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Conexion Digital Nmero 549 Edicin 27 de Diciembre de 2009

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CONEXION DIGITAL Número 549 Edición 27 de Diciembre de 2009 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMARIO 1. EDITORIAL 2. SERVICIOS Y PRODUCTOS DEL GRUPO RADIOESCUCHA ARGENTINO 3. POR TODOS LOS MEDIOS EN LA ONDA MEDIA 4. SINTONIZANDO EL DIAL 5. APARTADO QSL 6. ABORDAJE DEL DIAL / REPORTE CLANDESTINO 7. SIN FRONTERAS 8. CONTACTO VHF 9. UTILITARIAS 10. MISCELANEAS 11. LA PROPAGACION 12. FOR READERS IN ENGLISH 13. COLABORADORES Y FUENTES 14. REVISTA CONEXION GRA 15. SUSCRIPCION CONEXION DIGITAL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. EDITORIAL Otro año termina. Y ya llegamos al último boletín electrónico de 2009. Aprovechamos estas breves líneas editoriales para desear a todos Uds. un Próspero 2010. Felicidades. La Rosa de Tokyo, el programa semanal de DX y medios de comunicación irradiado a través de LS11 Radio Provincia de Buenos Aires (AM1270 Khz; www.amprovincia.com.ar y una importante red de emisoras de frecuencia modulada, amplitud modulada y onda corta de la Argentina y el resto del mundo) En el programa del día 26 de Diciembre de 2009 podremos escuchar una larga entrevista realizada a Tindaro Muscará, quien actualmente realiza un programa por AM1290 Radio Murialdo y que tiene una vasta trayectoria en medios de comunicación. Muscará nos hablará de su pasado en la mítica KGEI-La Voz de la Amistad y del programa “Diexismo Internacional al día”, que lo hizo conocido en la comunidad diexista. No se pierdan los registros sonoros históricos con los cuales se "ilustrará" el programa. La Rosa de Tokyo se irradia los sábados desde las 0900 hasta las 1000 hora de la Argentina (1200 a 1300 horas UTC).- En caso de querer escuchar el programa en
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Número 549 Edición 27 de Diciembre de 2009 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMARIO 1. EDITORIAL 2. SERVICIOS Y PRODUCTOS DEL GRUPO RADIOESCUCHA ARGENTINO 3. POR TODOS LOS MEDIOS EN LA ONDA MEDIA 4. SINTONIZANDO EL DIAL 5. APARTADO QSL 6. ABORDAJE DEL DIAL / REPORTE CLANDESTINO 7. SIN FRONTERAS 8. CONTACTO VHF 9. UTILITARIAS 10. MISCELANEAS 11. LA PROPAGACION 12. FOR READERS IN ENGLISH 13. COLABORADORES Y FUENTES 14. REVISTA CONEXION GRA 15. SUSCRIPCION CONEXION DIGITAL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. EDITORIAL Otro año termina. Y ya llegamos al último boletín electrónico de 2009. Aprovechamos estas breves líneas editoriales para desear a todos Uds. un Próspero 2010. Felicidades. La Rosa de Tokyo, el programa semanal de DX y medios de comunicación irradiado a través de LS11 Radio Provincia de Buenos Aires (AM1270 Khz; www.amprovincia.com.ar y una importante red de emisoras de frecuencia modulada, amplitud modulada y onda corta de la Argentina y el resto del mundo) En el programa del día 26 de Diciembre de 2009 podremos escuchar una larga entrevista realizada a Tindaro Muscará, quien actualmente realiza un programa por AM1290 Radio Murialdo y que tiene una vasta trayectoria en medios de comunicación. Muscará nos hablará de su pasado en la mítica KGEI-La Voz de la Amistad y del programa “Diexismo Internacional al día”, que lo hizo conocido en la comunidad diexista. No se pierdan los registros sonoros históricos con los cuales se "ilustrará" el programa. La Rosa de Tokyo se irradia los sábados desde las 0900 hasta las 1000 hora de la Argentina (1200 a 1300 horas UTC).- En caso de querer escuchar el programa en

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cualquier momento pueden visitar la excelente página programas DX en http://programasdx.com/larosadetokio.htm Omar Somma y Arnaldo Slaen Un cordial saludo del staff editor 73 Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital: [email protected] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. SERVICIOS Y PRODUCTOS DEL GRUPO RADIOESCUCHA ARGENTINA LA REVISTA CONEXION GRA Nuestra publicación gráfica denominada "Conexión GRA" es editada seis (6) veces al año por el Grupo Radioescucha Argentino, y contiene información vinculada al mundo del diexismo y las comunicaciones en general. El boletín se edita cada dos (2) meses y tenemos prevista la aparición de cada ejemplar durante la tercera semana de los meses de febrero, abril, junio, agosto, cctubre y diciembre de cada año.- SUSCRIPCION: Los valores de las suscripciones simples, dobles y triples son las siguientes: A partir del 1º de Noviembre de 2009, los valores de las suscripciones simples, dobles y triples para aquellos interesados en recibir nuestra publicación gráfica “Conexión GRA” son los siguientes: ARGENTINA: Ejemplares Simple Doble Triple 3 Números $ 20 $ 35 $ 50 6 Números $ 40 $ 70 $ 100 PAISES LIMITROFES: Ejemplares Simple Doble Triple 3 Números US$ 10 US$ 16 US$ 20 6 Números US$ 18 US$ 28 US$ 32 RESTO DE AMERICA: Ejemplares Simple Doble Triple 3 Números US$ 11 US$ 17 US$ 21 6 Números US$ 21 US$ 32 US$ 36 RESTO DEL MUNDO:

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Ejemplares Simple Doble Triple 3 Números US$ 17 US$ 22 US$ 28 6 Números US$ 30 US$ 35 US$ 42 Quien desee solicitar suscripciones dobles o triples deberá manifestarlo expresamente al enviar su pago, pudiendo figurar el nombre de 2 o 3 personas como socios, quienes recibirán el envío en la dirección postal que se indique.- FORMA DE PAGO: El pago de la suscripción podrá efectuarse de la siguiente manera: En efectivo, para la Argentina en Pesos, y para el exterior en Dólares Estadounidenses. Se aceptan giros postales nacionales e internacionales, que deberán ser emitidos a nombre de Marcelo Aníbal Cornachioni y serán enviados a la dirección postal de Conexión GRA exclusivamente (Alvarez Thomas 248, B1832DNF Lomas de Zamora, Argentina). En estampillas, para los lectores de la Argentina, sin uso y preferentemente de $ 1,00 o $ 2,00, correspondientes al CORREO ARGENTINO únicamente. No se aceptarán sellos postales de otros correos privados que funcionan en el país. Pagos en IRC (Cupones de Respuesta Internacional): Se aceptan los cupones equivalentes al valor indicado en US$ para todas las suscripciones al exterior. Los IRC se venden y se canjean en las oficinas de correo y deben contener el sello de la misma (legible) en su parte izquierda o central, de otra manera no son válidos. No se aceptan IRC con matasellos argentino. Depósitos en Cuenta Bancaria: Disponemos de la Caja de Ahorro en Pesos Nro. 323 704733/8 perteneciente al BBVA Banco Francés (CBU: 01703236 40000070473386), cuya titularidad se encuentra a nombre de Marcelo Aníbal Cornachioni, donde los lectores de Argentina podrán depositar el dinero de la suscripción. Rogamos nos hagan saber por carta o e mail, la fecha y monto depositado a fin de imputarlo a su cuota social. EJEMPLARES DE CORTESIA: Si desea un ejemplar gratuito del boletín "Conexión GRA", no tiene más que solicitárnoslo y a vuelta de correo le enviaremos el último número editado. Para ello debe remitirnos una carta mencionando su nombre y dirección postal, adjuntando una estampilla de $4 (para residentes en la Argentina), o bien 2 IRCs (para residentes en el exterior) , a fin de solventar los gastos del envío postal. CONTACTO: Las cartas, colaboraciones y suscripciones para "Conexion GRA", deberán ser remitidas a la siguiente dirección: Postal: Conexión GRA c/o Marcelo Aníbal Cornachioni Alvarez Thomas 248 (B1832DNF) Lomas de Zamora Buenos Aires - Argentina E Mail: [email protected]ágina Web: www.conexiongra.com.ar

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Teléfono: +54 (011) 4245-5697 (De 21:00 a 23:00 Hs LU) SERVICIOS Y PRODUCTOS DEL GRA Queremos compartir con ustedes otros productos del GRA: Disponemos por fotocopiado de una serie de folletos y material sobre diexismo y temas de radio. Salvo cuando se aclara, todo es en español. Cada pedido de fotocopias deberá hacerse por escrito, indicándose el número y tema requerido. Para abonar este servicio se debe tener en cuenta el precio de cada copia ($ 0,15), el valor del sobre tipo oficio ($ 0,50), y el costo del envío postal, el cual varia de acuerdo al peso de las copias solicitadas y el destinatario. Sugerimos consultar por vía postal o e-mail acerca de estas condiciones antes de efectuar un pago. Los temas a disposición de nuestros socios son: Nº 001: Diexismo de TV y FM. Curso de Radio Nederland. (23 fcts) Nº 002: La Recepción de Ondas Cortas, de la Deutsche Welle. Contenidos generales sobre todo el hobby. Muy recomendable para principiantes (10 ftcs) Nº 003: Diseños de Antenas de OC y Montajes Técnicos. Folletos en inglés de Deutsche Welle y RSA. (25 ftcs) Nº 004: DX AM, FM, TV y Tropicales. Selección de artículos aparecidos en CXN. (13 ftcs) Nº 005: Receiver Shopping List. Manual en inglés de Radio Nederland que reseña con datos, comentarios y fotos a la mayoría de los receptores de onda corta en el mercado. Edición 1993. (37 ftcs) Nº 006: Bibliografía sobre Antenas. Teoría y diseños varios sobre distintos tipos de antenas para OC. (54 ftcs) Nº 007: Casi Todo en Diexismo. Curso de Radio Nederland sobre conceptos básicos sobre el hobby. (28 ftcs) Nº 008: Propagacion de OC y Espectro de Radioondas. Cursos de Radio Nederland preparados por Jim Vastenhoud. (28 ftcs) Nº 009: 25 Simple Tropical and MW Band Aerials. 25 Diseños de antenas para DX tropical y de onda media. En ingles. (30 ftcs) Nº 010: MW Loop Compendium. Diseños de antenas para onda media, tanto para receptores de ferrite y de comunicaciones. En inglés. (25 ftcs) Nº 011: Modelos de Informes de Recepción. Modelos en Español, Inglés, Francés, Portugués, Alemán, Italiano, Indonesio y Dutch. (16 ftcs) Nº 012: Loop direccionales para OC. Artículo publicado en el WRTH'90. Antenas para radios tipo portátil. En inglés. (4 ftcs) Nº 013: Uso de Balun. Aplicable para antenas multibanda y supresión de ruidos locales y atmosféricos. En inglés. (9 ftcs) Nº 014: Catálogo "Practical Wireless". Indice de infinidad de diseños de antenas de todo tipo y bandas, sintonizadores, filtros, etc. Con el catálogo podrán pedir luego lo que desean. (9 ftcs). Todos los artículos de la revista "Practical Wireless" suman 230 ftcs.

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Asimismo contamos con las siguientes publicaciones digitales que serán enviadas por e-mail a quien lo solicite: D-01: Lista de Emisoras Tropicales del GRA. Con datos de emisoras de OC comprendidas entre 2310-7800 KHz. ($ 25,00) D-02: Lista de Emisoras de Onda Media Argentinas. Completo directorio de emisoras conteniendo todos los datos conocidos de c/u de ellas. ($ 10,00) D-03: Directorio de Emisoras de Onda Corta. Direcciones postales de estaciones de OC, incluyendo E-mail y página Web, cuando estos datos son conocidos; la cual es actualizada permanentemente. ($ 10,00) [Grupo Editor] Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital: [email protected] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. POR TODOS LOS MEDIOS EN LA ONDA MEDIA por Rubén Guillermo Margenet [email protected]

[email protected]

*Los horarios corresponden al Tiempo Universal Coordinado (UTC). ESCUCHAS DESDE AMERICA Captaciones e informaciones de Rudolf W. Grimm, Sao Bernardo, SP, Brasil “A Jovem Pan 620 SP está fora do ar, pelo motivo já informado antes: festejos de Natal de seus funcionários. Deverá ser assim por 6 horas, até às 6 da manhã de 25.12. Abre caminho para uma pesquisa nas horas seguintes sobre o que ela habitualmente ela cobre quando está no ar. Em 780, o IBOC da CBN SP está um tanto esquisito. O invés dos canais inferior e superior estarem ‘colados’ com a freqüência principal, hoje está havendo uma lacuna entre estes e os 780 kHz: O inferior estranhamente ocupa de 765 a 770 kHz, e o superior, de 790 a 795 kHz. Normalmente, ocupam respectivamente 775 a 780 e 780 a 785 kHz. A Cultura Brasil SP 1200 kHz está com o IBOC ‘perneta’. A emissora está no ar, porém o canal inferior do IBOC está desativado, ficando com o segmento superior do IBOC de 1207 a 1215 kHz (estranhamente). Vai entender esse padrão técnico das emissoras usuárias de IBOC. A Bandeirantes SP 840 é a mais exagerada. Está no ar, e o IBOC dela vai linearmente de 825 a 855 kHz. Portanto, ocupa nada menos que 30 kHz do espectro. Come literalmente 15 kHz de cada lado. Em suma, até agora, meia noite e 17, só a JP fora do ar. Talvez à uma da manhã mais alguma desative o seu transmissor.”

