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Departamento de Biología Vegetal y Ecología

Facultad de Ciencias Experimentales Universidad de Almería

Factores limitantes y estrategias de establecimiento de plantas leñosas en ambientes semiáridos.

Implicaciones para la restauración

Memoria presentada por el Licenciado Francisco Manuel Padilla Ruiz para optar al título

de Doctor en Ciencias Ambientales por la Universidad de Almería, dirigida por el Dr.

Francisco I. Pugnaire de Iraola.

Almería, septiembre de 2007

El Doctorando V.º B.º del Director

Francisco M. Padilla Ruiz Francisco I. Pugnaire de Iraola

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A mi familia

Al Paquín†

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En primer lugar, me gustaría agradecer a mi director de tesis, Paco Pugnaire, la confianza

depositada en mí durante todo este tiempo. Su apoyo y optimismo han sido decisivos para seguir

adelante y llegar a buen puerto. Gracias también por cederme tu foto de las avenas para la portada.

Mi madre, padre y hermanos siempre estuvieron conmigo en los mejores momentos, pero

también en los más difíciles, y de una manera u otra también han sentido las alegrías y los

desencantos de la investigación. Hasta diría que han soportado estoicamente todas las veces que les

he dado la lata con la misma cantilena. Sin duda, si no hubiera sido por su ánimo y cariño ahora

mismo no estaría aquí.

Llegado este momento no puedo dejar de recordar con emoción al Paquín. Él fue una

persona excepcional, terriblemente bueno con su gente y siempre disponible para lo que hiciera

falta. Su alegría, coraje y ganas de vivir aún cuando las cosas empeoraban me han marcado, y me

han servido de estímulo en las peores rachas.

Durante estos años también ha habido tiempo para la diversión. Los mejores momentos los

pasé con el Paquín, mi hermano Juan, Mónica y Juan, Vince, Francis, Chema, Moncho, Fernando y

Julián, y en Las Hortichuelas con el Makina, Juan Carlos, Antonio Miguel, Ángel, Ramón, Eli,

Jonathan, José Javier, Antonio Manuel, Diego y el Tuyú, compañeros de infancia y de marcha ya

más creciditos.

Los compañeros “precarios” de la EEZA, Rafa, Carmen, Ashraf, Sergio, Magda, Rosi, Ana

Were, Lupe, Miguel Ángel, Sebas y Ana amenizaron e hicieron mi estancia por la casa más

divertida gracias a las fiestas y demás eventos “sociales”. Mención aparte merecen los otros

ocupantes de “El Peñón”. Reyes y Cris me introdujeron en este mundillo y orientaron en mis

comienzos más verdes. Cris me ayudó además con la estadística y el diseño experimental. Mi

compañero de despacho Juande ha sido la persona que más cerca ha estado de mi trabajo en todos

estos años, ¡gracias por todo tu apoyo, joven!, y gracias también por acompañarme al campo en los

innumerables muestreos, por echar una mano en el invernadero y las cosechas, por compartir

desilusiones, madrugones, tostadas, etc. Ya en este último año, las incorporaciones de Laura, Iván y

Bea revitalizarón el cuarto con aires y acentos nuevos, y con sus ganas de comenzar en este

mundillo. Iván y Bea revisaron algunas secciones de la última versión de este documento,

aportaron buenas sugerencias y detectaron algún que otro gazapo.

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Gran parte de las cosas que aparecen en esta tesis no hubieran sido posibles sin la ayuda en

el campo especialmente de Alejandro Moreno, y también de Floren, Pilar, Mar Candel y Carlos

Escudero. María José cuidó con esmero mis plantitas en el invernadero, incluso en los meses del

tórrido verano, y su inestimable ayuda con las muestras en el laboratorio fue todo un alivio cuando

la redacción me tenía liado. ¡Gracias por soportar tareas tan aburridas! Sebastián Vidal, Ramón,

Enrique y Miguel Ángel Domene solucionaron sin rechistar todos los problemas informáticos, de

sensores y de electrónica. El conocimiento y ayuda de Alfredo fueron valiosísimos para construir

artilugios estables que se mantuvieran en pie. Andrés, Manolo, Mari Carmen, Olga y Juan Leiva

me facilitaron todos los papeleos y trámites de la beca, los viajes, las estancias, etc. Paqui y

Ángeles me echaron más de una vez un cable con los envíos y faxes, e Isabel aguantó estoicamente

mis ráfagas de bombardeo con peticiones bibliográficas. Gracias también al resto de compañeros de

la EEZA por su hospitalidad y buen trato durante todos estos años.

Estoy en deuda con Jordi Moya por las innumerables consultas estadísticas que le he

venido haciendo en todos estos años, y por el rendimiento que le he sacado a las regresiones

logísticas. Su buen humor y el de Roberto, Zaza y Guliko hicieron estos años mucho más


Le doy las gracias también a José Miguel, a mi tutor Manuel Ortega y demás compañeros

de la Universidad de Almería por estos años, y en especial a Miguel Cueto por responder con

celeridad a todas mis dudas, mantenerme al corriente y facilitarme todos los trámites relacionados

con el DEA y esta tesis.

Aunque ellos no se dieron cuenta, los compañeros del pelotón ciclista Los Filósofos

(Ángel, Jaime, Joaquín, Paco, Antonio, Fede, Pepe, Luis, Carlos) contribuyeron a rebajar el nivel

de tensión acumulado durante la semana con nuestras rutas, demarrajes, ascensiones, sprints y

ritmo infernal a plato. Compartir horas encima de la bici da para mucho más que sólo un buen rato

de ciclismo.

Mis primeras salidas al extranjero las hice gracias a las estancias breves. Éstas me

sirvieron, además de para mejorar mi inglés y ver sitios que nunca hubiera pensado que visitaría,

para aprender cantidad de cosas y ganar tablas en este mundillo. Gracias a Silvia, Nina Buchmann,

Xin y Wengchao, Heather Reynolds, Dave, Becky, Mike, Barb y Brett por todas las facilidades y

por hacer la morriña en el extranjero más llevadera. Más cerquita, la experiencia y colaboración de

Eulogio Bedmar, Hamdi Zahran (Estación Experimental del Zaidín) y María Pérez Fernández

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(Universidad Pablo de Olavide) fue decisiva para llevar a cabo el “experimento del Rhizobium”,

¡lástima que tuviéramos problemas con la inoculación!

A Joaquín Sánchez, Rafael Ortega y Manuel Hervás de Serfosur S.L. les agradezco todo el

apoyo personal y técnico que han ofrecido en todos estos años de colaboración. Sin su implicación,

muchos de los experimentos no se hubieran podido realizar. De vital importancia para los

experimentos de invernadero también resultó la donación de semillas y plantas por parte de

Serfosur, del vivero de plantas autóctonas de Rodalquilar (Consejería de Medio Ambiente, Junta de

Andalucía) y de Viveros Retamar S.L., así como la colaboración de Pepe del Cortijo La Sierra en

algunos de los experimentos de campo.

En el ámbito económico, todo este trabajo no hubiera sido posible sin el sustento de una

beca predoctoral I3P (CSIC, 2004-2007), y sin la financiación de los proyectos de investigación

REN2001-1544/GLO, AGL2000-0159-P4-02 y CGL2004-00090/CLI, del Ministerio de Educación

y Ciencia. Asimismo, gracias a la European Science Foundation y a su programa SIBAE por la

financiación de mi estancia en el ETH Zurich (Suiza) y al CSIC por las estancias en Indiana

University (EE.UU.).

Para terminar, me gustaría agradecer su apoyo y ayuda a todas las personas que, sabiéndose

merecedoras de estar en esta lista, no aparecen en ella por ningún otro motivo que no sea mi mala

cabeza y descuido. Mil disculpas y mi más sincero agradecimiento.

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Factores limitantes y estrategias de establecimiento de plantas leñosas en ambientes semiáridos.

Implicaciones para la restauración

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Introducción general …………………………………………………………………………….. 19

Objetivos …………………………………………………………………………........................ 24

Referencias …………………………………………………………………………………………… 25


Síntesis de resultados …………………………………………………………………………….. 33

Referencias …………………………………………………………………………………………… 34

Capítulo I



Summary ……………………………………………………………………………………………... 37

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………..................... 37

Materials and Methods ……………………………………………………………................. 38

Species ……………………………………………………………………………………… 38

Field site and experimental design ………………………………………........... 39

Growth analysis and statistics ……………………………………………………… 40

Results ……………………………………………………………………………......................... 41

Discussion ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 44

Acknowledgements ……………………………………………………………….................... 47

References ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 47

Capítulo II


LEÑOSAS MEDITERRÁNEAS ...………………….…………………………………………………………... 53

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Summary ……………………………………………………………………………………………... 55

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………... 55

Materials and Methods ………………………………………………………………………….. 57

Species ……………………………………………………………………………………… 57

Experimental design …………………………………………………………………… 58

Measurements …………………………………………………………………………… 59

Growth analysis …………………………………………………………………………. 60

Statistics ……………………………………………………………………………………. 61

Results ……………………………………………………………………………......................... 62

Discussion ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 64

Acknowledgements ……………………………………………………………….................... 68

References ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 68

Capítulo III


DE AGUA …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 73

Summary …………………………………………………………………………........................ 75

Introduction .……………………………………………………………………….................... 77

Materials and Methods ……………………………………………………………................. 77

Species ……………………………………………………………………………………… 77

Experimental design …………………………………………………………………… 78

Measurements and plant harvest …………………………………………………. 79

Statistics …………………………………………………………………...................... 80

Results ……………………………………………………………………………......................... 81

Discussion ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 85

Acknowledgements ……………………………………………………………….................... 87

References ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 87

Capítulo IV


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DEGRADADOS ………………………………..………………………………………………………………… 93

Summary …………………………………………………………………………........................ 95

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………..................... 95

Competition and facilitation ………………………………………………………............. 96

The nurse effect ……………………………………………………………………………………. 96

Advantages of growing close to nurse plants ……………………………………………. 97

The role of nurse plants in restoration …………………………………………….......... 98

Considerations for management …………………………………………………………….. 101

Ecological conditions ………………………………………………………………………. 101

Rainfall variability …………………………………………………………….................. 101

Nurse species ………………………………………………………………….................... 102

Target species ………………………………………………………………………………….. 103

Positive and negative effects of nurses ………………………………………........... 103

Conclusions …………………………………………………………………………...................... 103

Acknowledgements ………………………………………………………………….................... 104

References ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 104

Capítulo V


Summary …………………………………………………………………………........................ 111

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………..................... 112

Materials and Methods ……………………………………………………………................. 113

Experimental site …………………………………………………………................. 113

Species and experimental design …………………………………………………. 114

Abiotic environment ………………………………………………………………….. 115

Survival, growth and physiological status …………………….……………….. 115

Statistics …………………………………………………………………...................... 116

Results ……………………………………………………………………………......................... 116

Abiotic environment ………………………………………………………………….. 117

Survival …………………………………………………………………………………….. 117

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Growth and physiological status …………………………………………........... 118

Discussion ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 121

Acknowledgements ……………………………………………………………….................... 124

References ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 124

Conclusiones ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 131

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Introducción general

Los procesos de germinación y de

reclutamiento son aspectos importantes en el

modelado de las comunidades vegetales,

siendo los responsables últimos de la

estructura y composición de las mismas

(Grubb 1977). Tras la germinación, las

plántulas son muy vulnerables y están

expuestas a diversas amenazas tanto bióticas

como abióticas que limitan su

establecimiento. Esto provoca que la fase de

plántula sea considerada una de las etapas más

críticas en el ciclo de vida de una planta.

Como consecuencia, sólo una pequeña

fracción de los individuos germinados

conseguirá llegar a la fase adulta. Entre los

factores abióticos que limitan el

establecimiento destacan la sequía y la

desecación del suelo (Moles y Westoby

2004), si bien la elevada radiación o la

escasez de luz y las temperaturas extremas

también influyen en gran medida. Entre los

bióticos destacan la herbivoría, la

competencia por los recursos con la

vegetación existente (Rey-Benayas et al.

2002) o los efectos de las sustancias químicas

liberadas por plantas vecinas (i.e., alelopatía,

Fenner y Kitajima 1999). Si bien tanto

factores bióticos como abióticos inciden en el

éxito de establecimiento de las plántulas,

parece que los factores abióticos adquieren

especial protagonismo en ambientes

especialmente limitantes, mientras que en

hábitats más benignos son los bióticos los

principales causantes de la mortalidad en

juveniles (Fenner 1987). Esta observación

toma especial relevancia en sistemas áridos,

mediterráneos o alpinos, donde se ha visto que

las interacciones entre plantas de signo

positivo, como la facilitación, predominan

sobre las de carácter negativo, como la

competencia o la interferencia (Callaway


Tradicionalmente la competencia por los

recursos entre dos plantas que crecen

próximas entre sí ha sido el tipo de interacción

más estudiada, lo que provocó que los

modelos ecológicos se basaran durante mucho

tiempo en sus efectos. Sin embargo, en los

últimos años numerosos trabajos han puesto

de manifiesto que una planta se puede

beneficiar cuando vive cerca de otra, esto es,

es facilitada en términos de supervivencia,

crecimiento o éxito biológico (Callaway 1995,

Tirado y Pugnaire 2003). Actualmente se

acepta que entre dos plantas que crecen en

proximidad, ambas pueden ejercer sobre sus

vecinos tanto efectos positivos como

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Establecimiento de plántulas


negativos, de manera que el balance entre

éstos determina el signo final de la

interacción. Así, encontramos competencia si

los efectos negativos prevalecen, y facilitación

si predominan los positivos (Pugnaire y Luque

2001). Aunque la facilitación se ha observado

en prácticamente todos los biomas del mundo,

desde desiertos hasta dunas costeras,

matorrales mediterráneos, sabanas tropicales,

salinas, tundra ártica y bosques y pastizales

templados, es más aparente en ambientes

severos (Callaway 1995, Holmgren et al.

1997), como zonas áridas (Pugnaire et al.

1996, Flores y Jurado 2003) y de alta montaña

(Callaway et al. 2002, Kikvidze 2002). En

estos ambientes, caracterizados por clima

extremo, suelos infértiles y/o altas tasas de

herbivoría, algunas especies suavizan las

condiciones extremas, mejoran la

disponibilidad de los recursos y/o protegen de

los herbívoros (ver revisión en Callaway 1995

y Callaway y Pugnaire1999), proporcionando

un hábitat más adecuado para el reclutamiento

y desarrollo. De hecho, ya antiguamente se

observó que las plántulas de determinadas

especies se beneficiaban de vivir próximas a

estas especies, y como resultado el

establecimiento en sus proximidades era

mayor que en zonas alejadas de ellas (Niering

et al. 1963). Esta asociación espacial entre

plántulas y plantas adultas se denominó

“efecto nodriza” (“nurse plant syndrome”), y

constituye un claro ejemplo en el que el

reclutamiento se ve facilitado por la presencia

de vegetación.

Sin embargo, las plantas no seleccionan de

una manera activa el hábitat donde crecen,

sino que les es impuesto por factores como la

dispersión, y factores bióticos y abióticos que

inciden sobre la supervivencia de las semillas

y la germinación de éstas (Schupp 1995). De

esta manera, si la semilla no es depositada en

un sitio favorable donde las condiciones sean

óptimas para la supervivencia de las plántulas,

el éxito de reclutamiento dependerá de la

habilidad de las plantas para adaptarse y/o

resistir los factores limitantes. En ecosistemas

mediterráneos, la supervivencia de las

plántulas se ve limitada principalmente por la

disponibilidad de agua en el suelo durante

varios meses (Noy-Meir 1985, Herrera 1992).

En estos ambientes, las plántulas han de hacer

frente, en general, a precipitaciones muy

bajas, y tras la geminación en invierno o

primavera, han de superar un largo periodo de

sequía estival que constituye un cuello de

botella para el establecimiento (García-Fayos

y Verdú 1998, Figura 1).

Figura 1. Temperatura media y precipitación mensual en Tabernas (Almería, 37º08’ N, 2º22’ W, 490 msnm). La temperatura media anual es 17.8 ºC y la precipitación anual 235 mm (periodo 1967-1997).

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Las distintas especies han desarrollado

diversas y variadas adaptaciones para tolerar

estos periodos de ausencia de lluvias, como

por ejemplo una alta tolerancia a la extrema

deshidratación de los tejidos (Balaguer et al.

2002), la presencia de hábitos deciduos

durante los periodos más secos (Haase et al.

2000) o una alta resistencia del xilema al

embolismo (Jacobsen et al. 2007). En cambio,

la estrategia de otras especies no reside en la

resistencia al estrés hídrico, sino en escapar de

las limitaciones hídricas a través de raíces

profundas que llegan a fuentes de agua

estables durante todo el año (Nepstad et al.

1994). Estos diferentes comportamientos

están relacionados con la tasa de

supervivencia de las plántulas al final del

periodo seco. De esta manera, las plántulas de

especies que toleran la sequía presentan tasas

de supervivencia mayores tras la sequía que

aquellas cuya estrategia es evitarla (Davis

1989, Ackerly 2004). Sin embargo,

independientemente del tipo de estrategia que

exhiba cada especie, todo apunta a que

determinados rasgos del sistema radical de las

plántulas relacionados con la captación de la

humedad del suelo, juegan un papel

primordial para superar este periodo de estrés

hídrico, particularmente una elevada

asignación de biomasa a las raíces con

respecto a la parte aérea (Lloret et al. 1999) y

la capacidad de desarrollar raíces profundas

que llegan a capas de suelo más húmedas que

las superficiales (Canadell y Zedler 1995).

Las plántulas son mucho más sensibles a la

deshidratación que las semillas o los

individuos juveniles, motivo por el cual los

procesos de reclutamiento y crecimiento se

ven afectados por la variabilidad climática, en

especial por la pluviometría (Figura 2). Años

especialmente húmedos constituyen una

ventana de oportunidad para el

establecimiento de las plántulas (Lázaro et al.

2001, Pugnaire et al. 2006), mientras que en

periodos secos la supervivencia es casi

inexistente (Kitzberger et al. 2000).

Estos procesos pueden agravarse aún más

en futuros escenarios climáticos (Lloret et al.

2005), que en particular predicen para el oeste

de la Cuenca Mediterránea una tendencia

hacia el aumento de la aridez y de los

periodos de sequía, principalmente debido a

cambios en la cantidad, frecuencia e

intensidad de las precipitaciones (IPCC 2001,

Figura 2. Variabilidad interanual de la precipitación en Tabernas. La línea de puntos muestra la precipitación media para el periodo 1940-2000.

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Establecimiento de plántulas


Sánchez-Rodrigo 2002). De este modo,

eventos de lluvia de mayor volumen pero de

menor frecuencia, intercalados con largos

periodos de sequía, pueden afectar de manera

negativa especialmente a los ecosistemas en

los que la baja disponibilidad de agua limita la

actividad biológica (Knapp et al. 2002), y

pueden alterar el nicho de regeneración de las

especies (sensu Grubb 1977). Por tanto,

comprender la respuesta de las plántulas

durante las primeras etapas de desarrollo ante

cambios en la disponibilidad de agua del suelo

es importante en el marco de las condiciones

climáticas de la Cuenca Mediterránea y de los

escenarios de cambio climático, pues el éxito

de establecimiento dependerá en gran medida

de su habilidad para hacer frente a la sequía.

El regimen de precipitciones en ambientes

áridos es muy variable tanto en cuantía como

en la distribución temporal, y la recarga de las

capas del suelo responde a eventos discretos

de lluvia intercalados con largos periodos de

sequía (i.e., pulsos, Noy-Meir 1985). La

vegetación en estos ambientes no sólo

responde a cambios en el volumen de las

precipitaciones, sino también a las variaciones

temporales, de manera que pequeños cambios

en la frecuencia de las lluvias tienen

importantes efectos en la germinación,

supervivencia y crecimiento de las plantas

(Sala y Lauenroth 1982, Lázaro et al. 2001,

Reynolds et al. 2004). Este hecho es

especialmente frecuente en los ecosistemas

semiáridos del sureste de la Península Ibérica,

donde la variabilidad de las precipitaciones

influye en los procesos de germinación y

establecimiento (Pugnaire y Lázaro 2000,

Lázaro 2004, Pugnaire et al. 2006). En los

últimos años ha renacido el interés por la

respuesta de las plantas a pulsos de agua

(Novoplansky and Goldberg 2001, Sher et al.

2004, Heisler and Weltzin 2006, Maestre y

Reynolds 2007), pero hasta la fecha ningún

estudio ha analizado en particular cuáles son

sus efectos en especies arbustivas

mediterráneas. Muy poco se sabe sobre cómo

la variabilidad temporal de la humedad del

suelo afecta al crecimiento de las plántulas, y

asimismo se desconoce la respuesta de las

distintas especies. El estudio de estos efectos

no sólo es importante para una mejor

comprensión de las respuestas de las especies

de matorral mediterráneo del SE de la

Península, sino que esta información también

es valiosa dada la fuerte variabilidad climática

y las predicciones de cambio climático.

