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Guia Examen Ingles 2015

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Guia Examen Inglés

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    Para presentar el Examen de Ingls en su modalidad de Traduccin y compresin de un

    Artculo Tcnico-Cientfico relacionado con el perfil del egresado de las diferentes carreras

    del Instituto Tecnolgico de Acapulco.

    Acapulco, Gro., Febrero 2015



    Examen tipo ejemplo



    1.- En el da y hora asignados para el examen, debers presentarte con bolgrafo (tinta

    negra) y una identificacin oficial, de preferencia tu credencial de elector (IFE).

    Identificarse plenamente es indispensable. No identificarse, ser motivo para no permitir

    realizar el examen.

    2.- Se te har entrega del artculo escrito en ingls.

    3.- El examen se hace en dos partes:

    Primera parte: Consiste en una serie de preguntas de opcin mltiple relacionadas con el

    tema o temas del artculo. La puntacin total para esta primera parte es del 60 %.

    Segunda parte: Consiste en elaborar un resumen en espaol con una extensin mnima de una cuartilla sobre la informacin ms importante del tema contenido en el artculo. Esta segunda parte tiene un valor del 40%.

    4.- La duracin del examen (tiempo asignado) es de 2 horas, contadas a partir del

    momento marcado para dar inicio al examen.

    5.- No se permite el uso de telfonos celulares, tablet, PC, etc.

    6.- El examen es individual.

    7.- Debes guardar silencio, para concentrarse en el examen es necesario un ambiente



    1.- Lee cuidadosamente el texto completo del artculo, antes de proceder a contestar las

    preguntas que se te hacen y antes de hacer la traduccin.

    2.- Lo mismo aplica para las preguntas de opcin mltiple. Lee cada pregunta

    atentamente, hasta que tengas en claro la respuesta.

    3.-Para la traduccin, Identifica cada frase u oracin (donde inicia, donde termina) del

    texto a traducir, teniendo siempre presente la idea principal del tema completo. Si

    encuentras palabras cuyo significado te sea desconocido, traduce de acuerdo al contexto,

    sin cambiar completamente el significado de la frase u oracin respectiva.

    Los siguientes son EXMENES- MUESTRA (EJEMPLOS) que te ser til resolver,

    respondiendo las preguntas y haciendo la traduccin por escrito al espaol. Cada

    Ejemplo-muestra, incluye primero el artculo, luego las preguntas. La traduccin intenta

    hacerla por tu cuenta y compara con la que se te ofrece como correcta o aceptable.




    Read carefully the following extract from the article titled Agile Development; answer the

    questions formulated on part I of the exam and on part II write a summary in spanish

    language. Part I has a value of 60 points and part II of 40 points. In part I, select from the

    options given the answer(s) that best reflect the articles main ideas, or write the answer


    PART I


    No matter how far down the wrong road youve gone, turn back. Turkish proverb.

    That Turkish proverb above is both simple and obviousyoud think it would be a guiding

    force for software development. But all too often, developers (including your humble

    authors) continue down the wrong road in the misguided hope that it will be OK somehow.

    Maybe its close enough. Maybe this isnt really as wrong a road as it feels. We might even

    get away with it now and then, if creating software were a linear, deterministic process

    like the proverbial road. But its not. Instead, software development is more like surfing

    its a dynamic, ever-changing environment. The sea itself is unpredictable, risky, and there

    may be sharks in those waters. But what makes surfing so challenging is that every wave

    is different. Each wave takes its unique shape and behavior based on its localea wave in

    a sandy beach is a lot different from a wave that breaks over a reef, for instance. In

    software development, the requirements and challenges that come up during your project

    development are your wavesnever ceasing and ever-changing. Like the waves, software

    projects take different shapes and pose different challenges depending on your domain

    and application. And sharks come in many different guises. Your software project depends

    on the skills, training, and competence of all the developers on the team. Like a successful

    surfer, a successful developer is the one with (technical) fitness, balance, and agility.

    Agility in both cases means being able to quickly adapt to the unfolding situation, whether

    its a wave that breaks sooner than expected or a design that breaks sooner than


    The Agile Manifesto

    We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it.

    Through this work we have come to value:

    Individuals and interactions over processes and tools


    Working software over comprehensive documentation

    Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

    Responding to change over following a plan.

    That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.

    See agilemanifesto.org for more information

    The Spirit of Agility

    So what is agility, exactly, and where did this whole agile software development movement

    come from? In February 2001, seventeen interested persons (including Andy) got together

    in Snowbird, Utah, to discuss an emerging trend of what was loosely being called

    lightweight processes. We had all seen projects fail because of ponderous, artifact-heavy,

    and results-light processes. It seemed like there should be a better way to look at

    methodologya way to focus on the important stuff and deemphasize the less important

    stuff that seemed to take up a lot of valuable time with little benefit. These seventeen folks

    coined the term agile and published the Agile Manifesto to describe a refocused approach

    to software development: an approach that emphasizes people, collaboration,

    responsiveness, and working- The agile approach combines responsive, collaborative

    people with a focus on demonstrable, concrete goals (software that actually works). Thats

    the spirit of agility. The practical emphasis of development shifts from a plan-based

    approach, where key events happen in individual, separate episodes, to a more natural,

    continuous style. Its assumed that everyone on the team (and working with the team) are

    professionals who want a positive outcome from the project. They may not necessarily be

    experienced professionals yet, but they possess a professional attitudeeveryone wants

    to do the best job they can. If you have problems with absenteeism, slackers, or outright

    saboteurs, this is probably not the approach for you. Youll need something more heavy-

    handed, slower, and less productive. Otherwise, you can begin developing in the agile

    style. That means you dont leave testing to the end of the project. You dont leave

    integration to the end of the month or stop gathering requirements and feedback as you

    begin to code.

    Instead, you continue to perform all these activities throughout the life cycle of the project. In fact, since software is never really done as long as people continue to use it, its arguable that these arent even projects anymore. Development is continuous. Feedback is continuous. You dont have to wait for months to find out that something is wrong: you find out quickly, while its still relatively easy to fix. And you fix it, right then and there. Thats what its all about. This idea of continuous, ongoing development is pervasive in agile methods. It includes the development life cycle itself but also technology skills learning, requirements gathering, product deployment, user training, and everything else. It encompasses all activities, at all


    levels. Why? Because developing software is such a complex activity, anything substantive that you leave until later wont happen, wont happen well, or will grow worse and fester until it becomes unmanageable. A certain kind of friction increases, and things get harder to fix and harder to change. As with any friction, the only way to fight it effectively is to continually inject a little energy into the system. QUESTIONS: SELECT FROM THE OPTIONS GIVEN THE ANSWER(S) THAT BEST



    1. Why the proverb mentioned above is not a guiding force for software development?

    a. Because the time and money invested on the project avoids this from happening.

    b. Because quality isnt a matter for most development teams. c. Because rectification of the wrong way is embarrassing. d. All of the above. e. None of the above.

    2. Creating software is: a. A nonlinear, nondeterministic process. b. Is a misguided road. c. A linear, deterministic process. d. All of the above. e. None of the above.

    3. In software development: a. The requirements and challenges never cease and never change. b. The requirements and challenges ever cease and ever change. c. The requirements and challenges never cease and ever change. d. All of the above. e. None of the above.

    4. Your software projects depends on: a. The budget, your relationship with the client and money from investors. b. The skills, training and competence of all the developers on the team. c. The coordination between your team members and the clients employees. d. All of the above. e. None of the above.

    5. Agility means: a. Quickly adapt to the unfolding situation whether your requirements break or

    your design breaks. b. Quickly evaluate the situation and talk with the client to agree more time

    and money. c. Quickly hire expert software engineers to avoid technical problems. d. All of the above. e. None of the above.


    6. In the Agile manifesto: a. We value individuals, working software, customer collaboration, and

    response to change. b. We value groups, working software, customer collaboration, and response

    to change. c. We value individuals, working software, customer interaction, and response

    to change. d. All of the above. e. None of the above.

    7. Agility started because seventeen interested people saw that projects failed because:

    a. Processes were enormous, artifact-heavy and result lightly. b. Processes were ponderous, artifact-heavy and result lightly. c. Processes were ponderous, artifact-light and result heavy. d. All of the above. e. None of the above.

    8. Agility attempts to: a. Focus on the important b. Deemphasize to the less important. c. Remove all that took up a lot of valuable time. d. Ignore everything that provided little benefit. e. All of the above. f. None of the above.

