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CARTOIXA DE VALLDEMOSSA - CHOPIN 2010€¦ · 14,00 h Dinar a Valldemossa / Déjeuner à...

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SEGON SIMPOSI MUSICOLÒGIC INTERNACIONAL Frédéric Chopin i George Sand a Mallorca CARTOIXA DE VALLDEMOSSA Del 22 al 25 d’octubre de 2009


    Frédéric Chopin i George Sand



    CARTOIXA DE VALLDEMOSSA Del 22 al 25 d’octubre de 2009


    Dijous, 22 d’octubre / Jeudi, 22 octobre

    19,30 h Hotel El Encinar Benvinguda als participants i sopar / Accueil des participants et diner

    Divendres, 23 d’octubre / Vendredi 23 octobre

    10. 00 h Sra. Zofia Chechlinska «An unknown Chopin autograph ( The Study in f- minor from

    the Methode by Fetis and Moscheles )». Col·loqui

    11. 00 h Sra. Bozena Adamczyk «Le manuscrit de F. Chopin dans l’Album d’Antoni Teichmann». Col·loqui

    12. 00 h Pausa i cafè

    12,30 h Sr. Zbigniew Skowron «Maurycy Karasowski, premier éditeur de la correspondance de F. Chopin». Col·loqui

    14,00 h Dinar a Valldemossa / Déjeuner à Valldemossa

    15,30 Visita a la Cartoixa / Visite de la Chartreuse

    17,00 h Sra. Rosa Capllonch Ferrà «1911. Wanda Landowska a Mallorca» Col·loqui

    18,00 h Sra. Concepció Bauçà de Mirabó «Cartoixa en 1838. Espais i ambients d'un monestir abandonat» / La Chartreuse

    en 1838. Espaces et ambiances d’un monastère abandonné. Col·loqui

    19,30 h Sopar a l’hotel

    21,30 h Museu F. Chopin – G. Sand

    Recital a càrrec del duo Albert Díaz i Xavier Mut

  • Dissabte, dia 24 d’octubre / Samedi, 24 octobre 10,00 h Sra. Marita Alban Suarez «Viajes de Chopin»


    11,00 h Sr. Joan Moll

    «Treball amb cèl·lules temàtiques a la quarta Balada» Col·loqui

    12. 00 h Pausa i cafè

    12,30 Sra. Marie-Paule Rambeau

    «Réception de la liaison Chopin-Sand en France » Col·loqui

    14,00 h Dinar a Valldemossa / Déjeuner à Valldemossa

    16,00 h Sr. Arthur Szklener

    «Chopin’s Barcarolle: Sentimental Song or Romantic Poem ? » Col·loqui

    17,00 h Sra. Irena Poniatowska

    « Chopin, poète du XIX siècle » Col·loqui

    18, 00 h Sr. Miquel Estelrich

    «Jaume Mas Porcel, compositor i intèrpret de Chopin» Col·loqui

    19,30 h Sopar a l’hotel

    21,30 h Museu F. Chopin – G. Sand

    Recital a càrrec de Miquel Estelrich

  • Diumenge, dia 25 d’octubre / Dimanche, 25 octobre

    10,00 h Visita a l’Ermita de la Trinitat / Visite à l’Hermitage de la Trinité

    Oli de Bartomeu Ferrà


    Zofia Chechlinska

    Zofia Chechlinska - born in Poznań 1950 - finished high school in Warsaw 1948-1955 - attended to music high school, studying piano 1951-1956 - studied musicology at the University of Warsaw 1959 - MA in musicology (Univ. of Warsaw), diss.: The sources of Chopin’s Scherzos supervised by 1961-1965 - doctoral studies at the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw) 1966 - PhD (Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences); diss.: The texture of Chopin's works, supervised by prof. dr J. M. Chomiński 1967-1968 - University of Toruń; lecturer in History of Music since 1.01.1969 - Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Department of Music History; 1981-1992 - head of the Department since 1989 - Department of Musicology, later: Institute of Musicology of the Iagellonian University, Cracow; seminars and lectures on 18 and 19 Century music 1996 - habilitation, Iagellonian Universuty, Cracow.

    Zofia Chechlinska is a member of the Polish Composers Union, Musicological Secion 1969-1973 - secretary of the board of the Sectiom 1973-1975 - vice-president of the Section A member of the association "Polska Akademia Chopinowska" [Polish Chopin Academy].