Los procesos de colonización y sucesión

secundaria que experimentan las zonas

degradadas son muy lentos y a menudo no

culminan dentro del periodo de vida de un ser

humano (Pugnaire et al. 2006). En este

sentido, el carácter impredecible del clima

Mediterráneo conlleva una baja frecuencia de

eventos positivos para el establecimiento

(Lázaro et al. 2001), y el ritmo de

colonización además se puede ver alterado por

la escasez de propágulos (Foster et al. 2004) y

las limitaciones en la dispersión y

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germinación de semillas (García-Fayos y

Verdú 1998). La restauración de los

ecosistemas puede acelerar estos procesos de

sucesión. Al igual que los procesos de

reclutamiento, las plántulas plantadas en las

restauraciones realizadas en ambientes

semiáridos también están expuestas durante

los primeros años a condiciones limitantes de

herbivoría, radiación y humedad del suelo

durante periodos más o menos prolongados.

Especialmente la falta acusada de

precipitaciones (inferiores a 300 mm año-1 en

gran parte del SE peninsular, Figura 3) y su

extrema irregularidad tanto estacional como

interanual (Lázaro et al. 2001) propician que

los eventos favorables para el éxito de las

restauraciones sean escasos y muy espaciados

en el tiempo (F.M. Padilla, sin publicar),

poniendo en peligro estos proyectos.

Diversos procedimientos se han propuesto

para aumentar el éxito de establecimiento de

las plántulas Las estrategias se han orientado

bien a mejorar la calidad del sitio de

plantación (Querejeta et al. 2000) y la calidad

de la planta introducida (Villar 2003), o bien a

atenuar las condiciones adversas que limitan

la supervivencia (Rey-Benayas 1998). Entre

estos últimos, destaca por su potencial

ecológico la reciente aplicación de la

facilitación en restauración a través del uso de

plantas nodriza (Maestre et al. 2001, Gómez-

Aparicio et al. 2004).

Así, el área bajo la cubierta de ciertas

especies adultas se ha mostrado como un

lugar idóneo para plantar los brinzales a

restaurar, pues las plantas se pueden

beneficiar del suavizado de las condiciones

microclimáticas, de una mayor disponibilidad

de recursos en el suelo y de la protección

ofrecida por el ramaje frente a los herbívoros.

Esto se traduce en una mayor tasa de

supervivencia en comparación con zonas en

claro desprovistas de vegetación. La

facilitación puede tener un gran potencial para

la restauración de ecosistemas, sin embargo

son necesarios experimentos de larga duración

que contrasten su éxito frente a otras técnicas

de restauración.

Figura 3. Distribución geográfica de la precipitación anual en la provincia de Almería (modificado de Lázaro y Rey 1991). Exceptuando las zonas montañosas, las lluvias apenas alcanzan los 300 mm año-1 en gran parte del territorio.

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Establecimiento de plántulas



Los objetivos generales de esta tesis son

contribuir a un mejor conocimiento de a)

cuáles son las respuestas de distintas especies

leñosas mediterráneas ante condiciones de

menor disponibilidad hídrica durante la fase

de plántula, y b) cómo la sequía y la

protección por plantas nodriza afectan al

establecimiento de las plántulas en medios

mediterráneos semiáridos. Para conseguir

estos objetivos se realizaron experimentos de

invernadero y de campo de corta y larga

duración con especies mediterráneas arbóreas

y arbustivas que aparecen en el extremo

semiárido del sureste de la Península Ibérica,

así como una extensa revisión bibliográfica.

El primer objetivo específico de esta tesis

fue estudiar si existía una relación entre el

éxito de establecimiento de plántulas y la

capacidad de desarrollar raíces profundas.

Este objetivo se aborda en el Capítulo I y para

su consecución se realizó un experimento de

campo en una parcela semi-natural en el que

se siguió la tasa de supervivencia, la humedad

del suelo a distintas profundidades y la

profundidad de enraizamiento de plántulas de

cinco especies leñosas (Ephedra fragilis, Olea

europaea var. sylvestris, Pinus halepensis,

Retama sphaerocarpa y Salsola oppositifolia)

mensualmente desde el comienzo de la

estación de crecimiento hasta el final del

periodo de sequía. La hipótesis de partida fue

que las plántulas capaces de desarrollar raíces

profundas de manera temprana alcanzarían

tasas de establecimiento superiores a aquellas

con raíces superficiales debido al acceso a

capas de suelo más húmedas,

independientemente de la resistencia a la

sequía de los adultos.

El segundo objetivo fue estudiar la

plasticidad del crecimiento de las raíces en

respuesta a una reducción de la cantidad de

agua disponible en el suelo, centrándonos en

las primeras etapas del desarrollo de las

plántulas. Éste se aborda en el Capítulo II, y

para ello se realizó un experimento de

invernadero con plántulas muy jóvenes de tres

especies arbustivas (Genista umbellata,

Lycium intricatum y Retama sphaerocarpa)

en urnas de cristal traslúcido que permitieron

la observación directa de las raíces. La

hipótesis de partida fue que una reducción de

la cantidad de agua suministrada induciría

cambios en el crecimiento de las raíces de las

tres especies, concretamente aceleraría la tasa

de elongación e induciría una mayor

aportación de biomasa a las raíces. Sin

embargo, la respuesta sería más fuerte en la

especie menos tolerante a la sequía (Retama),

como medio para superar las limitaciones

hídricas, y en aquellas con semillas grandes,

debido a que las mayores reservas en los

cotiledones permitirían a las plantas crecer

bajo condiciones más desfavorables.

En el Capítulo III se estudió el efecto que

la variación en la cantidad y frecuencia en el

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suministro de agua tenían sobre el crecimiento

y varios atributos funcionales de siete especies

arbustivas. Se redujo la cantidad y la

frecuencia de riego durante 14 meses,

esperando que una serie de pequeños eventos

de riego no fueran equivalentes a la misma

cantidad de agua aplicada en eventos de

mayor cuantía pero más espaciados en el

tiempo. El experimento se realizó en macetas

en invernadero, y con especies de matorral

semiárido (Anthyllis cytisoides, Atriplex

halimus, Ephedra fragilis, Genista umbellata,

Lycium intricatum, Retama sphaerocarpa y

Salsola oppositifolia), que se podían clasificar

atendiendo a tres grupos funcionales distintos

establecidos según el hábito foliar (deciduas

de verano, siempre-verdes y con tallos

fotosintéticos) y la tolerancia a la sequía

(tolerantes vs. evitadoras). Se evaluó la

respuesta en términos de crecimiento y ajuste

de rasgos foliares y radicales relacionados con

la captación de la luz y el agua, medidos como

subrogados de la respuesta fisiológica de las

plantas. Se esperó que las respuestas fueran

distintas entre los grupos funcionales, siendo

las especies deciduas de verano y las

evitadoras las más perjudicadas debido a los

costes fisiológicos asociados a la caída de las

hojas y la incapacidad de tolerar la sequía.

Los capítulos IV y V abordan la aplicación

práctica del efecto nodriza y la facilitación en

la restauración de ecosistemas degradados. En

el Capítulo IV se realizó una extensa revisión

bibliográfica de los experimentos en los

cuales se plantaron brinzales de especies de

interés forestal debajo de la cubierta de la

vegetación existente que actuaba como

plantas nodriza, y en zonas en claros

desprovistas de la influencia de vegetación

leñosa. Fruto de los resultados obtenidos en

los distintos experimentos y del conocimiento

ecológico actual sobre las interacciones entre

plantas, se resalta el papel de esta técnica

reciente y se aportan consideraciones para la

gestión que pueden influir en su éxito o


En el Capítulo V se evalúa el papel

facilitador del arbusto leguminoso Retama

sphaerocarpa como planta nodriza. Se realizó

una plantación experimental en dos parcelas

con distinta orientación (umbría y solana), y

durante tres años se siguió la tasa de

supervivencia de tres especies arbustivas

(Olea europaea var. sylvestris, Pistacia

lentiscus y Ziziphus lotus) plantadas bajo la

cubierta de Retama y en claros cubiertos con

ramas secas de matorral. De esta manera se

pretendió contrastar el éxito de las plantas

nodriza frente al empleo de estructuras

artificiales de sombra que imitaban la

protección proporcionada por éstas.


Ackerly, D. 2004. Functional strategies of

Chaparral shrubs in relation to seasonal

water deficit and disturbance. Ecological

Monographs 74, 25-44.

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Establecimiento de plántulas


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tenacissima L. Plant and Soil 240, 343-352.

Callaway, R.M. 1995, Positive interactions

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Kikvidze, Z.; Lortie, C.J.; Michalet, R.;

Paolini, L.; Pugnaire, F.I.; Newingham, B.;

Aschehoug, E.T.; Armas, C.; Kikodze, D. y

Cook, B.J. 2002. Positive interactions

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Nature 417, 844-848.

Callaway, R.M. y Pugnaire, F.I. 1999.

Facilitation in plant communities. En

Handbook of functional plant ecology,

Pugnaire, F.I. y Valladares, F. (eds.), 623-

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Establecimiento de plántulas


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Establecimiento de plántulas


En los ambientes semiáridos de la provincia de Almería la sequía a menudo impide el establecimiento de las plántulas. En esta tesis estudio qué estrategias muestran las plantas para superar el estrés hídrico durante la fase de plántula y cómo la sequía y la protección por plantas nodriza afectan a la supervivencia.

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Síntesis de resultados

A continuación se recogen los pricipales resultados obtenidos en esta tesis, así como las

publicaciones que de ella se han derivado hasta la fecha.

La habilidad de las plántulas de desarrollar raíces profundas fue decisiva para sobrevivir la

sequía estival, independientemente de la tolerancia a la sequía mostrada por las especies. Las

plántulas tanto de un especie tolerante a la sequía, como Salsola oppositifolia, como de una más

sensible, como Retama sphaerocarpa, desarrollaron raíces profundas durante los primeros meses

de crecimiento en campo, tuvieron acceso a capas más húmedas de suelo, y mostraron tasas de

supervivencia tras el verano muy elevadas. En cambio, la capacidad de profundizar de especies

como Ephedra fragilis, una especie muy tolerante, y Pinus halepensis, considerada más sensible a

la sequía, fue mucho menor, y murieron conforme las capas del suelo superficiales se secaron al

avanzar el verano. Una mayor asignación de biomasa al sistema radical con respecto a la parte

aérea no estuvo correlacionada con un mayor éxito de establecimiento en condiciones extremas de

sequía (Padilla y Pugnaire 2007).

En las primeras semanas de desarrollo, las plántulas de Genista umbellata, Lycium intricatum y

Retama sphaerocarpa respondieron a una disminución de la humedad del suelo aumentando la tasa

de elongación de las raíces, mientras que no se produjeron cambios en la inversión de biomasa al

sistema radical en detrimento de la parte aérea (Padilla et al. 2007). A pesar de las diferencias en el

tamaño de semilla y la estrategia de resistencia a la sequía, las tres especies, tanto tolerantes con

semillas pequeñas (Genista y Lycium) como la evitadora de semilla grande (Retama), respondieron

de la misma manera, aunque Genista mostró la respuesta más plástica. Retama, en cambio, exhibió

una plasticidad menor debido presumiblemente a una mayor dependencia de las reservas de los


Los cambios en el suministro de agua tanto en cantidad como en frecuencia redujeron la

humedad del suelo y alteraron la dinámica desecación. Las siete especies arbustivas estudiadas

(Anthyllis cytisoides, Atriplex halimus, Ephedra fragilis, Genista umbellata, Lycium intricatum,

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Establecimiento de plántulas


Retama sphaerocarpa, Salsola oppositifolia) respondieron a estos cambios aumentando la

asignación de biomasa al sistema radical y alterando el diámetro de las raíces. Sin embargo, pulsos

de agua de distinta cantidad y temporalidad no afectaron a la tasa de crecimiento de ninguno de los

siete arbustos seleccionados, así como tampoco se detectaron ajustes en rasgos funcionales como el

área foliar y el área específica de hoja.

En ambientes severos las plantas nodrizas suavizan las condiciones y mejoran la disponibilidad

de recursos, suministrando hábitats más adecuados para las plántulas. Su utilidad en restauración ha

sido corroborada en áreas de alta montaña, estepas semiáridas, salinas costeras, bosques tropicales,

matorrales áridos y sabanas. Sin embargo, hay ciertos aspectos relacionados con las características

de las plantas nodriza, la autoecología de las especies que se quieren implantar y la severidad del

sitio a restaurar que influyen en el éxito de este procedimiento (Padilla y Pugnaire 2006).

La efectividad del arbusto Retama sphaerocarpa como planta nodriza difirió dependiendo de las

especies y de la disponibilidad de recursos. Tras tres estaciones de crecimiento, la supervivencia de

Olea europaea bajo Retama fue el doble que bajo la protección artificial creada por ramas secas.

Los mecanismos de facilitación subyacentes están asociados a la mejora de los recursos del suelo

(efectos del suelo) y de las condiciones microclimáticas (efectos de cubierta). En cambio, Ziziphus

Lotus se vio notablemente perjudicado al vivir cerca de Retama y apenas sobrevivió en este

microambiente debido a su débil capacidad competidora. La facilitación por Retama fue más

aparente bajo condiciones de sequía, esto es, en los años más secos y cuando las plántulas no

recibieron riegos en verano, aumentando la competencia y disminuyendo la facilitación conforme

el estrés hídrico fue atenuado.


Padilla, F.M. y Pugnaire, F.I. 2006. The role of nurse plants in the restoration of degraded

environments. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 4, 196-202.

Padilla, F.M. y Pugnaire, F.I. 2007. Rooting depth and soil moisture control Mediterranean woody

seedling survival during drought. Functional Ecology 21, 489-495.

Padilla, F.M., Miranda, J. y Pugnaire, F.I. 2007. Early root growth plasticity in seedlings of three

Mediterranean woody species. Plant and Soil 296, 103-113.

Page 35: Departamento de Biología Vegetal y Ecología

Capítulo I

La profundidad de enraizamiento y la humedad del suelo controlan la supervivencia de plántulas de especies leñosas durante la sequía†

† Publicado como “Padilla F.M. and Pugnaire F.I. 2007. Rooting depth and soil moisture control Mediterranean woody seedling survival during drought. Functional Ecology 21: 489-495”

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Capítulo I


Capítulo I




Seedling survival is one of the most critical stages in a plant’s life history and is often lowered

by drought and soil desiccation. It has been hypothesized that root systems accessing moist soil

layers are critical for establishment but very little is known about seedling root growth and traits in

the field. We related seedling mortality to the presence of deep roots in a field experiment in which

we monitored soil moisture, root growth, and seedling survival in five Mediterranean woody

species from the beginning of the growing season until the end of the drought season. We found

strong positive relationships between survival and maximum rooting depth, as well as between

survival and soil moisture. Species with roots in moist soil layers withstood prolonged drought

better, whereas species with shallow roots died more frequently. In contrast, biomass allocation to

roots was not related to establishment success. Access to moist soil horizons accounted for species-

specific survival rates, whereas large root-to-shoot mass (R:S) ratio did not. The existence of soil

moisture thresholds that control establishment provides insights into plant population dynamics in

dry environments.


Seedling recruitment is a critical stage of

plant life history because high mortality rates

are often associated with the seedling phase

(Fenner 1987). Seedlings of different species

die from a wide variety of causes (Fenner &

Kitajima 1999; Moles & Westoby 2004),

including many biotic and abiotic factors such

as pathogens, herbivory, high or low

temperatures and radiation, allelopathy and

competition. Drought and soil desiccation are

primary limits to establishment in many

environments (Moles & Westoby 2004). One

such environment is Mediterranean-type

ecosystems, where establishment after

germination is severely limited by long, dry

summer periods (Herrera 1992). In such areas,

seedlings are very drought-sensitive, and

recruitment processes are often restricted to

sporadic rainfall periods (Holmgren &

Scheffer 2001; Pugnaire et al. 2006b) or wet

microsites (Padilla & Pugnaire 2006).

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Root depth and seedling survival


Deep roots may improve water uptake and

increase the probability of survival in

Mediterranean communities since they can

access stable water reserves (Donovan,

Mausberg & Ehleringer 1993; Canadell &

Zedler 1995; Lloret, Casanovas & Peñuelas

1999), allowing plant growth extended into

the dry season (Nepstad et al. 1994).

However, differences in seedling survival

during drought is often due to varying

tolerance to low soil moisture (Hasting,

Oechel & Sionit 1989; Ackerly 2004). For

instance, Davis (1989) found in the California

chaparral that seedlings of drought-tolerant

species, often shallow-rooted, survived water

shortage better than seedlings of drought-

sensitive species.

Although the role of deep roots in plant

establishment has long been acknowledged

(Davis 1989; Enright & Lamont 1992;

Canadell & Zedler 1995; Pugnaire, Chapin &

Hardig 2006a), establishment failure due to a

lack of deep roots has rarely been quantified.

Very little is known about root growth in the

field as related to soil water, and many of the

mechanisms controlling establishment success

remain poorly understood (Hanley et al. 2004,

but see Lloret, Casanovas & Peñuelas 1999).

This question is particularly significant in dry

environments and under global change

scenarios with longer drought spells (IPCC

2001). Drier conditions may alter the

regeneration niche of many species (sensu

Grubb 1977) and species richness may be

limited if seedlings are unable to deal with

lower water availability (Brown, Valone &

Curtin 1997, Schenk & Jackson 2002).

Here we address how drought affects the

establishment of five woody species and relate

establishment to rooting depth and access to

soil moisture in a field experiment. We

hypothesized that deep-rooted seedlings

would attain higher survival after summer

than shallow-rooted individuals by keeping

roots in moister soil horizons.

Materials and Methods


We selected five native perennial woody

species occurring in Mediterranean shrublands

in semi-arid southeast Spain. Two of the

species were nearly leafless shrubs with

photosynthetic stems, including a

gymnosperm, Ephedra fragilis Desf., and a

legume, Retama sphaerocarpa (L.) Boiss. The

other species included a succulent C4, Salsola

oppositifolia Desf., a large C3 shrub, Olea

europaea var. sylvestris Brot., and a tree

species, Pinus halepensis Mill. Hereafter we

refer to these species by their generic names

only. Ephedra, Olea and Pinus are frequent in

late-successional communities, whereas

Retama and Salsola successfully colonize

disturbed areas (Peinado, Alcaraz &

MartínezParras 1992). Our selected species

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Capítulo I


differ in drought tolerance strategy based on

minimum pre-dawn water potential (Ψpd).

Salsola tolerates low water potentials, (Ψpd ≈ -

5 MPa, Pugnaire, Armas & Valladares 2004),

as does Ephedra (Ψpd ≈ -5.2 MPa, F.I.

Pugnaire, unpublished data). Our other

species could be considered as non-drought-

tolerant based on less negative Ψpd; around -

1.5 MPa for the deep-rooted Retama (Haase et

al. 1999), -2.5 MPa for Pinus (Oliet et al.

2002), and -2.25 MPa for Olea (Faria et al.

1998). Germination of Olea, Pinus and

Retama under Mediterranean conditions

begins in winter (Rey & Alcántara 2000;

Nathan & Ne’eman 2004; Pugnaire et al.

2006b). There are no accurate data for

germination patterns of Ephedra and Salsola,

but specific traits suggest that they germinate

in winter too, because seeds disperse in late

autumn or early winter (Rodríguez-Pérez,

Riera & Traveset 2005) and seeds do not

show dormancy (Navarro & Gálvez 2001).

Field site and experimental design

We tested our hypothesis by conducting a

transplant experiment in a semi-natural field

site rather than by monitoring seedling

occurrence in nature. This minimized

environmental heterogeneity and root losses at

harvest, allowed roots to grow without soil

impediments, and also allowed comparisons

of potential root growth under the same set of

abiotic conditions. The experiment was set up

in flat and homogeneous 15 x 15 m terrace for

vegetable crops in the foothills of the Sierra

Alhamilla range (Almería, Spain, 37º99’N,

02º99’W, 600 m elevation). The silt soil had

been ploughed regularly for years, was free of

rocks, and reached ca. 2 m in depth over a

mica-schist bedrock. Fertility and water

holding capacity were very low (Pérez-Pujalte

1989). Neither pesticides nor fertilizers were

applied at the site for at least five years. The

climate is typically Mediterranean semi-arid

with a mean annual temperature of 17.3 ºC

and mean annual precipitation of 282 mm and

a marked drought period from May to

September. Temperatures are mild in winter

and high in late spring and summer.

In late winter 2004, eight 3 x 3 m plots

spaced 1.5 m apart were laid out on the terrace

in a 3 x 3 design. To homogenize soil and

facilitate root growth, the soil in each plot was

completely dug up to a depth of 0.5 m, using

an auger (BT 120 C, Stihl AG & Co. KG,

Waiblingen, Germany) to drill adjacent 30

cm-wide holes. Seedlings of 1-2 months were

transplanted in early April, after heavy spring

rainfalls. Seedlings were provided by local

nurseries and seeds had been collected in

areas with similar ecological conditions. Care

was taken to follow the natural recruitment

dynamics of all species, and transplanting was

done when seedlings of all species had

already emerged in the field.