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620 CUBA (t): R. Rebelde, Colón, SS, 25/12 0247. Canção em ritmo cubano. Locução por OM em estilo de discurso político, enfatizando: ‘... nuestra vida em tierras cubanas, ... la luta de nuestros compatriotas,...’, entrevista por telefone com YL, esta mencionou: ‘... nuestros amigos en Cuba...’, 34433 (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP). --> ‘Tent.’ porque a locução segue direto sem identificação. Às 0304 segue uma apuração de uma eleição realizada, sem menção alguma até então aos festejos natalinos.

Continuo explorando o canal 620 kHz, e percebi há meia hora que em certos momentos a Eldorado SP (700 kHz), chegava nos 620 kHz para interferir na pesquisa dos sinais da emissora argentina e cubana que estavam na mira. De início, uma dedução de que poderia se tratar de um espelho direto dos 700 kHz, haja visto que a antena da Eldorado 700 não fica a mais de uns 20 km em linha reta de onde estou. Só que checando em // os 620 kHz com os 700 kHz, há um delay de sinal de exatos 20 segundos! Não é espelhamento da geradora nos 700 kHz, e sim uma emissora que retransmite a Eldorado 700 kHz e o delay dos 20 segundos fica por conta do uplink e downlink no uso de algum dos satélites em uso no processo de transmissão do sinal. Só que não encontro nenhuma referencia no site da Eldorado quanto aos 620 kHz estarem em link de algum lugar do Brasil com os 700 kHz da geradora. Preciso de uma ajuda dos nossos colegas que porventura conheçam alguma referencia sobre alguma emissora que atue nos 620 kHz estar em link com a Rede Eldorado de Rádio, e que os dados pesquisados até aqui na Internet encontram-se desatualizados. Rx: Sony ICF2001D Ant.: Loopstick GE (ondas médias) Compl.: Amplif de RF DXCB V1 Captaciones de Bogdan Auriel Chiochiu, desde Pierrefonds, Canada

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North American DX 1310 WORC Worchester, MA "Power Trece-Diez" DEC 12 1940 EST - man announcing in Spanish they have the best salsa, merengue, bachata, raeggetón and Freestyle classics (Latin Freestyle Dance Music - Bogdan) of all the time and to come up and party at a nightclub playing the same type of music as on "Power Trece-Diez". Heard while driving toward a help center for becoming a radio jock and overpowering semi-local CIWW in Ottawa, ON. I think CIWW is using their required nighttime pattern, while WORC Massachussets is sending out their 1 kW daytime power instead of their nighttime power which is a lot LESS than 1 kW and which would sent less signal our way and less signal in the way of CIWW too ! (BC-QC) 1340 unID "WSPJ Storm Center forecast" DEC 21 1540 EST - Heard several call IDs as "WSPJ", but Google makes something on 1400 as WSPG or WSPJ and nothing on 1340. QRMing semi-local WIRY in Plattsburg, NY as the local "graveyarders" are starting to make this frequency a real mess. Any ideas ? I think the minute I will have an AM Stereo receiver I will give North American short-haul domestic DX more attention, as I'm YET to hear FOR REAL something in Stereo on a broadcast band other than the FM one (ultrashortwaves in Romanian or "unde ultrascurte") ! WSTJ St. Johnsbury, VT ? Where are they located ? Are they further than Newport, Burlington or Montpellier for a real not-that-short-skip DX challenge ? Ore are they another run of the mil catche ? Maybe they are in the Rutland area which would be NICE ! (BC-QC) 1340 WSTJ St. Johnsbury, VT DEC 21 1553 EST - finally IDed. NEW ! Wow ! It's been a long time since I gave up on North American short-skip DXing, but hearing endlessly the same TAs and Latins is certainly making me want to try a new kind of DX, so here it is. This is perphaps my closest unheard ! (BC-QC) 106.7 local RADIO ENFANT (c.f. Kevin Redding) DEC 20 2120 EST - as I cameback from the movie theater, heard this one strong enough to knock out another country music pirate (according to Scott Fybush) with no sign of semi-local WIZN. A flea powered RADIO ENFANT (c.f. Kevin Redding) from a neaby school with kids saying poems about Xmas and talking endlessly about their own feelings related to Christmas... They played one song regarding a French legend dealing with the little mouse. Very strong around Le Marché Central area, but lost around the Saint-Laurent suburb to a C&W which was a true pirate ! Logged in car with a friend driver. (BC-car-QC) Trans-Atlantic DX 162 FRANCE France Inter, Allouis DEC 3 0740 UTC - News report regarding a weird bread that comes out of China and which has maked many French persons ill, the on that did eat it... Hope it didn't contained soya as it blocks a protein from reaching the human brain, though I understand soya is very good for the cows ! Good reception even with the Grundig G5 set for the AM Wide filter ! (Chiochiu-QC) 171 KALININGRAD Radio Rossi, Bolshakovo DEC 9 2340 UTC - some Slavic sounding vocals and Russian talk with a few words ending in "iski"... Caught on tape at least one "Radio Rossi" mention, so I finally succeded in nailing down these guys which along with Poland-225 make up for my furthest longwave DX. Very poor, but over Medi 1, which eventually rose to strength (though never better than a poor-fair level, I'm sure since Spetember or October they have done something wrong with their transmitter in Nador and / or with their modulation) around 2350 GMT with Radio Rossi completly faded out. NEW log and NEW country ! An electricity shortage at the time due to a heavy snowfall and, fortunatly, I had my

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battery powered Sangean ACS 818-CST along with the battery powered active PK LW Shielded Magnetic loop antenna ready ! (Chiochiu-QC) 177 GERMANY DeutschlandRadio Kultur, Oranienburg DEC 17 0520 UTC - Woman in German. Poor signal, but not that bad overall. Semi-regular over the past few weeks with a lack of geomagnetic conditions, but I don't expect to hear Germany-177 anytime soon with the increasing solar activity and the two big solar flares that would sooner or later produce something on Earth. (Chiochiu-QC) 183 GERMANY Europe 1, Felsberg DEC 9 2300 UTC - After a very short newscast, back to a psychology talkshow with a host named Caroline. One of the callers was a man whom wife ended the relationship with him abruptly and he lost his child. He couldn't have his child back, because he had a "casier judiciaire" behind him due to "délits mineurs". Sad ! Very good / huge with no buzz thanks to an electricity shortage, but some static scratches ! SINPO 45354 (Chiochiu-QC) 189 ICELAND Rikisútvarpid, Gufuskalar DEC 19 0034 UTC - Man announcer taking phone calls requests from his listeners... One of them asked for Pink Floyd, but before Pink Floyd, there was the "Look At Your First" title track from the 1971 URIAH HEEP's awesome prog album... Jammed with an annoying sound shortly before 0100 GMT (2000 Eastern Standard Time) by the awful buzz as described above, but still hanging in with an unlistenable jammed sound... Excellent on the Grundig G5 ULR / PK LW loop combo and poor but listenable on the Sangean ACS 818-CST barefoot ! On the G5 ultralight barefoot, however, they were harmed by a fairly strong mixing product from 50 kW northeastern clears... The G5 is more sensitive than my Sangean on LW, but has also a much weaker dynamic range, as far as overload goes ! (Chiochiu-QC) 198 ENGLAND BBC Radio 4, Droitwhich NOV 23 2350 UTC - with an item about the Old Soviet Union. Good. Apparently the little buzz that disturbed the BBC reception on this channel has moved up the band toward 207 kHz. I certainly miss it, since I can't wait logging Ourlaou, Algeria which is also on 198 and would be an excellent longwave Trans-Atlantic catche ! (Chiochiu-QC) 225 POLAND Polski Radio 1, Solec Kujawski DEC 19 0025 UTC - played what sounded like a Xmas-related reggae vocal. Initially somewhere between a poor and a fair level and slowly, BUT COMPLETELY completly faded out a few minutes later. Best reception this season of Poland on longwave ! (Chiochiu-QC) 234 LUXEMBOURG RTL, Beidweler DEC 9 0014 - Rock music... Poor through a few NDBs (non directional beacons). SINPO 22331. Usually this one is blanketed by a WiFi malicious signal, but this time around it was audible thanks to the electricity shortage ! (Chiochiu-QC) 252 ALGERIA Alger Chaîne 3 DEC 6 0302 UTC - Koran chanting by a male, followed by the beginning of their French language morning show. Good and over Ireland with minimal splatter from local non directionnal beacon UL on 248 kHz. (Chiochiu-QC) 612 MOROCCO RTM, Sebaa-Aioun DEC 19 2302 (tentative) - Tentatively them with a fair-strength TA het on the high-side of megapest CHNC-610. Too much CHNC splatter to get ANY audio. Unfortunatly, they don't seem to know when to unplug their mediumwave transmitter in order to allow adjacent channel Morocco to get through ! That being said, the rising solar activity probably won't allow our dearly ionosphere to skip through the ever-normal "mid-winter anomaly" either which harms east-west Trans-Atlantic paths. (Chiochiu-QC)

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1341 unID DEC 21 2100 UTC - a het briefly disturbed reception of the WSYR/WSTG/WMSA/others big graveyard mix, most likely a Trans Atlantic heterodyne and possibly Northern Ireland (if active). Heard on the Sanyo MCD-S830 / PK AM loop combo ! (Chiochiu-QC) 9575 MOROCCO Médi Un, Nador DEC 16 0840 UTC - Fair-good, with heavy distorted audio, with news. I think that while 171 is undermodulated, 9575 is overmodulated, not necessarily causing as much pain to my ears as the buzz tonight, but certainly making the sound very low-FI. SINPO 35542. (Chiochiu-QC) 9935 GREECE R.S. Makedonias Avlis DEC 5 1420 UTC - Fairly good reception with a few slops from adjacent channel powerhouses, playing contemporary Europops and Eurotrance and man with comments in an unknown indo-European language. SINPO 34343 (Chiochiu-QC) 9580 GABON Africa Numéro Un, Moyabi DEC 5 2132 UTC - start of the Africadanse program of contemporary African tropical grooves at an excellent level with minor choppy fadings. SINPO 55544. Better than usually here, especially at such a late time, perphaps due to a short run of solar activity on late November which still improoved shortwave reception above 9000 kHz during the first days of December ! (Chiochiu-QC) Pan-American DX 550 VENEZUELA YVKE, Mundial, Caracas, DF DEC 20 0632 UTC - Px of trad YV mx w/ W host that announced an UN SOLO PUEBLO song was about to begin which is exactly what happened. Played an even mixture of joropos and gaitas. Very good at times, but with flutter due to slightly weaker domestics coming in behind at the same time (mostly WEVD and the Rhode Island Disney station). SINPO 43523-2. (Chiochiu-QC) 555 ST KITTS ZIZ, Basseterre DEC 21 0856 UTC - Dude taking call from his listeners and talking with them. He talked with one of them about global cooling saying the temperatures will drop from 20 to 17, to 15, to 10 and then to 7 ! Very interesting chatter... The break in the chatter was used to insert some gospel and calypso mx selections, included a Xmas-related calypso. Huge signal, mostly in, with a nice and clean good signal strength. SINPO 44534 (Chiochiu-QC) 570 CUBA CMDC, Radio Reloj, Pilón DEC 20 0502 UTC - clock ticks behind megapest WSYR and semi-regular WMCA. I didn't had the patience enough to wait for the RR morse code IDs though. SINPO 21522. Happily, I found a way to tune the PK passive AM loop in order to totally avoid the computer growl hammering the low-side of this channel. (Chiochiu-QC) 580 PUERTO RICO WKAQ, Radio Reloj, San Juan DEC 20 0503 UTC - a completly different format than the news/time station logged the previous minute on the previous channel. Heard with health issues px, about food and alcohol. Very strong, atop domestics. SINPO 44544. Semi-regular here. (Chiochiu-QC) 600 CUBA CMKV, Radio Rebelde, Urbano Norrís DEC 20 0511 - Cuban salsa dura slightly over WICC in CKAT (North Bay, ON) null, but mostly inaudible with WICC (Bridgeport, CT) overwhelmingly strong...and WICC is officially in C-Quam stereo, so since it is often stronger than co-channel Radio Rebelde, its C-quam signal might reach the Montreal area, who knows ? (Chiochiu-QC)

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610 CUBA CMAN, Radio Rebelde, Bahía Honda DEC 20 0511 - Cuban salsa music under WIP in null of megapest CHNC New Carlisle, Gaspésie, QC. Rare ! (Chiochiu-QC) 750 VENEZUELA YVKS, RCR, Caracas, DF DEC 21 2320 - Ad for a restaurant with chicken meals. Huge / very good, totally killing WSB Atlanta also on 750 AM ! (Chiochiu-QC) 760 COLOMBIA HJAJ, RCN Cadena Basíca, Barranquilla DEC 20 0248 UTC - Cumbia music sample, followed by a vallenato one, then the follow-up of an interview in Spanish. Good signal, but in a tricky null of megapest WJR in Detroit, MI and a slight amount of splatter from huge WABC-NYC on 770, but more out than in. SINPO 43522 (Chiochiu-QC) 780 VENEZUELA YVNM, Radio Coro, Coro, Falcón DEC 20 0628 UTC - an upbeat mainstream merengue song followed by station promos and a brand new canned ID. Fair with some local splatter from overmodulated CJAD-800. WABC-770 was splattering less than usual, even though it was local-like, maybe the structure of its signal was different. SINPO 34322. DEC 21 2249 UTC - fading up with transmitter-site sunset with canned ID "...señal de Radio Coro" then "El Burrito Sabanero" by Hugo Lopez which is a wild blend of tropical cumbia and traditionnal música llanera I've downloaded several years ago. Hugo Lopez was a Venezuelan harp genius, having learned perfectly to play that instrument the day he received it as a gift ! SINPO 33221, but my earliest reception of them ! One of my dreams and favorite hobbies-whithin-a-hobby is/was to hear early fade-ins of Latins or Caribbean signals in the 4PM to 6PM time slot during the winter when sunset is slightly BEFORE 6PM in order to enjoy some highly intriguing challenge ! isn't working right now, so mediumwave DXing is the only way to get in touch with this Venezuelan station. (Chiochiu-QC) 910 VENEZUELA YVRQ, RQ-910, Caracas, DF DEC 20 0644 UTC - another one playing música llanera and something I haven't listened to in a big while. Poor, but nice signal, nevertheless and quite clear... SINPO 25532. The Connecticut tropical CHR Spanish station "La Mega" seems to have learned to drop power at sunset, as required by the Federal Communications Commission. No sign of Cuba either, which is dominant on 910 usually (playing cha-cha-cha when propagating here) when and while WTAG La Mega respects his nighttime power pattern. (Chiochiu-QC) ESCUCHAS DESDE EL RESTO DEL MUNDO Captaciones de Roberto Pavanello, desde Italia 603 16/12 21.20 Oldie Star - Berlino Tedesco Id e MX buono 1026 19/12 16.20 IRIB - Tabriz Farsi talk OM suff. 1269 14/12 22.58 COPE - Ciudad Real SS pubblicità locale buono 1654 20/12 00.10 R. Santana - ?? Dutch ID e MX buono Captaciones de Carlos L. R de Goncalvez, desde Portugal TANZANIA 1377 R.Free Africa, Mwanza, 2310-2318, 18 Dec, Swahili, Afr. pops; 32431, QRM de F+ARM.