  • Bozena Adamczyk

    Nacida en Polonia, se traslada a Francia donde estudia musicología en la Universidad Paris-Sorbonne. Después de obtener la diplomatura de piano en el Conservatorio Superior, deja París, el mayo de 1986, y se instala en Estrasburgo. Ingresa en la Universidad de Estrasburgo donde obtiene, en 1979, el doctorado en musicología con la tesis: Le fond Chopin de la Chartreuse de Valldemossa et son importante pour la connaissance du musicien. Es autora de numerosos trabajos sobre la complejidad de la interpretación de las fuentes documentales de la obra de Chopin entre los que destacan: Les variantes du texte de Frédéric Chopin dans les manuscrits musicaux de la collection d’Anne-Marie Boutroux de Ferrà à Valldemossa, publicado, en 1990, en Chopin Studies por la Sociedad Chopin de Varsovia y Gran Duo de Robert le Diable à quatre mains, op. 15, publicado por el Instituto Chopin de Varsovia. Bozena Adamczyk es responsable científica de la colección del Museo F. Chopin y G. Sand de la Cartuja de Valldemossa y miembro del comité directivo de la Asociación “Festivals Chopin de Valldemossa”, de la cual también es representante dentro del comité de la Federación Internacional de Sociedades Chopin. Entre 2005 y 2007, fue Presidenta del Cercle Internacional des Amis de la Musique, entidad suiza que organiza, desde 1951, ciclos de conciertos en Ginebra, a menudo con las embajadas, los consulados y las misiones permanentes. Actualmente preside la entidad Musica Pro Pace en Ginebra. En 1990 el gobierno polaco la distinguió con la Orden del Mérito Cultural.

    Pianista i musicòloga Nascuda a Polònia, es trasllada a França on estudia musicologia a la Universitat Paris-Sorbonne. Després d’obtenir la diplomatura de piano al Conservatori Superior, deixa París, el maig de 1968, i s’instal·la a Estrasburg. Ingressa a la Universitat d’Estrasburg on obté, el 1979, el doctorat en musicologia, sota la direcció de Marc Honneger amb la tesi: Le fond Chopin de la Chartreuse de Valldemossa et son importance pour la connaissance du musicien.

    És autora de nombrosos treballs sobre la complexitat de la interpretació de les fonts documentals de l’obra de Chopin entre els quals destaquen: Les variantes du texte de Frédéric Chopin dans les manuscrits musicaux de la collection d’Anne-Marie Boutroux de Ferrà à Valldemossa, publicat, el 1990, a Chopin Studies, per la Societat Chopin de Varsòvia i Gran Duo de Robert le Diable à quatre mains, op. 15, recentment publicat per l’Institut Chopin de Varsòvia.

    Bozena Adamczyk és responsable científica de la col·lecció del Museu F. Chopin i G. Sand i membre del comitè directiu de l’Associació Festivals Chopin de Valldemossa, de

  • la qual també és representant dins el comitè de la Federació Internacional de les Societats Chopin. Del 2005 al 2007, fou Presidenta del Cercle International des Amis de la Musique, entitat que organitza, des de 1951, cicles de concerts a Ginebra, sovint amb les ambaixades, els consolats i les missions permanents. Actualment presideix l’entitat Musica Pro Pace de Ginebra. El 1990, el govern polonès la distingí amb l’Ordre del Mèrit Cultural.


    Zbigniew Skowron is professor at the Institute of Musicology, University of Warsaw. He graduated in Polish philology and musicology at the University of Warsaw, and in music theory at the Academy of Music in Warsaw. In 1987-8 he studied with Leonard B. Meyer at the University of Pennsylvania on an American Council of Learned Societies fellowship. Among his scholarly interests are aesthetic and historical aspects of XXth-century music, history of musical aesthetics, music of Witold Lutosławski, and Chopin’s epistolography. He is the author of Teoria i estetyka awangardy muzycznej (Theory and Aesthetics of the Musical Avant-Garde) (Warsaw, 1989) and of the monograph Nowa muzyka amerykańska (Modern American Music) (Kraków, 1995). He is also the editor of Lutosławski Studies (Oxford, 2001) and, since 2001, the editor-in-chief of Przegląd Muzykologiczny (Musicological Review) – a yearbook of the Institute of Musicology, University of Warsaw.

