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Page 1: ESPECIFICACIONES TÉCNICAS PARA EL SERVICIO...Manual structure). 6. Buenas Prácticas para Países de la UE: la asistencia técnica recomendará buenas prácticas a utilizar en cada




Asistencia Técnica al Proyecto MESH

Ref.: PCT.12263.01/12

Madrid, 21 de febrero de 2012

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1. DISPOSICIONES GENERALES ......................................................................... 2

2. DESCRIPCIÓN DEL PROYECTO MESH ............................................................. 2

3. DESCRIPCIÓN DEL SERVICIO ......................................................................... 3

4. ALCANCE DEL SERVICIO ................................................................................ 3

5. PRODUCTOS A ENTREGAR ............................................................................ 5

6. SEGUIMIENTO Y CONTROL DEL SERVICIO ..................................................... 5

7. DURACIÓN Y PLAZOS DEL SERVICIO .............................................................. 6

8. PRESENTACIÓN DE LA OFERTA ..................................................................... 6

Anexo I: Proyecto MESH ..................................................................................... 8

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El objeto de estas Especificaciones Técnicas es establecer las cláusulas técnicas que han de regir en el suministro del servicio “Asistencia Técnica al Proyecto MESH”. Los elementos, de cualquier tipo, que no estén incluidos en las presentes Especificaciones Técnicas y que sean convenientes a juicio del contratista para la correcta prestación de la asistencia, deberán ser definidos en la oferta.


Actualmente, el contexto político energético, caracterizado por la crisis y las incertidumbres sobre el suministro energético futuro, hace necesario conocer y determinar la situación energética de todos los sectores de uso final, entre los cuales el sector residencial destaca debido a su naturaleza y déficit de información sobre sus consumos energéticos asociados. Desde Eurostat se insiste en la necesidad de estimular el desarrollo de los estudios orientados a la diagnosis de las buenas prácticas estadísticas existentes relacionadas con el sector residencial, con la elaboración de un manual estadístico sobre el consumo energético en dicho sector, que haga posible un conocimiento más detallado y homogéneo de sus consumos energéticos residenciales. Para tal fin, con apoyo de Eurostat se ha configurado un consorcio de entidades expertas en estadísticas energéticas formado por cinco socios: Statistics Austria (Austria); Statistics Netherlands (Holanda); SORS (Eslovenia); DECC (Reino Unido) e IDAE (España). El IDAE, además de su participación como socio, se encargará de la coordinación del proyecto así como de la interlocución entre los socios, EUROSTAT y colaboradores externos no participantes directos en el proyecto. El proyecto, dentro del programa ESSnet de Eurostat, persigue los siguientes objetivos:

1. identificación de la situación de las estadísticas energéticas del sector residencial;

2. inventario global de las mejores prácticas metodológicas utilizadas a nivel mundial;

3. Manual Estadístico Eurostat que constituirá la base metodológica para caracterizar el consumo energético del sector residencial;

4. realización de una sesión de formación a los usuarios de los Estados miembros (EEMM) de la UE;

5. difusión de la información, el manual y las buenas prácticas encontradas. En el Anexo I de las presentes especificaciones técnicas se realiza una descripción detallada del proyecto con los paquetes de trabajo que lo conforman y la planificación del mismo.

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El servicio a suministrar estará constituido por la asistencia técnica en materia de prácticas estadísticas básicas, así como en las técnicas de muestreo, sistematización y armonización metodológicas. El trabajo a realizar estará basado en la información facilitada por los países con prácticas en materia de estadísticas energéticas del sector residencial. El adjudicatario colaborará con el IDAE para obtener esta información a través las fuentes de información existentes, activando la recopilación de información. La información y conocimiento propios del adjudicatario también podrá ser utilizada. Los trabajos se realizarán en la sede del ofertante que resulte adjudicatario, aunque para un correcto seguimiento y control de la asistencia técnica se mantendrán reuniones semanales en la sede del IDAE. Las comunicaciones y transferencias de información resultantes en el trabajo del día a día se realizarán preferentemente a través correo electrónico o, en el caso de gran volumen de información, por medio de una dirección ftp que facilitará el IDAE. El idioma de trabajo en las relaciones contractuales y operacionales entre el adjudicatario y el IDAE será el español, y el inglés para la elaboración de los productos e informes.


El servicio a suministrar estará centrado, pero no limitado, en los paquetes de trabajo WP2 (Review of current international methodological handbooks, guidelines and practices) y WP3 (Producing the chapters of the manual) que aparecen descritos en el Anexo I de las presentes especificaciones técnicas. La asistencia técnica que se demanda deberá cubrir las siguientes tareas:

1. Asesoramiento y recomendaciones en técnicas de muestreo, fundamentos estadísticos y mejores prácticas estadísticas de aproximación. Está tarea se realizará durante la duración de la asistencia técnica.

