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Entrega Final Andritz

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Entrega final
INSTITUTO TECNOLÓGICO Y DE ESTUDIOS SUPERIORES DE MONTERREY CAMPUS MORELIA Final Deliverable – Re-engineering of lines and electric and gas outlets on sheds 2 & 3 of the mechanical workshop of ANDRITZ HYDRO, S.A. DE C.V. By: José Raúl Ortiz Castillo A01064112 Claudia Janeth De Jesús Bruno A01064244 Jesús Alberto Labra Andrade A01064603 Agustín Arroyo Cuevas A01064612 Arturo Villagrana Zamudio A01062775
Page 1: Entrega Final Andritz



Final Deliverable – Re-engineering of lines and electric and

gas outlets on sheds 2 & 3 of the mechanical workshop of



José Raúl Ortiz Castillo A01064112

Claudia Janeth De Jesús Bruno A01064244

Jesús Alberto Labra Andrade A01064603

Agustín Arroyo Cuevas A01064612

Arturo Villagrana Zamudio A01062775

Final Project of Industrial Engineering and Systems

Marco Dasaev García Vargas

November 23, 2015

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Executive summary

This document corresponds to the proposal of the re-engineering of lines and

electric and gas outlets on the sheds 2 & 3 of the mechanical workshop of Andritz

HYDRO, S. A. DE C. V. which has been formulated as part of the project of the

field of Project of Industrial and Systems Engineering.

Its objective is to establish a solution that help the company to improve its ability to

supply products with features established and regulated and also to ensure

meeting with international standards as are ISO, OHSAS, among others.

The document also describes and establishes the features of the process followed

by the components in each of the stages, including the enabled, pailer, welding,

polishing, machining, assembly and shipment; as well as the various types of

products that are generated as part of the process.

In terms of infrastructure and resources, they have established some guidelines

about the characteristics of the work environments, machinery and equipment

recommended for their production, the provisions of security, protection for workers

and the environment, the guidelines about the competence of the staff and the

provisions relating to the maintenance of infrastructure, machinery, equipment and

auxiliary services of the plant, so our job was to conduct a simulation to observe

ideal behavior of production and also the potential improvements in terms of

controllable variables.

Description of the company

Andritz Hydro S. A. de C. V is a transnational private company which is engaged in

the manufacture of components and electromechanical equipment mainly for

hydroelectric plants. In addition to this, it offers services of installation and

commissioning of the hydraulic units.

Its target market includes Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, this due to

the closeness that has with the customer, but in recent years has been expanded

to the North American market (USA and Canada).

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Its approach to market includes the manufacture of components for new

hydroelectric power stations, or offering a service of maintenance and

modernization for existing plants.

The company was founded in the year 1981 under the name of TEISA (Turbinas y

equipos industrials, S. A. de C. V.) product of the union of business between

Nafinsa, Mexico (70 %) and Escher Wyss, Switzerland (30 %). In 1996 Escher

Wyss was acquired by Sulzer, Switzerland. Toward the year 2000 Sulzer was

acquired this time by VA Tech, Austria. And finally in 2006 VA Tech Hydro became

part of the Group Andritz, since then the company is called Andritz HYDRO S. A.

DE C. V.

Location of the company

Company: Andritz Hydro, S. A. de C. V. 

Country: Mexico

Status: Michoacan

Municipality: Morelia

Home: Av Cd. Industrial, 977

C. P. 58200 Morelia, Mich., Mexico (See Image 1)

Tel. 01443-323-1530

Picture 1.- Location of the plant 

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Customers and Suppliers

Due to the extensive portfolio of customers and suppliers, we will mention only

some what we consider are important:

Customers Suppliers

* Federal Electricity Commission

* Alstom Power

* General Electric

* Precision Machining

* Andritz Hydro Group World Wide

* Enel Green Power

* Fundidora Mayran

* Fundidora Morelia

* Fronius Mexico

* Lincoln Electric

* Frisa Forged

* Among others.

Main products

The product range on offer is very varied due to the hydraulic units are composed

of thousands of components. In the image below we can see the major

components or larger of which is composed a turbine:

Picture 2.- Major components of a hydraulic turbine.