    Rosa Capllonch i Ferrà

    Presidenta de l’Associació Festivals Chopin de Valldemossa.

    Neix a Valldemossa el 1951 on creix envoltada de música i llibres a la cel·la número 2 de la Cartoixa. El 1959 inicia estudis de dansa i de piano a Palma. El 1970 ingressa en el Conservatori Superior Municipal de Música de Barcelona on es perfecciona amb el mestre RAMON COLL, i a l'Escola de Ballet del mestre JOAN TENA. Compagina els estudis musicals amb la carrera de dansa clàssica. El 1975 decideix dedicar-se professionalment a la dansa i es trasllada a Monte-Carlo per tal de perfeccionar-se amb la prestigiosa pedagoga russa MARIKA BESOBRASOVA. Ha fet cursets de dansa

  • clàssica amb: Marie Claude Gonin, Luís Fuente, Solange Golovin, Marilyn Burne, Aurelio Bogado, Antonio Rodríguez, Gilbert Parsons i Stella Mann, i ha treballat diverses tècniques de dansa moderna amb Cesc Gelabert i professors dels EUA. El 1981, després de ballar en diversos grups de dansa a Barcelona i València, creà una escola de Dansa i Teatre a Palma on desenvolupà la seva tasca pedagògica fins al 1988. Fou fundadora, juntament amb la seva família i amics, de l'Associació Festivals Chopin de Valldemossa, entitat que presideix des de l’any 1998. Des del 1997 assumeix, juntament amb el seu germà, la direcció del Museu F. Chopin - G. Sand de la Cartoixa de Valldemossa. Una vegada jubilada com a ballarina ha dedicat part del seu temps a la investigació històrica i a la política local. Actualment és assessora de l’equip de govern de l’Ajuntament de Valldemossa.

    Concepció Bauçà de Mirabó

    Doctora en Història de l’Art per la Universitat de les Illes Balears; Professora del Departament de Ciències Històriques i Teoria de les Arts de la Universitat de les Illes Balears i del Centre d’Ensenyament Superior Alberta Giménez; membre del Grup de Conservació del Patrimoni Artístic Religiós (Grup d’investigació de la UIB). Autora de la publicació: “La Real Cartuja de Valldemossa. Formación y evolución de su patrimonio histórico-artístico”.


    Docteur en Histoire de l'Art (Université des Îles Baléares); Professeur du Département

    de Sciences Historiques et Théorie des Arts de l'Université des Îles Baléares et du

    Centre d'Enseignement Supérieur Alberta Giménez ; membre du Groupe de

    Conservation du Patrimoine Artistique Religieux (Groupe de recherche de l'UIB).

    Auteur de la publication: «La Real Cartuja de Valldemossa. Formación y evoución de su

    patrimonio histórico-artístico». «La Chartreuse Royale de Valldemossa. Formation et

    évolution de son patrimoine historique-artistique».


  • Publicacions: Chopin na Mazowszu : przewodnik po miejscach historycznych i współczesnych (Book)

    Author: Albán Juárez Marita, Sławińska-Dahlig Ewa

    Publication date: 2004

    Place of publication: Warszawa

    Polska Chopina. Przewodnik po miejscach związanych z pobytem kompozytora (Book)

    Author: Albán Juárez Marita, Sławińska-Dahlig Ewa

    Publication date: 2007

    Place of publication: Warszawa

    Joan Moll

    Born in Palma, where he begins his piano studies with Professor Vilella. He continues at the Conservatori Superior de Barcelona with de maestro Gibert Camins. Later he moves to Germany to complete his musical formation: a year with Margot Pinter and nine with the great Claudio Arrau and his assistant Rafael de Silva. After attaining any number of prizes in both national and international competitions, he launches his pianistic career. His recitals have taken him to almost all European countries. Most prominent are his symphonic performances in the Austrian Salzburg Mozarteum and in the Great Golden Salon of Vienna’s Musikverein. He has participated in the following international festivals: the Sceaux Festival (Paris), the Barcelona Festival, the Musik Klaus (Austria), the Marienbad Chopin Festival and Festival Chopin of Valldemossa.

