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Guía practica de trabajo 2015

Date post: 19-Jul-2015
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Elaborado por: Aleida Aular

Puerto Cabello, Febrero de 2015






Uso del diccionario

Técnicas de lectura. Scanning,


Claves para una comprensión


Tipos de textos

Cognados/falsos cognados


Entrega de cronograma

Presentación y

desarrollo de contenidos

Actividad práctica de

comprensión lectora



Examen de




Oración. Sintagma nominal

Sintagma verbal


Ideas principales/secundarias

Desarrollo de


Actividad práctica de

comprensión lectora


Examen de




Elementos de conexión

Elementos referenciales

Presentación y

desarrollo de contenidos

Actividad práctica de

comprensión lectora


Examen de






Lectura de abstracts

Ubicación de

información específica:





Actividades de


lectora con material




Examen de suficiencia Actividad práctica




Presentación 2

Uso del diccionario 5

Técnicas de lectura. Scanning, Skimming 5

Claves para una comprensión eficiente 6

Tipos de textos 7

Cognados/falsos cognados 7

Afijos 8

Reading: A practical guide to time management 8

Oración. Sintagma nominal/verbal 11

Tópico. Ideas principales /secundarias 12

Reading: How to find innovative solutions to customer problems 12

Elementos de conexión 15

Elementos referenciales 15

Reading: How to choose the right digital marketing model 15

Abstract/ Resumen 19

Reading: Higher education in Ethiopia: expansion, quality assurance and institutional

autonomy 19

Reading: Exploring the mechanisms of knowledge transfer in university-industry

collaborations: A study of companies, students and researchers 20

Referencias bibliográficas 21

Exámenes de práctica 24



La guía práctica de inglés para postgrado tiene como propósito facilitar la comprensión

lectora de textos en inglés. Se presenta una serie de actividades que permiten el desarrollo

de habilidades lingüísticas y cognitivas a través del análisis de información en esta lengua

extranjera para presentar en español. Se concibe en la tendencia del Inglés con Propósitos

Específicos. Como proceso dinámico permite la adopción de la metodológica ecléctica. Los

participantes de los estudios de cuarto nivel tienen la posibilidad de apropiarse de las

destrezas para su formación profesional integral en un contexto globalizado y cambiante.

Se inicia con una autoevaluación que le permitirá al participante tener una noción acerca de

sus conocimientos. Luego se presentan aspectos gramaticales resumidos y lecturas con

ejercicios de comprensión para complementar la formación del participante. Finalmente, se

adicionan modelos de exámenes para la ejercitación de los participantes.



El diccionario bilingüe se considera una herramienta indispensable para facilitar la

comprensión lectora. En este se ubican los términos desconocidos que no se pueden inferir

durante la lectura, de allí que es necesario aprender a utilizarlo efectivamente. Es

importante tomar en cuenta algunos aspectos de manera que la búsqueda sea precisa y


1. En el diccionario encontrarás: palabras guía, abreviaturas, función gramatical de la

palabra y significado específico de la palabra en el área de conocimiento. En relación a las

funciones gramaticales básicas de la palabra (gráfico 1) es necesario identificar cuál es el

contexto donde esta aparece para saber cómo está actuando y de esa manera llegar a su


2. Los verbos fraseales son aquellos que tienen diferentes significados cuando aparecen

acompañados de otras palabras, generalmente son preposiciones o adverbios.

3. Sustantivos en plural (-s o -es) no aparecen directamente en el diccionario.

4. Verbos los encontrará en su forma base (-s de las terceras personas, terminación- ed del

pasado o participio pasado no se muestran en el diccionario)

5. Los adjetivos en grado comparativo y superlativo (sufijos -er y –est) aparecen en su

forma base.

6. Las palabras compuestas pueden funcionar como sustantivo o adjetivo. No suelen

encontrarse en el diccionario, por lo que hay que identificar su función gramatical para

inferir su significado en el contexto.

