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Desarrollo de Puntos

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  • 7/27/2019 Desarrollo de Puntos


    Desarrollo de los puntos:

    4.2.6 Port Statistics

    5.1.11 Linktrace (LTLTM)Linktrace is used to isolate faults within a Maintenance Doain. !ach Maintenance Point

    alon" the #ath will res#ond with a Linktrace $es#onse (LT$). Linktrace is siilar to %DP


  • 7/27/2019 Desarrollo de Puntos


    5.2 &T% &T%'T .1*1 Perforance Monitorin"

    &T%'T .1*1 Perforance Monitorin" allows easureent of different #erforance

    #araeters for #oint'to'#oint (!'Line) !thernet connections.

    There are four #ro+e t,#es used in the easureent of #erforance #araeters-

    T,#e 1- 2'wa, dela,/ariation (DMMDM$) '''Frame DelayT,#e 2- 1'wa, dela, /ariation (1DM) '''Frame Delay Variation (Jitter)T,#e *- Sin"le ended lossa/aila+ilit, (LMMLM$) '''Frame LossT,#e 4- Dual ended lossa/aila+ilit, (00M) '''Availability

    rae Dela,- T,#e 1 #ro+e #ro/ides 1 and 2 wa, frae dela, and frae /ariationseasureents

  • 7/27/2019 Desarrollo de Puntos


    To dis#la, the real tie results

    To dis#la, the +ucket tie results-

  • 7/27/2019 Desarrollo de Puntos


    5.2.1.* T,#e 2 Pro+e !a#le

    T,#e 2 #ro+es #ro/ide 1'wa, frae dela, and frae /ariation easureents.or T,#e 2 #ro+es3 each end unit ust +e confi"ured one for transit and the other for

    recei/e. T,#e * Pro+e !a#le

    T,#e * #ro+es #ro/ide sin"le ended frae loss and a/aila+ilit, easureents.

  • 7/27/2019 Desarrollo de Puntos

    5/12 T,#e 4 Pro+e !a#le

    T,#e 4 #ro+es #ro/ide Dual ended frae loss and a/aila+ilit, easureents.

  • 7/27/2019 Desarrollo de Puntos


    ---CONFI!"ACION # CON$!L%A$---

    5.* Traffic Policin" and Sha#in"' ranular $ate Liitin"

    ' 0oitted &nforation $ate (0&$)

    ' !cess &nforation $ate (!&$)

    ' 0oitted urst Si7e (0S)' !cess urst Si7e (!S)

    ' !"ress Prioriti7ation and Sha#in"

    andwidth #rofiles s#ecifies t&e avera'e rate o ommitted and e*ess +t&ernet rames

    allowed into the #ro/ider8s network. andwidth #rofiles consist of the followin"


    Committed Inormation "ate (CI"): 0&$ s#ecifies the a/era"e rate !thernet fraes are

    deli/ered #er ser/ice #erforance o+9ecti/es. These fraes are referred to as +ein" in'

    #rofile ("reen). 0&$ is an a/era"e rate +ecause all fraes are sent at the interface s#eed

    (e.".31:M3 1::M3 1).

    Committed ,urst $ie (C,$):0S is the aiu nu+er of +,tes allowed for

    incoin" !thernet fraes aintainin" in'#rofile. The /alue of 0S will de#end on the t,#e

    of a##lication or traffic +ein" su##orted. urst, data a##lications will re;uire a lar"er 0Sthan ore constant rate a##lications.

    +*ess Inormation "ate (+I"):!&$ s#ecifies the a/era"e ecess ser/ice fraes (

  • 7/27/2019 Desarrollo de Puntos


    ---CONFI!"ACION # CON$!L%A$---

    5.4 0L@SS A S!$B&0! (0AS)=ithout usin" the cos coand3 0lass of Ser/ice (0oS) is su##orted +, a##in" custoer

    fraes into four e"ress ;ueues usin" the *'+it Priorit, 0ode Point (P0P) field in the

    !thernet frae.

    The #riorit, of in"ress fraes corres#ond to ei"ht #ossi+le /alues or #riorities (: throu"h). !ach frae is a##ed to one of four e"ress ;ueues +ased on the fraes P0P #riorit,

    field. P0P : and 1 are a##ed to e"ress ;ueue : (lowest #riorit,)3 P0P 2 and * are a##ed

    to e"ress ;ueue 13 P0P 4 and 5 are a##ed to e"ress ;ueue 2 and P0P 6 and are a##edto e"ress ;ueue * (hi"hest #riorit,).

