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Guia Didactica de Ingles 5

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  • 8/11/2019 Guia Didactica de Ingles 5


    Sistema Abierto de Educacin Tecnolgica Agropecuaria


    Presentacin. 5

    Encuadre Curricular de la materia de Ingles. 6

    Mapa de la materia de Ingles V. 8

    !I"A" I.# $Estrategias de %ectura&.


    !I"A" II. $ (e)erentes* Conectores* Pre)i+os , Su)i+os&.


    !I"A" III. $Tipos de te tos en Ingles&.


    1ibliogra)2a. 55

    3u2a "id4ctica Ingles 5

  • 8/11/2019 Guia Didactica de Ingles 5


    Sistema Abierto de Educacin Tecnolgica Agropecuaria

    P R E S E N T A C I O N

    HOLA ESTUDIANTE DEL SAETA Antes que nada djame felicitarte por a!er cu!ierto "ran

    parte de tu recorrido# $a estas lle"ando al %UINTOSE&EST'E $ parece que fuera a$er cuando

    empe(amos juntos este nue)o camino* El cual tea presentado al"unas di+cultades# cur)as#su!idas $ !ajadas# pero tus "anas de aprender te

    an permitido lle"ar asta este punto* ,uenopues en la materia de IN-L.S# por +n# lle"as al

    /LTI&O semestre* 0%u te parece1# pues siendo el 2ltimo a$que ec arle muc as "anas como el primero# acurdate que loque !ien inicia mejor de!e de terminar*


    %a ciencia , la tecnolog2a muestran en todas sus ramas ue el idioma ingl7s sea 9uelto )undamental para el desarrollo de una gran rama de acti9idades.En la actualidad* los estudiantes del ni9el bac illerato pro)esional necesitan estar in)ormados , actuali:ados oportunamente de los mas recientes a9ances ene uipos , materiales; estos a9ances son con )recuencia publicados en Ingl7s*

    por ue el !ue9o Modelo Curricular de la Educacin Media Superior a inclu2doen sus planes de estudios como parte de la )ormacin proped7utica a I!3%

  • 8/11/2019 Guia Didactica de Ingles 5


    Sistema Abierto de Educacin Tecnolgica Agropecuaria

    inter7s general* con algunas modi)icaciones reali:adas con )ines did4cticos. %asacti9idades ue se desarrollan con estos te tos* contienen e+ercicios escritos decomprensin* con acti9idades de prelectura* aprendi:a+e de 9ocabulario* lecturade o+eada , lectura selecti9a* as2 como e+ercicios de algunos aspectosgramaticales , estrategias de lectura.


    Campo de conocimiento=Comunicacin.

    >rea de )ormacin proped7utica=Fsico-mat m!tica





    Ingl7s I Primero / ?rs.

    Ingl7s II Segundo / ?rs.

    14sica Ingl7s III Tercero / ?rs.

    Ingl7s IV Cuarto / ?rs.

    Proped7utica Ingl7s V @uinto 5 ?rs

    %a estructura del programa tiene una secuencia lgica con una 9isinconstructi9ista en la ue se concibe al estudiante como un su+eto de aprendi:a+e, constructor de sus propios conocimientos. El programa re uiere para suoperacin la seleccin de un tema integrador ue inclu,a los conceptos)undamentales* subsidiarios* los 9alores de libertad* +usticia , solidaridad , las

    categor2as de di9ersidad* espacio* tiempo* materia , energ2a.El propsito )undamental sub,ace en ue los estudiantes aprendan a aprender aprendan a conocer* a acer* a ser , a con9i9ir; tomando como base losconocimientos pre9ios , como punto central la construccin del aprendi:a+e por los discentes.

    3u2a "id4ctica Ingles 5


  • 8/11/2019 Guia Didactica de Ingles 5


    Sistema Abierto de Educacin Tecnolgica Agropecuaria

    INGLS *

    En este curso se recuperan los aprendi:a+es de los ni9eles anteriores. El ingl7sV )orma parte de las materias ue integran el componente de )ormacinproped7utica* ,a ue la suma de los aprendi:a+es pre9ios posibilita al estudiante

    para ue se comuni ue de una manera escrita , para ue comprenda la lecturade te tos aut7nticos en ingl7s* abilidades necesarias para su desempe o eninstituciones de ni9el superior.Cabe aclarar ue aun ue se en)atice en la lectura , la escritura* las otras dosabilidades no deber4n ser descuidadas.Por lo anterior* nosotros elegimos como concepto )undamental $A9ances de laumanidad&* pues es el ue cierra el ciclo lgico , secuencial de la aplicacin delas estrategias centradas en el aprendi:a+e* ,a ue el alumno con una totallibertad e iniciati9a elegir4 o leer4 di9ersas tem4ticas para e presar su sentir.

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  • 8/11/2019 Guia Didactica de Ingles 5


    Sistema Abierto de Educacin Tecnolgica Agropecuaria

    In%$+s *Conc ,to Fun&am nta$ A9ances de la umanidadConc ,to Su#si&ia'io Campos = Social


    Funcion s & $ $ n%ua su% 'i&as%as )unciones del lengua+e estar4n acorde a los te tos seleccionados*con 7n)asis en la comprensin de lectura.

    3u2a "id4ctica Ingles 5

    A!TECE"E!TESIngl7s IV

    INGLS *

    A9ances de laumanidad








  • 8/11/2019 Guia Didactica de Ingles 5


    Sistema Abierto de Educacin Tecnolgica Agropecuaria

    Nocion s G'amatica$ s- Todos lasestructuras 9istas en lossemestres anteriores.

    *oca#u$a'io- Acorde a laslecturas propuestas

    An!$isis & t /tos- In)ormati9os0 Instructi9os/ "escripti9os


    5 Cient2)icos

    Est'at %ias ,a'a $a com,' sin &$ ctu'a- Prediccin D3r4)icos* iconogr4)icos, tipogr4)icos0 SFimming/ Scanning

    Conectores5 (e)erentes6 In)erenciasB Pre)i+os G su)i+os8 Ideas principales , secundarias' Transcodi)icacin D ue el alumnoelabore mapas conceptuales* cuadros

    sinpticos* gr4)icas* etc

    P'inci,a$ s Cat %o'as- "i9ersidad0 Espacio/ Tiempo

    Energ2a5 Materia

    P'inci,a$ s *a$o' s a 0om nta'- %ibertad0 Husticia/ Solidaridad

    Cont /to & a,' n&i1a Acorde al Tema Integrador propuesto.



    O23ETI*O.- A$ t+'mino & $a ,' s nt uni&a& $ stu&iant s '! ca,a1 &uti$i1a' $as st'at %ias & $ ctu'a SCANNING 4 S5IMMNIG6 mismas 7u $, 'miti'!n o#t n ' in0o'macin #!sica & cua$7ui ' t /to n in%$ s6 &man 'a in&ucti(a6 0om ntan&o n $ stu&iant su , nsami nto n in%$ s.

    ACTI*IT4 8.# Contesta las preguntas siguientes , comenta las respuestas contus compa eros=

    -.# "esde ace cuantos a os as estado 9iendo el nombre de alt "isne,J

    3u2a "id4ctica Ingles 5


  • 8/11/2019 Guia Didactica de Ingles 5


    Sistema Abierto de Educacin Tecnolgica Agropecuaria

    0.# En ue cosas as 9isto el nombre del alt "Isne,J

    /# A ue se dedica la corporacin de alt "isne,J

    ACTI*IT4 9.- 1usca los e ui9alentes en espa ol de las palabras , relacinalospor medio de l2neas. sa el diccionario si te es necesario.

    -. resort -. ciclismo0. Katersports 0. albercas/. sKimming /. botes de casco doble. court . canc a Dde tenis5. boating 5. natacin6. biFini 6. pase en boteB. ealt clubs B. clubes de salud8. catamarans 8. pesca

    '. )is ing '. centro recreati9o-L.sKimming pools -L. deportes acu4ticos

    ACTI*IT4 :.- %ee el siguiente te to sin detenerte en palabras ue no cono:cas.Posteriormente contesta el cuestionario.