2. Inventario Global: recopilación y sistematización de la situación de las

estadísticas energéticas detalladas del sector residencial en los países de la UE y del resto del mundo basada en la información suministrada por IDAE, resultante de encuestas “ad hoc” (cuyo envío y recepción realizará el IDAE con apoyo del subcontratista si fuera necesario), y las fuentes propias del contratista. Según el párrafo anterior, el contratista colaborará con IDAE en labores de activación de las respuestas de las encuestas enviadas por IDAE/Eurostat. 2.1. Organización y sistematización de la información: la información

recopilada en los países de la UE, otros países y organizaciones

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internacionales será organizada y sistematizada en dos grandes grupos:

a) Inventario Global de buenas prácticas: organizado

geográficamente dentro de la UE y, también, por tipología de métodos estadísticos usados en los países comunitarios y extracomunitarios (integración de la información, modelización, encuestas, medidas, etc.). Esta tarea proveerá de información a las capítulos del Manual asociadas a las buenas prácticas, y en concreto a todas las subcapítulos del capítulo 10 (Véase Anexo I Task 2.5. Manual structure).

b) Actualización de la situación de adquisición de información de

datos estadísticos del sector residencial en los países de la UE y elaboración de un breve “Country profile” para cada uno de los países de la UE. Esta tarea proveerá de información al capítulo 4 del Manual relativo a la situación de las estadísticas energéticas en los países de la UE (Véase Anexo I Task 2.5. Manual structure).

2.2. Definir grupos homogéneos de países con similares situaciones

estadísticas y analizar el estado actual de las correspondientes técnicas y métodos. Con la información recopilada sobre la situación de las estadísticas energéticas del sector residencial en los países de la UE, se establecerán tres grupos de países en función de la cobertura de sus estadísticas con respecto a lo establecido en la Task-Force 2008 (Véase Anexo I Task 2.2. Compendium inventory). Esta tarea proveerá de información básicamente al capítulo 11 del Manual (Véase Anexo I Task 2.5. Manual structure).

La definición de los diferentes grados de cobertura será acordada entre los socios del proyecto y estará basada en el producto 2 de las presentes especificaciones técnicas.

3. Compendio de Buenas Practicas: la asistencia técnica propondrá las

buenas prácticas a incluir en un compendio a través del análisis de Inventario Global organizado por tipo de método estadístico. Esta tarea facilitará información para la realización de los capítulos del Manual asociados a las buenas prácticas, y en concreto a todos los subcapítulos del capítulo 10 (Véase Anexo I Task 2.5. Manual structure).

4. Estandarización de Metodologías: la asistencia técnica realizará, para cada una de las buenas prácticas metodológicas incluidas en el Compendio, una sistematización para obtener un alto nivel de homogeneidad que posibilite su utilización en diferentes países y situaciones. Esta tarea proveerá de información al capítulo 5 del Manual y también a los capítulos 6, 7, 8 y 9 (Véase Anexo I Task 2.5. Manual structure).

5. Lista Operativa: la asistencia técnica elaborará un documento con una lista

de variables y conceptos, basada en los resultados de la Task-Force 2008,

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en la Estandarización de Metodologías y en el Compendio de Buenas Prácticas, que incluya las definiciones de los mismos. Esta tarea aportará información para la elaboración del capítulo 5 del Manual y también de los capítulos 6, 7, 8 y 9 (Véase Anexo I Task 2.5. Manual structure).

6. Buenas Prácticas para Países de la UE: la asistencia técnica recomendará

buenas prácticas a utilizar en cada grupo de países establecidos en la tarea 2.2, antes mencionada. Esta tarea proveerá de información a los capítulos del Manual asociados a las buenas prácticas, y en concreto a todos los subcapítulos del capítulo 10 (Véase Anexo I Task 2.5. Manual structure).

7. Homogeneización de los capítulos del Manual: una vez finalizados por los

socios los contenidos de cada uno de los capítulos del Manual, la asistencia técnica deberá homogeneizar el estilo narrativo y descriptivo, dotando de un hilo conductor al conjunto del Manual, de modo que el resultado sea coherente.


Los productos a entregar por la asistencia técnica serán:

1. Informe Nº 1: “Sistemas de recopilación de información utilizados en los países de la UE: Análisis de la situación actual, “Country profiles” y recomendaciones para establecer grupos homogéneos de países”.

2. Informe Nº 2: “Inventario Global Geográfico de Buenas Prácticas”, que incluirá tanto a países de la UE como de fuera de ella.

3. Informe Nº 3: “Inventario Global de Buenas Prácticas según Métodos estadísticos”.

4. Informe Nº 4: Compendio de Buenas Prácticas, que incluirá un informe sobre “Buenas Prácticas recomendadas para su inclusión en el Compendio”.

5. Informe Nº 5: “Estandarización de los métodos estadísticos”. 6. Informe Nº 6: “Buenas Prácticas recomendadas en función de grupos

homogéneos de países”. 7. Informe Nº 7: “Lista operativa de variables/conceptos y sus definiciones”.

Todos los productos e informes a entregar estarán sujetos a la aprobación del IDAE, que podrá consultar a los socios del proyecto y, en su caso, a Eurostat.


Al objeto de mantener un adecuado control y seguimiento del servicio, el adjudicatario deberá mantener una reunión semanal con los técnicos responsables del servicio en las oficinas del IDAE en Madrid. Adicionalmente, el IDAE podrá convocar al adjudicatario a reuniones suplementarias a celebrar en las oficinas del IDAE cuando el apropiado seguimiento del servicio así lo aconseje.

