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Escuela Técnica de Capacitación Laboral

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Escuela Técnica de Capacitación Laboral Sabino Pignatari Proyecto: “SARMIENTO, reseña histórica en el año del bicentenario de su natalicio”. Especialidad: Inglés Año: Divisiones: A – B – C – D ETCL Sabino Pignatari Especialidad Inglés
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Escuela Técnica de Capacitación LaboralSabino Pignatari

Proyecto: “SARMIENTO, reseña histórica en el año del bicentenario de su natalicio”.

Especialidad: Inglés

Año: 2º

Divisiones: A – B – C – D

San Juan, 2011

ETCL Sabino Pignatari

Especialidad Inglés

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1. Sarmiento: Biography.2. Sarmiento: Two letters written by him.3. The history of the American Teachers.4. Famous quotes of Sarmiento.5. Literary work “The Black Cat”.6. Argentine Popular Proverbs.7. Some common proverbs from the english language.8. Conclusion of the project.9. Members of the work.

ETCL Sabino Pignatari

Especialidad Inglés

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1. Sarmiento: Biography.Sarmiento: Biography of his childhood

Domingo Faustino Valentín Sarmiento was born on February 15th , 1811 in the neighbourhood of “Carrascal”. He came from a poor and numerous family. He had fifteen siblings. His parents were Mrs. Paula Albarracín de Sarmiento and Mr. José Clemente Sarmiento whom together his uncle José Eufrasio Quiroga Samiento taught to Domingo to read when he was four years old. In 1816 he attended to a school called “Escuela de la Patria”.

In 1821 when he finished primary school, he applied for a scholarship in order to study in Buenos Aires in the “Ciencias Morales School”. He did not get it so he stayed in San Juan.

Due to the civil war that involved the province he decided depart to San Francisco del Monte in San Luis. He and his uncle Justo Santa María de Oro founded a school when he was fifteen years old.

Then he came back San Juan and started working as a trade dependent in his aunt’s shop. While he used to sell yerba and sugar, he memory studied the history of Greece and Rome; he was delighted…

ETCL Sabino Pignatari

Especialidad Inglés

ETCL Sabino Pignatari

Especialidad Inglés

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Sarmiento: Biografía de su niñez

Domingo Faustino Valentín Sarmiento nació el 15 de Febrero de 1811 en el vecindario llamado “El Carrascal”. Provenía de una familia pobre y numerosa. Tuvo quince hermanos. Sus padres fueron Doña Paula Albarracín de Sarmiento y Don José Clemente Sarmiento quienes junto a su tío José Eufrasio Quiroga Sarmiento le enseñaron a leer cuando Domingo tenía cuatro años. En 1816 asistió a una escuela llamada “Escuela de la Patria”.

En 1821 cuando terminó la educación primaria se postuló a una beca para estudiar en Buenos Aires en el Colegio de Ciencias Morales. No lo logró por eso permaneció en San Juan.

Debido a la guerra civil que involucraba a la provincia decidió partir a San Francisco del Monte en San Luis. Su tío Justo Santa María de Oro y él fundaron una escuela cuando tenía quince años.

Luego regresa a San Juan y comienza a trabajar como dependiente en un negocio de una tía. Mientras vendía yerba y azúcar estudiaba de memoria la historia de Grecia y Roma; estaba encantado…

About how Sarmiento learnt English

Extract from “Recuerdos de Provincia”

ETCL Sabino Pignatari

Especialidad Inglés

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...In 1833 I used to work as a trade dependent in Valparaíso, I earned one “onza” per month but half of that “onza” was destined to pay the lessons of the English teacher Richard, and two “reales” per week to the serene of the neighbourhood who had the work of wake me up at 2 o’clock in the morning in order to study English. On Saturdays I used to study more than other days, and after two months Richard told me that I was nearer my goal, but that I had to improve the pronunciation, which until now I could not achieve…

…En 1833 trabajaba como dependiente de comercio en Valparaíso. Ganaba una onza por mes pero la mitad de esa onza la destinaba para pagar las clases del profesor inglés Richard; y dos reales por semana para pagarle al sereno del vecindario quien tenía el trabajo de despertarme a las dos de la madrugada para estudiar Inglés. Los sábados era cuando más estudiaba y luego de dos meses el profesor Richard me dijo que estaba muy cerca de alcanzar mi meta, pero que debía mejorar la pronunciación la cual todavía no he logrado…

Political carreer

In 1851 he was journalist in the army of Justo José de Urquiza. Then the collapse of the president Rosas came into conflict with Urquiza and he was forced to return to Chile. During this period he had arguments with Juan Bautista Alberdi about the country policy.