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It should be noted that the components can vary depending on the conditions

where the plan is going to be located, as well as the type of runner, the power

required and some specific specifications of the customer.

Based on historical demand, the company has defined 3 key components or


Picture 3.- Types of runners

Policies of quality management system, hygiene, safety and environment

On the basis of their core competencies fully oriented to the satisfaction of the

customer, the following is a diagram in which the company involves in a general

way how to ensure a successful process through these policies and methodologies

of quality, without forgetting the great influence of contributors:

Image 4.- Quality policies of Andritz Hydro

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Currently the company is certified in standards such as ISO 9001 (quality

management system) and 14001 (environmental management system and health)

and OHSAS 18001 (occupational health and safety).

With the reason to reaffirm their commitment to customers, employees and the

environment the company has defined security and environment policies through

which governs their operations.

Environmental Policy

"It's our goal to continually reduce the impact

on the environment through the responsible

consumption of resources and the use of

sustainable goods and services. 

We prefer technologies, processes, materials,

and products that help the environment in both

comply with the technical and economic

conditions; and the requirements of our


  Health and Safety Policy

"Our goal is to prevent personal

injury and prevent damage to

property; we give to the health and

safety high priority in all our

activities; our goal is to

continuously improve our

performance in health and safety".

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Background (Sources of data or information about the problem we trying to


The company currently is facing serious economic problems, and a bad image, due

to the low level of productivity, security, order and cleanliness. The conditions of

the mechanical workshop of production are not appropriate because it does not

meet with certain basic aspects of ergonomics.

Picture 5.- current conditions of the mechanical workshop production, areas of welding and pailer.

In the image above we can see the work area that is perceived of the workshop

because of the disorganization of the hoses due to the present arrangement of

electric and gas outlets. As we know this aspect is of the utmost importance as a

company, it can cause the loss of potential customers.

Along with this, the disorganization in the use of lines required for the welding

process increases the probability of occurs an accident in the work area.

Production Process

The mechanical process of production for the manufacturing of components for

hydroelectric turbines, which is the one that we will focus on in this project, is

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considered as a pull system because the production is operated with the entry of a

new project / order, which in addition may require conditions of design highly


The production process consists of 6 main processes, which are a flow already


1.- Enabled.- Is the initial process in the manufacture of any component, and is

divided into 2 sub-processes: Oxycutting and roll bending machine, depending on

the needs of the component to be manufactured. 

The objective of this phase is to enable the raw material based on the drawings or

sketches issued by the department of methods, this in order to facilitate the

subsequent process of assembly of the components.

2.- Pailer.- After getting the different enabled parts that compose a specific

component, it is appropriate to begin with its assembly, this by applying tack weld

in order to fix in a specific shape and position. In order to be sure of the quality of

the assembly, the personnel use extremely precise instruments order to

accomplish with specific tolerances for armed marked on the drawings or sketches.

3.- Welding.- After the component has been completely assembly, it is appropriate

to apply solder to fix by complete the parts of the component.

4.- Polishing.- As its name says, in this process the parts are devastated in specific

areas with the reason of complying with certain measures and surface finish

specified on the drawings. The importance of this process is vital as there are

many points in which the machinery of the machining process cannot reach.

5.- Machining.- At this point of the process, the components are usually assembled

almost in its entirety, but may still have over-material in some sections, or can be

necessary to give a specific finishing on any of them due to the design

requirements. That is why it can goes through lathes, milling machines or drill


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6.- Assembly and shipment.- This is the final process in the manufacture of any

product. Here usually are assembled all the components that constitute the

hydraulic unit and it are tested working in site conditions to ensure that it meets all

the requirements establish on the contract. In addition the parts are prepared

adequately to be sent to its destination by avoiding possible damage to the


Non-destructive testing (NDT)

By the fact that the components that are manufactured in the plant are considered

as components to pressure, it is necessary that during the manufacturing process it

pass through inspections and rigorous testing, following very high standards of

quality worldwide. 