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La asistencia técnica comenzará a la firma del contrato, previsiblemente en el mes de mayo de 2012, y se mantendrá hasta finalización del proyecto MESH con Eurostat, previsto en diciembre de 2013, caso de no producirse prórroga. La planificación del proyecto, y por tanto la entrega de productos y servicios objeto de esta licitación se muestra orientativamente en el Anexo I de estas especificaciones técnicas. De un modo aproximado el plazo de entrega de cada uno de los productos y servicios indicados en los epígrafes 4 y 5 de las presentes especificaciones técnicas será, de cumplirse la previsión de firma del contrato en mayo,:

1. Productos:

1.1. Informe Nº 1: 20 de junio de 2012. 1.2. Informe Nº 2: 20 de junio de 2012. 1.3. Informe Nº 3: 20 de junio de 2012. 1.4. Informe Nº 4: 10 de julio de 2012. 1.5. Informe Nº 5: 30 de agosto de 2012. 1.6. Informe Nº 6: 30 de julio de 2012. 1.7. Informe Nº 7: 30 de julio de 2012.

2. Servicios:

2.1. Tarea 1: Asesoramiento y recomendaciones. Desde la firma del

contrato hasta la finalización del mismo. 2.2. Tarea 7 - Homogeneización de los capítulos del Manual. Desde el

comienzo de escritura de los capítulos del Manual, previsto para septiembre de 2012, hasta la finalización del borrador final revisado, previsto para abril de 2013.


La oferta deberá presentar una relación detallada de referencias, tanto a nivel de empresa como del equipo humano, en trabajos similares a los solicitados para el presente servicio. En la oferta se deberá especificar el modelo de trabajo propuesto y los conocimientos en materia estadística del ofertante, así como la experiencia en cuanto a manejo, tratamiento y sistematización de información, especialmente en el área energética. La oferta deberá presentar una relación detallada de las referencias de la empresa en trabajos similares, así como una descripción del equipo de trabajo y los Curriculum Vitae de todos los participantes.

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Así mismo, se presentará en la oferta una propuesta de metodología de trabajo para el conjunto del servicio, y de un modo separado para la tarea 1 del epígrafe 4 (Asesoramiento y recomendaciones) y para los productos especificados en el epígrafe 5. El ofertante podrá incluir en su oferta los productos y servicios adicionales que a su juicio sean necesarios o que mejoren la prestación de servicios descrito en estas especificaciones.

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Anexo I: Proyecto MESH

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During the negotiations that took place on the occasion of the review of the energy statistics, currently in force in the European Parliament and in the Council, it was noticed that the information about end consumption was not detailed enough for the purposes of the EU energy efficiency policies.

Traditionally, energy statistics has concentrated on the determination of the energy offer and production, as well as the distribution of this production on the various end-consumer markets thanks to the information drawn from energy providers. Statistics of this kind has been possible thanks to the clarity brought by energy balances reflecting the implementation of energy policies meant to guarantee the EU energy supply at competitive prices. The EU energy policy priorities have evolved and changed, adapting to the new realities of need for additional data on energy efficiency, emissions associated with energy consumption and production, renewables, the impacts of high energy costs, energy dependence and the economy’s competitiveness.

The information needs derived from the energy policies currently in force in the EU make it necessary to get a deeper knowledge of the end-consumer sectors. On examining the state of the EU energy statistics, Eurostat has reflected that, while the industrial sector has been reasonably well detailed, the detail level for the residential, service and transport sector is somehow weak. The talks held with the Member states on the new information needs about more detailed end consumptions led the way to prioritizing the development of sectorial methodologies, for which the residential sector was chosen as a first need because of its important weight in the EU energy consumptions, followed by the service sector.

To develop this work Eurostat created of a task force in 2008 with a view to providing technical knowledge in the statistics scope on the household energy consumption and on the revision of the statistical systems of the State members in the residential sector. This task force finished in late 2008, and established a set of basic information that should be compiled to better reflect energy consumptions in the residential sector.

Also in 2009 and 2010, Eurostat promoted specific projects aimed at improving the knowledge of the energy residential consumption among the State members, financed jointly by the State members and Eurostat.

As it was demonstrated through discussion at the Eurostat Statistics Work Group and in the Task-force 2008, that energy statistics in the residential sector and the specific knowledge of the sector varied considerably between the various EU State members. Thus to promote comparability and completeness it was necessary to draft and produce a statistics manual devoted to the residential sector that should meet users’ needs of the EU State members, and which in turn, should provide with homogeneity the results of the energy statistics in the residential sector.

It is therefore essential to create a consortium of State members, with broad experience in the sector as it will be stated further on, capable of establishing the needs of the various users of the EU State Members, of setting out a series of good practices to be applied in every specific case, and additionally, of carrying out the training of these users.

Taking into account all the above and the technical specifications drafted by Eurostat for action “Production of a manual for statistics on energy consumption in households”, the main objectives of the project are:

1. Identifying the situation and the Member states users’ needs in relation to the needs established in task-force 2008.

2. Drafting a global inventory of best methodological practices for the statistics in the residential sector, both at EU level and external to the EU.