    T e alt "isne, orld resort us located atrlando* Nlorida State SA. Since -'55

    millions o) people )rom e9er, corner o) t eKorld a9e disco9ered t e enc antment o) alt "isne, orld=. It pro9ides a total

    9acation destination )or clients booFed intoon#site properties. (esort guests a9epre)erential use o) gol) courses andKatersport 9e icles and e clusi9e use o) bic,cles* electric carts* orsebacFridings* ealt clubs* )itness trails* )is ing* tennis courts and sKimming pools.

    Biking . 1ic,cle rentals are a9ailable at "isne,Os Village (esortrecreation centers. "isne,Os Caribbean 1eac (esort and "isne,Os Nortilderness (esort and Campground.

    Boating . All alt "isne, orld (esort marinas a9e a 9ariet, o) boatsa9ailable )or rent* including mini#speed boats* catamarans* paddle boats*

    canoes and sun)is . atersFiing can also be arranged.

    Swimming . T ere are o9er 0L sKimming pools located t roug out t ealt "isne, orld (esort.

    3u2a "id4ctica Ingles 5


  • 8/11/2019 Guia Didactica de Ingles 5


    Sistema Abierto de Educacin Tecnolgica Agropecuaria

    Golf . T ere are c ampions ip -8# ole * par#B0 gol) courses. T e Magnolia*Palm* and %aFe 1uena Vista* and one si # ole e ecuti9e court in t e alt "isne,orld (esort.

    Tennis . T ere are more t an a do:en tennis courts at 9arious alt

    "isne, orld (esort locations* group and indi9idual lessons ma, bearranged. D407) 824 25 78.

    Fishing . Nis ing e cursions ma, be arranged up to - #da,s inad9ance. Complimentar, )is ing is o))ered on t e KaterKa, o) "isne,OsNort ilderness (esort and Campground. D!o license re uired

    T ere are special e9ents staged at EPC T Center* t e Magic ingdom and t e"isne, Village MarFet Place t roug out t e ,ear t at can maFe a 9isit to t e alt"isne, orld (esort e9en more special.

    ACTI*IT4 ;.- %ocali:a la in)ormacin , contesta las preguntas siguientes=-.# QEn u7 ciudad se encuentra el Mundo de alt "Isne,J

    0.# Q En u7 estado , parte del mundo se encuentra el Mundo de alt "isne,J

    /.# Q"esde ue a o se encuentra en ser9icioJ

    .# Escribe tres e+emplos de deportes ue se consideran como de recreacinJ

    5.# QEn ue lugares se pueden rentar bicicletasJ

    6.# Anota tres tipos de deportes acu4ticos.

    B.# QEn ue lugares se practica la pescaJ

    8.# Escribe tres deportes ue no sean acu4ticosJ

    '.# QCu4ntas albercas a,J

    -L.# QCu4ntos campeonatos de gol) se celebran por temporadaJ

    3u2a "id4ctica Ingles 5


  • 8/11/2019 Guia Didactica de Ingles 5


    Sistema Abierto de Educacin Tecnolgica Agropecuaria

    --.# QCu4ntas canc as de tenis a,J

    -0.# Q"nde se celebran los e9entos especiales ue a, durante el a oJ


    Skimming %ectura r4pida de todo el te to sin detenerse en las palabras ue no se conocen, poniendo en practica las estrategias de lectura ue se indican en el cuadro.Esta debe practicarse siempre como primer paso para la comprensin de te tosen ingl7s.

    Examen Superficial bser9acin r4pida de todo el te to sin en)ocar la atencin en una parte

    especi)ica* , al )inal obtener los puntos para saber de ue trata el tema.

    Ttulos y su ttulosIndican en mu, pocas palabras el contenido; adem4s* por su locali:acin es loprimero ue se obser9a.

    3u2a "id4ctica Ingles 5


    Estrategias de lectura para la

    Prediccin de contenidos ,obtencin del tema de un te to.

    E amen super)icial

    Titulo* subtitulo

    Apo,os 9isuales


    "istribucin del te to

    %ectura r4pida para la obtencin

    del tema de un te to.


    Palabras repetidas

    Namilia de palabras



  • 8/11/2019 Guia Didactica de Ingles 5


    Sistema Abierto de Educacin Tecnolgica Agropecuaria

    !poyos "isuales"iagramas* )otogra)2as* dibu+os , )iguras ue muestran en )orma ilustrada lo uepresenta el te to en )orma escrita o* en otras ocasiones* agregan in)ormacin uotros datos acerca del tema.

    #istri uci$n %el textobser9ar la )orma en ue esta distribuido el te to en la o+a proporciona unacla9e mu, importante para saber de ue se trata* ,a ue se toma conocimientode cmo se distribu,e un te to para una in)ormacin* un reporte* una istoria*una receta* un poema* etc.

    Tipografa"i)erentes tama os , tipos de letra ue e isten en un te to. Por lo general* seusan letras grandes para t2tulos , las de color m4s oscuro Dnegritas paraen)ati:ar , las cursi9as Dinclinadas para de)inir o e+empli)icar.

    &ogna%osTambi7n llamados palabras transparentes* son una estrategia ue se considerade gran a,uda para la comprensin de la lectura* ,a ue la ma,or2a de los te tosen ingles tienen cognados. Son palabras ue su escritura se aseme+a muc o eningles como a su e ui9alente en espa ol.

    'ala ras repeti%asCuando una palabra se repite 9arias 9eces en un te to* es lgico deducir ueeste se re)iere al concepto de dic a palabra; adem4s estas palabras a,udanpara captar me+or el tema del te to.

    (amilias %e pala rasPalabras similares* las cuales presentan la misma ra2: o palabras base; aun uecon di)erente pre)i+o o su)i+o* se dice ue estas )orman una )amilia de palabras.


  • 8/11/2019 Guia Didactica de Ingles 5


    Sistema Abierto de Educacin Tecnolgica Agropecuaria

    5.# Anota las palabras ue se repitan m4s.

    6.# Q"nde crees ue apareci publicado el te toJ

    B.# QA uien crees ue este dirigidoJ

    8.# QCu4l es el tema del te toJ

    ACTI*IT4 =.- bser9a las ilustraciones , escribe a ue deporte se re)iere.

    3u2a "id4ctica Ingles 5


  • 8/11/2019 Guia Didactica de Ingles 5


    Sistema Abierto de Educacin Tecnolgica Agropecuaria

    ACTI*IT4 >.# Contesta las siguientes preguntas.

    -.# Q@u7 parte del te to tiene las letras m4s grandesJ

    0.# QCu4ntos tama os de letra tiene el te toJ

    /.# QPor u7 crees ue el te to presente unas letras de tra:o m4s grueso ueotrasJ

    .# Q@u7 in)ormacin proporcionan las letras m4s pe ue as ue aparecen en el

    te toJ

    5.# Al 9er por primera 9e: el te to Q@u7 tama o de letra llam mas tu atencinJ


    ACTI*IT4 8.# Contesta las siguientes preguntas , com7ntalas en grupo.

    -.# Q@u7 es un sat7liteJ

    0.# Q"nde se colocan los sat7lites para ue en92en se alesJ

    /.# Q?as 9isto alguna 9e: un sat7liteJ

    .# Q"ndeJ

    3u2a "id4ctica Ingles 5


  • 8/11/2019 Guia Didactica de Ingles 5


    Sistema Abierto de Educacin Tecnolgica Agropecuaria

    ACTI*IT4 9.# Coloca sobre las l2neas las palabras en espa ol ue correspondana las palabras en ingles. sa el diccionario si te resulta necesario.