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NOTICIAS DE RADIO PERU Alfredo Cañote, desde Lima, informa que: “n los 700 Khz desde el jueves último ya NO existe R-700, ahora está una estación religiosa llamada Radio Integridad. Mayor info, la cual estoy esperando desde ese día, la compartiré inmediatamente con Ustedes” DXSPACEMASTER ALFREDO BENJAMIN CAÑOTE BUENO Lima Perú TELF: 51-1-99958-6329 (13:00 - 01:00 UTC) RADIOS : ICOM IC-R71A GRUNDIG YB400 SONY ICF-7600DS REALISTIC DX-440 ANTENNAS: SW: RADIO SHACK 20-181 MW: CPDS-1 QUAD NOISE CANCELLER: JPS ANC-4

Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital: [email protected] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. SINTONIZANDO EL DIAL por Miguel Castellino [email protected] *Los horarios corresponden al Tiempo Universal Coordinado (UTC). ESCUCHAS DESDE AMERICA Captaciones de Rafael Rodriguez R., desde Colombia Siendo las 1645 UTC con una aceptable señal y predicacion en ingles la emisora WJHR Radio International por los 15.550 KHz USB Rafael Rodriguez R. Bogota D.C. - COLOMBIA Captaciones de Rudolf W. Grimm, Sao Bernardo, SP, Brasil

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7125 GUINEA: R. Conakry, Conakry, FF, 20/12 2204, mx instrumental em ritmoafricano, em seguida OM: comentários, 35443 (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo

17745 PORTUGAL: Sudan Radio Service, via Sines, AA, 22/12 1615. OM/YL: talk, entrevista, mx africana (por pesquisa efetuada no EiBI e no BI News, não há outras referencias a não ser esta tx em AA até às 1700 UTC), 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP). Rx: SDR-IQ + MFJ1026, ant.: Horiz 20 m cordoalha. Captaciones de Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec, Embu, SP, Brasil 7255, Voice Of Nigeria, Ikorodu. December, 18 French 2126-2137 Hi life music, male on music, short music, 2135 male returning followed by Pop music. Strong co-channel QRM, 32532 (lob-B). 4010, Kirgizstan, Kirgyz Radio, Bishkek. December, 19 Kirgyz (listed) 0156-0207 slow two male talks with pauses. 25222 (lob-B). 7200, Sudan, R. Ondurman, Al Fitahab. December, 19 Arabic 0423 male "R. Ondurman", seems news program, many mentions of "Sudan", 0430 abrupt s/off. 34543 (lob-B). 6020, Peru, R Victoria, Lima. December, 19 Spanish 0741-0800 male talks seeming a Peru's news program, 0757 female "somos una nueva imagem en radio", male on music "R. Victoria". 23322 (lob-B). 7245, R.Mauritanie, Nouakchott. December, 19 Arabic 0801-0808 male talks, sometimes eloquent, on Arabic music. Clear, 24433 (lob-B). 9635, R. Mali (tentative), Bamako. December, 19 Vernacular 0811-0821 male talks. 33533 (lob-B). 9765, R. New Zealand International, Rangitaiki. December, 19 0822-0831 old Christmas music, followed by, seems a Christmas story drama. Good, 34544 (lob-B). Embu SP Brasil - Sony ICF SW40 - dipole 18m, 32m.

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Captaciones de Dave Valko, desde Estados Unidos Captaciones de Chuck Bolland, desde Estados Unidos Bolivia, 5952.46, Emisoras Pio XII, 2342-2359, Noted a very weak signal here with a male in Spanish language comments. Both splatter and noise causing the signal problems. As I listen, I get the impression I am listening to a drama of some kind because a female is heard commenting too. AS mentioned the signal was very weak and threshold with splatter from WYFR. (Chuck Bolland, December 17, 2009) Watkins Johnson HF1000 26.27N 081.05W Captaciones de Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, FL, Estados Unidos 4800 Mexico XERTA, strong at 2251 with om ballad en espanol; gone at recheck 2305. Transmitter problems? 19 December Sixty Band seems open to Latin America at this time. Brasil, Bolivia and Peru noted Pompano Beach, Florida Drake R 8, IcomSony 2010XA noise reducing antenna 60 meter band dipole Captaciones de Arnaldo Slaen, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina ESCUCHAS DESDE EL RESTO DEL MUNDO Captaciones de Artem Prokhorov, desde Moscu, Rusia Captaciones de Manuel Mendez, desde Lugo, España Escuchas realizadas en Friol Grundig Satellit 500 y Sony ICF SW7600G Antena de cable, 10 metros, orienta WSW BRASIL 9504.9, Radio Record, Sao Paulo, 1004-1008, 18-12, portugués, comentario. Señal muy débil. 13221. (Méndez) 9565, Radio Tupi, Super Radio Deus e Amor, Curitiba, 1007-1012, 18-12, locutor, portugués, comentario religioso: "Igreja Deux e Amor". 24322. (Méndez) 11815, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 0930-1015, 18-12, locutor, noticias, identificación: "7 horas 31 minutos en Goiania, Radio Brasil

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Centra", a las 0937 noticias deportivas. Excelente señal. 45444. (Méndez) 11915, Radio Gaucha, Porto Alegre, 1012-1020, 18-12, locutor, locutora, comentarios y noticias: "Moi bon dia, 23º en Porto Alegre". 24322. (Méndez) COLOMBIA, 5910, Marfil Estereo, Lomalinda, 0918-1003, 18-12, locutor, comentarios, saludos a los oyentes, canciones latinoamericanas. 34333. (Méndez) DJIBOUTI, 4780, RTV Djibouti, Arta, 1612-1620, 18-12, canciones, vernáculo. 35433. (Méndez) GUINEA ECUATORIAL, 6250, Radio Nacional, Malabo, 1650,1705, 18-12, canciones navideñas españolas "villancicos" "Feliz Navidad", "El Tamborilero", canciones africanas, vernáculo. 34333. (Méndez) 15190, Radio Africa, 1348-1408, 18-10, locutor, locutora, comentario religioso, canciones religiosas, identificación: "Thank you for listening to Radio Africa", "Radio Africa, [email protected]". 34433. (Méndez) 34433. (Méndez) INDIA 4820, AIR Kolkata, 1615-1619, 18-12, música hidú, interferencia de Tibet en la misma frecuencia. 22222. (Méndez) 4895, AIR Kurseong, 1613-1615, 18-12, vernáculo, comentarios, locutor. 24322. (Méndez) 4910, AIR Jaipur, 1610-1613, 18-12, locutor, vernáculo, comentarios. (Méndez) 4920, AIR Chennai, 1608-1610, 18-12, música hindú. 23322. (Méndez) 4940, AIR Guwahati, 1606-1608, 18-12, locutor, comentarios, vernáculo. 35433. (Méndez) 5010, AIR Thiruvananthapuram, 1608-1620, 18-12, inglés, transmisión deportiva. 24322. (Méndez) MEXICO 4800, XERTA, Radio Transcontinental de América, México D. F., 0913-0945, 18-12, locutor, español, comentario religioso. 25422. (Méndez)

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6010, Radio Mil, México D. F., 0915-1003, 18-12, locutor, locutora, comentarios, canciones latinoamericanas, identificación: "Radio Mil, en donde vive la música", "Radio Mil", anuncio de programas: "Inicia el día a las 5 de la mañana en Radio Mil", "Radio Mil", canción española "Bailar pegados" de Sergio Dalma. A las 0946: "Las tres y cuarenta y seis, vive México en Radio Mil". A las 1003 la señal ya se vuelve muy débil y comienza a desaparecer. 24322. (Méndez) 6185, Radio Educación, México D. F. 0922-1012, 18-12, música clásica, identificación a las 1005: "Radio Educación, 1080 AM, 6185 kHz, banda internacional de 49 metros", anuncio de programas, "Radio Educación". 34433. (Méndez) PERU, 4790.1, Radio Visión, Chiclayo, 0916-0933, 18-12, comentario religioso en español. Señal muy débil. 14321. (Méndez) Captaciones de Roberto Pavanello, desde Italia 4790 19/12 05.00 R. Vision - Chiclayo SS predica suff. 4805 19/12 23.30 R. Dif. Amazonas - Manaus PP talk OM suff. 4865 19/12 23.35 R. Alvorada - Londrina PP predica suff. 4885 19/12 05.05 R. Clube do Parà - Belem PP MX buono 4915 19/12 05.10 R. Difusora - Macapà PP MX buono 4925 19/12 23.40 R. Educ. Rural - Tefè PP talki OM suff. 5035 19/12 05.15 R. Aparecida - PP gospel buono 5045 19/12 05.20 R. Cultura do Parà - Belem PP MX buono 7465 18/12 21.30 WWCR - Nashville EE World of Radio suff. 9505 19/12 23.10 R. Record - Sao Paulo PP MX buono 9675 19/12 23.15 R. Cancao Nova - Cachoeira Paulista PP predica buono 9720 19/12 23.45 R. Victoria - Lima SS predica buono

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11815 17/12 20.50 R. Brasil Central - Goiania PP MX buono 11925 18/12 21.00 R. Bandeirantes - Sao Paulo PP NX buono Captaciones de Mauro Giroletti, desde Italia 21/12/2009 2114 3815 KNR ,Tasiilaq USB GRL SUFF px mx // 22.00utc nx in Danish 21/12/2009 2058 11815 R Gaùcha , Porto Alegre B SUFF px locale Mauro 21/12/2009 2056 11925 R Bandeirantes , Sao Paolo B SUFF px mx + pub+id 21/12/2009 2053 11815 R Brasil Central, Goiania B 444 px mx // 4985 khz 21/12/2009 2048 5035 R Aparecida , Aparecida B 333 px mx //9630khz 21/12/2009 2023 2325 VL8T Tennant Creek AUS SUFF Px relay ABC //2310khz VL8A-2485khz VL8K - Mauro - -Swl 1510- -IK2GFT- -JRC525Nrd - Lowe HF150- Filter PAR Electronics – BCST-LPF + BCST-HPF -Eavesdropper SWL Sloper 11mt to 120mt Band- Loop LFL1010 -Lat. 45.42166° Long. 9.1248° -Locator grid. Jn 45 Nk- Captaciones de Carlos L. R de Goncalvez, desde Portugal BOLIVIA 4409.8 R.Eco, Reyes, 2252-..., 18 Dec, Castilian, talks; 15331. 4716.5 R.Yatun Ayllu Yura,Yura, 2244-2259, 18 Dec, Quec~hua, Indian tunes & songs; 35422. BRAZIL 4805 R.Difª do Amazonas, Manaus AM, 2238-2252, 18 Dec, news magazine, light music & songs; 35433. 4885 R.Club do Pará, Belém PA, 1932-..., 19 Dec, infos. on Pará, songs; 33442, adj. uty. QRM, but rapidly mproving to 45444. 4985 R.Brasil Central, Goiânia GO, 2241-2258, 19 Dec, oldies music prgr, with both Brazilian & foreign performers (this started shortly after 2200); 45433; \\ 11815, a lot weaker & fluttery around 2230 though vy. good before & right after 2200. 6000 R.Guaíba, Ptº Alegre RS, 2218-2229, 19 Dec, f/ball news; 33432, adj. QRM. Still inaudible on \\ 11785. 6020 R.Gaúcha, Ptº Alegre RS, 2353-..., 19 Dec, talks; 23431. 6080 R.Novas de Paz, Curitiba PR, 2340-2349, 19 Dec, R.Marumby rlgs. progrs; 34432, QRM de CHN (p). 6090 R.Bandeirantes, São Paulo SP, 2342-..., 19 Dec, newscast; 32431, QRM de AIA. 6135 R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 2153-2208, 19 Dec, "Encontro DX", full ID & freq. announcement, TS and into the usual rlgs. propag. prgr "Com a Mãe Aparecida"; 55444; \\ 5035, 9630, 11855 all good.