In each plot, ten bare-root seedlings of

each species, similar in size and with intact

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Root depth and seedling survival


root systems, were planted ca. 35 cm apart

from each other and from the plot borders.

The spatial arrangement of different species in

each plot was fully random. The terrace was

fenced to prevent herbivory, and each plot

was watered once with 5 L (≈ 0.1 L of

water/plant) immediately after transplanting.

One plot was harvested (H, hereafter) every

three weeks on average between April and

September, encompassing the spring growing

period and the summer drought. Initial data

(referred to as H0) consisted of ten randomly

harvested seedlings of every species before

transplanting. The remaining harvests (H1 to

H8) were done 13, 28, 48, 66, 81, 97, 121, and

153 days after transplanting. On each harvest

all living individuals in a randomly chosen

plot were dug out carefully, and maximum

root depth was recorded. Root recovery was

maximized by digging a 3-m-long trench

around the periphery of the plot. Initially the

trench was ca. 40 cm wide and 30 cm deep,

but the depth of the trench increased in

successive harvests until reaching ca. 100 cm

on the last sampling date. The front of the

trench was gently crumbled from side to side

with a hoe, which was then replaced by a

small punch when close to the base of the

plant. Roots were carefully brushed and then

manually extracted and stored in paper bags.

Soil containing roots that could not be

separated in the field were processed in the

laboratory. Roots could be matched with

individuals because all species had one or

several major tap roots, grew vertically, and

none spread horizontally. Fine roots attached

to major tap roots were collected as well. In

the laboratory roots and soil were repeatedly

submerged in water and finely sieved to retain

fine roots. Shoots and roots were dried at 71

ºC for at least 48 hours.

Survival on each harvest date was

calculated as the proportion of plants alive

after the first week, excluding this way

seedling deaths caused by transplant. Soil

moisture (ECH2O, Decagon Devices Inc.,

Pullman, WA, USA) and temperature (Onset

Computers, Pocasset, MA, USA) at depths of

5, 15, 30, 45, and 60 cm were continuously

monitored during the experiment in the last

plot harvested. Readings were taken every ten

minutes and averaged daily. Soil water

content at any given depth within an interval

was determined through interpolation between

neighboring readings, assuming that water

content in the interval changed linearly.

Similarly, we inferred soil depth

corresponding to a particular moisture content

by interpolating from readings of probes

immediately above and below that depth.

Growth analysis and statistics

Mean relative growth rate (RGR) for each

species during the monitoring period was

calculated from observed values between H8

and H0 (Hunt et al. 2002). Growth curves

were analyzed using ANCOVA on log-

transformed observed values with number of

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Capítulo I


days after transplanting as a covariate.

Differences among species were considered

significant when the species x time interaction

resulted significant. Relative root extension

rate (RER) between two consecutive harvests

was obtained for each species from fitted

polynomial curves (HPcurves v.3.0, A. Pooley

et al.). Differences in biomass and maximum

rooting depth among species at H8 were tested

using one-way ANOVA followed by Scheffé

post-hoc comparison tests. Heteroscedastic

variables were log-transformed to meet

ANOVA assumptions. Differences in seedling

survival among species in September were

compared through simple binary logistic

regression where survival was the dependent

variable and species the predictor factor

(Agresti 2002). Regression analyses were

performed to test correlation strength between

variables, using adjusted R2 to correct for the

degrees of freedom. All analyses were

conducted with SPSS v13.0 (SPSS Inc.,

Chicago, IL, USA) and differences were

significant at P < 0.05. Sample size in all

analyses was 4-10 for each species, with the

exception of Pinus at H8, when only two

plants remained alive. Data are presented as

means ± one standard error.


A rainy spring (205 vs. 101 mm average in

the 1967-1997 period, Confederación

Hidrográfica del Sur) was followed by a

summer without rainfall (Figure 1).

Survival in spring (April to June) was

100% for all species except Ephedra; in this

case seedling survival was 87.5% by mid-

June, and 60% in September. In contrast,

Retama and Salsola had complete survival

throughout the season. Olea survival at the

end of the drought period was 80% and Pinus

20% (Figure 2). Moisture decreased quickly

in top soil layers as the drought period

progressed, reaching values in September of

1.5% and 11.5% at 5 and 15 cm in depth

respectively; soil moisture remained at ~21%

from mid-June onwards at 45 and 60 cm.

Thus, soil moisture in September showed a

strong gradient, increasing with depth (Figure


Species differed significantly in the

maximum depth reached by roots in

September (one-way ANOVA F4,23 = 11.7,

P<0.001, Table 1). The two early colonizers,

Salsola and Retama, rooted deepest and also

had the highest mean root extension rates

(RERmean, Table 1). In contrast, the shallowest

Figure. 1. Daily rainfall between April and September of 2004 in the experimental site.

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Root depth and seedling survival


roots were found in Ephedra and Pinus, which

also had the lowest mean root extension rates.

In September, at least one tap root of Olea,

Retama and Salsola reached well below 35

cm, whereas roots of Ephedra and Pinus did

not surpass 25 cm (Figure 2). While the root:

shoot (R:S) ratio in all species was below 0.5,

it varied significantly among species (one-

way ANOVA F4,23 = 29.3, P<0.001). Pinus

allocated the most to roots, followed by Olea,

Retama and Ephedra. By contrast, allocation

to roots relative to shoots was rather small in

Salsola (R:S < 0.1). Root: shoot ratio did not

increase in response to increasing drought but,

on the contrary, decreased over the course of

the season in Olea, Pinus and Salsola, and

remained relatively constant in Ephedra and

Salsola (Figure 3).

Figure. 2. Maximum rooting depth (solid bars) and isoclines of soil moisture (shaded areas) on left Y-axis and seedling survival (white dots) on secondary right Y-axis. Soil layers with moisture above 20% are represented by dark grey; in grey area moisture ranged 14-20%; pale grey area indicate 8-14%, and white area below 8%. Values of rooting depth are means ± 1SE.

Table 1. Final plant mass, mean relative growth rate (RGR) and root extension rate (RER), maximum root depth and root: shoot (R:S) ratio of five woody species.

Species Ephedra Olea Pinus Retama Salsola F4,23

Total mass (g) 0.28±0.06ac 1.57±0.33b 0.15±0.02c 1.22±0.29ab 75.01±17.01d 67.96***

RGR (mg g-1 day-1) 17.1±3.4 13.7±0.5 4.4±1.9 25.5±7.8 48.0±5.1 -

RER (mm cm-1 day.1) 5.3±3.3 5±1.3 1.9±1.2 9.3±3.8 10.8±2.5 -

Rooting depth (cm) 20.6±3.1a 35.2±2.3ab 15.9±2.7a 47.3±6.9b 59.5±6.7b 11.65***

R:S ratio 0.22±0.03a 0.43±0.02a 0.49±0.07a 0.31±0.04a 0.08±0.01b 29.32***

Significant differences among species are indicated by F values: ***, P<0.001. Different letters in a row show differences at P<0.05 (one-way ANOVA, Scheffé’s test). Values are means ± 1SE.

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Capítulo I


At the end of the drought season there

were significant differences in seedling

establishment among species (logistic

regression χ2 = 24.2, df = 4, P<0.001). There

were strong positive relationships between

seedling survival and maximum rooting depth

(logistic function, Radj2=0.99, P<0.01, Figure

4a), and between survival and the soil

moisture estimated at the maximum rooting

depth of the species at final harvest (logistic

function, Radj2=0.97, P<0.02, Figure 4b),

showing that the probability of establishment

success was strongly related to increasing

rooting depth and therefore soil moisture.

Species with roots accessing soil deeper than

45 cm had 100% survival (Salsola and

Retama), whereas much lower rates (20-40%)

were found in species that rooted in shallower,

drier soil layers (ca. 22.5 cm, Ephedra and

Pinus). Species rooting in layers with < 12%

soil moisture established poorly (Pinus,

Ephedra). In contrast, species with roots

reaching soil with moisture > 18% (Retama

and Salsola) had complete survival.

There was, however, no relationship

between survival at final harvest and R:S ratio

(linear regression, Radj2=0.12, P>0.38, Figure

4c). Initial plant size did not correlate with

maximum rooting depth at H8 or RGR (linear

regression, P>0.57 and P>0.3, respectively),

or survival at H8 (P>0.3 for all fitted


Figure 4. Relationships between survival and maximum rooting depth (a), moisture at the deepest soil layer reached by roots (b), and R:S ratios in September (c), after the summer drought. Values are means ± 1SE, with the exception of survival. Ef, Ephedra; Oe, Olea; Ph, Pinus; Rs, Retama; So, Salsola. n.s.= no significant correlation.

Figure 3. Root: shoot (R:S) ratio for each species. Values are means ± 1SE.

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Root depth and seedling survival


Species also differed in root growth

patterns over spring and summer (ANCOVA

species x time F4,333 = 18.4, P<0.001, Figure

5). Roots of Salsola displayed a parabolic

growth curve characterized by rather low RER

values early in the season, followed by a

period of increasing growth rate until the

onset of the drought season in mid-June, at

which point RER started to decrease. In

contrast, Ephedra, Olea and Retama grew at a

constant rate from April to September.

Ephedra and Olea shared nearly identical

RER, whereas Retama exhibited larger values.

Growth rate of Pinus decreased from the

beginning, showing the highest value in the

first harvest and the lowest in the last one.


The effect of summer drought on seedling

establishment has long been acknowledged in

Mediterranean environments (Herrera 1992),

but, to our knowledge, direct links between

rooting depth, soil moisture, and

establishment have never been quantified. The

ability to develop deep roots and access soil

moisture was decisive for seedlings to survive

summer drought, regardless of species-

specific drought tolerance. Deep-rooted

seedlings either from a drought-tolerant

species (based on minimum Ψpd reported)

such as Salsola or a drought-sensitive species

such as Retama had consistent access to moist

soil layers and showed the greatest survival

rates. In contrast, shallow-rooted seedlings of

Ephedra (a drought-tolerant species) and Olea

and Pinus (more drought-sensitive species)

relied on water from shallower soil layers and

died as summer drought progressed.

Climate change scenarios for western

Mediterranean predict reduced annual

precipitation, shifts in seasonal rainfall

patterns (decreasing in spring, summer and

autumn) and extended drought periods (IPCC

2001). Here, we looked at species ability to

Figure 5. (a) Log-transformed maximum rooting depth (mm) at each harvest (symbols) and fitted functions (lines). R2 shows regression coefficient at P < 0.05. (b) Root extension rate (RER, mm cm-1 day-1) for each harvest and species. Symbols and lines of Olea and Ephedra overlap. Symbols are means ± 1 SE. Initial and final RER values not shown for clarity due to widening of confidence limits.

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Capítulo I


extend their roots fast enough to keep pace

with retreating soil moisture and showed that

deep-rooted seedlings were best able to

establish during a very dry growing season,

suggesting that these species may be favored

over species of shallow-rooted seedling

during extended droughts. Whether shallow-

rooted species would decrease in abundance

or be confined to more mesic patches or

microsites remains unknown (Schenk &

Jackson 2002); however, it is worth noting

that shifts in regional climates are currently

leading to changes in vegetation type

dominance, e.g., the encroachment of shrubs

into American grasslands (Brown, Valone &

Curtin 1997) most likely because new

conditions favor the establishment of deep-

rooted species (Schenk & Jackson 2002).

The relationship between soil moisture and

survival suggests the existence of a threshold

of soil moisture that controls plant

establishment (Figure 6). In our system, very

low establishment rates were achieved by

species that kept roots in shallow soil layers

with moisture around 12% (e.g., Ephedra and

Pinus), and according to our data, no

establishment would occur for plants rooting

in layers drier than ~8% (m0) . On the other

hand, higher establishment rates were found

for deep-rooted species reaching soil layers

wetter than 15% (Retama and Salsola), and

full establishment would be related to rooting

in soil layer moister than ~20% (m100). It is

likely that something similar occurs in natural

systems, where obviously the threshold will

vary depending on soil properties and the

species involved.

Rainfall-dependent recruitment dynamics

reported in dry environments can be

interpreted under such operating thresholds.

Kitzberger, Steinaker & Veblen (2000) and

Holmgren et al. (2006) showed that

recruitment in dry years is almost zero,

whereas rainy years constitute a window of

opportunity for establishment. We suggest

that plants in dry habitats may establish easily

in wet years without deep roots because soil

moisture remains above the critical threshold

along the soil profile (Sala & Lauenroth

1982). Conversely, when moisture in the soil

profile is below the threshold, it is not enough

to maintain seedlings alive. Soil moisture

Figure 6. Proposed control of soil moisture thresholds on seedling establishment. There is a point below which seedling establishment is impeded due to insufficient soil moisture (m0) and another above which full establishment is reached (m100). Conditional establishment occurs between m0-m100 depending on rooting depth and drought tolerance. Dots show survival of our species and solid line fitted logistic function.

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Root depth and seedling survival


between both extremes would pivot around

the critical threshold, and rooting ability and

drought tolerance of the different species

would explain variation in establishment


The lack of rain during our experiment

produced a vertical soil moisture gradient, but

summer rains could have replenished soils and

altered the gradient, most likely changing the

final outcome. Supplying water during

summer drought boosts establishment success

in Mediterranean environments (Castro et al.

2005) and summer irrigation considerably

increases survival in all our study species

(Sánchez et al. 2004). Small rainfalls (like

watering) keep soil moisture above certain

thresholds and improve survivorship (Sala &

Lauenroth 1982).

Plants may adjust to resource imbalance by

allocating biomass to organs that acquire the

limiting resource (Chapin et al. 1987), so that

higher root: shoot ratios are expected under

water stress. However, we found no

relationship between survival and R:S ratio,

and paradoxically the most successful

survivor, Salsola, allocated relatively the least

to roots, and the species with most failure,

Pinus, had the highest R:S ratio. Overall, we

did not find substantial changes in R:S during

the growth period, in contrast to reports that

found shifts in dry mass partitioning between

shoots and roots during plant growth (Klepper

1991). Biomass allocation to roots did not

increase in any species in response to drought,

suggesting that large R:S ratios may not be

enough to compensate for the deepening of

moisture along the soil profile in summer.

Rather, the ability to alter rates, timing and

placement of root proliferation may be more

important for plant success than changes in

biomass allocation between roots and shoots

(Reynolds & D’Antonio 1996). Lloret,

Casanovas & Peñuelas (1999), however,

reported a large positive correlation between

R:S and seedling survival in a Mediterranean

shrubland, but in their field site roots rarely

reached below 10 cm and the high summer

rainfall in the study years kept shallow soil

horizons moist. Under such circumstances

greater biomass allocation to roots may

increase water uptake.

Some species from dry environments have

dual root systems with shallow lateral roots

that exploit small rainfall events which hardly

penetrate into the soil, and deep roots that tap

deep water sources (Canadell & Zedler 1995).

However, dual systems often develop as the

plant matures, and the absence of lateral

branches is frequent in seedlings from xeric

habitats (Canadell et al. 1999; Nicotra,

Babicka & Westoby 2002). Our observations

agree with these patterns, since roots of the

five species grew vertically and none spread

horizontally. This suggests a primary

investment to develop root systems that

penetrate into deeper, more reliable water

sources rather than allocating biomass to

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Capítulo I


develop both surface and deep roots, because

moisture in the soil surface is unreliable

(Ehleringer & Dawson 1992).

In conclusion, our work underlines the

importance of rooting depth for seedling

survival. In the absence of other constraints on

establishment like dispersal, seed germination

triggers, or herbivory, the ability to reach

deeper, moister soil horizons is critical to cope

with water stress at such early stage and

become established. Our data suggest that

species able to keep roots in moist soil layers

are better prepared to withstand drought. Also,

soil moisture thresholds seem to control plant

survival, so plant establishment may be

restricted if soil moisture is below certain

levels, which has direct implications for

population and community dynamics.


We are grateful to Alejandro Moreno, Juan

Padilla, Juan de Dios Miranda, María José

Jorquera, María Pilar Sánchez and Pepe del

Cortijo La Sierra, for helping with the field

work. Serfosur SL, Viveros Retamar and

Junta de Andalucía provided seedlings.

Comments by Ragan M. Callaway, Heather L.

Reynolds, Scott D. Wilson and two

anonymous reviewers greatly improved this

manuscript. Funds were provided by the

Spanish Ministry of Education and Science

(grant CGL2004-00090/CLI).


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of deep roots in the hydrological and carbon

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Nature 372, 666-669.

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Root depth and seedling survival


Nicotra, A.B., Babicka, N. & Westoby, M.

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Capítulo I


Schenk, H.J. & Jackson, R.B. (2002) The

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Scanned roots of the five species studied in this experiment. From left to right, Salsola oppositifolia, Retama sphaerocarpa, Olea europaea var. sylvestris, Ephedra fragilis and Pinus halepensis.

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Capítulo II

Plasticidad en el crecimiento de raíces en plántulas de tres especies leñosas mediterráneas†

† Publicado como “Padilla, F.M., Miranda, J. and Pugnaire, F.I. 2007. Early root growth plasticity in seedlings of three Mediterranean woody species. Plant and Soil 296: 103-113”

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Capítulo II




Since very young seedlings are sensitive to dehydration, soil desiccation is often responsible for

seedling death in water-stressed environments. Roots play a major role in overcoming water stress

and plant establishment, thus early root development in response to limited water availability

becomes a strategy that may ensure recruitment. We explored whether different water availabilities

altered growth patterns of very young seedlings, focussing on root elongation, and hypothesized

that seedling responses would depend on species-specific drought-tolerance and seed size. We

carried out a greenhouse experiment exposing two-week-old seedlings of three Mediterranean

shrubland species, the drought-tolerant and small-seeded Genista umbellata and Lycium intricatum,

and the drought-sensitive, large-seeded Retama sphaerocarpa to two watering quantities and

monitored plant and root growth weekly in glass cases. We found that at such early stages, reduced

water quantity enhanced root growth in all three species, regardless of drought tolerance and seed

size, although root plasticity was the highest in the small-seeded and drought-tolerant Genista. In

contrast, shoot elongation and mass allocation, root-to-shoot mass (R:S) ratio, were unaffected by

watering. Seedlings responded to lower water availability with faster root elongation and greater

absorptive root surface, which can account for the enhanced relative growth rate (RGR) of the

small-seeded Genista and Lycium under reduced watering. By contrast, a larger root absorptive

surface did not lead to higher RGR in the large-seeded Retama probably because of its greater

independence from external mineral resources. Our data evidence the importance of water

availability on the initial stages of these species regardless of seed size and drought tolerance. Root

growth can be interpreted as an adaptive strategy to deal with drying soils since larger roots enable

to exploit unexplored soil areas of soil, which may ensure recruitment success.


Plant communities are shaped by

germination and recruitment processes

(Donovan et al. 1993), which ultimately affect

community composition and structure (Grubb

1977; Harper 1977). Plants do not actively

choose the habitat they grow in (Bazzaz

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Drought and root growth


1991); rather, habitat choice is first imposed

on plants by seed dispersal, and then by

environmental factors which constrain seed

survival, germination, seedling establishment

and growth (Schupp 1995). After seed

dispersal, germination does give way to the

most critical phase in the regeneration

process, seedling establishment (Fenner and

Kitajima 1999). Very young seedlings are

susceptible to many hazards, such as extreme

temperatures and radiation, competition,

pathogens, herbivory or drought (Moles and

Westoby 2004a), and as a result high

mortality rates are often associated to this

stage (Fenner 1987). An important

determinant of successful seedling recruitment

is the microsite where the seed is placed, often

a safe site providing conditions and resources

required for germination and establishment

(i.e., the regeneration niche sensu Grubb

1977; Fenner 1987). However, seed-seedling

conflicts may arise when environmental

conditions promoting seed germination are

not favourable for seedling survival and

growth (Schupp 1995), e.g., conditions good

enough for triggering germination may not be

as good for seedling growth. Eventually,

seedling’s fate and recruitment success will

depend on seedling’s ability to cope with

limiting environmental conditions.

Because emerged seedlings are much more

sensitive to dehydration than seeds or juvenile

individuals (Evans and Etherington 1991),

drought is often the main cause of seedling

death in many environments (Moles and

Westoby 2004a). This is particularly true in

water-stressed Mediterranean ecosystems,

where a dry, long summer season jeopardizes

recruitment of seedlings emerged in winter

and spring (Herrera 1992). In addition,

seedlings in arid environments are exposed to

highly variable rainfall, both in duration and

amount, being characteristic the presence of

dry periods interspersed between rain events

(Lázaro et al. 2001). Establishment success in

such areas greatly depends on seedling ability

to overcome water shortage (Davis 1989), and

root systems play a major role. Large biomass

allocation to roots is often related to higher

survival rates through improved water and

nutrient uptake (Lloret et al. 1999, Pugnaire et

al. 2006) linked to reaching moister soil layers

and exploring larger soil volumes (Davis

1989; Donovan et al. 1993; Leishman and

Westoby 1994a). Consequently, deep-rooted

seedlings have a probability of surviving

summer drought higher than shallow-rooted

seedlings (Padilla and Pugnaire 2007).