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In 1855 he returned to Argentina and was editor in the newspaper “El Nacional” and in 1856 he was elected municipal councilor in Buenos Aires.

In 1857 and 1860 he was elected senator and meanwhile he served as chief of the Department Of Schools.

After the battle of Pavon he accompanied General Wenceslao Paunero in the Cuyo Campaign. There was appointed governor of San Juan.

In 1864 because of the death of his friend Antonio Aberastain, he started a persecution that finished with the murder of riojan leader Chacho Peñaloza.

In April he resigned the government.

He was sent in mission to Chile, Perú and The United States where he wrote several books about policy and education.

Sarmiento as a president

The initiative to propose Sarmiento as president of Argentina came from Colonel Lucio Mansilla.

Sarmiento was chosen president in 1868.

He assumed the elected role in October 12 of 1868.His government was focused in education improvement and the country’s communication.

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Some of his decisions were to carry out national art and products exhibition in Córdoba.

He encouraged the immigration, improved the harbor and he did the first population survey here in Argentina.

Sarmiento and his first minister Dalmacio V.Sarsfield were the biggest pioneers of electric telegraphy in the country. In his message of August 1874 he opened the first telegraphic communication with Europe.

V.Sarsfield was assigned by Sarmiento with the exclusive honor for the risky and quick execution of the telegraph web that contributed to Argentina enormously.

Important charges

In Buenos Aires:

In 1874 Nicolás Avellaneda assumed the presidence and a year later Sarmiento was designated as provincial deputy. Then he assumed the charge of Superintendent of Schools.

The government of Julio Argentino Roca did not last long due to the differencies with Avellaneda; so Sarmiento decided to resign and to go with his daughter to Paraguay. He died in Asunción in 1988.

In San Juan:

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Sarmiento defended the education of women. He had an excellent relationship with Juana Manso. They admired each other. Juana was the only person who understood his educational plan.

2. Sarmiento: Two letters written by him.

Sarmiento recognized that he did not master the grammar of English, an example of this, are these two letters sent, while his residence in United States, to his friends there.

Sarmiento reconocía que no dominaba la gramática del Inglés, un ejemplo de ello, son estas dos cartas enviadas, durante su estancia en Estados Unidos, a amigos de allí.

Tremont House Sept. 18th 1866

I am yet here; but I will start for New York this afternoon.

I have been very happy with the acquaintance of Mr. D. B. Shurtley Secretary of Harvard College and other institutions. He has very kindly given to me this time and assistance in order to visit the public

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Especialidad Inglés

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libraries of Boston; and to present me to the great dignataries of Masonies Order. He will be an useful cooperator in my labor, as he is much interested on education.

I want some copies of my address at the Historical Society of Rhode Island, and you will be kind enough for asking them from your sister in Providence (Mr. Sarmiento Clinton Place 8. New York) it is the first letter I have written in inglish and I will write all my letters in my brocken inglish, always, in order to learnt it.

I am, with the highest regard, your most devoted friend.

D. F. Sarmiento

Tremont House, 18 de Septiembre de 1866

Todavía estoy aquí , pero esta tarde estaré en Nueva York.

He estado muy feliz con el reconocimiento del Sr. D. B. Shurtley, Secretario del Colegio de Harvard y de otras instituciones. Ha sido muy gentil al darme de su tiempo y asistencia para visitar bibliotecas públicas de Boston; además presentarme a los más altos dignatarios de la Orden Masónica. Él será un útil cooperador en mi labor, como así también está muy interesado en la educación.

Quiero copias de mi discurso en la Sociedad Histórica de Rhode Island , y tú serás muy gentil en pedírselas a tu hermana en Providence( Sr. Sarmiento Clinton Place 8. New York) es la primera carta que he escrito en inglés y escribiré todas mis cartas en mi imperfecto inglés.

Con mi mas alta estima, su devoto amigo.