The quality control inspections and non-destructive testing (NDT) are carried out in

different parts throughout the manufacturing process, which includes from the

arrival of the raw material at plant until the output of the finished product of the


The main inspections and non-destructive testing that are carried out in Andritz


Ultrasound Test: The purpose of this test is to determine whether the material has

inherent defects in its interior, this because of the functionality of the component it

needs to be able to resist high pressures. The benefits of this test is that being

volumetric it shows you all possible defects within a material. 

Magnetic particle testing: Your goal is to find defects in the material due to a

discontinuity in the flow of the magnetic field induced in the piece. The goodness of

this test is that it can be carried out quickly, but only applies to materials with

ferromagnetic characteristics and its depth of reach is only 3 mm from the surface

to inside of the material.

Dye penetrant testing: It is used to detect discontinuities present on the surface of

the materials. It is usually for non-ferrous alloys.

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Test of rays: It is used to detect internal defects in the material, by passing some

sort of radiation through them.

Dimensional inspection, shape, position, and surface finish: This test consists in

the verification of the measures of the work piec against the marked on the

drawings of manufacture. These inspections require the use of measuring

equipment specially calibrated to thousandths of a millimeter, and require the

experience and knowledge of a qualified and reliable employee. Some of the most

widely used tools are the height and depth gauges, graduated rulers and among

others. In the case of surface finish they use roughness-measuring equipment

calibrated, whose data are compared against exact patterns. 

To define the criteria for acceptance in the ultrasound test (UT), magnetic particles

(MT), dye penetrant (PT) and x-rays (RT), the company is governed by regulations

such as CCH-70.- Specification for the inspection of steel foundries of hydraulic


For dimensional inspections, shape, position, and surface finish, the company is

governed of the drawing of manufacturing that is generated in the area of

Mechanical Engineering or as in most cases the client sends these. 

The process flow


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Process flow: Enabled PailerMachining Welding Polishing Assembly and shipment

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Definition of the problem

Based on the foregoing and the information obtained by the Ing. Alejandro Magaña

(COO of the company), in this project we will focus on the following points:

1.- Redesign of the outlets of gas along the sheds that compose the mechanical


This is due to the fact that today the increasing workload, the designated spaces to

carry out the process of welding are not sufficient and also adding that the delivery

times of products are very restricted, the operative personnel continuously decides

to carry out the activities of welding in spaces that are not appropriate for the task,

causing workers to use very long hoses to connect the welding machines to the

outlets of gas, which at the same time generates much disorder in the workshop,

and a great waste of materials (hoses, clamps, etc.).

Description of solution


The set of symptoms that cause the problem is mainly derived from dead times in

in the processes to handle hoses which has a direct impact on the costs of

logistics/operation, waste of material and a poor image of the work area.

Regulations violated

The company is governed under the ISO 9001 standards (standard in quality

management systems (QMS) and ISO 14001 (international standard for

environmental management systems (EMS), which after a brief analysis detected

that would be raped:

● By not having an orderly space of hoses, ignore or leave at second plane

the implementation of the quality management system (ISO 9001). This

avoid sort, and systematize processes and documents, as well as effectively

control of the whole process march.

● Some simple procedures that apply the employees are based on self-control

(e.g., cut hoses if they tangle which generates waste and contamination)

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and that is a weakness, because there is no culture oriented to the quality

and responsibility with the natural resources (ISO 14001).

To get real results it is important to perform a deeper analysis to know fundamental

information from internal or external sources concerning to these legal and

regulatory requirements about the standards.

Part of our work, as industrial engineers and as part of the quality department, is to

ensure that any statement of compliance a standards, legally and regulatory

requirements, etc., are demonstrated properly by the company Andritz Hydro.


● Initial inspection of the piping and inventory of the items.

● Identify materials, fluids, and types of hoses.

● Detection of the weak points and that can be changed.

● Choice of improvement.

● Search for suppliers.

● Develop a possible plan of implementation.