Species-specific drought tolerance, however,

is a main factor for seedling survival in drying

soils (Ackerly 2004), and Davis (1989) and

Hasting et al. (1989) found in the California

chaparral that seedlings of drought-tolerant

species, usually shallow-rooted, survived

water shortage better than seedlings of

drought-avoider species, often deep-rooted,

because of the greater tolerance to low soil

water potentials of tolerant species. Seed size

has also been related to successful recruitment

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Capítulo II


in dry habitats (Leishman and Westoby

1994a; Moles and Westoby 2004b). Large-

seeded species have storage reserves in

cotyledons that sustain growth during

unfavorable periods, and are more likely to

have large seedlings and longer roots than

small-seeded species (Buckley 1982; Jurado

and Westoby 1992; Fenner and Kitajima

1999), traits shown to be related to a higher

probability of survival by allowing access to

soil moisture at deeper levels (Donovan et al.


Given the typically unpredictable and

variable rainfall in arid environments and

Mediterranean ecosystems, and the fact that

climate change scenarios forecast for the

western Mediterranean Basin a mean annual

precipitation reduced by ~30% and shifts in

the frequency of rain events, i.e., greater, less

frequent events followed by longer drought

periods (IPCC 2001), understanding seedling

responses to changes in water availability is

important. Here, we explored whether

differences in watering altered growth

patterns of seedlings at the very early stages

of development, with cotyledons still

attached. We carried out an experiment in

mini-rhizotrons, subjecting very young

seedlings of three perennial woody species of

Mediterranean shrubs to reduced watering,

monitoring plant and root growth. We reduced

the amount of water supplied and its

frequency expecting that pulses of water of

different magnitude had different effects on

plants, even if the amount of water provided

was kept constant.

Research has shown that roots grow

towards resource patches (Reader et al. 1993;

Cahill and Casper 1999; Rajaniemi and

Reynolds 2004; Eapen et al. 2005), showing

an elongation response in low moisture

(Evans and Etherington 1991). Furthermore, it

is widely accepted that plants adjust to

resource imbalance by allocating biomass to

organs that acquire the limiting resource

(Chapin et al. 1987). Therefore, we expected

larger biomass allocation to roots relative to

shoots and larger root elongation rates in

response to drought as a means to overcome

water shortage. We hypothesized that 1)

seedling responses would depend on species’

water stress tolerance, so that drought-

sensitive species would show stronger

responses to drought than drought-tolerant

species as a means to overcome their lower

capacity of dealing with low water availability

and, following Leishman and Westoby

(1994a) 2) root growth would be positively

associated to seed size, so that large-seeded

species would show stronger responses to

drought than small-seeded species because

cotyledons allow plant to growth under

unfavorable conditions.

Materials and Methods


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Drought and root growth


Three perennial woody species occurring

in open Mediterranean semiarid shrublands of

southeast Spain were selected; Genista

umbellata (L’Hér.) Dum. Cours., Lycium

intricatum Boiss., and Retama sphaerocarpa

(L.) Boiss. Hereafter we refer to these species

by their generic names only. Two of the

species were nearly leafless legumes with

photosynthetic stems, the small shrub Genista

and the large shrub Retama, whereas Lycium

was a thorny shrub with drought-deciduous

succulent leaves. Our species differed in

drought-tolerance strategy based on rooting

depth and minimum pre-dawn water potential

(Ψpd) measured in the field during the water

shortage. Retama, a very deep-rooted species

accessing stable water sources through the

year (Haase et al. 1996), may be considered as

drought–avoider given the usually high Ψpd

reported (≈ -1.5 MPa, Haase et al. 1999). The

other two species can be classified more

properly as drought-tolerant. Lycium stands

very low water potentials (≈ -5 MPa, Tirado

2003) and its drought-deciduous habit

evidences shallow rooting depth. There are no

data available for Genista umbellata, a

shallow-rooted species (< 0.75 m, pers. obs.),

but a closely related species, G. hirsuta,

showed high tolerance to Mediterranean water

stress, reaching Ψpd under -6 MPa (Lansac et

al. 1994). Species also differed in seed mass.

Genista and Lycium are relatively small-

seeded species, whereas Retama is a larger-

seeded species with very heavy seed coat (up

to 35 mg, Table 1).

Table 1. Initial plant size (mg). Values are means ± 1SE. n=6 for each species, except seed mass (10).

Genista Lycium Retama

Seed mass 4.61±0.36 3.46±0.21 110.75±5.02

Shoot mass 3.17±0.75 4.40±0.78 24.43±1.85

Cotyledons mass 2.18±0.98 2.93±0.47 21.65±1.58

Root mass 1.53±0.35 1.58±0.27 4.32±1.09

R:S ratio 0.50±0.05 0.37±0.03 0.18±0.05

Experimental design

Freshly collected seeds of the three species

were sown separately in germination trays

containing type III vermiculite (Verlite®,

Vermiculita y Derivados SL, Gijón, Spain) in

laboratory at room temperature and light on

22 March 2005. Seeds were collected in the

field or provided by local nurseries. All seeds

germinated within two weeks, and very young

seedlings were carefully transferred to glass

cases on 13 April 2005, once that cotyledons

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had fully emerged from seed coats. Six

randomly selected seedlings of every species

were harvested before transplanting (Table 1).

Four transparent glass cases, 129 cm length,

43 cm depth, 3 cm width set at a 30º angle

from the vertical, were filled up with

vermiculite and placed in the greenhouse

(Figure 1). Because of the narrow design of

the cases, we selected vermiculite because of

its lower compaction and greater oxygenation

than other growing media. The case bottom

was perforated to allow for water drainage. At

transplant, individuals of each species were

placed completely at random 8 cm apart from

each other and near the lower side of each

case. Given the small seedling size, the lack of

lateral roots and the short monitoring period,

this distance seemed enough to prevent

competition. The lower side of the glass case

was covered by a black canvas so that roots

grew in darkness on this side and root growth

could be monitored through the glass. The

other side was left uncovered. Each individual

was watered with 40 ml every three days

during the first week following transplant.

After acclimation, on 19 April 2005, seedlings

were allocated to treatments following a

factorial design with two factors and two

levels each. Watering quantity included a

control (20 ml every time) and a watering of

30% less than the control (14 ml). A second

factor included frequency of watering, and

comprised a ‘normal’ level (two waterings per

week) and half the number of events (one per

week). Each of the four combinations

comprised five replicates per species. All

waterings were done with a syringe to prevent

flooding. Seedlings grew in a greenhouse

sheltered from direct radiation for five weeks

without fertilization and cases position was

rearranged weekly. The mean daily

temperature in the sheltered area was 18.9 ±

0.3 ºC, and the mean maximum and minimum

were 23.9 ± 0.4 ºC and 13.7 ± 0.3,



Shoot height and root length of each plant

were measured weekly during the

manipulation period. Shoot height was

measured with a calliper and new root

segments and trajectories were drawn on the

glass surface using different color markers. At

the end of the experiment, root length marks

on the glass were traced to acetate sheets and

digitalized with a portable scanner (Epson

GT7000, Seiko Epson Corp., Nagano, Japan)

at 300 dpi. Root length was measured from

digitalized traces using the macro

RootMeasure v.1.80 (Kimura and Yamasaki,

2003) implemented on the software Scion

Image Beta v. 4.02 (Scion Corp., Maryland,

USA). We calculated mean root and shoot

elongation rates for each plant between the

initial and final lengths. Growth curves were

obtained by plotting cumulative root length

data against time. Maximum rooting depth

was recorded before harvesting. At harvest, on

24 May 2005, shoots of each species were

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Drought and root growth


clipped at surface level, stored in paper bags,

dried at 71ºC for at least 48 hours in a

ventilated oven and weighed. Glass cases

were then emptied out gently so as not to

damage root systems and vermiculite particles

attached to root hairs were removed by gently

washing and brushing them out. Roots were

then labelled, placed into wet paper towels

and kept cool in zip bags in a refrigerator until

they were scanned. Root length and root area

of each plant were digitalized and measured

following the procedure described above for

traced roots. Root biomass was obtained after

drying samples as with shoots, and root-to-

shoot mass (R:S) ratio for each plant was

calculated from these data. Specific root

length (SRL, cm g-1) on the entire root system

was computed from total root length and


Figure 1. Experimental glass cases and size (in cm). New root segments were traced on the glass weekly. Fifteen very young seedlings were placed at random in each case, but five plants have been drawn for clarity.

Growth analysis

Relative growth rate (RGR, mg g-1 day-1)

during the monitoring period was calculated

from data at harvest (W2) and transplant (W1)








= (1)

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Capítulo II


where t2 - t1 was 41 days, using the Hunt et al.

(2002) spreadsheet tool. We calculated water-

use efficiency of productivity (WUE, mg L-1)

as the ratio between biomass gained and water

received during the experiment, taking into

account averaged initial biomass at transplant

(Kikvidze et al. 2006). From seedling root

length in reduced and control water levels at

harvest, we calculated for each species the

relative interaction index (RII, Armas et al.

2004) as an index of root plasticity to reduced

watering, expressed as:

where Rr and Rc were root length for reduced

and control plants, respectively. Although this

is not a specific plasticity index, its strong

mathematical and statistical properties make it

appropriate for comparisons between plants

growing in two treatment groups, in this case

control and reduced.


Data were exploratory analyzed as a two-

factor design (watering quantity and

frequency); however, analyses showed no

differences in any variable between normal

watering and half the number of events in the

frequency factor. Likely, pulses of water of

different magnitude while keeping constant

the amount of water provided did not affect

soil moisture in our conditions. For this

reasons we excluded the frequency factor

from analyses to gain statistical power since

some plants died after transplant, and those

data were pooled either into corresponding

control or reduced quantity level since the

amount of water provided was kept constant

within the frequency factor, i.e., plants in the

control water quantity received 40 ml per

week in one (half events) or two events

(normal frequency), and similarly in the

reduced water quantity (28 ml distributed in a

single or two 14 ml events per week).

Data were then analyzed as a factorial

design with two factors, species and water

quantity. Differences in mean growth rate,

total root length, root area, maximum rooting

depth, biomass, SRL, R:S ratio and WUE

were tested using two-way analysis of

variance (ANOVA) for each variable

followed by Tukey HSD post-hoc comparison

tests. For total root length analysis we used

length of traced roots instead of length of

scanned roots since the former data were more

homoscedastic. Differences in root length

measurements between the two procedures

were not significant (paired t-test, P=0.47).

Because of the unequal sample size, we used

type III sum of squares. Heteroscedastic

variables were transformed to meet ANOVA

assumptions. When variables were still

heteroscedastic (as in WUE), we ran for each

species separately the non-parametric Mann-

Whitney U test (M-W U). Comparisons in

plasticity index (RII) among species were






= (2)

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Drought and root growth


conducted from standard errors since all

replicates belonging to a treatment were

integrated in computation.

Since plotted data of cumulative root

length against time showed a linear trend,

growth curve analyses were conducted by

fitting individual data to a linear function Y =

mX + b, where Y was length (cm), X was time

(days), m was the slope and b the y-intercept.

Differences in growth curves between species

and water treatment were tested by comparing

regression slopes of each plant (m) through

ANOVA. We could not perform repeated-

measures and multivariate ANOVA to test

growth responses because our data violated

statistical assumptions (Von Ende 2001). Only

those individuals whose roots could be seen

through the glass case from the beginning of

the experiment were included into root growth

analysis. All tests were conducted with

Statistica v. 6.0 (Statsoft Inc, Tulsa, OK,

USA) and differences were considered

significant at P<0.05. Data are presented as

means ± one standard error.


Cumulative root length over time was best

adjusted to a linear function. Growth curves

were statistically different between control

and reduced water quantity in all species

(P=0.014), with roots under drought growing

faster (Figure 2). This was reflected in root

elongation rate (ANOVAwater P=0.013); plants

subjected to lower watering elongated more

than control plants (8.58±0.74 vs. 6.74±0.65

mm day-1), regardless of species identity

(ANOVAspeciesxwater P=0.99, Figure 3a). We

found significant differences in mean root

elongation rate among species, with Lycium

having the highest rate (10.57±0.58 mm day-

1), followed by Retama (6.66±0.66) and

Genista (4.67±0.49, Table 2).

Figure 2. Root elongation curves. Cumulative root length over time in control (solid symbols) and reduced watering (white symbols), and fitted linear functions (lines) with r2 and P-values of regression. Growth curves of control and reduced treatments are statistically different (ANOVAwater F1,39=6.589, P=0.014), regardless of species (ANOVAspecies x water F2,39=0.062, P=0.940).

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Capítulo II


Table 2. F-values of factorial ANOVA at harvest. RER, root elongation rate between harvest and the beginning of altering watering. SRL, specific root length. Superscripts show significance P-values.

F-values Effect (df)

RER Root mass

Shoot mass

Plant mass

R:S ratio

Root length

Root area SRL Rooting


Species (2) 29.15<0.01 33.77<0.01 143.44<0.01 134.40<0.01 8.40<0.01 27.53<0.01 22.94<0.01 16.82<0.01 37.97<0.01

Water (1) 6.710.01 8.200.01 6.490.02 9.370.01 0.660.42 7.790.01 8.020.01 0.030.86 2.360.13

SpeciesxWater (2) 0.010.99 3.870.03 3.900.03 4.910.01 1.430.25 0.100.91 0.470.63 1.200.31 0.190.83

As for root plasticity, all species responded

to reduced watering by developing longer

roots (as reflected by positive values of RII),

though Genista showed the strongest response

(0.142±0.024), whereas in Lycium and

Retama it was lower (0.078±0.011 and

0.083±0.017, respectively).

Total root length and root area at harvest

differed among species, decreasing Lyicum >

Retama > Genista (Table 2, Figure 3b). There

were also significant differences in root length

and root area between water treatments

(ANOVAwater P<0.01), regardless of species

(ANOVAspeciesxwater P>0.6, Figure 2 and 3b).

When compared to control, plants supplied

with reduced water quantity showed longer

roots (28.65±2.26 vs. 35.75±2.57 cm) and

greater root area (2.69±0.26 vs. 4.02±0.47

cm2). On the contrary, we only detected a

tendency to root deeper in response to lower

water availability (25.55±2.03 for reduced vs.

22.45±1.71 cm for control plants, ANOVAwater

P=0.13, Tables 2 and 3). Roots of Lycium and

Genista had higher SRL than Retama,

although no significant adjustment in response

to altered watering quantity was detected in

any species (Pwater=0.86, Pspeciesxwater=0.31).

Root-to-shoot mass ratio was below 0.6 in all

species (Table 3), ranging from 0.47±0.05 in

Genista and 0.41±0.03 in Lycium to 0.28±0.02

in Retama. We did not detected significant

effects of water quantity on R:S ratio in any

species (ANOVAwater P=0.42).

We found differences among species in

plant, shoot and root mass at harvest

(ANOVAspecies P<0.001, Table 2), in contrast,

no differences were observed in mean shoot

elongation in any species in response to

drought (M-W Uwater, P>0.25). The effects of

watering quantity on biomass depended on

species, as revealed by the species x water

interaction (ANOVA P<0.03); plants supplied

with lower water quantity tended to exhibit

larger mass than those in control in Lycium

and Genista, whereas Retama performed

nearly the same both in control and reduced

levels. The same pattern was observed if plant

growth was considered with respect to initial

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Drought and root growth


plant size (i.e., relative growth rate); RGR of

total plant, shoot and root masses were higher

under reduced water in Genista and Lycium,

whereas differences in Retama were less

patent (Table 3). This mirrored in water use

efficiency of productivity. Plants supplied

with lower water quantity produced

significantly more biomass per water received

than those in control in Lycium (M-W

Uwater=5, P<0.01), and marginally in Genista

(M-W Uwater=8, P=0.06). In Retama, however,

biomass gain was independent of water

provided (M-W Uwater=27, P=0.91, Figure 3c).


A small reduction in water supply

enhanced root elongation in all our species at

very early stages of development, when

cotyledons were still attached. This could be

an analogous response to etiolation of shoots

under shaded conditions (Leishman and

Westoby 1994b). Despite the contrast in seed

mass and drought tolerance among Retama,

Lycium and Genista, all three species, either

drought-tolerant or sensitive, large or small-

seeded, responded equally to reduced

watering. These data evidence the importance

of water availability for seedling development

during such early stage. The increase in root

length and area in plants under reduced

watering can be interpreted as an adjustment

of absorptive surfaces to find water resources

(Hutchings and de Kroon 1994). By

increasing root length, plants exploit a larger

soil volume tapping otherwise unexplored

areas and increase their resource uptake

capacity, which paryl depends on root surface

area (Lambers et al. 1998b).

Figure 3. Plant growth at harvest. a) Mean root elongation rate (mm day-1) in control (solid bars) and reduced watering treatment (white bars), ANOVAwater P=0.013; b) root area (cm2) at harvest, ANOVAwater P=0.007; c) water use efficiency (mg L-1), M-W U test. A cross indicates marginal differences between water quantities (P<0.1) and asterisks significant differences (*, P<0.05; **, P<0.01). Values are means ± 1SE. n=6-9.

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Table 3. Plant growth and root traits. Plant, shoot and root mass (mg), root-to-shoot ratio, relative growth rate (RGR, mg g-1 wk-1) of total plant, shoot, and roots between transplant and harvest dates, maximum rooting depth (cm) and specific root length (SRL, cm mg-1) in control and reduced treatment. Different letters in a row show significant differences (P<0.05) after Tukey test. Values are means ± 1SE. n=6-9.

Genista Lycium Retama

Control Reduced Control Reduced Control Reduced

Plant mass 7.0±0.9a 10.5±0.7b 12.9±0.8bc 17.9±1.3c 38.4±3.0d 35.1±3.5d

Shoot mass 4.9±0.7a 7.2±0.5b 9.6±0.6bc 12.3±1.0c 30.4±2.8d 27.5±2.6d

Root mass 2.2±0.3a 3.3±0.4ab 3.3±0.4a 5.6±0.5bc 8.0±0.5c 7.6±1.1c

R:S ratio 0.48±0.08ac 0.46±0.05abc 0.35±0.04abc 0.47±0.04a 0.28±0.03bc 0.27±0.02c

Plant RGR 84.1±30.0 147.8±28.3 143.5±22.4 197.8±23.0 47.9±13.7 31.6±14.9

Shoot RGR 87.4±31.8 161.2±28.0 146.2±22.7 186.0±23.7 34.4±15.9 18.7±14.1

Root RGR 70.9±33.7 146.2±33.5 129.0±27.5 223.3±24.8 123.9±25.1 106.7±29.6

Rooting depth 13.1±1.6a 14.6±1.0ab 29.2±1.2cd 33±2.1c 23.2±2.5bc 25.4±2.9cd

SRL 9.1±1.0ac 8.1±1.4abc 13.8±2.2a 9.3±0.7ac 4.2±0.5bd 5.2±0.7cd

Our findings agree with reports showing

root elongation in response to low soil

moisture (Evans and Etherington 1991).

Reader et al. (1993) found that rooting depth

of seedlings of wild species increased in

response to drought due to higher elongation

rates, particularly in species that regenerate

mainly from seeds after disturbance (seeders),

suggesting that selective pressures favor

plasticity in root growth, affecting traits that

promote seedling survival. Although we do

not report significant differences in rooting

depth between control and reduced water

(P=0.13), most likely because of the short

time period considered, our data are consistent

with this explanation. Thus, early root growth

shows an adaptive strategy to deal with water

stress at the seedling stage (Fitter 1991). Root

elongation and deeper rooting depth in

response to water stress is presumably also an

adaptation that allows exploitation of

declining soil moisture (Lambers et al. 1998a)

and in fact, the ability to develop roots

accessing deep soil moisture has proved

decisive for survival of seedlings during

summer months in a Mediterranean semiarid

environment (Padilla and Pugnaire 2007). Our

hypothesis that root growth responses would

be stronger in the drought-sensitive and large-

seeded Retama because of its sensitivity to

dehydration and larger seed reserves could be

rejected since a drought-tolerant and small-

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Drought and root growth


seeded species (Genista) showed a distinctly

plastic response. Developing seedlings of

large-seeded species acquire most resources

from seed reserves (Fenner and Kitajima

1999), and then they are relatively more

independent from external resources than

small-seeded species. However, the weak

response we found in Retama may not involve

a disadvantage in the field, since germination

timing and seedling size may offset low root

growth capacity. Interestingly, in agreement

with our findings, there are reports of greater

root elongation rate in drought-tolerant

turfgrass (Huang 1999) and phreatophyte

seedlings (Horton and Clark 2001), and in

seedlings of species restricted to dry sites

compared to humic environments (Evans and

Etherington 1991) when subjected to lower

water availability. It is clear that root

plasticity is under genetic control (Sydes and

Grime 1984; Sharp et al. 2004) and species do

not show the same ability to elongate;

however, whether root plasticity is linked to

species’ drought tolerance, and the underlying

mechanisms, still remains unclear and further

studies are necessary.

