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Course 2 - Cursos de Inglés ATS · 2016-11-19 · - Los cargos por atraso en pago se llevan a cabo...

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Course 2 Name: _____________________________________ Day: ______________________________________ Schedule: ___________________________________ Teacher: ____________________________________
Page 1: Course 2 - Cursos de Inglés ATS · 2016-11-19 · - Los cargos por atraso en pago se llevan a cabo no importando si durante los primeros ... brindamos el beneficio de una reposición

Course 2

Name: _____________________________________ Day: ______________________________________ Schedule: ___________________________________ Teacher: ____________________________________

Page 2: Course 2 - Cursos de Inglés ATS · 2016-11-19 · - Los cargos por atraso en pago se llevan a cabo no importando si durante los primeros ... brindamos el beneficio de una reposición

A d v a n c e d T r a i n i n g S e r v i c e s www.cursosats.com � [email protected]

� 2312-3679


Reglamento – Cursos de Inglés ATS Pagos

- Por seguridad los pagos en efectivo deben ser realizados directamente en el banco, o en

recepción con tarjeta de crédito o débito.

- No se aceptan cheques. - A partir del SEGUNDO MES de estudio, su pago debe ser realizado LOS PRIMEROS 5 días

de cada mes, de lo contrario se cancelarán Q5 (cinco quetzales) por cada día de atraso en

el pago. Por ejemplo, si cancela el día siete (7) del mes, debe multiplicar dos (2) días de

atraso por Q5 (cinco quetzales) lo que dará por total Q10 (diez quetzales) adicionales a la

mensualidad. Por favor, tomar nota de lo anterior ya que no se harán excepciones. - Los cargos por atraso en pago se llevan a cabo no importando si durante los primeros

cinco (5) días del mes hay feriados, asuetos o es domingo.

- Las mensualidades de enero y diciembre se cancelan en su totalidad (incluyendo el

recargo por atraso en pago, si hubiera).

- No se hace devolución de dinero.

Sistema de Evaluación - Durante el curso se realizan entrevistas para asesorar al alumno y comprobar que su nivel

de comunicación verbal (lenguaje hablado) sea equivalente a por lo menos el nivel

gramatical que contiene el curso. Dichas entrevistas no tienen punteo, más se le brinda el

resultado al alumno para que sea consciente de su progreso.

- Al finalizar cada curso se realiza un examen escrito sobre cien puntos, el cual se aprueba

con una nota mínima de setenta y cinco (75).

- Al aprobar el examen final con al menos setenta y cinco (75) puntos, se le otorga un

certificado indicando el curso aprobado y la calificación obtenida.

- Los resultados y certificados se entregan el mismo día de la evaluación, durante el período de clase. El alumno debe esperar ya que ningún resultado se entrega por vía

telefónica o en otro horario ajeno al asignado.

- Los resultados y certificados se entregan únicamente a los alumnos que estén al día en sus


- En caso de no poder asistir en la fecha del examen final o de no obtener la calificación

mínima (setenta y cinco puntos), el alumno tiene una única oportunidad adicional para

tomar un examen de recuperación. Dicho examen tiene un costo de Q35 (treinta y cinco

quetzales) y se realiza después de las fechas de los exámenes finales.

Certificados Todo certificado otorgado al aprobar un curso, tiene una vigencia de hasta seis meses. Todo

alumno que se retire de la academia por más de seis meses a partir de la fecha del certificado,

deberá tomar un examen de ubicación y cumplir con el proceso de inscripción nuevamente al

momento de querer retomar el programa. La entrega del certificado es personal.

Reposición de Clase En ATS estamos conscientes que nuestros alumnos cuentan con diversos compromisos laborales,

académicos o personales. Así también, las emergencias e imprevistos se suceden sin aviso alguno.

Por tanto, brindamos el beneficio de una reposición de clase presencial. Para optar por el mismo el

alumno debe cumplir con lo siguiente:

Page 3: Course 2 - Cursos de Inglés ATS · 2016-11-19 · - Los cargos por atraso en pago se llevan a cabo no importando si durante los primeros ... brindamos el beneficio de una reposición

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� 2312-3679


- La reposición de clase está disponible a partir de la segunda clase del curso. Durante la primera clase no se brinda reposición.

- Llamar durante la semana en la cual se repondrá la clase para confirmar horarios y cupos

disponibles. Si los hay, se procederá a reservarle ese espacio para que pueda asistir en

otro horario.

- La reposición se lleva a cabo el mismo fin de semana. Nuestra calendarización es semanal,

por lo que el contenido visto el sábado es el mismo que se cubre en domingo.

- Si el alumno no avisa con anticipación pero se presenta a reponer clase, deberá esperar a

que el personal administrativo confirme espacios disponibles en el salón del curso, previo

a ser guiado(a) al mismo.

- Si un alumno solicita reposición de clase y no asiste, será anotado en el sistema de

asistencia. Al sumar dos solicitudes sin presentarse a las mismas, le será revocado el

beneficio de reposición de clase presencial durante el resto del trimestre. Si el caso se

repitiera por tercera ocasión durante un trimestre diferente, le será revocado el beneficio

durante el resto del programa.

- Todo alumno que no pueda asistir a su clase en horario oficial ni pueda optar a una

reposición de clase presencial (bajo cualquier circunstancia), puede ver el contenido visto

en clase en nuestro sitio web: www.cursosats.com

Cambios de Horario - Los horarios se modifican cada trimestre, tomando en cuenta la cantidad de alumnos que

hay en cada grupo. La cantidad mínima para mantener el horario de un grupo es de quince (15) alumnos. Es importante que el grupo sea consciente de la responsabilidad que

tienen tanto para sí mismos como con sus compañeros para poder completar su


- Todo alumno tiene la opción de cambiar su horario solamente una vez por trimestre. Para

ello se deben cumplir los siguientes requisitos:

o Este trámite es personal. o Estar al día en sus pagos y haber cancelado el primer mes del siguiente curso


o Llenar la hoja de Solicitud de Cambio de Horario, la cual se entrega en la oficina al

presentar su comprobante de pago (si fue en efectivo). Si el pago se realiza con

tarjeta, el alumno deberá llenar la solicitud el mismo instante en que se inscribe.

o El cambio se realiza durante el período de inscripciones para el siguiente

trimestre. La última fecha para solicitarlo es el día de cierre de inscripción

(indicada en su calendario del curso).

o El alumno será informado, previo a realizar cualquier cambio, de la disponibilidad

de horarios para el curso. No se aceptan cambios de horario realizados por el alumno sin haber notificado a la Academia de su intención para el mismo.

Instalaciones - Está prohibido, por parte de la Administración del Edificio así como por parte de la

Academia, que los alumnos permanezcan sentados en las gradas o se apoyen, sienten o

recuesten en los pasamanos y barandas del edificio; antes, durante o después del período de clase.

- Se prohíbe el mal uso de todo el inmobiliario y material didáctico usado en clase (manchar

o romper escritorios, manchar paredes, comer y dejar la basura o residuos fuera del

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A d v a n c e d T r a i n i n g S e r v i c e s www.cursosats.com � [email protected]

� 2312-3679


basurero) así como el mal uso de los baños. Es importante respetar y cuidar nuestras

instalaciones, ya que son compartidas por todos los compañeros de clase, así como el

resto del estudiantado.

- Está prohibido el uso de cargadores de dispositivos móviles (teléfonos celulares, iPod,

laptops, etc.).

- Se prohíbe la permanencia de todo alumno una vez terminado su período de clase. Los

horarios deben ser respetados ya que al terminar la misma, otros alumnos harán uso del

salón. Así también, a las 5:00 p.m. (cinco de la tarde) se cierran las instalaciones y nadie

puede permanecer en las mismas.

Seguridad - ATS no se hace responsable por objetos de valor ni pertenencias olvidadas dentro o fuera

de los salones de clase, así como dentro o fuera del Edificio.

