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Perfil – Hongos frescos y deshidratados en Francia 2010 Sección Económica y Comercial - Embajada Argentina en Francia - 1 - HONGOS EN FRANCIA INFORMACION DE MERCADO Sección Económica y Comercial Embajada Argentina en Francia 6 rue Cimarosa – 75116 Paris Tel: (33 1) 45 05 13 15 – Fax: (33 1) 45 05 12 95 Email: [email protected] Julio de 2010
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Perfil – Hongos frescos y deshidratados en Francia 2010 Sección Económica y Comercial - Embajada Argentina en Francia

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Sección Económica y Comercial Embajada Argentina en Francia 6 rue Cimarosa – 75116 Paris Tel: (33 1) 45 05 13 15 – Fax: (33 1) 45 05 12 95 Email: [email protected]

Julio de 2010

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A) Posición arancelaria y derechos de aduana

P.A. Descripción Terceros Países



0709 51 Hongos y trufas frescos o refrigerados 0709 51 - Hongos del género Agaricus 0709 51 00 10 -- Champiñones 12,8% 9,3% 0709 51 00 90 -- Las demás 12,8% 9,3% 0709 59 - Los demás 0709 59 10 -- Cantharellus spp 3,2% 0% 0709 59 30 -- Del género Boletus 5,6% 2,1% 0709 59 50 -- Trufas 6,4% 6,4% 0709 59 90 -- Las demás 0709 59 90 10 --- Champiñones 6,4% 2,9% 0709 59 90 90 --- Las demás 6,4% 2,9% 0712 Hortalizas secas, incluidas las cortadas en trozos o en rodajas o

las trituradas o pulverizadas, pero sin otra preparación

0712 31 Orejas de Judas (Auricularia spp.), hongos gelatinosos (Tremella spp.) y demás hongos; trufas

0712 31 - Hongos del género Agaricus 12,8% 9,3% 0712 32 - Orejas de Judas (Auricularia spp.) 0712 32 00 10 -- Setas, desecadas, presentadas enteras, en rodajas o

en trozos identificables, destinadas a ser sometidas a un tratamiento que no sea el simple reacondicionamiento para la venta al por menor

12,8% 9,3%

0712 32 00 90 -- Los demás 12,8% 9,3% 0712 33 - Hongos gelatinosos (Tremella spp.) 0712 33 00 10 -- Setas, desecadas, presentadas enteras, en rodajas o

en trozos identificables, destinadas a ser sometidas a un tratamiento que no sea el simple reacondicionamiento para la venta al por menor

12,8% 9,3%

0712 33 00 90 -- Los demás 12,8% 9,3% 0712 39 - Los demás 0712 39 00 31 -- Setas, desecadas, presentadas enteras, en rodajas o

en trozos identificables, destinadas a ser sometidas a un tratamiento que no sea el simple reacondicionamiento para la venta al por menor

12,8% 9,3%

0712 39 00 39 -- Los demás 12,8% 9,3%

SGP: Sistema Generalizado de Preferencias. Argentina se beneficia de este sistema que permite a sus exportadores pagar aranceles reducidos a condición de dar a la aduana un certificado de origen correspondiente al producto.

B) Otros impuestos IVA: 5,5%

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C) Otros Requisitos Para los productos de la posición arancelaria: 0709.51.00

- Control sanitario de los productos alimenticios de origen no animal Las importaciones de productos alimenticios de origen no animal en la Unión Europea, tienen que respetar las siguientes condiciones para garantizar la salud y los intereses de los consumidores: - los principales reglamentos establecidos por las autoridades europeas, - los principios de higiene, - las condiciones generales sobre lo que puede contaminar los productos alimenticios, - las informaciones sobre los alimentos genéticamente modificados, - las condiciones de preparación de los alimentos, - los controles oficiales.

Cuando ocurre un problema respecto a la higiene de un producto, que puede afectar a la salud de los consumidores, las autoridades europeas interrumpen las importaciones o aplican medidas más restrictivas para el control de los productos.

Los principales reglamentos respecto a la alimentación Todos los productos alimenticios importados en la UE deben respetar los siguientes principios: - un principio de equivalencia: los alimentos importados deben estar regidos por una legislación equivalente a la de la UE, - un principio de trazabilidad: consiste en vigilar todos los procesos y etapas de elaboración de un producto alimenticio, desde su producción hasta su distribución. La trazabilidad supone también que el país importador conozca al país exportador, - una responsabilidad de los importadores: las personas encargadas de los procesos de producción y distribución tienen que asegurar un buen control de los productos tomando en cuenta la legislación europea. Si un producto importado no respeta las normas de higiene, será inmediatamente retirado del mercado y las autoridades del país de que se trata serán avisadas.

Las reglas de higiene respecto a los alimentos Las siguientes reglas generales de higiene tienen que ser respetadas por los diferentes países exportadores: - las personas que se encargan de proceder a la producción tienen como responsabilidad asegurar la calidad de los productos, - existen condiciones de higiene generales para la primera etapa de producción de alimentos y también otras normas de higiene más detalladas para las otras etapas de vida de los alimentos, como por ejemplo la distribución, - establecimiento de controles de higiene basados en los programas Hazard Analysis y Critical Control Point ( HACCP), - acuerdo y registro de los establecimientos.

- Las condiciones generales respecto a la contaminación A raíz de problemas de contaminación del medio ambiente, es posible que algunos productos o alimentos contengan substancias tóxicas. La Unión Europea tiene como objetivo reducir los riesgos fortaleciendo las normas de control y estableciendo, para cada alimento, niveles máximos de sustancias potencialmente peligrosas.

- Condiciones específicas para los productos genéticamente modificados A fin de asegurar una alta protección de la salud de los consumidores, la legislación europea prohibe la introducción en el mercado de productos que contengan elementos genéticamente modificados. En caso de presencia de este tipo de elemento, la autoridad competente de cada país es informada. El organismo interveniente es la Autoridad Europea de Seguridad Alimenticia.

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Este organismo así como la Comisión Europea elaboran una propuesta de aceptación o no de la autorización de ingreso en el mercado del producto genéticamente modificado, pero sólo el Comité de Salud Animal y de la Cadena Alimenticia puede aprobarla. Una vez autorizados, los productos o alimentos están registrados en la Comunidad de Registro de Alimentos Genéticamente Modificados.

Respecto a los productos alimenticios no utilizados para el consumo humano también tienen que ser analizados antes de entrar en el mercado europeo.

Las compañías interesadas en este tipo de producto en el mercado deben someter su voluntad al organismo competente de un país miembro de la UE. En esta autorización se definen las condiciones de uso de los productos, su composición, etc.

- Las condiciones generales respecto a la preparación de productos alimenticios La legislación europea se compone de reglas cuyo objetivo es asegurar a los consumidores europeos la venta de productos conformes con las normas de seguridad para la salud. Tienen también que asegurar la libre circulación de los productos o alimentos dentro del territorio europeo. Además, existen Directivas específicas que rigen varios grupos de alimentos, incluyen las normas de higiene, los criterios de pureza y la lista de sustancias potencialmente tóxicas.

- Control de los productos alimenticios Las autoridades competentes de los países miembros de la UE aseguran controles regulares de los alimentos importados para respetar la salud y los intereses de los consumidores europeos. Los controles pueden efectuarse en cualquier momento de la cadena alimenticia y desembocarán en la elaboración de un informe escrito.

Para obtener más informaciones se sugiere leer el anexo 1 o visitar la página internet: http://exporthelp.europa.eu/thdapp/taxes/show2Files.jsp?dir=/requirements&reporterId1=EU&file1=ehir_eu08_01v001/eu/main/req_heanahc_eu_010_0612.htm&reporterLabel1=EU&reporterId2=FR&file2=ehir_fr08_01v001/fr/main/req_heanahc_fr_010_0612.htm&reporterLabel2=Francia&label=Health+control+of+foodstuffs+of+non-animal+origin&languageId=es&status=PROD

- Etiquetado de productos alimenticios Todos los productos o alimentos vendidos en el mercado europeo tienen que respetar un conjunto de reglas relacionadas con el etiquetado. Existen por un lado, reglas generales respecto al etiquetado de un alimento y por el otro, distintas reglas de etiquetado según el grupo de productos.

- Reglas generales sobre el etiquetado de los alimentos El etiquetado de un alimento tiene que contener las siguientes informaciones:

- La denominación del producto: la marca no representa el nombre pero puede ser utilizada como un complemento, - la lista de ingredientes: incluso los aditivos, en esta lista, deben aparecer indicaciones sobre los posibles efectos de algunos componentes que pueden producir alergias, - La cantidad neta: en los paquetes de alimentos o de productos en general, deben figurar las cantidades netas que se encuentran dentro, - La fecha de vencimiento: se compone del año, del día y del mes. Gracias a esta información, el consumidor sabe cuándo ya no puede consumir el producto, - Las condiciones de conservación del producto, - El nombre del productor o de la empresa productora así como su dirección. Direcciones también de los importadores, diseñadores o fabricantes, - Lugar de procedencia,

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- Intrucciones sobre el uso del producto, - Presencia de indicaciones sobre el volumen de alcohol, cuando se trata de alcohol.

Todas estas informaciones deben aparecer en los paquetes de los productos. Es necesario que sean visibles, fáciles de entender y leer por los consumidores. Tienen que estar en el idioma oficial del país en el cual el producto se vende o en otro idioma si son fácilmente comprensibles.

- Etiquetado específico para ciertos grupos de productos La legislación europea establece una serie de condiciones específicas para algunos productos tales como: los organismos genéticamente modificados, los alimentos con objetivos nutricionales particulares, los aditivos, chocolate, miel, jugos de fruta, alcoholes, productos congelados, vinos aromatizados, dulces, aguas minerales... Para obtener más informaciones se sugiere leer el anexo 2 o visitar la página internet: http://exporthelp.europa.eu/thdapp/taxes/show2Files.jsp?dir=/requirements&reporterId1=EU&file1=ehir_eu10_00v001/eu/main/req_lblfood_eu_010_0612.htm&reporterLabel1=EU&reporterId2=FR&file2=ehir_fr10_00v001/fr/main/req_lblfood_fr_010_0612.htm&reporterLabel2=Francia&label=Labelling+for+foodstuffs&languageId=es&status=PROD

- Normas de comercialización de las frutas y hortalizas frescas – general (sólo aplicable a champiñones cultivados)

Los productos que ingresan en la Unión Europea tienen que estar conformes con las normas de comercialización de los países miembros, que cambian según el sector.

- El control de los aspectos estándares del marketing Las autoridades competentes designadas por los países miembros de la UE hacen regularmente inspecciones a fin de controlar: - las normas de calidad, - los tamaños, - los aspectos de presentación, - el marketing general.

Si los productos están conformes con las reglas europeas, las autoridades encargadas de la inspección elaboran un certificado de conformidad para estos productos. Si los productos no están conformes, los órganos de inspección elaboran un informe presentando la no-conformidad. Estos mismos productos no tendrán la autorización de entrar en el mercado europeo.