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6185 R.Nacional da Amazónia, Parque do Rodeador DF, 2337-..., 19 Dec, music prgr; 54423, adj. QRM, best via LSB; \\ 11780 already vy. weak. 9675 R.Canção Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP, 1934-2005, 19 Dec, infos, songs, rosary at 2000; 34432, but vy. good at 2000, with no adj. QRM. Bad modulation. 9819.5 R. 9 de Julho, São Paulo SP, 2145-2158, 19 Dec, Portuguese music prgr "Caravela do Fado"; 33442, QRM de CHN 9820. 11855 R.Aparecida, 2148-2205, 19 Dec, cf. \\ 6135; 45444. 11915 R.Gaúcha, Ptº Alegre RS, 2201-2226, 19 Dec, newscast; 45444, superb signal. 11915 ditto, 1216-1240, 20 Dec, f/ball news, music; 35444, vy. good for this hr. 11925.2 R.Bandeirantes, 1215-1234, 20 Dec, f/ball news, advertisements; 34443, co-ch. QRM. CHINA 4750 Voice of China, Nanning, 1642-1656, 20 Dec, Mandarin, talks, mx; 25432; \\ 4460, 4800, 5030, all better. No sign of Bangladesh on this channel. 5240 Xizang PBS, Lhasa, Tibet, 1640-1657, 20 Dec, English, news about development in Tibet, light songs; 45433; \\ 4905, 4920, 6130, 7385. COLOMBIA 6010 La Voz de tu Conciencia, Lomalinda, 2220-2228, 19 Dec, Castilian, talks; 23431, QRM de CHN. DOMINICAL REP. 6025 R.Amanecer, Stº Domingo, 2346-..., 19 Dec, Castilian, phone-ins during some rlgs. propag. prgr; 34432, adj. QRM. EUROPirates 1565.2 UNID Greek, 1902-..., 19 Dec, Greek songs; 23431, adj. QRM. 1629 UNID Greek, 2308-..., 19 Dec, Greek songs; 45343. 6220 Mystery R, I, 1603-..., 20 Dec, English, pops; 45433. 6305 R.Malaisy, HOL, 1214-..., 20 Dec, Dutch, Du. songs, pops; 35433. 6399.85 World Music R, Scotland ?, 1207-..., 20 Dec, English, pops, chatter; 35433. 6415 R.Marconi, site?, 1209-..., pops; 35433. 6870 R.Playback International, I, 1212-..., 20 Dec, English, pops; 35433. INDIA 4800 AIR, Hyderabad, 1645-..., 20 Dec, Vernacular, Indian tunes; 22431, QRM de CHN; \\ 4920, 5010. 4810 AIR, Bhopal, 1709-1724, 20 Dec, Vernacular/English, local Indian music concert; 25432; \\ 4800, 5010.

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4920 AIR, Chennai, 1636-1706, 20 Dec, Vernacular, Indian tunes, English, talks on a local concert of Indian music; 34432, increasing QRM de CHN & some Greek pirate stn; \\ 4800, 5010. NEW ZEALAND 17675 R.NZi, Rangitaiki, 2206-2216, 19 Dec, Natl. R. prgrs; 24433 and deteriorating fast, adj. QRM de CHL 17680, vy. strong signal. PERU 3329.5 Ondas del Huallaga, Huánuco, 2231-2339, 19 Dec, Castilian, Indian songs; 13431, adj. uty. QRM. 4775 R.Tarma, Tarma, 2242-2255, 18 Dec, Castilian, the usual prgr about medicines, "enfermedades", mail reading about illnesses...; 34432, CODAR QRM. 4790 R.Visión, Chiclayo, 2240-2249, 18 Dec, Castilian, rlgs. propag. often mentioning "milagros" (miracles); 34432, CODAR QRM. 4835.42 R.Marañón, Jaaén, 2234-2244, 19 Dec, Castilian, talks; 14331,CODAR QRM. 4955 R.Cultural Amauta, Huanta, 2236-2249, 19 Dec, Castilian, children songs, refs. to some patron saint; 45333. 5120.4 Ondas del Suroriente, Quillabamba, 2240-2255, 19 Dec, Castilian, Indian pops; 35333. SWAZILAND 4760 TWR-Africa, Mpangela Ranch, 1648-1700*, 20 Dec, Portuguese + Vernaculars to Moçambique, talks; 25432.

Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital: [email protected] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. APARTADO QSL por Nicolas Eramo [email protected] BRASIL PY3PR, Paulo, Porto Alegre-RS, 7 MHz, CW.

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Já está na RadioWays. (Rudolf Grimm, PY2-81502 SWL GG66rg São Bernardo - SP BRASIL) CONEXION Digital: [email protected] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. ABORDAJE DEL DIAL / REPORTE CLANDESTINO por Gabriel Iván Barrera [email protected]

[email protected]

*Todos los horarios corresponden al Tiempo Universal Coordinado (UTC). PIRATAS *Europa 3932 khz, Radio Jan van Gent, 2250+, 19 Diciembre, px de mx en holandes, e-mail [email protected] (Roberto Pavanello, I) 5815 khz, Orion Radio, 0750+, 20 Diciembre, ingles, mx polka,rock, saludos por Navidad. 25432. (Silveri Gomez, E, via Play DX, 23/12/09) 6205 khz, Radio Borderhunter, 0930, 20 Diciembre, ID en ingles, mx, email [email protected] (Roberto Pavanello, I)

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6265 khz, Radio Geronimo, 0950, 20 Diciembre, px en ingles, ID, QTH: Postfach 101145, 99801 Eisenach, Alemania. (Roberto Pavanello, I) 6280 khz, Radio Davalon Int, 1000, 12 Diciembre, ID en ingles, QTH: Postfach 101145, 99801 Eisenach, Alemania. (Roberto Pavanello, I) 6310 khz, Delta Radio, 1005, 20 Diciembre, ID en ingles, mx, QTH: Postbus 65, 7260 AB Ruurlo, Holanda. (Roberto Pavanello, I)

*Norteamerica 5335.4 khz, AM, The Crystal Ship, 2200+, 20 Diciembre, escuchada minutos antes del cierre de transmisiones a 2202* emitiendo el himno nacional de la ex Union Sovietica por coro. SIO 242+. (George Zeller, USA, en DXplorer) 6925U khz, Radio Free Euphoria, 2203-2224*, 20 Diciembre, px dek Capitan Ganja con su px de Navidad. SIO 242. (George Zeller, USA, en DXplorer)

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-CLANDESTINAS COREA del NORTE 9950 khz, Radio Free Chosun (via Tashkent, UZB), 1200-1300, px en coreano, nueva frecuencia ex-12085 khz, en // 11560 khz (via Armenia). (Ivo Ivanov, BUL, via BCDX, via DX-Window 392)

SRI LANKA 6045 khz, LV de los Tigres, (via Wertachtal, D), *0000-0100*, 11 y 13 Diciembre, px en tamil, 55555. (Anker Petersen, DNK, en DX-Window 392)

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Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital: [email protected] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. SIN FRONTERAS por Marcelo Aníbal Cornachioni [email protected]

[email protected]

*Los horarios corresponden al Tiempo Universal Coordinado (UTC). RUMANIA El 1 de noviembre de 1928 poco tiempo despues de ser inventado este nuevo tipo de comunicacion, la Radio Pública Rumana lanza por primera vez su señal al aire. Sin embargo la primera transimisión en rumano tuvo lugar un año antes. Los espcialistas del Instituto Electrotécnico realizaron con aquel motivo en el laboratorio de esta escuela el primer emisor rumano con potencia de 200 watios... Los rumanos conocían el aparato de radio al que nombraron al principio la caja hablante o la jaula hermetica, dodne podían escuchar los programas de emisoras del extranjero. A partir del 1 de noviembre 1928 las radios llegaron a ser muy populares. Por muy grande que fuera, y mucho espacio que ocupara la caja hablante se convirtió en una presencia familiar en casi todas las casas de la clase meida. En los periódicos se publicaban a menudo anuncios publicitarios que presentaban aparatos de radio sofisticados y la programación de las emisoras rumanas o del extranjero ocupaba espacios privilegiados en la prensa escrita. El primer programa de radio oficial, digamos, hizo su inicio con el discurso del profesor Dragomir Hurmuzescu, un gran físico rumano que ulteriormente fue nombrado presidente del Consejo de Administración de la Socieda de Difusion Radiotelefonica. “Alo, alo, aquí Radio Bucarest”, son las palabras consideradas la declaración de nacimiento de la Radio rumana. Era el punto culminante de un verdadero momvimeinto a favor de la aparición de una emsiora naiconal de radio y los años siguientes este invento vino desarrollándose, llegando a ser el principal medio de comunicación en masa que conocemos hoy en día.

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El primer espacio humorístico fue difundido el 18 de diciembre de 1928 y a comienzos de 1929 aparece el programa "La hora de los niños", el primer espacio dedicado a los niños igual la primera transimsión de teatro con el poema lírico "Un otoño" de Alfred Moşoiu. Siguieron las primeras transmisiones de la Opera Rumana y del Ateneo Rumano y en 1930 se transmite por primera vez un mitín aviatico. En 1929 el peso de los programas musicales era de un 70% y el 21 de marzo de 1930 se pudo escuchar por primera vez una opera. Se trata del Barbero de Sevilla de Rosini. Al principio empezaron a trabajar en la radio 17 personas... Por supuesto que las grandes personalidades de la vida cultural, politica o cientifica de Rumania pasaron por los estudios de Radio Rumanía, algunos con colaboraciones permanentes .

En el Museo de la Radio se encuentra el primer aparato de radio que funcionaba en su epoca con unas pilas inmensas. Se trata de un receptor a reacción y para cambiar las ondas estaba previsto con un set de bobinas de sintonía que se intercambiaban. Tras el año 1940 aparecieron las redes eléctricas. Actualmente, la Sociedad Rumana de Radiodifusion tiene tres emisoras, Rumania Actualidades, Rumania Cultural y Rumania Musical que difunden por ondas radio en el pais y pueden ser escuchadas al extranjero por satelite y por internet. Emiten tambien 12 emisoras regionales. En cuanto a Radio Rumania Internacional, la emisora que están escuchando difunde programas en diez idiomas más el rumano. Fuente: http://www.rri.ro/art.shtml?lang=11&sec=455&art=26382 Via Yimber Gaviria, Colombia Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital: [email protected] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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8. CONTACTO VHF por Arnaldo L. Slaen [email protected] *Los horarios corresponden al Tiempo Universal Coordinado (UTC). ARGENTINA Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Federico Fuleston informa: “Esta tarde estuvieron por un buen rato fuera del aire todas las FM de Radio Nacional (93,7; 96,7 y 98,7 mhz). A raíz de este masivo corte pude resepcionar en 98,9 mhz, una emisora más pertenesiente a la colectividad boliviana en Buenos Aires. Se trata de Radio Pacha Andina, con qth en: calle Echandías 4168 de Capital Federal. Teléfono: 4672-5072.” COSTA RICA El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Costa Rica, Bruno Stagno y el embajador de Japón en San José, Hidekazu Yamaguchi, firmaron un acuerdo de cooperación para mejorar la programación del Sistema Nacional de Radio y Televisión (SINART), que pertenece al Estado costarricense. Se trata de una donación de 47 millones de yenes (460 mil dólares) que serán ejecutados por la Agencia de Cooperación Internacional del Japón (JICA) en la adquisición de los productos necesarios para llevar a cabo el proyecto. El canciller Stagno aseguró que este acuerdo fortalece una vez más las relaciones de amistad y cooperación entre Costa Rica y Japón. "Costa Rica, como país de renta media ha sufrido una disminución de los flujos de cooperaicón internacional en los últimos años. Sin embargo, Japón ha respondido a la excitativa que el gobierno costarricense ha hecho a la comunidad internacional para no detener la cooperación", dijo Stagno. Durante la firma del acuerdo estuvieron presentes la viceministra de Cultura y Juventud, Maribel Salazar Valverde, y el presidente ejecutivo del SINART, Alfonso Stevanovich. Fin Fuente: http://spanish.china.org.cn/international/txt/2009-12/17/content_19083252.htm Via Yimber Gaviria, Colombia ECUADOR También se hizo pública la terminación del contrato de concesión de la frecuencia de La Voz de Arútam. Dicha emisora funcionaba en el dial 107.3 MHz y servía a las ciudades de Macas y Sucúa. La resolución se tomó amparada en el artículo 67 literal j de la Ley de Radiodifusión y Televisión, en el cual se establece que es causal de terminación de contrato el incitar a la violencia y al levantamiento armado. Dicha Ley se habría infringido en los primeros días de octubre cuando se realizó el levantamiento indígena convocado por la Conaie. Ahí, la estación habría alentado a los ciudadanos a salir armados. Los hechos terminaron en actos violentos que produjeron la muerte del profesor shuar Bosco Wisuma. La resolución fue adoptada por el Consejo Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (Conatel) el pasado 17 de diciembre. Pese a que esta clausura se dio la tarde de ayer, la emisora seguía funcionando. Según el presidente de esta federación indígena amazónica, José Acachu, no se suspendió la señal porque existen instancias legales para una apelación ante el dictamen. A su juicio, este trámite ya se apeló ante el Tribunal Contencioso Administrativo la tarde de ayer. “Si allí no logramos nada aún tenemos la última instancia, que es la Corte Constitucional”.

