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ERINA Annual ReportERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA 2007年度 事業報告書...

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ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA  2007年度  事業報告書 本書では、中華人民共和国を「中国」、朝鮮民主主義人 民共和国を「北朝鮮」、日本国を「日本」、モンゴル国 を「モンゴル」、大韓民国を「韓国」、ロシア連邦を「ロ シア」と表記する。また、本書で表記する「日本海」は、 北朝鮮・韓国では「東海」と表記している。 In this document we refer to the People's Republic of China as China, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea as the DPRK, the Republic of Korea as the ROK and the Russian Federation as Russia. In addition, the sea referred to in this publication as the Japan Sea is called the East Sea in the DPRK and the ROK.

ERINAAnnualReportApril 2007 - March 2008ERINA  2007年度 事業報告書


In this document we refer to the People's Republic of China as

China, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea as the DPRK,

the Republic of Korea as the ROK and the Russian Federation as

Russia. In addition, the sea referred to in this publication as the

Japan Sea is called the East Sea in the DPRK and the ROK.

北東アジア経済圏の形成と発展に向けて 東西冷戦体制の終焉は、同時に北東アジアに新しい時代が到来することを予感させるものでした。北東アジアを構成する国々には、17億人の諸民族が暮らし、21世紀の地球にとって欠かせない天然資源があふれています。その大きな潜在力に世界が注目する中で、国と国の交流を阻害する壁が取り除かれつつあり、地方と地方の交流も活発に動き出しました。いま、北東アジアは世界における一つの地域経済圏としての可能性が認められ、地方間協力、多国間協力のさまざまな分野に、多くの英知が結集しています。 1993年10月、新潟市にERINAは誕生しました。ERINAが目指したものは、北東アジア経済の情報を集めて、調査・研究し、地方同士が力を合わせて経済交流を推し進めること。そのことを通して、北東アジア経済圏の形成と発展に寄与し、国際社会に貢献すること。以来、地方の民間企業による経済交流の支援から、関係各国・地域が一堂に会する「北東アジア発展国際経済会議」の開催まで、北東アジア各国の中央政府や地方政府、研究組織や民間団体、国際機関などとともに、さまざまな取り組みを続けています。

Working Toward the Formation and Development of the Northeast Asia Economic Subregion

The end of the Cold War between East and West was also felt to presage the advent of a new era in Northeast Asia. 1.7 billion people of various ethnicities live in the countries which comprise Northeast Asia, and the region is richly endowed with the natural resources that, here in the 21st century, are essential to the world. With the spotlight of global attention falling on this great potential, moves have been afoot to remove barriers to the interaction of countries, and interregional exchange has also begun to take place with renewed vigor. Northeast Asia's potential as one of the world's regional economic blocs is now recognized and a great deal of knowledge in such fields as interregional collaboration and multilateral cooperation is being applied in the region.

In October 1993, ERINA came into being in Niigata City. Its aims were to accumulate information about the economies of Northeast Asia, carry out research, and promote economic exchange through the joint efforts of local areas, thus contributing to the formation and development of the Northeast Asia Economic Subregion and to international society as a whole. Today, in collaboration with central and regional governments, research institutions, private groups and international organizations from across Northeast Asia, ERINA continues to undertake various initiatives, from supporting economic exchanges between private sector companies in local areas, to the Northeast Asia International Conference for Economic Development, at which representatives of the relevant countries and regions gather under one roof to discuss issues affecting the region.


ERINA理事長兼所長 吉田 進 ▪  4


1 活動基盤整備 ▪  8

2 多国間・多地域間プロジェクトの推進 ▪ 12

3 調査研究・政策提言 ▪ 16

4 地域間交流と地域経済振興への寄与 ▪ 32


2008北東アジア経済発展国際会議イン新潟 ▪ 48

2007年度 出版物 ▪ 52

2007年度 研究報告・論文・講演・発表 ▪ 58

2007年度 財務報告(日本語のみ) ▪ 72

ERINA概要 ▪ 75

理事・監事・評議員・名誉理事長・顧問 ▪ 76

職員名簿 ▪ 78


Susumu Yoshida, Chairman of the Board of Trustees and Director-General, ERINA ▪  5

Project Reports

1 Development of the Foundations for our Activities ▪  9

2 Promoting Multilateral Projects ▪ 13

3 Research and Policy Proposals ▪ 17

4 Contributing toward Interregional Exchange and Local Economic Stimulation ▪ 33


2008 Northeast Asia International Conference for Economic Development in Niigata ▪ 49

Fiscal 2007 Publications ▪ 53

Fiscal 2007 Research: Reports, Papers, Talks and Publications ▪ 59

2007 Financial Report (in Japanese only) ▪ 72

ERINA Information at a Glance ▪ 75

List of Executives ▪ 77

List of Employees ▪ 79

目  次Contents

April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report4 April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report



2007年度事業報告書の発刊にあたって ここ数年の日本と北東アジア各国の関係を振り返ると、2005〜06年は、日中韓の間で歴史認識をめぐる問題、首脳対話の中断等で緊張関係があったが、06〜07年には、安倍首相の中・韓歴訪、日中韓3カ国首脳会議、温家宝総理の訪日により緩和方向に向かい始めた。 07年後半以降は、北東アジア諸国で一連の首脳の交代が行われた。中国では胡錦濤の第二期政権が始まり、ロシアではメドベージェフ大統領・プーチン首相というタンデム政権が誕生し、韓国では李明博大統領が選出された。日本では福田政権が誕生し、各国との首脳外交が展開された。福田首相の訪中(07年12月)、訪韓(08年2月)、訪ロ(3月)に続き、李明博大統領の訪日(4月)、胡錦濤主席の訪日(5月)により、関係諸国との政治関係が大きく改善された。

 2007年の北東アジア経済は、アメリカのサブプライムローンの破綻による経済後退にもかかわらず、成長を続けた。中国のGDP成長率は11.9%で、5年間連続して10%を超え、前年に引き続き世界でGDP4位、外貨準備高1位、貿易総額3位を保った。 ロシアは、石油・ガスからの増収で経済の安定を維持しており、2007年のGDP成長率は8.1%となった。外貨準備高は世界第3位である。 韓国の2007年のGDP成長率は4.9%、モンゴルは2007年9.9%(39億ドル)と順調に推移している。

 北東アジア各国の政策動向を見ていくと、中国では東北振興の具体化が進み、2007年8月に2010年までの目標数値(1人当たりの域内総生産を2002年比で倍増)を発表した。 ロシアは2007年8月に、2013年までの極東ザバイカル経済社会発展プログラム(約2.6兆円)とその計画の一環としてウラジオストクでの2012年APEC首脳会議開催のための開発計画(約6,800億円)を発表した。 韓国については、3年間中断していた日韓経済連携協定(EPA)の交渉が再開されることになった。モンゴルとは2007年2月に調印された日モ10カ年基本行動計画に基づき官民合同協議の枠組みが始動した。 朝鮮半島問題では、2007年9月に核施設の無力化が合意され、今年6月北朝鮮がすべての核計画申告書を6カ国協議議長国の中国に提出した。今後の展開が注目される。

 数年来、北東アジア経済についての対話が進んでいる。この地域における多国間対話には、図們江地域開発計画、北朝鮮をめぐる6カ国協議、APEC、ASEAN+3、ASEAN+6などの協力体制がある。こうした中で大切なのはトラックⅡによる対話の推進であり、政府間対話を補完し促進することである。そのような「場」として、新潟で毎年開催している北東アジア経済発展国際会議、域内各地持ち回りで続いている北東アジア経済フォーラムがあり、最近では中国の黒龍江省や吉林省、ロシアのウラジオストクやハバロフスクにおける国際会議などに拡大している。 これらの国際会議では、エネルギー、環境、輸送、観光、貿易・投資、金融などのテーマが常に取り上げられている。この中で最も関心の高いエネルギー、環境、運輸を柱として多国間協力形態が探究されている。その底辺にあるのは、それぞれの分野で協力を強化することによって、地域の安定と経済発展に資する地域共同体を構築しようという認識である。 08年4月下旬に北京で開かれた第3回日中韓賢人会議で中曽根康弘元首相は、ASEAN+6に米国、ロシアを加えた大きな経済機構を設置すべきだと提案した。この地域全体を包括する注目に値する提案である。

 このような情勢の下で、ERINA はThink and Doタンクとして、絶え間なく変化する情勢の分析と発信を行い、得られた知識と経験を体系化し、それを現実に応用することにより諸プロジェクトの実現に寄与してきた。 本書には、2007年度のERINA活動報告を掲載した。最新の各国の動向やプロジェクト等については、各種出版物や、ホームページ(http://www.erina.or.jp)を参考にしていただきたい。


ERINA理事長兼所長 吉田 進

April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report 5April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report




On the Occasion of the Publication of the Fiscal 2007 ERINA Annual ReportLooking back on the relations between Japan and the nations of Northeast Asia in recent years,

although the year 2005-6 saw tense relations between Japan, China and the ROK, including the problems concerning interpretations of history and the discontinuation of dialogue between leaders, in 2006-7, with Prime Minister Abe visiting China and the ROK, the Trilateral Meeting of the Leaders of Japan, China and the ROK, and Premier Wen Jiabao visiting Japan, the situation began to ease.

From the middle of 2007 on, there was a series of leadership changes in the countries of Northeast Asia: In China Hu Jintao's second term began; in Russia the tandem administration of President Medvedev and Prime Minister Putin came into being; and in the ROK President Lee Myung-bak was elected. In Japan the Fukuda administration came into being, and head-of-state diplomacy was furthered with other countries. Through Prime Minister Fukuda's visits to China (in December 2007), the ROK (in February 2008) and Russia (in March), followed by the visits to Japan of President Lee Myung-bak (in April) and President Hu Jintao (in May), the political relations with the countries involved have greatly improved.

For the Northeast Asian economy in 2007, growth continued in spite of the economic downturn from the subprime loan failures in the United States. The growth of China's GDP was 11.9%, and for five consecutive years has been over 10%; continuing from the previous year, globally China has remained in fourth place for GDP, first place for foreign currency reserves and third place for the value of total trade.

Russia has maintained its economic stability with its increased revenue from oil and gas, and its GDP growth rate for 2007 was 8.1%. Its foreign currency reserves are the third largest in the world.

The ROK's GDP growth rate for 2007 was 4.9%, and Mongolia's 9.9% (3.9 billion dollars), making steady progress.

Looking at the developments in the policies of the nations of Northeast Asia, in China the taking form of the revitalization of the Northeast has progressed, and in August 2007 numerical targets to 2010 were announced (a doubling from 2002 of the per capita gross product for the region).

In August 2007 Russia announced the program for the "Economic and Social Development of the Far East and Zabaykalye up to 2013" (approximately 2.6 trillion yen) and as part of that project a development scheme for the hosting of the 2012 APEC Summit in Vladivostok (approximately 680 billion yen).

Regarding the ROK, the negotiations for a Japan-ROK Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), which had been suspended for three years, are to be reopened. With Mongolia a framework for cooperation of the government and private sectors has been initiated, based on the "Japan-Mongolia Basic Action Plan for the Next Ten Years" signed in February 2007.

In the problems on the Korean Peninsula, the disabling of DPRK nuclear facilities was agreed in September 2007, and in June of this year the DPRK handed over all its files from its nuclear program to China, the chair of the six-party talks. Attention is focused on the subsequent developments.

Over the last few years dialogue concerning the Northeast Asian economy has moved forward. In the multilateral dialogue within the region, there have been frameworks for cooperation, such as the Greater Tumen Initiative, the six-party talks concerning the DPRK, APEC, ASEAN Plus Three, and ASEAN Plus Six. Within these the important thing is to advance dialogue by a second route, and to complement and promote intergovernmental dialogue. As an arena for this, there is the Northeast Asia International Conference for Economic Development held annually in Niigata and Northeast Asian economic forums which rotate among the various regions of Northeast Asia, and recently it has expanded to include international conferences in Heilongjiang and Jilin provinces in China, and in Vladivostok and Khabarovsk in Russia.

Susumu YoshidaChairman of the Board of Trustees and Director-General, ERINA

At these international conferences, topics such as energy, the environment, transportation, tourism, trade and investment, and finance are invariably addressed. Architectures for multilateral cooperation are investigated, taking those topics of the greatest interest—energy, the environment, and transportation—as the key pillars thereof. At the base of this is the recognition of the will to construct a regional community conducive to regional stability and economic development, via the strengthening of cooperation in each respective sector.

In late April 2008, at the Third Northeast Asia Trilateral Forum held in Beijing, former Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone proposed that a large economic organization, with the US and Russia added to ASEAN Plus Six, should be established. It is a worthy proposal, focusing on this region in its entirety.

Amid such circumstances, ERINA, as a "think-and-do tank", has carried out analysis, and issued information on the ever-changing situation, systematized the knowledge and experience gained, and, through applying this to the real world, has contributed to the actualization of various projects.

This publication carries reports on ERINA's activities between April 2007 and March 2008. For information on the most recent trends for each country and on projects, I hope you will take the opportunity to refer to our various publications and our website (http://www.erina.or.jp).

30 June 2008

事業報告Project Reports

April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report8


April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report

⑴ 資料収集北東アジア地域の経済を中心とした研究論文、統計、定期刊行物、地図等の資料・情報を収集・整理し、同地域に関する調査研究や動向分析等の基礎となる各種データベースの充実を図った。収集した資料は、ERINAの諸活動の基礎情報として活用すると共に、公共財として外部の利用に供している。

⑵ 情報発信1 ホームページ、メールマガジンによる情報発信

ホームページやメールマガジン「北東アジアウォッチ」などの媒体を利用して、北東アジア各国・各地域に関する情報やERINAの活動情報を発信した。 ERINAホームページ  http://www.erina.or.jp ERINAメールマガジン http://www.erina.or.jp/jp/Mailmag/index.htm◇メールマガジン「北東アジアウォッチ」24号(隔週、平均配信数1,345)発行。 ・NEAヘッドライン  (ロシア極東情報、中国東北情報、モンゴル情報、対岸ビジネス情報) ・最新オピニオン ・エリナ・レター ・ERINAインフォメーション

2 「環日本海地域情報サイトリンク集ホームページ」の管理運営



3 「Annual Report」の発行

ERINAの運営状況や2006年度事業報告を取りまとめた年次報告書「ERINA Annual Report」を2007年8月に発行した。

1 活動基盤整備

April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual ReportApril 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report 9






1 Development of the Foundations for our Activities

⑴ Gathering MaterialsWe have gathered and compiled research papers, statistics, journals, maps and other materials and information focused on the economy of Northeast Asia, and have sought to enhance the various databases that are the cornerstone of research and trend analysis relating to this region. Along with our own use, these materials are also made available as public resources to those outside the institute.

⑵ Disseminating Information

ⅰ) Providing Information via our Website and E-Mail Magazine

Using such means as our website and our e-mail magazine Northeast Asia Watch we have transmitted information on the various countries and regions in Northeast Asia as well as reports of ERINA's activities. ERINA Website http://www.erina.or.jp Northeast Asia Watch e-mail magazine (in Japanese) http://www.erina.or.jp/jp/Mailmag/index.htm◇  Publication of 24 editions of the e-mail magazine Northeast Asia Watch (alternate weeks, average

distribution 1,345) ・ NEA Headlines (Far Eastern Russia Information, Northeastern China Information, Mongolia

Information, Continental Business Information) ・Latest opinion articles from the website ・Latest ERINA Letter articles published in the Niigata Nippo newspaper ・ERINA Information

ⅱ) Management and Running of the Northeast Asian Subregion Information Links Site

[Project commissioned by the Nichienren]

We have managed and run a site devoted to links to websites within Japan and overseas that contain information about Northeast Asia, updating the information as required.◇ The address for the Northeast Asian Subregion Information Links Site is: http://www.nichienren.com/

ⅲ) Publication of the ERINA Annual Report

In August 2007 we published the ERINA Annual Report, a compilation of reports on the operational status of ERINA and projects undertaken in fiscal 2006.

April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report10


April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report

⑶ 関係機関との交流・協力国内外の研究機関・大学・民間企業等との連携協力関係の強化や情報交換等を進めるため、以下の取り組みを行った。

1 外国客員研究員の受け入れ


 禹 穎子/遼寧社会科学院(中国)、2007年8月7日〜2008年2月6日

2 外国研究機関への研究員の派遣



3 研究交流協定等の締結


 ●極東国立工科大学石油ガス学院とERINAの協力協定 協定相手機関/極東国立工科大学石油ガス学院 締 結 日/ 2007年8月7日 主な協定内容/セミナー・シンポジウム共同開催

 学術情報、資料、出版物の交換 共同研究の実施 研究員の交換 研究施設の相互利用

4 インターン学生の受け入れ


April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual ReportApril 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report 11






⑶  Exchange and Cooperation with Related Domestic and Overseas InstitutionsIn order to promote the exchange of information and strengthen our cooperative relationships with research institutions, universities and private sector companies, both within Japan and overseas, we have implemented the following initiatives:

ⅰ) Hosting Visiting Researchers from Overseas

We invited a visiting researcher from China with the aim of contributing to the enhancement of research activities and the expansion of interpersonal networks.

Yu YingziLiaoning Academy of Social Sciences (China)

7 August 2007 - 6 February 2008

ⅱ) Dispatching Researchers to Overseas Research Institutions

We dispatched one of our researchers to an overseas research institution with the aim of contributing to the enhancement of research activities.

Tomoyoshi Nakajima

Monterey Institute of International Studies (USA)

18 April - 18 May 2007

ⅲ) Concluding Academic Exchange Agreements

As part of our aim of strengthening cooperation with related institutions within Japan and overseas, we concluded the following new agreement during fiscal 2007:

 ●  Cooperation Agreement Between the Oil and Gas Institute of the Far Eastern State Technical University and ERINA

 Partner Organization: Oil and Gas Institute of the Far Eastern State Technical University Date: 7 August 2007 Main Content of Agreement: ・Joint hosting of seminars and symposia ・Exchange of technical information, data and publications ・Conducting joint research ・Exchange of researchers ・Mutual use of research facilities

ⅳ) Hosting Interns

William Marty O'Rear

Monterey Institute of International Studies (USA)

8 June - 29 August 2007

April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report12


April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report

⑴ 海上輸送ルートの活用・強化1 北東アジアフェリー航路の利用促進

◇事業内容  新潟〜トロイツァ〜束草フェリー航路を中心とした海上輸送ルートに関し、それらの活用を通じた経済交流の推進やルートの拡張・輸送力増強などを図るため、日本、中国、韓国、ロシアの関係者と共に、課題の把握、解決策の検討を進めた。◇主な成果物 ・ 会議発表 三橋郁雄  "Initiatives  to Promote Exchange  in Northeast Asia  and  the Challenges  to 

Establishing an International Ferry Service Crossing the Sea of Japan"(英語)(UNDP "The Northeast Asia Partnership Forum and Investment Forum" (ウラジオストク、ロシア)、2007年11月15・16日)

 ・ 会議発表 三橋郁雄  "Initiatives  to Promote Exchange  in Northeast Asia and the Establishment of a Company Called  'Northeast Asia Ferry Japan'  for an  International Ferry Service Crossing the Sea of Japan"(英語)(Northeast Asia Port & Harbor Bureau Director's Meeting "Port & Harbor Symposium"(光陽、韓国)、2007年11月21日)

◇担当 三橋郁雄特別研究員

2 環日本海圏多国間物流調整検討業務


◇事業内容  ロシアの港湾関連新規制度等の動向、地域経済動向を把握し、インフラ整備計画の実効性の評価を行い、その動向と評価を踏まえ、物流システムの体制が異なる多国間での物流ルート開設の調整における、課題の現状と今後の解決策(案)を取りまとめた。◇主な成果物 ・『環日本海圏多国間物流調整検討業務』(2008年3月)◇担当 三橋郁雄特別研究員

3 日本海横断国際フェリーに関する現状と今後の動向把握業務


日本海横断国際フェリー運航に向けた動向の整理業務及び、既往調査データの収集・整理を行った。◇主な成果物 ・会議発表 三橋郁雄「日本海横断国際フェリー事業への挑戦とその意義」(2008年1月)◇担当 三橋郁雄特別研究員

2 多国間・多地域間プロジェクトの推進

April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual ReportApril 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report 13






⑴ Utilization and Strengthening of Maritime Transportation Routes

ⅰ) Promoting Northeast Asia Ferry Route Use

◇ Content  Concerning the maritime transportation routes centered on the Niigata-Troitsa-Sokcho ferry route, we

have moved forward in both our understanding of the challenges and our investigations into solutions—together with the interested parties in Japan, China, the ROK and Russia—in order to promote economic interchange via the utilization of those routes, and to extend and strengthen their maritime transportation capabilities.

◇ Major outcomes  ・  Conference presentations, Ikuo Mitsuhashi, "Initiatives to Promote Exchange in Northeast Asia and

the Challenges to Establishing an International Ferry Service Crossing the Sea of Japan" (UNDP "The Northeast Asia Partnership Forum and Investment Forum", Vladivostok, Russia, 15-16 November 2007), and:

   Ikuo Mitsuhashi, "Initiatives to Promote Exchange in Northeast Asia and the Establishment of a Company Called 'Northeast Asia Ferry Japan' for an International Ferry Service Crossing the Sea of Japan" (Northeast Asia Port & Harbor Bureau Director's Meeting "Port & Harbor Symposium", Gwang-yang, ROK, 21 November 2007)

◇ Staff in charge: Senior Fellow Ikuo Mitsuhashi

ⅱ) Investigations into the Coordination of Multilateral Distribution in the Japan Sea Rim

[Project commissioned by the Hokuriku Regional Development Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport]

◇ Content  We have ascertained the developments in the new system related to ports and harbors in Russia and

in the regional economy, and evaluated the effectiveness of infrastructure-development projects. Based upon those developments and evaluations, we have put together the current state of the challenges and future solutions (proposals) in the coordination of the establishment of distribution routes—in a multilateral setting within which the structures of distribution systems differ.

◇ Major outcomes  ・  Investigations into the Coordination of Multilateral Distribution in the Japan Sea Rim (March 2008,

in Japanese)◇ Staff in charge: Senior Fellow Ikuo Mitsuhashi

ⅲ) The Identifying of the Current Situation and Future Developments Relating to an International Ferry Service Crossing the Japan Sea

[Project commissioned by the Waterfront Vitalization and Environment Research Center]

Summarizing of the developments leading to a ferry service crossing the Japan Sea and the collation of past surveys.

