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Hth Matins

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  • 8/16/2019 Hth Matins


    Matins of the Bridegroom on Holy and Great Wednesday Evening

    — 1 —

    Holy Wednesday EveningMatins of Holy Thursday

    Matins of the Mystical Supper

    Copyright © 2013 by the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Denver

    All rights reserved. These materials remain the property of the Greek OrthodoxMetropolis of Denver, 4550 East Alameda Avenue, Denver, CO 80246; phone: 303-333-7794.

    The proper materials contained herein are published solely and exclusively for use by the priests and the chanters in the parishes of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Denver.They may be copied and/or reproduced only by the clergy of the Metropolis of Denver,and they may be used solely during the Holy Week service celebrated in their own parish.They may not otherwise be copied, reprinted, reproduced, distributed, forwarded,transmitted, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form by

    any means – electronic, mechanical, recording, or any other. None of these materials may be used for sale or profit, or in any monetary transaction whatsoever.


    The Greek text and English translations herein are for the purposes of worship only in the parishes of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Denver. The rubrics and order of servicesare those specified by His Eminence Metropolitan Isaiah to be used in each of the

    parishes of the Metropolis. The promulgation of these materials does not represent acommitment by the Metropolis of Denver or by His Eminence Metropolitan Isaiah ofDenver to their accuracy. The English translations have not been fully verified, but they

    are allowed for use by Metropolitan Isaiah in the parishes of the Metropolis of Denver.Please submit all corrections, typographical and linguistic, to the Metropolis of Denver.


    The English text was compiled from various sources published for public use. Theseinclude Learn to Chant (http://www.goarch.org/chapel/chant/), by the Greek OrthodoxArchdiocese of America, the Lenten Triodion by Bishop Kallistos of Diokleia andMother Mary, Faber & Faber, March 1984, as well as from the Menaion by Sophia Press,Boston, Massachussetts. The text was produced using Microsoft Word for Mac 2011version 14.1.14, and the embedded font in the Greek/English texts is Times New Roman.

    Web Site

    This document, and other provisional liturgical materials prepared exclusively for use bythe clergy of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Denver, can be accessed at:http://www.denver.goarch.org/liturgical/ .

  • 8/16/2019 Hth Matins


    Matins of the Bridegroom on Holy and Great Wednesday Evening

    — 2 —

    Matins of the Bridegroomfor Holy and Great Thursdayon Holy Wednesday Evening

    !"#"$% &$' () µ*+$) &,% -.+/% 0/1 23.456% 78 µ9&6%

    !" #$ %'#(#$ )*+,(-. Priest Blessed is our God, always, now,and ever, and to the ages of ages.

    !"#"$% !"#$%&'() * +,() - µ./ , 01/'$', , /2/ , 345 6,7, 345 ,8) '$9) 48./4) './ 48:/;/ .

    Amen. : µ?4 @$A, * +,>) , B>?4 @$A.

    Heavenly King, Comforter, the Spirit oftruth, present everywhere and filling allthings, Treasury of good things and Giver oflife: come and dwell in us, cleanse us ofevery impurity; and save our souls, O goodOne.

    C4@A#,D E"F1/A,, G4F13#&',, '( G/,Dµ4 '&) 6#&H,74), * 04/'4I$D 04FJ/ 345 'K 01/'4 0#&F./ , * H&@4LF>) ';/ 6%4H./ 345 M;N) I$F&%>), O#HP 345 @3) , U%A$) 8@ILF>), U%A$) 6H1/4'$) O#V&@$/ - µR).

    H oly God, Holy Mighty, HolyImmortal, have mercy on us.

    ? %A$) * +,>) , U%A$) 8@ILF>), U%A$) 6H1/4'$) O#V&@$/ - µR).

    G lory to the Father, and to the Son, andto the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and tothe ages of ages. Amen.

    @>?4 G4'F5 345 WXY 345 Z%7[ G/,2 µ4'A, 345 /D/ 345 6,5 345 ,8) '$9) 48./4) './ 48:/;/ . S µ) @$L.

    L ord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.Lord, have mercy. A 2FA, O#V&@$/. ]2FA, O#V&@$/. ]2FA, O#V&@$/.G lory to the Father, and to the Son, andto the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and tothe ages of ages. Amen.

    @>?4 G4'F5 345 WXY 345 Z%7[ G/,2 µ4'A, 345 /D/ 345 6,5 345 ,8) '$9) 48./4) './ 48:/;/ . S µ

  • 8/16/2019 Hth Matins


    Matins of the Bridegroom on Holy and Great Wednesday Evening

    — 3 —

    come, Thy will be done on earth as it isin heaven. Give us this day our daily

    bread and forgive us our trespasses aswe forgive those who trespass againstus. And lead us not into temptation, butdeliver us from the evil one.

    d4@A#,74 @$L, %,/&H

  • 8/16/2019 Hth Matins


    Matins of the Bridegroom on Holy and Great Wednesday Evening

    — 4 —

    Some trust in chariots, and some inhorses, but we will call on the name ofthe Lord our God.

    Ew'$A O/ UFµ4@A 345 $w'$A O/ x00$A),- µ,Q) BP O/ b/>µ4'A ]LF7$L +,$D - µ./ µ,%4#L/H&@>µ,H4.

    They have been fettered and havefallen, but we are risen and are setupright.

    y"'$5 @L/,0$B7@H&@4/ 345 t0,@4/,- µ,Q) BP 6/V@'&µ,/ 345 6/;FH:H&µ,/ .

    Lord, save the king, and hear us in theday when we call on You.

    ]2FA,, @.@$/ '(/ d4@A#V4, 345 O013$L@$/ - µ./ , O/ z {/ - µVFl O0A34#,@:µ,H1 @,.

    Psalm 20 /-0 µ1. 4 ́

    O Lord, the king shall be glad in Yourstrength, and he shall rejoiceexceedingly in Your salvation.

    A 2FA,, O/ '| BL/1µ,A @$L ,"gF4/HBF4.

    You have granted him the desire ofhis heart, and have not denied him therequests of his lips.

    \h/ O0AHLµ74/ 'N) 34FB74) 4"'$D tB;34) 4"'Y 345 'h/ HV#&@A/ './ I,A#V;/ 4"'$D $"3 O@'VF&@4) 4"'>/ .

    You went before him with the blessings of goodness, You have setupon his head a crown of preciousstone.

    k'A 0F$VgH4@4) 4"'(/ O/ ,"#$%74A) IF&@'>'&'$), tH&34) O05 'h/ 3,g4#h/ 4"'$D @'Vg4/$/ O3 #7H$L 'Aµ7$L.

    He asked life of You, and You gavehim length of days to ages of ages.

    };h/ ~''&'4 - µ,F./ ,8) 48./4 48./$) .

    Great is his glory in Your salvation;You shall lay glory and majesty onhim.

    q,%1#& - B>?4 4"'$D O/ 'Y @;'&F7[ @$L, B>?4/ 345 µ,%4#$0FV0,A4/ O0AH

  • 8/16/2019 Hth Matins


    Matins of the Bridegroom on Holy and Great Wednesday Evening

    — 5 —

    You will destroy their fruit from theearth, and their seed from the sons ofmen, for they have intended evilagainst You, they have devisedcounsels which they shall not be able

    to establish.

    \(/ 34F0(/ 4"'./ 60( 'N) %N) 60$#,Q) 345 '( @0VFµ4 4"'./ 60( LX./ 6/HF:0;/ , u'A t3#A/4/ ,8) @P 3431, BA,#$%7@4/'$ d$L#1), 4ƒ) $" µh B2/;/'4A @'N/4A.

    For You shall make them turn their backs; You shall make ready theircountenance among those who areYour remnant.

    k'A H) , U%A$) 8@ILF>), U%A$) 6H1/4'$) O#V&@$/ - µR).

    H oly God, Holy Mighty, HolyImmortal, have mercy on us.

    ? %A$) * +,>) , U%A$) 8@ILF>), U%A$) 6H1/4'$) O#V&@$/ - µR).

    G lory to the Father, and to the Son, andto the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and tothe ages of ages. Amen.

    @>?4 G4'F5 345 WXY 345 Z%7[ G/,2 µ4'A, 345 /D/ 345 6,5 345 ,8) '$9) 48./4) './ 48:/;/ . S µ) @$L.L ord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.Lord, have mercy.

    A 2FA, O#V&@$/. ]2FA, O#V&@$/. ]2FA, O#V&@$/.

    G lory to the Father, and to the Son, andto the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and tothe ages of ages. Amen.

    @>?4 G4'F5 345 WXY 345 Z%7[ G/,2 µ4'A, 345 /D/ 345 6,5 345 ,8) '$9) 48./4) './ 48:/;/ . S µ

  • 8/16/2019 Hth Matins


    Matins of the Bridegroom on Holy and Great Wednesday Evening

    — 6 —

    O ur Father, Who art in the heavens,hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdomcome, Thy will be done on earth as it isin heaven. Give us this day our daily

    bread and forgive us our trespasses as

    we forgive those who trespass againstus. And lead us not into temptation, butdeliver us from the evil one.

    7 1',F - µ./ , * O/ '$Q) $"F4/$Q),^%A4@H

  • 8/16/2019 Hth Matins


    Matins of the Bridegroom on Holy and Great Wednesday Evening

    — 7 —

    whom you have called to rule; and grantthem victory from heaven, for you boreGod, only blessed one.

    O3V#,L@4) d4@A#,2,A/, 345 I$FH,/ 'h/ /73&/v 0&-,& H,"2"% ,I. J"-. , µ-.K "LM5=K µN.K.

    Litany E)>/9&C Priest Have mercy on us, O God,

    according to Your great mercy; we beseechYou, hear us and have mercy.

    !"#"$% o#V&@$/ - µR), * +,() , 34'K '( µV%4 ‰#,>) @$L, B,>µ,H1 @$L, O013$L@$/ 345 O#V&@$/.

    L ord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.Lord, have mercy.

    A 2FA,, O#V&@$/. ]2FA,, O#V&@$/.]2FA,, O#V&@$/.

    Priest Again we pray for pious andOrthodox Christians.

    !"#"$% Š'A B,>µ,H4 m0VF './ ,"@,d./ 345 ‹FH$B>?;/ †FA@'A4/./.

    L ord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.Lord, have mercy.

    A 2FA,, O#V&@$/. ]2FA,, O#V&@$/.]2FA,, O#V&@$/.

    Priest Again we pray for our Archbishop(Name) , and for all our brotherhood inChrist.