Parqueo - ATS no se hace responsable de proveer servicio de parqueo a los alumnos. El alumno se

estaciona por cuenta y riesgo propio.

Comportamiento - No se permite el uso de celulares ni otros dispositivos electrónicos en clase.

- Una actitud de respeto debe ser demostrada hacia:

o Maestros

o Compañeros de clase

o Personal Administrativo

- No se permite el ingreso de acompañantes al salón de clase, no importando sean

familiares o amigos.

Vestuario - No se permite el ingreso a los alumnos que vistan lo siguiente:

o Pantalones rotos (con agujeros)

o Pantalones de cintura baja

o Blusas escotadas

o Blusas de tirantes

o Faldas o blusas “transparentes”

o Mini faldas

o Gorras, sombreros o gorros

o Playeras, chaquetas o sudaderos con mensajes ofensivos, discriminativos o

inapropiados a la ética y moral.

o Cualquier ornamenta que no sea profesional.

Maestros - Cada cierto tiempo se realiza una rotación de maestros. Esto es parte de nuestra

metodología para que el alumno pueda estar expuesto a diferentes acentos, vocabulario,

expresiones y entorno de aprendizaje; lo cual le ayudará a desenvolverse mejor en

situaciones de la vida real.


Page 5: Course 2 - Cursos de Inglés ATS · 2016-11-19 · - Los cargos por atraso en pago se llevan a cabo no importando si durante los primeros ... brindamos el beneficio de una reposición

Advanced T ra i n ing Serv i ces [email protected]

www.cursosats.com 2312-3679

Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2


Vocabulary: Everyday Activities

1. brushing

2. cleaning

3. feeding

4. fixing

5. painting

6. reading

7. washing

Possessive Adjectives


I my I’m reading my book.

you your You’re painting your bedroom.

he his He’s washing his hands.

she her She’s feeding her birds.

it its It’s drinking its milk.

we our We’re fixing our car.

you your You and your husband are cooking your dinner.

they their They’re playing their guitars.

Examples: Everyday Activities

A. Hi! What are you doing? (singular)

B. I’m fixing my sink.

1. A: What’s Bob doing? B: He’s fixing his car.

2. A: What’s Mary doing? B: She’s cleaning her room.

3. A: What are you doing? (plural) B: We’re cleaning our apartment.

4. A: What are your children doing? B: They’re doing their homework.

Page 6: Course 2 - Cursos de Inglés ATS · 2016-11-19 · - Los cargos por atraso en pago se llevan a cabo no importando si durante los primeros ... brindamos el beneficio de una reposición

Advanced T ra i n ing Serv i ces [email protected]

www.cursosats.com 2312-3679

Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2


Are You Busy?

Example: A. Are you busy? B. Yes, I am. I’m washing my hair.

1. Is Frank busy? (cleaning / apartment)

2. Is Helen busy? (feeding / cat)

3. Are you and John busy? plural

(fixing / TV)

4. Are Jim and Lisa busy? (painting / bedroom)

5. Are you busy? singular (doing / homework)

6. Is Richard busy? (washing / clothes)

7. Are Ed and Ruth busy? (painting / garage)

8. Is Timmy busy? (feeding / dog)

9. Are you busy? plural (doing / exercises)

10. Are you busy? singular (fixing / bicycle)

11. Is Karen busy? (washing / car)

12. Is Anwar busy? (cleaning / yard)

Are you sure you know these words?

busy clothes hair sink

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Advanced T ra i n ing Serv i ces [email protected]

www.cursosats.com 2312-3679

Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2


Where and What?


A. Where’s Mr. Molina? B. He’s in the park. A. What’s he doing? B. He’s listening to the radio.

A. Where are Mr. and Mrs. Sharp? B. They’re in the laundromat. A. What are they doing? B. They’re washing their clothes.

1. Ms. Roberts (park / reading / newspaper)

2. Annie and Claudia (yard / playing / basketball)

3. Danny Williams (garage / fixing / bicycle)

4. Patty Williams (garage / washing / car)

5. Bob Davis (restaurant / cooking / breakfast)

6. Mr. and Mrs. Lopez (restaurant / eating / dinner)

7. Charlie Harries (health club / doing / exercises)

8. Jenny Chang (library / studying / math)

Are you sure you know these words? breakfast health club math cooking laundromat newspaper dinner library

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Advanced T ra i n ing Serv i ces [email protected]

www.cursosats.com 2312-3679

Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2


Reading: A Busy Day

Everybody at 159 River Street is very busy today. Mr. Price (1) is cleaning his bedroom. Ms. Hunter (2) is

painting her bathroom. Ricky Gomez (3) is feeding his cat. Mr. and Mrs. Wong (4) are washing their

clothes. Mrs. Martin (5) is doing her exercises. And Judy and Larry Clark (6) are fixing their car.

I’m busy, too. I’m washing my windows... and of course, I’m watching all my neighbors. It’s a very busy

day at 159 River Street.

Are you sure you know these words? everybody of course today neighbors street too


Using this model, make questions and answers based on the story. A. What’s Mr. Price doing? B. He’s cleaning his bedroom.

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Advanced T ra i n ing Serv i ces [email protected]

www.cursosats.com 2312-3679

Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2


What Are They Doing?

what my our cleaning apartment

what’s his their doing children

are her fixing homework


1. __________ Jason doing?

He’s ________________________ room.

2. What’s Peggy ________________?

She’s __________________________ car.

3. _________ are you doing?

I’m cleaning _______________________.

4. What are your ________________ doing?

They’re doing ______________________.

5. What _________ you doing?

We’re fixing _________________________.

What’s the Word?

my his her its our your their

1. I’m feeding _________ cat.

2. We’re washing _________ clothes.

3. They’re painting _________ bedroom.

4. She’s fixing _________ sink.

5. It’s eating _________ dinner.

6. You’re cleaning _________ yard.

7. He’s reading _________ e-mail.

Page 10: Course 2 - Cursos de Inglés ATS · 2016-11-19 · - Los cargos por atraso en pago se llevan a cabo no importando si durante los primeros ... brindamos el beneficio de una reposición

Advanced T ra i n ing Serv i ces [email protected]

www.cursosats.com 2312-3679

Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2


Short Affirmative Answers

1. Is Harry feeding his cat?

____Yes, he is______________.

2. Are you and Tom cleaning your yard?


3. Is Mrs. Chen doing her exercises?


4. Are your children brushing their teeth?


5. Is George sleeping?


6. Is Irene planting flowers?


7. Are you washing your windows?


8. Am I in the hospital?


What Are They Doing?

1. He’s ________________________ his hair. 2. They’re ___________________ their yard.

3. We’re _________________ our exercises. 4. I’m _______________________ my e-mail.

5. She’s ________________ her living room. 6. You’re _____________________ your cat.

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Advanced T ra i n ing Serv i ces [email protected]

www.cursosats.com 2312-3679

Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2


What’s the Word?

Circle the correct words.

1. (They’re / Their) washing (they’re / their)


2. (Where / We’re) are Mr. and Mrs. Tanaka?

3. (He’s / His) doing (he’s / his) exercises.

4. (Where are / Where’s) the cell phone?

5. We’re brushing (are / our) teeth.

6. (His / Is) Richard busy?

7. What (are / our) you doing?

8. The cat is eating (it’s / its) dinner.

A Busy Day

laundromat doing playing they’re what’s her are

library eating reading he’s where’s their and

park fixing washing she’s in his

restaurant listening

Everybody is busy today. Ms. Roberts is in the ___________. She’s ___________ dinner. Mr. and

Mrs. Lopez are ___________ the health club. ___________ doing ___________ exercises. Patty

and Danny Williams are in the ___________. She’s ___________the newspaper. He’s listening to

music. Mr. ___________ Mrs. Sharp are also in the park. What are they ___________? They’re

___________ cards.

Jenny Chang is in the ___________. ___________ washing ___________ clothes. Charlie Harris

and Julie Carter ___________ in the parking lot. He’s ___________ ___________ car. She’s

___________ her bicycle. ___________ Mr. Molina? He’s in the ___________. ___________ he

doing? ___________ reading a book.

