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ISCTE/FCUL - Mestrado Matem´ atica Financeira Aula 5 17 de Janeiro de 2009 Ano lectivo: 2008/2009 Diana Aldea Mendes Departamento de M´ etodos Quantitativos, IBS - ISCTE Business School Gab. 207 AA, [email protected], http://iscte.pt/˜deam Mestrado Matemática Financeira 01/17/2009 Optimização, Aula 5 1
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ISCTE/FCUL - Mestrado Matematica Financeira

Aula 5

17 de Janeiro de 2009 Ano lectivo: 2008/2009

Diana Aldea Mendes

Departamento de Metodos Quantitativos, IBS - ISCTE Business School

Gab. 207 AA, [email protected], http://iscte.pt/˜deam

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Optimization Toolbox Matlab

>> [xsol,fopt,exitflag,output,grad,hessian] = fminunc (fun,x0,options)

Input arguments:

- fun: a Matlab function m-file that contains the function to be minimzed

- x0: Startvector for the algorithm, if known, else [ ]

options: options are set using the optimset funciton, they determine what algo-

rism to use,etc.

Output arguments:

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- xsol: optimal solution

- fopt: optimal value of the objective function; i.e. f(xopt)

- exitflag: tells whether the algorithm converged or not, exitflag > 0 means


- output: a structure for number of iterations, algorithm used and PCG itera-

tions(when LargeScale=on)

- grad: gradient vector at the optimal point xsol.

- hessian: hessian matrix at the optimal point xsol.

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To display the type of options that are available and can be used with the

fminunc.m use


Hence, from the list of option parameters displayed, you can easily see that some

of them have default values. However, you can adjust these values depending

on the type of problem you want to solve. However, when you change the

default values of some of the parameters, Matlab might adjust other parameters


There are two types of algorithms that you can use with fminunc.m

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(i) Medium-scale algorithms: The medium-scale algorithms under fminunc.m

are based on the Quasi-Newton method. This options used to solve problems of

smaller dimensions. As usual this is set using



With medium Scale algorithm you can also decide how the search direction dk

be determined by adjusting the parameter HessUpdate by using one of:



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(ii) Large-scale algorithms: By default the LargeScale option parameter of Mat-

lab is always on. However, you can set it using



When the ’LargeScale’ is set ’on’, then fminunc.m solves the given unconstrained

problem using the trust-region method. Usually, the large-scale option of fmin-

unc is used to solve problems with very large number of variables or with sparse

hessian matrices. Such problem, for instance, might arise from discretized opti-

mal control problems, some inverse-problems in signal processing, etc.

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However, to use the large-scale algorithm under fminunc.m, the gradient of the

objective function must be provided by the user and the parameter ’GradObj’

must be set ’on’ using:


Hence, for the large-scale option, you can define your objective and gradient

functions in a single function m-file :

function [fun,grad]=myFun(x)

fun = ...;

if nargout > 1

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grad = ...;


However, if you fail to provide the gradient of the objective function, then fmi-

nunc uses the medium-scale algorithm to solve the problem.

Experiment: Write programs to solve the following problem with fminunc.m us-

ing both the medium and large-scale options and compare the results: minimize

f(x1, x2, x3) = x21 + 3x22 + 5x



Define the problem in an m-file, including the derivative in case if you want to

use the LargeScale option.

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function [f,g]=fun1(x)

%Objective function for example (a)

%Defines an unconstrained optimization problem to be solved with fminunc


if nargout > 1



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Next you can write a Matlab m-file to call fminunc to solve the problem.

function [xopt,fopt,exitflag]=unConstEx1


options.LargeScale=’off’; options.HessUpdate=’bfgs’;

% assuming the function is defined in the

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% in the m file fun1.m we call fminunc

% with a starting point x0



If you decide to use the Large-Scale algorithm on the problem, then you need to

simply change the option parameter LargeScale to on.

function [xopt,fopt,exitflag]=unConstEx1


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%assuming the function is defined as in fun1.m

%we call fminunc with a starting point x0



To compare the medium- and large-Scale algorithms on the problem given above

you can use the m-function TestFminunc

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The Matlab fminsearch.m function uses the Nelder-Mead direct search (also

called simplex search) algorithm. This method requires only function evaluations,

but not derivatives. As such the method is useful when

• the derivative of the objective function is expensive to compute;

• exact first derivatives of f are difficult to compute or f has discontinuities;

• the values of f are ’noisy’.

x = fminsearch(FUN,X0)

starts at X0 and attempts to find a local minimizer X of the function FUN. FUN

is a function handle. FUN accepts input X and returns a scalar function value

F evaluated at X. X0 can be a scalar, vector or matrix.

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function f = myfun(x,c)

f = x(1)ˆ2 + c*x(2)ˆ2;

>> c = 1.5; % define parameter first

>> x = fminsearch(@(x) myfun(x,c),[0.3;1])

x = lsqnonlin (FUN,X0)

starts at the matrix X0 and finds a minimum X to the sum of squares of the

functions in FUN. FUN accepts input X and returns a vector (or matrix) of

function values F evaluated at X. NOTE: FUN should return FUN(X) and not the

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sum-of-squares sum(FUN(X).ˆ2)). (FUN(X) is summed and squared implicitly

in the algorithm.)

The default algorithm when OPTIONS.LargeScale = ’off’ is the Levenberg-

Marquardt method with a mixed quadratic and cubic line search procedure. A

Gauss-Newton method is selected by setting OPTIONS.LargeScale=’off’ and


function F = myfun(x,c)

F = [ 2*x(1) - exp(c*x(1))

-x(1) - exp(c*x(2))

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x(1) - x(2) ];

>> c = -1; % define parameter first

>> x = lsqnonlin(@(x) myfun(x,c),[1;1])

Try bandem.m and datdemo.m

Outros m-files

Algoritmo de Powell: powell.m


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- S: objective function

- x0: initial point

- ip: (0): no plot (default), (>0) plot figure ip with pause, (<0) plot figure ip

- method: (0) Coggins (default), (1): Golden Section

- Lb, Ub: lower and upper bound vectors to plot (default = x0*(1+/-2))

- problem: (-1): minimum (default), (1): maximum

- tol: tolerance (default = 1e-4)

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- mxit: maximum number of stages (default = 50*(1+4*˜(ip>0)))

- xo: optimal point

- Ot: optimal value of S

- nS: number of objective function evaluations

Para ver um exemplo correr o m-file: powell run.m

Algoritmo de Newton: newtons.m (para sistemas nao-lineares)

- [x,fx,xx] = newtons(f,x0,TolX,MaxIter,varargin)

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Para exemplificar, correr o m-file: newtonsEx.m

M-file newton.m para minimizar funcoes nao-lineares

- [xo,Ot,nS]=newton(S,x0,ip,G,H,Lb,Ub,problem,tol,mxit)

Exercıcios: Determine, caso existem, os mınimos das seguintes funcoes:

1. f (x) = x1x22x33x44 exp(−x1 − x2 − x3 − x4)

2. f (x) = 100 (x2 − sin (x1))2 + 0.25x21

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3. f (x) = (x1 + 10x2)2 + 5 (x3 − x4)

4 + 10 (x1 − x4)4

4. f (x) = ex1+x2+1 − e−x1−x2−1 + e−x1−1

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