3. Drafting and producing a manual stating the detailing statistical information to provide greater insight into the use of energy in the residential sector, the various statistical techniques to be applied, the best practices and methodologies used both at EU and external levels and the suggestions on the best options to use according to the users’ starting-off situation.

4. Carrying out a training session for all the users in the EU Member states so as to enable them to migrate from their present situation to future detailed information requirements for the residential sector.

5. Spreading the information, the manual and the good practices found in all the Member State NSIs.


1. Work Plan

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1.1. Working Network

A Working Network will be created to achieve the objectives envisaged above, which will consist of National Statistics Institutes (NSIs) or by its statistical authorities equivalent in the field of energy statistics within six Member states: Austria, Greece, the Netherlands, Slovenia, United Kingdom and Spain. The coordination of the project will be carried out by the IDAE, who will be in charge of the entire management of the project and of the communication between the partners, Eurostat and the external collaborators.

List of partners taking part in the Project

Participant name Country Role

Institute for the Diversification And Saving of Energy (IDAE) Spain Coordinator/partner

Statistics Austria Austria Partner

Statistics Netherlands Netherlands Partner

Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SORS) Slovenia Partner

Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) United Kingdom


The Working Network will be strengthened by the experts and/or organisations with experience in the field of EU energy statistics that will attend the Working Network in their quality of External Collaborators, including Germany, Poland, Greece? and Cyprus have stated their interest in taking part in it. The Working Network also expects to count on the collaboration of the various national NSIs of every Member state with a view to determining the statistical situation in the residential sector in every country on the one hand, and to detecting the users’ needs for them. To achieve this a call should be made from the core Network to the various NSIs during the project-launching meeting so as to inform them about the project, and request them to take part in the Working Network.












ExternalCollaborator 1

ExternalCollaborator n


The Project’s External Collaborators will be asked to take part either through the project’s coordinator and any of the partners. In the latter case, the partner is to inform the coordinator of the External collaboration they envisage carrying out, and if the collaboration is of a contractual kind. All the organisation collaborations and/or External experts to the project stated in the various work-packages are to be communicated to Eurostat’s coordinator.

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The likely expenses brought about by the External collaborations will be charged either to the coordinator’s project costs, whenever s/he is managing the said collaboration, or to the partner’s, in charge of managing the collaboration. All in all, when the collaboration is done through an outsourcing contractual relationship, the said relationship is to get adapted and conform to the regulation set forth by the European Commission-Eurostat for the said purpose.

1.2. Communication with the NSIs

The nature of both the project and of the various actors collaborating with it makes it necessary to design a Communication Plan of the Working Network as a tool that will help the project, either external or internal, and may help achieve the objectives of the project.

At internal level, this network is made up by Eurostat, the coordinator of the project and its partners. The relations that may take place as a result of this project between the partners and Eurostat will be carried out and channelled through the coordinator, both in terms of issues merely technical, and the financial or contractual ones that it may relate to. The collaboration of the rest of the NSIs of the Member states external the project is essential to achieve the objectives envisaged in the project, and for the project to be useful and effective to all organisations devoted to EU energy statistics. That is why a fluent communication with all the NSIs is necessary to provide a feedback to the project at the various work packages and products. The communication strategy with the NSIs is based on five main lines:

1. Diagnosis of the situation: it is essential to know what is happening and what is planned in each State regarding energy statistics in the residential sector, and detect the existing problems. To do so, it is necessary that a call should be made to all the NSIs in the project-launching meeting to collaborate with the project with the help of the situation questionnaires that will be sent to them by the project’s coordinator.

2. Newsletters on the state of the Project will be used is to keep all the NSIs of the Member states informed about the breakthroughs, situation and standing tasks of the project. It planned that a draft a newsletter for the project will be produced every four months, which will be sent back to Eurostat and to all the NSIs of the Member states.

3. Working meetings: all the NSIs of the Member states will be invited to the project’s working meetings and specifically, all those that may need so by reason of their nature (see work packages 2 & 3) with a view of keeping them informed not only about the project’s work but also about more involved issues about it. The NSIs will be entitled to provide their opinion on the general aspects of the project in the working meetings, contributing with their point of view, which will be duly integrated in the project. The journey and accommodation expenses are to be met by each of the NSIs external to the project that may attend the meeting.

4. Bilateral cooperation: throughout the project and at least for the standardization of the methodology and the general review of the manual’s draft, all the NSIs will be invited to take part in the project with their comments and contributions so as to have the largest possible knowledge and participation.

5. Bilateral cooperation: the NSIs of all Member states are asked to support the project, and respond to requests or information exchange deemed necessary. The contact will be done either by the coordinator of the project or by any other partner; should this be the case, the partner shall inform the coordinator of the project, who shall inform Eurostat in turn.

Here is a full chart of the Communication Plan along the execution of the project, which encompasses all the actors.