Inventory of Manifold (movable)

Location (last seen)

# Of identification

Type of fluid Width of entryOutput width


Maintenance S/NCompressed

Air1" ½"

Maintenance S/NCompressed

Air1" ½"

Maintenance S/NCompressed

Air1" ½"

Maintenance 4 LP Gas 1" ½"Maintenance S/N LP Gas 1" ½"

Shed 2 (solder) 3 LP Gas 1" ½"Shed 2 (solder) 2 LP Gas 1" ½"

Shed 2 (Pailer) S/N LP Gas 1"½"

Shed 2 (Cab 4) S/N LP Gas 1" ½"

Shed 2 (Cab 13) S/NCompressed

Air1" ½"

Shed 2 (Cab 14) 1 LP Gas 1" ½"* Compressed Air: air at a pressure of 1 atm may.

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* LP Gas: liquefied petroleum gas (mixture propane-butane)

Inventory of electronic bulletin boards (Movable)

Location (last seen)

# Of identificatio


# 110V connections

# 220V connections

# 440V connections

Shed 3 (Pailer) 4 0 6 4Shed 2 (thermal treatment oven)

"VA TECH" 6 3 4

Shed 2 (Maintenance)

1 - - -

Shed 2 (solder) 3 6 3 4Shed 2

(Polished)S/N 8 3 4

Inventory of Fluids

Fluid ColorCompressed Air WhiteArgon (Ar) CoffeeCarbon dioxide (CO2) GrayPropane Gas YellowMixture Ar and CO2 BlackOxygen (O2) GreenLP Gas Red

Location in sketch

Location Fluids Takings Kind of takes Hose1 Oxygen (O2) 1

Propane Gas 2Compressed Air 1Carbon dioxide (CO2) 2Mixture Ar and CO2 3Argon (Ar) 3 Green 0.5 in

2 Oxygen (O2) 1Propane Gas 1Compressed Air 2Water 2

3 Compressed Air 14 Compressed Air 15 Argon (Ar) 3 Green 0.5 in

Compressed Air 1

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Propane Gas 1Oxygen (O2) 1

6 Argon (Ar) 17 Oxygen (O2) 3

Propane Gas 3 Green 0.5 inMixture Ar and CO2 3 Green 0.5 inCarbon dioxide (CO2) 3Compressed Air 5Argon (Ar) 3

8 Oxygen (O2) 2 Green 0.5 inPropane Gas 3 Red green line 0.5 inCompressed Air 4 Black 0.9 inCarbon dioxide (CO2) 3Mixture Ar and CO2 3 Green 0.5 inArgon (Ar) 3

9 Oxygen (O2) 2Compressed Air 5Carbon dioxide (CO2) 3Mixture Ar and CO2 3LP Gas 1 Green 0.5 in

10 Oxygen (O2) 1Compressed Air 1Carbon dioxide (CO2) 1Mixture Ar and CO2 1 Green 0.5 inArgon (Ar) 1LP Gas 1 0.95 In Red

11 Oxygen (O2) 1Compressed Air 1Carbon dioxide (CO2) 1Mixture Ar and CO2 1Argon (Ar) 1LP Gas 1

12 (Cab 2) Argon (Ar) 1 CGA580LP Gas 1 CGA510Compressed Air 1 Red 0.8 inMixture Ar and CO2 1 CGA580 Green 0.5 inOxygen (O2) 1 CGA540

13 (Cab 4) Argon (Ar) 1 CGA580LP Gas 1 CGA510Compressed Air 1Mixture Ar and CO2 1 CGA580Oxygen (O2) 1 CGA540

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14 (Cab 6) Argon (Ar) 1 CGA580LP Gas 1 CGA510Compressed Air 1 Green 0.5 inMixture Ar and CO2 1 CGA580Oxygen (O2) 1 CGA540

15 (Cab 9) Argon (Ar) 1 CGA580LP Gas 1 CGA510 Green red line 0.5 inCompressed Air 1 Red 0.9 inMixture Ar and CO2 1 CGA580Oxygen (O2) 1 CGA540

16 (Booth 11) Argon (Ar) 1 CGA580

LP Gas 1 CGA510Compressed Air 1Mixture Ar and CO2 1 CGA580Oxygen (O2) 1 CGA540

17 (Booth 13) Argon (Ar) 1 CGA580

LP Gas 1 CGA510Compressed Air 1Mixture Ar and CO2 1 CGA580 Green 0.5 inOxygen (O2) 1 CGA540