    PE%I3( S

    -.# "ebris 0.# C ain /.# Eart .# +unF,ards

    5.# a:ards 6.# spacecra)t B.# pat

    ACTI*IT4 :.- %ee el siguiente te to sin detenerte en las palabras ue noconoces , contesta el e+ercicio ue aparece despu7s.


    T e rocFet Ariane* )lig t -6* a European 9enture t at placed acommercial obser9ation satellite in orbit about 5LL miles abo9e t eEart in -'86. on )eb* 00 -'86. Ariane is launc ed )rom a site in Sout America. n no9. -/* -'86. T e ne t So,u: launc campaign )or

    Arianespace s Starsem a))iliate as begun Kit t e European Met p -polar#orbiting meteorological satellite* K ic is sc eduled to be orbited)rom a:aF stan s 1aiFonur Cosmodrome in Hul,.

    T is mission # t e )irst o) t ree )lig ts targeted b, Starsem in 0LL6 # Killuse t e upgraded So,u: 0#-a 9ersion* K ic )eatures a larger pa,load

    3u2a "id4ctica Ingles 5


  • 8/11/2019 Guia Didactica de Ingles 5


    Sistema Abierto de Educacin Tecnolgica Agropecuaria

    )airing along Kit impro9ed launc er na9igation accurac, and control capabilit,.

    Met p - Kill be integrated in t e So,u:#ST s enlarged pa,load )airing* K ic asan e ternal diameter o) .- meters and a lengt o) --. meters.T e ST#t,pe )airing enables So,u: launc ers to accommodate large

    meteorological satellites suc as Met p -* as Kell as medium#class 3Ttelecommunications spacecra)t on a dedicated launc * or pa,loads in a multiple#mani)est con)iguration )or missions to loK Eart orbit* medium orbit* Sun#s,nc ronous orbit and escape missions.

    T e Met p - satellite arri9ed at 1aiFonur Cosmodrome in April* and Kas mo9edinto Starsem s state#o)#t e#art pa,load preparation )acilities at t e launc site.

    it a launc mass o) +ust o9er *LLL Fg.* Met p - builds on t e eritage gained)rom Europe s success)ul series o) meteorological and Eart obser9ationsatellites* including SP T* E(S and En9isat # all o) K ic Kere launc ed b,

    Arianespace on Ariane 9e icles.

    T e Met p - spacecra)t Kas built b, EA"S#Astrium* and carries a total o) -0instruments t at Kere de9eloped in cooperation Kit t e Nrenc C!ES nationalspace agenc, and t e .S. !ational ceanic and Atmosp eric AdministrationD! AA .

    "e9eloped b, t e European Space Agenc, )or E METSAT Dt e Europeanrgani:ation )or t e E ploitation o) Meteorological Satellites * Met p - Killoperate )rom an altitude o) about 8/B Fm.* pro9iding data o) unprecedentedaccurac, to impro9e global Keat er )orecasting and pro9ide en anced climatemonitoring capabilities.

    ACTI*IT4 ;.- Contesta las siguientes preguntas.

    -.# Anota los cognados ue se encuentren.

    0.# E)ectUa la descripcin de la ilustracin.

    /.# Q"nde crees ue apareci publicada esta in)ormacinJ

    .# QA ue se re)iere el te toJ


    3u2a "id4ctica Ingles 5


  • 8/11/2019 Guia Didactica de Ingles 5


    Sistema Abierto de Educacin Tecnolgica Agropecuaria

    %a interpretacin de esta palabra en espa ol es $bUs ueda de in)ormacinespeci)ica& , se lle9a a cabo cuando se indaga sobre un dato preciso.


  • 8/11/2019 Guia Didactica de Ingles 5


    Sistema Abierto de Educacin Tecnolgica Agropecuaria

    Construido por= Cantidad de instrumentos ue porta=

    ACTI*IT4 =.# Aplicando lo conocimientos ad uiridos obt7n la in)ormacin de lasiguiente lectura.READING STRATEGIES

    There are di erent styles of reading for di erent situations The te!hni"ue you!hoose will de#end on the #ur#ose for reading For e$am#le% you might &e readingfor en'oyment% information% or to !om#lete a task If you are e$#loring or re(iewing%you might skim a do!ument If you)re sear!hing for information% you might s!an for a#arti!ular word To get detailed information% you might use a te!hni"ue su!h as S*+R

    ,ou need to ad'ust your reading s#eed and te!hni"ue de#ending on your #ur#ose

    -any #eo#le !onsider skimming and s!anning sear!h te!hni"ues rather than readingstrategies .owe(er when reading large (olumes of information% they may &e more#ra!ti!al than reading For e$am#le% you might &e sear!hing for s#e!i/! information%looking for !lues% or re(iewing information

    0e& #ages% no(els% te$t&ooks% manuals% maga1ines% news#a#ers% and mail are 'ust afew of the things that #eo#le read e(ery day E e!ti(e and e2!ient readers learn touse many styles of reading for di erent #ur#oses Skimming% s!anning% and !riti!alreading are di erent styles of reading and information #ro!essing

    -any #eo#le !onsider skimming and s!anning sear!h te!hni"ues rather than readingstrategies .owe(er when reading large (olumes of information% they may &e more#ra!ti!al than reading For e$am#le% you might &e sear!hing for s#e!i/! information%looking for !lues% or re(iewing information



    O23ETI*O.- A$ t+'mino & $a ,' s nt uni&a& $ stu&iant ?a#'! a&7ui'i&o$as ? ''ami ntas %'amatica$ s ,a'a ' conoc ' $os $ m ntos #!sicos n $acom,' nsin & $a $ ctu'a.

    ?AT IS A REFERENT@Introduction

    ords are used to represent t ings and e periences in t e real or imaginedKorld. "i))erent Kords can be used to describe t e same t ing or e perience.


    3u2a "id4ctica Ingles 5


  • 8/11/2019 Guia Didactica de Ingles 5


    Sistema Abierto de Educacin Tecnolgica Agropecuaria

    A re)erent is t e concrete ob+ect or concept t at is designated b, a Kord or e pression. A re)erent is an ob+ect* action* state* relations ip* or attribute in t ere)erential real.E ample

    ?istoricall,* t ere Kas onl, one person called 3eorge as ington* t e )irstpresident o) t e nited States. ?e can be re)erred to in a te t in man, Ka,s* sucas

    t e presi%ent*r. +as ingtone, or e"enmy frien%.

    E9en t oug t ere are man, Ka,s to talF about im* t ere is onl, one re)erent in

    t e re)erential realm.at is re)erenceJ


    ?ere are tKo senses )or re)erence= -. (e)erence is t e s,mbolic relations ip t at a linguistic e pression as Kit

    t e concrete ob+ect or abstraction it represents.0. (e)erence is t e relations ip o) one linguistic e pression to anot er* in

    K ic one pro9ides t e in)ormation necessar, to interpret t e ot er.

    E amples?ere is an e ample o) re)erence=

    A pronoun re)ers to t e noun antecedent t at is used to interpret it.

    ACTI*IT4 8.-Read the sentences. Then underline the best answer to eachquestion.

    -. Maria asFed er mot er to gi9e er some paper. S e Kanted todraK a picture o) er mot er. at does $s e& re)er toJ

    a. Mot er b. Maria and mot er.c. Mar2a

    3u2a "id4ctica Ingles 5


  • 8/11/2019 Guia Didactica de Ingles 5


    Sistema Abierto de Educacin Tecnolgica Agropecuaria

    0. "a9e and Adam boug t a dog. T e, named it $Smile,& at does$t e,& re)er toJ

    a. "a9e.b. "a9e and Adam.

    c. Smile, and "a9e

    /. e are going to t e circus a)ter sc ool toda,. e Kill a9e )unt ere. at does $t ere& re)er toJ

    a. at sc oolb. toda,c. At t e circus

    . He))re, Kanted some o) t e )loKers t at Henn, ad picFed. S e tooFa )eK )rom one o) t e 9ases. at does $a )eK& re)er toJ

    a. He))re,b. NloKersc. Vases

    5. Pearl caug t a )rog in t e pond. S e Kants to Feep it )or a pet.at does $it& re)er toJ

    a. t e petb. t e pondc. t e )rog

    6. Martin and (amn liFe baseball and )ootball. T e tKo o) t em areon t e sc ool teams. at does $ t e tKo o) t em& re)er toJ

    a. sc ool teamsb. baseball and )ootballc. Martin and (amn

    ACTI*IT4 9.- R a& ac? s nt nc . T? n un& '$in t? o'& in t? s con&s nt nc t?at ' 0 's to #o$&0ac o'& o' o'&s in t? 0i'st s nt nc .