7. Las expresiones idiomáticas aparecen muy poco en los diccionarios, la mayoría de las

veces es necesario inferir su significado.

Función Gramatical de las Palabras

Nota: Existen palabras que no se encuentran en el diccionario.

Sustantivo o nombre


Preposición Conjunción


Adjetivo Verbo






Al momento de leer un texto por primera vez, evite leer palabra por palabra o línea por

línea, siempre precisamos entender el significado de las palabras desconocidas.

Generalmente recurrimos al uso del diccionario, tratamos de inferir el significado utilizando

el contexto o combinamos ambas posibilidades. Cuando sea indispensable busque en el

diccionario las palabras esenciales que desconoce. Es necesario darle un vistazo rápido para

tener una idea general del texto y luego pasar a la lectura detallada. Scanning es una

técnica de lectura rápida para buscar información específica, utilice las palabras clave para

guiar la búsqueda sin necesidad de leer el texto completo. Observe tres claves para una

comprensión eficiente:


Elaborado por: Aular, 2014 con datos tomados de Scott, 1982.

Leer implica una interacción con el texto: se formulan hipótesis sobre el contenido y se va

rechazando o verificando a medida que se avanza en la lectura. Se formulan preguntas

como por ejemplo: ¿Qué quiere decir el autor?, ¿Me resulta útil esta información?

En el momento de la lectura detallada, observe el texto nuevamente, trate de encontrar las

ideas principales. Aquí encuentra una cuarta clave para una mejor comprensión: la

selectividad, esto implica que debe seleccionar lo que parece más relevante. El título es

sumamente importante y es necesario estudiarlo detalladamente; una de las más grandes

Las palabras que se repiten

Las palabras que se parecen en ambos


Las indicaciones tipográficas: título, cifras

en el texto, letras mayúsculas, negritas o cursivas, repartición de



dificultades en la comprensión del título es el orden de las palabras. Skimming es otra

técnica que permite al lector procesar rápidamente el texto y seleccionar la información

más importante.


El texto se define como un conjunto de enunciados con una intención comunicativa. Los

tipos de textos responden a una estructura y a un propósito de una comunidad en particular.

El texto varía la función según el propósito del autor, entre ellos: descriptivos, narrativos,

argumentativos, explicativos, clasificación, instrucción. No todos los textos son iguales. El

lector tiene una variedad de objetivos al acercarse a una lectura: entretenimiento, extraer

información, específica o entender toda la información. El texto académico contiene un

argumento lógico y estos a su vez están conformados por generalizaciones, ejemplos,

razones o justificaciones, inferencias, conclusiones, entre otros.


Elaborado por: Aular, 2014 con datos tomados de Scott, 1982.

COGNADOS: Se denomina cognado a toda palabra que se escriba igual o muy parecido

entre dos idiomas y que tenga el mismo significado. Ejemplo:

Cognado Significado

Laboratory Laboratorio

Industrial Industrial

Mechanics Mecánica

Credit Crédito

FALSOS COGNADOS: Se denomina cognado a toda palabra que se escriba igual o muy

parecido entre dos idiomas, pero que tenga significado distinto. Ejemplo:


Explicativos Clasificación





Falso Cognado Significado

Actual Real

Large Grande

Library Biblioteca

No olvide: según el contexto donde aparecen encontrará vocablos que pueden ser cognados

o falsos cognados.


El sistema de afijos (prefijos y sufijos) permite al lector inferir el significado de palabras

desconocidas. Son partículas que se adjuntan a una palabra o raíz, para modificar su sentido

o valor gramatical o para formar otras derivadas o compuestas. Muchas palabras en inglés

tienen una determinada terminación (-ing, -s, -er). Por lo general, estas terminaciones

poseen significados que no corresponden a lo mismo en español. Los prefijos son

partículas que se anteponen a la palabra o raíz para cambiar su significado. Se añaden a la

izquierda de esta. Los sufijos son las partículas que se colocan al final de la palabra para

cambiar su significado y la clase de palabra. Se añaden a la derecha de esta.


