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ESTRATEGIAS REPRODUCTIVAS DE DOS ESPECIES DE … · instituto politÉcnico nacional centro...

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Page 1: ESTRATEGIAS REPRODUCTIVAS DE DOS ESPECIES DE … · instituto politÉcnico nacional centro interdisciplinario de ciencias marinas estrategias reproductivas de dos especies de batoideos




BATOIDEOS (Narcine entemedor y Rhinoptera







Page 2: ESTRATEGIAS REPRODUCTIVAS DE DOS ESPECIES DE … · instituto politÉcnico nacional centro interdisciplinario de ciencias marinas estrategias reproductivas de dos especies de batoideos





En la Ciudad de La Paz, 8.C.S., siendo las 12:00 horas del día 26 del mes de

Abril del 2018 se reunieron los miembros de la Comisión Revisora de Tesis desjgnada

por el Colegio de Profesores de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigación de CICIMAR

para examinar la tesis titulada:


(Narcine entemedor Y Rhinoptera steindachnerl) EN LA BAHÍA DE LA PAZ, BCS, MÉXICO"

Presentada por el alumno: BURGOS VÁZQUEZ MARÍA ITZIGUERI Apellido patemo matemo nombre(sr)----,,---.-_--.-_--.--_--.--_-.--------,

Con registro: I B I 1 I 4 I O 2 I 8 I O

Aspirante de:


Después de intercambiar opiniones los miembros de la Comisión manifestaron APROBAR LA DEFENSA DE LA TESIS, en virtud de que satisface los requisitos señalados por las disposiciones reglamentarias vigentes.


Directores de Tesis

DA. vI~ .SCALONA Director de Tesis


Page 3: ESTRATEGIAS REPRODUCTIVAS DE DOS ESPECIES DE … · instituto politÉcnico nacional centro interdisciplinario de ciencias marinas estrategias reproductivas de dos especies de batoideos



En la Ciudad de La Paz, 8.C.5., eldfa 21 del mes de del año 2018

El (la) que suscribe __---=M~C=.~MA=R=lA::..::..:.ITZ=I.=GU;::.E=R:.::::I:.;:8:..:U:.:.R::.::G:.;:O:..:::S__=V..:..:Á=ZQ""'_=_U=EZ=____ Alumno (a) del Programa


con número de registro 8140280 adscrito al CENTRO INTEROISCIPLlNARIO DE CIENCIAS MARINAS

manifiesta que es autor(a) Intelectual del presente trabajo de tesis, bajo la dirección de:


y cede los derechos del trabajo titulado:


(Nardne en temedor Y Rhlnoptera stelndachnerl) EN LA BAHÍA DE LA PAZ, BCS, MÉXICOH

al Instituto Politécnico Nacional, para su difusión con fines académicos y de Investigación.

Los usuarios de la información no deben reproducir el contenido textual, gráficas o datos del trabajo

sin el permiso expreso del autor y/o director del trabajo. Éste, puede ser obtenido escribiendo a la

siguiente dirección: [email protected][email protected] - [email protected]

Si el permiso se otorga, el usuario deberá dar el agradecimiento correspondiente y citar la fuente del



Nombrey firma delalumno

Page 4: ESTRATEGIAS REPRODUCTIVAS DE DOS ESPECIES DE … · instituto politÉcnico nacional centro interdisciplinario de ciencias marinas estrategias reproductivas de dos especies de batoideos

La ciencia no tendría sentido sin el deseo de vivir,

La vida no tendría sentido sin Dios

y Dios, no tiene sentido sin el amor.

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A Rosario, que siempre hubo esa inexplicable conexión. Te extraño.

A Dios, que siempre está presente.

Y a mis padres, que, con su amor inagotable, llenan mi vida de esperanza.

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Muchas gracias al Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN) y al Centro Interdisciplinario de

Ciencias Marinas (CICIMAR), por abrirme las puertas a mi educación profesional, y

proporcionarme las herramientas y recursos económicos y académicos necesarios para mi

preparación como investigadora y poder contribuir al desarrollo y bienestar de mi país,

México, mediante la ciencia y la investigación.

A la Comisión Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACyT) por la beca otorgada durante

los cuatro años de doctorado. Al proyecto SEP-CONACyT 180894 “Demografía de los

batoideos costeros más abundantes del Pacifico mexicano centro-norte” por el recurso

para la obtención de las muestras y el apoyo económico para las diversas movilidades

académicas durante el programa de estudio.

A mis estimados directores de tesis, el Dr. Víctor H. Cruz Escalona y la Dra. Paola A. Mejía

Falla, gracias por su conocimiento, su tiempo, su dedicación y sobre todo su amistad.

Espero continuar colaborando como hasta ahora. Este trabajo no se hubiera podido

realizar sin su valioso conocimiento y apoyo. Estoy inmensamente agradecida con ambos.

A mis amigos y maestros, el Dr. Andrés F. Navia, la MS. Nancy Brown Peterson y el Dr.

Mark Peterson. Gracias Andrés por tan buenos consejos, por tu disponibilidad para

compartir tu conocimiento. Nancy and Mark, thank you very much for sharing your

knowledge, I felt at home in Mississippi, forever grateful. A los tres, gracias por abrirme

las puertas de su hogar y brindarme su amistad.

Muchas gracias a todos los miembros de mi Comité revisor, por su valioso conocimiento

y aportaciones a mi trabajo de tesis. A todo el personal de CICIMAR, que siempre me han

recibido con una sonrisa, por su valiosa labor. Especialmente a Roberto Aguilera y Susana

Cárdenas, que se convirtieron en mis grandes amigos. Los voy a extrañar.

Don Juan Higuera y esposa, por su tiempo y dedicación en la isla, para poder llevar a cabo

nuestro trabajo de campo. Este trabajo no se hubiera podido realizar sin su conocimiento.

A todos mis compañeros de campo y laboratorio, que durante cuatro años me brindaron

su tiempo (por el procesamiento de muestras), su conocimiento y amistad. Especialmente

a Valeria E. Chávez García y Yutzin A. Jiménez García, por el apoyo en el laboratorio y

permitirme ser su directora de tesis, gracias por la confianza y la paciencia.

A mi hermana Atziri, que ha sido motor en mi vida, que me hace ser mejor y querer

mostrarle que la vida es maravillosa. A mi hermano Miguel, mi hermano pequeño, que lo

amo infinitamente y que siempre estaré para él. Ambos, a través de su mirada me han

demostrado la existencia de Dios.

A Frank, que llego justo en el momento que Dios lo decidió. Gracias mi amor por tu apoyo,

tu ternura y tu comprensión, quiero seguir eternamente a tu lado, juntando triunfos,

juntando hermosos momentos.

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A mis amigos Anarosa, Surizaray, Jorge, Athziri, Lavinia y Caro, que durante cuatro años

me han apoyado incondicionalmente, muchas gracias por quererme. Este proyecto se

logró porque muchas veces estuvieron aquí, conmigo, apoyándome. A mi cuñada Paty y

su familia, por sus consejos y su amistad, pero sobre todo por amar a mi hermano.

A todos mis amigos del “Camino Feliz”, gracias por tan valiosa enseñanza de vida, siempre

en mi corazón.

A toda mi familia, mis amigos y compañeros de vida, gracias por hacerme feliz y

enseñarme que la vida es maravillosa, en buenas y malas condiciones.

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1.2.1 Study site and collection of specimens (4)

1.2.2 Sex ratio, length, and mass (5)

1.2.3 Macroscopic observations of reproductive structures and maturity (6)

1.2.4 Histological analysis (10)

1.2.5 Median size of maturity, pregnancy, and maternity (10)

1.2.6 Fecundity and reproductive cycle (11)

1.3. RESULTS (12)

1.3.1 Sex ratio, length, and mass (12)

1.3.2 Male reproductive structures and reproductive phases (12)

1.3.3 Female reproductive structures (14)

1.3.4 Female size at maturity, pregnancy, and maternity (19)

1.3.5 Ovarian and uterine fecundity (20)

1.3.6 Reproductive Cycle (23)

1.4. DISCUSSION (28)






2.2.1 Study area, sample collection and laboratory analysis (40)

2.2.2 Sex ratio, disc width, and mass (41)

2.2.3 Reproductive structures and maturity (42)

2.2.4 Median size at maturity and pregnancy (42)

2.2.5 Fecundity and reproductive cycle (43)

2.3. RESULTS (47)



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2.3.1 Sex ratio, disc width, and weight (47)

2.3.2 Reproductive structures and maturity (47) Rare and hard structures in females (53)

2.3.3 Size at maturity and pregnancy (54)

2.3.4 Ovarian and uterine fecundity (55)

2.3.5 Reproductive cycle (56)

2.4. DISCUSSION (59)


entemedor AND Rhinoptera steindachneri: TWO VIVIPAROUS SPECIES WITH





3.2.1 Reproductive mode and effort (71)

3.2.2 Life history traits (71)

3.2.3 Population parameter (72)

3.2.4 Definition and comparison of the life history strategies of both species (72)

3.3. RESULTS (73)

3.3.1 Reproductive mode and effort (73)

3.3.2 Life history parameters (81)

3.3.3 Population parameter (86)

3.3.4. Definition and comparison of the life history strategies of both species (86)

3.4. DISCUSSION (87)



ANEXOS (118)


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Figure 1.- Specimens collected in the Bahía de La Paz, from a) mature male of Narcine

entemedor and b) female neonate of Rhinoptera steindachneri. XIV

Chapter I

Figure 1.- Study area (Gulf of California and Bahía de La Paz, Mexico) including primary

sampling locations for Narcine entemedor (star = El Morrito, diamond = El Quelele, square=

Campo Rodríguez).


Figure 2.- Relationship between TL (cm) and inner clasper length (ICL; cm) of male Narcine



Figure 3.- Micrographs of the reproductive structures of male Narcine entemedor of a)

Longitudinal section of testes in early stages of spermatogenesis in an actively mating male,

b) Longitudinal section of testes in the actively mating phase and c) Longitudinal section of the

seminal vesicle of a male in the actively mating phase. The dotted line indicates packets of

spermatozoa in a spermatozeugmata. Abbreviations are as follows: Sg = spermatogonia, Sc1

= primary spermatocytes, Sc2 = secondary spermatocytes, St = spermatids, Sz =



Figure 4.- Ovarian follicles (top) and ovary (without the covering tissue) of a mature female

Narcine entemedor in the ovulation capable phase.


Figure 5.- Micrographs of reproductive structures of female Narcine entemedor of a)

Transverse section of an ovary in the immature developing phase (ovarian index 2), b)

Transverse section of a vitellogenic oocyte from a female in the ovulation-capable phase

(ovarian index 3), c) Transverse section of the anterior oviduct of a female in the ovulation-

capable phase with oocytes in the uterus, d) Transverse section of the uterus of an immature

developing female (uterine index 2), e) Transverse section of the uterine villi from a female in

the immature developing phase (uterine index 2), f) Transverse section of the uterus from a

female in the mature-not-pregnant phase (uterine index 3), g) Transverse section of the uterus

from a female with late-stage embryos (uterine index 4E), h) Longitudinal section of the uterine

villi from a pregnant female with late-stage embryos (uterine index 4E) and secretory crypts

(C, i.e., within dotted line). Abbreviations are as follows: Ep = peritoneal epithelium, CA =

cortical alveolar oocytes, PG = primary growth oocytes, Os = ovarian stroma, Zp = zona

pelucida, Fe = follicular epithelium, Te = theca externa, V = granules of vitellogenin, Lo =

oviductal lobules, l = lumen, Po = oviductal plates, Vll = uterine villi, BV = blood vessel, Esc =

simple cylindrical epithelium, Sta = stratified cylindrical epithelium, and H = histotroph.


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Figure 6.- Maturity ogives for female Narcine entemedor to TL (cm). a) Ogive by maturity

phase, b) Ogive based on ovary condition, c) Ogive based on uterus condition, d) Pregnancy

ogive and e) Maternity ogive.


Figure 7.- Fecundity relationships in female Narcine entemedor with a) Total length (cm) and

number of ovarian follicles by group and b) TL (cm) and number of embryos by female.


Figure 8.- Relationships of lengths of ovarian follicles and embryos in Narcine entemedor with

a) Monthly variation of largest ovarian follicle length in mature females, b) Monthly variation of

intra-uterine embryo TL (filled circles indicate eggs in the uterus). The lower and upper

boundaries of the boxes indicate the 25th and 75th percentiles, respectively, while the square

(□) inside the boxes indicates the medians. Whiskers indicate the nonoutlier range and circles

indicate outliers and c) Relationship between largest ovarian follicle length and embryo

developmental stage. Whiskers indicate the minimum and maximum length while the square

(□) indicates the medians.


Chapter II

Figure 1. Relationship between disc width (DW) and a) left testicle weight, b) left seminal

vesicle width for males, and c) left ovary weight, d) left oviducal gland weight and e) left uterus

weight for females of Rhinoptera steindachneri.


Figure 2.- Macrostructures of the reproductive system of Rhinoptera steindachneri females.

Longitudinal section of the left ostium, oviduct and uterus in a) stage 1 (immature), b) stage 2

(developing), c) stage 3 (mature-virgin) and d) stage 4 (mature-pregnant). Hard structures

found in e) left oviducal gland, f) right oviducal gland, g) both uteri (inside) and h) extracted of

those organs. Structures were considered in the text in dorsal position but all photos were

taken in ventral position. Abbreviations are as follows: Os = ostium, Ov = oviduct, T =

trophonemata, HS = hard structure, U = uterus, np = narrowest part, wp = widest part.


Figure 3.- a) Relationship between disc width (DW) and inner clasper length (cm) in males; b) maturity ogive in relation to maturity condition of males and c) females; d) pregnant ogive in females of Rhinoptera steindachneri.


Figure 4.- Relationship between a) total number of ovarian follicles (OF) and disc width (DW);

b) maximum follicular diameter by month (dotted line: ovulation diameter); c) disc width (DW)

of embryos and neonates by month, of Rhinoptera steindachneri.


Figure 5.- Percentage of reproductive stages by months in a) males and b) females of

Rhinoptera steindachneri. 59

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Chapter III

Figure 1.- Uterus and embryo of a) Narcine entemedor (E = in develop stage embryo) and b)

Rhinoptera steindachneri (E = early stage embryo). Abbreviations are as follows: T =

trophonemata; ys = yolk sac.


Figure 2.- Proportion between a) maximum follicular mass and maximum embryonic mass

and b) mature and pregnant females in relation to the total females of Narcine entemedor and

Rhinoptera steindachneri captured in Bahía de La Paz.


Figure 3.- Proportion of the a) size at first maturity, median size at maturity (TM50), median

size at pregnancy (TP50) and size at birth with the asymptotic size (L∞) [total length (TL in

Narcine entemedor and disc width (DW) for Rhinoptera steindachneri] and b) proportion of

maximum age, age at first maturity, median age at maturity (A50) and median age at pregnancy

(AP50; %: proportion with the maximum age evaluated) of Narcine entemedor and Rhinoptera



Figure 4.- Ogive of a) median age at maturity (A50), and b) median age of pregnancy (AP50) of Narcine entemedor and Rhinoptera steindachneri.


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Chapter I

Table 1. Macroscopic and microscopic descriptions of the male reproductive structures defined to distinguish maturity stages of Narcine entemedor.


Table 2. Macroscopic and microscopic descriptions of the female reproductive structures defined to distinguish maturity stages of Narcine entemedor.


Table 3. Mean monthly values (± SE) of the Gonadosomatic Index in female Narcine entemedor. Superscript numbers indicate homogeneous subsets (Tukey non-parametric post-hoc test with Bonferroni adjustment, P < 0.004). n = sample size.


Table 4. Percentage of maturity stages throughout the year in female Narcine entemedor. 27

Chapter II

Table 1. Maturity stages of Rhinoptera steindachneri males, indicating the characteristics and indices of each reproductive organ.


Table 2. Maturity stages of Rhinoptera steindachneri females, indicating the characteristics and indices of each reproductive organ.


Table 3. Mean and standard deviation values of the right and left reproductive structures in males and females of Rhinoptera steindachneri, and statistical results of Wilcoxon test. * t-studet t was used only for length of oviducal gland.


Chapter III

Table 1. Comparison of indicators of reproductive effort based on fecundity and mass among Narcine entemedor, Rhinoptera steindachneri and the optimal qualitative value for each parameter according to the r – K theory.


Table 2. Comparison of age, growth, reproductive and population parameters among Narcine entemedor, Rhinoptera steindachneri and the optimal qualitative value for each parameter according to the r – K theory.


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Uno de los aspectos más importantes dentro de la estrategia de historia de vida de las

especies, se basa en la estrategia reproductiva, la cual tiene como objetivo maximizar

la producción de la descendencia reproductivamente activa para asegurar la

supervivencia de la especie a través del tiempo. El presente estudio describe la

estrategia reproductiva y la estrategia de historia de vida de dos especies de batoideos

simpátricas para la Bahía de La Paz, BCS, México, la raya eléctrica gigante, Narcine

entemedor y la raya gavilán Rhinoptera steindachneri. El estudio se llevó a cabo con

muestreos mensuales mediante la captura de organismos con redes agalleras de

octubre de 2013 a marzo de 2017. Las hembras de N. entemedor presentaron una

talla mediana de madurez de 58.5 cm de longitud total (LT), talla mediana de preñez

de 63.7 cm LT y talla mediana de maternidad de 66.2 cm LT. Las hembras presentaron

entre 1 y 69 folículos ováricos de forma alargada, con una fecundidad ovárica máxima

(folículos vitelogénicos completamente desarrollados) de 17 y fecundidad uterina entre

1 y 24 embriones por hembra. Se estimó la talla de nacimiento entre 12.4 y 14.5 cm

LT. La vitelogénesis ocurrió de manera sincrónica con la gestación. Se definió un ciclo

reproductivo anual continuo, con un período de ovulación de cinco meses, entre mayo

y septiembre, y un periodo de gestación de cinco meses con dos picos de partos, uno

en enero-febrero y otro en agosto-septiembre y con diapausa embrionaria en algunos

individuos. La evidencia histológica de secreciones del tejido glandular de las

vellosidades uterinas, indica que probablemente esta especie presenta histotrofía

limitada. Para R. steindachneri, la talla mediana de madurez se estimó en 68.5 cm de

ancho de disco (AD) para los machos y 71.8 cm AD para las hembras y la talla mediana

de preñez en 84.3 cm AD. La fecundidad ovárica varió entre 1 y 44 folículos ováricos

y 6 folículos pre-ovulatorios vitelogénicos. La fecundidad uterina fue de un embrión por

hembra. El pico de ovulación y parto se presentó de mayo a julio, con tallas de

nacimiento entre 38.1 y 42 cm AD. R. steindachneri presentó un ciclo reproductivo

anual, continuo y sincrónico; la ovulación tiene una duración de tres meses y gestación

entre 10 y 14 meses. En relación con la estrategia de historia de vida, N. entemedor,

es una especie con crecimientor relativamente lento (khembra = 0.17 cm.año-1), tamaño

pequeño a mediano (talla máxima observada = 84 cm LT), edad de madurez temprana

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(5.1 años, 34.5% de la edad máxima, en hembras), fecundidad máxima alta (24

embriones/hembra), talla de nacimiento pequeña (14.5 cm LT, 17.7% de la talla

asintótica) y edad máxima intermedia (hasta 14.8 años); se sugiere la presencia de un

trueque entre el tamaño pequeño de las crías al nacer con la alta fecundidad. R.

steindachneri es una especie con crecimiento intermedio (khembra = 0.21 cm. año-1),

tamaño mediano (talla máxima observada = 94.2 cm AD), edad de madurez temprana

(3.8 años, 38.8% de la edad máxima en hembras), fecundidad extremadamente baja

(un embrión/hembra), talla de nacimiento grande (42 cm AD, 44% de la talla asintótica)

y edad máxima relativamente baja (hasta 9.8 años). En ésta especie probablemente

se presenta un trueque entre la baja fecundidad y la talla de nacimiento grande. Ambas

especies son matrotroficas, N. entemedor es vivípara con saco vitelino e histotrofia

limitada, mientras que R. steindachneri presenta histotrofia lipídica definitiva, lo cual

podría estar relacionado con el tamaño de las crías al nacer. De acuerdo con el

esfuerzo reproductivo, N. entemedor invierte más energía en términos de fecundidad,

mientras que R. steindachneri invierte más energía en la masa corporal del embrión.

N. entemedor mostró valores de supervivencia (Sx = 0.73) y una tasa potencial de

aumento poblacional (r' = 0.48) mayor que R. steindachneri (Sx = 0.62, r' = -0.18). Los

resultados sugieren que la estrategia reproductiva así como de historia de vida de N.

entemedor permiten a esta especie mayor capacidad para responder a las presiones

del ambiente y ser menos susceptible a la explotación por pesca que R. steindachneri.

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One of the most important aspects within the life history strategy of the species, is

based on the reproductive strategy, which aims to maximize the production of

reproductively active offspring to ensure the survival of the species through time. The

present study describes the reproductive strategy and the life history strategy of two

sympatric batoid species in Bahía de La Paz, BCS, Mexico, the Giant electric ray,

Narcine entemedor and the Pacific cownose ray Rhinoptera steindachneri. The study

was carried out with monthly samplings from October 2013 to March 2017, using

gillnets. N. entemedor females presented a median size at maturity of 58.5 cm of total

length (TL), median length at pregnancy of 63.7 cm TL and median size at maternity of

66.2 cm TL. The females presented between 1 and 69 ovarian follicles of elongated

shape, with maximum ovarian fecundity (fully developed vitellogenic follicles) of 17 and

uterine fecundity between 1 and 24 embryos per female. The size at birth was

estimated between 12.4 and 14.5 cm TL. Vitellogenesis occurred synchronously with

gestation. A continuous annual reproductive cycle was defined with an ovulation period

of five months, between May and September and a gestation period of five months,

with two parturition peaks, one in January-February and another in August-September

and with embryonic diapause in some individuals. The histological evidence of

secretions of the glandular tissue of the uterine villi indicates that this species probably

has limited histotrophy. For R. steindachneri, the median size at maturity was estimated

at 68.5 cm of disc width (DW) for males and 71.8 cm DW for females and the median

size at pregnancy in 84.3 cm DW. Ovarian fecundity varied between 1 and 44 ovarian

follicles and 6 pre-ovulatory vitellogenic follicles. The uterine fecundity was one embryo

per female. Ovulation peak and birth occurred from May to July, with birth sizes

between 38.1 and 42 cm DW. R. steindachneri presented an annual reproductive cycle,

continuous and synchronous; ovulation has a duration of three months and gestation

between 10 and 14 months. In relation to the life history strategy, N. entemedor, is a

relatively slow growing species (kfemale = 0.17 cm.year-1), small to medium size

(maximum observed size = 84 cm TL), early age at maturity (5.1 years, 34.5% of

maximum age in females), high maximum fecundity (24 embryos/female), small size at

birth (14.5 cm TL, 17.7% of asymptotic length) and intermediate lifespan (up to 14.8

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years). There is probably a trade-offs between the small size at birth and high fecundity.