2 Promoting Multilateral Projects

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⑵ 北東アジア経済発展国際会議北東アジアの持続的な社会経済発展を実現するための各国政府等への政策提言を目指し、新潟県および新潟市とともに実行委員会を組織し、2008年1月21〜22日、「2008北東アジア経済発展国際会議イン新潟」を開催した。2つの基調講演、専門的な議論や政策提言を行う分科会、総括を通じ、330名(うち外国人30名)が参加した。(詳細はp.48参照)◇担当  中村俊彦調査研究部長、新井総務部部長代理、中島朋義研究主任、伊藤庄一研究主任、朱永浩研究員、



開会・基調講演 15:00〜18:00 朱鷺メッセ・マリンホール

 基調講演 中央大学研究開発機構教授 猪口孝      AEI研究所特別研究員  クロード バーフィールド

交流会 18:30〜20:00 ホテル日航新潟「鳳凰」


分科会A 北東アジアとFTA 9:00〜12:00 朱鷺メッセ中会議室301

分科会B 食料安全保障 9:00〜12:00 朱鷺メッセ中会議室302

分科会C エネルギー・環境 13:00〜16:00 朱鷺メッセ中会議室201

総括・閉会 16:10〜17:00 朱鷺メッセ中会議室201

⑶ 北東アジアにおける知的基盤整備北東アジアにおける経済交流促進事業に携わる実務者を対象に、必要な情報・知識習得の機会を提供する国際ワークショップを中国・大連大学の協力を得て、2007年8月6〜11日および2007年11月6〜11日の2回、大連市で開催した。

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◇ Major outcomes  ・  Conference presentations, Ikuo Mitsuhashi, "The Challenges to the Project for Establishing an

International Ferry Service Crossing the Sea of Japan and their Significance" (January 2008) (in Japanese)

◇ Staff in charge: Senior Fellow Ikuo Mitsuhashi

⑵  Northeast Asia International Conference for Economic DevelopmentWith an aim of making policy proposals to the governments of the various countries to realize the continued socioeconomic development of Northeast Asia, we organized an executive committee with Niigata Prefecture and Niigata City, and on 21 and 22 January 2008 held the 2008 Northeast Asia International Conference for Economic Development in Niigata. The conference—through its two keynote addresses, session meetings at which specialist discussion and policy proposals were carried out, and summaries—was attended by 330 people (of whom 30 were from overseas). (For further information please see pages 49 and 51.)◇ Staff in charge: Research Division Director Toshihiko Nakamura, General Affairs Division Deputy

Director Hirofumi Arai, Associate Senior Economist Tomoyoshi Nakajima, Associate Senior Researcher Shoichi Itoh, Researcher Zhu Yonghao, Researcher Ken Ishii, PR & Planning Office Senior Accountant Fumie Shinbo, PR & Planning Office Senior Accountant Makiko Kobayashi

Monday 21 January 2008

Opening and Keynote Addresses 15:00-18:00 Marine Hall, Toki Messe

 Keynote Addresses: Takashi Inoguchi Professor, Chuo University Research and Development Initiative Claude Barfield Resident Scholar, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI)

Reception 18:30-20:00 Nikko Hotel Niigata, Banquet Room Ho'o

Tuesday 22 January 2008

Session A: Northeast Asia and FTAs 9:00-12:00 Conference Room 301, Toki Messe

Session B: Food Security 9:00-12:00 Conference Room 302, Toki Messe

Session C: Energy and Environment 13:00-16:00 Conference Room 201, Toki Messe

Summaries and Conference Conclusion 16:10-17:00 Conference Room 201, Toki Messe

⑶  Improvement of the Intellectual Foundation in Northeast AsiaWith the cooperation of Dalian University in China, an international workshop—to provide a forum for the acquisition of the required information and knowledge for the businesspeople involved in the promotion of economic exchange in Northeast Asia—was held twice in Dalian, from 6 to 11 August 2007, and from 6 to 11 November 2007.

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⑴ 北東アジア動向分析◇事業内容  北東アジア(中国及び中国東北、ロシア及びロシア極東、モンゴル、韓国、北朝鮮)の短期動向の分析を継続して行い、隔月ごとに取りまとめた内容を「ERINA REPORT」各号及びホームページで公表した。◇主な成果物 ・「北東アジア動向分析」(『ERINA REPORT』各号掲載)◇担当  中島朋義研究主任、筑波昌之研究主任、三村光弘研究主任、Sh.エンクバヤル研究主任、伊藤庄一研


⑵ エネルギー安全保障◇事業内容  刻々と変化しつつある北東アジアのエネルギー需給構造の現状把握を行い、セカンド・トラックベースの多国間対話を進めるとともに、消費国と供給国、消費国間の政策協調が同時並行することによってエネルギー安全保障上の全体最適となることを、各国関係者向けに政策提言した。その成果を各種論文、国内外の会議、研究会等で発表するとともに、「ERINA REPORT Vol.77」で特集し、さらに「2008北東アジア経済発展国際会議イン新潟」の分科会での議論に結びつけた。◇主な成果物 ・『特集 エネルギー安全保障と多国間協力』(ERINA REPORT Vol.77)  伊藤庄一「日本のエネルギー戦略とアジア太平洋エネルギー協力の現状」 ほか ・ 論文等 伊藤庄一「中・ロ関係におけるエネルギー協力—潜在性と相互不信のジレンマ」、(『石油・天然

ガスレビュー』Vol.41、No.6、独立行政法人石油天然ガス・金属鉱物資源機構、2007年12月) ほか ・ 会議発表 伊藤庄一 "Constructing Energy Security  in  the Asia-Pacific: Can China, Japan, and the 

United States Overcome Geopolitical Constraints?", 49th  International Studies Association Annual Convention, San Francisco(2008年3月) ほか

◇担当 伊藤庄一研究主任

⑶ 北東アジアにおける食糧安全保障◇事業内容  北東アジアの社会経済が共存・共栄する要件であるとともに、北東アジアが世界に影響する要件ともいえる食料安全保障に関して、3年後の政策提言(食料産業クラスター形成)を目指し、新潟大学及び東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科との共同研究体制を組み、初年度は課題の抽出・整理を行った。その成果は「ERINA REPORT Vol.80」で特集し、「2008北東アジア経済発展国際会議イン新潟」の分科会での議論に結びつけた。◇主な成果物 ・『特集 北東アジアの食料安全保障』(ERINA REPORT Vol.80) ・報告書『北東アジアの食料安全保障(1)』(2008年3月)◇担当 中村俊彦調査研究部長、朱永浩研究員

3 調査研究・政策提言

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⑴ Analysis of Economic Trends in Northeast Asia◇ Content  We have continued to analyze short-term trends in Northeast Asia (for China and the Northeast of

China, Russia and the Far East of Russia, Mongolia, the ROK, and the DPRK), with the details of this analysis being published bimonthly in the ERINA Report and on the website.

◇ Major outcomes  ・ Analysis of Economic Trends in Northeast Asia (in Japanese, each edition of the ERINA Report).◇ Staff in charge: Associate Senior Economist Tomoyoshi Nakajima, Associate Senior Researcher

Masayuki Tsukuba, Associate Senior Researcher Mitsuhiro Mimura, Associate Senior Researcher Enkhbayar Shagdar, Associate Senior Researcher Shoichi Itoh, Researcher Zhu Yonghao, Visiting Researcher Akihiro Yokochi

⑵  Energy Security◇ Content  Having identified the current situation of the energy supply-demand structure in continually-changing

Northeast Asia, we have made policy proposals for the parties concerned in each country on reaching a total optimization in the area of energy security via a simultaneous harmonization of policy both among consumer nations and between consumer and supplier countries, along with advancing a second-track multilateral dialogue. As well as presenting these outcomes in a variety of academic papers, at conferences held domestically and overseas, and at academic gatherings, we have put them together in a special feature in the ERINA Report Vol. 77, and in addition have linked them together in discussions at a session at the 2008 Northeast Asia International Conference for Economic Development in Niigata.

◇ Major outcomes  ・  Special Feature: Energy Security and Multinational Cooperation (ERINA Report Vol. 77), including

Shoichi Itoh, "Japan's Energy Strategy and Development of Energy Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific"

  ・  Papers, including Shoichi Itoh, "Sino-Russian Energy Partnership: The Dilemma of Potentiality and Mutual Distrust" (in Japanese), (Oil & Natural Gas Review, Vol. 41, No. 6, 2007, pp. 13-24, Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation, December 2007)

  ・  Conference presentations, including Shoichi Itoh, "Constructing Energy Security in the Asia-Pacific: Can China, Japan, and the United States Overcome Geopolitical Constraints?", 49th International Studies Association Annual Convention, San Francisco (March 2008)

◇ Staff in charge: Associate Senior Researcher Shoichi Itoh

⑶  Food Security in Northeast Asia◇ Content  Regarding food security, which could be called a matter of major importance with Northeast Asia

having an influence on the world, together with the important matter of Northeast Asia's socio-economies co-existing and mutually prospering, we have made our aim a policy proposal for the next three years (the formation of food-production clusters), have organized a joint-research arrangement

3 Research and Policy Proposals

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⑷ 北東アジアに関わる経済統合◇事業内容  東アジアFTAや東アジア共同体など東アジアの経済統合に向けた動きについて、内外の研究機関と連携しつつ学術的分析を深めた。その成果をディスカッションペーパー、学会報告などで発表するとともに、「ERINA REPORT Vol.76」で日韓FTAを特集し、さらに「2008北東アジア経済発展国際会議イン新潟」の分科会での議論に結びつけた。◇主な成果物 ・『特集 日韓FTA』(ERINA REPORT Vol.76) ・ 論文等 中島朋義「韓国のFTA政策−その概括と経済効果分析−」(ディスカッションペーパー 0704) 

ほか ・会議発表 中島朋義「韓国のFTA政策」第22回日韓経済経営国際会議(2007年8月) ほか◇担当 中島朋義研究主任

⑸ 交通インフラ及び物流の現状調査◇事業内容  ユーラシア鉄道輸送網を中心とした複合輸送に関するインフラ情報を収集・分析し、日本の利用へのアドバイスを行うため、シベリア・ランドブリッジに関する入門書を商業出版した。その成果を基に国際会議等で発表し、さらに日本企業や中央・地方行政などを対象とした啓蒙活動を数多く行った。◇主な成果物 ・ 著書 辻久子『シベリア・ランドブリッジ−日ロビジネスの大動脈』(成山堂書店、2007年10月)  ・ 論文等 辻久子「"シベリア・ランドブリッジ"の第2幕が始まる」(ERINA REPORT Vol.78)ほか ・ 会議発表 辻久子「シベリア・ランドブリッジの現状と今後の課題」アジア国際交通ネットワーク形成構

想検討ワークショップ(2008年3月) ほか◇担当 辻久子研究員

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with Niigata University and the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences of the University of Tokyo, and in the first year we have selected the issues and put them in order. We have put the outcomes together in a special feature in the ERINA Report Vol. 80, and have linked them together in discussions at a session at the 2008 Northeast Asia International Conference for Economic Development in Niigata.

◇ Major outcomes  ・ Special Feature: Food Security in Northeast Asia (ERINA Report Vol. 80)  ・ Report: "Food Security in Northeast Asia (1)" (March 2008) (in Japanese)◇ Staff in charge: Research Division Director Toshihiko Nakamura, Researcher Zhu Yonghao

⑷  Economic Integration Involving Northeast Asia◇ Content  Regarding moves toward East Asian economic integration, including an East Asian FTA and an East

Asian Community, we have continued to work in concert with domestic and overseas research organizations and have deepened our academic analyses. As well as publicizing the outcomes in discussion papers and at academic gatherings, we have put them together in a special feature on a Japan-ROK FTA in the ERINA Report Vol. 76, and in addition have linked them together in discussions at a session at the 2008 Northeast Asia International Conference for Economic Development in Niigata.

◇ Major outcomes  ・ Special Feature: Japan-ROK FTA (ERINA Report Vol. 76)  ・  Papers, including Tomoyoshi Nakajima, "The ROK's FTA Policy: Summary and Analysis of the

Economic Effects" (Discussion Paper 0704) (in Japanese)  ・  Conference presentations, including Tomoyoshi Nakajima, "The ROK's FTA Policy" at the 22nd

Japan-ROK Economics and Management International Conference (August 2007) (in Japanese)◇ Staff in charge: Associate Senior Economist Tomoyoshi Nakajima

⑸  Investigation into the Current State of Transport Infrastructure and Distribution◇ Content  We have gathered and analyzed information on infrastructure connected to multimodal transport

centered on the Eurasian rail transport network, and have commercially published an introductory book on the Siberian Land Bridge in order to give advice for Japan's utilization thereof. We have made presentations based on these outcomes, and furthermore have carried out a vast number of illuminating activities targeted at Japanese enterprises and central and local government.

◇ Major outcomes ・  Book, Hisako Tsuji, The Trans-Siberian Railroad Land Bridge: Major Artery for Business between

Japan and Russia (Seizando, October 2007, in Japanese) ・  Papers, including, Hisako Tsuji, "The Curtain Rises on Act Two of the 'Siberian Land Bridge'"

(Abstract in English, ERINA Report Vol. 78) ・  Conference presentations, including Hisako Tsuji, The Current Status of the Siberian Land Bridge

(Trans-Siberian Railway) and the Challenges for the Future at the "Concept Examination Workshop on the Formation of an Asian International Transport Network" (March 2008) (in Japanese)

◇ Staff in charge: Researcher Hisako Tsuji

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⑹ 北東アジアの環境協力1 ポスト京都議定書時代の環境ビジネス・シナリオの研究

◇事業内容  これまでの北東アジア環境専門家ネットワークおよび京都メカニズムに関する調査結果を基に、他方でポスト京都議定書時代を視野に入れ、エネルギー効率に関するCDM/JIあるいは小規模プロジェクトの協力像を検討した。◇担当  Sh.エンクバヤル研究主任

2 京都議定書に基づくモンゴルの国家登録簿作成支援

◇事業内容  モンゴルにおける京都議定書に基づく国家登録簿作成に対する知的支援を行うため、CDMテキスト「CDM in Charts」をモンゴル語に翻訳し、2007年8月にはモンゴル貿易産業省、環境省、韓国エネルギー管理公団の協力により、ウランバートル市で国家登録簿作成ワークショップを開催した。◇主な成果物 ・ウェブ公開 「CDM in Charts Ver.3」(IGES、環境省、モンゴル語)◇担当 Sh.エンクバヤル研究主任

⑺ 中国経済1 中国東北振興策の進展とその効果に関する研究

◇事業内容  従来の東北振興政策研究をさらに深化させ、個別具体的な振興政策のうち、まず遼寧省「グレーター瀋陽」について掘り下げた調査研究を行った。中国社会科学院、東北大学(遼寧省)、遼寧社会科学院などからなる国際共同研究体制を組成し、遼寧社会科学院とのワークショップも開催(2007年11月)、それらの成果は「ERINA REPORT Vol.79」で特集した。◇主な成果物 ・ 『特集 中国東北振興における遼寧中部都市群(瀋陽経済圏)構想』(ERINA REPORT Vol.79)  筑波昌之「グレーター瀋陽における開発区経済と日系企業の動向」   朱永浩、八杉理「遼寧中部都市群の自動車産業の現状と展望−中核都市・瀋陽市を中心として」ほか◇担当 筑波昌之研究主任、朱永浩研究員

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⑹ Northeast Asian Environmental Cooperation

ⅰ) Research into Environmental Business in the Post-Kyoto Protocol Period

◇ Content  Based on the findings to date relating to the Northeast Asian Environment Experts' Network and the

Kyoto mechanisms, while at the same time eyeing the Post-Kyoto Protocol period, we have investigated the shape of cooperation in CDM/JI or small-scale projects related to energy efficiency.

◇ Staff in charge: Associate Senior Researcher Enkhbayar Shagdar

ⅱ) Assistance in the Creation of a Mongolian National Register under the Kyoto Protocol

◇ Content  In order to provide intellectual assistance for the creation of a national register in Mongolia based on

the Kyoto Protocol, we have had the CDM text "CDM in Charts" translated into Mongolian, and in August 2007, with the cooperation of the Mongolian Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Japanese Ministry of the Environment and the Korea Energy Management Corporation (KEMCO), we staged a workshop in Ulaanbaatar on creating a national register for Mongolia.

◇ Major outcomes  ・ Online publication, "CDM in Charts Ver. 3" (IGES, the Ministry of the Environment, in Mongolian)◇ Staff in charge: Associate Senior Researcher Enkhbayar Shagdar

⑺  The Chinese Economy

ⅰ) Research Concerning the Progress and Results of the Policy for the Revitalization of China's Northeast Old Industrial Base

◇ Content  We have further deepened the existing research into the revitalization of the Northeast, and among

the specific and concrete revitalization policies we have firstly undertaken in-depth research on "Greater Shenyang" in Liaoning Province. Having set up international joint-research structures including with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Northeastern University (in Liaoning Province), and the Liaoning Academy of Social Sciences, we staged a workshop with the Liaoning Academy of Social Sciences (in November 2007), and we have put the outcomes together in a special feature in the ERINA Report Vol. 79.

◇ Major outcomes  ・  Special Feature: The Concept of the Central Liaoning City Cluster (Shenyang Economic Region)

within the Revitalization of China's Northeast (ERINA Report Vol. 79), including:   Masayuki Tsukuba, "The Developments in the Construction of Development Zones and in Japanese

Enterprises in Greater Shenyang" (Overview in English), and:   Zhu Yonghao, Osamu Yasugi, "The Current Status of and Future Prospects for the Automobile

Industry in the Central Liaoning City Cluster (with a focus on the core city of Shenyang)"◇ Staff in charge: Associate Senior Researcher Masayuki Tsukuba, Researcher Zhu Yonghao

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2 中国による対日直接投資の調査研究

◇事業内容  中国企業の対外投資が増えつつある中、従来の研究成果を基礎として、新潟をはじめ日本国内を中心に中国企業の進出状況及び直面する諸問題の情報収集、現状把握・分析を行った。その成果は中国学会誌で公表した。◇主な成果物 ・ 論文等 筑波昌之「日本政府による対日直接投資政策の動向と日中投資協力の新たな動向」(中国語)(『黒

龍江区域経済』2008年第1期、2008年1月) ほか◇担当 筑波昌之研究主任

3 中国天津市濱海新区の発展動向研究

◇事業内容  首都北京の玄関口であり、また東北地区に隣接し、自ら北東アジアの拠点を標榜する天津を取り上げ、急速な発展が予想される同新区の発展動向を先行的に研究し、日本(新潟)企業及び自治体・団体等の対中協力に新たな視点を与えることを主眼に、天津市社会科学院、天津市アジア太平洋研究中心などからなる国際共同研究を組成して研究した。その成果は2008年度に公表する。◇担当 筑波昌之研究主任、朱永浩研究員

⑻ 韓国経済◇事業内容  北東アジアのビジネスハブを志向し、北東アジア経済の牽引役を期待される韓国経済を対象に、外部研究者を交えた研究会開催などを通じ、その実態と課題を分析した。その成果は、ERINAディスカッションペーパー、JESNAなどで公表した。◇主な成果物 ・ 「韓国の非正規労働問題とその解決法」韓国経済システム研究シリーズNo.12(高安雄一、ディスカッショ

ンペーパー 0705) ・ 「The Effect of the Chinese Renminbi on Korean Exports to Japan」(バク・サンジュン、JESNA Vol.6 

No.1) ほか◇担当 中島朋義研究主任

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ⅱ) Research into Direct Investment in Japan by China

◇ Content  With external investment by Chinese enterprises continually increasing, we have taken the existing

research findings as our base, and have gathered information on the circumstances of the expansion by Chinese enterprises focused on Japan, including Niigata, and on the various problems confronting it, and have identified and analyzed the current situation. We have published the outcomes in a Chinese academic journal.

◇ Major outcomes  ・  Papers, including Masayuki Tsukuba, "Attitudes on Direct Investment into Japan by the Japanese

Government and New Developments in Japan-China Investment Cooperation" in Regional Economy in Heilongjiang [Heilongjiang Quyu Jingji], Issue No. 1, January 2008) (in Chinese)

◇ Staff in charge: Associate Senior Researcher Masayuki Tsukuba

ⅲ) Research into the Progress in Development of the Binhai New Area, Tianjin Municipality, China

◇ Content  We have taken as our subject Tianjin—the gateway for the capital, Beijing, and also adjoining China's

Northeast—which professes itself to be the hub of Northeast Asia. We have given priority to researching the development trends in the New Area, where rapid development is forecast. Our central focus has been on giving a fresh perspective on the cooperation with China from Japanese (Niigata) firms and local governments and groups, and we have set up international joint-research with, among others, the Tianjin Academy of Social Sciences and the Tianjin Asia-Pacific Development Research Center, and conducted research. The outcomes are to be published in fiscal 2008.

◇ Staff in charge: Associate Senior Researcher Masayuki Tsukuba, Researcher Zhu Yonghao

⑻  The ROK Economy◇ Content  By means of such meetings as the study group—which also includes researchers from other

institutions—with its focus on the economy of the ROK, which aspires to becoming the business hub of Northeast Asia and is expected to become the driving force behind the Northeast Asian economy, we have analyzed the actual situation and relevant issues. We have published the outcomes in ERINA Discussion Papers and in JESNA.

◇ Major outcomes  ・  "The ROK's Irregular Labor Problems and the Solutions", No. 12 in the ROK Economic System

Research Series (Yuichi Takayasu, Discussion Paper 0705) (in Japanese)  ・  "The Effect of the Chinese Renminbi on Korean Exports to Japan" (SaangJoon Baak, JESNA Vol. 6,

No. 1), and others◇ Staff in charge: Associate Senior Economist Tomoyoshi Nakajima

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⑼ 北朝鮮経済◇事業内容  北朝鮮経済の経済社会像を正しく捉える情報を提供するために、国内外の研究機関、政府機関との連携の下、現地調査、4回にわたる国際シンポジウム(ERINA、韓国・統一研究院、中国・遼寧社会科学院との共催)などを実施した。その成果は「ERINA REPORT Vol.78」における北朝鮮特集、論文等で公表するとともに、2回のNHK番組においてコメンテーターを務めるなど、メディアを通じた普及活動を重視した活動を行った。◇主な成果物 ・『特集 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国の経済』(ERINA REPORT Vol.78)  三村光弘「朝鮮民主主義人民共和国の経済の現状」 ほか ・ メディア広報  三村光弘「北朝鮮対応 制裁の効力はあるのか」(朝日新聞「私の視点」、2007年4月26日)  三村光弘NHK「クローズアップ現代」出演(2008年1月10日) ほか◇担当 三村光弘研究主任

⑽ ロシア経済1 ロシア市場の投資環境に対する見方の国際比較研究

◇事業内容  ロシア市場の中長期的発展を展望しながら、日本、中国、欧州などの対ロ投資環境に関する多角的な見方を整理し、基本的な分析上の座標軸構築に努めた。◇担当 伊藤庄一研究主任

2 ロシア東部地域エネルギー部門のポテンシャルと極東ザバイカルプログラムの評価

◇事業内容  ロシアのエネルギー政策において東部地域開発が大きな鍵の一つとなることに留意し、極東ザバイカル社会経済発展計画などロシア中央政府による対極東開発政策、ロシア主要エネルギー企業による東シベリア・極東開発状況などを整理した。その成果は各種論文、研究会等で発表した。◇主な成果物 ・ 論文等 伊藤庄一「日本は『東シベリア開発』問題を国際化せよ」(エネルギーフォーラム、2007年4月) 

ほか ・ 会議発表 伊藤庄一 "Turning Russia's Energy Diplomacy towards the East Inside Out: Myths and Realities", 

Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, Oslo(2007年12月) ほか◇担当 伊藤庄一研究主任

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⑼  The DPRK Economy◇ Content  In order to provide information which correctly captures the economic and social picture of the DPRK

economy, we have conducted, in cooperation with research organizations and government bodies in Japan and overseas, research on the ground and on four occasions an international symposium (jointly-staged by ERINA, the ROK Ministry of Unification and the Liaoning Academy of Social Sciences in China). Along with publishing the outcomes in a special feature on the DPRK in ERINA Report Vol. 78 and as academic papers, we have carried out activities which lay stress on the dissemination of information via the media, including two appearances on NHK programs as a commentator.