Surprisingly, we found larger shoot mass

and higher RGR in Lycium and Genista

seedlings supplied with less water, whereas

differences were negligible in Retama. It is

improbable that this was due to greater root

biomass allocation or root length exploiting

potentially more soil volume of Retama, since

it allocated the least to roots (lowest R:S ratio)

and showed one of the shortest root lengths at

transplant. Rather, seed size and cotyledon

reserves can explain such response, since they

strongly affect seedling growth (Leishman

and Westoby 1994b; Cornelissen et al. 1996;

Bonfil 1998; Hanley et al. 2004; Hanley and

May 2006). Large-seeded species, indeed,

have storage cotyledons characterized by a

slow, prolonged mobilization of reserves

(Kidson and Westoby 2000), relying to a

greater extent on cotyledons than on soil

resources and light (Milberg and Lamont

1997), whereas small-seeded species are more

dependent on light and soil resources

(Leishman and Westoby 1994b; Fenner and

Kitajima 1999). In our experiment, all three

species retained green cotyledons until

harvest, but cotyledon reserves lasted longer

in Retama than in Lycium and Genista

because of its differences in seed size (up to

two orders of magnitude) and cotyledon mass.

All three species increased root absorptive

surface with lower water availability as a

strategy to maximize water uptake, allowing

secondarily greater nutrient uptake, but

Retama, however, did not show changes in

shoot growth due to its greater independency

from soil minerals (i.e., greater dependency

on cotyledon reserves). In this sense, Jurado

and Westoby (1992) found that seedlings from

large-seeded species thrived better under

nutrient stress than small-seeded species,

since their growth remained independent from

external resources, and similar results were

reported by Milberg and Lamont (1997).

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In conclusion, increased root absorptive

surface caused by low water availability was a

response of all three species to maximize

water uptake, which also allowed for greater

nutrient uptake. In fact, Wan et al. (2002) also

found that drought induced root production

and enabled droughted plants to produce

above-ground biomass similar to that of plants

receiving full watering. However, in our

experiment, growth depended on cotyledon

reserves. Shoot growth and RGR was higher

under reduced watering in Genista and

Lycium because of greater root exploitation

and resource uptake, while Retama growth

depended more on cotyledon reserves and

biomass was relatively unaffected by nutrient


Having small-diameter roots (i.e., higher

SRL) favors greater rates of water and

nutrient uptake (Eissenstat 1992; Cornelissen

et al. 2003), therefore larger SRL under

reduced water availability could be expected

as a strategy to maximize absorptive surfaces

(Reich et al.1998; Wright and Westoby 1999).

All species showed increased root length

under reduced water availability, evidencing

changes in root architecture with water

quantity, but SRL did not differ between

watering treatments. This inconsistency can

be due to the fact that we used the whole root

systems to obtain this variable, and Nicotra et

al. (2002) showed that SRL of the entire root

systems can differ from that measured on the

main axis or secondary roots. Similarly, large

biomass allocation to roots relative to shoots

(i.e., higher R: S ratio) also favors water and

nutrient uptake (Chapin et al. 1987; Lambers

et al. 1998a), and therefore we expected larger

R: S ratios under reduced water availability.

However, plants did not respond to water

stress by shifting allocation patterns, and the

R:S ratio did not change. Although the

allocation model is widely accepted (see e.g.,

Chapin et al. 1987; Kozlowski and Pallardy

2002), other factors do impact upon R:S

partitioning. Evidence suggests that plasticity

in R:S ratio may be highly species-specific

(Joslin et al. 2000) and that in some species

R:S ratio is remarkably stable (Klepper 1991)

or subjected to developmental constraints

(Gedroc et al. 1996; McConnaughay and

Coleman 1999). Additionally, root

demography and the ability to alter rates and

place of root proliferation may have greater

importance for plants than changes in mass

allocation between roots and shoots (Reynolds

and D'Antonio 1996).

Overall, we showed that very young

seedlings responded to reduced water

availability by elongating roots, whereas no

significant changes in R:S ratio were detected.

Greater absorptive root surface likely allowed

seedlings to increase growth rate in the small-

seeded species, whereas growth of the large-

seeded species seemed independent from

external resources. Root growth may be

considered an important factor in early

seedling development, since rapid extension

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Drought and root growth


of roots enables seedlings to tap water from

previously unexplored areas of soil (Schütz et

al. 2002). Regardless of seed size and drought

tolerance strategy, root elongation in our three

species is a common adaptive trait to cope

with soil dryness at early stages. However,

further research is needed to link root

plasticity to species-specific drought



We are grateful to Kazuhiko Kimura for

helping with the root macro, Florentino

Mostaza for root scanning and Consejería de

Medio Ambiente (Junta de Andalucía) for

seed donation. Tibor Kalapos and two

anonymous reviewers made valuable

comments on an earlier draft. The Spanish

Ministry of Education and Science funded this

work (grant CGL2004-00090/CLI).


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Capítulo III

Respuesta fisiológica de siete especies arbustivas mediterráneas a pulsos de agua

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Capítulo III




Pulsed water supply has a strong effect on plant survival and seed germination in arid

environments, yet very little is known about the effects on growth and plant performance of

seedlings. Here we focused on the effects of both, amount and frequency of water inputs on

seedling growth and functional traits of seven Mediterranean shrub species occurring in semi-arid

SE Spain, and differing in leaf habit and drought tolerance, Anthyllis cytisoides, Atriplex halimus,

Ephedra fragilis, Genista umbellata, Lycium intricatum, Retama sphaerocarpa and Salsola

oppositifolia. In a 14-month greenhouse experiment we manipulated water supply expecting that

pulses of water of different magnitude would not have the same effects on plants, even if the

amount of water provided was the same. Different watering patterns altered soil drying dynamics

and water content at the end of watering cycles. We found that roots responded to such alterations

by changing biomass allocation patterns (root-to-shoot mass [R:S] ratio), and by altering root

architecture, measured in terms of specific root length (SRL). However, leaf traits such as leaf area

(LA) and specific leaf area (SLA), and biomass and relative growth rate (RGR) of all species were

insensitive to pulses of water and fluctuating soil moisture. Differences in RGR among species

were significantly linked to differences in SRL, presumably related to uptake capacity of roots, and

much less to differences in biomass allocation or leaf traits. These data show that roots are very

responsive to soil water heterogeneity at the juvenile stage, possibly a strategy to compensate for

lower water availability by maximizing uptake. We suggest that decreases in soil moisture over

long periods of time and extended drought spells are necessary to limit growth in these

Mediterranean shrubs because of their adaptation to severe drought and highly variable rainfall

patterns of semiarid environments.


Understanding how plant species deal

with soil resource availability is a central

theme of plant ecological research (Chapin

1991, Lambers et al. 1998). Soil resources

required for plant growth are highly

heterogeneous at a wide variety of scales

both in time and space, so nutrients

(Schlesinger and Pilmanis 1998, Gallardo

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Pulsed water supply and plant performance


2003) and water (Burgess et al. 1998, Cantón

et al. 2004) are not homogeneously

distributed in natural soils at a spatial scale,

and their temporal availability is not regular

(Austin et al. 2004, Reynolds et al. 2004).

This resource heterogeneity does impact

individuals in terms of survival, growth,

performance and biotic interactions

(Hutchings and Kroon 1994, Cahill and

Casper 1999, Poorter and Lager 2000, Hodge

2004, Padilla et al. 2007, Maestre and

Reynolds 2007), and therefore can alter

population dynamics.

Water availability is often the most

limiting factor for plant activity in arid

environments (Noy-Meir 1985). In such

environments, water availability is highly

pulsed, and discrete rainfall events

interspersed with drought periods are

important components of the annual water

supply. Vegetation not only responds to

rainfall quantity (Noy-Meir 1985; Reynolds

et al. 2004), but also to variations in time

(Sala and Lauenroth 1982, Turner & Randall

1989, Lázaro et al. 2001) in such a way that

relatively small changes in rainfall frequency

(i.e. pulsed inputs) can have strong effects on

survival and growth of individuals, yet

research has shown that there is some

variation in species responsiveness

(Novoplansky and Goldberg 2001, Sher et al.

2004). This is particularly true in

Mediterranean semi-arid ecosystems of SE

Spain. In this area, among the driest in

Europe with less than 250 mm year-1 (Capel-

Molina 2000), rainfall timing and amount

greatly influence germination and seedling

establishment (Pugnaire & Lázaro 2000,

Lázaro 2004, Pugnaire et al. 2006, Padilla

and Pugnaire 2007), but very little is known

about the effects on seedling growth after


Growing attention has been paid to the

relationship between pulsed water inputs,

species responses and arid ecosystems

dynamics in the last years (Reynolds et al.

2004, Schwinning et al. 2004, Heisler and

Weltzin 2006), with research conducted in

controlled environments in greenhouses

focusing on annual and grassland species

(Novoplansky and Goldberg 2001; Sher et al.

2004, Maestre and Reynolds 2007).

However, woody species should have

different behavior and growth responses,

although to our knowledge there is little

information on how shrub seedlings respond

to pulses of water. Addressing the effects of

pulsed water supply is not only important to

better understanding seedling responses, but

also to provide insights into how rainfall

variability can affect semiarid Mediterranean

ecosystems. Since seedlings and juveniles are

more sensitive to dehydration than seeds or

adults (Evans and Etherington 1991),

variations in quantity and frequency of water

supply (i.e., greater, less frequent events

followed by longer drought periods) is likely

to affect plant growth in different ways

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Capítulo III


(Easterling et al. 2000, Weltzin et al. 2003,

Sher et al. 2004).

In this paper we focus on the effects of

variation in amount and temporal supply of

water on seven shrub species from semi-arid

SE Spain differing in leaf habit and drought

tolerance. In a greenhouse experiment we

modified water supply and analyzed its

effects on growth and plant functional traits,

expecting that pulses of water of different

magnitude did not have the same effects on

plants, even if the amount of water provided

was kept constant (Knapp et al. 2002;

Reynolds et al. 2004). In response to lower

soil moisture and modified drying dynamics

caused by altered watering supply, we

expected a decrease in seedling growth rate

and changes in leaf and root functional traits

related to light and water acquisition. We

hypothesized that species responsiveness

would depend on leaf habit and drought

tolerance, with deciduous and drought-

sensitive species showing the strongest

response because of the physiological costs

of leaf shedding and dehydration intolerance

(but see Reynolds et al. 1999).

Materials and Methods


We selected seven native shrub species

occurring in Mediterranean semiarid

shrublands in the Tabernas basin (Almería,

SE Spain, 37º08' N, 2º22' W, 490 m

elevation). This area is characterized by mild

temperatures (17.8 ºC average annual

temperature), and low and variable rainfall

(235 mm annual rainfall, 1967-1997 period,

Confederación Hidrográfica del Sur), with a

markedly dry season from June to September

(Lázaro et al. 2001). Species can be classified

into three functional groups according to leaf

habit, a) nearly leafless shrubs with

photosynthetic stems, b) drought-deciduous

shrubs and c) evergreen species (Table 1).

Species also differed in drought tolerance

based on minimum xylem pre-dawn water

potential (Ψpd) recorded in the field. While

Anthyllis cytisoides L., a small, drought-

deciduous shrub (Haase et al. 2000), Lycium

intricatum Boiss., Atriplex halimus L.,

Salsola oppositifolia Desf. (the two latter C4

xero-halophyte shrubs; Pyankov et al. 2001;

Martínez et al. 2004), Ephedra fragilis Desf.,

and the shallow-rooted Genista umbellata

(L’Hér.) Dum. Cours., stand low water

potentials (Ψpd < -5 MPa; Lansac et al. 1994;

Pugnaire et al. 2004), Retama sphaerocarpa

(L.) Boiss., a deep-rooted species, shows a

more drought-sensitive behavior revealed by

less negative Ψpd (~ -1.5 MPa; Haase et al.


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Pulsed water supply and plant performance


Table 1. Main plant traits.

Species Family Leaf habit Drought strategy Photosynthesis pathway

Ephedra fragilis Ephedraceae Leafless Tolerant C3, photosynthetic stems

Genista umbellata Leguminosae Leafless Tolerant C3, photosynthetic stems

Retama sphaerocarpa Leguminosae Leafless Avoider C3, photosynthetic stems

Anthyllis cytisoides Leguminosae Deciduous Tolerant C3, leaves

Lycium intricatum Solanaceae Deciduous Tolerant C3, succulent leaves

Atriplex halimus Chenopodiaceae Evergreen Tolerant C4, leaves

Salsola oppositifolia Chenopodiaceae Evergreen Tolerant C4, succulent leaves

Experimental design

Seeds of the seven species were separately

sown in germination trays containing type III

vermiculite (Verlite®, Vermiculita y

Derivados SL, Gijón, Spain) in laboratory at

room temperature and day light on 22 March

2005. Seeds from the Tabernas basin were

collected manually or provided by local

nurseries. All seeds germinated within three

weeks, and very young seedlings were

carefully transferred to pots on 14 April, once

cotyledons had fully emerged from seed

coats. Six randomly selected seedlings of

every species were harvested before

transplanting. At transplant, one seedling was

planted in each pot and tap water was

provided daily. Pots of 300 mL in volume

contained vermiculite and were 4.5 cm in

diameter and 18 cm deep (Forest Pot 300®).

We selected vermiculite because of its

relatively infertility, lower compaction and

greater oxygenation than other growing

media. A nutrient solution (2 mL/L water) of

a 4-5-6 NPK fertilizer (KB, Scott France,

Lyon, France) was added weekly for one

month, and seedlings that died during this

period were replaced.

Pots were arranged in a factorial design

with two factors (quantity of water and

watering frequency) on 16 May. Watering

treatments were established according to

climate change forecasts for the western

Mediterranean Basin, consisting in a

reduction of annual rainfall of ~30% with a

trend towards extended drought periods

(IPCC 2001; Sánchez-Rodrigo 2002).

Although potted experiments deviate from

natural conditions in the field, we would

rather to be consistent with these predictions

and not apply stronger yet arbitrary

reductions as the goal of the study was not to

decipher species responses to severe drought.

Water quantity included a ‘control’ and a

‘reduced’ level consisting of 30% less than

the control, and frequency comprised a

‘normal’ level (four watering events per

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week) and ‘half’ the number of events (two

per week). Since we focused on growth

rather than survival, we considered than two

watering events per weeks were necessary to

keep seedlings alive on the course of the

experiment. The quantity and frequency

factors were fully crossed in all species, and

seedlings subjected to ‘normal’ frequency

were watered four times a week, either with

20 mL (‘control’) or 14 mL (‘reduced’) each,

whereas those subjected to ‘half’ frequency

were watered twice a week, either with 40 or

28 mL.

Sample size of each combination at

transplant was 9 replicates, except for

legumes (18). Replicates of legumes doubled

those of other species because the initial

experimental design considered Rhizobium

inoculation of half the legume seedlings.

However, this could not be performed

because of the failure to isolate an

appropriate bacterial inoculum. Plants grew

in a greenhouse at the Estación Experimental

de Zonas Áridas (CSIC, Almería) under

natural irradiance and temperature without

further fertilization, and were kept for 14

months. Pot position was re-arranged at

random every two weeks.

Measurements and plant harvest

To estimate the effect of altered watering

on vermiculite moisture, we calculated the

gravimetric water content (%) corresponding

to each treatment during a two-week period.

Pot weight before and after watering was

recorded daily. At the end of the monitoring

period pots were dried at 105 ºC for 48 hours,

emptied out and weighed. Gravimetric water

content (GWC) was calculated following:


(%) ×−





GWC (1)

where Wwet and Wdry was pot weight with

fresh and dry vermiculite respectively, and

Wpot was pot weight. Measurements were

done in five unplanted pots per treatment

because it is a destructive method.

Plant harvest was conducted in June 2006.

Before harvesting, plant physiological status

was assessed by measuring the

photochemical efficiency of photosystem II

(PSII, Fv/Fm), on 30-minute dark-adapted

leaves early in the morning with a portable

fluorimeter (PEA, Hansatech Instruments

Ltd., Kings Lynn, UK). Measurements were

carried out at the end of a watering cycle, at

the time of the strongest drought faced by

seedlings. To calculate leaf area (LA), 5 to 15

leaves from the same aspect of each plant, or

5 to 10 stem segments 5 cm long of leafless

shrubs, were excised, scanned with a portable

scanner (Epson GT7000, Seiko Epson Corp.,

Nagano, Japan) at 300 dpi, and the projected

area measured with appropriate software

(Midebmp v.4.2, R. Ordiales-Plaza, 2000).

Leaf area of cylindrical leaves and stems

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Pulsed water supply and plant performance


were corrected by π/2. Due to the small leaf

size, leaves of each plant were scanned and

weighed together after drying at 72ºC for >

48 hours, and averaged. Specific leaf area

(SLA, m2 kg-1) was computed as the ratio

between leaf area and mass. Lycium leaves

were not measured because of their small


At harvest, plants were clipped at ground

level and aboveground parts were

immediately labeled and stored in paper bags,

dried and weighed. Pots were emptied out

into water and vermiculite attached to roots

was removed by brushing gently. Roots were

then labeled, placed into wet paper towels

and kept cool in zip bags in a refrigerator

before processing. To calculate specific root

length (SRL, cm g-1), 5 to 10 root segments 5

cm long of each plant were excised and

digitalized. Segment length was measured

from digitalized traces using the macro

RootMeasure v.1.80 (Kimura and Yamasaki

2003) implemented on the software Scion

Image Beta v. 4.02 (Scion Corp., Maryland,

USA). Segment dry mass and root mass were

obtained as with leaves. Root-to-shoot mass

(R:S) ratio for each plant was calculated from

above and belowground masses. Relative

growth rate on plant mass (RGR, mg g-1 day-

1) during the monitoring period was

calculated from data at harvest (W2) and

transplant (W1) following:







= (2)

where t2 - t1 was 425 days, using the Hunt et

al. (2002) spreadsheet tool.


Vermiculite drying dynamics was

analyzed using ANCOVA on daily water

content with time as covariate. Differences

among treatments were considered

significant when the treatment x time

interaction resulted significant. We tested

differences in vermiculite water content at

the end of the monitoring period through

factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA)

followed by Tukey post hoc tests. This gives

an estimate of the lowest soil moisture plants

dealt with.

Plant data were analyzed as a non-

balanced nested factorial ANOVA with three

factors, species, watering quantity and

frequency. Since the ‘half’ level of the

frequency factor was lacking in Atriplex

because most replicates died by summer, we

nested this factor within species. We ran

independent ANOVA for each variable

followed by Tukey tests when significant

differences at P<0.05 were detected.

Heteroscedastic variables were transformed

to meet ANOVA assumptions. Since biomass

was unaffected by watering patterns,

differences in RGR among species were

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Capítulo III


detected by one-way ANOVA using each

combination as a replicate (n = 4). Simple

linear regressions were performed to test

correlation strength between variables, using

adjusted R2 to correct for the degrees of

freedom. All tests were conducted with

Statistica v.6.0 (Statsoft Inc, Tulsa, OK,

USA) and data are presented as means ± one

standard error. Because of differing mortality

on the course of the experiment, the final

sample size of each combination ranged 6-14.


Watering treatments led to differences in

vermiculite drying dynamics (ANCOVA

treatment x time F3,312 = 4.135, P<0.01, Figure 1).

Vermiculite moisture greatly fluctuated with

time, but in general it was lower in pots

supplied with reduced watering quantity

(ANOVA F1,16=80.580, P<0.001) and

normal frequency (ANOVA F1,16 = 52.869,

P<0.001). Considering the lowest vermiculite

moisture registered, our treatments created a

gradient that ranged from 32±2% in the

control quantity-half events combination, to

24±2% for the control-normal frequency, to

21±2% for the reduced quantity-half events,

and to 2±1% for the reduced quantity-normal

frequency, which entailed reductions of 25,

34 and 94%, respectively. It is worth noticing

that while vermiculite moisture remained in

control treatments always above 30%,

reaching peaks of 80%, in the driest

treatment moisture never surpassed 20%.

Figure 1. Mean gravimetric water content of vermiculite recorded in five unplanted pots for every combination during a 16-day watering cycle. Normal and half events refer to frequency of watering.

Altered patterns of water supply affected

root traits such as R:S ratio and SRL (Table

2). Plants subjected to reduced watering

allocated proportionally more biomass to

roots (i.e., higher R:S ratio, ANOVAquantity

F1,204 = 4.934, P<0.03, Figure 2) but no

consistent differences were found in species

responsiveness (species x water interaction,

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Pulsed water supply and plant performance


F6,204 = 2.084, P>0.05). Frequency of water

supply had no effect on biomass allocation

patterns in any species (ANOVAfrequency F6,204

= 1.125, P>0.3), whereas it did affect SRL

(P<0.05), interacting with watering quantity

(amount x frequency, F6,204 = 2.363, P<0.04).

