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Iba presentation 180515

Date post: 24-Jan-2017
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CSR, Environment, Sustainable Development – Pakistani Corporate Perspective By: Ibad ur Rehman Manager – Studies NEC Consultants (Pvt.) Ltd.

CSR, Environment, Sustainable Development – Pakistani

Corporate Perspective


Ibad ur RehmanManager – Studies

NEC Consultants (Pvt.) Ltd.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate initiative to assess and take responsibility for the company's effects on the environment and impact on social welfare. 

Beyond legal requirements

Triple Bottom Line

Financial Performance

Environmental Performance

Social Performance


Everything around us Including US

Elements of Environment

Physical Environment

Biotic Environment

Socio-economic environment

Sustainable Development

Meeting the needs of current generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs

Corporate Stakeholders

CSR Benefits Increased Social AcceptabilityImage building to generate more business Fulfillment of religious / moral / community

duties Promote image to help legitimize operations

(permits etc.) Develop / Attract Human ResourcesSystemization of Processes (Change in internal

culture)Risk Management

Environmental Legal Requirements

• Periodic / one-time requirements– EIA / IEE / EA– Compliance to NOC Conditions

• Regular / continual requirements– Compliance to NEQS for Air,

Water, Noise– Compliance to NOC Conditions

Labor Issues

Laws are interpreted as per convenience

Ineffective labor inspection & weak enforcement of laws

Insufficient resources (human, financial) available to Labor Departments

Limited formal mechanisms for collective bargaining and workers rights - not encouraged in textile sector

Contract employees are not registered with workers welfare institutes

Overtime is not paid at double hour rate just same or 1.5 times

Workers work for > 60 hours /week

Workers get < minimum wage

Late payments

Environmental Issues Hazardous waste disposal

and treatment facility does not exist in the country for hazardous waste management

Weak enforcement of environment law

Untreated wastewater is discharged; Treatment plants don’t exist due to cost and energy intensive and requiring large land area

Mostly industries don’t have NOC from environmental departments

Air emissions

Land Acquisition and resettlement

Influx of Labor

Other Social Issues

Typical CSR Activities Reported


Water Conservation

Resource Conservation

Effluent Water Treatment

Solid Waste Disposal

Dispensary / Clinic / Hospital

Energy Management

Workers Welfare Schemes

Employee Hajj / Zakat Schemes

Other Charitable Initiatives