    !"#"$% Š'A B,>µ,H4 m0VF '$D SFIA,0A@3>0$L - µ./ ( ,5? 0"O.5% ), 345 01@&) '&) O/ †FA@'Y - µ./ 6B,#g>'&'$).

    L ord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.Lord, have mercy.

    A 2FA,, O#V&@$/. ]2FA,, O#V&@$/.]2FA,, O#V&@$/.

    Priest Truly You are a merciful God Wholoves mankind, and to You we send upglory: to the Father, and to the Son, and tothe Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to theages of ages.

    !"#"$% o#,< µ;/ %KF 345 gA#1/HF;0$) +,() m01FI,A), 345 @$5 'h/ B>?4/ 6/40Vµ0$µ,/ , 'Y G4'F5 345 'Y WXY 345 'Y Z%7[ G/,2 µ4'A, /D/ 345 6,5 345 ,8) '$L) 48./4) './ 48:/;/ .

    Amen. In the name of the Lord, Father, bless.

    : µµ4'A ]LF7$L, ,"#>%&@$/,G1',F .

    Priest Glory to the holy, consubstantial,life-creating and undivided Trinity, always;now and ever, and to the ages of ages.

    !"#"$% =>?4 '| ^%7l 345 *µ$$L@7[ 345 M;$0$AY 345 6BA4AFV'[ \FA1BA, 01/'$',v /2/ 345 6,7 345 ,8) '$9) 48./4) './ 48:/;/ .

    Amen. : µ

  • 8/16/2019 Hth Matins


    Matins of the Bridegroom on Holy and Great Wednesday Evening

    — 8 —

    Hexapsalm GH4I/5 µ$%

    G lory to God in the highest, and peaceon earth, good will to men.

    @>?4 O/ mT7@'$A) +,Y , 345 O05 %N) ,8F?4 O/ mT7@'$A) +,Y , 345 O05 %N) ,8F/ @$L - ,"#$%74 @$L.

    (And Again) I laid down and slept; Iawoke, for the Lord will help me.

    ( P/8 Q1M&.·) o%J O3$Aµ

  • 8/16/2019 Hth Matins


    Matins of the Bridegroom on Holy and Great Wednesday Evening

    — 9 —

    Psalm 37 /-0 µ1. 78 ´

    O Lord, do not rebuke me in Youranger, nor chasten me in Your wrath!

    A 2FA, µh 'Y HLµY @$L O#V%?i@, µ, µ&BP '| bF%| @$L 04AB,2@i) µ, .

    For Your arrows are fastened in me,and You have laid Your hand heavilyupon me

    k'A 'K dV#& @$L O/,01%&@1/ µ$A 345 O0,@'

  • 8/16/2019 Hth Matins


    Matins of the Bridegroom on Holy and Great Wednesday Evening

    — 10 —

    they meditated deception all the daylong.

    B$#A>'&'4) u#&/ 'h/ - µVF4/ Oµ,#V'&@4/.

    But as for me, like a deaf man I didnot hear them, and I was as aspeechless man who does not open his


    o%J BP e@,5 3;g() $"3 3$L$/ 345 e@,5 f#4#$) $"3 6/$7%;/ '( @'>µ4 4"'$D.

    And I became as a man that does nothear, and that has no reproofs in hismouth.

    ]45 O%,/>µ&/ e@,5 f/HF;0$@ $"3 63$2;/ 345 $"3 tI;/ O/ 'Y @'>µ4'A 4"'$D O#,%µ$9).

    For I have hoped in You, O Lord; Youwill hear me, Lord my God.

    k'A O05 @$5 ]2FA, #0A@4, @9 ,8@43$2@i ]2FA, * +,>) µ$L.

    For I said: Let my enemies neverrejoice over me; indeed, when my feet

    were shaken, those men spoke boastful words against me.

    k'A ,Œ0$/v µB4) µ$L O0’ OµP Oµ,%4#$FF&µ>/&@4/.For I am ready for scourges, and mysorrow is continually before me.

    k'A O%J ,8) µ1@'A%4) a'$Aµ$) 345 - 6#%&B:/ µ$L O/:0A>/ µ$2 O@'A BAK 04/'() .

    For I will declare my iniquity, and Iwill anguish concerning my sin.

    k'A 'h/ 6/$ µ74/ µ$L O%J 6/4%%,#. 345 µ,FAµ //',) µ$A 343K 6/'5 6%4H./ O/BAVd4##>/ µ, O0,5 34',B7;3$/ BA34A$@2/&/.

    Do not forsake me, O Lord my God,do not depart from me.

    qh O%34'4#70i) µ, ]2FA, * +,>) µ$L, µh 60$@'|) 60’ Oµ$D.

    Be attentive to my help, O Lord of mysalvation.

    GF>@I,) ,8) 'h/ d$@I,) ,8) 'h/ d$

  • 8/16/2019 Hth Matins


    Matins of the Bridegroom on Holy and Great Wednesday Evening

    — 11 —

    Psalm 62 /-0 µ1. 9: ´

    O God, my God, to You I rise early atdawn.

    F +,() * +,>) µ$L 0F() @P bFHF7M;.

    My soul has thirsted for You; how

    often has my flesh longed after You ina land barren and untrodden andunwatered.

    oB7T&@V @, - TLI< µ$L, 0$@40#.)

    @$A - @1F? µ$L O/ %| OF?4/ @$L.

    For Your mercy is better than lives;my lips shall praise You.

    k'A 3F,Q@@$/ '( t#,>) @$L m0PF M;K) 'K I,7#& µ$L O04A/V@$L@7 @,.

    So shall I bless You in my life, and Iwill lift up my hands in Your name.

    E‚';) ,"#$%µ4'7 @$L 6F. 'K) I,QF1) µ$L.

    Let my soul be filled as with marrowand fatness, and my mouth shall

    praise You with lips of rejoicing.

    ’) O3 @'V4'$) 345 0A>'&'$) Oµ0#&@H,7& - TLI< µ$L 345 I,7#& 6%4##A1@,;) 48/V@,A '( @'>µ4 µ$L.

    If I remembered You on my bed, Imeditated on You at the dawn.

    !8 Oµ /&µ>/,L>/ @$L O05 'N) @'F;µ /N) µ$L O/ '$Q) cFHF$A) Oµ,#V';/ ,8) @P.

    For You have become my Helper; I

    will rejoice in the shelter of Yourwings.

    k'A O%,/) µ$L 345 O/ '|

    @3V0i './ 0',F2%;/ @$L 6%4##A1@$µ4A.My soul has cleaved after You, Yourright hand has been quick to help me.


  • 8/16/2019 Hth Matins


    Matins of the Bridegroom on Holy and Great Wednesday Evening

    — 12 —

    Helper; in the shelter of Your wings Iwill rejoice.

    µ$L 345 O/ '| @3V0i './ 0',F2%;/ @$L 6%4##A1@$µ4A.

    My soul has cleaved after You, Yourright hand has been quick to help me.

    o3$##?4 G4'F5 345 WXY 345 Z%7[ G/,2 µ4'A, 345 /D/ 345 6,5 345 ,8) '$9) 48./4) './ 48:/;/ . S µ?4 @$A * +,()

    L ord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.Lord, have mercy.

    A 2FA,, O#V&@$/. ]2FA,, O#V&@$/.]2FA,, O#V&@$/.

    Psalm 87 /-0 µ1. ;8 ´

    G lory to the Father, and to the Son, andto the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and tothe ages of ages. Amen.

    @>?4 G4'F5 345 WXY 345 Z%7[ G/,2 µ4'A, 345 /D/ 345 6,5 345 ,8) '$9) 48./4) './ 48:/;/ . S µ/';/ ,8) #133$/ , O%,/

  • 8/16/2019 Hth Matins


    Matins of the Bridegroom on Holy and Great Wednesday Evening

    — 13 —

    You have removed my friends farfrom me; they have made me anabomination to themselves.

    o µ13FL/4) '$9) %/;@'$2) µ$L 60’Oµ$D, tH,/'> µ, dBV#L%µ4 „4L'>Q).

    I have been delivered up, and have notcome forth; my eyes have grownweak from poverty.

    G4F,B>H&/ 345 $"3 O?,0$F,L>µ&/v $X bgH4#µ$7 µ$L ˜@HV/&@4/ 60( 0';I,74) .

    I have cried to You, O Lord, thewhole day long; I have stretched outmy hands to You.

    o3V3F4?4 0F() @P ]2FA, u#&/ 'h/ - µVF4/ BA,0V'4@4 0F() @P 'K) I,QF1) µ$L.

    No, will You work wonders for thedead? Or shall physicians raise themup that they may give thanks to You?

    qh '$Q) /,3F$Q) 0$A) @$L 345 'h/ 6#/ @$L 60’Oµ$D;

    I am as a poor man, and in troublesfrom my youth; indeed, having beenexalted, I was humbled and brought todistress.

    G';I>) ,8µA O%J 345 O/ 3>0$A) O3 /,>'&'>) µ$L, mT;H,5) BP O'40,A/:H&/ 345 O?&0$F

  • 8/16/2019 Hth Matins


    Matins of the Bridegroom on Holy and Great Wednesday Evening

    — 14 —

    (And Again) O Lord God of mysalvation, I have cried by day and bynight before You.

    ( P/8 Q1M&.·) ]2FA, * +,() 'N) @;'&F74) µ$L - µVF4) O3V3F4?4 345 O/ /L3'5 O/4/'7$/ @$L.

    Let my prayer come before You, bowdown Your ear to my supplication!

    !8@,#HV'; O/:0A>/ @$L - 0F$@,LI< µ$L 3#Q/$/ '( $ ) @$L ,8) 'h/ BV&@7/ µ$L.

    Psalm 102 /-0 µ1. @,A) 4"'$D.

    Who is gracious to all your iniquities,Who heals all your infirmities.

    \(/ ,"”#4',2$/'4 01@4) 'K) 6/$ µ74) @$L, '(/ 8: µ,/$/ 01@4) 'K) />@$L) @$L.

    Who redeems your life fromcorruption, Who crowns you withmercy and compassion.

    \(/ #L'F$2µ,/$/ O3 gH$FR) 'h/ M;

  • 8/16/2019 Hth Matins


    Matins of the Bridegroom on Holy and Great Wednesday Evening

    — 15 —

    For according to the height of heavenfrom the earth, so has the Lord madeHis mercy to prevail over those whofear Him.

    k'A 34'K '( ‚T$) '$D $"F4/$D 60( 'N) %N), O3F4'47;@, ]2FA$) '( t#,$) 4"'$D O05 '$9) g$d$LµV/$L) 4"'>/ .