Heather Baldwin

One of the sales managers' biggest complaints is not having enough time in the day. When

you dig down into the typical manager's schedule, however, you often find that time isn't

the problem – it's how that time is prioritized.

Often, managers give first priority to those last-minute requests from the boss to pull

together this or that report or send up a piece of data or sit in on this or that meeting.

Complying with these requests can give you a short-term feeling of action, but it erodes

your effectiveness, say Mike and Gary Braun, partners and founders of Pivotal Advisors, a

sales-effectiveness consultancy.

To start, it's helpful to first understand how the best managers spend their time. A 2005

study of 300 managers and 2,500 sales reps found that just 20 percent of managers achieved

plan three years in a row; the other 80 percent were inconsistent. What set the stars apart

was that they spent the vast majority of their time in the following three areas:


Planning. Star managers spent significantly more time than mediocre managers setting

targets, setting expectations for key skills, identifying and measuring the activities that led

to sales, identifying the profile of the idea customer, and so on.

Coaching. Star managers spent more time in the field with their teams. Their coaching was

structured, with agendas to measure specific skills, activities, or results.

Selling. No, top managers didn't jump in to save a deal; rather, they all had a deep

understanding of where and how to insert themselves to influence a deal at key moments.

So where do the rest of managers – the inconsistent 80 percent – spend their time? Mostly

on administrative issues, internal operations, meetings, marketing issues, CRM issues, and

other non-customer-facing issues. Interestingly, that 80 percent also felt a need to do it all.

"When we asked how they prioritize, invariably we got, 'Well, we have to do it all. We

can't miss this and that,'" says Mike Braun. "No wonder they're working sixty to seventy

hours a week!"

In a recent Webinar, the Brauns identified three steps managers can take to move from the

core 80 percent to the star 20 percent with consistently high performance:

Step 1: Analyze your calendar. Understand exactly what percent of your time is spent

doing what types of activities. Look for opportunities to purge. Do you really need to sit in

on these upcoming meetings, or could you get the information via email? Is there work you

could delegate? Reports you could consolidate? The test is in this question: "Is this activity

more important than spending time in the field with my reps?"

Step 2: Determine your boss's needs. Star managers work closely with senior leaders to

understand exactly what information and data they need to run the business. According to

the Brauns, it's a good idea to go to your boss and say, "I need to spend more time in the

field to make my team more effective, but I want to make sure you have what you need

from me."

Gain agreement on the types of reports company execs truly need to run the business and

the frequency with which those reports are needed, then eliminate the rest. "You'll be

viewed favorably" if you do this, says Mike Braun.

Step 3: Learn to say no. When you get an "urgent" request for this or that data, remind

your boss of the agreed-upon reports or point to information you've already provided. You

should also ask whether this is information that will be needed on a continuing basis or

something that is just a one-time request. Last, explain that you had planned to be on the

road with Bill and Susan because you're at X point with the Acme Inc. deal, and ask if your

boss would prefer that you prioritize the report ahead of that trip. "When you push back, a

lot of the time you'll find things can wait," says Gary Braun. "More often than not, the

report will suddenly become less important."




Responda, en Español, las siguientes preguntas según el texto dado.

1. ¿Cuál es la contradicción más común de los gerentes?





2. Explique las tres áreas en las cuales los gerentes priorizan su tiempo.





3. Mencione los tres pasos que los gerentes pueden seguir para desplazar el porcentaje de

tiempo invertido de un 80 a 20 con un alto rendimiento.