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Acachu dijo que hasta tanto su etnia estará pendiente de lo que pueda pasar. Es decir, si no tienen una respuesta positiva a su pedido de que la emisora siga al aire iniciarán una medida de hecho que incluirá el cierre de vías. Según la asambleísta de Morona Santiago, Diana Atamaín, esta resolución es una retaliación política que tiene el Ejecutivo contra un medio que ha servido a la etnia shuar en temas de comunicación entre las comunidades que no tienen contacto con la civilización occidental. Ella afirmó que la emisora sirve para anunciar asuntos sociales, dificultades en poblados alejados y temas cotidianos como enfermedades.(El Comercio) MEXICO El Grupo Televisa, la mayor empresa de medios de comunicación de habla hispana, tendrá el próximo año un nuevo canal de noticias por televisión vía satélite, con el que buscará estar a la par con otras cadenas internacionales. Así lo ha anunciado su presidente, Emilio Azcárraga, através de la red social Twitter, donde ha asegurado que el nuevo canal, que operará las 24 horas, estará comandado por el reconocido periodista León Krauze, director de un informativo de radio, que comparten Televisa y el Grupo español Prisa. "Fuimos los pioneros en hacer un canal de noticias con Eco (un segmento abierto las 24 horas en la década de los 80), y ahora lo corregimos y aumentamos", señala el ejecutivo mexicano. Televisa tiene el 73,9% de la audiencia en México y cuenta con un portal de Internet, la mayor editorial de revistas en español y una participación accionarial en La Sexta.(El Mundo) Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital: [email protected] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. UTILITARIAS por Enrique Wembagher LU8EFF [email protected] *Los horarios corresponden al Tiempo Universal Coordinado (UTC). Captaciones de de Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec, Embu, SP, Brasil

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10000, Brasil, Observatório Nacional, Rio de Janeiro RJ. December, 22 Portuguese 1901-1905 female time announcements in every 10 seconds “Observatório Nacional, dezessete horas, dois minutos, zero segundo” (three time pips); at 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 seconds, one time pip only. 45444 (lob-B). Captaciones de Mauro Giroletti, desde Italia 7396,8khz 23,20utc HSW64 Bangkok Meteo THAILAND-FAX.good signal in ITALY, noise from BC 21/12/2009 2108 10000 Observatorio Nacional B BUONO pips pips pips Time signal -Swl 1510- -IK2GFT- -JRC525Nrd - Lowe HF150- Filter PAR Electronics – BCST-LPF + BCST-HPF -Eavesdropper SWL Sloper 11mt to 120mt Band- Loop LFL1010 -Lat. 45.42166° Long. 9.1248° -Locator Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital: [email protected] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. MISCELANEAS por Arnaldo Slaen [email protected] *Los horarios corresponden al Tiempo Universal Coordinado (UTC). LA ROSA DE TOKYO PARA ESTA SEMANA La Rosa de Tokyo, el programa semanal de DX y medios de comunicación irradiado a través de LS11 Radio Provincia de Buenos Aires (AM1270 Khz; www.amprovincia.com.ar y una importante red de emisoras de frecuencia modulada, amplitud modulada y onda corta de la Argentina y el resto del mundo) En el programa del día 26 de Diciembre de 2009 podremos escuchar una larga entrevista realizada a Tindaro Muscará, quien actualmente realiza un programa por AM1290 Radio Murialdo y que tiene una vasta trayectoria en medios de comunicación. Muscará nos hablará de su pasado en la mítica KGEI-La Voz de la Amistad y del programa “Diexismo Internacional al día”, que lo hizo conocido en la comunidad diexista. La Rosa de Tokyo se irradia los sábados desde las 0900 hasta las 1000 hora de la Argentina (1200 a 1300 horas UTC).- En caso de querer escuchar el programa en cualquier momento pueden visitar la excelente página programas DX en http://programasdx.com/larosadetokio.htm Omar Somma y Arnaldo Slaen ARGENTINA La Secretaría de Comunicación Institucional de la UNVM, LV 28 Radio Villa María y la Universidad Popular, produjeron la obra “La Casa de Bernarda Alba” del autor

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español Federico García Lorca en género radioteatral. La obra fue transmitida por la AM local y en los próximos días estará disponible en la página web de la UNVM. Realizado en el estudio de grabación de la UNVM contó con la música original del Grupo de Teatro “Azul”, dirigido por los profesores Mario Arietto y Fanny Citadini, de la ciudad de Oncativo. El elenco estuvo integrado por: Soledad Cabeza, María Fernanda Laudecina, Marisabel Demonte, Lelia Frias, Rocío Orozco, Fabiana León, Alicia Perrig, Sonia Grosso, Normand Argarate, Fernando Lanfranco y Javier Arenas. Según expresaron desde la producción “el radioteatro fue pensado para rescatar la oralidad como una manera de revalorizar el lenguaje hablado en un medio tan antiguo como eficaz que no ha perdido vigencia como es la radio”. URUGUAY Una primera radio on-line dedicada al carnaval abrirá sus emisiones el próximo domingo en Montevideo con la idea de difundir todo el año actividades vinculadas a ese festejo, el más popular y masivo en Uruguay. Desde el sitio www.carnavaldelfuturo.com se podrá escuchar desde el domingo CDF24 horas, una emisora on line dedicada a difundir las novedades del carnaval uruguayo, reportó hoy la prensa local. El programa "Fuera de Concurso" servirá de lanzamiento oficial del sitio que desde el 26 de diciembre transmitirá en forma exclusiva el certamen "Carnaval de las Promesas" y desde febrero el concurso oficial de Agrupaciones desde el Teatro de Verano, una de las "catedrales" del carnaval montevideano. De abril a diciembre los organizadores planean una grilla con espacios dedicados a difundir el carnaval del interior así como una producción de programas que combinarán lo periodístico con lo musical. Considerado el más largo del mundo (dura unos 40 días), el carnaval uruguayo es una de las expresiones culturales más populares del país y los desfiles congregan anualmente a miles de personas, incluidos turistas que llegan fundamentalmente de Argentina. JMG 16/12/2009 16:44 Fuente: http://www.ansa.it/ansalatina/notizie/notiziari/uruguay/20091216164434998660.html Via Yimber Gaviria, Colombia VATICANO En el programa "Hola mi gente, ciao amici", que radio Vaticano de Roma dedica a los inmigrantes latinoamericanos en Italia, hay una voz argentina: la abogada Gabriela Costanzo, nacida en Viedma y radicada en la capital italiana hace 20 años. "Somos un equipo latinoamericano bajo la conducción de Marisol Flores, que es ecuatoriana, con dos compañeras mexicanas y un brasileño" relató Gabriela a Télam, de visita en su ciudad natal. Agregó que "el programa está referido específicamente a los múltiples problemas de los inmigrantes de Latinoamérica en Italia, donde las leyes actuales han fijado trabas muy complejas para quienes carecen de radicación legal". "El nombre y el desarrollo de la audición son bilingües, porque procuramos la integración de los oyentes, los italianos y los latinoamericanos que han llegado" afirmó. Gabriela, nieta de don José Costanzo, aquel carpintero siciliano que llegó a Viedma por 1915 dispuesto a labrarse un porvenir para él y la familia que aquí fundaría, reconoce que "siempre pienso en mi abuelo y creo que hoy estaría triste". "Sentiría tristeza e incomprensión, si estuviese vivo, al observar el trato injusto que reciben muchos inmigrantes argentinos, descendientes de italianos, que hicieron el viaje a la inversa" sostuvo.

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El programa sale al aire los martes y jueves, de 11.30 a 12 en la hora de Italia, y es una realización del Centro Interdisciplinario para la Comunicación Social de la Pontificia Universidad Gregoriana, de Roma. La emisión de los martes contiene información de interés general para los inmigrantes, pero el jueves se instala en el estudio una especie de consultorio psicológico. Gabriela Costanzo explicó, al respecto, que "los inmigrantes sufren muchos problemas derivados de la especial circunstancia de vivir con un pie en Italia y otro en su país de origen, con desarraigo y extrañando a sus familiares". "En los últimos tiempos es muy común la situación de mujeres que han emigrado buscando trabajo, pero tuvieron que dejar a sus hijos pequeños al cuidado de la abuela o una tía" añadió. Indicó que "los efectos de la discriminación, por caso en el sistema público de salud en donde las últimas directivas oficiales prohíben atender a extranjeros indocumentados, llegan al programa a través de los oyentes". Acerca de la inserción laboral de los inmigrantes latinoamericanos en el panorama italiano actual, Costanzo informó que "cada vez es más notoria su participación en tareas que no están previstas en los sistemas de prestaciones sociales". "El cuidado domiciliario de personas ancianas o inválidas, y la atención de niños de corta edad en sus hogares, son trabajos para los cuales se busca preferentemente a jóvenes de nuestros países", dijo también. Opinó que "es la clase de trabajos que los italianos ya no quieren hacer o para los que no tienen tiempo, porque están ocupados en otra cosa". Gabriela encontró, en esta tarea de comunicación social, "una forma de exteriorizar" sus "sentimientos como descendiente de inmigrantes, para tratar de ayudar a quienes hoy se esfuerzan por cambiar sus destinos personales". "No estamos solos, ’Hola mi gente, ciao amici’ tiene muchos oyentes solidarios que se acercan con soluciones, y hay otras organizaciones similares en Italia", concluyó. El programa se puede escuchar por Internet, en el portal de radio Vaticano, y a través del sitio www.holamigente.org en donde se difunden diversas noticias referidas a esta problemática. fuente: http://www.telam.com.ar/vernota.php?tipo=N&idPub=170729&id=330133&dis=1&sec=1 Via Yimber Gaviria, Colombia CONCURSO DE RADIO ESLOVAQUIA INT. Estamos preparando el concurso: Maravillas de Eslovaquia, en el que les presentaremos monumentos únicos, colecciones, fenómenos naturales, y la herenda de nuestros antepasados. Valiosos premios en cada ronda. Premio principal, una estancia en Eslovaquia. Que va desde Octubre 2009 a Julio del 2010. URL: Radio Eslovaquia Internacional http://www.slovakradio.sk/inetportal/rsi/core.php?page=showSprava&id=20512&lang=6 (Publicado por Yimber Gaviria Blog 9/27/2009 05:53:00 PM) CONCURSO DE LA VOZ DE TURQUIA Nuestra pregunta de este mes es sobre el fundador de la República de Turquía, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.

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¿Qué aniversario de muerte de Atatürk Conmemoramos el 10 de noviembre de 2009 A) 71 B) 72 C) 73 Les daremos un regalo como la Radio de la Voz de Turquía a tres oyentes determinados en el sorteo realizado entre los oyentes que nos manden la respuesta correcta. Pueden enviar sus respuestas antes del 30 de noviembre de 2009 a nuestra dirección de correo electrónico, número de fax y dirección postal. Nuestra dirección electrónica es [email protected] Nuestro número de fax es 00-90-312-463 33 98 Nuestra dirección postal es PK 333, 06443 YENİŞEHİR, ANKARA, TÜRKİYE Les deseamos buena suerte a todos los participantes… Via Yimber Gaviria, Colombia Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a: CONEXION DIGITAL: [email protected] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. LA PROPAGACION por Enrique Wembagher LU8EFF [email protected] Para recibir la tabla de propagacion, visite: http://espanol.groups.yahoo.com/group/Tabla-Prop/ Puede participar de la misma enviando mensajes a: [email protected] Valores de SSN y Flujo solar pronosticados: Año Mes Pronostico 2010 01 75.9 2010 02 77.7 2010 03 79.6 2010 04 81.4 2010 05 83.4 2010 06 85.6 2010 07 87.7 2010 08 90.2 2010 09 92.7 2010 10 95.2 2010 11 97.8 2010 12 100.3

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Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital: [email protected] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. FOR READERS IN ENGLISH by Victor Castaño [email protected] NEWS BY IMBER GAVIRIA, COLoMBIA USA new Catholic radio station launched in Phoenix on Thursday, becoming the 24th station of the Immaculate Heart Radio network in the western United States. The local bishop says it will be a “channel of evangelization.” The new station, broadcast at KIHP 1310-AM, is the result of a five year effort to bring Catholic radio to the Phoenix market, the Phoenix Business Journal reports. The last three letters of its call sign stand for Immaculate Heart Phoenix. Though the radio station used by KIHP was priced at four or five million dollars five years ago, it was purchased for only one million because the recession caused a lower asking price.