Page 12: Course 2 - Cursos de Inglés ATS · 2016-11-19 · - Los cargos por atraso en pago se llevan a cabo no importando si durante los primeros ... brindamos el beneficio de una reposición

Advanced T ra i n ing Serv i ces [email protected]

www.cursosats.com 2312-3679

Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2


PAGE 5: WHAT ARE THEY DOING? 1. What’s Jason doing? He’s cleaning his room. 2. What’s Peggy doing? She’s fixing her car. 3. What are you doing? I’m cleaning my


4. What are your children doing? They’re doing their homework.

5. What are you doing? We’re fixing our sink.

PAGE 5: WHAT’S THE WORD? 1. I’m feeding my cat. 2. We’re washing our clothes. 3. They’re painting their bedroom. 4. She’s fixing her sink.

5. It’s eating its dinner. 6. You’re cleaning your yard. 7. He’s reading his e-mail.

PAGE 6: SHORT AFFIRMATIVE ANSWERS 1. Is Harry feeding his cat? Yes, he is. 2. Are you and Tom cleaning your yard? Yes,

we are. 3. Is Mrs. Chen doing her exercises? Yes, she is. 4. Are your children brushing their teeth? Yes,

they are.

5. Is George sleeping? Yes, he is. 6. Is Irene planting flowers? Yes, she is. 7. Are you washing your windows? Yes, I am. 8. Am I in the hospital? Yes, you are.

PAGE 6: WHAT ARE THEY DOING? 1. He’s washing his hair. 2. They’re cleaning their yard. 3. We’re doing our exercises.

4. I’m reading my e-mail. 5. She’s painting her living room. 6. You’re feeding your cat.

PAGE 7: WHAT’S THE WORD? 1. They’re washing their windows. 2. Where are Mr. and Mrs. Tanaka? 3. He’s doing his exercises. 4. Where’s the cell phone?

5. We’re brushing our teeth. 6. Is Richard busy? 7. What are you doing? 8. The cat is eating its dinner.

PAGE 7: A BUSY DAY Everybody is busy today. Ms. Roberts is in the restaurant. She’s eating dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Lopez are in the health club. They’re doing their exercises. Patty and Danny Williams are in the park. She’s reading the newspaper. He’s listening to music. Mr. and Mrs. Sharp are also in the park. What are they doing? They’re playing cards. Jenny Chang is in the laundromat. She’s washing her clothes. Charlie Harris and Julie Carter are in the parking lot. He’s washing his car. She’s fixing her bicycle. Where’s Mr. Molina? He’s in the library. What’s he doing? He’s reading a book.

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Advanced T ra i n ing Serv i ces [email protected]

www.cursosats.com 2312-3679

Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2


Vocabulary: Opposites

1. tall - short

2. young - old

3. heavy / fat - thin

4. new - old

5. married - single

6. handsome - ugly

7. beautiful / pretty - ugly

8. large / big – small / little

9. noisy / loud - quiet

10. expensive - cheap

11. easy - difficult

12. rich - poor

Possessive Nouns: ‘S

Incorrect Correct • The car of Howard • Howard’s car

• The house of Robert • Robert’s house

• The neighbors of Kate • Kate’s neighbors

• The apartment of George • George’s apartment

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Advanced T ra i n ing Serv i ces [email protected]

www.cursosats.com 2312-3679

Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2


Tall or Short?

A. Is Bob tall or short? B. He’s tall.

A. Is Bill tall or short? B. He’s short.

1. Is Kate young or old?

2. Is Peggy young or old?

3. Is Howard heavy or thin?

4. Is Mike fat or thin?

5. Is Howard’s car new or old?

6. Is Mike’s car new or old?

7. Is Gloria married or single?

8. Is the food at Burger Town expensive or cheap?

9. Is Larry rich or poor?

10. Is Mr. Crook handsome or ugly?

11. Is Vanessa beautiful or ugly?

12. Are the questions in Chapter 17 easy or difficult?

13. Is Robert’s house large or small?

14. Is George’s apartment big or little?

15. Are Kate’s neighbors noisy or quiet?

Are you sure you know these words? chapter food house neighbor

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Advanced T ra i n ing Serv i ces [email protected]

www.cursosats.com 2312-3679

Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2


Tell me about…

A. Are you married? B. No, I’m not. I’m single.

A. Tell me about your new car. Is it large? B. No, it isn’t. It’s small.

A. Tell me about your new neighbors. Are they quiet? B. No, they aren’t. They’re noisy.

1. A. Tell me about your computer? ____ new? B. No…

2. A. Tell me about your new boss. ____ young? B. No…

3. A. Tell me about your neighbors. ____ noisy? B. No…

4. A. Tell me about the Plaza Restaurant? ____ cheap? B. No…

5. A. Tell me about your brother. ____ tall? B. No…

6. A. Tell me about your sister. ____ single? B. No…

7. A. Tell me about Nancy’s cat. ____ pretty? B. No…

8. A. Tell me about Ron and Betty’s dog. ____ little? B. No…

9. A. Tell me about the questions in your English book. ____ difficult? B. No…

Are you sure you know these words? boss sister brother

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Advanced T ra i n ing Serv i ces [email protected]

www.cursosats.com 2312-3679

Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2


How’s the weather today?

It’s sunny. It’s cloudy. It’s raining. It’s snowing.

It’s hot. (100 F) It’s warm. (70 F) It’s cool. (50 F) It’s cold. (10 F)

Reading: Dear Mother

Dear Mother, I’m writing from our hotel at Sludge Beach. Ralph and I are on vacation with the children for a few days. We’re happy to be here, but to tell the truth, we’re having a few problems. The weather isn’t very good. In fact, it’s cold and cloudy. Right now I’m looking out the window, and it’s raining cats and dogs. The children aren’t very happy. In fact, they’re bored and

they’re having a terrible time. Right now they’re sitting on the bed, playing tic tac toe and watching TV. The restaurants here are expensive, and the food isn’t very good. In fact, Ralph is at a clinic right now. He’s having problems with his stomach.

All the other hotels here are beautiful and new. Our hotel is ugly, and it’s very, very old. In fact, right now a repairperson is fixing the bathroom sink. So, Mother, we’re having a few problems here at Sludge Beach, but we’re happy. We’re happy to be on vacation, and we’re happy to be together. See you soon. Love, Ethel

Are you sure you know these words? bed here repair person tic tac toe bored in fact see you soon to tell the truth few it’s raining cats and dogs sink together having a terrible

time looking out stomach

Reading Check-up: True or false?

1. The weather is beautiful. ( ) 5. Ralph is at the hotel right now. ( )

2. The children are happy. ( ) 6. Their hotel is old. ( )

3. The children are watching TV. ( ) 7. A repair person is fixing the window. ( )

4. The restaurants are cheap. ( ) 8. Ethel is watching the cats and dogs. ( )

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Advanced T ra i n ing Serv i ces [email protected]

www.cursosats.com 2312-3679

Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2


Matching Opposites

_d_ 1. large a. thin ___ 8. tall h. heavy

___ 2. heavy b. rich ___ 9. difficult i. old

___ 3. single c. beautiful ___ 10. new j. ugly

___ 4. ugly d. small ___ 11. handsome k. big

___ 5. cheap e. young ___ 12. thin l. easy

___ 6. poor f. expensive ___ 13. little m. noisy

___ 7. old g. married ___ 14. quiet n. short

What are they saying?


1. Is he short or ____________________? 5. Is it large or _____________________?

2. Is he heavy or ____________________? 6. Is it quiet or _____________________?

3. Is he old or ______________________? 7. Is it cheap or ____________________?

4. Is he single or ____________________? 8. Is it beautiful or __________________?

Correct the Sentences

1. It’s new. _______It isn’t new. It’s old._____________

2. They’re quiet. ______________________________________

3. It’s large. ______________________________________

4. He’s single. _____________________________________

5. She’s young. _____________________________________

6. They’re short. ______________________________________

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Scrambled Questions

Unscramble the questions.