D. F. Sarmiento

ETCL Sabino Pignatari

Especialidad Inglés

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New York, Oct. 12th 1866Dear friend:

Your last letter apprised me, that your son had bought the Agricultural book which I asked for. I enclose to you ten dollars you will be kind enough to forward to him with my thanks for his trouble.

Do not care very much of my bad spelling of English words. I have at present a Teacher to whom I submit my papers, and every day I write something translating myself, in order to master the English construction and get rid of my awkwardness I speak also a little.

I hope the winter I will be able to express my feelings the best I can…

D. F. Sarmiento

ETCL Sabino Pignatari

Especialidad Inglés

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Nueva York, 12 de Octubre de 1866

Querido amigo:

Tu última carta me informó que tu hermano ha comprado el libro que te pedí. Te envió diez dólares y tú serás muy amable en dárselos con mi gratitud por haberlo molestado.

No tengas muy en cuenta mi ortografía de las palabras en inglés. Actualmente tengo un Profesor a quien envío mis papeles, y cada día escribo algo traduciéndome a mí mismo para mejorar mi construcción del inglés y despojarme de mi torpeza, también hablo poco.

Espero este invierno, ser capaz de expresar lo mejor que pueda mis sentimientos.

D.F. Sarmiento

ETCL Sabino Pignatari

Especialidad Inglés

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3. The history of the American Teachers.

In 1845, Sarmiento who was exile in Chile, was sent by the Chilean government to Europe and United States to enquire about the latest methods of teaching. He was impressed by the quality of education in United States; the American system focused on teachers’ training and permitted think about the possibility to educate the whole population.

The project took time; in 1868 when Sarmiento was president of Argentina, he achieved his project. During 1869 and 1898 arrived to our country sixty five teachers. Sixty one were women and four men. Ten teachers arrived to San Juan. In the early years five teachers died of yellow fever and cholera; only sixteen returned to their country after finished their contract. Thirty six taught during thirteen years in Argentina, and twenty settled and died in our land.

In San Juan they were called “the daughters of Sarmiento”, and came from different cities of United States like: New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Ohio, New England, and many other cities of United States. They didn’t speak Spanish; their aim was to form teachers in our country. Their names and costums were strange in that ancient San Juan. They were: Mary Graham, Florence and Sarah Atkinson, Clara Gillies, Sara Harrison, Cora Hill, Amy Wade, Martha Graham, Charles Dudley and Clara Armstrong.

ETCL Sabino Pignatari

Especialidad Inglés

ETCL Sabino Pignatari

Especialidad Inglés

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Sarmiento was an important figure in Argentinian education history because of his revolutionary ideas. Those ideas started while he was living in the United States working as a minister of Argentinian government. Sarmiento a close friend of Mary Mann, Horace Mann´s wife. She translated the book “Facundo” to English and helped Sarmiento to spread it. When Sarmiento started the presidency of our country, Mary Mann sent 67 teachers from different places of U.S.A. to work in Argentina.

When Sarmiento finished school, his mother, Mrs. Paula Albarracin wanted him to study to be a priest in Córdoba but he refused to do it and he tried to get a scholarship to study in Buenos Aires. He didn´t get it, so he stayed in San Juan and was a witness of the civil war which devastated the city. Then he went to San Francisco del Monte, San Luis with his uncle José de Oro. They founded a school there. It was the first contact with education.

In 1862, the General Mitre was elected president and he proposed to unite the whole country. In those circumstances, Sarmiento assumed San Juan government. After that he dictated a law called Ley Orgánica de Educación which proposed compulsory primary education and created schools for different levels of education. One of them was Colegio Preparatorio. He founded Escuela de Señoritas which was destinated to teachers´ education. He hardly tried to convince rich people that popular education was convenient and in 1884 he started his old project of popular education law. He projected the law about the creation of public libraries and opened the first primary school for deaf people.

The obstacles

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The American teachers had a lot of obstacles when they lived here. Learning a language that was extremely difficult and living in houses with brick floors, windows without glasses and in a dirty city and the worst of all, different belief. Those were the conditions they had to face.

Being in a good shape

Mary Mann and Kate Dogget were selected as teachers to come to Argentina, according to Sarmiento they should be young, with experience, good manners, and they had to belong to a good family and nice aspect. They should be in good shape to take them as a good example for the native women that were used to live in a sedentary way of life and had servants.

