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Curso Direccional - Mirco Guzman

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Ing.Mirco Guzman 9/2009 Perforacion Direccional Perforacion Direccional Basica Basica
LWD I Essentials2.- Aplicaciones de perforación direccional
3.- Tipos de pozo direccionales Herramientas de perforación direccional
4.- Métodos de cálculo utilizados en la perforación direccional
5.- Herramientas y métodos utilizados para desviar un pozo
6.- BHA: Convencionales rotatorios y controlables
7.- Control direccional con ensamblajes rotatorios
8.- Aplicaciones de ensamblajes controlables
9.- Motores de fondo
12.- RSS
14.- Programa direccional (Ejemplo)
1.- Introduccion a Perforacion Direccional
La perforacion direccional es la ciencia que se ocupa de dirigir un agujero a lo largo de una trayectoria predeterminada para intersectar un objetivo sub-superficial pre-determinado
La Perforacion Direccional se define como la practica de controlar la direccion e inclinacion de un pozo a una ubicacion u objetivo predeterminado debajo de la superficie.
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Pozos Multiples desde una plataforma offshore
The most common application of directional drilling techniques is in offshore drilling. Many oil and gas deposits in the Gulf of Mexico, North Sea and other areas are situated beyond the reach of land based rigs. To drill a large number of vertical wells from individual platforms is obviously impractical and would be uneconomical. The conventional approach for a large oilfield has been to install a fixed platform on the sea bed, from which many directional wells may be drilled. The bottomhole locations of these wells can be carefully spaced for optimum recovery.
In a conventional development, the wells cannot be drilled until the platform has been constructed and installed in position. This may mean a delay of 2 - 3 years before production can begin. This delay can be considerably reduced by pre-drilling some of the wells through a subsea template while the platform is being constructed. These wells are directionally drilled from a semi-submersible rig and tied back to the platform once it is installed.
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Pozos de Alivio
Directional techniques are used to drill relief wells in order to “kill” blowout wells. The relief well is deviated to pass as close as possible to the uncontrolled well in the reservoir. Heavy mud is pumped into the reservoir to overcome the pressure and bring the wild well under control.
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Control de Pozos Verticales
Trayectoria Original
Trayectoria Corregida
Directional techniques are used to “straighten crooked holes”. In other words, when deviation occurs in a well which is supposed to be vertical, various techniques are used to bring the well back to vertical. This was one of the earliest applications of directional drilling.
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Sidetracking (Desvio)
Sidetracking out of an existing wellbore is another application of directional drilling. This sidetracking may be done to bypass an obstruction ( a “fish”) in the original wellbore or to explore the extent of the producing zone in a certain sector of a field.
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Locaciones Inaccesibles
Directional wells are often drilled because the surface location directly above the reservoir is inaccessible, either because of natural or man-made obstacles. Examples include reservoirs under cities, mountains and, lakes.
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Perforacion atravez de Fallas
Directional drilling is also applicable in fault drilling. It is sometimes difficult to drill a vertical well in an inclined fault plane. Often, the bit will deflect when passing through the fault plane, and sometimes the bit will follow the fault plane. To avoid this problem, the well can be drilled on the “up dip” or “down dip” side of the fault and deflected into the producing formation.
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Perforacion de Domos Salinos
Directional drilling programs are sometimes used to overcome the problems of salt dome drilling. Instead of drilling through the salt, the well is drilled at one side of the dome and is then deviated around and underneath the overhanging cap.
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Perforacion Shoreline
In the case where a reservoir lies offshore but quite close to land, the most economical way to exploit the reservoir may be to drill directional wells from a land rig on the coast.
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Pozos Re-entry/Multi-laterales
Re-entry and Multi-lateral drilling employs the full range of directional drilling tools and techniques. Including planning, wellbore engineering, and careful consideration of the numerous aspects of drilling straight and deviated holes.
Well configurations can include dual stacked, dual opposing, dual opposing stacked, spokes, lateral tie-back, and herringbone.
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Peforacion Horizontal - Radio Largo, Medio y Corto.
Radio Largo
Radio Medio
Radio Corto
20-40ft radiu
Horizontal drilling can be subdivided into 3 categories:- Long Radius, Medium Radius, and Short Radius.
The basis for this categorization is the rate of angle build in the wellbore, which determines the distance that must be drilled to turn the wellbore from its vertical or nearly vertical configuration to the horizontal plane.