    As far as the east is from the west, sofar has He removed our iniquitiesfrom us.

    ]4H>@$/ 60VI$L@A/ 6/4'$#45 60( BL@µ./ , Oµ13FL/,/ 6g’ - µ./ 'K) 6/$ µ74) - µ./ .

    Like a father has compassion on hissons, so has the Lord had compassionon those who fear Him; for He knowsof what we are made, He hasremembered that we are dust.

    ]4HJ) $83',7F,A 04'hF LX$2),3',7F&@, ]2FA$) '$9) g$d$LµV/$L)

    4"'>/ , u'A 4"'() t%/; '( 0#1@µ4 - µ./ , Oµ /%;/ 4"'$D.Bless the Lord, O all you His hosts,His ministers that do His will.

    !"#$%,Q', '(/ ]2FA$/, 0R@4A 4X BL/1µ,A) 4"'$D, #,A'$LF%$5 4"'$D, $X 0$A$D/',) '( HV#&µ4 4"'$D.

    Bless the Lord, O all you His works,in every place of His dominion; blessthe Lord, my soul.

    !"#$%,Q', '(/ ]2FA$/, 01/'4 'K tF%4 4"'$D, O/ 04/'5 '>0[ 'N) B,@0$',74) 4"'$D, ,"#>%,A, - TLI< µ$L, '(/ ]2FA$/.

  • 8/16/2019 Hth Matins


  • 8/16/2019 Hth Matins


    Matins of the Bridegroom on Holy and Great Wednesday Evening

    — 17 —

    Teach me to do Your will, for You aremy God.

    =7B4?>/ µ, '$D 0$A,Q/ '( HV#&µ1 @$L u'A @9 ,Œ * +,>) µ$L.

    Your good Spirit shall lead me in theland of uprightness; You shall quickenme for Your name’s sake, O Lord.

    \( 0/,Dµ1 @$L '( 6%4H(/ *B&%?4 G4'F5 345 WXY 345 Z%7[ G/,2 µ4'A, 345 /D/ 345 6,5 345 ,8) '$9) 48./4) './ 48:/;/ . S µ?4 @$A * +,>) .

    A lleluia, alleluia, alleluia; Glory toYou, O God.

    : ##$2”4, S##$2”4, S##$2”4.=>?4 @$A * +,>) .

    A lleluia, alleluia, alleluia; Glory toYou, O God. Lord, my Hope, glory toYou.

    : ##$2”4, S##$2”4, S##$2”4.=>?4 @$A * +,>) . O#05) - µ./ , ]2FA,,B>?4 @$A.

  • 8/16/2019 Hth Matins


    Matins of the Bridegroom on Holy and Great Wednesday Evening

    — 18 —

    The Great Litany 23.456 E)>/9&, Priest In peace let us pray to the Lord. !"#"$% o/ ,8F0$L - µ./ ( R.5 µ/ ), '$D 'Aµ7$L 0F,@dL',F7$L, 'N) O/ †FA@'Y BA43$/74), 04/'() '$D ]#

  • 8/16/2019 Hth Matins


    Matins of the Bridegroom on Holy and Great Wednesday Evening

    — 19 —

    Priest For travelers by sea, land and air;the sick, the suffering, the captives and theirsalvation, let us pray to the Lord.

    !"#"$% 0PF 0#,>/';/ , *B$A0$F$2/';/, /$@$2/';/ , 34µ />/';/ , 48I µ4#:';/ 347 'N) @;'&F74) 4"'./ , '$D ]LF7$L B,&H.µ,/ .

    L ord, have mercy. A 2FA,, O#V&@$/. Priest For our deliverance from all

    tribulation, wrath, danger, and necessity, letus pray to the Lord.

    !"#"$% 0VF '$D jL@HN/4A - µR) 60(

    01@&) H#7T,;) , bF%N), 3A/B2/$L 345 6/1%3&), '$D ]LF7$L B,&H.µ,/ .

    L ord, have mercy. A 2FA,, O#V&@$/. Priest Help us, save us, have mercy on us,and protect us, O God, by Your grace.

    !"#"$% S/'A#4d$D, @.@$/, O#V&@$/ 345 BA4g2#4?$/ - µR), * +,>) , '| @| I1FA'A.

    L ord, have mercy. A 2FA,, O#V&@$/. Priest Commemorating our all-holy, pure,most-blessed, and glorious Lady, theTheotokos and ever-Virgin Mary, with allthe saints, let us commit ourselves and oneanother and all our life to Christ our God.

    !"#"$% \N) G4/4%74), 6IF1/'$L , m0,F,L#$%&µV/&), O/B>?$L, =,@0$7/&) - µ./ +,$'>3$L 345 6,A04FHV/$L q4F74) ,µ,'K 01/';/ './ Z%7;/ µ /&µ$/,2@4/',) ,„4L'$9) 345 6##?4, 'Aµh 345 0F$@32/&@A), 'Y G4'F5 345 'Y WXY 345 'Y Z%7[ G/,2 µ4'A, /D/ 345 6,5 345 ,8) '$9) 48./4) './ 48:/;/ .

    Amen. : µ 2 .*2,I% S#)#43"& ,I Q."? µ1 µ5* Q#I% TU , V J"-% , 0&-,& WC% ,X Q#5Y,1= µ/,@ T5* ZQ8 ,[% =[% .

    A lleluia, alleluia, alleluia. : ##$2”4, 6##$2”4, 6##$2”4. Learn righteousness, you who dwellupon the earth.

    5 &2/&5Y$.K. µ1)"," 5: Z.5&25?.,"% ZQ8 ,[% =[% .

    A lleluia, alleluia, alleluia. : ##$2”4, 6##$2”4, 6##$2”4.

    Z eal shall seize an untaught people,and now fire shall devour adversaries. 8 [M5% MG\",/& M/I. @Q/40"*,5. , 2/A .?. Q?# ,5B% ]Q"./.,45*% H0",/&.A lleluia, alleluia, alleluia. : ##$2”4, 6##$2”4, 6##$2”4.

    B ring more evils upon them, O Lord,bring more evils upon those who are

    glorious upon the earth.

    ; #-Y)"% /L,5O% 2/21 , P$#&" , Q#-Y)"% /L,5O% 2/2X ,5O% Z.0-65&% ,[% =[% .

    A lleluia, alleluia, alleluia. : ##$2”4, 6##$2”4, 6##$2”4.

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    Matins of the Bridegroom on Holy and Great Wednesday Evening

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    Troparion of the Mystical Supperand Procession

    ;"$94" &$' 2)=&F,@'$/ TLIh/ 'h/ =AB4@31#[ '$A4D'4 '$# µF,@'$/ TLIh/ 'h/ =AB4@31#[ '$A4D'4 '$# µF,@'$/ TLIh/ 'h/ =AB4@31#[ '$A4D'4 '$# µ

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    Small Litany E)>/9&O 2@I;µ,/ .

    G lory to You, O Lord, glory to You. @>?4 @$A, ]2FA,, B>?4 @$A. The Priest reads the Gospel. ( !"#"$% @./=&.DY2"& ,I cL/==NM&5..

    G lory to You, O Lord, glory to You. @>?4 @$A, ]2FA,, B>?4 @$A.

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    Psalm 50 ( ´ R/5 µS%

    H ave mercy on me, O God, accordingto Your great mercy, and according tothe multitude of Your compassions blotout my transgression.

    D#V&@>/ µ, , * +,>) , 34'K '( µV%4 t#,>) @$L 345 34'K '( 0#NH$) './ $83'AFµ./ @$L O?1#,AT$/ '( 6/>µ&µ1 µ$L.

    Wash me thoroughly from myiniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.

    o05 0#,Q$/ 0#D/>/ µ, 60( 'N) 6/$ µ74) µ$L 345 60( 'N) ^µ4F'74) µ$L 34H1FA@>/ µ, .

    For I know my iniquity, and my sin isever before me.

    k'A 'h/ 6/$ µ74/ µ$L O%J %A/:@3;,345 - ^µ4F'74 µ$L O/:0A>/ µ$2 O@'A BA404/'>).

    Against You only have I sinned, and Ihave done evil in Your sight, that

    You may be justified in Your words,and be victorious when You are


    p$5 µ>/[ ¢µ4F'$/ 345 '( 0$/&F(/ O/:0A>/ @$L O0$7&@4, u0;) {/

    BA34A;H|) O/ '$Q) #>%$A) @$L, 345 /A3

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    Restore the joy of Your salvation tome, and establish me with Yourgoverning Spirit.

    S0>B$) µ$A 'h/ 6%4##74@A/ '$D @;'&F7$L @$L 345 0/,2 µ4'A -%,µ$/A3Y @'/ µ, .

    I shall teach transgressors Your ways,and the impious shall turn back toYou.

    =AB1?; 6/>µ$L) 'K) *B$2) @$L, 345 6@,d,Q) O05 @P O0A@'FVT$L@A.

    Deliver me from bloodguilt, O God,the God of my salvation; my tongueshall rejoice in Your righteousness.

    £D@47 µ, O? 4Xµ1';/ , * +,() * +,() 'N) @;'&F74) µ$Lv 6%4##A1@,'4A - %#.@@1 µ$L 'h/ BA34A$@2/&/ @$L.

    O Lord, You shall open my lips, andmy mouth shall declare Your praise.

    ]2FA,, 'K I,7#& µ$L 6/$7?,A), 345 '( @'>µ4 µ$L 6/4%%,#,Q 'h/ 4`/,@7/ @$L.

    For if You had desired sacrifice, I

    would have given it; with whole- burnt offerings You shall not be pleased.

    k'A ,8 ˜HV#&@4) HL@74/, tB;34 f/v

    *#$34L': µ4'4 $"3 ,"B$3/'$) OFLHF>),3Lµ4'$'F>g$) BP ?&F47/,'4A dLH>), * 4"'() *µ$D 6>0#$A) %,%$/J) d4'>) ,345 04/$0#7'4A) '1g$) . §Bh BP

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    armor; • Thus a God-pleasing hymnwas sung: • gloriously glorified • isChrist our God».

    H,$',F0h) 6/, µV#0,'$v o/B>?;) B,B>?4@'4A, †FA@'() * +,() - µ./ ».

    Troparia e#5Q1#&/

    G lory to You, our God, glory to You. 5 -6/ Y5& , V J"-% f µC. , 0-6/ Y5&.

    C ause of all and Bestower of life, • theinfinite Wisdom of God • has built Hishouse, • from a pure Mother who hasnot known man; • for clothing Himselfin a bodily temple; • gloriouslyglorified • is Christ our God.