    -. A$ic asFed And, to go to t e mo9ies. S e paid )or t e ticFets too.

    3u2a "id4ctica Ingles 5


  • 8/11/2019 Guia Didactica de Ingles 5


    Sistema Abierto de Educacin Tecnolgica Agropecuaria

    0. Mr. %ane teac es istor,. ?e t inFs it is interesting.

    /. Tina can usuall, beat Herr, at c ecFers. S e pla,s Kell.

    . I a9e a #i't?&aB %i0t )or Carlos. I Kill gi9e it to Carlos a)ter dinner.

    5. Sarita is at a ,a'tB tonig t. S e s a9ing )un t ere.

    6. Ro#in an& AmB liFe sFating and dancing. T e, are in t e samedance class.

    B. %et s goto t?is ,a' )or a picnic. e Kill tell e9er,one to come ereon Sunda,.

    8. G'an&ma is an artist. S e Kill teac Ana and er )riends oK topaint.

    '. Vic Kanted some o) t? a,,$ s Carl ad picFed up. Carl ga9e ima )eK )rom one o) t e bags.


    at is a connector or linFing KordJ

    %inFing Kords normall, )orm a linF betKeen clauses IT?I! a sentence. an& #ut so # caus t? n unti$ suc? as

    Anot er t,pe o) linFing de9ice is used to )orm a linF 1ET EE! sentences. T eseKords must start Kit a capital letter and are usuall, immediatel, )olloKed b, acomma= DFu't? 'mo' 6 Mo' o( '6 )o ( '6 N ( 't? $ ss6T? ' 0o' 6 in conc$usion6

    T? 0unction o0 $in in% o'&s

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    Sistema Abierto de Educacin Tecnolgica Agropecuaria

    %inFing de9ices are neit er nouns* nor 9erbs. T e, pro9ide a te t Kit co esionand illustrate oK t e parts o) t e te t relate to eac ot er. ?ere are some o) t e)unctions K ic linFing Kords pro9ide.

    Adding e tra in)ormation to t e main point* contrasting ideas* e pressing causeand e))ect* s oKing e actl, K en somet ing appened Dnarrating * e pressing

    purpose DK ,J and opinion* listing e amples* maFing conclusions and gi9ingemp asis.A&&in% an& Cont'astin% E/,' ssin% caus

    ' ason

    Wandas Kell asbesidesMoreo9er*Nurt ermore*at is more*

    In addition*not onl, .... but alsoanot er point is t at ' $ati( c$aus sK o K eret at *K icK ose to K omK en K atK ,


    Alt ougdespiteIn spite o) !e9ert eless*

    n t e contrar,*on t e one andon t e ot er and*K ereasK ilebut K ileNor one t ing*In contrast*!eit er...nor


    As a result*T is is K ,because o)

    "ue toKing toNor t is reason* E/,' ssin% 00 ct ' su$tWsoso....t atsuc a...t atT ere)oreT us

    Conse uentl,*too...)orGtonot enoug ...)orGto

    Na''ation E/,' ssin% ,u',os

    Nirst Do) all At )irst At t e beginning

    In t e beginningt enne t1e)ore

    A)ter A)ter t ata)terKardsen


    As soon ason!o sooner....t an?ardl,...K enNinall,E9entuall,

    At t e endIn t e end

    toso as toin order t at

    so t at)or D!on#speci)ic E/,' ssin% o,inionI Kould sa, t atIn m, opinion*I t inF Dt atI belie9e Dt at

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    Sistema Abierto de Educacin Tecnolgica Agropecuaria

    ileduringSoonprior to

    At lastTo begin Kit *until

    Personall, Apparentl,*

    Gi(in% /am,$ s Summin% u, conc$u&in% Em,?asis

    )or e ample*)or instance*t is includessuc as eg. D)or e amplei.e. Dt at is

    All in allo9erallgenerall,In conclusion*on t e K olein t e mainTo sum up*

    especiall,particularl,!aturall,*e actl, becauseabo9e allate9er ene9er

    too G enoug

    T e more....W A9oid starting a sentence Kit t ese Kords.T e linFing Kords beginning Kit a capital letter o)ten start a sentence* )or t oseKit out* position in a sentence is optional.

    ACTI*IT4 :.- In t? 0o$$o in% t /t6 t? $in in% o'&s ?a( # n & $ t &. T'Bto ' o'%ani1 t? 0o$$o in% s nt nc s into a $$-st'uctu' & ,a'a%'a,? #Bc?oosin% t? most a,,'o,'iat $in in% o'&s 0'om t? $ist # $o .R m m# ' t?at ac? ,oint ?as to ?a( som conn ction to t? ,' c &in%on an& t? on to 0o$$o .

    In all no9els incidents* actions* t oug ts and descriptions are related* narrated* b, an agent K o is FnoKn as a narrator. T e reader* * sees t e e9ents o) a no9el to a greater or lesser degree t rougt e e,es* point o) 9ieK* o) t e no9el s narrator. It isob9ious* t at t e narrator is an e tremel, signi)icant element inconsidering a no9el* it is t e narrator K o decides K at to

    3u2a "id4ctica Ingles 5


    [again, and, because, consequently, however, or, therefore, yet, whereas]

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    Sistema Abierto de Educacin Tecnolgica Agropecuaria

    s oK or tell us* K at emp asis is to be placed on an e9ent or c aracter* it is t e narrator s language t at describes e9entsand c aracters.

    ACTI*IT4 ;.- Matc? t? ,?'as s on t? 'i%?t it? t? s nt nc s on t? $ 0t.

    'it t? s nt nc s on t? $in s # $o .It s a great cit,. ?oKe9er* ?e is good natured.

    It s a great cit,. In addition* ?e 9isited Canada.

    ?e s 9er, good looFing. In addition* e as no trouble )inding 3irl#)riends.

    ?e s 9er, good looFing. ?oKe9er* It as good public transport.

    ?e s 9er, good looFing. T ere)ore accommodation is terribl, e pensi9e.?e Kent to America. In addition* e lost contact Kit is

    )amil, in Europe.?e Kent to America. ?oKe9er* e s not 9er, intelligent.

    ?e Kent to America. T ere)ore e didn t liFe it 9er, muc .










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    Sistema Abierto de Educacin Tecnolgica Agropecuaria

    Natt, )oods contribute to obesit, t e, s ould not be sold in t e sc oolcanteen. It is Kell FnoKn t at obesit, creates ma+or ealt problems.

    * a !eK Xealand researc )ound c ildren s Keig t is c anging= YT estud, )ound an increase in t e number o) obese c ildren )rom 0. per cent in-'8' to '.- per cent in 0LLL. T e number o) t ose classed as o9erKeig t ad

    gone up )rom -- per cent to 0L.' per cent.Y o can re)ute t ese )iguresJ , is t e sc ool canteen still selling )ood t at is ig in bot )atand sugarJ t er sc ools aren t. ne sc ool in t e same area noK onl, sellst irt, pies a da, compared to t e t ousand t e, sold be)ore introducing ealt ,)oods. Is it not possible )or our sc ool to do t e sameJ

    t e sc ool s ould displa, a social conscience b, promotingealt , )oods. Pro)iteering )rom selling +unF )oods to students is +ust not

    acceptable. * t e sc ool as a moral obligation to looF a)ter t eir students. It is in students best interests to sell t em ealt , alternati9es )or lunct at are loK in )at* sugar and salt rat er t an t e +unF )ood currentl, sold. at is

    Krong Kit selling pi::a s rat er t an piesJ T e sc ool can still maFe a pro)it.Eating )oods ig in sugar can be disrupti9e to learning. It is o)ten said t at sugar gi9es ,ou energ,* t is is onl, partl, true. (esearc ers* in America*)ound t at coca cola spiFed a person s energ, le9els almost immediatel,*

    a)ter appro imatel, a minute and a al) t eir energ, dropped to amuc loKer le9el. * sugar does not reall, gi9e ,ou energ,.