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Doug Sherman, president and founder of the Sacramento-based Immaculate Heart Radio, said the purchase was funded by donors, the majority of whom were local. “This is the first time a Catholic radio station has ever to come to Phoenix,” Sherman told the Phoenix Journal. “We know there’s a market here. Over 25 percent of the population is identified as Catholics.” Bishop of Phoenix Thomas Olmsted told the Catholic Sun that the station would be a “channel of evangelization” for those with no faith or those who have fallen away from religious practice. “Wherever stations have opened across our country, stories of conversion have soon followed,” he added. Such stories include babies saved from abortion, Catholics growing deeper in their faith, strengthened families and instances of confirmed atheists bringing their family into the Church. The station will also help reach the home-bound, those in nursing homes or with limited ability to be active in a parish. Commuters too will benefit, the bishop added. Programming will include a musical rosary aired at 7:30 a.m. local time and at two other times during the day. The station will rebroadcast EWTN shows such as The World Over and also seven hours of live call-in talk shows. Jim Dwyer, public information officer for the Diocese of Phoenix, said KIHP will help the diocese broaden its voice in the Phoenix Valley. He said the diocese would also like to work with Immaculate Heart to have some local programming on the station. “We would like to have a Bishop’s Hour for sure,” Dwyer explained. “At least once a month from the Bishop.” Sherman explained that local businesses can advertise their products and services by sponsoring programs on the station. This would not be “hard-sell advertising,” but more like PBS television, he told the Phoenix Business Journal. Immaculate Heart employs 22 people to oversee 23 radio stations in California, Nevada, New Mexico and Utah. Sherman said he is not yet sure how many will be employed at the Phoenix station. Immaculate Heart Radio’s first station launched in January 1997 and was only the seventh Catholic station in the country. By contrast, there were about 1,500 Protestant stations at the time. “For whatever reason, Catholics were asleep at the wheel for the last 30 years, while other people were doing very good things with radio,” Sherman said. There are now about 200 Catholic radio stations in the U.S. Immaculate Heart Radio and the diocese launched the station at 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, followed by a blessing from Bishop Thomas Olmsted and a celebration at Mount Claret Retreat Center. The radio network’s website is at http://www.ihradio.org

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Source: http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/new_catholic_radio_station_launches_channel_of_evangelization_in_phoenix/ Via Yimber Gaviria, Colombia More about USA Bucking a long-standing trend that has seen radio station ownership nationwide consolidate into handful of large chains, a troika of Missoula media entrepreneurs have acquired the Trail 103.3 and two other local radio stations. The stations have been run since 2006 by Salt Lake City-based Simmons Media, but Simmons decided not to renew its operating lease on the stations, and the lease will now expire at the end of this year. The new ownership group includes Kevin Terry, a radio engineer and programmer and the original founder and owner of the stations; Ross Rademacher, former owner of the Maverick Group, a Hamilton-based marketing agency; and Becky Smith, a long-time Missoula media operator with experience in radio, print and online. In addition, Dave Cowan, who was responsible for creating the hugely successful programming format for the Trail, has returned to the station group as director of programming. “Radio in Missoula is a vital part of our community and it is important that our stations reflect what makes Western Montana unique and special,” said Rademacher. “We are excited to be taking over the ownership and operations of the Trail 103.3, Fresh 104.5 and Jack 105.9. In this digital age and changing economic climate, we will be able to provide our listeners and our advertisers top notch programming and advertising expertise.” Radio station ownership around the country has been in flux since the late 1990s, when a change in the federal laws on media ownership allowed chains to own multiple stations in one market, and raised the limit on the total number of stations that would be owned by one group. In Missoula, the leading national chain, Clear Channel Communications, acquired a number of local properties. But Clear Channel two years ago began selling off pieces of its empire as its financial mode faltered, and the six former Missoula Clear Channel stations are now owned by a regional chain, Gap West Broadcasting. The Trail 103.3, Fresh 104.5 and what is now Jack FM 105.9 were launched in 2005, after Terry won the licenses for the frequencies in a Federal Communications Commission auction. The Trail, with its eclectic, rock-oriented programming, extensive playlist and strong local voice, was an immediate hit with listeners, and has emerged as one of the top commercial station in Missoula. The original operating agreement for the stations didn’t work out as well, however, and Simmons took over in 2006. The company quickly converted the much-discussed “progressive talk” format at 105.9 to Jack FM, a fast-growing syndicated music programming format. Rod Harsell, longtime sales manager at the Missoula Independent, replaced Cowan as general manager, but left earlier this year. The new owners hope that local ownership, and original local programming on the Trail and Fresh, will help them stand out in a crowded market that now includes 17 stations. The rise of big radio chains has meant a rise in highly formulaic programming, with even news broadcasts sometimes originating from thousands of miles a way. That in turn has alienated many radio listeners, who can now opt for satellite radio or Internet radio or an iPod rather than searching for a new broadcast channel.

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If Terry and Smith and Rademacher can change that dynamic with strong local programming, that bodes well not only for Missoula radio listerners, but for radio operators everywhere. Source: http://www.newwest.net/city/article/top_missoula_radio_stations_bought_by_local_group/C8/L8/ Via Yimber Gaviria, Colombia LOGS AND INFORMATIONS BY GLENN HAUSER FROM UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ** BRAZIL [and non]. RNA, Brasília, Dec 17 already on at 0636, 11780 // 6185. A few minutes earlier at 0631, 6185 was still clear for XEPPM music, so cut on sometime in the interim (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also MEXICO ** CUBA [and non]. 9955, WRMI, Thu Dec 17 at 0633 with WORLD OF RADIO a sesquihour earlier than it airs on UT Wednesdays. Still with DentroCuban jamming pulsing, but the ratio of WRMI signal to Cuban noise was better this time, and I could axually understand what I was saying; maybe WRMI is using the NW antenna again which has a lot more gain USward. Same type of modulated pulsing jamming was blaring away on 9810 and 9825 against nothing, frequencies used much earlier in the day by Radios República and Martí, respectively. At 1228, however, 9955 seemed free of jamming as the Fri 1200 broadcast of Frecuencia al Día was upwrapping, 1229 WRMI ID, and into En Camino, a religious program. I think the jamming is worst at 13-15 UT when Radio Cuba Libre used to be on months ago. If jamming be absent in the 12-13 period, but don`t count on it, this could also audiblize WORLD OF RADIO Tuesdays at 1200, Fridays at 1230; Wavescan Tuesday and Wednesday at 1230 --- and if the November 1 WRMI schedule we have has not changed in the meantime (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ECUADOR. 6050, HCJB ID at 1159 Dec 17, 3+1 timesignal, continues what sounds like live morning show in Spanish. Fair signal with constant het from Malaysia on low side. Perhaps HCJB is a bit weaker now: it ought to be with lower power and NVIS antenna. We can only assume by now that this last HCJB transmission from dentroEcuador is emanating from the Mount Pichincha site ex-Pifo. Let the jets roar thru what used to be Vozandes airspace (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** HONDURAS. 3250.0, Dec 17 at 1211, ID in passing as soon as I intuned, R. Luz y Vida, announcer over hymn talking about praying and proceeding to do so. God must DX 90 meters. Fair signal and stronger than the only other active Honduran SW, HRMI on 3340 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDONESIA. 9525.9 at 1223 Dec 17, VOI in Indonesian, undermodulated with hum, but good enough signal to catch some names such as Kalimantan, Irian Jaya. No het from 9525, but a less-than-5-kHz het against something on 9530.0, always a tipoff to VOI offfrequenciness. Recheck at 1513 found 9525.9 on the air longer than usual, English having restarted with ID and historical item about Wright Brothers` first flight; fair signal still and no het audible tho we know CRI Kashgar, EAST TURKISTAN, is scheduled in English too, 500 kW at 308 degrees.

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9680 had similar signal level to 9525.9: 1225 RRI ID also in Indonesian, choral music, good with no CCI. Happened to be listening to their music again at 1455, which cut off abruptly at 1456:45* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DXLISTENING DIGEST) ** JAPAN [and non]. 9790, NHKWNRJ, Dec 17 at 1220 in English with Japanese lesson, music break within Radio Japan Focus program; VG signal comparable to // Sackville 6120; in fact suspected an additional SAC channel, but listed as Wertachtal, GERMANY, 250 kW, 300 degrees to Europe, but also USward. Encountered another //, 9695, at 1226 more Japanese lesson dealing with kabuki, and lo audible het from what? 9695 is Yamata direct, 300 kW at 235 degrees. The only 9695 listing in Aoki which might be that far off-frequency is R. Rio Mar, Manáus, Brasil. Has anyone measured it? Unfortunately, Aoki does not deal with split frequencies even if they are long-established and constant. Some stations near 1 kHz off are shown as such, however, but not including Indonesia entered only at 9525. EiBi is willing to publish decimals but none shown on 9695. HFCC of course deals only with officially registered frequencies, not variants; and not jammers even tho they have a major impact on victims` coverage, unless disguised as real services merely colliding or sharing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KOREA NORTH [non]. 9690, as AIR GOS was closing, Dec 17 at 1459, carrier overlapped from *1459:30, 1500 opening in Korean mixing with music, 1503 YL singing a slow song, solo. Per Aoki, it`s Nippon no Kaze, 1500-1530, 250 kW, 3 degrees via Darwin, AUSTRALIA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. 6185, R. Educación supposedly runs SW only from 6 pm to 6 am local, i.e. 00-12 UT during standard time. But Dec 18 still on at 1202 with a discussion in Spanish, greatly marred by splash from much stronger RHC 6180, which also had much louder modulation. RHC also on // 6150 and 6120, so they hardly need to be messing up nine 49mb frequencies at once (speaking just of co- and adjacent channels). I figured XEPPM was just a bit slow to turn off the transmitter, but at 1239 it was still on with talk show mentioning audio-libros, 8-digit phone numbers. So are they intending to run until 1300 now? That would certainly work, if it were not for the Cuban ACI. If only they would keep 6185 on all day too, as it would have considerable coverage over much of Mexico, Central America, Caribbean and Baja EUA, lacking QRM to boot, e.g. Cuba off after 1300, and certainly nothing Amazonic; see also BRAZIL [and non]. On rare occasions in the past we have heard XEPPM back or still on past 1500, so it pays to keep an ear on the frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** POLAND [non]. FRG-7 was still tuned to Brasília`s 11780 as I reactivated it Dec 17 at 1153, hearing good signal on 11785, quickly IDing in Polish as PRES, i.e. as WRTH renders it, ``Polskie Radio dla zagranicy``. This is 100 kW, 300 degrees via AUSTRIA at 1130-1200, exactly same as for English at 13-14 on 11675, so no wonder it too is well-heard. But the only significant signals on 25m at this time were Anguilla 11775, Korea (S, not N; howcome? RCI prefers to relay Red rather than Free China) via Sackville 11795, and PRES (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

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** U K [non]. 9410, BBC Mundo, in Spanish Dec 17 at 1234 via WHRI starting ``BBC Top Ten`` which as the name implies involves a lot of music in English, so why present it in Spanish? This service is M-F only at 1200-1300, starting with new news, then archive stuff until 1234, latest Top Ten on Tue & Thu and unannounced classical music fill on M/W/F. At this time, signal was fair but not solid. It`s 250 kW, 182 degrees from Furman (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. WRMI: see CUBA [and non] ** U S A. 9370, WTJC, Dec 17 at 1235 accompanied by noisy spurs approx 9340-9345, 9395-9500, preaching about Jesus, but what would He say about such lax engineering? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ### ** BULGARIA. 15700, R. Bulgaria, Friday Dec 18 at 1448 with hauntingly beautiful choral music, Bulgarian announcement, 1452 to different folk music involving YLs shouting and clapping, accordion-like accompaniment. This semihour is often good for music variety from RB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. Firedrake Dec 18 at 1426: 8400 poor, 9000 JBA, 10210 zilch, 11300 fair (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 11760, Dec 17 at 2146 RHC in Creole, audio breaking up like a computer problem, while 11770 etc., were in Spanish, more or less OK. This of course does not match the official schedule on website showing Spanish also on 11760 at this semihour. Following my remarx about why does RHC run so many // frequencies on 49m, one of them has moved to 31m! 9600 ex-6140 at 0649 Dec 18, Prof. Arnaldo Coro in English about the drought in some central provinces. This certainly makes sense propagationally, as 11760 is often audible past local midnight as it was tonight, in Spanish; and 9600 had an excellent signal. It`s called frequency diversity. Final check at 0746 found that had switched to Spanish, probably at 0700. The `official` sked on website still shows 6140 to ``Chicago`` at 00-05 Spanish, 05-07 English, 07-11 Spanish, so it remains to be seen if its entire span has been switched to 9600, if this was just an experiment, or what. Noel Green in England also heard 9600 this date as late as 1030 in Spanish. Nothing but DentroCuban Jamming Command`s wall of noise on 9955, Fri Dec 18 at 1420 during scheduled repeat of The Happy Station on WRMI, produced by a former RHC employee; as usual, jamming cleared up after 1500 during R. Prague relay. In my previous report I referred to Frecuencia al Día being on WRMI Friday at 1200; I meant, Thursday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDONESIA. Here we go again, VOI changing transmission times, by mistake or deliberately? On 9525.9, Dec 18 at 1423 I hear English instead of Malay, so is it one hour late or one hour early? YL was talking about bamboo musical instruments as we heard one in the background. Fair modulation but with hum, and no het audible from anything on 9525.0. 1427 VOI ID. Another talk, and as I was trying to figure out the subject obscured by the accent, when at 1429 it cut off the air for a few sex; 1432-1435 off for a longer period; 1436 off-on-off-on-off; 1437 on-off-on-off-on-off; 1438 on-off; 1440 on, 1441 off; 1442 on-off; 1443 on; 1446 music seems to stay on. I may have lost track of the exact count of offs and ons; by then I was just listening for carriers audiblized by BFO slightly offtuned, as it would have