Conjunto de palabras que proporcionan un sentido completo y lógico. Generalmente, está

compuesta por un sujeto y un verbo. El resto de la oración puede estar compuesta por

expresiones de tiempo, lugar, circunstancias o por palabras conectoras entre dos o más

partes del texto. Estas expresiones pueden aparecer al principio, medio o al final de la



Es una frase que incluye un sustantivo núcleo y sus modificadores (los cuales son

opcionales).Si los modificadores se ubican antes del sustantivo núcleo, se denominan pre-

modificadores. Si estos se ubican después del sustantivo, ellos se denominan post-


Modificadores del Sustantivo Núcleo


Es grupo de palabras compuesta por el verbo principal junto a sus modificadores

(auxiliares, modales, fraseales). El verbo indica la acción, el tiempo y la persona. Los

verbos en inglés se clasifican en regulares e irregulares. A mayoría de los diccionarios

adjunta al final una lista de verbos irregulares.





Quantificadores,entre otros


Frases preposicionales

Cláusulas relativas



Elaborado por: Aular, 2014 con datos tomados de Areba, 2007.

Nota: Es importante recordar que la última oración generalmente es una conclusión que

parafrasea la oración principal.


Mike, a sales leader for a large beer distributor, was faced with a problem. A customer of

his – a major retailer – needed to increase sales of craft beer. The customer had tried the

usual methods of offering price promotions and trying to get more shelf space, but they

hadn't worked.

What should Mike do to help the customer find a way to increase sales? While the objective

(to increase sales of craft beer) may seem clear, usually there are other factors driving a

customer's challenges. It may sound counterintuitive, but he should actually make it his

goal to redefine the problem for the customer. Here are some ways that Mike can gain a

new perspective and find an innovative solution.

1) Understand the customer's business priorities. Financial challenges apply to the

customer's growth or profitability, either overall or in specific areas. Often, this appears be


El tópico dice de lo que se trata el texto o el párrafo (de quién o de qué).


Son ideas que constituyen los detalles (ejemplos, acotaciones) que el escritor proporciona a su audiencia para explicar la idea principal y discutir el tópico en



Es una idea que se plantea en forma amplia sin dar explicaciones.

Usualmente, aparece al inicio del párrafo, pero también se puede encontrar en el medio o al final.


the customer's main challenge, and it's usually the topic the customer talks about the most.

2) Ask about issues within the customer's market. Think in terms of specific segments or

geographies. Are there challenges the customer is trying to address for certain markets?

Does the customer want to deal with a certain geography or customer segment that may be

exacerbating his or her company's challenges?

3) Consider the challenges the customer has with its offering. What is your customer

trying to accomplish with his or her product or service? Does the customer have any

business priorities that can be solved with certain products or services?

4) Look for precedents. How has this challenge been solved before, either within the

industry, in similar business models, or even in totally different situations but with some of

the same characteristics?

After considering the customer's challenges, the causes of the problem, and the precedents

in the customer's market, Mike redefined his customer's challenge, determining that what

the customer needed was to strengthen its local market connection with the right expertise

in the craft-beer industry. Once this new thinking was applied, Mike was able to suggest

solutions that were new and innovative, including beer placements in the produce section

and suggestions for certain beer and fruit parings.

Sales challenges aren't always what they seem. It pays to dig deeper and consider the many

factors that might be driving a bigger problem for your customer. Define the challenge, and

then look beyond it to the core problems to redefine the challenge. Try to understand

business priorities and the causes and precedents of that problem, and watch how that leads

you to an innovative solution. http://www.sellingpower.com/content/article/?a=10293&nr=1/how-to-find-innovative-


ACTIVIDAD I. Responda, en Español, las siguientes preguntas según el texto dado.

1. ¿Cuáles son las formas que Mike utiliza para ayudar a un cliente a encontrar una

manera innovadora de incrementar las ventas?






2. ¿Cuáles pasos siguió Mike para redefinir el problema de un cliente?








ACTIVIDAD II. Resuma gráficamente la idea principal y las secundarias del texto.



Los elementos de conexión son palabras que permiten la coherencia y cohesión del texto.

Existe una cantidad importante de palabras que se comportan como conectores y se ubican

entre oraciones, dentro de ellas o entre párrafos: and, or, so, but, because, furthermore,

entre otros.


Los elementos referenciales son palabras, frases y en otras ocasiones ideas que se utilizan

para evitar la múltiple repetición y lograr una mejor coherencia y fluidez en el texto.