    9. The agile approach combines: a. Responsive collaborative people. b. Rigid project management methods. c. Demonstrable and concrete goals. d. People with high spirit. e. All of the above. f. None of the above.

    10. Explain with your own words, what does the Turkish proverb means when applied to software development.



    Read carefully the following extract from the article titled Design and Implementation of a Wideband Channel Sounder for Low-Voltage Powerlines; answer the questions formulated on part I of the exam, and on part II write a synthesis in the Spanish language. Each part (I and II) has a value of 50 points each. Name:____________________________________________ Control Number:__________

    I. MOTIVATION This workshop presents Service-Oriented Programming (SOP), which is a new programming methodology that permits the development of software applications by connecting and composing existing services, thus facilitating software reuse. SOP builds on object-oriented programming (OOP), as services are developed in an object-oriented (OO) fashion and then wrapped as Web services. OOP provides the basis to model and implement software components as objects, while SOP permits modeling and implementing software systems as web-accessible services, and has attracted attention from the industry as it substantially improves software reuse. SOP leverages the webs communication infrastructure to provide easier access to existing software components. Consequently, more and more companies have begun to offer their business functionalities via web services. Some search engines have been developed specifically for finding existing web services. For example, www.programmableweb.com indexes over 5814 web services and 6610 mashups (which are applications, built on web services). Other search engines, such as www.webservicelist.com and www.biocatalogue.org, list web services by application domains. This workshop is broadly divided into two major parts. In the first part, the presenters will describe the problem areas and motivation underlying the SOP paradigm, the techniques of designing and implementing services, and the techniques for developing applications using services. Topics covered include service-oriented architecture, web services, service description and discovery, service invocation, service composition architecture, and core SOP protocols, e.g., Web Services Description Language (WSDL), Universal Description Discovery and Integration (UDDI), Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), and Representational State Transfer (REST). Participants will also be provided guidance to develop and deploy web services in a stepwise fashion, and be split into small groups for an activity, e.g., to compare OOP and SOP. In the second part, participants will be introduced to the developed teaching materials, including a demo of the SOP framework that exemplifies SOP techniques. Participants will again work in groups and discuss issues about how to incorporate SOP course modules into their existing courses. This workshop is in line with the goals because it aims to introduce new software development methodology into existing curricula.



    The workshops learning outcomes are as follows: Attendees will explain the main issues and concepts in SOP.

    Attendees will solve a problem using SOP techniques.

    Attendees will have in-depth experience with SOP.

    Attendees will explain and apply SOP teaching materials, including the SOP framework and course modules, developed by the presenters.

    Among other outcomes, the presenters will make their SOP curricular materials available to the participants.

    III. QUALIFICATIONS OF THE PRESENTERS Of the five authors, the three who will be presenting this workshop are Rajendra K. Raj, Tom Reichlmayr and Alex Pantaleev. Professors Raj and Reichlmayr are faculty members at Rochester Institute of Technology and Dr. Pantaleev is a faculty member at SUNY at Oswego. Rajendra K. Raj is a professor in RITs Computer Science department, and his current research interests currently include in large-scale data management, distributed/mobile computing, security, and critical infrastructure protection. He is also interested in computing education methodologies, and is involved in program assessment, evaluation and accreditation. Dr. Raj teaches courses in database systems, cloud and largescale data management, distributed systems, and security. Prior to RIT, he was a software designer, developer, architect and manager in the Information Technology Division at Morgan Stanley & Co., where he architected, built and managed globally distributed database infrastructures for financial applications handling big data. He received his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Washington, Seattle. Tom Reichlmayr is an associate professor in RITs Software Engineering department. He has extensive experience in curriculum development and cooperative learning. He has developed and coordinated an introductory software engineering course as well as advanced courses in software engineering design and process. He has actively converted software engineering courses from traditional lecture/lab format to studio classroom delivery. Alex Pantaleev is an assistant professor in SUNY Oswegos Computer Science department that offers degrees in Computer Science, Information Systems and Software Engineering. His current research interests include service oriented architecture, computer science education, and distributed computing, especially as it applies to computer game development. Dr. Pantaleevs work has appeared in conferences such as ASEE and ITiCSE. He has developed two new courses and redesigned several others at SUNY Oswego including CS2 and web services. He is the major creator of a new concentration in the Computer Science major at Oswego. All presenters are experienced teachers who use active learning techniques extensively and teach in multiple settings including traditional classroom or blended settings.



    1. SOP is the acronym for _________ and the concept of________________________:

    a. Sockets Oriented Peripherals. A new type of peripherals which support high data through output.

    b. Software Oriented Programming. A new type of module programming methodology that permits the development of software applications by connecting and composing existing services.

    c. Service Original Programming. A new programming methodology that permits the development of software applications by connecting and composing existing services.

    d. All of the above. e. None of the above.

    2. SOP is built on: a. Sockets developed for network access layer of the OSI layer. b. Object oriented programming, as services are developed in an object-

    oriented (OO) fashion and then wrapped as Web services. c. Web services for any platform on procedural programming languages. d. All of the above. e. None of the above.

    3. SOP a. Helps re-utilize your web infrastructure to provide a cheaper solution for

    software components. b. Is a java web technology created by oracle corporation to eliminate

    software compatibility problems. c. Leverages the webs infrastructure to provide easier access to existing

    software components. d. All of the above. e. None of the above.

    4. In the first part of the workshop: a. The participants will be provided with guidance to develop and deploy web

    services in a stepwise fashion, and be split into small groups for an activity. b. The presenters will describe the problem areas and motivation underlying

    the SOP paradigm. c. The participants will provide the techniques of designing and implementing

    services, and the techniques for developing applications using services. d. All of the above. e. None of the above.

    5. Who is the professor whose current research interests are service oriented architecture, computer education and distributed computing, especially as it applies to computer game development.

    a. Alex Pantaleev.


    b. Rajendra K. Raj c. Tom Reichmayr. d. All of the above. e. None of the above.

    6. Which professors are faculty members at Rochester Institute of technology? a. Alex Pantaleev. b. Rajendra K. Raj c. Tom Reichmayr. d. All of the above. e. None of the above.

    7. Which professor has extensive experience in curriculum development and cooperative learning?

    a. Alex Pantaleev. b. Rajendra K. Raj c. Tom Reichmayr. d. All of the above. e. None of the above.

    8. Select the professors name who had been architect and manager in the information technology division at morgan stanly & co.

    a. Alex Pantaleev. b. Rajendra K. Raj c. Tom Reichmayr. d. All of the above. e. None of the above.

    9. The presenters will not make their SOP curricular materials available to the participants.

    a. True b. False

    10. Who is the professor whose current research interests include large-scale data management, distributed/mobile computing, security and critical infrastructure protection?

    a. Alex Pantaleev. b. Rajendra K. Raj c. Tom Reichmayr. d. All of the above. e. None of the above.



    Read carefully the following extract from the article titled Design and Implementation of a Wideband Channel Sounder for Low-Voltage Powerlines; answer the questions formulated on part I of the exam, and on part II write a synthesis in the Spanish language. Each part (I and II) has a value of 50 points each. Name:____________________________________________ Control Number:__________ INTRODUCTION IN THE LAST FEW years powerline technology has become a commercially attractive alternative to wireless technology for in-home applications requiring high speed data communications. This success has fostered research in wideband communications over low voltage powerlines and, in particular, has motivated the interest in a deeper understanding of the properties of their propagation medium. Unfortunately, the properties of real world powerline channels are substantially different from those of their wireless counterparts in terms of system functions and noise; for instance, the frequency response of such channels is usually periodic, so that standard methods for wireless channel sounding cannot be adopted for its measurement. This raises the problem of developing new channel sounding tools. Even if some powerline channel emulators have been proposed or have been made available on the market, the problem of designing and implementing technical solutions for wideband sounding of powerline channels has not been tackled yet in the technical literature. This paper aims at filling this gap by providing some design guidelines for powerline channel sounding and by describing a specific low cost FPGA-based implementation of a powerline channel sounder. This manuscript is organized as follows. In Section II some design requirements for powerline channel sounding are provided. The architecture of the developed channel sounding tool is described in Section III. Various technical details about such a tool are provided in Sections IV, V and VI, which focus on its analog front-end, FPGA processing and graphical user interfaces, respectively. Some experimental results are illustrated in Section VII, where specific applications of the developed tool are taken in consideration; in particular, its use for acquiring the time-variant transfer function of an indoor powerline channel and the power spectral density of the noise affecting it are discussed. Finally, some conclusions are given in Section VIII. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS FOR THE SOUNDING OF WIDEBAND POWERLINE CHANNELS Channel sounding tools commonly rely on simple theoretical principles. In fact, the response of a given communication channel can be usually related to its excitation through a specific system function (e.g., the channel transfer function) in a simple fashion. Then, if the excitation (i.e., the probing signal) is properly selected, in principle an estimate of the involved system function can be easily extracted from a set of samples of the channel response. However, when applied to wideband sounding of powerline channels, the implementation of this procedure on a digital hardware platform requires addressing carefully various technical issues; these lead to various design requirements, as discussed in detail below.