    U 04/'4A'74, 345 04F,3'A3h M;N), - f0,AF$) @$g74 '$D +,$D, 3$B>µ&@, '(/ $Œ3$/ „4L'N), ^%/N) O? 60,AF1/BF$L q&'F>)v /4(/ %KF @;µ4'A3(/ 0,FAHVµ,/$) , O/B>?;),B,B>?4@'4A, †FA@'() * +,() - µ./ .

    G lory to the Father, and to the Son,and to the Holy Spirit.

    5 -6/ 7/,#8 2/8 9:; 2/8 7."$ µ/,&.

    Instructing His friends • in theMysteries, • the true Wisdom of God •

    prepares a table that gives food untothe soul, • and He mingles for thefaithful • the cup of wine eternal; • letus approach with reverence and cryaloud: • gloriously glorified • is Christour God.

    2 L@'4%;%$D@4, g7#$L) „4L'N), 'h/ TLI$'F>g$/ „'$Aµ1M,A 'F10,M4/,6µdF$@74) BP - c/';) @$g74 '$D +,$D,3AF/€ 3F4'NF4 0A@'$Q). GF$@V#H;µ,/ ,"@,d.) 345 d$?;) B,B>?4@'4A, †FA@'() * +,() - µ./ .

    N ow and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

    4 /8 .?. 2/8 @"8 2/8 "A% ,5B% /AC./% ,C. /AD.E. . F µG..

    O all you faithful, • let us give ear tothe exalted preaching • of the uncreated• and consubstantial wisdom of God, •for He cries aloud, • “Taste and see thatI am good;” • gloriously glorified • isChrist our God.

    : 3$L'A@H.µ,/ , 01/',) $X 0A@'$7,@L%34#$LµV/&) mTY 3&F2%µ4'A, 'N) 63'7@'$L 345 Oµg2'$L @$g74) '$D +,$Dv d$€ %1Fv Ÿ,2@4@H, 345 %/>/',) ,u'A IF&@'() O%J 3F1?4',v o/B>?;) B,B>?4@'4A, †FA@'() * +,() - µ./ .

    Katavasia P/,/'/Y4/

    (Repeat) Struck with a staff • the RedSea parted; • its depths becoming dry •it became a path • for the unarmed

    people, • but a grave for those in fullarmor; • Thus a God-pleasing hymnwas sung: • gloriously glorified • isChrist our God.

    ( 71M&. ) ; µ&H,7@i ' µR'4A, 0>/'$) OFLHF>), 3Lµ4'$'F>g$) BP ?&F47/,'4A dLH>), * 4"'() *µ$D 6>0#$A) %,%$/J) d4'>) , 345 04/$0#7'4A) '1g$) . §Bh BP H,$',F0h) 6/, µV#0,'$v o/B>?;) B,B>?4@'4A, †FA@'() * +,() - µ./ .

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    Ode 3 ?@A B’

    Eirmos ( c:# µI%

    «T he Lord and Creator of all, • thechangeless God, • has descended to

    unite the creature to Himself; • now asthe Passover, He offers Himself • tothose for whom He is about to die,crying: • “Eat My Body: • and befirmly established in the faith”».

    «A 2FA$) ¨/ 01/';/ 345 ]'7@'&) +,>) ,'( 3'A@'(/ * 604H

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    Small Litany E)>/9&O 2/$) gA#1/HF;0$).

    Tone 3 Divine faith ^_5% =́J"4/% Q4Y,"E% G lory to the Father, and to the Son,and to the Holy Spirit.

    5 -6/ 7/,#8 2/8 9:; 2/8 7."$ µ/,&.

    H umbling Yourself in Yourcompassion, • You have washed thefeet of Your disciples, • teaching them

    ; 40,A/$2µ,/$) , BA’ ,"@0#4%I/74/,0>B4) t/AT4), './ q4H&'./ @$L, 345 0F() BF>µ$/ H,Q$/ '$2'$L)

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    to take the path which as God Youhave followed; • and Peter, • who atfirst had refused to be washed, •yielded then to the divine command, •and earnestly entreated • You, that wemay be granted Your great mercy.

    34',2HL/4) , 604/4A/>µ,/$) GV'F$) BP /70',@H4A, 4 HA) 'Y H,7[ m0,73,A 0F$@'1%µ4'A, O3/A0'>µ,/$) , 345 @$D O3',/.) B,>µ,/$) , B;F@µ$/ 60V@',A#4)».

    Troparia e#5Q1#&/

    G lory to You, our God, glory to You. 5 -6/ Y5& , V J"-% f µC. , 0-6/ Y5&.

    G oing to Your passion • that freesfrom passions • all the posterity ofAdam, • You have said, O Christ, •unto Your friends: • “I have desired toeat this Pascha with you, • for the

    Father has sent Me, • His only-begottenSon, • to cleanse the world from sin.”

    D05 '( 01H$) '( 0R@A, '$Q) O? SBKµ0&%1@4/ 601H,A4/, †FA@'P µ$#./ '$Q) g7#$A) @$L, ,Œ04)v q,H ’ mµ./ , '$D G1@I4 µ,'4@I,Q/, '$2'$L O0,H2µ&@4,'(/ q$/$%,/N O0,7 µ, X#4@µ>/ , * G4'hF ,8) '(/ ]>@µ$/ 60V@',A#,.

    G lory to the Father, and to the Son,and to the Holy Spirit.

    5 -6/ 7/,#8 2/8 9:; 2/8 7."$ µ/,&.

    P artaking from the cup, • O Lordimmortal, • You have cried to thedisciples: • “In this present life • I will

    2 ,'4#4 µd1/;/ 3F4'NF$), '$Q) q4H&'4Q) Od>4) SH1/4',v Ÿ,//< µ4'$) 6µ0V#$L BV, 07$µ4A #$A0>/, $"3V'A µ,H’

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    no more drink with you • from the fruitof the vine; • for the Father has sentMe, • His only-begotten Son, • tocleanse the world from sin.”

    mµ./ dA$',2;/ , '(/ q$/$%,/N O0,7 µ, X#4@µ>/ , * G4'µ4 34A/(/ m0PF #>%$/, O%: g&µA O/ '| C4@A#,7l µ$L, †FA@'P '$Q) g7#$A) 07$µ4Av «@', %KF H,$Q), +,() mµ Q/,@L/V@$µ4A ,Œ04)v '(/ q$/$%,/N 345 %1F µ, X#4@µ>/ , * G4'hF ,8) '(/ ]>@µ$/ 60V@',A#,.

    Katavasia P/,/'/Y4/

    (Repeat) T he prophet, • foreseeingYour ineffable mystery, • foretold You,Christ; • “You have shown • a mightylove, compassionate Father, • sendingYour only-begotten Son, good One, •to cleanse the world from sin.”

    ( 71M&. ) 7 F$34'ABJ/ * GF$gFF&'$/, †FA@'P 0F$4/,g:/&@,/ . ŠH$L 3F4'4A1/,6%10&@A/ 8@I2$), G1',F $83'7Fµ$/v '(/ µ$/$%,/N, WX(/ %KF 6%4HV, X#4@µ(/ ,8) '(/ ]>@µ$/ 60V@',A#4).

    Ode 5 ?@A &’

    Eirmos ( c:# µI% «T he Apostles were united • by a bondof love, • dedicated to Christ • Whorules over all; • their beautiful feet werewashed for the preaching • of theGospel of peace to all ».

    «; Y @L/BV@µ[ 'N) 6%10&),@L/B,>µ,/$A $X S0>@'$#$A, 'Y B,@0>M$/'A './ u#;/ , „4L'$9) †FA@'Y,6/4HVµ,/$A, eF47$L) 0>B4) O?40,/7M$/'$, ,"4%%,#AM>µ,/$A 0R@A/ ,8F

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    N ow and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

    4 /8 .?. 2/8 @"8 2/8 "A% ,5B% /AC./% ,C. /AD.E. . F µG..

    T he Master • shows His disciples • anexample of humility; • He Who wraps

    the heaven in clouds, • girds Himselfwith a towel; • and He in Whose hand •is the life of all things, • washes thefeet of His servants.

    2 4H&'4Q) m0$B,A3/2,A, '40,A/:@,;) * =,@0>'&) '20$/v * /,gV#4A) BP '(/

    0>#$/ 0,FAd1##;/ , M://L'4A #V/'A$/,345 31µ0',A %>/L, B$2#;/ O30#D/4A 0>B4), $w O/ '| I,AF5 0/$h 01/';/ './ c/';/ .

    Katavasia P/,/'/Y4/

    (Repeat) T he Apostles were united • by a bond of love, • dedicated to Christ• Who rules over all; • their beautifulfeet were washed for the preaching • ofthe Gospel of peace to all.

    ( 71M&. ) ; Y @L/BV@µ[ 'N) 6%10&),@L/B,>µ,/$A $X S0>@'$#$A, 'Y B,@0>M$/'A './ u#;/ , „4L'$9) †FA@'Y,6/4HVµ,/$A, eF47$L) 0>B4) O?40,/7M$/'$, ,"4%%,#AM>µ,/$A 0R@A/ ,8F'i d$. @$Av o3 gH$FR) µ, 6/1%4%,».

    Troparia e#5Q1#&/

    G lory to the Father, and to the Son,and to the Holy Spirit.

    5 -6/ 7/,#8 2/8 9:; 2/8 7."$ µ/,&.

    “D isciples, • you call Me Lord andMaster, • and so I am;” and thenYoucried, O Savior; • “Follow then theexample • that you have seen in Me.”

    A 2FA$/ g;/,Q', , ¬ q4H&'47, 345 =AB1@34#>/ µ,v 345 %KF 0VgL34 p;'hF Od>4)v BA( µAµ,Q@H, '(/ '20$/ , ©/ 'F>0$/ O/ Oµ$5 OH,1@4@H,.

    N ow and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

    4 /8 .?. 2/8 @"8 2/8 "A% ,5B% /AC./% ,C. /AD.E. . F µG..

    “H e Who is free • from defilement, •needs no washing of feet; • now youare clean, My disciples, • but not all ofyou; • for one of you is inclined • in hisheart to wild foolishness.”

    V 20$/ 'A) µh tI;/ 60$FFAgHN/4A, $" B,Q'4A 0>B4)v 34H4F$5 ¬ q4H&'45 mµ,Q) BV, 6##’ $"I5 01/',)v j$0h %KF 6'13';) , O? mµ./ „/() µ47/,'4A.

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    Katavasia P/,/'/Y4/

    (Repeat) The final abyss • of sin hassurrounded me, • and unable to bear itswaves, • I cry out like Jonah: • “Leadme from corruption.”