Neither amount nor frequency affected

consistently total, shoot or root mass at

harvest in any species (P>0.07). Leaf traits

such as LA and SLA did not differ among

watering treatments (P>0.1), and drought-

deciduous shrubs did not shed leaves

throughout the monitoring period. Similarly,

no effect on chlorophyll fluorescence was

detected (P>0.2) and all species showed

Fv/Fm values above 0.71 (Figure 2).

Table 2. P-values of nested factorial-ANOVA at harvest on chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm), plant, shoot and root mass, root-to-shoot mass (R:S) ratio, leaf area, specific leaf area (SLA), and specific root length (SRL). Frequency factor was nested within species. Significant effects are shown by bold at P<0.05.


Species (S) Quantity (Q) Frequency (F(S)) S x Q Q x F(S)

Fv/Fm <0.001 0.612 0.495 0.626 0.223

Plant mass <0.001 0.907 0.314 0.072 0.687

Shoot mass <0.001 0.633 0.470 0.091 0.787

Root mass <0.001 0.618 0.078 0.178 0.529

R:S ratio <0.001 0.027 0.349 0.057 0.627

Leaf area <0.001 0.895 0.434 0.329 0.914

SLA <0.001 0.793 0.103 0.193 0.482

SRL <0.001 0.589 0.048 0.929 0.031

Table 3. Relative growth rate (RGR, mg g-1 week-1) for each species x combination and average (± SE). Control and reduced refer to watering quantity, and normal and half to frequency. Significant differences among species are indicated at P<0.05 by differing lower-case letters (ANOVA after Tukey test).

Control Reduced

Species Normal Half Normal Half


Anthyllis 100.9±14.9 97.0±15.4 101.8±14.8 98.2±13.3 99.5±14.6a

Atriplex 113.2±7.0 - 107.5±8.7 - 110.4±7.9b

Ephedra 76.8±6.7 73.1±13.0 73.7±9.6 77.9±7.5 75.4±9.2c

Genista 67.5±14.1 65.7±21.3 75.2±14.1 73.0±14.1 70.4±15.9c

Lycium 90.7±7.9 84.8±9.7 85.9±9.2 83.7±10.4 86.3±9.3d

Retama 57.6±7.6 61.3±6.5 56.8±9.4 57.5±7.4 58.3±7.7e

Salsola 32.2±4.8 31.3±4.8 35.8±7.3 33.2±5.4 33.1±5.6f

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Capítulo III


Figure 2. Plant, root and shoot mass, R: S ratio, leaf area (LA), specific leaf area (SLA), specific root length (SRL), and chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm) for each species x combination at harvest (Ant, Anthyllis cytisoides; Atr, Atriplex halimus; Eph, Ephedra fragilis; Gen, Genista umbellata; Lyc, Lycium intricatum; Ret, Retama sphaerocarpa; Sal, Salsola oppositifolia). Control and reduced refer to watering quantity, and normal and half to frequency.

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Pulsed water supply and plant performance


When comparing among species, we

found significant differences in biomass and

growth rate (ANOVARGR F6,19 = 268.02,

P<0.001). The highest RGR was achieved by

Atriplex, followed by Anthyllis and Lycium,

while Retama and Salsola showed distinctly

lower growth rates (Table 3). We also

detected differences in biomass allocation

(Figure 2), with the R:S ratio being especially

high in Anthyllis (2.59±0.16), and well above

1 in Retama (1.67±0.04), and Genista

(1.17±0.07). In contrast, Salsola allocated

proportionally the least to roots (0.81±0.04).

As for leaf traits, SLA showed considerable

contrast among species (P<0.001), with

Anthyllis and Atriplex having the highest

SLA, which differed from other species,

notably from the species with photosynthetic

stems Ephedra and Retama. As for root traits,

Salsola showed the lowest SRL (2210±157

cm g-1), and Lycium and Atriplex the largest

(~ 5100±330 cm g-1).

We found a positive relationship between

seedling growth rate (RGR) and specific root

length (R2=0.50, P<0.001). RGR was also

positively related to a lesser extend to leaf

area (R2=0.23, P<0.02), specific leaf area

(R2=0.29, P<0.01) and root-to-shoot mass

ratio (R2=0.12, P<0.05, Figure 3).

Figure 3. Relationships between relative growth rate (RGR) and, leaf area (LA), specific lead area (SLA), specific root length (SRL), and root:shoot (R:S) ratio. Each point represents mean value for each treatment.

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By altering water supply we caused a

strong alteration of vermiculite drying

dynamics, as well as large decreases in the

water content at the end of the watering

cycles. However, our hypothesis that plant

responses would differ depending on the

species did not hold, as reduced quantity and

lower frequency of watering (i.e., pulsed

inputs) did not affect plant growth nor leaf

traits such as leaf area (LA) or specific leaf

area (SLA) of any species. We also

hypothesized that species would respond to

lower water availability by modulating root

traits responsible for resource acquisition;

and in this case our hypothesis held because

water supply led to changes in root traits such

as root-to-shoot mass (R:S) ratio and specific

root length (SRL), showing that seedlings

dealt with reduced water availability by

modifying root morphology, which supports

previous studies on root sensitivity and

plasticity of juveniles under soil water

heterogeneity (Padilla et al. 2007).

Chlorophyll fluorescence gives a potential

estimate of photosynthetic performance since

strong stress damages to PSII often manifest

in leaves (Maxwell and Johnson 2000). In

our experiment, however, Fv/Fm was

unaffected by water supply, and all species

showed values close to the optimum of 0.83

(ranging 0.72-0.78), evidencing that

seedlings were not subjected to severe water

stress. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that

we did not pursue to decipher physiological

responses to rather severe drought, but to

focus on the effects of heterogeneity of water

supply on growth and functional traits. As for

leaf traits, it is widely accepted that water

limitations select for smaller leaves and

lower SLA (Cornelissen et al. 2003, Wright

et al. 2006); however, we did not detect leaf

adjustments in response to lower soil

moisture and, because of the tight correlation

between SLA and growth rate (Cornelissen et

al. 1996; Wright and Westoby 1999), we did

not find differences in biomass or relative

growth rate (RGR). These data contrast with

reports of other experiments conducted under

controlled conditions. Fernández and

Reynolds (2000) found that biomass and

SLA of eight perennial C4 dessert grasses

were markedly reduced by severe drought. In

other Mediterranean perennial species, soil

water deficits also decreased SLA and

growth rate (Sack and Grubb 2002, Galmés

et al. 2005, Sánchez-Gómez et al. 2006).

Plant responses to soil water availability

depend on species and habitat occurrence, as

reflected by work reporting small responses

to pulses of water in species from very dry

habitats compared to species from more

mesic habitats (Novoplansky and Goldberg

2001; Sher et al. 2004). In this sense, our

species naturally occur in more limiting

Mediterranean environments than species

from the above reports, as it is one of the

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Pulsed water supply and plant performance


driest in Europe, with large inter-annual (up

to 36%) and monthly rainfall variability

(ranging 55-207%, Lázaro et al. [2001]).

Given these conditions, selection pressures

could have led to plant adaptation to very

variable water inputs in all our species, and

therefore it is possible that stronger and more

prolonged droughts are needed to limit plant

growth. Valladares et al. (2005) have shown

that drought effects on seedlings of

Mediterranean species are noticeable at soil

moisture below 10%, which would suggest

that water content of our driest treatment was

most of the time low enough to constrain

plant activity. However, it is reasonable to

expect a soil moisture threshold lower than

10% in our species because of their


It could be argued that the lack of growth

responses might be caused by the buffering

effect of vermiculite on water content and

drying dynamics. In our driest treatment,

water content reached as low as 2% (actually

lower since we calculated gravimetric water

content in unplanted pots), but plants faced

such low moisture for three days, remaining

within the range 2-20% in the remaining

days. In this sense it would be reasonable to

think that watering every three days

maximized water uptake at moisture peaks,

making irrelevant the following dry period.

In fact, authors have proposed that some

species of arid and semiarid environments

develop quick responses to water supply,

taking advantage of such pulses to increase

biological activity (Sala & Lauenroth 1982,

Reynolds et al. 2004, Schwinning and Sala


Importantly enough, unlike growth and

leaf traits, watering amount and frequency

affected seedling roots. Large biomass

allocation to roots relative to shoots (i.e.,

higher R:S ratio) and root diameter (i.e.,

SRL) are believed to alter rates of water and

nutrient uptake (Chapin et al. 1987;

Eissenstat 1992; Lambers et al. 1998,

Cornelissen et al. 2003). Thus, larger R:S

ratio in plants subjected to lower soil

moisture, and changes in root architecture,

can be interpreted as a strategy to maximize

absorptive surfaces to deal with water

limitations (Reich et al.1998; Wright and

Westoby 1999; Fernández and Reynolds

2000). This means that seedling roots

actually reflected lower water availability,

but we cannot state whether root responses

compensated for the reduction in soil

moisture and accounted for the lack of

growth differences between droughted and

control seedlings, as some authors suggest

(Ge et al. 2003).

Species wide, we detected no trend in R:S

patterns among functional groups. R:S ratio

of summer-deciduous species showed a great

variability, however, ranging from the largest

value in Anthyllis to one of the lowest in

Lycium. Nevertheless, the lack of clear

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patterns in leaf habit does not rule out the

existence of such links, which have been

revealed by Antúnez et al. (2001) in other

Mediterranean species, but may rather reflect

the small number of replicates within each

group. In agreement with published data

(Wright and Westoby 1999, Antúnez et al.

2001), we found that summer-deciduous

species, Anthyllis and Lycium, had greater

SLA and SRL and faster RGR than evergreen

species. Differences in growth rate among

species were linked to differences in traits

that maximize uptake capacity of roots and

leaves such as SRL and SLA (Garnier 1991,

Cornelissen et al. 1996, Reich et al. 1998,

Comas and Eissenstat 2004), rather than to

differences in biomass allocation to roots.

Overall, we showed that species

responded to altered patterns of water supply

by modulating biomass allocation patterns

and root diameter, whereas leaf functional

traits and growth of the seven species were

insensitive to water shortage. Regardless of

functional groups, roots were very sensitive

to soil water, presumably as a survival

strategy, and this plasticity might compensate

to some extend for lower soil moisture.

Stronger soil moisture decreases over longer

time periods seem to be needed to limit

seedling growth, partly due to species

adaptation to inherently variable rainfall

patterns of Mediterranean ecosystems.


We thank María José Jorquera for tending

the plants and Vivero de Rodalquilar

(Consejería de Medio Ambiente, Junta de

Andalucía) for seed donation. The Spanish

Ministry of Education and Science funded

this work (grant CGL2004-00090/CLI).


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El papel de las plantas nodriza en la restauración de ambientes degradados†

† Publicado como “Padilla, F.M. and Pugnaire, F.I. 2006. The role of nurse plants in the restoration of degraded environments. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 4: 196-202”

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Capítulo IV




Traditional ecological models have focused mainly on competition between plants, but recent

research has shown that some plants benefit from closely associated neighbors, a phenomenon

known as facilitation. There is increasing experimental evidence suggesting that facilitation has a

place in mainstream ecological theory, but it also has a practical side when applied to the

restoration of degraded environments, particularly drylands, alpine, or other limiting habitats.

Where restoration fails because of harsh environmental conditions or intense herbivory, species

that minimize these effects could be used to improve performance in nearby target species.

Although there are few examples of the application of this “nursing” procedure worldwide,

experimental data are promising, and show enhanced plant survival and growth in areas close to

nurse plants. We discuss the potential for including nurse plants in restoration management

procedures to improve the success rate of such projects.


Plant interactions strongly influence

community structure and dynamics, and are

responsible for the presence or absence of

particular species in a community.

Traditionally, competition has been the most

studied aspect of those interactions, so that

ecological models have focused for decades

on negative interactions, overlooking the

existence of positive effects between plants.

In the past 15 years, however, research has

highlighted the role of positive plant

interactions (facilitation) in almost all biomes

(Bertness and Callaway 1994; Bertness and

Hacker 1994; Callaway 1995; Brooker and

Callaghan 1998; Callaway et al. 2002; Bruno

et al. 2003; Lortie et al. 2004). Despite this

increasing recognition, the inclusion of

facilitation into mainstream ecological theory

has been slow (Bruno et al. 2003). Facilitation

appears to be essential process not only for

survival, growth, and fitness in some plants

(Callaway et al. 2002; Tirado and Pugnaire

2003; Cavieres et al. 2006), but also for

diversity and community dynamics in many

ecosystems (Pugnaire et al. 1996; Kikvidze et

al. 2005). Examples of facilitation are more

evident in harsh, limiting environments,

where some species are able to ameliorate the

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The role of nurse plants in restoration


physical conditions in some way, or prevent

herbivory, thereby providing more suitable

habitats for other species. This interaction has

a practical side when applied to ecological

restoration. In degraded habitats with extreme

environmental conditions or large numbers of

herbivores, the area near or under the canopy

of certain species may be a safe site to place

the seeds or plants of the species being

restored (target species), and which otherwise

may fail to establish Here we review the

potential of this procedure for ecological


Competition and facilitation

Plants growing close to each other

influence their neighbors in positive and

negative ways, resulting in a broad range of

detrimental or beneficial outcomes. If

negative effects prevail, the interaction results

in competition or interference, a consequence

of sharing limited resources (water, nutrients,

light, space), or of a release of chemicals that

will harm nearby plants (allelopathy).

Conversely, nearby plants may exert a

positive influence, termed facilitation, in

which at least one neighboring species

benefits from the interaction through

improved survival, growth, or fitness.

Both positive and negative effects can be

seen occurring at the same time, affect

different variables, and change with time and

in different areas (Armas and Pugnaire 2005).

The net balance between these effects

represents the magnitude and sign (either

positive or negative) of the interaction

(Callaway and Walker 1997; Holmgren et al.

1997; Figure 1). Several factors affect this

balance, including physiological and

developmental traits (Callaway and Walker

1997; Armas and Pugnaire 2005), but abiotic

conditions seem to be the overriding factor,

increasing the importance of positive effects

in harsher environments (Brooker and

Callaghan 1998; Pugnaire and Luque 2001;

Callaway et al. 2002; but see Maestre et al.

2005 and Lortie and Callaway 2006 for

discussion of the stress-gradient hypothesis).

The nurse effect

In some habitats, seedling establishment

may be enhanced in the vicinity of adult

plants that ameliorate extreme environmental

factors (eg Cavieres et al. 2006). The positive

influence of the adult plants on seedlings is

called “nurse plant syndrome” (Niering et al.

1963), and is one of the first recorded

examples of close spatial association between

plants being more advantageous than

detrimental. This effect is more common in

environments where abiotic factors or

herbivory limit plant performance, such as in

arid (Flores and Jurado 2003) or alpine

habitats (Cavieres et al. 2006).

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Figure. 1. Facilitation and interference under nurse plants. The balance between positive and negative effects of closely placed species determines the net outcome of the interaction. (a) When positive effects outweigh negative ones, seedling survival or growth is enhanced as compared to survival of individuals in gaps; (b) opposite results are found when negative effects outweigh the positive ones.

The underlying mechanisms relate mainly

to the improvement of microclimatic

conditions, increased water and nutrient

availability, and protection against herbivory

(for more details see Callaway 1995;

Callaway and Pugnaire 1999).

The advantages of growing close to nurse


Nurse plants may buffer non-optimal

environmental conditions. Shade reduces soil

water evaporation, lowers soil and air

temperature, and decreases the amount of

radiation reaching the plants, thus protecting

seedlings from the damaging effects of

extreme temperatures and low humidity in

arid environments. Canopy protection also

prevents salt enrichment in soil marshes and

wetlands, and may reduce frost injuries in

cold areas. Nurse plants also may improve the

availability of soil resources. Through the

process known as “hydraulic lift”, roots of

certain species lift water stored in deep soil

layers and released it near the soil surface.

Once in the surface layers, the water can be

used by understory plants, and improves their

water status and growth rate. Nutrients in the

understory are enhanced through litter and

sediment accumulation, higher mineralization

rates, and larger microorganism populations.

Positive root interactions between facilitator

and facilitated plants allow nitrogen transfer

between legumes and non-leguminous plants,

increase ectomycorrhizal infection, and make

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The role of nurse plants in restoration


possible the exchange of nutrients and carbon

via mycorrhizal fungi. In heavily grazed areas,

plants growing beneath non-palatable or

thorny plants have an advantage, as compared

to unprotected plants. Finally, nurse plants

that are highly attractive to pollinators may

increase pollinator visits to the target plants.

Role of facilitation in restoration

Although some authors suggested that the

nurse effect could potentially play a role in

restoration (see Bradshaw and Chadwick

1980), by the mid-1990s only a few anecdotal

reports on this topic were available (Mitchley

et al. 1996). However, experimental evidence

addressing the role of nurse plants in

restoration has increased in the past few years

(Table 1). We reviewed restoration

experiments in which seeds or seedlings of

restored species were placed both near adult

plants that acted as nurses and in control gaps

(Figure 2), and provide suggestions for


The first published research looking at the

use of natural nurse plants for restoration

purposes were carried out at the end of the

1990s, in southeast Spain (Castro et al. 2002;

Gasque and García-Fayos 2004). Since then

several experiments have been conducted in

alpine areas, semiarid steppes, arid

shrublands, coastal wetlands, and degraded

and burnt sites.

In the Sierra Nevada range (Spain), at an

elevation of 1800 m, Castro et al. (2002)

found that nurse shrubs decreased mortality in

two mountain pines without inhibiting their

growth. After two growing seasons, survival

of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and European

Table 1. Experimental reports in which facilitation by nurse plants was used in restoration projects.

Environment Nurses Targets Reference Mediterranean mountain

Shrubs, legumes (Salvia, Genista)

Shrubs, trees (Pinus, Acer)

Castro et al. (2002); Gómez-Aparicio et al. (2004)

Semiarid steppes Perennial grass (Stipa)

Shrubs, trees (Quercus, Pinus)

Maestre et al. (2001, 2002); Gasque and García-Fayos (2004); Navarro-Cano et al. (pers comm)

Marshes Perennial grass (Spartina)

Deciduous shrub (Baccharis)

Egerova et al. (2003)

Tropical sub-humid forest

Trees (Acacia, Acalypha)

Tree (Brosimum)

Sánchez-Velásquez et al. (2004)

Arid shrubland Succulent shrubs (Drosanthemum)

Succulent shrubs (Drosanthemum)

Blignaut and Milton (2005)

Arid rangelands Shrub (Artemisia)

Grasses (Agropyron)

Huber-Sannwald and Pyke (2005)

This is not an exhaustive list of the species used

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black pine (Pinus nigra) was markedly better

under sage (Salvia lavandulifolia) than in

control gaps (55 versus 22% and 82 versus

57%, respectively), and differences were still

present after four growing seasons (Castro et

al. 2004); survival was 1.8 to 2.6 times better

under sage than in gaps. When the nurse

plants were thorny shrubs such as Prunus

ramburii, establishment differed between the

north and south aspects of the plant; while

results in the north were similar to survival

levels seen under sage, in the south the results

were similar to those seen in open areas.

In the same Sierra Nevada range, but

including a wider altitudinal range (500–2000

m elevation), Gómez-Aparicio et al. (2004)

conducted a series of experiments to test the

effect of 16 native shrub species over 11 shrub

and tree species. One year after planting,

establishment success under shrubs was more

than double that seen in the gaps, reaching

fourfold higher numbers in some cases.

However, the outcome differed depending on

target species, type of nurse plant, and year.

The observed nurse effect of shrubs was

considerable for evergreen Mediterranean

species, such as Holm oak (Quercus ilex),

shrubs such as prickly juniper (Juniperus

oxycedrus), and deciduous species like maple

(Acer opalus), but was not significant for

pines (Scots and black pine). The most

successful nurse plant species were native

brooms (such as Genista spp), and small and

thorny shrubs. In contrast, a significant

negative influence was seen with rockroses

(Cistus spp), probably the result of

allelopathy. In fact, the harsher the ecological

conditions, the stronger the facilitative effect

of the nurse plants was.

A large number of experiments have been

carried out to test the potential of esparto

grass (Stipa tenacissima), a widespread

perennial tussock-forming grass, as a nurse

plant on degraded semiarid steppes in

southeast Spain. However, the results differed

depending on site, year, and target species

involved. Gasque and García-Fayos (2004)

found that the favorable conditions near

esparto grass tussocks increased germination

rate of Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis; 43%

under Stipa versus 8% in control gaps) as well

as early establishment (19% versus 3% in

control gaps); after the summer drought,

however, all the plants died. Similar results

were obtained by Navarro-Cano et al. (pers

comm) with seedlings of Kermes oak

(Quercus coccifera) and Rhamnus lycioides,

and by Maestre et al. (2002) with Kermes oak.

Esparto grass increased germination and

survival before the drought period, but again

no plants survived beyond the summer. In

other experiments using seedlings of moon

trefoil (Medicago arborea), lentisc (Pistacia

lentiscus), and Kermes oak, Stipa did improve

survival after the drought period, and did not

affect plant growth (Maestre et al. 2001).