1. Are you busy ____ __?

busy you are

5. _______________________________?

difficult English is

2. ______________________________?

dog your large is

6. _______________________________?

new is car their

3. ______________________________?

are married they

7. _______________________________?

tall she is short or

4. ______________________________?

I beautiful am

8. _______________________________?

noisy quiet he is or

Whose things?

bicycle book car cat computer dog guitar house piano TV

1. Albert Albert’s car .

2. Jenny _________________________________.

3. George _________________________________.

4. Fred _________________________________.

5. Kate _________________________________.

6. Mr. Price _________________________________.

7. Jane _________________________________.

8. Mike _________________________________.

9. Mrs. Chang _________________________________.

10. Alice _________________________________.

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What’s the word?

his her their its

1. Mary’s brother isn’t short. ( His / Her ) brother is tall.

2. Mr. and Mrs. Miller’s apartment isn’t cheap. ( His / Their ) apartment is expensive.

3. Robert’s sister isn’t single. ( His / Her ) sister is married.

4. Ms. Clark’s neighbors aren’t quiet. ( Their / Her ) neighbors are noisy.

5. Their dog’s name isn’t Rover. ( Its / Their ) name is Fido.

6. Mrs. Hunter’s car isn’t large. ( His / Her ) car is small.

7. Timmy’s bicycle isn’t new. ( His / Its ) bicycle is old.

8. Mr. and Mrs. Lee’s son isn’t single. ( Her / Their ) son is married.

How’s the weather?

It’s sunny. It’s raining. It’s warm. It’s hot. It’s cloudy. It’s snowing. It’s cool. It’s cold.

1. How’s the weather in Mexico City? It’s warm .

2. How’s the weather in Miami? __________________________________.

3. How’s the weather in New York? __________________________________.

4. How’s the weather in Rome? __________________________________.

5. How’s the weather in San Francisco? __________________________________.

6. How’s the weather in San Juan? __________________________________.

7. How’s the weather in Seoul? __________________________________.

8. How’s the weather in Tokyo? __________________________________.

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_e . 1. Is your brother tall? a. Yes, I am. I’m studying.

___ 2. Is your computer new? b. No, she isn’t. She’s single.

___ 3. Is it hot today? c. No, she isn’t. She’s old.

___ 4. Hi! Are you busy? d. No, it isn’t. It’s cold.

___ 5. Are your neighbors quiet? e. No, he isn’t. He’s short.

___ 6. Is she young? f. No, he isn’t. He’s thin.

___ 7. Is her husband heavy? g. No, they aren’t. They’re easy.

___ 8. Is your sister married? h. No, it isn’t. It’s old.

___ 9. Are these questions difficult? i. No, they aren’t. They’re noisy.

PAGE 13: MATCHING OPPOSITES 1. d 2. a 3. g 4. c 5. f

6. b 7. e 8. n 9. l 10. i

11. j 12. h 13. k 14. m

PAGE 13: WHAT ARE THEY SAYING? 1. Is he short or tall? 2. Is he heavy or thin? 3. Is he old or young? 4. Is he single or married? 5. Is it large or small? / Is it large or little? 6. Is it quiet or loud? / Is it quiet or noisy? 7. Is it cheap or expensive? 8. Is it beautiful or ugly?

PAGE 13: CORRECT THE SENTENCES 2. They aren’t quiet. They’re loud. / They’re noisy. 3. It isn’t large. It’s small. / It’s little. 4. He isn’t single. He’s married. 5. She isn’t young. She’s old. 6. They aren’t short. They’re tall.

PAGE 14: SCRAMBLED QUESTIONS 2. Is your dog large? 3. Are they married? 4. Am I beautiful? 5. Is English difficult? 6. Is their car new? 7. Is she tall or short? 8. Is he noisy or quiet?

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PAGE 14: WHOSE THINGS? 2. Jenny’s bicycle 3. George’s guitar 4. Fred’s dog 5. Kate’s computer 6. Mr. Price’s house 7. Jane’s piano 8. Mike’s TV 9. Mrs. Chang’s book 10. Alice’s cat

PAGE 15: WHAT’S THE WORD? 1. Mary’s brother isn’t short. Her brother is tall. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Miller’s apartment isn’t cheap. Their apartment is expensive. 3. Robert’s sister isn’t single. His sister is married. 4. Ms. Clark’s neighbors aren’t quiet. Her neighbors are noisy. 5. Their dog’s name isn’t Rover. Its name is Fido. 6. Mrs. Hunter’s car isn’t large. Her car is small. 7. Timmy’s bicycle isn’t new. His bicycle is old. 8. Mr. and Mrs. Lee’s son isn’t single. Their son is married.

PAGE 15: HOW’S THE WEATHER? 2. How’s the weather in Miami? It’s sunny. 3. How’s the weather in New York? It’s snowing. 4. How’s the weather in Rome? It’s raining. 5. How’s the weather in San Francisco? It’s cool. 6. How’s the weather in San Juan? It’s hot. 7. How’s the weather in Seoul? It’s cold. 8. How’s the weather in Tokyo? It’s cloudy.

PAGE 16: MATCHING 2. h 3. d 4. a 5. i

6. c 7. f 8. b 9. g

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Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2


Vocabulary: Family Members

1. Wife 2. Husband

Parents 3. Mother 4. Father

Children 5. Daughter 6. Son

7. Sister 8. Brother

Grandparents 9. Grandmother 10. Grandfather

Grandchildren 11. Granddaughter

12. Grandson

13. Aunt

14. Uncle

15. Niece

16. Nephew

17. Cousin

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Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2


My Favorite Photographs

A. Who is he? B. He’s my father. A. What’s his name? B. His name is Paul. A. Where is he? B. He’s in Paris. A. What’s he doing? B. He’s standing in front of the Eiffel Tower.

Using these questions, talk about the following photographs.


Who is he? Who is she? Who are they? What’s his name? What’s her name? What are their names? Where is he? Where is she? Where are they? What’s he doing? What’s she doing? What are they doing?

1. - my mother - in the park - riding her bicycle

2. - my parents - in the dining room - having dinner

3. - my aunt and uncle - in Washington, D.C. - standing in front of the White House

4. - my daughter - in front of our house - washing her car

5. - my niece - at school - acting in a play

6. - my cousin - in front of his apartment building - skateboarding

7. - my sister and brother - in the kitchen - baking a cake

8. - my grandmother and grandfather - at my wedding - crying

9. - my friends - at my birthday party - singing and dancing

Are you sure you know these words? acting dancing in front of singing baking having breakfast party skateboarding birthday having dinner play standing crying having lunch riding wedding

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Reading: Arthur is very angry!

Are you sure you know these words? a lot of angry argument barking clock drums

late making neighbors night noise rug

sitting teenagers tired vacuuming

Reading Check-Up

PART 1: Q & A Using this model, make questions and answers based on the story. A. What’s the man in Apartment 3 doing? B. He’s vacuuming his rugs. PART 2: CHOOSE

1. Arthur’s neighbors are _________. a. noisy b. angry

4. The dog in Apartment 6 isn’t _________. a. sleeping b. making noise

2. The man in Apartment 3 is _________. a. painting b. cleaning

5. The woman in Apartment 4 is _________. a. playing cards b. playing music

3. The people in Apartment 5 are _________. a. young b. old

6. Arthur isn’t very _________. a. happy b. tired

It’s late at night. Arthur is sitting on his bed and

he’s looking at his clock. His neighbors are making

a lot of noise, and Arthur is very angry.

The people in Apartment 2 are dancing. The man in

Apartment 3 is vacuuming his rug. The woman in

Apartment 4 is playing the drums. The teenagers in

Apartment 5 are listening to loud music. The dog in

Apartment 6 is barking. And the people in

Apartment 7 are having a big argument.