    * students KorF le9els ma, drop o)) because t e, )eel tired. * teac ers a9e reported t at some students are ,peracti9e a)ter lunc . )ten* it is t ose students K o a9e eaten doug nuts* c ocolate* or ad)i::, drinFs all o) K ic a9e been boug t )rom t e sc ool canteen.

    ACTI*IT4 =.- R a& t? s nt nc s6 & ci& ?ic? $in in% o'& and, or, but or so) is t? co'' ct.

    -. I Kant to go to t e supermarFet bu, some )ood0. I a9en t got an, mone, I can t go out to t e cinema/. "o ,ou Kant to Katc tele9ision listen to some musicJ. I Kent to Ho n s ouse e Kasn t t ere.5. at Kould ,ou liFe to drinFJ Tea co))eeJ6. I ad a s oKer t en I got dressed.

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    B. I can elp ,ou don t Korr,.8. Rou must KorF ard ,ou Kill not pass t e e am.'. Rou must KorF ard ,ou Kill not pass t e e am.-L. T e Keat er is beauti)ul Ke are going out )or a picnic.--. Rou s ould go ome a9e a rest.-0. e must lea9e noK Ke ll miss t e plane.

    ACTI*IT4 > D 0in #' ( m nt $as si%ui nt s ,a$a#'as


    %es onesto

    illegi leina%misi le

    incomprensi le

    imposi le




    anti terrorista

    P' 0i/ s an& Su00i/ s

    sing conte t clues is one Ka, to disco9er t e meaning o) an un)amiliar Kord. Anot er Ka, is Kord anal,sis t at is* looFing at t e meaning o) parts o) Kords.Man, Englis Kords a9e been )ormed b, combining parts o) older Englis *3reeF* and %atin Kords. I) ,ou FnoK t e meanings o) some o) t ese Kord parts*,ou can o)ten guess t e meaning o) an un)amiliar Englis Kord* particularl, inconte t.

    Nor e ample* report is )ormed )rom re#* Kic means bacF* and#port* Kic meanscarr,. Scientist is deri9ed )rom sci#* Kic means FnoK* and #ist* Kic means oneK o. (e and ist are called a))i es* t at is* Kord parts t at are attac ed to seems.

    A))i es liFe re* Kic are attac ed to baginnings o) stems* are called pre)i es.

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    A))i es attac ed to t e end* liFe ist* are called su))i es. 3enerall,* pre)i esc ange t e meaning o) a Kord* and si))i es c ange its part o) speec .

    !eK Kords can be )ormed in Englis b, adding pre)i es to ot er Kords. I) ,ouadd t em to ot er Kords t e, c ange t e meaning.

    rgani:e (eorgani:eCop, Miscop,Standard Substandard

    ACTI*IT4 H.- R su $( $a si%ui nt ,' %unta. ?ic? o0 t? m anin% %o it?t? s ,' 0i/ s@

    mis# out# o9er# multi# pre# sub# re#

    1. $again& or $bacF&

    2. $be)ore& 3. $bloK&* $under& 4. $man,& 5. $past&* $be,ond& 6. $too muc & . $Krongl,&* incorrectl,&* ine))icientl,&

    ACTI*IT4 .- Loo t?'ou%? t? s s nt nc s an& 0i$$ t? %a,s it? a o'ui$t 0'om t? o'& on t? 'i%?t an& a ,' 0i/ 0'om t? #o/. T? 0i'st is &on0o' Bou as an /am,$ .

    mis- o( ' mu$ti ,' ' out Mu$ti su#

    EZAMP%E=T e fall in t e "alue of t e %ollar /ill mean a poor outlook for t e look

    tourist tra%e t is year.

    -. In t e si ties man, e perts Kere Karning t at t e population o) gro/ Hapan ad n its resources.

    0. 1ecause t e mac ine ad ed its use)ulness* li"e t e production manager proposed ing it. 'lace

    /. T e )inance department badl, ed t e costing )or t e calculate

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    Sistema Abierto de Educacin Tecnolgica Agropecuaria

    neK )actor, buildings* so t e, couldnOt be constructed last ,ear.

    . T ereOs somet ing Krong Kit is bill. e didnOt eat t at muc c arge )ood. I t inF t e, a9e ed me.

    5. eO9e recei9ed so man, complaints about t e product t at Ke %esign Kill a9e to t e ne t model.

    6. ur ma+or supplier is a large compan,* Kic alKa,s national deli9ers on time.

    B. e are Killing to t e labour betKeen t e tKo %i"i%e countries. e do t e basics* ,ou )inis t e goods.

    8. Most goods supplied to s ops toda, are deli9ered in a ed package state.

    '. Industrial buildings are sometimes ed in Europe and fa ricate sent to t e Middle East to be assembled t ere.

    -L. T e problem Kit companies is t at t e, rarel, national manu)acture t e components t emsel9es. T e, alKa,s contract t em to smaller companies.

    N %ati( ,' 0i/ s.

    T ere are man, di))erent Ka,s o) )orming negati9e Kords b, adding pre)i es.Nirst looF at t ese e amples.

    n# )air un)air "is# liFe disliFeIn# 9isible in9isible!on# smoFer non#smoFer

    Some ad+ecti9es beginning Kit D l * D p or D r )orm negati9es liFes t is=

    Il# legal ilegalIm# possible impossibleIr# regular irregular

    ACTI*IT4 8J.- Com,$ t t? s co$umns #B 0o'min% t? n %ati( s o0 ac? o0 t? o'&s in t?is $ist. T? 0i'st on s a' &on 0o' Bou

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    Accurate agree )ortunatel, su))icient capableCertain connect pa,ment Pro)it#maFing stopCon9enient desirable satis)ied emplo,ed e periencedNoreseen nion used readable nionNormal FnoKn 9alid onest

    n dis in non#


    !eK Kords can be )ormed in Englis b, adding su))i es to ot er Kords. T eseare added to t e ends o) Kords. Some su))i es )orm ad+ecti9es K ic re)er to t ec aracteristic associated Kit t e noun t e, are related to.

    #al #ar, #atic #l, #is #able

    Sometimes t e stress mo9es in t e ad+ecti9e="isciplinar,[ a9ing t e )eatures o) discipline.Programmatic[ re)erring to programmer

    A )urt er su))i =Nortnig tl,[ re)ers to )ortnig t

    T e t ere is t is su))i K ic alloKs ,ou to )orm ad+ecti9es )rom eit er ad+ecti9esor nouns=Smallis [ )airl, smallNoolis [ liFe a )ool

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    T ere is one su))i practiced ere K ic enables ,ou to )orm ad+ecti9es )rom9erbs=Controllable[ it is possible to control

    !ote t at tKo ot er are also used Kit similar meanings=

    #ant Aplicant consultant accountant immigrant Attendant in)ormant claimant participant

    #al Arri9e Kit draK re)use

    #ance Accept appear assist per)orm

    #ence !egligent insistent

    #ist Mac inist t,pist economist

    #it, Able a9ailable

    #ment Manage impro9e

    #ness AKare brig t

    #tion Connect classi), duplicate educate

    ACTI*IT4 88.- Fi$$ t? %a,s it? a suita#$ o'&6 usin% on o0 t? su00i/ s a#o( .

    The first one is done for you as an example.