R. steindachneri is a species with intermediate growth (kfemale = 0.21 cm year-1),

medium size (maximum observed size = 94.2 cm DW), early age at maturity (3.8 years,

38.8% of maximum age in females), extremely low fecundityy (one embryo/female),

large birth size (42 cm AD, 44% asymptotic size) and relatively short lifespan (up to 9.8

years); this species probably presents a trade-off between low fecundity and large size

at birth. Both species are matrotrophic, N. entemedor is viviparous with yolk sac and

limited histotrophy, whereas R. steindachneri presents definitive lipid histotrophy, which

could be related to the size of the offspring at birth. According to the reproductive effort,

N. entemedor invests more energy in terms of fecundity, whereas R. steindachneri

invests more energy in the embryo body mass. N. entemedor showed survival values

(Sx = 0.73) and potential population increase rate (r' = 0.48) higher than R.

steindachneri (Sx = 0.62, r' = -0.18). The results suggest that N. entemedor presents a

greater capacity to respond to the pressures of the environment to which it is subjected,

while R. steindachneri is more susceptible to exploitation by fishing.

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Reproduction is one of the most important biological process that ensure the

survival of the species; it is reflected in the effort of parents to produce fertile offspring

(Awruch, 2016), which inherits the properties of the parents to ensure survival over time

(Muchlisin, 2014). To optimize reproductively active offspring, the species present

diverse reproductive strategies (Roff, 1992). A reproductive strategy is defined as the

general pattern of reproduction common among individuals of a species, with the

purpose of maximizing the reproductively active offspring in relation to the available

energy, through trade-offs to increase the life expectancy of the parents (Wootton,

1984; Roff, 1992; Pianka, 2000).

Elasmobranchs (sharks, skates, and rays) are a group that exhibits a large

number of reproductive modes (Musick & Ellis, 2005), as a result of evolution through

more than 416 million years, and probably its survival success over time is due to that

diversity in their reproduction (Carrier et al., 2004; Holden, 1973; Hoenig & Gruber,

1990). Within this group there are two main parity categories: viviparity and oviparity,

however, it is the viviparity that is represented in more species, approximately 55%

(Wourms, 1981, Gross & Shine, 1981). The viviparity includes two types of embryonic

nutrition: lecitotrophy and matrotrophy (Wourms, 1977, 1981; Compagno, 1990;

Wourms & Lombardi, 1992). The lecitotrophy is characterized by the dependence

exclusively of the yolk throughout all gestation; while in the matrotrophy, the embryonic

development depend initially on the yolk sac, and once the yolk reserve is completely

consumed, the mother will generate and provide the nutrients for the embryonic

feeding. These nutrients can be pass to the embryos from lipid histotrophy, limited

histotrophy, oophagy, intrauterine cannibalism or placentatrophy (Nakaya, 1975,

Gilmore, 1993; Wourms, 1994; Musick & Ellis, 2005).

The viviparity is a highly successful reproductive mode that has evolved over

time, allowing the maximization of the reproductive potential of the species. This is

reflected in the decrease of the production of offspring, females with largers body sizes,

an effective internal fertilization (through the clasper), the process of absorption of

nutrients of the yolk sac and those generated by the mother, and the intrauterine

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protection of the embryos (Wourms, 1981). According to Wourms & Lombardi (1992),

all these characteristics demand a high energetic cost of the mothers for the embryonic

development, however, these traits are compensated (through trade-offs) by other

characteristics that will give the species the possibility of surviving and leaving fertile

offspring through maximizing the energy available in the environment (Goodwin et al.,

2002). The characteristics that viviparity implies in elasmobranchs are balanced

through a variety of adaptations in their life history in order to compensate the costs

involved (Goodwin et al., 2002), responding differently to environmental pressures

which results in different life history strategies in the species (Cortés, 2004; Frisk,


The reproductive aspects of a species contribute greatly to the definition of its

life history. It is recognized that some reproductive aspects determine the productivity

of a species, as well as the resistance of a population to the exploitation or disturbance

of other human activities (Ricker, 1954; Hilborn & Walters, 1992). For example, a single

life history trait as age at maturity, may instead be a good indicator of vulnerability

because this trait is negatively correlated with population growth rate (Smith et al.,

1998; Musick, 1999; Cortés, 2002).

The life history of an organism is represented by its birth until its death,

describing the age, the patterns of maturity, reproduction, survival and finally death

(Braendle et al., 2011). There are several theories that explain such strategies, such

as the r-K selection theory (Dobzhansky, 1950), bed hedging (Stearns, 1976),

triangular life history model (Winemiller & Rose, 1992), age-specific models (Stearns,

1992), among others. According to the r-K theory, the elasmobranchs will tend to

present traits more towards to K type (large body sizes, low fecundity, slow growth,

small offspring size and high lifespan), compared to teleost fish (Holden,1972).

However, due to the great diversity in life history traits within the elasmobranchs,

various theories have been proposed to explain the strategies that make them up

(Compagno, 1990; Cortés, 2000, 2004; Frisk et al., 2001, 2005; Goodwin et al., 2002;

Winemiller, 2005; Frisk, 2010).

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The analysis of life-history parameters is the first step to understanding a

species’ life-history strategy and to provide assessment tools for a sustainable fishery

(Frisk et al., 2001), such as the Giant electric ray, Narcine entemedor and the Pacific

cownose ray, Rhinoptera steindachneri.

The present thesis focuses on two matrotrophic viviparous species with different

embryonic nutrition modes, N. entemedor (Fig. 1a), which presents yolk sac and limited

histotrohy (Burgos-Vázquez et al., 2017), and R. steindachneri (Fig. 1b), which

possesses secretory villi (trophonemata) and definitive lipid histotrophy (Muick & Ellis,


Considering that both species are viviparous, the main research questions of

this study derive from the way in which the mother invests the energy towards the

development of her offspring. Does the mode of embryonic nutrition have an influence

on the gestation period? How is the large amount of energy invested by the mothers of

R. steindachneri compensated for the embryonic development? Which of these two

species has greater reproductive effort? And based on that reproductive effort, which

could be less effective in the face of recovery from an overfishing event? Could the

mode of embryonic nutrition be related to other life history traits of these two species?

In order to answer these questions, the main goal of this study was to define the

reproductive strategy of N. entemedor and R. steindachneri, to contrast them and

define the life history strategy of each species. Based on this information, I defined a

priori which species could be more susceptible to anthropogenic events as fishing.

This study was divided into three chapters: chapter I defines the reproductive

strategy of N. entemedor; chapter II defines the reproductive strategy of R.

steindachneri; and chapter III defines and compares the life history strategies of both

species using the information reported on chapters I and II and from information

reported on the literature (reproductive, age, growth and population parameters and

reproductive effort).

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Figure 1.- Batoid species of the study collected in Bahía de La Paz, BCS, México. a) Narcine

entemedor (mature male), b) Rhinoptera steindachneri (female neonate).



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There are a few comparative studies related to the life history strategies in

elasmonbranchs. Cortés (2000) used life history traits to define life history strategies in

sharks. Specifically for batoids, Frisk (2010) analyzed the life history traits, using

published information about longevity, maturity, growth and reproduction of the most

studied species worldwide, making a global description about life history strategy.

Comparative studies on the reproductive aspects of batoids are also limited.

Yokota & Lessa (2007) described the reproductive biology of three species of the order

Myliobatiformes (Gymnura micrura, Dasyatis guttata and D. marianae), in Northeastern

Brazil, estimating maturity sizes, birth sizes, and characterization of the reproductive

structure. Collonelo (2009) analyzed the reproductive ecology of three species

(Atlantaroja castelnaui, Rioraja agassizi and Zapteryx brevirostris), through macro and

microscopic analysis, sex ratio, maturity size and reproductive cycle. However, this

study focused on estimating and describing the reproductive aspects of each of the

target species, without evaluating interspecific differences through mathematical

models nor comparisons.

Studies about the reproductive biology of batoids in the Gulf of California are

few, and those focused on the life history are even more limited. The only studies are

based on the species Rhinobatus productus (Máquez-Farías, 2007a, 2007b, 2011).

However, most studies on batoids in this region are focused on the description of the

fishery and although there is not official fishery statistical on the captures or population

studies of N. entemedor and R. steindachneri, both species represent resources

frequently captured by artisanal fisheries on both coasts of the Gulf of California

(Márquez-Farías, 2002; Bizzarro et al., 2007; Bizzarro et al., 2009a, 2009b; Smith et

al., 2009; Salomón-Aguilar, 2015; Saldaña-Ruiz, 2017).

Specifically, N. entemedor, for the Gulf of California, has no studies focused on

the reproductive biology or the characterization of the life history strategy, there are

only recent studies on age and growth (Mora-Zamacona, 2017) and feeding habits

(Cabrera-Meléndez, 2017). Other studies about its biological (age and growth,

reproduction and diet) and taxonomic aspects, have been carried out in other areas of

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Mexico (Valadez-González, 2000; Villavicencio-Garayzar, 2000; De La Cruz-Torres,


Villavicencio-Garayzar (2000) reported for N. entemedor in Bahía Almejas (west

coast of BCS, Mexico) a maximum length of 93 cm in total length (TL), sex ratio of 11.5

females for each male, size at birth between 14 and 16 cm TL, growth rate of 0.372

cm.year-1, size at first maturity between 62 and 63 cm TL, maximum age of 15 years,

maximum fecundity of 20 embryos per female, annual reproductive cycle and

embryonic diapause as a reproductive tactic.

Regarding R. steindachneri, Villavicencio-Garayzar (1996) recorded for both

coasts of the peninsula of Baja California a maximum disc width (DW) of 108 cm in disc

width (DW), size at first maturity of 85 and 70 cm DW for females and males,

respectively, only the ovary and oviduct right were functional, fecundity of one embryo

per female, sizes at birth of 40 to 44 cm DW and gestation period of 10 to 11 months.

Bizzarro et al. (2007), carried out a study for this species in the northern zone of the

Gulf of California, registering a maximum size of 98 cm DW, median size at maturity in

females of 70.2 cm DW and in males of 69.9 cm DW, fecundity of one embryo per

female, size at birth between 38 and 45 cm DW and gestation period of 11 to 12

months. Flores-Pineda et al. (2008) in Bahía Almejas, recorded a maximum size of 105

cm DW, first size at maturity in both sexes of 75 cm DW, one embryo per female, only

the right oviduct was functional and a gestation period of 11 to 12 months. Carrillo-

Colín (2015) for the southeast of the Gulf of California, recorded a maximum size of

96.9 cm DW, sex ratio of one female for each male, a growth rate of 0.118 cm.year-1

for combined sexes and maximum age of 13 years.

The reproductive effort of a fish population has been evaluated in different ways

(Parsons, 1993, Gunderson, 1997, Haag, 2013, Husey et al., 2010, Damon et al.,

2016). However, this is the first study that uses the method proposed by Acuña et al.

(2001), to contrast the effort that N. entemedor and R. steindachneri output in terms of

reproduction, starting on the theoretical basis in which the reproductive effort has a

direct relationship with other traits of life history (Gunderson, 1997), which is necessary

to fulfill one of the objectives of this thesis.

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Both species are referred to in the Red List of Threatened Species of the

International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in different categories, N.

entemedor is referred to as a species with Data Deficient, while R. steindachneri is

classified as Near Threatened species. This justifies the need to generate baseline

scientific information for the formulation of adequate management plans for the

sustainable use of both resources. In this sense, knowing the life history strategy,

allows to integrate the necessary biological data to describe the demography of a

species which is necessary to understand the population dynamics and establish

appropriate assessment that allow the population to recover from overfishing (Walker

& Hislop, 1998; Cortés, 1998; Heppell et al., 1999; Brewster-Geisz & Miller, 2000;

Caswell, 2001; Cortés, 2002; Frisk et al., 2002; Mollet & Cailliet, 2002; Frisk et al., 2005;

Serra-Pereira et al., 2015). Other population parameters that need less biological

information, can be useful to evaluate the risk that a population faces to anthropogenic

factors, as it is the case of the potential rate of population increase r', proposed by

Jennings et al. (1998), which has been estimated for elasmobranchs by Frisk et al.

(2001). However, this rate has not been estimated for any batoid species for the Gulf

of California and could be useful due to the lack of biological information for this group

in this area.

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María I. Burgos-Vázquez1, Paola A. Mejía-Falla2, Víctor H. Cruz-Escalona1 & Nancy J.


1Instituto Politécnico Nacional-Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas., Avenida I.P.N. s/n, Colonia Playa Palo de Santa Rita, Apartado Postal 592, C.P. 23096 La Paz, Baja California Sur,

México. 2Fundación Colombiana para la Investigación y Conservación de Tiburones y Rayas, SQUALUS,

Carrera 64A No 11A-53, Cali, Colombia. 3Center for Fisheries Research and Development, School of Ocean Science and Technology, The

University of Southern Mississippi, 703 East Beach Dr., Ocean Springs, MS 39564, USA.

Burgos-Vázquez M. I., P. A. Mejía-Falla, V. H. Cruz- Escalona & Brown Peterson, N. J. 2017.

Reproductive Strategy of the Giant Electric Ray in the Southern Gulf of California. Marine and Coastal

Fisheries, 9(1): 577-596. DOI: 10.1080/19425120.2017.1370042.

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The objective of the present study was to describe and characterize macroscopic and

microscopic aspects of the reproductive biology of the Giant electric Ray Narcine

entemedor, a viviparous elasmobranch targeted by commercial fishers in Mexico. A

total of 305 individual rays were captured (260 females, 45 males); all males were

sexually mature. The median size at maturity for females was estimated to be 58.5 cm

TL, the median size at pregnancy was 63.7 cm TL, and the median size at maternity

was 66.2 cm TL. The range of ovarian follicles recorded per female was 1–69; the

maximum ovarian fecundity of fully grown vitellogenic oocytes was 17, and uterine

fecundity ranged from 1 to 24 embryos per female. The lengths of the oblong ovarian

follicles varied significantly among months, and the largest ovarian follicles were found

in July, August, and September. Median embryo size was largest in August, and the

size at birth was between 12.4 and 14.5 cm TL. Histological evidence of secretions

from the glandular tissue of the uterine villi indicate that this species probably has

limited histotrophy as a reproductive mode. Vitellogenesis in the ovary occurred

synchronously with gestation in the uterus. Narcine entemedor has a continuous annual

reproductive cycle; a period of ovulation occurs between May and September and two

peaks of parturition, one in January and one in August, occur, suggesting that

embryonic diapause occurs in some individuals. These results provide useful

information for the management of this important commercial species in Bahía de La

Paz, Mexico, and will allow possible modification of the current Mexican regulations to

enable better protection of this species.

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The elasmobranchs (sharks, skates, and rays) present diverse modes of

reproduction that have contributed to the success of this group for more than 400 million

years (Helfman et al., 1997). Wourms (1981) proposed two reproductive modes, based

on the type of embryonic nutrition: lecithotrophy, where the embryos depend

exclusively on yolk, and matrotrophy, where in addition to yolk the mother secretes

other nutritious substances. Additionally, the group has developed diverse reproductive

tactics, and some species exhibit embryonic diapause (i.e., an interruption of embryonic

development during gestation as defined by Simpfendorfer, 1992), sperm storage in

females (Pratt, 1993; Pratt & Carrier, 2001; Waltrick et al., 2014), and selection of

specific sites for parturition. Such sites are known as nursery areas that provide

protection against predators to ensure better chances of survival of their offspring

(Hueter et al., 2004).

The electric rays (Order Torpediniformes) have been defined as yolk sac

viviparous (lecithotrophs; Ranzi 1932, 1934; Hamlett et al., 2005). However,

Villavicencio-Garayzar (2000) reported that the Giant Electric Ray Narcine entemedor,

in the lagoon complex of Bahía Almejas, Baja California Sur, Mexico, has a viviparous

matrotrophic reproductive mode and exhibits embryonic diapause. Several species in

this order have two functional ovaries and uteri, e.g., Ocellated Torpedo Torpedo

torpedo (Capapé et al., 2000), Pacific Electric Ray T. californica (Neer & Cailliet, 2001),

and Lesser Electric Ray N. brancoftii (Moreno et al., 2010), and all species in the order

lack the oviducal gland (Prasad, 1945).

The Giant Electric Ray is distributed from the Bahía Magdalena, on the west

coast of Baja California Sur, including the Gulf of California, southward to Peru

(Robertson & Allen, 2015). This is one of the species most frequently captured by

artisanal fishers in northwestern Mexican waters and is opportunistically fished

throughout the year (Villavicencio-Garayzar, 2000; Márquez-Farías, 2002). However,

the agency responsible for management of sharks and batoids in Mexico (INAPESCA,

acronym in Spanish) established a closed season between May 1 and July 31

prohibiting the capture of elasmobranchs in the Mexican Pacific Ocean and sharks in

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the Gulf of Mexico (Official Mexican Standard for Fishing, NOM-029-PESC- 2006; DOF,

2007, 2012).

Considering that biological information of populations of commercial importance

is essential to ensure effective management of these species (Cortés, 2004; Walker,

2005; Lowerre-Barbieri et al., 2011; Dulvy et al., 2014; Simpfendorfer & Wetherbee,

2015), the objective of this study was to evaluate reproductive aspects of the N.

entemedor in Bahía de La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Specifically, we present

information on the reproductive mode, tactics, and cycle as well as estimates of

characteristics related to maturity, gestation, and ovulation.


1.2.1 Study site and collection of specimens

Monthly collections of N. entemedor were made from October 2013 through

December 2015 in the southern zone of Bahía de La Paz, located in the southern

portion of the Gulf of California (24°25′17.55″N, 110°18′31.64″W), in three different

fishing grounds: El Morrito, El Quelele, and Campo Rodríguez (Fig. 1). Bahía de La

Paz is isolated from the majority of the hydrological processes in the Gulf of California

(Salinas-Gonzáles et al., 2003). Mean annual water temperatures vary from 15°C to

22°C, and mean salinity is 35‰ but can increase during summer due to intense

evaporation and little freshwater inflow (Villaseñor, 1979; Salinas-González et al.,


The rays were captured by artisanal fishers using monofilament gill nets (100 m

long, 1.5 m high, 8–10 in stretch mesh) traditionally called chinchorros, which are set

in the afternoon at depths between 10 and 40 m over sandy bottoms and recovered the

next morning. Each fish was measured for TL (cm), weighed (total mass [TW]) and

eviscerated mass [EW], ±0.01 kg) and the sex determined. For males, the inner clasper

length (CL, cm), the grade of calcification of the clasper (calcified, partially calcified, not

calcified), and the presence or absence of semen was recorded. Gonads were

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macroscopically staged to define maturity, weighed (gonad mass [GW], 0.001 g), and

fixed in 10% buffered formalin.

1.2.2 Sex ratio, length, and mass

The sex ratio of adults and juveniles (combined) and embryos was evaluated

with a chi-square test to determine whether it differed from 1:1 (Sokal & Rohlf, 1998).

Differences in the length and mass between males and females (excluding the mass

of pregnant females) were evaluated using a Mann–Whitney U-test. Data were tested

for normality and homogeneity of variances prior to analysis with Kolmogorov–Smirnov

and Lilliefors tests, respectively. All differences were considered significant if P < 0.05.

Figure 1.- Study area (Gulf of California and Bahía de La Paz, Mexico) including primary sampling locations for Narcine entemedor (star = El Morrito, diamond = El Quelele, square= Campo Rodriguez).

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1.2.3 Macroscopic observations of reproductive structures and maturity

Maturity of males was defined following the criteria proposed by Neer & Cailliet

(2001) and Moreno et al. (2010) and adapted for N. entemedor based principally on the

development of the testes, the presence–absence of testicular lobes, and the

presence–absence of semen (Table 1). Each testis was measured (length and width,

±0.001 cm); differences between the length were evaluated using a Student’s t-test,

and width of the left and right testis were evaluated using a Wilcoxon test. Additionally,

the relationship between the inner length of the clasper as a function of TL was plotted.

Maturity of females was evaluated following the criteria of Martin & Cailliet

(1988), Abdel-Aziz (1994), Villavicencio- Garayzar (2000), Moreno et al. (2010), Mejía-

Falla et al. (2012), and Rolim et al. (2015) adapted to specific characteristics of N.

entemedor. We defined four phases considering macroscopic characteristics of both

ovary and uterus as well as the maturity indices for each independently evaluated

structure (Table 2). The width, length (±0.001 cm), and mass (±0.001 g) of each ovary

was recorded, and the ovarian follicles were removed. The anterior oviducts and the

uterus were removed and measured (width, ±0.001 cm) and the presence of ovarian

follicles in the anterior oviduct (completely vitellogenic as evidence of ovulation) and

embryos in the uterus were recorded. The length of each villi in the uterus was

measured (±0.001 cm), and the abundance of villi was evaluated as few (≤ 50 villi) or

abundant (≥ 51 villi). The differences in the length of the right ovary and the width of

the right uterus by maturity phase were evaluated using a Kruskal–Wallis (KW) test for

independent samples. Differences in the length and width between the right and left

reproductive structures (ovary and uterus) of females were assessed using a Wilcoxon

paired test.

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Table 1. Macroscopic and microscopic descriptions of the male reproductive structures defined to distinguish maturity stages of

Narcine entemedor.

Testes Seminal vesicle

Maturity Phase

(Maturity index)

Testes Index

Macroscopic condition Microscopic condition Seminal vesicle Index

Macroscopic condition Microscopic condition

Immature -Developing

(2) 2

Presence of testicular lobules and up to 30% of

epigonal tissue

Presence of testicular

lobules with spermatogonia and primary and secondary


2 Slightly differentiated

from vas deferens and not coiled

Without spermatozoa or seminal fluid

Mature - Spawning

Capable (3) 3

Presence of testicular lobules and up to 10% of

epigonal tissue

Presence of testicular lobules with spermatogonia and primary and secondary spermatocytes, spermatids

and spermatozoa

3 Differentiated vas

deferens, thickened Without spermatozoa or

seminal fluid

Mature - Actively

spawning (4)

4 Presence of testicular

lobules and up to 10% of epigonal tissue

Presence of testicular lobules with spermatogonia and primary and secondary spermatocytes, spermatids

and spermatozoa

4 Differentiated vas

deferens, thickened With sperm and seminal


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Table 2. Macroscopic and microscopic descriptions of the female reproductive structures defined to distinguish maturity stages of

Narcine entemedor.



Maturity Phase (Maturity index)

Ovary index

Macroscopic condition

Microscopic condition

Uterus index

Macroscopic condition

Microscopic condition

Immature – Early Developing (2) 2

With translucent ovarian follicles ≤ 5

cm long and abundant ovarian


With primary growth and previtellogenic ovarian follicles and abundant epigonal



Little differentiation in anterior oviducts, short

uterine villi (<1 cm), abundant and wide

between 0.2 and 1.2 cm.

Uterine villi of simple cylindrical epithelium, few blood vessels and little blood segregation

from the basal endometrium. Lacks

glandular epithelium, no histotroph secretions.