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been totally useless to try to follow the program content. 1454 it was off, and on again; 1458 on during CRI Kashgar het but VOI much atop. 1500 VOI jingle, English ID with frequencies, website, addresses, ``sound of dignity`` and into Malay (I think, not Indonesian) an hour late, still on at 1507, but at next check 1528 was off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KOREA NORTH [non]. 5985, Sea Breeze, another Friday in English, Dec 18 at 1403 OM with heavy accent citing numerous headlines from Kyodo dealing with N Korea, not just abduxion stories, always followed by the same newsy sounder. No QRM, and fair with deep fades, via JSR JAPAN (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NETHERLANDS [non]. Re 9-083: while my previous log Nov 28 of RNW`s reactivated Arabic service toward North America, 22-23 UT relayed via RWANDA 9895 found it mostly music; on Dec 17 I listened from 2215 past 2230 and it was VG, mostly talk with some music breaks. 2226 something about Islam. Did not hear a ``Huna Amsterdam`` ID this time, but at 2230 they were referring to the country as Holanda, with the H aspirated unlike in Spanish; off abruptly at 2257* before we could hear any mixup with Greenville Spanish. The DW techs habitually close at 3 minutes before the hour whether programming is finished or not (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NIGERIA [and non]. R. Australia not making it at all on its several 13 and 15 MHz frequencies at 0650 Dec 18, and only two very weak signals audible on 19m, notably 15120, could tell they were in English mentioning Nigeria, so certainly VON as scheduled (and not on 15121v this time). The other was 15205 in Hausa, certainly DW as scheduled via Rwanda. So nothing but Africans were barely propagating (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SURINAME. Following reports of R. Apintie being audible on 4990 (0440-0525 per Rik van Riel, NH, HCDX), I tried again for it, Dec 18 at 0632 --- yes, some very weak music audible there, much weaker than Brasil 4985. Don`t know what else it could be altho someone also reported something in German on 4990, and Rik had co-channel QRM, from India? Surely not at that late hour. Apintie is always tough here; must be very low powered or unfavorable direxionality. Aoki says it`s 1 kW, 180 degrees due south, obviously to serve the country`s outback, and at 08-03, but there have been many previous reports of it on all-night, which may be quite sporadic. WRTH 2010y agrees on the power but does not give any schedule (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K [non]. 7535, BBC in Chinese with hardly any jamming! Dec 18 at 1415 with several IDs, website pronounced in English, etc. But by 1417 I could hear music in the background which matched the CNR1 jamming on 7525, 7295. Details uplooked later in Aoki: both victims are via Thailand, VOA Chinese on 7525, BBC Chinese on 7535 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. A quick check of WWCR-1 webcast Dec 17 at 2137 found country music, not what you would hear on Rock the Universe, so its Thu 21-22 UT time on 7465 must also be suspended (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. WEWN, 13835 with heavy long-path echo, Dec 18 at 1442. Since it`s one of my closest SWBC stations, scarcely one megameter away, it is necessarily one of my furthest long-path possibilities, 39 Mm away. Call-in show in English giving phone 877-573-7825; to be fair, such calls should also be routed the long way round the world. PMS via WWCR was strong enough on 13845 at the moment not

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to be too much bothered by the nasty spur from WEWN (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [non]. The `personality cult` of Harold Camping is ever-growing. Noticed him droning on some apparent new frequencies, Dec 18: at 1438 on 11995 and about 3 seconds later on 9440, Open Forum taking question from caller who asked if he is on Facebook. He`s not sure, doesn`t seem to know what that is. He does know that Family Radio has a website. I bandscan just about every morning during this hour and had not heard him on these two before. Confirming my suspicions, neither frequency for YFR is in Aoki yet dated Dec 18, nor in the Dec 4 update of EiBi. There were some YFR schedule updates from DX Mix News in DXLD 9-085, but not these, altho 11995 had been replaced from Nauen at 16-17. So the sites for these are still unknown, evidently not the same since they are unsynchronized (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED [and non]. 6005, BBCWS in English via Ascension, Dec 18 at 0655 with Network Africa reporting from Cameroon! There was nothing else audible here except an extremely weak het. BBC cut off at 0659:30 amid a programme prommo, and with BFO on I could still detect an extremely weak carrier. We would like to think it is RTVC, Buea, which we know is active, 4 kW? supposedly occupying the 07-17 gap in BBC usage of the frequency, but it could start earlier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 6074, 8GAL, very weak V/CQ marker detectable JBA at 1400-1401 Dec 18 after Russia closed 6075, and still no sign of China vs Taiwan after that. The main problem was splash from CFRX 6070 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)### ** BIAFRA [non]. As noted last Friday Dec 11, V. of Biafra International was missing from WHRI 15665 at its previously scheduled time of 19-20 UT. As 1900 approached on Dec 18, I checked the WHR and VOBI websites. At WHR, VOBI is now nowhere to be found; checking the Angel-1 and Angel-5 schedules, other things are shown Friday during this hour (and surely not both of them are really on same frequency at same time!). Their own website http://www.biafraland.com/vobi.htm still shows 15280 Fri 20-21 UT which was used only briefly sometime last year. They do have an audio file for Dec 11 which I belatedly started listening to, in case there be any explanation. After many minutes of anthems and the usual sign-on routine, they finally got to the anti-Nigerian `news`, and at that very point the file started hiccuping, buffering, even backing up and repeating itself. This was on their own clipstream player rather than downloading first for an external media player. During the first quarter-hour, at least, nothing at all said about any change in their schedule. Or for that matter, anything at all about their schedule, but they gave up on that some weeks ago as the frequency kept being changed. I listened until the same announcer switched into Igbo. At 1900 UT Dec 18 checked 15665 anyway and it was off the air. Perhaps Angels 1 and 5 cancel each other out? Axually, a great deal of the WHR SW schedule on their website is imaginary. It makes sense only to go on the air when they have paid programming, instead of WHR-produced fill, but why do they claim otherwise?

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So are VOBI done for? We might look around for a replacement transmission in the 19-22 UT period this Friday, but if any, they aren`t saying. So far, no reports of it received. And we shall see whether a Dec 18 audio file be forthcoming. Not as the final hour of UT Dec 18 was ticking away, nor at 1617 check Dec 19 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BRAZIL [and non]. RNA, Brasília, at 0640 Dec 19, 11780 on the air with open carrier only, so checked 6185 and it was also on but already modulating music atop XEPPM. By 0643, 11780 was // in violin with guitar accompaniment. During the OC I could also hear Pastor Pete Peters as WWCR 5890 was overloading and making a harmonic in the FRG-7; along with DGS 5935 mixing with WEWN fundamental on 11870. I checked these on the YB-400 and found them much stronger, which doesn`t compute unless they depend on internal receiver circuitries` harmonic-suppression capabilities. There seemed to be a threshold effect on the FRG-7 as the WWCR audio would surge in and out (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. Firedrake Dec 18 at 2211: poor on 9000, not audible on 8000, 10210 or 11300, but might have been on some higher ones had I sought them out. Dec 19 at 1434: 11300 poor with flutter, 10210 JBA, 9000 zilch, 8400 fair (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. Re previous report of RHC expanded schedule on 9600 instead of 6140: later rechecking the `official schedule` sent out by e-mail, it already showed 9600 in Spanish at 23-05; so it`s only after 05 that was new for it. But next night, UT Dec 19 at 0530 check, no 9600, back on 6140 in Spanish // 6120, 6150. This increases the probability that op had neglected to change 9600 to 6140 at 0500 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDIA [and non]. Transpolar signals were good Dec 18, altho fluttery. At 2136 the AIR GOS had music on 7550 // 9445 intended for Europe. At 2138 the National Channel on 9425 was ending a dekaminute newscast in English with sporting items, 2140 into Hindi. For the next icosaminute we had a choice of two different nearby Indian music channels, plus Greek on 9420. At 2200, 9445 went to news in English ending at 2210 after cricket stuff vs Sri Lanka much like a semihour before on the other service, then commentary about a nuclear deal with Russia: the latter segment had muffled and hummy audio, apparently a studio problem. 9690, AIR GOS, Dec 19 at 1415, good signal but always with hum, lecture on Indian classical music. 1425 ending press review mostly about Pakistan, then ``Mainly for Tourists`` about the northern state of Haryana, which we don`t hear much about since it`s dominated by Delhi. Handy map I found: http://www.mapsofindia.com/maps/haryana/haryana.htm (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDONESIA. 9525.9+, VOI back in Malay during the 14 UT hour Dec 19, at 1432 check, whilst it had been erroneously in English 24 hours earlier. I thought the frequency had edged a bit higher than previously, and Ron Howard measured it on 9525.96v, Dec 17 at 1505. Now when rounding we should really call it 9526- (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NEW ZEALAND [and non]. I have not reported it lately, but RNZI monitoring in our mornings is still a writeoff due to the collision with VOR in Chinese on 6170 due west from Khabarovsk, such as Dec 19 at 1439 talk about Canterbury and Christchurch, mixed with Russian music. VOR is finished at 1500, but by then I

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have noticed several times there is not much signal left from NZ which is scheduled until 1750 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 9955, Dec 19 at 0635, no WRMI and no jamming audible either. Both of them must have been off as WYFR was inbooming on 9985 and four other 31m band frequencies. Still the same at 1548 check. A truce, or something else wrong? Surely only coincidental. Earlier on UT Dec 19 Jeff White told me: ``Glenn: I think we have the northern antenna fully operational again. It's on as I write this (0100-0300 UT Saturday) with Faith the Dog special 0200-0300. Next times it will be on are: 1500-1700 UT Saturday, 2000-2100 UT Saturday (Faith the Dog again), 1500-1700 UT Sunday, 0500-0530 UT Monday (La Biblia Explicada), 1500-1700 UT Monday (and 7 days a week as usual). Jeff`` I enquired again and Jeff replied at 1611 UT Dec 19: ``Glenn: Well, it was OK for a few hours going north last night, but something got messed up again with the northern antenna, and it was causing problems with the transmitter; we had to shut it down. We've just now gone back on the air (going south) and so far it's OK, but it may be off and on for a few hours yet while they make some adjustments. We're trying to get in touch with our consulting engineer to see what he thinks may be wrong with the northern antenna. Jeff`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Afternoon DXing from caradio, nondirexional whip: 1660, no sign of KXTR Kansas City, but a weak 3-way SAH could be detected at 2015 UT Dec 18, presumably traces of the TX, ND and MI stations. KXTR website has referred to being off the air periodically for antenna work. It currently shows this, now outdated, so they are still not finished: ``KXTR WILL NOT BE BROADCASTING ON 1660AM FROM 8AM TO 6PM MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY UNTIL DECEMBER 14 SO THE FINAL PHASE OF WORK ON OUR TOWER CAN BE COMPLETED. KXTR WILL CONTINUE TO STREAM AT WWW.KXTR.COM AND BROADCAST IN HD AT 98.1 FM HD2. THANKS FOR YOUR PATIENCE!`` 1250 Spanish and 1090 EWTN from the KC area were in well, so skywave was obviously in play, and KXTR should have been easily audible if on. I hope the `work` does not include diminishing the skywave component. Talk on 1670 also in, no doubt WTDY Madison WI (I had also heard it Dec 17 around 1800, close to low noon at 1832 UT = 1200 LMT); and no sign of CJEU Gatineau QC. 1210, KGYN Guymon OK still ailing with very weak groundwave signal, but barely audible ``US Country`` slogan at 2020 Dec 18, SAH between two other very weak signals. 1560, at 2015 UT, our nearest groundwave station on that frequency, KOCY, 1 kW Del City (why license to this SE suburb of OKC? It was originally much further off to the SW in Chickasha as KWCO, which stood for Women`s College of Oklahoma; KOCY were heritage calls which should have stayed on 1340); now 1560 is Radio Disney, already getting heavy QRM from a skywave pileup, mainly something with a talk show. And one of them far enough off-frequency to cause a rumbling audible het (such as 30-40 Hz, maybe).

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Next check at 2035 it was even worse; besides the rumbling AH, there were also a SAH of 6 Hz, and another faster SAH. So that`s at least three or four stations. At 2100, Houston-orientated sportstalk on top, obviously 50 kW KGOW ``Bellaire`` TX, but no legal ID to be heard. 2101 played PSA for http://texasflu.com and then at 2102 ID only as ``1560 The Game, happily filling the holes in your life``, which I must say is a distinctive slogan altho it leaves me cold; what holes? Is that any way to talk to a proud listener? Probably played then, since a golf ad was to follow, ha2. Rather tight major daytime lobe is at 14 degrees, and one of the nulls at 330 degrees; we are roughly halfway between them, meaning considerably off the boresight. http://www.fcc.gov/ftp/Bureaus/MB/Databases/AM_DA_patterns/1222668-101220.pdf This is the same station that got out widely a few months ago during a hurricane/flood emergency when running day facilities at night, and relaying news from a local TV station, KPRC `2`, as I recall. Low sun now means it gets plenty of daytime skywave propagation. 1370, rechecked again in the afternoons of Dec 17, and 18, still no groundwave signal from KGNO Dodge City KS, which used to be a daytime fringe regular here. It`s still on the books as non-direxional, day power 5 kW, an heritage station, but does it exist any more? It`s now part of a 20-station group all over Kansas, so just another cog. I should phone and inquire, 620-225-8080. Coverage map at http://www.rockingmradio.com/kgno.htm shows the ``0.5 mV/m`` contour extending into OK no further than Alva in Woods county, but it should be audible here over the Ogalalla aquifer with much less signal than that. Er, make that microvolts per meter; what difference does a little factor of three orders of magnitude make? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ### ** CHINA. Firedrake Dec 20 at 1423: just barely audible on 8400; nothing on 9000, 10210 or 11300 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** COSTA RICA. 2859.8, R. San Carlos presumed, 2 X 1429.9, Spanish peaking above the local noise level at a quick monitoring check 0102 UT Dec 20. I moved to what I thought would be a quieter location but by then, 0115 nothing was audible, nor back at the first location (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** FRANCE [non]. 21690, Sunday Dec 20 at 1818, RFI in French via GUIANA FRENCH, good signal. Was checking out Stewart MacKenzie`s Dec 18 report of an unknown station in an unknown country at 1808 in Spanish. Perhaps that should have been unknown language as well; RFI used to have Spanish at 1800 but abolished a few seasons ago (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GERMANY. 13730 at 1430 tune-in Dec 20, open carrier except for occasional unID noises, 1431 start up Dr. Kathy studying Psalms CXIX, flutter and echo. This is the weekend-only Bible Voice Broadcasting due east via Wertachtal, GERMANY; I`d rather hear Austria (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GREECE [and non]. 9935, Xmas music in English, Dec 20 around 1415 such as Lennon`s ``Happy Christmas``, but war isn`t exactly over; a jazzy song in English spanned the 1500 hourtop, 1501 ID in Greek for Makedonias station, mentioned FM, 1502 news. HFCC claims this is a 250 kW transmitter at Thessaloniki, 315 degrees, but it seems to me this was changed years ago to one of the 100 kW at Avlis whence the other