- Los productos para preparaciones alimenticias La importación de productos para preparaciones alimenticias no necesitan una conformidad con el marketing general europeo, pero la autoridad encargada de inspección dentro de la Unión elabora un certificado permitiendo que los productos pueden circular libremente.

- Informaciones complementarias sobre Francia El importador o su representante tiene que entregar todos los documentos que certifiquen su identidad así como el origen de los productos. Debe también presentar los documentos que demuestran que la calidad o los aspectos del marketing en general cumplen con las exigencias europeas. Para asegurarse de la conformidad de los productos, Francia los somete a un control muy estricto.

Para obtener más informaciones se sugiere leer el anexo 3 o visitar la página internet: http://exporthelp.europa.eu/thdapp/taxes/show2Files.jsp?dir=/requirements&reporterId1=EU&file1=ehir_eu10_00v001/eu/main/req_mktfrveg_eu_010_0612.htm&reporterLabel1=EU&reporterId2=FR&file2=ehir_fr10_00v001/fr/main/req_mktgen_fr_010_0612.htm&reporterLabel2=Francia&label=Marketing+standards+for+fresh+fruit+and+vegetables&languageId=es&status=PROD

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- Productos de producción ecológica Todos los productos de origen biológico destinados al consumo humano o a la alimentación animal deben ser de buena calidad y asegurar la preservación del medio ambiente. Varias reglas rigen los siguientes aspectos: - los métodos de producción, - la composición de los alimentos que contienen productos biológicos, - los sellos de certificación biológica en los embalajes de los productos, para que los consumidores tengan una idea de referencia del modo de producción, - las medidas de inspección para este tipo de producto.

Hasta el año 2006, sólo los países que pertenecían a una lista oficial de la UE tenían derecho de exportar directamente productos orgánicos a los países de la Unión. A partir de enero de 2007, se aceptan las importaciones de todos los países. Sin embargo, los importadores tienen que asegurar que sus productos cumplen con reglas equivalentes a las reglas europeas y deben demostrar con un certificado que han sido controlados. Para obtener más informaciones se sugiere leer el anexo 4 o visitar la página internet: http://exporthelp.europa.eu/thdapp/taxes/show2Files.jsp?dir=/requirements&reporterId1=EU&file1=ehir_eu08_02v002/eu/main/req_sporgan_eu_010_0612.htm&reporterLabel1=EU&reporterId2=FR&file2=ehir_fr08_02v002/fr/main/req_sporgan_fr_010_0612.htm&reporterLabel2=Francia&label=Products+from+organic+production&languageId=es&status=PROD Para los productos de las posiciones arancelarias: 0709.59.10, 0709.59.10.30, 0709.59.50, 0709.59.90, 071231, 071232, 071233, 071239

- Control sanitario de los productos alimenticios de origen no animal (Anexo 1) - Etiquetado de productos alimenticios (Anexo 2) - Productos de producción ecológica (Anexo 4)

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D) Mercado

1.- Producción

Evolución de la producción mundial de hongos y trufas entre 2000 y 2008 (en toneladas)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Demás Países











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Part. 2008

China 808.231 969.834 1.059.797 1.309.455 1.360.501 1.409.678 1.484.341 1.568.523 1.608.219 46,28% EE.UU. 383.830 376.980 377.080 387.601 387.601 386.984 382.541 359.630 363.560 10,46% Holanda 265.000 275.000 270.000 263.000 260.000 245.000 235.000 240.000 240.000 6,91% Polonia 100.000 110.000 120.000 120.000 150.000 160.000 160.000 180.000 180.000 5,18% Francia 203.811 196.254 175.288 165.647 165.466 138.541 115.846 162.450 150.450 4,33% España 63.254 109.605 134.669 129.205 138.782 137.764 135.419 140.000 140.000 4,03% Italia 72.492 72.900 72.700 96.090 94.152 88.361 100.100 85.911 100.000 2,88% Canadá 80.241 86.357 75.075 87.937 84.682 80.071 87.631 81.610 86.946 2,50% Irlanda 59.800 68.000 69.000 69.000 65.000 62.000 75.000 75.000 75.000 2,16% Japón 67.224 66.100 64.400 65.400 66.200 66.000 65.000 67.000 67.000 1,93% Subtotal 484.685 482.293 493.784 500.096 510.243 498.888 495.844 488.082 463.941 13,35% TOTAL 2.588.568 2.813.323 2.911.793 3.193.431 3.282.627 3.273.287 3.336.722 3.448.206 3.475.116 100,00%

Fuente: Datos de FAOStat Más de 3 millones de toneladas de hongos se producen cada año en el mundo. Francia se encuentra en quinta posición de los países productores, detrás de China, E.E.U.U., Holanda y Polonia. La producción francesa disminuyó en un 26% entre 2000 y 2008 pasando de 203.811 a 150.450 toneladas. Francia concentra casi toda su producción en “Val de Loire” y “Maine et Loire” (en oscuro sobre el mapa). Crecen en el país cerca de 35.000 variedades de hongos de las cuales la mitad es apta al consumo, entre ellos champiñones de París (alrededor de 200.000 toneladas por año), hongos ostras, pies azules, coprinos...

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Los champiñones de París Según la AFP (Agencia France Presse) cada año se producen en Europa 1,2 millón de toneladas de champiñones de París. El primer productor europeo es Holanda con una producción anual de 240.000 toneladas. Francia se sitúa en tercera posición con una producción anual de 140.000 toneladas (contra 260.000 hace una década). Entre ellas, un 25% se consume fresco y un 75% está transformado El 40% de la producción francesa se hace en la región “Centre-Val de Loire”, en Anjou (oeste de Francia). Productores locales : FRANCE CHAMPIGNON Chamtemerle, Bagneux Saumur BP 64 - 49427 Saumur Cédex Tel: (33 2) 41 40 44 44 - Fax: (33 2) 41 40 44 45 Email: [email protected] Web: www.francechampignon.fr Segundo actor mundial en el mercado de los hongos. Es un grupo cooperativo que reúne la casi totalidad de los productores de champiñones de París frescos de la región Val de Loire.

CHAMPIGNONNIERE DE LA GONTIERE Rue de l'Energie 59560 Comines Tel: (33 3) 20 14 58 60 - Fax: (33 3) 20 39 25 27 Web: www.lagontiere.com Es el segundo productor francés de champiñones de París. Vende sus productos a las grandes cadenas de súper e hipermercados.

CHAMPIGNONNIERE DE CONFLANS Contacto: Michel y Joseph TRAPLETTI 43, quai de Gaillon 78700 Conflans Sainte Honorine Tel: (33 1) 39 72 65 39 Web: http://ruedeslumieres.morkitu.org/espace_photos/ile_france/herblay/index_carriere.html

CHAMPIGNONNIERE DE LA MARIANNE 3 rue Therese Lethias 95540 Mery sur Oise Tel: (33 1) 34 64 93 94 / (33 6) 80 08 35 22

CHAMPIGNONNIERE CALEGARI SARL 12 Avenue Compiègne 02600 Villers Cotterêts Tel: (33 3) 23 96 86 92 - Fax: (33 3)23 96 86 93

CHAMPIGNONNIERE DE CHANCELADE Les Maines 24650 Chancelande Tel: (33 5) 53 04 74 17 - Fax: (33 5)53 07 45 22

CHAMPIGNONNIERE DU SAUT AUX LOUPS Route de Saumur 49730 Montsoreau Tel: (33 2)41 51 70 30 - Fax: (33 2)41 38 15 30 Email: [email protected] Web: www.troglo-sautauxloups.com

CHAMPIGNONNIERE GANOT 1400 Falaise Tel: (33 2) 31 90 06 92 - Fax : (33 2) 31 90 29 24 Web: www.ganot.fr

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2.- Importaciones a) Estadísticas detalladas de las importaciones francesas de hongos, por posición arancelaria 0709.51: Hongos del género Agaricus

País Importación Valor (1000€) Participación País Importación Volumen (1000Kg) Participación

2007 2008 2009 2009 2007 2008 2009 2009

Países Bajos 15.061,07 18.763,00 16.633,85 36,49% Polonia 8.091,20 8.437,30 9.990,20 37,95% Polonia 13.056,14 14.693,91 14.793,30 32,45% Países Bajos 6.854,60 8.459,70 8.522,40 32,37% Bélgica 14.272,29 15.055,37 10.943,38 24,01% Bélgica 8.474,00 8.689,30 6.715,10 25,51% España 2.929,90 2.073,62 1.507,92 3,31% Alemania 2.580,80 1.210,80 715,30 2,72% Alemania 5.169,63 2.513,09 1.361,31 2,99% España 697,60 340,70 297,00 1,13% Italia 474,21 265,75 207,06 0,45% Italia 50,80 66,50 57,80 0,22% Portugal 36,07 73,87 62,48 0,14% Bulgaria 10,00 0,04% Bulgaria 44,26 0,10% Portugal 5,40 12,40 8,30 0,03% Luxemburgo 24,25 26,09 17,56 0,04% Luxemburgo 8,10 9,00 6,50 0,02% Reino Unido 19,41 4,88 10,97 0,02% Reino Unido 9,70 1,50 3,20 0,01% Suecia 1,91 34,74 5,01 0,01% Suecia 6,90 0,50 0,002% Subtotal 51.044,88 53.504,32 45.587,10 100,00% Subtotal 26.772,20 27.234,10 26.326,30 100,00%

TOTAL 51.099,26 53.585,87 45.587,10 100,00% TOTAL 26.782,40 27.274,40 26.326,30 100,00% Fuente: Elaboración propia en base a datos de la aduana francesa

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0709.59.10: Cantharellus spp

País Importación Valor (1000€) Participación País Importación Volumen (1000Kg) Participación