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The role of nurse plants in restoration


Nurse plants have also helped in the

restoration of coastal marshes in Louisiana

(USA). Egerova et al. (2003) found higher

survival and growth rates in groundsel trees

(Baccharis halimifolia) growing inside clones

of the perennial smooth cordgrass (Spartina

alternifolia) than in gaps (45 versus 11%,

respectively), as a result of the more favorable

microclimate and soils.

In a secondary tropical dry forest,

Sánchez-Velásquez et al. (2004) looked at

four different types of nurse plants for

breadnut seedlings (Brosimum alicastrum).

Breadnut establishment after one year differed

depending on the type of species of nurse tree.

It was higher under Acalypha cincta and

guayabillo (Thouinia serrata; 55–40%) and

much lower (<5%) under thin acacia (Acacia

macilenta), trumpet tree (Tabebuia

chrysantha) and on open ground.

Blignaut and Milton (2005) looked at

survival of adult plants of three succulent

Karoo shrubs (Aridaria noctiflora,

Drosanthemum deciduum and Psilocaulon

dinteri) after transplanting. They moved all

three species either together or separately in

an arid shrubland in the Cape Province (South

Africa). Overall, survival of translocated

plants over the first 17 months was poorer for

clumped than for isolated plants.

The potential for seeding of native

bluebunch wheatgrass (Pseudoroegneria

spicata) and the introduced crested

wheatgrass (Agropyron desertorum), in the

vicinity of big sagebrush (Artemisia

tridentata) was examined by Huber-Sannwald

and Pyke (2005), as a means of thinning

woody shrubs in the Great Basin (USA)

rangelands. Sagebrush did not affect final

grass survival, but root interactions decreased

Figure 2. (a) A planted Aleppo pine thrives under the canopy of the drought-deciduous shrub Anthyllis cytisoides, which provides shelter against (b) high radiation levels in experiments on nurse plants conducted in dry mountains in Almería (SE Spain).

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seedling biomass. Since light reduction (70–

90%) under sagebrush negatively affected

grass establishment, the authors recommended

seeding in gaps to minimize root interaction

with sagebrush as well as light interception.

Considerations for management

Successful tests in which seeds or

seedlings are placed near nurse plants

demonstrate the potential of this approach.

There are, however, several caveats regarding

species and site characteristics that could

influence the outcome and should be carefully


Ecological conditions

Using nurse plants is recommended for

restoring degraded sites where physical

conditions or grazing pressure seriously limit

establishment, since, where growing

conditions are optimal, spatial association

with such plants might not provide any

advantage. In such cases, the association

could have negative rather than positive

effects. Buckley (1984) found no positive

effects using nurse crops in fertile sites,

because their rapid growth depleted soil

resources, whereas in less fertile fields crops

grew less and the thinner cover improved the

survival of sycamore maple seedlings. In

research conducted by Marquez and Allen

(1996), at a site where soil resources and

climatic conditions did not constrain

establishment (reflected by 100% survival in

control plots) sagebrush seedlings growing

close to legumes were restricted rather than

favored by nurse plants.

The importance of facilitation increases

with increasing severity of the abiotic

conditions (Pugnaire and Luque 2001;

Callaway et al. 2002), and therefore the

possibility of benefiting from nurse plants

should also increase under such conditions.

Gómez-Aparicio et al. (2004), for example,

found that facilitation effects were stronger in

dry locations and on the south facing slopes of

a dry Mediterranean mountain.

Rainfall variability

In dry areas, changes in water availability

may make interactions among plants shift

from competition to facilitation and vice

versa, thereby increasing the importance of

facilitation during drought (Holmgren et al.

1997). This shift between positive and

negative effects may be relevant for nurse

plants success, since different results could be

obtained at the same site in different years,

depending on rainfall. Furthermore, in wet

years the nurse effect may not be as critical as

in dry years, because establishment may occur

without a nurse plant’s protection (see

Kitzberger et al. 2000). As described above,

Gómez-Aparicio et al. (2004) found that

shrubby nurse plants have considerable

influence on seedling survival in dry years,

but not in wet years. Similar results have been

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The role of nurse plants in restoration


reported by Ibañez and Schupp (2001), in an

experiment conducted in Logan Canyon,

Utah, where they placed seedlings of curl-leaf

mountain mahogany (Cercocarpus ledifolius)

under big sagebrush; facilitation was apparent

in a dry year whereas negative effects were

seen during a wet year.

Nurse species

Selection of the best nurse species is an

important decision in restoration projects, as

this will determine the success or failure of

the project (Gómez-Aparicio et al. 2004;

Sánchez-Velásquez et al. 2004). In extreme

environments, the most suitable choices are

native species that are able to improve

environmental conditions for seedling

establishment. Although some exotic species,

such as black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia),

have been used successfully as nurse crops in

the south of England (Nimmo and Weatherell

1961), such options should be scrutinized

carefully because of the risk of biological

invasions. In heavily grazed sites, thorny,

non-palatable species are recommended,

although some herbivory and seed predation

may still occur, since the nurse plants may

actually provide refuge for small animals.

Species that release allelopathic compounds

should be avoided.

The nurse plant’s canopy structure may

also influence establishment success, in

particular in relation to shade intensity and

rainfall interception. The location of targets

under the canopy also affects seedling

survival (Castro et al. 2002), which is often

higher in the shadier positions. In a tropical,

sub-humid forest, the varying levels of

shading created by the nurse plants appeared

to be responsible for the variations in seedling

establishment reported by Sánchez-Velásquez

et al. (2004).

Many shrubs may limit water availability

in their understories by intercepting rainwater

during small precipitation events, making the

soil under shrubs dryer than in open areas

(Tielbörger and Kadmon 2000). Nonetheless,

during moderate to heavy rainfall, some

shrubs enhance water availability by directing

water intercepted by the canopy to the

understory through stemflow (García 2006).

Distance from the nurse plant is another

important factor; amelioration of negative

conditions and improved availability of

resources has been shown to decrease from

the canopy center outwards (Moro et al. 1997;

Dickie et al. 2005).

Factors such as competitive ability, use of

resources by the nurse plants themselves, and

the potential for root overlap between nurse

plants and target plants (Blignaut and Milton

2005; Huber-Sanwald and Pyke 2005) must

also be taken into account. Competition or

interference caused by species that occur

naturally under nurse plant canopies (eg

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Capítulo IV


understory herbaceous species) may also

affect the outcome.

Target species

Interactions among plants depend upon

species characteristics, and thereby the

selection of target species (ie those being

restored) may influence the outcome of a

restoration project. Furthermore, the balance

of an interaction could be determined by the

ecological requirements of the species

involved and their ability to deal with

unfavorable abiotic conditions (see Bertness

and Hacker 1994, Liancourt et al. 2005;).

Walker et al. (2001), for example, reported

higher survival rates of Ambrosia dumosa in

the open than under shrubs in an arid

environment, because Ambrosia can

successfully cope with the conditions that

exist in open areas. Ambrosia was also

subjected to competition from the nurse shrub.

Gómez-Aparicio et al. (2004) reported that

shade-tolerant species and late-successional

shrubs showed a more positive effect in

response to nurse plants than did pioneer

shrubs and shade-intolerant pine trees (Castro

et al. 2002, 2004). In spite of this positive

influence, the nurse effect may be insufficient

to increase plant establishment if target

species have a low tolerance for the prevalent

abioitic conditions, or if these are particularly

severe. For example, Kitzberger et al. (2000)

and Maestre et al. (2002) found no seedling

establishment, either with or without nurse

plant protection, during especially dry years.

The age and size of target species must

also be considered, since several studies have

shown that the balance between facilitation

and competition varied with the life history of

plants. Nurse plants had strong positive

effects when the target species were relatively

young, but predominantly competitive

interactions were observed with older, larger

individuals (Callaway and Walker 1997;

Holmgren et al. 1997; Gasque and García-

Fayos 2004; Armas and Pugnaire 2005). The

use of plants of similar age and size, both as

nurse plants and target species, could have

exacerbated the negative effect of clumping

reported by Blignaut and Milton (2005).

Positive and negative effects of nurse plants

High recruitment rates close to nurse plants

do not preclude negative effects on target

species, but do ensure that the positive effects

outweigh the negatives ones. This may lead to

higher survival rates under nurse plants than

in gaps, but lower survival rates than those

seen when using other procedures, such as

artificial shading (Barchuk et al. 2005) or

watering (Sánchez et al. 2004).


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The role of nurse plants in restoration


Published reports show that nurse plants

improve seedling establishment in some

systems, and that they may have potential for

use in restoration projects. Restoration

ecologists and land managers should take

facilitation effects into account, not only

because the role of facilitator species is key in

restoring the characteristics and functions of

the original system (Bruno et al. 2003), but

also because facilitation is believed to drive

succession in many habitats, particularly at

disturbed sites (Walker and del Moral 2003).

We see the need for additional

experiments, conducted under a variety of

environmental conditions and using different

nurse plant species, to identify the potential of

this process, and to encourage long-term

monitoring of target–nurse plant interactions.

Research aimed at determining the nurse

species’ zones of influence and their effects

on neighboring plants under differing

conditions of resource availability, will

provide us with a valuable technique for

improving the success of restoration projects.


This work was funded by the Spanish

Ministry of Science and Technology (grant

AGL2000-0159-P4-02). We thank Serfosur

SL for assistance during this project. James S

Gray made helpful comments on an earlier

draft of this manuscript.


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The role of nurse plants in restoration


Intense human pressure in the last centuries including agriculture but also overgrazing, burning, and logging for mining and shipyards, deforested most mountainous areas in SE Spain, like the Sierra Nevada (a) and Sierra Alhamilla (b) foothills. Woodland restoration in such sites is frequently impeded by drought spells and grazing; using nurse plants may improve the success of restoration projects.

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Capítulo V

Las condiciones ambientales y el uso de plantas nodriza en restauración

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Capítulo V




Seedling establishment in harsh environments is facilitated in the proximity of adults of some

species. This effect has successfully been applied to ecosystem restoration by placing species being

restored under the canopy of plants that act as nurses; however, there is a lack of long-term

monitoring of these processes, and comparisons with technical procedures that also provide

protection are scant. We tested the potential of the leguminous shrub Retama sphaerocarpa against

artificial protection that mimicked a nurse plant’s canopy. Retama shrubs form fertile islands where

environmental conditions are tempered and soil resource availability is improved compared to gaps

between shrubs, and we hypothesized that Retama fertile islands would enhance seedling survival

to a greater extent than artificial canopies. We planted seedlings of three shrubs (Olea europaea,

Pistacia lentiscus and Ziziphus lotus) either in Retama microsites or under artificial canopies

created with piled branches, and irrigated in summer half the seedlings to look at how water

availability affected the interaction between nurse plants and understorey seedlings. Retama islands

enhanced seedling survival over three growing seasons, but the outcome was species-specific and

depended on resource availability. Survival rate of Olea under Retama doubled that under artificial

canopies if not watered, whereas Pistacia resulted neither facilitated nor outcompeted. In contrast,

Retama had negative effects on Ziziphus, and most seedlings transplanted in this microsite did not

stand the first summer drought. Competitive abilities of the species likely accounted for such

discrepancy in nursing success since Ziziphus benefited from protection provided by artificial

canopies. Facilitation by Retama fertile islands was more apparent under dryer conditions –i.e., in a

dry year and without irrigation. According to the proposed stress-gradient hypothesis, competition

increased and facilitation decreased as water stress was lessened by rainfall or watering. Overall,

Retama fertile islands proved more beneficial for Olea survival than artificial protection in a

Mediterranean dry environment over a three-year period, and particularly in a very dry year.

Seedlings benefited from higher soil water availability and more fertile soils underneath Retama,

along with climatic amelioration. This shows that nursing has potential to become a relevant

technique in practice and contribute to more successful restorations; however, species identity

plays a major role, and seedling competitive-response ability determines the success of this


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Seedling establishment in nurse plants



Seedling establishment is the most critical

phase in the plant’s regeneration process

because young seedlings are very susceptible

to hazards like extreme temperatures and

radiation and soil desiccation (Franco and

Nobel 1989). High mortality rates are often

associated to the seedling stage, and the

ultimate determinant of recruitment success is

the microsite where seeds do germinate

(Schupp 1995). Competition with existing

vegetation has been pointed out as a factor

involved in recruitment failure (Tyler and

D’Antonio 1995, Ladd and Facelli 2005);

however seedling establishment in harsh

environments is often enhanced (i.e.,

facilitated) in the vicinity of adults of some

species that act as nurses, the so-called “nurse

effect” (Niering et al. 1963). Research over

the past years showed complex, and likely

synergistic mechanisms underlying the nurse

effect, coarsely related to climatic

amelioration (Franco and Nobel 1989,

Valiente-Banuet and Ezcurra 1991) and

protection from herbivory (Rousset and

Lepart 2000).

The establishment of seedlings under the

canopy of some species, however, does not

preclude negative effects of nurses on them.

Neighboring plants influence each other in

positive and negative ways, and the final

outcome is determined by the net balance

between these effects (Callaway 1995,

Callaway and Walker 1997, Holmgren et al.

1997, Pugnaire and Luque 2001). While

providing shelter, nurses can compete with

understorey seedlings for resources, and

survival may increase or decrease depending

on whether positive effects balance negative

ones. The importance of such effects changes

through time and space (Holzapfel and Mahall

1999, Tielbörger and Kadmon 2000, Armas

and Pugnaire 2005) and so does the net

balance in response to conditions like seedling

stress tolerance and competitive ability

(Bertness and Hacker 1994, Liancourt et al.

2005), life stage (juvenile vs. adults [Callaway

and Walker 1997, Armas and Pugnaire 2005,

Miriti 2006]), and abiotic harshness (Greenlee

and Callaway 1996, Brooker and Callaghan

1998, Pugnaire and Luque 2001, Callaway et

al. 2002, Cavieres et al. 2006, Sthultz et al.

2007). The importance of facilitation on

recruitment also depends on evolutionary

lineages. Valiente-Banuet et al. (2006) have

shown that the nurse effect is much more

important for recruitment of species evolved

in the Tertiary period (when species are

presumed to be less drought-tolerant, large-

seeded and fleshy-fruited) than for species

origined in the Quaternary; the former

recruiting preferably in mesic, cool

understories, and the later in open, harsher


The incorporation of facilitation in

ecosystem restoration has received growing

attention (Halpern et al. 2007), and especially

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Capítulo V


the application of the nurse effect (see review

in Padilla and Pugnaire 2006). The area under

the canopy of certain species that act as nurses

is an appropriate site to plant seedlings of

perennial species being restored in a wide

range of environments, such as Mediterranean

mountains (Castro et al. 2002, Gómez-

Aparicio et al. 2004), semiarid steppes

(Maestre et al. 2001, Gasque and García-

Fayos 2004), coastal marshes (Egerova et al.

2003), tropical dry forests (Sánchez-

Velásquez et al. 2004), and dry Afromontane

savanna woodlands (Aerts et al. 2007).

However, most research was conducted by

comparing seedling performance under nurse

plants and in gaps (but see Gómez-Aparicio et

al. 2005), in contrast to common practices that

provide seedlings with some protection

against environmental conditions and

herbivory (Ludwig and Tongway 1996,

Pemán and Navarro 1998). Thus, the potential

of nurse plants in restoration might have been

overestimated, and therefore comparisons of

seedling survival under nurse plants versus

artificial protection, rather than gaps, may be

appropriate to fully acknowledge its potential

for practitioners in realistic terms. In addition,

research most often suffered from a lack of

long-term monitoring, focusing on seedling

performance restricted to a single growing

season (but see Castro et al. 2004). Thereby,

outcomes could have been determined by

particular climatic conditions and rainfall,

shown to determine the outcome of biotic

interactions (Kitzberger et al. 2000, Gómez-

Aparicio et al. 2004, Maestre and Cortina

2004, Sthultz et al. 2007).

In Mediterranean ecosystems, the

leguminous shrub Retama sphaerocarpa (L.)

Boiss. is well known because of its facilitative

effects. The Retama canopy buffers extreme

temperatures and radiation reaching the soil

surface, while its open structure allows light

to pass sufficiently. Moreover, Retama forms

fertile islands with higher organic matter,

nitrogen, water content, and improved clay

fraction and texture compared with between-

shrub spaces (Pugnaire et al. 1996, Moro et al.

1997a,b, Pugnaire et al. 2004, López-Pintor et

al. 2006), facilitating the establishment of

many small shrubs and herbaceous species

(Pugnaire et al. 1996, Rodríguez-Echeverría

and Pérez-Fernández 2003). Mediterranean

ecosystems experience a strong drought in

summer that threatens seedling establishment

(Padilla and Pugnaire 2007), and here we test

the potential of Retama as a nurse plant for

restoration, hypothesizing that Retama fertile

islands would help survive seedlings planted

under its canopy to a greater extent than

artificial protection provided by piled

branches due to soil effects (i.e., improved

fertility) in the Retama understorey.

Materials and Methods

Experimental site

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Seedling establishment in nurse plants


We chose two environments with

contrasting abiotic conditions, selecting two

1-ha plots on opposite, moderate slopes in the

foothills of the Sierra Alhamilla range

(Almería, Spain, 37º99’N, 02º99’W, 650 m

elevation). Plant communities, soil, and slope

were very similar in both plots, differing only

in aspect; there was a relatively more humid,

east-facing slope and a relatively drier, west-

facing slope. The climate is Mediterranean

semi-arid with a mean annual temperature of

17.3 ºC with mild temperatures in winter and

high in late spring and summer, and 282 mm

of annual precipitation, with a marked drought

period from June to September. Plant

community is a degraded shrubland

dominated by the drought-deciduous shrub

Anthyllis cytisoides L. and scrubs such as

Artemisia barrelieri Bess. and Thymus

hyemalis Lange, interspersed with the large

shrub Retama sphaerocarpa, annual grasses

and herbs. Other shrub species belonging to

this community but almost absent are Olea

europaea L. var. sylvestris Brot., Pistacia

lentiscus L. and the thorny Ziziphus lotus (L.)

Lam. (Mota et al. 1997). Soils are loamy-

sandy, calcic regosols developed over a mica-

schist bedrock.

Species and experimental design

We tested the effect of Retama nurses on

Olea europaea var. sylvestris (Oleaceae),

Pistacia lentiscus (Anacardiaceae), and

Ziziphus lotus (Rhamnaceae). All three

species share reproductive traits such as fleshy

fruits and large seeds, and functional traits

such as sclerophylly, deep roots, and low

drought tolerance, pointing to a Tertiary

origin (Valiente-Banuet et al. 2006). In

January 2004, one-year-old seedlings of these

species, provided by local nurseries, were

transplanted in both slopes either under the

canopy of the shrub Retama sphaerocarpa

(Retama islands hereafter) or randomly in

gaps covered with piled branches of the shrub

Anthyllis cytisoides (artificial canopy)

imitating a nurse canopy (Figure 1). Selected

Retama shrubs were similar in age and height,

and lacked perennial species in their

understories. Seedlings were planted as close

to the trunk of Retama as possible since

amelioration of climatic extremes and

improved availability of resources decrease

from the canopy center outwards (Moro et al.

1997a), and on the upslope side of the shrub

to take advantage of the small soil mounds

formed by sediment accretion. At transplant,

we dug a 0.5-m-deep hole using an auger (BT

120 C, Stihl AG & Co. KG, Waiblingen,

Germany). Since summer drought is the major

constraint on seedling survival, and

competition for water is often more important

than competition for light or nutrients in dry

habitats (Casper and Jackson 1997), half the

seedlings were watered six times in the

summer of 2004 and 2005 every three weeks.

Around 2.5 L of water were supplied at the

root level through a pipe reaching 20 cm

depth in the soil (Sánchez et al. 2004).

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Capítulo V


Figure. 1. Plantation of seedlings in gaps covered with piled branches of the shrub Anthyllis cytisoides (left) and under the canopy of the leguminous shrub Retama sphaerocarpa (right) in a degraded environment in the Sierra Alhamilla range (Almería, SE Spain).

Abiotic environment

We used sensors to record soil temperature

(Campbell Scientific Ltd, Leicestershire, UK)

and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR

quantum sensor SKP 215, Skye Instruments

Ltd, Powys, UK) at ground level under three

randomly selected Retama shrubs, under three

artificial canopies, and in two gaps. Data

collected for six days in March 2006 on a

sunny spell were recorded every minute and

averaged every ten minutes in a CR10X data

logger (Campbell Scientific Ltd,

Leicestershire, UK). Rainfall was collected

with a pluviometer (Davis Instruments Corp,

Hayward, CA, USA) and recorded daily

(Hobo, Onset Computers, Pocasset, MA,

USA) along the three years of


Survival, growth and physiological status

Since summer drought is the main threat to

seedlings in the Mediterranean (Padilla and

Pugnaire 2007), seedling survival was

recorded before and after the summer of 2004,

2005 and 2006. Survival rate was calculated

as a percentage of plants alive in spring 2004,

excluding this way seedling deaths caused by

transplant. In late spring 2006, plant growth

was assessed by measuring main shoot

extension with a digital caliper on 26 May and

30 June. Seedling physiological status was

also assessed in late June by measuring early

morning photochemical efficiency of

photosystem II (Fv/Fm) on 30-minute dark-

adapted leaves with a portable fluorimeter

(PEA, Hansatech Instruments Ltd., Kings

Lynn, UK). We also collected 5 to 15 leaves

similar in size and from the same aspect of

each plant to calculate specific leaf area (SLA,

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Seedling establishment in nurse plants


cm2 g-1). Leaves were scanned with a portable

scanner at 300 dpi (Epson GT7000, Seiko

Epson Corp., Nagano, Japan), and the

projected leaf area was measured with the

software Midebmp v.4.2 (R. Ordiales-Plaza,

2000). Due to their small size, all leaves from

each plant were combined, scanned and

weighed after drying for at least 48 hours at

72ºC; SLA was computed as the ratio between

leaf area and mass.