    Signal Generation and Acquisition: The probing signal generated by a channel sounder is employed to scan a specific portion of the available frequency spectrum. In powerline communications two different bands have been standardized; one consists of the frequencies lower than 500 kHz (allocated mainly for home and building automation as well as for applications related to the smart grid), whereas the other one covers the frequency range 1.830 MHz (devoted to high data rate applications). The target of our work has been to sound powerline channels up to 30 MHz. This entails that, if a digital hardware platform is used for the generation of a probing signal, it has to be equipped with a digital-to-analog conversion (DAC) device operating at a frequency not smaller than MHz. In practice, in our channel sounding tool the frequency MHz has been selected; note that this frequency is also employed by an analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) device when acquiring the channel response to the probing signal.

    Fig. 1. Block diagram of the developed channel sounder.

    Another important technical issue concerning the probing signal is represented by the selection of its duration. In fact, powerline channels are linear and periodically time-varying (LPTV); in addition, their variations are synchronous to the mains [10] and are characterized by a period ms (if the mains frequency is equal to 50 Hz). Therefore, the duration of the probing signal depends on both the desired frequency resolution and the periodicity of time variations; in practice, one or more periods (i.e., samples or a multiple of this quantity) need to be acquired in each measurement interval [1], so that the selected hardware platform has to be endowed with a fast memory access and a proper data storage capability. To address all the above mentioned technical issues, an FPGA Stratix III Digital Signal Processing development board [11] has been employed in the implementation of our tool. This board is based on an EP3SL150F1152 FPGA,which is able to operate at a maximum internal clock speed equal to 600 MHz and a maximum clock speed equal to 400 MHz in interfacing with its DDR2 memory [12]. In addition, the employed board is equipped with: a) one bank of DDR2 memory able to store 1 GByte and two DDR2 memory chips able to store 32 MBytes each (additional details about this are provided in Section V); b) a GigaBit Ethernet port for exchanging data with a personal computer. Coupling of the Channel Sounder With Powerlines: The topology and the properties of cabling in low-voltage powerlines are usually unknown; in addition, the input impedance of the loads (e.g., home appliances) connected to them exhibit an unpredictable frequency dependent behavior. For these reasons, the impedance of powerlines is usually unknown and may undergo significant time variations (due to connection/disconnection of power loads), and, consequently, the output (input) impedance of the channel sounder cannot be matched to the input (output) impedance of the communication medium. This problem has to be carefully taken into account when


    designing the analog coupling circuit connecting the channel sounder to a power network. In particular, a good protection of the low voltage circuitry of the sounder has to be guaranteed and low noise amplification has to be employed in signal acquisition, since probing signals may experience a deep attenuation. ARCHITECTURE OF THE DEVELOPED CHANNEL SOUNDER The architecture of the channel sounding tool implemented in our labs is shown in Fig. 1. Our tool consists of the following blocks: a power analog front-end (PAFE), an interface for ADC and DAC, an FPGA development board and a personal computer. A description of the tasks accomplished by each block is provided below. Personal Computer: The personal computer provides the FPGA board with a sampled version of the probing signal and processes the samples of the corresponding response acquired by the board itself. A software application based on Matlab and running on the personal computer has been developed to ease the use of the channel sounder. This application provides various simple graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for handling different high level tasks (e.g., generation of an arbitrary probing signal, start and stop of the measurement procedure and plot of the acquired data). Development Board: All real-time critical tasks of the channel sounding procedure are directly managed by the FPGA development board. In particular, during this procedure the FPGA feeds the data conversion interface with the samples of the probing signal to be sent over a powerline channel and at the same time stores in a DDR2 memory the samples of the channel response acquired by the interface itself in one or more consecutive periods (each lasting ms). At the end of each measurement, the acquired data are moved from the FPGA board to the personal computer through its Gigabit Ethernet interface. PART I.- SELECT TE CORRECT OPTION FOR THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS ABOUT THE FORMER ARTICLE YOU HAVE READ.

    11. In terms of what are the substantial differences between the properties of real

    world powerlines channels from their wireless counterparts? a. System restrictions and vibration. b. System functions and noise. c. System frequency response and security. d. None of the above.

    12. This paper aims to provide some design guidelines for powerline channel sounding and by describing a specific high cost FPGA-based implementation of a power line channel sounder.

    a. True. b. False.

    13. The response of a given communication channel can be usually related to: a. Its wave longitude and distance. b. Its coding algorithm.


    c. Its excitation through a specific system function. d. All of the above.

    14. Frequencies lower than 500 kHz are allocated for: a. Mainly for home and building automation as well as for applications related

    to the smart grid. b. Mainly for office and plant level wireless communications. c. Mainly for defense and medical equipment. d. None of the above.

    15. The target of this paper has been to sound powerline channels up to: a. 30 MHz. b. 100 MHz. c. 300 MHz d. 10 MHz e. All of the above.

    16. Powerline channels are non-linear and periodically time-varying. a. True. b. False.

    17. The duration of the probing signal depends on the desired frequency resolution and the periodicity of time variations.

    a. True. b. False.

    18. The impedance of powerlines is usually unknown and may undergo significant time variations due:

    a. To connection/disconnection of power tools. b. To connection/disconnection of power loads. c. To connection/disconnection of frequency tools d. To connection/disconnection of frequency loads.

    19. The personal computer provides the FPGA board with sampled version of a. The probing signal and frequencies of the samples of the corresponding

    response acquired by the board itself. a. The probing signal and processes the samples of the corresponding

    response acquired by the tools. b. The probing signal and processes the samples of the corresponding

    response acquired by the board itself. c. None of the above.

    20. All real time critical tasks of the channel sounding procedure are directly managed by:

    a. FPGA duration times. b. FPGA frequencies board. c. FPGA development board. d. None of the above.




    ASSESSMENT OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT Since the beginning of the century that have been presented numerous analysis with respect to sustainability, the decline of the planet and the devastating consequences that would bring our actions. First we will analyze the end to complete the relevant valuation. In the first chapter the concept of Sustainable Development was raised along with his principles and the corresponding background. This chapter will try to arrive at a value-based connotation of the concept, analyzing the different situations and changes we have been experiencing both in relation to the environment and in relation to ourselves as people. Development " means "to move toward the best." Your own meaning is optimistic philosophy of the nineteenth century and is closely linked with the concept of Progress . This ultimately means two things: A series any facts that develop in desirable direction The belief that the events in the story unfold in the most desirable direction, making an increasing perfection. In the first sense is spoken, for example, the "Progress of the chemical or Technical progress" In the second sense, the word refers not only a balance of past history, but also a prophecy for the future. As made clear above, sustainable development is a proposal in 1987 by the World Commission on Environment and posed an ethical principle strategy: "Is one that fosters the development of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to satisfy them needs". Or in other words, is the way in which men and women can use these resources that are the heritage of humanity, without wasting them, so that our descendants will find a world at least similar to what we have. The key question is: Are we doing? The answer is NO, or individual, regional, national or global level. Sustainable development, as we have said and repeated, is closely associated with protecting the "Environment" in the ordinary meaning of the term, is the set of relationships between the natural world and living things, which influences the life and behavior of the living being itself. History shows a tendency to the progress of human society taken as a whole. The pace of progress has varied over different periods, starting from the fifteenth century when the intensity of the economic and social life begins to accelerate with the great scientific discoveries such as gunpowder, printing and the compass needle especially since the eighteenth century to the present day. Technological advances have brought devastating consequences in some respects, as were military related issues, such as nuclear weapons, which cause great environmental damage. But we must emphasize that not only