◇ Major outcomes ・  Special Feature: The Economy of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (ERINA Report Vol.

78, in Japanese);   including Mitsuhiro Mimura, "Current Status of the Economy in the Democratic People's Republic

of Korea" (Abstract in English);  (Full English version appears as Discussion Paper 0706e) ・ Reports in the media, including:  Mitsuhiro Mimura, "Is there any effect in the sanctions against North Korea?" (in the "My Viewpoint"

column of the Asahi Shimbun newspaper, 26 April 2007) (in Japanese) and,   Mitsuhiro Mimura, appearance on NHK's "Close-Up Today" (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) (10

January 2008)◇ Staff in charge: Associate Senior Researcher Mitsuhiro Mimura

⑽  The Russian Economyⅰ) International Comparative Research on Perceptions of the Investment Environment of the Russian Market

◇ Content  While surveying the medium- and long-term development of the Russian market, we have summarized

the multifaceted points of view on the inward investment environment in Russia for Japan, China, Europe and other players, and have worked on a set of reference coordinates built upon fundamental analyses.

◇ Staff in charge: Associate Senior Researcher Shoichi Itoh

ⅱ) Evaluation of the Potential of the Eastern Russia Energy Sector and the Far East and Zabaykalye Program

◇ Content  Paying heed to the fact that the development of the eastern regions is a key component in Russia's

energy policy, we have compiled and organized the Far East development policies of the central government of the Russian Federation, such as the program for the economic and social development of the Far East and Zabaykalye, and the state of development in East Siberia and the Russian Far East by Russia's major energy companies. We have publicized the outcomes in a variety of academic papers and at academic gatherings.

◇ Major outcomes  ・  Papers, including Shoichi Itoh, "Japan pushes to internationalize the issue of the development of

Eastern Siberia" (Energy Forum, April 2007) (in Japanese)  ・  Conference presentations, including Shoichi Itoh, "Turning Russia's Energy Diplomacy towards the East

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⑾ モンゴル経済◇事業内容  モンゴルの経済発展および北東アジア経済との統合問題に関する調査研究を継続して行い、その成果をERINA REPORT、ERINAディスカッションペーパーで公表した。◇主な成果物 ・ 論文等 Sh.エンクバヤル「モンゴル経済移行期における新自由『ショック療法』政策」(日・英)(ディ

スカッションペーパー 0703e、0703)   Sh.エンクバヤル「モンゴルの経済移行についての制度的概観」(ERINA REPORT Vol.80) ほか◇担当 Sh.エンクバヤル研究主任

⑿ 日本の地方経済1 北陸地域における北東アジアとの経済連携


◇事業内容  ㈳北陸建設弘済会による、北陸地域および北東アジア各地域の経済資源・産業特性・経済状況等を踏まえた相互の経済連携推進策の検討・提言を行う助成事業に参加及び事務受託業務を行った。◇主な成果物 ・北陸地域づくり叢書『北陸地域における北東アジアとの経済連携』(2008年5月)◇担当 中村俊彦調査研究部長、筑波昌之研究主任

2 新潟市国際観光振興調査事業


◇事業内容 北東アジア地域の国際観光の現状と可能性及び新潟市の国際観光の現状等の調査・研究を行った。◇主な成果物 ・報告書『新潟市国際観光振興調査』(2008年3月)◇担当 鈴木伸作特別研究員、石井憲研究員

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Inside Out: Myths and Realities", Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, Oslo (December 2007)◇ Staff in charge: Associate Senior Researcher Shoichi Itoh

⑾  The Mongolian Economy◇ Content  We have continued research on the problem of the integration of Mongolia's economic development

and the Northeast Asian economy, and we have published the outcomes in the ERINA Report and in ERINA Discussion Papers.

◇ Major outcomes  ・  Papers, including Enkhbayar Shagdar, "Neo-Liberal 'Shock Therapy' Policy During the Mongolian

Economic Transition" (Discussion Papers 0703e, 0703) and,   Enkhbayar Shagdar, "Institutional Aspects of the Mongolian Economic Transition" (ERINA Report

Vol. 80, Summary in English)◇ Staff in charge: Associate Senior Researcher Enkhbayar Shagdar

⑿  Japanese Regional Economies

ⅰ) Economic Cooperation with Northeast Asia in the Hokuriku Region

[Project commissioned by the Hokuriku Construction Association]

◇ Content  We have participated in subsidized projects to examine and make proposals on policies promoting

mutual economic cooperation based on the economic resources, industrial characteristics and economic situation of the Hokuriku region and the individual regions of Northeast Asia, and have undertaken a research commission by the Hokuriku Construction Association.

◇ Major outcomes  ・  Construction of the Hokuriku Region Series "Research into the Economic Cooperation with

Northeast Asia in the Hokuriku Region" (May 2008) (in Japanese)◇ Staff in charge: Research Division Director Toshihiko Nakamura, Associate Senior Researcher Masayuki Tsukuba

ⅱ) Research into the Promotion of International Tourism in Niigata City

[Commissioned by Niigata City]

◇ Content  We have carried out research on the current situation and potential for international tourism in the

Northeast Asian region, and the current situation of international tourism in Niigata City.◇ Major outcomes  ・  Report: "Research into the Promotion of International Tourism in Niigata City" (March 2008) (in

Japanese)◇ Staff in charge: Senior Fellow Shinsaku Suzuki, Researcher Ken Ishii

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⒀ 研究成果の公表1 「ERINA Report」の発行

北東アジアの経済動向、研究者・有識者の調査研究成果や識見を掲載した専門的総合情報誌「ERINA Report」を隔月・6回発行した。(※詳細はp.52参照) ・Vol.75(2007年5月号)  特集 2007北東アジア経済発展国際会議イン新潟 ・Vol.76(2007年7月号)  特集 日韓FTA ・Vol.77(2007年9月号)  特集 エネルギー安全保障と多国間協力 ・Vol.78(2007年11月号)  特集 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国の経済 ・Vol.79(2008年1月号)  特集 中国東北振興における遼寧中部都市群(瀋陽経済圏)構想 ・Vol.80(2008年3月号)  特集 北東アジアの食料安全保障

2 北東アジア経済データブックの発行


◇�担当  中島朋義研究主任、筑波昌之研究主任、朱永浩研究員、三村光弘研究主任、伊藤庄一研究主任、Sh.エンクバヤル研究主任

3 「JESNA」の発行

北東アジア経済協力に関する政策志向の計量経済分析論文を集めた英文学術研究誌「JESNA」(Vol.6 No.1)を2007年11月に発行した。(※詳細はp.56参照)

4 ウェブ上の議論・情報提供


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⒀  Publication of Research Outcomes

ⅰ) Publication of the ERINA Report

We have published six issues (bimonthly) of our specialist information journal ERINA Report, which publishes economic trends in Northeast Asia and research outcomes and insights from researchers and other experts. (For further information please see pages 53 and 55.) ・  Vol. 75 (May 2007 edition) Special Feature: 2007 Northeast Asia International    Conference for Economic Development in Niigata ・  Vol. 76 (July 2007 edition) Special Feature: Japan-ROK FTA ・  Vol. 77 (September 2007 edition) Special Feature: Energy Security and Multinational    Cooperation ・  Vol. 78 (November 2007 edition) Special Feature: The Economy of the Democratic People's    Republic of Korea ・  Vol. 79 (January 2008 edition) Special Feature: The Concept of the Central Liaoning City    Cluster (Shenyang Economic Region) within the Revitalization of China's Northeast ・  Vol. 80 (March 2008 edition) Special Feature: Food Security in Northeast Asia

ⅱ) Publication of the Northeast Asia Economic Databook (in Japanese)

In March 2008 we published the Northeast Asia Economic Databook 2007, an annual compilation of macro-economic trends, industrial, trade, and financial trends, and economic statistical data for the various countries and regions of Northeast Asia.◇ Staff in charge: Associate Senior Economist Tomoyoshi Nakajima, Associate Senior Researcher

Masayuki Tsukuba, Researcher Zhu Yonghao, Associate Senior Researcher Mitsuhiro Mimura, Associate Senior Researcher Shoichi Itoh, Associate Senior Researcher Enkhbayar Shagdar

ⅲ) Publication of JESNA

In November 2007 we published JESNA (Vol. 6, No. 1), an English-language academic-research journal which brings together policy-oriented econometric analytical papers related to economic cooperation in Northeast Asia. (For further information please see page 57.)

ⅳ) Discussion and Information Provided Online

We have made available on our website five Discussion Papers, to stimulate discussion between researchers on specific research topics, and one Northeast Asia Information File, to provide in a timely fashion organized information on a specific region or field. (For further information please see page 57.)

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5 ERINAプロポーザルセミナーの開催

調査研究事業の2007年度の年間成果をまとめ、関係省庁、研究機関、マスコミ等を対象に政策提言として発表する「2008 ERINA Policy Proposal Seminar:北東アジア時代への政策提言」を2008年2月、東京都・都道府県会館で行った。 ・「中国東北各地の新潮流と東北振興計画」  筑波昌之研究主任 ・「ロシア東部のポテンシャルと社会経済発展プログラム」 伊藤庄一研究主任 ・「北朝鮮の経済動向から見た対北朝鮮国際連携」 三村光弘研究主任 ・「東アジア共同体時代における北東アジアのFTA戦略」 中島朋義研究主任 ・「食料安全保障と北東アジアの食料クラスター構想」 中村俊彦調査研究部長

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ⅴ) Holding of the ERINA Policy Proposal Seminar

We staged the 2008 ERINA Policy Proposal Seminar: Policy Proposals in the Northeast Asian Era, in February 2008 at Todofuken Kaikan in Tokyo, bringing together the outcomes for the research projects in fiscal 2007 to present them as policy proposals for the relevant government ministries and agencies, research institutions, and the media. ・ "New Currents in the Various Areas of China's Northeast and the Northeast Revitalization Program",

Associate Senior Researcher Masayuki Tsukuba (in Japanese) ・ "The Potential of Eastern Russia and the Socioeconomic Development Program", Associate Senior

Researcher Shoichi Itoh (in Japanese) ・ "International Cooperation toward the DPRK Viewed from DPRK Economic Trends", Associate

Senior Researcher Mitsuhiro Mimura (in Japanese) ・ "Northeast Asian FTA Strategies in the Era of the East Asian Community",Associate Senior Economist

Tomoyoshi Nakajima (in Japanese) ・ "Food Security and the Northeast Asian Food Cluster Concept", Research Division Director Toshihiko

Nakamura (in Japanese)

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⑴ 北東アジアビジネス支援事業日本と対岸諸国との間の経済交流の促進に寄与することを目的として、関係者間の橋渡しや働きかけ、セミナーへの講師派遣、投資説明会、商談会の開催、ミッションの派遣や受入れなどを実施するものであり、2007年度は次のような事業を行った。

1 ビジネス支援策の企画等


 日ロ観光交流協議会参加  テーマ 日ロの観光促進  時 期 2007年9月14日  場 所 東京都  主な出席者 日ロ観光促進協議会日露メンバー

 日ロ経済フォーラム及びバイカル湖投資セミナー  テーマ 日ロの投資と貿易分野における協力可能性  時 期 2007年9月25日〜26日  場 所 大阪府  主な出席者 ロシアNIS貿易会会員及び大阪商工会議所会員他

 第一回日モ官民合同会議参加  テーマ 日モ間のビジネス交流活性化策  時 期 2007年11月7日  場 所 東京都 経済産業省  主な出席者 モンゴルFIFTA(外国投資 外国貿易庁)関係機関・企業

 第3回「いわて−東アジア産業交流戦略会議」講師派遣  テーマ 北東アジアの最新ビジネス状況  時 期 2007年11月20日  場 所 岩手県  主な出席者 岩手県庁国際ビジネス関係部所担当者 約15名

 日中国交正常化35周年記念講演会  テーマ 日中関係のこれまでの歩みと今後の展望  時 期 2007年11月30日  場 所 新潟市  主な出席者 講師:TBS解説専門記者室長 岩城浩幸

 対ロ技術支援巡回講座訪日研修事業「中小企業経営」講師派遣  テーマ 日ロ間の具体的ビジネス  時 期 2007年12月20日  場 所 東京都  主な出席者 在ロシア日本センター派遣ロシア人中小企業経営者 40名

4 地域間交流と地域経済振興への寄与

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⑴ Northeast Asian Business Support ProjectsWith an aim of contributing to the promotion of economic exchange between Japan and the nations facing it across the sea, we have conducted mediation between the interested parties, lobbying, the supply of speakers to seminars, investment seminars, the holding of business talks, and the sending and receiving of missions, and in the fiscal year 2007 we have carried out the projects listed below.

ⅰ) Planning Business Support Measures

Through participation in and cooperation on workshops and conferences organized by related institutions with the aim of discussing and considering measures to promote trade and investment, we have made diverse proposals on business-support policies and have assisted in the implementation of related matters.

 Participation at the Japan-Russia Conference on Cooperation in the Promotion of Tourism Exchange  Topic Japan-Russia tourism promotion  Date(s) 14 September 2007  Place Tokyo  Main Participants Japanese and Russian members of the Japan-Russia Conference on Cooperation in the Promotion of Tourism Exchange

 Japan-Russia Economic Forum and Lake Baikal Investment Seminar  Topic The potential for cooperation in the Japan-Russia investment and trade sectors  Date(s) 25-26 September 2007  Place Osaka Prefecture  Main Participants Members of the Japan Association for Trade with Russia & NIS, members of the Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and others

 Participation in the 1st Japan-Mongolia Public-Private Joint Conference of Trade and Investment  Topic Measures to stimulate business exchange between Japan and Mongolia  Date(s) 7 November 2007  Place Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Tokyo  Main Participants Organizations and enterprises connected with FIFTA (Foreign Investment and Foreign Trade Agency), Mongolia

 Sending of speaker to the 3rd Iwate-East Asia Conference on Strategies for Industrial Exchange  Topic The latest business situation in Northeast Asia  Date(s) 20 November 2007  Place Iwate Prefecture  Main Participants Approximately 15 staff members from Iwate Prefectural Office business-related divisions

 Lectures Commemorating the 35th Anniversary of the Normalization of Diplomatic Relations Between China and Japan  Topic The course thus far and the future outlook for Sino-Japanese relations  Date(s) 30 November 2007  Place Niigata City  Main Participants Speaker: Hiroyuki Iwaki, General Manager, Commentator Press Room, Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS)

 Travelling Course on Technological Assistance to Russia Supply of speaker to the "SME Management" research project visiting Japan

  Topic Tangible business between Japan and Russia  Date(s) 20 December 2007  Place Tokyo  Main Participants 40 SME Russian managers sent by the Japan Center in Russia

4 Contributing toward Interregional Exchange and Local Economic Stimulation

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 対ロ技術支援巡回講座訪日研修事業「イノベーションマネジメント」講師派遣  テーマ 日ロ間の具体的ビジネス  時 期 2008年2月26日  場 所 東京都  主な出席者 在ロシア日本センター派遣ロシア人中小企業経営者 40名

 「留学生ネットワーク・シンポジウム」講師参加  テーマ 新潟県国際交流協会  時 期 2008年3月1日  場 所 新潟市  主な出席者 県内企業関係者・留学生・一般県民

 先端技術研究会主催後援会講師  テーマ 極東ロシアのビジネス  時 期 2008年3月13日  場 所 新潟市  主な出席者 日刊工業新聞主幹先端技術研究会関係メンバー 30名

 平成19年度新潟県・黒龍江省経済交流促進会議参加  テーマ 日中経済交流、貿易等促進  時 期 2008年3月25日  場 所 新潟市  主な出席者 新潟県知事政策局、黒龍江省商務庁

2 ビジネス・ミッションの派遣等



 2007年日中経済協力会議  目 的 経済交流拡大、人的交流拡大他  実施時期 2007年5月31日〜6月1日  訪問地 ハルビン  参加者 約500名(日本側140名)  訪問先・面談者等 地方政府、主要研究機関、経済団体

 新潟経済同友会訪中ミッション  目 的 経済交流拡大、人的交流拡大他  実施時期 2007年6月15日〜18日  訪問地 ハルビン、延吉、琿春、長春  参加者 23名  訪問先・面談者等 「第18回中国ハルビン国際経済貿易商談会」視察、琿春市役所、小島衣料琿春工場他

 新潟県モンゴルビジネスミッション  目 的 経済交流拡大、人的交流拡大他  実施時期 2007年8月18日〜22日  訪問地 ウランバートル  参加者 35名  訪問先・面談者等 JICAモンゴル事務所、モンゴル外務省他

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 Travelling Course on Technological Assistance to Russia Supply of speaker to the "Innovation Management" research project visiting Japan

  Topic Tangible business between Japan and Russia  Date(s) 26 February 2008  Place Tokyo  Main Participants 40 SME Russian managers sent by the Japan Center in Russia

 Participation of speaker at the Exchange Student Network Symposium  Topic Niigata International Association  Date(s) 1 March 2008  Place Niigata City  Main Participants Interested parties from firms in Niigata Prefecture, exchange students and ordinary prefectural residents

 Speaker at the supporters' meeting hosted by the SENTAN Technology Study Group  Topic Business in the Russian Far East  Date(s) 13 March 2008  Place Niigata City  Main Participants 30 members of the SENTAN Technology Study Group organized by the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun

 Participation at the Fiscal 2007 Niigata Prefecture-Heilongjiang Province Conference on the Promotion of Economic Exchange  Topic Promotion of Japan-China economic exchange and trade, etc.  Date(s) 25 March 2008  Place Niigata City  Main Participants Policy Bureau of the Governor of Niigata Prefecture, and the Department of Commerce of Heilongjiang Province

ⅱ) Dispatch of Business Missions, etc.

We have linked up with related institutions inside Japan and overseas, have undertaken participation in and cooperation on market research overseas, and furthermore have undertaken participation in and cooperation on business missions related to the promotion of economic exchange, including the finding of trade and investment projects. In addition we have also received business and market survey missions from overseas.


 2007 Japan-China Economic Cooperation Conference  Aim Expansion of economic exchange, and the expansion of human exchanges, etc.  When Conducted 31 May - 1 June 2007  Place(s) Visited Harbin  Participants Approximately 500 (140 on the Japanese side)  Visited / Met Local governments, major research institutions, and economic organizations

 Mission to China of the Niigata Association of Corporate Executives  Aim Expansion of economic exchange, and the expansion of human exchanges, etc.  When Conducted 15-18 June 2007  Place(s) Visited Harbin, Yanji, Hunchun, Changchun  Participants 23  Visited / Met Observation of the 18th International China Harbin Fair for Trade and Economic Cooperation, the People's

Government of Hunchun City, the Hunchun factory of Kojima Iryo Co., Ltd., etc.

 Niigata Prefecture Business Mission to Mongolia  Aim Expansion of economic exchange, and the expansion of human exchanges, etc.  When Conducted 18-22 August 2007  Place(s) Visited Ulaanbaatar  Participants 35   Visited / Met JICA Mongolia Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia, etc.

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April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report

 瀋陽チャーター便ミッション  目 的 経済交流拡大、人的交流拡大他  実施時期 2007年10月26日〜29日  訪問地 瀋陽  参加者 10名  訪問先・面談者等 遼寧省政府、瀋陽市役所、中国南方航空他


 在新潟ロシア総領事館佐渡観光資源視察  目 的 経済交流拡大、人的交流拡大他  実施時期 2007年7月1日〜2日  訪問地 佐渡市  参加者 ロシア総領事館員7名  訪問先・面談者等 佐渡島内観光施設視察随行(佐藤経済交流部長)

 釜山投資誘致セミナー打ち合わせ  目 的 2008年3月新潟開催のセミナー実施準備・打ち合わせ  実施時期 2008年1月28日〜31日  訪問地 釜山広域市  参加者 佐藤経済交流部長  訪問先・面談者等 安 準泰(釜山広域市副市長)他投資誘致室職員


 瀋陽市日本中小企業パーク(瀋陽市経済技術開発区・西北貿易)  目 的 新潟市関連企業商談  実施時期 2007年11月7日〜8日  訪問地 新潟市  参加者 1名  訪問先・面談者等 同時開催の新潟国際ビジネスメッセに参加

 瀋陽市対日ソフトウェア開発基地(昴立情報技術)  目 的 新潟市IT関連企業訪問  実施時期 2007年11月8日〜10日  訪問地 新潟市  参加者 1名  訪問先・面談者等 同時開催の新潟国際ビジネスメッセにも参加

 釜山広域市/投資誘致室訪日団  目 的 新潟県内地場産業視察  実施時期 2007年12月12日  訪問地 新潟県央地域  参加者 3名  訪問先・面談者等 県央地場産センター

3 食の国際見本市海外出展者支援業務



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 Charter Flight Mission to Shenyang  Aim Expansion of economic exchange, and the expansion of human exchanges, etc.  When Conducted 26-29 October 2007  Place(s) Visited Shenyang  Participants 10   Visited / Met The People's Government of Liaoning Province, the People's Government of Shenyang Municipality, China Southern Airlines, etc.

Dispatch of Staff

 Sado Island tourism resource inspection tour of the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Niigata  Aim Expansion of economic exchange, and the expansion of human exchanges, etc.  When Conducted 1-2 July 2007  Place(s) Visited Sado City  Participants 7 staff members from the Consulate General of the Russian Federation  Visited / Met Accompaniment of inspection tour of tourist facilities on Sado Island (External Relations Division Director Hisashi Sato)

 Seminar to Attract Investment to Busan  Aim Preparation for the seminar held in March 2008 in Niigata  When Conducted 28-31 January 2008  Place(s) Visited Busan  Participants External Relations Division Director Hisashi Sato  Visited / Met Ahn Joon-tae, Deputy Mayor of Busan, and staff members from the Investment Promotion Bureau

Reception of Visitors

 Shenyang City Japanese SME Park (Shenyang Economic and Technological Development Area, Seihoku Boeki)  Aim Business talks with firms connected with Niigata City  When Conducted 7-8 November 2007  Place(s) Visited Niigata City  Participants 1  Visited / Met Participation in the Niigata International Business Messe, held at the same time

 Shenyang Development Base for Software to Japan (Only Info-Tech)  Aim Visits to Niigata City IT-related firms  When Conducted 8-10 November 2007  Place(s) Visited Niigata City  Participants 1  Visited / Met Participation also in the Niigata International Business Messe held at the same time

 Delegation from Busan Investment Promotion Bureau visiting Japan  Aim Tour of local industries within Niigata Prefecture  When Conducted 12 December 2007  Place(s) Visited Central district of Niigata Prefecture  Participants 3  Visited / Met Central Niigata Prefecture Regional Industries Promotion Center

ⅲ) Supporting Overseas Exhibitors at the International Food Trade Fair

[Project commissioned by the Food & Flower World Forum Executive Committee]

We have supported exhibits by overseas firms, and worked to support the interpreting, translation and coordination involved in overseas firms exhibiting at the International Food Trade Fair.