It’s very late, and Arthur is tired and angry. What a

terrible night!

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Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2


Reading: Tom’s Wedding Day

Are you sure you know these words? band cake corner everybody favorite

fireplace getting to know

each other gown here

laughing photograph popular sentimental talking about

the good old days time wearing wonderful

Reading Check-Up


1. Where is Jane standing? 4. What’s Aunt Emma doing? 2. What’s she wearing? 5. What’s Tom’s mother doing? 3. What’s Uncle Harry doing? 6. What are their grandparents doing?

Today is a very special day. It’s my wedding day, and all my family and friends are here. Everybody is having a wonderful time. My wife, Jane, is standing in front of the fireplace. She’s wearing a beautiful white wedding gown. Uncle Harry is taking her photograph, and Aunt Emma is crying. (She’s very sentimental.) The band is playing my favorite popular music. My mother is dancing with Jane’s father, and Jane’s mother is dancing with my father. My sister and Jane’s brother are standing in the yard and eating wedding cake. Our grandparents are sitting in the corner and talking about “the good old days”. Everybody is having a good time. People are singing, dancing, and laughing, and our families are getting to know each other.

It’s a very special day.

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Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2


A Family

brother sister father grandmother

children son grandchildren grandparents

daughter wife granddaughter grandson

husband grandfather mother

Bill and Jane are married. Jane is Bill’s ___________________. Bill is Jane’s

___________________. Timmy and Sally are their ___________________. Timmy is Sally’s

__________________, and Sally is Timmy’s ___________________.

Walter and Helen are Jane’s parents. Walter is Jane’s ___________________, and Helen is Jane’s

___________________. Walter and Helen are Timmy and Sally’s

______________________________________. Walter is their ___________________, and Helen

is their ___________________. Timmy and Sally are Walter and Helen’s ___________________.

Timmy is their ___________________, and Sally is their ___________________.

Bill Jane


Sally Walter




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Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2


aunt nephew uncle

cousin niece

An e-mail from Los Angeles

John is Jane’s brother. Judy is John’s wife. Danny is their son. John is Timmy and Sally’s

___________________, and Judy is their ___________________.

Timmy is John and Judy’s ___________________, and Sally is their ___________________.

Danny is Timmy and Sally’s ___________________.




Danny Timmy Sally

Dear Alex: Our new home in Los Angeles is large and pretty. Los Angeles is beautiful. The weather is warm and sunny. Today it’s 78° F. Our family is in the park today, and we’re having a good time. My mother is reading a book, and my father is listening to music. My sister Patty is riding her bicycle, and my brother Tom is skateboarding. My grandparents aren’t in the park today. They’re at home. My grandmother is baking, and my grandfather is planting flowers in the yard. How’s the weather in New York today? Is it snowing? What are you and your family doing?

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Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2


Answer the questions in complete sentences.

1. Where is Bob’s new home?

2. How’s the weather in Los Angeles?

3. What’s the temperature?

4. Where are Bob and his family today?

5. What’s Bob’s mother doing?

6. What’s his father doing?

7. Who is Patty?

8. What’s she doing?

9. Who is Tom?

10. What’s he doing?

11. Are Bob’s grandparents in the park?

12. Where are they?

13. What’s his grandmother doing?

14. What’s his grandfather doing?

15. Is Alex in Los Angeles?

16. Where is he?

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Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2


PAGES 22 & 23: A FAMILY Bill and Jane are married. Jane is Bill’s wife. Bill is Jane’s husband. Timmy and Sally are their children. Timmy is Sally’s brother, and Sally is Timmy’s sister. Walter and Helen are Jane’s parents. Walter is Jane’s father, and Helen is Jane’s mother. Walter and Helen are Timmy and Sally’s grandparents. Walter is their grandfather, and Helen is their grandmother. Timmy and Sally are Walter and Helen’s grandchildren. Timmy is their grandson, and Sally is their granddaughter. John is Jane’s brother. Judy is John’s wife. Danny is their son. John is Timmy and Sally’s uncle, and Judy is their aunt. Timmy is John and Judy’s nephew, and Sally is their niece. Danny is Timmy and Sally’s cousin. PAGE 23 & 24: AN E-MAIL FROM LOS ANGELES 1. It’s in Los Angeles. 2. It’s warm and sunny. 3. It’s 78° F. 4. They’re in the park. 5. She’s reading a book. 6. He’s listening to music. 7. She’s Bob’s sister. 8. She’s riding her bicycle. 9. He’s Bob’s brother. 10. He’s skateboarding. 11. No, they aren’t. 12. They’re at home. 13. She’s baking. 14. He’s planting flowers in the yard. 15. No, he isn’t. 16. He’s in New York.

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Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2 26

Vocabulary: Places Around Town

1. bakery

2. barber shop

3. book store

4. bus station

5. cafeteria

6. clinic

7. department store

8. drug store

9. hair salon

10. health club

11. hotel

12. laundromat

13. school

14. train station

15. video store

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Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2 27

Where’s the restaurant?

A. Where’s the restaurant?

B. It’s next to the bank.

A. Where’s the supermarket?

B. It’s across from the movie theater.

A. Where’s the school?

B. It’s between the library and the park.

A. Where’s the post office?

B. It’s around the corner from the hospital.

1. Where’s the bank?

2. Where’s the post office?

3. Where’s the restaurant?

4. Where’s the hospital?

5. Where’s the hotel?

6. Where’s the gas station?

7. Where’s the clinic?

8. Where’s the bakery? Are you sure you know these words? bank hospital movie theater gas station library post office

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Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2 28

There is / There are

Example #1:


Affirmative Sentence:

• There is a chair in the kitchen. Contraction:

• There’s a chair in the kitchen.

Affirmative Sentence:

• There are tables in the basement. Contraction:

• No contraction!

Negative Sentence:

• There is not a chair in the kitchen. Contraction:

• There isn’t a chair in the kitchen.

• There’s not a chair in the kitchen.

Negative Sentence:

• There are not tables in the basement. Contraction:

• There aren’t tables in the basement.


• Is there a chair in the kitchen?


• Are there tables in the basement?

Example #2:


Affirmative Sentence:

• There is a cat in the living room. Contraction:

• There’s a cat in the living room.

Affirmative Sentence:

• There are desks in the classroom. Contraction:

• No contraction!

Negative Sentence:

• There is not a cat in the living room. Contraction:

• There isn’t a cat in the living room.

• There’s not a cat in the living room.

Negative Sentence:

• There are not desks in the classroom. Contraction:

• There aren’t desks in the classroom.


• Is there a cat in the living room?


• Are there desks in the classroom?

Is there a laundromat in this neighborhood?

Example: A. Excuse me. Is there a laundromat in this neighborhood? B. Yes. There’s a laundromat on Main Street, next to the supermarket.

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Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2 29

1. drug store? 2. clinic?

3. department store? 4. hair salon?

5. book store? 6. post office

Are you sure you know these words? avenue neighborhood street church police station supermarket

How to say it! Expressing Gratitude

Indefinite Articles: An / A





an Architect a Basement

an Eraser a Cat

an Igloo a Dog

an Octopus a Flower

an Umbrella a Hospital

a University


• Thanks

• Thanks a lot

• Thank you so much

• Thanks for your help

• I appreciate it


• No problem

• Anytime

• My pleasure

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Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2 30

Is there a stove in the kitchen?


Affirmative Answer A. Is there a stove in the kitchen? B. Yes, there is. There’s a very nice stove in the kitchen. A. Oh, good.

Negative Answer A. Is there a refrigerator in the kitchen? B. No, there isn’t. A. Oh, I see.

1. a window in the kitchen? (Yes) 2. a fire escape? (No)

3. a closet in the bedroom? (Yes) 4. an elevator in the building? (No)

5. an air conditioner in the bedroom? (Yes) 6. a superintendent in the building? (No)

7. a bus stop near the building? (No) 8. a jacuzzi in the bathroom? (Yes) Are you sure you know these words? stove refrigerator

fire escape elevator

air conditioner superintendent

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Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2 31

How to say it! Reactions!