Mature – Not pregnant (3)




With yellow ovarian follicles and lengths between 10-17 cm, little ovarian stroma

With vitellogenic ovarian follicles ≥ 17.01 cm in length

and no ovarian stroma

With primary growth, previtellogenic and

primary and secondary vitellogenic ovarian


With primary growth, previtellogenic, and

primary, secondary and tertiary vitellogenic

ovarian follicles


Without eggs or embryos, with uterine

villi throughout the endometrium, slightly

narrow and well differentiated from anterior oviducts. Widths > 1.3 cm

Uterine villi of cylindrical stratified epithelium, with

glandular tissue in the periphery of the villi; one blood vessel central in the uterine villi. Small quantity of histotroph


Spawning Capable

Mature - Pregnant (4)

Actively Spawning


With vitellogenic ovarian follicles ≥ 17.01 cm in length

and no ovarian stroma

With primary growth, previtellogenic, and

primary, secondary and tertiary vitellogenic

ovarian follicles


With eggs, lacking egg capsule, thick and

abundant uterine villi. There can be ovarian

follicles descending into the anterior oviduct.

Width > 1.7 cm

Embryos in formation

3 4B

Lacking egg capsule, uterine walls thick with abundant uterine villi, > 2 cm wide. Embryos < 3


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Early embryos


Lacking egg capsule, uterine walls thick with abundant uterine villi, >

2 cm wide. Embryos 3.1-5.8 cm.

Mid embryos



Lacking egg capsule, elongated uterine villi (> 1 cm), muscular walls beginning to thin, vascularized, width > 2.4 cm. Embryos 5.9-12.3 cm.

Late embryos


Muscular walls thin and transparent, highly vascularized, width > 2.4 cm Embryos > 12 cm and no yolk sac.

Mature—Regressig (5)


With translucent ovarian follicles ≤ 5

cm long and abundant ovarian

stroma and presence of postovulatory


With primary growth and previtellogenic and

vitellogenic ovarian follicles and abundant epigonal tissue, atretic

oocytes and corpus leutum can be present


Without eggs or embryos, with uterine villi throughout the endometrium, slightly narrow, thick and well differentiated muscular walls of anterior oviducts

Uterine villi composed of stratified cylindrical epithelium and glandular tissue on the periphery of villi; A central blood vessel in each uterine villi. No histotroph present

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1.2.4 Histological analysis

Histological processing followed Burgos-Vázquez (2013) and consisted of

successive changes of ethanol at increasing concentrations from 70% to 100%,

followed by clearing and infiltration with paraffin in a tissue processor. Tissues were

embedded in paraffin, and transverse and longitudinal sections (3–5 μm) of the ovary,

anterior oviduct, and uterus of females and testis and seminal vesicles of males were

stained using hematoxylin and eosin.

To define male maturity, the process of spermatogenesis in the testes and

seminal vesicles was examined following that defined by Maruska et al. (1996), ICES

(2010), and Brown- Peterson et al. (2011). Males were considered mature when

primary spermatocytes were present in the testis (Brown-Peterson et al., 2011). For

females, the description of oogenesis followed that defined by ICES (2010) and Brown-

Peterson et al. (2011). Slides were examined using a Nikon Eclipse 50i compound

microscope and photographed with a DXM 1200C camera using ACT-1C software.

1.2.5 Median size of maturity, pregnancy, and maternity

The median size at maturity (TL50) for females was calculated using a logistic

regression model with binomial data (0, immature; 1, mature; Table 2) with the equation

P𝑖= (1+𝑒-(a+b*TLi))-1

where pi is the fraction of mature individuals at TL, a and b are model parameters, and

a/b corresponds to the median size of maturity (Mollet et al., 2000). Females were

considered mature if ovaries were classified in the mature–not pregnant (3), mature–

pregnant (4), or regressing (5) phases (Table 2) or if the uterus showed signs of

development (indices 3, 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4E, or 5; Table 2). Similarly, the median size

at pregnancy (TLP50) was calculated using binomial data, where a value of 1

corresponded to females regressing or with eggs or embryos in the uterus (indices 4A,

4B, 4C, 4D, 4E; Table 2), and a value of 0 was assigned to nonpregnant females

(indices 2 and 3, or 5; Table 2). For the median size at maternity (TLM50), females were

considered as maternal (1) if they would have produced a litter the next season, if not

captured, and contained follicles ≥ 16 cm length in the months of May to December,

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and nonmaternal (0) if they would not have contributed offspring the next season.

These values were defined from analysis of the reproductive cycle following Walker

(2005) and Mejía- Falla et al. (2012).

1.2.6 Fecundity and reproductive cycle

Ovarian follicles were counted and measured for length (±0.001 cm). The

embryos were sexed (male, female, or undetermined), measured (TL, cm), and

classified ontogenetically based on morphological characteristics following Braccini et

al. (2007) and modified for N. entemedor. We defined four stages of embryonic

development: (1) in formation (embryos ≤ 3.0 cm TL with the presence of external

branchial filaments, without pectoral or pelvic fins, with no coloration, and a complete

and large yolk sac); (2) early development (embryos 3.1–5.8 cm TL with defined

pectoral fins, external branchial filaments present, no coloration pattern, and a large

yolk sac; (3) mid-development (embryos 5.9–12.3 cm TL without external branchial

filaments, small yolk sac, defined pelvic and pectoral fins, and the beginning of

coloration patterns on the skin); and (4) Late development (embryos ≥ 12.4 cm TL with

developed fins, no yolk sack, and defined coloration; Table 2).

Three different groups of ovarian follicles based on their size were defined: small

(previtellogenic, sizes ranging from 0 to 5.9 cm in length), medium (early vitellogenesis,

sizes between 6 and 15.9 cm in length), and large (late vitellogenesis, sizes ≥ 16 cm in

length). The mean and maximum number of ovarian follicles by group were estimated,

and differences among them were evaluated using a Kruskal– Wallis test. Ovarian

fecundity was defined considering only large ovarian follicles. Ovarian and uterine

fecundity were estimated using range, mean, and mode of the number of large ovarian

follicles in the ovary and the number of embryos in the uterus, respectively (Pratt, 1979).

We used linear regression to analyze the relationships between ovarian

fecundity or uterine fecundity with TL. For females that presented ovarian follicles and

embryos, the relationship between the length of the ovarian follicles and the size of the

embryos by ontogenic stage was compared in order to evaluate the synchrony (or

asynchrony) in follicular (vitellogenesis) and embryonic growth (gestation).

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The reproductive cycle was evaluated in three complementary ways. First, we

examined the monthly variation of the largest ovarian follicles (in length) and of the

embryo size to define the months of ovulation and parturition, respectively (Walker

2005; Mejía-Falla et al., 2012). For the embryo development period, embryos ≤ 5 cm

TL, belonging to pregnant females with a fecundity equal to one, were eliminated to

rule out possible sampling errors (aborts or retarded growth). A Kruskall–Wallis test

followed by a nonparametric Tukey post hoc test with Bonferroni adjustment (Siegel &

Castellan, 1988) was used to determine differences among months. Secondly, the

gonadosomatic index (GSI), calculated as GSI = GW/EW × 100 (Gherbi-Barre, 1983),

was used. Monthly differences in GSI were evaluated using a Kruskal–Wallis test, with

differences among months evaluated with a nonparametric Tukey test. Finally, the

percentage of females in each reproductive phase was examined monthly across the



1.3.1 Sex ratio, length, and mass

We analyzed a total of 305 N. entemedor (260 females and 45 males), resulting

in a female: male sex ratio for juveniles and adults combined of 5.7:1, which was

significantly different than the expected 1:1 ratio (χ2 = 151.55, df = 1, P < 0.001).

Females were present during all collection months and in greater abundance than

males. Males were not collected in January, April, or June.

Females ranged in size from 48.5 to 84.0 cm TL (mean ± SD, 65.9 ± 7.1 cm) and

males from 41.5 to 58.5 cm TL (51.4 ± 4.4 cm). Females were significantly larger (Z =

9.95, P < 0.001) and heavier (Z = 9.96, P < 0.001) than males.

1.3.2 Male reproductive structures and reproductive phases

Both testes in all males examined were functional, of an oval form, completely

covered by the epigonal organ, and suspended in the thoracic cavity by mesenteries.

There was no significant difference in the length of the left and right testis (t = 0.142, df

= 16, P = 0.889), but the left testis was significantly wider (1.87 ± 0.39 cm) than the

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right testis (1.75 ± 0.40 cm; Z = 2.762, P = 0.005). The claspers of all males examined

were completely calcified, and the relationship between inner clasper length and male

TL appeared to be linear (Fig. 2).

Figure 2.- Relationship between TL (cm) and inner clasper length (cm) of male Narcine entemedor.

All testes analyzed histologically (n = 20) had spermatocysts with different

stages of spermatogenesis, with spermatogonia, primary spermatocytes, and

secondary spermatocytes present in the spermatocysts (Fig. 3a) and were considered

sexually mature. Testes containing late stages of spermatogenesis, including

spermatids and spermatozoa (Fig. 3b), were identified as capable of mating (with

mature spermatozoa in the testis) or actively mating if the seminal vesicles contained

spermatozoa and seminal fluid. The seminal vesicles of these males also contained

aggregations of spermatozoa packets of the spermatozeugmata type, with the sperm

heads orientated toward the center of the packet and the tails along the margins (Fig.

3c). Males in the mating-capable and actively mating reproductive phases were present

during all months that males were captured. However, males in the actively mating

phase dominated during July (28.9%), August (22.2%), and September (20%).








40 45 50 55 60










Total length (cm)

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Figure 3.- Micrographs of the reproductive structures of male Narcine entemedor of a) Longitudinal section of testes in early stages of spermatogenesis in an actively mating male, b) Longitudinal section of testes in the actively mating phase and c) Longitudinal section of the seminal vesicle of a male in the actively mating phase. The dotted line indicates packets of spermatozoa in a spermatozeugmata. Abbreviations are as follows: Sg = spermatogonia, Sc1 = primary spermatocytes, Sc2 = secondary spermatocytes, St = spermatids, Sz = spermatozoa.

The size at sexual maturity could not be calculated for male, no immature

specimens were captured in this study. The smallest male captured (41.5 cm TL) had

spermatozoa in the testis and semen in the claspers and was actively mating.

1.3.3 Female reproductive structures

All females evaluated (n = 240) had functional ovaries and uterus and the

oviducal glands were absent. There was no significant difference between the length

of the right and left ovary (Z = 0.92, df = 141, P = 0.355), but the left ovary (median =

2.85 cm) was significantly wider than the right ovary (median = 2.60 cm; Z = 2.39, df =

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136, P = 0.016). There was a significant difference between the length of the right ovary

and maturity reproductive phase (KW (3, 152) = 68.72, P < 0.0001), during which females

in the ovulation capable phase had longer ovaries (median = 5.5 cm).

Both ovaries were in the anterior portion of the thoracic cavity and suspended

by the mesovarium. Ovaries are conical, and in the more advanced phases of

development, follicles filled the entire ovary with little ovarian stroma remaining. All

females had ovarian follicles in both ovaries. Ovarian follicles have an elongated form

in which the germinal zone is located at the semispherical base and the top of the

follicle is slightly pointed (Fig. 4). Ovarian follicles of different lengths (0.02– 31.8 cm)

were present in the same ovary.

Figure 4.- Ovarian follicles (top) and ovary (without the covering tissue) of a mature female Narcine entemedor in the ovulation capable phase.

Histological analysis of the ovaries showed different gametogenic stages

corresponding to the different reproductive phases. A germinal zone is evident in the

periphery of the ovary near the vertebral column, and ovarian follicles are embedded

in ovarian stroma, which is associated with the epigonal organ. The ovary is surrounded

by a peritoneal epithelium composed of simple cylindrical tissues and collagen fibers

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(Fig. 5a). Histological analysis permitted differentiation of the follicular epithelial layers

surrounding the oocyte, i.e., the zone pelucida, theca interna, and theca externa (Fig.


There were no significant differences between the width of the left and right

anterior oviduct (Z = 0.95, df = 133, P = 0.338). There were significant differences in

oviduct width during different reproductive phases (KW (4, 161) = 41.112, P < 0.0001);

ovulation capable females had the greatest width (median = 0.45 cm) compared with

other phases. The anterior oviducts have a tubular form and are connected to the

anterior portion of the uterus by a slight widening of the basal portion of the oviduct.

The oviduct is connected to the upper portion of the thoracic cavity by an ostium near

the corner of the mouth of the esophagus. Microscopic analysis of the basal zone of

the oviducts showed several disperse tubules, similar to oviductal tubules in the

oviducal gland. However, the oviduct lacked the plates and secretory ducts

characteristic of oviducal glands, and there was no evidence of spermatozoa in the

oviduct (Fig. 5c).

There were no significant differences between the left and right uteri in length (Z

= 0.313, df = 162, P = 0.754) or width (Z = 1.232, df = 147, P = 0.217). However, there

were significant differences among reproductive phase and uterus width (KW (4, 182) =

91.530, P < 0.0001); females with a uterine index of 4A–E had a greater width (median

= 4.45 cm) than females with a uterine index of 2, 3, or 5.

Uteri with an index of 2 had thin muscle walls with short and abundant uterine

villi, and the anterior oviducts were not completely differentiated. Uteri with an index of

3 had a thick layer of muscle covered by a serosa layer with abundant and short uterine

villi. In uteri of females in the mature–pregnant phase, the muscular tissue expanded

leaving only the serosa layer, which had a venous system originating in the anterior

part of the uterus, and the uterine villi were longer and more dispersed with an

expansion of the endometrium. The amount of uterine villi varied with uterine index;

indices 4A, 4B, and 4C presented abundant uterine villi, while few uterine villi were

present in uteri with indices 4D and 4E. At the microscopic level, the uterus was

composed of muscle fibers under a layer of connective tissue in all reproductive

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phases, but the uterine villi changed structurally according to the reproductive phase

(Fig. 5d, e, f, g). Uterine villi in uteri having indices of 2 and 3 were composed of simple

cubical tissue with a main blood vessel (Fig. 5e), while villi in those with indices 4A, 4B,

4C, and 4D were composed of stratified cylindrical tissue of approximately six layers of

cells (Fig. 5h). Finally, the lumen of the uterus of the pregnant females showed

acidophilic secretions from the secretory crypts of each uterine villi (Fig. 5h).

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Figure 5.- Micrographs of reproductive structures of female Narcine entemedor of a) Transverse section of an ovary in the immature developing phase (ovarian index 2), b) Transverse section of a vitellogenic oocyte from a female in the ovulation-capable phase (ovarian index 3), c) Transverse section of the anterior oviduct of a female in the ovulation-capable phase with oocytes in the uterus, d) Transverse section of the uterus of an immature developing female (uterine index 2), e) Transverse section of the uterine villi from a female in the immature developing phase (uterine index 2), f) Transverse section of the uterus from a female in the mature-not-pregnant phase (uterine index 3), g) Transverse section of the uterus from a female with late-stage embryos (uterine index 4E), h) Longitudinal section of the uterine villi from a pregnant female with late-stage embryos (uterine index 4E) and secretory crypts (C, i.e., within dotted line). Abbreviations are as follows: Ep = peritoneal epithelium, CA = cortical alveolar oocytes, PG = primary growth oocytes, Os = ovarian stroma, Zp = zona pelucida, Fe = follicular epithelium, Te = theca externa, V = granules of vitellogenin, Lo = oviductal lobules, l = lumen, Po = oviductal plates, Vll = uterine villi, BV = blood vessel, Esc = simple cylindrical

epithelium, Sta = stratified cylindrical epithelium, and H = histotroph.

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1.3.4 Female size at maturity, pregnancy, and maternity

Immature, developing females (n = 47, 18.1% of total) ranged in size from 48.5

to 69.0 cm TL, while mature females (n = 213, 81.9% of total) in the mature–not

pregnant, mature– pregnant, and mature–regressing phases ranged in size from 54.5

to 85.0 cm TL. The largest immature female (69.0 cm TL) had undeveloped ovaries,

ovarian follicles < 4.4 cm long, and thin uteri with very short uterine villi (uterine index

2). However, a smaller (54.5 cm TL), sexually mature female had ovarian follicles

completely developed (24.5 cm in length) and narrow but completely differentiated uteri

with abundant uterine villi (uterine index 3).

The TL50 in females based on maturity index (considering all structures) together

was estimated at 58.5 cm TL (95% CI: 51.7–65.4; Fig. 6a), very similar to values

estimated by considering only ovarian development (58.8 cm TL; 95% CI: 52.3–65.3;

Fig. 6b) or uterine development (59.0 cm TL, 95% CI: 53.4–64.7; Fig. 6c). Pregnant

females ranged from 55.0 to 84.0 cm TL and had a TLP50 estimated at 63.7 cm TL

(95% CI: 58.9–68.4; Fig. 6d). Maternal females ranged from 55.0 to 81.0 cm TL, and

the TLM50 was estimated at 66.2 cm TL (95% CI: 61.9–70.5; Fig. 6e).

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Figure 6.- Maturity ogives for female Narcine entemedor to TL (cm). a) Ogive by maturity phase, b) Ogive based on ovary condition, c) Ogive based on uterus condition, d) Pregnancy ogive and e) Maternity ogive.

1.3.5 Ovarian and uterine fecundity

All females analyzed had ovarian follicles in both ovaries, varying in number from

1 to 69 per female (mean ± SD, 23.6 ± 15.8; mode = 14) and between 1 and 46 follicles

per ovary (right: 12.8 ± 8.3, mode = 10; left: 13.6 ± 8.8, mode = 8). There were no

significant differences in the number of ovarian follicles between the left and right

ovaries (Z = 0.90, df = 151, P = 0.365).

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There were significant differences among number of ovarian follicles by size-

groups (KW(2, 168) = 64.63, P < 0.0001). The small group presented the highest mean

and maximum number of ovarian follicles (16.8 and 62, respectively), the medium

group presented a mean of 4.7 and maximum of 26, and the large group presented a

mean of 7 and maximum of 17 ovarian follicles (Fig. 7a). The total number of ovarian

follicles showed a clear relationship with female size; however, only females that were

≥57 cm TL had more than 50 follicles of different sizes, and medium and large follicles

were present in size-group ≥ 52.5 cm TL (Fig. 7a).

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Figure 7.- Fecundity relationships in female Narcine entemedor with a) Total length (cm) and number of ovarian follicles by group and b) TL (cm) and number of embryos by female.

There was a significant difference between the ovarian index and the total

number of ovarian follicles (KW (2, 168) = 12.796, P = 0.0017). The ovarian fecundity

(mean = 7.0, max = 17) had no relationship with the size of the female (r2 = 0.0180, P

= 0.464), but only females ≥ 58 cm TL had 10 or more follicles capable of being ovulated

(Fig. 7a).

A total of 45 females had embryos in the uterus, and sizes ranged from 0.1 to

14.5 cm TL (n = 307; 123 females, 88 males, and 96 undefined). The embryo female:

male sex ratio was 1.3:1, which was not significantly different from the expected 1:1

ratio (χ2 = 5.805, P = 0.984). Embryonic fecundity varied between 1 and 24 embryos

(6.6 ± 5.3, mode = 2), and the number of embryos did not vary significantly between

left and right uteri (Z = 0.95, df = 34, P = 0.431). There was no relationship between

uterine fecundity and female TL (r2 = 0.0009, P = 0.850, n = 41; Fig. 7b), but only

females ≥ 60 cm TL had more than seven embryos and females ≥ 70.5 cm TL had 13

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or more embryos. The highest fecundity observed, 24 embryos, was in a 75-cm-TL


1.3.6 Reproductive Cycle

Maximum ovarian follicle lengths varied significantly among months (KW (11, 180)

= 87.12, P < 0.0001), and the largest ovarian follicles occurred in July, August, and

September (31.5, 29.3, and 31.8 cm, respectively; Fig. 8a). Follicular growth and

development begins in May and ends (ovulation events) from August to September.

Additionally, September was the only month in which oocytes were found in the anterior

oviduct and large postovulatory follicles were seen in the ovary, evidence of recent

ovulation. However, two females had large ovarian follicles in February (19.8 cm) and

April (20.5 cm).

The median size of embryos varied significantly across months in which they

were present (KW(8, 307) = 249.84, P < 0.0001; Fig. 7b). Additionally, eggs were

observed in the uterus during all months, which can be indicative of embryonic

diapause. There were two periods of embryonic growth: from October to January–

February and from May to August. This later period corresponded to the season in

which the majority of females were captured.

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Figure 8.- Relationships of lengths of ovarian follicles and embryos in Narcine entemedor with a) Monthly variation of largest ovarian follicle length in mature females, b) Monthly variation of intra-uterine embryo TL (filled circles indicate eggs in the uterus). The lower and upper boundaries of the boxes indicate the 25th and 75th percentiles, respectively, while the square (□) inside the boxes indicates the medians. Whiskers indicate the nonoutlier range and circles indicate outliers and c) Relationship between largest ovarian follicle length and embryo developmental stage. Whiskers indicate the minimum and maximum length while the square

(□) indicates the medians.

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Embryonic size at birth was between 12.4 and 14.5 cm TL. There was a clear

tendency of synchronous development between vitellogenesis and gestation; females

with embryos in the two earliest stages of development (Formation and Early in Fig. 8c)

also had small ovarian follicles, while females with embryos in the Late developing

stage had the largest ovarian follicle lengths (Fig. 8c).

The male GSI did not vary significantly among months (KW (7, 38) = 4.93, P =

0.667), although GSI was highest in October (2.94). Female GSI did vary significantly

among months (KW(11, 160) = 64.60, P < 0.0001), and the highest mean value occurred

in August. Two homogeneous subsets were observed in female GSI; GSI values in

May, July, and August significantly higher than those in January, February, October,

and December (Bonferroni adjusted P < 0.004; Table 3). The GSI began to decrease

in October and remained low until April, suggesting little ovarian growth during these


Table 3. Mean monthly values (± SE) of the Gonadosomatic Index in female Narcine entemedor. Superscript numbers indicate homogeneous subsets (Tukey non-parametric post-hoc test with Bonferroni adjustment, P < 0.004). n = sample size.

Month n Mean ± SE

January 13 0.79 ± 0.245a

February 33 0.532 ± 0.106a

March 7 0.503 ± 0.124a,b

April 4 0.341 ± 0.102a,b

May 24 0.953 ± 0.378b

June 3 0.625 ± 0.088a,b

July 22 1.53 ± 0.259b

August 19 3.384 ± 0.39b

September 6 2.773 ± 0.882a,b

October 10 0.525 ± 0.076a

November 4 0.432 ± 0.034a,b

December 15 0.455 ± 0.05a

Finally, when considering the percentage of females in each reproductive phase

throughout the year (Table 4), there is one peak of ovulation between July and

September (highest percentage of ovulation-capable females) but two peaks of

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parturition (presence of Late developing embryos; Table 4). During the first, primary

peak in parturition, the females enter a period of embryonic diapause from October

through April; embryo development reactivates in May and birth occurs between August

and September. During the second, minor peak in parturition, gestation begins in

October, embryonic diapause does not occur, and females give birth in January to


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Table 4. Percentage of maturity stages throughout the year in female Narcine entemedor.