    ( 71M&. ) ždL@@$) O@I1'& ^µ4F'&µ1';/ , O323#;@V µ, , 345 '(/ 3#2B;/4 µ&3V'A gVF;/ , e) * n;/R) ,'Y =,@0>'i d$. @$Av o3 gH$FR) µ, 6/1%4%,.

    Small Litany E)>/9&O 2FH;'$) t µ,A/,/ , l5$0/% V 05?M5% 2/8 0-M&5% .

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    Oikos XY0$% By Symeon of the Blameless Life e5? T* µ"m. ,I. n µ" µQ,5. o45*

    Read (Tone 2Who live on high)

    j? µ/ ( ̂ _5% ' ´eX k.E 3K,C. )

    L et us all draw near with fear to themystical table, and let us receive theBread with pure souls; let us remain atthe side of the Master, that we mightsee how He washes the feet of thedisciples and dries them with a towel;and let us follow the example we haveseen, submitting ourselves to oneanother and washing each other’s feet.This is the commandment given byChrist to His disciples, but Judas paidno heed, the slave and the deceiver .

    ; | µ L@'A3| O/ g>d[ 'F40VMi,0F$@,%%7@4/',) 01/',) , 34H4F4Q) '4Q) TLI4Q), '(/ fF'$/ m0$B,?:µ,H4,@Lµ04F4µV/$/',) 'Y =,@0>'i , x/4 `B;µ,/ '$9) 0>B4) 0.) 60$/70',A './ q4H&'./ , 345 O3 µ1@@,A 'Y #,/'7[ , 345 0$AB4) O30#2/$/',)v 4"'() %KF * †FA@'() $‚';) O3V#,L@,, '$Q) 4"'$D q4H&'4Q) e) 0F$Vg&@,/, 6##’ $"3 3$L@,/,l5$0/% V 05?M5% 2/8 0-M&5% .

    Synaxarion E)>/H4" Of the Day from the Menaion, and thecommemoration from the Triodion:

    e[% f µN#/% Z2 ,5? dK./45* , 2/4 ,- pQ- µ.K µ/ ,5? e#&>045*·

    O n Holy and Great Thursday, asordained for the good of all by the holyfathers, and according to the testimony

    of the holy Apostles and the holyGospel, we celebrate four events: theholy washing of the feet, the MysticalSupper (at which the Mystery of theBreaking of the Bread was establishedfor us), the extraordinary prayer, andthe anticipation of Christ’s Passion.

    ; | ^%7l 345 µ,%1#i GVµ0'i , $X 'K 01/'4 34#.) BA4'4?1µ,/$A H,Q$A G4'VF,) , 6##$BA4B>I;) t3 ', './

    H,7;/ S0$@'>#;/ , 345 './ X,F./ !"4%%,#7;/, 04F4B,B:34@A/ - µ Q/ 'V@@4F1 'A/4 „$F'1M,A/, '(/ X,F(/ sA0'NF4, '(/ µ L@'A3(/ =,Q0/$/ (BBh 'h/ 04F1B$@A/ './ 34H’ - µR) gFA3'./ qL@'&F7;/), 'h/ m0,FgLR GF$@,LI

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    And it was the new Pascha of the Blood and Body of the Lord.

    4 /8 71Y_/ 2/&.-. , uv µ/ . TC µ/ `"YQ-,5*.

    Verses of the High Priestly Prayer cA% ,g. ]Q"#W*b 7#5Y"*_g.

    A s He prayed, drops of blood, ; #5Y"$_w· 2/8 W-'K,#/ , )#- µ '5&

    /: µ1,E. ,On the face of Christ appeared, E #&Y,N , Q#5YDQ5* , Q/#/&,5$ µ".5%


    F or He earnestly pleaded that deathmight be overcome.

    3 1./,5. , Z_)#I. Z. ,5$,5&% W"./243E..

    Verses of the Betrayal cA% ,g. 7#505Y4/.

    T he sword, the wood, the flight of thedisciples;

    % 4 0"O µ/_/C. , ,4 6$ME. M/5QM1.5& ,

    T hese came before the world would be freed from death.

    ; #I% ,I )/."O. Q#-)* µ5. "A% P-Y µ5* M$,#5..

    T hrough Your ineffable compassion, x Christ our God, have mercy on us.


    % y @W1,> Y5* "LYQM/=_.4z , j#&Y,U V J"I% f µC. , ZMNKY5. f µb% . F µG..

    Ode 7 ?@A F ’

    Eirmos ( c:# µI%

    «T he youths in Babylon • were notafraid of the flaming furnace, • butwhen cast into the midst of the flames,• they were washed in dew and sang: •“Blessed are You, Lord, • the God ofour fathers!”».

    «XX G4QB,) O/ C4dL#./A, 34µ7/$L g#>%4 $"3 t0'&?4/ 6##’ O/ µV@[ g#$%() Oµd#&HV/',), BF$@AM>µ,/$A tT4##$/v !"#$%&'() ,Œ ]2FA,, * +,() './ G4'VF;/ - µ./ ».

    Troparia e#5Q1#&/

    G lory to You, our God, glory to You. 5 -6/ Y5& , V J"-% f µC. , 0-6/ Y5&.

    W ith head bowed, • Judas plotted evil,• seeking opportunity • to deliver forcondemnation the Judge • Who is Lordof all, • and God of our fathers.

    ( ,L@'1M;/ 31F4/ n$2B4), 343K 0F$d#V0;/ O37/&@,/, ,"34AF74/ M&'./ 04F4B$D/4A, '(/ ]FA'h/ ,8) 34'13FA@A/, ©) 01/';/ O@'5 ]2FA$), 345 +,() './ G4'VF;/ - µ./ .

    G lory to the Father, and to the Son,and to the Holy Spirit.

    5 -6/ 7/,#8 2/8 9:; 2/8 7."$ µ/,&.

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    “Among you there • is one who will betray Me,” • Christ cried out to Hisfriends; • and they, forgetting theirgladness, • were seized with grief • andanguish, saying, • “Who will this be? •

    Tell us, O God of our fathers.”

    Z µ Q/ * †FA@'() '$Q) g7#$A), Od>4v !ƒ) 04F4B:@,A µ, , ,"gF$@2/&) #4H>/',) ,6%;/7l 345 #20i @L/,7I$/'$. \7) $w'$); gF1@$/ #V%$/',), * +,() './ G4'VF;/ - µ./ .

    N ow and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

    4 /8 .?. 2/8 @"8 2/8 "A% ,5B% /AC./% ,C. /AD.E. . F µG..

    “H e that dares to dip • his hand withme in the dish, • it would have been

    better for that man • if he had never • passed through the gates of life;” • wassaid about the one • who would betrayHim, • by Christ the God of our fathers.

    2 ,H’ u@'A) Oµ$D 'h/ I,QF4, 'FLd#7[ d1##,A HF4@2'&'A, '$2'[ 0#h/ 34#(/

    / , 02#4) d7$L 0,F1@4A µ&BV0$',v '$D'$/ ©) / OBµ;/ 04'Fr;/ $X µ434FA@'$7, O/ C4dL#./A sV$A 0F$3A/BL/,2$/',) ,d4@A#,2$/'$), 34'V0'L?4/ , 0F$@'4%N) 6#$%7@'$L, 345 @L/&µµV/$A $"3 OI;/,2H&@4/ 0LF7, '$D 3F4'$D/'$) O01?A$/ 6/Vµ,#0$/ '(/ ‚µ /$/v \(/ ]2FA$/ mµ /,Q', 'K tF%4, 345

    m0,FLT$D', ,8) 01/'4) '$9) 48./4) ».Troparia e#5Q1#&/

    G lory to You, our God, glory to You. 5 -6/ Y5& , V J"-% f µC. , 0-6/ Y5&.

    Blessed guests in Sion, • faithfulcompanions of the Word, • theApostles followed • the Shepherd likesheep; • firmly united to Christ, • and

    XX B4A'Lµ>/,) $X µ434FA@'$7, O/ '| pAJ/ 'Y ¡>%[ 0F$@34F',F

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    Matins of the Bridegroom on Holy and Great Wednesday Evening

    — 34 —

    feeding upon the divine Word, • theycried out in thanksgiving, • “O Youworks of the Lord, • praise the Lord, •and exalt Him, • unto all the ages.”

    OI;F7@H&@4/ †FA@'Y, H,7[ #>%[ 'F,g> µ,/$A, ,"I4F7@';) Od>;/v \(/ ]2FA$/ mµ /,Q', 'K tF%4, 345 m0,FLT$D', ,8) 01/'4) '$9) 48./4) .

    W e glorify Father, Son, and HolySpirit, the Lord.

    5 -6/ 7/,#8 2/8 9:; 2/8 7."$ µ/,&.

    Iniquitous Iscariot, • forgetful of thelaw of friendship, • hastened to the

    betrayal • on the feet which You hadwashed; • eating Your bread, • thedivine Body, • he lifted up his heelagainst You; • for he did not know howto cry: • “O You works of the Lord, •

    praise the Lord, • and exalt Him, • untoall the ages.”

    ( >µ$L gA#74), * BL@:/Lµ$),n@34FA:'&) %/:µi O0A#4H>µ,/$) , $ˆ) O/7T4'$ &"'FV0A@, 0F() 0F$B$@74/ 0>B4), 345 @$D O@H7;/ fF'$/ , p. µ4 H,Q$/, O0NF, 0',F/A@µ>/ O05 @V,†FA@'V, 345 d$R/ $" @L/N3,v \(/ ]2FA$/ mµ /,Q', 'K tF%4, 345 m0,FLT$D', ,8) 01/'4) '$9) 48./4) .

    N ow and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

    4 /8 .?. 2/8 @"8 2/8 "A% ,5B% /AC./% ,C. /AD.E. . F µG..

    L acking all conscience, • he receivedthe Body • that delivers men from sin •and the divine Blood • that was shedfor the world; • he was not ashamed todrink • what he had sold for money; •

    he felt no anger against sin; • for he didnot • know how to cry: “O You worksof the Lord, praise the Lord, and exaltHim, unto all the ages.”

    DB,?A$D'$ '( #L'

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    Matins of the Bridegroom on Holy and Great Wednesday Evening

    — 35 —

    Ode 9 ?@A I ’ Deacon The Theotokos and Mother of theLight, in hymns of honor let us magnify!

    `&12 . \h/ +,$'>3$/ 345 q&'VF4 '$D ;'>) , O/ ‚µ /$A) 'Aµ./',) µ,%4#2/; µ,/ .