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NSic1 NSic2




COMMUNICATION PLAN: NSi external to the projectContacts of the Working Network during the execution of the project


ExternalCollaborator n

1.3. Work Packages

To achieve the project’s objectives, the following work packages are set out:

1.3.1. Work Package 1: Management

a) Overview of the Work package:

This work package relates to the entire project management, the organisation of the project’s meeting, the drafting of the project’s reports, its publication and communication. b) Description of the tasks:

This work package will consist of 5 tasks:

Task 1.1. General Coordination (technical, administrative, financial)

Task 1.2. Interim report

Task 1.3. Final report

Task 1.4. Planning activities & control

Task 1.5. Working meetings

Task 1.6: Communication to NSIs

Task 1.1. General Coordination (technical, administrative, financial)

The project will be coordinated by IDAE as regards its operational & administrative aspects, including communication between partners & Eurostat, as well as the project’s financial coordination. In this sense, IDAE will serve as a link between the partners and Eurostat. However, each partner is held responsible for the control of its cost and tasks.

As coordinator of the project, IDAE will be in charge of managing and coordinating the technical contents of the project with the rest of the partners.

Task 1.2. Interim report

As coordinator of the project, IDAE will draft an intermediate report a year after the project launch, which will reflect the progress of the project up to then, with initial results that may have been reached. The

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report will be made with the contributions of the partners and reviewed by the partners, although who will be within the direct responsibility of the IDAE.

Task 1.3. Final report

As above, IDAE shall draft the project’s final report, which will also revised by all the project’s partners.

Task 1.4. Planning activities & control

At the beginning of the project, IDAE shall draft a more detailed planning action than the one submitted in this proposal, in collaboration with the rest of the partners, and will be submitted in the first project-launching meeting. Throughout the execution of the project, IDAE will follow-up and control the planned activities so as to ensure the good progression of the project.

Task 1.5. Working meetings

It will be IDAE's responsibility to coordinate the meetings of the work groups that are to be developed all along the project. As many as 7 (seven) project work group meetings will be held, one in every country of each of the project’s partners. Eurostat will be invited to the working group meetings so as to remain updated with progress and to feed into the development of the work. Some experts and specialists of other NSIs not taking part in the project will also be invited to the working group meetings to discuss with the project’s partners technical aspects, such as methodology standardisation and systematisation. On principle, every partner is to host a meeting (six as a whole) with the exception of the first launching meeting to be held in Luxemburg on Eurostat’s initiative.

Task 1.6. Communication to NSi

As stated in section 3.2, the nature and the objectives of the project make the collaboration and exchange of knowledge necessary with the NSIs of all the Member states essential.

This task is devoted to the establishment and follow-up of the communication system with the NSIs. It is envisaged collaboration with NSIs in the field of statistical in the residential sector, to promote knowledge exchange throughout the project and in bilateral cooperation specific issues is essential to success of the work. NSI’s will also be invited to specific working meetings, and they will be informed about the project’s evolution through newsletters.

The collaboration and communication with the NSIs will be done through the project’s coordination or a project partner, who is to report to the coordinator.

A dedicated specific website will be developed to disseminate the results and to make possible in an easy

way the participation of all the NSi´s in the review and comments of the project products.

1.3.2. Work Package 2: Review of current international methodological handbooks, guidelines and practices

a) Overview of the Work package:

This work package, essential to the project, relates to determining energy statistics in the EU residential sector, to identify good practices, both in the EU and other countries to assist the standardisation of methods, and the terminology to be suggested to the Member states with a view to being able to meeting the conclusions and requirements recommended by Task-force 2008.

b) Description of the tasks:

This work package will consist of 5 tasks:

Task 2.1. Global inventory and geographic coverage

Task 2.2. Compendium inventory

Task 2.3. Standardise methodology

Task 2.4. Operational list of definitions

Task 2.5. Manual structure

Task 2.1. Global inventory and geographic coverage

The objectives in this task are twofold: to reflect current practise on statistics in the residential sector in the

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EU and other countries and to identify, the best practices used to draft detailed statistics in the residential sector.

The current situation of the energy statistics in the residential sector will be determined in each EU State member alongside the existing problems and methodologies used to determine the energy consumptions in the residential sectors, both at global and detailed level.

In addition existing best practices in countries and/or external organisations outside the EU will be identified, detailing energy statistics in the residential sector, most likely covering: United States, Canada, Australia, Norway, Switzerland, Japan, the International Energy Agency, the United Nations and. The countries that, on principle and without limiting extension to other countries will be considered to draft the Global Inventory will be:

1. The 27 EU countries. 2. The United States. 3. Canada. 4. Australia. 5. Norway. 6. Switzerland. 7. Japan. 8. New Zealand

Geographical Coverage of the Global Inventory

To compile the necessary information, two methods will be essentially used:

1. Contact with international organisations on energy statistics: These contacts will be used to identify the likely countries and good practices for energy statistics in the residential sector. The international bodies to be contacted will be the Energy International Agency, the United Nations and Eurostat.

2. Contact with national statistics offices: These contacts will enable the energy statistics of the residential sectors both in the EU countries and others. It will also be detected the extent of the detail of these statistics and the methodologies used by the various countries.

Questionnaires will be used as a basic method to compile the necessary information to set up the Global Inventory, which, whenever possible, will be transmitted to other countries by e-mail. All the partners will take part in this task, whilst the co-operation of all member states is requested to complete this work.