Immature Mature

Pregnant Not-


Month Total number

of females Developing



Ovulating (with

eggs in the


Eggs in the


Embryos in







embryos Regressing

January 18 16.7 0.0 66.7 0.0 5.6 0.0 0.0 11.1

February 35 14.3 11.4 54.3 0.0 0.0 2.9 0.0 17.1

March 10 20.0 0.0 80.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

April 11 18.2 27.3 54.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

May 33 24.2 15.2 15.2 24.2 15.2 3.0 0.0 3.0

June 13 23.1 0.0 15.4 15.4 15.4 23.1 0.0 7.7

July 31 41.9 32.3 3.2 0.0 3.2 6.5 12.9 0.0

August 35 14.3 54.3 2.9 0.0 0.0 8.6 17.1 2.9

September 14 28.6 42.9 28.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

October 23 13.0 30.4 34.8 4.3 4.3 4.3 0.0 8.7

November 8 37.5 0.0 25.0 12.5 12.5 0.0 0.0 12.5

December 29 72.4 0.0 20.7 0.0 0.0 3.4 0.0 3.4

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This study provides evidence that the Narcine entemedor has a continuous

annual reproductive cycle; one peak of ovulation occurs between July and September,

but two peaks of parturition occur (minor peak in January–February and major peak in

August–September). These two peaks of births suggest that a majority of female of N.

entemedor undergo embryonic diapause, as previously suggested by Villavicencio-

Garayzar et al. (2001) for this species, and similar to reports for other species of rays

(Lessa, 1982; Simpfendorfer, 1992; Morris, 1999; Waltrick et al., 2012). Additionally, in

contrast to previous reports of matrotrophy in this species (Villavicencio-Garayzar,

2000), histological evidence of secretory material in endometrial tissue during late

pregnancy suggests the N. entemdor presents limited histotrophy as a reproductive


The largest sizes of this species examined in this study are smaller to those

reported by Villavicencio-Garayzar (2000) for the Bahía Almejas, Baja California Sur,

Mexico (females = 93 cm TL, males = 67 cm TL) and those reported for the Ecuadorian

Pacific Ocean by Palma-Chávez et al. (2014) (females = 110 cm TL, males = 83 cm

TL), which could mean different populations were sampled. In contrast, it is possible

that the sizes recorded for the present study are smaller than previously reported

because the rays live in more protected areas (which function as mating or nursery

habitats) within a gulf or that the method of capture did not allow collection of larger


Although the observed sizes in our study were smaller than those found in

previous studies, they correspond primarily to sexually mature individuals, similar to

that found in previous studies. Thus, the effect of fishing gear selectivity is likely not a

concern when comparing studies. Smaller sized organisms, such as neonates and

juveniles, are likely to inhabit protected areas, such as shallower waters and marshes,

as also suggested by Villavicencio-Garayzar (2000) for Bahía Almejas. However, since

artisanal fishers only target large-sized organisms, we were not able to collect neonates

during this study. Neonates are likely located in areas that are not accessible for fishing

with gill nets, or they may leave the bay immediately after parturition. This is supported

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by Rudloe (1989) observation that Brazilian Electric Rays N. brasiliensis in the Gulf of

Mexico tend to move to shallower areas during warm seasons and retreat to deeper

areas during the cold seasons for parturition, which would also explain the absence of

neonates in our study.

The greater proportion of female N. entemdor relative to males in the Bahía de

La Paz has also been reported for this species in Bahía Almejas (Villavicencio-

Garayzar, 2000). A possible explanation for this pattern is that males only enter the

shallow, protected waters of the bays for mating, as the months when they were most

abundant (July–September) is the mating season (Villavicencio-Garayzar et al., 2001),

which coincides with the months of greatest follicular length and highest GSI in females.

Other species of Narcinidae also show female-dominated sex ratios; Brazilian Electric

Rays on the coast of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil, had a female: male sex ratio of

2.2:1, a result attributed to fishing gear selectivity (Rolim et al., 2015). Female Lesser

Electric Rays in Santa Marta, Colombia, also have a sex ratio of 2.4 females per male

(Moreno et al., 2010). In general, sexual segregation is a common characteristic among

diverse species of elasmobranchs and has been attributed to differences in sizes

between sexes in order to reduce predation or differences in feeding grounds, although

there are not sufficient studies to support these hypotheses (Wearmouth & Sims, 2010).

This is the first study to microscopically describe testicular development in N.

entemedor. We observed different spermatogenic phases such as those previously

described in mature elasmobranchs (Maruska et al., 1996). Narcine entemedor testes

have multiple germinal zones, similar to previous histological descriptions in batoids

(Pratt, 1988), and the mature spermatocysts were generally concentrated in the

periphery of the testes near the efferent ducts, as described by Hamlett (1999) for

batoid species.

Villavicencio-Garayzar (2000) defined maturity in male N. entemedor in Bahía

Almejas as the presence of semen in the vas deferens; that author did not evaluate the

different stages of spermatogenesis as we did in this study. Here, we defined functional

maturity based on histological examination of the testes and seminal vesicles as well

as the presence of spermatozoa in the claspers. Another criterion to define maturity in

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male elasmobranchs is the degree of calcification of the clasper (Abdel-Aziz, 1994);

only mature individuals have claspers that are completely calcified, as was found in this

study for all males examined.

In mature male of N. entemedor, the relationship between clasper length and

fish size (TL) seems to have a linear tendency, similar to reports by Villavicencio-

Garayzar (2000) in Bahía Almejas for N. entemedor and for the N. brasiliensis studied

by Rolim et al. (2015). It is likely that this relationship has a inflection point; however,

we cannot define the type of growth in relation to the clasper and TL since we do not

have immature individuals. The absence of juveniles has also been reported in other

zones and in the Mexican Pacific Ocean for the same species (Villavicencio- Garayzar,

2000; Rolim et al., 2015). Females of various species of elasmobranchs have varying

sizes of reproductive structures, including some organs that are dysfunctional (Dodd,

1972; Castro et al., 1988). However, in female N. entemedor, both ovaries are of similar

length and both contain fertile ovarian follicles. The mass of the left and right ovaries

were different, but this may have been an artifact of field sampling since the largest

ovaries tended to break and expel their oocytes and ovarian stroma prior to obtaining

measurements in the laboratory. The presence of two functional ovaries and uteri of

equal size has been previously reported for the same species in Bahía Almejas

(Villavicencio-Garayzar, 2000) as well as for Ocellated Torpedo (Capapé et al., 2000),

N. entemedor (Neer & Cailliet, 2001), and N. brasiliensis (Rolim et al., 2015), and is

thus likely a common feature among electric rays.

The elongated ovarian follicles of N. entemedor is unique among batoid species,

and it was described previously by Villavicencio-Garayzar (2000) for this species. This

form of the ovarian follicles may be related to uterine space as a reproductive tactic

whereby the female can provide a lot of yolk to the embryos in a reduced space. Moreno

et al. (2010) reported for N. brancoftii oocytes as “yellowish threads,” which likely

corresponds to the elongated form present in N. entemedor, although those authors

did not mention the length of the oocytes.

All females evaluated for this study had ovarian follicles in different stages of

follicular development, results that are very different than those reported by

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Villavicencio-Garayzar (2000) for the same species in Bahía Almejas where females <

61 cm had no gametogenic activity. However, Villavicencio-Garayzar (2000) did report

ovarian follicles of greater length (to 50 cm) than those encountered in the present

study. This may be due to females being larger (up to 93 cm TL) in Bahía Almejas than

in the present study. The presence of ovarian follicles ≤ 15.9 cm in length in completely

developed ovaries (ovary index = 4) suggests a continuous production of ovarian

follicles throughout the year, which further suggests the species has continuous

reproductive activity (Koob & Callard, 1999). In addition, the presence of postovulatory

follicles in the ovary in September suggests recent ovulation or a period of preovulation,

which is common in elasmobranchs (Lutton et al., 2005).

To define the birth size of N. entemedor in Bahía Almejas, Villavicencio-

Garayzar (2000) used the largest size of embryos in the uterus that had small yolk sacs

as well as the size of the smallest neonate captured (15.7 cm TL) and defined a size of

birth from 14 to 16 cm TL, which corresponds to 14.3–16.4% of the asymptotic size in

his study. Unfortunately, we did not capture any neonates in Bahía de La Paz, so the

size at birth was based on the largest embryo in utero without a yolk sac, following

morphological characteristics proposed by Braccini et al. (2007) and evidence from

Moreno et al. (2010) for N. brancoftii. We defined a birth size between 12.4 and 14.5

cm TL, which, although smaller than the defined birth size from rays in Bahía Almejas,

corresponds to 14–16.4% of the asymptotic size of the sampled population, similar to

the asymptotic size reported by Villavicencio-Garayzar (2000). Interestingly, we did not

find a difference in the sex ratio of embryos, similar to reports by Villavicencio-Garayzar

(2000) for Bahía Almejas. These observations support the idea that adults and juveniles

are temporally and spatially segregated by sex, rather than there being a

preponderance of females in the population.

Villavicencio-Garayzar (2000) defined N. entemedor as a matrotrophic species

and considered that one-third of the mass of the embryo depended on the mother

through uterine milk obtained through the uterine villi; however, this investigator did not

carry out studies that defined the percentage of yolk consumed, as proposed by

Guallart &Vicent (2001). In our study, we did not observe uterine milk, and the material

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secreted by the uterine villi observed in histological sections was only a few droplet

granules located near the glandular crypts. Additionally, the muscular tissue and serosa

layer of the uterus were very thin, while in elasmobranchs with a dependence on uterine

milk these structures are very thick (Colonello et al., 2013). Thus, the characteristics

observed in the present study suggests that N. entemedor is likely a species with limited

histotrophy (matrotrophic), based on the secretions from secretory crypts in the

endometrium and the increased vascularization in that tissue, since according to Moura

et al. (2011) this is evidence of a certain type of nutrition secreted by the mother.

Additionally, these secretory crypts are composed of more than six layers of cells that

make up the glandular tissue, in contrast to the related Ocellated Torpedo that has only

one to two cell layers in the uterine villi and a viviparous reproductive type with vitelline

sac and no histotrophy (Ranzi, 1934; Hamlett et al., 2005).

Histotrophy can be used as supplemental food when the embryo has used up

the yolk sac (Hamlett et al., 2005). However, histochemical analyses are necessary to

define the type of secretion and to determine if it is a nutrient substance secreted by

the mother to provide embryonic nutrition, since the difference between limited

histotrophy and lecitotrophy is very subtle (Huveneers et al., 2011). Alternatively, a

comparison of the dry mass of eggs and embryos at term, as proposed by Guallart &

Vicent (2001), could also help determine the extent of matrotrophy exhibited by N.


The median size at maturity estimated for the species in Bahía de La Paz

represents 66.2% of the estimated maximum asymptotic length (88.4 cm TL), which is

smaller than that proposed by Villavicencio-Garayzar (2000) for this species in Bahía

Almejas (62–63 cm TL; 68–69%). This difference is likely due to the catch sizes for this

study (maximum TL = 84 cm), which were smaller than those from Bahía Almejas

(Villavicencio-Garayzar, 2000). However, in both studies, the mature population is >

60% of the asymptotic size. In contrast, other species of Torpediniformes, such as N.

brancoftii and N. entemedor reach maturity at 53.5% and 53%, respectively, of their

estimated asymptotic length (Neer & Cailliet, 2001; Moreno et al., 2010). It should be

noted that the median size at maturity based on the condition of the ovaries was similar

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to the median size at maturity estimated considering all reproductive structures

together. Thus, when monitoring the species, the condition of the ovaries (mature or

immature) can be used to define the maturity of the organism. This is the first study to

evaluate the median size at maternity for N. entemedor, which represents 74.9% of

estimated asymptotic length. This suggests that only the largest females in the

population of Bahía de La Paz contribute to recruitment the following year if they are

not captured.

The total number of ovarian follicles encountered for N. entemedor (69) was

similar to that reported for Pacific Electric Rays (Neer & Cailliet, 2001) and Variable

Torpedo Rays T. sinusperisici (Shrikanya & Sujatha, 2014) of 55 oocytes for both

species. However, ovarian fecundity based only on large vitellogenic ovarian follicles is

less than uterine fecundity in N. entemedor. It is likely that the ovarian fecundity of N.

entemedor is underestimated, since the ovarian follicles could have been damaged or

expelled during the manipulation of specimens in field.

The uterine fecundity of N. entemedor in Bahía de La Paz (1–24 embryos) was

slightly greater than that reported for this species in Bahía Almejas (4–20 embryos:

Villavicencio-Garayzar, 2000). This difference could be due to an underestimation in

the Bahía Almejas population as pregnant females could have aborted their embryos

during capture, since specimens were recovered from fishing gear after several hours.

In our study, we identified a female with a contracted cervix and a fecundity of 24

embryos, suggesting she did not abort any embryos, which provides support for our

estimations. Lower fecundities have been observed in other Torpediniformes, such as

N. brancoftii (1–14, Moreno et al., 2010), T. californica (17, Neer & Cailliet, 2001), and

Marbled Electric Ray T. marmorata (3–16, Consalvo et al., 2007), although all these

species are smaller than N. entemedor and thus can be expected to have lower

fecundities. In addition, in some species the number of embryos is related to embryo

size, such as in Ocellated Torpedo, which has a fecundity of 28 small embryos (12.5

cm TL, Capapé et al., 2000).

In contrast to Villavicencio-Garayzar (2000) and Villavicencio-Garayzar et al.

(2001) who only found ovarian follicles from May to August in N. entemedor rays from

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Bahía Almejas, we found females with ovarian follicles year-round. However, ovarian

follicle growth began in May and follicles achieved their greatest lengths in September,

although previtellogenic follicles were present throughout the year. It is possible that

previous studies did not report the presence of previtellogenic follicles in the ovary.

The presence of oocytes descending into the anterior oviducts during September

in our study was also reported for this species in Bahía Almejas (Villavicencio-

Garayzar, 2000). Females with ovarian follicles ≥ 16 cm were not observed in October

in rays in either study, indicating that ovulation and mating end in September, which

may be closely related to the increase in temperature in the summer months in both

bays. While only two females were recorded with follicles near ovulation size (19.8 and

20.5 cm) in February and April, respectively, it is likely that these follicles are atypical

since both females contained only one follicle of this size and all others were ≤15.9 cm

in length.

Gestation and vitellogenesis occurred synchronously in N. entemedor in both

Bahía de La Paz and in Bahía Almejas (Villavicencio-Garayzar, 2000; Villavicencio-

Garayzar et al., 2001). Furthermore, gametogenic development was observed in

females in all months, and this is mainly because once the mother gives birth, she is

ready to ovulate immediately after parturition suggesting this is a species with a

continuous annual reproductive cycle (Koob & Callard, 1999). However, this was not

the case for a single female in January with not only late developing embryos but also

with ovarian follicles < 16 cm, too small for ovulation. Likely, this small (66 cm TL)

female was reproducing for the first time and did not go through embryonic diapause

like all the other females in the population. This atypical behavior could be a

physiological response to the environment or a respite from the continuous

reproductive periods; this possibility can only be corroborated with hormonal analysis

as discussed by Lopes et al. (2004) and Murphy (2012).

January and August represent the two periods of parturition, although we only

observed one female in January ready to give birth, and another in February with

embryos in the mid-developing stage. Thus, it appears there are two peaks of birth,

following two separate paths of development. The majority of the females fertilized in

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summer (August– September) pass through a period of embryonic diapause from

October until April and have fertilized eggs in the uterus during this time. Fertilized eggs

can remain in the blastodisc stage from 4 to 10 months (Simpfendorfer, 1992; Morris,

1999). Later, embryo development is reactivated in May and parturition occurs in

August and September. In the second possible pathway without embryonic diapause,

as seen in a minority of females in Bahía de La Paz, embryonic development of

fertilized oocytes begins immediately in October and parturition occurs in January–

February. The period of embryo development is the same in both pathways (5 months),

but one group of the population delays embryo development for 7 months during the

coldest time of the year, followed by activation of the embryo development period in the

summer months. According to Wyffels (2009), it is common to identify an embryonic

diapause period in females with fertilized eggs in the uterus but without visible embryos

for long periods of time, and this is also common in populations with synchronous

reproductive cycles, as we observed for N. entemedor in Bahía de La Paz.

Embryonic diapause was suggested previously for N. entemedor by

Villavicencio-Garayzar (2000) and Villavicencio-Garayzar, Mariano, and Downtonn

(abstract) in Bahía Almejas. Furthermore, other species of rays have also been

reported to have embryonic diapause, such as Bluntnose Stingray Dasyatis say

(Simpfendorfer, 1992; Morris, 1999), Brazilian Guitarfish Rhinobatos horkelii (Lessa,

1982), and Whiptail Stingray D. brevis and Shovelnose Guitarfish R. productus

(Villavicencio-Garayzar et al., 2001).

This study reports previously unknown reproductive data for N. entemedor, an

important commercial species in Bahía La Paz, Mexico. Of particular concern is that

most of the mature individuals caught in the area are pregnant females with eggs or at

different stages of gestation. Furthermore, the principal months of birth are July to

September, yet elasmobranch fishing closures in Mexico only occur from May 1 to July

31 (DOF, 2012). Our data suggest female of N. entemedor are vulnerable to capture

during the primary birthing months, which may negatively impact population recruitment

and jeopardize the population’s recovery from overharvesting. Although the Mexican

law is meant to protect different species of elasmobranchs, the complexity of

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incorporating biological information with fishing and resource dynamics is challenging,

particularly when biological information is lacking. Thus, information provided here is

important for the evaluation of the population of N. entemedor in Bahía de La Paz and

should be considered when future policies and management plans are drafted to

protect this species.

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RAY Rhinoptera steindachneri IN THE SOUTHERN GULF OF


María I. Burgos-Vázquez1,*, Valeria E. Chávez-García1-2, Víctor H. Cruz-Escalona1, Andrés F. Navia3 and Paola A. Mejía-Falla3,4

1 Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas,. La Paz, Baja California Sur, México. Av. Instituto Politécnico Nacional s/n Col. Playa Palo de Santa Rita

Apdo. Postal 592. Código Postal 23096 La Paz, B.C.S. 2Universidad del Mar, Ciudad Universitaria, Puerto Ángel, Distrito de San Pedro Pochutla,

Oaxaca México C.P. 70902. 3Fundación colombiana para la investigación y conservación de tiburones y rayas,

SQUALUS. Calle 10A No 72-35, Cali, Colombia. 4. Wildlife Conservation Society, WCS-Colombia. Av. 5N No. 22N-11, Cali, Colombia.

Burgos-Vázquez, M. I., Chávez-García, V. E., Víctor H. Cruz-Escalona, V. H., Andrés F. Navia, A. F &

Mejía-Falla, P. A. Reproductive strategy of the Pacific cownose ray Rhinoptera steindachneri in the

southern Gulf of California. Marine & Freshwater Research. In press.

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Rhinoptera steindachneri is one of the most common batoid species in the artisanal

gillnet fishery of the Gulf of California. Its reproductive biology was studied based on

317 specimens caught in Bahía de la Paz, Mexico. Females measured up to 94.2 cm

disc width (DW) and males reached 82.5 cm DW; there were no significant differences

in size or weight between sexes. Median size at maturity was estimated at 68.5 cm DW

for males and 71.8 cm DW for females, and the median size at pregnancy was 84.3 cm

DW. Only the left ovary and uterus were functional, a maximum of six pre-ovulatory

vitellogenic follicles per female were recorded, whereas uterine fecundity was one

embryo per female. The ovulation period and birth occurred in May, June, and July,

with birth sizes ranging from 38.1 to 42 cm DW. Rhinoptera steindachneri presented

low fecundity, large size at maturity and births, and a continuous and synchronic annual

reproductive cycle in Bahía de la Paz.

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It has been historically assumed that elasmobranchs as a group present a K life

history strategy, with low fecundity, late maturity, and slow growth (Hoening & Gruber,

1990; King & McFarlane, 2003). Knowledge of the life history of a species, and in

particular, of its reproductive strategy, provides one of the most important contributions

for the evaluation of populations and gives effective tools for decision makers to

establish capture limits and prevent overfishing of species (Walker, 2005). Recent

studies show that anthropogenic pressures on elasmobranch species can affect these

life history strategies (Smith et al., 1998; Cortés 2000; Frisk et al., 2002).

Viviparous elasmobranchs exhibit a wide diversity of reproductive modes, which

is reflected in the number of ways in which the mother contributes to the development

of embryos (Conrath & Musick, 2012). For example, lipid histotrophy occurs only in rays

from the order Myliobatiformes. Mothers secrete a protein- and lipid-rich histotroph from

highly developed secretory structures within the uterine lining called trophonemata

(Hamlett et al., 2005). This mechanism of energy transfer seems to be more efficient,

causing Myliobatiformes to gain more weight during embryonic development than

species that present other reproductive modes (Conrath & Musick, 2012). This

reproductive mode could also be related to low fecundities and large size at birth

(Garayzar et al., 1994; Neer & Thompson, 2005; Jacobsen et al., 2009).

The Pacific cownose ray Rhinoptera steindachneri (Evermann & Jenkins, 1982)

is a batoid from the order Myliobatiformes, and the only representative from this family

distributed in the Eastern Pacific (Robertson & Allen, 2015). It inhabits shallow waters,

especially over soft bottoms, and performs seasonal migrations related to water

temperature (Bizzarro et al., 2007). Few studies on the reproductive biology of this

species have been published. A study carried out in the northern Gulf of California

estimated a median size at maturity of 70 cm disc width, fecundity of a single pup, and

a gestation period of 10 to12 months (Bizzarro et al., 2007).

Rhinoptera steindachneri is one of the most common batoid species in the

artisanal gillnet fishery of the northern (Bizzarro et al., 2007) and southern (González-

González, 2017) Gulf of California. It is also caught as by-catch in the shrimp fishery of

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the southern Pacific region of Mexico (Navarro et al., 2012). Due to the scarcity of

information and the threats identified in its distribution range, the species is listed as

Near Threatened in the IUCN Red List (Smith & Bizzarro, 2006).

It has been found that reproductive characteristics can vary between populations

of elasmobranchs, even at small spatial scales (Yamaguchi et al., 2000; Lombardi-

Carlson et al., 2003; Walker, 2007; Mejía-Falla, 2012). However, other authors

suggested further invertigation to define whether those spatial differences are real or

apparent (Trinnie et al., 2014) This highlights the importance of obtaining local data to

avoid incorporating bias into demographic models and management strategies based

on reproductive parameters defined for other locations. The objective of the present

study was therefore to quantify reproductive variables of R. steindachneri for the

southern area of the Gulf of California, including sex ratio, size at birth, size at maturity

and pregnancy, fecundity, gestation period, and ovarian cycle.