Differences among canopy treatments

concerning daily mean, maximum and

minimum air temperature and radiation were

tested through one-way ANOVA, followed by

Tukey post hoc comparison tests when

significant differences were found. When

variables were heteroscedastic, we ran the

Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test, followed

by Mann-Whitney tests for paired

comparisons. For radiation analysis we only

considered the daylight time period, between

7:00-17:30 solar time, when PAR >100 μmol

m-2 s-1. For each species, seedling survival

analysis in early autumn was performed by

simple binary logistic regression where

survival was the dependent variable, and

aspect (east and west), watering (irrigated and

control), and canopy (Retama islands vs.

artificial canopies) were the predictor factors.

This is the appropriate method for analyzing

categorical variables where clearly one of

them is the response variable (Agresti 2002).

In Olea and Ziziphus, the statistical design

consisted of a three-factor factorial (Aspect x

Watering x Canopy); in Pistacia, however, the

design comprised two factors (Watering x

Canopy) because replication in the east plot

was very small. Logistic regression started

from the saturated model, and significance of

interactions and main factors were determined

through backwards elimination, first of

higher-order interaction terms and then of

main factors, and by comparing the goodness-

of-fit (G2) between the model with an

eliminated term and the preceding model

using the χ2 distribution as a significance

contrast (Tabachnick and Fidel 2001). Sample

size of each treatment ranged 15-28 plants

because of differing dieback caused by

transplant. Differences between treatments in

growth rate, SLA and Fv/Fm of irrigated Olea

and Pistacia seedlings were assessed by

independent two-way factorial analysis of

variance (Aspect x Canopy) followed by

Tukey tests. Ziziphus species and non-

irrigated seedlings were excluded from

analyses because very few seedlings remained

alive at the end of the experiment. Analyses

were conducted with the SPSS v14.0

statistical package (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL,

USA) with significant differences set at P<

0.05. Data are presented as means ± 1

standard error.


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Capítulo V


Abiotic environment

Both Retama islands and artificial canopies

buffered air temperature and radiation

reaching the soil surface (Figure 2). Daily

mean temperature in both canopy treatments

was reduced by 3 ºC in comparison to open

areas (Table 1). Canopies also ameliorated

extreme temperatures, although the buffering

was greater under artificial canopies (up to 17

ºC lower than in gaps) than in Retama islands

(9 ºC). Radiation levels under both canopies at

noon were similar at around 500 μmol m-2 s-1,

which contrasts with radiation >1200 μmol m-

2 s-1 in gaps. Daily mean PAR under artificial

canopies and in Retama microsites was

reduced by 70 and 56 % when compared with

gaps, as well as maximum PAR (40%

reduction for both canopy treatments).

Table 1. Air temperature and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) in spring 2006 under Retama shrubs, under artificial canopies, and in gaps; F-values of one-way ANOVA († H-value of Kruskal-Wallis test). Significant differences among canopy treatments are indicated at P<0.05 by differing lower-case letters after Tukey test (paired Mann-Whitney for PARmax). Daily temperature and PAR values are means (± 1 SE) of six days with three replicates for Retama islands and artifical canopies, and two for gaps. ***, P<0.001.

In gaps Artificial canopies Retama islands F

Temperature (ºC) Mean 16.1±0.6a 13.1±0.2b 13.3±0.3b 17.40***

Max 40.9±1.0a 23.8±0.5b 31.8±0.8c 128.89***

Min 2.1±0.4a 5.3±0.2b 3.1±0.3c 35.32***

PAR (μmol m-2 s-1) Mean 902.4±23.2a 275.1±20.6b 396.6±13.7c 263.36***

Max 1554.3±18.1a 900.9±91.4b 954.4±32.4b 26.55***†

Min 123.8±5.5a 44.3±1.5b 66.1±1.8c 217.08***


A rainy spring in 2004 was followed by a

summer with negligible rainfall (Table 2).

Watering during the first summer did enhance

survival rate in all three species (P<0.001,

Table 3), with irrigated seedlings of Olea and

Pistacia showing survival rates close to 100%

Figure. 2. Daily changes in soil temperature (above) and photosynthetically-active radiation (below) in the three canopy treatments. Values are means of three probes for Retama islands and artificial canopies, and two for gaps.

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Seedling establishment in nurse plants


in autumn, and above 50% in Ziziphus under

artificial canopies (Figure 3). Regardless of

aspect and water supply, Retama plants had a

negative effect on Ziziphus (P<0.01), which

survived more under artificial canopies than in

Retama islands. In Olea and Pistacia,

however, survival rates were not affected by

Retama. Low rainfall characterized year 2005

(Table 2), which was also marked by a very

dry spring and summer. In this dry year,

summer irrigation also reduced mortality in all

three species (P<0.001). Retama shrubs

significantly enhanced the survival rate of

Olea, although the effect depended on water

supply (Watering x Canopy interaction,

P=0.02). Survival of non-irrigated seedlings

planted in Retama islands was greater than

under artificial shade (46±1 vs. 22±2 %), but

irrigated seedlings survived slightly less under

Retama (62±2 vs. 72±7 %, Figure 1). In

autumn 2006, an average year in terms of

annual and spring rainfall, seedlings that had

been irrigated in preceding summers (2004

and 2005) kept showing higher survival rates

than non-irrigated (P<0.01). Differences in

survival between microsites did increase in

Olea (P<0.01), being 48-56% higher for non-

irrigated seedlings planted in Retama islands

than for seedlings placed under artificial

canopies. Irrigated seedlings, in contrast,

survived more under artificial canopies.

Pistacia showed similar patterns but no

significant effects were detected.

Table 2. Seasonal and annual rainfall (in mm) in the years 2004, 2005, and 2006, and average of the 1950-2000 period (Confederación Hidrográfica del Sur) in the experimental site.

Season Year

Winter Spring Summer Autumn Annual

2004 90 205 2 18 315

2005 73 35 6 30 145

2006 113 90 26 52 281

Average 91 82 16 92 281

Growth and physiological status

Neither seedling growth nor specific leaf

area of Pistacia and Olea plants were affected

by nurses nor influenced by aspect (P>0.15,

Table 4). In the east-facing slope,

physiological status of Pistacia seedlings

planted under artificial canopies was slightly

better than in Retama islands, with higher

Fv/Fm values, whereas such differences were

non-significant in the western aspect (Aspect

x Canopy interaction, P=0.02). Fv/Fm values

of Olea seedlings were unaffected by Retama


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Table 3. Results of logistic regression performed with survival as the response variable and aspect (A), watering supply (W), and canopy treatment (C) as predictor variables in autumn 2004, 2005 and 2006 for Olea europaea var. sylvestris, Pistacia lentiscus and Ziziphus lotus. Bold letters show significant differences at P<0.05. Analyses could not be performed for Pistacia because of the low survival in the east aspect.

Aspect (A) Watering (W) Canopy (C) A x W A x C W x C A x W x C

Year Species χ2 P

χ2 P χ2 P χ2 P χ2 P χ2 P χ2 P

2004 Olea 0.114 0.736 49.434 <0.001 0.048 0.827 2.654 0.103 0.319 0.572 0.001 0.975 0 1

Pistacia - - 20.995 <0.001 2.653 0.103 - - - - 0.759 0.384 - -

Ziziphus 0.005 0.944 31.773 <0.001 8.718 0.003 0.709 0.340 1.299 0.254 0.003 0.956 3.588 0.058

2005 Olea 0.015 0.903 17.555 <0.001 0.983 0.321 0.241 0.623 0.251 0.616 5.281 0.022 0.552 0.458

Pistacia - - 16.123 <0.001 0.633 0.426 - - - - 1.239 0.266 - -

Ziziphus 0.064 0.800 28.441 <0.001 16.541 <0.001 1.521 0.217 1.492 0.222 0.191 0.662 0 1

2006 Olea 0.100 0.752 15.691 <0.001 0.052 0.820 3.808 0.051 0.014 0.906 6.879 0.009 0.195 0.659

Pistacia - - 8.463 0.004 0.109 0.741 - - - - 0.607 0.436 - -

Ziziphus 0.060 0.806 15.958 <0.001 28.972 <0.001 1.521 0.217 1.425 0.233 0.180 0.671 0 1

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Figure 3. Seedling survival of Olea europaea var. sylvestris, Pistacia lentiscus and Ziziphus lotus in east and west-facing slopes, in Retama sphaerocarpa fertile islands and under artificial canopies, and with summer irrigation and control (n = 15-28). Some data for Pistacia in east aspect are not available because of low survival.

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Table 4. (a) Specific leaf area (SLA, cm2 g-1), shoot growth (mm wk-1), and chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm) in spring 2006 of irrigated seedlings of Olea europaea var. sylvestris and Pistacia lentiscus planted under Retama sphaerocarpa shrubs and under artificial canopies in east and west-facing slopes. Values are means ± 1 SE.

(a) East aspect West aspect

Species Variable Retama islands Artificial canopies Retama islands Artificial canopies

Olea SLA 56.34±6.47 52.49±1.80 58.93±3.23 56.53±3.77

Growth 10.93±3.78 4.94±1.27 6.48±1.87 5.46±1.94

Fv/Fm 0.72±0.02 0.72±0.02 0.76±0.03 0.70±0.04

Pistacia SLA 62.55±7.75 55.38±2.73 58.72±6.32 54.99±3.75

Growth 0.72±0.25 0.86±0.66 2.24±1.45 2.84±1.37

Fv/Fm 0.64±0.03 0.76±0.01 0.77±0.02 0.75±0.03

Table 4. (b) Results of two-way ANOVA for the effects of aspect and canopy protection (n = 5-10). Bold shows significant differences at P<0.05.

(b) Aspect (A) Canopy (C) A x C

Species Variable F P F P F P

Olea SLA 0.629 0.433 0.559 0.459 0.030 0.863

Growth 0.668 0.419 2.122 0.154 0.067 0.309

Fv/Fm 0.071 0.791 1.188 0.283 0.811 0.374

Pistacia SLA 0.103 0.751 0.687 0.414 0.069 0.795

Growth 1.175 0.287 0.156 0.696 0.563 0.459

Fv/Fm 4.453 0.043 2.688 0.112 5.668 0.024


Our hypothesis that fertile islands formed

by the leguminous shrub Retama

sphaerocarpa would enhance survival of

seedlings planted under its canopy holds only

in part because growing in Retama microsites

resulted beneficial or detrimental depending

on seedling identity, which evidences that the

interaction with Retama is species-specific

(Callaway 1998). Thus, while most seedlings

of Ziziphus lotus planted under Retama died

the first summer, survival of Olea europaea

var. sylvestris in Retama microsites doubled

that of artificial canopies under natural rain

conditions (i.e., without watering supply).

This shows that seedling identity determines

the success of nurse plants, and highlights the

potential for planting species like Olea

europaea under the canopy of nurse shrubs in

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Seedling establishment in nurse plants


the restoration of degraded, semi-arid

environments. This agrees with reports of

enhanced survival of the con-specific Olea

europaea var. cuspidate under the canopy of

Euclea racemosa in a dry Afromontane

savanna woodland (Aerts et al. 2007).

Moreover, growing evidence supports the

role of nurse plants in terrestrial restoration

(Padilla and Pugnaire 2006), but here, by

using a control treatment consisting of

artificial canopies rather than gaps, we truly

tested the potential of this procedure because

common restoration practices usually protect

seedlings against environmental harshness

through shelter tubes (Pemán and Navarro

1998) or brush (Ludwig and Tongway 1996).

In this sense, our data are relevant, and

consistent within the climatic variability of

our study site, because Retama islands proved

more beneficial for seedling survival than

artificial canopies in Olea over three years of

contrasting rainfall, and apparently neutral in


Both protection provided by Retama shrubs

and artificial canopies did buffer maximum

and mean soil temperature and radiation

reaching the soil surface, but artificial

canopies were slightly more effective in

lowering extreme temperatures and PAR than

Retama canopies. However, despite this fact,

survival of Olea seedlings was greater in

Retama fertile islands. Our experiment design

does not allow to isolate soil versus canopy

effects underlying facilitation by Retama, but

our data evidence that seedlings benefited

from soil effects rather than from canopy

protection by itself. Canopy effects have often

been pointed as the main mechanism involved

in the nurse effect (Valiente-Banuet and

Ezcurra 1991, Callaway 1992, Maestre et al.

2001, Maestre, et al. 2003, but see García-

Moya and McKell 1970, Gutiérrez et al. 1993,

Pugnaire et al. 2004), and here we show that

the improvement of soil resources have a

synergistic effect when compared to solitary

canopy protection effects. In support of this

finding, Gómez-Aparicio et al. (2005) also

found that survival of tree species in a

Mediterranean mountain was generally

intermediate under artificial canopies (canopy

effects) and in sites where shrub canopies

were clipped (soil effects), but seedling

survived most under nurse plants, evidencing

that canopy and soil effects together were

responsible for enhanced survival in cases of

severe stress.

Shade provided by Retama shrubs decreased

radiation reaching the soil and lowered soil

and air temperature, and therefore also

reduced soil water evaporation; these

conditions have an important bearing on

photoinhibition and evapotranspiration, and in

fact can improve plant water status (Vetaas

1992, Valladares and Pearcy 1997, Armas and

Pugnaire 2005). Shade may have negative

effects if radiation under the canopy is

limiting; however, it is unlikely here because

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Capítulo V


mid-day radiation levels under the sparse

canopy of Retama and piled branches was

>500 μmol m-2 s-1, usually a non-limiting level

for Mediterranean species (Valladares et al.

2005). The leguminous shrub Retama

sphaerocarpa is well known because of its

ability to modify the neighboring soil

environment. Soils under Retama shrubs are

more fertile than in open areas (Pugnaire et al.

1996, Moro et al. 1997b, Rodríguez-

Echeverría and Pérez-Fernández 2003,

Pugnaire et al. 2004, López-Pintor et al.

2006), and seedlings can have benefitted from

these improvements. Seedlings may also take

advantage of water released by Retama roots

through hydraulic lift (I. Prieto and Z.

Kikvidze, unpublished data), a process that

improves neighbors’ water status (Dawson

1993, Peñuelas and Filella 2003). Overall,

since we report enhanced seedling survival

but not facilitation for growth, the alleviation

of summer drought appears as the main

survival mechanism in this environment,

which is consistent with reports by Liancourt

et al. (2005).

We found that survival of Olea seedlings

was not affected by Retama islands the wet

year (2004), whereas in the very dry year

(2005) and average year (2006) Retama

shrubs did facilitate seedlings. In addition,

irrigated seedlings survived under artificial

canopies better than in Retama islands,

showing that higher water availability reduced

facilitation by Retama and led to competitive

interactions. Consistent with the stress-

gradient hypothesis (Bertness and Callaway

1994), facilitation decreased and competition

increased as water stress was alleviated by

watering or rainfall. The root system of

Retama consists of a dense layer of fine roots,

mainly in the top 20 cm of the soil, and

several deeply penetrating tap roots (Haase et

al. 1996). This dual system maximizes water

uptake from deep sources over the seasonal

drought, and from the upper soil horizons

when water is available after rain or watering

(Schwinning et al. 2002). Thus, irrigated

seedlings planted in nurse plants were

subjected to competition with Retama’s

shallow roots for water supplied whereas

seedlings in artificial canopies were not.

Contrary to our expectations, we found that

survival of Ziziphus seedlings planted under

artificial canopies was higher than in Retama

islands. Walker et al. (2001) in experimental

manipulations of fertile islands, and Gómez-

Aparicio et al. (2004) in a meta-analysis,

reported negative effects of nurse plants on

pioneer and shade-intolerant species, and

Liancourt et al. (2005) showed that facilitation

of stress-sensitive species was stronger than of

stress-tolerant species, because these species

can successfully cope with conditions

prevailing in open areas. Ziziphus, however,

had greater survival under irrigated artificial

canopies than in Retama islands, and this

evidences that mortality was not caused by

shade; incidentally, it can also show that the

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Seedling establishment in nurse plants


regeneration niche of Ziziphus is not linked to

open areas. Ziziphus survival in the wet 2004

was lower than that of non-irrigated seedlings

of Olea planted outside Retama, which

suggests that Ziziphus has a more stress-

sensitive behavior than Olea, and therefore

rules out its stress tolerance as the cause of

failure in nurse plants. Rather, competitive

ability can account for differences in nursing

success between Olea and Ziziphus.

Facilitation is expected in species that tolerate

the negative effects of neighbors (i.e., have

strong competitive ability), minimizing costs

of negative interactions and maximizing

benefits (Brooker and Callaghan 1998,

Liancourt et al. 2005). Our survival data

reflect that Ziziphus is bound to be a weaker

competitor than Olea and it did not stand

competition from Retama.

Reports have shown that the herbaceous

community under Retama has negative effects

on seedling establishment (Espigares et al.

2004); however, this is unlikely in our system

because mortality in our species took place in

summer, when annual species are senesced.

As for Pistacia, we found that the

interaction with Retama was apparently

neutral, which contrasts with works reporting

a positive effect of the nurse plant Stipa

tenacissima on this species in semiarid

steppes (Maestre et al. 2001, Maestre et al.

2003). Nevertheless, it is worth noting that

Maestre’s control treatment consisted of

plantation in gaps, which entails a much more

stressful microsite than our artificial canopies.

Overall, our data show that fertile islands

have real potential in the restoration of

degraded, dry environments, as they enhance

seedling survival to a greater extent than

artificial protection. However, resource

availability and species competitive response

play a critical role in determining nursing

success, and should be considered carefully.


We are very grateful to Serfosur SL for

technical assistance in this project, and

especially to Rafael Ortega for suggestions on

the experiment. We also thank Alejandro

Moreno for field help, and Cristina Armas for

comments on an earlier version of this paper.

This project was founded by the Spanish

Ministry of Education and Science (grants

AGL2000-0159-P4-02 and CGL2004-



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A continuación se enumeran las principales conclusiones obtenidas en la presente tesis doctoral:

1. La disponibilidad de agua en el suelo afecta a las primeras etapas del desarrollo de plántulas

de especies mediterráneas. La elongación de las raíces en respuesta a una disminución de la

humedad es independiente de la resistencia a la sequía y del tamaño de semilla y cotiledones,

y constituye una estrategia para captar los recursos hídricos necesarios.

2. La supervivencia de las plántulas en ambientes mediterráneos está controlada por la

presencia de umbrales de humedad del suelo. Existe un valor mínimo bajo el cual la

humedad no es suficiente para que las plantas sobrevivan, impidiendo el establecimiento. En

cambio, por encima de ese valor la supervivencia está asegurada.

3. La capacidad de las plántulas de desarrollar raíces profundas es decisiva para sobrevivir la

sequía estival mediterránea, independientemente de la mayor o menor resistencia a la sequía.

En cambio, una mayor asignación de biomasa a la parte radical con respecto a la parte aérea

no es suficiente para compensar el descenso de la humedad del suelo.

4. El comportamiento de las raíces ante cambios en la dinámica de desecación del suelo es muy

plástico, maximizando la toma de recursos a través de cambios en la asignación de biomasa y

la arquitectura radical.

5. Las especies arbustivas que aparecen en el extremo semiárido de la Península Ibérica están

bien adaptadas a una disponibilidad de agua del suelo variable, de manera que son necesarios

periodos de sequía prolongados para reducir sus tasas de crecimiento.

6. El empleo como plantas nodriza de la vegetación pre-existente tiene un gran potencial en

restauración. Sin embargo, el tipo de plantas nodriza, las características de las especies y las

condiciones del sitio a restaurar influyen en su éxito.

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Establecimiento de plántulas


7. Las plántulas colocadas bajo la cubierta de Retama sphaerocarpa se benefician de la

protección microclimática y de una mayor disponibilidad de recursos en el suelo, lo que

mejora su tasa de supervivencia. Sin embargo, este efecto es beneficioso sólo para aquellas

especies que toleran los efectos negativos de Retama, minimizando costes y maximizando


8. Los arbustos de Retama proporcionan a las plántulas hábitats más adecuados que la

protección artifical, por lo que su uso se debe implementar en restauración.

9. En condiciones de estrés hídrico atenuado, el balance de la interacción entre la planta nodriza

y la plántula se decanta hacia el lado de la competencia, mientras que los efectos positivos

son más aparentes bajo condiciones de sequía.

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