    He is also well known in the field of research and recovery of Mallorcan, Gallician, Catalonian and Basque composers which is reflected in 18 hours of recordings for

  • R.N.E. and other record companies. Two of the aforementioned recordings received the Cultural Ministry’s prize for research and diffusion of Spain’s Musical Patrimony.

    He has recorded works of Chopin, Capllonch, Torrandell, Thomàs, Mas Porcel and Andres Gaos.

    Joan Moll has given masters classes in various universities in the United States and Spanish conservatories. His innumerable recitals for students and also adults for the purpose of musical exposure and awareness are of great importance. As a result of this experience there is a recently published book accompanying a compact disc entitled: My Friend Music.


    Marie-Paule Rambeau


    Marie-Paule RAMBEAU

    Chopin dans la vie et l'œuvre de George Sand

    Les Belles Lettres, Paris, 2004 (1ère édition : 1985) 393 p., 22 x 14 cm, 15 €.

    Histoire d'amour, certes, mais histoire d'artistes avant tout. La présence de Chopin dans la vie de George Sand n'est pas un accident, mais la réalisation d'un idéal dès longtemps entrevu. Ce livre se propose, à partir de la correspondance et de l'œuvre de George Sand, de montrer l'influence profonde de Chopin sur sa sensibilité, sa pensée et son imaginaire. Un retour aux sources qui définit une relation privilégiée, trop souvent livrée à l'anecdote. Contient l'Agenda reconstitué de leurs neuf années de vie commune.

    Les Belles Lettres, 95 boulevard Raspail, 75006 Paris

  • «La grande richesse de ce livre tient à ce qu’il est un vrai livre d’histoire, d’histoire politique, sociale, d'esthétique, musicale. C’est trop peu de dire que Chopin et ses œuvres sont mis en contexte. On parle souvent de mise en contexte, alors qu’il s’agit la plupart du temps de décors morts ou d'images décoratives platement anecdotiques.

    Marie-Paule Rambeau a je pense réussi le pari qui était d’écrire une véritable histoire de Chopin, c'est-à-dire de donner à comprendre aujourd’hui l’histoire que Chopin a vécue et dans laquelle il a créé, en maintenant un bel équilibre entre ce qui explique et ce qui montre».

    Jean-Marc Warszawski 1er décembre 2005

    ________________________________________________________________ Arthur Szklener Artur Szklener, born in 1972 in Kraków, completed his studies in musicology at the Jagiellonian University. In the years 1994-1995 he was a grant student of Exeter University in the UK, and from 1994 to 1997 of the Phare programme in London, Prague, Brno and Kraków. In the years 1992-1994 he was chair of the Scholarly Circle of Student Musicologists, from 1996 deputy editor-in-chief of Vivo, the music periodical of students and graduates of Warsaw Music Academy and the Institute of Musicology of Warsaw University, and vice-chair of the Koryfeusz association of young musicians and musicologists. He completed his studies in 1997 (master's thesis on Chopin's F minor Fantasy in the light of contemporary methods of analysis), receiving an MA with distinction. Since then he has taught at the Institute of Musicology of the Jagiellonian University. In 2008 he successfully defended his PhD thesis 'Idiom melodyki Chopina' [Chopin's melodic idiom]. Since 2001 he has been associated with the Fryderyk Chopin Institute in Warsaw as the research program coordinator and from January 2009 deputy director for research and publishing. He is editor of a series of scholarly publications arising from the annual international Chopin conferences in Warsaw and one of the initiators of the publishing series Works by Chopin. Facsimile Edition. His scholarly research is centred around the work of Fryderyk Chopin and methods of analysing tonal music.

  • Irena Poniatowska was born on 5th July 1933 in Góra Kalwaria near Warsaw. In 1957-62 she studied musicology at the Warsaw University. Since 1965, she has been working at the Institute of Musicology of the Warsaw University, going through all the stages of an academic career: assistant (1968), lecturer (1970), reader (1984), professor extraordinarius (1991) and ordinarius (1996). In 1970, she obtained a PhD for her dissertation The piano texture of Beethoven, written under the tutorship of Prof. Józef M. Chomiński. In 1983, she obtained a habilitation for her dissertation Piano music and playing in the 19th century. In 1974-9 she was deputy director of the Institute of Musicology. In 1988-2003 she was Head of the Music History Department at the same Institute. In 1986-90 and 1993-9 she was also vice-dean of the Department of History of the Warsaw University.