2.2.1 Study area, sample collection and laboratory analysis

Monthly samplings were performed from January 2014 to March 2017 in

southern Bahía de La Paz, located in the southern Gulf of California (24° 25' 17.55'' N,

110° 18' 31.64'' W). Specimens were captured by artisanal fishermen using

monofilament gill nets (100 m long x 1.5 m high, 8-10 inches mesh size) traditionally

called “chinchorros”, which are set in the afternoon, between 10 and 30 m depth over

sandy bottoms and recovered the next morning. The disc width (DW, cm) was

measured and the sex determined by the presence of copulatory organs in males

(claspers). The inner length (CL, cm) of one clasper from each male was measured,

and the degree of calcification (calcified, partially calcified, not calcified) and presence

or absence of semen were recorded. The gonads were weighed (GM, 0.001 g) and

fixed in 10% buffered formalin.

The biometry of testes, seminal vesicles, and claspers of males were evaluated.

The testes length (±0.001 cm), width (±0.001 cm), and mass (±0.001g), as well as

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seminal vesicle length (±0.001 cm) and width (±0.001 cm) were measured. The length,

width (±0.1 cm), and mass (±0.01g) of ovaries, uterus, and oviducal glands of females

were measured. Visible ovarian follicles were extracted, quantified, measured

(diameter ±0.1 cm), and collected. The length of the longest trophonemata in the uterus

was measured. Embryos were sexed and measured (DW), weighed, and

ontogenetically classified based on morphological characteristics, following criteria

proposed by Hamlett et al. (1985) and Colonello et al. (2013).

Maturity was defined based on the macroscopic observation of the reproductive

organs of both sexes, following proposals by Smith & Merriner (1986) and Poulakis &

Grier (2014), adapted for R. steindachneri males (Table 1) and females (Table 2). The

characteristics used to define maturity in males were: presence/absence and degree

of development of the testicular lobes in testes, degree of development of the epigonal

organ (when present), presence of seminal material, and degree of winding in the

seminal vesicles, as well as absence/presence of the alkaline gland and

absence/presence of fluid in this structure. The characteristics used to define maturity

in females were: presence of ovarian follicles and degree of vitellogenesis,

absence/presence and development of uterine villi and embryos, and thickness and

weight of the muscular wall of the uterus. The total number of ovarian follicles (OF) per

female was counted, but only the pre-ovulatory vitellogenic ovarian follicles (VOF; ≥ 0.8

cm of diameter) were used to evaluate ovarian fecundity.

2.2.2 Sex ratio, disc width, and mass

The sex ratio of adults, juveniles, neonates, embryos, and all individuals together

were evaluated using a Chi-Square test to determine if it differed from 1:1 (Sokal &

Rohlf, 1998). Differences between males and females in disc width and weight

(excluding the weight of pregnant females) were evaluated using a Mann-Whitney U

test. Data were tested for normality and homogeneity of variances with Kolmogorov

Smirnov and Lilliefors tests, respectively, prior to analysis. All differences were

considered significant if P < 0.05.

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2.2.3 Reproductive structures and maturity

The logistic equation modified by Piner et al. (2005) was used to evaluate the

relationship between DW and CL, using the following equation:

𝐶𝐿𝑖 = 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝐶𝐿 +𝑚𝑎𝑥𝐶𝐿 − 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝐶𝐿

1 + 𝑒𝑏(𝑎−𝐷𝑤𝑖)

where a is the inflection point of the curve, b is another parameter of the model, and

min and max represent the minimum and maximum CL values (Mejía-Falla et al.,


Differences in length, width, and mass between right and left reproductive

structures (testes, seminal vesicle, ovary, and uterus) were assessed using a Wilcoxon

paired test; and differences in length and width of the oviducal gland were evaluated

using Student´s t test.

Differences in weight of reproductive structures on the left (dorsal position) of

the body (testes, ovaries, oviducal glands, and uterus) were evaluated by maturity

stage using a Kruskal Wallis test for independent samples; for seminal vesicles, the

width was evaluated.

2.2.4 Median size at maturity and pregnancy

The median size at maturity (DW50%) was calculated for males and females using

a logistic regression model with binomial data (0, immature; 1, mature) using the


P𝑖= (1+𝑒-(a+b*DWi


where P𝑖 is the fraction of mature individuals at DW i, a and b are model parameters,

and -a/b is the median size at maturity (Mollet et al., 2000). Males were considered

mature if the claspers were partially calcified or calcified, and there was presence of

semen and/or presence of testicular lobes in testes (maturity indices 3 and 4; Table 1).

Females were considered mature if they presented vitellogenic ovarian follicles or

embryos (maturity indices 3, 4 and 5; Table 2). Median size at maturity was also

calculated using binomial data of the left ovary (DWO; the only one with follicular

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development). Immature ovaries (indices 1 and 2) were assigned a value of “0” and

mature ovaries (indices 3 and 4) a value of “1”. Median size at maturity was calculated

using binomial data of the left uterus (DWU; the only functional one); immature uteri

(indices 1 and 2) were assigned a value of “0” and mature uteri (indices 3, 4b, 4c, 4d

and 5) a value of “1”. The median size at pregnancy (DWP50) was also calculated using

binomial data, where a value of 1 corresponded to females at maturity stages 4 and 5;

the other females were designated as 0 (maturity stages 1, 2, and 3).

2.2.5 Fecundity and reproductive cycle

The range, mean, and mode of the number of vitellogenic ovarian follicles in the

ovary and the embryos in the uterus were estimated to evaluate ovarian and uterine

fecundity (Pratt, 1979). A linear regression was used to analyze the relationship

between ovarian fecundity and uterine fecundity and DW. Differences between OF and

uterine fecundity through maturity stages were evaluated using a Kruskal Wallis test.

The reproductive cycle was defined by ovulation (using only VOF) and gestation

period. Ovulation was evaluated using the diameter of the largest ovarian follicle (pre-

ovulatory vitellogenic) of each female through the months, and differences between

months were evaluated with a Kruskal Wallis test. Gestation period was defined based

on monthly embryo disc width and weight; information of neonates was also analyzed

to infer birth months (disc width and weight). Birth size was evaluated considering the

DW and weight of the largest/heavier embryo and smallest/ lighter neonate. Additional

information from growth bands on neonate vertebrae (Pabón-Aldana, 2016) was used

to define birth months and birth sizes. The percentage of females and males by maturity

stage by month was examined using a histogram.

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Table 1. Maturity stages of Rhinoptera steindachneri males, indicating the characteristics and indices of each reproductive organ.

Maturity Index

Maturity stage Testes index

Testes condition Seminal vesicle index

Seminal vesicle condition

Clasper condition

1 Immature – Not developed 1

No presence of testicular

lobes, large amount of testicular stroma.

presence of primary spermatogonia.

1 Undifferentiated

Not calcified, no semen

2 Immature - Developing 2

Some testicular lobes, moderate testicular stroma. Secondary spermatogonia and

primary spermatocytes

2 Differentiated and thick, no seminal


3 Mature – Mating capable


Presence of testicular lobes throughout the organ, seminiferous

ampullas throughout the periphery, mature sperm


3 Differentiated and

coiling, no seminal fluid

Partially or completely calcified, without semen

4 Mature - Actively mating 4

Differentiated and coiling, with seminal fluid

Calcified, with semen

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Table 2. Maturity stages of Rhinoptera steindachneri females, indicating the characteristics and indices of each reproductive organ.

The 4a uterine index was not found in this study.

Maturity Index

Maturity stage

Ovarian index

Ovarian condition


gland index

Oviducal gland


Uterine index

Uterine condition

1 Immature –

Not developed

1 No follicles, large amount of ovarian



Not visible or slightly differentiated from the

anterior oviducts. 1

Undifferentiated, no uterine villi, weigh ≤ 0.6 g.

2 Immature - Developing


Follicles visible, small (≤ 0.79 cm

diameter) and previtelogenic.


Slightly differentiated from the anterior oviducts but not

completely developed.


Slightly differentiated, tubular form, short uterine villi (≤ 0.02 cm), weight 0.2

– 9 g. No presence of histotroph.

3 Mature- virgen


Follicles visible, large (diameter ≥

0.8 cm) and vitellogenic. Small amount of ovarian



Completely developed, widened

and well differentiated from the oviducts.


Completely differentiated, long and thick uterine villi

(0.05 – 0.8 cm), weight 2 – 15 g, without histotroph.

4 Mature-



Uterus with eggs.

Uterus with villis (0.7 – 1 cm), differentiated and

widened, weight 56.3 g, with histotroph. and

embryos in early development.

Uterus with villis (0.7 – 1

cm), differentiated and widened, weight 90 – 395 g,

with histotroph and with embryos in mid development.



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Uterus with long villis (up to 1.8 cm), differentiated and widened, weight ≥ 850 g,

with histotroph. and embryos in late development.


Mature - Post-partum


Follicles visible, large (diameter ≥

0.8 cm) and vitellogenic, presence of

postovulatory follicles. Large

amount of ovarian stroma.


Completely differentiated and flaccid, long and thick uterine villi (0.9 – 1 cm),

weight of 18.8 – 84.7 g, with waste from histotroph. No




Completely differentiated, long and thick uterine villi

(0.9 cm), weight ≥ 34.4 g, no histotroph and no


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2.3.1 Sex ratio, disc width, and mass

A total of 317 individuals (150 females, 163 males, and 4 undifferentiated) were

recorded, resulting in a sex ratio equal to the expected 1:1 proportion (χ² = 151.55, d.f.

= 1, P < 0.001). The sex ratio evaluated for each developmental stage was also 1:1 (P

> 0.05 for all cases). Females were present during all months of the year, except

November and December, whereas males were not present in December. Females

ranged from 40.1 to 94.2 cm DW (mean ± SD = 65.4 ± 13.8) and 740 to 14900 g mass

(4301 ± 2793.3) and males ranged from 41.8 to 82.5 cm DW (62.7 ± 10.0) and 850 to

8300 g (3754.3 ± 1764.6), with no significant differences between sexes in size (Z =

1.5, P = 0.1) or weight (Z = 0.5, P = 0.6).

2.3.2 Reproductive structures and maturity

Males had paired oval testes fused at the lower end, just above the rectal gland.

Both testes presented epigonal organs next to the vertebral column; the right epigonal

organ was more developed than the left one and was observed only at maturity stages

2, 3, and 4. Highly vascularized filamentous tissue was observed at maturity stages 2

and 3; and there was a tendency to be reduced by stage 4, due to the increase in size

of the testicular lobes. Alkaline glands were identified on the side of the seminal vesicles

above the kidneys; these were only present at stages 3 and 4 of maturity. The left testis

was longer and heavier than the right one; there were no significant differences in width,

however, there were significant differences in mass (Table 3).

At maturity stage 1 testes presented abundant testicular stroma without

testicular lobes. At maturity stage 2 (testes index 2) some testicular lobes were visible

in the ventral part of each testis. At maturity stages 3 and 4 (testes index 3) males had

well-developed testicular lobes with seminiferous ampullas throughout the periphery of

the testes. There were significant differences among maturity stages in the mass of the

left testicle (KW(3, 61)= 44.1, P < 0.0001). The heaviest male was at the actively mating

stage (78.3 cm DW; 82.1 g), whereas the lightest male was at the immature-not

developed stage (52.3 cm DW; 0.8 g; Fig. 1a).

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Table 3. Mean and standard deviation values of the right and left reproductive structures (dorsal position) in males and females of Rhinoptera steindachneri, and statistical results of Wilcoxon test. * t-student was used only for length of oviducal gland.

No significant differences in length and width were found between the right and

left seminal vesicles (Table 3). Seminal vesicles at maturity stage 1 (index 1) were

elongated, tubular, vascularized, with thin walls, uncoiled, undifferentiated from

extratesticular ducts, and without seminal fluid. At maturity stage 2 seminal vesicles

began to thicken and were also irrigated and without seminal fluid (index 2). At maturity

stage 3 there were irrigated, thickened and coiling seminal vesicles, without seminal

fluid (index 3). At maturity stage 4 seminal vesicles were morphologically equivalent to

maturity stage 3, but with the presence of seminal fluid (index 4). The width of the

seminal vesicle showed significant differences throughout the maturity stages (KW (3, 70)

= 54.4, P < 0.0001). Males with the largest seminal vesicles (≥ 1.5 cm) were at the

actively mating stage (Fig. 1b).

Organ Measurement Right Left Z/t* df p


Testes Length 7.5 ± 2.6 8.3 ± 2.2 2.5 57 0.01

Width 2.5 ± 1.3 2.5 ± 1.1 0.6 72 0.5

Mass 18.1 ± 19.7

21.6 ± 20.8

4.2 59 <

0.0001 Seminal vesicle

Length 5.4 ± 1.3 5.4 ± 1.2 0.6 65 0.57

Width 0.8 ± 0.6 0.9 ± 0.8 1.5 70 0.14


Ovaries Length 6.3 ± 2.7 6.4 ± 2.1 0.4 32 0.7

Width 2.4 ± 1.1 2.6 ± 1.2 0.9 32 0.4

Mass 8.4 ± 6.5 14.3 ± 12.5

3.9 30 <

0.0001 Uterus Length 4.4 ± 0.8 4.9 ± 1.5 2.6 39 0.009

Width 1.3 ± 0.9 1.6 ± 1.4 3.3 54 0.009


12.5 ± 10.4

20.3 ± 22.4

2.4 36 0.02

Oviducal gland

Length* 1.8 ± 0.3 1.8 ± 0.4 -

0.1 29 0.9

Width 1.1 ± 0.2 1.1 ± 0.3 1.4 23 0.2

Mass 1.5 ± 0.8 1.7 ± 0.8 1.7 25 0.09

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Males with uncalcified claspers ranged in size between 41.8 and 69.6 cm DW

(59% of all recorded males) and were categorized as maturity stages 1 and 2. Males

with partially calcified claspers ranged in size between 59.5 and 72 cm DW (13%) and

were categorized as maturity stages 2 and 3. Males with calcified claspers ranged in

size between 64.3 and 82.5 cm DW (28%), and were classified as maturity stages 3

and 4. The smallest clasper measured 2.1 cm CL (belonging to a neonate 46 cm DW)

and the largest measured 12 cm CL, (recorded for three reproductively active males

measuring 73, 77.6, and 81.9 cm DW). The inflection point found in the logistic

relationship was 65.6 cm DW, with a clasper length of 7 cm (Fig. 3a). Therefore, males

with claspers ≥ 7 cm CL were considered mature.

Females presented paired ovaries, elongated and fused at the lower end, just

above the rectal gland. The epigonal organ was positioned on the lateral side of each

ovary; it was visible starting at maturity stage 2 and was slightly more protruding in the

left ovary. However, only the left ovary showed evidence of oogenesis (follicular

development), with the right ovary being rudimentary. The right and left ovaries were

similar in size (length and width), but the left ovary was heavier than the left one (Table


Ovaries showed no visible ovarian follicles at maturity stage 1 (ovarian index 1).

The right ovary showed a decrease in the quantity of ovarian stroma and the first

ovarian follicles began to be observed (0.05 to 0.79 cm diameter) at maturity stage 2

(ovarian index 2); however, it was not possible to observe them externally. Three

different follicular diameter cohorts were observed in the mature reproductive stages:

one: ≥ 0.05 – 0.79 and second: 0.8 – 2.2 cm previtellogenic and third: 3.0 – 3.15 cm

pre-ovulatory yellowish, completely vitellogenic. The ovarian follicles could be observed

externally (only ≥ 0.8 cm, protruding from the ovarian covering tissue) at maturity stages

3, 4 and 5 (ovarian index 3, only on the left). Ovarian stroma of the right ovary increased

in size and the epigonal organ widened throughout the maturity stages. There were

significant differences in ovary weight throughout the reproductive stages (KW (4, 36) =

27.6, P= 0.00001), with post-partum stage females ≥ 84.4 cm DW having the greatest

ovary mass (21.8 – 51.8 g; Fig. 1c).

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Figure 1. Relationship between disc width (DW) and a) left testicle mass, b) left seminal vesicle width for males, and c) left ovary mass, d) left oviducal gland mass and e) left uterus weight for females of Rhinoptera steindachneri.

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The paired, bell-shaped oviducal glands were positioned in the anterior part of

the uteri and were similar in size (length and width) and weight (Table 3). The oviducal

glands were not visible macroscopically at maturity stage 1 (oviducal gland index 1).

They could be slightly differentiated from the anterior oviducts and uteri at maturity

stage 2 (oviducal gland index 2) but they were not yet completely developed. They were

wider and well differentiated from the oviducts at maturity stages 3, 4, and 5 (oviducal

gland index 3). There were significant differences in oviducal gland mass throughout

the reproductive stages (KW(3, 26) = 11, P = 0.01). The development of the oviducal

glands was notable in mature females at the not pregnant stage (≥ 1.3 g), and the

heaviest oviducal gland (3.2 g) occurred in a mature post-partum female (88.4 cm DW;

Fig. 1d). However, this stage was only significantly different from the developing stage

(P = 0.006). Both uteri had uterine villi, but the left uterus was functional, wider, longer

and heavier than the right one (Table 3), which was rudimentary.

At maturity stage 1 (index 1), both uteri were tubular, undifferentiated from the

oviducal gland, without uterine villi (trophonemata), and the cervix was not

differentiated (Fig. 2a). At maturity stage 2 (index 2), uteri were thin and flaccid, partially

fused at the posterior end, the cervix began to be distinguishable, and villi began to

develop (0 - 0.2 mm) in both uteri (Fig. 2b). At maturity stage 3 (index 3), the left uterus

began to thicken, the muscular layer was thicker, and the uterine villi were longer (0.5

to 8 mm) and homogeneous throughout the endometrium, while the left one became

thicker (Fig. 2c). At maturity stage 4 (uterine index 4b, 4c and 4d) only the left uterus

presented embryos, the uterine villi were well irrigated and longer (7 -18 mm) and

secreted histotroph (uterine milk; Fig. 2d). The right uterus remained the same as in

uterine index 3. At maturity stage 5 (index 5), the left uterus was similar to maturity

stage 4, but lacked embryos, presented a flaccid structure and had histotroph residues.

The uterine weight significantly varied by maturity stage (KW-H(3, 39) = 27, P < 0.0001).

Females in post-partum and pregnant stages had the greatest weights (≥ 56.3 g). An

increase in uterus weight was notorious in non-pregnant females (Fig. 1e).

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Figure 2. Macrostructures of the reproductive system of Rhinoptera steindachneri females. Longitudinal section of the left ostium, oviduct and uterus in a) stage 1 (immature), b) stage 2 (developing), c) stage 3 (mature-virgin) and d) stage 4 (mature-pregnant). Hard structures found in e) left oviducal gland, f) right oviducal gland, g) both uteri (inside) and h) extracted of those organs. Structures were considered in the text in dorsal position but all photos were taken in ventral position. Abbreviations are as follows: Os = ostium, Ov = oviduct, T = trophonemata, HS = hard structure, U = uterus, np = narrowest part, wp = widest part. Rare and hard structures in females

Sixteen females presented hard structures of unknown material in the left and

right oviducal glands and uteri. Only two females (maturity stage 3) presented these

structures in the anterior part of the oviducal glands. The first female (74.1 cm DW)

presented four hard structures in the left oviducal gland shaped like flat capsules with

ringed edges (like roses; Fig. 2e). The second female (85 cm DW) presented a grayish

single structure in the left oviducal gland in the form of a capsule such as seed or

grenade with both extremes ringed (Fig. 2f). The other females that had hard structures

in both uteri (n = 14; 74.1 to 91.6 cm DW) were also mature (maturity index 3, 4, and

5). Each female contained a single brown and translucent structure per uterus (two per

female; Fig. 2g) in the form of an elongated capsule (at its widest part) with wrinkled

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ends similar to tendrils (at its narrowest part) and empty inside (Fig. 2h). Those

structures were found in February, May and July but it was not possible to determine

how long they last in the ovidual gland or in the uterus.

2.3.3 Size at maturity and pregnancy

Immature males (68.1% of all males sampled) measured between 41.8 and 75.0

cm DW, whereas mature males (31.3%) measured between 63.0 and 82.5 cm DW.

The median size at maturity was estimated at 68.5 cm DW (95% CI = 58.9-78.1, Fig.


Immature females (63.5%) measured between 40.1 and 75.0 cm DW, whereas

mature females (36.5%) measured between 62.0 and 94.5 cm DW. Female median

size at maturity was estimated at 71.8 cm DW (95% CI = 58-85.7, Fig. 3c). Pregnant

females (10.1%) comprised sizes between 74.4 and 94.5 cm DW and the median size

at pregnancy was estimated at 84.3 cm DW (73.7-95.02, Fig. 3d). The DW50 based on

ovarian development was estimated at 74.4 cm DW (95% CI = 60.3-88.4) and that

based on uteri was estimated at 72.5 cm DW (95% CI = 64.5-73.4).

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Figure 3. a) Relationship between disc width (DW) and inner clasper length (cm) in males; b) maturity ogive in relation to maturity condition of males and c) females; d) pregnant ogive in females of Rhinoptera steindachneri.

2.3.4 Ovarian and uterine fecundity

In all females, only the left ovary (dorsal position) presented follicular

development. The OF per female varied between 1 and 44 (21.7 ± 11.8, mode = 22).

A significant but weak positive relationship was detected between OF and DW (r2 = 0.4,

P <0.0001); however, a greater number of OF (≥ 30) were present in females ≥ 74.1

cm DW (Fig. 4a). Significant differences were found in the total number of OF per

maturity stage (KW(3, 36) = 14.2, P = 0.0026). The developing stage had the least

number of OF (4- 21), and post-partum (37-41) and pregnant – late females developed

(44) the most quantity.

VOF was estimated at between 1 and 6 (Median ± SD = 3 ± 1.6, mode = 2). No

clear significant relationship was found between VOF and DW (r2 = 0.03, P = 0.6402)

or between VOF and maturity stages (KW(1, 11) = 1.3, P = 0.2539). However, the highest

ovarian fecundity (based on VOF) was found in the largest female (91.6 cm DW) at the

post-partum stage.

A total of 13 embryos (6.8 to 38.1 cm DW) were recorded in 13 females. There

was uterine fecundity of one embryo per female, all in the left uteri (dorsal position). No

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evidence of abortions and no females with eggs in the uterus was observed. A single

embryo at the early developmental phase was recorded (6.8 cm DW). It presented a

yolk sac with no pigmentation, the cephalic lobes were not yet fused and same body

shape as the adult. Eleven embryos were recorded in mid – developed phase with sizes

ranging between 18.3 and 30.1 cm DW (24.7±4.1), total mass between 85.4 and 386.8

g (234.9 ± 96.0), little pigmentation, and same body shape as the adult. Only one

embryo was found to be in the late - development phase (38.1 cm DW and 841 g),

which was characterized by an absent yolk sac, body completely pigmented, and same

body shape as the adult.

2.3.5 Reproductive cycle

There were significant differences in the maximum follicular diameter throughout

the months (KW(7, 37)= 14.5, P= 0.04). The lowest values were obtained in October (0.7

- 0.8 cm), January (0.7 – 1.0 cm), and February (1 – 1.8 cm); whereas the highest

values were obtained in May (3.2 cm; post-partum stage), June and July (3.0 cm).