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⑵ 「北東アジアビジネスメッセ」開催事業北東アジア地域における民間企業の国際的な経済交流を促進するため「新潟国際ビジネスメッセ2007(実行委員会:新潟市外)」主催者の一員として、中国東北地域(遼寧省及び黒竜江省)の企業に同メッセへの参加を働きかけた。参加した企業は、「国際ビジネスゾーン」において出展した。

 新潟国際ビジネスメッセ  テーマ 国際展示商談会  開催時期 2007年11月8日〜9日  主な参加者等 出展者数:171社・団体、180小間うち海外出展者数:22社・団体(ERINA招聘分)来場者数:9,401人

⑶ 「国際人材フェア・にいがた」開催事業新潟県内企業の北東アジア地域への海外展開を支援するために、県内大学・専門学校で学ぶ留学生を対象とした「国際人材フェア・にいがた2007」を開催した。

 国際人材フェア・にいがた開催  テーマ 留学生のための就職相談会  時期 2007年9月21日  主な出席者等  新潟県内企業14社、新潟県内留学生47人、内定者数3人

⑷ セミナー開催事業1 地域セミナー等の開催


 日ロ・日モ環境ビジネス調査会「ロシアにおける排出権取引の法的整備状況と実例」  開催時期 2007年6月13日  開催地 東京都  参加者 76名  講師等 ウラジミール・マキシーモフ(ロシア経済発展・貿易省環境経済学ユニット 副長)

 佐渡への訪日ロシア人増大のための方策について意見交換  開催時期 2007年7月10日  開催地 佐渡市  参加者 15名  講師等 佐渡市産業観光部・佐渡市観光協会・宿泊施設代表が参加

 日ロ・日モ環境ビジネス調査会「モンゴルにおける環境関連ビジネスの概略」  開催時期 2007年8月7日  開催地 東京都  参加者 40名  講師等 Sh.エンクバヤル研究主任、パンツィー・ガンホヤック(ニューコムグループ代表)、ホン・スン・チャン(三菱UFJ証券クリーンエネルギーファイナンス委員会)

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⑵ Holding the Northeast Asia Business MesseIn order to promote international economic exchange between private sector companies in Northeast Asia, we have—as one of the organizers of the "Niigata International Business Messe 2007 (executive committee: outside Niigata City)"—encouraged the participation in that business fair of firms from China's Northeast (Liaoning and Heilongjiang provinces). The firms which attended exhibited in the "International Business Zone".

 Niigata International Business Messe  Subject International exhibition and trade fair  Dates Held 8-9 November 2007  Main Participants Number of exhibitors: 171 companies / groups, 180 stands the number of which overseas exhibitors: 22

companies / groups (those invited by ERINA) Number of visitors: 9,401

⑶ Holding the Niigata Prefecture International Students' Job FairIn order to support the Northeast Asia-bound expansion overseas of firms in Niigata Prefecture, we held the "Niigata Prefecture International Students' Job Fair 2007", aimed toward exchange students studying at universities and vocational colleges within the prefecture.

 Holding the Niigata Prefecture International Students' Job Fair  Subject A careers guidance fair for exchange students  Date 21 September 2007  Main Participants 14 firms from Niigata Prefecture, 47 exchange students in Niigata Prefecture, Number of prospective recruits: 3

⑷  Seminarsⅰ) Regional Economic Seminars

With the aim of providing economic information and passing on the outcomes of our research, we held public seminars and lectures, consultation sessions on trade and investment, and meetings for the exchange of information, aimed at both local citizens and those involved with companies in the areas both inside and outside Niigata Prefecture which sponsor our work.

  Japan-Russia and Japan-Mongolia Environmental Business Investigation Committee  "The State of the Legal Preparation for Emissions Trading in Russia and Concrete Examples"  Date Held 13 June 2007  Place Tokyo  People Attending 76   Speaker(s) Vladimir Maksimov  (Deputy Director, Economics of Environmental Protection Unit, Ministry for

Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation)

 Exchange of opinions on measures to increase the number of Russians visiting Japan who go to Sado Island  Date Held 10 July 2007  Place Sado City  People Attending 15   Speaker(s) Sado City Industry and Tourism Department, Sado Tourism Association, and representatives of accommodation

providers participated

 Japan-Russia and Japan-Mongolia Environmental Business Investigation Committee "An Overview of Environment-Related Business in Mongolia"  Date Held 7 August 2007  Place Tokyo  People Attending 40   Speaker(s) Associate Senior Researcher Enkhbayar Shagdar  Pantii Gankhuyag  (Newcom Group Representative) Hong Soon

Chan (Mitsubishi UFJ Securities Clean Energy Finance Committee member)

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April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report

 ロシア極東水産大学校と佐渡との交流促進施策についての意見交換  開催時期 2008年3月7日  開催地 佐渡市  参加者 20名  講師等 極東大学学長及び佐渡市両津工業部会部長・役員が参加

 釜山投資説明会  開催時期 2008年3月21日  開催地 長岡市、新潟市  参加者 25名、50名  講師等 安 準泰(釜山広域市副市長)釜山広域市投資誘致室関係者5名

2 賛助会セミナー等の開催

賛助会会員に対する情報提供と意見交換の場を提供することを目的として、経済状況や地域情勢等に関するセミナー並びに 運営協議会との合同意見交換会を開催した。

 ロシアの最新状況  開催時期 2007年4月23日  参加者 65人  講師等 隈部 兼作(ロシア・ユーラシア政治経済ビジネス研究所代表取締役兼所長)

 今後の日ロ関係  開催時期 2007年5月22日  参加者 125人  講師等 M.M.ベールィ(ロシア連邦大使)

 チャイナプラスワン  開催時期 2007年6月20日  参加者 29人  講師等 鏑木 伸二(国際協力銀行 中堅・中小企業支援室長)

 南北鉄道とユーラシア  開催時期 2007年7月30日  参加者 36人  講師等 崔 吉黙(チェ ギルムック)(韓国鉄道公社 東京事務所部長)

 朝鮮通信使  開催時期 2007年12月12日  参加者 31人  講師等 仲尾 宏(京都造形大学 客員教授)

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 Exchange of opinions on measures to promote exchange between the Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University and Sado Island  Date Held 7 March 2008  Place Sado City  People Attending 20   Speaker(s) The President of the Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University and the Head and officers of the Sado

City Ryotsu Industrial Committee participated

 Busan Investment Seminar  Date Held 21 March 2008  Place Nagaoka City, Niigata City  People Attending 25, 50  Speaker(s) Ahn Joon-tae (Deputy Mayor of Busan) 5 people from the Investment Promotion Bureau of Busan Metropolitan City

ⅱ) Seminars for Supporting Members

With the aim of providing ERINA's supporting members with information and a forum for the exchange of information, ERINA held seminars about the economic situation and regional issues, as well as organizing a meeting to exchange opinions with the Trustees, External Assessors and Managerial Committee of ERINA.

 The recent situation in Russia  Date Held 23 April 2007  People Attending 65  Speaker Kensaku Kumabe (President, Russia-Eurasia Research Institute)

 Future Japan-Russia relations  Date Held 22 May 2007  People Attending 125  Speaker Mikhail M. Bely (Ambassador of the Russian Federation)

 China Plus One  Date Held 20 June 2007  People Attending 29  Speaker Shinji Kaburagi  (Chief, Support Division for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Japan Bank for

International Cooperation)

 Inter-Korean railroads and Eurasia  Date Held 30 July 2007  People Attending 36  Speaker Choi Gil-muk (Manager, Korea Railroad Corporation [Korail] Tokyo Office)

 Joseon tongsinsa [Joseon Dynasty embassies to Tokugawa Japan]  Date Held 12 December 2007  People Attending 31  Speaker Hiroshi Nakao (Visiting Professor, Kyoto University of Art and Design)

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 中国農産品と食品  開催時期 2008年2月22日  参加者 59人  講師等 大島 一二(北京大学経済学院 客員研究員)

 石炭エネルギー  開催時期 2008年3月19日  参加者 25人  講師等 原田 道昭(財団法人石炭エネルギーセンター 事業推進担当部長)

⑸ 実地研修事業ウラジオストクにある極東水産大学から学長以下2名の専門家を招聘し、佐渡市における栽培漁業の実態を視察。今後の研修生派遣事業の方法につき意見交換を実施した。

 佐渡の養殖事業  開催時期 2008年3月7日  開催地 佐渡市  講師・実地研修先 佐渡市長表敬訪問・多田アワビ養殖場視察、新潟県水産事務所訪問・水産物卸市場訪問、水産


⑹ ビジネス情報提供海外ビジネス(海外投資・輸出入取引)の基礎資料となる地域別のビジネス動向、輸送事情等の情報を掲載した企業向け情報誌「ERINA BUSINESS NEWS」を6号(隔月)発行した。


●Vol.61 (2007年5月発行)

(TOPICS) 新潟市北京事務所開設について  急速に変化する極東ロシアとの経済協力について(SERIES) 海外ビジネス情報/列島ビジネス前線/ERINA日誌

●Vol.62 (2007年7月発行)

(TOPICS) 中国版「新幹線」は東北地区へのビジネスに使えるか  「第18回中国ハルビン国際経済貿易商談会」報告  「2007(ハルビン)日中経済協力会議」開催される   モンゴル・ビジネスフォーラムと「モンゴル貿易フェア2007 OSAKA」に参加して(SERIES) 海外ビジネス情報/列島ビジネス前線/セミナー報告/ERINA日誌

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 Chinese agricultural and food products  Date Held 22 February 2008  People Attending 59  Speaker Kazutsugu Oshima (Visiting Researcher, School of Economics, Peking University)

 Coal energy  Date Held 19 March 2008  People Attending 25  Speaker Michiaki Harada (General Manager, Business Promotion Department, Japan Coal Energy Center)

⑸ On-the-Job TrainingWe invited the President and two specialists from the Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University in Vladivostok, and observed the reality of aquaculture in Sado City. We undertook an exchange of opinions on how to handle future projects for sending students on on-the-job training.

 Sado aquaculture business  Date Conducted 7 March 2008  Place Sado City

   Instructor / Location of On-the-Job Training

Courtesy call on the Mayor of Sado City and an inspection tour of the Oda abalone cultivation area, Visit to the Niigata Prefecture Fisheries Office and to a wholesale seafood market, Inspection tour of a seafood processing factory

⑹  Providing Business InformationWe have published six issues (bimonthly) of the ERINA Business News, an information journal for businesses which contains business trends by region and information about the current situation relating to such matters as transportation which form the basic data for undertaking overseas business (overseas investment and import and export transactions).

ERINA Business News (in Japanese)

● Vol. 61 (May 2007)

Topics: The Opening of the City of Niigata Beijing Office Economic Cooperation with the Rapidly Changing Russian Far EastRegular Features: Overseas Business Information, Domestic Business Information, ERINA


● Vol. 62 (July 2007)

Topics: Can the Chinese-Version "Shinkansen" Be Used in Business to the Northeast? Report on the 18th International China Harbin Fair for Trade and Economic Cooperation 2007 (Harbin) Japan-China Economic Cooperation Conference Held Participation in the Mongolia Business Forum and the "Mongolia Trade Fair 2007 Osaka"Regular Features: Overseas Business Information, Domestic Business Information, Seminar Reports,

ERINA Chronicle

April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report44


April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report

●Vol.63 (2007年9月発行)

(TOPICS) 第13回環日本海(東海)拠点都市会議開催される  企業間交流のサポートセンター、日中投資促進機構  新たに東京で開設された瀋陽市駐日本経済貿易代表事務所(SERIES) 海外ビジネス情報/列島ビジネス前線/セミナー報告/ERINA日誌

●Vol.64 (2007年11月発行)

(TOPICS) 「対日ソフトウェア開発基地」の展開  日本中小企業パークが瀋陽経済技術開発区に開設  国際人材フェア・にいがた2007報告(SERIES) 海外ビジネス情報/列島ビジネス前線/セミナー報告/ERINA日誌

●Vol.65 (2008年1月発行)

(SERIES) 海外ビジネス情報/列島ビジネス前線/セミナー報告/ERINA日誌

●Vol.66 (2008年3月発行)

(SERIES) 海外ビジネス情報/列島ビジネス前線/セミナー報告/ERINA日誌

⑺ 地域啓発事業1 新潟日報「エリナレター」、「トッときガイド」の寄稿


2 「ERINA出前教室」の実施

新潟市及びその近郊地域において、将来の北東アジア交流を担う次世代(中学生)を対象に、総合学習の時間等を活用して北東アジアの状況や新潟との関わりについて理解を深めることを目的として、「ERINA出前教室」を実施した。 2007年6月29日 新発田市立加治川中学校

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● Vol. 63 (September 2007)

Topics: 13th Conference of Major Cities in the Japan Sea (East Sea) Rim Region Held Support Center for Inter-Business Exchange, Japan-China Investment Promotion Organization Newly Opened in Tokyo, the Shenyang Municipal People's Government Japan OfficeRegular Features: Overseas Business Information, Domestic Business Information, Seminar Reports,

ERINA Chronicle

● Vol. 64 (November 2007)

Topics: The Expansion of the "Development Base for Software to Japan" The Opening of a Japanese SME Park in the Shenyang Economic and Technological

Development Area Report on the Niigata Prefecture International Students' Job Fair 2007Regular Features: Overseas Business Information, Domestic Business Information, Seminar Reports,

ERINA Chronicle

● Vol. 65 (January 2008)

Regular Features: Overseas Business Information, Domestic Business Information, Seminar Reports, ERINA Chronicle

● Vol. 66 (March 2008)

Regular Features: Overseas Business Information, Domestic Business Information, Seminar Reports, ERINA Chronicle

⑺  Projects to Enlighten the Local Population

ⅰ) Contribution of pieces for the ERINA Letter feature of the Niigata Nippo newspaper and for the Tottoki Guide

To raise interest in Northeast Asia across a broad spectrum of society, largely within Niigata Prefecture, we have contributed pieces to the Japan Sea Rim Information Line of the Niigata Nippo newspaper and to Tottoki Guide, the free information booklet for Toki Messe.・ 34 articles were contributed to the ERINA Letter feature (April 2007-March 2008)・ The Tottoki Guide appears bimonthly (six-times annually)

ⅱ) Implementation of special ERINA lectures for schools

We held a special ERINA lecture for schools. Such lectures are aimed at students at junior high schools in Niigata City and the surrounding areas, who will be the next generation involved in future exchange in Northeast Asia. Using the time available for general studies classes, these lectures were designed to provide a more profound understanding of the situation in Northeast Asia and its relationship with Niigata. 29 June 2007, Shibata City Kajikawa Junior High School


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期日 2008年1月21日㈪〜22日㈫会場 朱鷺メッセ(新潟市)ほか主催 北東アジア経済発展国際会議実行委員会(新潟県、新潟市、ERINA)

開会・基調講演 (1月21日㈪ 15:00〜18:00 朱鷺メッセ4階 マリンホール)


◆歓迎あいさつ 新潟県知事 泉田 裕彦 新潟市長 篠田  昭◆来賓あいさつ 経済産業省通商政策局通商交渉官 黒田 篤郎


「日本の北東アジア再考」中央大学研究開発機構教授 猪口  孝

「米国の通商政策:多国間主義の代替策としての地域主義と二国間主義」AEI研究所特別研究員 クロード バーフィールド

分科会A 北東アジアとFTA (1月22日㈫ 9:00〜12:00 朱鷺メッセ 中会議室301)


[コーディネーター] 慶応義塾大学経済学部教授 木村 福成[パネリスト] 中国農業大学経済管理学院教授 田 維 明 慶應義塾大学総合政策学部教授 渡邊 頼純 仁荷大学校経済学科教授 チョン インキョ AEI研究所特別研究員 クロード バーフィールド[コメンテーター ] 経済産業省通商政策局通商交渉官 黒田 篤郎

分科会B 食料安全保障 (1月22日㈫ 9:00〜12:00 朱鷺メッセ 中会議室302)


[コーディネーター ] ERINA調査研究部長 中村 俊彦[基調報告] 中国農業科学院農業情報研究所国際情報分析室主任 聶 鳳 英 東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科長 生源寺眞一[研究報告] 中国農業大学経済管理学院教授 陳 永 福 新潟大学農学部准教授 木南 莉莉 東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科講師 八木 洋憲 サムスン経済研究所公共政策室主席研究員 ミン スンギュ


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2008 Northeast Asia International Conference for Economic Development in Niigata

21 - 22 January 2008Toki Messe Niigata International Convention Center

OrganizerNortheast Asia International Conference for Economic Development Executive Committee

(Niigata Prefecture, City of Niigata, ERINA)

Opening and Keynote Addresses (21 January Monday, 15:00 - 18:00 Marine Hall, 4F Toki Messe)


◆Welcome Addresses  IZUMIDA, Hirohiko Governor, Niigata Prefecture  SHINODA, Akira Mayor, City of Niigata◆Guests' Opening Address  KURODA, Atsuo Deputy Director-General for Trade Policy, Trade Policy Bureau, M ETI

Keynote Addresses

"Japan Rethinking Northeast Asia"INOGUCHI, Takashi Professor, Chuo University Research and Development Initiative"U.S. Trade Policy: The Rise of Regional and Bilateral Alternatives to Multilateralism"BARFIELD, Claude Resident Scholar, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI)

Session A: Northeast Asia & FTAs (22 January Tuesday, 9:00 - 12:00 Conference Room 301, Toki Messe)

This session will survey the prospects for the strategies toward economic integration hoped for by the countries of Northeast Asia, within the ongoing progress in East Asian economic integration in frameworks such as ASEAN Plus Three or ASEAN Plus Six.

Moderator KIMURA, Fukunari Professor, Faculty of Economics, Keio UniversityPanel Members TIAN, Weiming Professor, College of Economics and Management, China Agricultural University WATANABE, Yorizumi Professor, Faculty of Policy Management, SFC, Keio University CHEONG, In-Kyo Professor, Department of Economics, Inha University BARFIELD, Claude Resident Scholar, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy ResearchCommentator KURODA, Atsuo Deputy Director-General for Trade Policy, Trade Policy Bureau, M ETI

Session B: Food Security (22 January Tuesday, 9:00 - 12:00 Conference Room 302, Toki Messe)

In the coming three years practical proposals will be made concerning the formation of an international food cluster, which will contribute to food security and economic links in Northeast Asia. Based on the collaborative research between ERINA, Niigata University and the University of Tokyo, in the first year attention will be focused on investigations into local special characteristics and resources within the region.

Moderator NAKAMURA, Toshihiko Director, Research Division, ERINAKeynote Reports NIE, Fengying Director, International Division, Agricultural Information Research Institute, Chinese

Academy of Agricultural Sciences SHOGENJI, Shin-ichi Dean, Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Science, The University of TokyoResearch Reports CHEN, Yongfu Professor, College of Economics and Management, China Agricultural University KIMINAMI, Lily Associate Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University YAGI, Hironori Lecturer, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo MIN, Seung-Kyu Chief Researcher, Public Policy Research, Samsung Economic Research Institute

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分科会C エネルギー・環境 (1月22日㈫ 13:00〜16:00 朱鷺メッセ 中会議室201)


[コーディネーター ] 東京大学公共政策大学院客員教授 鈴木達治郎[パネリスト] 長岡技術科学大学教授 李 志 東 ㈶省エネルギーセンター国際協力部長 関山 武司 世界銀行モンゴル事務所インフラ担当官 Ts.ツメンツォグト 韓国エネルギー経済研究所北東アジア エネルギー研究センター研究委員 パク ヨンドク ロシア科学アカデミー・エネルギー 研究所副所長 ウラジーミル リハチョフ ノーチラス研究所客員研究員 デイビッド フォン ヒッペル

総括・閉会 (1月22日㈫ 16:10〜17:00 朱鷺メッセ 中会議室201)

[分科会報告] 分科会A コーディネーター 木村 福成 分科会B コーディネーター 中村 俊彦 分科会C コーディネーター 鈴木達治郎[総括コメント] 北東アジア経済発展国際会議実行委員会委員長 吉田  進 ERINA理事長

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Session C: Energy &Environment (22 January Tuesday, 13:00 - 16:00 Conference Room 201, Toki Messe)

Today an integrated solution of energy and environmental problems has become the burning issue in energy security. In this session, with the advent of the post-Kyoto period in mind, we will explore the potential for policy coordination by the nations of Northeast Asia aimed at the efficient utilization of all types of energy and energy conservation methods.

