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I. SISTEMa NERVIOSO PERIFÉRICO - janiceolson.netjaniceolson.net/take/para...

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NÚCLEO CUAL I. SISTEMA NERVIOSO PERIFÉRICO 1. Receptores 2. Nervios craneales espinales 3. Ganglios sensitivos autonomos simpaticos parasimpaticos 4. Vias sensoriales 5. Vias efectoras NEUROANATOMIA PARA PSYCOLOGOS 17
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1. Receptores

2. Nervios craneales espinales

3. Ganglios sensitivos autonomos simpaticos parasimpaticos

4. Vias sensoriales

5. Vias efectoras



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receptor nucleosensitivo


raiz sensitiva del nervio




La vista y el olfato son exepciones a este esquema.

a si? En que forma? Como son? Porque?

Y ademas acabo de examinar la mayoria de los otros: gusto, dolor, audicion, etc. y NI UNO SOLO es reconocible este es-quema. o sea que chingados es esto. y para que lo ensenas.

Si no pones aqui en palabras lo que tu explicas o elicitas de tus alumnos no tiene caso. Esto no es libro. Acaso seran tus ‘personal teaching aids’ pero yo no veo aqui un libro...



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Vista Conos Bastones


Celulas ciliadas del organo de Corti


The act of seeing starts when the lens of the eye focus an image of the outside world onto a light-sensitive membrane in the back of the eye, called the retina. The retina is actually part of the brain that is isolated to serve as a transducer for the conver-sion of patterns of light into neuronal signals. The lens of the eye focuses light on the photoreceptive cells of the retina, which detect the photons of light and respond by producing neural impulses. These signals are processed in a hierarchical fashion by different parts of the brain, such as the lateral geniculate nucleus, and the primary and secondary visual cortex of the brain.

Sound waves traveling through the ear canal will hit the tympanum, or eardrum. This wave information travels across the air-filled middle ear cavity via a series of delicate bones: the malleus (hammer), incus (anvil) and stapes (stirrup). These ossicles act as a lever and a teletype, converting the lower-pressure eardrum sound vibrations into higher-pressure sound vibrations at another, smaller mem-brane called the oval window. Higher pressure is necessary because the inner ear beyond the oval window con-tains fluid rather than air. The sound is not amplified uniformly across the os-sicular chain. The auditory reflex of the

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OlfatO Celulas olfatorias

GustO Papilas fungiformes

Papilas foliadas

Papilas circunvaladas

yemas gustativas de la epiglotis, laringe y esófago

yemas gustativas del paladar


Las células receptoras del gusto de encuentran en los brotes gustativos y éstos en las papilas de la lengua. En el ser humano, las papilas fungiformes están esparcidas sobre la superficie dorsal de la lengua y muchas de el-las están concentradas cerca de los bordes de sus dos tercios anteriores. Las papilas foliadas se encuentran en el borde de la parte posterior de la lengua; las papilas circulares en un surco en forma de V en la parte posterior cerca de su base. Las pailas filiformes no contienen brotes gusta-tivos. Los receptores gustativos de los tercios anteriores de la lengua están inervados por fibras de la rama de la cuerda del tímpano del nervio facial; los del tercio posterior por fibras del nervio glosofaríngeo. Los pocos recep-tores gustativos de la faringe reciben fibras del nervio vago.

Each olfactory receptor neuron expresses only one functional odor receptor.[citation needed] Odor recep-tor nerve cells function like a key-lock system: if the airborne molecules of a certain chemical can fit into the lock the nerve cell will respond. There are, at present, a number of competing theories regarding the mechanism of odor coding and perception. according to shape theory, each receptor de-tects a feature of the odor molecule. Weak-shape theory, known as odotope theory, suggests that different recep-tors detect only small pieces of mol-ecules, and these minimal inputs are combined to form a larger olfactory perception (similar to the way visual perception is built up of smaller, in-formation-poor sensations, combined

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tactO y presión discos de Merkel Corpúsculos de Paccini

Terminaciones libres del foliculo piloso

temperatura Corpúsculos de Krausse Corpúsculos de Ruffini

dOlOr Terminaciones libres de la epidermis


Each olfactory receptor neuron expresses only one functional odor receptor.[citation needed] Odor recep-tor nerve cells function like a key-lock system: if the airborne molecules of a certain chemical can fit into the lock the nerve cell will respond. There are, at present, a number of competing theories regarding the mechanism of odor coding and perception. according to shape theory, each receptor de-tects a feature of the odor molecule. Weak-shape theory, known as odotope theory, suggests that different recep-tors detect only small pieces of mol-ecules, and these minimal inputs are combined to form a larger olfactory perception (similar to the way visual perception is built up of smaller, in-formation-poor sensations, combined and refined to create a detailed overall perception)[3]. an alternative theory, the vibration theory proposed by Luca Turin[4][5], posits that odor receptors detect the frequencies of vibrations of odor molecules in the infrared range by electron tunnelling. However, the behavioral predictions of this theory have been called into question.[6] as of yet, there is no theory that explains olfactory perception completely.