2007 2008 2009 2009 2007 2008 2009 2009

EE.UU. 2.222,09 2.389,96 2.007,13 24,42% Alemania 149,20 166,90 258,70 20,52% Alemania 892,25 910,46 1.202,14 14,63% EE.UU. 182,80 234,10 212,00 16,82% Lituania 902,96 714,11 668,81 8,14% Lituania 101,60 137,90 137,50 10,91% Bulgaria 145,69 591,96 613,44 7,46% Bulgaria 26,20 110,30 107,20 8,50% Belarús 277,07 243,41 529,26 6,44% Belarús 59,90 51,80 105,60 8,38% España 371,99 531,23 493,20 6,00% Polonia 78,20 68,90 80,10 6,35% Polonia 420,36 376,10 437,29 5,32% España 29,60 46,00 52,80 4,19% Marruecos 142,66 38,68 330,80 4,02% Rusia 102,30 86,20 45,80 3,63% Italia 624,51 542,24 315,54 3,84% Italia 79,40 92,00 45,40 3,60% Reino Unido 169,96 154,32 192,98 2,35% Países Bajos 34,40 14,30 31,70 2,51% Países Bajos 112,67 186,02 181,38 2,21% Reino Unido 23,70 15,70 27,10 2,15% Macedonia 97,47 163,31 1,99% Macedonia 18,00 25,60 2,03% Rusia 508,19 350,32 159,09 1,94% Marruecos 9,90 3,00 22,10 1,75% Serbia 14,11 3,25 158,00 1,92% Turquía 8,90 20,10 21,60 1,71% Portugal 210,92 165,69 147,08 1,79% Rumania 12,80 8,20 17,10 1,36% Turquía 105,02 114,75 133,06 1,62% Portugal 19,90 15,60 15,40 1,22% Rumania 57,79 65,30 121,27 1,48% Canadá 62,20 43,70 12,40 0,98% Canadá 689,07 430,86 117,42 1,43% Serbia 1,50 0,20 11,90 0,94% Letonia 86,36 1,05% Túnez 4,40 4,70 10,30 0,82% Túnez 33,33 35,36 72,44 0,88% Letonia 8,70 0,69% Bélgica 34,24 38,40 17,74 0,22% Ucrania 29,40 7,20 2,60 0,21% Grecia 24,05 1,72 16,80 0,20% Austria 2,20 0,17% Austria 14,12 0,17% Bélgica 2,30 4,30 2,00 0,16% Suecia 13,02 0,16% Suecia 1,60 0,13% Ucrania 148,68 50,67 10,71 0,13% Grecia 1,30 0,10 1,50 0,12% Argelia 9,41 0,11% Argelia 1,10 0,09% Luxemburgo 1,44 3,00 7,32 0,09% Luxemburgo 0,10 0,50 0,04% Subtotal 8.206,52 7.937,81 8.219,12 100,00% Subtotal 1.037,90 1.131,30 1.260,50 100,00%

TOTAL 8.336,43 8.018,79 8.219,12 100,00% TOTAL 1.063,70 1.139,20 1.260,50 100,00% Fuente: Elaboración propia en base a datos de la aduana francesa

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0709.59.30: Del género Boletus

País Importación Valor (1000€) Participación País Importación Volumen (1000Kg) Participación

2007 2008 2009 2009 2007 2008 2009 2009

España 396,65 337,38 761,09 27,30% Grecia 234,70 54,72% Italia 1.413,48 1.533,93 748,34 26,84% Italia 149,60 137,70 92,90 21,66% Grecia 727,38 26,09% España 26,40 35,50 54,30 12,66% Bulgaria 123,26 25,49 209,43 7,51% Bulgaria 0,40 2,60 19,30 4,50% Portugal 4,70 2,86 189,37 6,79% Portugal 0,50 0,20 17,00 3,96% Rumania 175,46 581,70 90,59 3,25% Rumania 17,60 44,60 5,70 1,33% Alemania 93,50 37,47 18,76 0,67% Alemania 17,50 2,30 1,40 0,33% Bélgica 0,44 17,38 0,62% Bélgica 1,10 0,26% Polonia 35,48 154,51 9,95 0,36% Polonia 4,80 14,50 0,80 0,19% Lituania 53,39 5,91 0,21% Macedonia 0,40 4,20 0,70 0,16% Macedonia 2,16 47,05 5,42 0,19% Lituania 6,90 0,70 0,16% Países Bajos 12,66 25,97 4,46 0,16% Países Bajos 1,30 1,30 0,30 0,07% Luxemburgo 0,07 0,62 0,03 0,001% Subtotal 2.257,86 2.800,37 2.788,11 100,00% Subtotal 218,50 249,80 428,90 100,00%

TOTAL 2.480,09 2.922,70 2.788,11 100,00% TOTAL 233,90 260,00 428,90 100,00% Fuente: Elaboración propia en base a datos de la aduana francesa

0709.59.50: Trufas

País Importación Valor (1000€) Participación País Importación Volumen (1000Kg) Participación

2007 2008 2009 2009 2007 2008 2009 2009

Italia 2.832,64 1.495,40 2.828,11 46,25% China 33,30 35,60 29,50 41,61% España 2.711,87 2.624,96 2.515,43 41,14% Italia 16,10 9,00 18,90 26,66% China 609,02 624,14 645,59 10,56% Marruecos 7,20 7,00 11,20 15,79% Marruecos 27,00 24,47 49,12 0,80% España 7,30 12,30 10,20 14,38% Alemania 48,46 32,79 36 0,59% Tailandia 0,20 0,20 0,90 1,27% Tailandia 2,75 4,26 12,33 0,20% Alemania 0,20 0,20 0,28% Australia 11,76 9,47 12,03 0,20% Argelia 0,30 0,00% Países Bajos 22,59 2,66 10,77 0,18% Líbano 0,20 0,10 0,00% Bélgica 45,56 2,73 2,67 0,04% Suiza 0,20 0,00% Líbano 5,53 1,17 1,14 0,02% Ucrania 10,10 0,00% Hungría 2,40 0,6 0,009% Finlandia 0,30 0,00% Luxemburgo 1,10 0,53 0,008% Países Bajos 0,10 0,00% Reino Unido 39,22 0,20 0,35 0,005% Suecia 0,03 0,0004% Subtotal 6.358,80 4.823,35 6.114,70 100,00% Subtotal 64,60 75,10 70,90 100,00%

TOTAL 6.359,79 5.017,70 6.114,70 100,00% TOTAL 64,60 75,10 70,90 100,00%

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0709.59.90: Los demás hongos frescos

País Importación Valor (1000€) Participación País Importación Volumen (1000Kg) Participación

2007 2008 2009 2009 2007 2008 2009 2009

Países Bajos 10.213,06 11.358,52 12.709,01 46,71% Países Bajos 4.283,50 4.724,20 6.396,40 57,80% Polonia 3.986,15 5.502,27 4.416,56 16,23% Polonia 2.261,60 2.178,90 2.232,70 20,17% Turquía 1.398,74 1.136,55 2.178,60 8,01% Bélgica 843,60 1.308,40 1.007,10 9,10% Bélgica 1.747,07 2.645,61 1.968,34 7,23% España 197,80 325,80 320,80 2,89% España 890,63 1.779,76 1.178,92 4,33% Italia 254,20 221,70 231,60 2,09% Bulgaria 301,27 280,47 1.156,11 4,25% Bulgaria 23,80 36,40 211,30 1,91% Italia 871,62 1.051,43 766,83 2,82% Turquía 68,00 73,30 165,70 1,49% Lituania 389,40 1.331,27 695,77 2,56% Lituania 73,10 253,90 161,00 1,45% Alemania 929,85 424,70 584,41 2,15% Alemania 241,40 54,30 120,40 1,09% Portugal 477,51 474,24 410,70 1,51% Portugal 110,10 52,10 56,60 0,51% Macedonia 130,57 268,94 312,94 1,15% Macedonia 23,10 23,00 47,90 0,43% E.E.U.U. 451,07 381,93 281,17 1,03% China 11,70 23,60 28,50 0,26% Rumania 265,26 321,26 133,55 0,49% E.E.U.U. 28,40 26,30 23,90 0,22% China 157,47 84,87 102,97 0,38% Rumania 29,80 42,00 18,10 0,16% Suecia 2,11 78,28 0,29% Hungría 7,20 15,40 0,14% Hungría 20,61 44,41 0,16% Suecia 0,20 7,60 0,07% Chile 2,84 36,51 0,13% Túnez 7,30 11,40 4,60 0,04% México 63,88 46,89 34,06 0,13% Corea 5,60 4,20 0,04% Marruecos 67,67 1,65 26,56 0,09% Eslovenia 21,80 5,10 2,70 0,02% Túnez 48,64 73,74 19,96 0,07% Malí 6,00 2,50 0,02% Corea 20,20 17,40 0,06% Marruecos 3,30 1,90 0,02% Reino Unido 22,37 23,12 15,16 0,05% Chile 0,10 1,70 0,02% Eslovenia 174,76 6,14 14,59 0,05% México 2,20 1,80 1,20 0,01% Grecia 155,59 8,21 0,03% Reino Unido 5,30 1,40 1,20 0,01% Chipre 161,67 112,21 7,19 0,03% Chipre 29,40 18,40 0,50 0,004% Serbia 11,13 3,95 0,01% Grecia 8,20 0,50 0,004% Tailandia 3,86 0,01% Luxemburgo 0,20 0,30 0,003% Luxemburgo 2,33 1,83 3,28 0,01% Serbia 0,60 0,20 0,002% Malí 1,66 0,90 0,003% Tailandia 0,20 0,002% Austria 3,24 0,60 0,002% Austria 0,20 0,20 0,002% Subtotal 22.750,99 27.524,78 27.210,80 100,00% Subtotal 8.519,40 9.410,30 11.066,90 100,00%

TOTAL 23.424,26 27.683,61 27.210,80 100,00% TOTAL 8.595,10 9.421,80 11.066,90 100,00% Fuente: Elaboración propia en base a datos de la aduana francesa

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0712.31: Hongos secos del género Agaricus

País Importación Valor (1000€) Participación País Importación Volumen (1000Kg) Participación

2007 2008 2009 2009 2007 2008 2009 2009

Países Bajos 198,55 301,49 410,63 50,20% Países Bajos 31,90 50,30 53,60 62,25% Alemania 914,01 368,66 227,92 27,87% Alemania 60,00 23,90 16,60 19,28% China 569,49 545,30 104,85 12,82% China 50,00 66,10 14,50 16,84% Turquía 50,88 6,22% Italia 0,50 1,80 0,60 0,69% Bélgica 608,99 4,88 13,73 1,68% Turquía 0,40 0,46% Italia 5,85 57,32 9,74 1,19% Bélgica 67,50 0,40 0,46% España 4,75 0,15 0,02% Afganistán 2,50 0,00% Reino Unido 0,02 0,002% Hong Kong 0,80 0,00% Subtotal 2.301,64 1.277,65 817,92 100,00% Subtotal 213,20 142,10 86,10 100,00%

TOTAL 2.522,08 1.307,79 817,92 100,00% TOTAL 213,80 144,30 86,10 100,00% Fuente: Elaboración propia en base a datos de la aduana francesa

0712.32: Orejas de Judas (Auricularia spp.) secas

País Importación Valor (1000€) Participación País Importación Volumen (1000Kg) Participación

2007 2008 2009 2009 2007 2008 2009 2009

China 1.312,02 1.000,30 1.034,62 84,81% China 262,20 241,40 253,70 82,64% Alemania 109,52 36,98 76,95 6,31% Viet Nam 9,90 23,90 35,20 11,46% Viet Nam 27,37 75,56 72,58 5,95% Chile 11,10 3,62% Chile 30,6 2,51% Alemania 6,10 2,60 6,30 2,05% Países Bajos 0,10 4,79 0,39% Países Bajos 0,70 0,23% Italia 19,74 0,93 0,26 0,02% Serbia 9,90 España 8,76 1,05 0,19 0,02% Bélgica 8,80 Serbia 36,09 España 4,30 0,10 Bélgica 31,72 Suecia 0,70 2,50 Suecia 13,43 47,62 TOTAL 1.522,56 1.198,63 1.219,99 100,00% TOTAL 292,00 280,40 307,00 100,00%

Fuente: Elaboración propia en base a datos de la aduana francesa 0712.33: Hongos gelatinosos secos (Tremella spp.)