Long and medium radius wells use conventional directional drilling tools, equipment and drilling techniques, while short radius requires modified and specialized drilling tools, equipment, and techniques.
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Desarrollo de campos cerca de la orilla de la playa
Reduce impacto ambiental mediante el desarrollo de campos
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Minimiza daño de la zona productora
Reduce perdida de circulacion y posiblidad de pegamiento de la tuberia,
Aumenta ROP
Reduce o elimina la necesidad de un costoso programa de estimulacion
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Trayectoria del Pozo
Tipo 3 - Deep Kick-Off and Build
Tipo 4 - Horizontal
- Build-up section (may have more than one build up rate)
- Tangent section
- Moderately deep wells with moderate horizontal displacement where intermediate
casing is not required
Trayectoria del Pozo
Tipo 3 - Deep Kick-Off and Build
Tipo 4 - Horizontal
- Build, hold and continuous drop through reservoir target
- Lease or target limitations
- May cause logging problems due to increased maximum inclination
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Trayectoria del Pozo
Tipo 3 - Deep Kick-Off and Build
Tipo 4 - Horizontal
- Appraisal wells to assess the extent of a newly discovered reservoir
- Repositioning of the bottom part of the hole or re-drilling
- Salt dome drilling
- Formations are harder so the initial deflection may be more difficult to achieve
- Harder to achieve desired tool face orientation with downhole motor deflection
assemblies - more reactive torque
- Longer trip time for any BHA changes required
- On multi-well platforms, only a very few wells may be given deep kick-off points
because of the small separation of the slots and the difficulty of keeping wells
vertical in firmer formation. Most wells must be given shallow kick-off points to
reduce congestion below the platform and minimize the risk of collisions.
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Trayectoria del Pozo
Tipo 3 - Deep Kick-Off and Build
Tipo 4 - Horizontal
Fin De Build
Horizontal drilling; to turn the wellbore from its vertical or nearly vertical configuration to the horizontal or near horizontal plane.
Can be divided into three categories - short, medium, and long radius drilling. The basis for this categorization is the rate of angle build in the well bore from the vertical or nearly vertical configuration to the horizontal plane.
To limit invasion of unwanted fluids, water and gas coning.
To maximize production of low pressure and low production zones
For methane drainage
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Most survey tools measure borehole inclination and direction at a series of measured depths. These values are used to calculate coordinates and values of dogleg severity.
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Motores Navegables
Sistemas Rotario-Navegables - RSS
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Operaciones con Whipstock
Chorros a presion
Rara vez utilizado hoy en dia, todavia valido y no muy caro
Motores de Fondo
Rotary Steereable
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Sistemas Push-the-bit : Fuerza lateral directa
Sistemas Point-the-bit : Eje de la mecha excéntrico
Available rotary Steerable Systems currently operate using two principle means of deflection:
Side Forces (Push the Bit technology)
These tools rely on the application of force outwards against the wellbore to push the bit in the opposite or resultant direction, This is the type of technology which dominates
the commercial systems used today
Bit tilt (Point the bit technology)
These tools achieve wellbore deflection by actually bending a shaft or using a tilted device within the tool. These are the tools which we believe will dominate the industry in the near
future, the benefit is that you don’t have to rely on pushing on the side of the wellbore so bicenter bits can be run, hole washout is not an issue, wear of pads is no longer of
concern, and a variety of bit sizes can be run on the same tool with a stabilizer change just like a rotating mud motor.
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Tipo de BHA
se aumenta la inclinacion
Principio de Estabilizacion
Los estabilizadores son colocados en puntos especificos para controlar la sarta de perforacion y minimizar la desviacion en el fondo
La rigidez del BHA aumenta al colocar estabilizadores y evita que la tuberia se doble.
El BHA empacado se utiliza para mantener angulo
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Razones para el uso de estabilizadores
La posicion y calibre de los estabilizadores controlan la forma en que se direcciona el pozo
Los estabilizadores ayudan a concentrar el peso sobre el trepano
Los estabilizadores minimizan doblamientos y vibraciones
Los estabilizadores reducen el torque al perforar porque se tiene menos area de contacto
Los estabilizadores ayudan a prevenir aprisionamientos por diferencial y ojos de llave
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Ensambles para Construir (Fulcrum)
Al colocar dos estabilizadores se incrementa el control de fuerza lateral y alivia otros problemas
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Aumentar longitud Tangencial
Aumentar velocidad de rotaria
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Ensambles para Mantener (Empacados)
Disenos para minimizar fuerzas laterales y disminuir la sensibilidad de cargas axiales
Axiales relativos a los ejes!!!!!!!!