Topics that caused some problems

The foreign teachers provided to schools issues that didn´t exist before such as artistic development , sense of responsibility, punctuality , personal hygiene , order , handmade work , physical education , notebooks , homework etc. They abolished public exams and discouraged memoristic learning. But their first idea was to give importance to teaching role. They allowed women had a profession.

We will cite some of them:

Cora Hill

She was from Indiana. She arrived to San Juan in 1887, and worked until her transfer to Mercedes in Buenos Aires, where she organized the “Escuela Normal”.

Amy Elizabeth Wade (Amelia)

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She was also from Indiana. She arrived to Argentina in 1883. At first she was in Catamarca and then came to San Juan. She was teaching in our province until 1888. Finally she was moved to Paraná.

Clara Gillies

She arrived to Argentina in 1883 and assigned to San Juan. She was from Saint Louis and divorced. She was vice director of Mary Graham and both consolidated the prestige of “Escuela Normal.”

In 1887 was moved to Rosario where she was the director of “Escuela Normal” and got married. She died in 1932.

Sarah Harrison

She arrived to Argentina in 1883. She taught in San Juan Geography, Physics and Anatomy. In 1885 she was moved to Catamarca but in 1888 returned to San Juan; during that year was the director of “Escuela Normal.

Martha Graham Dudley and Charles Dudley

They arrived to San Juan in the early 1887. Martha, who was sister of Mary Graham, came to take charge of a kindergarten. Her husband, Charles taught arithmetic, algebra and geometry.

Clara Jeannette Armstrong

She was thirty four years old when she arrived to Argentina. She was born in New York in 1847. After four months of training in Paraná, she was sent to Catamarca to take charge of “Escuela Normal de Catamarca.”

ETCL Sabino Pignatari

Especialidad Inglés

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4. Famous quotes of Sarmiento.

“New States and goverments don´t forget that is more important to exist, than to exist rich and

happy.”“Que los nuevos Estados y sus gobiernos no olviden que antes es

existir, que existir ricos y felices.”

“I´ve tried the autors baddly, never the people.”“He tratado bruscamente a los autores, nunca a las personas.”

“About my relationship with my friends I have nothing to say, I have so Little but how much I owe

them!”“De mis relaciones con mis amigos nada tengo que decir; tengo

algunos, muy pocos: ¡pero cuánto les debo!”

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“The Constitution has not been only to give freedom to the towns, it has been made to forgive them

security.”“La Constitución no se ha hecho únicamente para dar libertad a

los pueblos, se ha hecho también para darles seguridad.”

“The facts, arguements, make people feelings, not the silence.”

“Los hechos, las discusiones, forman los sentimientos el público: no el silencio.”

“It´s part of the debat to say everything we have inside.”

“Es parte del debate poder decir todo lo que tenemos adentro.”

“The man is mortal but the towns can not die.”“El hombre es mortal y los pueblos no pueden morir.”

“Barbarians! Ideas can´t be killed.”“¡Bárbaros! Las ideas no se matan.”

“The writing remains.”“Lo escrito permanece.”

“All the problems are education.”“Todos los problemas son problemas de educación.”

“Ignorance is daring.”“La ignorancia es atrevida.

“Disciples are the best biography of the master.”“Los discípulos son la mejor biografía del maestro.”

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“I write as a mean and as a combat weapon, fighting is making the thougth.”

“Escribo como medio y arma de combate, que combatir es realizar el pensamiento.”

“Man, people, nation, state, everythings: everything´s in the humble school desks.”

“Hombre, Pueblo, Nación, Estado, Todo: Todo está en los humildes bancos de la escuela.”

“The detail of a battle is given by the winner.”“El detalle de una batalla lo da el que triunfa.”

“He was who knew mostly…. but he was who least understand.”

“Era es que más sabía…. Pero el que menos entendía.”

“I was named president of the Republic, but not of my friends.”

“Fui nombrado presidente de la República, y no de mis amigos.”

“Each person must rest in his/her convictions and each person must not get down to justify himself or herself of what someone firmly believes and support

by word and work.” “Cada uno debe reposar en sus convicciones y no descender a

justificarse de lo que cree firmemente y sostiene de palabra y de obra.”