    are negative consequences for the environment, but also has its positive side, they are these technological advances which provide much of the economic development. Analyzing the history of mankind, we see the change we have experienced over time. The people who lived after World War II, had the opportunity to meet durable products, good quality, not crumbled in his hands. The world had experienced a major crisis and the need to protect what was obvious to those who had suffered the lack of everything. Young people however, we live in an age where everything is disposable, running the risk of saying that even human relationships fall into this "disposable rating. Today, the man is immersed in the ambition to be getting bigger and powerful, equipping themselves with science and the mechanical arts as an expression of harmony with nature, leading to a culture of waste. Thus, the development of science has further increased the gap between the haves and have-nots, as the fifth of humanity lives in poverty. The relationship of man with nature today leads to a clearly suicidal race as we destroy in the name of "Development, exerting pressure on a wild planet's resources. Many claim that this is due to excessive exploitation overpopulation. This position is called Neo Malthusian and clearest reflection is in poor countries, where the population suffers from policies that seek to reduce the birth rate, when one of the older man's wealth has always been its workforce. The problem is that men take a wage to support themselves and their families, and computerized machines can replace them with much economic benefit. Many environmental groups that lean primarily for the protection of nature, which has been destroyed due to over , deforestation and even natural causes that man cannot be controlled , even reaching some thoughts as macabre as self-destructive " massive human die-offs would be good our task is to cause them is the task of our species, in relation to the whole, eliminating 90 percent of our figures . . ." Even some have welcomed AIDS as a way to achieve this, while the information of the radical organization Earth First! has called for an investigation into a specific virus" that could destroy humanity. The environmental and social damage caused by a wide range of economic factors, and partly aggravated by the activities of own subsistence poverty, prevent our countries from achieving adequate standards of living. We seek a consistent, ethical and moral response to that development and voracious predator that destroys our planet. Poverty and environmental degradation continue while not change the irrational way of producing and distributing wealth, this will be possible with profound changes in the centers of political and economic power. Now men living in subhuman conditions. Consider the concentration of our great cities, the slums, lack of space, air and weather, gloomy streets and yellow lights that confuse day with night. Consider our dehumanized factories, our unsatisfied senses, our women workers, and our estrangement from nature. The life in that environment has no meaning... However we call it progress.


    I) PART ONE: VALUE 60 %

    A) CIRCLE THE POINT THAT ANSWER CORRECTLY 1. The analysis of the term in Sustainable Development, which are two of the issues that are valued a) The Global Economy and the Environment deteriorated. b) Environmental Pollution and poorly paid employment. c) The different situations and changes we have been experiencing. d) The progress of the chemical and technical progress. 2. Term development refers to: a) The relationship ourselves as people. b) The movement for the better. c) Growth of the internal parts of a company. d) Unfolding from childhood. 3. Sustainable development is a proposal in 1987 by the World Commission on Environment and posed as an ethical principle strategy: a) " Is that impedes the development of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs" b) " Is that fosters the development of the present generation without concern for the ability of future generations to meet their own needs" c) " Is that fosters the development of the next generation without compromising the ability of present generations to meet their own needs" d) " Is that fosters the development of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs" 4. The set of relationships between the natural world and living things, which influences the life and behavior of the living being itself. a) The Global Economy. b) Naturism. c) The Environment. d) The Family. 5. Technological advances have brought devastating consequences, such as issues related to war, causing major environmental damage, such as: a) Improving the Global Economy. b) Conservation of Nature. c) Increased Environmental Protection. d) Development and indiscriminate use of nuclear weapons


    B) ANSWER FALSE ( F) TRUE OR ( T ) THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS : ( ) The meaning of development is closely linked with the concept of progress. ( ) The document ASSESSMENT OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT says the rating and Sustainable Development concept is discussed ( ) Sustainable development is a proposal at the end of World War II, the World Commission strategy for the Middle Atmosphere ( ) Sustainable development applies only to individuals and where they live. ( ) Technological advances have brought devastating consequences, such as war -related issues such as nuclear weapons, which cause significant environmental damage.



    Mechanical energy and Work

    1.- Energy gives us one more tool to use to analyze physical situations. When forces and accelerations are used, you usually freeze the action at a particular instant in time, draw a free-body diagram, set up force equations, figure out accelerations, etc. With energy the approach is usually a little different. Often you can look at the starting conditions (initial speed and height, for instance) and the final conditions (final speed and height), and not have to worry about what happens in between. The initial and final information can often tell you all you need to know. Whenever a force is applied to an object, causing the object to move, work is done by the force. If a force is applied but the object doesn't move, no work is done; if a force is applied and the object moves a distance d in a direction other than the direction of the force, less work is done than if the object moves a distance d in the direction of the applied force. Work can be either positive or negative: if the force has a component in the same direction as the displacement of the object, the force is doing positive work. If the force has a component in the direction opposite to the displacement, the force does negative work. If you pick a book off the floor and put it on a table, for example, you're doing positive work on the book, because you supplied an upward force and the book went up. If you pick the book up and place it gently back on the floor again, you're doing negative work, because the book is going down but you're exerting an upward force, acting against gravity. If you move the book at constant speed horizontally, you don't do any work on it, despite the fact that you have to exert an upward force to counter-act gravity.

    An object has kinetic energy if it has mass and if it is moving. It is energy associated with a moving object, in other words.

    There is a strong connection between work and energy, in a sense that when there is a net force doing work on an object, the object's kinetic energy will change by an amount equal to the work done:

    Let's say you're dropping a ball from a certain height, and you'd like to know how fast it's traveling the instant it hits the ground. You could apply the projectile motion equations, or you could think of the situation in terms of energy (actually, one of the projectile motion equations is really an energy equation in disguise). If you drop an object it falls down, picking up speed along the way. This means there must be a net force on the object, doing work. This force is the force of gravity. The work done by the force of gravity is the force multiplied by the distance, so if the object drops a distance h, gravity does work on the object equal to the force multiplied by the height lost. An alternate way of looking at this is to call this the gravitational potential energy. An object with potential energy has the potential to do work. In the case of gravitational potential


    energy, the object has the potential to do work because of where it is, at a certain height above the ground, or at least above something.

    5.- Spring potential energy

    Energy can also be stored in a stretched or compressed spring. An ideal spring is one in which the amount of the spring stretches or compresses is proportional to the applied force. This linear relationship between the force stretching force and the displacement are directly proportional ( Hook's law). This is a restoring force, because when the spring is stretched, the force exerted by the spring is opposite to the direction it is stretched. This accounts for the oscillating motion of a mass on a spring. If a mass hanging down from a spring is pulled down and let go, the spring exerts an upward force on the mass, moving it back to the equilibrium position, and then beyond. This compresses the spring, so the spring exerts a downward force on the mass, stopping it, and then moving it back to the equilibrium and beyond, at which point the cycle repeats. This kind of motion is known as simple harmonic motion. In a perfect spring, no energy is lost; the energy is simply transferred back and forth between the kinetic energy of the mass on the spring and the potential energy of the spring (gravitational potential energy might be involved, too). 6.- Conservation of energy

    We'll take all of the different kinds of energy we know about, and even all the other ones we don't, and relate them through one of the fundamental laws of the universe.

    The law of conservation of energy states that energy can not be created nor destroyed, it can merely be changed from one form of energy to another. Energy often ends up as heat, which is thermal energy (kinetic energy, really) of atoms and molecules. Kinetic friction, for example, generally turns energy into heat, and although we associate kinetic friction with energy loss, it really is just a way of transforming kinetic energy into thermal energy. The law of conservation of energy applies always, everywhere, in any situation. There is another conservation idea associated with energy which does not apply as generally, and is therefore called a principle rather than a law. This is the principle of the conservation of mechanical energy: The total amount of mechanical energy, in a closed system in the absence of dissipative forces (e.g. friction, air resistance), remains constant. This means that potential energy can become kinetic energy, or vice versa, but energy cannot disappear. For example, in the absence of air resistance, the mechanical energy of an object moving through the air in the Earth's gravitational field, remains constant (it is conserved).



    Al final de cada pregunta ( en el espacio subrayado), escribe la letra (A, B o C), que corresponda a la respuesta correcta. 1.- The Energy methods to analyze physical situations, such as the motion of an object , give us a different way for________

    A) Freeze the action at a particular instant in time. B) set up force equations. C) solving the motion of the body without knowing what happens in between the

    starting and final conditions of the motion. 2.- When a force has a component in the same direction as the displacement of the object______

    A) The work done by the force is negative

    B) No work is done by the force at all.