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Aplicaciones de BHA¨s Controlables
Los BHA´s Controlables son los que utilizan sistemas de navegacion durante la perforacion y el ingeniero Direccional puede controlar desde la superficie. Se aplican en:
Pozos Verticales
Cruces con Rios
Los motores de fondo son herramientas que permiten la rotación del trepano por efecto hidráulico del fluido de perforación sin necesidad de transmitir esta rotación desde superficie
Motores de Fondo
Seleccion del Motor
Estas son las tres configuraciones de motores mas comunes, las cuales proveen un rango amplio de velocidades y torques en el trepano que se requieren para satisfacer las aplicaciones direccionales.
Alta Velocidad / Bajo Torque - 1:2 Lobulos
Media Velocidad / Medio Torque – 4:5 Lobulos
Baja Velocidad / Alto Torque – 7:8 Lobulos
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Perforacion con trepano de diamante (impregnados)
Perforacion con trepanos triconicos en formaciones blandas
Perforacion Direccional utilizando orientaciones con single shot(poco peso < torque reactivo)
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Perforacion Direccional y Convencional
Para trepanos PDC, triconos
Formaciones blandas, semiblandas, semiduras
Pozos Verticales, direccionales y horizontales
Perforacion en formaciones de durezas medias a altas
Perforacion con trepanos Triconos y PDC
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Características y Beneficios
Aplicaciones para alto torque y baja revolución, y bajo torque y alta revolución
El Bent Housing se ajusta en el campo , lo que permite mayor versatilidad de acuerdo a las necesidades de severidad del pozo.
Lubricados por lodo, o con sección de rodamientos sellados
Compatible con todos los sistemas MWD y LWD
Motores de Fondo
Sección ajustable
Ensamble Dump Sub –By pass-Float valve
Seccion de Potencia
Ensamblaje de Control-Junta
Permite el paso de lodo hacia la sección de potencia.
El pistón de la válvula es activado por presión diferencial
La válvula evita el influjo del pozo por el interior de la herramienta y permite que en los viajes la tubería salga seca
Motores de Fondo
El Torque y las RPM están determinadas por la configuración Rotor/estator
La potencia del motor esta determinada por el numero de vueltas del espiral (Etapas) y la relación de lóbulos Rotor/Estator
La configuracion
Rotor/Estator puede ser ajustada de acuerdo a las condiciones del pozo.
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Motores de Desplazamiento Positivo
The characteristics of a PDM are a function of the design of the stator/rotor geometry.
The available torque and rotational speed depend on the pitch angle and the number of lobes in the stator and rotor. The original PDM design was the 1/2 lobe, which worked well with natural and synthetic diamond bits, but rotated too fast for roller cone bits.
As a result , low speed, high performance PDMs were developed with multi-lobe configurations. With a multi-lobe system, the relationship between speed and torque is changed with the number of lobes.
The stator/rotor geometry dictates that a helicoidal steel rotor with one or more lobes is placed inside an elastomer stator having one more lobe than the rotor. The rotor/stator configuration is written with a slash between the two numbers: 1/2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8 or 9/10
HP created = T x N where: HP is horsepower
5252 T is torque in ft-lbs
N is bit speed in rpm
HHP consumed = P x Q where: P is pressure drop
1714 Q is flow rate in gpm
Ultra Series Motors

Basis for comparison: Size - 6-3/4”, Flow rate - 475 GPM, Constant motor length, Same number of stages, Same pressure drop across entire motor, Same lobe geometry, Same efficiency.
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Esta alojada dentro de la sección del Bent Housing
Transmite la rotación del rotor a la sección giratoria inferior del motor de fondo.
Compensa la vibración causada por el movimiento excéntrico del rotor y la excentricidad del bent housing
Motores de Fondo
Motores de Desplazamiento Positivo
Universal Joint Assembly/Flexible Shaft
The lower end of the rotor and the upper end of the drive sub are connected by a universal joint assembly or flexible shaft to transmit the power generated by the power module via the drive sub to the bit.
Also, the universal joint assembly/flexible shaft translates the eccentric motion of the rotor into concentric rotation for the bearing assembly.
One piece flexible shaft usually manufactured from high strength materials, both ferrous and non-ferrous (steel, & titanium, beryllium copper, etc.).