“I don´t know personal things of other person but it is not easy to talk about virtue neither good actions.”

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“Yo conozco en los asuntos personales otra persona que el yo, y éste es poco cómodo para hablar de virtud ni de buenas


“Thougths and general interest are my own interest.” “El pensamiento y el interés general lo convertí en un

pensamiento y en un interés mío.”

“Values´ man don´t destroy values.” “Los hombres de principios no gobiernan en nombre de lo que

destruyen esos principios.”

“I´m without any direction to follow, without a target giving up on my impulsiveness.”

“Yo sigo sin rumbo, sin blanco fijo, cediendo a impulsos que me llevan adelante.”

“Telegraphs are ways too, they´re the word´s way.”“Los telégrafos también son caminos, son los caminos de la


“Struggle to break though to the homeland, and when we have achieved working for the good that it

conceived. This is the most ordent and the most constant of my votes.”

“Luchar para abrirnos paso a la patria; y cuando los hayamos conseguido, trabajar para realizar en ella el bien que concebimos.

Este es el más ardiente y el más constante de mis votos.”

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“History and life, the biggest events depend on a few minutes.”

“En la historia, como en la vida, hay minutos de que dependen los más grandes acontecimientos.”

“The cry of passion often stifles the soft voice of the reason personal interest of the ambitious people

diminates lasting interest of this country.” “El grito de las pasiones sofoca casi siempre la voz templada d la razón. Y el interés personal del ambicioso se antepone de ordinario

al interés duradero de la patria.”

“Is not rich who have money, if not who produces and enjoy the fruits of their labor.”

“No es rico el que tiene plata, sino el que produce y sabe gozar del fruto de su trabajo.”

“I understand democracy as well: To illustrate the opinion and not let it astray for ignoring the truth and

know how to measure the consequences of their mistakes.”

“Así comprendo la democracia: ilustrar la opinion y no dejarla extraviarse por ignorar la verdad y no saber medir las

consecuencias de sus desaciertos.”

“The summit are archieved doubling the determination.”

“Las cumbres se alcanzan doblando el empeño.”

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“La lectura es enemiga mortal del egoísmo, porque tiene la virtud de asociar el alma a todas las

emociones extrañas al organismo individual, y el ser humano por consiguiente a toda la humanidad.”

“Reading is the mortal enemy of selfishness, because it has the virtue of associating the soul strange thrill all the individual

organism, and therefore human beings to all mankind.”

“There are men who believe that have courage to be inmoral and tricky in South America. ¡Be virtuous if you

dare!”“Hombres hay que creen que tienen coraje en ser inmorales y arteros en la América del Sur. ¡Sed virtuosos si os atrevéis!”

“I want to raise myself without sin against the moral and not attempt the freedom and civilization.”

“Quiero elevarme sin pecar contra la moral y sin atentar contra la libertad y la civilización.”

“Nobody never has forgotten my honesty, neither my patriotism and command the testimony of those who had

been elected as my enemies.”“Nadie ha olvidado nunca de mi honradez ni de mi patriotismo, y apelo de ello al testimonio de los que han elegido llamarse mis


“¡Ouch the people that have no faith in himself! For that one has not been made the great things.”

“¡Ay del pueblo que no tiene fe en sí mismo! Para ése, no se han hecho las grandes cosas. "

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Especialidad Inglés

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5. Literary work “The Black Cat”.

El siguiente es un trabajo sobre el cuento de Edgar Allan Poe: “The Black Cat”. Los alumnos elaboraron un extracto de la obra citada, guiados por la profesora Julia Montilla.

ETCL Sabino Pignatari

Especialidad Inglés

The Black Cat

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The Black Cat (by Edgar Allan Poe)

He has always loved animals. When he was a child his family had many different animals. After a time he married with a girl who also loved animals. They had all sorts of birds, a gold fish, a fine dog, and a black cat called Pluto, that was very large and beautiful. The cat turned into his favourite animal because was actually intelligent. All of them, animals and owners lived happily together; but many years later he began to change his behaviour, he began to shout using bad language to his wife and animals, but never to Pluto. The illness of him,” drinking”, was getting worse day by day and soon he began to hurt the cat.