    C) The work done by the force is positive.

    3.- If you move an object at a constant speed horizontally_______

    A) You do negative work on the object.

    B) You dont do any work on it.

    C) You do positive work on it.

    4.- If you drop a ball from a certain height, to figure out the ball velocity for instance, you

    could apply the projectile motion equations, or_________

    A) you could apply the Archimedes principle.

    B) you could think of the situation in terms of energy.

    C) you could apply the Hooks Law of strain-stress.

    5.- When an object falls down, it picks up speed along his way, the net force acting on

    the object, doing work is ___________

    A) An electrical force.

    B) A magnetic force.

    C) The force of gravity.

    6.- Gravitational potential energy of an object is named potential , because __________


    A) The object is moving with a velocity.

    B) it has the potential to do work, due to where it is, at a certain height above

    the ground , or at least above something.

    C) it has electrical potential.

    7.- The Hooks Law states that__________

    A) The net work done by a force on an object equals the internal energy change of

    the object.

    B) Force and displacement are directly proportional.

    C) Energy cant be destroyed nor destroyed.

    8.- The spring potential energy is energy stored in_______

    A) Boiling water.

    B) the burning of the sun.

    C) a stretched or compressed spring.

    9.- Kinetic friction generally turns energy into heat, although we associate kinetic friction

    with energy loss, it is just__________

    A) a mass transformation process.

    B) a transformation of kinetic energy into heat.

    C) the most efficient energy transformation process.

    10.- Energy can not be created nor destroyed, is an statement for______

    A) The principle of conservation of mechanical energy.

    B) The Second law of Newton.

    C) The law of energy conservation.

    SEGUNDA PARTE. escribir la traduccin al espaol de las secciones 1, 2, 3 y 4 (unicamente) del artculo anterior. NOTA: Escribir claramente, sin tachaduras, para as poder calificar la traduccin con dificultades mnimas para el examinador.


    How Does an Air Conditioner Work?

    Air conditioners and refrigerators work the same way. Instead of cooling just the small, insulated space inside of a refrigerator, an air conditioner cools a room, a whole house, or an entire business. Air conditioners use chemicals that easily convert from a gas to a liquid and back again. This chemical is used to transfer heat from the air inside of a home to the outside air. The machine has three main parts. They are a compressor, a condenser and an evaporator. The compressor and condenser are usually located on the outside air portion of the air conditioner. The evaporator is located on the inside the house, sometimes as part of a furnace. That's the part that heats your house.

    The working fluid arrives at the compressor as a cool, low-pressure gas. The compressor squeezes the fluid. This packs the molecule of the fluid closer together. The closer the molecules are together, the higher its energy and its temperature. The working fluid leaves the compressor as a hot, high pressure gas and flows into the condenser. If you looked at the air conditioner part outside a house, look for the part that has metal fins all around. The fins act just like a radiator in a car and helps the heat go away, or dissipate, more quickly. When the working fluid leaves the condenser, its temperature is much cooler and it has changed from a gas to a liquid under high pressure. The liquid goes into the evaporator through a very tiny, narrow hole. On the other side, the liquid's pressure drops. When it does it begins to evaporate into a gas.

    As the liquid changes to gas and evaporates, it extracts heat from the air around it. The heat in the air is needed to separate the molecules of the fluid from a liquid to a gas. The evaporator also has metal fins to help in exchange the thermal energy with the surrounding air. By the time the working fluid leaves the evaporator, it is a cool, low pressure gas. It then returns to the compressor to begin its trip all over again. Connected to the evaporator is a fan that circulates the air inside the house to blow across the evaporator fins. Hot air is lighter than cold air, so the hot air in the room rises to the top of a room. There is a vent there where air is sucked into the air conditioner and goes down ducts. The hot air is used to cool the gas in the evaporator. As the heat is removed from the air, the air is cooled. It is then blown into the house through other ducts usually at the floor level.

    This continues over and over and over until the room reaches the temperature you want the room cooled to. The thermostat senses that the temperature has reached the right setting and turns off the air conditioner. As the room warms up, the thermostat turns the air conditioner back on until the room reaches the temperature.

    Heat Pump. Imagine that you took an air conditioner and flipped it around so that the hot coils were on the inside and the cold coils were on the outside. Then you would have a heater. It turns out that this heater works extremely well. Rather than burning a fuel, what it is doing is "moving heat." A heat pump is an air conditioner that contains a valve that lets it switch


    between "air conditioner" and "heater." When the valve is switched one way, the heat pump acts like an air conditioner, and when it is switched the other way it reverses the flow of the liquid inside the heat pump and acts like a heater. END



    Al final de cada pregunta ( en el espacio subrayado), escribe la letra (A, B o C), que corresponda a la respuesta correcta. 1.- Refrigerators and Air conditioners work the same way, which means_____ A) They function under the same physical principles. B) They are very complicated machines. C) They have nothing in common at all. 2.- Air conditioners use chemicals as working fluids to_______ A) move huge amounts of air. B) transfer heat from the air inside of a room to the outside air. C) heat spaces that need to be heated. 3.- An Air conditioner system has three main parts, which are_______ A) A brake, a water pump and a radiator. B) A compressor, a condenser and an evaporator. C) Wings, an automatic pilot and a landing gear. 4.- The compressor squeezes the working fluid, which means______ A) The working fluid pressure is raised by the compressor. B) The working fluid temperature is lowered. C) The working fluid has less energy. 5.- The working fluid leaves the compressor as a_______ A) compressed liquid. B) as a hot, high pressure gas and flows into the condenser. C) as a saturated vapor.


    6.- The metal fins all around some condensers help the heat______ A) Keep the working fluid at a constant temperature . B) Go away, or dissipate, more quickly. C) Remain stored in the working fluid. 7.- When the working fluid leaves the condenser it has changed to______ A) be a saturated liquid. B) be a saturated vapor. C) a liquid under high pressure. 8.- By the time the working fluid leaves the evaporator, it is ________ A) a cool, compressed liquid. B) at a very high temperature. C) a cool, low pressure gas. 9.- The thermostat is a device that turns off_______ A) When the temperature has reached the right setting. B) When the humidity of an space is too high. C) When the dry bulb temperature has lowered enough. 10.- A heat pump is an air conditioner that contains a________ A) many shafts and gears inside. B) microchip to send electronic signals C) valve that lets it switch between " air conditioner " and a " heater". SEGUNDA PARTE. escribir la traduccin al espaol del artculo anterior. NOTA: Escribir claramente, sin tachaduras, para as poder calificar la traduccin con dificultades mnimas para el examinador. REFERENCIAS:






    Laws of thermodynamics

    Main article: Laws of thermodynamics

    Thermodynamics states a set of four laws that are valid for all systems that fall within the

    constraints implied by each. In the various theoretical descriptions of thermodynamics

    these laws may be expressed in seemingly differing forms, but the most prominent

    formulations are the following:

    Zeroth law of thermodynamics: If two systems are each in thermal equilibrium with a

    third, they are also in thermal equilibrium with each other.

    This statement implies that thermal equilibrium is an equivalence relation on the set

    of thermodynamic systems under consideration. Systems are said to be in thermal

    equilibrium with each other if spontaneous molecular thermal energy exchanges between

    them do not lead to a net exchange of energy. This law is tacitly assumed in every

    measurement of temperature. For two bodies known to be at the same temperature,

    deciding if they are in thermal equilibrium when put into thermal contact does not require

    actually bringing them into contact and measuring any changes of their observable

    properties in time.[65] In traditional statements, the law provides an empirical definition of

    temperature and justification for the construction of practical thermometers. In contrast to

    absolute thermodynamic temperatures, empirical temperatures are measured just by the

    mechanical properties of bodies, such as their volumes, without reliance on the concepts

    of energy, entropy or the first, second, or third laws of thermodynamics.[49][66] Empirical

    temperatures lead to calorimetry for heat transfer in terms of the mechanical properties of

    bodies, without reliance on mechanical concepts of energy.

    The physical content of the zeroth law has long been recognized. For example, Rankine in

    1853 defined temperature as follows: "Two portions of matter are said to have equal

    temperatures when neither tends to communicate heat to the other."[67] Maxwell in 1872

    stated a "Law of Equal Temperatures".[68] He also stated: "All Heat is of the same

    kind."[69] Planck explicitly assumed and stated it in its customary present-day wording in his

    formulation of the first two laws.[70] By the time the desire arose to number it as a law, the

    other three had already been assigned numbers, and so it was designated the zeroth law.