País Importación Valor (1000€) Participación País Importación Volumen (1000Kg) Participación

2007 2008 2009 2009 2007 2008 2009 2009

China 261,66 125,38 320,84 99,99% China 38,10 16,40 43,30 100,00% Reino Unido 0,01 0,003% Pakistán 0,40 Pakistán 55,87 Italia 0,10 Italia 0,72 TOTAL 318,25 125,38 320,85 100,00% TOTAL 38,60 16,40 43,30 100,00%

Fuente: Elaboración propia en base a datos de la aduana francesa

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0712.39: Los demás hongos secos

País Importación Valor (1000€) Participación País Importación Volumen (1000Kg) Participación

2007 2008 2009 2009 2007 2008 2009 2009

China 10.752,05 14.573,64 6.711,43 31,62% China 649,50 680,90 559,40 52,19% Pakistán 3.430,90 2.281,78 3.950,41 18,61% Bélgica 217,60 123,60 132,10 12,33% India 2.832,88 1.386,84 2.353,70 11,09% Serbia 49,10 25,30 48,20 4,49% Turquía 831,33 686,93 1.298,59 6,12% Italia 62,50 27,50 43,40 4,05% Kirguizistán 162,46 99,92 968,75 4,56% Pakistán 31,30 15,90 41,60 3,88% Chile 1.979,78 1.588,49 922,85 4,35% Países Bajos 8,80 49,10 30,90 2,88% Italia 1.263,87 981,90 848,07 3,99% Alemania 50,30 20,00 26,20 2,44% Serbia 550,87 975,13 676,41 3,19% Macedonia 9,60 4,80 25,20 2,35% Macedonia 126,21 158,43 484,82 2,28% India 19,60 9,30 22,80 2,13% Alemania 1.162,80 343,85 481,63 2,27% Chile 78,60 84,90 19,70 1,84% EE.UU. 1.074,70 1.178,22 429,58 2,02% Kirguizistán 6,40 2,00 19,00 1,77% Bulgaria 270,05 248,86 318,65 1,50% Turquía 17,40 5,70 18,20 1,70% Argentina 245,60 233,92 259,03 1,22% Bulgaria 21,10 11,80 13,10 1,22% Países Bajos 150,30 365,21 193,30 0,91% Tailandia 10,90 5,60 10,10 0,94% Rumania 7,10 30,27 162,27 0,76% Rumania 0,40 0,60 9,50 0,88% Montenegro 374,37 153,04 0,72% Reino Unido 1,30 14,30 8,30 0,77% Bélgica 603,79 179,77 131,05 0,62% Bosnia-Herc. 0,70 2,50 8,00 0,75% Bosnia-Herc. 19,04 9,95 122,13 0,57% EE.UU. 6,50 7,60 7,50 0,70% Canadá 1.218,11 1.132,91 116,27 0,55% Montenegro 2,10 4,70 0,44% Suiza 42,75 12,02 103,38 0,49% Chipre 4,60 0,43% Chipre 88,80 0,42% Viet Nam 18,90 11,10 3,70 0,35% Reino Unido 16,47 134,15 77,16 0,36% Rusia 6,20 5,90 3,00 0,28% Rusia 184,65 94,57 76,72 0,36% Suiza 2,70 1,10 2,20 0,21% Tailandia 63,62 41,75 56,79 0,27% Argentina 1,60 1,40 2,00 0,19%

Nepal 337,17 141,04 54,62 0,26% Austria 4,10 1,60 0,15% Austria 2,66 61,14 34,46 0,16% Lituania 3,40 1,70 1,30 0,12% España 236,79 124,09 34,36 0,16% Canadá 7,30 7,70 1,00 0,09% Afganistán 24,11 0,11% España 5,80 0,80 0,90 0,08% Lituania 51,94 22,63 19,70 0,09% Polonia 0,30 1,50 0,80 0,07% Hungría 68,18 37,35 13,90 0,06% Malasia 0,60 0,06% Viet Nam 61,26 43,82 12,61 0,06% Hungría 4,40 2,00 0,60 0,06% Grecia 95,32 11,91 0,06% Nepal 2,00 0,80 0,50 0,05% Hong Kong 1,17 7,04 11,23 0,05% Afganistán 0,40 0,04% Polonia 7,00 35,21 9,99 0,05% Taiwán 0,20 0,30 0,03% Malasia 4,26 0,02% Hong Kong 0,10 0,70 0,10 0,009% Taiwán 2,74 3,52 0,02% Marruecos 1,10 0,10 0,009%

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Marruecos 8,40 3,20 0,02% Grecia 0,70 0,10 0,009% Japón 1,04 3,68 2,31 0,01% Suecia 0,20 0,10 0,10 0,009% Suecia 11,29 7,83 1,45 0,006% Portugal 2,17 0,54 0,002% Dinamarca 6,44 0,19 0,0008% Subtotal 27.784,84 27.694,77 21.227,19 100,00% Subtotal 1.295,60 1.133,30 1.071,80 100,00%

TOTAL 28.048,20 27.835,39 21.227,19 100,00% TOTAL 1.314,20 1.137,00 1.071,80 100,00% Fuente: Elaboración propia en base a datos de la aduana francesa

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b).- Principales proveedores de hongos a Francia en 2009

Hongos frecos

Principales proveedores de hongos frescos (en valor)

Países Bajos32,85%









Lituania1,52% Demás Países


Principales proveedores de hongos frescos (en vol.)

Países Bajos38,19%





Demás Países4,84%


En 2009, los principales proveedores de hongos frescos a Francia son europeos, tanto en valor como en volumen: Países Bajos, Polonia, Bélgica, España, Italia, etc.

Hongos deshidratados

Principales proveedores (en valor)








Turquía5,72% India


Países Bajos2,58%


Demás Países10,28%

Principales proveedores (en volumen)





Viet Nam2,58%


Países Bajos5,65%


Demás Países11,06%


En lo que concierne los hongos deshidratados, los países asiáticos ocupan una posición muy importante en valor: China (34,65%), Pakistán (16,75%) e India (9,98%). Es interesante destacar la participación de Chile que detiene el 4,04% del mercado en valor pero sólo el 2,04% en volumen lo que implica que logra vender sus productos con un buen precio con respecto de sus competidores. Esto es también el caso para Pakistán (16,75% en valor y el 2,76% en volumen) e India (9,98% en valor y menos del 1% en volumen). Eso se puede explicar por las variedades “exóticas” de alto nivel que dichos países producen y exportan. Los hongos argentinos frescos, refrigerados y deshidratados casi no son representados en el mercado francés.

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c).- Principales productos importados

Evolución de las importaciones francesas de hongos (en miles de €) por P.A.









2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009










Evolución de las importaciones francesas de hongos (en toneladas) por P.A.











2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009










Fuente: Elaboración propia en base a datos de la aduana francesa

Según las estadísticas de la aduana francesa, las importaciones francesas de hongos frescos, refrigerados y deshidratados aumentaron entre 2002 y 2009 menos en valor entre 2008 y 2009. Este fenómeno se podría explicar por una disminución de las importaciones de hongos deshidratados que son generalmente más valorados que los hongos frescos o refrigerados. En 2009, en volumen, las importaciones de hongos frescos y refrigerados alcanzaron más del 95% de las importaciones totales de hongos.

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3.- Consumo El consumo francés de hongos se multiplicó por tres en treinta años y se reparte de la siguiente manera: el 60% de hongos frescos, el 10% de hongos congelados, el 30% de hongos en conserva. En lo que concierne a los hongos deshidratados, las ventas son muy reducidas.

Como el resto de los europeos, los consumidores franceses muestran un interés creciente para los productos exóticos tales como los shii-take, la “oreja de judas”, los hongos perfumados chinos,... En Francia, algunas empresas se lanzaron en la producción de estos hongos y una se volvió el primer productor europeo de shii-take con 300 toneladas producidas por año. El 50% de su producción se vende a la exportación.

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E) Precios

El Ministerio Francés de la Agricultura publica cada semana los precios de los productos frescos vendidos en los principales mercados mayoristas (www.snm.agriculture.gouv.fr). Durante el mes de mayo de 2010 los precios por kg de hongos fueron los siguientes:

Producto Promedio

euro Mini Euro

Maxi Euro

Lyon Carreau - 11/05/10 Hongos Ostras origen Francia 4,00 Avignon-Cavaillon – 14/05/10 Champiñones de París origen Holanda sin pie cat.I 2,85 2,40 Bio-Nantes - 13/05/10 Hongos Shii-take origen Francia orgánicos 12,43 12,43 12,43 Champiñones de París origen Francia orgánicos 7,10 7,10 7,10 Bio-nacional-mayorista - 13/05/10 Hongos Shii-take origen Francia orgánicos 12,21 10,92 12,43 Champiñones de París origen Francia orgánicos 7,39 6,88 9,60 Bordeaux - 14/05/10 Champiñones de París origen Francia sin pie cat.I 2,35 2,25 Champiñones de París origen Francia, con pie entero extra 2,50 2,50 2,50 Lille - 17/05/10 Champiñones de París origen Bélgica sin pie cat.I bandeja de 3kg 2,20 2,00 Lyon - 17/05/10 Champiñones de París origen Holanda sin pie cat.I 2,10 2,00 Nantes - 17/05/10 Hongos Ostras origen Francia 3,80 3,70 3,95 Hongos Shii-take origen Francia 8,70 8,50 9,00 Champiñones de París origen Francia sin pie cat.I 2,75 2,50 2,80 Champiñones de París origen Polonia sin pie cat.I 2,25 2,20 Nice - 17/05/10 Champiñones de París origen Bélgica sin pie cat.I grandes bandeja 3kg 2,85 2,60 3,05 Champiñones de París origen Holanda sin pie cat.I grandes bandeja 2kg 2,85 2,60 3,05 Champiñones de París origen Holanda sin pie cat.I medio bandeja 2kg 2,80 2,55 2,90 Rouen - 17/05/10 Hongos Ostras origen Francia 4,50 Hongos Shii-take origen Francia cat.I 8,50 Champiñones de París origen Polonia sin pie cat.I 2,10 2,00 Rungis Frutas y hortalizas al por mayor - 17/05/10 Hongos Ostras origen Francia 3,20 2,50 Hongos Shii-take origen Francia cat.I 8,00 7,50 8,50 Champiñones de París origen Polonia sin pie cat.I 2,00 1,90 2,20 Strasbourg - 17/05/10 Hongos Ostras de Alsacia 5,60 4,05 6,15 Hongos Ostras origen France 6,50 5,35 7,50 Hongos Ostras origen Italia 3,50 Hongos Shii-take origen Francia 10,50 10,00 Champiñones de París origen Holanda cat.I 2,65 2,50 3,00 Toulouse - 17/05/10 Hongos Pleurote origen Francia 4,70 4,50 4,80 Champiñones de París France cat.I medio 2,30 2,20 Champiñones de París origen Holanda sin pie cat.I grande 2kg 2,60 2,50 2,80 Champiñones de París origen Polonia sin pie cat.I 2,40 2,40 2,50 Tours - 17/05/10 Champiñones de París origen Francia sin pie cat.I 2,30 2,20 Bio-nacional-minorista - 13/05/10 Champiñones de París origen Francia orgánicos 10,75 8,44 14,00