On principle, it is not deemed necessary in this phase of the project to do a personalised visit to the countries, but may be necessary in the good practice determination and display phase.

The products achieved in this phase of the project will be made up by a Global Inventory of good practices carried out worldwide and by a balance of the situation of the energy statistics in the residential sector in the EU State members.

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Task 2.2. Compendium inventory

The aim of this task is to document an inventory of good practices detected in the Global Inventory carried out in task 2.1. in this work package.

For the choice of the detected good practices, the conclusions and priorities established by Task-force 2008 will be taken as a base, with the enhancement of Eurostat. Here are some of the most outstanding ones:

1. Energy consumptions by household. 2. Consumption by uses. 3. Data on the features of the housing stock. 4. Unit/specific consumptions. 5. Sector activity data. 6. Electric appliance stock and energy behaviours. 7. Trends on energy demand. 8. Data on the renewable energy penetration and consumption, particularly on non-commercial


In this line, special attention will be given to the chosen practices that may help meet the whole of the information considered suitable by Task-force 2008: 1. Housing Stock Characteristics: information on dwelling characteristics affecting energy consumption:

ownership type, dwelling type, age of building, insulation (wall, roof, window) availability, heated/cooled surface.

2. Household Characteristics: household characteristics affecting energy consumption (household size, income, occupation intensity of the dwelling).

3. Consumption/Expenditure of Energy Commodities: consumption and associated cost per type of energy commodity (electricity, heat and major fuels) will be collected.

4. Space Heating: information on the main/supplementary space heating system (fuel type, type of heating equipment, age of equipment); availability and type of temperature control instruments (thermostats).

5. Hot Water: information on water heating equipment (fuel type, tank size, age). 6. Cooking: information on cooking equipment (fuel type, equipment type, age). 7. Electrical Appliances: availability of electrical appliances (type, number, age). 8. Air Conditioning: information on air conditioning equipment (type, age). 9. Penetration of Energy Efficiency Technologies: penetration of eco-labelled appliances/equipment (by

appliance type). Improvement work (by type) carried out in the dwelling and its heating/cooling equipment with a view to an improved energy saving. Penetration of high efficiency condensing boilers. Information dissemination on high efficiency lamps.

10. Energy Service Demand: intensity of use of heating system and thermostat set-points during the heating period. Intensity of use of air-conditioning system and thermostat set-points during the cooling period.

11. Penetration of Renewable Energy Sources: use of solar panels (surface / power, by type), biomass consumption (by type) and the penetration of heat pumps (type/power, electricity consumption).

12. Energy Consumption by End-Use: energy consumption for the following major end-uses: space heating, water heating, cooking, space cooling, lighting and electrical appliances.

In additionally to the information set out by Task-force 2008, attention will be paid to the good practices relating to energy poverty, with the aim of helping the European energy policy develop the energy public service set forth in the Communication of the Commission to the European Council and to the European Parliament, dated 10

th January 2007, “An energy policy for Europe” [COM (2007) 1 final.]

The project will also investigate new developments in the use of data for analytical needs with a specific focus on residential energy use. These are likely to include the use of administrative data held by government of private sector energy companies (for example meter information) and the use and benefits of data linking and matching. Task 2.3. Standardize methodology

Once users’ needs are established, one of the results of task 2.1 – Global Inventory, and the existing good

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practices, as a result of task 2.2, a compendium Inventory, covering the existing good practices will be produced to describe the energy statistical situations detected in the State members.

It is likely that all EU member states will fall into one of the following categories with regards to energy statistics in the residential sector:

1. States that do not have information about residential energy consumptions, not even at aggregated level.

2. States that have energy consumption information about the residential sector at aggregated level, but not in detail.

3. States that have aggregated and detailed information about energy consumptions in the residential sector.

Therefore building on the outputs of section 2.1 on user needs and 2.2 on best practise this section will aim to deliver options for methodologies that countries can use and build on, from their various starting points, to build towards full and comparable data on energy use in the residential sector.

To achieve this task not only will the contribution of each of the project’s partners be necessary but also the counselling of experts from other Statistical Authorities not included in the project. For this reason, it will be necessary to create an ad-hoc group for this task to discuss the various standardisation possibilities and to provide knowledge through the work meetings, and so determine the different systems needed to suggest its establishment in the various EU State members.

Task 2.4. Operational list definitions In order to measure aspects if residential energy use it will be necessary to have a common definition of variables and concepts. This will build on the outputs of the 2008 task force and sections 2.1 to 2.3 of the project. This task will also provide common definitions for new areas that are featuring in the residential area such as renewables and fuel/energy poverty.

This work will be developed by all the project partners and with the support of the other NSIs of the Member States, even if is not necessary to hold work groups with them within this task. The terminology to be developed may be approved by consensus by the rest of the NSIs through e-communications.

Task 2.5. Manual structure

The former tasks of this work package will provide the current situation of the energy statistics in the various State members (Task 2.1), draft a Global Inventory of good practices (Task 2.1), build up a Compendium Inventory of good practices adapted to the Task-force 2008 conclusions (Tasks 2.2), develop standardised methodologies applicable to the various situations (Task 2.3) and establish a common methodology for the EU as a whole (Task 2.4).