The outer housing (u-joint housing) connects the bearing assembly with the power module. Depending on the job requirement, the u-joint housing can be straight (performance drilling) or configured with a single bend (oriented drilling), adjustable bend assembly, or double tilt (steerable drilling - oriented and rotary applications).
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Barras o Ejes Flexibles
Motores de Desplazamiento Positivo
Universal Joint Assembly/Flexible Shaft
The lower end of the rotor and the upper end of the drive sub are connected by a universal joint assembly or flexible shaft to transmit the power generated by the power module via the drive sub to the bit.
Also, the universal joint assembly/flexible shaft translates the eccentric motion of the rotor into concentric rotation for the bearing assembly.
One piece flexible shaft usually manufactured from high strength materials, both ferrous and non-ferrous (steel, & titanium, beryllium copper, etc.).
The outer housing (u-joint housing) connects the bearing assembly with the power module. Depending on the job requirement, the u-joint housing can be straight (performance drilling) or configured with a single bend (oriented drilling), adjustable bend assembly, or double tilt (steerable drilling - oriented and rotary applications).
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Permite graduar la curvatura del motor de fondo para cualquier aplicación direccional deseada
Motores de Fondo
Puede ajustarse desde 0 hasta 3 grados
Puede ajustarse en el campo en incrementos variables hasta un angulo maximo
Proporciona un rango amplio de AKO´s para construir angulo en pozos direccionales y horizontales
H = 1.962 o
Sección de rodamientos
Permite la rotación del trepano sin necesidad de rotación de la sarta
Posee bolas que giran en pistas de carburo de tungsteno
Son sellados o lubricados por lodo
Sobre la sección de baleros esta la Camisa Estabilizadora que es intercambiable de acuerdo a la aplicación direccional requerida
Soportan el peso axial cuando se perfora
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Screw on Stabilizer Sleeve
Fluid Path
The bearing supported drive sub transmits rotation and torque developed by the power module to the bit.
Axial loading of the drive sub is supported by specially designed ball bearing stack - axial(thrust) bearings, while journal radial bearings provide lateral support above and below the axial bearings.
The radial bearings are designed to restrict drilling fluid flow such that a small percentage of the total circulation enters the bearings, for cooling and lubrication, prior to exiting the lower radial bearing clearance to the annulus.
The percentage bypassed through the bearings will depend upon operation parameters such as bit pressure drop, drilling fluid properties, and radial bearing clearance.
The major portion of the fluid circulation rate enters the drive sub through ports on the universal joint assembly, above the upper radial bearing, and exits through the drill bit nozzles. For this reason surface testing without bit can damage tool
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Motores de Desplazamiento Positivo
Pin Connection To
Universal Joint Assembly
Upper Radial bearing
Lower Radial bearing
The prepressured and pressure compensated bearing section supports the weight on the bit and provides rigid lateral stability to the drive shaft. Heavy duty roller thrust and radial bearings operating in synthetic oil permit high bit loads and long bearing life.
Usually the oil system is filled under pressure to charge the oil reservoir and a calculated amount is bled off to compensate for downhole operating conditions. The oil reservoir also contains a floating piston that allows equalization of the oil pressure with wellbore hydrostatic pressure.
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Manual de Motores
Cada configuracion de motor se puede encontrar en el manual de motores
Datos dimensionales
Presion Diferencial
Es la diferencia de presiones cuando el motor esta en el fondo (cargado) y arriba del fondo (no cargado)
Carga completa
Indica la maxima presion diferencial de operacion recomendada del motor de fondo
Las RPM del motor se determinan conociendo la presion diferencial y proyectando verticalmente hasta la interseccion con la apropiada linea de flujo
El torque del motor se determina al introducir la presion diferencial y proyectando verticalmente hasta la interseccion del torque
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Temperatura – 219 °F / 105 °C
Puede utilizarse estatores para temperaturas hasta de 300 °F / 150 °C
Se utilizan componentes de materiales y tamaños especiales
Peso en barrena excesivo
Peso en el trepano excesivo no permite la rotacion del trepano, y la seccion del motor no es capaz de proporcionar el torque necesario para lograrlo (Motor represionado)
El rotor no puede girar dentro del estator, formando un sello
Una circulacion continua puede erosionar y romper la gomas del estator “chunk”
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Rotacion del Motor
La rotacion del motor con angulos mayores de 1.83 grados no se recomienda (daño del housing y fatiga)