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En lo que concierne a los precios al por menor, en los hipermercados, actualmente los hongos se venden a los siguientes precios

CARREFOUR (a julio de 2010)

Champiñones de París Cat. I Origen Polonia Marca Mandar Barqueta de 500g: 3,75 € 7,50€ / kg

Hongos Shiitake Frescos Cat. I Origen Francia Marca Mandar Saquito de 250g: 5,50€ 22,00 €/kg

Hongos ostras Cat. I Origen Francia Marca Mandar Saquito de 250g: 2,45 € 9,80€/kg

AUCHAN (a julio de 2010)

Hongos ostras Cat. I Origen: Francia Saquito de 125g: 3,25€ 26,00€/kg

Champiñones de París Cat. I Origen: Holanda Barqueta de 500g: 2,20€ 4,40€/kg

MONOPRIX (a julio de 2010)

Champiñones de París Cat. I Origen Francia Barqueta 500g: 2,90 € 5,80€/kg

Champiñones de París Cat. I Origen Francia Barqueta 250g: 1,90 € 7,60€/kg

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F) Posibles Importadores BLAMPIN FRUITS IMPORT Min des Arnavaux Box 508-509-510 13014 Marseille Tel: (33 4) 9198 0446 - Fax: (33 4) 9102 4374 Directores Generales: Sres. Jean-Marie COLIN y Jean-Paul BLAMPIN Email: [email protected] - Web: www.blampinfruits.com BORDE SA « Las Gardelles »-BP 4 43170 Saugues Tel: (33 4) 7177 7070 – Fax: (33 4) 7177 7090 Responsable de las compras: Sr. Alain BORDE Email: [email protected] – Web: www.borde.fr Es el líder en Francia en el negocio de hongos deshidratados y en conserva (55% del mercado). Sus clientes son: los super e hipermercados, las colectividades, los hoteles, los restaurantes, los negocios especializados, las industrias. ETABLISSEMENTS BUTET 26 rue d’Angers - Bâtiment A3 94584 MIN Rungis Tel: (33 1) 4687 0642 – Fax: (33 1) 4687 8824 Responsable de las compras: Sr. Pierre SCAGLIA Email: [email protected] Otros emails: [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected] Web: www.butet-sa.com LE DELAS 1 avenue de Normandie 94597 Rungis cedex PLA 184 Tel: (33 1) 4512 3800 – Fax: (33 1) 4687 8582 Email: [email protected] –Web: www.claudeledelas.com MEDELYS – QUALITY IMPORT 34-38 avenue de Normandie PLA 169 – Bât. E5 – Marché International 94597 Rungis cedex Tel: (33 1) 4686 9707 – Fax: (33 1) 4687 2708 Email: [email protected] – Web: www.medelys.fr MEYER CHAMPI SA 101/104 avenue de Lorraine – Bat. E2 94512 Rungis Tel: (33 1) 4512 2390 – Fax: (33 1) 4687 2237 Contacto: Sr. Sebastian Email: [email protected] Hongos frescos, deshidratados y congelados

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PLANTIN Route de Nyons 84110 Puymeras Tel: (33 4) 9046 4144 – Fax: (33 4) 9046 4704 Presidente: Sr. Christopher PORON Email: [email protected] - Web: www.plantin.com SELECTION RUNGIS Bât B3 - 36, Rue d'Angers 94550 Chevilly La Rue Tel: (33 1) 4512 2780 - Fax: (33 1) 4687 0742 Director general y director de importaciones: Sr. Cédrick GALLOT Tel: (33 1) 4512 2791 – Fax: (33 1) 4512 2793 Email: [email protected] Web: www.selection-rungis.com SOCIETE D’EXPLOITATION DE LA GRANDE EPICERIE DE PARIS (SEGEP) 38, Rue de Sèvres 75007 Paris Tel: (33 1) 4439 8100 - Fax: (33 1) 4439 8117 Directora de compras: Sra. Solène VIBRI Web: www.lagrandeepicerie.fr SOPROLUX SARL Marché Gare- Rue du Nouvel Abattoir 67200 Strasbourg Tel: (33 3) 8829 4344 - Fax: (33 3) 8826 1909 Director de compras: Sr. Eric KECK Email: [email protected] - Web: www.soprolux.com SOCIETE MONTEIL ZI de Cana Est 19100 Brive Tel: (33 5) 5588 0073 – Fax: (33 5) 5587 1413 Contacto: Sr. Michel MONTEIL Email: [email protected] - Web: www.monteil-sa.com VINAS SAS 45 rue d’Avignon Bât C2 – 94574 Rungis Tel: (33 1) 4180 2727 – (33 1) 4180 2731– Fax: (33 1) 4180 2711 Contacto: Sr. Yves DEBBAH Email: [email protected] - [email protected] - Web: www.vinas.fr SOCIETE YES 32 rue de Perpignan – Fruitleg 416 94632 Rungis Tel: (33 1) 4686 2338 - Celular: (33 6) 2026 1135 Contacto: M. Philippe POMMIER Email: [email protected]

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G) Salones y Ferias del sector SIAL Salón Internacional de la Alimentación Paris Nord Villepinte SIAL Tel: (33 1) 4968 5498 – Fax: (33 1) 4968 5632 Email: [email protected] – Web: www.sial.fr Cada dos años (17-21 de octubre de 2010) Reservado a los profesionales Superficie total: 106.123 m2 (superficie extranjera: 74.035 m2) Expositores: 4.842 (expositores extranjeros: 3.731) Visitantes: 136.374 (visitantes extranjeros: 70.211) Argentina participa en cada edición con varios pabellones nacionales. Para poder formar parte de esos pabellones, contactar a la Fundación Export.Ar (www.exportar.org.ar) SIRHA Salón Internacional de la restauración, de la hotelería y de la alimentación Lyon – EUREXPO SEPELCOM LYON Tel: (33 4) 7222 3241 – Fax: (33 4) 7222 3218 Email: [email protected] – Web: www.sirha.com Frecuencia: Cada dos años (22-26 de enero de 2011) Reservado a los profesionales Superficie total: 46.220 m2 (superficie extranjera: 5.730 m2) Expositores: 1.574 (expositores extranjeros: 273) Visitantes: 148.908 (visitantes extranjeros: 8.907)

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ANEXO 1: Health control of foodstuffs of non-animal origin (Control sanitario de los productos alimenticios de origin n o animal) Imports of foodstuffs of non-animal origin into the European Union (EU) must comply with general conditions and specific provisions designed to prevent risk to public health and protect consumers' interests.

Hence, the general rules applicable to these products are as follows:

1. General principles and requirements of Food Law established in Regulation (CE) No. 178/2002 (OJ L-31 01/02/2002);

2. General foodstuffs hygiene rules according to Regulation (EC) No. 852/2004 (OJ L-226 25/06/2004);

3. General conditions concerning contaminants in food;

4. Special provisions on Genetically Modified (GM) food and Novel food of Regulation (EC) No. 1829/2003 (OJ L-268 18/10/2003) and Regulation (EC) No.258/97 (OJ L-43 14/02/1997);

5. General conditions of preparation of foodstuffs;

6. Official control of foodstuffs;

When a hygiene problem likely to pose a serious risk to human health arises or spreads in the territory of a third country, the European authorities may suspend imports from all or part of the third country concerned or take interim protective measures regarding the foodstuffs concerned, depending on the seriousness of the situation.

EU legislation establishing protective measures

1. General principles and requirements of Food Law

Basic food law requirements applying to all food imported into the European Union (EU) are laid down in Regulation (EC) No. 178/2002 (OJ L-31 01/02/2002), which among other topics covers.

• Compliance or equivalence : Imported food must comply with the relevant requirements of food law or conditions recognised by the EU to be at least equivalent thereto.

• Traceability : The Regulation defines traceability as the ability to trace and follow food and ingredients through all stages of production, processing and distribution it also contains general provisions for traceability which cover all food business operators, without prejudice to existing legislation on specific sectors such as beef, fish, Genetically Modified (GM) food, etc. Importers are similarly affected as they will be required to identify from whom the product was exported in the country of origin. Unless specific provisions for further traceability exist, the requirement for traceability is limited to ensuring that businesses are at least able to identify the immediate supplier of the product in question and the immediate subsequent recipient, with the exemption of retailers to final consumers (one step back-one step forward).

• Responsibilities of food importers : Food business operators at all stages of production, processing and distribution within the businesses under their control shall ensure that foods satisfy the requirements of food law which are relevant to their activities and shall verify that such requirements are met. If a food business operator has reason to believe that imported food is not in compliance with the food safety requirements, it shall immediately initiate procedures to withdraw the food in question and inform the competent authorities thereof.

2. General foodstuffs hygiene rules

The relevant hygiene rules of food which need to be respected by food business operators in third countries are contained in Regulation (EC) No. 852/2004 (OJ L-226 25/06/2004):

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• General obligation on the operator to monitor the food safety of products and processes under his responsibility;

• General hygiene provisions for primary production and detailed requirements for all stages of production, processing and distribution of food;

• Microbiological criteria for certain products which are established in Commission Regulation (EC) No. 2073/2005 (OJ L-338 22/12/2005);

• Procedures based on Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) principles;

• Approval and registration of establishments;

The following guidance documents may be found in the European Commission’s Health and Consumer Protection Directorate General (DG SANCO) website:

• Key questions related to import requirements and the new rules on food hygiene and official food controls: http://ec.europa.eu/food/international/trade/interpretation_imports.pdf

• Guidance document on the implementation of certain provisions of Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs: http://ec.europa.eu/food/food/biosafety/hygienelegislation/guidance_doc_852-2004_en.pdf

• Guidance document on the implementation of procedures based on the HACCP principles, and on the facilitation of the implementation of the HACCP principles in certain food businesses: http://ec.europa.eu/food/food/biosafety/hygienelegislation/guidance_doc_haccp_en.pdf

3. General conditions concerning contaminants in food

Contaminant substances may be present in food as a result of the various stages of its production and marketing or due to environmental pollution. Since they represent a real risk for food safety, the EU has taken measures to minimise the risk by setting maximum levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs.

a) Maximum levels of certain contaminants in foodstuffs

Certain foodstuffs (i.e. fruit, vegetables, nuts, cereals, fruit juices, etc…) must not, when placed on the market, contain higher contaminant levels than those specified in Regulation (EC) 1881/2006 (OJ L-364 20/12/2006).

This Regulation covers four different categories of contaminants: nitrates, aflatoxins, heavy metals (lead, cadmium, mercury) and 3-monochloropropane-1,2diol (3-MCPD), etc.

The maximum contaminant levels relate to the edible part of the foodstuffs but apply also to the ingredients used for the production of compound foodstuffs.

b) Maximum levels of pesticide residues in and on food

Member States may restrict the putting on the market within their territories of certain products containing pesticide residues if the quantity of these residues exceeds the maximum levels permitted. These limits depend on the toxicity of the substance in question.