18 Mixture Ar and CO2 3Carbon dioxide (CO2) 3Compressed Air 1 Red 0.8 inPropane Gas 4 Red 0.8 in, 0.5 in GreenOxygen (O2) 3 F-3000 Green 0.5 in

19 Mixture Ar and CO2 3 Green 0.5 inCarbon dioxide (CO2) 4

Compressed Air 5Red 0.9 in, 0.9 in blue, red 0.9 in

Propane Gas 4Oxygen (O2) 3 Green 0.5 inArgon (Ar) 3

20 Mixture Ar and CO2 4Carbon dioxide (CO2) 3 CGA320-gateCompressed Air 1 Red 0.9 inPropane Gas 2Oxygen (O2) 2

21 Water 1Argon (Ar) 3

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First we received information of future parts to be produced, which divide by

families for better results. We broke the whole model down into different sections

so that Arena could manipulate the entities as they flow through the plant. An entity

is just a family of parts which flows through processes, we think of it as a runner or

valve. The three major sections were:

• Runners

• Valves

• Fixed pieces

Process to model

Information to collect (Input data)

For input data we used the data schedule for the year of 2015. Arrival rates for all

the models are listed in Exhibit 1, but the control (current) model arrival rates are

listed below:

Component Quality inspection processes

Pelton runner Penetrating liquids 1 and ultrasound

Francis runner Penetrating liquids 1 and ultrasound

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Butterfly valve (valves) Penetrating liquids 2, magnetic particles and ultrasound

Head cover Penetrating liquids 2, magnetic particles and ultrasound

Bottom ring Penetrating liquids 2, magnetic particles and ultrasound

ComponentTimes of load/unload (hours)

Pessimistic + probable OptimisticPelton runner 3 1.75 0.5Francis runner 1.5 1.08 0.667

Butterfly valve (valves) 1.5 1.08 0.667

Head cover 2.5 1.5 0.75

Bottom ring 0.75 0.583 0.416

Possible Occupied Space by piece and work area

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Francis mm Pelton mm Piece Area (m^2) Ocupied Space (m^2) % Increase30 ton 4000 1.5 ton 1260 Rodete Pelton - - 24.4829 ton 4356 5.96 ton 2285 Rodete Francis 4.385 15.1018126 50.4 334%1.2 ton 1200 Bottom Ring 5.66 25.1607014 50.4 200.312%4.3 ton 2035 Bottom Ring mm Head Cover 6.335 31.51977581 73.92 234.519%1.3 ton 1180 21ton 7820 Cruceta Superior 9.61624 48.24 501.651%

-- 6553 Valvula Mariposa ***4.43 ton 1943 Headcover mm Hub-04 5.2 21.23716634 72.9 343.266%56 ton 5200 115 ton 8290 Aumento promedio 323%

3.9 2259

Anillo de regulación mm Flujo diagonal mm17 tons 5850 35.4 tons 5207

Piece Dominal Diameter Area (m^2) Ocupied Space (m^2) % IncreaseRodete Pelton - - 24.48Rodete Francis 4.385 15.1018126 50.4 334%

Bottom Ring 5.66 25.1607014 50.4 200.312%Head Cover 6.335 31.51977581 73.92 234.519%

Cruceta Superior 9.61624 48.24 501.651%Valvula Mariposa ***

Hub-04 5.2 21.23716634 72.9 343.266%Average increasing 323%


(2015). Andritz HYDRO Morelia, Mexico. September 15 2015, Andritz web

site: http://www.andritz.com/es/locations/hy-andritz-hydro-morelia-mexico.htm


HIDROELÉCTRICAS CENTRAL. September 15 2015 in UNAM web

site: http://www.ingenieria.unam.mx/~deptohidraulica/publicaciones/


(s.f.). Selection Criteria. September 15, 2015, School of Engineering of Antioquia

web site: http://fluidos.eia.edu.co/hidraulica/articuloses/maquinashidraulicas/