The cat was afraid of him and stopped following him, as it used to do in the past. Then he felt that there was something or someone evil in the body of the cat. One day he took his knife from his pocket, held the poor cat by his neck and cut out one of his eyes.

After that the poor animal never came near him. He was so afraid of the cat that he hated the animal. He felt sad but after a while he felt angry and did another terrible action: He caught the cat and hung it by his neck from a tree until he was dead because he thought it was evil.

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That night he woke up, his bed was on fire. He and his wife heard people shouting “fire, fire”. Their house burnt down, but luckily they could escape. All the walls fell down, except one. People were surprised to watch a black shape in the plaster of this wall, but he saw the shape of a large cat hanging by its neck. He felt guilty about the fate of the poor cat.

He searched for another black cat like Pluto. On night he went to an old house and noticed a black object over a cupboard: it was a black cat like Pluto, but with only one difference; it had a white shape in his front. Inmediately there was a new pet in the family and became his wife’s favourite animal. Few days later he kept away from the cat because it remembered what he did to Pluto. But incredibly, the more he hated the cat, the more it seemed to love him. Sometimes the cat tried to jump on his knees ; so he wanted to kill it when did this. He did not know why but he was afraid of the animal. Several times his wife took the cat and showed him the white shape on its chest. They noticed that the white shape was changing every day until he discovered that it had the form of a terrible machine of pain and death, “a gallow”. One day they came down into the cellar. The cat followed them down the stairs and nearly made him fall; he was so angry for this, that he tried to cut the cat in two with an axe. His wife stopped his arm with her hand and this action made him more angry. So he hit his wife with that terrible axe and buried it in the top of her head. He hid his wife’s body in one of the walls of the cellar. Then he searched the cat everywhere but he did not find it. He felt a free man.

Some days later some people asked about his wife and he answered them easily. Then the police came to the house and went down into the cellar. Nobody noticed something strange in the house or in his answers.

The police was admired how well was built the house and he felt proud; so he knocked one of the walls to show them how sure was the house. Suddenly a voice came from the wall. It sounded like the voice of a child

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crying. The policemen were with their mouths open and ran down the stairs. They began to break down the wall and appeared the body of his wife. She was with dried blood all over her head, and the cat standing on her. His wife was dead because of the Black Cat and its evil voice was sending him to the gallow.

Biography of the author:Edgar Allan Poe (born Edgar Poe, January 19, 1809 – October 7, 1849) was an American author,

poet, editor and literary critic, considered part of the American Romantic Movement. Best known for his tales of mystery and the macabre, Poe was one of the earliest American practitioners of the short story and is considered the inventor of the detective fiction genre. He was further credited with contributing to the emerging genre of science fiction. He was the first well-known American writer to try to earn a living through writing alone, resulting in a financially difficult life and career.

He was born as Edgar Poe in Boston, Massachusetts; he was orphaned young when his mother died shortly after his father abandoned the family. Poe was taken in by John and Frances Allan, of Richmond, Virginia, but they never formally adopted him. He attended the University of Virginia for one semester but left due to lack of money. After enlisting in the Army and later failing as an officer's cadet at West Point, Poe parted ways with the Allans. His publishing career began humbly, with an anonymous collection of poems, Tamerlane and Other Poems (1827), credited only to "a Bostonian".

El gato negro (Por Edgar Allan Poe)

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Especialidad Inglés

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El desde siempre amaba los animales. Cuando él era niño su familia tenía muchas clases de animales. Después de un tiempo él se casó con una chica que también amaba los animales. Ellos tenían pájaros, peces dorados, un perro y un gato negro llamado Pluto, este era muy largo y hermoso. El gato se convirtió en su animal favorito porque era realmente inteligente. Todo ellos vivían felizmente, pero muchos años más tarde el empezó a cambiar su comportamiento y el empezó a maltratar a su esposa y también a sus animales, pero nunca a Pluto. La enfermedad de él, “la bebida” lo puso peor día tras día y pronto comenzó a herir al gato.

El gato le tenía miedo y dejo de seguirlo como lo hacía antes. Después el hombre sintió que había algo o alguien malvado en el cuerpo del gato.