Elementos Referenciales


Four clear paths for winning over—and retaining—customers in the digital era.

by Matt Egol, Michael Peterson, and Stefan Stroh

Look at virtually any consumer industry and you’ll see how changes in digital technology

are fundamentally altering the way that consumers engage with brands before, during, and

after a purchase. Consumers today expect to browse, research, solicit feedback, evaluate,

and push the “buy” button at their own pace, and at the time and place—and via the

platform—of their choosing. Consumers also continue to engage with brands online after a

purchase and to share experiences with one another. Much of this consumer journey is














beyond the direct control of companies, and marketing organizations are sprinting merely

to keep pace.

The good news for chief marketing officers (CMOs) is that digital marketing can offer

detailed data on and analysis of consumer behavior, as well as precise results about a

marketing program’s effectiveness, with a degree of detail and precision that previous

generations of CMOs could hardly fathom. The challenge is that these new technologies

and consumer behaviors are raising the requirements for what will succeed in the market.

Building powerful consumer experiences requires brands to operate outside their comfort

zone; for example, they must work with much shorter cycle times, with more rapid and

frequent iterations, and through a broader vendor ecosystem than the traditional advertising

agency process.

In addition, consumers increasingly demand marketing messages and offers that are highly

personalized, relevant, and targeted. Miss the mark, and you risk losing them forever. In

that regard, digital marketing offers both greater rewards (in terms of higher engagement

and ROI) and greater risk (due to the execution complexity and the need for behavioral

changes across the organization).

In this environment, CMOs know they need new capabilities to succeed. In a recent

survey of more than 300 CMOs in the U.S. that Booz & Company conducted with the

Association of National Advertisers and Korn/Ferry, 72 percent said that building

capabilities in the area of digital marketing is vital. The difficulty is that there’s no one set

of capabilities that apply universally. Companies must identify what kind of marketing

organization they need to make their strategy a success, choose a digital marketing model

based on their strategic objectives, and then focus on developing a handful of marketing

capabilities that will allow them to bring that model to life and consistently excel.

Four New Digital Marketing Models

Booz & Company has identified four equally successful digital marketing models: Digital

Branders, Customer Experience Designers, Demand Generators, and Product Innovators. A

company’s focus for marketing investment might have elements of each, but odds are that

one of these models represents the right marketing organization for your company.

Digital Branders are most often consumer products companies or other marketers that

focus on building and renewing brand equity and deeper consumer engagement. These

companies are shifting their investment from traditional linear advertising toward more

immersive digital multimedia experiences that can connect consumers to the brand in new

ways. They are reimagining how they engage consumers with the primary goal of recruiting

new consumers to the brand and driving loyalty through multiple experiences with the


Customer Experience Designers use customer data and insights to create a superior end-

to-end brand experience for their customers. Typically, these companies (such as financial-

services companies, airlines, hotels, and retailers) build their business models around

customer service. By reinventing how they interact with customers, and wowing them at

multiple touch points, these companies hope to create an ongoing dialogue and build a loyal

customer base.

Demand Generators (typically retailers) focus on driving online traffic and converting as

many sales as possible across channels to maximize marketing efficiency and grow their

share of wallet. All elements of the digital marketing strategy—website design, search

engine optimization, mobile connected apps, and engagement in social communities—are

tailored to boost sales and increase loyalty. Although Demand Generators also need to


leverage content to drive engagement, they are more focused on driving volume and

efficiency than on curating the deep, emotional branded experiences that Digital Branders


Product Innovators use digital marketing to help the organization identify, develop, and

roll out new digital products and services. These companies employ digital interactions

with consumers primarily to rapidly gather insights that can help shape the innovation

pipeline. By helping nurture new sources of revenue, the marketing group directly increases

the value of the company.



1. ¿Cómo ha afectado la tecnología digital a la industria de consumo?






2. ¿Qué puede ofrecer el mercado digital a los gerentes de mercadeo?