    First law of thermodynamics: The increase in internal energy of a closed system is

    equal to the difference of the heat supplied to the system and the work done by it: U

    = Q - W [71][72][73][74][75][76][77][78][79][80][81]

    The first law of thermodynamics asserts the existence of a state variable for a system, the

    internal energy, and tells how it changes in thermodynamic processes. The law allows a

    given internal energy of a system to be reached by any combination of heat and work. It is

    important that internal energy is a variable of state of the system (see Thermodynamic

    state) whereas heat and work are variables that describe processes or changes of the

    state of systems.

    The first law observes that the internal energy of an isolated system obeys the principle

    of conservation of energy, which states that energy can be transformed (changed from one

    form to another), but cannot be created or destroyed.[82][83][84][85][86]

    Second law of thermodynamics: Heat cannot spontaneously flow from a colder

    location to a hotter location.

    The second law of thermodynamics is an expression of the universal principle of

    dissipation of kinetic and potential energy observable in nature. The second law is an

    observation of the fact that over time, differences in temperature, pressure, and chemical

    potential tend to even out in a physical system that is isolated from the outside

    world. Entropy is a measure of how much this process has progressed. The entropy of an

    isolated system that is not in equilibrium tends to increase over time, approaching a

    maximum value at equilibrium.

    In classical thermodynamics, the second law is a basic postulate applicable to any system

    involving heat energy transfer; in statistical thermodynamics, the second law is a

    consequence of the assumed randomness of molecular chaos. There are many versions

    of the second law, but they all have the same effect, which is to explain the phenomenon

    of irreversibility in nature.

    Third law of thermodynamics: As a system approaches absolute zero the entropy of

    the system approaches a minimum value.

    The third law of thermodynamics is a statistical law of nature regarding entropy and the

    impossibility of reaching absolute zero of temperature. This law provides an absolute

    reference point for the determination of entropy. The entropy determined relative to this

    point is the absolute entropy. Alternate definitions are, "the entropy of all systems and of all


    states of a system is smallest at absolute zero," or equivalently "it is impossible to reach

    the absolute zero of temperature by any finite number of processes".

    Absolute zero is 273.15 C (degrees Celsius), or 459.67 F (degrees Fahrenheit) or 0 K


    La ley de la termodinmica

    Artculo principal: Leyes de la termodinmica

    Termodinmica establece un conjunto de cuatro leyes que son vlidas para todos los

    sistemas que caen dentro de las limitaciones implcitas en cada uno. En las distintas

    descripciones tericas de la termodinmica estas leyes se pueden expresar en formas

    aparentemente diferentes, pero las formulaciones ms prominentes son las siguientes:

    Ley cero de la termodinmica : Si dos sistemas estn cada uno en equilibrio trmico

    con un tercero, que tambin se encuentran en equilibrio trmico entre s.

    Esta afirmacin implica que el equilibrio trmico es una relacin de equivalencia en el

    conjunto de los sistemas termodinmicos que se consideran. Los sistemas se dice que

    estn en equilibrio trmico entre s, si los intercambios trmicos moleculares espontneos

    de energa entre ellas no conducen a un cambio neto de energa. Esta ley se asume

    tcitamente en todas las mediciones de la temperatura. Durante dos cuerpos que se sabe

    que en el mismo la temperatura, decidiendo si se encuentran en equilibrio trmico cuando

    se ponen en contacto trmico no requiere realmente ponerlos en contacto y medicin de

    los cambios de sus propiedades observables en el tiempo. [ 65 ] En los estados

    tradicionales, la ley establece una definicin emprica de la temperatura y la justificacin

    para la construccin de termmetros prcticos. En contraste con las temperaturas

    termodinmicas absolutas, las temperaturas empricas se miden slo por las propiedades

    mecnicas de los cuerpos, como su volumen, sin depender de los conceptos de energa,

    la entropa o los primeros segundos, o tercera leyes de la

    termodinmica,. [ 49 ] [ 66 ] temperaturas empricos llevan a colorimtricas para la

    transferencia de calor en trminos de las propiedades mecnicas de los cuerpos, sin

    depender de los conceptos mecnicos de energa.


    El contenido fsico de la ley cero ha sido reconocida. Por ejemplo, Rankine en 1853 la

    temperatura se define de la siguiente manera: ". se dice que dos porciones de materia a

    tener igualdad de temperaturas cuando ni tiende a comunicar calor a la

    otra" [ 67 ] Maxwell en 1872 declar una "Ley de Igualdad de temperaturas". [ 68 ] Tambin

    dijo: "Todo el calor es de la misma naturaleza". [ 69 ] Planck asume explcitamente y dijo en

    su habitual actual redaccin en su formulacin de las dos primeras leyes. [ 70 ] En el

    momento surgi el deseo nmero como una ley, los otros tres ya haban sido asignados

    los nmeros, por lo que fue designado a laley cero .

    Primera ley de la termodinmica : El aumento de la energa interna de un sistema

    cerrado es igual a la diferencia del calor suministrado al sistema y el trabajo realizado

    por ella:? U = Q - W[ 71 ] [ 72 ] [ 73 ] [ 74 ] [ 75 ] [ 76 ] [ 77 ] [ 78 ] [ 79 ] [ 80 ] [ 81 ]

    La primera ley de la termodinmica afirma la existencia de una variable de estado de un

    sistema, la energa interna, y le dice a la forma en que los cambios en los procesos

    termodinmicos. La ley permite que la energa interna de un sistema dado que se lleg a

    travs de una combinacin de calor y trabajo. Es importante que la energa interna es una

    variable de estado del sistema (consulte el estado termodinmico ), mientras que el calor

    y el trabajo son variables que describen procesos o cambios en el estado de los sistemas.

    La primera ley seala que la energa interna de un sistema aislado obedece el principio

    de conservacin de la energa , que establece que la energa puede ser transformado

    (cambiado de una forma a otra), pero no puede ser creada ni destruida. [ 82 ] [ 83 ] [ 84 ] [ 85 ] [ 86 ]

    Segunda ley de la termodinmica : el calor no puede fluir espontneamente de un

    lugar fro a un lugar ms caliente.

    La segunda ley de la termodinmica es una expresin del principio universal de la

    disipacin de la energa cintica y potencial observable en la naturaleza. La segunda ley

    es una observacin del hecho de que con el tiempo, las diferencias de temperatura,

    presin, y potencial qumico tienden a igualar en un sistema fsico que est aislado del

    mundo exterior. La entropa es una medida de la cantidad de este proceso ha

    progresado. La entropa de un sistema aislado que no est en equilibrio tiende a aumentar

    con el tiempo, acercndose a un valor mximo en el equilibrio.

    En la termodinmica clsica, la segunda ley es un postulado bsico aplicable a cualquier

    sistema que implica la transferencia de energa trmica; en la termodinmica estadstica,

    la segunda ley es una consecuencia de la supuesta aleatoriedad de caos molecular. Hay


    muchas versiones de la segunda ley, pero todos tienen el mismo efecto, que es explicar el

    fenmeno de la irreversibilidad en la naturaleza.

    Tercera ley de la termodinmica : Como sistema se aproxima al cero absoluto la

    entropa del sistema se aproxima a un valor mnimo.

    La tercera ley de la termodinmica es una ley estadstica de la naturaleza con respecto a

    la entropa y la imposibilidad de alcanzar el cero absoluto de temperatura. Esta ley

    proporciona un punto de referencia absoluto para la determinacin de la entropa. La

    entropa determina en relacin a este punto es la entropa absoluta. Definiciones alternas

    son, "la entropa de todos los sistemas y de todos los estados de un sistema es el ms

    pequeo en el cero absoluto", o de manera equivalente "es imposible alcanzar el cero

    absoluto de temperatura por un nmero finito de procesos".

    El cero absoluto es -273,15 C (grados Celsius), o -459,67 F (grados Fahrenheit) o 0 K



    65. Jump up^ Moran, Michael J. and Howard N. Shapiro, 2008. Fundamentals of

    Engineering Thermodynamics. 6th ed. Wiley and Sons: 16.