    During her 40 years of activity at the Institute of Musicology of the Warsaw University she has given lectures and seminars in music history from the Baroque to the 20th century. She has promoted 73 MAs and 8 PhDs, and has reviewed over 30 dissertations. In 1993-4 she was also visiting professor at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. She has been guest lecturer at other Polish universities and music academies (including the post-graduate cursus at the F. Chopin Music Academy in Warsaw), scientific societies, at the Third Age University, Polish Children's Found, and abroad at the universities of Mainz, Paris, La Châtre, Kyiv and New Delhi.

    Since 2001, she has chaired the Programme Board of the National Fryderyk Chopin Institute in Warsaw.

    Prof. Irena Poniatowska has written several books, including The Piano Texture of Beethoven (Warsaw 1972), A Chronicle of Musical Events in Poland, 1945-72 (Cracow 1974), Piano Music and Playing in the 19th Century (Warsaw 1991), History and Interpretation of Music. Research on the Music of the 17th, 18th and 19th Centuries (Cracow 1993), School Dictionary of Music (Warsaw 1991), and over 100 articles published in the leading music periodicals in Poland and abroad, entries in music encyclopedias (including Beethoven and Mozart for the PWM Music Encyclopedia), numerous reviews and popular articles. She is also the editor or co-editor of a number of cyclic musicological publications, including Chopin w kręgu przyjaciół [Chopin and His Friends, 6 vols. published to date], and interdisciplinary yearly Barok published by the Warsaw University since 1994. In 1962-72 she worked as an editor for Polish Scientific Publishers PWN, and in 1972-91 she was director of the 20th-century composers department of the PWM Music Encyclopedia. Since 1999, she has been member of the Editorial Board of Chopin in the World, yearly of the International Federation of

  • Chopin Societies. She has worked with the world's leading music encyclopedias, including Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart and The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. Among her major editorial achievements are the critical edition of Maria Szymanowska's 25 Mazurkas (Hildegard Publishing Company, 1993), the facsimile edition of Chopin's 24 Preludes Op. 28 with an introduction in Polish, French and English (Biblioteka Narodowa, Warsaw 1999), and a source edition of the Polonaise brillante Op. 4 for violin and piano by Henryk Wieniawski (Henryk Wieniawski Music Society, Poznań 2000).

    Irena Poniatowska's scientific output centres on piano playing, piano music and Fryderyk Chopin. Already her PhD dissertation The Piano Texture of Beethoven (1972) was an important contribution not only to Beethoven studies but to research on piano texture in general, looking at texture as a parameter of individual compositional style and form. Through her analysis of Beethoven's piano texture, Poniatowska has also suggested a new periodisation of his output (also outlined in the Beethoven entry of the PWM Music Encyclopedia). This analysis has been extended by linking it to other elements of musical composition.

    Poniatowska's next dissertation, Piano Music and Playing in the 19th Century (Warsaw 1991), was awarded with the Minister of National Education Prize in 1992. 19th-century music has been presented in a wide perspective, taking into account the development of the instrument itself (including the conditioning of the piano sound), pianistic technique (seen through contemporary theoretical works and the analysis of the major schools of piano playing), Romantic aesthetics, and the social dimension of piano music (with comprehensive discussion of salon and 'trivial' music).

    In her research on virtuosity and 19th-century piano music, an important role is played by Poniatowska's studies on the relationship between Chopin and Franz Liszt, including her reedition of Liszt's famous book on Chopin of 1852 (Paris 1990), preceded by a comprehensive introduction (co-written by Maria Poniatowska). In her other studies, she has focused on Johann Hummel, Muzio Clementi, Maria Szymanowska, Theodor Leschetizky, Ignacy J. Paderewski, Clara Wieck, Robert Schumann, Antoni Kątski and other leading figures of Polish and European piano music. Her publications have met with approval in Poland and abroad, and are continued by her students. As emphasised by the author, these studies take their beginning with the notion of 'real sound', formulated by Irena Poniatowska's tutor, Józef M. Chomiński.

    Also Poniatowska's wide interests - which are not limited to piano music - show the legacy of Chomiński's school. Among the major methodological and theoretical issues addressed in her writings are historicism (inspired by Carl Dahlhaus, Walter Wiora and other German musicologists), history (from Baroque to modernity), nationality versus tradition, and the reception of the musical work. The latter is addressed by Poniatowska from a wide interdisciplinary perspective, with regard to the works of Chopin, Beethoven, J. S. Bach, Schubert, Spohr and others.