This section provides, the necessary material for the production of a manual on energy statistics for the residential sector, applicable to the entire EU, as it is one of the main objectives of the project.

The need of keeping Eurostat permanently informed on the activities, contents and follow up is firmly rooted in the spirit of the project and of the partners that develop it, but this feeling is particularly relevant in this task.

The partners of the project shall decide by consensus on the contents and structure of the manual, according to the inputs received and the former tasks and of the objectives of the project, but must remain open and flexible to the suggestions of the external experts, of the external NSIs to the project and of the very customer, Eurostat, which must approve the structure and content of the manual.

It is likely that the manual should at least consist of the following folders:

1. Background 2. Households consumption: Identify services and uses into the houses 3. Information needs and definitions 4. Situation of the energy statistics in the residential sector in the EU 5. Approach methodologies

a. Top-down approach: information from suppliers b. Bottom-up approach: surveys and measures. c. Modelling approach d. Others

6. Disaggregation techniques: arithmetic, modelling…

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7. Survey techniques: type, sample sizing, organization, evaluation, estimating measurement errors …

8. Interpolation techniques and modelling for annual data. 9. Consideration of the renewable energies: solar panels, biomass, geothermal, etc… 10. International best-practices

a. Top-down best practices b. Bottom-up approach best practices c. Modelling approach best practices d. Integration Top-down/Bottom-up/Modelling best practices

11. From national practices towards EU comparable methodology: suggestions 12. Energy fuel poverty 13. Use of administrative data and data matching 14. Literature and references

1.3.3. Work Package 3: Producing the chapters of the manual

a) Overview of the Work package: This work package will be devoted to the drafting and the preparation of the manual and to the chapters that make it up with the products worked out in work package 2. b) Description of the tasks:

This work package will consist of 6 tasks:

Task 3.1. Chapter drafts.

Task 3.2. Manual draft.

Task 3.3. Draft review.

Task 3.4. General review.

Task 3.5. Final review.

Task 3.6. Eurostat approval.

Task 3.1. Chapter drafts

Each of the chapters making up the manual will be drafted and devised, stemming from the manual structure established in the above work package. This task will count on the collaboration of all the project partners and for some contents, with collaborators external to the project.

To meet all the objectives in the project, it will be necessary to include the experiences of the EU countries in the manual, and it is thus envisaged that these countries will collaborate with specific chapters of the document like the ones devoted to methodologies and techniques associated with consumption in the residential sector. The collaboration with the NSIs will be articulated by means of flexible mechanisms, adapted to every NSI and to the project’s needs. The project shall invite the collaborating NSIs to the meetings to be held in order to draft the manual chapters.

All the members of the project, inclusive the coordinator, will carry out an allocation of all the manual chapters, either in full or partially. Additionally, the coordinator will be in charge of managing the contents and the drafting times of the folder or folders allocated to the partner in question.

Task 3.2. Manual draft

Once the various folders of the manual have been drafted and revised between the coordinator and every partner, the coordinator will include them in a draft of the manual, which will be sent to all the members for further comments and revision.

The first version of the draft of the manual will not undergo a writing style revision or homogenization, but that will happen for the final revision of the manual draft.

Task 3.3. Draft review

This task will involve the suitable and necessary revisions of the manual draft, both at global level and at individual chapter. All the project’s partners and the coordinator will take part in this task, and no given number of revisions is envisaged even if the duration of these works will be limited in time.

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No meetings of the partner group are envisaged for the development of this task either, which will be carried out through an exchange of revisions by email.

At the end of this task and as result of the works done in it, there will be a pre-final version available duly revised and agreed on by the consensus of the whole of the project’s partners.

Task 3.4. General review

The pre-final version of the draft will be submitted for revision and analysis by all the NSIs in the EU, as well as by additional experts, and of course, by Eurostat.

The implementation of this task will be done by sending the pre-final version task 3.3 to all the agents involved in the revision and the celebration of a work meeting between the project’s members and these agents.

The comments resulting from this work meeting, along with other possible feed-back by the various agents will be included by the co-ordinator, with the collaboration of all the project’s partners, in the pre-final draft, thus achieving a final draft which is to be revised and agreed on by consensus anew by all the project’s members.

Task 3.5. Final review

The final document resulting from task 3.4, achieved by consensus between all the partners and including the comments of the various agents, will undergo a final style revision with a view to homogenising the different ways of expression and creating a common guiding principle all along the document. This task will largely fall on the coordinator of the project, even if the partners will also be present in the final revision and approval of the document.

To do so, special attention will be given to the high-quality English wording, to the knowledge transmission styles stated in the manual, and providing the wording of the document with a same guiding principle.

This final revision will also circulate between the project members so that they can comment on it, at least a couple of times, before generating the manual’s final draft.

Task 3.6. Eurostat approval

The final draft of the document resulting from the former task will be sent to Eurostat for comments. Should Eurostat deem it appropriate, a meeting will be held between Eurostat and all the project’s partners to discuss the comments and amendments to carry out on the document.

As a result of this task, a final draft of the manual approved by Eurostat should be available to step into the production phase of the Energy Statistics Manual in the Residential Sector.