Pesticides residues in food are regulated by three Council Directives 76/895/EEC (OJ L-340 09/12/1976) 86/362/EEC (OJ L-221 07/08/1986) and 90/642/EC (OJ L-350 14/12/1990) which cover the following products: fruit and vegetables, cereals and other products of plant origin.

This legislation is also applied to the same products after being dried or processed or after their inclusion in a composite food in so far as they may contain pesticide residues.

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c) Maximum levels of radioactive contamination of foodstuffs

Regulations (EC) 3954/1987 (OJ L-371 30/12/1987) and 944/1989 (OJ L-101 13/04/1989) lay down the maximum permitted levels of radioactive contamination of foodstuffs (either immediately or after processing) which may be placed on the market following a nuclear accident or any other case of radiological emergency.

There is a list of minor foodstuffs (i.e. those which are consumed least) for which the maximum permitted levels are considerably higher (ten times higher)

d) Materials intended to come into contact with foodstuffs

Materials and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs must be manufactured so that they do not transfer their constituents to food in quantities which could endanger human health, change the composition of the food in an unacceptable way or deteriorate the taste and odour of foodstuffs.

The Regulation (EC) No. 1935/2004 (OJ L-338 13/11/2004) establishes a list of groups of materials and articles (such us plastics, ceramics, rubbers, paper, glass, etc.) which may be covered by specific measures that include a list of the authorised substances, special conditions of use, purity standards, etc. Specific measures exist for ceramics, regenerated cellulose and plastics.

The Health and Consumer Protection Directorate General (DG SANCO) website provides more detailed information on:

• Food Contaminants: http://ec.europa.eu/food/food/chemicalsafety/contaminants/index_en.htm

• Pesticide Residues: http://ec.europa.eu/food/plant/protection/pesticides/index_en.htm

• Food irradiation: http://ec.europa.eu/food/food/biosafety/irradiation/index_en.htm

• Food Contact Material: http://ec.europa.eu/food/food/chemicalsafety/foodcontact/index_en.htm

4. Special provisions on Genetically Modified (GM) food and Novel food

In order to ensure the highest level of protection of human health, EU legislation provides for a single authorisation procedure for the placing on the market of food containing, consisting of or derived from Genetically Modified Organisms .

An application must be sent to the competent authority of a Member State and then referred to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) which carries out a risk assessment.

On the basis of the opinion of EFSA, the Commission drafts a proposal for granting or refusing the authorisation, which must be approved by the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health. The authorised food and feed are entered in the Community Register of GM food and feed.

Novel foods (i.e. foods and food ingredients that have not been used for human consumption to a significant degree within the EU before 15 May 1997) must also undergo a safety assessment before being placed on the EU market.

Companies that want to place a novel food on the EU market must submit their application to the competent body of a Member State for risk assessment purposes. As a result of this assessment, an authorisation decision may be taken. The authorisation decision defines the scope of the authorisation, the conditions of use, the designation of the food or food ingredient, its specification and the specific labelling requirements.

Novel foods or novel food ingredients considered by a national food assessment body as substantially equivalent to existing foods or food ingredients may follow a simplified procedure, only requiring notifications from the company.

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The Health and Consumer Protection Directorate General (DG SANCO) website provides more detailed information on:

• Genetically Modified (GM) food: http://ec.europa.eu/food/food/biotechnology/gmfood/index_en.htm

• Novel Food: http://ec.europa.eu/food/food/biotechnology/novelfood/index_en.htm

5. General conditions of preparation of foodstuffs

EU legislation lays down the rules relating to treatment of foodstuffs, food ingredients and their conditions of use in order to protect the health of consumers and guarantee the free circulation of foodstuffs in the European Union market.

Moreover, specific provisions for groups of foods are laid down in specific Directives. These include compositional requirements, hygiene requirements, list of additives, purity criteria, specific labelling requirements , etc

a) Authorised food additives and flavourings

The scope of the Directives covers food additives and flavourings used as ingredients during the manufacture or preparation of food and which are part of the finished product.

The only substances which may be used as food additives are those included in the approved common lists and then only under the conditions of use mentioned in those lists (e.g. colorants, sweeteners, preservatives, emulsifiers, stabilisers, raising agents, etc…).

The area Food and Feed Safety of the Health and Consumer Protection Directorate General (DG SANCO) website provides more detailed information on:

• Food Additives: http://ec.europa.eu/food/food/chemicalsafety/additives/index_en.htm

• Food flavourings: http://ec.europa.eu/food/food/chemicalsafety/flavouring/index_en.htm

b) Preparation and treatments of certain foodstuffs

There are also rules in relation with the manufacture, marketing and importation of foods and food ingredients that are subject to specific treatments such as Council Directive 89/108/EEC (OJ L-40 11/02/1989) on quick-freezing or Directive 1999/2/EC (OJ L-66 13/03/1999) on ionising radiation.

c) Specific provisions for certain groups of products and for foodstuffs for particular nutritional purposes

Specific provisions are applied to certain groups of products (such as cocoa, sugar, etc.) and to foodstuffs intended for particular nutritional uses (baby foods, dietary foods, gluten-free foods...). These may include specific requirements on composition, hygiene, labelling (e.g. declaration of the energy value, carbohydrate, protein and fat content), list of additives, purity criteria, etc.

Summaries and lists of legislation Foodstuffs for particular nutritional purposes may be found in Health and Consumer Protection Directorate General (DG SANCO): http://ec.europa.eu/food/food/labellingnutrition/nutritional/index_en.htm

6. Control of foodstuffs.

The competent authorities in Member States will carry out regular controls on imported food of non-animal origin to ensure they comply with the EU general health rules designed to protect health and interests of consumers.

The control may apply to import into the EU and/or to any other stage of the food chain (manufacture, processing, storage, transport, distribution and trade) and may include a systematic documentary check, a random identity check and, as appropriate, a physical check.

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Further information may be found in the Health and Consumer Protection Directorate General (DG SANCO) website:

Key questions related to import requirements and the new rules on food hygiene and official food controls: http://ec.europa.eu/food/international/trade/interpretation_imports.pdf


EU legislation on health control of foodstuffs of non-animal origin.

Other information sources

Guidance documents

• Guidance on the implementation of articles 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 of Regulation (EC) No. 178/2002 on General Food Law . Conclusions of the Standing Committee on the food chain and animal health: http://ec.europa.eu/food/food/foodlaw/guidance/guidance_rev_7_en.pdf

• Key questions related to import requirements and the new rules on food hygiene and official food controls: http://ec.europa.eu/food/international/trade/interpretation_imports.pdf

• Guidance document on the implementation of certain provisions of Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs : http://ec.europa.eu/food/food/biosafety/hygienelegislation/guidance_doc_852-2004_en.pdf

• Guidance document on the implementation of procedures based on the HACCP principles , and on the facilitation of the implementation of the HACCP principles in certain food businesses: http://europa.eu.int/comm/food/food/biosafety/hygienelegislation/guidance_doc_haccp_en.pdf

• Questions and answers on Residues and Contaminants in foodstuffs : http://ec.europa.eu/food/food/chemicalsafety/residues/fcr_qanda_en.pdf

• Introduction to EC Pesticides residues legislation: http://ec.europa.eu/food/plant/protection/resources/intro_en.pdf

• Questions and answers on the regulation of GMOs in the EU: http://ec.europa.eu/food/food/biotechnology/gmfood/qanda_en.htm

• A Practical Guide to EU legislation on Food Contact Materials gives explanations and examples of legal terms which may be helpful for the general reader: http://ec.europa.eu/food/food/chemicalsafety/foodcontact/practical_guide_en.pdf

Further useful information in European Commission's Health and Consumer Protection Directorate General (DG SANCO) website

• General Food Law : http://ec.europa.eu/food/food/foodlaw/index_en.htm • Microbiological Criteria : http://ec.europa.eu/food/food/biosafety/salmonella/microbio_en.htm • Food Contaminants :

http://ec.europa.eu/food/food/chemicalsafety/contaminants/index_en.htm • Pesticide Residues : http://europa.eu.int/comm/food/plant/protection/pesticides/index_en.htm • Genetically Modified (GM) food :

http://ec.europa.eu/food/food/biotechnology/gmfood/index_en.htm • Novel Food : http://ec.europa.eu/food/food/biotechnology/novelfood/index_en.htm • Food Additives : http://ec.europa.eu/food/food/chemicalsafety/additives/index_en.htm • Food flavourings : http://ec.europa.eu/food/food/chemicalsafety/flavouring/index_en.htm • Food irradiation : http://ec.europa.eu/food/food/biosafety/irradiation/index_en.htm

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• Foodstuffs for particular nutritional purposes : http://ec.europa.eu/food/food/labellingnutrition/nutritional/index_en.htm

• Food Contact Material : http://ec.europa.eu/food/food/chemicalsafety/foodcontact/index_en.htm

Additional information for France

Control Procedure

Consignments of foodstuffs of non-animal origin for which European Commission has taken interim protective measures , are subject to a mandatory control before release from Customs in order to ensure that they comply with the special health conditions (health certificates, official sampling and analysis,...) laid down by each specific Commission Decision.

Other foodstuffs of non-animal origin may be also subject to controls, without prior warning, at the point of entry or at any other stage of the chain (processing, storage, transport, distribution and trade).

Competent authority / competent bodies

The DGCCRF is the central competent authority. The practical implementation of the control is under the responsability of the Departamental Services of the DGCCRF (Directions Départamentales de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Répression de Fraude-DDCCRF)

Ministère de l’Economie, des Finances et de l’Emploi (Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Employment) Direction Générale de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Repression de Fraude – DGCCRF (Directorate General of Competition, Consumer Affairs and Suppression of Fraud)

Bd. Vincent Auriol 59 F-75703 Paris cedex 13 Tel: (+33) 1 44 87 17 17 Website: http://www.finances.gouv.fr/DGCCRF/


• Code Rural - Livre II, Titre III (Health control of live animals and food products)

• Décret n° 2003-768 of 01/08/2003 concerning the Co de Rural - Livre II (JORF 07/08/2003)

• Code de la Consommation (Code of Consumer Protection) - Livre II (Conformity and safety of products and services)

• Ordonnance 2001-741 of 23/08/2001 transposing EU directives and adapting Consumer Law to EU provisions (JORF 25/08/2001)

• Loi 93-949 of 26/07 1993 regarding the Code of Consumer Protection (Legislative Part) (JORF 26/07/1993)

Other information sources

• Agence française de sécurité sanitaire des aliments (Food Safety Agency): http://www.afssa.fr

• Ministère de l'Agriculture et de la Pêche (Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries): http://www.agriculture.gouv.fr/

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ANEXO 2: Labelling for foodstuffs (Etiquetado de lo s productos alimenticios de origen no animal)

All foodstuffs marketed in the European Union (EU) must comply with EU labelling rules, which aim at ensuring that consumers get all the essential information to make an informed choice while purchasing their foodstuffs.