    -. T e opening o) t e banFing comple Kill be an important commerce Commercial de9elopment )or t e region.

    0. ur customers asFed us to pa, our bills on a basic mont

    /. T e neK model Kas up to date and 9isuall, 9er, . Style

    . I) ,ou Kant c eap and products ,ou can bu, t em affor% at t e discount supermarFet.

    5. T e managing director pre)ers to lea9e a))airs to finance is accountant.

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    Sistema Abierto de Educacin Tecnolgica Agropecuaria

    6. T e neK range o) )urniture looFs 9er, . comfort

    B. T e accounts department suppl, us Kit a list o) uarter all pa,ments.

    8. en ,ou retire earl,* ,ou ma, recei9e a pa,ment %iscretion

    '. E9er, compan, in our countr, is e pected to contribute toKards "ocation Training.

    -L. %ast ,ear s )inancial result s oK t at it Kas a 9er, profit ne o) t e groups.

    --. T e neK clerF Kas gi9en some ad9ice about caution dealing Kit customers K o do not pa, immediatel,.

    -0. E tra pa,ments at C ristmas are an )eature o) option salaries in our countr,. ACTI*IT4 89.- Fi$$ t? %a,s in t? s s nt nc s it? a o'& #ui$t 0'om t? o'&%i( n on t? 'i%?t. ) ' is an /am,$ .

    1' is a large multinational corporation. ational

    -. 1e)ore operating t e mac ine* ,ou must t e screKs tig t

    0. Rou ll be impressed b, t e o) t is e uipment. (lexi le

    /. T e o) t eir o))ices as cost a lot o) mone,. *o%ern

    . T e applicant is too )or us a consider emplo,ing im experience

    5. To sa, t at e porting is pro)itable is a simple

    6. e 9e ad complains because t e mac ine is rely

    B. e re still Kaiting )or t e o) t e loan Ke ga9e t em pay

    8. Turn t e andle to open t e door. &lock

    '. S e is a 9er, good manager and a%ministrate

    -L. T anF ,ou )or ,our * it Kas 9er, elp)ul recommen% .

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    O23ETI*O..- A$ t+'mino & $a ,' s nt uni&a& $ stu&iant s '! ca,a1 &i& nti0ica' &i( 'sos ti,os & t /to as como ?a#'! a&7ui'i&o $as ?a#i$i&a& s,a'a ' &acta' t /tos n in%$+s.

    8. ?at is t /t@

    Te t is an, piece o) Kriting.T is could be a letter* an email* a no9el* a poem* a recipe* a note* instructions* anarticle in a neKspaper or maga:ine* Kriting on a Kebpage or an ad9ert.

    All o) t ese e amples can be called texts

    en ,ou are reading or Kriting an, te t t inF about t e ,u',os o) t e te t or K , it as been Kritten.

    9. ?at mi%?t t? ,u',os o0 a t /t # @

    An ad9ert mig t be tr,ing to persuade ,ou to bu, somet ing. A letter )rom sc ool mig t be to inform ,ou about somet ing. A no9el mig t describe someK ere or someone to ,ou. A car manual mig t instruct ,ou oK to do somet ing to ,our car.

    "epending on t e ,u',os o) t e te t* di))erent met ods Kill be used to get t emessage across to t e reader.

    Nor more speci)ic in)ormation on some o) t e di))erent t,pes o) te t see t e'ersuasi"e texts *3nformati"e texts *3nstructi"e texts and #escripti"etexts .

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    P 'suasi( t /ts

    A persuasi9e te t is a te t t at reall, Kants ,ou to do somet ing

    An ad9ert mig t Kant ,ou to buy somet ing.

    Rou mig t Krite a letter to persuade a )riend to go on olida, Kit ,ou* or to tr,and get o)) a parFing ticFet.

    P 'suasi( t /ts mi%?t us

    repeated Kords te t in capital letters e clamation marFs r etorical uestions D uestions K ere no ansKer is needed an emotional one#sided argument umor

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    ACTI*IT4 8

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    Sistema Abierto de Educacin Tecnolgica Agropecuaria

    ACTI*IT4 8.- No 'it an& , 'suasi( t /t ans 'in% t? s 7u stions 0o'? $, Bou.

    at am I tr,ing to maFe people doJE.g. 9isit t e attraction

    o do I Kant to read t isJE.g. C ildren and parents

    at Kill ,our title beJ

    "o ,ou Kant to put it in capitals* a bold )ront or larger letters t an t e rest o) t ead9ertJ

    ?oK are ,ou going to persuade people to 9isitJ

    A good priceJ %ots o) acti9ities J Somet ing )or all t e )amil,J

    ?oK Kill ,ou maFe it looF interestingJ

    Pictures* uses o) colorsJ

    ill ,ou use e clamation marFs to get t e reader s attentionJ

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    Sistema Abierto de Educacin Tecnolgica Agropecuaria

    In0o'mati( t /ts

    An in)ormati9e te t is a te t t at Kants to advise or tell ,ou about somet ing.

    A neKspaper article mig t gi9e ,ou in)ormation about a ealt issue liFe gi9ing upsmoFing.

    A Kebsite mig t gi9e ,ou in)ormation about a mo9ie* band or somet ing t at ,ouare interested in.

    A andout )rom sc ool mig t be ad9ising ,ou about K at ,our c ild Kill be doingduring t e ne t term.

    In0o'mati( t /ts usua$$B

    a9oid repetition contain )acts gi9e in)ormation in a clear Ka, # introducing t e sub+ect and t en

    de9eloping it

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    Sistema Abierto de Educacin Tecnolgica Agropecuaria

    Inst'ucti( t /ts

    An instructi9e te t is a te t t at instructs or tells ,ou how to do somet ing

    A recipe Kants to instruct ,ou oK to cooF somet ing.

    A lea)let Kit a piece o) )urniture Kants to tell ,ou o/ to put it toget er or taFecare o) it.

    Inst'ucti( t /ts

    are Kritten as t oug t e reader is being spoFen to #Dalt oug t e Kord ,ou is not usuall, used

    language is direct and unnecessar, Kords are le)t out o)ten use must and must not sometimes use diagrams or pictures to elp understanding

    E/am,$ s

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    ACTI*IT4 :

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    Sistema Abierto de Educacin Tecnolgica Agropecuaria

    D sc'i,ti( t /ts

    A descripti9e te t is a te t t at Kants ,ou to picture K at t e, are describing.

    A no9el mig t Kant ,ou to imagine t e c aracters and see t em in ,our mind.

    A tra9el booF Kill Kant ,ou tosee t e countr, it is describing.D sc'i,ti( t /ts usua$$B

    maFe use o) ad+ecti9es and ad9erbs use comparisons to elp picture it # somet ing is liFe somet ing emplo, ,our )i9e senses # oK it )eels* smells* looFs* sounds and tastes

    E/am,$ s .

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    ACTI*IT4 ;

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    LE*EL 8

    ACTI*IT4 < Pon a prueba tus conocimientos acerca del tema de TIP S "ETEZT , resuel9e los siguientes e+ercicios los cuales est4n por ni9eles* o seadependiendo de tu aprendi:a+e ser4 el ni9el ue decidas resol9er.Por e+emplo el !IVE% - es sumamente b4sico* el !IVE% 0 es intermedio , el!IVE% / es para a9an:ados. Animo tu puedes. TRY IT.

    -= at is t e purpose o) in)ormati9e te tJ

    To persuade ,ou to bu, somet ing.

    To describe oK a scene mig t looF in a no9el.

    To pro9ide clear )acts about somet ing.

    To tell ,ou oK to do somet ing.

    0= T e )olloKing passage is an e ample o) in)ormati9e te t=

    ew !ydmouth "ublic #ibrary $hat can I borrow or hire% T ere is a large collection of ooks inclu%ing paper acks, non fiction ooks, talkingooks, ooks in large print an% ooks in languages apart from Englis . p to 6 itemscan e orro/e% for /eeks.