    66. Jump up^ Planck, M. (1897/1903), p. 1.

    67. Jump up^ Rankine, W.J.M. (1953). Proc. Roy. Soc. (Edin.), 20(4).

    68. Jump up^ Maxwell, J.C. (1872), page 32.

    69. Jump up^ Maxwell, J.C. (1872), page 57.

    70. Jump up^ Planck, M. (1897/1903), pp. 12.

    71. Jump up^ Clausius, R. (1850). Ueber de bewegende Kraft der Wrme und die

    Gesetze, welche sich daraus fr de Wrmelehre selbst ableiten lassen, Annalen

    der Physik und Chemie, 155 (3): 368394.

    72. Jump up^ Rankine, W.J.M. (1850). On the mechanical action of heat, especially

    in gases and vapours. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 20: 147190.[1]


    73. Jump up^ Helmholtz, H. von. (1897/1903). Vorlesungen ber Theorie der Wrme,

    edited by F. Richarz, Press of Johann Ambrosius Barth, Leipzig, Section 46, pp.

    176182, in German.

    74. Jump up^ Planck, M. (1897/1903), p. 43.

    75. Jump up^ Guggenheim, E.A. (1949/1967), p. 10.

    76. Jump up^ Sommerfeld, A. (1952/1956), Section 4 A, pp. 1316.

    77. Jump up^ Ilya Prigogine, I. & Defay, R., translated by D.H. Everett

    (1954).Chemical Thermodynamics. Longmans, Green & Co., London, p. 21.

    78. Jump up^ Lewis, G.N., Randall, M. (1961). Thermodynamics, second edition

    revised by K.S. Pitzer and L. Brewer, McGraw-Hill, New York, p. 35.

    79. ^ Jump up to:a b Bailyn, M. (1994), page 79.

    80. Jump up^ Kondepudi, D. (2008). Introduction to Modern Thermodynamics, Wiley,

    Chichester, ISBN 978-0-470-01598-8, p. 59.

    81. Jump up^ Khanna, F.C., Malbouisson, A.P.C., Malbouisson, J.M.C., Santana,

    A.E. (2009). Thermal Quantum Field Theory. Algebraic Aspects and Applications,

    World Scientific, Singapore, ISBN 978-981-281-887-4, p. 6.

    82. Jump up^ Helmholtz, H. von, (1847). Ueber die Erhaltung der Kraft, G. Reimer,


    83. Jump up^ Joule, J.P. (1847). On matter, living force, and heat, Manchester

    Courier, May 5 and May 12, 1847.

    84. ^ Jump up to:a b Truesdell, C.A. (1980).

    85. Jump up^ Partington, J.R. (1949), page 150.

    86. Jump up^ Kondepudi & Prigogine (1998), pages 31-32.


    1. Qu dice la ley cero de la Termodinmica? R = Si dos sistemas estn cada uno en equilibrio trmico con un tercero, que tambin se encuentran en equilibrio trmico entre s. 2. Cmo se miden las temperaturas empricas, en contraste con las temperaturas

    termodinmicas absolutas?. (prrafo de ley cero de la termodinmica).


    R = las temperaturas empricas se miden slo por las propiedades mecnicas de

    los cuerpos, como su volumen, sin depender de los conceptos de energa, la

    entropa o los primeros segundos, o tercera leyes de la termodinmica

    3. La Primera Ley de la Termodinmica afirma la existencia de una variable de

    estado de un sistema; cul es sta? R = La energa


    4. Cul es el hecho que observa la Segunda Ley de la Termodinmica?

    R = La Segunda Ley es una observacin del hecho de que con el tiempo, las

    diferencias de temperatura, presin, y potencial qumico tienden a igualar en un

    sistema fsico que est aislado del mundo exterior.

    5. En cul de las Tres Leyes de la termodinmica, la Entropa no tiene la posibilidad

    de alcanzar el cero absoluto?

    R = En la Tercera Ley de la Termodinmica.



    Color in Architecture More Than Just Decoration. By Frank H. Mahnke. From: http://archinect.com/features/article/53292622/color-in-architecture-more-than-just-decoration PROCEED.

    Color is an integral element of our world, not just in the natural environment but also in the man-made architectural environment. Color always played a role in the human evolutionary process. The environment and its colors are perceived, and the brain processes and judges what it perceives on an objective and subjective basis. Psychological influence, communication, information, and effects on the psyche are aspects of our perceptual judgment processes. Hence, the goals of color design in an architectural space are not relegated to decoration alone.

    Especially in the last eleven decades, empirical observations and scientific studies have proven that human-environment-reaction in the architectural environment is to a large percentage based on the sensory perception of color. These studies include the disciplines of psychology, architectural psychology, color psychology, neuropsychology, visual ergonomics, psychosomatics, and so forth. In short, it confirms that human response to color is total it influences us psychologically and physiologically.

    The American Faber Birren, considered the father of applied color psychology (originator of the OSHA colors) and the first to establish the profession of color consultant in 1936, proclaimed: The study of color is essentially a mental and psychological science, for the term color itself refers to sensation.

    Color is a sensory perception, and as any sensory perception, it has effects that are symbolic, associative, synesthetic, and emotional. This self-evident logic has been proven by scientific investigation. Because the body and mind are one entity, neuropsychological aspects, psychosomatic effects, visual ergonomics, and colors psychological effects are the components of color ergonomics. These being design goal considerations that demand adherence to protect human psychological and physiological well-being within their man-made environment. The color specifier/designer has the task of knowing how the reception of visual stimulation, its processing and evoked responses in conjunction with the hormonal system, produces the best possibilities for the welfare of human beings. This is of utmost importance in varied environments, such as medical and psychiatric facilities, offices, industrial and production plants, educational facilities, homes for the elderly, correctional facilities, and so forth. Each within themselves having different task and function areas.

    Color Psychology One of the most striking results concerning color connotations and color mood associations is its consistency cross-culturally from one individual to another and group to group. The great number of studies comparing human subjects worldwide, such as men to


    women, children to adults, laymen to architects, and even monkeys to humans show that color is an international visual language understood by all.

    The impression of a color and the message it conveys is of utmost importance in creating the psychological mood or ambiance that supports the function of a space. A classroom has a different function than a hospital patient room; an office space is not a production line, etc.

    To mention a few examples concerning colors and what they convey: Pastel yellow gives the impression of sunny, friendly, soft. The message in the interior space is stimulating, brightness, coziness. Red is arousing, passionate, provocative, fiery, and aggressive. The message in the interior is aggressive, advancing, and dominant. Green is balancing, natural, calm with the message of simplicity, security, balance. White expresses open, vast, neutral, and sterile. The message being purity, sterile, emptiness, and indecisiveness. Obviously this is a very small example since all colors change their character when modified in their lightness factor (light to dark) and saturation.

    Architectural Environments Emotions and Psychosomatics Professor for Architecture Sune Lindstrom remarked in 1987: With every particular architectural product, it is the spontaneous emotional reaction that is of importance to us. The environment produces emotions which in turn are linked to psychosomatics. Psychosomatic medicine emphasizes that physical disorders may originate through psychological factors, be aggravated by them and vice versa. It is common knowledge that stress may cause headaches, anxiety makes the heart beat faster, and anger and distress may affect the stomach, to name the most common occurrences. Of course the list includes high blood pressure, heart palpitations, migraine headaches, eczema, impotence, and so forth. Scientific research has also established the link to PNI Psycho-Neuro-Immunology which clearly shows that networks of nerve fibers and molecular bridges connect the psyche and the body with each other and those emotions penetrate completely into the cells of the organism. Henceforth, research indicates that a positive emotional mood strengthens the bodys defensive system against illness, whereas a negative emotional frame of mind has a weakening effect.

    Relative to designers is the answer given by David Felten (Professor for Neurobiology and Anatomy for the School of Medicine at the University of Rochester, New York) to the question: When does the interaction between the mind and the body connect? Felten answered: The moment we begin to perceive sensory stimulation. Visual Ergonomics and Color Probably one of the least known factors of appropriate color specification is its role in safeguarding visual efficiency and comfort. The eye's adaptation process involves the


    immediate reaction of the eye to changes in the degree of illumination. Lower light reflectance causes the pupil to dilate, and the reverse is true for higher reflectance. The eye sees luminous density and not the intensity of luminance. Luminous density is what the eyes receive when light is reflected from a surface (floors, walls, furniture). If the differences between the luminous densities within view are too great, the iris muscle is strained due to constant adjustment, thus causing eye fatigue. Studies have shown that appropriate differences in luminous density can prevent eye fatigue and raise visual acuity, and thus also productivity.