Hence, the applicable labelling provisions are as follows:

• General rules on food labelling

• Specific provisions for certain groups of products:

o Labelling of Genetically Modified (GM) food and Novel Food

o Labelling of foodstuffs for particular nutritional purposes

o Labelling of materials intended to come into contact with food

o Labelling of particular foodstuffs

Besides these mandatory rules, there is also additional information that may be included by the manufacturers on a voluntary basis provided that it is accurate and does not mislead the consumer. For example, nutritional labelling is not obligatory unless a nutritional claim (e.g. "low fat", "high fibre") is made on the label or in advertising material. In this case, nutritional claims must comply with a standardised format, pursuant to Council Directive 90/496/EEC (OJ L-276 06/10/1990). Similarly, Council Regulation (EEC) 2092/91 (OJ L-208 24/07/1992) sets out rules governing the use of the organic label.

General rules on food labelling

Labels of foodstuffs according to the general rules laid down by Council Directive 2000/13/EC (OJ L-109 06/05/2000) must contain the following particulars:

• The name under which the product is sold. No trademark, brand name or fancy name may substitute the generic name but rather may be used in addition. Particulars as to the physical condition of the foodstuff or the specific treatment it has undergone (powdered, freeze-dried, deep-frozen, concentrated, smoked, irradiated or treated with ionizing radiation) must be included where omission of such may confuse the purchaser.

• The list of ingredients, preceded by the word "Ingredients", must show all ingredients (including additives) in descending order of weight as recorded at the time of their use in the manufacture and designated by their specific name. In the case of those products that may contain ingredients liable to cause allergies or intolerances, such as alcoholic beverages, a clear indication should be given on the label by the word “contains” followed by the name of the ingredient. However, this indication will not be necessary provided the specific name is included in the list of ingredients.

• The net quantity of pre-packaged foodstuffs in metric units (litre, centilitre, millilitre) for liquids and (kilogram, gram) for non-liquids.

• The date of minimum durability consisting of day, month and year in that order and preceded by the words "best before" or "best before end" or the "use by" date for highly perishable goods.

• Any special conditions for keeping or use.

• The name or business name and address of the manufacturer, packager or importer established in the EU.

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• Place of origin or provenance

• Instructions of use, where appropriate.

• Indication of the acquired alcoholic strength for beverages containing more than 1.2% by volume.

• Lot marking on pre-packaged foodstuffs with the marking preceded by the letter "L".

These particulars must appear on the packaging or on a label attached to pre-packaged foodstuffs. In the case of pre-packaged foodstuffs intended for mass caterers (foodstuffs sold in bulk), the compulsory labelling particulars must appear on commercial documents while the name under which it is sold, the date of durability or use-by-date and the name of manufacturer must appear on the external packaging.

The labelling must not mislead the purchaser as to the foodstuff’s characteristics or effects nor attribute the foodstuff special properties for the prevention, treatment or cure of a human disease. The information provided by labels must be easy to understand, easily visible, clearly legible and indelible and must appear in the official language(s) of the Member State where the product is marketed. However, the use of foreign terms or expressions easily understood by the purchaser may be allowed.

List of applicable legislation

Specific provisions for certain groups of products

There are also labelling provisions which apply to specific groups of food products in order to give the consumers more detailed information on the contents and the composition of these products:

Labelling of Genetically Modified (GM) food and Novel food

Products consisting of or containing Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and food products obtained from GMOs which have been authorised for the placing on the EU market are subject to labelling requirements pursuant to Regulations (EC) 1829/2003 and 1830/2003 (OJ L-268 18/10/2003).

In the case of pre-packaged products, operators are required to state on a label that “This product contains genetically modified organisms”. This labelling obligation also applies to highly refined products (e.g. oil obtained from genetically modified maize) as well as GM additives and flavourings.

List of applicable legislation

Labelling of foodstuffs for particular nutritional purposes

In addition to the rules applicable to foodstuffs in general, specific provisions (e.g. declaration of the energy value, carbohydrate, protein and fat content, etc.) for groups of foods for particular nutritional uses (baby foods, dietary foods for special medical purposes, foods for weight reduction, foods for sportspeople, etc.) are laid down in specific Directives.

These products must be suitable for their claimed nutritional purposes and marketed in such a way as to indicate their suitability.

List of applicable legislation

Labelling of food additives and flavourings

Additives and flavourings must always be labelled on the packaging of food products by their category (anti-oxidant, preservative, colour, etc) with their name or E-number. Other provisions on labelling of additives sold as such to food producers and consumers are laid down in Directive 89/107/EEC (OJ L-40 11/02/1989) and Directive 88/388/EEC (OJ L-184 15/07/1988).

List of applicable legislation

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Labelling of materials intended to come into contact with food

According to Regulation 1935/2004 (OJ L-338 13/11/2004), articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs, including packaging materials and containers shall be labelled "for food contact" or shall bear the symbol with a glass and fork.

Labelling of particular foodstuffs

Provisions in relation with the labelling of certain products are established in specific EU legislation. User-friendly fact sheets which summarise EU legislation are available in the ScadPlus website (http://europa.eu.int/scadplus/), at least in four languages (usually English, French, German and Spanish):

• Cocoa and chocolate products

• Honey

• Sugars

• Fruit juices and certain similar products

• Fruit jams, jellies and marmalades and sweetened chestnut purée

• Partly or wholly dehydrated preserved milk

• Caseins and caseinates

• Natural mineral waters

• Caffeine and quinine

• Spreadable fats

• Beef and beef products

• Alcoholic beverages

• Spirit drinks

• Aromatized wines, aromatized wine-based drinks and aromatized wine-product cocktails

• Novel foods and novel foods ingredients

• Food supplements

• Foods and food ingredients treated with ionising radiaton

• Quick frozen foodstuffs

Additional information for France

The contents of the label must be at least in French. The compliance with the labelling requirements and the accuracy of the information contained in the label can be checked at any stage of the distribution chain (e.g. customs clearance, distributors warehouses, wholesalers or retailers outlets …).

Competent authority / competent bodies

• Ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de l'Emploi (Ministry of Economy, Finance and Employment) Direction générale de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Répression des fraudes (Directorate General for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Anti-fraud)

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Produits agricoles et alimentaires (Agricultural products and foodstuffs) 59, Boulevard Vicent Auriol - F-75703 Paris Cedex 13 Tel: (+33) 1 44 97 23 23 - Fax: (+33) 1 44 97 05 27 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.minefi.gouv.fr/directions_services/dgccrf/consommation/information_consommateurs/index.htm

• Agence française de sécurité sanitaire des aliments (Food Safety Agency) 27/31 avenue du général Leclerc BP 19 F-94701 Maisons-Alfort Tel: (+33) 1 49 77 13 50 - Fax: (+33) 1 49 77 26 12 E-mail: [email protected] - Website: http://www.afssa.fr


• Code de la Consommation (Code of Consumer Protection), Partie Réglamentaire - Décrets en Conseil d´Etat, Livre I, Titre I, Chapitre II

• Arrêté du 15/09/2995 establishing rules of application of Code of Consumer Protection (JORF 23/09/2005)

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ANEXO 3: Marketing standards for fresh fruit and ve getables (Normas de comercialización de las frutas y hortali zas frescas - general)

Imports into the European Union (EU) of these products must comply with the EU-harmonised marketing standards

Inspection of marketing standards

According to Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 (OJ L-299 16/11/2007) fruits and vegetables which are intended to be sold fresh to the consumer, may only be marketed if they are sound, fair and of marketable quality and if the country of origin is indicated.

The competent authorities designated by the EU Member States (MSs) perform documental and/or physical inspections of the imported products in order to check their conformity with the following EU general marketing standards laid down in Annex I Part A of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1580/2007 (L-350 31/12/2007):

• Minimum quality requirements;

• Minimum maturity requirements;

• Tolerance;

• Marking of origin of produce.

The following fruits and vegetables have specific marketing standars fixed in Annex I Part B of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1580/2007 (L-350 31/12/2007):

• Apples

• Citrus fruit

• Kiwifruit

• Lettuces, curled leaved and broad-leaved endives

• Peaches and nectarines

• Pears

• Strawberries

• Sweet peppers

• Table grapes

• Tomatoes

If the goods conform to the marketing standards, the inspection bodies issue a certificate of conformity which must be presented at the point of importation in order to be released for circulation. The certificate of conformity must conform to the specimen set out in Annex III to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1580/2007 (OJ L-350 31/12/2007).

If the goods do not conform to these standards, the inspection body issues a finding of non-conformity, which deters goods to be moved without authorisation.

Products intended for processing

Imports of products intended for processing are not subject to compliance with the EU marketing standards. However, in accordance with Commission Regulation (EC) No 1580/2007, the

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packaging of products intended for processing must be clearly marked by the pack with the words "intended for processing" or other equivalent wording.

The inspection authority of the MS will issue a processing certificate for those products before release for circulation. The processing certificate is set out in Annex V to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1580/2007.

Approval of checking operations performed by third countries

The European Commission may approve conformity checking operations performed in origin by the authorities of third countries. In this case, prior to the entry into the EU, the third country's inspection bodies must check each lot of goods and draw up a certificate of conformity or any other form agreed between the Commission and the third country.

This approval has been granted to the following countries: India, South Africa, Morocco, Kenya and Senegal:

A) India

1. The official Indian authority under the responsibility of which checking operations are performed is:

Ministry of Agriculture Department of Agriculture and Cooperation (DAC) Directorate of Marketing and Inspection (DMI) Agricultural Marketing Adviser Head Office, NH-IV Faridabad - 121 001 India Tel: (+91) 129 241 65 68 / 129 241 57 10 / 11 23 01 34 45 Fax: (+91) 129 241 65 68 / 11 23 01 34 45 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://agmarknet.nic.in/dmiwelcome.html

2. The inspection body responsible to carry out checks is:

Ministry of Agriculture Department of Agriculture and Cooperation (DAC) Directorate of Marketing and Inspection (DMI)

Head Office, NH-IV - Faridabad - 121 001 Tel: (+91) 129 241 65 68 / 129 241 57 10 - Fax: (+91) 129 241 65 68 E-mail: [email protected] - Website: http://agmarknet.nic.in/dmiwelcome.html

3. The inspection body draws up an official certificate, which is set out in Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 1580/2007, for each checked lot prior to its entry into the EU.

B) South Africa

1. The official South African authority under the responsibility of which checking operations are performed is:

National Department of Agriculture Directorate Plant Health and Quality (DPHQ)

Private Bag X258 - Pretoria 0001 South Africa Tel: (+27) 12 319 6502 - Fax: (+27) 12 326 5606 E-mail: [email protected] - Website: http://www.daff.gov.za

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2. The inspection body responsible to carry out checks is:

Perishable Products Export Control Board (PPECB)

PO Box 15289 7500 Panorama, Parow South Africa Tel: (+27) 21 930 1134 Fax: (+27) 21 930 60 46 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.ppecb.com/ppecbcms/

3. The inspection body draws up an official certificate, laid down in Annex III to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1580/2007, for each lot prior to its entry into the EU.