    /= at is t is te t passage tr,ing to persuade ,ou to doJ

    '(R Y *R +' T! -(!T +o you owe more money than you are ma/ing% +o you have lots of different debts% 3t s uick an% easy to apply an% you coul% get t e money /it in ust 2 %ays9 :es t at srig t 2 %ays, so / y /aste time. So if you /ant to clear your %e ts, make omeimpro"ements, go on a oli%ay or ust uy somet ing you "e al/ays /ante% call us no/on 0;00 78;5 2 6;.

    To go on olida,. To maFe some ome impro9ements. To taFe out a

    loan Kit t e ad9ertising loan compan,. To bu, somet ing ,ou 9e alKa,s Kanted.

    3u2a "id4ctica Ingles 5


  • 8/11/2019 Guia Didactica de Ingles 5


    Sistema Abierto de Educacin Tecnolgica Agropecuaria

    = at t,pe o) te t is t e )olloKing passageJ

    T e oy /as astonis e% y / at e sa/ insi%e. e"er coul% e a"e imagine% t at,t ere in t e mi%%le of t e %esert, t ere existe% a tent like t is one. T e groun% /asco"ere% /it t e most eautiful carpets e a% e"er /alke% upon, an% from t e top oft e structure ung lamps of an% /roug t gol%, eac /it a lig te% can%le.





    5= , is t is car insurance compan, gi9ing aKa, a brand neK carJ

    "ay less for your car insurance and win a brand new car + y pay more eac year for your car insurance / en you coul% actually cut costs /itSkills/ise #irect car insurance.&all us no/ on 0;;0 2;6 2;6 for a free no o ligations uote o"er t e p one.

    To elp customers to replace cars more t an 6 ,ears old.

    To persuade ,ou to taFe out car insurance Kit t is compan,.

    To elp customers a))ord a neK car once t e, a9e reduced t eir car insurance.

    To persuade customers to a9e en9ironmentall,#)riendl, cars.

    6= at t,pe o) te t Kould ,ou need to use to tell someone oK to Kire a plugJ





    3u2a "id4ctica Ingles 5

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    Sistema Abierto de Educacin Tecnolgica Agropecuaria

    B= T is is an e ample o) persuasi9e te t.

    3 a% to lea"e my sick e% to "isit 1ert 1axter efore sc ool.3t took me ages to get t ere, / at /it feeling /eak an% a"ing to stop for a rest e"eryno/ an% again, ut /it t e elp of an ol% la%y / o a% a long lack moustac e 3 ma%eit to t e front %oor.



    8= T is is an e ample o) instructi9e te t.

    0easure the first side *easure t ree foot on t e first si%e an% mark it off.*easure four foot on t e secon% si%e an% mark it off.

    true )alse

    '= A cooFing recipe is an e ample o) K ic t,pe o) te tJ





    -L= T e )olloKing passage contains descripti9e te t.

    E"eryone /as in a state of ig excitement, all t e /omen in lig t cotton saris /ornspecially for t e occasion, no/ clam ering o"er t e si%e, screaming / en t e oatrocke% an% clutc ing eac ot er in pleasura le panic.

    true )alse

    3u2a "id4ctica Ingles 5


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  • 8/11/2019 Guia Didactica de Ingles 5


    Sistema Abierto de Educacin Tecnolgica Agropecuaria

    = , mig t a personal loan compan, include t e )olloKing line in t eirad9ertisementJ

    (or un%er

  • 8/11/2019 Guia Didactica de Ingles 5


  • 8/11/2019 Guia Didactica de Ingles 5


    Sistema Abierto de Educacin Tecnolgica Agropecuaria

    -= In)ormati9e te t pro9ides t e reader Kit clear )acts.T e reader is in)ormed t at T e 1lacF Plague reac ed K ic o) t e s main countries)irstJ

    The lac/ "lague 3n = 48, t e u onic plague arri"e% in 1ritain t roug t e sout ern coast ports. T e

    plague reac e% >on%on y Septem er = 48 an% Scotlan%, +ales an% 3relan% in t e/inter of = 4;. Estimates place t e total %ea% as some/ ere et/een a tent an% at ir% of t e population ?for t e perio% = 48 50)





    0= In)ormati9e te t can gi9e t e reader details o) e9ents t at a9e appened.T is e ample in)orms t e reader t at t e Fing t at led t e arm, in battle at NalFirF in-0'8 Kas K oJ

    +allace /as spectacularly %resse% against a etter e uippe% an% etter traine% Englisarmy at t e 1attle of Stirling 1ri%ge ?== Septem er =2;7) ut /as ultimately %efeate% yan army le% y E%/ar% 3 in person at (alkirk ?22 @uly =2;8). +allace remaine% politically acti"e in guerrilla /arfare for a furt er se"en years ut /as ultimately etraye% to t eEnglis .

    EdKard IEdKard II


    ing Ho n

    /= ic o) t e )olloKing is not an e ample o) in)ormati9e te tJ

    a c urc neKsletter

    a recipe booF

    a doctors surger, lea)let about ser9ices pro9idedan obituar, in a local neKspaper

    = "escripti9e te t o)ten uses ad+ecti9es and comparisons to elp t e reader topicture t ings more clearl,.at does t e )olloKing passage describeJ

    3u2a "id4ctica Ingles 5


  • 8/11/2019 Guia Didactica de Ingles 5


    Sistema Abierto de Educacin Tecnolgica Agropecuaria

    +ill caug t sig t of t e pair of t em in a mirror, an% /as s ocke% to see t at t ey coul%easily pass for fat er an% sonA e a% some o/ imagine% imself as *arcus el%errot er, ut t e reflection t re/ age an% yout into s arp relief +ill s stu le an%cro/ s feet "ersus *arcus s smoot c eeks an% gleaming / ite teet . !n% t e air...+ill pri%e% imself on a"ing a"oi%e% e"en t e tiniest of al% patc es, ut e still a%less on top t an *arcus, almost as if life a% /orn some of it a/ay.

    T at s op mirrors maFe people looF older t an t e, are.

    T at ill ad )orgotten to s a9e t at morning.

    T e air piece Marcus Kas Kearing.

    ill realising t at e Kas ageing K en compared to Marcus.

    5= at descripti9e comparison does t e piece o) te t maFe to ma as s estruggled )or breat J

    ma knelt t ere, in t e s allo/s, /ater pouring from er mout an% air. S e rose,gasping for reat , struggling, flailing er arms an% c oking like a ig, /oun%e% /aterir%.

    ma Kas liFe someone )lailing er arms.

    ma Kas liFe a big* Kounded Kater bird.

    ma Kas liFe t e Kater K ic Kas pouring )rom er.

    ma Kas liFe somet ing rising )rom t e Katers.

    6= Persuasi9e te t encourages t e reader to taFe certain action. at is t e readerencouraged to do in t is e ample o) a letter )rom a clair9o,antJ

    3 /oul% like to elp gui%e you t roug t is %ifficult time so t at you can a"e t e/on%erful life t at you %eser"e.3f you /oul% like t e a%"ice you nee% to elp you fin% t e lo"e an% ric es you a"eal/ays looke% for /rite to me imme%iately. T e sooner 3 can sen% out your =2 montrea%ing an% start you on your pat to appiness an% success t e etter.

    To Krite to t e clair9o,ant.To attend some clair9o,ant sessions.

    To p one t e clair9o,ant.

    To )all in lo9e.

    3u2a "id4ctica Ingles 5


  • 8/11/2019 Guia Didactica de Ingles 5


    Sistema Abierto de Educacin Tecnolgica Agropecuaria

    B= ic o) t e )olloKing is persuasi9e te t* as taFen )rom a letter appealing againsta parFing )ineJ

    I Kas gi9en a parFing ticFet )or parFing in a suspended ba,Gspace.

    T ere Kere no Karning signs or notices to sa, t e parFing area Kas to besuspended t e ne t da,.