This task will be of an exclusive nature, and no other task could be approached without having overcome the former one in the Word-package without the explicit approval of the Manual on the part of Eurostat, both in terms of form and content.

1.3.4. Work Package 4: Dissemination (Part 1) - Production of a high- quality publication on energy statistics for household consumption

a) Overview of the Work package:

This work-package will be devoted to the production of the Energy Statistics Manual in the Residential Sector on a high-quality PDF support print optimized and web optimized in compliance with the regulations established by Eurostat in its technical specifications. The processes of revision and dissemination of the publication, Manual and the other didactic material will be made through Web pages. b) Description of the tasks:

This work package will consist of 4 tasks:

Task 4.1. PDF draft.

Task 4.2. Review PDF draft.

Task 4.3. PDF Eurostat approval.

Task 4.4. Production PDF.

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Task 4.1. PDF draft.

The Energy Statistics Manual in the Residential Sector approved in the former work-package will be edited in high-quality PDF in accordance with the regulations set forth by document “The Eurostat publications graphical style guide 2011” appended to this proposal. To achieve this objective, it is envisaged to outsource a specialised firm in desktop publishing and high-quality PDF file creation.

The creation of the PDF draft will be directly managed by the coordinator, in charge of the hiring and follow-up of the outsourced company. Task 4.2. Review PDF draft.

The firm outsourced to produce the PDF document shall create a draft of it, which will circulate between all the partners of the project so as to contribute to it with the comments they deem appropriate. The coordinator will be in charge of managing the amendments and/or additions to be agreed on by all the partners.

With this new revision of the PDF draft, the outsourced firm will produce a pre-final draft of the Energy Statistics Manual in the Residential Sector.

Task 4.3. PDF Eurostat approval.

The pre-final draft of the Energy Statistics Manual in the Residential Sector in PDF format will be eventually submitted for revision and approval on the part of the customer, Eurostat, and shall include the amendments deemed appropriate in the document.

These amendments will be included by the outsourced firm into the PDF final document, which once validated by the coordinator of the project, will be considered as the ultimate Manual.

Task 4.4. PDF Production.

This task is devoted to the production on the part of the outsourced firm of the Energy Statistics Manual in the Residential Sector, in high-quality PDF format. The management of this task will be done directly by the project’s coordinator, who will care for the strict compliance of the regulation set forth by Eurostat and will ensure the faithfulness of the Manual both in terms of form and contents.

1.3.5. Work Package 5: Dissemination (Part 2) - Training

a) Overview of the Work package:

This work-package will be devoted to generating the second of the main objectives of the project, that is, the training to transfer the compiled knowledge of the project and the Manual to the NSIs of the EU’s State members.

Training will be designed for an expected audience between 27 and 50 participants, to be held in Madrid (Spain) for three days. The project will cover the travelling expenses of the teachers and the participants – for these latter, a maximum of one participant per State member.

Every training day will be scheduled into two sessions. The first one will be four hours long with a coffee-break two hours after beginning. After this morning session there will be a break for lunch, and then the second training block will follow, 2 hours’ long.

Training will include both didactic presentations and exercises to help clarify the theoretical contents of the course.

b) Description of the tasks:

This work package will consist of 4 tasks:

Task 5.1. Logistic.

Task 5.2. Training material.

Task 5.3. Training.

Task 5.1. Logistics.

The logistics task will be the entire responsibility of the project’s coordinator, in charge of habilitating a training room for 3 days to hold up to 50 people, with the audiovisual means required to give a training course. In like manner, the classroom will have the suitable signposting in English in the accesses and common areas of the building it is found.

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The training infrastructure will include the following services during the three-day duration of the training, aimed at a maximum attendance of 50 people.

Task 5.2. Training material.

The drafting of the training material will be carried out by the coordinator and the partners willing to take part in this task.

Speakers and all participantes will be provided the training material in files duly designed, in compliance with the established regulations by Eurostat in document: “The Eurostat publications graphical style guide 2011”, as well as in computer-readable format, like a CD, DVD, pen-drive or PDF formats.

On principle, this is the expected training material to produce:

1. Energy statistics manual. 2. Communications done by the teachers 3. Practical exercises manual. 4. Various support materials: notebooks, pens…

Task 5.3. Training.

The training teachers will be the project’s partners and collaborators, Eurostat technicians and experts external to the project and with training in energy statistics.

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September, 7/2011

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

WP1: Management

General Coordination (technical, administrative, financial)

Interim report

Final report

Planning activities & control

Working meetings

Communication to Nsi

WP2: Review of current international methodological

handbooks, guidelines and practices

Global Inventory

Compendium Inventory

Standardize methodology

Operational list of definitions

Manual structure

WP3: Produce the chapters of the manual

Chapter drafts

Manual draft

Draft review

General review

Final review

Eurostat approval

WP4: Dissemination (Part 1) - Production of a high quality

publication on energy statistics for household consumption

Pdf draft

Review pdf draft

Eurostat approval

Production pdf

Work package 5: Dissemination (Part 2) - Training


Training material: manual, exercises and assessment

Training (teachers, etc.)



Word package

Working meetings and milestones


ESSNet project Time schedule


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