These last three months correspond to the period of ovulation, considering only ovarian

follicles ≥ 3.0 cm as those that can be soon ovulated, which corresponds to a follicular

development period of seven to nine months (Fig. 4b).

The smallest embryo (6.8 cm DW) was found in July 21 and the largest (38.1 cm

DW) and heaviest (841 g) in May 21. The smallest neonate (40.1 cm DW) was found

in July 4 (Fig. 4c), and the lightest (740 g; 42 cm DW) in August 2 (Fig. 4d). Based on

this information and the registration of females in post-partum in the May 21 to August

3 period and the high frecuency (n = 24) of neonates before August 4, it was proposed

May to July as the birthing months (Fig. 4c). Considering the ovulation peaks (May to

July) and subsequent start of embryonic growth (June to August) with the defined

birthing months, a gestation period of between 10 and 14 months is suggested for the

species. Although birth sizes could be estimated at between 38 and 42 cm DW, based

on traditional estimates (based on the largest and heaviest embryo and lightest

neonate), the absence of growth bands in neonates (between 40.1 and 52.1 cm DW)

found in July and August (Pabón-Aldana, 2016), suggests a wider range of birth sizes

(38.1 to 52.1 cm DW; Fig. 4c).

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Figure 4. Relationship between a) total number of ovarian follicles (OF) and disc width (DW); b) maximum follicular diameter by month (dotted line: ovulation diameter); c) disc width (DW) and d) mass of embryos and neonates by month, of Rhinoptera steindachneri.

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As females present continuous follicular development and they immediately

ovulate once they give birth, the type of reproductive cycle is continuous. The

synchrony of the reproductive cycle was based on two sources of information: 1) the

female with the largest embryo (38.1 cm DW), which contained follicles of 2.2 cm, a

size close to the ovulation diameter (3 cm) registered in May and 2) females at the post-

partum stage during May and June presenting the largest follicular diameters (3.0 – 3.2

cm; Fig. 4b). Both sources indicate that ovulation occurred in the same month or one

month after birth (Fig. 4b, c).

According to the percentages by developmental stage, adult males were more

frequent in the summer months (from May to August; Fig. 5a), whereas adult females

were only frequent in March and May (Fig. 5b). Neonates of both sexes were absent

from April to June and were more frequent in July and August (Fig. 5a, b), which

indicates that births occurred in May, June and July. This information, along with the

synchronic and continuous annual reproductive cycle described for the species,

indicates that the reproductive activity (ovulation, mating, and births) was concentrated

in the summer months. Juveniles of both sexes observed in the months of July to March

represented the recruits of each reproductive event (Fig. 5a, b).

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Figure 5. Percentage of reproductive stages by months in a) males and b) females of Rhinoptera steindachneri.


This is the first study to report an anatomical description of the gonadal

structures of R. steindachneri males and females and to propose a maturity scale for

the species. Rhinoptera steindachneri is a matrotrophic species, with presence of

trophonemata to nourish the embryo through the secretion of histotroph (uterine milk),

and with continuous and synchronic annual reproduction.

A higher frequency of R. steindachneri individuals in the summer has been

reported for the Gulf of California (Bizzarro et al., 2007). The absence of individuals in

November and December can be explained by migratory activities, as reported by

Schwartz (1990) for the entire Rhinoptera genus.

Although no size differences by sex were identified in the present study, females

reached greater sizes, due to their viviparous condition and the advantages for survival

(Wourms & Lombardi, 1992), as has been previously reported for other viviparous ray

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species (Smith et al., 2007; Alkusairy et al., 2014; Romero-Caicedo & Carrera-

Fernández, 2015; Burgos-Vázquez et al., 2017). The average sizes found for the Bahía

de La Paz population were similar to those reported in previous studies within the Gulf

of California (Villavicencio-Garayzar, 1996; Bizzarro et al., 2007), but lower than those

recorded for the west coast of BCS (Bizzarro et al., 2007). Since these last two studies

were conducted using similar fishing gear, it is likely that the differences in size were

due to the environmental characteristics of the two areas, as it has already been

reported that batoids within the Gulf of California are smaller (Villavicencio-Garayzar,

1993; Márquez-Farías, 2007; Bizzarro et al., 2007; Burgos-Vázquez et al., 2017).

Although the degree of clasper calcification has been previously used to

evaluate maturity in males, our results suggest that this measure could underestimate

maturity in R. steindachneri. We identified six specimens (63 – 77 cm DW) with mature

testicles but partially calcified claspers, leading to their initial (visual) classification as

immature. This inconsistency was reported formerly by Walker (2005) for Galeorhinus

galeus and by Poulakis (2013) for R. bonasus. We suggest considering the presence

of testicular lobes in the testicles, the thickening of the seminal vesicle, and the

presence of the alkaline gland as the most trustworthy and effective way to assess

maturity in R. steindachneri males. The minimum size at maturity of males in Bahía de

La Paz (63 cm DW) based on the degree of calcification and the inner length of claspers

was similar to that reported by Bizzarro et al. (2007) for R. steindachneri off the Sonora

coast (65 cm DW). The wide range of sizes found in this study in clasper increase (60

to 70 cm DW) was also similar to reports from that study. Martin & Cailliet (1988) found

that the abrupt change in clasper length allowed the identification of maturity in

Myliobatis californica, and the inflection point of the logistic model corresponded to the

middle of the range (65.6 cm DW); however, in the present study the median size at

maturity was different (68.5 cm DW). This could be due to the fact that size at maturity

was evaluated considering characteristics such as condition of the testicles, seminal

vesicles, and presence or absence of seminal fluid. The size at maturity found in this

study was similar to that evaluated by Bizzarro et al. (2007) for R. steindachneri off the

Sonora coast (69.9 cm DW). It is therefore advisable to use qualitative characteristics

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to evaluate size at maturity, because the exclusive use of the internal clasper length

could lead to underestimating size at maturity.

Differences in weight (but not size) between the right and left ovary may be due

to the fact that as females mature the left ovary increases its follicular development,

while no follicular development was observed in the right ovary. This same condition

has already been reported for other Myliobatiformes such as R. bonasus (Smith &

Merriner, 1986; Pérez-Jiménez, 2011; Poulakis, 2013), M. californica (Martin & Cailliet,

1988), Gymura micrura (Yokota, 2012), and G. altavela (Capapé et al., 1992), and was

attributed to the fact that the non-functional structure is compensatory at a physiological

level, as a hormonal secretion (Møller, 1994). It is probable that due to the low fecundity

of R. steindachneri (one embryo per female), the energy that would have been

dedicated to follicular development of the rudimentary ovary is destined to other

reproductive functions, such as hormonal production.

As was found for R. bonasus (Smith & Merriner 1986, Perez-Jiménez, 2011), M.

goodei (Colonello et al., 2013), and R. steindachneri in the Gulf of California

(Villavicencio-Garayzar, 1996) our results showed that only the left uterus was

functional. It is proble that this is an ancentral condition, derived from a reproductive

mode where both uterus were viable, however, due to the low fecundity, the right uterus

ceased to be functional, Colonello et al. (2013) suggested that asymmetry is not a

condition of Myliobatiformes and that it may be related to the fertility of the species,

which has also been seen in Urolophus paucimaculatus, with only the left uterus

functional and very low fecundity (1 to 2 embryos; White & Potter, 2005).

We describe for the first time the presence of hard structures in the oviducal

glands and uteri of R. steindacheri. It was not possible to identify the origin of the

material making up these structures; however, the ringed patterns, the shape of the

capsule and the rigidity of the material could be explained as a vestige of reproduction,

because one of the functions of the oviducal gland is to produce the tertiary egg

envelope or flexible candle that wraps the fertilized egg in species with a yolk sac

(Hamlett et al., 1998; 1999; 2005; Hamlett & Koob, 1999). In the case of the capsules

found in the uterus of mature females, Smith & Merrinier (1986) reported two R.

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bonasus females with capsules in their uterus that presented similar morphological

characteristics, but a female had one egg in one capsule and the other female had

three ovules. In the specific case of R. steindachneri the capsules found did not have

any type of material. It is advisable to perform a histochemical analysis to establish the

origin of these hard structures.

The median size at maturity estimated for R. steindachneri males in this study

(68.5 cm DW) represented 83.0% of the maximum size found, whereas for females

(71.8 cm DW) it represented 76.2% of the maximum size found. This represents a high

value for the species, suggesting late size at maturity. Bizzarro et al. (2007) estimated

median size at maturity for males at 69.9 cm DW and at 70.2 cm DW for females off

the Sonora coast, northern Gulf of California, which is similar to our study. Flores-

Pineda et al. (2008) estimated size at maturity of R. steindachneri males in Bahía

Almejas, Mexico at 79.2 cm DW and at 80.4 cm DW for females. Differences observed

in this parameter between the populations of the Gulf of California and Bahía Almejas

are attributed to the temperature differences between the two areas, as Bahía Almejas

has lower temperatures than the Gulf area (Hamlett et al., 1998; 1999; 2005; Hamlett

& Koob, 1999). This could affect metabolic rate and reflect the influence of temperature

on the maximum size that organisms can reach (Brown et al., 2007; Bernal et al., 2012).

Bizzarro et al. (2007) commented that differences between the R. steindachneri

populations of Bahía Almejas and the northern Gulf of California could be due to limited

genetic exchange and is reflected in the life history traits of the two populations.

The evaluation of ovarian fecundity through the total count of ovarian follicles

allowed us to define three different groups or cohorts of follicular production, and

although ovarian fecundity is not equal to uterine fecundity (one), it is likely that the

number of ovarian follicles found was due solely to the result of the meiotic division in

gametogenesis. Additionally, the presence of only one embryo per female and of the

absence of eggs in the uterus, suggest that the other pre-ovulatory vitellogenic follicles

that are not ovulated are reabsorbed in the ovary (atresic follicles; Chávez-García,

Unpub. Data.). It is well documented that in Myliobatiformes uterine fecundity is low

(Musick & Ellis, 2005) and it has been recorded that R. steindachneri has one of the

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lowest fecundity value within the order (one embryo/female; Villaviencio-Garayzar,

1996; Bizzarro et al., 2007), which also coincides with what was observed in this study.

However, for U. paucimaculatus a similar fecundity has been reported, with one embryo

per female and rarely two (White & Potter, 2005). Although we found no relationship

between the DW of the mother and the DW of the embryo, Bizzarro et al. (2007)

reported a relationship between these two values; however, the authors did not present

statistical evidence to support their findings due to low sample numbers.

The annual reproductive cycle described in this study is similar to what has been

described by other authors for the Mexican northwest (Villavicencio-Garayzar, 1996;

Bizzarro et al., 2007), and even for R. bonasus in the Gulf of Mexico (Poulakis, 2013).

Our results showed that follicular development occurred during almost all months

sampled (nine). This allowed us to corroborate a continuous reproductive cycle. Once

the larger follicles are ovulated, the next cohort begins the subsequent maturation; this

was also demonstrated by the presence of pre ovulatory vitellogenic follicles (VOF = 6)

in a female at the post-partum maturity stage.

The greatest follicular diameters were observed in May, which also coincides

with the greatest presence of mature males in the area. May is probably the month

when mating starts, ending in July, as females with large vitellogenic follicles (3 cm in

diameter) were recorded then. Mating could therefore last three months for R.

steindachneri in Bahía de La Paz. Unlike other previously mentioned reproductive

parameters, there were no differences in ovulation among the populations of R.

steindachneri that have been studied in the Mexican Pacific, for which ovulation always

occurs during the summer months (Bizzarro et al., 2007).

Synchrony of the reproductive cycle has also been reported by other authors for

R. steindachneri (Flores-Pineda et al., 2008; Bizzarro et al., 2007) and for R. bonasus

of the coasts of North Carolina (Smith & Merriner, 1986) and Florida (Poulakis, 2013).

This condition is given by the continuous production of ovarian follicles in the ovary

while gestation occurs. It is very likely then that these species do not present a period

of cessation of the reproductive cycle, with exception of the only report made by Pérez-

Jiménez (2011) for the southeastern Gulf of Mexico, where he found that R. bonasus

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reproduces biennially without synchrony in its reproductive period, proposing that

females give birth every two years. This last condition could be also presented by R.

steindachneri in this study, since a resting female (87.5 cm DW) was registered in

February. Although the uterus was not flaccid, weigthed 34.4 g, and its uterine villis

measured 0.9 cm in length; t is probable that this female gave birth in July and was not

fertilized, and given that the maximum diameter of its follicles was 1.1 cm, probably it

restarts its reproductive cycle again in May, when it reaches the ovulation diameter.

The range of birth sizes evaluated in this research is similar to that recorded by

other authors for the same species: 38 to 45 cm DW off the Sonora coast (Bizzarro et

al., 2007); 40 to 44 cm DW off both coasts of the BCS peninsula, Mexico (Villavicencio-

Garayzar, 1996); and 40 cm DW in the northern Gulf of California (Villavicencio-

Garayzar, 2000). Although not enough information could be collected to describe the

entire embryonic development, we report the smallest embryonic size for the species

(6.8 cm DW), recorded in July. A 21 cm DW embryo was recorded in October,

suggesting rapid embryo growth. Embryos subsequently reach sizes between 19.9 and

30.1 cm DW in March; the largest 38.1 cm embryo was recorded in May. This suggests

that embryonic growth is rapid during the first months (summer), slow between autumn

and winter, when the presence of the species is reduced in Bahía de La Paz, to finally

increase starting in May. This same temporal behavior was previously reported for R.

bonasus in northern Carolina (Smith & Merriner, 1986). These authors proposed that

the migratory behavior of the species results in mothers needing energy, leading to the

cessation of embryo growth. It is also likely that the decrease in water temperature

during the winter months leads to a decrease in the metabolic rate of embryonic


We propose a gestation period of between 10 to 14 months for R. steindachneri

in Bahía de La Paz (females can be fertilized in May, June or July and give birth in the

same period), this period was defined taking into account all the pregnant females in

March (with embryos in mid-development), the presence of females in post-partum

stage in May and the high frequency of neonates at the beginning of August, which

confirmed recent births (July) in the population. A similar period (11-12 months) has

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been proposed for this species off the Sonora coast and for Bahía Almejas (Bizzarro et

al., 2007; Flores-Pineda et al., 2008).

Bahía de La Paz is occupied mainly by juvenile animals which enter the bay in

January; these organisms probably represent those born in the previous summer.

Mature animals enter the bay in the summer to copulate and give birth, and once this

activity is over, they begin to migrate in autumn-winter, leaving only new recruits in the

bay, who leave the area in November. Because this bay is occupied mostly by neonates

and juveniles, and because the species reaches maturity at large sizes and has low

fecundity and only reproduces once a year, it is advisable to carry out demographic

studies to assess the degree of vulnerability to overfishing, since according to Bizzarro

et al. (2007) R. steindachneri is a resource that is often caught by artisanal fisheries

throughout the Gulf of California.

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Narcine entemedor AND Rhinoptera steindachneri: TWO



María I. Burgos-Vázquez1,*, Víctor H. Cruz-Escalona1 and Paola A. Mejía-Falla2

1 Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas.. La Paz, Baja California Sur, México. Av. Instituto Politécnico Nacional s/n Col. Playa Palo de Santa Rita

Apdo. Postal 592. Código Postal 23096 La Paz, B.C.S. 2Fundación colombiana para la investigación y conservación de tiburones y rayas,

SQUALUS. Calle 10A No 72-35, Cali, Colombia.

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Narcine entemedor and Rhinoptera steindachneri are two sympatric batoids species in

Bahía de La Paz, BCS, Mexico, both of commercial importance in the same region.

Differents biological and population parameters related to reproduction, age, growth,

and survival, were considered and estimated in order to describe and contrast the

reproductive and life history strategies of both species, and to define a priori the fishing

susceptibility of each one, contrasted by the characteristics of an "optimum" theoretical

life history strategy. N. entemedor females have relatively slow growth (k = 0.17

cm.year-1), small to medium size (maximum total length observed: 84 cm LT), early age

at maturity (5.1 years), high fecundity (24 embryos/female) and intermediate lifespan

(14.8 years). R. steindachneri females have intermediate growth (k = 0.21 cm. year-1),

medium size (maximum disc width observed = 94.2 cm), early age at maturity (female

= 3.8 years), low fecundity (one embryo/female) and relatively short lifespan (female =

9.8 years). According to the reproductive effort, N. entemedor invests more energy than

R. steindachneri in terms of fecundity, while R. steindachneri invests more energy in

the embryo body mass. According to all the evaluated traits, N. entemedor presents

probably a trade-off between small size at birth and high fecundity, while R

steindachneri a low fecundity by large size at birth. N. entemedor has better capacity

to recover from an overfishing event (r' = 0.48) and a higher survival (Sx = 0.73) than

R. steindachneri (r' = -0.18; Sx = 0.62). From all the variables evaluated, N. entemedor

is closer to the "optimum" theoretical life history than R. steindachneri, therefore the

life history strategy of N. entemedor allows to be less susceptible to the population

decline by fishing.

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Reproductive strategy is one of the most important aspects within the life history

strategy of a species, since it depends on the survival of new recruits in the population

(Stearns, 1976; Wootton, 1984; Roff, 1992; Pianka, 2000). The elasmobranchs are

characterized by presenting a great diversity of reproductive strategies and according

to Carrier et al. (2004), this has allowed them to survive through more than 416 million

years. Life history theory tries to explain how the life traits of a species are shaped, so

it can survive to under environmental conditions in which it lives. For explain the life

history strategy of a species, it is necessary to evaluate size at birth, growth rate, age

and size at maturity, number of offspring, reproductive effort, mortality rate and life

expectancy (Stearns, 2000). Since the available energy in the environment is limited,

the organism can not dispose of it freely and not all traits can be maximized (with the

objective of increasing survival), therefore the energy must be distributed among each

trait through compensations (trade-offs) between these traits to optimize the available

energy in the environment and increase the reproductive success and survival of the

species (Stearns, 1989; Frisk et al., 2005; Braendle et al., 2011; Vrtilek, 2014).

There are several theories to describe the life history strategies of the species; r

– K theory (Dobzhansky, 1950), bet-hedging theory (Stearns, 1976), triangular life

history model (Winemiller & Rose, 1992), age-specific models (Stearns, 1992), among

others. As a generality, and compared with teleost fish, elasmobranchs (sharks, skates

and rays) have life history traits characterized by slow growth, late maturity, low fertility,

low mortality rates and long lifespan, what could be classically defined as K-selected

(Holden, 1974); these traits are also related to vulnerability to fishing compared to

teleost fish (Holden, 1974). However, as a result of the great diversity of life history

strategies among elasmobranch (Compagno, 1990; Hoening & Gruber, 1990; Cortés,

2000; Frisk et al., 2005; Cailliet, 2015), not all species respond equally to fishing

pressure (Casey & Myers, 1998; Walker & Hislop, 1998; Stevens, 1999; Mejia-Falla et

al., 2012), Nevertheless, despite to the great diversity of life history strategies that

elasmobranchs present as a group, there are some studies that have tried to explain

these strategies (Compagno, 1990; Cortés, 2000, 2004; Frisk et al., 2005, Frisk, 2010).

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Frisk (2010), based on the evaluation of life history traits of the four order of batoids,

defined this group with a great diversity of life history strategies, of long lives and slow

growth and with both, maturity and longevity, similar to other elasmobranchs.

Within the reproductive strategies of batoids, two reproductive parity are

presented: oviparity and viviparity (Wourms & Demski, 1993). Viviparity has been

defined as the most evolved and advantageous reproductive mode (Wourms &

Lombardi, 1992), since it increases the probability of survival of the neonates through

the nutrition generated by the mother and allows larger sizes at birth given the decrease

of the fecundity (Shine, 1989; Clutton-Brock, 1991; Roff, 1992). Specifically, in batoids,

the viviparity is represented in the four orders that make up this taxonomic group and

only the Rajidae family is oviparous (Musick & Ellis, 2005).

Among the viviparous batoids there are only two reproductive modes: viviparous

with yolk sac and definitive lipid histrotrophy. Viviparous with yolk sac is present in the

Torpediniformes, Pristiformes and some Rajiformes, whereas the definitive lipid

histotrophy is only found in the Myliobatiformes (Musick & Ellis, 2005). Although both

reproductive modes are viviparous, there are several differences between them. One

of the most conspicuous, is the mode in which the mother feeds the embryos. In the

case of viviparous with yolk sac, the embryo will depend exclusively on the viteline

reserve (with the exception of species that have limited histotrophy, where the mother

produces and secretes low concentrations of nutrients, which serve as additional

supplement to the vitelline reserve), while in definitive lipid histotrophy, the mother

produce and secrete a large portion of the food that the embryo will depend on once

the yolk reserve is finished (in the early stages of gestation; Ranzi, 1932, 1934; Hamlett

& Koob, 1999; Aschliman, 2004; Musick & Ellis, 2005).

Due to the patterns of energy designation in reproduction are related to the life

history strategy of a species (Frisk & Miller, 2009) and considering that the viviparity

could be selectively more advantageous, could be possible to infer which reproductive

mode invests more energy on the offspring to ensure the survival of the descendants.

Acuña et al. (2001) proposed several indicators to evaluate the reproductive effort,

which is defined as the portion of the total energy that an organism possesses for the

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reproductive processes to ensure the fertile offspring (Thompson, 1984). The method

proposes by Acuña et al. (2001) requires two main parameters to be evaluated: the

fecundity, which is a measure of the fitness of an organism (Charlesworth, 1994), and

the mass off the offspring, since it allows comparing the investment of energy by


The reproductive aspects, as well as the life history traits of a species, are

necessary to assess the vulnerability of a species to an overfishing event (Frisk et al.,

2001), as well as information about the biological aspects of the species of some groups

of batoids are lacking (Frisk, 2010), however, there are studies that allow to assess a

priori the susceptibility of exploited species, through little information, as is the case of

the potential rate of population increase (r'), proposed by Jennings et al. (1998), which

is based only on some reproductive parameters (median age at maturity and fecundity)

of the population: this rate is used to measure the ability to compensate the overfishing,

where low values of r', are associated to populations that are in decline by exploitation.

Narcine entemedor (Torpediniformes) and Rhinoptera steidachneri

(Myliobatiformes) are two sympatric batoid species for in Bahia de la Paz, BCS, Mexico.

Both are viviparous species but differ in the embryonic nutrition. Narcine entemedor

presents yolk sac and limited histotrophy (Musick & Ellis, 2005; Burgos-Vázquez et al.,

2017) while R. steindachneri is a matrotrophic species with definitive lipid histotrophy

(Musick & Ellis, 2005). These species are a resource frequently extracted in the

Mexican northwest: however, the information on their aspects of life history is limited

(Villavicencio-Garayzar, 2000; Márquez-Farías, 2002; Bizzarro et al., 2007). Due to the

fact that at present, there are no demographic studies that allow the definition of an

adequate fisheries assessment for N. entemedor and R. steindachneri, this study

proposes a priori the evaluation of the vulnerability of these species to fishing

exploitation, through the analysis of reproductive effort, survival and the potential rate

of population increase (r'). Finally, the reproductive and life history strategy will be

contrasted to define which of the two populations is less susceptible to decline due to

an overfishing event.