    NIFC, December 2006


    Dia 23 d’octubre ales 21,30 h

    Duo Albert Díaz – Xavier Mut


    Albert Díaz was born in Palma (Mallorca), where he trained as a pianist under Emili Muriscot. He furthered his studies in Paris at the École Normale de Musique Alfred Cortot, under Nelson Delle-Vigne.

    He won First Prize for his year on graduating from the Conservatoire of the Balearic Islands, and was awarded First Prize, by unanimous vote, at the 5th International Piano Competition in Eivissa.

    He has taken piano lessons from renowned teachers such as Joaquín Achúcarro, Ian Hobson, Dominique Merlet, Boaz Sharon, Einar Steen-Nokleberg, Jacques Lagarde, Aldo Ciccolini, among others.

    He has given concerts i several important venues, as well as at prestigious festivals, among them the Auditorium and the Teatre Principal, both in Palma, Alfred Cortot Hall in Paris, the Centre de Cultura of Barcelona, the Gregorio Magno d’Assisi Hall, the Teatro Comunale d’Umbria (Italy), the Internacional F. Chopin Festival in Valldemossa, the Caserta Internacional Chopin Festival in Naples, as well as numerous concerts arround Spain, Italy, Belgium, and in Miami (USA), where he won an award from Miami Dade County, the Elebash Recital Hall in the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, and at the Accademia di Spagna in Rome. He has recently played at the Sede of United States in Ginebra (Swiss).

  • He has performed as a soloist with the Deutsch-Französisches Kammerorchester, with the Symphony Orchestra of the Balearic Islands, with the Kammerphilharmonie Baden-Würtemberg and with the Solistes de Mallorca Chamber Orchestra.

    He has recorded for RTV-Balears, for RNE, and for Catalunya Ràdio. He recorded one of the CDs in the complete piano duets by Chopin, which includes the first recordind of “Robert le Diable”, with the pianist Xavier Mut. He has recorded a CD with works for voice and piano by Spanish and Mallorcan composers with the soprano Isabel Rosselló. Recently he has recorded a CD with works for piano by the Mallorcan composer Romà Alís.

    In 2002 he has invited as assistand piano teacher by the École Normale Alfred Cortot in Paris.

    Albert Díaz at present teaches at the Higher Conservatoire of Music of Balearic Islands.


    Born in Palma in 1972, Xavier Mut began to study music at the age of seven under Joan Tudurí.

    He trained as a pianist under Albert Díaz and Emili Muriscot.

    In 1996 he graduated with honours from the Joaquín Rodrigo Conservatoire in Valencia, under the tutelage of Perfecto García Chornet.

    He furthered his studies in Paris, at the École Normale Alfred Cortot, under Nelson Delle-Vigne.

    Since 1999 he has been receiving musical guidance from the pianist Joan Moll.

    Xavier Mut has won twelve prizes in various national piano competitions, and Queen Sirikit of Thailand presented him with an honorary Medal.

    Since his debut as a concert pianist in 1990, he has performed in prestigious festivals and concert halls such as the National Auditorium of Bangkok, the Auditorium in Palma, the Palau de la Música in Valencia, the Auditorium in Santiago de Compostela, the Breton Theatre in Lugo, Ostrogski Castle in Warsaw, the Chopin Festival in Ghent (Belgium), the Chopin Festival in Gaming (Austria), the Chopin Festival in Valldemossa, the ONU Palace in Geneve, among others.

    He has also given private concerts for the Majesties of Thailand, and also for others personalities.

    He has also performed as a soloist with various orchestras, conducted by such renowned names as Philippe Bender, Robert Casteels, Salvador Brotons, Roberto Forés, among others.

  • Xavier Mut has recorded for RNE, National Television of Thailand, Polish radio and television, the Russian NTV, and several European radio stations, among them the BBC of London. He has recorded on CD the complete works for piano by the Mallorcan composer Antoni Noguera, the complete piano duets by Chopin with the pianist Albert Díaz and, on his latest CD, a selection of works by F. Chopin.

    Xavier Mut has taught at the Professional Conservatoire for Music and Dance in Palma and has taught piano technique and interpretation in Mallorca and in Thailand.