• Oh, that’s wonderful!

• Oh, that’s great!

• Oh, that’s amazing!


• Oh, that’s too bad.

• Oh, that’s a shame.

• Oh, what a pity.

How many bedrooms are there in the apartment?

Example: A. Tell me, how many bedrooms are there in the apartment? B. There are two bedrooms in the apartment. A. Two bedrooms? B. Yes. That’s right.

1. floors / building (4) 2. windows / living room (3)

3. closets / apartment (5) 4. apartments / building (30)

5. washing machines / basement (2) 6. bathrooms / apartment ( 2 ½)

Are you sure you know these words? floor how many that’s right washing machine

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Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2 32

Irregular Plurals



woman womans women man mans men child childs children

person persons people mouse mouses mice tooth tooths teeth foot foots feet

An Apartment Building

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Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2 33


You’re looking for a new apartment. Practice with another student. Ask questions about the apartment on the previous page.


Is there a stove in the kitchen? ________________________

1. a stove in the kitchen? (yes)

2. a refrigerator in the kitchen? (no)

3. a superintendent in the building? (yes)

4. an elevator in the building? (no)

5. a fire escape? (yes)

6. a satellite dish on the roof? (yes)

7. a mailbox near the building? (yes)

8. a bus stop near the building? (yes)


Are there any children in the building? __________________

9. children in the building? (yes)

10. cats in the building? (no)

11. mice in the basement? (yes)

12. cockroaches in the building? (yes)

13. broken windows in the building? (yes)

14. holes in the walls? (yes)

15. washing machines in the basement? (no)


How many rooms are there in the apartment? _____________

16. rooms – in the apartment? (1)

17. floors – in the building? (3)

18. closets – in the bedroom? (1)

19. windows – in the living room? (3)

Are you sure you know these words? broken cockroach hole

landlord mailbox near

satellite dish wall

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Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2 34

Reading: The New Shopping Mall

Everybody in Brewster is talking about the city’s new shopping mall. The mall is outside the city, next to the Brewster airport. There are more than one hundred stores in the mall. There are two big department stores. There are many clothing stores for men, women, and children. There’s a bookstore, and there’s a video store. There are two drug stores, and there are four restaurants. There’s even a large movie theater. Almost all the people in Brewster are happy that their city’s new shopping mall is now open. But some people aren’t happy. The owners of the small stores in the old center of town are very upset. They’re upset because many people aren’t shopping in the stores in the center of town. They’re shopping at the new mall. Are you sure you know these words? airport all almost because

but city clothing store even

more than open outside owner

shopping shopping mall some store town

Reading Check-Up


1. Everybody in Brewster is _________. a. at the airport b. outside the city c. talking about the mall

2. In the mall, there are ___________. a. two video stores b. two drug stores c. two restaurants

3. In the mall, there are ___________.

a. book stores and cafeterias b. restaurants and drug stores c. clothing stores and video stores

4. The store owners in the center of town are upset because ___________.

a. people aren’t shopping in their stores b. people aren’t shopping at the mall c. they’re very old

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Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2 35

Reading: Amy’s Apartment Building

Amy’s apartment building is in the center of town. Amy is very

happy there because the building is in a very convenient place.

Across from the building, there’s a bank, a post office, and a

restaurant. Next to the building, there’s a drug store and a

laundromat. Around the corner from the building, there are two


There’s a lot of noise near Amy’s apartment building. There are

a lot of cars on the street, and there are a lot of people on the

sidewalks all day and all night.

However, Amy isn’t very upset about the noise in her

neighborhood. Her building is in the center of town. It’s a very busy place, but it’s a convenient

place to live.

Are you sure you know these words? a lot of busy

convenient live vs life

near noise

place sidewalk

Reading Check-Up


1. Where is Amy’s apartment building?

2. What’s across from her building?

3. Is there a laundromat near her


4. Why is there a lot of noise near Amy’s


5. Why is Amy happy there?


1. Amy’s apartment is in a convenient place.

2. There’s a drug store around the corner from

her building.

3. There are two supermarkets in her


4. There are a lot of cars on the sidewalk.

5. The center of town is very noisy.

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Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2 36


Listen to the sentences about the buildings on the map. After each sentence, write the name on the correct building.

1. bakery 4. library 7. hair salon 10. park 2. school 5. hospital 8. supermarket 11. health club 3. department store 6. police station 9. video store 12. train station

Yes or No?

Look at the map and answer the questions.

1. Is there a fire station on Oak Street?.................................... Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.

2. Is there a hair salon across from the barber shop?............... Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.

3. Is there a supermarket around the corner from the bank? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.

4. Is there a police station next to the hospital?....................... Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.

5. Is there a department store across from the school?........... Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.

6. Is there a drug store on Oak Street?..................................... Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.

7. Is there a laundromat next to the park?............................... Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.

8. Is there a church on River Avenue?...................................... Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.

9. Is there a bank between the barber shop and the bakery? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.

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Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2 37

Where is it?

across from around the corner from next to between

1. The bank is ___________________________________________________ the restaurant.

2. The bus station is ______________________________________________ the fire station.

3. The library is _______________________ the movie theater __________ the barber shop.

4. The laundromat is ____________________________________________ the video store.

5. The laundromat is __________________________________________________ the clinic.

6. The clinic is _______________________ the laundromat ___________ and the gas station.

7. The clinic and the gas station are ______________________________________ the hotel.

8. The barber shop is _____________________________________________ the post office.

9. The restaurant is _____________________________________________ the supermarket.

10. The school is ____________________________________ the supermarket and the hotel.

11. The school is ________________________________________________ the laundromat.

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Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2 38

What are they saying? – Part 1

is there there’s across from around the corner from

there between next to


A. Excuse me. Is there a bank in this neighborhood?

B. Yes, there is. ________________________ a bank on Park

Street, _______________ the school.


A. Excuse me. __________________ a video store in this


B. Yes, there is. _________________ a video store on Main

Street, ________________________

_____________________________ the clinic.


A. Excuse me. Is there a supermarket in this neighborhood?

B. Yes, _________________ is. _________________________ a

supermarket on School Street, _________________________ the

post office.


A. Excuse me. ___________________ a park in this neighborhood?

B. Yes, there is. ___________________ a park on State Street,

_____________________ the drug store and the library.


A. Excuse me. ____________________ a gas station in this


B. Yes, _______________ is. _______________________________

a gas station on _________________ Avenue,

___________________ the fire station.

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Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2 39

What are they saying? – Part 2

is there there is there isn’t there are

are there there’s there aren’t

1. A. _____________ _____________ an elevator in the building?

B. Yes, _____________ _____________.

2. A. How many closets _____________ _____________ in the apartment?

B. _____________ a large closet in the bedroom, and _____________ _____________ two

small closets in the living room.

3. A. _____________ _____________ a jacuzzi in the bathroom?

B. No, _____________ _____________. But _____________ _____________ two air

conditioners in the apartment.

4. A. _____________ _____________ any washing machines in the building?

B. No, _____________ _____________. But _____________ a laundromat across the street.

5. A. How many windows _____________ _____________ in the apartment?

B. _____________ _____________ three windows in the living room, and _____________ one

window in the bedroom.

Our Apartment Building

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Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2 40

1. There aren’t any washing _______________________________________ in the basement.

2. There’s a _______________________________________________ window in the bathroom.

3. There are ____________________________________________________ in the basement.

4. There isn’t a fire ___________________________________________________________.

5. There’s a _____________________________________________ in the wall in the living room.

6. There’s a _______________________________________________________ on the roof.

7. There’s a ______________________________________________________ in the kitchen.

8. There are two ________________________________________________ in the bedroom.

9. There aren’t any _________________ in the building, but there are _________________.

10. There isn’t a bus ________________ outside the building, but there’s a _______________.

Jane’s Living Room

Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. Yes, there are. No, there aren’t.