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3.2.1 Reproductive mode and effort

Reproductive mode was defined for each species and comparisons between

maximum follicular and embryonic mass were performed considering the net difference

and the proportion between them.

Reproductive effort was evaluated by comparison from percentage of mature

females, pregnant (with eggs and/or embryos) females and total females sampled, as

well as, the active reproductive life through the difference of the age at first maturity

and the maximum age estimated in females. Likewise, each species was evaluated

from indicators based on both uterine fecundity and mass as proposed by Vooren

(1992) and modified by Acuña et al. (2001). Variables related to reproductive effort in

relation to fecundity were estimated based on the number of embryos with which the

females contribute per reproductive cycle and on the other hand, the variables related

to mass were estimated based on the embryonic mass that mothers provide during the

reproductive cycle.

3.2.2 Life history traits

In this work, the previously determined life traits for N. entemedor and R.

steindachneri (in the same study area: Bahía de la Paz, BCS) were resumed from

Pabón-Aldana (2016), Mora-Zamacona (2017), Burgos-Vázquez et al. (2017) and

Burgos-Vázquez et al. (in press). In this way, it was possible to define and contrast the

reproductive strategy and life history of both species by graphs and tables using the

age and growth parameters [maximum size (observed), asymptotic size, growth

coefficient and maximum age], as well as reproductive parameters [sex ratio, size at

birth, maximum ovarian fecundity (all ovarian follicles), ovarian fecundity (only

vitellogenic ovarian follicles), maximum uterine fecundity, size at first maturity, median

size at maturity (TM50) and pregnancy (TP50)]. Parameters related with size (cm) are

given in total length (TL) for N. entemedor and in disc width (DW) for R. steindachneri.

Other parameters were estimated from individual age-maturity data of females

of both species. Age at first maturity was defined by the youngest mature female

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registered; median age at maturity (A50) and median age at pregnancy (AP50) were

calculated using a binomial logistic model (0: immature individuals / females without

eggs or embryos in uterus; 1: mature individuals/females with eggs or embryos in

uterus), as follows:

𝑷𝒊 = (𝟏 + 𝒆 −(𝒂+𝒃∗𝑨𝒊))−𝟏

where P𝑖 is the fraction of mature/pregnant females at age Ai, a and b are model

parameters, and -a/b corresponds to A50 or AP50. (Mollet et al., 2000).

Survival (Sx) in females was evaluated by the method of Campana et al. (2001),

using the value of the maximum age of each species.

3.2.3 Population parameter

The potential population increase rate (r'), proposed by Jennings et al. (1998) as

a measure of the ability of a population to compensate for exploitation was calculated

for each species from the following equation:

𝑟′ = (𝐿𝑛(𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑦))


where the fecundity represents the 50% of the estimated average fecundity, and A50

the age at maturity. Comparisons between species were carried out, considering the

assumption that low values of r are associated with the susceptibility to decrease in

abundance by fishing (Frisk et al., 2001).

3.2.4 Definition and comparison of the life history strategies of both species

Based on all the information generated and evaluated, the life history strategy of

the two studied species was defined.

As an attempt to have a point of comparison to be able to determine which of

both species present better biological and population traits and to contrast the life

history strategies between N. entemedor and R. steindachneri were defined as

"indicators" those variables derived from the reproductive mode, reproductive effort, as

well as reproductive, age and growth and population parameters. Due to the great

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diversity of life history strategies presented by the elasmobranchs as a group, we chose

those indicators that favor survival, and are less vulnerable to decline under fishing

conditions which theoretically tend to maximize the energy available in the

environment, and will allow to reproduce and leave fertile offspring with high probability

of survival were conceived. A total of 45 indicators were analyzed for both species, and

a qualitative value was designated that approaches the "optimum value". These optimal

values were designated based on those life history traits which are less vulnerable to

decline in a population under fishing exploitation conditions (Holden, 1970, Walker &

Hislop, 1998; Musick, 1999; Dulvy et al., 2000; Stevens et al., 2000; Cailliet, 2015),

which are also related to the high r' values (high values are associated with populations

that are more likely to recover from the decline in response to exploitation; Jennigs et

al., 1999; Frisk et al., 2001). Finally, the species that presents more variables close to

the "optimum" was designated as the most advantageous to recover from

environmental or anthrophogenic disturbances.


3.3.1 Reproductive mode and effort

Narcine entemedor as well as R. steindachneri are viviparous species with

matrotrophy as their mode of embryonic nutrition. Notwithstanding, N. entemedor

presents viviparity with yolk sack and limited histotrophy (Fig. 1a) whereas, R.

steindachneri presents definitive lipid histotrophy (Fig. 1b).

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Figure 1.- Uterus and embryo of a) Narcine entemedor (E = in develop stage embryo) and b) Rhinoptera steindachneri (E = early stage embryo). Abbreviations are as follows: T = trophonemata; ys = yolk sac.



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The follicular mass (completely vitellogenic ovarian follicles) are similar in both

species; however, the embryonic mass (embryos in late gestation phases) is greater in

R. steindachneri (Fig. 2a). Rhinoptera steindachneri embryos begin their development

("in formation" phase) with approximately 1.3% of contribution of the yolk sac, and the

rest of the mass gained during gestation (11.2 to 841 g; 98.7% increase gained) is

provided by the mother. In contrast, N. entemedor embryos begin their development

with a yolk sac contribution of 28.1% (13.4 to 47.7 g. Additionally, R. steindachneri

embryos completely consumed the yolk reserve in the "mid" phase, while N. entemedor

embryos do it in the "late" phase.

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Figure 2.- Proportion between a) maximum follicular mass and maximum embryonic mass and b) mature and pregnant females in relation to the total females of Narcine entemedor and Rhinoptera steindachneri captured in Bahía de La Paz.

The reproductive cycle of both, N. entemedor and R. steindachneri is annual,

continous and syncronous. Their ovulation period coincides with spring-summer but,

N. entemedor has an ovulation from July to September, whereas in R. steindachneri

from May to July. The gestation period in R. steindachneri is longer (10 to 14 months)

than in N. entemedor (4 to 5 months); only N. entemedor presented embryonic

diapause as a reproductive tactic.

Narcine entemedor presented the largest proportions of mature (71.9%) and

pregnant (51.9%) females in comparison with R. steindachneri in which only 36% of

the females sampled were mature and only 10% had embryos (Fig. 2b).

From the comparisons of indicators of reproductive effort based on fecundity and

mass (Table 1), it was found that the reproductive effort based on fecundity, showed

that average mass (W1) and the maximum eviscerated mass (W2), were higher n R.

steindachneri. Both species have approximately one year for the duration of the

reproductive cylce (R1), but reproductive life (R2) is four years higher in N. entemedor

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(12 years) than in R. steindachneri, which is due to the difference at the maximum age

of both species (A2). In relation to the average number of embryos per litter (An1), N.

entemedor presented a higher value (8 embryo/female) than R. steindachneri (1

embryo/female). As a result of the difference in the number of offspring, the annual

production of offspring (Ap2) and the number of offspring accumulated during the

period of reproductive activity (No3), was higher in N. entemedor for both indicators.

On the other hand, the mass-dependent indicators showed that the mass at first

maturity (W3), the average mass of embryos to term (W4), the average litter mass (W5),

the annual mass of juvenile production (W6), the growth during the life phase of

reproductive activity (W7) and the accumulated mass of the progeny (W8) were higher

in R. steindachneri. The relative production of litter biomass per cycle (Rwlitter) value

was the same for N. entemedor (average fecundity = 8) and R. steindachneri (0.9). The

relative annual biomass production (Rwyear) as well as the relative body mass at birth

(Rwbirth) was higher in R. steindachneri, however, the relative production of biomass

during the reproductive phase of life (RB1), the relative production of body mass during

the reproductive phase of life (RB2) and the relative production of the litter mass during

the reproductive phase of life (RB3) were similar for both species (Table 1)

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Table 1.- Comparison of indicators of reproductive effort based on fecundity and mass among Narcine entemedor, Rhinoptera

steindachneri and the optimal qualitative value for each parameter according to the r – K theory.

Indicator Definition Narcine

entemedor Rhinoptera

steindachneri Optimum value

Specie "closest" to the optimum


A1-Age at first maturity (years) Age of younger mature

organism 2.8 1.7 Low R.s

A2-Maximum age (years) Maximum age recorded 14.8 9.8 High N.e

W1- Average mass (eviscerated; g)

Average mass of all eviscerated females

2709 3737.1 High R.s

W2- Maximum eviscerated mass (g)

Maximum eviscerated mass recorded

5200 12900 High R.s

R1-Duration of the reproductive cycle (years)

Beginning of follicular development until birth

1 1 Short Both

R2-Duration of the reproductive life (years)

A2 - A1 12 8.1 Long N.e

An1- Average number of embryos (embryos per litter/year)

N. entemedor: females with fecundity equal to one were

eliminated to rule out abortions)

8.0 1 High N.e

Ap2- Annual production of offspring (embryos per litter/year)

A1/R1 8.7 1.1 High N.e

No3-Number of offspring accumulated during the period of

reproductive activity (annual production of offspring in the

reproductive life cycle)

R2 ∙ Ap2 104.4 8.8 High N.e

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W3-Mass at first maturity (g) Mass of the smallest mature

organism registered 1710 3900 Low N.e

W4- Average Mass of embryos to term

Average mass of embryos in the "Late" stage (in R.

steindachneri, the mass of the only embryo registered at the "late" stage was considered)

36.5 841 High R.s

W5-Average litter mass (g) W4 ∙ An1 291 841 High R.s

W6-Annual mass of juvenile production (g)

W4 ∙ An2 317.5 917.5 High R.s

W7-Growth during the life phase of reproductive activity (g)

W2 - W3 3490 9000 High R.s

W8-Accumulated mass of the progeny (g/year)

R2 ∙ W6 3809.6 7422.2 High R.s

Rwlitter-Relative production of litter biomass per cycle (g/year)

W5/W6 0.9 0.9 High Both

Rwyear-Relative annual biomass production (g/year)

W6/W1 0.1 0.2 High R.s

Rwbirth-Relative body mass at birth (g)

W4/W1 0.0 0.2 High R.s

RB1-Relative production of biomass during the reproductive

phase of life (g/year) (W7 + W8)/W3 4.3 4.2 High Both

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RB2-Relative production of body mass during the reproductive

phase of life (g/year) W7/W3 2.0 2.3 High Both

RB3-Relative production of the litter mass during the

reproductive phase of life (g/year)

W8/W3 2.2 1.9 High Both

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3.3.2 Life history parameters

The comparisons of the life history parameters among N. entemedor, R.

steindachneri and the optimal qualitative values are presented in Table 2. The

maximum sizes observed and the asymptotic size (L∞) of females and males in N.

entemedor were lower than R. steindachneri. For both species, females reached larger

sizes, lower growth coefficient (k) and higher maximum ages than males. Maximum

ages were similar between males of both species, while N. entemedor females

presented the highest maximum age.

Only N. entemedor showed significant difference in relation to the sex ratio in the

whole population in comparison with R. steindachneri, however, the embryonic sex

ratio was equal for both species.

The maximum ovarian and uterine fecundity, as well as the ovarian fecundity was

greater in N. entemedor than in R. steindachneri, which presented a fecundity of only

one embryo per female (Table 2). Consequently, the size at birth of R. steindachneri

represented the 44% of its L∞, while that of N. entemedor corresponded only to 17.7%

of the L∞ estimated for the species (Fig. 3a).

Both species reached the size at first maturity and the TM50 at similar sizes in

relation to the proportion of the L∞. However, the TP50 in R. steindachneri is higher

compared to that of N. entemedor in relation to the proportion with the L∞ (Fig. 3a).

The age at first maturity in females, in relation to the maximum age evaluated of

N. entemedor and R. steindachneri was similar (Fig. 3b). The A50 in females of N.

entemedor was estimated at 5.1 years (95% CI: 3.5-6.7; Fig. 4a), whereas in females

of R. steindachneri was of 3.8 years (1.6-5.9; Fig. 4a). The AP50 for N. entemedor and

R. steindachneri was estimated at 6.8 years (5.3-8.3; 5.0-8.6, respectively; Fig. 4b,

Table 2). The proportion of the A50 in relation with the maximum age for both species,

were similar, while the AP50, was highest in R. steindachneri (Fig. 3b).

Finally, survival in females was greater in N. entemedor than in R. steindachneri

(Table 2)

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Table 2.- Comparison of age, growth, reproductive and population parameters among Narcine entemedor, Rhinoptera steindachneri

and the optimal qualitative value for each parameter according to the r – K theory.

Parameters related with size (cm) are given in total length (TL) for N. entemedor and in Disc Width (DW) for R. steindachneri.

Variable Narcine entemedor Rhinoptera

steindachneri Optimum


Specie "closest" to the


Female Male Female Male


Reproductive cylce type Annual-continuous-

synchronous Annual-continuous-

synchronous Short Both

Reproductive mode Yolk-sac Viviparity - Limited histotrophy

Viviparity - Lipid histotrophy

Viviparous Both

Embryonic nutrition Limit histotrophy Matotrophy Matotrophy R.s

Maximum follicular mass (g) 13.4 11.2 High Both

Maximum embryionic mass (g) 47.7 841 High R.s

Reproductive tactic Embryonic diapause None Which

optimizes the reproduction


Sex ratio (all individuals) 5.7: 1 (p <0.001) 0.9: 1 (p = 0.462) Higher proportion of



(Embryos) 1: 1 (p = 0.984) 3.3: 1 (p = 0.052) R.s

Size at birth (cm) 14.5 42 High R.s

Maximum ovarian fecundity (all ovarian follicles)

69 44 High N.e

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Ovarian fecundity (only vitelogenic ovarian follicles)

17 6 High N.e

Maximum uterine fecundity 24 1 High N.e

Size at first maturity (cm) 54.5 -- 62 63 Low R.s

Median size at maturity (cm) 58.5 -- 71.8 68.5 Low N.e

Median size at pregnancy (cm) 63.7 -- 84.3 -- Low N.e

Age at first maturity (years) 2.8 -- 1.7 1.1 Low N.e

Median age at maturity (years) 5.1 -- 3.8 3.6 Low N.e

Median age at pregnancy (years) 6.8 -- 6.8 -- Low N.e

Age and growth

Maximum size observed (cm) 84 59 94.2 82.5 Small N.e

Asymptotic size (L∞; cm) 82.1 62.3 95.4 79.15 Small N.e

Growth coefficient (k; cm years-1) 0.17 0.32 0.21 0.25 Fast R.s

Maximum age (years) 14.8 6 9.8 7 Low R.s

Population parameters

r' (In) 0.48 -0.18 High N.e

Sxfemales 0.73 0.62 High N.e

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Figure 3.- Proportion of the a) size at first maturity, median size at maturity (TM50), median size at pregnancy (TP50) and size at birth with the asymptotic size (L∞) [total length (TL in Narcine entemedor and disc width (DW) for Rhinoptera steindachneri] and b) proportion of maximum age, age at first maturity, median age at maturity (A50) and median age at pregnancy (AP50; %: proportion with the maximum age evaluated) of Narcine entemedor and Rhinoptera


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Figure 4.- Ogive of a) median age at maturity (A50), and b) median age of pregnancy (AP50) of Narcine entemedor and Rhinoptera steindachneri.

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3.3.3 Population parameter

The value of the potential rate of population increase (r') was higher in N.

entemedor than in R. steindachneri (Table 2).

3.3.4. Definition and comparison of the life history strategies of both species

Based in all the variables of reproductive effort, reproduction, age and growth

and others population parameters, the life history strategy of N. entemedor, can be

defined as: small to medium size, with slow growth, small size at birth and high

fecundity, large size and early age at maturity, large size at pregnancy and intermediate

age at pregnancy, the lifespan was intermediate with high survival, and with high

potential rate of population increase (r’). Regarding to R. steindachneri, this is a species

of medium size, with intermediate growth, large size at birth and low fecundity, large

size and early age at maturity, large size and late age at pregnancy, but relatively low

lifespan, with low survival and a negative potential rate of population growth (r’) value.

Both species have a high reproductive effort. In the specific case of N. entemedor,

presents a higher output compared to R. steindachneri, when the parametrs are

analized in relation to fecundity however, based on the indicators of mass, R.

steindachneri presented a higher number. The above indicates that both species have

a high reproductive effort, close to the optimum.

Finally, of the total of 45 variables analyzed (related to reproductive effort, age,

growth, reproductive and population parameters), R. steindachneri presented 17

variables close to the "optimum" and N. entemedor 20 and eight variables tie. The

survival (Sx) and the potential rate of population increase (r') were higher in N.

entemedor, therefore it is likely that with the traits that N. entemedor presents, have

better capacity to overcome environmental disturbances and better capacity to

compensate the exploitation than R. steindachneri.

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The results evaluated in this study allowed to compare, based on the

reproductive mode, age, growth, reproductive parameters, and reproductive effort, two

different populations of batoids that are frequently captured in the southern Gulf of

California. It was possible to describe the life history strategy and the reproductive

potential of both species, which allows a priori projection on the susceptibility of these

species to fishing in the study area.

The main difference with respect to the reproductive mode between N.

entemedor and R. steindachneri is the mode in which the mother nourishes the

embryos. Whereas that N. entemedor presents limited histotrophy (Burgos-Vázquez et

al. 2017) namely with a low nutritional intake (mucoproteins) from the mother towards

the embryo (Musick & Ellis, 2005; Hamlett et al., 2005), R. steindachneri presents

matrotrophy with definitive lipidic histotrophy (Musick & Ellis, 2005, Hamlett et al.,

2005), where embryos are nourished in most of the gestation by the nutrients generated

by the mother, at least from the "mid" stage of embryonic development (Burgos-

Vázquez et al., in review). Therefore, R. steindachneri invest more energy for

embryonic nutrition, the production of the viteline reserve and the production and the

secretion of uterine milk (Wallace, 1978; Wourms, 1981; Wallace & Selman,1981;

Wourms & Lombardi, 1992). In this sense, N. entemedor have an advantage by

requiring less energy for embryonic development; however, matrotrophy gives the

advantage to R. steindachneri to produce larger and more developed offspring, with a

greater probability to survive (Wourms, 1981; Qualls & Shine, 1995; Goodwin et al.,


The reproductive cycle was similar for both species, and although the peaks

of ovulation, mating and parturition were comparable, R. steindachneri presents a

gestation period three times longer than N. entemedor, this could be related to the

reproductive mode (more energy requirements by the mother for embryonic nutrition in

R. steindachneri) and the offspring size at birth (largest sizes in R. steindachneri).

Additionaly, the reproductive cycle, N. entemedor presents embryonic diapause as a

reproductive tactic in response to unfavorable environmental conditions to birth

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(Burgos-Vázquez et al., 2017), increasing in this way the survival of the offspring once

it is secured the most favorable external conditions for neonates; as well as allowing

the mother to present a recovery time after the previous reproductive event (Marshal

et al., 2007; Waltrick et al., 2012), which to N. entemedor some advantages over R.

steindachneri in reproductive fitness.

Other advantages found for N. entemedor was the high proportion of mature

(able to ovulate) and pregnant females registered in Bahía de la Paz, in this way more

than half of the sampled population could be able to provide litter to the next

reproductive stock. In contrast, only 36% of R. steindachneri females were mature.

However, this difference could be due to the migratory condition of R. steindachneri,

causing mature organisms to migrate to other areas outside of the bay (Bizzarro et al.,

2007; Burgos-Vázquez et al., in review).

The size of the species has a strong impact on the patterns of the traits of the

life history strategy and constrained the "fast-slow" continuum (Stearns, 1983), where

"slow" species will tend to be large-bodied, slow-growing and low-fecundity, while "fast"

species will tend to have opposite traits (Charnov, 1993; Frisk et al., 2005; Frisk et al.,

2001; Dulvy & Reynolds, 2002; Roff, 2002; Frisk, Miller & Dulvy, 2005). For example,

Cortés (2000) found a positive relationship between maternal size with litter number

and size at birth for sharks. Later, in a comparative study of the life history strategies

of batoids, Frisk (2010) mentioned that electric rays (family Narcinidae) have small

bodies and high fecundity in comparison with the eagle rays (family Myliobatidae), that

usually have medium to large bodies and low fecundity which coincides with the present

study. This difference in size between both species could influence two traits of the life

history strategy: reproductive mode and fecundity. In the first case, it has been

established that the viviparity evolution has led to various modifications in the

physiological and morphological patterns of organisms, and one of them is body size,

which also explains why in both species the females had maximum observed sizes

larger than the males, with the purpose of loading the embryos during pregnancy (Hoar,

1969; Amoroso et al., 1979; Wourms, 1981; Dodd, 1983; Nagahama, 1983; Shine,

1985; Callard & Ho, 1987; Wourms et al., 1988; Callard et al., 1988,1989; Cortés,

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2000). Likewise, the Narcinidae family is characterized by smaller bodies compared to

the Myliobatidae family, and all the rays of the Narcinidae family present viviparity with

yolk sac, which results in smaller size at birth in comparison with the Myliobatidae

(Muick & Ellis, 2005; Frisk, 2010). It is probable that the small size of the electric rays

is compensated with the reproductive mode that leads to high fecundity but small birth

sizes, unlike Myliobatidae, that their reproductive mode allows a single breed, but of

large body. The second case, fecundity, R. steindachneri, who has definitive lipid

histotrophy as a reproductive mode, due to the large amount of nutrients invested in

gestation, will allow to have larger offspring, therefore, the mother's body size will be

related to that aspect. On the other hand, N. entemedor due to having low energy intake

by the mother (limited histotrophy), the offspring born with small body sizes. This

results, its one of the main trade-off in the life history: fecundity due to the size at birth

(Frisk et al., 2005), compensating the small body size at birth with high fecundities for

N. entemedor and high size at birth with low fecundity in R. steindachneri.

According to Cortés (2000) one of the trade-offs in the life history of the

elasmobranchs, occurs between the litter size and the energy invested in each young.

Within the Myliobatiformes, the diamond stingray ray, Hypanus dipterurus presents a

asymptotic size (DW∞) of 76.2 cm (Carmona-Sánchez, 2016), lower than those

estimated for R. steindachneri (95.4 cm DW∞), and although they have the same

reproductive mode, fecundity is greater in H. dipterurus (1-4 embryos/female; Ebert,

2004), probably to compensate the smaller size of the species. Within the

Torpediniformes (all viviparous with yolk sac; Musick & Ellis, 2005), although

Tretonarce californica reach up to 137 cm TL (Ebert, 2003), its fecundity is lower (17

embryos/female; Neer & Cailliet, 2001) than N. entemedor, it is probable that the

greater fecundity in N. entemedor is due to the fact that this species has smaller sizes

of young at birth (14.5 cm TL), compared with T. californica that presents offspring at

23.1 cm TL (Neer & Cailliet, 2001), therefore it is probable that T. californica

compensates the low fecundity (compared with N. entemedor) by larger offspring.