3. ¿Cuáles son los requerimientos que las tecnologías y el comportamiento de los usuarios

están enfrentando para tener éxito en el mercado?






4. ¿Qué resultados arrojó la encuesta aplicada recientemente?







ACTIVIDAD II. Escriba en Español la palabra, frase o idea que sustituye a los siguientes

elementos referenciales.

1. these new technologies ____________________________________________________

2. their comfort zone ________________________________________________________

3. they ___________________________________________________________________

4.this environment __________________________________________________________

ACTIVIDAD III. Escriba en Español las ideas que relacionan los siguientes elementos de


1. and ___________________________________________________________________



2. today _________________________________________________________________



3. for example ____________________________________________________________



4. Although ______________________________________________________________





Es un texto corto y ofrece un resumen del texto al lector acerca de una investigación. En su

estructura encuentra el tópico de la investigación, objetivo, metodología, resultados y/o


Texto I: Higher Education in Ethiopia: Expansion, Quality Assurance and

Institutional Autonomy


This article chronicles the key challenges facing Ethiopia as it embarks on an ambitious,

ideologically-driven and aggressive expansion of its higher education system in an effort to

address its national goals of economic growth and poverty reduction. It is argued that the

urge for higher education expansion has placed undue pressures particularly on the state of

quality enhancement and autonomy of universities. As government pressures for more

expansion mounted, universities struggled with dwindling per student budgetary

allocations, shortage of qualified staff, inadequate supply of much needed inputs and the

erosion of their autonomy. It is suggested that while higher education expansion remains an

important goal for Ethiopia for many years to come, a reasonable balance should be struck

between the ideological aspects of expansion and the practical realities of limited resources,

heightened concerns about the quality of student learning and the autonomy of universities.

1¿Cuál fue el propósito de la investigación?






2 ¿Qué sugieren los hallazgos de este estudio?





Texto II

Exploring the Mechanisms of Knowledge Transfer in University-Industry

Collaborations: A Study of Companies, Students and Researchers


This article discusses mechanisms, enablers and barriers for knowledge transfer in

university-industry collaboration projects involving companies, students and researchers.

Data is collected through 35 qualitative interviews with Danish and Norwegian

representatives from the above categories. All respondents have been involved in

collaborative projects, such as student-industry cooperation or collaboration projects

between scientists and businesses. This research shows that to secure real value adding

through knowledge transfer in university-industry collaboration projects, it is important that

the involved parties view each other as equal partners. It is argued that creating a better

understanding of roles and competences of the involved parties can help diminish this

problem. A final conclusion is that continuous knowledge sharing throughout the project

seems more highly valued by the involved parties than a final report does. Best practice for

collaborative projects is suggested.

1¿Cuál fue el propósito de la investigación?






2 ¿Qué sugieren los hallazgos de este estudio?








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Autoevaluación Escriba el significado en español de la siguiente lista de palabras y clasifíquelas en verbos, adjetivos,

sustantivos, preposiciones etc.


our were because


one from made


can said like


man this back


for when they


his that your


her more only


him have many


has such before


two than through


she also which


who with about


its what there


and some their


not been these


out most would(be)


but them could


did over after


had time first


the must years


all then where


you even called


may down often


any much take

into will(be) Según las investigaciones realizadas por Haber y Haber (1981) las palabras anteriormente señaladas conforman el 50% de cada página

impresa en el Idioma Inglés.

Ejercicio tomado de: Aular, A; Colmenares, C; Level, M; Salazar, F; Sánchez, N; Suárez y Torres, M. (2009) English I for Engineers.

Universidad de Carabobo.



Universidad Panamericana del Puerto


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C.I: _____________________________________________


Texto I: Is the Arctic the Next Emerging Market?

The earth’s northernmost regions are rich in resources. The challenge will be accessing

them sustainably.