1. Is there a computer in Jane’s living room? __________________________________________.

2. Is there a desk in the living room? _________________________________________________.

3. Are there any flowers in the living room? ___________________________________________.

4. Is there a newspaper on the table? ________________________________________________.

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Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2 41

5. Are there any photographs on the table? ___________________________________________.

6. Are there any clothes in the closet? _______________________________________________.

7. Are there any windows in the living room? __________________________________________.

8. Is there a cat in the living room? __________________________________________________.

9. Are there any chairs in front of the windows? _______________________________________.

10. Is there a bookshelf in the living room? ____________________________________________.

11. Is there a cell phone next to the computer? ________________________________________.

12. Is there a television next to the bookshelf? _________________________________________.

13. Are there any books on the sofa? ________________________________________________.

14. Is there a guitar on the chair? ___________________________________________________.

PAGE 37: WHERE IS IT? 1. The bank is next to the restaurant. 2. The bus station is across from the fire station. 3. The library is between the movie theater and the barber shop. 4. The laundromat is around the corner from the video store. 5. The laundromat is next to the clinic. 6. The clinic is between the laundromat and the gas station. 7. The clinic and the gas station are across the hotel. 8. The barber shop is around the corner from the post office. 9. The restaurant is next to the supermarket. 10. The school is between the supermarket and the hotel. 11. The school is across from the laundromat. PAGE 38: WHAT ARE THEY SAYING? – PART 1 1. A. Excuse me. Is there a bank in this neighborhood?

B. Yes, there is. There’s a bank on Park Street, next to the school. 2. A. Excuse me. Is there a video store in this neighborhood?

B. Yes, there is. There’s a video store on Main Street, around the corner from the clinic. 3. A. Excuse me. Is there a supermarket in this neighborhood?

B. Yes, there is. There’s a supermarket on School Street, across from the post office. 4. A. Excuse me. Is there a park in this neighborhood?

B. Yes, there is. There’s a park on State Street, between the drug store and the library. 5. A. Excuse me. Is there a gas station in this neighborhood?

B. Yes, there is. There’s a gas station on Central Avenue, next to the fire station.

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Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2 42

PAGE 39: WHAT ARE THEY SAYING? – PART 2 1. A. Is there an elevator in the building?

B. Yes, there is. 2. A. How many closets are there in the apartment?

B. There’s a large closet in the bedroom, and there are two small closets in the living room. 3. A. Is there a jacuzzi in the bathroom?

B. No, there isn’t. But there are two air conditioners in the apartment. 4. A. Are there any washing machines in the building?

B. No, there aren’t. But there’s a laundromat across the street. 5. A. How many windows are there in the apartment?

B. There are three windows in the living room, and there’s one window in the bedroom. PAGES 39 AND 40: OUR APARTMENT BUILDING 1. There aren’t any washing machines in the basement. 2. There’s a broken window in the bathroom. 3. There are mice in the basement. 4. There isn’t a fire escape. 5. There’s a hole in the wall in the living room. 6. There’s a satellite dish on the roof. 7. There’s a refrigerator in the kitchen. 8. There are two closets in the bedroom. 9. There aren’t any cats in the building, but there are dogs. 10. There isn’t a bus stop outside the building, but there’s a mailbox. PAGES 40 AND 41: JANE’S LIVING ROOM 1. Yes, there is. 2. Yes, there is. 3. Yes, there are. 4. Yes, there is. 5. No, there aren’t. 6. Yes, there are. 7. Yes, there are.

8. No, there isn’t. 9. No, there aren’t. 10. Yes, there is. 11. Yes, there is. 12. No, there isn’t. 13. Yes, there are. 14. No, there isn’t.

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Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2 44

Singular and Plural

Put these words in the correct column.

boots briefcase earrings glasses gloves pants purses shoes socks

/S/ /Z/ /IZ/


Irregular Plurals (Review)



woman womans women man mans men child childs children

person persons people mouse mouses mice tooth tooths teeth foot foots feet

Shirts are over there


A. Excuse me. I’m looking for a shirt. B. Shirts are over there. A. Thanks.

A. Excuse me. I’m looking for a tie. B. Ties are over there. A. Thanks.

A. Excuse me. I’m looking for a dress. B. Dresses are over there. A. Thanks.


•a shirt - shirts

•a coat - coats

•a hat - hats

•a belt - belts


•a tie - ties

•an umbrella - umbrellas

•a sweater - sweaters


•a dress - dresses

•a watch - watches

•a blouse - blouses

•a necklace - necklaces

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Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2 45

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8.


red orange yellow green blue

purple black silver pink gray

white gold brown

Colors before objects

Color + Noun = Example

black + suit = This is a black suit.

orange + blouse = This is an orange blouse.

green + umbrella = This is a green umbrella.

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Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2 46

I’m looking for a jacket

Example: A. May I help you? B. Yes, please. I’m looking for a jacket. A. Here’s a nice jacket. B. But this is a purple jacket!

A. That’s okay. Purple jackets are very popular this year.

1. red / suit 2. white / tie 3. pink / belt

4. orange / sweater 5. yellow / umbrella 6. green and purple / dress

7. striped / hat 8. polka dot / purse

Are you sure you know these words? May I help you? suit vs sweet striped polka dot

A. May I help you?

B. Yes, please. I’m looking for a / an ______________.

A. Here’s a nice ______________.

B. But this is a / an ______________ ______________!

A. That’s okay. ______________ ______________s are very

popular this year.

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Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2 47

I’m looking for a pair of gloves

Example: A. Can I help you? B. Yes, please. I’m looking for a pair of gloves. A. Here’s a nice pair of gloves. B. But these are green gloves!

A. That’s okay. Green gloves are very popular this year.

1. yellow / shoes 2. blue / boots 3. pink / pants

4. orange / earrings 5. striped / socks 6. green / stockings

7. red, white, and blue / mittens

8. polka dot / pajamas

Are you sure you know these words? a pair of Can I help you? looking for popular

A. Can I help you?

B. Yes, please. I’m looking for a pair of ______________.

A. Here’s a nice pair of ______________.

B. But these are ______________ ______________s!

A. That’s okay. ______________ ______________s are very

popular this year.

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Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2 48

Reading: Nothing to wear

Fred is upset this morning. He’s looking for something to wear to

work, but there’s nothing in his closet.

He’s looking for a clean shirt, but all his shirts are dirty. He’s

looking for a sports jacket, but all his sports jackets are at the dry

cleaner’s. He’s looking for a pair of pants, but all the pants in his

closet are ripped. And he’s looking for a pair of socks, but all his

socks are on the clothesline, and it’s raining!

Fred is having a difficult time this morning. He’s getting dressed

for work, but his closet is empty, and there’s nothing to wear.

Are you sure you know these words?

clothesline dry cleaner’s


getting dressed

nothing raining



upset wear


Reading Check-Up


1. Fred’s closet is _______________. a. upset b. empty

2. Fred is _______________. a. at home b. at work

3. Fred’s shirts are _______________. a. dirty b. clean

4. He’s looking for a pair of ______________. a. jackets b. pants

5. The weather is _______________. a. not very good b. beautiful

6. Fred is upset because _______________. a. he’s getting dressed b. there’s nothing to wear


Example: a. socks b. stockings c. jeans d. shoes

1. a. sweater b. jacket c. briefcase d. coat

2. a. necklace b. belt c. bracelet d. earrings

3. a. blouse b. skirt c. dress d. ties

4. a. clean b. green c. gray d. blue

5. a. pants b. shoes c. earrings d. blouse

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Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2 49

This / That / These / Those



This is a hat. That is a hat.

This is a tie. That is a tie.

This is a jacket. That is a jacket.



These are hats. Those are hats.

These are ties. Those are ties.

These are jackets. Those are jackets.

Excuse me. I think that’s my jacket.


This is / That is These are / Those are

A. Excuse me. I think that’s my jacket. B. Hmm. I don’t think so. I think this is MY jacket. A. Oh. You’re right. I guess I made a mistake.