    Eirmos ( c:# µI%

    «C ome, O you faithful, • let us enjoythe hospitality of the Master; • the banquet of immortality. • With upliftedminds • in the upper chamber, • let usreceive • the exalted words of theWord, • Whom we magnify».

    «[ ,/74) B,@0$'A3N), 345 6H4/1'$L 'F40VM&), O/ m0,Fr[ '>0[ , '4Q) mTQ) gF,@7, 0A@'$5 B,D', 60$#42@;µ,/ , O04/4d,d&3>'4 #>%$/,O3 '$L ¡>%$L µ4H>/',) , ©/ µ,%4#2/$µ,/ ».

    Troparia e#5Q1#&/

    G lory to You, our God, glory to You. 5 -6/ Y5& , V J"-% f µC. , 0-6/ Y5&.

    “G o,” says the Word • unto Hisdisciples, • “and in the upper chamber • prepare the Passover • which confirmsthe mind • of those whom I initiate •with the unleavened word of truth; •and magnify • the strength of grace.”

    W0A', '$Q) q4H&'4Q), * ¡>%$) tg&, '( G1@I4 O/ m0,F:[ '>0[ , /$D) O/7BFL'4A, $ƒ) µ L@'4%;%Y, @3,L1@4',,6M2µ[ 6#&H,74) #>%[, '( @',FF(/ BP 'N) I1FA'$) µ,%4#2/4', .

    G lory to the Father, and to the Son,and to the Holy Spirit.

    5 -6/ 7/,#8 2/8 9:; 2/8 7."$ µ/,&.

    Before the ages • the Father begot Me,• His creative Wisdom. • He made Methe beginning • of His ways for Hisworks, • which now have beenmystically perfected. • For being bynature • the uncreated Word, • I makeMy own the words • of that nature •which I have now assumed.

    @&µA$LF%(/ * G4'0[ 'N) 6/'AB>@,;), - g2@A) - „/;H,Q@1 µ$A.†FA@'(/ a/4v BA> µ, %/.', , 'K O? —/,O/ $ƒ), U0,F 0VgL34 @rM$/'4.

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    Matins of the Bridegroom on Holy and Great Wednesday Evening

    — 36 —

    Katavasia P/,/'/Y4/

    (Repeat) C ome, O you faithful, • let usenjoy the hospitality of the Master; •the banquet of immortality. • Withuplifted minds • in the upper chamber,• let us receive • the exalted words ofthe Word, • Whom we magnify.

    ( 71M&. ) [ ,/74) B,@0$'A3N), 345 6H4/1'$L 'F40VM&), O/ m0,Fr[ '>0[ ,'4Q) mTQ) gF,@7, 0A@'$5 B,D', 60$#42@;µ,/ , O04/4d,d&3>'4 #>%$/,O3 '$L ¡>%$L µ4H>/',) , ©/ µ,%4#2/$µ,/ .

    Small Litany E)>/9&O 2/ µ$L 'h/ @'$#h/ 'N) TLIN), ;'$B>'4 , 345 @.@>/ µ, .

    (Repeat) I see Your bridal chamberadorned, • O my Savior, • and I haveno wedding garment, • that I may enter

    ( 7@M&. ) ; (/ /Lµg./1 @$L d#V0;,p;'

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    Matins of the Bridegroom on Holy and Great Wednesday Evening

    — 37 —

    therein. • make radiant the vesture ofmy soul • O Giver of Light, and saveme.

    #1µ0FL/>/ µ$L 'h/ @'$#h/ 'N) TLIN),;'$B>'4 , 345 @.@>/ µ, .

    (Repeat) I see Your bridal chamberadorned, • O my Savior, • and I have

    no wedding garment, • that I may entertherein. • make radiant the vesture ofmy soul • O Giver of Light, and saveme.

    ( 7@M&. ) ; (/ /Lµg./1 @$L d#V0;,p;'/ µ, .

    Praises ]Y>$<

    L et every breath praise the Lord. •Praise the Lord from the heavens, •

    praise Him in the highest. • To You isdue praise, O God.

    7 R@4 0/$h 48/,@1'; '(/ ]2FA$/. •y8/,Q', '(/ ]2FA$/ O3 './ $"F4/./ •48/,Q', 49'(/ O/ '$Q) mT8@'$A)v • p$5 0FV0,A ‚µ /$) 'Y +,Y .

    P raise Him all you His Angels; • praiseHim all you His hosts. • To You is due

    praise, O God.

    ] 8/,Q', 4"'(/ 01/',) $X ž%%,#$A 4"'$Dv • 48/,Q', 4"'(/ , 0R@4A 4X =L/1µ,A) 4"'$Dv • p$5 0FV0,A ‚µ /$) 'Y +,Y .

    Idiomela Stichera J#KLG(M N@KO µ&0- Kosmas the Monastic

    Tone 2 P5Y µb d5./_5?

    ^_5% ' ´ P raise Him for His mighty acts, praise Him according to the multitude of His greatness.

    HA."O," /L,I. ZQ8 ,/O% 0*./Y,"4/&% /L,5? , /A."O," /L,I. 2/,X ,I QM[)5% ,[%

    µ"=/MEY$.K% /L,5? . T he assembly of the Jews • gatherstogether, • to deliver the Maker • andCreator of all • to Pilate; • Whatlawlessness! • What faithlessness! • forthey prepare for judgment • the Judgeof • the living and the dead; • they

    prepare for suffering • the Healer ofsufferings. • How great is Your mercy,• long-suffering Lord, glory to You.

    E L/'FVI,A #$A0>/, '( @L/VBFA$/ './ n$LB47;/, x/4 '(/ =&µA$LF%>/, 345 ]'7@'&/ './ ^01/';/ , GA#1'[ 04F4B:@i, ¨ './ 6/>µ;/ ! ¨ './ 607@';/! u'A '(/ OFI>µ,/$/ , 3FQ/4A M./'4) 345 /,3F$2) , ,8) 3F7@A/ ,"'F,07M$L@A, '(/ 8: µ,/$/ 'K 01H&,0F() 01H$) „'$Aµ1M$L@A. ]2FA, µ43F>HLµ, , µV%4 @$L '( t#,$) , B>?4 @$A.

    John the MonasticTone 2

    !E1..5* d5./_5? ^_5% ' ´

    P raise Him with the sound of trumpet, praise Him with the psaltery and harp.

    HA."O," /L,I. Z. {_> , Y1MQ&==5% ,/A."O," /L,I. Z. \/M,K#4> 2/8 2&)1#z.

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    Matins of the Bridegroom on Holy and Great Wednesday Evening

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    J udas the transgressor • dipped hishand in the plate with You • at Supper,Lord, • but now he unlawfully •stretches forth his hand for silver; • andHe who calculated the price of the

    precious myrrh, • does not shudder atselling You, the priceless One; • he letthe Master • wash his feet, • yet hedeceitfully kisses Him • and betrayedHim to lawless men; • cast out from theranks of the Apostles, • and castingaway the thirty pieces of silver, • he didnot see the third-day resurrection, •through which have mercy on us.

    ^$2B4) * 04F1/$µ$) ]2FA,, * d1T4) O/ 'Y B,70/[ 'h/ I,QF4, O/ 'Y 'FLd#7[ µ,'K @$D, O?V',A/,/ 6/>µ;) 'K) I,QF4),'$D #4d,Q/ 6F%2FA4, 345 * '$D µ 2F$L #$%A@1µ,/$) 'AµB4) mg40#:@4) O05 '( /7T4A, '(/ =,@0>'&/ 34',g7#&@, B$#7;), ,8) '( 0F$B$D/4A '$Q) 6/>µ$A), I$F$D BP S0$@'>#;/ jAg,7), 345 'K 'FA13$/'4 j7T4) 6F%2FA4, @$D 'h/ 'FA#A$) ‘/ , B$#7[ gA#'&/ './ ^01/';/ ,e) B$D#$/ 0V0F43, '$Q) 04F4/>µ$A),e) 0F>d4'$/ O05 @g4%) , * µ>/$) 0$#LV#,$).

    P raise Him with tuneful cymbals, praise Him with cymbals of jubilation. Let every breath praise the Lord.

    HA."O," /L,I. Z. 2* µ '1M5&% "LG_5&% ,/A."O," /L,I. Z. 2* µ '1M5&% @M/M/= µ5? . 7bY/ Q.5g /A."Y1,E ,I. P$#&5..

    J udas has been revealed by his deeds •to be servant and deceiver, • discipleand betrayer, • friend and devil; • whilefollowing the Teacher, • he plotted His

    betrayal; • he said to himself: • I will betray Him • and gain the purse. • Hesought to have the myrrh sold, • and bydeceit to have Jesus seized; • he gavethe kiss • and gave up the Christ; • andled as a sheep • to the slaughter, • theLamb of God, • the Son of the Father, •the only compassionate One Who lovesmankind.

    ^$2B4) * B$D#$) 345 B>#A$), * µ4H&'h) 345 O07d$L#$), * g7#$) 345 BA1d$#$),O3 './ tF%;/ 60,g1/H&v ˜3$#$2H,A %KF 'Y =AB4@31#[, 345 34H’ „4L'(/ Oµ,#V'&@, 'h/ 0F$B$@74/, t#,%,/ O/ „4L'Yv G4F4B:@; '$D'$/ , 345 3,FB

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    Matins of the Bridegroom on Holy and Great Wednesday Evening

    — 39 —

    Idiomelon N@KO µ&0P"

    Tone 2 ^_5% ' ´

    G lory to the Father, and to the Son,and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever,

    and to the ages of ages. Amen.

    5 -6/ 7/,#8 2/8 9:; 2/8 7."$ µ/,& , 2/8 .?. 2/8 @"8 2/8 "A% ,5B%

    /AC./% ,C. /AD.E. . F µG..T he Lamb Whom Isaiah proclaimed •goes willingly to the slaughter; • Hegives His back to scourging, • Hischeeks to buffeting; • He does not turnHis face • from the shame of spitting; •He is condemned to a painful death; •He Who is sinless • willingly submitsto everything, • to grant to all •

    resurrection from the dead.