La velocidad de rotacion no debe exceder 60 RPM (carga ciclica en exceso en housing)
Fluidos de Perforacion
Diseñado para operar practicamente con todos los fluidos de perforacion como agua fresca y salada, fluidos base aceite, lodos con aditivos de control de viscosidad o perdida de circulacion, y con gas nitrogeno
Los fluidos basados en hidrogeno pueden ser dañinos a los elastomeros
Alto contenido de cloruros puede danar los componentes internos
Se debe mantener el contenido de solidos menor a 5%
Se debe mantener el contenido de arena menor a 0.5%
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Restricciones Operativas
Presion Diferencial
Es la diferencia de presiones cuando el motor esta en el fondo (cargado) y arriba del fondo (no cargado)
Una caida de presion excesiva en el rotor y el estator causara un lavado prematura (chunking), y bajar el desempeño
La maxima diferencial depende del flujo; entre mayor sea el flujo la presion diferencial permisible es menor
Perforacion bajo balance
La razon adecuada gas/liquido debe utilizarse para no dañar el motor
Bajo condiciones de operacion de alta presion, el nitrogeno puede impregnarse en el estator y expandirse al sacar tuberia del pozo provocando burbujas o daños en las gomas del estator
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Aumentos de presion
Decrementos de presion
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Trepano gastado o embolado
Motor represionado
No deslizar reduce el riesgo de tuberia doblada
Rotacion continua de la tuberia reduce la posibilidad de pegadura por presion diferencial
Reduce torque y arrastre debido a una curvatura de pozo mas uniforme
Pozos de alcance mas largo
Secciones horizontales y laterales mayores
Evaluacion de la formacion mejorada por el contacto de los pads de herramientas wireline
Evalaucion de formacion mejorada con herramientas LWD
Control de desviacion en pozos verticales
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Por que pozos horizontales?
Los pozos horizontales pueden proveer la solucion optima cuando en situaciones especificas se necesita mejorar en:
Recuperacion final y drenaje del reservorio
Espaciado de pozos y reduccion de la cantidad de pozos en proyectos de desarrollo/rellenado
Control de problemas de conificacion gas/agua
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Ing.Mirco Guzman
1000-2000 m
500-1500 m
150-300 m
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Pozos Horizontales Perforados Adecuadamente Pueden Producir Beneficios:
Los pozos horizontales pueden aumentar las ratas de produccion 3 a 4 veces por encima de los pozos verticales
El costo extra de los pozos horizontales se paga con el aumento de las ratas de produccion
En reservorios muy permeables, los pozos horizontales pueden reducir la cantidad de pozos y mejorar las ratas iniciales de produccion/vida del pozo
En reservorios fracturados/delgados/discontinuos, los pozos horizontales incrementan significativamente la recuperacion final debido al drenaje mas eficiente
El desarrollo de campos marginales puede resultar economicamente factible debido a la reducida cantidad de pozos requeridos para explotar el reservorio
Accurately Planned Horizontal Wells Can Produce Relevant Benefits:
Horizontal wells can increase production rates 3 to 4 times over vertical wells
Extra cost for horizontal wells is largely payed-off by the revenues from the increased production rates
In highly permeable reservoirs, horizontal wells may improve economics by reducing the number of wells and improve initial production rates/life of well
In fractured/thin/discontinuous reservoirs, horizontal wells significantly increase the ultimate recovery due to more efficient drainage
Development of marginal field may become economically feasible due to the reduced number of wells required to exploit the reservoir
Heavy oil production and E.O.R. projects can benefit from horizontal wells
Ing.Mirco Guzman
de Pozos Horizontales
Seleccion de las Herramientas
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Al planificar un pozo horizontal se necesita un team integrado, multi-disciplinario
Tamaño del agujero/programa de casing
Equipo de perforacion necesario
El target define el perfil mas apropiado para el pozo
Considerar requerimientos de completacion
Disenar un Programa Apropiado para Trepanos
Disenar perfil de casing; definir procedimientos de carreras/cementacion
Usar programa de Torque y Drag para predecir y evaluar futuras dificultades de perforacion
Optimizar el programa basado en la capacidad disponible del equipo de perforacion
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Build Rate (deg./100’, deg/30m)
Motores Especiales
An overview of the present Drilling, MWD, Pipe Rotation, and Completions technologies, showing where the tool types are in relation to a given curvature range.
The chart can be used as an indicator for areas of concern or interest pertaining to specific product types and/or projects as related to a given build-up-rate (BUR).
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Ing.Mirco Guzman
Same number of stages, Same pressure drop across entire motor,
Same lobe geometry, Same efficiency.
