminine, with a few exceptions:el mapa(map),el

    problema(problem). Other feminine words end in-cin,-tad,-dad, or-tud.

    Use theeseforms to meanthatwhen what you are talking about is near the person you are

    addressing. Use theaquelforms when what you are talking about is far from both you and the

    person you are addressing.Estoandesoare the neuter forms of this and that. They can be usedin general and abstract ways.

    Demonstrative adjectives (listed above) are used before a noun; if you want to use the

    demonstrative pronouns, which are used before a verb, add an accent on all of the first e's:ste,

    sta, stos, stas, se, sa, sos, sas, aqul, aqulla, aqullos, aqullas.

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    5. Subject Pronouns

    singular plural



    ,o yoh % nosotros