    As t ere ad been no pre9ious Karning* I Kould appreciate being let o)) t is )ine.

    I a9e an up to date resident s parFing permit.

    8= An instructi9e piece o) te t is normall, Kritten as t oug t e reader is beingspoFen to.

    true )alse

    '= T e )olloKing passage is an e ample o) instructi9e te t.

    #ondon orough of $elard Register of 'lectors 4554 E"ery 1ritis , 3ris or &ommon/ealt citi-en li"ing in Breat 1ritain on t e =2t ofo"em er 200= is eligi le to "ote in t is country s elections. European nion citi-enscan "ote in local an% European 'arliamentary elections.

    true )alse

    -L= at t,pe o) te t is used )or t e )olloKing tra9el directionsJ

    $edding +irections Co/ to get to !nne *arie an% @o n s /e%%ing. -rom the !outh via the 06 >ea"e t e * @unction =2 ?1 446) sign poste% +inc ester. Bo straig t o"er =stroun%a out. Take 2n% exit of 2n% roun%a out into Da it (arm Doa%. &ontinue straig tacross next roun%a out an% take 2n% exit at next roun%a out.

    persuasi9e te t

    instructi9e te t

    in)ormati9e te t

    descripti9e te t

    T'ansco&i0ication min& ma,s ' a&in%

    3u2a "id4ctica Ingles 5


  • 8/11/2019 Guia Didactica de Ingles 5


    Sistema Abierto de Educacin Tecnolgica Agropecuaria

    "i))erent people a9e di))erent Ka,s o) recording 9ocabular,. rgani:e t eseKords )rom t e lecture and t e e#mail b, eac o) t ree di))erent tec ni ues.

    = *in%s maps.Some people liFe to maFe mind maps o) Kords Kit related meanings. T is9isual tec ni ue can elp ,ou remember sets o) Kords related to speci)iccategories.

    ACTI*IT4 8.- Com,$ t t? min& ma,s it? t? o'& s 0'om t? #o/

    2 &ontexts

    t er people liFe to t inF o) 9ocabular, in sentences or groups o) Kords K ic gotoget er. T e conte t elps t em to remember t e Kords. Complete t esep rases Kit Kords )rom t e bo * and Krite p ases )or t e ot ers.

    . Traslations

    t ers people liFe to maFe lists o) Kord Kit translation in t eir oKn language.rite translations o) t e Kord K ic are not cognates Dsimilar in ,our language .

    3u2a "id4ctica Ingles 5


    C olera cart dip t eria KasteEmissions carriage smoFeTuberculosis seKage KagonCarbon mono ide t,p oid

    transportation Pollution diseases


  • 8/11/2019 Guia Didactica de Ingles 5


    Sistema Abierto de Educacin Tecnolgica Agropecuaria

    ACTI*IT4 9.- 'it t? s inst'uctions in t? co'' ct co$umn.

    3u2a "id4ctica Ingles 5


    !a"e turns to roll the dice. #ou have to deal the cards. $on%t shufle between ga&es.'f you want, you can (lay in (air. #ou &ust &ove your counters around the board.#ou can &ove any (iece you want. #ou can choose to &iss a turn. #ou have tofollow suit. #ou &ustn%t co&&unicate with your (artner. )hen you finish, youcan (ic" u( another card

  • 8/11/2019 Guia Didactica de Ingles 5


    Sistema Abierto de Educacin Tecnolgica Agropecuaria

    T?in%s Bou must &o T?in%s Bou can &o T?in%s Bou mustn t &oTaFe turns to roll t e dice

    ACTI*IT4 :.- ) ' a' t? inst'uctions 0o' a sim,$ ca'& %am . Num# ' t? m 8-= in co'' ct o'& '.

    T en t e dealer deals t e cards out ] B per pla,er and 8 )or t e dealer.

    I) a pla,er can t go* t e, picF up a card )rom t e decF.

    T e dealer starts t e game b, putting an, card )ace up on t e table.

    T e )irst pla,er to use all t eir cards is t e Kinner.

    Nirst* someone s u))les t e card ] t is person is dealer.

    t er pla,ers a9e to )olloK eit er Kit same suit or t e same number.

    ACTI*IT4 ;.- Com,$ t t? s min& ma,s it? a,,'o,'iat ( '#s 0o'm &it? t? ,' 0i/ s an& su00i/ s s?o n. Us a &ictiona'B to ? $, Bou an& toc? c m anin% an& ,'onunciation.

    3u2a "id4ctica Ingles 5


  • 8/11/2019 Guia Didactica de Ingles 5


    Sistema Abierto de Educacin Tecnolgica Agropecuaria

    )o &o Bou 0 $ in t?is mom nt@ ?at &o Bou t?in a#out t? En%$is?$an%ua% @... ou$& Bou $i stu&B mo' En%$is?@...

    Nelicitate por aber alcan:ado unameta mas en tu 9ida. A ora si ,apuedes decir ue los retos se icieronpara alcan:arse* estamos seguros ueen este momento te encuentras mu,contento* , tienes muc a ra:n paraestarlo. 1ien sabes ue las cosas uerealmente 9alen la pena* cuestantraba+o , tu lo as ec o mu, bien* te

    as con9ertido en un e+emplo para tu )amilia* para tus compa eros*para tus amigos* te as demostrado a ti mismo Da de lo ue eres

    capa:.Animo B a& $ant $ in%$ s n SAETA a7u t 'mina , 'o n tu(i&a , 'sona$ a, nas m,i 1a


    1E(%ITX Sc ool o) %anguages o) America* Inc. Ingl7s Progresi9o= Curso

    Maestro de 1erlit:. Editorial (eaderOs "igest. Tercera reimpresin M7 ico

    "N. -'88.N SC E* ate* SF,line - orFbooF. Editorial MACMI%%A!. C ina 0LL0.

    %ET?A1* Carol.* Matte* Margarita. SF,line - Teac er s 3uide. Editorial

    MacMillan. Printed in T ailand 0LL0

    3u2a "id4ctica Ingles 5


  • 8/11/2019 Guia Didactica de Ingles 5


    Sistema Abierto de Educacin Tecnolgica Agropecuaria

    PETE(S* Ho#Ann.* Et. al. Ingl7s para todos* iniciacin. Editorial %arousse

    M7 ico ".N -'B8.

    (IC?A("S HacF C. Interc ange= Englis )or International Communication=

    intro studentOs booF. Cambridge ni9ersit, Press Si t printing*. .S.A. -''6.SC?(AMPNE( A:ar* 1ett,. Nundamentals o) Englis grammar* Prentice ?all

    (egents. !eK Herse,* SA -'85.

    TAR% (* Hames* Stanle,* !anc,* 3ram4tica de la %engua Inglesa !TC

    Publis ing group. Illinois* SA. -'B5.

    %ET?A1R* Carol* Matte Margarita* 1reKster* Simon* "a9ies Paul* (ogers

    MicFe,. SF,line 0 Teac er s guide. Editorial McMillan. T ailand 0LL0.

    N(A! E% Irene* imbrougt Victoria* Integrated Englis 3ateKa,s 0* )ordni9ertit, Press. Printed in ?ong ong. -''8.

    %ET?A1R* Carol* Matte Margarita. SF,line / Teac er s guide. Editorial

    McMillan. T ailand 0LL/.

    1(E STE(* Simon* "a9ies Paul* (ogers MicFe,. SF,line 5 Student s 1ooF.

    Editorial MacMillan. C ina 0LL/.

    1EA(ICE S. MiFulecF,* %inda He))ries. 1asic (eading PoKer* b, Addison

    esle, %ongman. !R. -''B.1(E STE(* Simon* "a9ies Paul* (ogers MicFe,* 3arside 1arbara. SF,line

    5 orFbooF. Editorial McMillan. C ina 0LL/.

    1(E STE(* Simon* "a9ies Paul* (ogers MicFe,. SF,line Student s booF.

    Editorial McMillan. C ina 0LL0.