Un día el tomo un cuchillo de su bolsillo, el sostuvo al gato por su cuello y le corto uno de sus ojos. Luego el pobre animal nunca volvió a acercarse a él. El hombre le tenía mucho miedo al gato que el odiaba. Él se sintió triste pero luego de un rato se sentía enojado e hizo cosas terribles. El tomo a Pluto y lo colgó de su cuello a un árbol hasta que estuviera muerto porque pensó que era malvado.

Esa noche se despertó, su cama se prendía fuego. Él y su esposa oyeron gente gritando “fuego, fuego”. Su casa se quemaba, pero por suerte ellos pudieron escapar. Todas las paredes se cayeron, excepto una. La gente se sorprendió ya que observaban la forma de un gato en el revoque de esa pared, pero el vio la forma de un gato colgando de su cuello. Él se sintió culpable acerca del destino de Pluto.

Luego, el buscó otro gato negro como Pluto. Una noche se fue a una vieja casa y noto un objeto negro sobre el modular… era un gato negro, pero con una sola diferencia este tenía una mancha blanca en su pecho. Inmediatamente había una mascota en la familia y se volvió el favorito de su esposa.

Unos días después el hombre se mantuvo lejos del gato por que le recordaba lo que le hizo a Pluto.

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Especialidad Inglés

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Pero increíblemente más odiaba al gato; este más lo amaba. Algunas veces el gato trataba de saltar sobre sus piernas, entonces él quería matarlo cuando el animal lo hacía. Él no sabía porque le tenía miedo al gato.

Varias veces su esposa tomaba al gato y le mostraba la mancha blanca. Ellos observaron que la mancha iba cambiando cada día, hasta que descubrió que tenía la forma de una terrible máquina de dolor y muerte…” una orca”. Un día ellos bajaron al sótano y el gato los siguió haciéndolo caer por las escaleras, él se enojó por lo que trato de cortarlo en dos con un hacha. Su esposa paro su brazo y eso lo hizo enojar más. Entonces el golpeó a su mujer con el hacha y se lo enterró en su cabeza. Él escondió el cuerpo de su esposa en una de las paredes del sótano, después él busco al gato por todos lados pero no lo encontró y se sintió un hombre libre.

Después de unos días, algunas personas preguntaron por su esposa y él les respondió fácilmente. Luego la policía vino a su casa y bajo al sótano. Nadie vio cosas extranets en la casa o en sus contestaciones. La policía estaba admirando como estaba construida la casa y él se sintió orgulloso, entonces golpeo una de las paredes para mostrarles que tan segura era la casa.

De repente una voz vino de la pared, se oyó como una voz de niño llorando. El policía quedo con la boca abierta y bajó las escaleras. Ellos comenzaron a romper la pared y apareció el cuerpo de su esposa tenia sangre seca y el gato estaba sobre su cabeza. Su esposa estaba muerta por el gato y su voz malvada lo estaba enviando a la horca.

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Especialidad Inglés

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Biografía del autor : Edgar Allan Poe (19/01/1809 – 7/10/1894) era un autor americano, poeta, editor y crítico literario,

considerado parte del movimiento romántico americano. Mejor conocido por sus cuentos misteriosos y macabros, Poe era uno de los americanos profesionales en cuentos cortos y es considerado el detective de ficción. El contribuía en el género emergente de ciencia ficción. Él fue el primero escritor americano famoso en tratar de ganarse la vida con solo escribir, resultando difícil financieramente en su vida y su carrera.

Nació como Edgar Poe en Boston, Massachusetts, fue huérfano muy joven cuando su madre falleció y su padre abandono su familia. Poe fue tomado por John and Frances Allan de Richmond de Virginia, pero ellos nunca lo adoptaron formalmente. El asistió a la universidad de Virginia por un semestre pero dejo por la falta de dinero. Después de alistarse al ejército y más tarde falló como cadete de oficial en West Point, Poe se separó de los Allan. Su carrera editorial comenzó humildemente, con una colección anónima de poemas, tamerlane and other poems (1827), solo aporto a “a Bostonian”.

6. Argentine Popular Proverbs.Proverbs are sayings of popular origin that figuratively often contain

profound moral teaching of wisdom. Are used without any alteration and most of them are common in the rest of Spanish-speaking world. We will cite the most popular.

“They hand and glove together.”“Son uña y carne.”