    The colors of surfaces absorb and reflect a certain amount of light. These measurements are referred to as light reflection values. Practically all paint companies show them on their color fan decks under LR or LRV.

    The international norms are the 3-1 light reflection ratio within a space. This suggests that floors should reflect about 20%, furniture 25-40%, walls 40-60%. The 3-1 designation means the lightest color (60%) divided by the darkest (20%) is a ratio of 3-1. However, visual ergonomists are not color designers. A yellow wall at 60% is not a yellow anymore but a tan. The only solution is if the walls are raised to 75% light reflection for example, so must then be the percentage of floor and furnishings also be raised to insure that there still exists control of extreme contrasts in dark and light. Interesting fact is that if these rules were known by the design community, white walls would not exist only ceilings are where 80-90% is accepted.

    FIRST SECTION (60%) Choose the correct answer for each question. Each correct

    answer gives you 3 points of 60. Underline your response.

    1. According to paragraph one, why is color important in design? a) Color is not important. b) Because color can be used for many things. c) Because by the use of color we can make things look prettier. d) Because color is an integral element of natural and man-made world.

    2. Human-environment reaction in the architectural environment is based on what of the following concepts? a) On the sensory perception of color. b) It is based on space and scale proportions. c) On the human scale environment. d) On the use of plants and nature.

    3. Who is considered the father or applied color psychology?? a) Faber Birren b) The American people c) The color theory d) The OSHA colors


    4. Because the body and mind are one entity, witch of the following concepts can we say are the components of color ergonomics? a) Tone, color, and mixture. b) Neuropsychological aspects, psychosomatic effects, visual ergonomics and colors psychological effects. c) Symbolic, Associative, synesthetic and emotional. d) Human psychological and physiological.

    5. What is the task of the color specifier/designer? a) The principal task of a color designer is to improve architectural environment by the use of color. b) He has to anticipate the reaction or the people to certain scale and proportion used in the architect world. c)He has to know how color affects the reaction to any visual stimulation in conjunction with the hormonal system to produce the welfare of human beings. d) He has to reproduce some color of the past in order to secure welfare of humans.

    6. Why are monkeys mentioned in paragraph one about COLOR PSYCOLOGY? a) To probe that many studies are made including all kinds of subjects. b) Because monkeys are very important to color theory. c) To probe monkeys can make very reliable subjects. d) Because humans are like monkeys.

    7. What is a psychological mood? a) The ambiance that a color can convey that supports the function of a space. b) It is a state of mind. c) It is a concept shown by the color theory. d) It is the most important concept to observe when we design a building.


    8. According to the reading, what color brings us the idea of coziness? a) Red b) White c) Yellow d) Pastel Yellow

    9. What is the most provocative and aggressive color? a) Red b) Green c) White d) Yellow

    10. What psychological mood can we stimulate if we use green? a) Dominant b) Security c) Sterile d) Emptiness

    11. What color shall you use if you were asked to design an environment of opened spaces and neutral? a) White b) Green c) White d) Yellow 12. Who is Sune Lindstrom? a) An architect. b) The inventor of psychosomatic theory. c) A professor for Architecture. d) The reading does not say.

    13. What is the principle that psychosomatic medicine emphasizes on? a) That physical disorders are originated by organic factors only. b) That psychology is the principal cause of diseases. c) That physical and psychological factors cannot be linked to each other when we talk about human welfare. d) That physical disorders may originate through psychological factors, be aggravated by them and vice versa.

    14. How does the text affirm that the psyche and the body are connected? a) The text says that psyche and the body cant be connected with each other. b) The body and the psyche are connected by cells.


    c) Networks of nerve fibers and molecular bridges connect the psyche and the body with each other and those emotions penetrate completely into the cells of the organism. d) Human beings do not have psyche. 15. According to researches mentioned in the reading, why is it important to design an environment with positive emotional mood? a) Because this kind of environment helps the development of trouble between humans. b) Because a positive emotional mood strengthens the bodys defensive system against illness. c) Because a good emotional mood is a good defense of the body. d) Because sad and angry people are more healthy. 16. How does the human pupil react to light? a) Lower light reflectance causes the pupil to dilate, and the reverse is true for higher reflectance. b) Human pupil does not react to light. c) Strong light helps human pupil to identify colors. d) Soft light is the best to apply in reading environments. 17. What is luminous density? a) Luminous density is the fragmentation that can be appreciated in a ray of light. b) Luminous density is not mentioned in the reading. c) Luminous density is the intensity of a ray of light. d) Luminous density is what the eye receives when light is reflected from a surface. 18. What is the meaning for LR or LRV? a) Light red or light red values b) Light Reflection on light reflection values. c) Light Re-direction or light re-direction values. d) Light Revolving or light revolving values. 19. What does the international norms 3-1 reflection ratio means? a) The 3-1 reflection radio means that luminosity should be divided by 60% b) It means that reflection should fluctuate above 5% c) The 3-1 designation means the lightest color (60%) divided by the darkest (20%) is a ratio of 3-1. d) It means that visual ergonomist are not color designers. 20. What does the last paragraph affirm about color white? a) It says that, if designers knew the rulers of reflection radio, color white would never be used in walls. b) It says that color white leaves a mood of comfort. c) It says that white should only be used in walls, but not in ceilings. d) The paragraph does not mention color white.



    Stonehenge Monument

    Stonehenge is an ancient monument situated about ten miles north of Salisbury in England. It was built about 4500 years ago, but by whom and for what purpose remains a mystery. The builders must have known of geometry. They may have been influenced by the Mycenaeans, whose architecture was similar. Some of the stones must have been brought from West Wales, over 135 miles away. These stones weigh more than fifty tons. They may have been brought on rafts and rollers. Experts say that it must have taken 1500 men more than five years to transport them. Stonehenge was probably built in three stages. First, settlers from continental Europe built a temple for sun worship. Later the "Beaker" people added the stone circles. Finally, people of the Wesse Culture transformed Stonehenge into an observatory. They could calculate the exact time of Midsummer and Midwinter and of equinoxes.

    1. We understand from the passage that the construction of the Stonehenge ----.

    A) began 135 miles away from Salisbury

    B) is thought to have taken place in more than one stage

    C) was first documented by the Mycenaeans

    0) is not a mystery that needs to be solved

    E) was completed in less than five years 2. It is pointed out in the reading that the Stonehenge ----.

    A) was built by the Mycenaeans, who were very advanced in geometry


    B) probably has religious origins, possibly for worship of the sun

    C) had no astrological purposes

    D) was erected thousands of years ago in West Wales

    E) is still used to calculate the changes of the seasons

    3. According to the passage, there is no certainty about ----.

    A) where the Stonehenge was built

    B) what kind of stones were used in the construction of the Stonehenge

    C) how to calculate the exact time of Midsummer and Midwinter and of equinoxes

    D) how the stones used in the construction of the Stonehenge were transported

    E) whether some of the stones are in position to reflect the movements of the sun and the moon





    Write in your own words about what you just read.


    Is Too Much Togetherness Annoying?

    I've heard of the problems, newly retired men and their wives face because of too much

    togetherness. And I was always amused, the way they so often get on each other's

    nerves. I never thought I'd face such a problem, but it's been two months now, and matters

    around are pretty bad. I ran out of patience. As soon as our son, Mike, leaves home, Dave

    busies himself by following me around, inquiring into my household routines. I have tried to

    interest him in any number of activities, with little success. "What you really need is a job "I

    told him, knowing he would never be able to find one at this age. You'd think that someone

    with so much intelligence, someone I truly love, would not be totally annoying when faced

    with a change in routine.

    1. The author says that before she faced the same thing, ----.

    A) she always belittled couples who tended to be nagging at each other

    all the time

    B) she hardly believed that retirement could reverse nice relations in a


    C) her husband always seemed to be a potential problem for their happy


    D) she couldn't understand how much happiness her husband's retirement

    would bring

    E) she knew exactly which problems were waiting for them

    2. As it is said in the passage, she cannot help getting nervous at her husband ----.

    A) who is constantly trying to intervene in her house-hold affairs

    B) who needs to rest now, which he really deserves after years of working

    C) because he is an intelligent man and loving husband

    D) although she loves Dave who hates being hurt

    E) for the fact that he couldn't get accustomed to living idly


    3. The writer is surprised to see that ----.

    A) her husband is v