Moderator SUZUKI, Tatsujiro Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy, The University of TokyoPanel Members LI, Zhidong Professor, Nagaoka University of Technology SEKIYAMA, Takeshi General Manager, International Cooperation Department, The Energy

Conservation Center, Japan TUMENTSOGT, Ts. Infrastructure Operations Officer, The World Bank Ulaanbaatar Office PAK, Yong-Duk Director, Regional Cooperation Division, Center for Energy Research

Northeast Asia, Korea Energy Economics Institute LIKHACHEV, Vladimir Deputy Director, Energy Research Institute of the Russian Academy of

Sciences VON HIPPEL, David Senior Associate, Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainability

Summaries and Conference Conclusion (22 January Tuesday, 16:10 - 17:00 Conference Room 201, Toki Messe)

Reports on Sessions KIMURA, Fukunari Session A Moderator NAKAMURA, Toshihiko Session B Moderator SUZUKI, Tatsujiro Session C ModeratorConcluding Remarks YOSHIDA, Susumu Chairperson, Northeast Asia International Conference for Economic

Development Executive Committee, and Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Director General, ERINA

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2007年度 出版物

ERINA REPORT●Vol.75 (2007年5月号)

特集 2007北東アジア経済発展国際会議イン新潟・基調講演「日本の東アジア戦略の再構築」(日・英)岩手県立大学学長、北東アジア研究交流ネットワーク代表幹事 谷口誠

・分科会A 物流・観光(日・英抄)・分科会B エネルギー・環境(日・英抄)・分科会C 貿易・投資(日・英抄)・発展戦略会議(日)・総括セッション(日・英抄)・2007北東アジア経済発展国際会議政策提言(日・英)

●Vol.76 (2007年7月号)

特集 日韓FTA・日韓FTA特集について(日・英) (中島朋義)・韓・日FTAは可能なのか−韓国のFTA政策の考察及び韓・日FTA交渉に対する示唆−(日・英抄)(チョン・インキョ仁荷大学経済学部教授、チョ・ジュンラン 仁荷大学FTA研究センター研究委員)

・韓日FTAにおける産業内貿易・分業パターン(英・日抄) (キム・ドヒュン 啓明大学教授)

・大図們江地域の協力開発における吉林省側の進展状況と情勢分析について(日) (祝濱濱 中国東北師範大学地域経済専攻博士)

・離陸する極東経済と日ロ経済関係(日・英抄) (望月喜市 北海道大学名誉教授)・移行期におけるモンゴルの経済実績の考察−資本投資分析の結果(英・日抄) (Sh.エンクバヤル)・朝鮮における実利重視の経済管理の改善(日) (チャン・ジンウ 朝鮮社会科学者協会研究員・修士)

●Vol.77 (2007年9月号)

特集 エネルギー安全保障・多国間協力・エネルギー安全保障・多国間協力特集について(日・英) (伊藤庄一)・北東アジアの将来に向けた中国のエネルギー安全保障観と戦略(英・日抄)(張建平 中国国家発展改革委員会国際経済研究所対外経済協力部長)

・モンゴルのエネルギー戦略:現況と計画(英・日抄)(Ts.ツメンツォグト 世界銀行モンゴル事務所インフラ整備オフィサー)・日本のエネルギー戦略とアジア太平洋エネルギー協力の現況(日・英) (伊藤庄一)

・キーパーソンインタビュー(日・英)「日ロ関係発展の展望と期待」(ミハエル・ベールイ 駐日ロシア特命全権大使)・「朝鮮における社会主義経済強国建設」(日)(ユン・ジェチャン 朝鮮社会科学院経済研究所研究員)・「北東アジアにおける朝鮮民主主義人民共和国の経済交流と展望」(日)(パク・キョンチョル 朝鮮社会科学者協会研究員・修士)

・「トヨタのロシア工場設立の進捗状況」(日)(富山栄子 事業創造大学院大学准教授)

●Vol.78 (2007年11月号)

・朝鮮民主主義人民共和国の経済の現状(日・英抄) (三村光弘)・米国の対朝鮮経済制裁(日)(リ・ヘンホ 朝鮮社会科学院経済研究所所長)・経済強国建設において科学技術の発展を重視している朝鮮(日) (チャン・ジヌ 朝鮮社会科学者協会研究員・修士)・四大先行部門に力を入れている朝鮮民主主義人民共和国(日) (リ・ヨンオク 朝鮮社会科学者協会研究員・修士)・北朝鮮の金融改革の動向−商業銀行制度の導入を中心に−(日) (リュウ・スンホ 韓国輸出入銀行南北協力本部副部長)

・「シベリア・ランドブリッジ」の第2幕が始まる(日・英抄) (辻久子)

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Fiscal 2007 Publications

ERINA REPORT● May 2007 Vol. 75

Special Issue: 2007 Northeast Asia International Conference for Economic Development in NiigataKeynote Speech

The Restructuring of Japan's East Asian StrategyTANIGUCHI, Makoto, President, Iwate Prefectural University; Chairman, Northeast Asian Studies & Exchange Network, Japan

Session A: Transport & Tourism (Summary)Session B: Energy & Environment (Summary)Session C: Trade & Investment (Summary)Economic Development Strategy SessionPlenary Meeting Panel Discussion (Summary)2007 Northeast Asia International Conference for Economic Development in Niigata Policy Proposals

● July 2007 Vol. 76

Special Feature: Japan-ROK FTAThe Japan-ROK FTA Special Feature

NAKAJIMA, TomoyoshiThe Progress of Korea's FTA Policy and Implications for an FTA between Japan and Korea (Summary)

CHEONG, Inkyo, Professor, Department of Economics, Inha UniversityCHO, Jungran, Research Fellow, FTA Research Center, Inha University

On The Patterns of Intra-Industry Trade and Industrial Cooperation with a Korea-Japan FTAKIM, Dohyung, Professor, Department of Japanese Studies, Keimyung University

Analysis of the Situation and the State of Progress on the Jilin Province Side in Cooperation and Development in the Greater Tumen Region (in Japanese)

ZHU, Binbin, Ph.D. in Regional Economics, Northeast Normal University, ChinaThe Russian Far East Ready for Take-Off, and Japan-Russia Economic Relations (Summary)

MOCHIZUKI, Kiichi, Professor Emeritus, Hokkaido UniversityExplaining Mongolian Economic Performance in Transition: The Results of a Capital Investment Analysis

Enkhbayar ShagdarImprovement of Economic Management in the DPRK with an Emphasis on Material Benefit (in Japanese)

JANG, Jin-u, Researcher and Master's Degree-Holder, Korean Social Scientists Society, DPRK

● September 2007 Vol. 77

Special Feature: Energy Security and Multi-national CooperationThe Energy Security and Multi-national Cooperation Special Feature

ITOH, ShoichiChinese Perceptions of Energy Security and Strategy for the Future of Northeast Asia

ZHANG, Jianping, Director, Department of International Economic Cooperation, Institute for International Economic Research, National Development and Reform Commission, China

Mongolian Energy Strategy: Current Status and ProgramsTUMENTSOGT, Ts., Infrastructure Operations Officer, World Bank, Mongolia

Japan's Energy Strategy and Development of Energy Cooperation in the Asia-PacificITOH, Shoichi

Key Person InterviewThe Development of Japan-Russia Relations: Prospects and Expectations

Interview with Mr. Mikhail BELY, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia to JapanThe Construction of a Socialist, Economically-Strong Country in the DPRK (in Japanese)

YUN, Jae-chang, Researcher, Institute of Economics, Academy of Social Sciences, DPRKThe DPRK's Economic Interchange and Prospects in Northeast Asia (in Japanese)

PAK, Kyong Chol, Researcher and Master's Degree-Holder, Korean Social Scientists Society, DPRKThe State of Progress of the Setting-Up of a Factory in Russia by Toyota (in Japanese)

TOMIYAMA, Eiko, Associate Professor, Graduate Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies

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April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report

●Vol.79 (2008年1月号)

特集 中国東北振興における遼寧中部都市群(瀋陽経済圏)構想・中国東北振興における遼寧中部都市群(瀋陽経済圏)構想特集について(日・英)(筑波昌之)・遼寧中部都市群(瀋陽経済圏)の経済発展と産業配置について(日・英抄) (馮貴盛 遼寧社会科学院研究員・遼寧省区域経済研究会会長)

・グレーター瀋陽における開発区建設と日系企業の動向(日・英抄) (筑波昌之)・遼寧中部都市群における航空・海上の国際物流の現状と展望(日) ( 守峰 東北大学工商管理学院教授・物流系統工程研究所所長)

・遼寧中部都市群の自動車産業の現状と展望−中核都市・瀋陽市を中心として−(前編)(日・英抄)(八杉理 現代文化研究所主事研究員、朱永浩)

・遼寧省と北朝鮮との経済貿易の現状及び今後の課題(日・英抄) (禹頴子 遼寧社会科学院世界経済研究所副研究員)

・中ロ地域協力の新たなモデルについて(日・英抄) (郭力 黒龍江大学北東アジア経済研究センター副主任・教授)

●Vol.80 (2008年3月号)

特集 北東アジアの食料安全保障・北東アジア食料安全保障の特集にあたって(日・英)(中村俊彦)・東アジアの中での日本の食料安全保障とは:流通革命・環境悪化・国際協力の視点から(日・英抄) (原洋之介 政策研究大学院大学教授)

・中国の食料安全保障戦略に関する研究(日・英抄) (陳永福 中国農業大学経済管理学院教授)・東アジアにおける経済発展と食料政策(日・英抄) (木南莉莉 新潟大学自然科学系・農学部准教授)

・キーパーソンインタビュー「日中国交正常化35周年にかける期待」(日) (崔天凱 中華人民共和国駐日本国特命全権大使)・朝鮮民主主義人民共和国における対外リーガルサービスと平壌対外民事法律相談所(日) (キムジョングク 朝鮮社会科学院法律研究所修士)・モンゴルの経済移行についての制度的概観(日・英抄) (Sh.エンクバヤル)・遼寧中部都市群の自動車産業の現状と展望−中核都市・瀋陽市を中心として−(後編)(日) (八杉理 現代文化研究所主事研究員、朱永浩)



ERINA REPORT 80特集 北東アジアの食料安全保障■東アジアの中での日本の食料安全保障とは:流通革命・環境悪化・国際協力の視点から 原洋之介  Defining Japan's Food Security in East Asia: From the Perspectives of the Distribution Revolution, Environmental Degradation and International Cooperation HARA, Yonosuke ■中国の食料安全保障戦略に関する研究 陳永福  Strategic Research Concerning China's Food Security CHEN, Yongfu ■東アジアにおける経済発展と食料政策 木南莉莉 Economic Development and Food Policy in East Asia KIMINAMI, Lily Y.

■キーパーソンインタビュー「日中国交正常化35周年にかける期待」 中華人民共和国駐日本国特命全権大使崔天凱氏に聞く■朝鮮民主主義人民共和国における対外リーガルサービスと平壌対外民事法律相談所 キム ジョングク■モンゴルの経済移行についての制度的概観 Sh. エンクバヤル Institutional Aspects of the Mongolian Economic Transition ENKHBAYAR, Sh. ■遼寧中部都市群の自動車産業の現状と展望-中核都市・瀋陽市を中心として-(後編) 八杉理、朱永浩

April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual ReportApril 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report 55


● November 2007 Vol. 78

Special Issue: The Economy of the Democratic People's Republic of KoreaCurrent Status of the Economy in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (Abstract)

MIMURA, MitsuhiroThe US Economic Sanctions on the DPRK (in Japanese)

RI, Haeng-ho, Head, Institute of Economics, Academy of Social Sciences, DPRKThe DPRK, which is Emphasizing the Development of Science and Technology in the Construction of an Economically-strong Country (in Japanese)

JANG, Jin-u, Researcher and Master's Degree-Holder, Korean Social Scientists Society, DPRKThe DPRK which is Concentrating its Efforts in the Four Priority Sectors (in Japanese)

RI, Yong-ok, Researcher and Master's Degree-Holder, Korean Social Scientists Society, DPRKDevelopments in DPRK Financial Reforms: Focusing on the Introduction of a Commercial Banking System (in Japanese)

RYU, Sungho, Deputy Director, Inter-Korean Cooperation Fund, Export-Import Bank of Korea (ROK)

The Curtain Rises on Act Two of the "Siberian Land Bridge" (Abstract)TSUJI, Hisako

● January 2008 Vol. 79

Special Issue: The Concept of the Central Liaoning City Cluster (Shenyang Economic Region) within the Revitalization of China's NortheastThe Concept of the Central Liaoning City Cluster (Shenyang Economic Region) within the Revitalization of China's Northeast Special Issue

TSUKUBA, MasayukiThe Economic Development and Distribution of Industry in the Central Liaoning City Cluster (Shenyang Economic Region) (Summary in English)

FENG, Guisheng, Researcher, Liaoning Academy of Social Sciences, and Chairperson, Liaoning Regional Economy Research SocietyThe Developments in the Construction of Development Zones and in Japanese Enterprises in Greater Shenyang (Overview in English)

TSUKUBA, MasayukiThe Current Status of and Future Prospects for International Physical Distribution by Air and Sea in the Central Liaoning City Cluster (in Japanese)

JI, Shoufeng, Professor, School of Business Administration, Northeastern University, and Head of the Logistics System Engineering Research Institute (in Japanese)

The Current Status of and Future Prospects for the Automobile Industry in the Central Liaoning City Cluster (with a focus on the core city of Shenyang) (Part One) (Summary in English)

YASUGI, Osamu, Deputy Senior Researcher, Division 1, GENDAI Advanced Studies Research Organization / ZHU, YonghaoThe Current Situation and Future Issues for Economy and Trade between Liaoning Province and the DPRK (Abstract in English)

YU, Yingzi, Associate Professor, Institute for World Economy Studies, Liaoning Academy of Social SciencesData/Materials: An Overview of the "Plan for the Revitalization of the Northeast" (announced on 20 August 2007)

A New Model for Sino-Russian Regional CooperationGUO, Li, Deputy Director and Professor, Northeast Asia Economic Research Center, Heilongjiang University

● March 2008 Vol. 80

Special Feature: Food Security in Northeast AsiaOn the Publication of the ERINA Report Special Feature on Food Security in Northeast Asia

NAKAMURA, ToshihikoDefining Japan's Food Security in East Asia: From the Perspectives of the Distribution Revolution, Environmental Degradation and International Cooperation (Summary in English)

HARA, Yonosuke, Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS)Strategic Research Concerning China's Food Security (Summary in English)

CHEN, Yongfu, Professor, College of Economics and Management, China Agricultural UniversityEconomic Development and Food Policy in East Asia (Summary in English)

KIMINAMI, Lily Y., Associate Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Institute of Science and Technology, Niigata University

Key Person InterviewHopes for the 35th Anniversary of the Normalization of Diplomatic Relations between China and Japan (in Japanese)

Interview with Mr. CUI Tiankai, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to JapanThe DPRK's Foreign-related Legal Services and Pyongyang Law Office (in Japanese)

KIM, Jong Guk, Ph.D., Researcher, Law Institute, Academy of Social Sciences, DPRKInstitutional Aspects of the Mongolian Economic Transition (Summary in English)

Enkhbayar ShagdarThe Current Status of and Future Prospects for the Automobile Industry in the Central Liaoning City Cluster (with a focus on the core city of Shenyang) (Part Two of Two) (in Japanese)

YASUGI, Osamu, Deputy Senior Researcher, Division 1, GENDAI Advanced Studies Research Organization / ZHU, Yonghao

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April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report

ERINA ディスカッションペーパー0703 モンゴル経済移行期における新自由「ショック療法」政策(Sh.エンクバヤル、2007年4月)0703e Neo-Liberal "ShockTherapy"PolicyDuringTheMongolianEconomicTransition (EnkhbayarShagdar,April


0704 韓国のFTA政策—その概括と経済効果分析—(中島朋義、2007年10月)

0705 韓国の非正規労働問題とその解決法(韓国経済システム研究シリーズNo.12)(筑波大学システム情報工学研究科 高安雄一、2007年12月)

0706e CurrentStatusof theEconomy in theDemocraticPeople'sRepublicofKorea  (MIMURA,Mitsuhiro,December2007)

0801 韓国における少子化進展の要因と少子化政策(韓国経済システム研究シリーズNo.13)(筑波大学システム情報工学研究科 高安雄一、2008年3月)

北東アジア情報ファイル0702 北東アジアにおける貿易・投資の概況(中島朋義、2007年7月)


"Policy Simulations with an Integrated Model for Japan and Northeast Asia"ShuntaroShishido,AkiraKawakami,MotohiroKurokawa,AlexanderMovshukandKiyoshiTamashiro

"The Interdependence among Economy, Energy, and Environment in China: An Econometric Analysis 2000-2020"MitsuoYamada

"Energy Balances and the Economic Development of China: An Econometric Analysis using the Global Macroeconomic and Energy Model"OsamuNakamura

"Improvement in Performance due to the Privatization of Township and Village Enterprises in China: Productivity and Profitability"GoYano,MahoShiraishi,TetsujiSenda,XiaohuiZhangandLiqunCao

"The Effect of the Chinese Renminbi on Korean Exports to Japan"SaangJoonBaak

April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual ReportApril 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report 57


Discussion Papers0703, 0703e Neo-Liberal "Shock Therapy" Policy During The Mongolian Economic Transition (in Japanese and English)

(Enkhbayar Shagdar, April 2007)

0704 The ROK's FTA Policy: Summary and Analysis of the Economic Effects (in Japanese) (NAKAJIMA, Tomoyoshi, October 2007)

0705 The ROK's Irregular Labor Problems and the Solutions (No. 12 in the ROK Economic System Research Series) (TAKAYASU, Yuichi, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, December 2007) (in Japanese)

0706e Current Status of the Economy in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (MIMURA, Mitsuhiro, December 2007) (original Japanese version appeared in ERINA Report Vol. 78)

0801 The Factors in the Progression of the Declining Birthrate in the ROK and Declining-Birth-Rate Policy (No. 13 in the ROK Economic System Research series) (TAKAYASU, Yuichi, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, March 2008) (in Japanese)

Northeast Asia Information File0702 Overview of Trade and Investment in Northeast Asia (in Japanese) (NAKAJIMA, Tomoyoshi, July 2007)

JESNAThe Journal of Econometric Study of Northeast Asia (JESNA)Vol. 6, No. 1, November 2007

Policy Simulations with an Integrated Model for Japan and Northeast AsiaShuntaro Shishido, Akira Kawakami, Motohiro Kurokawa, Alexander Movshuk and Kiyoshi Tamashiro

The Interdependence among Economy, Energy, and Environment in China: An Econometric Analysis 2000-2020Mitsuo Yamada

Energy Balances and the Economic Development of China: An Econometric Analysis using the Global Macroeconomic and Energy ModelOsamu Nakamura

Improvement in Performance due to the Privatization of Township and Village Enterprises in China: Productivity and ProfitabilityGo Yano, Maho Shiraishi, Tetsuji Senda, Xiaohui Zhang and Liqun Cao

The Effect of the Chinese Renminbi on Korean Exports to JapanSaangJoon Baak

April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report58


April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report

◆ 吉田  進 ERINA理事長兼所長 ◆1. 執筆、公表した論文、記事等


2. 会議等における講演、発表等 ※講演タイトル(言語)(主催「会議名」(開催場所)、日付)




2007年10月6−7日)拡大するロシアと北東アジア−経済的側面を主として−(ロシア・東欧学会/JSSEES(日本スラブ東欧学会) 「2007年度合



◆ 三橋 郁雄 特別研究員 ◆1. 執筆、公表した論文、記事等

日本海横断航路開設への挑戦 『海運』2007年7月日本海交流の活性化に向けて『Port Promotion』2007年10月

2. 会議等における講演、発表等 ※講演タイトル(言語)(主催「会議名」(開催場所)、日付)

"Comment on the Papers Towards Establishment of a New Ferry Service Crossing the Japan Sea (Donghae)"(英語)(2007 KOTI/EWC Conference "Promoting the Strategies of Multimodal Transport in Northeast Asia" (ロシア・ウラジオストク)、2007年7月27日)

"Initiatives to Promote Exchange in Northeast Asia and the Establishment of an International Ferry Service Crossing the Sea of Japan"(英語)(東西センター他「第16回北東アジア経済フォーラムイン北陸」『第2回ヤングリーダー研修プログラム』(富山)、2007年10月)

"Initiatives to Promote Exchange in Northeast Asia and the Challenges to Establishing an International Ferry Service Crossing the Sea of Japan"(英語)(UNDP "The Northeast Asia Partnership Forum and Investment Forum" (ロシア・ウラジオストク)、2007年11月15・16日)

"Initiatives to Promote Exchange in Northeast Asia and the Establishment of a Company Called 'Northeast Asia Ferry Japan' for an International Ferry Service Crossing the Sea of Japan"(英語)(Northeast Asia Port & Harbor Bureau Director's Meeting "Port & Harbor Symposium"、(韓国・光陽)、2007年11月21日)

2007年度 研究報告・論文・講演・発表

April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual ReportApril 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report 59


Susumu Yoshida, Chairman of the Board of Trustees and Director-General

1. Papers and Articles Written and Published

An Expanding Russia and Northeast Asia: With a Main Focus on the Economic Dimension (in Japanese and English), The Japanese Association for Russian and East European Studies "Russian and East European Studies" Vol. 36, March 2008

2. Speeches and Presentations at Conferences and Other Meetings

The Current Situation in Russia and the Expansion of Japan-Russia Economic Exchange (in Japanese), Japan Association of Corporate Executives "Industry Round-Table", 3 April 2007

The Current Situation in Russia and Japan-Russia Economic Relations (in Japanese), Northeast Asian Studies and Exchange Network (NEASE-NET) executive board meeting, 21 April 2007

The Current State of the Economy in China's Northeast and its Future Prospects (in Japanese), Niigata Association of Corporate Executives "International Affairs Committee", 14 May 2007

The Potential for Economic Exchange between the Government Ordinance-Designated City and Northeast Asia (in Japanese), Hokuriku Bank "Masumasu no kai" meeting, 12 June 2007

The Establishing of a Northeast Asia Ferry Route (in Japanese), LDP Postal and Transportation Diet Members' Group, 27 June 2007The Recent State of Affairs in Northeast Asia (in Japanese), Diet Members' Group for the Development of Niigata East Port, 3 July 2007The Current Situation in the Nations on the Far Shore and Sea of Japan Shipping Routes (in Japanese), National Port Cities General

Meeting, 26 July 2007The Present-Day Significance of the East Siberian-Pacific Ocean Oil Pipeline (in Russian), The Korea Transport Institute (KOTI),

the East-West Center and the Far Eastern Marine Research, Design and Technology Institute (FEMRI) "1st Pacific Economic Congress", 28 July 2007

The Influence Russia's Energy Industry Has on the Formation of the Northeast Asia Economic Community (in Russian), Russian State Committee on Pacific Economic Cooperation "2nd Far Eastern International Economic Forum", 18-19 September 2007

ERINA's Initiatives toward the Formation of a Northeast Asian Economic Subregion (in Japanese), Northeast Asia Transportation Corridor Network (NEASE-NET) "2nd Forum", 6-7 October 2007

An Expanding Russia and Northeast Asia: With a Main Focus on the Economic Dimension (in Japanese), The Japanese Association for Russian and East European Studies / JSSEES (The Japanese Society for Slavic and East European Studies) "Fiscal 2007 Joint General Meeting", 20-21 October 2007

The New Developments in the Countries of Northeast Asia: How Will Niigata Respond? (in Japanese), Keiwa College "Employment Round-Table", 7 November 2007

President Putin, Pushing the Development of the Far East and Siberia (in Japanese) Seigakuin University General Research Institute "Symposium on International Finance", 30 November 2007

Developments in the Nations on the Far Shore and the Port of Niigata's Response (in Japanese), Niigata City "Symposium for Heads of Local Government to Discuss the Stimulation of the Port of Niigata", 12 January 2008

The Expectations for the Expansion of Japan-Russia Economic Interchange: Toward Economic Exchange between Hokkaido and Russia's Far East (in Japanese), Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Hokkaido Development Bureau and Hokkaido University Initiative for Sustainable Development "3rd Pan-Okhotsk Region International Symposium", 30 January 2008

Ikuo Mitsuhashi, Senior Fellow

1. Papers and Articles Written and Published

The Challenges to Establishing an International Ferry Service Crossing the Sea of Japan (in Japanese), "Kaiun", July 2007Toward the Activation of Exchange across the Sea of Japan (in Japanese), "Port Promotion", October 2007

2. Speeches and Presentations at Conferences and Other Meetings

Comment on the Papers Towards Establishment of a New Ferry Service Crossing the Japan Sea (Donghae), 2007 KOTI/EWC Conference "Promoting the Strategies of Multimodal Transport in Northeast Asia", Vladivostok, Russia, 27 July 2007

Initiatives to Promote Exchange in Northeast Asia and the Establishment of an International Ferry Service Crossing the Sea of Japan, East-West Center and others, "The 16th Northeast Asia Economic Forum in Hokuriku" and the "2nd Young Leaders Training and Research Program in Regional Cooperation", Toyama, October 2007

Initiatives to Promote Exchange in Northeast Asia and the Challenges to Establishing an International Ferry Service Crossing the Sea of Japan, UNDP "The Northeast Asia Partnership Forum and Investment Forum", Vladivostok, Russia, 15-16 November 2007

Initiatives to Promote Exchange in Northeast Asia and the Establishment of a Company Called "Northeast Asia Ferry Japan" for

Fiscal 2007 Research: Reports, Papers, Talks and Publications

April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report60


April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report

北東アジア交流発展方策と日本海横断国際フェリー事業(東アジア総合研究所「東アジア国際シンポジウム」、2007年11月24日)"The Importance of Northeast Asia Networks"(英語)(愛知大学他主催ワークショップ、(韓国・済州島)、2008年2月29日)日本海横断国際フェリー航路開設に向けての新潟における挑戦(北海道国際物流戦略チーム「北海道国際物流シンポジウム」、