    _ / O3?4/ 6/40Vµ0$µ,/ , 'Y G4'F5 345 'Y WXY 345 'Y Z%7[ G/,2 µ4'A, /D/ 345 6,5 345 ,8) '$9) 48./4) './ 48:/;/ . S µ?4 O/ mT7@'$A) +,Y 345 O05 %N)


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    — 40 —

    For You only are holy; You only arethe Lord, Jesus Christ, to the glory ofGod the Father. Amen.

    k'A @9 ,Œ µ>/$) _%A$), @9 ,Œ µ>/$) ]2FA$), n&@$D) †FA@'>), ,8) B>?4/ +,$D G4'F>). S µ/ µ, '$D 0$A,Q/ '( HV#&µ1 @$L, u'A @9

    ,Œ * +,>) µ$L.For in You is the fountain of life, inYour light we shall see light.

    k'A 04FK @$5 0&%h M;N) O/ 'Y g;'7 @$L bT>µ,H4 g.) .

    Continue Your mercy to those whoknow You.

    G4F1',A/$/ '( t#,>) @$L '$Q) %A/:@3$L@7 @,.

    Make us worthy, O Lord, to be protected from sin this day.

    ]4'4?7;@$/ , ]2FA,, O/ '| - µVFl '42'& 6/4 µ4F'/ µ, 'K BA34A:µ4'1 @$L.

    Blessed are You, O Master: make meunderstand Your commandments. !"#$%&'() ,Œ , =V@0$'4, @L/V'A@>/ µ , 'K BA34A:µ4'1 @$L. Blessed are You, O Holy One:enlighten me with Yourcommandments.

    !"#$%&'() ,Œ , _%A,, g:'A@>/ µ, '$Q) BA34A:µ4@7 @$L.

    O Lord, Your mercy is to the ages; donot disdain the works of Your hands.

    ]2FA,, '( t#,>) @$L ,8) '(/ 48./4 , 'K tF%4 './ I,AF./ @$L µh 04F7Bi).

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    Matins of the Bridegroom on Holy and Great Wednesday Evening

    — 41 —

    To You is due praise, to You is duesong, to You glory is due, to theFather, and to the Son, and to theHoly Spirit, now and ever, and to theages of ages. Amen.

    p$5 0FV0,A 4Œ/$), p$5 0FV0,A ‚µ /$) ,p$5 B>?4 0FV0,A, 'Y G4'F5 345 'Y WXY, 345 'Y Z%7[ G/,2 µ4'A, /D/, 345 6,7, 345 ,8) '$9) 48./4) './ 48:/;/ .S µ

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    Matins of the Bridegroom on Holy and Great Wednesday Evening

    — 42 —

    Deacon Commemorating our all-holy, pure, most-blessed, and glorious Lady, theTheotokos and ever-Virgin Mary, with allthe saints, let us commit ourselves and oneanother and all our life to Christ our God.

    `&12 . \N) G4/4%74), 6IF1/'$L , m0,F,L#$%&µV/&), O/B>?$L, =,@0$7/&) - µ./ +,$'>3$L 345 6,A04FHV/$L q4F74) ,µ,'K 01/';/ './ Z%7;/ µ /&µ$/,2@4/',) ,„4L'$9) 345 6##?4/ 6/40Vµ0$µ,/ , 'Y G4'F5 345 'Y WXY 345 'Y Z%7[ G/,2 µ4'A, /D/ 345 6,5 345 ,8) '$9) 48./4) './ 48:/;/ .

    Amen. : µF[ @$L cµµ4'A O0Ad#V0;/ O05 0R@4/ 'h/ 3'7@A/, @$5 O3#7/4µ,/ '(/ 4"IV/4 'N) TLIN) 345 '$D @:µ4'$) , 345 B,>µ,H1 @$L _%A, Z%7;/v t3',A/$/ 'h/ I,QF1 @$L 'h/ 6>F4'$/ O? ^%7$L 34'$A3&'&F7$L @$L,345 ,"#>%&@$/ 01/'4) - µR)v 345 ,`'A - µ1F'$µ,/ „3$L@7;) 63$L@7;), e) 6%4H() 345 gA#1/HF;0$) +,() @L%I:F&@$/, B;F$2µ,/$) - µ Q/ 'K O%3>@µA4 345 m0,F3>@µA4 6%4H1 @$L.

    For it is Yours to show mercy and to saveus, our God, and to You we send up glory:to the Father, and to the Son, and to theHoly Spirit, now and ever, and to the agesof ages.

    p(/ %KF O@'A '( O#,,Q/ 345 @rM,A/ - µR), * +,() - µ./ , 345 @$5 'h/ B>?4/ 6/40Vµ0$µ,/ , 'Y G4'F5 345 'Y WXY 345 'Y Z%7[ G/,2 µ4'A, /D/ 345 6,5 345 ,8) '$9) 48./4) './ 48:/;/ .

    Amen. : µ

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    — 43 —

    Aposticha :9S=&/ . ° gA#4F%LF74) 0F$B>'$L! ,‡;/$/ 0$A,Q'4A 'h/ 0FR@A/, 0F() 'h/ %/:µ&/

    './ 6%$F4M>/';/, '$D 0;#$L µV/$L 'h/ 0F4%µ4',74/ 0$A,Q'4A, $"3 63FAd$#$%,Q'4A 0F() 'h/ 'Aµ

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    Matins of the Bridegroom on Holy and Great Wednesday Evening

    — 44 —

    µ47/,@H4A O0$7&@,/ 4"'>/v ª) 'h/ 0,QF4/ g2%;µ,/ , 3F1M$/',)v q43F>HLµ, ]2FA,, B>?4 @$A.

    John the MonasticTone Plagal 4

    lE1..5* d5./_5? ^_5% QM. 0´

    H e went forth and spoke the same. > 6"Q5#"$",5 H6E , 2/8 ZM1M"& ZQ8 ,I /L,- .

    Your life, O lawless Judas, • is filledwith deceit; • sick with greed, • yougained the contempt of all men; • if youloved wealth, • why did you followHim Who taught poverty? • If youloved the priceless One, • why did yousell Him? • Why did you hand Himover to be murdered? • Shudder, O sun!• Lament, O earth • and cry with fear: •Long-suffering Lord, glory to You!

    F 'F>0$) @$L B$#A>'&'$) %Vµ,A,04F1/$µ, n$2B4v /$@./ %KF gA#4F%LF74/, O3VFB&@4) µA@4/HF;074/v ,8 %KF 0#$D'$/ ˜%104),'7 'Y 0,F5 0';I,74) BAB1@3$/'A Og$7'4); ,8 BP 345 Og7#,A), x/4 '7 O0:#,A) '(/ 6'7µ&'$/ , 0F$BAB$9) ,8) µA4Ag$/74/; FQ?$/ ¢#A,, @'V/4?$/ - %N, 345 3#$/$LµV/& d>&@$/v S/,?7343, ]2FA, B>?4 @$A.

    Methodios the PatriarchTone Plagal 4

    d")5045* 7/,#&1#_5* ^_5% QM. 0´

    An unjust word they set against me. 7 -=5. Q/#1.5 µ5. 2/,N)".,5 2/, ’ Z µ5? .

    L et no one be ignorant, you faithful, •

    of the Lord’s Supper, • let no oneapproach the table • with deceit likeJudas; • for he received a morsel, yetabandoned the Bread of Life; • helooked like a disciple, but in fact hewas a murderer; • he lived with theApostles, • but he rejoiced with theJews; • with hatred he kissed, • andwith a kiss he sold • the One Who hadredeemed us from the curse, • God theSavior of our souls.

    2 &B,5) ¬ 0A@'$7, '$D B,@0$'A3$D

    B,70/$L 6µ 2&'$), µ&B,5) u#;) e) * n$2B4), B$#7;) 0F$@7'; '| 'F40VM&v O3,Q/$) %KF '(/ T; µ(/ B,?1µ,/$) ,34'K '$D fF'$L OI:F&@,, @I/ O?4%$F1@4/'4 - µR) 'N) 34'1F4) , '(/ +,(/ 345 p;'NF4 './ TLI./ - µ./ .

    Idiomelon N@KO µ&0P"

    John the MonasticTone Plagal 4

    lE1..5* d5./_5? ^_5% QM. 0´

    G lory to the Father, and to the Son,and to the Holy Spirit.

    5 -6/ 7/,#8 2/8 9:; 2/8 7."$ µ/,&.

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    Matins of the Bridegroom on Holy and Great Wednesday Evening

    — 45 —

    (Repeat) Y our life, O lawless Judas, • isfilled with deceit; • sick with greed, •you gained the contempt of all men; • ifyou loved wealth, • why did you followHim Who taught poverty? • If you

    loved the priceless One, • why did yousell Him? • Why did you hand Himover to be murdered? • Shudder, O sun!• Lament, O earth • and cry with fear: •Long-suffering Lord, glory to You!

    ( 71M&. ) F 'F>0$) @$L B$#A>'&'$) %Vµ,A, 04F1/$µ, n$2B4v /$@./ %KF gA#4F%LF74/, O3VFB&@4) µA@4/HF;074/v ,8 %KF 0#$D'$/ ˜%104),'7 'Y 0,F5 0';I,74) BAB1@3$/'A

    Og$7'4); ,8 BP 345 Og7#,A), x/4 '7 O0:#,A) '(/ 6'7µ&'$/ , 0F$BAB$9) ,8) µA4Ag$/74/. FQ?$/ ¢#A,, @'V/4?$/ - %N, 345 3#$/$LµV/& d>&@$/v S/,?7343, ]2FA, B>?4 @$A.

    Kosmas the MonasticTone Plagal 1

    P5Y µb d5./_5? ^_5% QM. / ´

    N ow and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

    4 /8 .?. 2/8 @"8 2/8 "A% ,5B% /AC./% ,C. /AD.E. . F µG..

    Instructing Your disciples in theMystery, • Lord, You said to them: •My beloved, see • that no fear separatesyou from Me; • though I suffer, • it isfor the sake of the world; • let Me not

    be a cause of scandal to you, • for Icame, not to be served, • but to serve, •and to give My soul • for theredemption of the world. • If you areMy friends, • then imitate Me; • let hewho would be first among you • be asthe last; • let the Master • be like theservant; • abide in Me • and bear fruit, •for I am the Vine of Life.

    2 L@'4%;%./ @$L ]2FA, '$9) q4H&'1) , OB7B4@3,) #V%;/. ± g7#$A,*FR', , µ&B,Q) mµR) I;F7@,A µ$L g>d$)v ,8 %KF 01@I;, 6##’ m0PF '$D ]>@µ$Lv µh $ / @34/B4#7M,@H, O/ Oµ$7v $" %KF

    #H$/ BA43$/&HN/4A, 6##K BA43$/N@4A,345 B$D/4A 'h/ TLI@µ$L. !8 $ / mµ,Q) g7#$A µ$2 O@',, OµP µAµ,Q@H,v * HV#;/ 0F.'$) ,Œ/4A, t@'; t@I4'$) , * B,@0>'&), e) * BA13$/$)v µ,7/4', O/ Oµ$7, x/4 d>'FL/ gVF&',v O%J %1F ,8µA 'N) M;N) - f µ0,#$) .