As the ice recedes in the Arctic, talk of industry entering the region to take advantage of its

economic opportunities is on the rise. The territories contain significant natural resources,

including conventional hydrocarbons (natural gas, condensate, and oil), metals, fish, high-

value minerals such as diamonds and rare earths, and fresh water. If the region’s waters

become more navigable, viable new trans-Arctic shipping routes between the North

Atlantic and Bering Strait could emerge. Even if such routes are available only in the

warmer months, they could bring substantial logistics savings over routes through the Suez

and Panama Canals, offering cost benefits for industries and consumers, and global

environmental benefits from reduced fuel consumption and associated greenhouse gas

emissions. It’s no wonder the world’s interest in the Arctic is so keen.

But many of those who wish to develop the region overlook the primary truth about it: It is

an emerging market. To be sure, as one of the last of the true wildernesses remaining in our

world, the Arctic is a uniquely challenging environment. But it is not empty. It is home to

some 4 million people comprising a broad range of cultures—and an economy worth about

US$230 billion annually. The land is inhabited by more than 40 ethnic groups, such as the

Sámi of northern Scandinavia, the Evenki of Russia, and the Inuit of Canada. In Canada,

Greenland, and the United States, in particular, local control by aboriginal communities and

regional business corporations can be substantial. Most of the Arctic region is governed

under existing national structures and international frameworks similar to those in other

areas of the world. It’s not the northernmost equivalent of the next frontier, waiting to be

conquered by big business or governments desperate for resources.

Adding to the complexity, the interested parties don’t yet possess the technology or know-

how to access the Arctic’s resources in a sustainable way. The increased commercialization

of a pristine region raises everyone’s worst fears. For example, the impact on the local

environment of an oil spill or of the northward shift of the world’s fishing fleets remains

unknown. And current levels of investment won’t begin to resolve these and other

uncertainties. Thus, developing the Arctic, though ripe with opportunity, is also fraught


with complexity. The desire for resource wealth must be tempered by respect for local

populations and customs, and for the land itself.

Governments and businesses should start by addressing the following five key challenges.

Although this is not a complete list, it brings together current, convergent dialogues and

debates about the region.

Protection of the environment and its people. The effects of climate change in the Arctic

have globally relevant repercussions: witness rising sea levels resulting from ice loss on the

Greenland ice sheet and altered weather patterns caused by the perturbation of jet streams.

Such consequences also put local populations at great risk. Their livelihood and well-being

are directly linked to the land, but their control over its preservation is uneven, ranging

from substantial (in North America and Greenland) to limited (in Fennoscandia and

Russia). Long-term changes in the Arctic are driven primarily by external factors, such as

world commodity prices and rising greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, future

environmental, economic, and social developments in the region depend critically on policy

and business decisions made elsewhere at the national and international levels, such as

progress in climate change negotiations. At present, strong disparities exist among national

policies on economic development, aboriginal rights, climate change, and environmental

protection. Because the region is small and ecologically fragile, such inequalities heighten

the risk to all stakeholders. For example, strong protections to prevent oil spills could be

implemented in some but not all Arctic regions, leading to impact outside the protected

areas. Agreeing on common policies and legislation across the Arctic countries is thus

crucial, as is the adoption of sustainable operating standards by industry participants.


Responda en Español las siguientes preguntas de acuerdo a la información suministrada en

cada texto.

1. Explique dos razones por las cuales el Ártico será el nuevo mercado emergente.






2. ¿Por qué el desarrollo del Ártico está envuelto en un entorno de complejidad?







3. Exponga brevemente las repercusiones a nivel mundial de los efectos del cambio

climático en el Ártico.








Texto II: Changing knowledge and the academic profession in Portugal


The paper analyses the Portuguese academics' perceptions about changes in their research

activities and modes of knowledge production. Quantitative data gathered from an on-line

national survey have been used to develop this analysis. Results reveal that the majority of

academics declared that they were not involved in knowledge and technology transfer and

that their research activities were not influenced by external sponsors or clients. However,

they did recognize that were strong external pressures to reconfigure the epistemologies,

ontologies and the institutional conditions under which knowledge is produced. The data

analysis also reveals that academics recognize forms of hybridism between autonomy and

endogenous dynamics and heteronomy and exogenous dynamics in the development of

their research activities and knowledge production.