◆ 鈴木 伸作 特別研究員 ◆1. 会議等における講演、発表等 ※講演タイトル(言語)(主催「会議名」(開催場所)、日付)

新潟から世界へ、世界から新潟へ(新発田法人会「総会」(新発田市)、2007年5月23日)政令市新潟市を取り巻く国際情勢について(新潟商工会議所「女性会幹事会」、2007年6月12日)環日本海経済圏における経済交流の進展と新潟産業界の取り組み(新潟商工会議所「工業部会」、2007年9月28日)最近の環日本海圏の動きと新潟(産業雇用センター「経済団体情報交換会」、2008年2月12日)ロシアからの訪日旅行の最新動向について(新潟県国際観光テーマ地区推進協議会 外国人観光客誘致研修会、2008年3月24日)政令都市新潟と環日本海交流(新潟県建設業協会「女性部会」、2008年3月27日)

◆ 前田 奉司 特別研究員 ◆1. 会議等における講演、発表等 ※講演タイトル(言語)(主催「会議名」(開催場所)、日付)



◆ 中村 俊彦 調査研究部長 ◆1. 執筆、公表した論文、記事等


2. 会議等における講演、発表等 ※講演タイトル(言語)(主催「会議名」(開催場所)、日付)


北東アジアにおける地方連携 −新潟の視点から(新潟大学農学部「国際農業論演習」、2007年7月26日)北東アジアの中の新潟 −地方連携の視点から(県立新潟女子短期大学「国際研究概論」学外研修(新潟県国際交流協会研

修ルーム)、2007年7月31日)世界の中の北東アジア 北東アジアの中の北陸(北陸地方整備局「国土交通行政(上級)研修」(北陸研修所)、2007年9月18日)北東アジア経済圏 −構想の進展状況と新潟の役割(事業創造大学院大学「東アジア経済論」、2007年10月12日)北東アジアのダイナミズム(新潟広告協会「情報デー・時の話題」(新潟グランドホテル)、2007年11月2日)世界の中の北東アジア、北東アジアの中の新潟(NPO法人地域インフラ研究会「第6期総会」(新潟市市民活動支援センター)、

2007年12月19日)"Northeast Asia within the World, Niigata within Northeast Asia"(英語)(新潟県「外国メディア新潟県プレスツアー」(ERINA


April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual ReportApril 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report 61


an International Ferry Service Crossing the Sea of Japan, Northeast Asia Port & Harbor Bureau Director's Meeting "Port & Harbor Symposium", Gwang-yang, ROK, 21 November 2007

Initiatives to Promote Exchange in Northeast Asia and the Project for an International Ferry Service Crossing the Sea of Japan (in Japanese), Institute for East Asian Studies "East Asia International Symposium", 24 November 2007

The Importance of Northeast Asia Networks, workshop staged by Aichi University and others, Jeju Island, ROK, 29 February 2008The Challenges in Niigata to Establishing an International Ferry Service Crossing the Sea of Japan (in Japanese), Hokkaido

International Logistics Strategy Team "Hokkaido International Logistics" Symposium, 26 March 2008

Shinsaku Suzuki, Senior Fellow

1. Speeches and Presentations at Conferences and Other Meetings

From Niigata to the World, From the World to Niigata (in Japanese), General Meeting of the Shibata Corporate Association, Shibata City, 23 May 2007

The International Situation Surrounding the Government Ordinance-Designated City of Niigata (in Japanese), Businesswomen's Club of the Niigata Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 12 June 2007

Developments in Economic Exchange in the Sea of Japan Rim Region and the Initiatives of Industry in Niigata (in Japanese), Industry Section Meeting, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 28 September 2007

Niigata and Recent Developments in the Sea of Japan Rim Region (in Japanese), the Industrial Employment Center "Economic Organizations' Information Exchange Meeting", 12 February 2008

The Latest Developments in Travel to Japan from Russia (in Japanese), Regional Promotion Association for Niigata Prefecture International Tourism, workshop for attracting overseas tourists, 24 March 2008

The Government Ordinance-Designated City of Niigata and Exchange in the Sea of Japan Rim Region (in Japanese), Women's Committee of the General Constructors Association of Niigata, 27 March 2008

Toshiji Maeda, Senior Fellow 

1. Speeches and Presentations at Conferences and Other Meetings

The Economic Exchange between Eastern Russia and the Individual Regions of Japan (in Russian), Japan-Russia Conference to Promote Interregional Economic Exchange, Khabarovsk, Russia, 20 September 2007

The Mutual Cooperation for the Development of Tourism Exchange between Eastern Russia and Japan (in Russian), Khabarovsk Tourism Forum, Khabarovsk, Russia, 18-20 February 2008

Toshihiko Nakamura, Research Division Director 

1. Papers and Articles Written and Published

Outline of the Northeast Asian Economy (in Japanese), and more in Chapter One of the report "Research into the Economic Cooperation with Northeast Asia in the Hokuriku Region", March 2008

2. Speeches and Presentations at Conferences and Other Meetings

Niigata within Northeast Asia: From the Perspective of Regional Cooperation (in Japanese), Local Authority Representatives Forum 8th General Meeting and Policy Seminar, Hotel Italia Ken, Niigata City, 2 June 2007

Regional Cooperation in Northeast Asia: From Niigata's Perspective (in Japanese), International Agriculture Seminar, Niigata University Faculty of Agriculture, 26 July 2007

Niigata within Northeast Asia: From the Perspective of Regional Cooperation (in Japanese), Niigata Women's College "International Research Seminar" external workshop, Niigata International Association Seminar Room, 31 July 2007

Northeast Asia within the World, the Hokuriku Region within Northeast Asia (in Japanese), Hokuriku Regional Development Bureau land, transport and infrastructure administration (advanced-level) training, Hokuriku Training Institute, 18 September 2007

The Northeast Asian Economic Subregion: The State of the Concept's Development and Niigata's Role (in Japanese), "East Asian Economics", Graduate Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies, 12 October 2007

Northeast Asia's Dynamism (in Japanese), Niigata Advertising Association "Information Day and the Issues of the Moment", Niigata Grand Hotel, 2 November 2007

Northeast Asia within the World, Niigata within Northeast Asia (in Japanese), NPO Regional Infrastructure Research Association "Sixth General Meeting", Niigata City Support Center for Civil Activities, 19 December 2007

April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report62


April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report

◆ 筑波 昌之 経済交流部部長代理・調査研究部研究主任 ◆1. 執筆、公表した論文、記事等

北東アジアの交流と協力の一層の活性化に期待『黒龍江経済報』2007年11月グレーター瀋陽における開発区建設と日系企業の動向『ERINA REPORT』Vol.79、2008年1月日本政府による対日直接投資政策の動向と日中投資協力の新たな動向(中国語)『黒龍江区域経済』2008年第1期、2008年1月SPECIAL REPORT 北東アジア経済圏と地域間協力 ⑴環日本海経済圏 加速する北東アジア地域連携『日中経済ジャーナル』

2008年2月号No.169、2008年2月キーパーソンインタビュー「日中国交正常化35周年にかける期待」中国大使 崔天凱氏に聞く『ERINA REPORT』Vol.80、


2. 会議等における講演、発表等 ※講演タイトル(言語)(主催「会議名」(開催場所)、日付)





◆ 中島 朋義 調査研究部研究主任 ◆1. 執筆、公表した論文、記事等

北東アジアにおける貿易・投資の概況『北東アジア情報ファイル No. 0702』2007年7月韓国のFTA政策 −その概括と経済効果分析−『ERINA Discussion Paper No. 0704』2007年10月

2. 会議等における講演、発表等 ※講演タイトル(言語)(主催「会議名」(開催場所)、日付)

韓国のFTA政策(第4回立命館大学コリア研究センター国際シンポジウム(立命館大学)、2007年4月14日)"East Asian FTA and Japan's Agricultural Reform"(東アジアFTAと日本の農業改革)(英語)(The Center for East Asian

Studies Seminar (Monterey Institute of International Studies)、(米国・モントレー)、2007年4月26日)韓国のFTA政策(東アジア経済経営学会「第22回日韓経済経営国際会議」(札幌大学)、2007年8月24日)

◆ 三村 光弘 調査研究部研究主任 ◆1. 執筆、公表した論文、記事等

北朝鮮対応 制裁の効力はあるのか(私の視点)『朝日新聞』2007年4月26日変わりつつある北朝鮮経済『日経研月報』2007年5月号北朝鮮の対外経済関係の動向『東アジアへの視点』2007年6月号南北朝鮮の経済協力関係の深化と法的規制の現状『環日本海研究』2007年10月朝鮮民主主義人民共和国の経済の現状『ERINA REPORT』vol. 78、2007年11月테러지원국 명단 삭제 이후에야 북일대화 본격화(テロ支援国名簿から削除された後にはじめて日朝対話本格化)(韓国・


April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual ReportApril 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report 63


Northeast Asia within the World, Niigata within Northeast Asia, Niigata Prefecture "Foreign Media Niigata Prefecture Press Tour", ERINA Meeting Room, 27 March 2008

Northeast Asia Transportation Corridors and Japan's Shipping Routes Crossing the Sea of Japan (in Japanese), Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Mizuho Research Institute "2nd Region-Wide Distribution Network Working Group", 28 March 2008

Masayuki TsukubaDeputy Director, External Relations Division; Associate Senior Researcher, Research Division

1. Papers and Articles Written and Published

The Expectations for the Further Stimulation of Exchange and Cooperation in Northeast Asia (in Japanese), Heilongjiang Economic Daily, November 2007

The Developments in the Construction of Development Zones and in Japanese Enterprises in Greater Shenyang (in Japanese), ERINA Report Vol. 79, January 2008

Developments by the Japanese Government in Policy on Direct Investment into Japan and New Developments in Japan-China Investment Cooperation (in Chinese), Regional Economy in Heilongjiang [Heilongjiang Quyu Jingji] 2008 Issue No. 1, January 2008

Special Report: The Northeast Asian Economic Subregion and Interregional Cooperation, (1) The Northeast Asian Economic Subregion: Accelerating Northeast Asian Regional Cooperation (in Japanese), "J+C Economic Journal" February 2008 edition, No. 169, February 2008

Key Person Interview "Hopes for the 35th Anniversary of the Normalization of Diplomatic Relations between China and Japan" (in Japanese), interview with Chinese Ambassador Cui Tiankai, ERINA Report Vol. 80, March 2008

Sections of chapters 2, 4, 5 and 6 (in Japanese), " 'Research into the Economic Cooperation with Northeast Asia in the Hokuriku Region' Report", March 2008

2. Speeches and Presentations at Conferences and Other Meetings

Trends in the Economic Development of China's Northeast (in Japanese), Niigata Association of Corporate Executives "International Affairs Committee", Hotel Nikko Niigata, 14 May 2007

The Soft and Hard Infrastructure Problems in the Japan-China-Russia Trade Corridor Interchange (in Japanese), Japan-China Northeast Development Association and Heilongjiang Province and other People's Governments' "2007 Japan-China Economic Cooperation Conference in Harbin" Hadaqi Industrial Corridor Construction and Development Session, International Conference Center, Harbin Victories Hotel, Harbin, China, 1 June 2007

Guanyu "Da Shenyang" de kaifaqu jianshe he Riziqiye de dongxiang (The Construction of Development Zones in Greater Shenyang and Japanese Company Trends) (in Chinese), ERINA and Liaoning Academy of Social Sciences joint workshop, ERINA Meeting Room, 29 November 2007

Duiri zhijietouzi zhengce ji Zhongguo duiwaitouzi (Policy on Direct Investment into Japan and China's External Investment) (in Chinese), ERINA and Liaoning Academy of Social Sciences joint workshop, ERINA Meeting Room, 29 November 2007

Tomoyoshi Nakajima, Associate Senior Economist, Research Division 

1. Papers and Articles Written and Published

Overview of Trade and Investment in Northeast Asia (in Japanese), "Northeast Asia Information File No. 0702", July 2007The ROK's FTA Policy: Summary and Analysis of the Economic Effects (in Japanese), "ERINA Discussion Paper 0704", October 2007

2. Speeches and Presentations at Conferences and Other Meetings

The ROK's FTA Policy (in Japanese), 4th Ritsumeikan Center for Korean Studies International Symposium, Ritsumeikan University, 14 April 2007

The East Asian FTA and Japan's Agricultural Reforms (in English), The Center for East Asian Studies Seminar, Monterey Institute of International Studies, Monterey, United States, 26 April 2007

The ROK's FTA Policy (in Japanese), Society of East Asian Economics and Business Administration "22nd International Conference on Japan-ROK Economics and Business", Sapporo University, 24 August 2007

April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report64


April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report


協力の新たな連携』2007年12月"Current Status of the Economy in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea"(英語)『ERINA Discussion Paper No.


2. 会議等における講演、発表等 ※講演タイトル(言語)(主催「会議名」(開催場所)、日付)

北朝鮮の改革開放政策の展望(桜美林大学「特別講座」(新宿キャンパス)、2007年6月8日)北東アジア地域協力における日本の地方自治体の役割(ERINA、韓国・統一研究院、中国・遼寧社会科学院 共同プロジェ

クト国際ワークショップ(ERINA会議室)、2007年6月14日)日朝関係の現状と課題(新潟国際情報大学「日韓朝関係論講演」、2007年7月4日)일본의 보건·의료분야에서 국제협력과 동북아시아(日本の保健・医療分野における国際協力と北東アジア)(韓国・朝鮮語)


"Mechanisms for Economic Cooperation with North Korea in a Northeast Asian Context" [北東アジアという文脈での北朝鮮との経済協力のメカニズム](英語)(韓国・国土研究院、(韓国・京畿道・安養市)、2007年9月23日)

朝鮮半島をめぐる国際情勢の変化と日本の対朝鮮政策(新潟県平和運動センター(ユニゾンプラザ)、2007年11月29日)NHK「クローズアップ現代」出演(NHK、2008年1月10日)朝鮮経済の変化と 今後の変化可能性(在日本朝鮮人商工連合会(朝鮮商工会館)、2008年1月29日)NHK BS1「きょうの世界−北朝鮮鉱物資源争奪戦」コメンテーター(NHK、2008年2月20日)

◆ Sh. エンクバヤル 調査研究部研究主任 ◆1. 執筆、公表した論文、記事等

"Neo-Liberal 'Shock Therapy' Policy during the Mongolian Economic Transition" [モンゴル経済移行期における新自由「ショック療法」政策](日本語・英語)『ERINA Discussion Paper No. 0703e; 0703.』2007年4月

"Session summary: Prospects for and Measures Concerning Energy and Environmental Cooperation in Northeast Asia " (Environmental Approaches) 分科会B-2「エネルギー・環境協力の展望と対策(環境アプローチ)」要旨『ERINA REPORT』 Vol. 75、2007年5月

"Explaining Mongolian Economic Performance in Transition: The Results of a Capital Investment Analysis"(英)[移行期におけるモンゴルの経済実績の考察−資本投資分析の結果](日要約)『ERINA REPORT』Vol. 76、2007年7月

"CDM in Charts Ver. 1,2,3"(モンゴル語)「ERINAホームページ」2007年3月、5月、8月モンゴルの経済移行についての制度的概観(日・英要約)『ERINA REPORT』Vol. 80、2008年3月

2. 会議等における講演、発表等 ※講演タイトル(言語)(主催「会議名」(開催場所)、日付)

"CDM in Charts: A Brief Introduction"(CDM in Chartsの説明)(モンゴル語)(CDM Registry Workshop in Mongolia(モンゴル産業貿易相、韓国エネルギー管理公団(KEMCO)、ERINA 「CDM登録ワークショップ」、(モンゴル・ウランバートル)、2007年8月23日)

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Mitsuhiro Mimura, Associate Senior Researcher, Research Division 

1. Papers and Articles Written and Published

Is There any Effect in the Sanctions against North Korea? (in Japanese), "My Viewpoint", Asahi Shimbun newspaper, 26 April 2007The Changing DPRK Economy (in Japanese), "JCER Economic Journal" May 2007 editionDevelopments in the DPRK's External Economic Relations (in Japanese), "A Viewpoint to East Asia" June 2007 editionDeepening of Economic Cooperation between the Two Koreas and Its Legal Control in the ROK (in Japanese), "Journal of the

Japan Sea Rim Studies", October 2007Current Status of the Economy in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (in Japanese), ERINA Report Vol. 78, November 2007Tereojiwon-guk myeongdan sakje ihu-eya Buk-Il-daehwa bon-gyeokhwa (The First Getting Down to Serious Business in the

DPRK-Japan Dialogue after the DPRK is Removed from the List of State Sponsors of Terrorism) (in Korean), "Minjog 21", November 2007

The DPRK: The Changes of the Last Ten Years and the Response of the International Community (in Japanese), "Jiji Press On Demand Booklet 'e-World' Vol. 2, Autumn Edition No. 2", December 2007

Jilin Province's Vision for Setting Up Routes into Russia and the DPRK: The Key to the Development of the Northeast (in Japanese), Mainichi Shimbun "Economist Weekly" occasional extra edition, 17 December 2007

The Role of Japanese Local Governments in Northeast Asian Regional Cooperation (in Japanese), "New Efforts in Northeast Asian Regional Cooperation", December 2007

Northeast Asia's Cooperation in Economics and Security, via Cooperation in Healthcare, and the Cooperation between the Two Koreas: With a Focus on Japan's Experience (co-authored) (in Japanese), "New Efforts in Northeast Asian Regional Cooperation", December 2007

Current Status of the Economy in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, ERINA Discussion Paper No. 0706e, December 2007

2. Speeches and Presentations at Conferences and Other Meetings

Prospects for the Reform and Opening Policies of the DPRK (in Japanese), J. F. Oberlin University "Special Lecture", Shinjuku Campus, 8 June 2007

The Role of Japanese Local Governments in Northeast Asian Regional Cooperation (in Japanese), ERINA, Korea Institute for National Unification and Liaoning Academy of Social Sciences Joint Project International Workshop, ERINA Meeting Room, 14 June 2007

The Current State of and Issues in Japan-DPRK Relations (in Japanese), Niigata University of International and Information Studies "Lectures on Japan-ROK-DPRK Relations", 4 July 2007

Ilbon-ui bogeon/uiryo-bun-ya-eseo gukje-hyeomnyeokgwa Dongbukasia (International Cooperation in Japan's Health and Medical Sectors and Northeast Asia) (in Korean), ERINA, Korea Institute for National Unification and Liaoning Academy of Social Sciences Joint Project International Workshop, Korea Institute for National Unification, Seoul, ROK, 21 August 2007

Mechanisms for Economic Cooperation with North Korea in a Northeast Asian Context, Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements, Anyang, Gyeonggi-do, ROK, 23 September 2007

Changes in the International Situation concerning the Korean Peninsula and Japan's Policy toward the Two Koreas (in Japanese), Niigata Peace Action Center, Unison Plaza, 29 November 2007

Guest on "Close-Up Today" (in Japanese), NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation), 10 January 2008Changes in the DPRK Economy and the Potential for Change in the Future (in Japanese), Korean Federation of Commerce and

Industry in Japan, Korean Commerce and Industry Hall, 29 January 2008Commentator on the NHK BS1 television program "Today's World: The Scramble for the DPRK's Mineral Resources" (in Japanese),

NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation), 20 February 2008

Enkhbayar Shagdar, Associate Senior Researcher, Research Division 

1. Papers and Articles Written and Published

Neo-Liberal "Shock Therapy" Policy during the Mongolian Economic Transition (in English and Japanese), ERINA Discussion Papers Nos. 0703e & 0703, April 2007

Prospects for and Measures Concerning Energy and Environmental Cooperation in Northeast Asia (Environmental Approaches), Summary for Session B-2, ERINA Report Vol. 75, May 2007

Explaining Mongolian Economic Performance in Transition: The Results of a Capital Investment Analysis, ERINA Report Vol. 76, July 2007

CDM in Charts Versions 1, 2 & 3 (in Mongolian), ERINA Website, March, May and August 2007Institutional Aspects of the Mongolian Economic Transition (in Japanese, Summary in English), ERINA Report Vol. 80, March 2008

April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report66


April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report

◆ 伊藤 庄一 調査研究部研究主任 ◆1. 執筆、公表した論文、記事等

"Can Russia Become a 'Regional Power' in Northeast Asia?: Implications from Contemporary Energy Relations with China and Japan" [ロシアは北東アジアで「地域大国」になれるのか−対中・対日関係の現況からのインプリケーション]

(英語) in Adam Eberhardt & Akihiro Iwashita (eds.), Security Challenges in the Post-Soviet Space: European and Asian Perspectives(Polish Institute of International Affairs, Warsaw)2007年

日本は『東シベリア開発』問題を国際化せよ『エネルギーフォーラム』2007年4月日本のエネルギー戦略とアジア太平洋エネルギー協力の現況 "Japan's Energy Strategy and Development of Energy

Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific"(日・英)『ERINA REPORT』vol.77、2007年9月"Sino-Russian Energy Partnership: Dilemma of Cooperation and Mutual Distrust" [中ロエネルギーパートナーシップ—協

力 と 相 互 不 信 の ジ レ ン マ] ( 英 語 )in Greg Austin & Marie-Ange Schellekens-Gaiffe (eds.), Energy and Conflict Prevention (2007 Edition), Madariaga European Foundation, EastWest Institute, The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation and Gidlunds. 2007年10月

中・ロ関係におけるエネルギー協力—潜在性と相互不信のジレンマ」『石油・天然ガスレビュー』vol.41、no.6 (独立行政法人石油天然ガス・金属鉱物資源機構)、2007年12月


ロシアの石油産業−オイルブームは非民主化への序曲か?− 『発展途上国における石油産業の政治経済学的分析−資料集−』坂口安紀編(独立行政法人日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所)2008年3月

2. 会議等における講演、発表等 ※講演タイトル(言語)(主催「会議名」(開催場所)、日付)

"Can Russia Translate Its Potential into Reality in East Asia?: Dilemma of Geopolitics and Energy" [ロシアは東アジアで自国のポテンシャルを現実化できるのか−地政学とエネルギーのジレンマ] (英語)(Silk Road Studies Program at Uppsala University and the Swedish Network for Oil and Gas "Energy and Security Policy in East Asia"(スウェーデン・ストックホルム)、2007年5月10日)

"Can Russia Translate Its Potential into Reality in East Asia?: Dilemma of Geopolitics and Energy" [ロシアは東アジアで自国のポテンシャルを現実化できるのか−地政学とエネルギーのジレンマ](英語)(東京財団、笹川平和財団「バルト・北欧諸国と語る対ロ外交」シンポジウム」、2007年6月9日)

"Moscow's Energy Diplomacy toward the Asia-Pacific: Is Moscow's Ambition Dashed?" [モスクワの対アジア太平洋エネルギー外交−モスクワの野望は打ち砕かれたのか? ](英語)(北海道大学スラブ研究センター "2007 Summer International Symposium"(札幌)、2007年7月4日)

東アジアのエネルギー安全保障とロシア(グローバル政策イニシアティブ(GPI)「キックオフ東京フォーラム」、2007年7月21日)"Energy Security in the Asia-Pacific: New Directions for Conflict or Cooperation?" [アジア太平洋のエネルギー安全保障−

対立か、協力か? ] (英語)(Mongolian Development Research Center "Ulaanbaatar Forum for East Asia: Resources, Energy and the Environment" (モンゴル・ウランバートル、Ulaanbaatar)、2007年8月21日)

"Russia's Energy Policy toward Asia: Opportunities and Uncertainties" [ロシアの対アジアエネルギー政策:機会と不確実性](英語)(The Institute for Security and Development Policy (Sweden) and S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies "Spotlight on Asia's Energy and Security Challenges—a Multilateral Response?"(シンガポール)、2007年9月7日)

"Is there a Solution?: Obstacles and Prospects for Multilateral Cooperation in Asia" [解決策はあるのか?―アジアにおける多国間協力上の障害と展望](英語)(同上、2007年9月8日)

ロシアの対アジアエネルギー戦略(㈱双日総合研究所「ロシア・エネルギー政策」、2007年10月22日)"Current Situation and Prospects for Joint Oil Pipeline Construction Projects in Northeast Asia: The Japanese Perspective"

[北東アジアにおける石油パイプライン共同建設プロジェクトの展望と現況](英語)(Institute for International Policy (University of Washington), Center for Global Security (Pacific Northwest National Laboratories, Seattle), The Korean Association of International Studies, Korea Energy Economics Institute, etc "Energy and Security in Northeast Asia: Towards a Northeast Asian Energy Cooperation Council" (韓国・ソウル)、2007年11月16-17日)

ロシアにおける中国のエネルギー 権益確保行動と、我が国の対応(㈶国際金融情報センター(財務省)、2007年11月29日)"Turning Russia's Energy Diplomacy towards the East Inside Out: Myths and Realities" [ロシアの東方エネルギー外交の

実態―謎と現実](英語)(Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (ノルウェー・オスロ)、2007年12月12日)

April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual ReportApril 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report 67


2. Speeches and Presentations at Conferences and Other Meetings

CDM in Charts: A Brief Introduction (in Mongolian), Ministry of Industry and Trade of Mongolia, Korea Energy Management Corporation (KEMCO) and ERINA "CDM Registry Workshop", Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 23 August 2007

Shoichi Itoh, Associate Senior Researcher, Research Division 

1. Papers and Articles Written and Published

Can Russia Become a "Regional Power" in Northeast Asia?: Implications from Contemporary Energy Relations with China and Japan, in Adam Eberhardt & Akihiro Iwashita (eds.) "Security Challenges in the Post-Soviet Space: European and Asian Perspectives" (Polish Institute of International Affairs, Warsaw), 2007

Japan Pushes to Internationalize the Issue of the "Development of Eastern Siberia" (in Japanese), "Energy Forum", April 2007Japan's Energy Strategy and Development of Energy Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific (in Japanese and English), ERINA Report Vol.