A. Excuse me. I think those are my gloves. B. Hmm. I don’t think so. I think these are MY gloves. B. Oh. You’re right. I guess I made a mistake.

1. hat

2. boots

3. coat

4. pen

5. pencils

6. umbrella

7. sunglasses

Are you sure you know these words? I think that… I don’t think so…

You’re right. I guess.

sunglasses mistake

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Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2 50

Lost and Found

SINGULAR A. Is this your umbrella? B. No, it isn’t. A. Are you sure? B. Yes. That umbrella is brown, and my umbrella is black.

PLURAL A. Are these your boots? B. No, they aren’t. A. Are you sure? B. Yes. Those boots are dirty, and my boots are clean.

1. watch / silver / gold 2. gloves / old / new 3. briefcase / small / big 4. mittens / ugly / pretty

Reading: Holiday Shopping

Mrs. Miller is doing her holiday shopping. She’s looking for gifts for her family, but she’s having a lot of trouble. She’s looking for a brown umbrella for her son, but all the umbrellas are black. She’s looking for a gray raincoat for her daughter, but all the raincoats are yellow. She’s looking for a cotton sweater for her husband, but all the sweaters are wool. She’s looking for an inexpensive bracelet for her sister, but all the bracelets are expensive. She’s looking for a leather purse for her mother, but all the purses are vinyl. And she’s looking for a polka dot tie for her father, but all the ties are striped. Poor Mrs. Miller is very frustrated. She’s looking for special gifts for all the special people in her family, but she’s having a lot of trouble. Are you sure you know these words? holiday



looking for








Reading Check-Up

Q & A Mrs. Miller is in the department store. Using this model, create dialogs based on the story.

A. Excuse me. I’m looking for a brown umbrella for my son. (singular)

B. I’m sorry. All our umbrellas are black. (plural)

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Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2 51

A or An?

1. _____ bus station 7. _____ hospital 13. _____ exercise 19. _____ uncle

2. _____ umbrella 8. _____ antenna 14. _____ house 20. _____ attic

3. _____ school 9. _____ e-mail 15. _____ bank 21. _____ flower

4. _____ office 10. _____ yard 16. _____ woman 22. _____ aunt

5. _____ radio 11. _____ library 17. _____ apartment 23. _____ fax

6. _____ earring 12. _____ cell phone 18. _____ laundromat 24. _____ hotel

Singular / Plural


1. a hat hats 10. rooms

2. basements 11. an earring

3. a dress 12. purses

4. a boss 13. a niece

5. an exercise 14. a woman

6. watches 15. children

7. gloves 16. a mouse

8. a sock 17. teeth

9. a drum 18. people

What are they looking for?

1. I’m looking for… s a pair of pants s

2. I’m looking for… ________________

3. I’m looking for… ________________

4. I’m looking for… ________________

5. I’m looking for… ________________

6. I’m looking for… ________________

7. I’m looking for… ________________

8. I’m looking for… ________________

9. I’m looking for… ________________

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Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2 52

This / That / These / Those

This These

That Those

1. orange :: This is an orange hat. :: 2. yellow ______________________________

3. brown _____________________________ 4. black ______________________________

5. expensive __________________________ 6. cheap ______________________________

7. small ______________________________ 8. large ______________________________

9. pretty _____________________________ 10. ugly ______________________________

11. gold ______________________________ 12. silver _____________________________

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Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2 53

Singular - Plural

Write the sentences in plural. 1. That coat is blue. Those coats are blue.

2. This bracelet is new.

3. That watch is beautiful.

4. This is Tom’s jacket.

5. This isn’t your shoe.

6. Is that your earring?

7. That isn’t your notebook.

8. This person isn’t rich.

Plural - Singular

Write the sentences in the singular form. 1. These sweaters are pretty. This sweater isn’t pretty.

2. Those purses are expensive.

3. Are these your neighbors?

4. Are those your dresses?

5. Those are Bill’s shirts.

6. These women are my friends.

7. These aren’t my gloves.

8. Those are her cats.

Scrambled Sentences

Unscramble the sentences. Begin each sentence with a capital letter. 1. jacket / I / that’s / think / my

I think that’s my jacket.

2. my / these / gloves / new / are

3. boots / aren’t / those / black / your

4. year / blue / very / this / suits / popular / are

5. of / here’s / nice / sunglasses / pair / a

6. old / that’s / car / brother’s / my

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Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2 54

This / These

1. ____________________ is my favorite pair of jeans. ____________________ are my new

sweaters, and ____________________ is my new coat.

2. ____________________ is my classroom. ____________________ is the bulletin board, and

____________________ are the computers.

3. ____________________ is my favorite photograph. ____________________ is my mother, and

____________________ are my sisters and brothers.

That / Those

1. ____________________’s a pretty coat.

2. Are ____________________ your new boots?

3. Are ____________________ your books, and is ____________________ your pencil?

4. Are ____________________ your cousins?

5. Who’s ____________________ handsome man?

PAGE 51: A OR AN? 1. a bus station 2. an umbrella 3. a school 4. an office 5. a radio 6. an earring 7. a hospital 8. an antenna

9. an e-mail 10. a yard 11. a library 12. a cell phone 13. an exercise 14. a house 15. a bank 16. a woman

17. an apartment 18. a laundromat 19. an uncle 20. an attic 21. a flower 22. an aunt 23. a fax 24. a hotel

PAGE 51: SINGULAR / PLURAL 1. a hat / hats 2. a basement /

basements 3. a dress / dresses 4. a boss / bosses 5. an exercise / exercises 6. a watch / watches

7. a glove / gloves 8. a sock / socks 9. a drum / drums 10. a room / rooms 11. an earring / earrings 12. a purse / purses 13. a niece / nieces

14. a woman / women 15. a child / children 16. a mouse / mice 17. a tooth / teeth 18. a person / people

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Cursos de Inglés ATS – Course 2 55

PAGE 51: WHAT ARE THEY LOOKING FOR? 1. I’m looking for a pair of pants. 2. I’m looking for a pair of gloves. 3. I’m looking for a pair of shoes. 4. I’m looking for a pair of jeans. 5. I’m looking for a pair of mittens.

6. I’m looking for a pair of boots. 7. I’m looking for a pair of stockings. 8. I’m looking for a pair of earrings. 9. I’m looking for a pair of pajamas.

PAGE 52: THIS / THAT / THESE / THOSE 1. This is an orange hat. 2. That is a yellow hat. 3. These are brown boots. 4. Those are black boots. 5. This is an expensive computer. 6. That is a cheap computer.

7. These are small gloves. 8. Those are large gloves. 9. This is a pretty tie. 10. That is an ugly tie. 11. These are gold earrings. 12. Those are silver earrings.

PAGE 53: SINGULAR - PLURAL 2. These bracelets are new. 3. Those watches are beautiful. 4. These are Tom’s jackets. 5. These aren’t your shoes.

6. Are those your earrings? 7. Those aren’t your notebooks. 8. These people aren’t rich.

PAGE 53: PLURAL - SINGULAR 2. That purse is expensive. 3. Is this your neighbor? 4. Is that your dress? 5. That is Bill’s shirt.

6. This woman is my friend. 7. This isn’t my glove. 8. That is her cat.

PAGE 53: SCRAMBLED SENTENCES 2. These are my new gloves. 3. Those aren’t your black boots. 4. Blue suits are very popular this year.

5. Here’s a nice pair of sunglasses. 6. That’s my brother’s old car.

PAGE 54: THIS / THESE 1. This is my favorite pair of jeans. These are my new sweaters, and this is my new coat. 2. This is my classroom. This is the bulletin board, and these are the computers. 3. This is my favorite photograph. This is my mother, and these are my sisters and brothers. PAGE 54: THAT / THOSE 1. That’s a pretty coat. 2. Are those your new boots? 3. Are those your books, and is that your pencil? 4. Are those your cousins? 5. Who’s that handsome man?