In general, the elasmobranchs have long lifespan (Hoening & Gruber, 1990);

however, there are several studies that have reported differences between the

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maximum ages through the different taxonomic groups, which is closely related to its

phylogeny (Jennings et al., 1999; Frisk et al., 2001, 2005) and the relationship it has

with other life history traits, such as the k growth rate (Cortés, 2000). In the study carried

out by Cortés (2000), he found a negative correlation between the growth rate and

lifespan, that is, that low values of k will tend to be from long-lived species, while high

values will have lower maximum ages. In the case of the species analyzed in the

present study, it can be observed that although N. entemedor reaches minor maximum

sizes than R. steindachneri, its slower growth rate (0.17 cm.year-1) which coincides with

the proposal by Cortés (2000).

Two different trends were identified in the sex ratio of the sampled population of

N. entemedor and R. steindachneri. In the first case, the greater proportion of females

on males (5.7: 1) of N. entemedor, is due to the fact that males only enter to the bay

when it is the mating season generating an energetic extra cost in males as a result of

the migration. However, for the sampled R. steindachneri population (0.9:1 sex ratio),

no sexual segregation was identified which could be benefical to the population in terms

of energy saving for males that have no need to migrate looking for females.

An evolutionary trend among vertebrates is related in the trade-off within a few

offspring and large sizes at birth, while a large litter will have small sizes at birth

(Sargent et al., 1987; Pavlov et al., 2009). According to the r - K selection theory, those

organisms with r selection, will have a larger litter but of smaller bodies, and those with

selection K, the inverse (Pianka, 1970). However, the elasmobranchs present different

life history strategies, which is characterized by having different sizes at birth through

the taxonomic groups (Cortés, 2000, 2004; Frisk et al., 2001; Frisk & Miller, 2009; Frisk,

2010). In the comparative study, Cortés (2000) found that the size at birth is closely

related to the maximum size, that is, large organisms will have larger offspring and, in

addition, this pattern will also be influenced by the reproductive mode. Although the two

species evaluated in the present study showed similar maximum body sizes and their

sizes at birth were different, which differs from Cortés (2000). However, it is likely that

this difference is mainly due to the reproductive mode, that is, due to the high energy

investment of the mother towards the embryo in R. steindachneri (definitive lipid

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histotrophy), which favors the development of a larger embryo (at 44% of the

asymptotic size), and thus increasing the survival probability in the first stages of life.

This evidenci the trade-off between fecundity and size at birth, in R. steindachneri;

whereas N. entemedor compensates the small size at birth (to 17.7% of the asymptotic

size) with a large litter what also increases the possibility of survival.

Compared with teleost fish, maturity occurs late in batoids (Frisk, 2010). This

author found an average age at maturity in females at 8.6 years and in males at 6.9

years, and mentions that the ratio between maturity and longevity results in a short

reproductive life (maximum age – A50), similar to what was recorded in this study, 9.7

years and 6 years for N. entemedor and R. steindachneri, respectively, which

represents the active reproductive life. Frisk et al. (2001) described a high relationship

between the age at maturity and maximum age, and according with these authors, the

difference between age at maturity and maximum age represent the portion of time that

the organism will invest in reproduction. This coincides for the present study, where N.

entemedor presents a ratio = 0.34 and R. steindachneri ratio = 0.39 of the maximum

age and A50, therefore both species will invest the relative same portion of time in their

life cycle to the reproductive activity, likewise, considering this ratio, it can be defined

that both species have early maturity ages. In relation to the age at pregnancy, R.

steindachneri presented a higher proportion (0.7) compared to N. entemedor (0.5), this

may be related to the reproductive mode, because R. steindachneri probably need

more time to develop a larger abdominal cavity to develop a single large embryo.

Cortés (2000) mentioned that maturity is reached at large sizes (75% of the

maximum size) which is similar for the present study were both species reach maturity

at large sizes (N. entemedor = 71.3 % and R. steindachneri = 75.3 % of the asymptotic

size). Frisk et al. (2005) explain that both, the large body size and the late ages at

maturity, are an evolutionary mechanism of viviparity to maximize the offspring survival,

through a extensive intrauterine cavity for embryonic development. In this study, the

largest pregnancy sizes in both species were observed, however, R. steindachneri

presented a larger size (88.4%) in relation to the maximum asymptotic size (L∞)

compared to N. entemedor (77.6%) which confirms that at larger maturity and

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pregnancy sizes, a larger intrauterine cavity (with more capacity for embryonic

development), which is closely related to the reproductive mode of R. steindachneri.

The fecundity in elasmobranchs is related with the optimum maintenance

population abundance (Pavlov et al. 2008) despite the low fecundity compared with

teleost fish (Compagno, 1990; Cortés, 2000; Gruber et al., 2001).Additionaly, the

elasmobranch fecundity varies through phylogenetic groups, and for this reason, some

authors have made comparative studies to define the influence that has a certain life

history trait on others. Cortés (2000) defined that the litter size varies according to the

maximum size of the species and that the reproductive modes will have an influence

on the fecundity. For example, viviparous-lecithotropic species, have a higher fecundity

(N. brasiliensis = 44 embryos/female; Rolim et al., 2015), and lower sizes at birth (e. g.

N. brancoftii = 11.5 cm TL; Moreno et al., 2010) versus matrotrophic species, which

have a lower litter size (D. dipterurus = 1 to 4 embryos/year; Ebert, 2003), but with

larger sizes at birth (D. dipterurus = 21.3 cm DW; Smith et al., 2007). Although the body

sizes between N. entemedor and R. steindachneri are similar (máximum size observed:

N. entemedor = 84 cm TL and R. steindachneri = 94.2 cm DW), we could attribute that

the high difference between fecundity of both species can be related to the reproductive


This is the first study that evaluates the reproductive effort for N. entemedor and

R. steindachneri, which is an useful indicator to compare the energy that each species

invests in terms of reproduction (Voreen, 1992). The first way to evaluate the

reproductive effort (depending on fecundity), N. entemedor, presented more indicators

closest to the optimal than R. steindachneri (depending on the r - K selection theory)

therefore it is likely that N. entemedor invests more energy to reproduction in terms of

fecundity than R. steindachneri. It can be observed, for example, that the annual

production of offspring indicator (Ap2), N. entemedor showed a value eight times

greater than R. steindachneri, and the number of offspring accumulated during the

period of reproductive activity indicator (No3), 96 times higher, because both indicators

use the duration of the reproductive cycle and the percentage of litters for that time,

which confirms that the high fecundity and the embryonic diapause are advantages to

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improve the reproductive effort in N. entemedor. Based on the fact that the reproductive

effort has the purpose of distributing the energy between the costs required by the

biological functions of the organism (growth, maintenance, reproduction; Hirshfield &

Tinkle, 1975), and due to the small size of N. entemedor, it is likely that this species

presents a trade-off between fecundity and size at birth, investing a large portion of its

energy budget in increasing litter number and not in body size.

In the second way of evaluating the reproductive effort (depending on mass), of

a total of 12 indicators, R. steindachneri showed 11 indicators close to the optimum

and N. entemedor only five. According to Roff (1992) and Haag (2013), the method of

evaluating the reproductive effort with body mass is an adecuate proxy to estimate the

energy invested towards reproduction. However, it can present some imitations, mainly

because it does not take into account the energy destined for the production of body,

gonadic and embryonic mass. The present study used the body mass of only one

embryo (the only one in the "late" phase), therefore, these results need to be taken

with carefulness. Despite the limitations that the methodology used may have, it is

evident that R. steindachneri compensates the low fecundity with the energy

investment towards embryonic development and it is likely that the reproductive effort

is higher in R. steindachneri, due to the reproductive mode (embryonic nutrition:

definitive lipid histotrophy), therefore, a trade-off between energy investment towards

embryonic development and fecundity for this species is likely to occur.

Jennings et al. (1998), proposed an alternative for the intrinsic rate of natural

increase (r) of teleost fish, based on two population parameters; fecundity, as an index

of reproductive effort, and maturity time per cohort, which is defined as the potential

rate of population increase (r'). This rate has to been used to evaluate some

elasmobranch species (Frisk et al. 2001) and it was contrasted with the values obtained

from Jennings et al. (1999). Both studies related low values of r' with populations that

are declining due to fishing exploitation. According to Frisk et al. (2001), N. entemedor

presented a high r' value (0.48), while R. steindachneri presented a very low (even

negative = - 0.18). Compared to other species (Frisk et al. 2001), N. entemedor is

among the species with the highest r' values, and only below three species: the shark

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Sphyrna tiburo (r' = 0.60), which has an earlier maturity age, and the skates Leucoraja

erinacea (r' = 0.68) that presents a fecundity of 30 egg/year (six embryos more per year

than N. entemedor), and Amblyraja radiata (r' = 0.43) that presented a similar value,

due to age at maturity and fecundity similar to N. entemedor. In the case of R.

steindachneri, its negative value of r' could be affected by the fecundity, being one of

the lowest among elasmobranchs (one embryo/female). Frisk et al. (2001) not include

species with this fecundity values; the species with the lowest fecundity was Carcharias

taurus (two embryos/female), which had an age at maturity of seven years and r' = 0.0.

Therefore, due to the low fecundity of R. steindachneri, it is probably less productive

than N. entemedor, and in addition, it has likely less capacity to recover from

overexploitation by fishing.

The low value of the potential rate of population increase (r') has also been

associated with organisms of large body sizes, late maturity and low growth rates, are

more susceptible to population decline due to overexploitation by fishing (Frisk et al.,

2001; Frisk & Miller, 2009). Similarly, Musick (1999) related k values below 0.1, have

less chance of recovering from overexploitation, and Frisk et al. (2001) mentions that

the low values of r' are related to the low values of k. However, in the present study,

although N. entemedor presented a growth rate k slower than R. steindachneri, its r'

was higher, which may be due to the high fecundity, additionally some reproductive

effort indicators were related to fecundity, which were higher in N. entemedor (as

annual production of offspring; Ap2 or number of offspring accumulated during the

period of reproductive activity indicator; No3), and could be contributing to the value of

r' being higher in N. entemedor than in R. steindachneri.

Survival of a species is affected by other life history traits, for example, Frisk et

al. (2005), defined an overlap between those species that invest most nutrients to the

embryos (matrotrophic), and those that do not (lecitotrophic), finding that there is a

trade-off between fecundity and survival. It is likely that in the case of N. entemedor

survival is greater due to the high fecundity they present. Likewise, survival is closely

related to the population size, and when a population is artificially reduced, the survival

rate will be affected (Gruber et al., 2001). Possibly the low survival values of R.

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steindachneri, thus as the negative value of r' results to the decrease of this population

in the bay, given the catches aimed at neonates and juveniles.

To define the life history strategy of a species, there are several theories, that

try to explain how life traits interact to shape that strategy. Among them is the r-K

selection theory (Dobzhansky, 1950), bet-hedging theory (Stearns, 1976), triangular

life history model (Winemiller & Rose, 1992), and age-specific models (Stearns, 1992).

Specifically Winemiller & Rose (1992), proposed a triangular model to explain the

adaptive response to environmental fluctuations, where they define three strategies of

life history. In the first one "Periodic", the organisms present traits as long lifespan,

high fecundity and high variation in recruitment; the second "Opportunistic", are small,

short-lived organisms, high reproductive effort and high demographic resilience; and

the third "Equilibrium" (associated with K strategists), are organisms with parental care,

large offspring and low fecundity. Thus, the traits of N. entemedor and R. steindachneri

are more similar to the "Equilibrium". Winemiller (2005) mentions that the organisms in

"Equilibrium" tend to the K selection, invest more energy in the development of the

offspring or in increasing fecundity. Likewise, Frisk et al. (2001) mention that

elasmobranchs could be defined in "Equilibrium" due to the high investment in ovarian

follicles, embryos of large sizes, long gestation periods and low fecundity, therefore N.

entemedor and R. steindachneri could be classified as species with life history strategy

in "Equilibrium" according to life strategy theory of Winemiller & Rose (1992).

Several studies have been carried out to define and compare life history

strategies among the different elasmobranch taxa (Compagno, 1990; Cortés, 2000,

2004; Goodwin et al., 2002; Winemiller, 2005; Frisk et al., 2001, 2005; Frisk & Miller,

2009; Frisk, 2010). Cortés (2004) indicated that the advantage of the r-K selection

theory is that all organisms will present traits that tend to be of the r or K strategists;

however, given the great diversity of life history strategies and traits exhibited by the

elasmobranchs, is difficult to use only a theory to describe them, even using other

factors such as morphology, physiology, behavior or space, are necessary, this same

author, based on analysis of correlation between different life history traits, clustered

the sharks into three main groups. In the first group are the organisms of large litters

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(31 – 135 embryo/female), long lifespan (17 - 53), large maximum size (155 - 450 cm

TL), small size at birth (20 - 78 cm TL) and slow growth (k = 0.07 – 0.25 cm.year-1); the

second group is characterized by large organisms (234 - 640 cm TL), large size at birth

(62.5 - 174 cm TL), low fecundity (2 - 4 embryo/female), slow growth (k = 0.04 – 0.12

cm year-1) and long lifespan (14 – 39 years); and finally the third group, characterized

by low fecundity (5 - 15 young/female), small to moderate body (78 - 247 cm TL),

moderate lifespan (4.5 - 22 years), small size at birth (24 - 67 cm TL) and rapid growth

(k = 0.11 – 1.01 cm.year-1). According to these characteristics, N. entemedor and R.

steindachneri, could be considered within the group three; however, not all the traits of

the group three resemble these two species, because the study does not cover the

group of batoids, therefore, not all the traits of the group are being considered.

According to the reproductive characteristics and life history traits that were

evaluated in the present study, N. entemedor can be defined as a species of small to

medium body size, with relatively slow growth, intermediate lifespan, early maturity age,

high reproductive effort depending on fecundity and high capacity to compensate

overexploitation by fishing compared to other elasmobranches. While, R.

steindachneri, is a medium-sized species, with intermediate growing, relatively short

lifespan, early maturity age, high reproductive effort depending on embryonic mass and

low ability to compensate for overexploitation by fishing compared to other


N. entemedor could be more vulnerable according to the low k values that

exhibes and which are condiered as indicator of more vulnerability to overexploitation

(Musick, 1999). When this trait is compared to R. steindachneri, in relation to fecundity,

the low values of this parameter are related to low values of r', which would indicate

that R. steindachneri is more vulnerable to a fishing overexploitation (Jennings et al.,

1998; Frisk et al., 2001). Both species can be considered with high reproductive effort,

N. entemedor through fecundity and R. steindachneri through the embryonic mass.

Finally, according to the survival and the potential rate of population increase

assessment, N. entemedor showed the highest values, therefore it could be defined as

the species more resilient to environmental disturbances and fishing susceptibility.

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Narcine entemedor and Rhinoptera steindachneri are species that reproduce

during the summer months in Bahía de La Paz, with annual, continuous and synchronic

reproductive cycles. The reproductive modes that present these species, viviparity with

yolk sac and limited histotrophy in N. entemedor and with definitive lipid histotrophy in

R. steindachneri, both with matrotrophy, have an influence on their life history traits.

For N. entemedor, it allows it to increase fecundity, throughout small size at birth, while

in R. steindachneri the high nutritional contribution of the mother allow it to have a

single breeding but with larger size.

The embryonic diapause presented in N. entemedor allows the species to

increase its reproductive effort depending on fecundity.

Two probable trade-offs were identified, in N. entemedor the high fecundity by the

small body size at birth of the offspring, and in R. steindachneri low fecundity by a large

size of offspring.

The combination of life history traits in N. entemedor have allowed this species to

have more capacity to survive in comparison with R. steindacherni.

According to the potential rate of population increase, R. steindachneri, is more

susceptible to overexploitation by fishing than N. entemedor.

N. entemedor presented more variables close to the "optimal", and the higher

values in the potential rate of population increase, as well as in survival, therefore N.

entemedor is more effective to designate the energy in relation to reproductive effort,

increasing the survival of the species than R. steindachneri.

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DOCTORADO 2014 - 2018

Documentos publicados

Burgos-Vázquez, M. I., Chávez-García, V. E., Víctor H. Cruz-Escalona, V. H., Andrés

F. Navia, A. F & Mejía-Falla, P. A. Reproductive strategy of the Pacific cownose ray

Rhinoptera steindachneri in the southern Gulf of California. Marine & Freshwater

Research. In press.

Burgos-Vázquez, M. I., P. A. Mejía-Falla, Víctor H. Cruz- Escalona & Nancy J. Brown-

Peterson (2017) Reproductive Strategy of the Giant Electric Ray in the Southern Gulf

of California, Marine and Coastal Fisheries, 9:1, 577-596, DOI:


Uriel Rubio Rodríguez, Jessica A. Navarro-Rodríguez and M. Itzigueri Burgos-

Vázquez (2017). The Gregarious Behavior of Marine Fish and Their Relation to

Fishing. In Advances in Marine Biology (Eds. Adam Kovács and Patrik Nagy). NOVA,

Vol. 2.

Ehemann N.R., Pérez-Palafox X. A., Mora-Zamacona P., M. I. Burgos-Vázquez, A. F.

Navia, P. A. Mejía-Falla, V. H. Cruz-Escalona (2017). Size–weight relationships of

batoids captured by artisanal fishery in the southern Gulf of California, Mexico. J.

Applied Ichthyology. 2017;00:1–4. https://doi.org/ 10.1111/jai.13421.


Burgos-Vázquez M. I., Mejía-Falla P. A., Cruz-Escalona V. H. & Brown-Peterson N.

Biología Reproductiva de la raya eléctrica Narcine entemedor, en la Bahía de La Paz,

BCS, México. V Encuentro colombiano sobre condrictios. Bogotá, Colombia. 2016.

Burgos – Vázquez, M.I., V. Cruz – Escalona, P.A. Mejía – Falla. Biología reproductiva

de la raya eléctrica, Narcine entemedor, capturada por la pesca artesanal, en la Bahía

Page 143: ESTRATEGIAS REPRODUCTIVAS DE DOS ESPECIES DE … · instituto politÉcnico nacional centro interdisciplinario de ciencias marinas estrategias reproductivas de dos especies de batoideos


de La Paz, B.C.S., México. VII Simposium Nacional de Tiburones y Rayas, Puerto

Vallarta, Jalisco. 2016

Ehemann N. R., X. A., Perez Palafox, P. Mora Zamacona, M. I. Burgos Vázquez, A.

F. Navia, P. A. Mejía Falla & V. H. Cruz Escalona. Relaciones de longitud y peso de

nueve especies de batoideos capturados en el sur del Golfo de California, México. XV

Congreso Nacional/ V Simposio Latinoamericano FIGIS. I Simposio Internacional de

Genomica de Peces. Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes, México. 2016.

Burgos – Vázquez, María. I., Mejía – Falla, P.A., Cruz – Escalona & Navia, A.F.

Biología reproductiva de la raya eléctrica gigante de California, Narcine entemedor, de

la pesquería artesanal en La Bahía de La Paz, B.C.S., México. 68TH annual Gulf and

Caribbean Fisheries Institute meeting, Ciudad de Panama. 2015.

Burgos – Vázquez, María. I., Mejía – Falla, P.A., Cruz – Escalona, V. & Navia, A.F.

Aspectos reproductivos de hembras de la raya eléctrica, Narcine entemedor en la

Bahía de La Paz, Baja California Sur, México. XXII Congreso Nacional de Ciencia y

Tecnología Del Mar, Ensenada, BC. 2015.

Carmona-Sánchez, A., Torres-Palacios, K., Restrepo-Gómez, D. C., Burgos-

Vázquez, M. I., Mejía-Falla, P. A., Navia A. F. & V. H. Cruz-Escalona. NOTAS

Biológicas preliminares de la raya látigo Dasyatis dipterura en la Bahía de La Paz, Baja

California Sur, México. XXII Congreso Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología Del Mar,

Ensenada, BC. 2015.


Curso “Ecophysiology of elasmobranchs” impartido por la Dra. Valentina di Santo,

dentro del marco del V Encuentro colombiano sobre Condrictios, Bogotá, Colombia.

Octubre del 2016.

Curso “Análisis Bayesiano” impartido por el Dr. Enrique Morales Bojórquez, en el

Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas (CICIMAR), en La Paz, BCS. Agosto del


Page 144: ESTRATEGIAS REPRODUCTIVAS DE DOS ESPECIES DE … · instituto politÉcnico nacional centro interdisciplinario de ciencias marinas estrategias reproductivas de dos especies de batoideos


Curso-Taller “Herramientas de Microfotografía” impartido por el Ing. German Bazaldua,

en el Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas del Instituto Politécnico Nacional,

en la ciudad de La Paz, BCS, México. Junio del 2015.

Curso “Uso del análisis de productividad y susceptibilidad como método alternativo

para determinar la vulnerabilidad de un stock pesquero” impartido por el Dr. Emmanuel

Furlong, en el Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas del Instituto Politécnico

Nacional, en la Cd. De La Paz, BCS, México. Mayo del 2015.

Curso “Fisiología Animal” en el Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste S.C.

(CIBNOR). Abril – junio del 2015.

Taller “Comprensión de Lectura y Taller de Expresión Escrita”, curso en Línea.

Impartido por el Centro de Lenguas Extranjeras, del Instituto Politécnico Nacional.

Enero -marzo del 2015.

Curso “Anatomía de Rajiformes” impartido por la sociedad mexicana de peces

cartilaginosos. Expositor: Dr. Abraham Kobelkowsky Díaz, en el Instituto de Ciencias

del Mar y Limnología, UNAM, en la Cd. De México. Noviembre del 2014.

Curso “Áreas de crianza” impartido por el Dr. Oscar Sosa Nishizaki (CICESE), dentro

del marco del IV Encuentro Colombiano sobre Condrictios, en Medellín, Colombia.

Octubre del 2014.


Estancia de investigación científica en la Fundación colombiana para la investigación

y conservación de tiburones y rayas, SQUALUS, en Cali, Colombia, a cargo de la Dra.

Paola A. Mejía Falla. Octubre – diciembre del 2017.

Estancia de investigación científica en el centro de investigación Gulf Coast Research

Laboratory, en Ocean Springs Mississippi, EUA, a cargo de la Ms. Nancy Brown-

Peterson. Abril – mayo 2016.

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Tesis dirigidas

Yutzin Aimee Jiménez García. Aspectos reproductivos y de crecimiento de la Raya

Látigo Hypanus longus (Garman, 1880) en la Bahía de La Paz, BCS, México. Tesis de

Licenciatura. Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur. Noviembre del 2017.

Valeria Edith Chávez García. Descripción macro y microscópica del sistema

reproductor de la Raya Tecolote, Rhinoptera steindachneri (Evermann & Jenkins,

1892), en Bahía de La Paz, BCS, México. Universidad del Mar. En desarrollo.


“GCFI Student Travel Award” en el 68TH Annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute

meeting in Panamá City. 2015.