77, September 2007Sino-Russian Energy Partnership: Dilemma of Cooperation and Mutual Distrust, in Greg Austin & Marie-Ange Schellekens-Gaiffe

(eds.) "Energy and Conflict Prevention" 2007 Edition, Madariaga European Foundation, EastWest Institute, The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation and Gidlunds, October 2007

Sino-Russian Energy Partnership: The Dilemma of Potentiality and Mutual Distrust (in Japanese), in "Oil & Gas Review" Vol. 41, No. 6, JOGMEC (Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation), December 2007

Japan's Response to China's Search for Energy Equities in Russia: With a Focus on the Problems with the Crude Oil Pipeline Project (in Japanese), in "Russia Study Group", Japan Center for International Finance, March 2008

The Oil Industry in Russia: Is the Oil Boom a Prelude to De-Democratization? (in Japanese), in Aki Sakaguchi (ed.), The Political Economy of the Oil Industry in Developing Countries, Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO), March 2008

2. Speeches and Presentations at Conferences and Other Meetings

Can Russia Translate Its Potential into Reality in East Asia?: Dilemma of Geopolitics and Energy, Silk Road Studies Program at Uppsala University and the Swedish Network for Oil and Gas "Energy and Security Policy in East Asia", Stockholm, Sweden, 10 May 2007

Can Russia Translate Its Potential into Reality in East Asia?: Dilemma of Geopolitics and Energy, The Tokyo Foundation and Sasakawa Peace Foundation "The Russia-Diplomacy of the Baltic and Scandinavian Nations" symposium, 9 June 2007

Moscow's Energy Diplomacy toward the Asia-Pacific: Is Moscow's Ambition Dashed?, Hokkaido University Slavic Research Center "2007 Summer International Symposium 'Dirty, but Warm: Energy and Environment in Slavic Eurasia and Its Neighborhood' ", Sapporo, 4 July 2007

East Asian Energy Security and Russia (in Japanese), Global Policy Initiative (GPI) " 'Kickoff' Tokyo Forum", 21 July 2007Energy Security in the Asia-Pacific: New Directions for Conflict or Cooperation?, Mongolian Development Research Center

"Ulaanbaatar Forum for East Asia: Resources, Energy and the Environment", Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 21 August 2007Russia's Energy Policy toward Asia: Opportunities and Uncertainties, The Institute for Security and Development Policy (Sweden)

and the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (Singapore) "Spotlight on Asia's Energy and Security Challenges—A Multilateral Response?" Singapore, 7 September 2007

Is there a Solution?: Obstacles and Prospects for Multilateral Cooperation in Asia, event as above, 8 September 2007Russia's Energy Strategy toward Asia (in Japanese), Sojitz Research Institute "Russia and Energy Policy", 22 October 2007Current Situation and Prospects for Joint Oil Pipeline Construction Projects in Northeast Asia: The Japanese Perspective, The Institute

for International Policy (University of Washington), the Center for Global Security (Pacific Northwest National Laboratories, Seattle), the Korean Association of International Studies, and the Korea Energy Economics Institute and others' "Energy and Security in Northeast Asia: Towards a Northeast Asian Energy Cooperation Council", Seoul, ROK, 16-17 November 2007

Japan's Response to China's Search for Energy Equities in Russia (in Japanese), Japan Center for International Finance, Ministry of Finance, 29 November 2007

Turning Russia's Energy Diplomacy towards the East Inside Out: Myths and Realities, The Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, Oslo, Norway, 12 December 2007

Competition and Cooperation in Northeast Asian Energy Security: Japan's Potential and Expected Roles Revisited, Institute of East and West Studies (Yonsei University) and Institute of East Asian Regional Studies (AEAS, Sungkyunkwan University) "International Conference on East Asian Cooperation", Seoul, ROK, 7-8 January 2008

Russia and the Asia-Pacific: Potentialities and Realities, The Ellison Center and the Institute for International Policy (Jackson School of International Studies), Pacific Northwest Center for Global Security (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) and ERINA "Competition or Cooperation: Energy and Russian Foreign Policy towards Northeast Asia", Seattle, United States, 8-10 February 2008

April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report68


April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report

"Competition and Cooperation in Northeast Asian Energy Security: Japan's Potential and Expected Roles Revisited" [北東アジアエネルギー安全保障における競争と協力―日本の潜在力と役割再考](英語)(Institute of East and West Studies (Yonsei University) and Institute of East Asian Regional Studies (AEAS, Sungkyunkwan University) "International Conference on East Asian Cooperation" (韓国・ソウル)、2008年1月7−8日)

"Russia and the Asia-Pacific: Potentialities and Realities" [ロシアとアジア太平洋―潜在性と現実](英語)(The Ellison Center and the Institute for International Policy (Jackson School of International Studies), Pacific Northwest Center for Global Security (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) and ERINA "Competition or Cooperation: Energy and Russian Foreign Policy towards Northeast Asia" (米国・シアトル)、2008年2月8−10日)

"Energy Cooperation in Northeast Asia and Japan's Strategy" [北東アジアにおけるエネルギー協力と日本の戦略](英語)(Institute for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies, Seoul National University and the Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University "The 1st Joint Symposium between the Institute for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies, Seoul National University & the Slavic Research Center Hokkaido University" (韓国・ソウル)、2008年2月21−22日)

"New Areas for Enhancing the U.S.-Japan Partnership: Toward Energy and Environmental Security in the Asia-Pacific" [日米パートナーシップの向上に向けた新分野―アジア太平洋のエネルギー・環境安全保障に向けて](英語)(Japan Center for International Exchange and the Center for Global Partnership "An Enhanced Agenda for U.S.-Japan Partnership" (米国・ニューヨーク)、2008年2月25日)

"Russia's Energy Diplomacy toward the Asia-Pacific Region" [ロシアのアジア太平洋地域に対するエネルギー外交](英語)("Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS)" (米国・ワシントン)、2008年2月26日)


畔蒜泰助(東京財団研究員)講演「イラン核開発問題を巡る米露関係のメカニズム」での討論者(同上、2008年3月13日)"Constructing Energy Security in the Asia-Pacific: Can China, Japan, and the United States Overcome Geopolitical

Constraints?" [アジア太平洋におけるエネルギー安全保障の構築―中国、日本、米国は地政学的制約要因を克服できるのか](英語)(International Studies Association "49th International Studies Association Annual Convention"(米国・サンフランシスコ)、2008年3月27日)

◆ 朱 永 浩 研究員 ◆1. 執筆、公表した論文、記事等


(共著)遼寧中部都市群の自動車産業の現状と展望−中核都市・瀋陽市を中心として(前編)『ERINA REPORT』Vol.79、2008年1月


(共著)遼寧中部都市群の自動車産業の現状と展望−中核都市・瀋陽市を中心として(後編)『ERINA REPORT』Vol.80、2008年3月

2. 会議等における講演、発表等 ※講演タイトル(言語)(主催「会議名」(開催場所)、日付)



April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual ReportApril 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report 69


Energy Cooperation in Northeast Asia and Japan's Strategy, Institute for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies, Seoul National University and the Hokkaido University Slavic Research Center "The 1st Joint Symposium between the Institute for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies, Seoul National University and the Hokkaido University Slavic Research Center", Seoul, ROK, 21-22 February 2008

New Areas for Enhancing the U.S.-Japan Partnership: Toward Energy and Environmental Security in the Asia-Pacific, Japan Center for International Exchange and the Center for Global Partnership "An Enhanced Agenda for U.S.-Japan Partnership", New York, United States, 25 February 2008

Russia's Energy Diplomacy toward the Asia-Pacific Region, Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS), Washington DC, United States, 26 February 2008

Panelist for the "Whither the Putin Dynasty? The Probable Scenario for the Next Ten Years" speech by Andrew Kuchins (Director of the CSIS Russia and Eurasia Program), National Institute for Defense Studies "Russia and Eurasia Research Group", 12 March 2008

Panelist for the "The Workings of US-Russia Relations concerning Iran's Nuclear Development" speech by Taisuke Abiru (Research Fellow, The Tokyo Foundation), event as above, 13 March 2008

Constructing Energy Security in the Asia-Pacific: Can China, Japan, and the United States Overcome Geopolitical Constraints?, International Studies Association "49th International Studies Association Annual Convention", San Francisco, United States, 27 March 2008

Zhu Yonghao, Researcher, Research Division 

1. Papers and Articles Written and Published

The "Going Out" Strategy and the Expansion into Japan of Chinese Enterprises (in Japanese), in "East Asia's Globalization and Regional Integration: New East Asian Economic Theory 3", Hitoshi Hirakawa, Kouichi Ishikawa, Atsuji Ohara and Naoaki Kobayashi (eds.), Minerva Publishing Co., Ltd., 30 May 2007

The Current Status of and Future Prospects for the Automobile Industry in the Central Liaoning City Cluster (with a focus on the core city of Shenyang) (Part One of Two) (coauthored) (in Japanese, Summary in English), ERINA Report Vol. 79, January 2008

Riben dushiquan de quhua moshi ji Xinxi dushiquan de fazhan xianzhuang (Trends in Japan's City Clusters and the Niigata City Cluster) (in Chinese), Regional Economy in Heilongjiang [Heilongjiang Quyu Jingji] 2008 Issue No. 1, January 2008

The Current Status of and Future Prospects for the Automobile Industry in the Central Liaoning City Cluster (with a focus on the core city of Shenyang) (Part Two of Two) (coauthored) (in Japanese), ERINA Report Vol. 80, March 2008

2. Speeches and Presentations at Conferences and Other Meetings

Shenyang Shi qiche chanye de xianzhuang he zhanwang (The Current State of and Prospects for the Automobile Industry in Shenyang City) (in Chinese), joint workshop between ERINA and the Liaoning Academy of Social Sciences, ERINA Meeting Room, 29 November 2007

Panelist at the symposium "A Shared Regional Future", staged by the Niigata Nippo newspaper and Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc., Hotel Okura Niigata, 4 March 2008

Hisako Tsuji, Researcher, Research Division 

1. Papers and Articles Written and Published

The Trans-Siberian Railway Land Bridge: Major Artery for Business between Japan and Russia (Book) (in Japanese), Seizando, October 2007

The Curtain Rises on Act Two of the "Siberian Land Bridge" (in Japanese, Abstract in English), ERINA Report Vol. 78, November 2007

2. Speeches and Presentations at Conferences and Other Meetings

Logistics in BRICs: Russia Special Topic, Rail Transportation and the Current Status Thereof (in Japanese), Kintetsu World Express seminar (Tokyo forum), 7 September 2007

The Prospects of Bringing Back Japanese Containers to the TSR Route, The Far East International Transport and Logistical Forum, Hyundai Hotel, Vladivostok, Russia, 11 December 2007

Developments in the Siberian Land Bridge and the Expectations for Japanese Freight (in Japanese), Kobe University Graduate School of Maritime Sciences lectures, 29 January 2008

April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report70


April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report

◆ 辻  久子 研究員 ◆1. 執筆、公表した論文、記事等

著書『シベリア・ランドブリッジ―日ロビジネスの大動脈―』(成山堂書店)2007年10月"シベリア・ランドブリッジ"の第2幕が始まる『ERINA REPORT』vol.78、2007年11月

2. 会議等における講演、発表等 ※講演タイトル(言語)(主催「会議名」(開催場所)、日付)

"Logistics in BRICs:ロシア特集・鉄道輸送とその実態"(近鉄エクスプレスセミナー(東京フォーラム)、2007年9月7日)"The Prospects of Bringing Back Japanese Containers to the TSR Route"(英語)("The Far East International Transport

and Logistical Forum" Hyundai Hotel (ロシア・ウラジオストク)、2007年12月11日)シベリア・ランドブリッジの動向と日本貨物への期待(神戸大学大学院海事科学研究科講演会、2008年1月29日)シベリア・ランドブリッジの動向と日本貨物への期待(秋田県環日本海交流推進協議会「環日本海交流セミナー『シベリア・




◆ 横地 明宏 客員研究員 ◆1. 執筆、公表した論文、記事等


◆ 新井 洋史 総務部部長代理 兼 広報・企画室長 ◆1. 執筆、公表した論文、記事等


2. 会議等における講演、発表等 ※講演タイトル(言語)(主催「会議名」(開催場所)、日付)


April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual ReportApril 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report 71


Developments in the Siberian Land Bridge and the Expectations for Japanese Freight (in Japanese), Akita Prefecture Japan Sea Rim Interchange Promotion Council "Japan Sea Rim Interchange Seminar 'The Siberian Land Bridge: The Potential for Akita's Economic Interchange' ", 1 February 2008

Russia's Domestic Distribution of Goods and the Siberian Land Bridge (in Japanese), Port of Osaka Group general meeting, 4 February 2008

The Latest State of Play in Russia's Distribution of Goods and the Siberian Land Bridge (in Japanese), Tsuruga Port International Trade Corporation "Tsuruga Port Seminar", 20 February 2008

The Prospects for the Siberian Land Bridge and Japan-Russia Economic Relations (in Japanese), The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism and Maizuru City "National Land Formation Forum", 27 February 2008

The Current Status of the Siberian Land Bridge and the Challenges for the Future (in Japanese), National Land Planning Association, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism National and Regional Planning Bureau, Niigata Prefecture, and others' "Concept Examination Workshop on the Formation of an Asian International Transport Network", 4 March 2008

Practical Use of the Siberian Land Bridge: Niigata Prefecture's Role in Japan-Russia Business (in Japanese), New Policy Research Council (Shin Seisaku Kenkyukai) Study Group, 5 March 2008

The Published and Unpublished Data relating to Multimodal Transportation Utilizing the Trans-Siberian Railroad (in Japanese), Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism "Workshop on Asian Traffic and Transportation Statistics", 11 March 2008

The Economy and Landscape of the Changing Russia (in Japanese), National Institute for Environmental Studies internal workshop, 19 March 2008

The Current Status of and Future Prospects for the Siberian Land Bridge (in Japanese), 2008 Academic Forum of Northeast Asia Plenary Exchange Meeting , 20 March 2008

The Current Status of and Future Prospects for the Siberian Land Bridge (in Japanese), Association for Development of Niigata Port & Harbour "Niigata Port Study Group", 25 March 2008

Akihiro Yokochi, Visiting Researcher, Research Division 

1. Papers and Articles Written and Published

Will APEC 2012 Be the Litmus Test for the New Far East and Zabaykalye Development Program? (in Japanese), Opinion Paper, ERINA Website, 2007

Hirofumi Arai, Deputy Director, General Affairs Division; Manager, PR & Planning Office 

1. Papers and Articles Written and Published

The Far East and Zabaykalye Program and the Economic Exchange of Russia and the Northeast Asian Region (in Japanese) "The Effect on Business of the Changes in Russia's Political and Economic Environments", Institute for International Trade and Investment, March 2008

2. Speeches and Presentations at Conferences and Other Meetings

The Current Situation and Problem Areas in the Development of the Russian Far East (in Japanese), The Cabinet Office, 18 October 2007

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April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report


一般会計 (単位:円)科   目 当 年 度

Ⅰ 資産の部


   現金預金 10,013,736

   未収金 29,625,450

   前払金 2,802,660

流動資産合計 42,441,846


  ⑴ 基本財産

   普通預金 2,946,092

   定期預金 10,000,000

   投資有価証券 3,150,823,675

基本財産合計 3,163,769,767

  ⑵ 特定資産

   退職給付引当資産 23,114,306

   減価償却引当資産 13,493,540

   基本財産管理基金 101,427,715

   事業運営安定化基金 114,882,559

特定資産合計 252,918,120

  ⑶ その他固定資産

   建物 15,057,472

   什器備品 17,131,652

   ソフトウェア 231,842

   減価償却累計額 △ 19,300,380

   電話加入権 576,000

   敷金 348,000

   長期前払費用 126,671

その他固定資産合計 14,171,257

固定資産合計 3,430,859,144

資 産 合 計 3,473,300,990

Ⅱ 負債の部


   未払金 9,854,862

   前受金 10,000

   預り金 2,030,247

   未払法人税等 70,000

流動負債合計 11,965,109


   退職給付引当金 23,114,306

固定負債合計 23,114,306

負 債 合 計 35,079,415

Ⅲ 正味財産の部


指定正味財産合計 3,137,940,967

  (うち基本財産への充当額) ( 3,137,940,967)

 2.一般正味財産 300,280,608

  (うち基本財産への充当額) ( 25,828,800)

  (うち特定資産への充当額) ( 229,803,814)

正味財産合計 3,438,221,575

負債及び正味財産合計 3,473,300,990

2007年度 財務報告/ 2007 Financial Report (in Japanese only)

正味財産増減計算書� (平成19年4月1日から平成20年3月31日まで)

科  目 当年度Ⅰ 一般正味財産増減の部 1.経常増減の部  ⑴ 経常収益

基 本 財 産 運 用 益 [ 160,040,321]基 本 財 産 受 取 利 息 160,040,321

基 本 財 産 評 価 益 [ 1,027,326]特 定 資 産 運 用 益 [ 1,188,170]

退職給付引当預金受取利息 63,855基本財産管理基金受取利息 484,315事業運営安定化基金受取利息 640,000

特 定 資 産 評 価 益 [ 1,193,780]基本財産管理基金評価益 921,780事業運営安定化基金評価益 272,000

受 取 会 費 [ 7,975,000]賛 助 会 員 受 取 会 費 7,975,000

事 業 収 益 [ 30,137,896]受 託 調 査 収 益 29,483,326受 託 事 業 収 益 654,570

受 取 補 助 金 等 [ 86,958,839]受取地方公共団体補助金 86,358,839受 取 民 間 助 成 金 600,000

受 取 負 担 金 [ 29,000]受 取 負 担 金 29,000

受 取 寄 付 金 [ 2,498,000]受 取 寄 付 金 2,498,000

雑 収 益 [ 230,695]受 取 利 息 0雑 収 益 230,695経常収益計 291,279,027

  ⑵ 経常費用自 主 事 業 費 [ 182,210,748]

給 料 手 当 66,113,573報 酬 ・ 賃 金 49,338,207退 職 給 付 費 用 3,194,000福 利 厚 生 費 13,004,581会 議 費 39,605旅 費 交 通 費 21,914,144通 信 運 搬 費 1,699,984消 耗 品 費 900,593新 聞 図 書 費 4,690,333印 刷 製 本 費 5,578,755賃 借 料 481,647諸 謝 金 2,867,758租 税 公 課 16,000支 払 負 担 金 6,775,062委 託 費 4,989,196雑 費 607,310

受 託 事 業 費 [ 39,549,728]役 員 報 酬 1,986,017給 料 手 当 8,822,636報 酬 ・ 賃 金 5,512,275福 利 厚 生 費 1,802,474会 議 費 94,867旅 費 交 通 費 7,159,934通 信 運 搬 費 569,218消 耗 什 器 備 品 費 27,961消 耗 品 費 405,878

科  目 当年度新 聞 図 書 費 44,450印 刷 製 本 費 470,932光 熱 水 料 費 199,720賃 借 料 3,634,701諸 謝 金 453,436租 税 公 課 2,832,093支 払 負 担 金 60,883委 託 費 5,402,351雑 費 69,902

管 理 費 [ 86,582,806]役 員 報 酬 17,872,933給 料 手 当 13,255,155退 職 給 付 費 用 277,000福 利 厚 生 費 3,332,058会 議 費 691,058旅 費 交 通 費 5,877,559通 信 運 搬 費 1,881,403減 価 償 却 費 ( 3,231,450)

固定資産減価償却費 3,044,246ソフトウェア減価償却費 147,208長期前払費用減価償却費 39,996

消 耗 什 器 備 品 費 187,142消 耗 品 費 1,068,187印 刷 製 本 費 0光 熱 水 料 費 1,589,805賃 借 料 32,328,989諸 謝 金 240,028租 税 公 課 38,007支 払 負 担 金 306,048委 託 費 3,803,041雑 費 602,943

特 定 資 産 評 価 損 [ 0]事業運営安定化基金有価証券評価損 0経常費用計 308,343,282当期経常増減額 △�17,064,255

 2.経常外増減の部  ⑴ 経常外収益   経常外収益計 0  ⑵ 経常外費用

過年度特定資産有価証券評価損 [ 0]基本財産管理基金有価証券評価損 0

有 価 証 券 売 却 損 [ 2,108,000]固 定 資 産 除 去 額 [ 118,178]経常外費用計 2,226,178 当期経常外増減額 △�2,226,178 当期一般正味財産増減額 △�19,290,433 一般正味財産期首残高 319,571,041 一般正味財産期末残高 300,280,608