    Trisagion ;")

    @$L, 345 'h/ 6#),U%A$) 6H1/4'$) O#V&@$/ - µR).

    H oly God, Holy Mighty, HolyImmortal have mercy on us.

    ? %A$) * +,>) , U%A$) 8@ILF>), U%A$) 6H1/4'$) O#V&@$/ - µR).

    H oly God, Holy Mighty, HolyImmortal have mercy on us.

    ? %A$) * +,>) , U%A$) 8@ILF>), U%A$) 6H1/4'$) O#V&@$/ - µR).

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    Matins of the Bridegroom on Holy and Great Wednesday Evening

    — 46 —

    G lory to the Father, and to the Son,and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever,and to the ages of ages. Amen.

    @>?4 G4'F5 345 WXY 345 Z%7[ G/,2 µ4'A, 345 /D/ 345 6,5 345 ,8) '$9) 48./4) './ 48:/;/ . S µ) @$L.

    L ord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.Lord, have mercy.

    A 2FA, O#V&@$/. ]2FA, O#V&@$/. ]2FA, O#V&@$/.

    G lory to the Father, and to the Son,and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever,

    and to the ages of ages. Amen.

    @>?4 G4'F5 345 WXY 345 Z%7[ G/,2 µ4'A, 345 /D/ 345 6,5 345 ,8) '$9)

    48./4) './ 48:/;/ . S µ?4 '$D G4'F() 345 '$D WX$D 347 '$D Z%7$L G/,2 µ4'$) , /D/ 345 6,5 345 ,8) '$9) 48./4) './ 48:/;/ .

    Amen. - µ$)

    Read (Tone Plagal 4) j? µ/ ( ̂ _5% QM. 0´) W hen the glorious disciples • wereenlightened • by the washing at theSupper, • then Judas the impious one •was darkened with avarice, • and to thelawless judges • he betrays You therighteous Judge. • Behold you lovers ofmoney • him who struggled for greed, •

    N ', $X t/B$?$A q4H&'47, O/ 'Y /A0'NFA '$D =,70/$L Og;'7M$/'$, '>', n$2B4) * BL@@,d/i IF&@1µ,/$/ , g,D%, 63>F,@'$/

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    flee from the greedy soul of the disciple• who dared to commit such things. • OYou Who are good to all, • O Lord,glory to You.

    TLIh/ 'h/ =AB4@31#[ '$A4D'4 '$# µ@I;µ,/ .

    O Lord, teach me, and I will know.Then I saw their purpose. For I did notknow I was like an innocent lamb ledto be sacrificed. They plotted an evildevice against me, saying, “Come, letus put wood in his bread, and destroyhis root and branch from the land of theliving, so his name might not be

    A 2FA,, %/:FA@>/ µ$A, 345 %/:@$µ4A.\>', ,ŒB$/ 'K O0A'&B,2µ4'4 4"'./ ,O%J BP e) 6F/7$/ f343$/ 6%>µ,/$/ '$D H2,@H4A, $"3 t%/;/ , O0’ OµP „#$%7@4/'$ #$%A@µ>/ 0$/&F>/,#V%$/',). =,D', , 345 Oµd1#; µ,/ ?2#$/ ,8) '(/ fF'$/ 4"'$D, 345 O3'F7T;µ,/ 4"'(/ 60( %N) M:/';/ , 345 '( c/$ µ4

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    remembered any longer.” But, O Lord,You Who judge righteously, Who testsminds and hearts, let me see Yourvengeance on them, for I have revealedmy righteous plea to You.

    Therefore thus says the Lord againstthe men of Anathoth, against those whoseek my life, and who say, “Do not

    prophesy in the name of the Lord, lestyou die by our hands: Behold, I willvisit them. The young men shall die bythe sword, and their sons and daughtersshall die by famine. There shall be noremnant of them, for I will bringcalamities on the inhabitants ofAnathoth in the year of theirvisitation.”

    O Lord, You are righteous, that I may plead my case with You, to speak toYou concerning judgments. Why doesthe way of the ungodly prosper, and allwho deal treacherously flourish? You

    planted them, and they took root. They bear children and are fruitful. You arenear in their mouth, but far from theirmind.

    But You, O Lord, know me. You have proven my heart before You. Set themapart for the day of slaughter. Howlong will the land mourn and the grassof the field wither, because of the vicesof those who dwell in it? The cattle andthe birds are destroyed, because they

    said, “God will not see our ways; yourfeet run and grow weary. “

    Gather together all the wild beasts ofthe field and let them come to devourher. Many shepherds destroyed Myvineyard and defiled My portion. Theyturned My pleasant portion into an

    4"'$D $" µh µ /&@H| t'A. ]2FA, './ BL/1µ,;/ , 3F7/;/ B734A4, B$3Aµ1M;/ /,gF$9) 345 34FB74), `B$AµA 'h/ 04FK @$D O3B73&@A/ O/ 4"'$Q)! u'A 0F() @P 60,31#LT4 '( BA347;µ1 µ$L.

    =AK '$D'$ '1B, #V%,A ]2FA$) O05 '$9) f/BF4) S/4H:H , '$9) M&'$D/'4) 'h/ TLI

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    impassable desert. It was made acomplete ruin; for thus says the Lord:“Concerning all the evil neighbors whotouch My inheritance, which I dividedto My people Israel — behold, I shalldraw them away from their land andwill cast out Judah from their midst.Then it shall come to pass, after I castthem out, that I will return them andhave mercy on them. I will settle them,each in his inheritance and each in hisland.”

    G$AµV/,) 0$##$5 BAVgH,AF4/ '(/ 6µ0,#./1 µ$L, Oµ>#L/4/ 'h/ µ,F7B4 µ$L, tB;34/ 'h/ µ,F7B4 'h/ O0AHLµ&' ,; J"; f µC. .

    I n Judea God is known. 6 .EY,I% Z. ,y l5*0/4z V J"-% . Litany E)>/9&C

    Priest Have mercy on us, O God,according to Your great mercy; we beseechYou, hear us and have mercy.

    !"#"$% o#V&@$/ - µR), * +,() , 34'K '( µV%4 ‰#,>) @$L, B,>µ,H1 @$L, O013$L@$/ 345 O#V&@$/.

    L ord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.Lord, have mercy.

    A 2FA,, O#V&@$/. ]2FA,, O#V&@$/.]2FA,, O#V&@$/.

    Priest Again we pray for pious andOrthodox Christians.

    !"#"$% Š'A B,>µ,H4 m0VF './ ,"@,d./ 345 ‹FH$B>?;/ †FA@'A4/./.

    L ord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.Lord, have mercy.

    A 2FA,, O#V&@$/. ]2FA,, O#V&@$/.]2FA,, O#V&@$/.

    Priest Again we pray for our Archbishop(Name) , and for all our brotherhood inChrist.

    !"#"$% Š'A B,>µ,H4 m0VF '$D SFIA,0A@3>0$L - µ./ ( ,5? 0"O.5% ), 345 01@&) '&) O/ †FA@'Y - µ./ 6B,#g>'&'$).

    L ord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.Lord, have mercy.

    A 2FA,, O#V&@$/. ]2FA,, O#V&@$/.]2FA,, O#V&@$/.

    Priest Truly You are a merciful God Wholoves mankind, and to You we send up

    !"#"$% o#,< µ;/ %KF 345 gA#1/HF;0$) +,() m01FI,A), 345 @$5 'h/ B>?4/

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    glory: to the Father, and to the Son, and tothe Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to theages of ages.

    6/40Vµ0$µ,/ , 'Y G4'F5 345 'Y WXY 345 'Y Z%7[ G/,2 µ4'A, /D/ 345 6,5 345 ,8) '$L) 48./4) './ 48:/;/ .

    Amen. : µ3, , @.@$/ - µR).

    M ore honorable than the Cherubim,and incomparably more glorious thanthe Seraphim, the one whoincorruptibly gave birth to God theWord, truly the Theotokos, we magnifyyou.

    ; h/ \AµA;'VF4/ './ †,F$Ld,7µ 345 O/B$?$'VF4/ 6@L%3F7';) './ p,F4g,7 µ, 'h/ 6BA4gH>F;) +,(/ ¡>%$/ ',3$D@4/, 'h/ c/';) +,$'>3$/ , @P µ,%4#2/$µ,/ .

    Priest Glory to You, O God, glory toYou.

    !"#"$% =>?4 @$5 * +,>) , B>?4 p$7.

    G lory to the Father, and to the Son, andto the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and tothe ages of ages. Amen.

    @>?4 G4'F5 345 WXY 345 Z%7[ G/,2 µ4'A, 345 /D/ 345 6,5 345 ,8) '$9) 48./4) './ 48:/;/ . S µB4) './ µ4H&'./ , 345 µVIFA @'4LF$D 345 '4gN) @L%34'4d1) - µ Q/,†FA@'>) * 6#&HA/>) +,>) - µ./ , '4Q) 0F,@d,74A) 'N) 04/4IF1/'$L 345 04/4 µ: µ$L ^%74) 4"'$D q&'F>)v BL/1µ,A '$D 'Aµ7$L 345 M;$0$A$D p'4LF$Dv 0F$@'4@74A) './ 'Aµ7;/ O0$LF4/7;/ =L/1µ,;/ S@;µ1';/v X3,@74A)

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    bodiless powers; through the supplicationsof the honorable, glorious, prophet,forerunner, and baptist John; of the holy,glorious, and all-praiseworthy Apostles; ofthe holy, glorious and triumphant martyrs; ofour venerable and God-bearing fathers; of(the patron saint) ; of the holy and righteousancestors of God, Joachim and Anna; of (the

    saints of the day) whom we commemorate;and of all the saints: have mercy on us andsave us, for He is good and loves mankind.

    '$D 'Aµ7$L, O/B>?$L, 0F$g?;/ 345 04/,Lg< µ;/ S0$@'>#;/v './ ^%7;/ O/B>?;/ 345 34##A/73;/ µ4F'2F;/v './ *@7;/ 345 H,$g>F;/ G4'VF;/ - µ./ ,( ,5? •=45* ,5? q/5? )v './ ^%7;/ 345 BA347;/ +,$04'>F;/ , n;43,5 µ 345 ž//&)v ( ,5? •=45* ,[% f µN#/% ) $w 345 'h/ µ /

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    ;b c3b @SH/.To God be the glory.