    At present he teaches at the Higher Conservatoire o Music of the Balearic Islands.



    Short life, Spanish dance No. 1 and No.2 MANUEL DE FALLA


    Variations on a Prelude by F. Chopin, op. 223 ROMÀ ALÍS


    Conferencia i concert, dia 24 d’octubre

  • Miquel Estelrich i Serralta

    Nascut a Palma el 1965, és sens dubte un dels pianistes illencs més significatius. Inicià els estudis musicals al Conservatori de les Balears, on acabà amb el Primer Premi. Més tard cursà el grau superior al Conservatori Superior de Música de València. Els seus professors han estat Joan Moll, Bartomeu Jaume i Perfecto García Chornet. Ha rebut consells de Ramón Coll, Manuel Carra, Paul Badura Skoda, Emili Muriscot i Miquel Zanetti, entre d'altres.

    La seva intensa i variada activitat musical l’ha duit a actuar a nombrosos indrets d’Espanya i Europa. Ha tocat com a solista amb l'Orquestra Simfònica Ciutat de Palma, Orquestra Simfònica de Balears, a Alemanya amb l'Orquestra de Marburg i a França amb l’Orquestra de Cannes, etc.. Ha actuat a diversos indrets d'Espanya, com al Palau de la Música de València, al Festival Chopin de Valldemossa, Santander, Zaragoza, Madrid, Barcelona, Itàlia etc.... Ha realitzat enregistraments per a RNE, TVE, Catalunya Música i per a televisions estrangeres (Alemanya, França, Japó, Anglaterra, Estats Units,etc).

    És un dels pianistes que més han destacat en la recuperació i difusió a l'obra dels compositors de les Illes; així, el 1987, rep el Premi Nacional del Ministeri de Cultura pel llibre Compositors Mallorquins, àlbum per a piano. Ha estrenat obres de diversos compositors i ha enregistrat i editat obres per a piano i per a veu i piano de Jaume Mas Porcel entre d’altres compositors. Recentment ha enregistrat la Suite Mallorca de Baltasar Samper amb l’Orquestra Simfònica de Joves Intèrprets dels Països Catalans i el Nocturn per a piano i orquestra de Jaume Mas Porcel amb l’Orquestra Simfònica de Balears. Es fundador del Trio de Mallorca.

    En el camp de la docència cal destacar que és Cap del departament de piano, professor titular de piano i fundador del Conservatori Superior de Música de les Illes Balears, del que n’ha estat Director (2001- 2006). Ha estat, professor titular i director del Conservatori Professional de Música i Dansa de les Illes Balears (1993-1997).

    Es doctor per la Universitat de les Illes Balears

  • Ha estat convidat per impartir cursos d'interpretació i, també es convidat habitualment a formar part de jurats de concursos nacionals i internacionals de piano.

    Dins el camp de la divulgació musical ha estat assessor musical de T.V.E. Ha col·laborat amb nombroses institucions musicals de les Illes com a Joventuts Musicals de Palma, Comissió musical assessora de l’Orquestra Ciutat de Palma, Comissió musical de l’Orquestra Simfònica de Balears , Jove Orquestra de les Illes Balears, Premis Art Jove del Govern Balear, Concurs Antoni Torrandell, Cursos internacionals de música de Santanyí, Festivals Chopin de Valldemossa, Fundació Teatre Principal, ACA, etc.

    És pianista de l’Orquestra Simfònica de les Illes Balears des de la seva fundació el 1989.



    JAUME MAS PORCEL (1909 – 1993)


    Homenatge a Ravel (1937)

    Préambule Sérénade Menuet

    Pastourelle en rondeau

    Sonatines (selecció)

    Sonatina de maig Sonatina blues

    Sonatina de bressol Sonatina blanca

    Sonatina esportiva

    Météores (1935)

    ..........pour une fillette très ingénue

  • ..........pour une dame élégante ..........pour un joyeux nouveau né ..........pour une femme optimiste ..........pour un philosophe kantien ..........pour une hirondelle ignorée

    ..........pour un champion de natation

    Deu sintonies

    Andantino, Semplice, Allegretto grazioso, Molt poc a poc, Molto moderato, Molto andante, Andante mosso, Andantino calmo, Trist,

    In modo popolare.