Ⅱ 指定正味財産増減の部基 本 財 産 評 価 益 [ 0]過年度有価証券評価損 [ 0]基 本 財 産 評 価 損 [ 216,954,681]一般正味財産への振替額 [ △ 2,108,000]当期指定正味財産増減額 △�219,062,681指定正味財産期首残高 3,357,003,648指定正味財産期末残高 3,137,940,967

Ⅲ 正味財産期末残高 3,438,221,575

一般会計 (単位:円)

April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual ReportApril 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report 73



正味財産増減計算書� (平成19年4月1日から平成20年3月31日まで)

科  目 当年度Ⅰ 一般正味財産増減の部 1.経常増減の部  ⑴ 経常収益

基 本 財 産 運 用 益 [ 160,040,321]基 本 財 産 受 取 利 息 160,040,321

基 本 財 産 評 価 益 [ 1,027,326]特 定 資 産 運 用 益 [ 1,188,170]

退職給付引当預金受取利息 63,855基本財産管理基金受取利息 484,315事業運営安定化基金受取利息 640,000

特 定 資 産 評 価 益 [ 1,193,780]基本財産管理基金評価益 921,780事業運営安定化基金評価益 272,000

受 取 会 費 [ 7,975,000]賛 助 会 員 受 取 会 費 7,975,000

事 業 収 益 [ 30,137,896]受 託 調 査 収 益 29,483,326受 託 事 業 収 益 654,570

受 取 補 助 金 等 [ 86,958,839]受取地方公共団体補助金 86,358,839受 取 民 間 助 成 金 600,000

受 取 負 担 金 [ 29,000]受 取 負 担 金 29,000

受 取 寄 付 金 [ 2,498,000]受 取 寄 付 金 2,498,000

雑 収 益 [ 230,695]受 取 利 息 0雑 収 益 230,695経常収益計 291,279,027

  ⑵ 経常費用自 主 事 業 費 [ 182,210,748]

給 料 手 当 66,113,573報 酬 ・ 賃 金 49,338,207退 職 給 付 費 用 3,194,000福 利 厚 生 費 13,004,581会 議 費 39,605旅 費 交 通 費 21,914,144通 信 運 搬 費 1,699,984消 耗 品 費 900,593新 聞 図 書 費 4,690,333印 刷 製 本 費 5,578,755賃 借 料 481,647諸 謝 金 2,867,758租 税 公 課 16,000支 払 負 担 金 6,775,062委 託 費 4,989,196雑 費 607,310

受 託 事 業 費 [ 39,549,728]役 員 報 酬 1,986,017給 料 手 当 8,822,636報 酬 ・ 賃 金 5,512,275福 利 厚 生 費 1,802,474会 議 費 94,867旅 費 交 通 費 7,159,934通 信 運 搬 費 569,218消 耗 什 器 備 品 費 27,961消 耗 品 費 405,878

科  目 当年度新 聞 図 書 費 44,450印 刷 製 本 費 470,932光 熱 水 料 費 199,720賃 借 料 3,634,701諸 謝 金 453,436租 税 公 課 2,832,093支 払 負 担 金 60,883委 託 費 5,402,351雑 費 69,902

管 理 費 [ 86,582,806]役 員 報 酬 17,872,933給 料 手 当 13,255,155退 職 給 付 費 用 277,000福 利 厚 生 費 3,332,058会 議 費 691,058旅 費 交 通 費 5,877,559通 信 運 搬 費 1,881,403減 価 償 却 費 ( 3,231,450)

固定資産減価償却費 3,044,246ソフトウェア減価償却費 147,208長期前払費用減価償却費 39,996

消 耗 什 器 備 品 費 187,142消 耗 品 費 1,068,187印 刷 製 本 費 0光 熱 水 料 費 1,589,805賃 借 料 32,328,989諸 謝 金 240,028租 税 公 課 38,007支 払 負 担 金 306,048委 託 費 3,803,041雑 費 602,943

特 定 資 産 評 価 損 [ 0]事業運営安定化基金有価証券評価損 0経常費用計 308,343,282当期経常増減額 △�17,064,255

 2.経常外増減の部  ⑴ 経常外収益   経常外収益計 0  ⑵ 経常外費用

過年度特定資産有価証券評価損 [ 0]基本財産管理基金有価証券評価損 0

有 価 証 券 売 却 損 [ 2,108,000]固 定 資 産 除 去 額 [ 118,178]経常外費用計 2,226,178 当期経常外増減額 △�2,226,178 当期一般正味財産増減額 △�19,290,433 一般正味財産期首残高 319,571,041 一般正味財産期末残高 300,280,608

Ⅱ 指定正味財産増減の部基 本 財 産 評 価 益 [ 0]過年度有価証券評価損 [ 0]基 本 財 産 評 価 損 [ 216,954,681]一般正味財産への振替額 [ △ 2,108,000]当期指定正味財産増減額 △�219,062,681指定正味財産期首残高 3,357,003,648指定正味財産期末残高 3,137,940,967

Ⅲ 正味財産期末残高 3,438,221,575

一般会計 (単位:円)


一般会計 (単位:円)科    目 金    額

Ⅰ 資産の部


  現金預金 10,013,736

   小口現金 200,000

   決済用普通預金   第四銀行・北越銀行 9,813,736

  未収金 29,625,450

   (基本財産運用収入) 2,306,154

   (受託調査事業収入) 27,269,296

   (賛助会会費) 50,000

  前払金 2,802,660

流動資産合計 42,441,846


  ⑴ 基本財産

   普通預金 2,946,092

    普通預金(指定)  2,658,092

    普通預金(一般)  288,000

   定期預金 10,000,000

    定期預金(指定)  10,000,000

   投資有価証券 3,150,823,675

    投資有価証券(指定) 3,125,282,875

    投資有価証券(一般)  25,540,800

基本財産合計 3,163,769,767

  ⑵ 特定資産

   退職給付引当資産 23,114,306

   減価償却引当資産 13,493,540

   基本財産管理基金 101,427,715

   事業運営安定化基金 114,882,559

特定資産合計 252,918,120

  ⑶ その他固定資産

   建物 8,073,303

   什器備品パソコンなど 4,815,441

   ソフトウェア 231,842

   電話加入権 576,000

   敷金 348,000

   長期前払費用 126,671

その他固定資産合計 14,171,257

固定資産合計 3,430,859,144

資産合計 3,473,300,990

Ⅱ 負債の部


  未払金 9,854,862

  前受金 購読会員会費 10,000

  預り金 源泉徴収所得税など 2,030,247

  未払法人税等 70,000

流動負債合計 11,965,109


  退職給付引当金 23,114,306

固定負債合計 23,114,306

負債合計 35,079,415

正味財産 3,438,221,575

April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report74


April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report


1 重要な会計方針

 ⑴有価証券の評価基準及び評価方法  その他有価証券  �決算日の市場価格等に基づく時価法(評価差額は正味財産増減額

として処理し、売却原価は移動平均法により算定)によっている。 ⑵固定資産の減価償却の方法  有形固定資産………�法人税法で定める耐用年数により、定率法

で実施している。  無形固定資産………�法人税法で定める耐用年数により、定額法

で実施している。 ⑶引当金の計上基準  退職給付引当金  �職員の退職給付に備えるため、当期末における退職給付債務に


 ⑷リース取引の処理方法  ファイナンス・リース取引  �リース物件の所有権が借主に移転すると認められるもの以外の


 ⑸消費税等の会計処理  収入・支出とも税込処理方式によっている。

2 基本財産及び特定資産の増減額及びその残高


科  目 前期末残高 当期増加高 当期減少高 当期末残高


 普通預金(指定) 3,866,092 0 1,208,000 2,658,092

 定期預金(指定) 10,000,000 0 0 10,000,000

 有価証券(指定) 3,343,137,556 200,740,000 418,594,681 3,125,282,875

 普通預金(一般) 0 288,000 0 288,000

 有価証券(一般) 24,513,474 1,027,326 0 25,540,800

小  計 3,381,517,122 202,055,326 419,802,681 3,163,769,767


 退職給付引当資産 27,045,656 3,471,000 7,402,350 23,114,306

   普通預金 10,279,256 3,471,000 7,402,350 6,347,906

   定期預金 16,766,400 0 0 16,766,400

 減価償却引当資産 13,599,546 3,044,246 3,150,252 13,493,540

   普通預金 13,599,546 3,044,246 3,150,252 13,493,540

 基本財産管理基金 100,021,620 106,856,015 105,449,920 101,427,715

   普通預金 34,378,500 36,484,315 69,450,700 1,412,115

   定期預金 10,000,000 0 10,000,000 0

   有価証券 55,643,120 70,371,700 25,999,220 100,015,600

 事業運営安定化基金 103,970,559 10,912,000 0 114,882,559

   普通預金 24,018,559 10,640,000 0 34,658,559

   有価証券 79,952,000 272,000 0 80,224,000

小  計 244,637,381 124,283,261 116,002,522 252,918,120

合  計 3,626,154,503 326,338,587 535,805,203 3,416,687,887

3 基本財産及び特定資産の財源等の内訳


科  目 当期末残高 (うち指定正味財産からの充当額)



基本財産 3,163,769,767 (3,137,940,967) (25,828,800) −

小  計 3,163,769,767 (3,137,940,967) (25,828,800) −


 退職給付引当資産 23,114,306 − (0) (23,114,306)

 減価償却引当資産 13,493,540 (0) (13,493,540) −

 基本財産管理基金 101,427,715 (0) (101,427,715) −

 事業運営安定化基金 114,882,559 (0) (114,882,559) −

小  計 252,918,120 (0) (229,803,814) (23,114,306)

合  計 3,416,687,887 (3,137,940,967) (255,632,614) (23,114,306)

4 固定資産の取得価格、減価償却累計額及び当期末残高

固定資産の取得価額、減価償却累計額及び当期末残高は、次のとおりである。� (単位:円)

科  目 取得価格 減価償却累計額 当期末残高

建  物 15,057,472 6,984,169 8,073,303

什器備品 17,131,652 12,316,211 4,815,441

合  計 32,189,124 19,300,380 12,888,744

参考:減価償却当期増減表� (単位:円)

前期末残高 当期取得額 当期除去額 当期償却額 当期末残高

建  物 9,297,750 0 118,178 1,106,269 8,073,303

什器備品 3,732,316 3,021,102 0 1,937,977 4,815,441

ソフトウェア 249,900 129,150 0 147,208 231,842

長期前払費用 166,667 0 0 39,996 126,671

合  計 13,446,633 3,150,252 118,178 3,231,450 13,247,257

5 補助金等の内訳並びに交付者、当期の増減額及び残高

補助金等の内訳並びに交付者、当期の増減額及び残高は、次のとおりである。� (単位:円)

補助金等の名称 交付者 前期末






新潟県 − 86,358,839 86,358,839 − −



− 600,000 600,000 − −

合  計 − 86,958,839 86,958,839 − −

April 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual ReportApril 2007 - March 2008 ERINA Annual Report April 2007 - March 2008ERINA Annual Report 75

名称� 環日本海経済研究所(ERINA)組織形態� 財団法人所在地� 〒950-0078新潟市中央区万代島5番1号万代島ビル13階TEL� 025-290-5545FAX� 025-249-7550URL� http://www.erina.or.jp代表者� 理事長 吉田 進所管官庁� 経済産業省設立年月日� 1993年(平成5年)10月1日設立目的� �北東アジア地域の経済に関する情報の収集及び提供、調査及び研究等をおこなうことにより、わが


基本財産額� 3,163,769,767円(2008年3月現在)出捐者� �新潟県、新潟市、青森県、岩手県、宮城県、秋田県、山形県、福島県、群馬県、長野県、富山県、


事業内容� 1.�北東アジア地域の経済に関する調査研究� 2.�国際会議、セミナー、シンポジウム等の開催� 3.�北東アジア地域における国際研究交流� 4.�企業国際交流の促進� 5.�研究成果の出版及び情報の収集・提供�など

賛助会会員数(2008年7月31日現在) 個人:6名,企業・団体:87団体

Designation TheEconomicResearchInstituteforNortheastAsiaLegalForm JuridicalfoundationAddress 13thFloor,BandaijimaBuilding,Bandaijima5-1,Chuo-ku, NiigataCity,950-0078,JapanTelephoneNumber +81(0)252905545FacsimileNumber +81(0)252497550URL http://www.erina.or.jpRepresentative SusumuYoshida,ChairmanoftheBoardofTrusteesJurisdiction MinistryofEconomy,TradeandIndustryFoundation 1October1993Objectives Toconductresearch,andcollectanddisseminateinformationonNortheastAsianeconomies. TocontributetotheformulationanddevelopmentofanintegratedNortheastAsiaEconomicSubregion,

andtotheadvancementofinternationalsocietythroughsuchresearch.BasicFund 3,163,769,767yen,asofMarch2008Sponsors NiigataPrefecture;NiigataCity;AomoriPrefecture;IwatePrefecture;MiyagiPrefecture;AkitaPrefecture;


Activities 1.ResearchandstudyoftheeconomiesofNortheastAsia 2.HoldingofseminarsandsymposiaonNortheastAsia 3.ResearchexchangeinNortheastAsia 4.Promotionofbusinessexchanges 5.Publicationofresearchresults,collectionanddisseminationofinformation





ERINA概要/ ERINA Information at a Glance

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●理 事 長 吉田  進 財団法人環日本海経済研究所所長

●専 務 理 事 佐藤  衛 財団法人環日本海経済研究所事務局長

●理   事 安西 邦夫 日本ロシア経済委員会委員長 飯島 英胤 社団法人日韓経済協会会長 石井 隆一 日本海沿岸地帯振興連盟世話人代表 泉田 裕彦 新潟県知事 井上 明久 東北大学総長 奥島 孝康 早稲田大学学事顧問 小原 雅之 社団法人新潟県銀行協会会長・株式会社第四銀行取締役頭取 清川 佑二 財団法人日中経済協会理事長 下條 文武 新潟大学長 篠田  昭 新潟市長 高橋 道映 株式会社新潟日報社代表取締役社長 敦井 榮一 新潟県商工会議所連合会会頭 中山 輝也 新潟経済同友会代表幹事 西岡  喬 社団法人ロシアNIS貿易会会長 西村 可明 一橋大学副学長 林  康夫 独立行政法人日本貿易振興機構理事長 幕田 圭一 社団法人東北経済連合会会長 八幡 和郎 徳島文理大学大学院教授

●監   事 水間 秀一 新潟経済同友会専務理事・事務局長 南  英雄 新潟県商工会議所連合会専務理事

●評 議 員 阿部  進 東芝社友/財団法人日本グローバル・インフラストラクチャー研究財団特別顧問 井村 哲郎 新潟大学人文学部教授 岩城 治夫 新日本製鐵株式会社新潟支店長 岩波 利光 日本電気株式会社執行役員常務 岩村 菖堂 新潟県商工会連合会会長 海輪  誠 東北電力株式会社上席執行役員新潟支店長 春日 健一 特定非営利活動法人新潟県日中友好協会理事長 金原 主幸 社団法人日本経済団体連合会国際第一本部長 久須美 隆 株式会社北越銀行取締役頭取 小牧 輝夫 国士舘大学21世紀アジア学部学部長・教授 佐藤  功 新潟県中小企業団体中央会会長 三瓶 光紀 社団法人東北経済連合会専務理事 塩谷 隆英 前総合研究開発機構理事長 庄山 悦彦 株式会社日立製作所代表執行役執行役会長 瀬川 昌久 東北大学東北アジア研究センター長 関山 信之 環日本海総合研究機構専務理事 田中 弘邦 上越商工会議所会頭 田村  巖 長岡商工会議所会頭 寺嶋 俊道 日本政策投資銀行新潟支店長 内藤 正久 財団法人日本エネルギー経済研究所理事長 馬場 宗夫 三菱商事株式会社新潟支店長 湊  明彦 株式会社三菱東京UFJ銀行常務執行役員 宮崎 敏春 新潟市副市長 森   雄 新潟県副知事 薬師寺正和 株式会社商船三井副社長執行役員 山澤 逸平 一橋大学名誉教授・前国際大学学長 和田 善吉 国際港湾交流協力会企画委員

●名誉理事長 金森 久雄 社団法人日本経済研究センター顧問

●顧   問 栢原 英郎 社団法人日本港湾協会会長

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Executives (as of July 2008, in alphabetical order)

●Chairman of the Board of Trustees Susumu Yoshida Director-General, ERINA

●Executive Trustee Mamoru Sato Secretary-General, ERINA

●Trustees Kunio Anzai Chairman, Japan-Russia Business Cooperation Committee Fumitake Gejyo President, Niigata University Yasuo Hayashi President, Japan External Trade Organization Hidetane Iijima Chairman, Japan-Korea Economic Association Akihisa Inoue President, Tohoku University Takakazu Ishii Chairman, The League of Japan Sea Coastal Promotion Hirohiko Izumida Governor, Niigata Prefecture Yuji Kiyokawa Chairman, Japan-China Economic Association Keiichi Makuta Chairman, Tohoku Economic Federation Teruya Nakayama Chairman, Niigata Association of Corporate Executives Yoshiaki Nishimura Vice President, Hitotsubashi University Takashi Nishioka President, Japan Association for Trade with Russia and the NIS Masayuki Obara Chairman, Committee of Local Banks in Niigata Prefecture / President, The Daishi Bank, Ltd. Takayasu Okushima Executive Advisor for Academic Affairs, Waseda University Akira Shinoda Mayor, City of Niigata Michiei Takahashi President, The Niigata Nippo, Inc. Eiichi Tsurui President, Federation of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Niigata Prefecture Kazuo Yawata Professor, Graduate School, Tokushima Bunri University

●Auditors Hideo Minami Managing Director, Federation of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Niigata Prefecture Shuichi Mizuma Representative Director and Secretary General, Niigata Association of Corporate Executives

●External Assessors Susumu Abe Advisor, Global Infrastructure Fund (GIF) Research Foundation Muneo Baba General Manager, Niigata Branch, Mitsubishi Corporation Tetsuo Imura Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Niigata University Haruo Iwaki Director, Niigata Sales Office, Nippon Steel Corporation Shoudo Iwamura Chairman, Federation of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Niigata Prefecture Toshimitsu Iwanami Senior Vice President, NEC Corporation Makoto Kaiwa Senior Executive, Niigata Branch, Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc. Kenichi Kasuga Chairman, Non-Profit Organization Niigata Prefecture Japan-China Friendship Association Kazuyuki Kinbara Director, International Economic Affairs Bureau I, Nippon Keidanren Teruo Komaki Director and Professor, School of 21st Century Asian Studies, Kokushikan University Takashi Kusumi President, The Hokuetsu Bank, Ltd. Akihiko Minato Managing Director, The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. Toshiharu Miyazaki Vice Mayor, City of Niigata Kunio Mori Deputy Governor, Niigata Prefecture Masahisa Naito Chairman and CEO, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan Koki Sanpei Executive Director, Tohoku Economic Federation Isao Sato Chairman, Niigata Prefectural Federation of Small Businesses Masahisa Segawa Director, Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University Nobuyuki Sekiyama Chairman, Association for Japan-Sea Rim Studies Takafusa Shioya Former President, National Institute for Research Advancement Etsuhiko Shoyama President and Chief Executive Officer, Hitachi, Ltd. Iwao Tamura President, Nagaoka Chamber of Commerce and Industry Hirokuni Tanaka President, Joetsu Chamber of Commerce and Industry Toshimichi Terashima General Manager, Niigata Branch, Development Bank of Japan Zenkichi Wada Member, Planning Commission, Japan Overseas Ports Cooperation Association Masakazu Yakushiji Executive Vice President, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines Ippei Yamazawa Emeritus Professor, Hitotsubashi University and Former President, International University of Japan

●Honorary Chairman Hisao Kanamori Advisor, Japan Center for Economic Research

●Counselor Hideo Kayahara President, Japan Port and Harbor Association

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吉田  進 理事長/所長佐藤  衛 専務理事/事務局長三橋 郁雄 特別研究員鈴木 伸作 特別研究員前田 奉司 特別研究員宮崎 俊麿 特別研究員

中村 俊彦 調査研究部調査研究部長新井 洋史 調査研究部部長代理中島 朋義 調査研究部研究主任三村 光弘 調査研究部研究主任Sh.エンクバヤル 調査研究部/経済交流部 研究主任伊藤 庄一 調査研究部研究主任朱  永浩 調査研究部研究員辻  久子 調査研究部研究員横地 明宏 調査研究部客員研究員   昊 調査研究部客員研究員

丸山 美法 調査研究部/経済交流部 研究助手

佐藤  尚 経済交流部経済交流部長筑波 昌之 経済交流部部長代理/調査研究部研究主任石井  憲 経済交流部/調査研究部 研究員穆  尭 経済交流部研究員那須野陽子 経済交流部/総務部 事務員

新保 史恵 広報・企画室室長代理小林満喜子 広報・企画室主任/理事長秘書デイビッド・アーネット 広報・企画室/調査研究部 研究助手金子  純 広報・企画室研究助手阿部由美子 広報・企画室事務員

小倉 貴子 総務部総務課長水上 恵美 総務部事務員

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Susumu Yoshida Chairman of the Board of Trustees and Director-GeneralMamoru Sato Executive Trustee and Secretary-GeneralIkuo Mitsuhashi Senior FellowShinsaku Suzuki Senior FellowToshiji Maeda Senior FellowToshimaro Miyazaki Senior Fellow

Toshihiko Nakamura Director, Research DivisionHirofumi Arai Deputy Director, Research DivisionTomoyoshi Nakajima Associate Senior Economist, Research DivisionMitsuhiro Mimura Associate Senior Researcher, Research DivisionEnkhbayar Shagdar Associate Senior Researcher, Research Division and External Relations DivisionShoichi Itoh Associate Senior Researcher, Research DivisionZhu Yonghao Researcher, Research DivisionHisako Tsuji Researcher, Research DivisionAkihiro Yokochi Visiting Researcher, Research DivisionWu Hao Visiting Researcher, Research DivisionMinori Maruyama Research Assistant, Research Division and External Relations Division

Hisashi Sato Director, External Relations DivisionMasayuki Tsukuba Deputy Director, External Relations Division; Associate Senior Researcher, Research DivisionKen Ishii Researcher, External Relations Division and Research DivisionMu Yaoqian Researcher, External Relations DivisionYoko Nasuno External Relations Division and General Affairs Department

Fumie Shimbo Assistant Manager, PR & Planning OfficeMakiko Kobayashi Senior Accountant, PR & Planning Office and Chairman's SecretaryDavid Arnett Research Assistant, PR & Planning Office and Research DivisionJun Kaneko Research Assistant, PR & Planning OfficeYumiko Abe PR & Planning Office

Takako Ogura Manager, General Affairs DepartmentMegumi Mizukami General Affairs Department

Employees (as of July, 2008)

ERINA Annual ReportApril 2007 - March 2008

ERINA 2007年度 事業報告書





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