“For foolish talk, deaf ears.”“A palabras necias, oídos sordos.”

“Clothes don’t make man.”“El hábito no hace al monje.”

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Especialidad Inglés

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“Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.”“Donde hubo fuego, las cenizas quedan.”

“That’s a horse of a different color.”“Ser harina de otro costal.”

“To kill the fatted calf.”“Echar la casa por la ventana.”

“Actions speak louder than words.”“Un hecho vale más que mil palabras.”

7. Some common proverbs from the english language.

“You shouldn´t count your chickens before they´re hatched.”No cantes victoria antes de tiempo.

“The more the merrier”Cuanto más mejor.

“No news is good news”Que no haya noticia es buena señal.

“It´s never too late to mend.”Más vale tarde que nunca.

“It never rains but it pours.”Sobre llovido, mojado.

“Actions speak louder than words.”

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Especialidad Inglés

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Vale más hacer que decir.

“Rome wasn´t built in a day.”No es soplar y hacer botella.

“When the cast’s away the mice will play.”Cuando el gato no está los ratones se divierten.

“You shouldn´t make mountains out of molehills.”No te ahogues en un vaso de agua.

“Pride comes before a fall”El orgullo viene antes de la caída

“One good turn deserves another.”Favor merece favor.

“Two´s company, three´s a crowd.”Dos son compañía , tres, multitude.

“His bark is worse than his bite.”Perro que ladra no muerde.

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Especialidad Inglés

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8.Conclusion of the project.

La enseñanza que Sarmiento nos dejó es muy importante para nuestra historia argentina, especialmente en San Juan. El fomentó la educación pública y primaria basándose en modelo europeo y aportando varias ideas de sus experiencias en el exterior aplicándolas en el gobierno argentino.

Como sanjuaninos nos sentimos orgullosos de tenerlo como nuestro mayor representante, debido al impacto que causó en todos los aspectos de la historia.

Por eso decimos ¡Muchas gracias Sarmiento! Nuestro maestro de América.

Analía Peralta.

Muchos saben de los aportes que ha realizado Sarmiento como político y como persona, pero considero que es de destacar su amor por la enseñanza, y que sus anhelos de un pueblo educado siguen estando presentes en los docentes que a cada uno de nosotros nos

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Especialidad Inglés

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brindan sus conocimientos a lo largo de nuestra formación. En este trabajo pudimos aprender un poco más sobre este gran prócer y vincular lo aprendido en el curso de Inglés con el aprendizaje de una parte importante de nuestra historia y lograr un trabajo interdisciplinario que nos ayuda a aprender de manera didáctica la materia.

Rafael Hernández

9. Members of the work.

2º AAguirres CinthiaArroyo Mabel Azara AndreaCamisay SandraCarrión SebastiánCarriqueo PabloChecolis PamelaCobos GiselaContrera GimenaCruceño RosaFerrufino AntonelaFlores JairoGalván AnalíaGarcia GerardoGasquez MarielaLoza TeresaMarata JésicaMorales SilviaPinto MarianaRomero CintiaSalinas PabloSoto ElenaTejada DavidVicentela IvánZapata Valeria

2º BAballay MayraAlbarracín VaninaBustos AmaliaDías Gonzalez María JoséFagale SolangeFrack NatachaHernández RafaelMasuelly RosanaOlivares ArielParoldi PabloPerez NataliaRivera Fernando Rojas Natalia

2º DArenas JairoBravo RominaCámpora PamelaGutierrez María ElenaMoreno JeniferLarrosa SilvinaLema LolaPeralta Analía Peralta MartínSalinas LucasValdéz Stefanis

2º CAballay LeonardoAlamos AilimAlmonacid CintiaBalmaceda VanesaCerrati Juan PabloDíaz DaríoDiaz Fernando Diaz IvanaEscudero CristinaFabaro VerónicaFernández IvánFigueroa Mauricio Flores JonathanGuardia María Angélica Herrera EugeniaJimenez FátimaCaño MayraLujan TomásMatar AyelénMorales GimenaMuñoz DanielaOsoria Emilce Rivero NoeliaRuarte LucilaSarmiento RominaSteiner AndreaTorres JesicaVargas CynthiaVila María Pía

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Especialidad Inglés

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Villareal Florencia