C) Morocco

1. The official Moroccan authority under the responsibility of which checking operations are performed is:

Ministère de l´Agriculture et du Développement Rural et des Eaux et Forêts (Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development, Water and Forests)

Avenue Mohamed V, Quartier Administratif - Place Abdellah Chefchaouni BP 607, Rabat Morocco Tel: (+212) 37 76 36 57 / 37 76 05 29 Fax: (+212) 37 76 33 78 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.madrpm.gov.ma

2. The inspection body responsible to carry out checks is:

Etablissement Autonome de Contrôle et de Coordination des Exportations - EACCE (Autonomous Establishment for the Control and Coordination of Exports) 72, Angle Boulevard Mohamed Smiha et Rue Moulay Mohamed El BaâmArani Casablanca Morocco Tel: (+212) 22 30 51 04 / 22 30 51 73 / 22 30 50 91 / 22 30 51 95 Fax: (+212) 22 30 51 68 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.eacce.org.ma/default.asp

3. The inspection body draws up the certificate of conformity set out in Annex III to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1580/2007 for each lot prior to its entry into the EU.

D) Kenya

1. The official Kenyan authority under the responsibility of which checking operations are performed is:

Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service

KEPHIS Managing Director PO Box 49592-00100, Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254-20) 88 25 84 - Fax: (+254-20) 88 22 65 E-mail: [email protected] - Website: http://www.kephis.org/

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2. The inspection body responsible to carry out checks is:

KEPHIS Managing Director PO Box 49592-00100, Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254-20) 88 45 45 / (+254-20) 88 23 08 / (+254-20) 88 29 33 Fax: (+254-20) 88 22 45 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.kephis.org/

3. The inspection body draws up the certificate of conformity set out in Annex III to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1580/2007 for each lot prior to its entry into the EU.

E) Senegal

1. The official Senegalese authority under the responsibility of which checking operations are performed is:

Ministère de l´Agriculture et de l'Hidraulique (Ministry of Agriculture and Hydraulics)

Direction de la protection des végétaux BP 20054, Thiaroye Dakar Senegal Tel: (+221) 834 03 97 Fax: (+221) 834 28 54 / (+221) 834 42 90 E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected]

2. The inspection body responsible to carry out checks is:

Ministère de l´Agriculture et de l'Hidraulique (Ministry of Agriculture and Hydraulics) Bureau qualité de la Division Législation et Contrôle Phytosanitaire BP 20054, Thiaroye Dakar Senegal Tel: (+221) 834 03 97 Fax: (+221) 834 28 54 E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected]

3. The inspection body draws up the certificate of conformity set out in Annex III to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1580/2007 for each lot prior to its entry into the EU.



• Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 of 22 October 2007 establishing a common organisation of agricultural markets and on specific provisions for certain agricultural products (Single CMO Regulation) (OJ L-299 16/11/2007)

• Commission Regulation (EC) No 1580/2007 of 21 December 2007 laying down implementing rules of Council Regulations (EC) No 2200/96, (EC) No 2201/96 and (EC) No 1182/2007 in the fruit and vegetable sector (OJ L-350 31/12/2007)

Additional information for France

Control procedures

The importer or his authorised representative must inform the competent officials about the data related to the consignment (identification of the importer, country of origin, product identification, net and gross weight, and quality category, etc) and present any documents or certificates qualifying compliance with the marketing standards.

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The products may go through a documentary check, physical inspection and/or sample taking and analysis (according to needs) in order to verify that the goods comply with the corresponding marketing standards.

Competent authority / competent bodies

• Ministère de l'Économie, de l'Industrie et de l'Emploie (Ministry of Economy, Industry and Employment) Direction générale de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Répression des fraudes (Directorate-General for Competition, Consumers Affairs and Anti-fraud) Sous- direction D. Produits agricoles et alimentaires (Sub- division D. Agricultural products and foodstuffs) 59, Boulevard Vincent Auriol F-75703 Paris Cedex 13 Tel: (+33) 1 44 97 23 23 Fax: (+33) 1 44 97 05 27 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.dgccrf.bercy.gouv.fr

• Direction générale des Douanes et des Droits indirects (Directorate-General for Customs and Indirect Taxes) 11, rue des deux Communes F- 93558 Montreuil Cedex Tel: (+33) 1 40 04 04 04 Fax: (+33) 1 57 53 49 37 Email: http://www.douane.gouv.fr/contact Website: http://www.douane.gouv.fr

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ANEXO 4: Products from organic production (Producto s de producción ecológica)

The placing on the European Union (EU) market of livestock, unprocessed crop and animal products as well as other processed agricultural products intended for human consumption or animal feed bearing a reference to organic production methods must comply with the rules laid down by Council Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91 (OJ L-198 22/07/1991) which aims at the promotion of quality products and the integration of environmental conservation into agriculture.

Note: A new EU regulatory framework for products from organic production was adopted by Regulation (EC) nº 834/2007 (OJ L-189 20/07/2007). The new scheme will enter in force on 01/01/2009 repealing Regulation 2092/91.

These rules established by Regulation 2092/91 cover mainly the following aspects:

• Methods for organic agricultural production ofcrops and livestock, including beekeeping (set out in Annex I Regulation 2092/91)

• Processing organic agricultural products into foodstuffs (Annex IV). A list of ingredients authorisations is available in the Data base of the Organic Farming

Information System (OFIS) official website: http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/qual/organic/data/index_en.htm

• Labelling and the EU organic farming logo. The logo and indications referring to organic production methods may be used only for certain products which meet all the conditions of the Regulation.

• Inspection measures and specific scheme to be applied for this type of products by the appointed authorities in the Member States.

These products can only be imported into the EU if they originate in a third country that has been authorised if the products have been controlled by a recognised inspection authority, are accompanied by the certificates of inspection and have passed the mandatory verification of the consignment and the certificate by the relevant Member States' authorities:

Imports from third country

Organic products from third countries may only be placed on EU market labelled as products with indications referring to organic production, if they have been produced in accordance with production rules and subject to inspection arrangements that are in compliance with, or equivalent to, Community legislation.

Imports into the EU are allowed according to the following schemes established by Council Regulation 1991/2006 (OJ L-27 02/02/2007) (amending Regulation 2092/91):

Country Authorisation

In order to ascertain that goods have been obtained according to production rules equivalent to those laid down in the Community, the European Commission makes a thorough investigation into the arrangements in the country concerned, examining not only the requirements imposed on production but also the measures applied to ensure effective control. Where rules are found to be equivalent, the third country is included in the list of authorised countries established by the Commission Regulation (EEC) No 94/92 (OL L-11 17/01/1992).

Control by recognised inspection body or recognised inspection authority

The Commission is working on the compilation of a list of inspection bodies and inspection authorities competent to carry out inspections in countries not included in the list of recognised third countries. The function of these bodies is to guarantee that products have been produced in accordance with production rules that are in compliance with, or equivalent to, Community

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legislation. Imports of organic products can only take place if they have been controlled by these recognised authorities.

Authorisations to importers on a case by case basis

From the first of January of 2007 until 12 months after the publication of the first list of inspection bodies and inspection authorities a parallel system has been implemented, enabling the Member States to issue import authorisations for consignments from third countries not included in the above mentioned lists. Importers must prove that products were obtained according to production rules equivalent to those laid down in Community legislation and were subject to inspection measures. The Member State notifies the European Commission and the other Member States of products for which it has issued an authorisation.

A list of these import authorisations can be found in the Data base of the Organic Farming Information System (OFIS) official website: http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/qual/organic/data/index_en.htm

Certificate of inspection

Imported consignments must be covered by an inspection certificate issued by the competent authority or body in the third country, attesting that the consignment has been produced in accordance with the production and inspection rules recognised as equivalent.

The certificate which will be drawn up in accordance with the procedure and the model laid down in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1788/2001 (OJ L-243 13/09/2001) must accompany the goods, in the original copy, to the premises of the first consignee; thereafter the importer must keep the certificate at the disposal of the inspection body and/or inspection authority for not less than two years.

Verification of the consignment

The release for free circulation into the EU of a consignment of organic products is conditioned by the submission of the original certificate of inspection to the relevant Member State's authority, the verification of the consignment by the relevant Member State's authority and the endorsement of the certificate of inspection.


• Council Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91 of 24 June 1991 on organic production of agricultural products and indications referring thereto on agricultural products and foodstuffs (OJ L-198 22/07/1991)

• Commission Regulation (EEC) No 207/93 of 29 January 1993 defining the content of Annex VI to Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91 on organic production of agricultural products and indications referring thereto on agricultural products and foodstuffs and laying down detailed rules for implementing the provisions of Article 5 (4) thereto (OJ L-25 02/02/1993)

• Commission Regulation (EC) No 223/2003 of 5 February 2003 on labelling requirements related to the organic production method for feedingstuffs, compound feedingstuffs and feed materials and amending Council Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91 (OJ L-31 06/02/2003)

• Commission Regulation (EEC) No 94/92 of 14 January 1992 laying down detailed rules for implementing the arrangements for imports from third countries provided for in Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91 on organic production of agricultural products and indications referring thereto on agricultural products and foodstuffs (OJ L-11 17/01/1992)

• Commission Regulation (EC) No 1788/2001 of 7 September 2001 laying down detailed rules for implementing the provisions concerning the certificate of inspection for imports from third countries under Article 11 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91 on organic production of

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agricultural products and indications referring thereto on agricultural products and foodstuffs (OJ L-243 13/09/2001)

• List of bodies or public authorities in charge of inspection provided for in article 15 of Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91 (OJ C-35 17/02/2007)

Other information sources

• “Guide to Community rules”, legislation and reports on organic farming may be found under Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development website: http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/qual/organic/index_en.htm

• The website of OFIS (Organic Farming Information System) contains a summary of the information consisting of import authorisations, ingredient authorisations and bodies or public authorities in charge of inspections: http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/qual/organic/data/index_en.htm

Additional information for France

The importer or his representative must, at the latest by the time that the certificate of inspection is submitted, inform the inspection body of each consignment to be imported giving the name and address of the first consignee as well as any details that the body may require.

The inspection body will verify that the inspection certificate, preferably written in French, is compliant with the requirements derived from the aforementioned EU legislation. Additionally, and if deemed necessary, the actual products may be physically inspected in order to assure the required level of compliance with these requirements.

The release for free circulation of products not complying with the requirements is conditional on the removal of references to the organic production method from the labelling, advertising and accompanying documents.

Competent authority / competent bodies

National authorities

• Ministère de l'Agriculture et de la Pêche (Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries) Direction des Politiques Économique et Internationale (Directorate-General of Economic and International Policies) Bureau des signes de qualité et de l'agriculture biologique (Bureau for quality marks and organic farming) 3 rue Barbet de Jouy F-75349 Paris 07 SP Tel: (+33) 1 49 55 56 92 Fax: (+33) 1 49 55 57 85 E-mail: [email protected] Website:http://www.agriculture.gouv.fr

• Agence Française pour le Développement et la Promotion de l’Agriculture Biologique (French Agency for the Development and Promotion of Organic Farming) 6 rue Lavoisier F-93100 Montreuil-sous-Bois Tel: (+33) 1 48 70 48 30 Fax: (+33) 1 48 70 48 45 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.agencebio.org

Inspection bodies

List of approved private bodies in charge of inspection of products from organic production