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ERA SW transmissions emanate, and so shown in WRTH 2010; plus Aoki which lists 1100-1650, 100 kW, 285 degrees. Adjacent to VOA English 9930 via Sri Lanka (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Don`t know about DXing with Cumbre, which some report has been missing for a few weeks, but heard Marie Lamb doing her Saturday morning classical music shift on WCNY, via webcast, Dec 19 including live timechex and current local weather around 1700 UT, and she sounds fine to me (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [and non]. 15420, Dec 20 at 1817, WBCQ with anapaestic Fence Lake NM preacher, ``Global Spirit Proclamation``, 50 kW, 245 degrees usward, about equal level with BBCWS in English via SOUTH AFRICA, 250 kW at 5 degrees, 1700-1900. If I really wanted to hear the gospel huxter, I would find this an intolerable collision. I would really want to hear BBCWS, but there are alternatives for that and BBCWS does not want me to hear them. Since WBCQ is on ``compatible upper sideband`` one should get rid of it and hear BBC in the clear by invoking LSB, but that is not the case. Tho much weaker, there is still some WBCQ to be heard on the LSB of the DX-398 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 15550-USB, at 1817 UT check Sunday Dec 20, just barely audible, sounds like English intonation, cannot be anything but WJHR Milton FL. One kW may be plenty for a ham station, but not for an audience-seeking international broadcaster except as a DXperiment (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. X-band scan in the caradio afternoon of Dec 19; it`s harder and harder to find a quiet spot in Enid covering the entire MW band, with all the Xmasdex, powerline and trafficlites, but at 2052 UT I was getting a clear steady signal on 1680 with ad for a jeweler in Vicksburg MS, huh? On 1680? Then another ad for In Style hairdresser mentioning the 318 area code, which is northern LA. At 2053 ``The music you grew up with, Old School 1680 AM``. Has to be KRJO Monroe LA, which NRC AM Log 2009 says is // 1360 KBYO Tallulah LA, but it was silent as of 6/2009 and not cross-referenced to 1680. Address is same for both in Monroe, but different formats. Tallulah is a lot closer to Vicksburg eastward on I-20. (I made the mistake of driving across LA on I-20 years ago; did they ever get it smoothed out?). Since the slogan heard on 1680 mentioned 1680, yet the 1360 transmitter would (better) serve Vicksburg, is that on the air or not, and which one is the primary station? FCC shows KBYO with a different licensee, ``FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH OF TULLULAH, LOUISIANA`` altho the town is spelt Tallulah. It`s not on the 12/1/09 edition of silent AM stations: http://www.fcc.gov/mb/audio/status/silentAM.html (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ### ** CHINA. Firedrake Dec 22 at 1517: nothing audible on any of the Big 4: 8400, 9000, 10210, 11300. Should have checked them earlier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. RHC, 6150, Dec 22 at 0614, Coro on Hurricane Gustav damage, in Spanish // 6120, while English was on 6140, 6060, 6010 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also ISRAEL [non]

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** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 6250, RNGE, Dec 22 at 0612 YL in Spanish, poor with deep fades, newsy sounder. 0621 much better mentioning the estadio in Brazzaville, presidential elexions[?!], phone interview, then ute QRM starts (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GERMANY [non]. 5945 at 0610 Dec 22, news in English detectable underneath skirt of RTI Spanish via WYFR 5950; 0611 DW ID, `cello riff, Newslink. This is 184 degrees via Woofferton, UK (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ISRAEL [non]. Now the Cubans are jamming Israel! WRMI has just changed to WRN relays M-F at 05-10 on 9955, with Israel scheduled 0600-0630. At 0606 Dec 22, pulsing over traces of talk, presumed Kol Israel, which thus is again broadcasting in English on SW, tho they probably don`t even know it, FWIW, much less that they are being jammed (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also USA: WWCR ** MEXICO. 4800, Dec 22 at 0617 very weak Spanish talk vying with CODAR, presumed XERTA, which most of the time is totally inaudible. Trans-continental, indeed! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OMAN. 15140, Dec 22 at 1502, talk in Arabic, fair with flutter. R. Sultanate of Oman supposedly runs all the way until 2200, but seldom audible. I might have heard them in English news today if I had intuned at 1430 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SAUDI ARABIA. 15435, Buzzing Service of the Kingdom of Sa`udi Arabia, not there at 1500 Dec 22, but came on around 1502, only fair signal, and buzzing too on 11785, which had also been audible before 1500 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Glenn: Experimentally, we're going to start running WRN from 0500-1000 UT Monday through Friday, beginning tonight (i.e. Tuesday morning). This will mean some programming changes, which I'll try to have defined before long. Actually, WRN will run till 1030, because 1000-1030 is Prague, which we will take from the WRN feed for this transmission (Jeff White, WRMI, UT Dec 22, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Because Wire Light (= Bryne Edwards, Your World Your Way, Cheetah Radio, etc.) is gone. So WRN replaces a number of repeats of R. Prague, DX programs, etc. The current WRN sked shows this lineup: 05:00 Radio Netherlands, Network Europe 06:00 Israel Radio, Daily News Magazine 06:30 Radio Canada International, The Link 07:00 Radio Prague, News. Current Affairs. One on One. Sports News 07:30 Radio Sweden, Radio Sweden Weekend 08:00 Radio Australia, News. PM. 09:00 Voice of Russia, News. This Is Russia 09:30 Radio Canada International, The Link 10:00 Radio Prague, News. Current Affairs. One on One. Sports News WRMI is still not on SW at M-F 17-01 UT when WRN is also scheduled, but plans to resume that in late January. Among the other changes, WORLD OF RADIO gone from 1630 UT Tuesday. Jeff also explains that the NW antenna is still out of service, at least for another several days (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also ISRAEL [non]

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** U S A. A strange new signal aside regular WYFR 9985, Dec 22 at 0607 on 9980 --- it`s Pastor Pete Peters! Therefore, WWCR-4 failed to make the switch to night frequency 5890 at 0200. Nothing on 5890, but quite audible on 9980, tho nowhere near the huge overloading daytime signal. Checking schedules, this collides with Israel`s sesquihour in Persian from 0500 due east on 9980, but no trace of that here. PPP still going at 0628. WWCR-2 was on 5935 as usual with TUN (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [non]. 11525, at 1505 Dec 22, ``It`s Christmas time`` asserted an American-accented announcer, poor with flutter, later clarified as VOA Border Crossings at 1512. This is 25 degrees from Iranawila, SRI LANKA, on the air this hour only (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. After hearing 3 x 1350, KWMO, the night before, I made sure to check 4050 Dec 22 at 0615, but nothing there. Must have been back on night power disaudiblizing the harmonic (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 4750, Dec 22 at 1410, at least two stations talking at about equal levels, likely China and Indonesia, making a rapid SAH, but maybe also a third if Bangladesh was still on. Pointless trying to unravel them. There are plenty of clear channels on 60 meters, hint2, e.g. abandoned by other RRI stations (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. After the unID tone test on 15700, I was hearing another one on 15600, Dec 22 at 1521 and still at 1533. Nothing on the schedules (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 15700, R. Bulgaria at 1458 Dec 22 with rock music, mixed with continuous tone test making a SAH, the latter continuing past 1500, still at 1506 but gone at next check 1512. This is during a one-hour break before RB resumes at 1600. Who could it be? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ### ** CANADA. 9625, CBCNQ, Dec 24 at 2305 in CBC World At Six special with reports on the 20th anniversary earlier this year of the Tiananmen Square Massacre. Including how only in Hong Kong they managed to hold a vigil in honor of the martyrs, suppressed by police everywhere else, but ``China cannot face its future until it faces its past`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHILE. HCJB via CVC, Calera de Tango, 11920, is *still* accompanied by spurs we and others first reported weeks ago; is no one paying attention at Quito, Calera de Tango, Colorado Springs or West Bromwich? Dec 24 at 2352, tho 11920 in Portuguese sounded OK, it was flanked by distorted, motorboating, mushy spurs with matching audio centered at approximately 11902 and 11938, the latter too close to a legitimate transmission on 11935, presumably CRI in Cantonese via Kunming (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. When you hear a ChiCom transmission echoing, it`s a sign of one of their accursed jamming techniques, to degrade their own broadcast so no one will want to listen to it, let alone anything mixed in. However, at 2353 Dec 24, their latest farang/gaijin voice of China, Paul James in Beijing was making secular remarx about the Xmas season just before closing on 11790, and that had quite an echo. In this case it must have been long/short path as echo-jamming is normally imposed only with CNR1 domestic programming, and there is nothing known requiring interdixion at this hour on this frequency, i.e. 190 degrees from Xi`an (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

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** CHINA. 10000, time pips pitched higher than WWV or WWVH, so knew I had something else, Dec 24 at 2358. Unfortunately it wasn`t PPE Brasil since there were no announcements every dekasecond; but conveniently at 2359 began repeated Morse code IDs in A2 as BPM until 2359:45, on top of WWVH YL complete ID during this minute and at :29 hourly. BPM is at Lintong, a suburb of Xi`an whence I was also getting CRI on 11790 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. RHC Dec 24 at 2322 on 13790 in English, and 13770 in Portuguese, plugging their 50th anniversary philatelic contest. Strangely, both emissions are designated for ``Buenos Aires`` rather than English- or Portuguese-speaking areas. A third language, Spanish, was to be heard on 11770, overrun from supposed 2300 close after European service (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RWANDA. Tnx to Steve George tip, heard RRR on extended Xmas eve broadcast. He said 6055 would run past usual 2100* at least until local midnight 2200 UT. I did not tune in until 2226, when Hark The Herald was being sung in uncertain language; 2228 announcement at first seemed Japanese and I feared it was R. Nikkei already, but shortly mentioned Rwanda and I realized it was an African language, presumably KinyaRwanda. Fair signal, no QRM. More music and chat continued, still going at 2257 but at *2258:50 completely blown away by REE cutting on with IS prior to its 2300 French broadcast (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** VATICAN [really]. 4005, no doubt Vatican Radio the station in German at 2259 Dec 24 with Roman Catholic stuff. Frequency is normally off the air at this time per skeds, but per VR`s special-broadcasts page http://www.radiovaticana.org/coorpro/entrasmisspec.htm this was: ``From St. Peter's Basilica , Eucharistic Celebration presided over by the Holy Father. Live broadcast from 09.50 p.m.`` [= 2050 UT, two hours earlier than usual to give the octogenarian B-16 an extra bihour of rest before he has to make another appearance the next morning; per BBC World News on TV] Tho it started at 2050, as usual VR did not specify an end time, but should have been over well before 2300 this year; the German-speaker I heard briefly may have been a non-Pope announcer recapping. Sked showed several other special SW frequencies for this, 5885 in Italian, 7235 and 9760 in French, 5900 and 7395 in Chinese, 7305 in Spanish, and 9530 in Portuguese. Per Aoki, 4005 normally carries English, Spanish, Arabic and finally Italian between 2050 and 2250*. Not scheduled for the convenience of Western Hemispherians, from 1050 UT Dec 25 is: ``The Holy Father's Christmas Message and "Urbi et Orbi" blessing at 12.00 p.m.`` Its special SW frequencies are 5965 in Italian, 9645 and 11740 in English, 7250 in German, 15275 and 17675 in French, 17600 in Spanish and 17715 in Portuguese. No indication of how long it will last, either. This is when the pontiff gets to show off his multi-linguistic skills (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 6950.1, Chipmunx singing Deck the Halls and other carols in medley, no doubt a pirate, Dec 24 at 2233; poor signal and not heard at next check before 2300 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ### *Los horarios corresponden al Tiempo Universal Coordinado (UTC).

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Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital: [email protected] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. COLABORADORES Y FUENTES * Federico Fuleston, Argentina * Horacio Nigro, Uruguay * Rubens Ferraz Pedroso, Brasil * Rudolf W. Grimm, Brasil * DX Clube do Brasil, Brasil * Antonio Rossett, Brasil * Yimber Gaviria, Colombia * Rafael Rodriguez, Colombia * Oscar de Cespedes, Estados Unidos * Chuck Bolland, Estados Unidos * Dave Valko, Estados Unidos * Glenn Hauser, Estados Unidos * Robert “Bob” Wilkner, Estados Unidos * Javier Robledillo Jaen, España * Jose Miguel Romero Romero, España * Manuel Jesus, Portugal * Roberto Pavanello, Italia * Francesco Cecconi, Italia * Carlos L.R. de Goncalves, Portugal * Artiom Prokohov, Rusia --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14. REVISTA CONEXION GRA Envié 2 U$S o 2 IRC para recibir un ejemplar de nuestra publicación grafica CONEXION GRA, la cual se complementa con estas ediciones digitales. CONEXION GRA se edita ININTERRUMPIDAMENTE desde marzo de 1987, se imprime con especial cuidado en la presentación de la información, contiene abundante material grafico (logotipos, fotos de QSL, fotos de colegas), compila en un solo medio mucha información que habitualmente estaría dispersa y es un nexo entre diexistas de diversos lugares, muchos de ellos ausentes del mundo de Internet por razones socioeconómicas. Mas detalles sobre suscripciones a CONEXION GRA, contactar a sus editores a: CONEXION GRA Marcelo A. Cornachioni, Alvarez Thomas 248, 1832 Lomas de Zamora, Provincia de Buenos Aires Argentina (adjuntar 2 IRC o 2 U$S). e-mail: [email protected] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Diciembre de 2009 – Buenos Aires - Republica Argentina.