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sentidO Vestibular

Crestas ampulares del conducto semicircular

Celulas ciliadas del sáculo y del utrículo


The vestibular system, or balance system, is the sensory system that provides the dominant input about our movement and orientation in space. Together with the cochlea, the auditory organ, it is situated in the vestibulum in the inner ear (Figure 1). as our movements consist of rotations and translations, the vestibular system comprises two components: the semicircular canals, which indicate ro-tational movements; and the Otoliths, which indicate linear translations. The vestibular system sends signals primarily to the neural structures that control our eye movements, and to the muscles that keep us upright. The projections to the former provide the anatomical basis of the vestibulo-ocular reflex, which is required for clear vision; and the projections to the muscles that control our posture are necessary to keep us upright.

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prOpiOcepción Organo tendinoso de Golgi

Huso muscular Terminaciones libres y receptores articulares Merkel


The proprioceptive sense is believed to be composed of information from sensory neurons located in the inner ear (motion and orientation) and in the stretch receptors located in the muscles and the joint-supporting ligaments (stance). There are spe-cific nerve receptors for this form of perception, just as there are specific receptors for pressure, light, tempera-ture, sound, and other sensory experi-ences, known as adequate stimuli receptors.

although it was known that finger kinesthesia relies on skin sensa-tion, recent research has found that kinesthesia-based haptic perception strongly relies on the forces experi-enced during touch.[1] This research allows the creation of “virtual”, illusory haptic shapes with different perceived qualities.

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Baroreceptores vasculares

discos de Merkel en visceras

quimio receptores vasculares


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Terminaciones libres paredes viscerales


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clasificación de receptOres pOr pOsición anatómica


cefalicos somaticosvista Conos


audición Celulas ciliadas del organo de Corti

olfato Celulas olfatorias

gusto yemas gustativas del paladar yemas gustativas de la epiglotis, laringe y esófago Papilas fungiformes Papilas foliadas Papilas circunvaladas

tacto y presión

discos de Merkel Corpúsculos de Paccini Terminaciones libres del foliculo piloso

dolor y temperatura

Corpúsculos de Krausse Corpúsculos de Ruffini Terminaciones libres de la epidermis

propiocepción Terminaciones libres y receptores articulares Merkel Organo tendinoso de Golgi Huso muscular

sensibilidad vestibular

Crestas ampulares del conducto semicircular Celulas ciliadas del sáculo y del utrículo

viscerocepción Baroreceptores vasculares discos de Merkel en visceras quimio receptores vasculares Terminaciones libres paredes viscerales

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clasificación de receptOres pOr mediO de referencia


exteroceptores propioceptores interoceptoresvista Conos


audición Celulas ciliadas del organo de Corti

olfato Celulas olfatorias

gusto yemas gustativas del paladar yemas gustativas de la epiglotis, laringe y esófago Papilas fungiformes Papilas foliadas Papilas circunvaladas

tacto y presión

discos de Merkel Corpúsculos de Paccini Terminaciones libres del foliculo piloso

dolor y temperatura

Corpúsculos de Krausse Corpúsculos de Ruffini Terminaciones libres de la epidermis

propiocepción Terminaciones libres y recep-tores articulares Merkel Organo tendinoso de Golgi Huso muscular

sensibilidad vestibular

Crestas ampulares del conducto semicircular

Celulas ciliadas del sáculo y del utrículo

viscerocepción Baroreceptores vasculares discos de Merkel en visceras quimio receptores vasculares Terminaciones libres paredes viscerales

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clasificación de receptOres pOr tipO de enerGía del estímulO


lumino receptores

mecano receptores

Quimio receptores

termo receptores

terminaciones libres (dolor)

vista Conos Bastones

audición Celulas ciliadas del organo de Corgi

olfato Celulas olfatorias

gusto yemas gustativas del paladar yemas gustativas de la epiglotis, laringe y esófago Papilas fungiformes

Papilas foliadas Papilas circunvaladas

tacto y presión

discos de Merkel Corpúsculos de Paccini

Terminaciones libres del foliculo piloso

dolor y temperatura

Corpúsculos de Krausse

Corpúsculos de Ruffini

Terminaciones libres de la epidermis

propiocepción Organo tendi-noso de Golgi

Huso muscular

Terminaciones libres y recep-tores articulares Merkel

sensibilidad vestibular

Crestas ampula-res del conducto semicircular

Celulas ciliadas del sáculo y del utrículo

viscerocepción Baroreceptores vasculares

discos de Merkel en visceras

quimio recep-tores vasculares

Terminaciones libres paredes viscerales