1) ¿Cuál fue el propósito de la investigación?






2. ¿Qué concluyó el estudio?








Universidad Panamericana del Puerto - UNIPAP

Dirección de Postgrado

Nombres y Apellidos: ______________________________

C.I: _________________________

Fecha: _______________________

Responda en Español las siguientes preguntas de acuerdo a la información suministrada en

cada texto.

Texto 1.Characteristics of African traditional beers brewed with sorghum malt: a review


Traditional sorghum beers are produced in several countries of Africa, but variations in the

manufacturing process may occur depending on the geographic localization. These beers

are very rich in calories, B-group vitamins including thiamine, folic acid, riboflavin and

nicotinic acid, and essential amino acids such as lysine. However, the traditional sorghum

beer is less attractive than Western beers because of its poorer hygienic quality,

organoleptic variations and shorter shelf life. Research into the microbiological and

biochemical characteristics of traditional sorghum beers as well as their technologies have

been performed and documented in several African countries. This review aims to

summarize the production processes and compositional characteristics of African

traditional sorghum beers (ikigage, merissa, doro, dolo, pito, amgba and tchoukoutou). It

also highlights the major differences between these traditional beers and barley malt beer,

consumed worldwide, and suggests adaptations that could be made to improve the

production process of traditional sorghum beer.

Keywords: Africa, fermentation, fermentation, sugar, cereals, foods, malt, grain, sorghum

grain, beers, barley, malt, grain.

1. Explique el propósito de la investigación (5 pts)







Texto 2

Fermentation and maturation process of beer production

The brewing process, which is the first phase of the production cycle of beer, is followed by

a second phase, called fermentation process, or fermentation. Fermenting wort is a

manifestation of metabolism of brewer yeast, which is added after the oxidation to the

wort immediately after it is cooled to the fermentation temperature and pumped from the

brewhouse to fermentation vessels.

The task of brewer yeast in the fermentation stage is to convert part of the sugars in the

wort into alcohol. At the set degree of fermentation, the fermentation process is interrupted

(not to be the full conversion of 100 % sugar). The so-called young or green beer is pumped

into another container, wherein continuing fermentation process has a lower intensity, but

at a lower temperature and higher pressure, while the beer carbonated by carbon dioxide.

This part of the fermentation process is called maturation of beer, also known as lagering.

I. The bottom fermentation of beer

The style of bottom-fermenting includes all bottom -fermented beers using the yeasts

Saccharomyces uvarum. The majority of world production are bottom- fermented beers,

including Czech lager Pilsner. These include for example also Dortmunder, Bock, Marzen

and more beers called lagers.

Bottom beer fermentation is carried out at temperatures of 6-12 ° C and lasts for 6-12 days.

For a month or longer they lie (from here the name “lager”) at subzero temperatures which

ensure, among other things, the dispersion of sulfur compounds created during primary


The technology of open fermentation in open fermentation vats in the fermentation

room is typical mainly for production of bottom- fermented beers. It allows especially

convenient collection of krausen from the dead yeast in the last stage of the fermentation

which is a prerequisite for making a quality bottom fermented beer of traditional taste.

Open technology is absolutely unsuitable for the production of top-fermented beer since the

access of air to the active yeast surfaced beer tends to result in the contamination by

undesirable organisms.

For small breweries, there is a strong argument for the main beer fermentation in open vats

– the great marketing asset. View of the fermenting beer is one of the main attractions for

visitors microbrewery.

2. Defina el proceso de fermentación de la cerveza. (5 pts)







3. En qué consiste el proceso de maduración de la cerveza. (3 pts)






4. ¿A qué se denomina lager? (3 pts)






5. Explique la tecnología de fermentación en cubas. (4 pts)