    %sin" the cos coand3 class of ser/ice #rofiles can use L20P3 DS0P or P0P fields to

    assi"n a class of ser/ice to in"ress fraes.

    Dierentiated $ervies Code .oint (D$C.)#rofiles are associated with &P #riorit, +its

    (i#Pri). Balues are : ' 6*.

    Layer / Control .rotool (L/C.)#rofiles are associated with L20P tunnel #rotocols.

    Balues are /alid M@0 addresses or L20P nae.

    .riority Code .oint (.C.)#rofiles are associated with the ta""ed #riorit, +its (#+its).

    Balues are : ' .

    The #riorit, of in"ress traffic can +e re'classified +, assi"nin" the #riorit, to "reen (0&$3low dro# #recedence) and ,ellow (!&$3 hi"h dro# #recedence) traffic. Priorit, /alues are : '

    3 +ein" the hi"hest #riorit,. 0lass /alues are : ' 43 : +ein" discard and 4 +ein" the

    hi"hest e"ress ;ueue.

  • 7/27/2019 Desarrollo de Puntos


    ---CONFI!"ACION # CON$!L%A$---

    5.5 S?MP T$@PSTo ena+le >:2.1a" tra#s

  • 7/27/2019 Desarrollo de Puntos


    ---CONFI!"ACION # CON$!L%A$---

    5.6 $@P&D SP@??&? T$!! P$ATA0AL ($STP)

    To confi"ure $a#id S#annin" Tree o#tions3 use the rst# coand

    Turn off M@0 learnin"

    Turn An M@0 learnin"0onfi"ure #ort #riorit, and #ath cost

    S#annin"'Tree #rotocol uses #ort cost and #ort #riorit, to deterine the +est #ath to used.

    ?AT!- &f interface or ethert,#e chan"es are ade after S#annin" Tree has +een initiated3S#annin" Tree will not reco"ni7e the chan"e until the #araeters are sa/ed. @fter the

    #araeters ha/e +een sa/ed3 the odule ust +e restarted or #ower c,cled for s#annin"

    tree to reco"ni7e the chan"es.

    ---CONFI!"ACION # CON$!L%A$---

    5. La,er 2 0ontrol Protocol (L20P)

    To confi"ure La,er 2 0ontrol Protocols3To dis#la, the confi"uration of the L20P Protocols-

    ---CONFI!"ACION # CON$!L%A$---

    5.> Si#le ?etwork Tie Protocol (S?TP)

    0onfi"ure the odule to su##ort a Si#le ?etwork Tie Protocol (S?TP) ser/er.

    !na+le snt# ser/ices and assi"n the S?TP ser/er &P addressTo dis#la, the snt# confi"uration

  • 7/27/2019 Desarrollo de Puntos


    ---CONFI!"ACION # CON$!L%A$---

    5.C 0M lo+al 0oand (0M)To ena+le or disa+le 0M

    To ena+le 0M on all #orts

    ---CONFI!"ACION # CON$!L%A$---

    5.1: Da,tieTo su##ort $0 >6 da,tie #rotocol

    To ena+le da,tie ser/ices and assi"n the da,tie ser/er &P address

    To confi"ure the #ollin" rate and set the t,#e for T0PTo dis#la, the da,tie confi"uration.

    ---CONFI!"ACION # CON$!L%A$---

    5.11 !rror List (!$$)To dis#la, the >:2.1a" error list3

    The followin" error t,#es a, +e dis#la,ed- 0M leak3 0onflictin" B&Ds3 !cessi/e

    Le/els and A/erla##in" Le/els.

  • 7/27/2019 Desarrollo de Puntos


    ---CONFI!"ACION # CON$!L%A$---

    5.12 Default Maintenance Doain (MD!)

    0onfi"ure the M&P alf unction (M) on a sin"le Maintenance Doain and !B0

    M&P alf unction (M) is a 0M entit,3 associated with a sin"le Maintenance Doain3

    and a sin"le MD Le/el and a set of B&Ds3 that can "enerate 0M PD%s in res#onse torecei/ed 0M PD%s

  • 7/27/2019 Desarrollo de Puntos

